#we are also 2 hours from the end of book 5 in the Apollo series!!!!!!!!
songofsunset · 1 year
On the one hand, I've been in bed sick since Friday. On the other hand, I finished two books this weekend, which is nice?
Lmao I just checked the time stamps and I started Nona The Ninth at 5pm Saturday and finished it at 3am Sunday morning, so that's less than 12 hours start to finish xD
I also finished a reread of Network Effect for like the third time, which is a delight as always
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clockwork-reads · 2 years
Brief Book Reviews #5 (+ 2022 TBR review)
#1 Shelby Mahurin, Blood & Honey (written in September 2022)
Looks like I’m saying “fuck you” to a lot of people in books this month huh. Once again, Ms Mahurin made me hurt a lot over Louise and Reid. The mutual pining, the wedge that gets driven between them because Louise keeps secrets so Reid won’t worry so much (sadly that made it worse), just. Thanks, Ms Mahurin, I’m in pain. Seeing them make up toward the big battle at the end helped ease the ache. And then they rail each other into next week. Damn I want what they have.
The ending was fucking horrifying. Fuck you La Voisin, and fuck you Morgane. Also it was cool to do a little work and find out that Beau’s mum is Maori- at least that’s what google translate tells me from what was said in that one scene. don’t come for me. Rest in Peace Ansel, you were the real hero here and you won’t be forgotten.
also the knife throwing scene with Lou and Reid got me very hot and bothered, damn. time to get Gods & Monsters and suffer some more lol
#2 Libba Bray, Diviners
As much as I enjoy the setting of prohibition era New York, I got to halfway through the book and nothing was happening. There’s a lot of supernatural shit going on, we have Naughty John killing people in really fucked up ways, and the main characters don’t seem to be going anywhere with it, save for Evie’s uncle, and we have no idea what he’s doing in the meantime. There’s some good writing and dialogue in it, it’s just not enough to tide me over, I’m afraid. 
#3 Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Titan’s Curse (Book 3)
I continued my foray into the Percy Jackson books in 2022, and finished Titan’s Curse. It felt good to see a book featuring my matron goddess, Artemis, being awesome, and Apollo being his delightful self- Riordan remembered that these two are thick as thieves, thankfully. And Nico, poor baby. This whole book was a lot of ouch, to be honest, though I’m sad to see Thalia leave so early, she’s pretty cool. The lady at the bookstore where I bought the box set assured me the third book was the best one, she wasn’t kidding lol. ALSO PERCY WOULD YOU JUST TELL ANNABETH YOU LOVE HER ALREADY.
#4 Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth (Book 4)
Hoo boy, this one was a doozy. It’s a bit slow-going to begin with, with all the globe trotting that gets done while the gang’s exploring the labyrinth and trying to find Ariadne’s string, and then it gets heavy as the major plot points are exposed, and then I couldn’t pull my eyes off the book. The glimpses into Deadalus’s past through Percy’s dreams are heartbreaking to say the least, but I think they were very much needed to explain why he would build the Labyrinth. And fuck you, Minos, nobody plays my baby Nico like that. I don’t care if he’s a necromancer and can probably look after himself, I will defend this boy with my life. The final battle comes in the next book, and then I hear there’s other stuff I have to read? Idk if I’ll read it. Also I’ll probably get smote for this but also fuck you Hera. Don’t fuck with Annabeth like that.
TBR Wrap-up
Total books read: 7 
I’m gonna just make a spreadsheet of the books I’m yet to read so I have a good idea of how far I am into this book-buying habit I seem to have. They’re pretty on my shelves, sure, but I don’t want to be one of those people who just have books for decoration. 
On top of that, I should be making sure I’m either reading one entire series at a time, or just one book from a series per batch (?) before I do more Brief Book Reviews. It’s kinda holding up how soon I can get to other books I want to read. the PJ books have held up my progress getting through some very interesting non-fiction books that I intend to read. 
Finally, I’m making it into a habit to have an hour a day of reading time, just so I’m off the computer and I’m not staring at a screen for ages. It’s in my bullet journal, so I won’t forget if I’m always checking.
So, let’s see what 2023 brings us.
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exciting · 4 years
As requested, books / series I read in 2020 in the order I read them, with a few brief thoughts. (This took me a hot second because there are a few and also I moved cities) Should I keep a consistent goodreads? Yes I should but I didn’t think of that at the time, so bone apple teeth & sorry if I offend you abt your faves x
P.S. I can’t figure out how to do a read more on mobile so long post ahead!
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas - This is one of the most vivid published fantasy books I have ever read... I read it twice in rapid succession. The fandom POPS off. I must say I have issues with certain aspects e.g. fae lore completely ignored à la Twilight, all love interests 500+ years old and technically a different species, etc (I’m not going to deconstruct the entire series here but just know that I could... Nesta deserves better)
Cruel Prince by Holly Black - This fucking slaps, HB clearly has done her research, the lore is near immaculate, and it explores the Fae in such a unique way, tying it to the modern world subtly and seamlessly. My only qualm was that the books felt quite short; truly wish there had been more content.
Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas (6/7) - So basically I read this in one single, hyperfixated fit which meant I literally locked myself in my room for three days straight and read all six books back to back in a row from morning to the wee hours. Which is not to say it was spectacular; although it was a VERY rich world, sometimes it was too much... this felt like 6 stories in one. Ik she was young when she wrote this but it is my humble opinion that SJM needs a better editor & I personally think Rowan is a grade A asshole / straight up abusive (& personally think the ACOTAR Tamlin plot was born from that?). It’s good but not as good as ACOTAR. Skip-read the last book. 
Grishaverse (Shadow and Bone) by Leigh Bardugo (3) - This is essential to read before SOC but was very much simply a YA fantasy book, although the world was cool and the way the love plot played out was, imo, a subtle middle finger to the fantasy trope. Felt very much aimed at younger readers though? Really liked the sandwhich structure of the Proluge and Epilogue, especially in #2
Six of Crows series by Leigh Bardugo (2) - INCREDIBLE continuation of Grishaverse, better than the original series by a mile. It has the range, the diversity, the representation (the male lead is a disabled asexual and still the most cunning of the entire cast of characters), the plot is phenomenal, and it manages such a well rounded plot in only two books which means nothing is stretched out or squeezed in more than need be. Deserves all the praise it gets.
King of Scars series by Leigh Bardugo (0.5/1) - Personally I don’t consider this book canon, and while it’s nice to see the rest of Nina’s journey & the world again & everyone else, I don't like it. I will, however, be reading book 2 when it comes out, so shame on me, I suppose.
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo (1/1) - this was incredibly cool although it went off in a completely different direction than I thought it would based off the first few chapters? One of my favourite YA-author-debuts-New-Adult novels in 2020 though!
Crescent City by Sarah J Maas (1/1) - This was supposed to be SJM/s New Adult debut, although personally I would put her other series in New Adult, and I can’t say a remarkable amount was different with this except they said “fuck” and “ass” a lot. WHY is the romantic interest 500 years old AGAIN. I just... don’t... I just don’t think it was necessary... the world was cool though, and the last half of the book was riveting, but the beginning was quite slow and I thought the sword thing was predictable. I am interested to see where this goes though.
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab (3) - This world is so fucking cool... four Londons aka parallel universes & the one in ‘our’ world is set in industrial era London. Magic, girls dressing up as boys, thieves, pirates, royalty... it all just slaps. Schwab is an incredible writer & I was completely immersed.
Midnight Sun by SMeyer - I didn’t think anything could possibly detract even further from the Twilight story but I was sorely mistaken... seeing the stalking from Edward’s POV - and it was worse than depicted in Twilight, for the record - completely obliterated any sort of romance the first half of the original book may have portrayed. I still hold the opinion that the entire series would have been better if some kind of vampire lore had been abided by, if only to see all of the villains thwarted by someone dropping a bag of rice on the ground, forcing them to have to count them all.
An ember in the Ash by Sabaa Tahir  (3/4) - This was just a very stereotypical ya fantasy series, emphasis on the YOUNG... it wasn’t anything to write home about but I remember quite enjoying it at the time. 
The Power by Naomi Alderman - This book is FUCKING incredible and EXCEPTIONALLY thought provoking... essentially women alone develop a power of electric shock etc. and then take over the world from men, and it explores feminism and the balance between equality & tipping the scales in the other direction. Written by a friend of M.Atwood in a similar tone to handmaids tale, I would say? Content warning; there are some exceptionally graphic scenes in the latter half of the novel. 
Hamlet by Wllm Shksp - I can’t believe it took me this long to finally read it but Ophelia is my favourite name in the entire world & we love to see a woman go batshit (although she didn’t deserve that). 
Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas - this was unsettling in the best sense of the word... it was a little slow & honestly more of a concept than a big reveal, but I couldn’t stop thinking about it after I finished it? A Secret History vibes but make it blurry like the memory of all those dystopian novels you read when you were young?
The Invisible Life of Addie La Rue by V.E. Schwab - This is without a doubt my book of the year, and probably the best book I read in 2020? I stayed up all night on a friend’s couch reading it, got a book hangover and reread the ending, and then thrust it upon my mother who doesn’t usually read but read this, and loved it just as much. HIGHLY recommend and you HAVE to read it, it’s beautiful and endearing and just plain wonderful.
Captive Prince by C.S. Pacat (3/3) - I went into this knowing it was going to be terrible, because I had received a blow by blow telling me as much; although I must say that it did learn a remarkable amount of new words, the books did get better as the series went on, and it did have a rather charming ending? BIG content warning for almost everything.
Sapiens by Yuval Harari - mind-expanding & must recommend for everyone, there is everything in this and I daresay everyone should posses this kind of knowledge? I listened to it as an audiobook (which I recommend because it’s rather hearty) but will be buying this in hardcopy & rereading it with annotations. 
Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller - Without a doubt, one of the most beautiful novels I have ever read, and certainly the most beautiful portrayal of the story of Achilles and the battle of Troy I have ever seen. Patroclus deserved the justice that was given to him in this book; indeed, all of the characters were written with justice and grace. Highly recommend.
Trials of Apollo by Rick Riordan (3/5) - Apollo is my favourite Greek God, and the sexiest greek god, and Rick Riordan’s writing slaps, as always. It did pain me to see Apollo, the sexy immortal, have to be forced back into a 16 year old’s body but everything else? Whimsical & wonderful, as expected. 
These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong - a retelling of Romeo and Juliette, except it’s set in Shanghai in the 1920′s, and the protagonists already have a history. Very well done, characters are incredibly diverse in race, sexual orientation, gender, and ability / disability (and honestly, representation has never appeared so effortless and elegant). Also it includes a monster and possible magic. Incredibly underrated and highly recommend.
The Once and Future Witches by Alix. E Harrow - this was such a unique concept, and truly captivating, the story was charming, and felt like the kind of beautiful fairytale you would read as children but with more grit? ABSOLUTELY recommend this one
The Pisces by Melissa Broder - I hated this so much, not my vibe at all. Mermaid smut x therapy but make it cynical and judgemental (I know there was a moral in there but that’s not my point) also the dog dies.
Library of the Unwritten by A.J. Hackwith (1/2) - really interesting & unique concept (all unwritten novels / ideas reside in a special library that is part of Hell and then sometimes the books can come to life) however, my first thought upon reading this was “this reads as if it’s stemmed from one of those writing prompt tumblr posts” bc of the tone and whatever and as it turns out I was somewhat correct, it did stem from a short story (not bad just obvious). It did kind of settle down as it went on but I found reading it kind of a drag, and I don’t think I will read the second one.
Abandon by Meg Cabot - 1. Meg Cabot’s writing always fucking slaps 2. Hades and Persephone but make it modern & very 2000′s & somehow kind of unique 3. I literally loved this, sue me
Medusa Girls (Sweet Venom) by Tera Childs - Like Percy Jackson except they are descendants of Medusa so they are Gorgons and have fangs & venom (hence the title). Gave me very 2000′s vibes? Quite cool but tbh I found the books quite short (like two hours each, if that)? Do NOT read the GoodReads description of the book before you read it, you will spoil it for yourself.
Bring me their Hearts by Sara Wolf - In my opinion, this is one of the most underrated YA series I read in 2020. The heroine is endearing, self aware, witty, and loves to look pretty even while kicking ass which in my opinion is an incredibly underrated trait. Also, immortality without being hundreds of years old? VERY sexy. HIGHLY recommend. 
A Deal with the Elf King by Elise Kova - High commendation to be given for the fact that it is a standalone and yet manages to fit in the plot of what would usually be a full fantasy trilogy without cutting corners or being a million miles long? Also sweet storyline & beautiful ending? If you liked ACOTAR you should read this as a “what would have / could have been had SJM had a different editor” (No shade I promise).
The Iron Fae by Julie Kagawa (4/4 + novellas) - Incredibly detailed faerie set around the modern world & our current use of technology & iron in it. Very neat adventure-style series, by the time I read the last novella I was well and truly done with the world (aka provided enough content to be fulfilling). Was definitely aimed at a younger audience though, NO smut / smut was brushed over.
The Modern Faerie Tales by Holly Black (3/3 SS) - This is technically the prequel to Cruel prince, set in the modern world, but with the fae world inside it as it traditional? All I have to say is that it is excellent & I highly recommend it.
Bridgerton series (The Duke and I) by Julia Quinn (9/9) - I read this after watching the Netflix show twice through and I am obsessed, although the books were not quite as elegant as the show, and some parts that made me cringe either by their portrayal (it is very firmly set in the 19th century and thus some things are not handled with tact or grace), the characters were exceptionally loveable and I am so excited to see where the show takes them! Lovely language & an abundance of words I had never seen before (always a plus). 
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okay so my last post got more love than i normally get so my adhd is telling me to completely ignore all the schoolwork i have to do and instead write more little things that nico would totally do, and not proofread any of it. just as soon as i finish typing hit post. so that’s what im going to do
there might be ToN spoilers in here idk im kind of just writing this as i think of things
but otherwise enjoy this part 2 of my thoughts and ideas
1.) nico would definitely get will a bunch of star wars stuff (it was revealed in ToN that will is a massive star wars fanboy and im so here for it) whenever he could. like birthdays, anniversaries, little obscure holidays that nobody even really celebrates, like national days that you make up on that website. nico would just be walking around the mortal world and ever time he would see star wars merch or collectibles he would try to buy something for will
2.) because of this, will has a big shelf by his bed in the apollo cabin dedicated to those funko pop figures that nico has gotten him over the years, and will would DEFINITELY be the kind of person to keep them in their original packaging, either that or he would have special display stands for each figure
3.) and every time nico walks into the apollo cabins and sees will’s shelf of Star Wars Things From Nico, he would get really happy inside because it meant that will really appreciated all nico’s efforts
4.) also can we please talk about how solangelo would absolutely do things with the younger campers, like teach them how to play pinochle (even though they aren’t very good at it themselves) and like will would bring board games to camp and he would spend hours with little kids playing candyland or monopoly or whatever. 
