#we are ignoring the questionable relationship with tails in both situations i am talking purely from a ‘trauma from my childhood shaped by w
un-pearable · 2 years
📁 UM um fiona 🙏
fiona my oft-neglected beloved…. i think she and mina mongoose have a History. there was something. not necessarily on either side of platonic or romantic but they had some wacky sonic comic adventure off screen sometime after fiona ditched the freedom fighters and mina was on tour w/o ash,, let mina get some of her frustration out and be a little morally gray for funsies and let fiona have girl friends. or girlfriends. both is good. it didn’t last but they know each other and absolute No One gets why
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megumis-lashes · 4 years
Love Bites
Vampire! Han Jisung x Reader Part 2
**Contains**: mentions of blood/blood drinking, parental abuse, bullying, fighting, slight swearing, emotional abuse, friends to lovers, werewolf Hyunjin, western high school standards, female reader
Flashback =
> Hello
Spending the weekend with Jisung was awkward to say the least. I knew it was in no way his fault. It was mine. I hadn’t had ‘friends’ in years and practically forgot how to act around other people. Thankfully his bubbly personality seemed to make up for everything I lacked. Following the weekend I knew I had to attend school. As much as I hated it, I knew that skipping would only spell more disaster for me in the future. I arrived to school with Jisung, looking somewhat put together despite my rough situation.
I never knew how knowing and interacting with certain people could gain. So. Much. Attention. I forgot just how popular Jisung really was. He wasn’t the most popular, but the majority of students could easily recognize him in a croud. Much to my dismay, people began to spread rumors about the situation. The biggest one was in regard to why I arrived with someone like him, or even talked to him for that matter. We had never talked outside of school before this. This reminded me of a similar situation. My parents being the way they are had signed me up for the school tutor program. Much to my dismay I had been assigned the school’s pretty boy, Hwang Hyunjin,as my student. Despite his constant attempts at becoming my friend, Hyunjin and I’s relationship was purely professional. I helped him out on school work and I would get more points for college. This didn’t stop the rumors though. Many jealous ‘fangirls’ spread rumors about us dating, which I didn’t appreciate. I would constantly get hate notes delivered to my locker.
I quickly dismissed Jisung and began my day. Today was pretty standard. I had two quizzes and some homework due, but nothing too bad. The only thing that scared me was what my lunch schedule held. Hyunjin had a huge unit test in chemistry today and he requested my help during lunch period. I hadn’t really given him an answer, but he said that if I showed up he could pay me. Right now I really needed the money so I was willing to accept a few more hate notes than usual. After my morning classes I showed up to lunch and sat by Hyunjin’s group of friends, surprising them in the process.
“Wow Hyunjin is this your girlfriend? I’ve seen you with her before.” One of the boys questioned. I think his name was Felix.
“No, no this is my tutor, name. She’s here to help me study for my chemistry unit test, I’m just surprised she showed up is all.” He chided as he rubbed his neck nervously. I could tell he was in no way ready for this test.
“Don’t worry the study session should be quick. I’ll make sure you’re prepared before the end of lunch. You should still have some time.” I explained as I shuffled through my backpack. I handed Hyunjin a small study guide I prepared for him.
“Here’s something I threw together. Read that over and tell me what you don’t understand. I’ll be over there when you’re done.” I smiled subtly as I walked over to the next table. Despite his popularity he was still a normal teenager.
As I had expected, helping Hyunjin during lunch drew some attention to me, especially from the ‘popular girls’ or whatever they like to be called. I never really minded their existence, but I could always feel their eyes burning into me whenever I hung around their ‘love interest’. Before lunch ended collected my payment from Hyunjin and went to use the restroom. I was fixing my hair in the mirror when those girls walked in.
“Oh if it isn’t name! That’s funny we were just looking to talk to you!” I sighed in annoyance. I was in no mood to talk with them for whatever reason. I never had many interactions with them, but they still managed to put me on edge. Their small group consisted of two juniors and one sophomore. Their leader ‘Mia’ was a relatively tall girl with long black hair who typically wore bright red lipstick. She was by far the worst out of them. Along with her was her close friend, Jiuen. She had bleach blond hair that she often styled in curls. The last girl was rather mysterious. I honestly couldn’t remember her name. She wasn’t one to stand out in a crowd and I don’t think she was a part of the group by choice. She had dark brown hair, styled in pig tails, and wore chunky blue glasses.
“Did you need something?” I sighed. I would have to leave for class soon.
“Ah yes!” Mia answered. “We’re here to make a deal with you!” I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.
“What about?” I questioned
“So you see you’ve been hanging out with some popular people lately, and I guess you could say that I’m a bit jealous.” She giggled. “I hate to be that person but could you do me a favor and leave them alone? I need all the chances I can get in getting a boyfriend!” She explained.
I sighed. “Are you serious? If you’re talking about Hyunjin there’s nothing going on between us at all. Same with Jisung. We’re simply acquaintances who help each other out from time to time. I don’t see how it’s a problem.”
“Well I’m afraid that’s not convincing me. There’s no way I know anything about your relationships so you could be lying for all I know. I simply cannot trust your word on this!” She huffed. I rubbed my temples in annoyance.
“Look I swear I’m telling the truth. What would I even gain from lying? Plus there’s no way I can fully avoid Hyunjin as I am his assigned tutor.”
“Just request a change in students it’s not that difficult. I don’t see why you can’t just help me out this one time.” She groaned dramatically.
“Well what’s in it for me? You’re practically rewriting my life for your benefit only. I’m sorry but I’m not changing my entire schedule just so you can have a better ‘chance’!” I was getting sick of this conversation. I wanted to leave.
“Fine then you leave me no choice! I can easily destroy you.” She snickered.
“What do you mean?” She was making me anxious. She barely tried to convince me and she’s already pulling out her greatest asset?
“Well if you somehow managed to forget, I am the principals daughter. I could easily pull some strings. Maybe I could say you cheated! Yeah that’s a great idea! All the grades you worked so hard on would turn to dust! Then you’d be suspended for breaking school law! Oh and I’m sure your parents wouldn’t be so happy about that now would they?” She chuckled as she pulled out her phone.
“You can’t be serious Mia. This isn’t that deep.” I tried to stop myself from shaking.
“Oh I’m serious! It only takes a press of my finger to ruin you! If I send a report to my dad about you cheating, I know he’d believe me! You’re best option is to just agree to my conditions! There’s no way your parents would be happy with you being expelled!”
I was on the verge of tears. There was nothing I could do in this situation. She was right. There was no way I would be let of the hook for being expelled. This combined with all the stress I had been feeling in the past week led me closer and closer to breaking.
“Fine.” I stammered “You win. I won’t talk to either of them and I’ll ask to tutor someone else. Just please don’t mess with my grades. You know how much they mean to me.” I pleaded.
She giggled. “Finally you gave in! Alright then that’s a deal! I won’t ruin you, or at least not until later!” She exclaimed. I gritted my teeth, still trying to keep my composure.
“Come on girls let’s go!” She led the girls from the bathroom. Upon leaving she slammed into my shoulder, effectively pushing me into the wall. That hurt like hell.
“Haha so sorry! I must’ve not see you there!” She chuckled again and walked away with her group.
I cringed in pain as I felt the warm tears I had worked hard to withhold cascade down my cheeks. Wasn’t this an eventful week.
For the rest of the day I made it my duty to avoid the two boys at all costs. I could in no way afford that level of failure going on my record. I would be doomed for all eternity. Avoiding them wasn’t too difficult during classes. I was in much higher classes than Hyunjin and only shared a few classes with Jisung. Thankfully I had all my shared classes in the morning. At the end of the school day, I requested a new student to tutor. I claimed our timing didn’t work out and left a small note to Hyunjin explaining it was for personal reasons. I continued through my day as unaffected as I possibly could act. I attended volleyball practice until 6, then took a different route back to Jisung’s house in hopes of avoiding him completely. I managed to sneak in through his back door (AN: no pun intended) since he had given me a key. I only saw him once that night for a brief moment. He questioned why he didn’t see me and I explained that I had volleyball and homework to do. I also warned him that he probably wouldn’t see me much after school so that he wouldn’t worry. The next morning I left before he woke up.
