#we can bully hugh dancy
just-a-leech-boy · 4 years
Some Reviews of Hugh Dancy In "Confessions of A Shopaholic" That Made Me Laugh
"Rebecca ends up at some low-end financial magazine, where she makes googly eyes at her editor, Luke, in one of the most chemisty-free pairings ever put on screen.
Luke is forgettably portrayed by Hugh Dancy, while the movie is carried (juggled, perhaps, is the better word) by Isla Fisher."
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"boyish British editor"
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"She is joined in her ridiculousness by the dim but cute Luke (Hugh Dancy)"
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"Once Dancy shows up, a kind of screwball comedy emerges from all the confetti, taffeta, and nonsense. Fisher wraps her zaniness around him like a python, but when she squeezes he doesn't break. His mild suaveness gets sharper. They're good together, reversing a dismal trend in recent romantic comedy where the woman plays the straight man. Fisher performs some bad, pricelessly suggestive salsa moves with a hand fan that you won't see on "Dancing With the Stars" any time soon. Dancy does his best to keep himself composed. If only he were playing an interesting person. He's the one actor who doesn't seem to be enjoying himself as much as everybody else"
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"Hugh Dancy is generically likable as the generic love interest."
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"Dancy's not bad in the role; it's just that his character feels designed by a committee of lonely women creating their perfect man ("Oooh! And make him British! British accents are sexy!")."
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"Dancy, as her inexplicably bedazzled editor, is a reasonable placeholder in the leading-man spot; given the right material, he could be Hugh Grant, if not quite Cary Grant"
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"editor-in-chief, Luke Brandon (Hugh Dancy). (Quick: Which is the fruitier leading-man name, Luke Brandon or Hugh Dancy?)"
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bi-bard · 2 years
Harsh Reality - Aiden Galvin Imagine (Blood & Chocolate)
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Title: Harsh Reality
Pairing: Aiden Galvin X Reader
Word Count: 760 words
Warning(s): mention/description of physical abuse
Summary: Aiden and (Y/n)'s brilliant escape plan was meant to be nothing but a joke. However, their joke becomes a harsh reality when things in Aiden's life take an awful turn.
Author's Note: Y'all need to bully me more. I can't keep getting away with writing for every damn Hugh Dancy character in existence.
Also. This man's backstory. Holy shit.
It amazed me how fast things could change.
How fast a joke between two teenagers could turn into something incredibly different. Something incredibly serious.
It wasn't our fault. Not really. If anyone was to blame, it was Aiden's dad. He was the reason that the idea even came up, to begin with.
"We should run away," I mumbled.
Aiden had shown up at my door with a bruise on his face. It made my blood boil.
We were lying next to each other in my bed. My mom was out on some date. Not much to worry about.
"Where would we go," he asked softly, nudging his nose against mine.
"I don't know... Virginia," I suggested, smiling as he turned his head to laugh.
"I don't know," I laughed with him. "It's the first thing I thought of."
"No, no," he looked back at me. "If we're running away, then we're gonna make it worth it."
I played with his fingers as he spoke.
"What about Europe?"
"Bit vague," I chuckled.
"Road trip."
I rolled my eyes and went to get up. "You're making fun of me."
"No, no, no, I'm not," he quickly rolled over and placed one hand on either side of me. "I'm being completely serious."
I ran my finger along the skin of his arm.
"I think doing a road trip around Europe would be perfect," he explained. "We'll get place to place on trains. Explore everything we can. And I'll sell my books."
"And what will I do?"
"Be my muse."
"Ah, yes, the struggling artist needs his muse, I see," I shook my head. "Am I only gonna be modeling for you?"
"I mean... if you want to-"
I lightly smacked his arm.
"Sorry, sorry."
There was a moment of silence between us before Aiden leaned down to press his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. I heard him chuckle against my lips as I did.
He slowly pulled away, one hand going to touch the side of my head.
"I... I really love you," he muttered.
I bit my lip, hoping to conceal how wide my smile was getting. "I love you too. My struggling artist."
We didn't discuss running away after that. Not really.
I figured we were being kids. Dumb kids that just wanted to be with each other.
And then, a pebble hit my window.
It was late. The middle of the night. I opened the blinds to see Aiden standing outside. I slid the window open. My mom was out, like usual, so I didn't have to worry about much.
"What're you doing here," I asked.
"Europe, yeah," he replied. "Still wanna go?"
"Get inside."
I moved back as he climbed through the window. I muttered something to him about the front door being open but ultimately shrugged.
I switched on my desk lamp so I could see him properly. His face was red, parts of it swollen, and there were cuts on his lip and cheek.
"Oh my god," I mumbled, cupping the sides of his face. "What happened?"
