#we are allowed discounts if someone buys more than one item but it’s only like $25.00 off or if someone wants more
digitalgirls · 1 year
complete irony of me hating men yet working in a men’s clothing store
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nickfowlerrr · 2 years
Valentine's day prompt <3
getting asked out via a smudgy scribble on a coffee cup
bucky (any version you want) x plus size reader 🙏
never saw you comin'
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pairing: bucky barnes x plus size!reader
warnings: kind of hinting at a soulmate au but not fully - i wasn't sure i wanted to commit to it lol. fluff. not really much else.
words: 1.7k
notes: thank you for sending this in!! happy valentine's day! hope you like it. <3 thank you in advance for reading. as always, feedback and comments are more than welcome and so appreciated!
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"Hey, good to see you!" The familiar faced barista greeted as you walked up to the counter. You heard the chime of the entrance as someone else walked into the small cafe, coming to stand behind you as they waited their turn.
"Hey, good morning," you smiled. You looked up to her face to see her eyes set on whoever it was behind you. She looked a bit stunned until she blinked. Once, twice, and then her eyes were back to you as she tittered to herself. You were tempted to look behind you but that would be too obvious, so you decided to just pretend you hadn't seen her unusual change in demeanor.
"The usual or were you wanting something different today?" she asked, now very clearly trying to not look back up at you or the person stood behind you. Was it a celebrity? Maybe just someone she knew? Curiosity was gnawing at you but you keep your eyes forward. "Oh and we are having a Valentine's special, buy one drink, get one free - same with our bakery items."
The reminder of the holiday you'd be spending alone yet again was a bit biting whether you wanted to acknowledge it or not, but you refused to let it show. "Oh, I uh, I'm just getting the one, so," you trailed off with a tight lipped smile.
"Sorry to interrupt," a deep voice came from behind you, causing you to turn and the barista to perk her head up ever so slightly as she looked at the man. The moment you made eye contact with him, you realized why she had been so thrown off. You were also taken aback as you realized that Bucky Barnes was standing directly behind you. Metal armed, one time assassin, Bucky Barnes. Avenger Bucky Barnes. Tall, blue eyed, ridiculously good looking Bucky Barnes. You were stunned for a brief second, getting lost in the seas of his eyes, a small smile twitching on his lips as he met your eye.
"Sorry, I just, I'm only ordering one drink myself, I could just place my order with you, and you get yourself a free drink," he offered.
You nodded lightly, closing your parted lips before blinking and letting a smile of your own grace your face. "That's really nice of you," you said.
"Yeah, really nice," the barista echoed with a trill. "Uh, what can I get for you?"
You stepped aside as Bucky stepped forward, giving her his order as you stood by his side. You weren't quite sure what to do now, fiddling with your hands as you looked around the empty cafe.
"That'll be just a minute," she said to both of you before turning around to get started on the drinks.
You stood there awkwardly for a second, stealing a glance in Bucky's direction before he turned completely to face you.
"Hi," he offered a little stiffly, but followed up with a charming smile you'd certainly never have expected from him, causing you to titter in response.
"Uh, hi," you breathed with a smile. It was hard to describe, to explain, but when you met his eye, it was almost impossible to look away, the glimmer in them pretty enough to gaze into for as long as he'd allow.
He nodded awkwardly as he looked down at you, lips pressed together tightly. He looked away for a second, turning to be standing side by side with you again as you sucked your lips.
"Valentine's Day," he said, casting a sideways glance down at you.
You nodded awkwardly then, "Yeah."
"You got any plans tonight?" he asked out of nowhere, earning an unintentional scoff from you. You corrected with a more pleasant laugh as you shook your head. "No, not really. Just me, some heavily discounted chocolates and maybe a movie or two before I call it a night."
"Really? No valentine?" he asked, the weight of his eyes trailing up and down your full figure sending heat to your cheeks as you pretended not to notice.
"Nope," you popped the 'p'. "Just me, myself, and I.
And what about you, super soldier? Any plans?"
He huffed a laugh at the name before shaking his head in return. "Not as of this moment, no."
Another beat of silence grew between the two of you. There seemed to be an odd familiarity you couldn't account for, a comfortability between you despite being complete strangers to one another. There was a buzzing in your belly, a weird kind of thrill, excitement following through you, but you weren't sure why... And did you just casually call this man 'super soldier' like it was a nickname and you were good old friends? Why the hell had you done that? You let out a stilted laugh that you couldn't keep in. Bucky looked back at you then.
"What?" he asked.
"Nothing, uh," you tittered again, "nothing." You shook your head looking up to meet his eye. He relented when you didn't continue and looked forward again.
"I guess I just had a different idea of who you would be in person. The media paints you... differently," you tried to explain.
"How's that?"
"I don't know, uhm. A lot more... stoic, maybe?"
"Hm," he responded, "sorry to disappoint," he offered.
"I didn't mean that in a bad way," you rushed to try and remedy, all the while Bucky was smirking at you, something akin to amusement in his eye as he admired your flustered state. "Not that either way is - or - would be, bad. Sorry, I haven't had my coffee yet, my brain is kinda," you were saved from your rambling by your phone ringing in your hand. You glanced at the screen, taking a deep breath.
"Work," you offered as you waved your phone at him. "Have to take this, excuse me."
You turned and stepped away to take the call from your boss as Bucky watched you walk away, smile never falling from his lips. The barista called your order as you were talking and Bucky approached the bar to get your drinks while you kept your back turned.
A minute or so passed before you were finally able to end the call, the sound of the bell on the door ringing in time with you turning around to find that Bucky had gone.
You were slightly disappointed, well maybe a bit more than slightly, that odds were you'd probably never see him again, at least not in person. Maybe you were crazy, the hopeless romantic, valentine's energy in the air was getting to you, but you really thought there was a little spark of something there...
But Bucky Barnes was a hero, basically a celebrity, and you knew there was damn near no way you'd ever have the chance to explore anything with him. You laughed at yourself as you shook off the thoughts running through your head, walking to where your drink was waiting for you. Still, you were disappointed you weren't able to finish the conversation, or at the very least offer a goodbye. Not that it really mattered, you guessed.
As you grabbed your coffee cup, what appeared to be a lot of scribbling of black ink on the backside, now partially on your hand, caught your eye. You furrowed your brow as you held the cup up to your face to try and see it more clearly. When you started to make out the writing you had accidentally smudged, you couldn't help the smile that spread across your face. Under where the barista has written your name, read:
If you're open to company for those movie plans tonight, give me a call. I'll buy the chocolate.
Bucky's number, luckily, was legible as you continued reading his writing.
No pressure. Either way, have a great Valentine's Day, doll. It was good meeting you. - J.B.B.
You looked up smiling to yourself as you placed the cup back down for a second to grab your phone and take a quick picture of the note, lest you throw the cup away before taking his number down later. As you slipped your phone back in your pocket, the barista approached you from across the counter.
"Hey, so he asked me to tell you that he would've asked you face to face, but he didn't want to interrupt you?" she said in the form of a question as if she didn't really know what she was relaying to you. "Also, he bought himself a muffin before he left and wanted you to get the other item for free, so choice is yours," she offered gesturing to the bakery case.
"Oh, thank you," you smiled. "Ahh, I'll take a muffin, too."
A few moments later you had your coffee and muffin in hand as you walked to one of the tables around the cafe. Snapping a picture of the muffin, you sent it to Bucky's number along with a text.
Thanks for the muffin. And I'm definitely open to company.. Any movie suggestions?
You smiled at your screen when three dots popped up not long after you sent the message. This wasn't how you saw today going at all, but you certainly didn't mind the unexpected. A giddy excitement that you hadn't felt in a while came over you as you considered the possibilities of what would be in store tonight. It all felt so kismet, as ridiculous as that might have sounded...
You tried to tamper down your excitement and whatever dopey ideas were lurking in your mind as your phone dinged with a new message.
Bucky Barnes: Tons. How about we each choose one to watch?
Bucky Barnes: And I'd like to take you to dinner tonight, too. Does 7 sound good?
You: Okay, yeah. Seven works. It's a date. :)
You bit your lip to keep the dopey smile off your face as you clicked your phone to lock. Dinner and movies with Bucky Barnes on Valentine's Day. The plans formed easily in the blink of an eye, no carefully planned out details, just plans naturally unfolding and setting between you. Your life was far from a fairytale, but you couldn't shake the feeling that meeting Bucky today was meant to be, like something that was meant to play out was finally getting set into motion. All the pieces falling perfectly into place. You were excited to see where this would go.
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mathsbian · 1 year
Are you buying gifts for a disabled friend? Not sure what might be a good gift? Here’s some thoughts to help you figure it out:
Do they have an income/are they financially stable? If not, ask them if there is a purchase they have been putting off due to expense, and would make their life easier to have. I asked my mom for an electric razor and a water flosser for Christmas a few years ago because I struggle to keep up with shaving my legs (something I need to do for sensory reasons) and with the motivation to floss. Both of these items made my personal hygiene routines much easier to do so I could do them more often. My partner’s mother bought us a robot vacuum at a big discount on Black Friday that same year, and it’s made keeping the house clean a lot easier for me. This would also be a good way to find out about any assistive devices they’re interested in getting, but worried about wasting their money on it if it turns out not as useful as they thought!
Are they able to cook or do they have a reliable way to get food (either a meal delivery service or living with someone who cooks for them)? If not, consider gift cards for restaurants and fast food places, or gift cards for food delivery services. I rely on my partner for meals, but they also have chronic pain (they just aren’t as bad off as I am currently and are still able to work and do a lot compared to me) and sometimes they don’t have the energy to cook either. On those days, it’s really convenient to have some funds for food so we can go to a drive-thru or order a pizza or Chinese take-out or something. But with how tight our finances are, sometimes we can’t afford to do that and my partner had to figure out something else to do for dinner (it usually ends up being cereal on those nights). My parents also sometimes give me gift cards to restaurants I would otherwise not be able to afford to eat at, allowing me to treat myself and my partner to nice meal around my birthday or their birthday or the holidays that my partner doesn’t have to cook.
As an alternative to giving gift cards for food, you can also give meals you’ve made that they can reheat, as long as you check about any dietary concerns before making them a dish.
Are they able to do housework? If not, offer to come help them get their house clean, or offer to pay for a one-time cleaning service to stop by. Especially if they’ve been struggling to get their house clean for a while, they might feel overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs done. A helping hand or a service coming in and cleaning up the whole house on their behalf could be a huge help, both for their physical health and peace of mind.
Are they able to drive themself to places they need to go? If not, offer to be a ride to their next doctor’s appointment, or give them a gift card for a rideshare service like Uber or Lyft. Especially in the US, where public transit is a nightmare.
And back to their financial situation: when was the last time they bought themselves something fun? I can’t justify spending money on new games or new books or anything like that. My budget is way too tight. So it’s always nice when someone gets me a Steam giftcard or buys me a game or book or something that I’ve been wanting and just. Could not justify buying no matter how inexpensive it was. For example, I can’t play games at my computer very often anymore. I can’t sit at a desk that long. I originally bought Stardew Valley on Steam back when I had a laptop and could play it while laying in bed or chilling on the couch. But I don’t have a laptop anymore and when I have the ability to sit at my desk I’m usually wanting to play something a bit more intensive than Stardew Valley. Ever since it was released on the Switch I’ve been wanting it for my Switch. It was only $15 but I just could not justify spending that when I’m always needing money for food or groceries or bills. My roommate bought it for me as an early birthday gift back in January, so now I can play Stardew Valley wherever I want again. I’m not going to be stuck with shitty phone games anymore. It was so nice of him to do!
Other ideas:
If they don’t have much of a support system, and you’re close with them, ask if they need support self-advocating with any of their doctors and offer to attend their next appointment with them. Don’t be offended if they turn you down, obviously doctor’s appointments are stressful and can be invasive and they might not want you aware of all the various issues they’re dealing with medically. But they might really appreciate someone going with them and backing them up if they’re struggling to get their doctor(s) to listen to them.
If they spend a lot of time at home alone, offer to set up a regular visit time! It doesn’t have to be every week or anything that’s too often for you to handle, but any amount of time spent with friends is much better than spending that time feeling lonely some more. In this case, try to also make an effort to include them in plans with other friends. Even if they end up not being able to leave the house that day, it’s nice to feel like your friends want to spend time with you and miss you when you’re gone.
Ask if they need assistance applying for aid of any kind. The SSDI application takes a lot of effort to complete, and if they struggle to concentrate or have hand pain it can be a real challenge getting all of the forms filled out. Maybe they need help finding a lawyer to represent them while they apply. Maybe they need help setting up an ABLE account or getting on Food Stamps or Medicare/Medicaid. Again, they might refuse the offer as a lot of this information can be very private, but I know I definitely appreciate any help my partner can offer in getting these more tedious steps of the process done, thanks to my intense brain fog.
If anyone else has other thoughts about ways to figure out good gifts for disabled friends, feel free to add them!