Over the course of the next few weeks I was successful in avoiding both Hyunjin and Jisung. Jisung did seem a little suspicious of seeing me extremely rarely, but he didn’t push his questions since I helped with chores and even payed him a portion of the money Hyunjin had given me. Hyunjin on the other hand was extremely bothered over my sudden change in schedule. He would constantly try to approach me at lunch or during class and as much as it pained me, I would force myself to ignore him or walk away giving him some dumb excuse. I knew he didn’t believe anything I said. The most persistent thing he did was leave me letters. I read the letters but I never replied. He would often describe his day and somehow always end up on the topic of tutoring. He explained how he was assigned a new tutor, except it was a girl that was a year under him. Despite how advanced she was in classes, she knew little of the junior material and was even more confused than Hyunjin. With his constant begging for me to come back I constantly felt terrible about my decision. As much as I appreciated his efforts at keeping in contact with me, there was one small issue. He. Was. Extremely. Obvious. Practically the entire school knew he left envelopes in my locker, many of them believed the notes to be love letters.
Today was no different. I was returning to my locker at the end of the school day only to find another note. Upon first look it was easy to understand why people thought the notes to be out of love. Hyunjin wasn’t exactly great at portraying his emotions and could be rather dense at times. He used a baby pink envelope and decorative stationary that I could only assume belonged to a female in his family. In today’s note he described how desperate he was to have me as a tutor again. His current tutor recently passed out from what Hyunjin had described as ‘confusion’ and had been too embarrassed to show up to tutor sessions the past couple sessions. When Hyunjin attempted to ask for a new tutor, the teachers refused as he had changed tutors once that month already. I chuckled. I could tell he was panicking while he wrote the letter. His messy handwriting was a stark contrast to the beautiful card. He could be dense at times but I knew he was a smart kid, he could manage without me for a while. What I failed to notice at the time were the burning stares drilling into my back.
“Hi name! It’s a nice day today isn’t it! You wouldn’t mind going on a small walk with us would you?” My small smile quickly faded. That voice, I could recognize it anywhere. It was Mia and by the overly ‘happy’ tone of her voice I could tell she wasn’t too happy with me. As much as my gut pleaded me not to follow her I couldn’t risk anything.
“Sure.” I murmured. I quickly finished packing my backpack and shut my locker, following the three girls. The girls stopped at a small shady spot at the back of the school. They weren’t lying it was nice out. It was a clear fall day, the sun shining beautifully in the sky. Despite all this I couldn’t bring myself to enjoy it. I was scared shitless of what they were going to say. Mia quickly faced me.
“So what do you have to say for yourself? Liar.” I creased my brows in confusion.
“What do you mean? I haven’t broken our agreement?” I really hoped they withheld their part of the deal.
“Well name you aren’t very subtle. I thought with how smart you are you would know better!” She scoffed.
“I’m still confused as to what to what you mean?” I was seriously starting to panic at this point.
“Just give up already. You don’t have to play dumb for me anymore. I know you broke our agreement. Your little relationship with Hyunjin is pretty obvious if you ask me. Sure you may have stopped tutoring him but I see how he leaves letters for you. You read every single one and you even chuckled while reading today’s ‘love letter’. You’re not a sly as you think!” She exclaimed. I knew she was mad now.
“No, no, no you’ve got it all wrong! I’m in no secret relationship with Hyunjin and I never reply to his letters! He’s just struggling in class and wants me to tutor him again but I’ve told him I can’t-“ Time seemed to freeze at that moment. What woke me from my trance was a sharp pain to my left cheek.
She slapped me.
I was frozen out of pure shock. As I blinked out of it I could feel warm drops of blood stream from a small cut on my check. I definitely didn’t expect her to get physical.
“That’s what you deserve you deserve you bitch! How dare you! I went easy on you! I made an agreement and you just had to ruin everything! That’s it! Two can play at this little game of yours! By Friday I’ll make sure to ruin you and make sure the whole school hears your embarrassing little sob story as well!” She screamed as I collapsed to the ground. My shaking legs had finally given out a look of shock still painted on my face. She began to walk away. I stumbled forwards towards her.
“Wait! No! No! No! You can’t do this to me! What did I ever do to you! I never did anything-“ She cut me off by yanking my hair. I sobbed out of fear and despair.
“Shut up. YOU ruined my chances. YOU broke the deal! Think of this as ALL. YOUR. FAULT!” She finished her argument by slamming her hand bag in my face. I cringed in pain as the metal clasps made contact with my skin. That was sure to bruise later. Following their leaders departure, Jiuen walked over to my slumped form. She shuffled in her bag and pulled out a small carton of milk. She quickly tore open the carton and dumped it over my head. I sobbed and coughed in disgust. The third girl did absolutely nothing besides stand there and look down at me in pity. She quickly ran after the other girls.
“Why me?”
I sat there for what felt like hours but was probably along the lines of 15 minutes. I felt disgusting to say the least. I had never wanted to shower this much in my life. I took of my bag, thankful it was still clean, and began to dig around. I quickly found an old gym shirt and used that to somewhat clean my face.
The walk home was humiliating. I could feel the stares of students and teachers alike burn into my back. I kept my head low. The walk itself felt like torture. I was exhausted, both mentally, emotionally and physically. I was also still in pain. I could feel blood ooze from the cuts on my face and the bruises begin to form. I’d probably have to buy some concealer to hide the bruising. Upon arriving to the house I quickly stumbled inside. Once I reached the living room I realized my mistake. Jisung was home and was staring right at me.
“What the fuck happened to you?” He questioned almost flying off the sofa. He must’ve been playing games before my arrival.
“Oh, uhh nothing really. I just uhh... tripped is all. Don’t worry I’ll go take care of it.” I knew it was probably the worst excuse of the decade but I really didn’t have the energy to make a better one.
“Bullshit! You have bruises and scratches almost exclusively on your face! Plus I can tell you’ve been avoiding me!” He exclaimed as he approached me “Name you don’t have to act strong all the time. I can tell you’re not ok. Please tell me what happened... if you can.”
It didn’t take another word from Jisung for me to breakdown in a mess of tears. It was about time. The amount of stress I had been experiencing was extremely unhealthy. Combined with the fact that I wasn’t allowed to express emotions at home, the pressure was too much.
“I-I got into a f-fight.” I sobbed. “I really don’t know what I did wrong! They had to blackm-mail me for what? Having friends?” I buried my head in my hands. I was broken. “They got mad at me for being by you and Hyunjin! They, they threatened to ruin me! All my hard work! My hours of unhealthy studies! All to make my parents happy! But they just had to destroy it all out of spite!” I coughed as I felt the salty tears slip onto my lips. My sobs were cut off when I felt strong arms wrap around my middle.Jisung had hugged me. I couldn’t remember the last time someone had given me a hug. As happy as I should of been, the physical contact simply made me sob harder.
“Slow down, slow down! I know you’re upset and I’m here for you! Just go at your own pace. I’m not gonna go anywhere until you’re done.” He patted my back. I tried to calm my breathing and began to explain. Explain everything, from when I had been kicked out to when the girls had first blackmailed me to when they attacked me for Hyunjin’s notes. It was exhausting to just remember those events. Then I explained everything about my parents. How difficult they were. Nothing mattered besides numbers and results.
“They could care less about my existence as a person, or their daughter. “ I explained. We were now seated on his large sofa, his hand holding mine out of comfort. The whole time I explained my situation I could tell he was listening. He started at me attentively with a kind look in his eyes.
“I never knew we were so similar.” He chuckled as he scratched his neck.
“What do you mean.” I questioned, drying the tears from my face.
“The whole parent thing I mean. My parents are incredibly hard on me as well. I’m the next in blood line per say, and because of my familial ranking I take an important family position once my parents die. They aren’t necessarily that focused on grades like your parents are but they care a lot about field performance. That doesn’t mean I can slack in school though.” He sighed. “Other than that they barely pay any attention to me. They let me figure out everything on my own. By the age of 12 I practically lived alone. I’ve been an adult for almost the entirety of what should’ve been my childhood.” He sighed. “Anyway thank you for explaining it to me I know it’s been difficult for you. As much as you dislike them, let’s make a deal.”
“About what?” I blinked myself awake. I was starting to get really tired.
