#we all love the youngsters but its also good to know the seniors to keep us humbled
banqanas · 4 months
On the matter of who would throw hands with Aki; it's funny that it was Onocha in the end (in a fun way) when both "competed" on who is the shortest member, which Onocha won. He actually wears that crown with pride now after being quite "miffed" about it in the past. Now he says that he's not short, but everyone else is just freakin tall (he still wants to be 1,80m tall though XD).
By any chance, did you manage to catch the radio shows the members did a couple of years ago? Due to the ungodly hours it aired, I only managed to catch one episode with Keita, Sway and Onocha where they talked about how proud they were of Kanta for learning how to play piano, while also mentioning how Shin had learned to play cello for a role. That episode, Onocha revealed that he was in the middle of learning to play Saxophone because he wanted to play live for a role in a drama. Keita said that it was really impressive what the members are up to both for roles or because they picked a certain goal.
Sway mentioned that it's not just for that but also for fun, telling Keita how he and the rest of DI had dragged Onocha along the summer before and showed him how to surf. Onocha said that it was a lot of fun and that he and Sway planned to drag Kanta along the next time to teach him.
The host asked them if there was any "horror stories" involving any of the members, which made Sway laugh and tell that he had one, but wasn't sure whether it counted as horror (apparently Keita knew exactly where he was going because he was laughing even before he began to explain).
Apparently, Onocha can sleep anywhere (but especially on the floor). First time Sway saw it with his own eyes, Onocha was asleep on the floor in the gym, and Sway honestly thought he had fainted and was surprised when no one around cared. Keita threw in that he had pretty much the same experience when he saw it first. Sway said that one time he saw Kanta sitting next to a sleeping Onocha to guard his sleep. (This is apparently a running theme with several of Onocha's co-stars, who all either sit next to him or just join him on the floor and nap next to him.)
On that matter, Sway went on talking about one time when he, Shin, and Onocha were out for drinks one time and it got so late that the last trains had already left, so they decided to share a hotel room for the night with Sway sleeping in one bed while Shin and Onocha shared the other. In the middle of the night, Sway woke up in time to see Onocha fall out of bed and not not even wake as he continued to sleep on the floor. Which wouldn't be bad if it hadn't been for Shin falling out of bed not long after and right on top of Onocha. Neither of them woke up, and Sway was too tired to wake them (sir please these are you friends XD). Next day, Shin was apologizing the whole time while Onocha was telling him that it was okay, while feeling sore all over (and being nauseous) because Shin had managed to sleep with most of his weight on his stomach.
unfortunately, as with everything that isn't happening in the present, bananey of the past were still stuck in fictional 2-dimensional anime land and was not yet exposed to the wonders of 3-d real people entertainment 😞
oh my god i am posting this so that a record of this exists somewhere in the internet because people needs to know gekidan is just a group of silly old men like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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petitmimosa · 4 years
post worlds musings, Yuzu, 4A, and grief
I feel very strange right now. I’m disappointed and pissed, as always because when am I not when Yuzu and the ISU meet, but, the rage is yet to arise. It’s weird, like I’ve truly made peace with the fact that FS is no longer a sport decided by the talent of the athletes, but by how much politicking this or that fed does behind (or not, i mean, hello rusfed) the scenes. Because once you accept  there’s no other choice since it will only get WORSE, and people’s health isn’t worth this shit, isn’t worth the anger and the trembling and the losing sleep, once you try and see what it feels like to let go, it gives you a new perspective to consider.
I’m starting to think that maybe, just maybe, I’m over Figure Skating, in the way I’ve been into it until now, and this is the beginning of the mourning process of something that’s been so, so important to me for so many years now.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again : I’m just waiting for Yuzu to land 4A and get the hell out so I can do the same. Get the hell out of this unealthy grip the ISU and their methods have on me (and I’m sure I’m not the only one).
This way I won’t care as much when watching competitions. I’ll just watch the tech box be the casino slot machine it already is (and has been for quite some time now) and won’t feel the need to yell about it. But I can’t do this until Yuzu retires because let’s be honest, I’ll always feel every jump he lands, every spin he does, every step he takes not being given the maximum GOE if clean as a knife in my overly invested heart in something that’s not even mine to feel.