(This was based on my own experience as a disabled person, who greatly enjoys giving the most perfect gifts to other people. I know love languages are an over-simplified way of looking at personal needs satisfaction, but gifts is genuinely, by far, my biggest love language.)
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poutyniall · 10 months
I would love to read your life update 💜 and I can wait as long as I have to so take your time and don't force yourself to do anything you don't have the energy to
And you also should take care of yourself as well as the time and struggle's in your life allow you to 💜
Hello darling, it took me longer than I thought to do this but here we are, let's go!
At the beginning of October, around the 10th, I went to Bologna - a 3 days trip for an event that got cancelled but whatever! - and since I don't really like the city (sorry) I spent the whole time walking in and out every bookstores and asking if they were looking for staff. But nada. Obviously. But while I was there I got a text form the owner of a home items shop I met before leaving - my cousin told me she was looking for staff and I went to her to apply - saying I had to go for a trial day the day after I returned home. So I went. The time I spent there was a thankfully short chapter, barely a month, of my life that was horrible. She is a rotten human being and a shitty employer. I had to ask her THREE times how much she was gonna pay me, after a week of work, before she answered me. The second day, in front of others people, she asked me - laughing - what I wanted to do pointing at the scars on my arm. No one, EVER, not even after months or years of knowing me, dared to ask me something about the scars but she didn't even have the decency to keep her mouth shut about such a sensitive topic. She has no respect for people, taking behind the back of her clients the second they walk out the shop, neither she has respect for the people who work for her. Like, I didn't have a second of break and I had to carry out tasks that weren't my responsibility (like going grocery shopping for her or fixing the electric socket and on) and I wan't insured and I hurt myself. I still don't know how but my toenail fell off and I almost passed out in her bloody, dusty, without a fucking window basement while taking inventory of xmas' stuff. After almost a month of work she paid me nothing, as my grandma'd say 'she'd have given me more if she'd pissed in my hands'. In conclusion, she's a horrible person and one day she'll get what she deserve.
Anyways, after three days I was working there I went to the bookstore at the mall. There's a corner in the store that is like another store and they only sell to the members. Like, you need the membership to benefit of discounts and stuff, which I have 'cause I'm a bookworm. Anyhow, I went there to buy a book and the promoter mistook me for someone else and asked me why I didn't show up for the interview and I was like 'ehm, excuse me, I would have remembered if I had an interview for a job in a bookstore but if you still need it, please tell me all about it'. She did and that's how I ended up doing two jobs till October 31st. At the bookstore in the morning and at the bitch in the afternoon. My colleague from the bookstore... she's sick. Like she's a psycho, for real. The first week I had to stick with her 'cause I needed to learn how to 'sell' the membership card. That week was a whole fat red flag. She touched me - my hair and hips - she pinched my side, right under my boobs line (I don't know if any of this make the slightest sense but please, bear with me), she sent me dozens of messages calling me baby girl, she forced her way of doing things on me, like the way she talked or explained the service to possible clients, she called me over just to stick her tongue at me and she slid into my car the first day of work. She told me, after a week of knowing me, 'I know you, you're gonna get hurt if you don't do what I say and how I say it' and 'he (our boss) is gonna do whatever I say so'. When I started to approach the firsts clients and do the first membership cards by myself she was always behind me breathing down my neck, literally. She said to our boss that my cards weren't good, only hers were valid, she made a fuss with him 'cause I didn't spent my lunch break with her and when she left (she was fired) I found out, from the other guys who work there, that she used to film them with her phone, she falsified some cards ect. She was troublesome. Before she was fired she came to me 'cause she needed to talk to me and she said 'It's not true that it bothered you when I touched you and don't think if you do everything the boss tells you you'll climb fast and have a career' and other nonsense. She follows me on ig with a fake account and she commented one of my story. Basically I have a shitty memory, I always forget books' title so, in order to avoid buying the same book twice, whenever I start a new book I make a story on ig so I always have an archive of the books I've read. The book's title I was reading was 'nobody knows about us' and you wanna know her comment? 'Is it about us?'. And my boss is not better. He sends me dozens of messages every day and calls me 2+ time when I don't answer right away. Like dude, I'm working! He gave me a smart watch just so I can read his texts all the time. I'm not gonna wear it, no fucking way. Also, it doesn't work, it came out damaged. He gave it to me a week ago and he asked me about it something like 10 times in 3 days.
The moral of the story? I think some people have suicidal instincts but are too afraid to do it themselves and that's why they come to me. They're waiting for me to lose the last grain of patience I have.
I'm sorry. I tried to make it as short as I could but it's still sooo long. Thank you, and bless you, if you got this far 💜
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just6f · 2 months
REMARKABLE SIMULATION FISH PLUSH TOYS PILLOW. AN EVEN BETTER DISCOUNT. Interested in our Simulation Fish Plush Toys Pillow? Well, great minds think alike, because our team is holding an exclusive 16% off on the Simulation Fish Plush Toys Pillow today! Choose from our popular sellers such as Simulation Fish Plush Toys Pillow Realistic Tilapia Carp Bream Sofa Pillow Stuffed Soft Bed Back Cushion -- all priced at just $12.95! This offer won't last long, so ADD TO CART now to save $2.49! MORE DETAILS ON SIMULATION FISH PLUSH TOYS PILLOW Filling: Pp cotton Material: Cotton Gender: Unisex Features: Stuffed & plush For only $12.95, you get a product with an amazing design and quality. In other words, this purchase is a great deal for the given price! Therefore, take advantage of this outstanding offer before it’s out of stock and order your own Realistic Tilapia Carp Bream Sofa Pillow Stuffed Soft Bed Back Cushion right now! PRODUCT QUESTIONS & ANSWERS I got a question about the quality of your Realistic Tilapia Carp Bream Sofa Pillow Stuffed Soft Bed Back Cushion? Can I be sure it won’t fall apart in my hands, hurt me or something? We can assure our clients that the materials used to manufacture the Simulation Fish Plush Toys Pillow live up to the highest quality requirements. Therefore, they can’t hurt anybody. What makes your Realistic Tilapia Carp Bream Sofa Pillow Stuffed Soft Bed Back Cushion more appealing than competitors’ offers? We work with leading suppliers. That's why we can guarantee an exceptional quality of the Simulation Fish Plush Toys Pillow and we’d like to point it out that it has fine value for money. Is it the final price? Do I have to pay any additional fees? When placing an order, you can see the final price of the item including all the fees. So, after you have confirmed the order, no additional fees are charged. Does the price include taxes? Taxation is defined by your location. Therefore, you will see the tax value (if applicable) on the checkout page that shows the total cost of your order. Do I violate any law if I post a picture of my purchase on Instagram? Certainly, you can freely post the photos of our goods on social media. We have absolutely no objections to that. Thank you. I hope you allow your clients to leave reviews of your products. We respect our customers’ opinions. Therefore, feel free to share your experience to help us get better. ORDERING & STORE POLICIES Do I have to order only one product at a time? In other words, what if I need to buy more? Feel free to include as many items as necessary into your order because we put no limit on this. Is it OK if the delivery address doesn’t match my personal address? We will carry out the delivery irrespective of the fact whether it’s your personal address or someone else’s place of living. So don't worry about it. I have a question, so how can I consult you? You will find the contact details of our support team at the bottom of the page, so feel free to get in touch with our service with any questions about the Simulation Fish Plush Toys Pillow. Will the delivery take as long as you promise? We calculate the estimated shipping time as carefully as we can. Still, the delivery time may slightly vary depending on different circumstances including national holidays and emergencies. I like the Realistic Tilapia Carp Bream Sofa Pillow Stuffed Soft Bed Back Cushion, but do you have the authorization to sell this product? You can be sure that we obey every legal rule required to sell the Realistic Tilapia Carp Bream Sofa Pillow Stuffed Soft Bed Back Cushion. In other words, all our products are absolutely legal. What is your main difference from your competitors? We pay close attention to the selection of the best materials, technologies, and manufacturers. This is why you can buy from us with confidence! https://just6f.com/simulation-fish-plush-toys-pillow-realistic-tilapia-carp-bream-sofa-pillow-stuffed-soft-bed-back-cushion-2/?feed_id=7654&_unique_id=66b49f2bd0f19
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effingut23 · 2 months
Buy Beer Online Delivery: The Ultimate Guide to Convenient and Quick Beer Shopping
In the fast-paced world we live in today, convenience is key, and that extends to how we buy our favorite beverages. With the rise of online shopping, you can now buy beer online and have it delivered right to your doorstep. This hassle-free process not only saves time but also offers a wider selection than what you might find at your local store. Whether you're planning a party, looking to try a new brew, or just want to stock up, buying beer online delivery is the way to go. In this blog, we'll guide you through the benefits of buying beer online, how to find the best deals, and tips for a smooth delivery experience.
Why Buy Beer Online?
1. Convenience:
One of the most significant advantages of buying beer online is convenience. You can browse through an extensive selection of beers from the comfort of your home, without the need to travel to a store. This is especially helpful during busy times or if you live in an area with limited access to specialty beer shops.
2. Wide Selection:
Online beer stores often offer a much broader range of products than physical stores. You can find everything from popular commercial brands to rare craft beers and limited-edition brews. This diversity allows you to explore new flavors and styles that you might not find locally.
3. Detailed Information:
Online retailers typically provide detailed descriptions of each beer, including tasting notes, ABV (alcohol by volume), brewing methods, and more. This information helps you make an informed choice, especially if you're trying something new.
4. Easy Comparison:
Shopping online makes it easy to compare prices, reviews, and products across different stores. You can quickly find the best deals and read customer feedback to ensure you're getting quality products.
5. Special Offers and Discounts:
Many online beer retailers offer special promotions, discounts, and loyalty programs. This can help you save money, especially when buying in bulk or during sales events.
6. Doorstep Delivery:
The biggest perk of all—having your beer delivered straight to your door. This is perfect for last-minute gatherings, restocking your fridge, or simply avoiding the hassle of carrying heavy bottles and cans.
How to Buy Beer Online: A Step-by-Step Guide
1. Choose a Reputable Online Beer Store:
Start by selecting a reliable online retailer. Look for stores with good customer reviews, a wide selection of beers, and clear delivery policies. Some popular options include specialty beer websites, local breweries' online shops, and general alcohol delivery services.
2. Browse and Select Your Beer:
Once you've chosen a store, browse their selection. Use filters to narrow down your options by beer type, brand, price, or country of origin. Take advantage of detailed product descriptions and customer reviews to find the perfect beer for your taste.
3. Check Delivery Options:
Before finalizing your purchase, check the delivery options available. Consider factors such as delivery time, fees, and any special conditions like age verification. Some stores offer same-day or next-day delivery, while others may take a few days, depending on your location.
4. Review Your Cart:
Review the items in your cart and make sure you've selected the correct quantities. Double-check any discounts or promotions applied to your order.
5. Provide Delivery Information:
Enter your delivery address and contact details. Make sure the information is accurate to avoid any delays or issues with your order.
6. Payment and Confirmation:
Choose your preferred payment method and complete the purchase. Most online stores accept credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and sometimes cash on delivery. After payment, you should receive an order confirmation email with the details of your purchase.
7. Prepare for Delivery:
Make sure someone of legal drinking age is available to receive the delivery. Most delivery services will require age verification upon delivery, so have a valid ID ready.
Tips for a Smooth Online Beer Delivery Experience
1. Plan Ahead:
If you're ordering beer for a specific event, order in advance to ensure timely delivery. This helps avoid any last-minute rush or potential delivery delays.
2. Check Storage Requirements:
Some specialty beers may require specific storage conditions, such as refrigeration. Be sure to read any storage instructions provided and prepare accordingly.
3. Explore Subscription Services:
Consider subscribing to a beer delivery service if you're a regular beer drinker. Many services offer monthly subscriptions with curated selections, which can introduce you to new and exciting brews.
4. Be Aware of Legal Restrictions:
Different regions have different laws regarding the sale and delivery of alcohol. Make sure you're familiar with the legal age requirements and any restrictions on alcohol delivery in your area.
5. Enjoy Responsibly:
Always drink responsibly and be mindful of the effects of alcohol. Enjoying a variety of beers is a great experience, but moderation is key.
Effingut Buying beer online delivery is a convenient and enjoyable way to explore a wide range of beers, from classic favorites to new discoveries. With detailed product information, easy comparison, and the convenience of doorstep delivery, it's never been easier to stock up on your favorite brews. Whether you're planning a celebration, exploring new flavors, or simply looking for a hassle-free shopping experience, online beer delivery offers a perfect solution.
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Genuinely. Genuinely. How do you make it this far without a single thought in your head. How is it that my belongings specifically are the ones that disappear and reappear looking scuffed as hell. I've somehow lost an entire moving dolly because someone put it somewhere and did not bother to say a word. You want results but don't want to put in the effort.