“No more secrets. Don’t keep this sorta stuff to yourself from now on ok? It does more harm than good. I’m always here to listen!” He smiled. I could feel my checks warm at his smile. It was cute.
“Alright then.” I smiled bashfully. “Pinky promise?”
“Pinky promise!” He confirmed, quickly wrapping his pinky around mine.
“Now I hate to be rude but you should really take a shower.” He scratched his neck as he chuckled.
“Hey! I went through a lot today!” I chided
“I know, I know. How about you go shower and then we can watch a movie! Maybe it’ll help you feel better!”
“Actually... that sounds really nice. But what about my homework? And my grades?” I completely forgot that school existed.
“Ahh don’t worry about it! I’ll do your homework for you when you shower! I already did mine so it’s fine! About your grades, just leave it to me! I’ll talk to them tomorrow ok!” He exclaimed.
“Are you sure?” I questioned. I’d feel guilty if he did all that for me.
“I’m sure! Now go!”
I started to walk to my room to go shower when I stopped.
“Hey Jisung?”
“Yeah? What’s up?”
“Thank you.”
I smiled. My first true smile in a while.
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minhothebighoe · 5 years
2:03 pm I Love You
Requested: yes: “Hey babes, hope your doing swell❤ What about Felix ( stray kids ) with a self conscious s/o? Like, she just doesn't thing she's good enough for him + so he hard core comforts her. Cuddles her until she gives up type thing. Possibly smut but if you don't write smut for him just fluff is fine.”
Word Count: 3.1 k
Summary: Your relationship with Felix was great at first, but when you two got caught in public it changed your life for the worst.
Warnings: mentions of feeling depressed, mentions of sex, small amounts of smut (just don’t blink), a mention of degradation kink (AGAIN DONT BLINK). And a cute/ sexy Felix
**also I haven’t proofread yet so hope it’s not too bad lololol, also maybe pt. 2 ???***
“Babe please tell me what’s wrong”
Felix sighed deeply, before laying a hand on my bare shoulder, gripping tightly at the exposed skin that poked out of my sweater. He looked and concentrated on me with worry and sadness that was clearly displaying on his soft features; his eyes showing nothing but pure and utter remorse. I turned away and stared at the floor silently with pure guilt and anxiety that was building and starting to weigh heavily on my chest. I hated myself for the fact that I was the one causing him to feel this way.
Things have been shitty for a while now, and I’m not talking about Felix or anything about him. Felix is literally the light of my life, and it’s not an understatement when I say I would literally take a bullet for the boy or give up my life to save his. Everything that is wrong is because of me, myself, and I.
Things were more than amazing in the beginning when no one knew of us together. When Felix could visit or hang out we would mostly just Sneak around and hide the fact we were an item. It was definitely hard most times,especially for him; he wanted nothing more than to show me off to the world, but at the same time it was oh so exciting. Even though Felix wanted to come out to the world as more than close friends he also loved concealing our relationship. He being the dirty Aussie boy he is admittedly ached to fuck me in public anywhere that he could get his hands on me, and shit, it was our dirty little secret.
However, things mostly took a toll for the worst when dispatch caught us together, and stays all over found out about the relationship.
It was late at night, Felix and I were at a park close to my home, and me being the dumb ass I am, was not thinking coherently. All I was thinking of was the lovely night me and my beautiful boyfriend were having, and the fact that he was physically there with me. At no time did it occur to me to think that other people would be up at the god awful hour.
In the moment, Felix was chasing me on the open grass field, and we were both happy and content. We didn’t need much more than each other to have a good time or have fun.
“You’ll never catch me!” I laughed, running faster away from my playful boyfriend who was right on my tail. I however, knew for fucking sure he was definitely gonna get me, I just wanted to tease the poor lad and get him all worked up.
Not even 10 seconds later he caught a hold of my hand and before I knew it, we both came to a dead halt. I turned around to face him and capture him at the moment, it almost felt like one of those cheesy kdrama moments where everything is in slow motion. His beautiful dark eyes stared lovingly and deep into my own. His chest was heaving up and down and all I could hear was the sound of his heavy breaths parting from those big beautiful pouty lips. He leaned his forehead onto mine before speaking with that sinful voice of his,
“God you have no idea what the fuck you do to me.”
That beautiful playful smile was now a wicked and sexy smirk, and god did I love it.
He pulled me closer to where my chest was touching his long lean frame; I felt his hands slowly travel and make their way down to my hips, it was almost teasingly unhurried. I felt a soft squeeze on the flesh, and a painful chill make its way up throughout my body. I thought I forgot how to breathe at that very moment.
Meanwhile felix’s eyes had never left mine, causing a certain feeling make its way through out my core deep within. I was aching for him to touch me, and I could tell he couldn’t wait any longer as well.
God you have no idea what you do to me, Felix.
He continued to smirk at me before impulsively bringing his lips down to my neck with such vigor and pure lust. I brought my hands instantly from his chest and placed them at the back of his head running them through and tugging on his sexy red locks. I gasped for air as I felt his teeth nip slightly at my flesh, hitting that sweet spot just right below my earlobe. He slowly proceeded to run his tongue over the bite mark before sucking ever so mercilessly. I could feel the heat rapidly making a pool in my underwear, and I didn’t know how much longer I could wait for him to touch me.
“F-Felix please.” I pleaded.
He detached his lips from my neck, and I could instantly feel a cool breeze attack the spot where his mouth once was.
He stared devilishly at me, his pupils getting blacker, before speaking
“Awe is my baby girl getting impatient…. don’t worry darling I’ll fuck you right.” I gulped; He leaned in again, and I could feel his hot breath hit the inside of my ear causing goosebumps to arise and my complexion go pale.
“I just wanna play with you first.”
I stared at Felix as my mouth went dry and my mind buzzed. His words alone were enough to get me off, and all I wanted was for him to rip my skirt off and fuck me right then and there.
But Then…..that’s when I heard it.
I snapped out of the trance like state, and forcefully pulled myself away from Felix’s body. I automatically knew exactly what that sound was and it was almost an instant shock of anxiety that rolled throughout my body. I looked over to Felix and I could tell he felt the exact same way.
“C’mon babe we have to go.” Even though he was trying to rush me, he said it as calminglyas possible.
** click **
As we moved quicker away, the more rapid the noise was becoming. Felix and I moved speedily, giving even Usain Bolt a run for his money, trying to get away from the situation. However, we both knew it was too late and the damage was most likely done. We were already caught and red handed at that.
“People are going to find out” I thought, anxiety filled my entire being with the thought. What will they think? This wasn’t no ordinary fan base I was going up against, these are kpop stans the most frightening yet loyal fans to ever exist. They were going to completely and utterly judge me.
and that they did.
It had only been 1 month since the pictures had come out of Felix and I embracing each other at the park, and let’s just say the backlash was worse than what I was expecting. Each day was more shoddy than the last, it seemed as each hour passed the more shit I was getting and the more comments filled my Social media telling me I wasn’t good enough, or that I was too ugly, too fat, and so on. At first it didn’t really bother me, I had hoped changing my profiles to private would help, and get people to calm down about the situation, and it did for a while. However me being me, I couldn’t help myself to search and see what the fans were saying,and as much as I wanted to ignore it, I couldn’t fucking do it.
“Ugly bitch, Felix deserves so much better.”
“Where the hell did he find her? Probably some whore.”
“Fat ugly bitch should lose some weight, she’s going to crush our poor Felix.”
“They’ll never last SHE'S just another slut I mean look how short her skirt is in that picture, such a sleeze”
Okay then.
A couple more months had passed and I thought it would die down but for some reason it never did and as the number of comments and articles grew, I felt my deepest insecurities grow as well, drowning out any ounce of confidence I once had.
The fat comments were an especially hard pill to swallow as I had always been insecure about my weight. Even though deep down I knew I wasn’t “fat” I still had trouble looking at a mirror and being happy with the way I looked. And having a boyfriend who is an international heart throb did not make things easier to say the least.
“Why aren’t you eating babe?”
“You‘ve lost some weight love since the last time I saw you, I’m a little concerned”
“Babe please eat something, are you okay?”
Felix had seemed to have asked these questions quite a few times in the past months, and I would always reply with the same short answers along with a fake smile.