Also, can we please stop saying “this will fuel Yuzu for the next xxx months”? The man has been at senior level for ELEVEN YEARS. ELEVEN. He should NOT need to be fueled by anything other than the love he has for the sport and the joy it brings him. What if all the bullying he’s been suffering from since 2016/2017 and so on succeeds in sucking all the joy out? Hm? What then? That’s why, I feel, 4A is so important to him. That’s his one goal left, the one thing he wakes up in the morning for. He doesn’t need a bronze medal (which, should have been silver if the sp and the fs goes had been scored right) to fuel him, he doesn’t need the ISU shitting all over him to find the will to push through. He’s HUMAN, it has to take its toll at some point and sometimes I wonder if it hasn’t already and the only way for him to keep skating (at a competition level) is to train for 4A and land it in competition. Look at his face in the K&C, it’s been a few comps where his face is blank, expecting the worse. He knows he’s being treated like trash, and still he smiles for the camera. If we’re all yelling and suffering OUT LOUD on social media, how do we think he feels in plain sight with no escape? I can’t wait for the day he’s finally free of all the pressure, the expectations. His own is one thing, the rest of the world’s? Another. And I want it gone.
He brought so much to this sport, SO FUCKING MUCH, he should not have to be strong the way he has to and take all the hits the isu sends his way. This sport wouldn’t be what it is if it weren’t for him. The youngsters started the quad festival to be able to beat HIM because he was just too good to be defeated. I can only pray figure skating will give him back everything he brought it and we will witness him land 4A. After all the sweat, tears, BLOOD he left on the ice, it would break his heart not to succeed, and I can’t watch it happen, not after all the heartbreak he’s already gone through.
Anyway. Bye now, sorry for all the mess.
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carry-a-world · 5 years
In The Silence
The Cloud Recesses is peaceful.
Lan WangJi should be grateful for it, considering the turmoil that has grasped the cultivation world. But instead, all it means is that his husband is out for the day.
Contrary to popular belief (mostly, Jiang Cheng’s complaining), Lan WangJi and Wei WuXian are not attached at the hip.
As Chief Cultivator, Lan WangJi has responsibilities. So many, in fact, that it often makes his head spin. It involves too much paperwork, even with Lan XiChen assisting from seclusion.
Wei WuXian is not made for sitting around. He’s happier when he’s active, so it’s a relief to Lan WangJi that he’s taken to teaching the juniors.
He seems to enjoy it too, especially when he gets to night hunt with Lan SiZhui, Lan JingYi, and occasionally Jin Ling.
Lan WangJi’s heart warms to watch them together.
He doesn’t say it, but Lan WangJi likes it a little less when teaching keeps Wei WuXian away for longer than a day. It doesn’t happen too often, but sometimes when the weather is poor or something comes up, Wei WuXian will stay out overnight.
Last night happened to be one of those. Wei WuXian took a group of the younger juniors out, leaving Lan SiZhui and Lan Jingyi to deal with any emergencies that came up.
Lan WangJi had half-hoped that Wei WuXian would return sometime in the night, but he’d woken alone.
Sighing, Lan WangJi straightens his forehead ribbon and sets off for the day.
Despite having gone to bed at exactly nine last night, his body feels like it’s dragging. It only gets worse as the day goes on and freezing rain pours from the sky.
His scars ache, a headache looming on the edges as he slides another pack of correspondences across to Lan XiChen.
Lan XiChen himself doesn’t look wearied by the paperwork, but the way he carries himself has changed completely. Where Lan WangJi used to see cheer, now all he can discern is sadness.
“WangJi,” Lan XiChen breaks into his thoughts. “Are you feeling alright?”
“Mn,” Lan WangJi responds automatically, even if it isn’t quite true.
He shifts, adjusting his posture in the hopes of relieving the pain in his back. Lan XiChen squints at him.
“Young Master Wei didn’t make it back last night,” he surmises.