You can't understand why there's flies? There's food left out on the stove every fucking night, the garbage is open, I put a lid over it, why is it on the floor with the garbage open??? All my groceries get shoved into the back of the fridge, someone graciously reorganized the fridge and freezer and 1) left my freezer items out for a week before very confidently saying it had only been a day (because I waited. I watched and waited to see how long it would take for someone to speak up. You had been talking amongst yourselves instead of addressing everyone simultaneously.) and 2) had tossed someone of mine after I had already reiterated that some of the dates might be off because I buy from a discount store.
And I'm expected to be just as brainless. Give a laugh every time a mistake happens. Just smile and give grace. I'm the asshole when I put down a boundary, a boundary that will be forgotten in 24 hours anyways. I come home to the apartment full of smoke and simply turn and walk back out the door. You forgot? You forgot? You forgot? I hope it bites you in the ass one day and you're forced to open your eyes to what you've become. You clearly don't see it as an issue, leaving the fridge open and the doors unlocked and a pot of what was then naught but ash smoldering and smoking on the stove top for god knows how many hours.
I wish I could be the monster I'm painted as whenever I express disdain. Disdain for the sink constantly full (why are there flies?). Food scraps in the sink, plates and bowls still full with tap water on top. You threatened to report me to the landlord over not moving the dishes fast enough - weren't you the one who invited someone to live with you for 3 weeks without informing your roommates, someone who was involved with police on multiple occasions, who eventually had landlord involvement? Petty, petty. You seem like you've never had to face a consequence before, you've "never been toxic before" and I somehow doubt that you haven't just experienced the same leniency I've been giving you this entire time.
You want the world to bend to you and your will, your actions can affect others, but no one is allowed to affect you. I should've seen the red flags when you hadn't gotten the mail in two months (lost the key? And it didn't occur to you to LOOK or ASK?) and I pulled time sensitive bills out addressed to roommates long gone. The red flag when you claimed the dryer didn't work and I simply pulled two months worth of lint out of the lint trap.
I feel like the most pathetic god amongst men. The angel descended to help in the most disgusted way, expressing how below my pay grade all of this is. Treated as though it's amazing I know how to clean out lint. That I can scrub the mold out of the bathtub. That by mere observation I can notice things others don't - simply by using my goddamn eyes and brain. I understand that the obvious is not so obvious to many, but to use the washing machine as a hamper for sandy clothes? To walk around stage projecting your voice? To laugh it all off? To be the absolute center of it all and put your whims first without a single second thought as to how the people around you may be impacted?
Perhaps my past clouds my thoughts. Of course I was raised to keep my head down and mouth shut, to erase my own identity and merely serve. But this? This feels like more than that. This feels like ignorance and incompetence on a scale that feels absurd.
They are going to clean this apartment and I will no longer here the expression of how clean it is. Because it isn't. We live disgustingly and I refuse to clean knowing it won't stay that way. I will not be a maid for those who will not be grateful for it. Woken out of a near dead sleep to a speaker and singing in the shower at midnight. "Was I loud?" Are you stupid? Are you stupid? Are you stupid?
Is it misanthropy? I've had so much time to sit and think and sort and process and I suppose it can be considered something of a luxury. I can only take so many demonstrations of uncaring, of a laugh or an expression of disbelief.
I've tried. Believe me when I say that I have tried. You simply don't care. Not about me, not about how you live. Nothing matters except your immediate future. And I suppose there's something sad to this ignorance. But it is not my job to lead you into the light.
The common area makes me upset enough that I work to avoid it. I spend time out of the house.
I'm tired.
0 notes
cricutcutdesign · 11 months
How to Get a Cricut Halloween Mystery Box 2023?
Isn’t it awesome to get a Cricut Halloween mystery box 2023? The discount you get on the Cricut materials is just great. You’ll find different things inside the box, like paper, vinyl, and different tools inside a mystery box. So, if you are interested in learning more about these cute mystery boxes, read this blog till the end. You might have certain questions related to the Cricut mystery box, which will get clear as you read this full blog. You can make your own mystery box by using our tutorial, which may help you know how to create a better Cricut mystery box.
What Does It Mean by a Cricut Mystery Box?
Basically, a Cricut mystery box is a collection of some of the best Cricut brand items at a low price. Hence, you pay quite less than the actual MRP of the box. Overall, you pay just $49-$50 only.
Usually, the box contains items related to a specific theme, suppose an all-glitter theme. There, you’ll get all the glittery items like paper, pens, and glitter vinyl. They are released from the Cricut with a specific set of items and on a specific date.
Well, sometimes the items in the mystery box can change when they run out of any particular item, and then they replace it with some other item, which also has a huge value. However, this doesn’t happen too often, so don’t worry.
What Will You Get in a Cricut Mystery Box?
A mystery box seems interesting, and you may be wondering what will come inside a Cricut Halloween mystery box 2023. So, here are the things you can expect inside a mystery box.
The point to be noted here is that you may not get everything from this list inside a mystery box. However, a mystery box is worth it when it’s really a mystery and no one knows what stuff it contains. So, when you get one, you will genuinely feel surprised and happy.
Will You Get a Cricut Cutie Every Time in a Mystery Box?
We have included a Cricut cutie in the list. But not always; you’ll get one. Well, for those who don’t know what it is, it’s a little collectible plastic puppet that you may get inside the mystery box. However, there is no straight way to get a Cricut cutie; you can get them when you purchase something else with it, or someone who loves you can give you a Cricut mystery box.
Or maybe if the Cricut randomly slips a Cricut Cutie, you can be lucky. This time in 2023, we have no idea what you might get, but definitely, it’ll be something cuter.
How Do You Need to Get a Cricut Halloween Mystery Box 2023?
Well, not everyone can get access to a Cricut mystery box due to license, location, and logistics. Moreover, U.S. and Canadian residents are allowed to order a Cricut mystery box, but it’s restricted to the people of other countries.
Plus, some Cricut offers are specific for the Cricut Access subscribers. So, only a few will get a Cricut mystery box. Being a Cricut Access subscriber is great; you know why? Because you will get a 10% off on purchasing a Cricut Halloween mystery box. So, if you don’t have Cricut Access, you can get one if you want to.
How Do You Get a Cricut Halloween Mystery Box?
The simple answer is to go to the Cricut shop to order an official Cricut mystery box when you see it is released. However, getting a mystery box might be a little tricky as there are so many users who wait for it and buy it quickly as it is released. So, you have to keep one eye on what’s going on. There are times when a mystery box sells out in just three hours.
Will the Cricut Mystery Worth Your Money?
There is no specific answer to it. A Cricut Halloween mystery box will be great for the Cricut owners as it offers you some pretty good samples of Cricut materials and tools that are useful and meaningful to start out.
Also, some Cricut users have experienced that a Cricut mystery box has given them new opportunities with Cricut materials they’ve never tried before. Those who are experts in Cricut might not find this mystery box worth it as they have tried all the possibilities with a Cricut machine.
The Cricut Halloween Mystery Box 2023 is amazing for all crafters. You can get one from the Cricut shop. Well, whether you will get it or not depends on how far you are from the warehouse and which country you live in, as not every country provides this service. Usually, the users who live near the warehouse will get it easily as compared to those who live far away. But remember, not everyone will get it due to the quick selling. However, the mystery box is amazing to get new Cricut supplies you’ve never used before.
Visit: cricut.com/setup
Source: https://xn--crcutdesignspace-9rb.website/how-to-get-a-cricut-halloween-mystery-box-2023/
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gucciwins · 4 years
it’s your birthday?
As luck would have it you once again find yourself in a breakout room with Harry
Word count: 3296
A/N: Hello friends, it’s a new semester and it felt only right to continue breakout room, a story that was well loved by you. The inspiration once again came to me during class and also because it’s Harry’s birthday. Thank you to the lovely @soullikestyles for reading this over. Here it is, enjoy!!!
I hope you love this, it is a continuation from Breakout Room 
Please shoot me a message of what you thought!!!!
i love you, take care xx 
It's the start of a new semester. It's safe to say you did not make any friends last semester due to this ongoing pandemic, but what you did manage to get was a 3.9 G.P.A for the Fall semester. It was probably because you did not leave your apartment, and when you did, it was to go grocery shopping with your roommate, who would be dead without you because, as she liked to put it, you're the chef, and she's the taster. 
Well, you maybe did make one friend. 
Harry Styles.
He was the person to talk to you during a zoom breakout room in your women's gender studies course.
Sure, you were never in the same room again, but you might or might not have pinned his face during one of the professor's long ramblings that is no longer related to the course. 
He was pretty to look at; you would never deny that. 
No, with the floppy curls that he almost always seemed to run his hand through, then stopping when one of his rings got caught in a knotted ringlet. His camera would instantly turn off, and in thirty seconds, he was back as if nothing had happened. The glasses framed his face just right, making his eyes look soft and inviting. Also made his dimples stand out. He almost always wore a different colored cardigan. Your favorite from the semester was when he wore a multicolored cardigan. That looks like it was knitted; there was a hole by his heart. Honestly, you were hoping he had, would have made him even more endearing. 
Also, might one day ask him to make you one, or he could even teach you. You're a fast learner and have patience. 
He's got a great choice in clothing from what you was able to observe in such a short time—also a lovely personality. 
After his initial email, you decided to answer, thus creating a chain of messages back and forth. He was honestly funny, and that was just on paper. He had asked for her number and said no, and he respected that. It doesn't mean they never helped each other in the class; Harry asking for more help than Y/N. She sent him over her notes and explained the readings he found harder to grasp. 
As soon as finals week hit, she received her last email from him with the subject as Goodbye. It took you by surprise, and you erased the draft you had waiting for him that had your phone number wanting to keep talking to him. Still, clearly, he thought of them as just classmates for the semester, so without even opening his last email, you trashed it. 
You felt guilty about it, so you then transferred it to your archives, where it sits with other unwanted emails. 
The holidays are over, and since you could not make the trip home, you celebrated with Amy, your roommate. You both help each other buy your family's presents, looking for the best discounts and adding extra items to get the free shipping. Together, well, mostly you as she handed you pieces of tape you wrapped present after present in brown wrapping paper. It was harder to tear and more comfortable to decorate in any way you wanted. On each box, it had everyone's name written in beautiful handwriting, courtesy of you. Then you would add snowflakes or stripes to make it stand out. 
It was a success from their looks when each gift was open through the zoom call. 
The month break flew by, and the next thing you knew, it was time to be back at your desk for hours of learning. It was fun until it wasn't sure there was a lot to look forward to, but you would miss sleeping all day and eating snacks in bed with no fear of forgetting to submit an assignment. 
This semester you had four major courses. Psychology of Personality and Psychology of Aging were the two courses you were most looking forward to. You decided on taking the women's gender studies class called Politics of Sexuality. You had gotten the recommendation from the department's head to take it and did so without a second thought. Yes, fifteen units was a lot, but you were close to graduating, and you knew you could handle it. 
The first week flew by because it was merely going over the syllabus. You had your camera on, but you did not bother to look at your other classmates. Sasha, a fellow person in your major, would be your study partner as she had been all semester. Sasha might not always be in the class section, but she did take the same professors and courses. It makes studying and taking notes easier. You know you won't always have Sasha, but having a study partner has ever made you do better. 
February 1st. The start of the second week of the semester. 
You woke up at seven, got the tea that Amy had ready for you, and were sitting at your desk by eight. Your professor droned on about the first chapter of the book. You felt confident knowing you understood the significant points. 
It's 11:30, and your second course of the day is going to start. You were not looking forward to the class simply because Dr. Rossi had warned you he would be putting you into breakout rooms of two. That person would be your partner for the semester. You had a project due at the end of the semester, and he wanted you to be acquainted with someone rather than having a person working alone. 
You sat there, Baby Yoda ceramic mug in hand, as you waited for your breakout room to load and to see who you were destined to work with for the next fourteen weeks. 
There was a knock on your door that distracted you from seeing the video of someone else load. 
"Sorry, I know you're in class, but I was wondering when lunch was to see how big of a snack I should have." Amy shoots you a small smile. 
"No worries, Ames, I'm out at 12:45 and will need half an hour to cook, so roughly 1:30. Is that okay?" You tell her feeling a little awful, making her wait. 
"It's perfect. Have a good class." Amy shuts the door.
As you hear the click, you turn back to your computer, and they're staring at you in a lavender cardigan with a white shirt underneath is the one and only Harry Styles.  
His curls are shorter, meaning he recently got a haircut, and they are just growing back. You wished he had let it grow out, wanting to see how much more ruly they would have gotten.
You feel your face heat up, remembering you did not do your hair, instead of letting it sit messily in a low ponytail, small hair framing your hair. You were sure the black sweatshirt you had one had a hummus stain but too afraid to look down to check. You weren't even aware he was in this class; it shows you should be paying attention more to your classmates. 
He shoots you a small smile, and you grimace, trying to force one out, but you're still a bit shocked. 