"You should see the other guy," he tried to shrug off the whole thing.
"It was your dad, wasn't it?"
He nodded. "I... I told him that I wanted to leave. And he didn't like that. He... He came at me... I just reacted-"
I pulled him into a hug before he could finish his story. His arms wrapped tightly around me. I felt my heart drop as he started shaking.
"We have to go," he explained as he stepped back. "Right now."
"Hey, hey-"
"We've both been saving all our money anyway, we should go."
"You can just stay here, okay," I stopped him as he moved toward my dresser.
"No, I can't," he mumbled. "This isn't me getting kicked out, (Y/n). He... My dad said that he was going to kill me if I left. And now, I've left and beat the crap out of him."
"Oh my god."
"Please," he cupped the sides of my face. "Come with me. Please?"
"Okay," I nodded, placing my hands over his. "Okay."
He leaned forward and kissed me gently.
"I love you," he mumbled.
"I love you too," I replied. "I... I just need to get a bag together. Get my things."
He nodded.
I kissed his cheek. "Europe, huh? Finally?"
It was nicer to see it that way.
We were finally going on our trip rather than running from something terrible.
It was better than confronting reality.
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hellyeahomeland · 4 years
“Prisoners of War”: an HYH recap
The finale of our last season opens just as the finale of our first season did: with Nicholas Brody’s suicide tape. Brody stands before us just as we remember him: uniform pressed, grainy black and white, defending his decisions to the masses. Carrie drives late at night, her face steely, as those familiar words echo in her ears: “People will say I was broken, I was brainwashed. People will say that I was turned into a terrorist, taught to hate my country. I love my country.”
She arrives home, again, to an empty house.
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Back in New York, Linus is paying Saul a surprise visit.
Saul: Hey, man! Am I fired yet? Linus: Miraculously, no! But Jalal Haqqani is definitely not dead, did you have any idea? Saul: Yeah, it was my entire idea. I didn’t tell you so you’d have plausible deniability. Linus: WHERE IS THE ALLIGATOR? Look, Hayes is pissed and is saying he’s going to take out Pakistan’s nuclear facilities if they don’t stand down. Saul: Jesus. Ok, get in the car, I’ll explain why I’ve been acting so fishy on the way back.
The next morning, Carrie’s enjoying a nice cup of coffee while watching her former enemy Tasneem deliver an address at the UN. Tasneem explains that the US are basically a bunch of annoying bullies and they have no choice but to defend themselves with everything they have. After, Anna goes back to the Russian Federation’s office and into Director Mirov’s office, where she notices the red flight recorder. She recaps Tasneem’s speech and Mirov is delighted because they’re all about to get promotions. Anna is steely-faced and says he deserves it.
Carrie arrives at Charlotte Benson’s giant mansion. Two Russian hunks, one of whom looks EXACTLY LIKE Jonas but is not, escort her to Charlotte’s murder demo. Actually, Carrie’s not going to murder him. She’s just gonna mix a few chemicals and create a gel that she rubs on his skin to immobilize him, then the Russians hunks will murder him. According to Yevgeny, they’re the best, and Yevgeny wants nothing but the best for his girl. Carrie looks like she may actually vomit, even though I already completed that bingo square.
In the Oval Office, Saul arrives for his meeting with Hayes but instead it’s just Evil Spawn Zabel, who looks so totally delighted to be going one-on-one with Saul again. Saul shares that the flight recorder indicates the helicopter wasn’t shot down after all, it was just mechanical failure. Zabel seems intrigued initially, the wheels in his head probably spinning to figure out how he can play this to his advantage. But Saul doesn’t have the recording and in fact has no proof. Zabel says he’s full of shit. They basically talk past each other, neither side budging from the facts (or, as Zabel would say, “facts”). He pronounces Saddam in Saddam Hussein like it rhymes with “Goddamn” and then says the Iraq War was a good idea “for the record.” Hugh Dancy revels in the slime.
Saul’s relaying this shitshow to Linus when he arrives home to find St. Maggie. Mr. Bill “I’ve Had It” Mathison has a friend who swore he saw Carrie at Langley the other day, which makes no sense to me or to Maggie but Saul’s like “could have happened!” Wasn’t Carrie on trial for being involved in the president’s murder? Anyhoozles, Maggie is once again exasperated with Carrie, her sister whom she just can’t understand. Carrie hasn’t even stopped by to see Franny. Saul agrees it’s strange.
Ironically, while Maggie is paying a house visit to Saul, Carrie is paying a house visit to Maggie. Well, more specifically to Franny’s bedroom, where’s she’s hidden a go-bag filled with cash and a shitload of meds and a half dozen passports. On her way out, she pauses on a photo of Franny, her hair red as ever, in a bright yellow rain coat. She takes it with her.
