#we are lead to believe that if someone who is not aura trained just waltz around in the open world in solitas they are going to die quickly
nightofmiracles · 4 months
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everyone else/the npcs in the smaller areas in af all have warmer outfits, why is she dressed so lightly
......is she aura trained?
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travellingarmy · 3 years
Requested from Wattpad.
Child, male reader. Completely platonic.
Word count: 2.2k
You don't know where you came from and neither did he, but that question doesn't linger on for too long, allowing yourselves to enjoy in each other's presence.
He wasn't one to have an interest in taking care of children, but ever since he found you in a woven basket in Wolvendom, he made you the centre of his life.
"Diluc, I want to train today!" Barging into his office, you greet him an enthusiastic- yet loud- morning, slamming the door wide open to create a booming sound that Diluc no longer gets a fright out of. "Can we go outside today? Please, please, please?"
He looks up from his paper to eye your person before returning his attention to the paper. "We can go out today, but it will be to the tavern. I have something to do."
You pout and slumped onto a nearby chair, your ears slightly drooping down like the hybrid dog you are. There were few people who had an animal appearance like you and perhaps that might have had been the reason he was drawn to you.
"I said I want to train, not follow you on your errands!" head snapping up as you whined. Diluc slowly closes his eyes and sighs, quite tired from the work yesterday and the added work today. However, he knows how persistent you were and how you would get annoying by the day that even Adelinde starts to get a headache. With that knowledge, he stood up shortly and looks towards your petite frame.
Your eyes sparkled and a child-like smile forms on your face, knowing what he'll say next. "Did you have breakfast already?" Diluc asks, although it was nearly afternoon, and you nod almost immediately. "Then we'll go out and quickly visit the tavern. Afterwards, we can practise your archery." If he was going to shut you up while doing his work, this method was always effective.
You hop off the couch and rushed towards the red-head, grabbing his hand and allow him to lead the way.
Although he adopted you, he did not put himself as your father on the paper and asked of you to call him by his name only, but that didn't matter to you.
You bid Adelinde goodbye and outside, you took big leaps, excited to get on with archery. "(Y/N), slow down. You'll trip and then we'll fall," Diluc points out, slightly bending as he chases after you, trying to keep up in the light of your steps.
You slowed down, walking at a more comfortable pace. For you, stamina was everything but since Diluc wasn't a child, he couldn't go as fast as you wanted. "Sorry, Diluc."
However, throughout that walk, you did stray from time to time, sometimes letting go of his hand to peek what could have been hiding in rustling bushes. "(Y/N), come back here," he would say, gaining your attention back to his side.
Upon entering the gates, a particular someone just had to show up. "Oho~ Fancy meeting you here, Master Diluc," the all too familiar Cavalry Captain greets, souring Diluc's day. Kaeya's smirk stretched a bit, looking quite smug as his eyes move from him and to your petite stature.
"And good morning, (Y/N). Are you here to run errands with Master Diluc?" He asks with a close-eyed smile, ignoring the murderous aura coming from his brother as he leans down to your level, hands on his thighs.
You nod. "I want to learn how to charge my arrow like Fish lady!" you say with a gleam. Kaeya stares dumbfoundedly at you before finally realizing that you were referring to Fischl from the Adventurer's Guild. "Oh, I see That's some intense training, but I'm sure that you can pull it off." He ruffles your hair and chuckles.
"Sir Kaeya, as a captain, you have an awful lot of time to waltz around lazily," Diluc comments, his grip on your hand tightening, but not too hard that it would hurt. This comment's venom flies by over the aforementioned male as he chuckles, shrugging. "What can I say? I'm sure you're well aware that Grand Master Varka has taken all of my knights. Who am I supposed to captain?"
You mused at the two brothers' bickering silently and see that Diluc's eyebrows were twitching-- most likely from the annoyance his brother is giving him. "But as a knight, you should have at least something to do."