You see his microphone go white, meaning he was about to speak. You leaned forward in anticipation, a bit desperate to hear his smooth accent through your computer speakers. 
"Hello, it's been a while." Harry raises his glasses to hold back his hair. 
You reach forward and unmute yourself. "Hello, Harry. It has been a while. It's a new year and everything." You joke. 
He chuckles, scratching his chin. You aren't sure what to do; it was never this awkward the first time you chatted. 
"Guess we're partners, huh." 
"Apparently." You sigh, a bit loud, forgetting he can hear you. 
"Ouch, don't need to sound too excited." He tells you not at all hiding his frown. 
"No, I didn't." You stop not knowing how to go back from that. "Sorry, that was rude of me." 
He nods, not saying anything more, and you take it as a sign to continue. 
"I-i, well, after our last class ended, I figured that was that. You said goodbye in the last email, so I figured that was the end of our friendship, if you can even call it that." 
"I thought my email would give the opposite impression, but not everything can translate as smoothly when talking." He tells you, which causes you to pause. 
"Your email literally said goodbye," You blurt out before you can stop yourself.
He hides his smile, "My subject said goodbye, the content said quite the opposite. You did read it, right?" 
You duck your head, not allowing yourself to meet his eye even through a computer screen, too embarrassed to be caught. "Well, no, I didn't. Hurt my feelings, just seeing the goodbye." You look up and see his eyes soften, giving you just a bit more courage to continue. "I've always struggled to make friends, I have like three good friends, and it's hard putting myself out there, and I didn't actually if you considered me a friend or not." 
"Y/N" He breathes out your name.
You stop him before he can continue. "Do you mind if I read it now?" 
Harry shakes his head. 
You restore down the zoom and open up your Gmail on the split-screen. You find it reasonably quickly; you look up at him to see him patiently sitting back chipping at his nails. They are a pastel yellow; it makes you smile, knowing just yesterday you went from that color to a deep red. 
Subject: Goodbye 
It's been enjoyable emailing back and forth. I honestly would not have passed this class without you. I think you are brilliant and if I had you in every course, I would finish with A's in them all. So, thank you for having the patience to teach me. 
Also, thank you for being my friend. I know we mostly talked about school work. Still, you did help me decide on what coat to buy for my sister, so I know that makes us friends, and I did help you get that switch for your little brother. (That was like trying to buy floor tickets for Lady Gaga.)
On another note, after emailing for twelve weeks, I was wondering if I could have your number. I would like the chance to give you a call and formally ask you on a date. I know we're in the middle of a pandemic, and dating is hard, but we can do zoom dates before we try in person. 
I understand if it's a no, but I am really grateful to have met you.
Your friend (although I do want to try to be more)
Harry Styles 
City Pointe Apt 32 (in case you want to send a care package, I would gladly return the favor)
"Oh, Harry," You inhale, "I'm so sorry." 
"No worries." He shrugs. 
You pause, thinking your next words. "I live in Rose Villa." Those were not the words you wanted to say, but you don't take it back. 
"That's across the street from my building." He gasps. "We could have run into each other." 
You nod. "Small world." 
Harry brings his focus back to something you skipped over. "I realize you didn't mention the part of asking you on a date." 
"Oh, I figured you over that now. It's been well over a month since I ignored your email." You grimace, starting to feel awful about it all over again. 
"I guess it was email abandonment this time." He jokes.
You laugh, and it gets Harry laughing as well. He was always good at that, making you laugh and not be so serious even if he didn't know it. 
"Y/N," Harry's voice was strong, no signs of laughter in his trace. You lock eyes as best you can through a computer screen. "I would still very much like to take you on a date."
A date with Harry. 
You want to say yes, but it's like you're frozen. 
"Can I say something else before you give me an answer?" You nod, waiting for him to go on. "Sarah Jones, do you know her?" 
Sarah Jones, you rack your brain trying to place her. 
The theater composer. She's written original tracks for the theatre department for the original plays they've done and remakes. She's won countless awards.
Sarah even won the talent show. Played a killer drum solo that no one else could ever think of topping. 
If you're honest, she's the definition of your girl crush. 
"We follow each other on social media. We met at a paint night; she was really easy to talk to." You tell him, remembering how sweet she was to you when she saw you walk in, and just as you were about to walk out, she introduced herself to you, asking to sit with you. 
He nods. "Sarah is my roommate's girlfriend. Mitch and Sarah practically live together; he's so in love with her it truly is the sweetest thing. Back to the point, she overheard me talking about you to Mitch and spoke how she knew you. Then I proceeded to stalk your Instagram on her account. I hope that's not weird." 
You laugh, and it causes Harry to calm down, "Not weird at all. I would have done the same thing, but as you can see, I rarely upload anything." 
"Well, the things you do have, I think, are wonderful." He rambles on explaining how your beach photo on a bike with a pretty pink basket was one of his favorites and how cute you look wearing sweaters. 
As endearing as Harry was being, you decided to put him out of his misery. "Harry," you interrupt. 
"I'd love to go on a date with you." 
"You would?" He gasps in surprise. 
"That's fantastic. I think this is the best birthday gift I could have received." He tells you, but you're stuck on the last thing he said. 
"It's your birthday?" 
Harry smiles sheepishly. "Yes." 
"Happy Birthday, Harry." You tell him softly, a big smile on your face.
A blush overtakes his face; you can tell he wishes to cover up his face with hands but holds back from doing so. "Thank you." 
"Do you have any plans?" 
"No, well. Mitch and Sarah are coming over for lunch in a bit. Then they are off to study at Sarah's for the week. Her roommates are gone for the week." 
You frown, not liking that he'll spend the rest of his birthday alone. 
"Would you-never mind" You stop yourself from being able to invite yourself over to celebrate with him?
"Hey, it's okay. Whatever you wanted to say, I wouldn't judge you, love." His voice was soft and reassuring. 
"Well, I'd love to come over and hang out with you if that's okay. I can make us dinner, I make delicious enchiladas. Also, my carrot cake is to die for." 
Harry is surprised at her offer but nods his head quickly. "That sounds wonderful, but you don't have to cook for me. We can order takeout."
She shakes her head. "Consider it my gift to you." 
"Well, okay. Is six okay for you?" He bites his lip, not believing this is happening.
You sit there smiling at each other. 
When a message pops up overhead, "You have five minutes left before we join back as a group."
Your eyes go wide, having forgotten you were in class. "We didn't even discuss the assignment." 
Harry shakes his head in laughter, a smile spreads over your face. He has an adorable laugh that just rings through your ears, and you can't wait to hear it in person. 
"We've got time, now that it seems we'll be getting to know each other better." 
You relax, settling a bit, you have weeks before the assignment is due.
"I'll email you my number, love. Easier to communicate for later."
"Sounds great." You respond. 
It's five-fifty, and you're standing outside his door. You're more than a little nervous. You're wearing high waisted jeans paired with a black off the shoulder top with floral embroidered sleeves. You decided against a sweater knowing the short walk would keep you warm enough. Your mask is red, with three small hearts stitched on the lower right side. Perfect for February. 
You shift the items in your hand to the right and lift your hand up to knock. After three gentle knocks, you hear footsteps and take a step back. 
"Hi," Harry breathes out, a big smile on his face.
"Hello, Harry, happy birthday." 
"Thank you." He smiles wide, blessing you with his dimples. Definitely look better in person. "Please come in." He grabs some of the items from your hand and allows you to step in before locking the door behind you. 
"Your mask is lovely. Did you make it?" 
"I did!" You share excitedly. "My roommate, Amy, and I spent lots of our free time making a different kind. We took old shirts we no longer wanted and used for the material. It was a lot of trial and error, but we're pretty solid at it now. My embroidery could use some work, but I think it's lovely. 
"It really is. Would you make me one?" He asks, staring at you as you pocket your mask. No longer needing it in his home. 
"Yes, I'll send you pictures of the fabric I have, or you could come over, and I can teach you as well." You tell him, excited at the prospect. 
"Sounds like a wonderful date." You nod, feeling your body get warm at the word date because today could also classify as a date. 
Harry knocks you out of your head when calling your name. "Turned the oven on like you requested." He informs you. 
"Thank you, my mom showed me how to make them, but I learned about the melted cheese on my own. She wasn't a big fan of it, but everyone else I know loves it, so I hope you will as well." 
Harry grabs your hand and gives it a squeeze. "I'm sure it's wonderful." He bumps your shoulder gently. "Go finish up; I'll set the table." 
He pushes you into the kitchen, and you go in and place your stuff. Harry is whistling, settling down on the table two glasses and two forks when you turn back around towards him. 
Harry turns around just in time for you to wrap your hands around his waist. You fit perfectly in his arms, taking in his musky scent. "Happy birthday, Harry." You whisper against his chest.
He squeezes you tighter, leaning his head on top of yours. "Thank you, love." 
He pulls back, holding you by your shoulders. A big smile on his face, you reciprocate it feeling his happiness warm your heart. 
"Run along now; I'm starving." He jokes.
You walk backward, creating distance; as his left-hand trails down your right hand slowly until he's touching your fingertips, do you pull away. Although you, more than anything, wanted to hold his hand. You want to feel the weight of it in yours; you want to know if his hands are soft or calloused. How cool his rings will feel against your palm. All in due time. 
"I'm happy to be here." 
"Me too, love. Me too." 
It's safe to say you were more than luckily going to have yourself a valentine for the first time in a long time. 
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binniesthighs · 4 years
Tumblr media
a/n: this piece is a lil gift for by lovely friend arina ♡ (ฉันรักคุณ & ich liebe dich!!) ♡ as well as my first submission for svtredroom!! happy valentines day to you all hehe and i hope ya remember that i love you too so! much! 
~in which getting stood up on Valentines Day goes a bit more differently than you expected 
Like the Movies 
Pairing: self insert, female reader x jeon wonwoo 
Genre: fluffy smut 
Tags: valentines day au, meet cute au, mentions of food and alcohol, sexual tension, hook-up, businessman!wonwoo, wonwoo being expensive eeee, softdom!wonwoo, sub!reader, kitchen sex, oral (f receiving), bondage, unprotected sex (stay safe!!), cockwarming hehe 
Word count: 2.9k 
Tagging: @hongnanglen-arina​ @svtredroom​
He had been sitting there for at least forty-five minutes--or longer--you didn’t quite know, seeing as you had only been there for forty-five minutes yourself. In the time that you had spent waiting, watching him had become a bit of your routine; he wasn’t watching, so it wasn’t like you had been disturbing anyone. 
You couldn’t imagine why someone like him would be sitting alone on a night like this. 
Someone must’ve been a fool to think that they could leave him at that table by himself, for at least forty-five minutes, to read over the menu for the tenth time like you had watched him do. 
Granted, you had also been sitting there for at least forty-five minutes. 
Perhaps the world was much crueler than you had expected...especially on this holiday supposedly all about love and connection. 
He had perfect posture: the kind that made you assume he must’ve been a businessman or someone else important who had to train themselves to keep a strong composure. The suit that he wore was plain, although it looked as if it had undoubtedly cost him a small fortune. Every corner and pleat of the fabric had been pressed professionally and not a speck of dust or dander seemed to cling to it. His raven black hair too looked effortlessly tussled with the stray strand here and there that must have been planned. Those slender fingers of his pushed up his wire framed glasses now and then. Under the dim lighting of the restaurant, his eyes of a dark brown reflected a color of dark obsidian: both cold and testing. 
To his side, he had a tall glass of wine that he had barely touched: you thought to yourself maybe he just liked how it looked here; like he really was just waiting, and not sitting alone. 
“Have you decided if you would like to order while you wait miss?” 
Your waiter with a wispy beard leaned in to speak to you over the noise of the room. 
“Ah-no. Not yet. I think I want to wait a little longer. I think that they should be here soon.” 
“Of course,” He bowed. 
Across the room, his waiter approached him as well, likely whispering the same question. He nodded, and shooed him with the wave of his hand. Lithe fingers toyed with the stem of his glass, he he rose his head. 
In your surprise, he had turned his head over to your direction of the room, and you suddenly became much more interested in the small assortment of white and cream colored roses on your table. You could feel his gaze, but you couldn’t bring up the bravery to meet it. 
Under the table, your watch ticked tiny and nearly silent ticks as you waited for the minutes to pass by even farther. 
How long is it acceptable to wait until you accept that they’re never coming? 
In many ways, you felt pathetic and crinkled like the browning edges of those very flowers in the glass vase before you. Who in their right mind would stand someone up on Valentines Day? Out of all days of the year? 
You thought to yourself that it must’ve taken some kind of evil and unfeeling person to do so...and you were the fool to think that you would’ve thought they would have showed up. For a moment, you had thought that perhaps it would be better if you left, marched right out of that door into the winter cold, gotten a taxi to the grocery store to buy discounted valentines day candy and cherry cola, then ate it all until you gave yourself a headache. As the night drew longer, that didn’t seem like the worst idea. 