Later that night, Carrie arrives back at Saul’s, looking again like she could hurl at any minute. She spots the Russian hunks in a nearby car lighting up a cigarette. She steps inside to find Saul, sitting in his library, listening to the Fleabag soundtrack. It’s very ominous. Dad is NOT happy!
He confronts her immediately. Why hasn’t she seen Franny? Actually, why the fuck is she even back here? Seems like she’s planning a quick escape. But why come back in the first place?
She deflects initially, but it’s Saul. She knows that he knows. He knows that she knows that he knows. There is a lot of knowing going on.
Carrie: You know the answers to all your questions. Saul: I still want to hear you say it. With my own ears. Carrie: I made a deal with Yevgeny. The flight recorder for your asset in Moscow. Saul: Asset? What asset? Carrie: Don’t bullshit a bullshitter. I know she exists. I know how you communicate. Saul: Good God, Carrie, tell me you haven’t. If you have, you’ve permanently crippled our position in Russia. She’s the last live source we have there. The rest were sent to the wall by Allison Carr, a thing that was 0% my fault. Carrie: We can rebuild the intelligence network. Saul: It’ll take a decades. Meanwhile they slowly strangle us. Carrie: Let’s worry about all that tomorrow. We’re on the brink of nuclear war today in case you forgot. Saul: Relax, I’m talking to some journalists tomorrow. Carrie: Lol, like that will make a flying fuck worth of a difference. Saul: Well, sometimes that’s the price of doing business. Carrie: Who even are you? Saul: What do you want from me? Carrie: GIVE ME HER NAME. Saul: I never will. God, get the fuck out of my house. You’re turning yourself in ASAP.
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Carrie storms upstairs and starts to mix the not-murder potion. For some reason she forgets to close the door because Saul walks in a few moments later. She panics and smears the gel across his neck. He looks confused for a second and then collapses. Carrie looks in shock at her mentor sprawled out on the floor. She signals the Russian hunks on the street outside. Sara begins to have an actual panic attack thinking Carrie might murder Saul.
Saul can hear her, of course, but he can’t move. He can barely speak. She tells him to give her the name, now, or some Russian dudes are gonna murder him. She says it’s out of her hands when it’s entirely in her hands. She explains to him the legacy plan. The poor guy looks literally dumbstruck. She asks him to see reason. No one person can be worth the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. It’s an interesting replay of his conversation with Zabel earlier.
The GRU team walks in then — she gives him one final chance, but he still won’t say her name. They take him into his bedroom, which is GIANT, and begin prepping for the murder.
Carrie tries again. She tries really hard, with everything she has.
“Everything you have ever asked of me, I have done.” In a single line, their whole relationship, eight seasons’ worth. He stares back up at her, simultaneously expressionless and filled with hurt and pain. Is there no fucking line?
Then: “Come here,” he mumbles, barely audible. She leans in close to him, expectant. “Go fuck yourself.” A fat tear rolls down her face and she shakes her head at the GRU team. She says something about a fallback plan and then turns toward Saul, every inch of herself sorry and lost and guilty. “I had to try,” she says quietly.
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The fallback plan is to go see Saul’s sister Dorit (“Saul, what do you have?”) in the West Bank. And, once there, to tell Dorit that Saul’s died of a stroke and Dorit needs to go back to DC at once for funeral arrangements. Carrie plays somber yet dutiful surrogate daughter well. She’s disgusted with herself but, again, can’t hold back. Wherever the line is, if it existed, she’s lost it now.
While she’s helping Dorit pack, she makes her move and pokes around the legacy plan. Dorit, like Mira before her, sees her brother in this woman all too clearly. “Always an ulterior motive,” she says. But Dorit is kind-hearted and she does have an envelope for Carrie. There’s a thumb drive inside and Carrie looks so relieved she could cry. She sends Dorit on her way (but not before swiping her phone... I LOVE YOU CARRIE).
Back in Washington, Saul has full motor control again but he’s really late for his meeting with those journalists, and Linus, ever the mensch and detective, realizes something’s fishy pretty immediately. Nevertheless, Carrie’s just given word to Yevgeny that she has the name, so they peace out anyway.
Yevgeny arrives at Dorit’s house on cue and dressed for warm weather. Carrie’s not getting a needle to the neck this time. She’s on full alert, gun pointed straight at him before he even walks through the door. She makes a big show of patting every inch of his body down for a weapon that he actually doesn’t have, and then tosses him a piece of paper with Anna’s name. Then she shows him what’s on the flash drive.