"I do, and that's speaking to (Y/N)," he says. "It is a knight's duty to make sure the people are safe and so, I am speaking with him to make sure he isn't being forced into training by you. You know how wrong that is, don't you, Master Diluc?"
"Tch. I'm well aware. And on that note, I believe you're more capable of doing that than I," Diluc crosses his arms as he spoke. It was getting to the point that your feet were starting to annoy you. Standing still was not something you like doing. "Diluc, can we go now?" You tug on the hem of his coat with your free hand and pouted slightly.
This got both of the brothers' attention and they looked at each other. "Apologies, but we have to go now. You know how children are," Diluc says, feeling quite happy.
"Aw, (Y/N), doesn't want to stay with me?" Kaeya pouts. You shook your head and smiled. "I want to train!" you voiced. Kaeya hums in acknowledgement. "Hm, I see. Then, I won't keep little (Y/N) too long. But promise me you'll play with me next time." He offers his pinky finger and you took it, lacing your smaller pinky. "I promise!"
After that, Diluc tugs you along lightly, not wanting to stay anywhere near the captain, heading towards the tavern to speak with a waited person. "(Y/N), you sit here, okay? Don't stray away." Diluc says and helps you up on one of the chairs outside. You nod, swinging your legs that dangle off of the chair. Diluc stares at you and shows a small smile, ruffling your hair, and then walking off.
You were left alone, but not truly alone as you see Diluc not too far from you, talking to a man who looked wealthy themselves. It was probably a business negotiation of some sort, but you were too young to be bothered by trivial matters that did not involve you.
"Hey, hey, look at him." Whispers. To an average person, they wouldn't be able to hear it, but you weren't, and so, you heard children whispering behind you. It was also evident that they were talking about you as you heard another whisper, "He has doggy ears. I want one."
You thought they would just talk like every other person, but that thought was dismissed when you hear light footsteps coming your way. You turned your head to look down at the other children. There were two boys and a girl. The girl was most likely younger than you and the boys were older-- older than yourself. They look like trouble, you thought to yourself.
"Hey, you!" The first one to speak was one of the two boys. He has jet-black hair and wore thick glasses. You hopped off of your seat and stare at them silently, waiting for them to continue. "Is that thing on your head real?"
"Uh, yeah, it is," you answered, getting off from the chair to have a proper conversation with them. It was a common question asked to you that you lost count of how many times someone came up to you and ask.
"I don't believe it," he voiced, crossing his arms and lookin smug. "Yeah, let us touch it," the second one spoke. Your brows slightly furrows. Who were these kids and why were they suddenly asking to touch your ears? Yeah, sure it was strange and not human-like, but who gave these kids courage to spew words like that?
"Sorry, but they're really sensitive.." you state, your brows slightly furrowing. "Oh, please. I bet you're just saying that because it's actually fake!" Without warning, he reached for your ears and tug it harshly and you yelped at the pain. "Woaaah! Did you glue it onto your head? You're so weird."
"Please, let go." You knew how much stronger you were compared to average children, seeing as you had a vision and was trained to combat and so, you didn't dare use force to get him to pull away, wrapping both of your tiny hands on the wrist outstretched to you. Diluc always reminded you to never harm others. "Please, let go!" you repeated, slightly louder than before. Water started to form on the corner of your eyes the more he pulled on your ears.
In response to your distress, your vision glowed and sent a tiny shock of electro from your hands that held onto his. It wasn't harmful, but just enough to make the kid hiss and stumble back. "H, hey, what did you do to him?" The girl reached for her friend, looking at the hand that had a slight purple to it from you.
And to make matters worst, an older woman came running towards you four, seemingly to be one of their mother. "What's going on here?" the lady asks. "Mommy, look what he did to me!" the boy showed his wrist with tears on his face.
With one look at it, the lady turns towards you. "Excuse me, do you have any idea what you just did?" "I asked him if his ears were real and he suddenly attacked me!" Liar. He was lying, but you had no one to back your claims.