“Lixie I’m fine, I promise.”
“I’m just not hungry.”
“Ohh I just ate I’m okay.”
It wasn’t just the fat comments not causing me to eat, it was everything that was sending me into a spiral of self hatred and let’s just say: my very own demise. I had lost all appetite because all I could think of were those millions of fans telling me how ugly and disgusting I was, and, oh yeah, that I should do Felix a favor and just kill myself. And the most annoying thing was, I had no idea why it was even getting to me so much. It just hurt knowing that practically a whole fan base hated you because you loved someone so unconditionally, and you couldn’t do a thing about it or change their mind.
And I started to believe every damn word that was thrown at me.
I was too scared to even leave my home knowing that people knew who I was and how I looked. I didn’t want to risk it. I was scared, point, blank, and period. Sadly, I didn’t have anyone to confide in. I had always been mostly independent and an introvert so friends were very few and far inbetween;I didn’t want to worry my poor parents, as they would be devastated and heartbroken to know their little girl was feeling this broken. And, I couldn’t tell my boyfriend because he was busy most of the time getting ready for a fucking world tour to notice, and there was no way in hell I was going to distract him from that, so me being very discouraged to bring this up to anyone, kept to myself and thought being alone was the best option.
At least that’s what I thought I could do.
I guess I was naive thinking I could hide and push away my own feelings, but every negative thought, moment of regret, and all my insecurities were starting to show and make their way from the dark abyss and pile to the surface. I wanted anything but to worry Felix with my issues, however everything was becoming way too hard to mentally bare and I was reaching above my boiling point.
“Y/N, please for fucks sake talk to me, don’t you understand I’m here for you? Don’t you understand I can tell when something is wrong?”
Felix, who was sitting next to me, quickly got down on his knees in front of me. He placed a hand lovingly on my cheek, softly rubbing soothing circles with the pad of his thumb on the skin, causing me to feel somewhat calm.
I didn’t want to tell him how I was feeling partially because I didn’t know how to explain it. There’s just so much going on inside my head that it feels as if I’m at war with my own consciousness.
“I-I’m fine baby I p-promise I ju-“ tears were threatening to spill and I couldn’t even look him in the eyes.
“Bull fucking shit (y/n). You for the past 8 months have been anything but yourself, you’ve lost so much fuckin weight to the point where you’re skin and bones, you’re not eating, and I- I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, and it fucking hurts to see you like this and I-“ tears streamed down Felix’s face, and he cupped my chin and forced me to look into him.
Everything was accumulating and it was starting to reach a point where hiding these demons was not in the question anymore. Seeing Felix in this much pain because of me, tipped me beyond off the scale and I felt almost angry that all this bullshit had happened. Am I weak for wanting to tell him?
Would he be able to handle it?
As I was building the courage to speak, I turned my head away again hearing my phone vibrate. I could see the notifications building up from Twitter on the screen from the previous hour; Felix noticed too and instantly shot out his hand to grab my device.
“Felix baby no do-.”
I tried to grab the annoying hardware before Felix could see anything, it it was too late. His eyes widened.
“Kill yourself you stupid bitch,
you’re so unworthy of a man like Felix like actual filth lmao,
You’re an ugly fat whore who will never amount to anything ,
Watch out Felix, she’s only with you for your money”
As Felix read the words aloud it felt as if thousands of knives were being stabbed into my body over and over again, but all I could do was stare at the floor in front of me, and not dare to look at Felix. I didn’t want him to know things were this bad, I tried to shield him from the pain I was feeling because he didn’t deserve to be included in the affliction. My heart hurt but I wasn’t going to let him be included in that agony.
I loved him too much.
“Baby….” I could feel his eyes bore into my figure and at that moment I couldn’t hold it in anymore. Everything that had pent up over the past months finally spilled out into the open atmosphere, and holy shit I was a sopping mess to say the very least. I huddled over as the sobs poured out of my mouth, they were mixed with so much vexation, sorrow, and panic as I didn’t know how to feel. Felix quickly sat next to me and put an arm over my physique, pulling me in closer to his broad frame. My head lay atop his lap while I cried as much as I could. He peacefully stroked my hair with his fingers, and every once in a while layed some soft kisses atop my head.
I leaned my head to fit in the crook of his neck,taking in the scent of his cologne. He held onto me tight, as if he was never going to let me go again.
“Baby, all this time…. why didn’t you tell me?” His voice was almost quivering but I knew he wasn’t going to cry.
“I- I didn’t want to worry you, you had so much to do for the tour and I thought it was dumb an-“ he stopped me.
“(Y/N) it’s not dumb that people are harassing you and making you feel this way. Listen, I love my fans each and every single one of them. However, you have to realize that in every good person there are another 5 evil ones who don’t respect mine or your feelings for one another, and those people are not true fans.”
He brought my face to look at his.
“Listen darling, I love you and if some people can’t respect that then, that’s their problem. Our love is stronger than this and I know we will overcome this hurdle. That’s all it is, these comments don’t matter they’re just people who have no respect or no life to worry about and all they want to do is take that anger and hurt into other people. But holy shit, I just thank god nobody hurt you or physically or came after you….I don’t know what I would do.” Felix kissed my nose and stroked the top of my hand with his very own sending small impulses of electricity up my body. The heat of his body comforted me and I had never felt more love for him than in that very moment. For once I could finally breathe again and smile.
Felix brought a hand to cup my cheek, the palm of his hand felt so reassuring as he brought his soft lips down to mine gently and with such passion. He kissed me as if we had all the time in the world yet it also felt as if it was our last moment together. The world could’ve ended right then and there and I would’ve felt content being in his arms.
I guess I learned it’s not good to hold things in, and now I know if I’m ever feeling sad or hurt that there are people who love me and are willing to listen. And as much as I wanted them to be, my problems were not small especially if they had me feeling the way I did. I don’t have to be alone even in my darkest thoughts or weakest moments.
All I know is Felix lifted a weight off my chest that was too heavy for me to even nudge. And for him I am more than thankful.
“Also those comments are bullshit because if anything darling you’re to good for me princess .”
I smirked at him.
“Oh really now.”
“Yeah but let’s get one thing straight.” I eyed him as he bit his lip, he coyly took the soft skin in between his teeth as his eyes went dark.
“ the only person who can call you a filthy whore is me. Got it?”
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iveryafterdark · 3 years
Day 128
Part 11, Nameless werewolves. [semi-Long]
Last Part. Next Part.
Ever since the little hunting disaster with Relis and Vaitelin, Time had been doing his best to avoid being recruited to go on another hunt... not that it was difficult. The second they stepped back into camp Relis made sure everyone knew about his broken ribs, so no one had been expecting much of him of late. It had only been about a week, though, so, eventually, that would change.
"I don't think you should be going around patrolling yet, you still have a broken rib." Bear cautioned, though he was starting to sound more like whining with the amount of times he had said something similar. While the dark-toned man wasn't wrong about the rib situation that didn't mean that he wasn't capable of keeping their borders safe. Even with a broken rib, he was still more powerful than any mortal was.
"You worry too much, stop being such a mother-hen." he responded dismissively to the guard, who frowned deeply in response... or Time assumed he did. He wasn't really bothering with throwing the shadow-man a look to check. It had been a little under a week, and for the most part his lungs felt fine again. Gods heal faster than mortals, another week and it would be like it never happened.
"Last time I was careless you got hurt." Bear responded, voice low but pointed. Time pretended he didn't hear him, it was a reasonable thing to do with how quiet he was now speaking, as much as he liked Bear he might have to do something about his penchant for seeing him as needing protection. Despite the, occasional, complaint from the brown-haired man the walk existed mostly in silence. It Seemed Bear wasn't so eager to talk anymore... maybe thinking too much. Time would leave him to it, which meant less of Bear worrying a hole through his ears.
The young-god's attention only snapped back to reality when the werewolf stepped in front of him, arm out to stop him, growling at.. someone. Time rolled his eyes at the bristling guard, clearing his throat and pushing Bear to the side as gently, but firmly, as he could manage. Another stranger stood several yards away, hands raised to show innocence, dark brown eyes watching Bear warily.