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Here’s what’s on the flash drive: a much darker-haired Saul, with different glasses, explaining who Anna is. Aside from Carrie, she is the most important professional relationship in his life. She’s an asset but she runs herself (sounds familiar!). She is extraordinary. And he never told her because he was protecting her. Carrie turns away — his soft, sure words are like daggers. Everything he’s talking about on that tape is destroyed. Carrie took a match to it all.
Anna’s now burned and Mirov knows. Saul rings up Resident Hottie Scott Ryan at the UN for an assist. Saul pleads with him to get Anna out of there ASAP. At the same time, Mirov’s men run in quick pursuit. Scott and Anna make their way to a dead-end room in the basement and barricade the door. Anna asks for a gun, not to shoot her way out… well, at least not out. Anna is determined, assured, confident. She won’t let them take her. You can tell how she’s been such an incredible, independent asset all these years and why Saul wants so desperately to save her. Scott refuses to hand over his gun and Anna asks to phone a friend.
On the phone, Saul reacts initially just like Scott. There’s got to be another way. We can get out of this, you don’t have to do this. But she is persistent, she’s determined. She wants to end this on her own terms. “I’ve never known anyone so brave,” Saul says, his eyes wide. He orders Scott to give her the gun. On the other end of the line, Saul hears the single shot. He winces in pain.
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Shockingly, Russia followed through with their end of the deal and Mirov gets up at the UN with brand new evidence that Jalal Haqqani didn’t shoot down the president’s helicopter. It was an accident and now the whole world can hear the cockpit recording for themselves. Watching in Israel, Carrie’s disgusted. Yevgeny, ever the considerate boyfriend, asks if she’s ok.
Carrie: Just cut the bullshit, the game’s over. Also, why the fuck are you still here? Just leave already. Russia’s a frontrunner for the Nobel Peace Prize and a decent woman is going to be tortured and killed by your government. Yevgeny: That decent woman got two assets of mine killed in Cyprus. Carrie: Oh, I’m sure they were both good samaritans. Yevgeny: Fine, if you want to blame me, go ahead. Carrie: Good, I do blame you! Yevgeny: Look, sometimes it’s just the cost of doing business. I did what I had to do. Carrie: WHY DO ALL THE MEN IN MY LIFE SAY THE SAME THINGS? Yevgeny: He should have pulled Anna from the field the second he realized what you were doing. Carrie: You just don’t fucking get it. He didn’t pull her because he trusted me. He fucking loved me. I betrayed him. I broke that.  Do you even understand what that means? Yevgeny: You’ll survive. So will he. Carrie: I don’t know what it’s like on your side but it must be very lonely.
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In the Oval Office, Hayes, Zabel, and Linus—still not eaten by an alligator—are huddled around the TV watching Mirov’s press conference. Mirov pleads with Hayes to stand down following the reveal of this big misunderstanding. Suddenly Zabel looks like he wants to get eaten by an alligator! Hayes asks Linus, who hasn’t been addressed directly by POTUS in 4-6 weeks, for a direct line with the military. They get Owens on the phone. Zabel’s plan to start a phony war to consolidate power and kill more brown people has been thwarted. Everything’s coming up Linus!
Back at Dorit’s house, Yevgeny tells Carrie that Anna’s killed herself. She’s about to make some quippy remark like “Sorry you missed out on some gulag fun” when Yevgeny connects the dots for her and says that Saul must have warned her. And then Carrie connects the dots for us: Israeli counter-intelligence knows too. Time to book it! They hop in their getaway car and head for Ramallah. Yevgeny has people there who can smuggle her into Syria. And then? And then…
Are you sitting down? We fast forward two years. We’re in Moscow. Carrie Mathison is in a large, spacious penthouse. She is applying MASCARA. TO HER EYELASHES. HER HAIR IS CURLED.
“You almost ready?” says a familiar, accented voice. IT’S YEVGENY. She turns and smiles. Y’ALL THEY ARE LIVING TOGETHER IN MOSCOW.
Sara: [head explodes]  
He asks if she’s excited. “Very.” Remember in season five when Claire’s like, “Carrie’s doing great, for five minutes.” This is like that only better.
Yevgeny gives her a gold necklace, for “finishing.” Do we all get one too? He tells her what she’s done is very, very important and it’s time to celebrate. It’s sort of surreal. The best way I can think of to describe it is the season of Lost where Jack and Kate are off the island and living together and in love and if you were, say, into that, it was paradise. If you were, say, not into that, it was bizarre as fuck.