She huffs. "How dare you! How would you like it if someone were to do that to you." She reached her long, slender arms for your wrist. "Where are your parents? I'll have them know how naughty you are." Grabbing your wrist, she tries and drags you from your spot.
"That won't be necessary." Just in time, Diluc came back with the same, glaring-like expression on his face. The woman's eyes widened and with a gasp, let's go of your wrist. "Master Diluc?" she calls.
Diluc looks at the woman and to the children, inspecting the wrist that had been bruised. He had heard the conversation from where he stood and sped up his meeting with the person.
"Tell me what happened?" he asks, eyes returning their attention to the woman. "Well, this brat here injured my child and I was about to look for his parents."
"Oh, really? (Y/N), don't tell me you've forgotten what I told you about using your vision?" Although when he asks this, he already knows the answer. You shook your head. "I didn't mean to hurt them, I promise! They were pulling in my ears and.." Your voice grew weaker into silence, drooping your head down, thinking that he wouldn't buy your excuses.
Diluc sees this and immediately kneels down to your level, putting a hand on your shoulders and gain your attention. "Hey, look up. If you know that you are in the right, there is  nothing you should shy away from," his voice was low and spoke softly to you.
Your eyes brightened up a bit and Diluc smiled-- not showing it though. He lifts you off of the ground, putting and arm under you for support as the other went on your back.
The lady was confused but most importantly, scared. "If you're looking for his guardian, you're speaking to them," Diluc spoke, eyes glued on you whilst the words directed to her. "But before you do that, demand the truth from your son." With that, he walked away, leaving the mother to ask what really happened while he comforted you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and bury your face on his shoulders, trying hard not to let a single tear slip. You idolized Diluc for his skills in combat and his ability to never cry and so, you didn't like crying. It made you feel weak and nowhere near to become like Diluc.
"Hey, it's alright." He rubs your back, noticing your shaking body trying hard not to cry. "It's okay to cry, but don't cry for foolish people. You'll just give them what they want." In moments like these, you see Diluc as a father with his comforting words and life lectures.
You hummed and became silent. Yes, you can't cry for those types of people, you comfort yourself. Taking a deep breath, you peel yourself from his shoulders and showed him the smile that he would never admit he loves to see. A smile that gives others strength with the look of fire in your eyes.
"Alright, do you want to train now?" he asks, slightly smiling. You nod, but stopped yourself. "Wait, don't you still have other things to do?" you ask, to which Diluc ruffles your hair with his free hand. "Those can wait tomorrow. I could use some rest right now."
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chemiste · 4 years
Logan and The Diamonds
a/n: aaaaaah to be a rockstar and have harry styles fall in love with you
mah masterlist bitches
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The crowed roared. 
The stage shook with excitement. 
You and your girls rose up about of the floor, posed and ready for battle. Standing in the center, you raised your arm up to the sky and yelled into the microphone, “I give you, Logan and the Diamonds!”
The beat dropped and you started the song.
Your band consisted of 5 girls, Bonni, Effy, Pearl, and Tonya, then yourself. Your band had been on the cover of the Rolling Stones, TIME magazine, Vogue, and many others. Logan was your stage name, you were the head of the band, lead singer and a cut-throat song-writer. 
Roughy a year ago you would have been sitting in your cramp dorm room apartment, pouring out lyrics onto any spare piece of paper you had, now here you were, absolutely smashing it on your world tour with your Diamonds.
Bonni and Effy danced together down the middle aisle of the stage, Effy grabbed a flower crown thrown to the stage and slapped it onto her curly head of purple hair. Bonni laughed and started her verse of the song, throwing an arm around her bandmate and swayed. 
Pearl and Tonya were on the right side of the main stage, grinding together. You stood on the left, running a hand through the crowd that was desperate for a simple taste of you and your girls.
Your band was unique in a way not seen for a while. You never wore the same outfit, only coordinating colors, each time different for each performance. 