5.) this isnt relative to the rest of the post, but like i dont think solangelo has ever kissed? like not in BoO, not in any of the ToA books? and if they did and i somehow missed it can someone please? tell? me? but otherwise like what is rick waiting for please i need the nico series to be true so that maybe they will kiss
6.) anyway back to the normal stuff
7.) also kindly imagine nico and will having like star wars movie nights and like using a projector or something that leo made so it works for demigods and using clamps to attach a sheet to the side of the hades cabin
8.) and then at night they would set up the projector and watch star wars movies and hold hands without really realizing they were holding hands
9.) and the first time they did a movie night, these little kids that were new to camp would kind of linger a few feet away, wanting to watch the movie with them, and so thats how nico and will ended up hosting monthly movie marathon nights with popcorn and mcdonalds
10.) also (for the sake of this lil headcanon please imagine that demigods can use phones) will would definitely put himself as an emergency contact in nico’s phone, and also set up all that medical info in the health app, just in case nico collapses or gets injured after a battle and is stuck in the mortal world and a mortal finds him, then they can contact will and he can get there ASAP or at least give the mortal directions for what to do
11.) i think if nico and will could have regular mortal jobs will would obv be a surgeon or some kind of awesome life saving doctor but then i dont really know about nico. like he could go down lots of different paths. but for the sake of NOT going off on a tangent and just sticking to giving u guys headcanons, i think nico wouldn’t really have a job, he would maybe just live in italy or france or somewhere with that aesthetic and sell things he makes or maybe run a little storefront (i realize that these qualify as jobs and yea but hear me out i’ll probably be able to take this somewhere) 
12.) and he would like sell little items and things and antiques, and if someone came into his shop and he had a good feeling about them, he might give the item to them for free or like give them a discount. like
13.) i’m kind of imagining an elderly italian lady coming into his shop and shes really nice and sweet and they talk a little bit and he decides to give her like an old necklace for free. idk that just so cute to me
14.) but back to actually possible things i 100% believe that nico and will would play pranks on each other and try to minorly inconvenience one another all the time. 
15.) like one time nico might take only half of wills socks, so none of them match
16.) and then to retaliate will set up an elaborate rube goldberg machine type thing with the help of the hermes cabin and percy and some mastermind athena kids so that when nico stepped outside of his cabin the next morning a massive bucket of water would be dropped on his head
17.) and they just go back and forth and they’re really competitive with each other but never in a mean way, like they never take it too far. 
anyway that’s all, i might write more if i think of any! :) xoxo
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fromtheringapron · 5 years
WWE SummerSlam 2016
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Date: August 21, 2016.
Location: The Barclay Center in Brooklyn, New York. 
Attendance: 15,974
Commentary: Michael Cole, Byron Saxton, and Corey Graves (Raw). Mauro Renallo, John “Bradshaw” Layfield, and David Otunga (SmackDown). 
Kickoff Match: The Usos (Jimmy and Jey), The Hype Bros (Mojo Rawley and Zack Ryder), and American Alpha (Chad Gable and Jason Jordan) defeated Breezango (Fandango and Tyler Breeze), The Ascension (Konnor and Viktor), and The Vaudevillains (Simon Gotch and Aiden English. 
Kickoff Match: Sami Zayn and Neville defeated The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von). 
Kickoff Match, First in a Best of Seven Series: Sheamus defeated Cesaro. 
1. Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens defeated Enzo Amore and Big Cass. 
2. Raw Women’s Championship Match: Charlotte defeated Sasha Banks (champion) to win the title. 
3. Intercontinental Championship Match: The Miz (champion) (with Maryse) defeated Apollo Crews. 
4. AJ Styles defeated John Cena. 
5. WWE Tag Team Championship Match: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson defeated The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods) (champions) via disqualification.
6. WWE Championship Match: Dean Ambrose (champion) defeated Dolph Ziggler. 
7. Nikki Bella, Natalya, and Alexa Bliss defeated Naomi, Carmella, and Becky Lynch. 
8. WWE Universal Championship Match: Finn Balor defeated Seth Rollins to become the inaugural champion. 
9. Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman) defeated Randy Orton via knockout. 
My Review
SummerSlam 2016 is one long ass show. I’m aware that’s a bit of a redundant statement because, in the age of the WWE Network, every show is long and, more often than not, they’re also ass. However, the point still stands: this show is a whopping 4 hours and it’s not something you can digest in one sitting on a rewatch. For the record, I totally support making the SummerSlams and Survivor Series and so on seem just as big and important as WrestleMania. It’s fine by me for WWE’s Big 4 to feature absolutely stacked cards. Unfortunately, in modern WWE, this approach also results in the shows running out of gas midway through and some of the matches going on way longer than they should. The 2016 edition of the summer classic isn’t exactly the worst example of this trend, but it definitely shows similar signs of fatigue.
On top of that, it’s such a heel-dominated show. It’s only occasionally satisfying. In their crusade to make the audience finally embrace Roman Reigns, the WWE would pile on the heel victories in hopes the crowd would pop like crazy once the Big Dog got the W in the main event. It’s inherently flawed psychology to think the crowd is just going to accept a long-awaited face win from just anybody. That can really only work in a particular situation. Needless to say, it often failed because while Roman would get the W, the crowd still hated him. Worse here is that he doesn’t even wrestle on this show. So who was this booking supposed to benefit? I guess you could make the argument for Finn Balor, whose Universal title win remains a highlight of his WWE tenure. Even then, it was rendered irrelevant 24 hours later, as Balor would vacate the title due to injury.
With all that in mind, it shouldn’t be surprising that such a heel-heavy show ends on a rather depressing note. Brock Lesnar pummels Randy Orton into a bloody mess and that’s it. That’s the show. Fade to black. It would’ve been fine if placed somewhere in the middle of the card, but it’s such an awkward way to close up shop. They did have a pretty workable story going into the match, and I’m not gonna pass up the rare occasion to see Orton get beaten into oblivion, but talk about deflating. The whole thing winds up looking like a pale imitation of Lesnar’s squash of John Cena back at SummerSlam 2014. Oh, and there’s some drama with Shane McMahon at the end because, as we all know, that’s exactly what the WWE needs: more McMahon family drama!
The far more successful dream match is John Cena vs AJ Styles. Truly something special. It’s essentially the same finishing move and near-fall spam fest that plagues every major WWE main event, but I don’t mind it here. This is meant to be an epic blockbuster between two of the biggest stars in wrestling of the post-Monday Night War era. It makes perfect sense for both guys to throw all of their deadliest ammunition at each other right out of the gate. Styles was in the midst of one of the hottest stretches of his career at this point, but Cena deserves just as much credit here. It’s kind of amazing. For all the times he’s proven that he can rise to the occasion in a big match situation, there are still anti-Cena bros to this day who’ll deny it every step of the way. His record of putting people over isn’t perfect, especially at SummerSlam, but what he does for AJ here is pretty selfless. I don’t think even his haters can deny that.
Overall, SummerSlam 2016 isn’t a bad show by any means but, again, the length ensures it will inevitably start to drag. A shame, because there’s probably a pretty good show somewhere in here. It’s nice that the WWE is trying to make the biggest party of the summer feel important, but too much partying can make even the most diehard fan eventually feel pooped. 
My Random Notes
I can only imagine what someone like Jon Stewart really thinks of WWE’s comedy. I mean, he’s probably had plenty of experience doing his best with bad material, but you’d have to think he had to grin and bear it here at several points.
In light of Sasha Banks’ recent spat with the company, I can really see why she’d be frustrated with her booking. Would it have killed them to have her hold the Women’s title for longer than a month? I know an injury is cited as the official reason she dropped the belt here, but it’s still the first of several instances of them yanking the rug out from under her.
Man, Enzo and Cass were so frickin’ over. They’re such laughing stocks now that it’s quickly become lost to time how much the fans were digging them. Of course, they only have themselves to blame for fucking it all up, but they really did have something special there for a bit. 
Dean Ambrose in his black torn shirt gives me some serious Bobby Heenan singlet vibes.
Funny how the pre-match hype package for Dean vs. Dolph centers so much around who Dolph Ziggler is because, as I’ve stated here previously, I still have no frickin’ idea who Dolph is supposed to be. He’s some anonymous hybrid of HBK, Mr. Perfect, Billy Gunn, and an ‘80s Trapper Keeper with literally no individuality. I find it ironic that he later got into a storyline where he kept changing gimmicks only to never find anything of his own. What a summary of his entire WWE career.
Hey, Balor may have had to surrender the title 24 hours later, but at least this meant him getting another run with the belt in the future, right? Right?!?
Man, Nikki Bella was so frickin’ over. Why does it feel like I’m repeating myself? In all seriousness though, people can hate on the Bellas all they want, but in no way should it be surprising that they still get big pops. They’ve done more for WWE’s mainstream visibility than a lot of other superstars allegedly have.
Speaking of Nikki, crazy to think that she’s only one in the six-woman tag to not hold the Smackdown Women’s title.
I can’t be the only one who felt a little kick to gut when they showed fans waiting outside the now-deceased Toys R Us. I don’t need another reminder that my childhood is dead.
When did Lana drop the accent? I don’t watch Raw and Smackdown weekly anymore, but it horrifies me to know I let this travesty pass me by.
I know some people were upset they allowed The New Day to surpass Demolition’s record for the longest reign as tag champs but I’m totally okay with the decision. Sure, they occasionally get into terrible storylines like this ringpostitis shit, but they’re incredibly over, sell a ton of merchandise, and can wring out some entertainment from even the worst material. If they really wanted to insult Demolition, they should’ve given that honor to The Ascension.
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sepublic · 6 years
2018 in review...
What a year. I’m honestly baffled at how... LONG and eventful 2018 was. People really aren’t joking when they say it felt like forever.
And I can see why, with all of the many, many things that happened. Many, major things. So to celebrate the end of 2018, which I consider to be one of the better years of my life... I really just want to review, in as close to chronological order, all of the major things I remembered and enjoyed;
There was me wrapping up Pokemon Ultra Moon.
I also began to finish Super Mario Odyssey, as well as Mario Kart for the Switch.
I watched the Greatest Showman, which was amazing.
There were the memes, of course. Ugandan Knuckles, Tide Pod challenge, Spaghet...
I began writing a personal, original story of mine and felt for the first time in a long while the simple joy of writing and the imagination that comes with it...
I tried Super Chix for the first time.
Shortly after I got my braces, which was genuinely painful.
Black Panther came out and was a MASSIVE success as the ninth highest grossing film of all time.
I watched my first new season of Voltron, Season 5. I’d also like to point out that the latter half of the entire show aired this year. All of it, from Lotor to Sendak to Adam’s rushed death to the disappointing finale. Yet I still enjoyed the show, by the end of the day.
The first Aru Shah book came out and I enjoyed that immensely.
Kirby Star Allies has its initial release, as well as the release of its DLC, this year. A VERY satisfying game with plenty of new lore for the series, as well as certain characters returning and being playable.
I got introduced due to Heathers the Musical, and later got interested in Hamilton and Wicked.
Infinity War, my most anticipated film of ALL time. I legit bought reserved seating for it ASAP upon the release of the second trailer. The film was amazing and somehow exceeded my wildest expectations... and then there’s the cultural impact, from the memes, the quotes, the mutual tragedy, all of it. Cinema history.
Trials of Apollo: The Burning Maze was released. RIP
I achieved a personal fitness record by jogging for about an hour and a half, my longest time yet- and I continued to do that every once in a while.
There was the many, many Steven bombs... we got Emerald, a Lapis Lazuli song, and of course the Pink Diamond reveal... THAT messed me up. Then the aftermath, including the return of Bismuth, the Diamond attack, Nephrite, as well as White Diamond and her pearl.
I rekindled my interest in Bionicle, and went back to doing drawings and creating lore for a hypothetical rewrite of G2.
There was the beauty that was Ninjago: Sons of Garmadon, as well as Harumi. Up there with Tournament of Elements as the best seasons of all. Harumi is one of my favorite characters now, as is Faith.
I saw the trailer for Hazbin Hotel and got hooked onto the series, and have since followed its numerous updates, including clips of the show.
I got reinterested in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and completed it after years in my ownership. Then I got Explorers of Time, but I’ve dropped that. I’ll finish it next year.
Solo: A Stars Wars story was surprisingly enjoyable and inspired me creatively.
I went to Florida again and had a great time at Crab Island. I revisited New York a second time, and I’m still surprised by how much I enjoy just the atmosphere of being there.
There was E3, with all of the game announcements. Me following up excitedly on Smash Bros Ultimate, the directs, the character reveals, the memes... and of course me playing the game on release day.
I’m still hyped for the Resident Evil 2 remake.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom came out with the Indoraptor, one of my favorite monsters of all time now. There was also Incredibles 2, something we’ve waited for for over a decade. And after that, Ant Man and the Wasp.
I got interested in the Metroid Series, and have played Fusion, Zero Mission, and Samus Returns. I have yet to give Super Metroid or the Prime series a try.
Speaking of games, I enjoyed Warioware Gold. I also got my aunt’s old NES and some classic cakes like Mario and Zelda.
I read Poisonwood Bible. I dressed up as something different for Halloween for the first time in years- A Plague Doctor.
There was also a lot of depressing deaths... Stefan Karl Steffanson. Stephen Hawking, Stan Lee, Stephen Hillenburg. All of their names started with ST and I will continue to cherish all of them.
I also discovered Tumblr for the first time and have since been riding the highs and lows of this hellhole. I’ve made posts and a few have gone past 100 notes, which is neat.
I worked on my drawing skills and did a personal major accomplishment on a piece.
I watched Venom and enjoyed it WAY more than I ever expected myself to. Like, WAY more.
The Castlevania Netflix series had its second season, and I began and finished both seasons in a day.
Speaking of Netflix, Hilda was amazing, as well as She-Ra, and Dragon Prince.
Thanksgiving Break, I watched both Fantastic Beasts movies back-to-back, first at home and then in the cinema.
I went Black Friday shopping for the first time ever.
All of the splendid movies that came out in December, including Into the Spiderverse, Bumblebee, and Aqua Man- another film I enjoyed a lot more than I did. Not as much as Venom, but still.