“Ma’am? I’m sorry, but we ask that if you are going to sit that you order an item...we have a waiting list still and we would prefer if you got your money’s worth.” 
You could see the remorse in your waiters eyes. Even he felt bad for you. 
Your eyes drifted to the lobster bisque that you had assumed you would have ordered had they showed up. 
Discount candy? Or lobster bisque? 
“--One order of the Burrata please.” 
He had slipped into the chair across with you as swift as a shadow, and you hadn’t even seen him coming. From this close, he was even more breathtaking. His broad shoulders seemed to take up the whole space of the seat before you, and his creeping smile held a type of mystery that was intriguing and terrifying. 
The waiter himself looked a bit surprised. “One...order of the Burrata then.” 
The man sighed, then took off his glasses with finesse. 
“It looks like you and I are in the same predicament.” His tone was deep, but still gentle. “I don’t think its fair to be alone on a night like tonight. I hope you don’t mind that I invited myself over.” 
“N-no. Not at all.” Your throat felt dry. 
Rather than respond, he smiled out in a grin that made you instantly enthralled. Even though you didn’t know him much, you knew him to be the kind of man that could wrap you around his little finger. Had it been any other day of the year, you wouldn’t have given him the time of day, but, today wasn’t any other day of the year. 
“I assume you already know what you’d like to order?” 
“Mm. Yes. I think I’ve looked over the menu just as many times as you have.” 
He folded his arms over his chest with a little chuckle. 
“I’m Jeon Wonwoo. And you are?” 
“Seems like it there’s a reason that we’re both here at the same time, and...by ourselves.” 
“Not...anymore.” You took a sip of your own wine with heart racing. 
“You’re right.” He rose his own glass into the air which he had taken from his table. “To being alone...together.” 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Your heeled shoes fell to the hardwood floors of his apartment with a clack. His whole home seemed to be swelling with the same energy that he held about himself. It was simple, minimal, no room for anything that looked sentimental or unbecoming for someone as proper as him. The layout was mostly open with each of the rooms connecting to the other. Every item in the apartment seemed to be either gunmetal grey, or black. His kitchen was large for a relatively small apartment, and had a centerpiece of a large black marble island. 
“Espresso?” He offered as he pulled at his shirt collar and tie. 
You wondered about you, tracing your fingertips over the leather couches and spotless upholstery of his dining table chairs. The far wall of the apartment was made of floor to ceiling windows that gave a magnificent view of the city in all it’s nighttime spectral glow. Millions of lights made up the cityscape and twinkled like faraway stars from the height of his 17th floor home. From here, you could take in the whole city fully and it filled you with an unknown sense of tranquility. 
Behind you his stainless steel espresso maker made a little humming sounds, and then the air was filled with the nutty aroma of the coffee. You walked over, feeling the cold touch of the wood under your pantyhose. He placed the small cup on a saucer and presented it to you. The smell filled up your senses and it was perfectly foamy on the top. From the quality of the brew, you assumed this must’ve been his hobby. 
The both of you drank your shots in silence, and you waited to feel the caffeine rush though your body. 
You placed the cup down, “Thank you.” 
He chuckled a little, then rose his finger to wipe a bit of the foam from the corner of your mouth. Instinctually you licked your lips after with the ghostly touch of him lingering there. He licked the remnants off his finger. All at once, you felt yourself grow weaker under the weight of his obsidian eyes. A tension too held in the air as he leaned his body lower and lower...
He tasted like coffee, much as you had expected yourself to taste as well. It was startling, but he was still gentle in the way that he had pulled your frame into his body with fingers splayed across your back. On your teetering tip-toes, you struggled to keep your balance returning the heat of his mouth. He had been smiling devilishly too as his hands explored your whole body: from the curves of your hips and your shoulder blades, all the way down to your ass which he grabbed at in handfuls. It was no mystery that he had hardened against your stomach and the feeling made you keen even further in his arms. 
A deep groan vibrated his chest when your own hands explored the width of his back and clawed lightly at the fabric of his suit jacket hiding the rippling muscles underneath. He told you to continue by kissing a trail down the side of your cheek to your jaw, then to your neck where he sucked and kissed wet little reminders of adoration into the skin. Slowly, your hands snuck under the jacket and to his crinkling shirt. 
In one motion, he lifted you by the back of your thighs to the stone counter which felt startlingly cold under your nearly bare legs. Here, you were allowed a better angle to throw your arms over his shoulders and push off the thick fabric that kept you at bay. You granted yourself one little peek between the kisses to take up the way that his arm muscles flexed the white cotton. He did the same with hasty fingers going to untie the thin bow that held up your blouse. His fingers tickled you as he tore the shirt up and off your head to throw it somewhere you had no idea where. After, he set to work unclasping your bra with ease, and the same needy hands cupped at your breasts firmly, tweaking your buds in-between his index and middle. Further, he traversed down your chest to suck harshly at your hardened nipples, not even caring when his teeth had grazed them slightly. 
Your arousal had become painfully obvious in your underwear constricted by your tights. You couldn’t help but squirm feeling yourself getting wetter by the second. His teasing gaze never left you while he looked up at you with your perky nipples on his tongue. Shameless moans and breathy gasps from you filled the wide and open apartment, and got lost in the empty corners of the room. 
You felt dizzy and breathless once he had decided to stop and opted to tear his tie off his neck. 
“Can I tie your hands with this? Please?” He kissed the words into your neck and nibbled them into your ear. 
You let out a little whimper saying “yes” and offered your wrists to him. 
You would have never imagined it, but the blue silk looked even more lovely than you would’ve guessed. His eyes darkened too seeing how helpless you had become like this. It as as if he couldn’t help himself: he held your tied hands up to his lips where he kissed at your fingers and palms, giving them gifts of his pleasure to them. 
He lowered you back to lay flat on the marble counter and the cold sensation made your whole body shiver wonderfully. 
“Just relax.” He cooed while kissing down your stomach and fiddling with the zipper of your skirt. 
The heat of your core had become unbearable waiting for him, and each of his teasing touches against your inner thighs and on your sides sent you spinning for more. 
You were colder without your clothes, but soon he had granted you the rub of his thumb on your clit over your panties and a mischievous smile spread across his lips. 
“God, you’re gorgeous.” He said, pulling your thin panties to the side to take a peek. He granted one more finger to rub over you directly and mix with your slick. 
“Mm-fuck.” Your hips twisted with each of his touches and your hands writhed in the knot of his tie. 
Wickedly slow, he removed your panties from your legs, then stopped to let his hot breath swirl over your twitching clit. 
“Such a good girl.” He permitted you one kiss which elicited pathetic and needy moans from your mouth. 
Wonwoo began his tantalizing lapping: thick and slow stripes with his wetted mouth that made you tremble. It was criminal how wet he had made you, and it was obscene how each of his kisses sounded against your clit. His cat-like eyes tested you further as if to say watch what a beautiful mess I make of you. 
The mixture of cold stone on your back and the heat of your waist was terribly confusing, but you couldn’t help but get lost in it. 
“Don’t you look so pretty like this?”  
Your voice wavered and you lost yourself further in him while he continued. Your hands did feel trapped--you wanted nothing more to mess up that hair of his, and make it all yours to take in sinfully...but he didn’t grant you that pleasure. 
It didn’t take him long to build up your orgasm, and each flick over your bud, he drew you closer and closer into melting into a shaking mess over his mouth. He built you up until you were painfully sensitive, then smiled with his gorgeously white smile when you came on his tongue, even grinding slightly to ride your release which he reveled in. 
“Did you like that sweetheart?” 
Airy chuckles shook your chest and you tried your best to calm your trembling body. 
“Here, sit up.” 
Wonwoo grabbed you by your arms to help you up, and admittedly, you felt a bit dizzy yourself. 
“Grab on.” 
He prompted you to wrap yourself around him, which you were a bit hesitant of, but his now warm smile assured you that all would be well. 
“Don’t worry.” He simply soothed. 
You did so, even getting a little embarrassed over your arousal that must’ve been rubbing off on his clothes. 
He walked the two of you over to his velvety looking couch, having you sit on his lap. Even after this while, he was still as hard as before. He returned his mouth to paint kisses into yours once more, filling your mouth with adoring comments in between each one. 
“I can’t believe that you’re all mine tonight.”  
His hands returned to your breasts to kneed over them more carefully this time. 
“Would you like to ride my dick princess?” 
It had been absentminded, but you had been grinding into his lap and against his swelling dick. 
“Y-yes. Please. I-I want to.” 
Wonwoo carefully helped you off his lap to remove himself of his own pants, then guided your hips over his hardened length which was much longer and girthier than it had appeared to be hidden under his pants. 
“Take it as slow or as fast as you want, okay? We have all night.” 
Once more his smiling kisses peppered your mouth, then you lowered yourself over him, and it was near euphoric how tightly you took him in. It was effortless in the way that the tip of his head would graze your cervix just like this. Both of you groaned out your symphony of pleasure. 
“Oh fuck--” His eyes rolled. “You’re unreal.” 
Wonwoo’s fingers dug deeply into your lower back, guiding the return of your hips over his length all the while giving love bites to the soft nape of your neck. Connected with him like this, the stranger that you barely knew, you felt a sense of closeness unlike anything you had felt before. He must have put a spell on you from the way each one of his kisses and the pull of your lip by his teeth made you fall deeper into him.
Your thighs straddled him harder in all of your want: you wanted to make him one with you, to have him all to yourself even though you knew he wasn’t yours to keep. The way that his faint grunts wavered in your ears was too much for you to handle. You weren’t alone. On the night that you thought you hadn’t been wanted, he made you feel as if you were the only one there was. 
He hushed into you, “Cum for me, beautiful.” 
Your hands now untied, you raked them though his hair just as you had wanted, chasing your orgasm roughly while you made a mess of him just as he did for you. It tightened in your core, and you used every last shred of your energy to maintain your speed over him. It was exhausting, and your legs shook the closer you got. 
It flushed over your whole body, and dripped down your legs: it was electricity through each of your extremities, and then it was heat, warm as the sun that ran from the tips of your ears to your neck still throbbing from his lips pulling there, hard, as he reached his own orgasm that was left throbbing inside your walls. 
A wave of exhaustion swept over you while you clung to him and he to you. He really was unimaginably handsome this close. The side of his hand caressed down the side of your dewy face. 
“Would you like to be alone together...more?” 
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women-inthe-sequel · 4 years
“I said I’d take care of you, did you think I wouldn’t follow through on that?”
The day after Christmas was turning out to be a quite terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
All the best spots in the parking lot were full. The return lines were long, so much so that they nearly went out of the store and onto the sidewalk. When she gathered up the courage to use a public restroom, it was out of toilet paper and paper towels.
Or maybe the tension from yesterday’s Christmas dinner with Petunia and her new fiancé was getting to her and ruining the rest of her week.
Either way, Lily was determined to take full advantage of the merchandise credit in her hand. After waiting for several people in front of her to complain about the return policy (which Lily actually found to be rather generous), she finally had it in hand.
It came, of course, from returning that awful package from Petunia. Her present this year had come with a passive aggressive comment from her sister about still using her bedding from college. She tried to stomach the comments with non-committal statements and a forced smile, but Lily could only take so much.
It was a certain kind of Christmas miracle when Petunia closed the door behind her without either of them yelling.
After all that, Lily deserved to get a new comforter she actually liked and some of those bamboo sheets they always talked about on TV.
Her problem now was that a merchandise credit return meant she had to find something worthwhile in this particular store. What, she would like to ask, was the point of a giant sign about a forty percent off sale, if nothing actually fell under the sale?
“I’m sorry,” the woman at the counter said for the third time. “This item is excluded from discounts and coupons.”
It wasn’t her fault, Lily reminded herself. This woman probably wanted to be here even less than Lily did. It was moments like these when it became clear why some people got that haircut and started demanding to speak to the manager.
Maybe it was the manager’s fault, for putting up such a big sign and then preventing any items from allowing it to be used.
Petunia would do that. Petunia would complain and raise hell until she left the store.
Lily was not going to do that.
“Thanks anyway,” she said, taking the package back to return it to the shelf. “I’ll keep looking.”
The woman gave her a sympathetic nod.
Dejected, Lily threw the comforter back onto its pile and started down the aisle again. Damn Petunia and her ability to find everything on a perfect sale. The credit amount didn’t leave her any room, so she was never going to find something that could fit-
When Lily turned away from the display, another person’s back blocked her. Brought up short, Lily narrowly avoided actually running into him. Her luck, she would be the person lost in her head enough to knock over someone in the bedding aisle of a department store.
“Sorry,” Lily said, putting her hand on a shelf to steady herself. “I guess I was a little distracted.”
When she looked up to see him properly, Lily could have been distracted for a whole new set of reasons. He had such richly colored eyes, more than a few inches on her height, and that kind of comfortable smile that hinted at self-assuredness.
She could already hear what Mary would say if she was here.