Tonight was sliver, Bonni had on sliver high-waisted pants and a matching crop top. Effy wore a mini romper, sliver sequins shaking with her every move. Pearl had on sliver eyeshadow and Tonya wore a sliver skirt. You went with a biker jacket, sliver studs engulfed your shoulders and back. Your black jeans were tight against your legs and honestly, you looked fucking hot. You felt it too. 
You and your girls were on fire.
Harry thought so too.
He’d heard of your band a few months ago when he heard Mitch and Sarah jamming out to your song, Devil in the Daylight, during a break at rehearsal. 
After that, his curiosity kept him circling back to your band’s Instagram, keeping up with any news that popped up. Finally, after a few months, he snatched some pit tickets for one of your band’s shows. Sarah and Mitch attended with him as well, and were now laughing and singing to their hearts content, crammed up to the front of the stage.
The song ended and applause followed, the girls moved to different spots on the long runway, waving to screaming fans.
Effy spoke up, “Alight right everyone, you know the drill! Every show we do a surprise cover of a song, I wanna see how fast you can figure this one out.”
 Bonni walked along the left side of the runway, flipping a long dark braid over her shoulder. “This song is from one of the 2015s most iconic bands,” she said.
 Tonya continued, “If most of you are over 15 and haven’t been living under a rock, you deficiently know the band—“ “Maybe even have a favorite,” Pearl added on.
“We all do,” you said, smirking out to the crowd as the yelled answers.
Sarah and Mitch went through bands with each other as Harry watched you and your bandmates scan the crowd. Harry liked your look, it reminded him of a metal head and the aura you gave off was just a confidence that made him want to be with you or even just be you. 
H looked around and took a moment to realize he wasn’t the only one.
People yelled out random bands.
“Mumford and Sons!”
“Fallout Boy!”
“Fifth Harmony!”
“Maroon 5!”
Harry chuckled before throwing all caution to the wind and yelled, “One Direction!”
You head snapped to the area he was in, trying to see who’d said the name.
 “Well, my diamonds, looks like we have a winner! 3, 2, 1 lets go!”
The girls lined up in specific poses as the music started, the crowd roared with excitement finally knowing the song.
You started,
I've got fire for a heart
I'm not scared of the dark
You've never seen it look so easy
I got a river for a soul
And baby, you're a boat
Baby, you're my only reason
Harry’s jaw dropped, as Pearl sang Louis’ part, his eyes stayed trained on you. Your body moved with the song, throwing your head back and swaying to the beat.
All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can't blind me
With your love, nobody can drag me down
You danced to your girl’s singing, happy to be on stage doing the thing you loved most.
All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can't blind me
With your love, nobody can drag me down
Harry watched, absolutely amazed by how you just dominated the song, no hesitation. You smirked as you ran a hand through the screaming crowd. Glancing over, you watched as Effy pretended to twerk on Tonya who was laughing hysterically.
I got a fire for a heart
I'm not scared of the dark
You've never seen it look so easy
I got a river for a soul
And baby, you're a boat
Baby, you're my only reason
Bonni sang Niall’s part, walking over to where you stood with a bit of swagger, possibly imitated the man she was singing for. 
You flipped your hair dramatically and leaned an arm on her shoulder while sticking out her tongue. Harry’s eyes stayed trained on your body as you waltzed down the stage, singing into your microphone.
If I didn't have you there would be nothing left (nothing left)
The shell of a man who could never be his best (be his best)
If I didn't have you, I'd never see the sun (see the sun)
You taught me how to be someone
The rest of the girls joined you at the edge of the tongue of the stage, basically within feet of Harry and co. Sarah was freaking out, shaking Mitch’s arm with an enthusiasm H hadn’t seen since tour.
All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can't blind me
With your love nobody can drag me down
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me down
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me
All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can't blind me
With your love nobody can drag me down
The Diamonds had now each taken a spot along the aisle, Bonni closest to the main stage, then Effy, Pearl, Bonni, and right at the front, you. The former band boy’s breath caught in his throat as he realized what was about to happen.