For Christmas, I had SEVERAL back-to-back feasts, lunches and dinners, eating out and/or eating big at someone else’s home, or my home. I really need to burn off the fat.
I got a Zoku Slush maker and experimented with that with varying degrees of success.
AAAAND that’s about it. I watched the New Year’s countdown for New York, like every year, with my family.
It’s been quite a wild ride, and one of the craziest years I’ve ever experienced. And yet, looking back...
I wouldn’t change a thing.
Happy New Years, everyone. Goodbye to a beloved 2018, and hello to new hopes for 2019!
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redditnosleep · 7 years
Has Anyone Heard of The Left/Right Game?
by NeonTempo
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 (Final)
Hi Guys,
Firstly, I want to apologise for not being at my laptop for the past few days. I had to attend a wedding in Scotland for one of my uni friends. They booked it in mid-week and, between you and me, I don’t think it’s going to last which means not only have I neglected you guys, but I’ve also wasted money on a rental suit and a John Lewis tea set.
As always thank you for your help in my ongoing attempt to find Alice. I’m now in full contact with the radio show she was working for, and they’ll be sending over Rob’s submission to the show as soon as they can. I’ve also looked up every town named Jubilation and have contacted residents from each of them. None of them have the particular junction mentioned in the previous log, “Sycamore Row” and “Acer Street”. I even combed google maps to make sure. I’m not sure what town Alice passed through last February but it doesn’t seem to exist on public record.
The guy who promised to retrace the route from the mirror shop came through, and has sent me a few possible addresses for Rob. He also mentioned looking into the game itself more. I’m not sure what he means by that but I want to be clear, please don’t play this game on my behalf. I don’t want that on my conscience.
Ok, without further ado, here’s the following log.
Thanks again.
The Left/Right Game [DRAFT 1] 10/02/2017
(Possible Opening) (I want to address you, the listener, for a moment, with an advance notice concerning the following episode. I’m sure it’s not been lost on you that every installment of the series so far has played host to some strange, unexplainable occurrence, and spanned a great many miles of travel. It goes without saying this has been by design. I’ve been summarising the countless hours of uneventful meandering and taking extra care to document the strange phenomena we’ve encountered along the way. I wanted the story to be fast moving, to have a real feel of progress with every chapter.
If that sense of exploratory intrigue is why you’re listening to this show, I completely understand. I’m certain it’s a primary draw for almost all of you; the twists, the turns, the mysterious, strange encounters along an impossible road.
But if that is the case, I feel it’s my duty to inform you that, apart from a few notable exceptions, there will be almost no ground covered in this segment, and the monsters we encounter will be all too human; stress, divisiveness, discomfort and, as one might imagine, grief.
If you want to read the synopsis of this episode on the website and wait for the next part, then you’ll be all caught up and I’m sure we’ll be back on our way, heading once more into the great unknown. But I feel it’s important to give the aftermath of Ace’s capture its own episode, in part due to the significance of the revelations that are unearthed in its wake, but also as a gesture of deference to the man we lost.
This is the story of our second night on the road.)
As we make the left turn, the horrifying space behind us is quickly replaced by a quiet emptiness ahead. The Wrangler crawls, defeated, toward the waiting convoy. The remaining four cars are parked haphazardly, taking up more than half the road. Rob drifts to the far end of the tarmac, looking to overtake and resume formation. Both of his hands rest on the steering wheel, his eyes fixed on some distant point in space. It’s not hard to imagine that behind the focus and the quiet control, there’s a man in turmoil, a man who can’t bring himself to say anything, in fear of saying too much.
AS: This is Bristol to all cars. We’re heading back on the road. Get yourselves in formation and make way for those around you. We’ve got a while to drive before we stop for the night.
LILITH: Bristol where’s Ro… Ferryman?
AS: Ferryman’s here.
APOLLO: Where’s Ace?
AS: Ace is… Ace didn’t make it across.
APOLLO: Uhh what?
LILITH: What the fuck? Bristol where is he?
It would be simple to describe what had taken place, or at least summarise the barest facts; what happened to Ace, where he is now, why he isn’t coming back. But for some reason, I can’t utter a word about what's transpired. Something about the event itself makes it impossible to retell, as if the requisite phrases have been locked behind glass.
AS: We need to get to the stopping point. It isn’t safe to stay here.
Shortly after we’d turned the corner out of Sycamore Row, Rob implied that the rest of the days’ drive would be uneventful. Had he waited just a few minutes longer, he would have been entirely correct. We’re on the road for another four hours, both of us quietly attending to our own preoccupations as the forest gradually thins out. The landscape gives way to rolling cornfields, that stretch out beyond the horizon on both sides.
Nothing notable happens, which is ironic, as I find myself typing up a lot more notes than I need.
With the sun descends through an orange sky as we pull into a clearing, beside a wild grove of apple trees. Rob turns off the ignition and the two of us sit in silence. Rob’s need to concentrate on driving had been a good excuse to stay quiet, a good excuse to not face each other. Now the wheels aren’t turning however, and the true reason for our mutual reticence is all too clear.
AS: Do you think he’s dead?
ROB: I don’t know.
Rob’s response isn’t reassuring, and I’m oddly grateful for that. There are no comforting words he can give me, and any attempt would have seemed horrifically insincere, a mockery of the situation’s onerous gravity. Anyway, given the circumstances of Ace’s capture, I’m not even sure which answer I want to hear.
Lilith appears at my window, rapping her knuckles against the glass with an aggressive impatience. I’d expect nothing less about now. Everyone in the convoy has been made to follow a unilateral order, my order, without explanation. They’ve been travelling for hours accompanied by the glaring absence of another human being. Looking in the wing mirror, I glimpse the rest of the convoy, standing by their cars, watching the Wrangler expectantly.
Rob’s hands still haven’t left the wheel.
With a sharp intake of breath, I push the door open and step out onto the grass. The ground is soft below me as I walk over to the group. There’s recently been rain. I begin to address the rough semicircle, it almost feels like one of Rob’s briefings.
EVE: What’s happening Bristol?
APOLLO: Did Ace turn back?
I meet Apollo’s eye. For the briefest of moments, I consider telling them all exactly that. Maybe it would save them from the slow, heavy ache that’s currently weighing down my chest. Maybe it would just save me from a difficult conversation. Either way, I know I can't lie to them. They deserve the truth, however unpleasant.
AS: No he didn’t turn back; they crippled his car.
LILITH: The tow truck? Did he get out?
The answer doesn't come easily. I’m being pressed to say the words aloud and, in doing so, to fully acknowledge what happened. It feels like I’m being driven to a funeral, like I’m being verbally marched towards an open casket.
EVE: What happened to him?... Bristol…
ROB: He’s dead, Eve.
I hadn’t heard Rob step out of the car when he reaches the group. It’s hard to hide my relief as he takes over proceedings, addressing the group matter-of-factly. Now it really is like one of his briefings.
ROB: Two guys in the tow truck coming outta Jubilation. They got him. They took him back with them to the town. Way they were treatin’ him he won’t last long.
BONNIE: Oh goodness…
EVE: What? Rob what’re they going to do to him?
ROB: I can’t tell you. Nothing like this ever happened before.
LILITH: Well we need to go back.
ROB: That ain’t gonna happen.
LILITH: We’re not going to fucking abandon him.
AS: Lilith…
LILITH: We’re going back!
ROB: No we’re not.
APOLLO: Me and Rob can go. You know the place right Rob?
ROB: The kid’s dead Apollo.
LILITH: But he was alive when you last saw him?
ROB That’s right.
LILITH: So what point did you decide he was dead?
ROB: When I saw him being carried away with a fucking tow hook sticking out his mouth! Goddamn it.
Rob shouldn’t have said that. I understand his reasons of course; he wants to convey an important truth, that nothing can be done, or could have been done, to save Ace. His ghastly choice of words does the job, but it also sends a ripple of disturbance through the crowd, planting in everyone’s minds the gruesome image I’ve been trying all day to uproot.
Bonnie covers her mouth in shock and sorrow. Eve turns noticeably pale, and even Lilith, who is intent on leading the questioning, is taken aback.
LILITH: Did… did you see this Bristol?
I nod solemnly. The group bristles at my affirmation.
AS: I saw enough. I had to close my eyes when it happened, Rob tried to save him until…
Before I can finish my statement, my words are cut off by something truly unexpected. In spontaneous response to my words, a harsh outburst of mocking, sarcastic laughter rings out from within the convoy. One by one, we turn towards its source, until we all find ourselves staring at Bluejay. Her unapologetic chuckling fills the silent night air.
AS: Is something funny, Bluejay?
Bluejay tries to speak through her, all too slowly, waning laughter.
BLUEJAY: It’s just… you call yourself a journalist… Hah you closed your eyes, my god… there it is! There it is.
AS: I’m sorry?
BLUEJAY: Do you close your eyes for magic tricks too?
EVE: What the fuck Bluejay?
APOLLO: Come on, this isn’t the time.
BLUEJAY: Oh the time is well fucking overdue. Seriously are you all morons? The Left/Right Game is a hoax. It’s fake! Rob Guthard’s played you all like fucking children! Ace is fine, he’s probably an actor! Like the hitchhiker was an actor and those towns people too. I mean, come on.
The group is taken aback by Bluejay’s incredulous tirade. She’s clearly been holding her tongue since day one; our reaction to Ace’s capture representing just one step too far.
AS: I saw Rob shoot one of those townspeople with a hunting rifle. I saw the wound. It was real.
BLUEJAY: It was a blood filled squib. The rifle was probably loaded with blanks. You can buy both from any good theatrical retailer. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you people?
LILITH: Ok firstly, I don’t like your fucking tone. Secondly, have you noticed that we’ve been the only cars on the road for almost two days? And what about Jubilation? Are you suggesting Rob hired out a whole town? That would be fucking impossible.
BLUEJAY: Oh yeah sure, THAT’S impossible, but it’s totally believable that we’re driving on a magic road. Maybe this is the highest budget scam I’ve ever seen but that’s all it is, a scam. And Al Jazeera here is giving him all the publicity he wants. I mean these people are sheep but you, you’re a fucking sycophant.
My mother used to tell me that you can’t strike a person from the high road. Staring down the barrel of Bluejay’s darkly self-satisfied grin, I’m more than tempted to make the descent.
AS: Ok Bluejay fair enough. I’m not going to pretend to know what’s going on here, for all I know you could be right. But why would Rob spend the production budget of a Hollywood film to trick a radio journalist and two vloggers. Trust me, our website does not get enough traffic for-
BLUEJAY: Oh don’t be so self-important. It’s not YOU he’s trying to fool.
Bluejay turns to Rob, fixing him a glare of pure, unadulterated triumph.
BLUEJAY: Admit it Rob. Admit that this is all a fucking farce. Admit that you knew who I was before I even got out of my car.
Rob’s face looks like it’s been carved from granite. The group looks to him for an answer, but he delivers his response directly to Bluejay, his eyes locked with hers.
ROB: It’s true… … I know who you are Denise.
The atmosphere changes, and for a moment, the night erupts into a foray of whispers. Rob’s answer clearly means something to everyone but me.
EVE: Denise?
LILITH: Denise Carver?
APOLLO: No. You serious?
AS: Sorry, who’s Denise Carver?
LILITH: She’s the biggest killjoy in the hobby.
BLUEJAY: Oh fuck you, you fucking air-head.
ROB: Denise here is a member of the Skeptics and Rationalist Institute of America. She likes to get herself invited on ghost hunting expeditions under a false name so she can debunk them publicly. You may've gathered she don’t believe in the supernatural.
BLUEJAY: Actually I do believe in the supernatural. I believe that it’s a billion dollar industry built on selling comfortable lies to the gullible, and it thrives on shitty journalists and attention whore bloggers who are willing to spread whatever shit they think will get them clicks.
AS: That’s why you took so long getting around the pine tree. Even when the truck was coming for Ace. You didn’t think any of it was real.
BLUEJAY: Uhh… did you?
As condescending as her delivery may be, her words spark a sudden realisation. It’s true, that with an unspeakably high budget and a few deft stooges, you could probably replicate most of what we’d seen on the road. Yet, without realising it, I’ve found myself agreeing with Rob’s version of events, personally defending the Left/Right Game’s validity against its decriers. I’d set off on this journey much like Bluejay, as a staunch, confident skeptic, but somewhere between the tunnel and this moment, I’d become a believer.
Bluejay notes my lack of protest, and turns back to Rob.
BLUEJAY: I’m flattered you went to all this trouble. I didn’t know my work was so offensive to you.
ROB: I admire your work Denise. Always have. That’s why I brought you along.
BLUEJAY: That is bullshit. Tell your friend Ace he can’t act for shit.
Bluejay pulls a pack of Marlboros out of her coat, lighting up immediately, and goes to sit on the hood of her nearby car. Her demeanour clearly signals that her part in the conversation is over, though her words leave a bitter aftertaste for everyone involved. To sympathise, it must be exhausting, spending two days with people whose opinions are diametrically opposed to your own, having to listen in silence while they corroborate their own seemingly preposterous views. Having said that however, I’m incredibly glad she’s stopped talking. It reminds me of a time when we got on much better.
The next question comes from Eve, her voice quivering.
EVE: Can… can we die here Rob?
The quiet force of her words turn everyone’s heads back towards Rob. It’s clear that others have been thinking the same thing, and they’re looking to Rob for an answer.
ROB: It’s possible. The road ain’t ever killed no one before. Not so long as everyone followed the rules.
LILITH: But you said in your emails it was dangerous.
ROB: That’s right.
LILITH: But you didn’t feel like telling us that we could die out here?
Rob turns to Lilith, clearly offended by her accusation.
ROB: In the 1920’s Jon Ebenrow killed 36 people and violated their bodies. In one of your videos, you guys went to his home in Virginia looking for the man’s ghost. Bonnie & Clyde once spent $500 to stay at the Iowa Murder House, a place that’s supposed to possess its victims and force’em to kill each other.
ROB: If you all honestly believed in what you were chasing, you should be accepting death as an outcome every time you step out. We are looking for evidence of another world. What we’re doing here has the scientific significance of the moon landings, the cultural significance of Columbus reaching the Americas and a whole lot of people died doing both. If you accepted the risk chasing down the ghost of a two-bit serial killer, you should be willing to accept the risk for this.
Lilith looks like she’s been scolded by a parent. There’s a fire in her eyes as she observes Rob, meeting his criticism with scorn.