Once ready, Carrie runs into her office to get her purse. It’s… about what you’d expect her office to look like. There are stacks of books everywhere, documents printed out and tacked to the wall, sticky notes all over the window. The picture of Franny in the yellow rain coat is still there. She turns to the wall and takes it in. It’s pages and pages of news articles about the CIA’s drone program, Abu Ghraib, the black sites, torture. Familiar figures—in real life and in-show—are visible. Snowden, Brody, Quinn, Keane. It’s her professional career—her entire life—arrayed in one final collage for us to take in. The familiar closing score from “The Star” begins playing as she shuts off the lights.
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Cut to Saul, in his house, now much emptier. He and Dorit are packing boxes. He’s had a heart attack and is moving out, presumably to someplace where he’s not alone all the time. The phone begins to ring. It’s someone looking for a Professor Rabinow.
Then the jazz stars to play. Yevgeny’s big celebration for Carrie was a jazz concert by Kamasi Washington and crew. It’s electrifying. They’re both into it, bobbing their heads as much as one can bob their head to jazz. It’s a clever callback not only to the jazz musicians Carries spots in the pilot but also to this oft-parodied passion of hers. The cacophonous sounds, it’s bliss.
The song finishes and out of the corner of her eye Carrie spots a woman in the orchestra exit her seat. She absentmindedly rubs Yevgeny’s knee. It’s a subtle but specific detail with one purpose and that is to reveal that this relationship is real. It is comfortably intimate. It exists in the grey--in the duplicity--that Carrie’s relationships with men have always existed in. Maybe that’s her happiness. Maybe that’s how she’s not alone.
In DC, Saul pays a visit to his friend Claude, who calls him Professor repeatedly, even though Saul claims all that stuff is over with. Well, the package addressed to Professor Rabinow that was just delivered this morning begs to differ.
At the concert, Carrie excuses herself to go freshen up her makeup and ends up at the vanity right next to that woman she’d spotted. The other woman eyes Carrie, before casually taking off with Carrie’s purse. Carrie takes hers.
At his home, Saul has the Professor Rabinow package. He opens it. It’s Carrie’s book, the presumed result of all that research in her office. It’s called Tyranny of Secrets. A haunting black-and-white image of Carrie stares back at him from the cover. This is her work... and it’s his, too. He flips through the first few pages. He reads the subtitle, “Why I Had to Betray My Country.” And the dedication, “For my daughter, in the hope that one day she will understand.”  
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He doesn’t get it until he does. He flips the book upside down into that familiar Y shape and then extracts a slim piece of paper from the spine. She reads: “Greetings from Moscow, Professor. The Russian S400 missile defense system sold to Iran and Turkey has a back door. It can be defeated. Specs to follow. Stay tuned.” He looks up in awe, a hint of a smile across his face.
At the concert, the saxophone blares in her ears, vocals ringing, strings, bass, piano, drums. Everything, all at once. She sighs, then smiles, bathed in blue light. Not noise. Music.
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stellarbisexual · 7 years
OK so they’ve definitely taken our criticisms of them not using enough actors of color to heart, well done, Duffer Brothers, even if it’s #008 who we’re seeing for 5 seconds!
Yusssssss MADMAX
I fucking love Lucas, bye.
“What are you doing on this channel? IDK PINING OVER MY TELEKINETIC GF”
Whip It? RLY music dept? RLY?
“I’m not prostituting my sister” ahahahahaha
TBH I feel like my boys have become way more adolescent bo than they were in S1 and it’s bringing me equal parts joy and dismay
WILL BB NO *holds my gay son to my bosom*
Byeler Moment #1 fuck me up omfg Mike is so much taller I’m destroyed
Hawkins 80s Montage, woooot
Yes he’s even more grizzled and over it than everrrrrr <3
(Fun fact I’m the lady who swapped Hopper’s donut for an apple)
omg i looooove coverup!hopper, bless. this is like fucking sheriff valenti on roswell shit.
STEEB! Bad boy with big hair turned good. Lol poor boy can’t write an essay for shit. Oh SHIT is he meeting Nancy’s parents for the first time?
Ooh plot twist Steve’s graduating but Nancy still has another year left
Oh snap that new ginger Max in the house with her mullety bro looking like Henry Bowers and Hugh Dancy’s lovechild bwaaaa
Also THX for that male objectification <3
omg Will is getting BULLIED on top of all this shit?> W H Y
I officially ship Max/Eleven ahaha
Oh no wonder Hopper is such a grouchy MF
Can we all agree NancyxJonathanxSteve are poly tho?