“Don’t worry about it,” the other person said, now turned to her. He grinned and lifted his hand to his hair, running his fingers through it. “Can I help you?”
“Oh, it’s fine,” Lily said quickly. “I’m having a minor shopping crisis, but it’s really nothing. My sister’s great for causing these kinds of things.”
Oh God, why was she rambling?
He chuckled. “Maybe I can take care of it. What kind of shopping crisis are we dealing with?”
Desperate times and nearly an hour looking at comforters called for desperate measures. If someone in this store had the time to help her, she wasn’t really in the position to be declining assistance. The poor woman at the counter had enough people to deal with on the day after Christmas without her bringing up another one that didn’t qualify for the sale.
Lily held out the plastic card with the store credit. “My sister gave me a few snarky comments and an ugly comforter for Christmas. I returned it, thank God, but they could only give me store credit.”
He nodded and waved for her to go on.
“Now I’m back here,” Lily continued, “trying to find something that will work and still fit in the amount she spent, since she’s apparently a sale whisperer. Or maybe the horrible stuff is the only kind on sale. I don’t know, but I think I might be stuck in some kind of neverending bedding loop. Really, I just want to get out of here and get an Auntie Anne’s pretzel.”
If only Mary was here to see her.
His grin widened, so she mustn’t have scared him too much. Maybe she was tame to deal with compared to the Christmas Eve shoppers.
“I can take care of that,” he said. “My mom’s a pro at finding a good sale, and she taught me well. What vibe are we going for?”
Lily played with the end of her braid while she tried to come up with an answer. “I’m not sure,” she admitted. “I thought something would speak to me, but clearly…” She gestured broadly. “It’s not happening.”
“I’m sure there’s something here.” When he gestured to the rest of the section, it made her look.
She saw the several rows of stacked bedding and staged bedrooms with those shortened beds stores always used. Lily was sure she already went through every aisle to check for something that would fit in her price range, but it was possible that she missed something.
She had to leave here with something, or the whole trip was a waste.
“Okay. Let’s do another round.”
Lily started another lap of the bedding section, this time with a partner. She steered clear of the tempting rack that already burned her once, since nothing on it was eligible for any kind of discounts. She also skipped over the shelves of throws, since using those for her comforter would definitely get a judgemental look from Petunia.
More than once, she had to resist the urge to fall onto one of the example beds and bury her head in the pillows. Maybe she should have stuck with the comforter Petunia picked. What was so wrong with her college bedding, anyway?
“What about this one?” he called from further down the aisle, pulling Lily out of her pessimistic thoughts. She tossed an uncomfortable looking throw pillow into a bin and looked to him and the possible option instead.
This one, which he unzipped the top of the package to reveal, was made of soft pastel squares patched together to look like a quilt. The colors went together well without being too loud. With a relieved sigh that was part laugh, Lily could picture it over the bed in her room.
“It’s perfect,” Lily said, starting toward him. “Does it qualify for the sale?”
“I think so,” he said, looking at it from several angles to find a tag. “I’ll find someone to ask.”
“Wait.” Lily stopped a few feet away from where he stood with her perfect, maybe ready to solve all of her problems quilt comforter. “You don’t work here?”
The grin was back. He shook his head, eyes holding a new amusement. “What made you think that I did?”
“Well, you -” Lily stopped and changed tack. “Then why are you helping me?”
He shrugged. “I said I’d take care of you. Did you think I wouldn’t follow through on that?”
Warmth spread across her cheeks and down to her toes without her permission. “I didn’t mean to pull you away from your shopping. I thought…”
“You didn’t pull me away from anything,” he said easily. He pushed the quilt back into the package and zipped it, turning to the register. “If this is it, you should get it.”
“I can take it. Really, I didn’t mean -”
“Don’t worry about it. I wanted to help,” he said, moving the quilt so it rested under one arm. He did it in time for her to miss her grab for the package. Instead, the attempt made her fingers brush over the sleeve of his sweater.
Lily withdrew her hands and let him carry the quilt toward the register counter. He put it down and stepped aside for her. The best course of action, she decided, was probably to avoid looking at him so he wouldn’t see the spots of color she was sure were on the tops of her cheeks. She offered the store credit to the cashier, vowing to buy this thing no matter how much it cost and be done with the whole affair.
The woman behind the counter scanned the tag and, Lily swore, smiled a little when the number came up on her screen. “This item is actually eligible for an additional discount. You have a little left on the store credit, if you wanted to find something else.”
“No,” Lily answered emphatically. “You can -”
A bright orange color caught her eye and made her reach to the display on the counter. She put the king sized Reese’s down and pushed it toward the woman on the other side.
“Actually, I’ll add this.”
The woman rang up her order and took a penny from the take one, leave one without prompting to cover the balance after redeeming her credit. She handed the bag over to a grateful Lily.
Turning, she was glad to see her helper still standing there. “This is for you,” Lily said, holding the bag in one hand and the Reese’s in the other, outstretched to him.
“You should keep it,” he answered, hands in his pockets. “My friend is always telling me that chocolate is good for stress, and that had to be a lot.”
“You should have it. I have to do something since you basically saved a stranger.”
“I’m James,” he answered, making her forehead crease in confusion. “James Potter. And you are…?”
“Lily Evans.” The answer was part reflex and part wanting to know where he was going with this.
“So, we aren’t strangers anymore. Keep the candy.”
Lily laughed and shook her head. “I have to do something for you, Potter.”
“I actually had something else in mind,” James admitted, hand once again in his hair. “Since that’s all handled, did you still want to go for that pretzel?”
Lily bit on her bottom lip to keep it from turning into a too big smile. “Sure. My treat.”
“No, Evans,” James said with a grin. “I’d like it to be a date.”
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sasa-gay-yo · 4 years
Just Us (Chapter Four: Pretend)
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← Chapter Three
Levi had accustomed himself to come at one on the Saturday he had off. He would walk in and order black tea, knowing I would give him the complete opposite. When the rush of people was over, he would take the cloth from my hands, commenting on how soap adds to dryness, and clean the table tops to his liking. I never understood why it took him one pass, but when I did it, he would complain over and over again. Secretly, he must want to clean. Maybe it’s his idea of normalcy. Being able to clean up inside the walls when it was hard to do the same on the outside. It gave him a sense of being in control that he didn’t have over there, so I let him clean while I swept. 
Then, we would close the windows, lock up shop, and he would take the entrance in the back of the café up to the apartment so no one would suspect anything. It felt weird having to sneak around doing no wrong, but Levi was the master of it and insisted. We would sit across from each other, tea in hand, and just talk about anything. The topics included the best water source in the walls, the gossip that plagued Trost, and how many kicks it takes to knock out all of someone’s teeth. While certain topics about the Scouts or the current expedition would come up, they were short and never really taken care of. He never asked for my time in the underground or the details about me gaining ownership of the café. It was a good game of pretend for the time being, but it got me thinking about what we were pretending to be. As we sat there, in my home, sipping tea, what was this “normal” that Levi was playing out? If he wasn’t Captain and I wasn’t civilian, then what characters were we? And at what point will this game morph into reality… if it for me hasn’t already. 
We’ve met three times more after we started the game. Twice after expeditions and once on a random day in the middle of a blizzard. The Scouts were preparing to go out for an expedition, but it was suspended for the day until the weather had cleared up. 
I never went to see Levi off. I’d listen to their shouts from the comfort of my café, but never went to see them leave the town square. I think that’s when the game we were playing would break. Seeing Levi and Captain Levi leaving and me as the civilian, hoping he’d return. I would only go meet them on their way back and we could pretend again once I saw his face and knew he was alive. It was dangerous, like I had said before. Deep down Levi had to know that too.
Now, we were in the last month of the year, and the Scouts were off on a shortened expedition so they could spend the end of the year festival with their families. I didn’t have any idea what Levi would do then. We never had the opportunity to meet for more than one night a month. Would that change?
“What the hell are you thinking about so hard? A new recipe?” I turned to Jonas who was sitting next to me. We were going over what extra I was going to order for the holidays. People desperately wanted fresh bread and pastries, and I had to include fruit in them as tradition states. I would be busy the week before the festival time, so I would have to close up for a few days and hope that my profit for the holidays would outweigh that of which I lost. It usually did and I had most of my savings because of the year-end. Last year, I had enough saved to even go out and enjoy the festivities they put on in Trost. 
“I’m doing math in my head, hold on. If it takes four berries per pastry and twelve a batch and I plan to make twelve batches that's...I wrote it down, that's like, round up, six-hundred. And you said you can guarantee there to be twenty plus in each box, so I’ll have to buy… thirty boxes! That’s so much money!” I whined on the table and Jonas wrote down the number on the form. At least I would get a friends and family discount. 
“I think people will want more than you have anyways. I mean, this is the time of year you usually have a line outside of the café.” He put a hand on my back and I sat up again. 
“It’s just I hate spending money every year on a business gamble. Especially when I have to get gifts for people too. With the increased prices, I’ll have to dig into reserves and I have yet to buy just regular working items in the capital. That's another five or six days off.” I put my head in my hands again. Too much to think about. 
“I could go to the capital with you this time. It would be easier since I know a lot of the merchants there.” I shook my head no.
“I don’t just get supplies at the capital. Sometimes I go to get my hair cut, other times I shop for a whole day for gifts. It’s really boring, and besides you have to deliver things. I know the volume of orders is also a lot during this time.” He nodded and looked dejected that I rejected his offer, which made me smirk. Don’t think I’ve forgotten what June said to me… and I’ve noticed it too. The hand bandages, bringing in extra stuff from Reeve’s, showing up right when Levi does and talking for an hour. He may not be that smart, but the common sense he has is astounding. 
“Well, if you don’t let me go to the capital with you, then you have to go to the year-end-” 
“The Scouts are back! Only two casualties!” I cut off Jonas from whatever he was going on about and walked out the café door with the other customers. The two casualties remark got them on their feet, excited, but any talk of casualties got my stomach turning. It would never be Levi, but there was always an off chance. 
This time, lots of people gathered around the streets, probably even some visitors to see their child return from the Scouts. It was always something that happened during this time of year. A long vacation meant that the families could finally be together and rejoice about another year alive. It made me think about the families that had those hopes devastated. This year-end would be different for them. 
The Scouts turned the corner with less than before, but not because of death. People had gotten off the convoy when they had seen their family. Some people would not get off and ride to either lodgings in Trost or the HQ. Levi was one of those people. If I had known about the way the Scouts do year-end, I would have invited him to come and stay in my apartment and not have to ride back and forth from outside Trost. Even if I did that, for threat of rumors, he probably wouldn’t have gotten off at the café. 
I saw him by Erwin, all near the end this time so that the others could leave the line undisturbed. We locked eyes and he nodded once before staring ahead again. I smiled and turned back around, entering the warmth of the café. Jonas followed looking back and forth between me and the Captain on his horse. If anyone had suspicions about Levi, it was him and the older women who seemed to always show up at one on Saturday. This time, I had no idea when he would show up to the café, as he was much more freer than usual. 
“Is Captain Levi going to buy some pastries for his Scout comrades?” It was probably jealousy that made him act so hostile. I wish he would just act normal in these situations.
“I hope so. That’s a lot of pastries to buy. I might even force him to for how many cups of my tea he drinks.” That wasn’t a lie. I would need to buy peppermint tea in the capital by how much we’ve both drank in the past 2 months. Who knew three nights could ruin my supply of tea? And I was worried about the Garrison.
“He pays for all of them, right?” I nodded and signed the order form. Jonas was just trying to find one crack in Levi’s personality. Something to make it easy to hate him more.
“Every third cup is free though. Maybe I’ll eliminate that policy just for him.” I wanted to get Jonas to laugh, but I guess when talking about Levi that was impossible. 
“Since this is such a large order, you have to put fifteen percent down. Company policy.” I reached into the bag that held some of my money and sadly dished it out. Why must this world run on a monetary system? 
“Well, I’m off. The bar down the road has a lot of wine to order. I’ll see you in a few days, yeah? You’re planning to go to the festival, right?” I nodded and stood up, walking him out. 
“Of course! I have to give you your gift, too. Don’t tell anyone, but I think you’re going to like what I planned.” He smiled and raised one hand in the air to wave goodbye as he walked through the crowd. In all honesty, I had no idea what I was going to buy him or anyone. I just went to the capital and hoped the items at the marketplace spoke to me. 
“Do you have something for me planned too?” I jumped and almost slammed the door on him. Levi was leaning against the outside wall, one leg up, like he always did. I just wasn’t expecting him to come today or this quickly. My heart started beating fast again. 
“I thought you’d be going to HQ.” I looked him up and down. He was in black slacks and white shirt, his regular, everyday outfit. That was a quick change. I tried to tell him that he still stuck out because we don’t dress like that, but he refused. Even his clothes had to have crisp, clean folds and edges that made them stand out.
“Erwin thought it would be nice to have the Scouts without families to board together in town for the festival. So we wouldn’t have to go back and forth.” Convenient. 