Lan WangJi says nothing. Lan XiChen has always been able to see through him, there’s no point in denying it.
Lan XiChen hums, glancing outwards. “The weather must have held them up.”
This is of course the most likely reason, but Lan WangJi can’t help but worry. Wei WuXian is more than capable of taking care of himself, and he’s slowly building up enough spiritual power for a golden core.
But he’s also the most self sacrificing person Lan WangJi has ever met, and if one of the youngsters was in trouble, he’d surely take the hit instead.
It’s a worry that lingers all day.
When Lan WangJi returns to the Jingshi that night, Lan SiZhui is waiting for him. Dinner is laid out, and he’s brewed a pot of tea. They eat in customary silence, and when the dishes are set aside, Lan SiZhui catches him up on the goings on.
Lan WangJi listens attentively, but his eyes remain on the door.
“He’ll be back soon,” Lan SiZhui says, pouring Lan WangJi an extra bit of tea. “Senior Wei is very good at that.”
Lan SiZhui’s smile is the gentlest thing—a balm on Lan WangJi’s tired heart. His son—their son, has come to keep him company and offer words of comfort.
Really, it’s truly a miracle that Lan WangJi managed to raise a child this kind.
“Thank you,” he says quietly over the rim of his cup.
“Mm!” Lan SiZhui’s eyes crinkle fondly.
Lan SiZhui finally retires to his own residence when curfew becomes an increasing threat. Lan WangJi is sad to see him go, silence falling again over the Jingshi.
His home is rarely quiet now, seeing as it’s their home and Wei WuXian is rarely quiet. It’s eerie now in a way that sends discomfort crawling across his shoulders.
Lan WangJi turns in early, only to lie awake for too long. He wakes sometime in the night, rolling over only to find the other side of the bed still empty.
Unable to help himself in the secure silence of the Jingshi, he lets out a soft whine.
It’s not meant to be heard—a simple indulgence for himself. And yet.
“Lan Zhan?” Wei WuXian’s voice is like the first breath of air, concerned where he peeks around the privacy screen.
It’s late, he must have only just gotten in and is shedding his dirty robes. He pauses in the task, crossing to the bed and threading fingers into Lan WangJi’s hair.
The lines of his face are kissed by moonlight and barely visible, but still beloved.
“Okay?” he asks softly.
Lan WangJi leans into his touch and swallows another whine. “Wei Ying.”
“Lan Zhan,” Wei WuXian croons his name in answer.
There is no one to judge Lan WangJi’s unbecoming neediness so he rolls over, burying his face in Wei WuXian’s stomach. Fingers slide soothingly into his hair as he breathes in Wei WuXian’s familiar scent.
“Aiyo, Lan Zhan, did you miss this husband?”
“Mn,” Lan WangJi lets the fabric smother his answer, it’s evident without him speaking.
Lips press gently to the crown of Lan WangJi’s head and he sighs, letting the tension ease out of his shoulders at last.
“I didn’t mean to be away so long,” Wei WuXian apologizes, sprinkling more kisses. “One of the juniors broke their arm so we were delayed.”
Lan WangJi peels his face back just enough to be audible. “It is fine, Wei Ying.”
“How is it fine? I made you sad,” Wei WuXian pouts.
“Come to bed,” Lan WangJi reasons, because it’s late and he wants to be held by his husband.
Wei WuXian hums assent, pulling back to shed the rest of his outer robes and his boots. His hair ribbon drops haphazardly onto the table next to Lan WangJi’s neatly folded forehead ribbon, its rightful home.
Lan WangJi scoots over to make room, reaching with greedy fingers as Wei WuXian slides into bed beside him.
Wei WuXian clings in return, tangling his legs with Lan WangJi’s. “Mmmm,” he sighs happily. “This is why I don’t like going on longer night hunts without you.”
Pressing his nose into Wei WuXian’s hair, Lan WangJi can only agree.
“Guess I’ll have to make it up to you,” Wei WuXian muses.
Fingers curl around Wei WuXian’s hip and tug him closer. It is selfish of Lan WangJi be so covetous of Wei WuXian’s time, but he’s learning that it’s okay. His husband likes to be desired—likes to know that Lan WangJi wants him as much as he wants Lan WangJi.