FYI from here on out Mike shall henceforth be referred to as BMW (Bisexual Mike Wheeler)
omg f outta here with your sexist bs gay will abd bmw
“He’s quiet today” Byeler Moment #2 BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I cannot even express how protective I feel over Will motherfucking Byers ok
oh babe, don’t tell them anything, my poor child
“Not me.... everyone else.” RLY THO that is some OMEN shit
Hopper your jealousy is showing
<3333 Dustin & Lucas sharing a crush is my life
oooh BMW actin’ up! i fucking hate his parents tho tbh
Aww BARB’s parents <3 I am cry
Damn my boy is pining hard tho
BYERS BROTHER FEELS i can’t deal with how protective jonathan is
Overjoyed at Sean Astin’s nerdy ass
Hey guys uhhhhh attention Will Byers is Not Okay
Hopper’s totally her dad now tho so I can’t be mad
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uneven-odds · 7 years
Soo @promisedmistake asked me to do this, thanks love <3
1: Name - Sarah
2: Age - 22.
3: 3 Fears - Losing loved ones, death and being left alone.
4: 3 things I love - My friends, my family and my cat.
5: 4 turns on - a good sense of humor, honesty, beautiful hands and beautiful eyes
6: 4 turns off - Homophobia, lies, racism and disrespect
7: My best friend - is kinda complicated but also amazing. 
8: Sexual orientation - Heterosexual.
9: My best first date - We went for a walk and talked about everything and nothing.
10: How tall am I - 5′3″.
11: What do I miss - my best friend and the good old times.
12: What time were I born - At about 8.30 am.
13: Favorite color - blue. 
14: Do I have a crush - No.
15: Favorite quote - “Everything changes and nothing changes”-How to stop time by Matt Haig
16: Favorite place -My bed.
17: Favorite food - I love braised cabbage with minced meat.
18: Do I use sarcasm - 24/7.
19: What am I listening to right now - I can hear your laughter on the wind by the lulls in traffic
20: First thing I notice in new person - Their eyes.
21: Shoe size - 39/40.
22: Eye color - Brown/green.
23: Hair color - Currently brown with a little gleam red 
24: Favorite style of clothing - Something comfortable.
25: Ever done a prank call? - Yes.
27: Meaning behind my URL - Just some words without meaning.
28: Favorite movie - The Great Gatsby
29: Favorite song - So far by Olafur Arnalds and Arno Dan
30: Favorite band - Walking on Cars.
31: How I feel right now - tired, sad and a little bit empty
32: Someone I love - @promisedmistake <3
33: My current relationship status - Single af.
34: My relationship with my parents - it´s good with my mum, I don´t know my dad
35: Favorite holiday - London this year.
36: Tattoos and piercing i have - None.
37: Tattoos and piercing i want - One tattoo with a quote from my favourite ty show.
38: The reason I joined Tumblr - I was bored.
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? - I wouldn´t say hate, we just don´t talk anymore.
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? - No.
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? - Nope.
42: When did I last hold hands? - Last friday.
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? - 20 minutes.
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? - Nope.
45: Where am I right now? - On the ground, next to my bed.
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? - No one. 
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? - LOUD
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? - I live on my own.
49: Am I excited for anything? - Not really.
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? - Yes.
51: How often do I wear a fake smile? - Too often.
52: When was the last time I hugged someone? - Today.
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? - I’d turn away.
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? - Yes...
55: What is something I disliked about today? - My damn Laptop.
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? - Hugh Dancy.
57: What do I think about most? - My future.
58: What’s my strangest talent? - Don´t have one.
59: Do I have any strange phobias? - Nope.
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? - Behind.
61: What was the last lie I told? - I´m fine.
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? - On the phone.
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? - Yes to both.
64: Do I believe in magic? - Yes who doesn´t ?
65: Do I believe in luck? - Not really.
66: What’s the weather like right now? - A blue sky with the end of sunset
67: What was the last book I’ve read? - The Girl who saved christmas by Matt Haig
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? - Yes.
69: Do I have any nicknames? - Yes.
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? - An broken arm.
71: Do I spend money or save it? - Spend it.
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? - Nope.
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? - Yes, a towel.
74: Favorite animal? - Cats.
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? - I was reading fanfictions.
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? - {insert my last name]
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? - There´s nothing holding me back by Shawn Mendes.
78: How can you win my heart? - Make me laugh and be honest with me.
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? - Ach du heilige Makrele
80: What is my favorite word? - Dude.
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr - @promisedmistake @speak-fluent-sarcasm @myagehasnevermademewise @sirenja-and-the-stag @louddreaming
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? -stop being dumb and ignorant.
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? - Not that I know of.
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? - telekinesis, I could stay in my bed 24/7
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? -what happened to you?
86: What is my current desktop picture? - starry night.
87: Had sex? - Yes.
88: Bought condoms? - Yes.
89: Gotten pregnant? - Nope.
90: Failed a class? - No.
