cas-blog-kk 5 months
Summarising Post
6. Evidence of demonstrating the skills and recognizing the benefits of working collaboratively (LO5).
7. Evidence of engagement with issues of global significance (LO6).
8. Evidence of recognizing and considering the ethics of choices and actions (LO7).
9. Evidence of reflection on significant CAS experiences.
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cas-blog-kk 5 months
Summarising Post
2. Evidence of identification of strengths and areas for personal growth (LO1).
3. Evidence of undertaking new challenges and developing new skills in the process (LO2).
4. Evidence of initiating and planning a CAS experience (LO3).
5. Evidence of commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences (LO4).
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cas-blog-kk 5 months
Summarising Post
The Bookrising project:
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cas-blog-kk 7 months
28.02.2024: Creativity - Singing
In my previous post I have mentioned looking for a new song: here it is! This is a fan-made song written to the Davy Jones theme from the Pirates of Caribbean. I am very happy that my vocal coach agreed with this choice in song. She said it is a great song for my practice since it is in a lower tone allowing me to practice that.
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cas-blog-kk 7 months
24.02.2024: Creativity - Singing
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Looking back, this year I have worked on quite a number of songs this year. I am quite proud of myself since last year I had worked on five songs in total and this year I'm up to five and still looking for the next one. Additionally they are all different, and it's nice to have variety.
Last year my way of learning the texts was also different. During lessons we had used karaoke videos with lyrics flowing on the screen. Since I have changed the teachers I have been printing out the lyrics, and I have to say this is a way that allows me to learn better. It is less mindless and I learn quicker that way which allows for more freedom while singing. My interpretation skills got a lot better.
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cas-blog-kk 7 months
17.02.2024: Activity - Ballet
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cas-blog-kk 8 months
06.02.2024: Activity - Ballet
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cas-blog-kk 8 months
31.01.2024: Creativity - Singing
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cas-blog-kk 8 months
28.01.2024: Service - GOCC
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The WO艢P concert was today, and it was one of the most stressful experiences in my life. The stage was huge, the audience even bigger, and the sound system the biggest. It was loud and I was unprepared for the scale of this event, so it's no wonder I had not performed the best. There was a lot of stress involved and I am not satisfied at all with the whole affair. I am glad for the experience because the only way to learn and improve is to put yourself out there, but nevertheless it is humiliating to fail. I hope in the future I will manage to do better.
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cas-blog-kk 8 months
19.01.2024: Activity - Ballet
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cas-blog-kk 8 months
15.01.2024: Service - GOCC Concert
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Every year the music school that I attend takes part in the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (GOCC). This year I have agreed to participate. I will be performing a song I have been practicing since November, "Yo Soy Maria" from the tango operita Maria de Buenos Aires.
Unfortunately due to the Christmas break, and personal reasons few of my vocal lessons had to be cancelled in this and last month. Fortunately for cases like this my lyrics printout is annotated with comments from my vocal coach in the parts I tend to make mistakes.
In this song there are particular two lines that I mess up the melody. They are the underlined lines on the paper. To learn the proper melody the vocal teacher has recorded herself playing the correct melody for me to practice on my own.
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cas-blog-kk 9 months
06.01.2024: Creativity - Bracelets
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These are all the bracelets I had managed to finish this Christmas break. The school's back again, so I don't have as much time for crafts anymore, but my venture in the bracelet making was quite successful. This is definitely a relaxing activity for me, as I love the repetitiveness of the process.
A friendship bracelet is basically a couple strands of embroidery floss knotted together in a particular pattern. It is creative and at the same time thoughtless enough activity to allow me to listen through three different audiobooks in their entirety.
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cas-blog-kk 9 months
06.01.2024: Activity - Ballet
Some time ago, in my previous post I had mentioned me not really standing in pointe, so I thought I should explain. It is something I have been working on the entire summer through the feet strength and flexibility exercises.
This is the a photo of me standing properly on pointe (at least to the best of my abilities):
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And this is the way I stand most of the time:
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Notice how the platforms do not fully touch the ground in the second photo?
During slower exercises I can usually manage to get fully on pointe, but during more energetic ones I stand on the edges of the platforms. That is why suede tips are absolutely required, because if you mess up in a dynamic exercise a lot can go wrong really fast. I still do not feel prepared to do stuff like piruettes on pointe because I simply cannot go on pointe consistently.
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cas-blog-kk 9 months
31.12.2023: Activity - Hiking
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There is snow in the in the mountains!
Today has been another fantastic day. We have hiked for a shorter time than yesterday because we had to pick up my mum who had to join later due to her job, but it has been over 4 hours.
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cas-blog-kk 9 months
30.12.2023: Activity - Hiking
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This year my family and I are celebrating the new year in the mountains!!!
As seen by my previous posts I adore hiking, and this is the first time I will be out and about in a mountain range with my two dogs! We had them for two years now, but this is their first time in the mountains! Today, has been the most pleasant experience. We had woken up at 8, ate breakfast, and then went out on a 6 hour walk. It is not the longest hike I had by far, but it's winter, and it goes dark fast, so we had preferred to caution on the safe side.
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cas-blog-kk 9 months
26.12.2023: Creativity - Bracelets
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I need a new crafty activity.
I recently found a few audiobooks I want to listen to during the Christmas break, so I need something to keep my hands busy. Given that 3D origami is not an option I have picked up friendship bracelet making. It is something I have done in the past, but has lost interest in, but since I have time I'm doing it again. So far I am having fun, and I am planning to give the bracelets I make to my sister.
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cas-blog-kk 9 months
15.12.2023: Service - Christmas Concert
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The day of the Christmas concert has come, and my friend and I had helped set everything up. The photo above is of the buffet my friend and I had fished setting up. The work was time consuming rather than complicated and we had a lot of fun putting everything together.
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