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me down (down)
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me (down)
Mitch turned to Harry, “Is she about to—“ He nodded, not able to use words.
Nobody, nobody
Here comes the moment of truth.
“Nobody can drag me dooooooowwwnnnn!”
Holy shit.
She was nailing it.
Nobody, nobody
Like a true lead singer, you took few steps forward and slid on your knees to the edge before signing your part again.
“Nobody can drag me dooooooowwwnnnn!”
Nobody, nobody
Slowly, you lifted your head looking up to the nosebleeds. Harry swore a halo from the stage lights lit up atop your head.
“Nobody can drag me down.”
The crowd was silent for a moment before erupting with applause in excitement and energy. The Diamonds and you rounded together for a big hug, relieved your surprise song did well.
Bonni waved to the crowd signaling them to die down, “I’m glad y’all liked it. Actually we all were really pumped for this song cause we all have a favorite in the band!” 
Fans screamed, overjoyed from the news. Effy laughed, “Ya, we all got to sing as our favorites, can you believe that?!”
I’m her favorite?
You cackled, picking up a lollipop that had been thrown to the stage and pulled the wrapper off, popping it into your mouth.
Harry’s pants got a little bit tighter at the sight.
“Yeah, you guys should’ve seen Logan in the recording studio, I think she about cried when we decided to this song.” Peal said.
Tonya was soon to jump in, “Exactly, this girl fought hard, no one was going to have Harry’s part except her.” H watched as you brought a hand up to cover your face.
“Oh come on guys, stop it…” You whined into the mic while hiding under your hand. Mitch bumped Harry’s shoulder, “Dude, I can’t believe Logan has the hots for you!”
Right as Mitch said that, Harry knew it was too late. 
A few girls beside them looked over to the commotion that a drunken Mitch was making, and promptly freaked at the sight of Harry Styles. Harry groaned slightly as the two girls whispered about the rockstar next to them.
What he wasn’t excepting was what happened next.
Harry’s jaw dropped open while Sarah bursted out in laughter, fans started talking, loudly, about the man in the crowd.
“Logan! Over here!”
“Harry Styles is at your show!”
“I think he liked your performance!”
“Logan! Logan!”
You were enjoying the lollipop, finishing it and putting the wrapper around the sticky part of the stick when you heard some commotion from the left side of the pit. 
As the girls chatted to fans and each other, you walked closer to the bubbly whispers of the crowd calling your name. 
Harry watched in partial horror as you crouched down on the stage, roughy 5 feet from where he was standing. He watched your face scrunch in confusion, listening to the conglomerated voices trying to tell you something.
You spoke softly into the mic as to not disturb your fellow bandmates from their conversion with the rest of the crowd. 
“What’s wrong guys?” 
A few hyper voices spoke up and Harry saw it on your face the moment you knew. You eyebrows rose ever so slightly and you followed the trail of pointing fingers to him.
When your eyes locked, you knew you were done for.
Fucking— oh my, Harry Styles just watched me basically sell my soul to his song.
And he knows about my crush, damn.
You face flushed with warmth as did Harry’s, a pink tint lighting his cheeks. Taking a deep breath, you raised the mic to your lips.
“Hi Harry.”
should i do a part 2?
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Love is Ludicrous 003
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Jimin ft. Jungkook and Taehyung || Fuckboy! Maknae Line || 2577 Words
“Jimin Park being the ultimate definition of fuckboy along with his friends Taehyung Kim and Jungkook Jeon. Upon one of his best friends getting married, he’ll have to deal with consequences also known as Y/N.”
001 002 004
Her heels hit against the wooden flooring of the hallway, Y/N hadn’t visited her since she came back from her shoot in Paris three months ago.
“No don’t worry about it, money issues can happen” She heard her sister speak just as she opened the front door.
Y/N followed the sound of her sister’s voice, “Okay I’ll talk to you later” she stated before hastily ending the call.