91: Kissed a boy? - Yes.
92: Kissed a girl? - Yes.
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? - Yes.
94: Had job? - No.
95: Left the house without my wallet? - Yes.
96: Bullied someone on the internet? - No.
97: Had sex in public? - No.
98: Played on a sports team? - Yes.
99: Smoked weed? - No.
100: Did drugs? - No.
101: Smoked cigarettes? - Yes.
102: Drank alcohol? - Yes.
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? - Nope.
104: Been overweight? - Yes.
105: Been underweight? - No.
106: Been to a wedding? - No.
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? - Yes.
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? - Yeah.
109: Been outside my home country? - Yes.
110: Gotten my heart broken? - Yeah
111: Been to a professional sports game? - Nope.
112: Broken a bone? - Yes.
113: Cut myself? - Yes.
114: Been to prom? - Yes.
115: Been in airplane? - Yes.
116: Fly by helicopter? - Nope.
117: What concerts have I been to? -3x Us5, James Arthur, Walking on Cars, Matthias Schweighöfer, Fewjar, Casper, Alligatoah, Sarah Connor, Xavier Naidoo, Kraftklub
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? - Nope.
119: Learned another language? - Yes.
120: Wore make up? - Yes.
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? - Yes.
122: Had oral sex? - Yes.
123: Dyed my hair? - Yes.
124: Voted in a presidential election? - Yes.
125: Rode in an ambulance? - No.
126: Had a surgery? - Yes, twice.
127: Met someone famous? - Not really.
128: Stalked someone on a social network? - Yes.
129: Peed outside? - Yes.
130: Been fishing? - Yes.
131: Helped with charity? - No.
132: Been rejected by a crush? - Yes.
133: Broken a mirror? - No.
134: What do I want for birthday? - a cat.
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palpablenotion · 7 years
Hannibal Rewatch from the POV of an autistic fan
All episodes will be under a cut and reblogged from this first post, with the number and name above the cut for easy browsing.
Note: Because I’m watching this from a specific POV, i.e., observing Will Graham as being on the spectrum, I may be harsh towards characters. For instance, I’m incredibly critical of Jack, who doesn’t mean to hurt Will, thinks when it happens that it was worth it for the job, and is actively bad for Will’s mental well being. Conversely, I will not often be harsh in this same way towards Hannibal, who is also bad for Will’s mental well being but means to be. Hannibal’s actions are completely purposeful, unlike other’s who do Will wrong by being inconsiderate/ignorant/oblivious. Many character’s I share harsh opinions for here I probably genuinely like.
S01E01: Aperitif
I’m rewatching Hannibal to help with a fic I’m writing but already I’m annoyed at the head of the BSU for being so damn NT.
“I also understand it’s difficult for you to be social.”
fuck you Jack nds can be whatever the fuck we want including teachers
also don’t fuck with someone’s glasses even if you think that’s why they can’t make eyecontact chances are they’re using their glasses not to make eye contact you aba performing tool
“My horse is hitched to a post that is closer to asperger’s and autistics than narcissists and sociopaths”
I hate that this distinction needs to be made because apparently people confuse us auties with narcissists and sociopaths due to our presentation of symptoms, completely ignoring why each group presents that way - mind you, this isn’t hating on narcissists or sociopaths. we present these symptoms for different reasons, that’s just the truth - and part of us auties being confused with these other labels is the perception that autistics are “low on empathy” which isn’t always true - for me, a big part of my autism is just how empathetic i am, it’s exhausting
i empathize so much with will graham
Jack: But you can empathize with [them]? Will: I can empathize with anyone. Less to do with a personality disorder than an active imagination.
Thank you Will. I sometimes feel my imagination is a burden too, but generally I think it’s awesome. And his glasses have already fallen down again. This man I swear. 
I love how awkward my guy here is. He’s beautiful and I love him.
Stop staring at him Jack he doesn’t like eye contact.
Hugh Dancy is so amazing, I love him and his acting. 
“You make jumps you can’t explain-” “No, no! The evidence explains.”
He isn’t magic, he’s just better at your job, Jack. Also way to push someone who already said he’s autistic/autistic adjacent (definitely nd) into a situation he said he’s uncomfortable with and definitely didn’t want to do.
Will asks questions that really seem obvious. Elyse was supposed to feed her parents’ cat while they were away for the weekend. Will asks, hey, how’s the cat? She hungry?
Jack seems accommodating with his “if you feel like talking, talk, if you don’t, don’t” but this whole business is so messed up, he shouldn’t even be in this situation. Just because Will is good at his job doesn’t mean he wants to interact with these people.