LILITH: Oh so it’s Ace’s fault? He should have “accepted the risk”?
ROB: He did accept the risk. Ace made his decisions. He saw the dangers of the road first hand and he kept on goin'. I told you this place could be dangerous, and maybe you didn’t take that seriously. But you are NOT gonna treat me like I lured any of you here under false pretenses.
We stand for a few moments in the uncomfortable void left by Rob’s words. No one’s quite sure where to look.
APOLLO: Well what do we do now Rob? Do we turn around?
ROB: I ain’t gonna make that decision for you. If you want to split off and head back, I suggest you wait till mornin’ and stagger your leavin’ times by an hour or so. I ain’t never seen nothin’ like what happened back there before, but this is the most people I ever played the game with. Maybe that’s doin’ somethin’.
AS: What do you mean by that?
ROB: Well it’s the only thing that’s changed. Truth is, this ain’t our world, by all rights we shouldn’t be here. Even when it's one car the road always tries to discourage you. Maybe it’s like bacteria in a vein. One or two might slip by unnoticed but once it hits a certain point it’s like a uh…
AS: Like an immune response. You think the road’s pushing back on foreign objects?
ROB: And the bigger the group-
AS: The more violent the response…
It makes sense, until Bluejay laughs once more. Hearing her reaction, I reassess what I'm saying and I can’t help but feel a little foolish at the idea.
ROB: Maybe. It’s just a theory... I don’t know.
Rob collects himself, regaining his composure.
ROB: Either way, you all have the morning to decide if you want to keep on the road. Bristol, if you want to go home, you gotta find someone to take you. I ain’t ready to head back yet.
He turns away from the group and marches to the Wrangler. I don’t see him again for the rest of the evening, and I have no intention of bothering him. Eve and Lilith immediately crowd around me, asking if I’m alright and taking it in turns to disparage Rob’s actions. I can’t bring myself to join in. All I can bring myself to say is…
AS: Can I charge my phone in your car?
The group has very little to say for the rest of the night. A deep solemnity hangs in the air, dampening any semblance of good cheer like wet leaves on a dwindling fire. No one offers any conversation, Apollo’s reservoir of quips has run dry. Everyone’s wondering where they’ll be going from here, pondering the sort of person they are in circumstances such as this. Do they press on towards danger, or back towards safe and familiar ground. It’s a question they’ll have to figure out for themselves, ideally before sunrise.
I already have questions of my own.
About an hour after Rob’s departure, bidding fair well to the rest of the group, I walk over to Lilith and Eve’s car. My bag is resting on the front seat, a black wire leading inside from the charging port. I’ve decided not to tell the pair that I’ve been charging the detonator for a military grade explosive less than ten metres away from them. Perhaps it will come out during broadcast. If you’re listening to this, sorry girls.
I pick up my bag and, checking that no one’s looking, make a beeline for the apple grove. I march through the small wood, the air growing still, the sounds of the convoy quickly fading behind me. In the late evening darkness, with the moon shrouded by legion of crooked trees, I’m puzzled that I’m not more afraid. I’ve seen what happens on this road and, as I pass through the grove and into the neighbouring field, intentionally isolating myself from the rest of the group, I'm quite aware that help won’t be coming for me. Even so, as the corn rises up in every direction around me, I find myself almost incapable of fear. The day's events have drained me of emotion, and I'm now with everything else pulled away, I’m left with only one driving directive; an overpowering urge to figure this road out, regardless of what that entails.
Judging the distance I’ve traveled to be acceptably out of range from the convoy, I take the block of C4 out of my bag and place it on the ground. Gritting my teeth, my body cringing with self-inflicted dread, I press the power button on the Nokia and wait for something to happen. My worries of instant disintegration are allayed slightly as the grainy image of two outstretched hands comes into view, swiftly replaced by a menu screen.
I work fast, the words on the brown paper package constantly reminding me of what I’m putting at risk with every passing second.
Firstly, I type my number own number into the phone, assuming, or at least hoping, that the mechanism isn’t activated by outgoing calls. A few seconds later my cell phone rings, giving me the Nokia’s number. Checking the call logs, I find a second, different number, which seems to have made a call to the phone three times in quick succession. If I were a betting woman, which I sometimes am, I’d suggest that this number belongs to whoever built the bomb, the calls representing an attempt to test the trigger prior to its implementation. If I’m right, then this should be the personal number of whoever was driving that crashed car.
My third discovery, is a little bit more puzzling. No texts have been sent from this phone, however there is one solitary message residing in the phone’s inbox. It’s from a third, separate number, and it reads thus:
“Please don't do this Rob.”
I stare at those four words, the new information grating uncomfortably against my already preconceived theories. If this text is to be believed, and my previous deductions are at all accurate, then that means Rob Guthard was driving the car. That the C4 in the trunk had belonged to him. All this time I thought Rob may have been responsible for something terrible, but what if he was run off the road himself? If that is the case, it leads to an entirely new question… who was responsible for his crash?
As I begin to think it over, the air explodes around me.
I’m jolted out of my examination by a powerful, echoing voice which reverberates the very air. The corn is thrown into a frenzy as the noise echoes from every direction, as if spoken by the air itself.
VOICE: I’ve watched you questioning.
Without a second’s hesitation, I turn off the Nokia and throw the block into my bag. I jump to my feet and scan the cornfield for whoever spoke the words, backing away towards the convoy. Suddenly, realising how far I am from my friends, I break into a run, my boots pounding the dirt as I flee back to the woods.
Less than a minute later I burst out through the trees, my bag swinging with the weight of the block. Everyone’s in their cars, seemingly fast asleep. I’m starting to think they’re onto something. With no one to talk to, and a long day ahead of me, I suppose there’s no further recourse but to catch my breath, write up my immediate thoughts and then, finally, get some much needed rest.
I feel a dull pressure behind my eyes as I step towards the Wrangler. Quietly opening the back door next to my sleeping area, I carefully hide the block under my luggage. Then, silently closing the door again, I wander around to the passenger side, where my notes are waiting to be typed.
I reach out and grab the handle, gripping it tightly. I don’t open the door. In fact, after a moment staring through the glass, I let go.
The pressure behind my eyes gives way, and before I know it I’ve slid down to the damp ground, my back against the cool, hard metal of the door. A whine catches in my throat as ugly tears stream down my cheeks. My breath shudders as I inhale, and my attempt to breathe out plays to the world as a quiet, declining sob. The tears take me by surprise but I don’t wipe them away. In a bittersweet way, they’re welcome, necessary even. They carry with them a familiar sense of heartrending release. By the time they’ve run dry, I feel like I might just be able to move on from the events of the day. The sounds in my head are just a little quieter now I’ve paid them their due.
BONNIE: Are you ok honey?
I’m picking myself up when I see Bonnie walking carefully over to the Wrangler. I brush myself off, a little embarrassed at being caught.
AS: I didn’t know you were awake.
BONNIE: I’m a light sleeper, and Martin… Clyde snores. Do you need someone to talk to?
AS: I think I just need to sleep. Thanks Bonnie.
BONNIE: My name’s Linda, if you’re wondering.
AS: … Alice.
BONNIE: That’s a beautiful name. Well Alice, I know I don’t talk much, but I know how to listen… if you ever want me to.
For the first time since the pine fell, I find myself smiling. It’s a weak smile, but a smile nonetheless.
AS: Thank you Linda. I might take you up on that. Have a good night.
BONNIE:** Have a good night.
Bonnie starts to walk back to the car, before pausing and turning round. One last piece of comfort to offer.
BONNIE: And remember, everything will all be alright once we get to Wintery Bay.
I frown a little, unsure what Bonnie means. She smiles back blankly, then resumes the path back to her car. She’s mentioned that place before, upon leaving Jubilation, in what seemed like a moment of idle reminiscence. How she mentioned it just now doesn’t seem like reminiscence at all.
After everything that’s gone on, all the suspicion I’ve been directing at Rob, all my worry for Ace. Is something the matter with Bonnie?
Perhaps I’m misunderstanding, perhaps Bonnie misspoke, but all the same, the brief comfort her words afforded me has already faded away, leaving a familiar feeling of confusion and paranoia in its place.
I let myself into the passenger side, type up a few pressing notes and then climb through onto the air mattress. Sleep doesn’t come easily. I close my eyes and try to convince myself that tomorrow will be better than this harrowing day. Yet every time I make that particular argument, a voice in my head responds:
“That may depend on which way you turn.”
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inejgvafa · 7 years
Apollo, centaur, hippolytus, aegis, and athuna 😅 one of each category, sorry if it's too much P. S. I love your blog, have a great day 💛
nothing is ever too much
Apollo: What kind of music are you into? 
hip-hop/rap, R&B, pop, alternative, and sometimes classical bc i’m a band geek 
Centaur: Last book you read?
the last book i finished reading was The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (it was pretty good, would recommend especially if you love imagery&magic in books) however, the book i’m currently reading is A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab (i love it so far!)
Hippolytus: Tell an experience you will never forget.
man this is a hard one but i think i have one after staring at my screen for so long. okay this might be a little long but i’ll try to keep it short (im putting this in after i typed everything.. sorry its not short at all). so this was my first ever homecoming in high school. i was a freshmen and the guy who asked me to the dance was one too. he also payed for my admission. lets call him Dan. Basically everything that could’ve gone wrong that night went wrong. Let me tell you guys COMMUNICATION is KEY!!!! It started off on a bad foot. He didn’t communicate times very well so i ended up missing pictures and dinner with him bc i was getting ready lol. I tell him we can just meet @ at the school where the dance is being held. he agrees. I get to the school and line up at the entrance and go inside. It takes about 5 minutes for me to find him and we say our hellos and i apologize for missing dinner&pics. Just let me reiterate that this is HOMECOMING: A FRICKIN DANCE.. so me having common sense expected to dance, but apparently Dan did not agree. He refused to dance, even tho i asked him a bunch of times. he was what one would call socially awkward even tho we were friends before he asked me to go. i try to be nice but im miserable and my friends are out on the dance floor partying it up w/o me so i tell him im gonna hang with my girls for a lil bit and that id catch up later. side note: i did not catch up with him later… so its towards the end of the night and i just spent the last 2 hours with my girls in the middle of the dance floor and i realize i completely forgot about Dan. naturally i go looking for him but find a mutual friend instead. we will call this mutual friend Jon. Jon tells me that Dan was beyond pissed and that he had to take him into the bathroom to calm him down. I already feel bad and this makes it a 1000 times worse. but little do i know this was only the beginning. Jon then proceeds to tell me that Dan actually got so mad in the bathroom that he punched one of the metal hand dryers (look it up for a reference if you do not know what they are) and i’m in shock and then Jon tells me Dan had his mom pick him up bc he had to go to the hospital bc he thought he broke his hand side note: it was NOT broken… I’m feel bad but its not like i told him to punch a very hard metal object. Dan was my ride home so i just hitched a ride from one of my friends and that was the night done. The next week at school Dan had a wrap around his hand (only bruised) and he told the entire band (concert band/marching band) that i was a hoe for ditching him to dance with other guys in a grind circle A FRICKIN GRIND CIRCLE! at least put some effort into your lies to make them believable but apparently they were believable enough bc half the band actually gave me dirty looks and called me a whore lol. i was pretty unfazed bc i didn’t really care what they thought and bc i knew my side of the story. i didn’t tell anyone mine and i just let Dan tell his side while he looked like an idiot for getting “ditched.” flash forward to today: the band is back to normal bc eventually my friends told my side of the story and people understood. Dan and I haven’t spoken a word since that night and he’s kind of fallen from graces if you know what i mean. i will never forget this whole fiasco and if there is anything to be learned its don’t go to a dance if you don’t intend on dancing LMAOO.
Aegis: What is your favorite book or series?
My favorite book of all time is probably A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas but my favorite series is The Infernal Devices trilogy by Cassandra Clare. ACOMAF was an amazing second book (in the ACOTAR series) and the author, in my opinion, got every single thing right. The Infernal Devices was my first ever YA series and it truly got me into reading so it will always have a special place in my heart
Athuna: If you could live anywhere in the world for the rest of your life, where would it be?
this is a tough decision but I’d probably say somewhere in the Phillipines bc that’s where my mom is from. Somewhere in Canada would be nice too or Hawaii or Italy. I’m very indecisive as you can see. But honestly anywhere in Asia and I think I’d be content. 
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huakai-aotearoa · 5 years
A Hui Hou e Kuʻu Hawaiʻi, Kia Ora Aotearoa: First Few Adventures in Auckland
#2 [2020.02.23]
Aloha kākou!
It’s been an interesting couple of weeks here in the beautiful city of Auckland. I’m hoping to post more frequently now that I’m all settled, so mahalo for your patience until now!
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Despite haphazard, night-before packing with the help of some friends, I made it to the airport at an early 6:30 am. The flight was the longest I’ve been on so far, at nearly 9 hours. But Air New Zealand is incredibly accommodating, and I had a row to myself so needless to say, I slept the whole time!
When I first landed, I got to walk through what seemed like a newer part of the Auckland airport leading up to the high-tech passport checkpoint. There were face scanners and everything, this is the first time I’ve ever seen anything like it!
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Anyway, my Ola driver gave me some cool advice about the weather, cool spots to check out for food and things to do in the city. He’s also spent some time in Hawai’i, so he was able to tell me that Hawai’i and New Zealand are pretty similar, Auckland being a much larger version of Honolulu, with a Times-Square kind of vibe. Which is completely true, with the high-rise buildings, and countless shops lining Queen Street. I was able to snap this photo of the Skyneedle on my first night:
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I was able to pull some cash, and may I just say, it’s incredibly pretty. New Zealand currency is so colorful, I really like the way it’s designed (is that weird?) I haven’t quite memorized which color corresponds with what number so my experiences at registers haven’t been the speediest, but needless to say American currency cannot compare. Especially since they use coins here in New Zealand, like $2, $1 coins, and 50¢ 20¢ and 20¢ coins. They also use Swedish rounding here, and most places (if not all, not sure) don’t have sales tax so that’s FANTASTIC. 
Most days in the beginning included walking around downtown to grab room essentials, like sheets and blankets, toiletries, a desk lamp and various stationery products. If you know me, planning and journaling are more or scrap-booking projects, so stationery stores like Typo (Queen st.) targeted my weakness! I also got to stop at Daiso, which thankfully was a bit more affordable than some other stores down Queen street. I’ve been comparing it to Waikīkī, with their high-end and retail shopping, various performers busking on corners, and scattered food and snack places in multi-level shopping centers.