“Who were you talking to?” Y/N asked putting down the Versace bag she had gotten as a gift from her fashion photographer friend.
“Oh, just him again, nothing important” She sighed tossing her phone to the side before continuing with her breakfast.
Anger bubbled inside of Y/N, how could she talk to someone who hurt her the way he did? “Exactly, he’s nothing to you, you shouldn’t even be talking to a person like him. Gosh, all men are just the same” Y/N stated before grabbing the serving left for her and taking her seat.
“Look Y/N, what happened me, although unfortunate, wasn’t that bad, he’s not a bad person” Her nonchalant tone irked Y/N, “How can you say that the person who asked to marry you only to cheat on you a day before the ceremony isn’t a bad person? They’re all the same, sleazy dogs that want nothing but sex in life. How would you be able to focus on anything else in life?”
Before the elder sister could reply the clicks of the door being unlocked were heard and that could have only meant one thing, their aunt was visiting.
Don’t get them wrong, the adored her but her idealistic were and still are quite drastically old-fashioned. Engaged at 21, Married at 23 and kids before 25 yet there sat Y/N at the age of 24 and still studying.
“Guess what girls, I got some presents for you” She came waltzing, her cat heels clicked against the marble floor. ‘Ah her gifts, what could possibly go wrong this time?’ Y/N thought as she reminisced all the gifts her aunt has given her.
From face creams to her old prom dress, the gifts were endless but so were the problems that came with them. The face creams ended up being expired which cause Y/N to break out furiously on 6th Grade picture day while the prom dress was so old that the straps had snapped off as she was putting them on for the night of the actual prom. The possibilities and problems were endless with their Aunt’s gifts.
Finishing with their breakfast, the three moved to the couch to see exactly what these ‘gifts’ were.
“Look at this amazing gift, I got it blessed so you’d get a life partner very, very soon” Their Aunt spoke as she put the silk scarf around Y/N’s neck. “Seriously? Again with the marriage stuff? I told you guys I don’t want to get married” Y/N took off the scarf placing it on her aunt’s lap.
She stood up ready to leave the unwanted surroundings. “Okay fine don’t think of it as a marriage thing but a gift for your graduation from med school”.
A small smile appeared on Y/N’s face as her aunt placed the scarf around her neck once more. “I should be on the next roster, they’re saying I have one more surgery to assist and then I’ll be able to operate and be a real surgeon” The smile on Y/N’s face was indescribable. To think she was so close to achieving her lifelong goal.
After saying her goodbyes, Y/N walked out of the apartment complex heading to her own apartment. It was only a short distance away, she can easily walk there and back.
With her hopes of becoming a surgeon only a few moments away, she tucked the scarf around her bag and walked along the sidewalk.
The buzzing in her bag seem to attract her attention, she pulled out her phone to see her photographer friend calling. Although confused as to why he would call now since they’d finish a shoot together not too long ago, she began answering the phone.
“Hey Yoongi” “Hey Y/N, how does my favorite feel about doing a shoot in Italy?” “Italy? Seriously?” “Yes Y/N, seriously. It’s a couples’ photoshoot with a lot of action pictures. What do you say?” “That’s great but sorry Yoongi, I’m not taking up any more assignments. I only did the Paris one to pay for med school. Thanks anyway” “Ah no problem Y/N, I guess I better find someone else”
They ended their goodbyes a gushing wind swept by catching the silky scarf in its path causing it to fall away from Y/N’s bag.
The scarf flew until it hit someone’s face causing them to bump into the person they were walking in front of.
“Watch where you’re going asshole” “Dude chill, it wasn’t my fucking fault” “It fucking was” The brawl continued between the two men causing Y/N to stop and see what the fuss was about.
Seeing one man holding the collar of the other man threateningly, she laid her eyes upon a greenish grey silk scarf that was tossed beside them.
To confirm her suspicions, she looked down to see her scarf missing. Yet another incident caused by a gift from her beloved aunt.