Every day is a gift, and Lan WangJi won’t waste any of it.
He turns his face up to the kisses being peppered over it, his heart seizing with fondness as Wei WuXian yawns in the midst of it. It’s late, after all.
“Sleep, Wei Ying,” he murmurs, the tip of his nose brushing the shell of Wei WuXian’s ear.
Wei WuXian gives an agreeable, sleepy huff, settling so that he can tuck his head against Lan WangJi’s chest.
Lan WangJi has missed the way he always twitches a little before he falls asleep and the soft, pouting curl his mouth adopts when he finally does drift off.
Most of all, though, he missed the way Wei WuXian absolutely refuses to sleep without at least twenty-five percent of his body touching Lan WangJi’s. It’s sometimes too hot, or he ends up with a drool spot on his robes, but Lan WangJi is deeply comforted by that solid warmth.
It means Wei WuXian is alive, and with him.
He’s nearly asleep, and was sure Wei WuXian was long out when a sloppy kiss is pressed against his chest with a mumbled ‘Love you.’
Yes. He loves Wei WuXian to the ends of the earth, and even if he can’t have him by his side every single day, he is content.
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Teeth Whitening in West Long Branch
Teeth Whitening in West Long Branch - Is it Right For You
Our goal is to provide the highest quality of dental care in a modern, clean, relaxed environment. From our front desk staff to our dental assistants, every member of the dentistry team is dedicated to ensuring the total comfort and satisfaction of each of our patients. We do our best to educate our patients about maintaining and caring for their teeth. We use the latest techniques and equipment to deliver pain-free dentistry in a secure, comfortable, efficient fashion.
Emergency Dentist West Long Branch
People with broken teeth or broken jaw due to an accident are attended to immediately by the emergency dentist. If you are not aware of any hospitals which have the dentist facility, then you need to browse the net to identify names and addresses of emergency dentists who stay close to your residence. Patients who suffer from knocked teeth need to see an emergency-dentist who would take care of the problem. The person should wash the knocked teeth and do not keep touching the tooth root. Immediately fix an appointment with the dentist.
We are proud to specialize in Cosmetic Dentistry.
Aphthous Ulcer treatment (canker sore)
Frenectomy (tongue-tie release) without anesthesia or sutures
Root canals and apicoectomies
Crown lengthening, gingivectomy, and other gum corrections
The emergency dentist would then look out for any fractures and then do the needful. For major repairs to the teeth, a permanent crown is the best option. If a tooth has become loose or has gone out of place from its usual alignment, then the problem can be fixed without any issues. An emergency dentist can also handle gum infections etc.
Kids additionally need for their teeth to be taken care of them. The moment youngsters create their teeth, moms and dads need to think about making their youngsters to youngsters' dental practitioners to analyze their teeth and likewise carry out appropriate care to them. Hence it is necessary to discover the proper Dentist New in West Long Branch to explore the requirements of your kids. But also for cases that you can not find the ideal professional for your children, after that, there are also other sorts of dentists that you can seek advice from to look after the demands of your youngsters.
Advantages of Picking A Dentist
What makes this sure dentist the next best candidate who can take a look of the oral health and wellness of your kids is that they supply a broad array of services to individuals with varying age. Therefore, they can offer assistance to young to senior citizen individuals when it involves their dental demands. Because this dentist has an excellent experience taking care of different people, they can adapt to the personalities of their individuals as well as additionally be able to offer the appropriate dental like their clients.
These dentists can merely resolve the needs of their young individuals similar to what the majority of youngster dental experts do. They also carry out basic tasks like fluoride therapies, teeth cleaning up and even extraction as well as other procedures which are done by professionals who concentrate on child dentistry.
Teeth Whitening has been readily available for some years, but recently it has jumped to the top of the cosmetic treatments list. An increasing number of patients are asking their dentists regarding teeth whitening, and many are asking if there are side effects or if it can reason damage to teeth. On the other hand, a research study shows that there is an increase of over 300% in demand for contemporary whitening techniques, so it is somewhat feasible some people jump right in without asking any inquiries in all. Well below are the response to several of the investigations are invited and some basic realities that anybody that is thinking about Teeth Whitening in West Long Branch must recognize.