"You! Finally worked up the courage to show your face, little stalker?" Bear spat, crossly, Time couldn't help but think that he was just taking his frustration out on the guy. This 'stalker' dipped his head deeply, eyes lowered to the ground, posture poor as if to make himself look smaller. If he stood up straight he would probably be about Time's height... which, yeah, he supposed that would make him 'little' to Bear but he had been named that for a reason.
"Lashing out needlessly, Bear? Let's, at least, see what he wants before you verbally abuse the man." he chided with a light tone, he had been disapproving of the guard enough today no need to put him in a further bad mood. The lack of response told him that he was willing enough to allow the man to speak. This 'stalker' was a fair-tanned man with hair almost as dark as Bear's in brown, short and messy. The most interesting thing about him, however, was the excessive amount of body-paint he was using. White-ash mask over the majority of his face, as well as his hands, wrists, throat, and chest, bright yellow and black stripes cutting around the back of his hair, and arms, that reminded Time a bit of a Bumblebee. This guy didn't look very threatening to him.
"What can I do for you, little bee?" he asked in an amused tone, ignoring the disgusted snort from Bear behind him, the stranger's dark brown eyes went wide at this and he dipped his head further down. As if to apologize for the momentary eye contact.
"Your defender is right to look down on me, to call me such things, I have been following you for some time now." his voice sounded uncertain, but Time didn't focus as much on that as he did the words themselves.
"You've been following me?" his voice harder now, a slight threat.
"Yes." another dip of his head like a duck bobbing in a lake.
"For how long?"
".... Since you first stepped foot into the meadows.. when you met the Robin." Time's blood went cold in his veins at that, the almost constant sensation of being watched that he had attributed to the new territory? It had been this guy following him around like a ghost. How had he went this entire time and not noticed that he was being followed? The young-god turned his gaze to Bear for an explanation.
"I noticed a few nights ago, he's really very good at being a rat."
"Why didn't you let me know we were being tailed when you found out?"
"I... didn't want you to worry about something like that right now?" A question, that same almost guilty look he had worn when Time first met him. The implication in Bear's words were, also, not lost on him. He didn't say anything because of his broken ribs... they'd discuss that later, right now they had a mouse to deal with. Time turned his sharp, orange, eyes back to the strange man. As soon as the attention was back on him he seemed to scramble to say something before Time could.
"I meant no harm, I merely followed you because being near your group makes it safer for me to travel."
"If you wanted safety you should have returned home." his harsh tone caused the striped man to wince. "Why reveal yourself now? You've been in hiding for several months, why change something that's been working for you?"
"Because..." the stalker glanced between him and Bear, before carefully approaching only to stop in his tracks a few feet away when Bear began growling defensively. The man kneeled on the ground, not unlike Robin would when she prayed, and raised both of his hands up to Time like one would in offering. It was a strange thing, he could feel the power connection with even just this gesture, something he had seen but had never been involved.
"Because I am a man with no name, no family to speak of, but I have worth." ah, one of the unfortunate, untrustworthy, people forced to walk the world alone due to the nature of their existence. Not a single soul to vouch for them. Often treated as criminals and chased from cities both human and otherwise... and it was strictly forbidden to give one's self a name. A hangable offense.
"I am an honest man, I am loyal, I will give you everything I have to offer. I just need a chance." His plea was soft, heartfelt, full of pain, and loneliness, and desperation.
"You say this but by the very nature of your existence there is no way to prove any of your claims. You could be a criminal, a madman-" Bear responded, distrust on his voice, Time held out a hand to quiet him. The striped man's eyes seemed only honest, a small amount of hope in them at the gesture.
"You ask for a chance, the opportunity to prove yourself?"
"Please-" he sounded on the verge of tears. "-that is all I ask. Just one." a long moment of silence followed, Time sizing the nameless man up, before nodding shortly. He had never seen such a look of pure gratitude and relief before than the one that followed.
"You already know the way back to camp, but you should walk with us this time." the striped man rubbed his hands across his face, looking at Time like he was as important as the sun, before getting to his uneven feet. Hm, the white marks on his hands and face hadn't budged despite that, maybe they were actually tattoos and not body-paint. The yellow stripes that went through the back of his hair was definitely painted, though.
"What are we going to tell them when everyone expects him to be introduced? He has no name, and I'm sure some of the others won't be like being around an unclaimed." Bear, again, voice unusually hard.
"Leave that for me to worry about, Bear." the man opened his mouth, but at the warning look he was thrown just sighed.
While there had been some raised eyebrows when Time offered no introduction for the new member no one made a particular fuss about it, going about things as usual as the sky began to darken into night. The bee-colored man was following him closely, like a lost pup, seeming to be afraid of being left alone with the rest of the group. Understandable, considering the past experiences that he had probably had with other large groups of people. Due to the constant following, and looks of sheer gratitude he was getting from him, Time noticed rather quickly when the nameless man went missing while the rest of the group was sitting around the fire to eat before bed.
Like usual, Astaria, Felis, and Surie were sitting in a half-circle talking, telling bad stories, worse jokes, and laughing loudly together. The three were nearly inseparable at this point. Near them was Vaitelin, who would briefly exchange insults with Astaria throughout the night. A weird relationship those two had, Time wasn't going to even try to parse out if they loved or hated each other. Sitting close to himself was Robin; who was acting stranger and stranger as more time passed, Relis; who was sitting on the ground instead of on the log like everyone else, and Bear. In the beginning, the nameless man had been sitting next to him as well but, at some point, he had dipped out. A sense of doubt stabbed through his rib, had it been a mistake to trust him? A man with no one willing to claim him or vouch for his goodwill? Was he really dangerous like Bear had believed?
Bear seemed to sense the thought process going on in Time's mind and gave him a knowing look, at least he had the decency to not look smug about it.
"Think I made a mistake on that one?" he was expecting a quip, or a snappy response, or an incredulous look, but instead Bear just looked conflicted and shrugged.
"He... seemed genuine to me." uncertainty, a complete reversal of the confident distrust he had shown earlier.
Time decided to wait beside the fire for the rest of the night, the rest of the group retiring to bed one-by-one until it was just him and Bear waiting.
"You should really get some rest-" the yawn was loud enough to cause him to wince and shuffle a bit further away from the werewolf. "-you aren't gonna heal any better sleep-deprived." it was probably more along the lines that Bear was exhausted and didn't want to stay out any later.
"You can lay down whenever you want, Bear. I'm not forcing you to stay up." the guard just blinked at him in an unamused manner, before rubbing his eyes and stretching. Seems he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. He was starting to think he should just lay down to allow the poor man some rest when a rustle caught his attention.
Turning towards the sound was a figure, with dully-glowing brown eyes. The oddness of the silhouette caused him to bristle, Bear growling beside him, but the familiar gesture of the being just... kneeling with hands out caused him to pause.
"Do not be alarmed." it sure was the same nameless man from earlier, voice soft.
"What happened to you?" Time narrowed his eyes at the shadow, trying to better decipher what he was seeing.
"I was... hunting?"
"Was that a question?" Bear growled shortly beside him, he didn't seem tired anymore.
"I... took down the buck that tried to attack you." the nameless man added, shifting. Ah, the oddness of the silhouette was him hauling a... full-grown deer on his shoulders. Surprising, for a man that height.... even if he was, obviously, a werewolf.
"You.... managed that all by yourself?" a short nod, in response. Time eyed the unclaimed werewolf warily before gesturing for him to come closer. In the fire's light it became more obvious the situation, by the looks of it the man had field-dressed the buck and skinned it, the cloak draped around his shoulders. Once the striped man stood only, about, a leg-length away from the young-god he kneeled once more and presented a thick bear-leather bag that he had been holding at his side before removing the deer cloak and placing it on top as well. The nameless man closed his eyes, muttered something Time couldn't hear, before pushing the hunt to Time and bowing deeply to the ground. An offering, the first he had ever received personally, the gesture made Time felt like he was breathing ice-cold water in the best way. Like he was drowning in ether. He sat stunned for many seconds, staring blankly at the offering and the nameless man, before blinking the tears out of his eyes.
"I underestimated you." Time said, even his voice felt different. Smoother. It must sound different too because Bear was giving him a look. The striped man sat up, though he was still kneeling, cautiously looking at Time with the reverence that Time had only seen directed at his own father before.