Spinning around she decided to leave the scarf as is knowing that it could have caused much more trouble than it did.
“Have you guys seen Dr. Jung anywhere?” Y/N spoke as she carried on looking through the roster for her name but like previously, it was nowhere to be found.
She felt someone link arms with her own, looking up to notice her friend of the bubbliest personality next to her.
“Speak of the devil” she spoke as the smile on his face grew, “and the devil appears” he spoke leading them back to the office they had been given when attending the hospital.
“Congrats Hobi, you made it on the list” She spoke hugging the male, the only male she’d ever consider keeping in her life, only because he swung for the opposite gender.
“And you will too Y/N, you just have my surgery left to assist” He pulled back to see the smile painted on Y/N’s face. They had been working for their life-long dream jobs for so long and after many years it seems they are finally coming through.
“Paging Dr. Hoseok Jung to Room 302, Hoseok Jung to Room 302” His pager went off signalling where his patient would be.
“Gosh Y/N I’m so nervous” “Don’t be Hobi, you’ll do great” “Come with me to see the patient?” “Anything for you Hoseok”
Both students made their way to room 302 through the busy hospital hallways. The hospital they had been training at for years was always the busiest due it being one of the biggest hospitals in LA, the most famous people were usually sent here for convenience.
Y/N recognises the sound his voice, it’s the voice she had heard earlier that day.
“Can’t you people see how badly injured I am? I refuse to wait this long” the voice of the said patient had been the guy that had the first punch thrown at when Y/N had turned to see the ruckuses her scarf had caused.
“Don’t worry, local anesthesia will be given to you shortly and you will soon be shifted to the operating theatre” Hoseok spoke, his voice calming Y/N but clearly not the patient. In other words, anesthesia can be used as more than a numbing solution.
Jungkook approaches the glass doors of the mansion-like apartment, his head hanging low not even noticing the girl running out in a towel that he had bumped into.
“Miss, you forgot your clothes” Taehyung came behind her letting her rush out of the area with her tear-stained face.
“Yah! Jungkook! It’s been a week since we saw you. Want some breakfast?” By the apron adorning the elder’s body, it seems that he must have been preparing breakfast himself and the girl had something to do with Jimin.
Jungkook didn’t have the energy to give the explanation of his shitty attire twice so he decided to ignore Taehyung, not that Tae would have minded, and let it out with the eldest hyung.
“What happened to her?” Jungkook approached the table on the balcony, “Who?” Jimin asked not fazing from his breakfast.
“You know, the one that just left? What did she do?” Jungkook rephrased his question, “At the party, she seemed so sweet and bubbly, just like the ones you keep around for longer. What did she do?” Taehyung asked as he approached the table with slightly overcook scrambled eggs, at least he’s improving.
“Are you kidding me? Like ones I’d keep for longer? Have you not heard her speak?” Taehyung seemed a bit taken aback by the outburst, there are only a few things that could make Jimin burst like that and may the girl had struck the nerve.
“Everything for her was about love and the future. Her future, our future, if we’d fallen in love. Who the hell even believes in love” Jimin saw how Jungkook avoided eye contact after he’d spoke.
“Then again, who am I speaking in front of? Someone who thinks they’ve ‘fallen in love’” Jimin’s voice began to irritate Jungkook, not because he was right but because his future might actually be at risk.
Taehyung noticed the sadness on younger’s face, how the brightness of his doe eyes fell dim. He combed his fingers through Jungkook’s hair, ruffling it slightly.
Taehyung did believe Jungkook had made a mistake, getting married so young but then again, he believed in love and maybe their little Kookie had found love after all.
“How is the Mrs Jeon by the way? How many times did you get to bang her after the reception” Jungkook sighed upon Jimin’s words, that stupid bet was all to blame.
“I haven’t touched her once” “You’re fucking joking right?” Jungkook shook his head no with a child-like aura, though he wishes that he was wrong. “It was that bitch Y/N wasn’t it?” Jimin spoke spiteful of her, despite how attractive she is.