Mission Bay
I was able to meet up with some other international students through an email thread and social media, and we all visited Mission Bay, a beach outside the main part of the city. We took a 15 minute bus ride there, and walked down to the beach area from what looked like a strip mall.
In comparison to the beaches in Hawaiʻi, the water was so much colder. Generally, I’ve been told that all water in New Zealand is colder than in Hawaiʻi, and that was very true for this beach in particular. The water was 5/10 for clarity, more green than blue. On shore, the sand was rough with shells (very pretty though). In the water itself, the sand was more like clay (which it probably was) and this beach (or bay?) was more similar to a lake. It was nice though, plenty of families seem to come here for a beach day.
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Conveniently across the street was a series of ice cream and fro-yo shops, like Ben & Jerry’s, Kiwiyo, Movenpick and Gelato New Zealand. Naturally, I wanted to try something from all of them but I decided on a frugal stop at Ben & Jerry’s for a kids-size Cherry Garcia. There was a group of maybe 10 of us that went from the beach to ice cream, and from there we all went back to the city. 
A Night Movie in Silo Park
The same group (and then some) from the Mission Bay trip had met up again for a movie-night at Silo Park. Since it’s still Summer in New Zealand, Silo Park has a series of events happening almost daily, including movie screenings, music performances, food trucks, and even workshops. 
The night we went, they were showing Apollo 11, which is a documentary on the moon landing. I’ve never seen it so it was cool, but what was even cooler than the movie screening itself, was the atmosphere.
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The movie itself was projected onto the side of a huge silo, and people brought their lawn chairs, bean bags, lavalavas and blankets to spread out across the grassy area in front of it. I didn’t know what to expect, so I pulled off my sweatshirt and sat on that. Before the movie started, a few of us in the group walked around the food truck area to grab some snacks. Aside from a vendor serving just plates of flavored french fries (they call them ‘chips’ in New Zealand) a coffee truck caught my attention. 
It was called Samāori, a play on the words Samoan and Māori. Known best for their coffee carts, this was literally an espresso bar in a trailer. They served hot and iced espresso drinks, and multiple variations of hot chocolate. As a sucker for anything coffee-related this is the only vendor I went to. I first got the Koko by recommendation of the barista, which is their spin on a cafe mocha. Using Samoan espresso and Samoan cacao, this was absolutely delicious. I usually don’t prefer mochas, but this is a fantastic exception. It wasn’t too strong in the espresso, and the cacao was a definite complement of chocolatey goodness.
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I even went back a second time for a decaf Koko, which was just a coconut milk hot chocolate with Samoan cacao. And let me just tell you- I am so sad they don’t have a cafe shop I can frequent multiple times a day. I absolutely loved these drinks. Since they specialize in coffee cart vending across all of New Zealand, Samāori coffee can only be found when they’re vending at festivals and similar venues. Which is good for me, because it will be one of the factors for getting me to explore more events around the country!
The international students all have a group chat, and it seems like they are all down to do a number of things around the city, even hiking or going to different beaches and different shopping spots. I’m looking forward to exploring more of Auckland, and adventuring across New Zealand, so making friends might be the first move.
Until then, a hui hou!
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Capricorn December The Birth of The Unconquered Sun
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By shirleytwofeathers
The Sun will “die” at midnight on December 21, but don’t panic, it will “rebirth” on midnight December 24. This occurs at the beginning of Winter every year for the past 4.6 billion years. It is called the Winter Solstice, “sun stood still”, and is considered the shortest day in the year in terms of hours of sunlight.
It is a three-day period when the hours of daylight are at its shortest and the hours of night (darkness) are at its longest. Noticeably, the sun progressively sets earlier each evening after June 22 (The Summer Solstice – longest hours of sunlight) and night fall comes the earliest on December 21. Hence daylight savings time put our clock one hour back to make up for the shorter hours of day light.
Needless to say, the Sun is vital to our life here on earth and is one of the most important star in our world. It is the nearest star to Earth and is believed to be formed 4.6 billion years ago.  It is the most important source of energy for life on Earth and its diameter is about 109 times that of Earth, with mass about 330,000 times that of Earth. The sun accounts for about 99.86% of the total mass of the Solar System and is so large that about 1,300,000 planet Earths can fit inside of it.
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Awesome. WOW. Worthy of Worshipping?
Sun Worship
Well, our ancestors did just that more than 9000 years ago and it is still being done today. The ancients selected December 21, the Winter Solstice as the ideal time to invoke the sun. Maybe if you were living in the north pole and had long, dark harsh winters to deal with you might want to invoke the sun too.
In the solar myth, the death of the “old sun” occurs as the length of daylight decreases and becomes its lowest at the Winter Solstice which begins on the midnight of December 21 (early morning December 22) and ends on Midnight December 24 (early morning December 25). The sun stop moving south on December 22, it is then at its lowest point in the Northern Hemisphere, residing in the vicinity of the Southern Cross. It stays at this lowest point for three days (December 22, 23, 24 appearing to not moving south or north and was considered “dead”).
It “returns to life” at midnight on December 24/ early morning December 25, when it begins its northern journey again and the hours of sunlight start to lengthen. Therefore, the ancients said that the SUN was born on December 25. As a result, festivals and feasts were done to honour Sol or Mithra.
Interestingly, on December 24, Sirius (star in the east and brightest star in the night sky) aligns with the three brightest Orion belt stars called the Three Kings, (Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka) and on December 25, these all point to the location where the sun will rise on earth that day. In essence, the three kings follow the star in the east to find the sunrise (birth of the sun).
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Solar deities and Sun worship can be found throughout most of recorded history in various forms, including:
Ra ~ Egypt,
Mithra ~ Persia,
Apollo ~ Rome
Surya ~ India
Amaterasu ~ Japan
Sol ~ Germanic
Tonatiuh ~ Aztec
Jesus ~ Christianity
Birthday of the SUN or the SON?
As a Baptist, I grew up with the belief that December 25 is the birthdate of Jesus Christ and as such we worship and acknowledge it as Christmas. Indeed, Christmas is big— very big. The entire Island of Jamaica comes to a virtual standstill. Schools and colleges are closed; businesses shut down to give their employees time off; many families plan trips and get-togethers; Church attendance increase; and gifts are given by even those who were scrooge all year long. Maybe you recall, the Christmas Carol that even erroneously say “ Long time ago in Bethlehem, so the Holy Bible said, Mary’s boy child Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas Day”
However, recall all these activities were already being done in Rome, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Egypt to acknowledge and worship the birth day of Sol Invicta  (the Unconquered Sun) up to 4000 years before Jesus Christ was born. It then begs the question, whose birthday are we celebrating on December 25? Does Jesus the SON share the birthday with the SUN?
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How did the birth of the Sun get changed?
According to scriptures, Jesus Christ was whipped, spat upon, publicly dishonoured then killed by the Church (Caiaphas the high priest) and the State (Pilate the Roman governor). After Jesus’s death, his followers had to go “underground” as they too were meeting the same or worse fate than Christ. These “Followers of Christ” (not Christians as Christianity wasn’t start as yet) were stripped and flogged with whips, stoned to death, and persecuted.
Yet, despite the persecution, the “Followers of Jesus” went underground and their church started to flourish and soon became a major concern to the Roman government. They were blamed for spreading “mischief” that Jesus Christ was king and lord, and was crucified to save our souls. Followers of Christ were also accused of destabilising the economy and threatening civil war.
To stop the possibility of civil war and at the same time keep the existing pagan occult worshippers, Constantine, in AD 326 at the Council of Nicaea, “married” Christ like sentiments (name and life story) with that of Rome’s mysticism and called it Christianity. This new “Christianity” became the official religion of Rome and the SUN was replaced by the SON with Isis and Osiris became Mary and Jesus. December 25 was then decreed as Jesus birthday with the Spring Equinox full moon in March/April designated as his death day.
In short, today’s Christianity is an unholy marriage of Roman Idolatry and Christ sentiments designed by Constantine to maintain religious and political if not economical order and harmony in the empire.
Sol Invictus (Unconquered Sun) is a very important star in our solar system without a doubt. As the main source of energy, we can understand the need to recognise it and maybe even glorify its daily presence in our lives. Many people deliberately and some unwittingly  worship and glorify the SUN between December 21 – 25 to show appreciation.
If you are interested, a Ritual to Bring The Sun can be found in the Book of Shadows, and a number of invocations, prayers, and poetry specifically dedicated to the Sun can be found at Widdershins.
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Honouring The Sun Every Day
One really great way to honour the Sun (and yourself) is with a series of body positions called Sun Salutations. An excellent time to begin this ritual is on the morning of the Winter Solstice just as the sun is rising, (facing east). If a sunrise Sun Salutation isn’t possible, but you want to include this in your morning routine, pick a time before breakfast, and that will be fine.
The Sun Salutation, (Surya Namaskar), is a series of 12 yoga postures performed in a single, graceful flow. Each movement is coordinated with the breath. Inhale as you extend or stretch, and exhale as you fold or contract. The Sun Salutation builds strength and increases flexibility. Different styles of yoga perform the Sun Salutation with their own variations. However, the flow presented below covers core steps used in most styles.
For the series below, a single round consists of two complete sequences: one for the right side of the body and the other for the left.
Sun Salutations
Even on days when you think you have no time for yoga, try and do at least one or two rounds of the Sun Salutation. You’ll feel the difference.
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1. Mountain:
Begin by standing in Mountain pose, feet about hip width apart, hands either by your sides or in prayer position. Take several deep breaths.
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2. Hands up:
On your next inhale, in one sweeping movement, raise your arms up overhead and gently arch back as far as feels comfortable and safe.
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3. Head to knees:
As you exhale, bend forward, bending the knees if necessary, and bring your hands to rest beside your feet.
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4. Lunge:
Inhale and step the right leg back.
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5. Plank
Exhale and step the left leg back into plank position. Hold the position and inhale.
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6. Stick
Exhale and lower yourself as if coming down from a pushup. Only your hands and feet should touch the floor.
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7. Upward Dog
Inhale and stretch forward and up, bending at the waist. Use your arms to lift your torso, but only bend back as far as feels comfortable and safe. Lift your legs up so that only the tops of your feet and your hands touch the floor. It’s okay to keep your arms bent at the elbow.
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8. Downward dog
Exhale, lift from the hips and push back and up.
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9. Lunge
Inhale and step the right foot forward.
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10. Head to knees
Exhale, bring the left foot forward and step into head-to-knee position.
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11. Hands up
Inhale and rise slowly while keeping arms extended .
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2. Mountain
Exhale, and in a slow, sweeping motion, lower your arms to the sides. End by bringing your hands up into prayer position. Repeat the sequence, stepping with the left leg.
If the stick figures are not quite “doing” it for you, here’s a video:
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Source: Notclif
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krystangreen-blog · 5 years
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Alicia Keys captured the essence of New York City in her song Empire State of Mind when she wrote, “Now you’re in New York, these streets will make you feel brand new, big lights will inspire you.” Likely, you too will find yourself enraptured by this city’s buoyant energy the moment you step off the plane.
If you’re already familiar with things to do in New York City, you’ll want to dig deeper into the city that never sleeps with each visit. But for those new to NYC, you’d be remiss if you came here and skipped any of these classic must-do experiences.
Sightsee for Less
Save with the New York Pass
Includes FREE entry to 100+ top New York attractions.
Take in the View from the Empire State Building
The Empire State Building provides spectacular views of New York City. Your experience begins at the 34th Street entrance and Visitors’ Center where you’ll pass through security and buy your tickets before boarding second-floor elevators that take you to the top.
Highlights of your visit include the 80th floor Dare to Dream Exhibit depicting the iconic 102-story Art Deco building’s 13-month construction in 1930-31. The 86th floor is New York’s highest open-air observatory and the world’s most famous where 360-degree views include Central Park, the Brooklyn Bridge, and the Statue of Liberty. The 102nd-floor wraparound top deck offers panoramic views up to 80 miles away. Your experience ends in the stunning 5th Avenue Lobby.
Some tips for your visit – skip the line with an Express Pass, beat the crowd by arriving before 11 a.m., and use the second-floor bathrooms before getting in line for elevators. Note that kids under six are free. The second floor ESB store is open whenever the building is open. Shops and restaurants line ground level along 33rd and 34th streets, and 5th Avenue.
The Empire State Building is open 365 days from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m.
Meet Lady Liberty
The Statue of Liberty is the most recognizable icon of the United States, a symbol of freedom and democracy. There are a number of ways to experience Lady Liberty in New York Harbor, both free and paid.
You can see the Statue of Liberty for free from the Staten Island Ferry that leaves Manhattan’s Battery Park every half hour. The 25-minute ride through New York Harbor passes by the Statue offering riders great views. Or, you can stay on land at Battery Park and enjoy the view from there. Head to the Red Hook neighborhood of Brooklyn for great land views from Louis Valentino Jr. Pier.
For the full experience, take a tour of Liberty Island followed by Ellis Island with Statue Cruises, the only vendor authorized by the NPS to land on the islands. If you plan to climb to the Statue pedestal or crown, you have to make advance reservations. There are 377 steps to the crown and no elevators.
A final option is a New York Harbor cruise that circles the Statue of Liberty. Dinner cruises are popular, offering magnificent nighttime views of the Statue and the Manhattan skyline.
Attend a Broadway Show
We saw Hamilton and Harry Potter and the Cursed Child during our last visit to New York City. I highly recommend both.
Getting a ticket to the Broadway show of your choice can be arduous. Many of your favorites may already be sold out, but don’t despair. If you’ve been lusting after tickets to Hamilton or Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, there may still be a way. If you’re creative, you may not even have to pay full price.
The easiest way to get a ticket to a show on Broadway is to purchase it online months in advance. Since this won’t work for everyone, here are some other things to try. (The more flexible you are, the better your chances.) Grab some same day discounted show tickets from TDF’s TKTS Booths at 47th and Broadway or 62nd and Broadway – many with deep discounts. If you have your heart set on a big show, try a lottery at the theater of choice, or on TodayTix.
Even if you aren’t able to secure a ticket to a Broadway show, consider off-Broadway. The tickets are cheaper and generally easier to come by, and you’ll still have a fabulous New York theater experience. (Harry Potter fans should book tickets to Puffs, a hilarious off-Broadway spin on the popular series.)
(Tip: Don’t forget that there’s also the Apollo Theater in Harlem which first opened in 1914 as a burlesque theater. When the city’s mayor banned burlesque, the theater was closed and reopened as the Apollo in 1934 showcasing African American performers from the Harlem Renaissance. The theater’s famous Amateur Night quickly debuted such greats as Ella Fitzgerald, Lena Horne, Billie Holiday, and Count Basie.