And here Bev is being way too intrusive, but if I remember correctly - I might not, I didn’t have the autistic label or awareness back when I last watched this - she makes attempts to behave better.
Someone need to get this boy a blanket and hot drink.
And here’s our first instance of seeing him interact with an animal. He’s far more comfortable, doesn’t wear his glasses, won’t give up on this dog. Open and happy. Winston and the rest of his dogs show us that Will Graham isn’t some heartless automaton but a man that just has trouble interacting with people. He’s much more comfortable interacting with dogs, who have very plain motivations.
Jack is a bully. “What’re you doing in here?” He’s fucking putting himself together, get out.
You can’t abuse someone into working well with you.
He’s actively rattling Will, upsetting him enough to cause Will to shout. Will is trembling when talking to him.
“Graham likes you, doesn’t think you’ll run any mind games on him.” Insinuating that Will doesn’t like most people because they are running mind games and isn’t that depressing.
“I don’t. I’m as honest with him as I’d be with a patient.” I honestly don’t know how to take Alana saying this because she’s equating talking to a specific peer as talking to a patient and there are plenty of psychologist/psychiatrists that aren’t honest with their patients.
Newsflash, Will Graham isn’t his diagnosis.
“Seems ashamed not to take advantage.” That’s the summary of Jack’s interactions with Will. 
“I need him out there.” No, you don’t. You want him out there to make your job easier.
Will Graham is a perfect example of how demonized people on the spectrum are. I won’t get ahead of myself and talk about the finale yet, but man what a post that will be.
It’s so easy to see the difference in someone actually psychopathic - if not perfectly fitting the label of psychopath - and Will Graham. Also, Jack is very unprofessional with Hannibal. It isn’t good form to approach a doctor with a patient. He’s also unimaginably rude, just going through stuff.
The only reason Hannibal didn’t kill Jack near the beginning, besides it being stupid to kill someone in the FBI, is that Jack gave him a gift in Will Graham.
Will and Hannibal’s first interaction is fascinating. Hannibal doesn’t try and force eye contact, but asks how Will feels about it. And Hannibal doesn’t try and hide what he’s doing. Will has an issue with mind games and Hannibal presents their relationship as being upfront (I mean, we know this is bs, but the presentation is what’s important, right mom’s of autistics? //s )
It’s so dark in Will’s hotel room, I am feeling that aesthetic.
Will tastes the food before moving it to his plate. I feel that too. There’s so much food I hate.
“Be professional... I don’t find you that interesting” Will is attempting to put up not only boundaries but barriers. He has grown to hate psychologists because all they want to do is put him in boxes and he obviously has a lot of shit in his past concerning that (not limited to being denied FBI status and losing his job on the force).
Will appreciates Hannibal making fun of how Jack sees him. He’s so tired of that shit, of thinking about it, of enduring it. We all know those paranoid little thoughts, am i annoying them, do they think i’m crazy, if i don’t do this will they think i can’t handle it? And Hannibal comes in and validates those worries by saying “Uncle Jack sees you as a fragile little tea cup” and Will appreciates that.
It also gives Will the momentum to ask how Hannibal sees him (which, don’t we always want to ask someone that?) and the suggestion is here that Will wants to see if Hannibal tells him the truth but also he legit probably wants to know. We always do. And we don’t.
“The mongoose I want under the house when the snakes slither by.” This response confuses Will but it’s not fragile. It is insinuating a strength, actually.
I love Will asking “What are you smiling about?” because if one thing pisses me off it’s people telling me to smile. Why should I? I’m not upset, I’m just not actively happy. Go away. They aren’t doing anything but driving so why on earth is Hannibal smiling. Will you have so many of the same issues I have (and a lot I don’t, thank God)
And Will enjoys that Hannibal is actively interested in his process. He’s opening up. Willing to mention why he’s doing things. Answers questions willingly and readily. It’s obvious that Will Graham has a logical reason for doing these things. Someone is finally acknowledging it’s a process and not magic.
I think this is something really important, when Hannibal calls Hobbs just to see what happens. I might think “what would happen if” but I think far too much about things and have far too much concern for others (and empathy, don’t forget empathy) to just throw a wrench in the works to see what happens.
And Will is actually really impressive. It’s so obvious to me that he wants to shut down, just stop, but he can’t yet. Not to say anything about those who would have, that’s completely valid. Will is so good at this job he doesn’t even have that he constantly fights himself to do it.
This is NOT a healthy place to put him. Someone on the spectrum who shuts down at things like this, who is actively not an agent, who has said he doesn’t want to do this and been coerced into doing this job, should not be forced into this position. This is why #someonehelpwillgraham went viral. Multiple times. And became a rallying cry for the fandom for a while.
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