“She made Hana make a fucking bet on our marriage that if I do love her then I can wait another few months without having sex with her and according to Y/N I don’t love Hana at all so of course, I’d want to have sex” Jungkook burst remembering the torturous week he’s had.
“And now my Victoria Secret’s Angle of a wife thinks that we must beat Y/N” Finally Jungkook was able to let out his frustrations, from the teasing touches to the delicious dreams of her that she wouldn’t let come true, it hasn’t been exactly easy to keep this bet.
“That little bitch, can’t get any herself so she plans to ruin the mood of everyone else,” Jimin said, his cutlery not scraping the plate due to his harsh use, “but how do you know she doesn’t have sex Jimin?”
Jimin smirked at the thought, “I know these kinds of girls very well Tae, they look hot but they ain’t shit”
“Don’t worry Kook, I know exactly how Hana can get over this stupid bet” Jimin said with confidence, he whispered something to Taehyung without Jungkook noticing. A simple and fool-proof plan.
“This is such a stupid plan” Jungkook states as he pulls and tugs at the fake bandages wrapped around his forehead, perks of an actor as a best friend.
“Just shut up and go with it” Taehyung’s voices to Jungkook as Jimin leads him to the door threshold.
“What happened to him?” Hana yelps as she hurries herself over to Jungkook, cradling his face as if it were a child.
“Well Hana, long story short. Jungkook here got in an accident and now has amnesia” Jimin explained as he sat Jungkook down on a nearby couch. By the looks of it, his plan seems to be working.
“Amnesia? Does that mean he doesn’t remember me?” Hana panicked maintaining eye contact with Jungkook seeing if there were any signs of him remembering their past.
“I’m afraid not, but he can. All you have to do is keep him as close as possible to you, make him remember what it was like when you both fell in love, make him remember all the intimate moments you've had together” Taehyung pulled out all his acting skills to make it as convincible as possible.
Jungkook though hadn’t spoken a word, on one hand, this could actually work and he would just play off the amnesia just like Tae had taught him or this could all go horribly wrong and he’d be back to square one.
Jimin cleared his throat letting Tae and Jungkook know the plan had succeeded. “Why don’t you start catching him up on everything, we’ll just make our way out” Jimin spoke before hurrying Taehyung towards the door only to bump into the one and only. Y/N.
“Why are you two here? And what the fuck happened to him?” Y/N questioned examining the bandages on Jungkook, it was clearly fake and done by an amateur.
“He uh… Got in an accident and um… Has uh… Am... Amenorrhoea?” Taehyung stuttered clearly frightened by Y/N’s presence, “Amnesia, he has fucking amnesia okay? We should leave him to rest” Jimin states trying to hurry Tae and Y/N out but Y/N was quick to slap his hand away.
“Oh, Amnesia? Which type?” Y/N questions catching their lie in its tracks, “Um… the one where you can’t remember stuff” Taehyung tries but to no avail.
“Bloody fakes, willing to do anything to get what you want” Y/N stated eyeing each of the three as they admit to their defeat.
“You’re all the same, lying little fuckboys” Y/N speaks only to be confronted with the space between Jimin and herself being closed.
The tension was thick, you would’ve been able to hear a pin if it dropped. Jimin’s heated breath not only flustering her but attracting her curiosity, what would his plump lips actually feel like?
However, all thoughts escape her as soon as he speaks. “Do you really want to know what fuckboys are like?” he tempted inching closer to Y/N.
“I did not come here to be insulted like this Hana” Y/N speaks before storming out, leaving a tempered yet slightly aroused Jimin behind with his friends who were too afraid to speak.
“No Y/N don’t leave” Hana yelled out leaving Jungkook’s side but it was too late, Y/N had already climbed into her car and speed away.
“She was right about you all along” Hana exclaimed before running back inside the house.
“Forget about her Kook, we have other things to do”
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