"You've proven yourself in my eyes, I see no reason for you to walk the world nameless and shunned. I will claim you, vouch for you when needed." his brown eyes were shining. "I think the name... Hercules suits you just fine, don't you agree Bear?" the dark man blinked, like he didn't understand what was happening, before nodding.
"Welcome to the pack, Hercules." the guard agreed, dipping his head in greeting. Hercules, as he was now dubbed, looked like he was in sheer disbelief. Like the world had suddenly stopped making sense.
"Unless, you would prefer something different, of course?"
"No!" the reaction was so quick it made Time raise an eyebrow. "No, Hercules is... perfect. Thank you, I will not disappoint you." he was grinning, the first time Time had seen him do so, sheer joy on his face.
"Now, everyone else is asleep so I think you should join them, you'll be no use to us dead on your feet." a deep nod, but Time doubted someone who looked so excited would be falling asleep anytime soon.
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captain-mcdavid · 5 years
Tumblr media
word count: 5.2k
smut: yes | no
warnings: language, alcohol, smut
“Do it.”
You glare at Lindsay when she repeats herself for the hundredth time. Obviously she’s not taking the hint so you repeat yourself as well, firmer. “No.”
She slumps her shoulders and stomps childishly on the ground, while you flinch and pray that she’s not calling too much attention to you. “He is so hot, and I want to live vicariously through you!”
“If you think he’s so hot, you go over there.” You challenge.
“I would.” She deadpans, and you don’t like the way you feel a pang of jealously. “But I slept with Boone already and I don’t really wanna go for one of his friends.”
Waving her off, you roll your eyes and take another sip of your drink, trying to numb her annoyance. “He’s a fuckboy.”
“And? So was Boone.” She’s quick to respond, and now you’re leaning over the bar, trying to make eye contact with the bartender. If she’s gonna be this persistent all night, you’re gonna need shots.
“You’re not looking for anything serious, so why would you not go for it?”
Making a face behind her back is your way of trying to let out some of your anger, but it boils over quickly when she prods again. “Do it!”
“No! Lindsay. I said no. He’s a fuckboy and I’m not trying to get in with any of that shit right now. I’m too busy. Now can we please stop talking about him?”
While you’re ranting her face goes from surprise to realization, and know she’s got you figured out.
“You had feelings for him, didn’t you?”
With a sigh you shrug your shoulders, hating how all of these old feelings are gonna be drudged up from one outing and a pushy friend. “I might have,” You admit, knowing that that’s not even the half of it.
He played you like a fiddle and it hurt when you realized that he had no intentions of being in a real relationship with you. You fell for him hard and fast, and you assumed that because you had this amazing chemistry he felt the exact same way you did. But that’s the golden rule right? Never assume.
Lindsay raises her eyebrows and you’re close to making a sarcastic comment about how she’s finally stopped talking, but she actually looks kid of concerned so you don’t. “It was a while ago, I thought we were on the same page but we weren’t and he kind of ghosted me, so...” You end with a shrug and finally the bartender pauses infront of you. “Six porn stars please!”
“Hell no!” Lindsay interjects, “We need stronger. We need a burn. Six shots of fireball.” She hands him money and grabs your arm. “Y/N,”
You roll your eyes and then raise your brows at her, waiting for her to go off. “I don’t think you should let him get away with that.”
“Lindsay hes a professional in two sports, hockey and fucking with girls heads. It’s his job to get away with it.” As you speak both of you each take one of your shots and nudge them against one another, before tilting them back and making faces. “That’s terrible.” You comment, downing your other two quickly.
“So why don’t you fuck with his head then?” The look Lindsay gives you when she voices her suggestion is pure mischief, and it almost makes you want to agree. “I listened to a podcast on this, I know what to do.”
You respond with a surprised laugh, a simple shake of your head, but Lindsay isn’t even looking your way. “Really Linds, I’m fine. But it sounds like you’ve got a bone to pick with Boone, you should experiment this theory with him.
She laughs, “Boone is innocent, he’s upfront about not wanting anything outside of sex. Josh wasn’t, he played you and shouldn’t let him get away with it.”
When she puts it that way it does make you a little interested. It might be nice to make him feel as shitty as you did. But you’re also not a vengeful person, and overall you’re not a shitty person, so this should be a no brainer. This isn’t something you’re going to do.
“Okay I don’t want you to freak out or anything,” Linsday starts, and just like that your stomach is on the floor. “But he’s staring right at your ass.”
“In like a ‘that’s a nice ass’ kinda way? Or in a ‘woah I know that ass’ kind of way?” You murmur, standing up straighter.
Lindsay gives you a confused look before her eyes wander back to where you assume he is. “Both I think...”
“Can you please just fuck with him a little?” Lindsay begs, “I can smell his ego from here, he’s gotta get knocked down a few notches.”
“No!” You laugh, feeling a little less annoyed with her now that you’re slightly tipsy. “And even if I wanted to, how do you fuck with a professional fuck boy?”
“It’s easy.” Lindsay pipes up with a shrug. “You do to him exactly what he’d do to you.”
“I’m not gonna do that,” You finalize, giggling when she narrows her eyes at you. “I am gonna go to the bathroom though.” 
“You’re boring!” Lindsay barks, “I’m going back to the table.” You watch while she struts back to your bundle of co-workers, turning around to flip you off on her way back. 
You take a deep breath before turning the other way, mentally preparing yourself to see him. Thankfully when you do spot him, he’s not looking at you, but of course, he’s right where you’re planning on going. 
You start walking with every intention to ignore him, and it works until you get closer to his table. You try your hardest not to look but of course you can’t help it, and you end up making eye contact. He lifts his hand and you respond with an awkward white person smile, completely passing him by. 
When you get into the hallway you’re literally lifting a hand to slap yourself for being so weird, but then there’s an all too familiar voice calling your name. You wish you didn’t remember it so well, that it didn’t make your heart skip a beat... But here you are, turning around with your tail in between your legs. 
“What kind of hello was that?”
You turn to face him with a deep sigh. “Josh...” You start. “Hi.”
He keeps on walking, taking menacing steps, and the closer he gets, the more tempted you are to back up. When you don’t respond he speaks again coming to a stop about three feet in front of you. “Long time no see.”
You give him a curt nod and he chuckles a little, swiping a hand over his jaw while he looks you up and down. “You look really good, how are you doing?”
“Fine,” You’re not really interested in making small talk with him, and the way he’s inching closer every time he opens his mouth is putting you on edge. 
He’s very aware that you’re nervous, the way he smiles at your one word response is infuriating, cause you know that he thrives in this situation.
“I’m glad you’re here,” He lies through his teeth and you give him a fake smile in return.
You’re able to pin point exactly where it happens. The exact moment where you decide revenge is more important your morals. It’s the way he looks at you like you’re his doll, like you’re made for his enjoyment and nothing else, it’s that, that makes you decide that you want him to feel the exact same way. 
“Me too.” You say, suddenly confident. You take initiative for once and step forward, running your hand casually over your collarbone. “Any plans for later tonight?”
Josh’s eyes follow your hand like a dog with a bone and you’re close to rolling your own when he speaks up. “Depends if you’re gonna let me take you back to mine or not.”
You choke down a laugh thinking about how many times he’s used that line on other girls. He was smooth, you had to give him that. You respond with a hum while he backs you into the wall, why was this turning you on? “If you ask nicely I might.”
He smiles and rests his arms on the wall behind you, he looks down both ends of the hall before speaking, like he’s afraid someone will hear. “Will you come over so that I can bend you over the back of my couch? Please? I’ll even carry you to bed when you can’t walk after.”
This time you can’t hold in the laugh, grinning from ear to ear when he takes hold of your hand. Being cornered like this is very unnerving, and you’re losing all your confidence just as fast as it came. “I’ll think about it.”
Josh’s looks kind of stunned, and you swipe his arm off the wall, sauntering out of the hall, squealing like a scared child once you’re out of eyesight. Your power walk back to the table is probably amusing to most watching but you really can’t be bothered to care.
Sliding into the booth beside Lindsay you grab her arm borderline aggressively. “I did something bad.”
This catches her attention and the rest of the girls at the table too. They respond in unison with wary questions and you sheepishly grin while you tell them, “I might have like sort of agreed to go home with Josh?”