“That’s cute. Is it also because Mitras doesn’t want to send in any MPs, so they put you all in charge for the district you’re closest to?” He smirked for a second then dropped it. 
“How did you guess that?” I smiled and moved out of the way so he could walk into the café. 
“It happened last year too. I forgot you weren’t there yet. The old ladies aren’t here to oogle at you, so you’re going to have to deal with no female attention.” He followed me behind the counter where he leans against to watch me bake or make coffee when he’s too bored of the window. With the news of the Scouts and families reuniting, the café was now empty. Levi would allow himself to play the normal game again. 
“I think I’ll be fine.” He stood there, watching me make puff pastry for what felt like forever. Even if it was comfortable to have his eyes on me, sometimes when I knew he wanted to say something, it was annoying. 
“If you’re so interested in how to fold puff pastry, I can show you tonight.” 
“O-Oh… Um, I can’t stay tonight. We have an officer’s meeting to plan all of the expeditions for next year.” Oh. That’s a first. Why did it make me so sad that he said he couldn’t stay? I’m not used to it. We’ve only done it four times.
“I’ll be going to the capital tomorrow. I guess we’ll both have to wait a few days to finish our conversation on what color to repaint the walls of the Scout HQ.” He switched sides of the counter so he was leaning on the one I was working on. When he did this, it meant he wanted to know I understood something. Very Captain of him.
“Capital? By yourself? At this time of year?” I nodded and pushed aside a finished puff pastry sheet. 
“I always do. I have to get a lot of things for the festival. I also buy gifts, so if you want to have an amazing gift like Jonas, I have to go.” That made him blink and I’d never seen that look before. He seemed dumbfounded with the idea I was going to travel there myself. 
“You’re actually buying me a gift?” Oh, so it wasn't the trip. It was the fact someone was going to get him a gift. I’m sure he’s had someone give him gifts before; his fellow officers or friends or someone.
“Of course I am. I’d consider you important enough to get a gift for.” The reddening of his face didn’t go unnoticed. Another win for me. I’ve made it my mission to get him to show emotion on a daily basis so I wouldn’t have to guess what he was thinking. So far I’ve gotten one smile, three instances of blush, and one small laugh.
This is what I meant by pretending to be normal. If he wasn’t a Captain right now, and Captain Levi would never blush, then who was he? What person was he playing that would stand right next to me and blush? Who am I playing to have the right to elicit this type of reaction from him? Right now, I wasn’t playing. When I talk about paint and not about how curious I am about Levi’s time in the underground, that's pretending. How far does Levi take it?
“I guess I’ll have to buy you a gift at the capital too.” I stopped folding dough. My heart picked up speed again. 
“Well, you can’t go on your own to the capital. Someone who’s capable of defending you from the Underground pickpocketers has to go with. I know how they work too. Plus, I have to get gifts for people. It’s just convenient that you happen to be going tomorrow.” I raised an eyebrow and remembered how easily I had denied Jonas. Was it real me or pretend me that didn’t want to deny Levi of escorting me to the capital? It all seemed like a fairytale; being escorted by a handsome, capable male. Short, but capable. Who was I to deny myself of that?
“I’ll think about it. I might leave you if you show up though. You don’t even know what time I’m going,” He pointed to the door, one hand still in the pocket of his damn slacks.
“Assuming that the sign you put on the door is correct, you’re closing tomorrow at noon. If I come at noon, I’ll catch you just in time for you to deny me.” He seemed to be in a good mood today if he was making jokes like that. Levi’s conversation depended on how that last expedition went it seems. Once he came back and barely talked to me. At that point I prepped dough while he sat on my couch staring hard at the wall. The other time he came back, he was his normal self. Not talking much in the morning, but then talking about all the ways he’d remodel the Scout HQ if they had the money at night. No matter what mood, he wouldn’t talk to me about the expeditions. The line he wouldn’t cross, I’m assuming. 
The next day the café was extra busy as everyone wanted to get their orders in before I closed early. There were bulk orders for parties, the buying of heavy amounts of bread, and regular coffee sales. When noon came around, I was proud to say I was legitimately out of bread and only had a few pastries. I decided to take those along on the ferry ride. 
I went upstairs using the back way, going to grab my bag and the amounts of money I put aside. Last night, I made sure I calculated four or five times, allotting only a few extra amounts of change if I went over budget. During year-end, I had to be very strict with my spending if I didn’t want to go in the negative like Mr. Flynn had taught me. 
“Eva.” I stopped walking up the stairs and saw the person sitting on my steps. Was it bad that I felt disappointed that it wasn’t Levi? He said he was going to come at noon.
“Jonas. What can I do for you? I gotta run soon to buy a ticket to the ferry.” He smiled and held up two pieces of paper. Oh gods. 
“I bought them already. Like it or not, I’m coming with you.” That unsettled me, because I had subconsciously accepted Levi’s offer. Jonas might be a bit heartbroken if I say that. 
“Uh, Jonas, you should go return those tickets so you don’t waste your money. If you do it an hour before the ferry, they give you a full refund.” I tried to push past him to get to get into my house, but he held his hands up. This was getting frustrating. He wouldn’t even let me get into my own house. 
“You shouldn’t be going alone at this time, Eva. You remember what happened last year, you got robbed!” I rolled my eyes and tried to push past him again, but it didn’t work because I wasn’t a six foot tall man who lifts heavy boxes everyday. 
“They tried to take my money, but it was an empty bag, Jonas. I’m not stupid enough to be carrying things around like that. If anyone knows how pickpockets work, Jonas, I’m one of them. Please, can I get into my house.” He stepped up one more step and held his arms out wide like he was doing something heroic. I couldn’t tell him that I wasn’t going alone, so he’d just have to trust me on this one. 
“Do I have to kick you off these stairs?” Jonas froze and his eyes almost bugged out of his head. I had to lean over so I could see where the harsh voice came from. Curiously enough, he was standing there in my opened door. How the hell did he get into my apartment? Did I not lock it this morning? His voice was the harshest I’ve ever heard it.
“What are you doing here?” Jonas snapped his head back and almost hit mine. This was the first time Jonas had probably said a full sentence to Levi that wasn’t full of stutters. 
Levi’s eyes were scary too. Meeting them, I could see his unfaltering glare towards Jonas. Chills. It didn’t help that he was looking down at us the whole time. 
“I’m here to escort Miss. Flynn to the capital so she can fill out a personal order for the Scouts.” It was a good lie that even I wouldn’t have been able to think of. He even used my last name which made it sound more legitimate. The only thing that might have been against us were those damn black slacks. 
“Is that true?” Jonas whipped his head back around and again almost hit me. I gave him an annoyed look before scratching the back of my head. 
“Yes, it’s true. Now, if you’ll let me by, I need to get my bag.” He looked defeated when I walked by him and I honestly didn’t think it was this serious. Maybe he had something planned but now Levi had come by and ruined it. Money was wasted on those tickets.
Without a word, I walked into the door past Levi and he slammed it behind me. I didn’t think he’d do that and thought it a bit rude to Jonas, but we didn’t have time for apologies. I’d give him a free cookie when I got back. The ferry was going to leave in about an hour and it takes twenty minutes to walk, not even mentioning the lines. 
“Do you have money to buy a ticket to the ferry? I didn’t budget two people.” He put on a tan winter coat before shaking his head no. It was a nice coat with the wings of freedom on the back and a fur lining in the hood. It mimicked that of their capes, but these were definitely for winter. It looked nice and warm. 
“We’re taking horses.” I dropped my bag and turned quickly to him. 
“Huh?! I don’t even know how to ride a horse!” He let out a huff in laughter and slung his bag over his shoulder. I hated horses. 
“It’s not hard. Besides, your horse is tied to mine. All you have to do is sit.” Oh, yeah, sit on an animal running at top speed. Of course the soldier is making it sound so easy. I’m even in a skirt, how is that going to work?
“I’d rather buy you the extra ticket.” 
“Don’t tell me you’re afraid of a horse.” He sounded… annoyed? Tough. I wasn’t going to tell him he was right though.  
“I’m just more comfortable going on the ferry. It’s what I always do.” I put on my coat and he opened the door slightly, probably checking to see if Jonas was still there. 
“Your boy seemed extra confident today. He even glared at me from less than 5 feet away. Usually he stands by your counter and does it. You should tell him I’m proud.” I rolled my eyes and headed out the door. My boy. What kind of… 
“Are we still trying to get on the ferry or have you snapped out of your delusion that it's better than horseback?” I shook my head and put my hands in my pockets. I couldn’t risk them getting any dryer in this weather. Hopefully, he had some spare gloves.
“You can take the horse. I’ll meet you in a few days.” He groaned but kept walking next to me. 
“If we take the horses we’ll get there early in the morning tomorrow. It would reduce it down to a three day trip instead of a six day one. You’d lose less money that way.” 
“I have enough money. Even more now that the Scouts want to order some pastries from me.” It was supposed to be a jab at him, but he didn’t falter at all. 
“Erwin said he wants something sweet. I’m assuming something with fruit too. I don’t know what these people like, so I’ll just order the most common thing I can.” I stopped walking and he went a few steps ahead of me before turning around. 
“You were… Y-you were serious about the order?” He nodded.
“At the meeting yesterday, I volunteered to get desserts for the officer’s year-end party they always have. You’re the best in Trost, aren’t you?”
Somehow that got me on his damn horse.
Chapter Five → 
Chapter Masterlist
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just6f · 1 year
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rainydaycafe · 3 years
Bookstore Bargains: Candid Confessions
Previous chapter!
Summary: Bucky finds himself returning to the bookstore but his past continues to have an iron grip on the fleeting happiness he feels
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Original Female Character
Word Count: 1800 or so
Warnings: None! Unless you're against Bucky Barnes finding happiness and solace in a bookstore worker and literature
Requests are open for this series and any other one shot, blurb, or story you'd like written!
Emilia was her name, turns out.
He had asked for it the week after his first visit, returning to buy more books after burning through the five she had recommended to him, earning himself a grin he found himself willing to do just about anything to obtain again.
She had graduated from Boston University with a major in English literature, putting off graduate school when her aunt asked for her help running the store since she was getting up there in age.
However, as he walked back home with a few new books purchased with the employee discount for the third time in three weeks, he felt the guilt gnawing at him once again.
The same guilt that kept him far away from people, kept him far away enough to not care how they reacted to his past as Hydra’s best assassin because he wasn’t emotionally invested.
But this time it felt multiplied by 10 because he had been so excited, so grateful to find someone kind to speak to, someone calm enough to put him at ease even on his second time meeting her but she had no idea of the crimes he had committed.
The lives he had taken, the families he had demolished.
Sitting on the floor of his living room while a mindless Family Feud episode played, he thought about not telling her at all. Because if he didn’t tell her, well then this could develop into… something, right?
It had been well over 70 years since he had even contemplated becoming something to someone, that something being more than friendly and much more binding with all emotions concerned, but he wanted it.
He wanted to be selfish, dammit.
For once, he wanted to have someone to look forward to seeing, someone who didn’t give him sympathetic eyes when they saw his gloves and knew the truth, someone who wouldn’t give him a double glance when he lost his temper for a second.
He wanted to earn more of the soft blushes she gave him, to know what she was like when she was happy, sad, angry, sleepy, all of it.
It was slightly pathetic, but he felt the need to be the person who knew the other better than anyone else with a connection palpable from an outsider’s perspective. The pull that loneliness brought him was poignant in a situation like this.
There wasn’t any rational explanation for his affection for her, but he was also incredibly tired of questioning just about anything when it came to his life.
Maybe it was her calm demeanor, her pretty green eyes, or just this surreal pull he felt towards her, but he wanted it.
“It” being everything.
The way she could make him laugh and feel so unguarded, talked to him about current events and didn’t bat an eye when he didn’t know the most rudimentary of modern age slang or news.
Though the rational part of his mind told him that a relationship, any sort for that matter, couldn’t be built in the avoidance of 70 years worth of history because lying by omission was still lying.
A bloody, deadly, and dangerous history that he couldn’t find himself selfish enough to not allow her to be privy to.
Sure there was a small portion of himself that told him it would be okay to allow this to develop further if the feelings were mutual without telling her about anything, but he couldn’t bear the thought of having her then losing her because she suddenly finds out.
So he told her.
He told her that same week on a Thursday when the store was completely empty on an early Thursday morning.
From Steve, to the Howling Commandos, and how the Winter Soldier still felt like the most brutal reality there was on nightmare filled nights he couldn’t find solace within a bed and opted for having the stability of a floor beneath him
He felt like a small toddler following her around, telling her everything as she adjusted books here and there, nodding at the right times and maintaining eye contact when his voice shook enough to make him clear his throat in search of a pause.
Though there wasn’t a look of disgust as he told her about the pardon he had received with the help of Sam, instead she just gave him a soft smile.