To get to the Apollo, you’ll make your way to the heart of Harlem on West 125th Street. You can tour the theater by joining a daily, guided group tour. One-hour tours are led by Mr. Billy Mitchell, who’s worked at the Apollo since 1965, so you’ll hear plenty of behind-the-scenes stories.
It’s also an electrifying experience to be part of the Amateur Night at the Apollo audience, cheering or deciding when to “sweep” a performer from the stage. Who knows? You may see the next Lauryn Hill, Jackson 5, or James Brown.)
Spend Time in Central Park
The state of New York set aside 750 acres of urban parkland in 1853, which became Central Park. It’s known as the lungs of New York City with thousands of trees that help to improve the air quality, myriad of jogging and biking paths, and green space to enjoy in good weather. There are so many things to see and do here, you’ll want to check out their official website, visit one of their Visitor Centers, or grab an interactive map to chart your own course.
A must-see in Central Park is the famous Central Park Mall & Literary Walk. This is the most photographed and recognizable part of the park having been featured in countless films. Mature elm trees form an elegant arc over a wide pedestrian walkway lined with benches. At its southern end is the lesser known Literary Walk with statues providing tributes to prominent writers.
Other park highlights include the bronze Alice in Wonderland sculpture, Wollman Ice Skating Rink in winter, the 1908 vintage carousel, Central Park Zoo, the Dairy Visitor Center & Gift Shop, and Bethesda Terrace. Families love Conservatory Water for its climbing sculptures, model boats, story-telling programs, and café. We tend to stay at Mandarin Oriental, New York in Columbus Circle because we like walking from the hotel into the park in a matter of minutes.
Experience Times Square
Times Square, aka Crossroads of the World, is the heartbeat of New York City. The billboards alone, or spectaculars as they’re known locally, are electrifying. At Midnight Moment, they’re also synchronized. This is classic New York, high energy hustle and bustle with everyone on the move. You’ll find something to please each member of the family in Times Square. It’s hectic but a must-do at least once in a lifetime just to say you’ve been there.
There are more than a few things to do at Times Square with kids. National Geographic Encounter: Ocean Odyssey is the most high-tech attraction with 60,000 square feet of exhibition space – for virtual sea life encounters. There’s a whole miniature world at Gulliver’s Gate, the best selection of Marvel comics at Midtown Comics, and three floors of chocolate at M&M’s World. And that’s only the beginning.
Other must-do Times Square attractions include touring Madame Tussauds wax museum and joining the studio audience for a TV show “Good Morning America.”
Explore the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Our most recent visit to the Temple of Dendur in the Sackler Wing.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art has assembled an astounding collection representing over 5,000 years of cultural artworks from around the world. One really could spend days here and it’s a top pick for things to do in New York City with kids. The Met even has a family map. My daughter has always loved the Degas ballerinas, Egyptian mummies, Jackson Pollock’s Autumn Rhythm (Number 30), and Arms and Armour.
To make the most of your time with this vast collection, you’ll want to choose a guided or audio tour (there is also an audio tour for kids) that matches your interests. You can choose from a variety of engaging one-hour tours presented in various languages that begin at the Great Hall.
The Museum Highlights tours are regulars with other tours on rotation depending on featured collections. All guided tours are free with the price of admission.  
You can spend all of your time at The Met Fifth Avenue (where most people start) or also visit The Met Breuer for an Architecture Tour, and The Met Cloisters for European medieval art and architecture audio tours. All three museum locations open at 10:00 a.m. seven days a week, but The Met Breuer is closed on Mondays.
Top of the Rock and Rockefeller Center
Head over to Rockefeller Center for a variety of activities. In winter, enjoy the massive Christmas tree and famous ice skating rink. During the rest of the year, admire some of the best NYC views from the Top of the Rock Observation Deck or take a behind-the-scenes tour of NBC Studios. Make a booking for brunch at the famous Rainbow Room. Snag a banana pudding and cupcakes at Magnolia Bakery. Also popular with kids is the enormous LEGO store, Nintendo store, and FAO Schwarz.
Don’t forget that you can request tickets for the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon or even catch a performance at Radio City Music Hall.
Close proximity to Rockefeller Center is a benefit to staying at The Towers at Lotte Palace.
Take a Walk over the Brooklyn Bridge
Many New Yorkers consider walking across the Brooklyn Bridge a rite of passage. Visitors wanting to experience New York like a local flock to the bridge to check it off their bucket list too. The popular pedestrian walkway, elevated above traffic, connects Brooklyn and Lower Manhattan.
The Brooklyn Bridge is hands down the most iconic bridge in New York City, featured in films like Saturday Night Fever and Gangs of New York, among others. The architecture alone is stunning, but be sure to take note of the Manhattan skyline on your way across. Guided walking tours are available, including some focused on the bridge’s history or architecture.
At just over a mile long, it will take a half to full hour to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, one way. You’ll want to plan for it to be pretty windy with no protection from the elements. Wear a hat and sunscreen in the summer. Also, walkers share the bridge with cyclists, so be cautious. There are no essentials on the bridge like bathrooms, snacks, or water.
We started on the Brooklyn side and walked across to Manhattan. It’s a bit of a walk from the Brooklyn subway station (about 10 minutes) to the base of the bridge. It’s a well-marked path but not exactly through a major thoroughfare. On both sides, during a hot summer day, vendors sell much-needed bottled water and ice cream. 
Pay Respects at the 9/11 Memorial
Many visitors to New York City want to pay their respects to the victims of September 11 with a visit to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. The two are located adjacent to each other on an eight-acre Memorial Plaza, and are part of the larger 16-acre World Trade Center. They serve as a tribute to those who lost their lives as a result of terror attacks on February 26, 1993 and September 11, 2001.
The 9/11 Memorial Plaza includes 400 white oak trees, and two one-acre pools with the nation’s largest manmade waterfalls where the twin towers once stood. Every name of those who perished is inscribed in bronze surrounding the two Memorial pools. Memorial Glade includes six stone monoliths dedicated to rescue and recovery workers, relief workers, survivors, and community members affected by the attack. The Survivor Tree that endured the attack is a symbol of resilience and rebirth.
The 9/11 Memorial Museum is the nation’s primary institution dedicated to the remembrance of September, 11. Visitors will find state-of-the-art multimedia exhibits, monumental artifacts, and significant archives. The museum tells the story of both victims and survivors. Visitors can purchase tickets for guided Memorial tours, Museum tours, or combination tours which are also included options on various New York sightseeing passes.
Bask in the Nostalgia of Coney Island
Seriously, Coney Island was much more fun than I thought it would be.
Even if you’ve never been to New York City, you’ve likely heard of Coney Island. This nostalgic seaside resort is embedded in our culture through our music, theater, film, literature, television, and even video games. Once upon a time, over a century ago, it was the preeminent seaside getaway in America.
Today, it’s been revitalized to recapture at least some of its former allure. There are new bars and restaurants, and even the amusement park has gotten a major facelift. But the old carny-style ambience has remained too. You’ll find some of the same concessions that have been here for decades, an enduring circus sideshow, the traditional annual Coney Island Mermaid Parade, and of course, the famous boardwalk.
Must-do experiences at Coney Island include riding the Cyclone wooden roller coaster at Luna Park, and the 150-foot 1920s Wonder Wheel Ferris wheel at Deno’s Wonderwheel Amusement Park next door. An afternoon at the beach, or visit the New York Aquarium along the iconic Boardwalk are also good bets. Grab a hotdog from Nathan’s Famous Hot Dogs, or a caramel apple from the 75-year-old Williams Candy store. If it’s playing, you can even watch a family-friendly sideshow.
Save on Things to Do in New York City With Sightseeing Passes
There are several options for NYC sightseeing passes that help you save month on attractions. They also conveniently allow you to skip the ticket booth lines in many cases.
The New York Pass is a popular all-inclusive pass for active sightseers as it includes admission to over 100 attractions across 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 or 10 days. 
Less active sightseers or those who are weaving in a few major attractions in between eating glorious food and shopping may prefer the New York Explorer Pass. We used this during our trip a few months ago. This NYC sightseeing pass provides entry to 3, 4, 5, 7, or 10 attractions and tours from 90 options. You have 30 days to use the pass from its first activation.
Both are accessible via mobile phones apps so that you can skip the ticket lines and go straight to the gate in many cases. They also don’t require you to choose which attractions to visit in advance with the exception of guided tours which need reservations.
What are your favorite things to do in New York City?
0 notes
For the percy jackson qs All of them bc I'm a slut for u answering questions about the shit u love :3c
Aaaaaah thank you bae!!! This is super long tho because, you know me, I can talk A LOT about this universe. And also, if you have more questions, please ask me so that I can continue to gush about my favourite series in the entire world OTL 
1.How old were you when you read the Percy Jackson books?
I was 11 when I first started reading them 😂 I was a tiny bby
2.What year did you read them in?
Does this mean academic year or actual year? Because I read them in year 7 (6th Grade) so that would have been in somewhere around 2010 I think???
3. What caused you to read them?
My older brother had read them and recommended The Lightning Thief to me and a selection of books were being given out at my school for free to encourage kids to read and The Lightning Thief happened to be one of them. And the rest is history 😂
4.Which of the series have you read in the PJO universe?
All of them~ I have read every book in the PJO, HoO, KC, and MCGA series and I’ve just preordered The Dark Prophecy at my local book store so I can keep up to date with ToA. I’ve also read all the side books like Demigod Diaries and Demigods and Magicians, and the two books of Professor Percy and they’re all aligned in chronological order on my book shelve because I’m a fucking nerd OTL
5. What is your favorite series in the PJO universe?
Oh god help me. I don’t know??? I love them all for different reasons??? I find myself ranting most to other people about HoO but the Magnus Chase series is probably my favourite because not only is it a wonderful story but The Hammer of Thor was the first time I had ever read about a genderfluid character and the way Alex was portrayed was just so wonderful to me that I will reread that book over and over again, specifically on his pages because it’s kinda like seeing a little bit of myself in my favourite world. It heightens my sense of escapism and belonging there that’s for sure XD
6.Who is your favorite character?
From the PJO series- Thalia GraceFrom the HoO series- Nico Di Angelo/ Leo Valdez/ Reyna (DO NOT MAKE ME PICK!)From the ToA series- Will SolaceFrom the KC- either Sadie Kane (because I’m always here for another Ribena enthusiast) or AnubisFrom the MCGA series- ALEX FIERRO RULER OF MY LIFE!!!
7.Who is your least favorite character?
Overall?? Either Zeus (because he was the world’s first fuckboi) or Bianca Di Angelo. As an older sibling, I could never imagine leaving my younger sibling all alone just because I wanted a bit more freedom in my life. It’s incredibly selfish and I just can’t ever forgive her for it. She may have been a hero and an interesting character and I was really torn up when she died but I will never forgive her for the way she treated her younger brother.
8.What are your headcanons?
THERE ARE TOO MANY TO LIST!!! But one of my main headcanons that I will list here (I’ll message you others if you ever read the whole universe) is that Nico and Anubis know each other and get along. Now this started because they’re described as looking very similar to each other (black, shaggy hair, dark brown eyes, pale af with a similar fashion sense of just black on black) and it kind of snowballed once I read Son Of Neptune. Because to me, it would make so much sense for Nico to know about other pantheons long before the other demigods. Why? Because Death is universal across mythology. And Nico, as the son of Hades, needs to know about his death rituals which- I think- would lead him to researching the other pantheons and learning that immortality really is forever. But yeah, i just love the idea of Nico and Anubis being friends and looking out for one another because they both understand the stigma around death but they’re both actually kind of dorky the minute they stop being angry??? But yeah, there’s just one of my headcanons and look how long that took to summarise OtL
9.Do you read fanfic for these books?
Yesssssssss all day every day!!
10.Do you write it?
I try to OTL it’s just, with characters i love and adore so much I’m so scared of doing them a disservice??? If that makes sense? I’ve got a thousand scenarios in my head but when I try to write I end up starting at a blank screen for 30 minutes before going back and rereading the books again XD
11.What’s your favorite scene?
From PJO- When Percy offers Pandora’s Pithos to Hestia as an offering. It’s just such an important act at the time and I just love it so much!!!!From HoO- uuuurgh it’s a tie up between Jason comforting Nico after Croatia and then the ending with the two camps and Reyna being a badass. From ToA- I know this isn’t really a scene but when Apollo makes the remarked about Achilles, Briseis and Patroclus because Iliad jokes~~ 😂 but other than that, probably when Apollo starts to realise how shit a parent he actually is and feeling kinda guilty about it. I just love seeing him evolve as a person rather than stay the same immortal fuckboi forever. From KC- THE FUCKING CAN OPENER!!! I laughed for about an hour when I first read the bit when Carter finds out about Horus possessing him. I actually couldn’t read past that bit without laughing over and over again 😂 From MCGA- When Alex was lying down on the Bifrost. I always imagine it as a very beautiful scene because he’s got this rainbow light all around him but it also makes me feel sad for some reason I’ve yet to pin down. But yeah, Alex being pretty and melancholy surrounded by rainbow light~ From Demigods and Magicians- probably when Setne gets sucked into the snow globe. That was a good day reading that.
12.Most memorable quote?
‘With great power comes great need to take a nap’
13.Favourite romantic relationship?
I have a few! Solangelo is my favourite altogether tho because I love the contrast between the two (I’m a sucker for the night/day/death/life symbolism in a relationship) but I also love Percabeth, Jiper, Sam/Amir, Fierrochase, Sadie/Anubis/Walt (what is that relationship called??? I can’t remember OtL)
14.Favourite platonic relationship ?
Annabeth and Piper, Percy and Jason, Annabeth and Sadie, Piper and Hazel, Grover and Percy
15.Favourite familial relationship?
NICO AND HAZEL, NICO AND REYNA, NICO AND HADES, NICO AND JASON, (basically anyone who treats Nico like family and cares about him tbh) Percy and Sally, Thalia and Jason, Piper and Leo, Sadie and Carter, Sam and Magnus, Magnus and Annabeth (the little we’ve been given anyway), Sam and Alex, Apollo and his kids??? Like the way he’s actually starting to genuinely care and he feels mildly guilty at how much they’re supporting and caring about him when he’s done none of that for them???
16.What are your notps?
Reyna and Nico. Can’t stand that ship. Also Octavian and Rachel. Or anyone with Rachel really. Same with Percy and Artemis??? Like, no???? Artemis is a maiden for eternity, she has no interest in men whatsoever??? And Rachel is the oracle of Delphi so she’s sworn to not be with people for as long as she is the oracle??? I just don’t get it.