The table erupts with cheers but you’re really only interested in Lindsay’s reaction. It’s a devilish smile that you can only describe as proud, and for some reason it makes the small amount of guilt you felt almost completely disappear.
“Might have?” She inquires, raising her brows.
“Yeah I like... said I’ll think about it.” You get out, scanning the table for a drink that isn’t empty. Once you spot one you reach over to grab it, ignoring Emma when she whines out that she wasn’t done. You down the bitter drink in four big swallows while Lindsay laughs. “If I decide to do this-“ You start but she’s quick to interrupt.
“You already have.”
Undermining her you repeat yourself firmer, “If... What would I do?”
“Okay so,” She starts and you have to try not to laugh, were you really about to consider taking advice from a podcast? “Basically, you should just go home with him, and suck his dick like your life depends on it. Give him the best blow job he’s ever had. Then you fuck, and once you’re done, give him a massage so he can work through his post nut clarity-“ She stops mid sentence like she knows the expression is gonna make you laugh, and it does.
“Stop. It’s a thing, okay?” She scolds before continuing, and you bite your lips to keep from laughing more. “Give him a massage, and then once he falls asleep, leave. Get the fuck out of his house. And if it worked, he’ll call you within two days.”
“You got all this from a podcast?” You question in disbelief and she nods.
“Can you just try? I wanna see if it works.” It’s sounds likes it a science experiment to her, and you have to pause to think about yourself for a minute. Would you be able to keep your own feelings in check if you did this?
You scan the bar and find Josh standing exactly where he was before, except there’s two more of his teammates beside him this time. Josh nods to beckon you over, and the way the guys laugh and smack his arms like he’s some god is infuriating.
Lindsay makes a disgusted noise, and shakes her head. “He needs to learn that he can’t just toy around with you. Or anyone else for that matter.”
The word toy is the one that gets you. You had already experienced it tonight- despite only seeing him for 3 minutes- that feeling that you’re nothing more than a body. He’ll pretend to give a shit about you but he doesn’t, and it’s frustrating to know that he does it to other girls too.
But maybe, just maybe you can stop that? If he were to get a taste of his own medicine?
With one last sip of Emma’s drink, and a surge of confidence you slip out of the booth, walking straight over to Josh.
You grab his hand and continue to bee line for the exit, his friends are hollering behind you and you have to resist the urge to turn around and flip them off.
“You’re lucky.” The words are thrown in quietly and you don’t expect Josh to even hear them, but he squeezes your hand as you walk.
“I know.”
When you get outside Josh pulls back on your wrist, and you turn to face him nonchalantly, but instead you’re sucking in a deep breath, looking up when he yanks you into his solid chest.
His free hand comes up to cradle your jaw, but it slips around a little so it’s resting more over your throat. He looks you in the eyes intensely for a few seconds before connecting your lips in a bruising kiss. It screams dominance, his hands, this position, everything, and normally you’d be fine with that- but not tonight.
You lock your fingers around his wrist, pulling his hand from your neck while you break and turn abruptly, stooping down to the window of the cab next to you.
When the driver nods at you, you turn to smirk at Josh while you open the door and slide in. He does the same, an unreadable look on his face. He has yet to break eye contact since he’s sat down, scanning your eyes like he’s trying to figure something out.
You know he’s uncertain and it gives you a sense of power that is so unfamiliar. So with a sweet smile you bite your bottom lip, resting your hand on his thick thigh. “Where we going, big boy?”
Josh let’s out a choked chuckle, shaking his head while he mutters his address to the cabbie.
You’d be lying if you said it wasn’t awkward from here on out. The driver probably thought this was a first date gone wrong with the lack of conversation on the way to his house. You were glad you had your phone as a distraction cause otherwise you definitely would have second guessed yourself right out the window of the car.
When you finally make it, Josh sits forward to pay for the ride while you exit the car, wandering towards the building. You hear the door slam, and the car drive away, but there’s no footsteps, and you’re dumbly thinking that he’s stranded you at his own house, but when you turn around Josh is standing still, staring at you while you walk. He’s not that close to you but you can still see the emotion brewing on his face, it looks like pure hunger and you’re starting to get nervous.
“What?” You mumble, looking around to avoid eye contact.
“Nothing,” He replies quickly. “Just taking in the view.”
You snort and roll your eyes, turning back to walk into the building. “Please.”
Josh actually follows this time, hitting the three button on the elevator as you awkwardly wait for it to come down. He’s still looking at you up and down like he you’re a meal or something, and it’s got you squirming uncomfortably in your own skin.
You’re kind of expecting exactly what happens when the doors close behind you. Josh has you against the elevator wall in seconds flat, lips on yours just as hard as they were at the bar. He has no intentions on stopping which is why you know you need to.
When he hikes your leg up to his waist, you hum against his mouth and shove his heavy body off of your own, despite the throbbing in between your legs. “Chill.”
He backs off like he’s been burned, and incredulous look on his face. “Long dry spell or something? Jeez, patience. We’re in an elevator.”
His shoulders slump and you fight the urge to smirk while he pouts. It’s obvious you’ve kind of hit a nerve, he walks fast down the hall but still opens his door for you, following a few feet behind.
You turn to face him, eyes scanning the room while he shrugs off his jacket, definitely noticing the way your eyes glue onto his biceps. “I would kiss you again, but I’m kinda worried you’re gonna push me off.”
Your response is so quick you’ve even surprised yourself. “You never know unless you try.”
Josh let’s out a breathy laugh while he narrrows his he’s at you. Then he’s taking one stride forward to eliminate the distance. This kiss is just as intense as the others if not more, it’s all teeth and tongue and you have to put physical effort into not letting him overpower you. It’s immensely hot, and if it weren’t for you being angry you’d probably just let him take you.
He steps forwards, beckoning you back, and you can tell he’s about to push you into the counter. It takes just about all the strength you have to turn your body on his, forcing him back instead.
He grunts into your mouth, trying but failing to reign you in against him. You can already feel him half hard in his pants against your stomach as he leans over you.
You’re not used to this amount of control, but you feel like you’re doing something right cause Josh swears when you push his wrists back, holding them in place against the counter.
You lift your hands to start at the buttons on his shirt pleased when Josh doesn’t move from the spot you’ve put him in, he only ducks his head to connect your lips again.
You’re not totally sure if this is Adrenalin from what’s happening, or if it’s the alcohol, but something has you feeling a little more bold than usual. Your teeth catch onto Josh’s bottom lip when you have a burst of confidence, and he pulls back with a low groan.
He swipes a hand over his lip to check for blood like he’s in the middle of a hockey game, and you grin, watching with wide eyes as he looks you up and down like he doesn’t even know you. “Fuck, you are something.”
Now just seems like the right time, so with an innocent grin and some eyelash batting, you drop to your knees in front of him.
A wide smirk grows on Josh’s lips as he shrugs off his shirt. “That a girl,” He prods, one of his hands coming to tuck some hair behind your ear. You’re quick to push his touch away though, pushing his hand back once again. “So this is how it’s gonna be?” He asks, eyes lighting up like it’s a challenge.
You press a kiss right above his waistband, looking up at him through your lashes. “If you wanna get off then yeah, this is how it’s gonna be.”
Without another word you yank down his pants and boxers, your core pulsing when you see his cock slap up against his stomach. You’re not sure if teasing him is the right idea, but you do it anyway, licking him up and down numerous times before finally taking him in your mouth.
He groans loudly when you do, his fists clenching hard onto the edge of the countertop. “Fuck,” He whispers, abs tensing when he breathes in deep. When you take him all in, one of his hands slips from the counter, you you think he might wind it into your hair but he doesn’t, instead choosing to return to its previous place. You can feel him down your throat and you’re close to hitting your gag reflex, but despite the tears in your eyes you keep going.
Dropping your hands to hold onto his thighs, you rake your nails down the skin there while you hollow your cheeks around him.
You pull off him and the sloppy sounds that follow are filthy, but they only make Josh moan louder. The way you’re sucking him off can only be described as relentless. There’s a continuous stream of curses leaving his mouth, to the point where you really don’t think he could hold it in if he tried. You have spit dripping down your chin, and there’s a light layer of sweat beginning to glisten Josh’s abs.