“Okay,” Emilia told him, “Your past doesn’t define you, James. You are a victim, but that’s not all you are. You’re an entire person with an entire personality to develop, but that doesn’t change things with us, you’re still great to have around.
The relief on his face was so prominent she felt her eyes tear up a bit and she couldn’t help herself from pulling him into a tight hug, feeling him wrap his arms around her without hesitation holding on for dear life.
People didn’t touch Bucky like that.
In an intimate, meaningful way that made him feel warm inside.
Sure there were random pats on the back from Sam, small touches here and there but nothing where someone wanted to outright touch him and went out of their way to do it in a moment where he needed comfort.
Pulling away, he wouldn’t meet her eyes but she let him have his space until he spoke again.
“I couldn’t avoid telling you before this became-” He cut himself off with a nervous laugh, “Not that this will become something but I couldn’t withhold… truth from you.”
The happiness on her face was evident alongside the blush, and she felt her heart swell for this stranger who had popped into her bookstore out of the blue not too long ago and swept her off of her feet without knowing.
“Thank you for trusting me, James.”
Bucky nodded and found himself smiling despite the weight of the words he had spoken still hanging around him, “You’re kind of stuck with me at this point, I really like it here.” He told her as he leaned on the shelf behind him in a casual admittance of his attachment to her.
Emilia laughed and nodded, “You’re stuck with me too, I’m imprinting on you like a doe.” Which earned a laugh from Bucky who felt his own cheeks flush in a way he managed to hide as he feigned interest in the bookshelf behind Emilia, the energy between them nearly visible.
Emilia had made him promise to come back the following day, presenting him with a small rectangular item with a proud grin painting her features from behind the counter.
“It’s my old iPod,” She explained, “I got you new earphones, but I downloaded a lot of music onto it so you can enjoy what we  the youth call: music.”
Taking the small item in his hands, he noticed his gloves seemed so gross against it.
With a small amount of hesitation, he set down the iPod and began plucking at each of the gloved fingers until he pulled out his flesh hand followed by his metal one from the other one.
Glancing at her hesitantly, he saw as she looked at the black and gold hand but it wasn’t with disgust or discomfort, but more of awe.
“Can I touch it?” Emilia asked, hoping she wasn’t overstepping and instead was letting him know that she wasn’t uncomfortable with the arm.
Bucky’s face showed surprise, and he froze for half a second before he nodded and gently reached over the counter where she gently touched his arm as though she were afraid of hurting him rather than the other way around.
The metal was cool and smooth, sleek and meant for everyday use as well as in battle which should be as attractive as she found it.
Looking up at Bucky as she pulled on the fingers, she admitted she found just about everything about him attractive, but that wasn’t the moment to go about thinking about such things.
From his steel blue eyes, strong jawline dusted with just the slightest bit of stubble, and good Lord his broad shoulders and well worked physique really did it for her. But while he was physically very attractive, his personality was also to die for.
She had been a goner from the moment she had seen him come into the store and ask for her opinions. The way he was opening up, bringing out his personality where he was so funny and genuine, and allowed himself to be just the slightest bit sarcastic.
Her thing for him was becoming more and more prevalent every time she saw or even just thought about him, and her face felt warm as they made eye contact while she was holding what he felt was the most vulnerable part of him.
“I think your arm is cool.” She informed him as she let it go and he picked up the iPod again with a grin on his face.
Pushing herself onto the counter so she was able to look down and help him navigate, she watched as he scrolled through the artists with a nod because there were hundreds and hundreds.
“Which album do you recommend I listen to first?” Bucky asked and Emilia set herself back down on the floor with a pondering expression.
Rounding the counter, she stood next to him as he scrolled through the artists again and stopped him at the C’s.
Handing it over to her, he leaned over her shoulder as she clicked through the center dial and landed on Coldplay and went to their first album, Parachutes before she realized how close he was.
Close enough to where she could smell his rich cologne and a scent that can only ever belong to him.
Moving away as she felt her heart pound in her chest, she turned and handed it back to him, “I think you should listen to Coldplay’s entire discography, but Parachutes is a good way to start.” She informed him and Bucky nodded with a smile.
“Anything else?” He asked as he placed it in his pocket and she thought again before she shook her head and went back around the counter.
“No sir,” She said, “Just listen to what you feel inclined to listen to. There are plenty to pick from.”
Bucky nodded, telling her he had to go to therapy but that he would give her a full report regarding what he listened to the next time he saw her.
Stepping out onto the sidewalk outside of the bookstore, Bucky took in a deep breath of crisp late October air and felt it really reach the bottom of his lungs, an extra pep in his step as he put in the earphones and figured out how to play it.
Dr. Raynor was certainly going to have some questions regarding his positive mood, but he would deal with that just fine.
A/N: How do we feel about Bucky's characterization here? I hope we feel swell.
As always, my requests are open so send away because I'm on summer break and in dire need of some entertainment!
Much love.
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dpanuncialwriter · 3 years
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Librarians, Start New Game
November-December 2019, American Libraries Magazine
For librarians at universities with videogame design programs, maintaining a large, accessible gaming collection isn’t a Final Fantasy. It’s a Call of Duty. Beginning a collection may be as easy as pressing start to play, but storing and preserving complex materials is a tough battle—and academic librarians want to level up.
The University of Michigan’s (UM) Computer Video and Game Archive (CVGA) in Ann Arbor boasts more than 8,000 videogames and 60 consoles dating back to the 1970s. “Because we have such a large collection, there are many examples from which to pull and get inspiration, things [students] would never be able to afford on their own,” says David Carter, videogame archivist at UM. “Almost nobody has a collection this big, especially a college student.”
“[People] don’t think of libraries as a destination for digital scholarship,” says Anne Morrow, associate librarian and head of digital scholarship services at the University of Utah’s J. Willard Marriott Library, which has more than 500 videogames and serves almost 400 game design students. “There’s an incentive to see what the obstacles are for bringing these types of original work into the collection.”
Objective: playability
As the owner of more than 2,000 commercial games, 300 student games, and 40 consoles (some as old as the 1985 Nintendo Entertainment System), the University of California, Santa Cruz’s (UCSC) Science and Engineering Library prioritizes authentic playability. Its goal is to provide students with not only a game but also the console it was made for, a compatible controller, and an era-appropriate TV to play it on.
With so many moving pieces, says Christy Caldwell, science and engineering librarian at UCSC, “providing usage of increasingly ‘antique’ [materials] is an ongoing challenge.”
UM has the same goal. “We don’t have to do a lot of tracking down, thankfully,” says Valerie Waldron, UM computer and videogame archive manager. About half of its collection is donated, and as with other academic libraries that own game collections, staffers turn to eBay if they need to repair or buy a missing item. Or they get creative.
“Something broke on our Atari 7800, and we actually 3D-printed a replacement part,” Carter says.
Why is maintaining playability of older games important? Students are mainly studying design and software. “What does the game look like, and what does the controller feel like?” Caldwell says. “Are you seeing something similar to what someone who played the game earlier would have seen and experienced?”
Students are also looking at artwork, game mechanics, subjects, and even source code as inspiration for their own games. “They’re using [archives] for competitive intelligence, and looking at what’s been done already,” says Tallie Casucci, assistant librarian at Marriott Library.
Space is another issue. At Marriott Library, students must go to different floors to pick up a videogame, grab a console and matching controllers, and actually play, since the stations are separated and require checkouts for loss prevention. “It’d be nice to have everything all in one place,” Casucci says.
In Ann Arbor, the CVGA houses both the collection and spaces to play the games on consoles, since the collection doesn’t leave the library. “It’s a very crammed room,” Carter says.
Save game?
UM staffers say they have two missions: to serve the teaching and research needs of faculty and students in order to promote usage of the games, and to preserve those games. “There’s an inherent tension. Usage is the enemy of preservation,” Carter says. “Academic usage trumps preservation. We don’t want to have something just to have it and not let people use it.”
After students from the Entertainment Arts and Engineering program at Utah lost all the materials for Erie, a popular student-made game from 2012, Casucci and Morrow investigated their options. With help from an Institute of Museum and Library Services grant, they published an ebook this fall on how to best archive, preserve, and disseminate student videogames.
“People have been looking at digital preservation seriously, [but] we haven’t made progress with objects that are really complex, like videogames, that have many interactions between files,” Morrow says. “We thought about the existing services in a library and how games might be supported by those services.”
“In our case, it would be the sheer number of analog games to process and store that would be difficult, especially year after year,” Caldwell says. “You’re asking people in cataloging who have never even played a game to suddenly start cataloging media. You need to support them.” The best way to do that, she says, is to develop accurate metadata and consistent, detailed cataloging practices.
But academic libraries still need to strategize.
At Marriott Library, Casucci and Morrow created a tiered retention system for archiving student games, through which students can choose the process that best suits their needs. In earlier tiers, students can contribute visuals such as screenshots or game trailers. As they go further into the system, students can contribute their games in their entirety, allowing future students complete access to its features.
Commercial games have not been forgotten. Carter and Waldron are finding ways to preserve legacy formats of videogames like floppy disks and cartridges. “We’re trying to discover ways of taking the game off its original format and creating an image for it,” Waldron says. “There are still a lot of things to work out, like how to store it properly, retrieve it, or put it back in its original format.” As for regular discs, UM keeps multiple copies and stores them in archival-quality sleeves behind the circulation desk.
According to Heather Maxwell Chandler’s Game Production Handbook, after producing a videogame, developers organize the game’s source assets and archive them in a closing kit—a common practice in the industry to help developers install updates or patches to their games. UCSC would like to implement closing kits down the line.
“The faculty wants to have a record of what students have created,” Caldwell says. “They want students to be inspired by what other students have done and build on that work.”
Carter and Waldron say that videogame preserving and archiving has been underdeveloped in libraries because it is still an emerging format. “Until recently, the history of the videogame industry has been left in the hands of private collectors,” Carter says. “Not to discount the work that private collectors have done—that’s one portion of preservation, but you need academic libraries in the mix.”
“For a long time, [game companies] weren’t really interested in preserving their games, either,” Waldron says. According to Kotaku, this is due to legal gray areas, lack of industry support, and turnover of games. “I think that’s slowly starting to change.”
Conquering copyright issues
Potential copyright problems exist in every layer of videogame collecting, especially regarding older materials with expired copyrights. In October 2018, a decision from the Library of Congress and US Copyright Office allowed institutions to lawfully own copies of older videogames if they were acquired from the original companies in order to make preservation copies—a separate challenge for librarians and archivists as many companies are no longer in business or have discontinued server support.
“Assuming that all videogames are governed by terms of use, it’s likely that any exceptions one would expect in the copyright law are not allowed,” says Carrie Russell, senior program officer and copyright specialist at the American Library Association. “If students are doing close analysis of the games or something similar, it’s likely that license terms don’t forbid just studying and researching the game unless the research involves the need to circumvent digital rights management (DRM) that may be employed by the rights holder.”
DRM is a form of copyright protection licensing for digital media implemented by embedding code that prevents copying, specifying a time period in which content can be accessed, or limiting the number of devices content can be installed on. For example, games with expired or maxed-out licenses may not be library friendly.
Another consideration is that certain PC games come with keys—a string of unique characters—that a user must input in order to play. “But then that [game] is registered, and it’s only good for one use,” Carter says. “If someone donates a PC game to us, if they’ve used the key, we can’t use that game. We have to somehow get another key.”
Currently, libraries’ and archives’ rights to preserve videogames are allowed under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. “That exemption, however, will expire in 2021 and need to be requested again,” Russell says.
Student-made videogames are easier to preserve since students get to decide what university libraries can keep. The student work that libraries archive mostly consists of digital files. They can either archive the entire game or different elements of it, like an abstract, artwork, or gameplay footage.
“We never make the students put up everything,” Caldwell says. “They could say, ‘I don’t want to upload my actual code. I’ll upload my abstract.’”
Students can claim complete copyright of their games or use a Creative Commons license, which allows others to share, use, and build on their work. They can even decide if they want their work to be available to university affiliates or the public.
Librarians, too, try to educate students about the importance of archiving their work at the library, studying other games, and how copyright plays into both. “You have to believe that [students] are going to use [the collection] responsibly,” Caldwell says.
Next-level libraries
Librarians agree they’re just beginning to assimilate game scholarship into academic libraries; progress will continue as the industry and programs evolve.
Caldwell says librarians should be working collaboratively to keep games accessible by lobbying for copyright law exceptions, partnering with game companies, and improving metadata and catalog descriptions.
“Games are to the 21st century what films were to the 20th,” she says. “How long did it take libraries to start collecting film? I think what we can do is start working together sooner, because we’ve already lost so many games.”
UM also wants to encourage students who may not be game design majors to help normalize videogames in the library. “In humanities or social science classes, instead of writing a paper, students are creating games,” Carter says. “We’ve been working with the design lab [at UM] to figure out ways to support the lighter-weight aspect of game creation.”
“[Games are] a part of society,” Waldron says. “It speaks to what our culture is in any given era, like any other format.”
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