16.What house do you think Percy is in?
See this is really hard! Percy is certainly brace and noble enough to be in Gryffindor but he is fatally loyal to the people he loves and he works incredibly hard which are more Hufflepuff traits! But at the same time he can be cunning and tricky when he’s in a fight. But he’s not really ambitious enough to be a Slytherin and, while intelligent, he won’t follow up on an idea just because of the allure of knowledge so he’s not really a Ravenclaw…urgh I want to put him in Hufflepuff but idk. Either Hufflepuff or Gryffindor.
17.What house do you think Annabeth is in?
Either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. Like she will battle past her ADHD and dyslexia for the pursuit of knowledge and to better specialise herself in the areas she wants to but at the same time she walked into her worst nightmares, then fell into Tartarus, got out of Tartarus, then went to war all within the span of a month and a half. That takes Gryffindor courage right there. So yeah, either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw.
18.Thoughts on Luke?
I always feel really bad for Luke. Because he’s so relatable. It’s easy to see how he made the choices he did because he honestly thought that the Titans could be better because the gods mistreatment was all he had ever known. And it hurts what happened to him because he is the classic tragic hero; he made the wrong choices and the minute he realises what a mess he’s made of things, it’s already too late to stop anything. But he was able to do the right thing in the end and I just get really emotional whenever I think of that scene. It hurts too much 😭
19.What race do you think Percy is?
I don’t really know. I mean, we know he’s got a lot of his appearance from Poseidon so that means he should look very Grecian/Mediterranean, maybe he even has a sort of olive skin tone??? Idk. I guess whenever I think of Percy I just think of the kids I used to see on skateboards down at the local park. But yeah, probably Grecian if I had to pick.
20.What do you think of Frank and Hazel’s relationship?
I think it’s really cute. I like how it’s so fresh??? Because with Percabeth that relationship grew out of friendship over five books and Jiper has a natural flow to it with all the fragility and insecurity of a new relationship so it still works. But Hazel and Frank knew each other for such a short period of time before they started crushing on each other and I think it’s sweet to see kind of the love and first sight thing but warped slightly due to the complications that come with their lives. It’s interesting to see them struggle through all the confusion of a brand new relationship but still trying to keep themselves together. It’s nice to see that kind of love rather than the comfortable love of Percabeth or the steady love of Jiper. 21.What do you think of Calypso and Leo’s relationship?
I love it!!! At first I was skeptical but their banter and denial was really funny and the way Leo was determined to make it back to her. I had always wanted someone to treat Calypso right and I’m glad that Leo has someone now who will see underneath all the humour as well as appreciating him for himself :)
22.Do you follow Rick on any social media platforms?
Yes! I follow him on Twitter and on Tumblr~
23.What did you think of the movie?
I liked the visual effects but that was about it. And even then it was like, nice snakes, now where’s the plot??? I really did not like those movies. They need to be buried with the Avatar movie that never existed in my opinion.
24. What are your thoughts on the upcoming musical?
I’m really looking forward to it! I think they cast a really good Percy and I really like what I’m hearing so far. I love musicals and I understand there’s a bigger limit on what you can do on a stage compared to a film so I’m more lenient towards differences between the stage and the book.
25.Do you own any of the books and if so, which ones?
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH…..I have doubles of all of them OTL but there’s a reason for that!! One copy for myself so that I can always read them and then I lend out the second copies to my friends who are curious about this world that I won’t ever shut up about.
26.Which character are you most like, personality wise?
Idk really. Maybe Will??? Because I’m kinda easy going and I try to help out other people but if you piss me off you will know about it??? And it always takes people by surprise if they don’t know me very well at how angry I can be??? But yeah, maybe Will.
27.Which character do you look the most like?
If any of the characters have rainbow hair, I have not been informed of this! Nah but I don’t know. Without my coloured hair I just kinda look like a ghost with brown hair and colour changing eyes OTL Maybe Sadie because I used to be blonde but I dyed my hair so many times it turned brown and she streaks her hair a lot so yeah, Sadie Kane :)
27.If you could cosplay as any character, who would it be?
Okay I have cosplayer Nico before but I’m going to be cosplaying Alex at the next con I’m going to (unfortunately without her heterochromia because I’m allergic to contact lenses OtL)
28.What’s your favorite cover from the series?
Is it bad to say Blood of Olympus because Leo’s got a chainsaw in it? XD but yeah, actually Hammer of Thor because the Wolf mask on that cover with the eerie green glow across it is really cool!!
29.What are some books you would recommend to another fan?
Assuming these are books related to the PJO universe then The Demigod and Magicians crossover collection are definitely worth the read (assuming you’ve read both HoO and KC) and the Magnus Chase series because they are definitely worth branching away from the Greek and Roman gods.
If that means other series in general then His Dark Materials for definite and probably the Iliad.
30.Do you have any merchandise related to the series?
I do! I have a tshirt with Percy’s quote about procrastination on it (deadlines don’t seem real to me until I’m staring one in the face), and I have a matching charm bracelet, hair bow, earrings and necklace set with pendants that all say Camp Half-Blood on them
31.Any fan casts?
Not really. As long as they look the age of the characters *glares at the film* and they have the majority of the same features *again glares at the films* then I don’t really mind too much.
32.What did you think of the ending of Heroes of Olympus, if you read it?
I personally loved it. I agree it did feel a tiny bit anticlimactic over in Greece what with the gods kicking butt for the first time in the entire series but what happened between the camps and Gaia’s forces there was really cool. And the reconciliation of the camps afterwards and how everyone was getting along was really nice. And of course, the fact that Calypso was finally freed was a big A+ in my book.
33.Would you want to be connected to the Greek, Egyptian, Roman, or Norse Gods?
I think, as far as connected in the PJO universe way goes, I’d want to be a Magician for the House of Life. Because at least then I get a choice in whether or not I want a god in my life. If you’re a Demigod you get no choice whatsoever. If you’re just a magician then other than fighting in the apocalypse, you have a choice on what you want to do with your life (plus magicians can use electronics without calling down monsters on their heads)
34.What character from the universe do you think you would be best friends with?
Idk. It’s a tie up between Sadie, Leo and Magnus because they all have a sarcastic wit which I find hilarious but they all have differences that make me want to befriend them. Like with Sadie I could hang out with her any time of the week, and she has a really gives-no-shit attitude that I love (because I give too many shits about things) but at the same time she really cares a lot about her family and her friends which is important to me. Leo is hilarious in general but at the same time really insecure about stuff and I love helping people out and learning from them so I’d probably latch on to Leo and not stop bothering him about machines because all of it is really interesting. And then Magnus is a sarcastic little nerd who tries to be tough but is actually a sunflower and yeah, I have a lot of friends like that 😘😘😘
35.What’s the saddest scene from all the books?
Bob asking whether Percy would say hello to the stars and sun for him. That kills me every time to even think about. Fuck, now I’m crying 😭
36.What scene makes you the happiest?
Any scene of platonic friendship and love is guaranteed to make me happy. But most of all, when Hades told Nico he wanted him to be happy. That just killed me inside because it’s such a difference from the Last Olympian and Nico deserves happiness after all the shit he’s been through.
Thanks bae~
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the-fitsquad · 7 years
Desktop Computer systems & PC’s
It is essential that computer workstations are ergonomically compliant, optimally developed and appropriately adjusted to prevent injury associated with tasks performed. As you can imagine, that small frame makes it a wonderfully portable computer. Thanks to its skinny bezels, it can match into bags meant for 11-inch laptops. But, as usual, there’s a cost to getting so thin. The XPS 13 2-in-1 doesn’t have space for complete-size USB connections. As an alternative, it packs in two USB-C ports on each side, which can manage charging and external displays. A single socket is also Thunderbolt three. compatible, which makes it about eight times as fast as USB three. for data transfer. Fortunately, Dell contains a dongle in the box to get your older devices connected to USB-C.
A handful of hours later I get a phone call back from the guy (Indian) who says that I want to confirm that I am a true person. I give him my delivery address details and e mail address. He has an problem with my hotmail address (which is a single that I’ve had for more than 15 years and utilised to obtain all of my computers in the previous). Apparently considering that everybody can sign up for a hotmail account it is not excellent enough to confirm that I am a real person. He desires me to send an e-mail from my function address. I dispute this because I am buying this laptop for individual use. Ultimately I give up and inform him that I’ll do this in the subsequent 5 minutes. I get an instant “out of office” reply back from the e-mail address. No indication of whether or not my order has been moved out of the holding pattern it was presently in.
Desktop PCs are effectively-suited for residence or tiny company personal computer customers. Desktop Computer users can surf the Internet, play media files, email, play games, chat and video conference. Desktop PCs can also run workplace productivity application like databases, spreadsheets, word processors and Internet applications with ease. Workstation customers on the other hand, are frequently scientists, engineers, architects and digital media content creators whose perform calls for much far more computing energy than the average modest company pc user would ever require.
A blade server is comparable to a rack-mounted workstation laptop in that it also wants to be installed into an enclosure. Even so, a blade computer server is significantly much more compact and space-efficient than a rack-mount, because the internal elements are designed to have a low profile or be integrated onto the motherboard. (17) Faculties and Operate Units acquiring a new laptop workstation for present employees members will be necessary to surrender (or trade-in) an old pc. All purchases that add to the University’s asset base or pc workstations will require a justification statement on the Obtain Order and approval by the Director, Technology Solutions.
A workstation is a special pc designed for technical or scientific applications. Intended mainly to be utilised by a single individual at a time, they are generally connected to a regional area network and run multi-user operating systems The term workstation has also been utilised loosely to refer to every thing from a mainframe pc terminal to a Pc connected to a network , but the most common type refers to the group of hardware provided by many current and defunct companies such as Sun Microsystems , Silicon Graphics , Apollo Personal computer , DEC , HP , Subsequent and IBM which opened the door for the 3D graphics animation revolution of the late 1990s.
Efficiency enthusiasts can take advantage of the Dell XPS and Alienware lines. These Pc desktops mix higher functionality components with robust design and style. You can add a lot more memory, bigger and quicker tough drives, and even high-end gaming video cards for maximum computing energy. The bigger towers in the XPS line offer lots of room for cooling so you can run your laptop at complete energy. Although the recommendations described in this system can benefit anyone who makes use of a pc, they are primarily intended for departments with men and women utilizing desktop computer systems. Most of the guidelines will not apply to laptop computer systems, which are made only for short-term use and can’t be sufficiently adjusted.
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The XPS 8900 comes with 16GB of installed memory, which is double what the common is for most organization computers in the exact same price tag range. You can upgrade to as considerably as 32GB of RAM, and the motherboard can assistance up to 64GB. Even the least expensive personal computer in the XPS 8900 series has 8GB of RAM. With so a lot RAM, you can run the most information-intensive applications with ease, and you have a sufficient ceiling for years to come as apps increase their memory specifications. A desktop is a stationary pc that often sits on a desk or at a workstation. Many desktop computer systems call for a separate monitor and keyboard even so, desktops are often more expandable when it comes to escalating memory, storage and adding elements when compared to laptops. Just like with laptops, there are a quantity of companies that manufacture desktops so be confident to take a appear at a few ahead of you purchase.
A workstation Pc is a subset of the desktop Computer family. They are mostly utilised by engineers (in the widest interpretation of the term), analysts, designers, content material creation professionals, developers and anyone that needs information manipulation with a strong visual slant. The Dell XPS 8900 is the very best organization personal computer. It combines 1TB of storage with the most memory and the best processor. It also attributes a 4GB graphics processor and an HDMI port. Despite the brief one particular-year warranty, it offers the most reputable efficiency for a enterprise computer at this price variety.
Men and women who use computers for extended periods of time may possibly encounter discomfort or discomfort as a outcome of poor posture, improper adjustment or use of workstation components or other factors. In most situations, there are relatively easy and economical corrective measures which can be employed to decrease the likelihood of discomfort or injury. We are your trusted supplier of new and factory refurbished computer systems and laptops, all for sale at clearance prices. As a preferred Dell companion we specialise in a especially wide variety of Dell laptops and desktops which includes the Latitude , Precision and OptiPlex ranges.
Applications and games for PCs are usually developed and distributed independently from the hardware or OS makers, whereas software for many mobile phones and other transportable systems is authorized and distributed by means of a centralized on-line shop.12 workstation is a high-finish microcomputer made for technical or scientific applications. All 16 CAF computers in the Porticoes are LIRA workstations. (RPW201 – RPW208, RPW251 – RPW258). Persistent memory: Windows ten Pro for Workstations provides the most demanding apps and data with the efficiency they call for with non-volatile memory modules (NVDIMM-N) hardware. NVDIMM-N enables you to study and write your files with the fastest speed feasible, the speed of the computer’s main memory. Since NVDIMM-N is non-volatile memory, your files will nonetheless be there, even when you switch your workstation off.
Unlike the installation of industrial panel PCs, which can cause main upheaval and disruption to supply chains, laptop workstations for use in industrial settings do not require drastic alterations to software program, processes and infrastructure. In fact, you can customise Industrial Personal go computer Workstations to suit any industrial supply chain. The Software program Licensing Service reported that the computer is missing a required OEM license. LIRA workstations are located in the Engineering & Pc Science Library (Room 2402). There are 4 LIRA workstations (ENW025, ENW026, ENW027, and ENW030), closest to the public printer, near the Information Desk.
The term “workstation” is employed to describe numerous various items. The broadest definition of workstation is the whole location accessed by a worker when performing a certain job or job cycle. A somewhat more restrictive definition of “workstation,” and 1 that has gained usage in the last twenty years is a terminal or individual laptop (Pc), typically connected to a mainframe or to a network of computer systems. This definition grew out of the concept of the workstation as the station at which laptop work is carried out even though the work solution could be stored, and normally is, on a central mainframe system or on a network server. In colloquial usage the term workstation has evolved to imply any computer or terminal exactly where function is performed.
Laptop workstations come in a selection of shapes and sizes. Completely recessed monitor workstations are single student desks that are typically configured in rows and are made to home a pc, monitor, mouse and keyboard although still enabling students to have a large operate surface. These workstations also supply a specific quantity of protection from damage to the computer. Rolling lectern style pc workstations provide just adequate desk best surface for a laptop pc, mouse and information projector. Pneumatic stand-up style pc workstations are also typically just big adequate for an average sized personal computer. ADA personal computer workstations are specially developed for students in wheel chairs, but are also useful when a flexible pc workstation is needed for students of varying sizes.