Looking up at him, his eyes screwed shut as he clutches onto the counter top, you feel sexy, and undeniably powerful. The way he moans out your name is fuel to the fire, the more he does it the harder you work him. Moving faster on and off of his cock when he mumbles praises. When Josh’s breathing gets faster you slow down, pressing your nose to his pelvis and holding him there for a few seconds before receding. For the first time since you actually got your mouth on him, you pull off completely opting to lean down to suck one of his balls into your mouth.
His reaction is more than you were expecting, but it’s certainly welcomed. His hips jerk under your touch, and he yells your name so loud you’re sure his neighbours heard.
Josh makes eye contact when you wrap your lips around his shaft, muttering a swear when he sees. “Fuck, Y/N. You look so damn good like that,” He sounds exasperated and out of breath, like he’s just come back for a run. A few more strokes have him twitching in your throat, and cumming hot on your tongue.
You won’t tell him but you’re impressed with how long he lasted considering the treatment you just gave. You’re also not gonna tell him that you literally can’t feel your jaw.
He holds a hand out to help you up, and you gladly take it, standing up on wobbly knees. He looks blissed out and you’re a little proud of yourself, so you can’t really help the smirk.
“You’re so hot,” He reaches for you fast, lips landing on yours heatidly, and this time he must actually be trying to hold you in place because you feel like you’re struggling against a brick wall. He sets you down on the counter but you shake your head when he kisses down your neck.
“Josh, bedroom.” There is nothing that you would love more than his head between your thighs right now, but that isn’t part of the plan unfortunately. You also hate that you’re following a plan right now, but your abstract thoughts are thrown out the window when Josh lifts you easily, walking down the hall with you wrapped around him.
When he puts you down you’re on even levels again, and Josh has no upper hand to use yet so you try and grasp it, shoving him down onto his mattress only to pull away when he reaches for you.
“Really?” He groans, and you can’t help but admire the way he looks. His dick is already half hard again, resting against his thick thigh, abs sheen with a light sweat, and his drool worthy shoulders.
“Shut up.” You snap back, crossing your arms to reach for the hem of your silk tank. You drop it on the floor and start on your jeans, slipping out of them as gracefully as possible while Josh eyes all the bare skin.
“Are you gonna let me touch you now?” He asks pointedly, trying to sound sarcastic.
“I haven’t decided yet.” You grin, toeing over to the bed to crawl in between his legs. Josh doesn’t make a move yet, waiting until your lips touch to place a hand gently on your waist. You can tell he’s testing the waters, not nearly as focused on kissing you as he is on how far you’ll let him go. When you don’t stop he intensifies things, hands slipping down to your ass while he kisses you harder, pulling you onto his lap. You can feel his cock against your covered core and all you want to do is get him inside of you, and you’re pretty sure he’s thinking the same thing.
Before he can get too dominant on you, you push hard at his broad shoulders until he falls back on the bed, watching as you reach behind yourself to undo the clasps on your bra.
“Aw, yes.”
Tossing it to the side you lean down to kiss him, holding your hair while Josh palms your breasts. He raises like he’s about to flip you over but you catch it quickly, shoving at his shoulder to push him down and yourself up.
He makes an annoyed noise to voice his objection but you ignore him, rolling your hips forward unable to curve your desire any longer.
Your head tilts back, shoulders relaxing when some of the tension is finally released.
“This what you need? Hey babe?” Josh whispers, hands latching onto your hips so he can grind hard up to you.
You nod quickly, and Josh pulls a condom out from the drawer on his nightstand. He rolls it on easily, and then his fingers are slipping underneath the waistband of your underwear. You’re situating yourself to get up so you can get your panties off, but Josh has different ideas apparently, cause there’s a distinct tearing noise, and then the fabric that used to be your underwear is pulled easily from underneath you.
“Did you just rip those?”
Josh shrugs pulling you down so he can kiss you, “They were there and they were bothering me so I got rid of them.” He explains quickly, simply and you might actually be annoyed if you weren’t so desperate to get his cock inside you. You really wish you could just fall off him and let him do all the work but that isn’t the plan, so you choose to ignore what just happened, instead reaching a hand down to guide him into you. Sinking down onto him is pure relief, the stretch when he bottoms out is glorious, and you’re left reveling in the pleasure. Your hands are on his abs for balance, head falling back as your eyes screw shut.
“Fuck, Y/N, you gotta move baby,” He instructs, pulling at your hip to get you to roll onto him. You do as told, leaning in to grind down on him. “Holy hell you feel so good,”
You start a steady rhythm, rolling onto him while he moves your hips for more depth. You love being able to see him underneath you, he’s focused, eyes closed and veins bulging on his shoulders and neck. He looks like he’s holding back and fuck do you ever want to just let him go.
But instead of telling him to fuck you into next week, you start to move a little faster. Josh gets a little bolder too, lifting so that he’s slightly off the mattress, fucking into you while you roll onto him. He’s picking up the pace and you really don’t have the energy to fight him anymore, you’re so desperate to cum that you lead one of his hands to where you’re connected, and he gets the hint quickly, pressing his thumb to your clit.
The touch makes you jerk against him, and Josh groans, watching you with hungry eyes. “That feel good?” He asks, circling around the nub. You nod eagerly, breathless little moans coming out every time fucks into you.
“Cmon baby,” Josh goads, slapping your ass to prod you to go faster. You consider being petty for not even a second before you move quicker on him, your orgasm starting to build as he toys with your clit more.
Josh starts curse under his breath, his hips coming up to meet yours erratically while he holds onto your waist borderline aggressively.
Your elbows collapse when you feel your orgasm start to build, and you fall onto Josh’s chest, weakly moving on top of him to bring you to your high. Josh’s thumb on your clit is enough to send you straight over the edge, your walls clenching around him. Josh’s eyes screw shut as he shouts a few vulgar words before he’s cumming inside you.
You roll off, flopping down beside him while you pant for air. Josh let’s out a breathy laugh and rolls further away from you onto his stomach. The pang of sadness you feel only lasts for a second though cause this is what he did everytime. He’d never hold you afterwards and you just had to accept that.
You’re tired as hell, but you force yourself up anyway, wiggling until you’re straddling his butt as he lays face down underneath you.
“God give me a minute woman,” He laughs, but you ignore him, pushing your thumbs into the area between his shoulder blades. “Baby. I’m tir-“ His words fall off into a groan when you knead his muscles. “Holy fuck. You’re amazing.”
He pulls his arms underneath his head, getting comfortable while your hands wander his back. You start off harder, actually trying to feel his trigger points under your hands, but as time passes you get softer, and Josh’s moans get quieter and quieter until eventually they’ve stopped completely. Being as nonchalant as possible you lean over to peak at him, and sure enough his eyes are closed, mouth parted as his shoulders rise and fall with even breaths.
He looks innocent. You catch yourself staring for too long before you finally crawl off of him. He doesn’t stir and thank god, cause it’d be really weird if he woke up as you were putting your clothes on getting ready to run out.
You toe down the hall and out of his apartment, stopping for your shoes in the entry way before calling an Uber on your phone.
At this point you’re just tired and sober, and neither of these things are good when it’s 3 am on a Saturday night. As unsafe as it is you accidentally fall asleep on the way home, but none the less you end up safely at your front door, too tired to even take off your makeup before crashing. Lindsay is sleeping down the hall and you know you’re gonna need to rest up for all the questions she’s gonna have so all you do is strip off your clothes before you hop underneath your covers, and zone out almost instantly.
When you wake in the morning your lips are dry and your stomach hurts like hell. After emptying your guts into the toilet three times you finally stumble back to bed, grabbing your phone to see what you’ve missed. And it’s apparently something very big.
The first notification is from instagram, and when you see it you’re calling out immediately. “Lindsay!”
It’s slightly dramatic and over the top but it does the job cause seconds later she comes running in, towel clung to her completely soaked body. “Jesus Christ, what? I was in the shower, you scared me.”
“It worked.” You say simply, holding out your phone for her to take.
She steps closer, eyes widening when she sees the top notification on your screen. “Wow. It definitely worked.”
@joshanderson_77 has requested to follow you.
message request from @joshanderson_77
“Do I open it?” You ask.
“Hell yes.”
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