IS&T recommends the following computer systems for purchase by the MIT neighborhood. Certificates are necessary to access the Apple and Dell Education internet sites. For assistance, contact the Service Desk (617-253-1101). At we have a wide choice of computer desks and office desks to suit each and every need. You’ll uncover desks in a range of sizes, so you can select the one particular that greatest fits your property or workplace. Some of our workplace desks are even created to fit in a corner, so you can make the most of your office space.
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londontheatre · 7 years
Six Cast
The cast and creative team is announced today for the London premiere of the new British musical SIX that sees the 6 wives of Henry VIII singing their way out of the history books and into the West End spotlight.
From Tudor queens to pop princesses and with songs including Ex Wives, Haus of Holbein and Don’t Lose Ur Head, this pop concert remixes 500 years of historical heartbreak into one hour of 21st century sass. If you thought this show was all about one man – you thought wrong!
Cast: Aimie Atkinson (Katherine Howard) was Daniela in In The Heights, Elizabeth the lead in Dirty Dancing and won the BBC Voice of Musical Theatre contest.
Izuka Hoyle (Catherine Parr) was Selena in the musical Working at Southwark Playhouse. She was Stephen Sondheim Society Student Performer of the Year 2017.
Renée Lamb (Catherine of Aragon) was Roz Keith in the musical 9 to 5.
Genesis Lynea (Anna of Cleves) is best known as series regular Maddie Harper in The 4 O’Clock Club, the CBBC series about hip hop and homework.
Christina Modestou (Anne Boleyn) was Nina in In the Heights, she was also in Shrek and Urinetown and covered and played Killer Queen in We Will Rock You.
Natalie Paris (Jane Seymour) was Louise in Sunday in the Park with George at the Menier Chocolate Factory and appeared in West End musicals Billy Elliott, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Les Miserables, as young Cosette.
Creative team: Director Lotte Wakeham, Choreographer Cressida Carré, Musical Director Joe Beighton, Orchestrations Tom Curran, Sound Designer Andy Graham, Lighting Designer Rebecca Fry, Costume Designer Roberto Surace, Associate Director Jamie Armitage.
SIX started life with Cambridge University Musical Theatre Society at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2017, where it was nominated for the inaugural Musical Theatre Review Best Musical Award. The original production, directed by Jamie Armitage, attracted the attention of producers Kenny Wax and Global Musicals, who are presenting this all-new production for the show’s professional premiere at the Arts Theatre in London on 18 December, 8, 15 and 22 January.
Writers Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss said: “This really is a dream come true. We’d like to thank Prince Harry and Meghan for announcing their engagement this week and helping raise interest in Royal brides to fever pitch – although they haven’t got back to us after we offered to provide entertainment at the wedding!”
Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss – Writers Toby and Lucy met at university, where they spent three years making theatre together and neglecting their degrees. In January 2017, they made their first foray into writing as a duo with the musical, SIX. Following the show’s success in Edinburgh, they are incredibly excited for its debut at the Arts Theatre. The team also make up two-thirds of the award-winning theatre company Hot Gay Time Machine, whose show, Hot Gay Time Machine, enjoyed considerable success at the fringe this year, and a sold out run at The Other Palace in November.
Lotte Wakeham – Director Productions as director include: The Hound of the Baskervilles (English Theatre Frankfurt/Jermyn Street), Di and Viv and Rose (Stephen Jospeh/New Vic), The World Goes Round (Stephen Joseph), Wonderland (UK tour), The Buskers Opera (Park Theatre), A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Guildford Shakepeare Company), Upper Cut (Southwark Playhouse – nominated for the Alfred Fagon Award), Lizzie Siddall (nominated for 2 Off West End Awards), The Kissing-Dance (Jermyn Street – nominated for ‘Best Director’, Off West End Awards). Associate director: Matilda the Musical (RSC/West End/Broadway).
Cressida Carré – Choreographer Credits as Choreographer include: The Woman in White (Charing Cross Theatre) Jersey Boys (International Tour); Promises, Promises (Southwark Playhouse); Sweeney Todd (Mercury Theatre & Derby Theatre); Eurobeat (Edinburgh Fringe); Titanic (Charing Cross Theatre, Southwark Playhouse & Toronto); Laila the Musical (Watford Palace Theatre/UK Tour); Beyond the Fence (Arts Theatre); Avenue Q (Greenwich Theatre & UK Tour). Awards: Off West End Awards for Best Choreography for Titanic (Southwark Playhouse), Whatsonstage Awards for Best Off West Production Titanic (Southwark Playhouse).
Kenny Wax Ltd – Producer Kenny has produced three of Mischief Theatre Company’s hit shows, the Olivier award-winning The Play That Goes Wrong (in its fourth year at the Duchess theatre, and currently the longest running play on Broadway), the Olivier-nominated Peter Pan Goes Wrong at the Apollo Theatre and Olivier-nominated The Comedy About A Bank Robbery at the Criterion Theatre. Kenny produced the world-premiere production of Top Hat, which was the recipient of three Laurence Olivier Awards including Best New Musical from its seven nominations, and the Evening Standard Award for Best Night Out and Once On This Island which won the Laurence Olivier Award for Best Musical in 1995 from its four nominations. This year Kenny produced Sally Cookson’s adaptation of Francesco Fellini’s Oscar winning masterpiece La Strada which ran at The Other Palace following a regional tour and Around the World in 80 Days, a co-production with the Stoke New Vic Theatre. He was honoured to be nominated as ‘Producer of the Year’ at the 2017 Stage Newspaper Awards and in June 2017 Kenny was appointed President of the Society of London Theatre which provides a collective voice for the theatreowners, producers and managers of all the major commercial and grant-aided theatres across London.
Global Musicals Ltd – Producer Global Musicals Ltd is a brand new theatre company established in 2017 by producers Andy and Wendy Barnes. The company aims to focus on innovative new musical theatre, to discover and produce exciting musicals that will appeal to a younger generation of theatre goers. Andy and Wendy are also the producers of non-profit theatre company Perfect Pitch, a company founded in 2006 and dedicated to developing new British musicals by emerging writers through workshops, readings and showcases. Having worked exclusively with new British musicals over the last 11 years, Andy and Wendy hope their new company will be able to provide the much needed funds to take young shows to that next step, from development to full commercial production and longer term life.
LISTINGS The London premiere of SIX by Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss
ARTS THEATRE 6-7 Great Newport Street London WC2H 7JB artstheatrewestend.co.uk Running time: 70 mins (approx) no interval 18-12-2017to22-01-2018
Social media: Facebook: sixthemusical Twitter: @sixthemusical http://ift.tt/2niDSG4
http://ift.tt/2zAXmav London Theatre 1
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nadbooks · 8 years
My Favorite Books of 2016
So I know this is really late but I only just decided to start a book blog and what better way to start than with this kind of post. So here we go! Here are the top ten books I read in 2016, rank-ordered, all of which I gave 5 stars to.
10. Beside Myself by Ann Morgan
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This book is about a pair of twins who like to pretend to be each other until one day, one of the twins refuses to switch back. It’s basically a look at how people’s perceptions of you can really influence your entire life trajectory. It’s the most insane case of a self-fulfilling prophecy I ever read about and as a psychology student, I’m a complete sucker for it. The story does get a bit dramatic and it seems that anything bad that can happen to our main character will happen. Still, it is a really interesting look at how the way we judge people can really influence who they become and also highlights some of the worst parenting I’ve ever read about. Kind of an eye-opening book which is why it made it onto my list!
9. Genesis by Bernard Beckett
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This book... man, I don’t even know how to describe this book. It’s some sort of dystopian I guess but it’s a relatively short book that takes place over the course of a few hours. The story follows our main character as she takes a history exam about her society so we get to learn about the history of this society and how it came to be from her answers on the exam. It’s a really interesting way of introducing the world that was informative and felt genuine and didn’t feel like info-dumping. Other than the way the story is told, this book also discusses really interesting philosophical questions like how different is artificial intelligence really from humans and what gives humans our humanity? Overall, a really mind-blowing read which I did not expect at all, and one that will make you think.
8. Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell
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You will soon realise that I am a huge fan of dystopian books and I will likely feature many of them on my blog. This is one of the most classic dystopians out there so I thought I should give it a read if I wanted to proclaim myself a dystopian fan. It’s easy to see how this book became such a staple for the dystopian genre. It is creepy and unsettling in a quiet way, as all dystopians should be. I thought the idea of language as the thing that allows us to have independent thoughts was fascinating and the idea to severely limit the vocabulary of the society so that people cannot even think rebellious thoughts was the creepiest thing I had ever read about. That is essentially mind control in the subtlest yet most powerful way. There were so many quotable passages in this book and I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy so that I can highlight them all! I also liked how the ending was different from many other dystopians in that it is a pretty bleak one and essentially nothing has changed. Much more realistic in my opinion, albeit a tad depressing. That’s just the way I like my books though!
7. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
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This book is extremely well-loved in the book community and perhaps it is surprising that it is only number 7. Unfortunately, this is entirely my own fault as I saw the movie before I read the book (I know, burn me at the stake) so I knew what was going to happen in the end. Still, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and I still felt all the emotions that I was supposed to throughout the entire story (though maybe a little less strongly). I thought having Death as the narrator was genius and made the writing so interesting. It was dark but also funny. The plot of the story itself was a little lacking perhaps so what I really enjoyed about this book was the writing. I really do wish I had read this before I saw the movie because I think it would have packed a much bigger punch but oh well... Still a wonderful story and an instant favorite.
6. Faking Normal by Courtney C. Stevens
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I was pleasantly surprised by how much I loved this book. This is a story about a girl who was raped and is trying to deal with that. I thought this book showcased a way of dealing with rape that is different from what I usually see in other stories. Our main character in this story is actually quite high-functioning and is able to go about her life like usual. It is only when she is alone at night that the nightmares come. I thought this was an interesting portrayal of that. I also loved the romance and friendship in this story. It is not a ‘love fixes mental issues’ kind of story but more like ‘love gives you the strength to face your issues’, which I thought was beautiful. The love interest was so kind and respectful and I just want every love interest to be like him. I am so done with the bad boy trope, give me more nice guys! Contrary to popular belief, they don’t finish last, at least not in my books. The mystery element and sibling relationship in this book were also really great.
5. All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
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This has got to be my absolute favorite historical fiction so far. The story follows a blind Parisian girl and a German boy sent to Hitler Youth and it is a slow build-up to when their paths eventually cross. I don’t usually care about beautiful or poetic writing but Anthony Doerr, man, you sucked me right in. The writing was truly, truly beautiful and was absolutely perfect for a story like this. I fell in love with all the characters and although this book was a chunker, I never wanted it to end. I wanted to keep following these characters forever. Unlike other historical fictions, I thought this one also had a pretty solid plot that had an element of mystery in it, which I loved. This book is just so beautiful (inside and out) and I can’t recommend it enough.
4. The House of Hades by Rick Riordan
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This is the fourth book in The Heroes of Olympus series. Last year, I read the whole Percy Jackson and the Olympians series and The Heroes of Olympus series and it was incredible. The world of Percy Jackson is so cool! I was always fascinated by Greek mythology as a kid and I only wish I had discovered Percy Jackson sooner! It is just as enjoyable to read these books even now when I’m 23 though! The Heroes of Olympus is definitely my favorite of the two series because I just love all of the characters and their character development was just incredible. You know Rick Riordan is an incredible author when he is able to fully flesh out 10 characters in the space of 5 books. The House of Hades is my favorite one because this was like the peak of all the character development (especially precious Nico!!) and it was also incredibly exciting because we were building up to the finale. Also, Percy and Annabeth are #relationshipgoals. I can’t wait to dive back into the Percy Jackson world with the Magnus Chase and Trials of Apollo series!
3. Champion by Marie Lu
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Ahhh here we go again with the dystopians. Champion is the third book in the Legend trilogy. I was pleasantly surprised by this trilogy. I thought it would be just another dystopian, following the same kind of formula all dystopians seem to follow these days. And yes, it kind of did, but it did it well. I thought the Legend trilogy was a bit more political than most other dystopians which I actually enjoyed. I like seeing how people actually carry out decisions in these societies and the kinds of biases that pervade the people. I also think this series is different in that the characters actually work together with the government (or at least a member of the government) to bring about a better society, rather than to just rebel and cause social upheaval and violence. June and Day are also OTP and while many people hated the ending of Champion, I actually really loved it, especially the epilogue. It really struck me and left me thinking about them long after I closed the book, which I can’t say for many other couples in books.
2. Unwind by Neal Shusterman
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Whoo boy, how do I even begin to explain my love for this book and this series in general. The Unwind dystology consists of four books and is a dystopian series (surprise, surprise) set in a world where parents are allowed to harvest their children’s organs if they want to. Sound creepy yet? This world is so incredibly fleshed out (no pun intended) and I think that is largely due to the multiple POVs. We get so many interesting POVs throughout the series that really let us see this world and society from every possible angle. It is also the dystopian that seems closest to our real world which is incredibly scary. The process of unwinding really got me shook. Aside from the world and the multiple POV writing, our main characters are also so interesting and brave and just human. I love love love Connor, Risa and Lev and I think they are some of the most interesting but relatable heroes ever. Gaaaaahhhh I can’t say enough good things about this book and it pains me that it is not more well-known or well-loved. It has quickly become my favorite dystopian series, even surpassing The Hunger Games! If that doesn’t tell you to go read this series, I don’t know what will.
1. A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
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I really struggled between Unwind and A Monster Calls for the number one spot but I decided to give it to A Monster Calls. This book packs such an emotional punch for one that I read in two hours. It is a story about a boy dealing with grief and I think it is such an important read for everyone. Another beautiful story with simplistic but beautiful writing. The story is just so incredible and I am amazed at how it is able to capture so many themes and ideas about grief in such a short and simple story. A must read for anyone who is dealing with grief and highly recommended for everyone in general. The movie was also incredible and really brought out all the raw emotions I felt while reading this book. Please, do yourself a favor and read this if you haven’t. You’ll get a whole new understanding of grief and life and eventually being okay again.
So those are my top ten books of 2016! I’m excited to start book blogging although I’m not sure how often I can do it. I planned to start in 2018 but I thought I would give it a go first with some posts. I will soon post my Least Favorite Reads of 2016 and also Booktube’s Favorite Reads of 2016 where I list out the definitive top ten list of books based on 30 booktubers’ Favorites of 2016 videos. 
Cheers and happy reading!
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