Teeth Whitening West Long Branch
Teeth Whitening - does it work?
Dental practitioners would certainly never suggest a treatment unless they were persuaded that it was secure as well as reliable. Professional teeth whitening, carried out by a dentist, absolutely falls into this category as well as there can be little doubt that it does the job. What's, even more, the outcomes can be a complete makeover as the appeal of the treatment most likely to show. If your dentist executes the teeth whitening procedure, you can have a smile to be proud of in merely a few hrs.
If you are just one of the many individuals who hide their smile since you repent of your incomplete teeth, you are not alone. One of the benefits of cosmetic dentistry is that there have been numerous technical developments that have made a stunning smile more sensible as well as budget-friendly for typical Americans. Which means, you no more have to repent of your smile, however, instead can be pleased with your beautiful teeth.
Having a beautiful smile can provide you the confidence to fulfill new individuals, get a job, obtain a raising, speak with an unfamiliar person, start a company, try for a group, etc. Confidence can benefit you in many methods, as well as it is outstanding how much your physical look can assist increase your degrees of self-confidence. If you deal with low confidence, or if you stress what individuals consider you due to your teeth, one substantial benefit of Cosmetic Dentistry in West Long Branch is the capability to have a confident, attractive smile that will get you places.
At one time, if a person shed a tooth because of trauma, old age, or any other reason, that space in the mouth was either left empty, or a denture or false tooth was put in its place. Times have transformed. Dental implants entail setting a metal pole at the jawline and placing a molded fabricated tooth or crown where the former tooth was. Because the implant is fused with existing teeth, it should last a lifetime and maintain your gumline healthily and balanced.
Dental Implants in West Long Branch is a long-term solution to replace missing out on teeth and amongst one of the expensive cosmetic dentistry therapies. They are titanium synthetic tooth root substitutes that are placed right into the bone outlets of the missing teeth and are the great alternative to bridges and also detachable dentures. They are surgically implanted directly into the jawbone by a dental or maxillofacial cosmetic surgeon. If bone loss happened as a result of gum illness, the specialist would possibly need to graft a bone first to protect the dental implant.
The good news is you can always go to your Family Dentist in West Long Branch. Family dental experts are mainly well acquainted with you as well as your troubles. They recognize how to extract the correct info from you and given that they are aware of your case history and routines, they are best put to offer your needs.
With a family dentist around, you no longer require to be afraid. Family dental practitioners can provide you a one-of-a-kind dental experience that is anxiety free. Lots of clients even take into consideration checking out a family dentist relaxing. Family dental experts can make you feel comfortable. Additionally, with a family dentist, you can continuously be ensured of obtaining treated on time, whenever.
When you are stuck with an emergency circumstance, after that, you require to get in touch with an emergency dentist. Some situations wherein you would have to get in touch with an Emergency Dentist are an injury to teeth during your day-to-day chores and so on. The primary action is you need to go to your family physician that would certainly recommend that you see the dentist.
Family Dentist West Long Branch
A dentist would be able to address your trouble since his dental facility would be well geared up with the most up to date equipment and also devices. There are circumstances when your youngster experiences severe teeth discomfort as well as it is almost impossible for you to wait till the early morning. People who recognize that their Invisalign has gone from its common location or is stopping working from working properly need to go to the emergency-dentist. People typically go to an Emergency Dentist in West Long Branch when they suffer from agonizing discomfort as well as when the pain is excruciating as well as when therapy cannot be delayed.
Dental practitioners are a lot in demand that it is difficult to repair an appointment with them at once which is convenient for you. With a family dentist, this is not a problem. You continuously know when your family dentist is available. You can provide a telephone call as well as a drop in. You find out about their certifications, their experience - simply put, their credentials. You were most likely to them with self-confidence, considering that you know that they put your convenience first.
Advancing innovation has altered the very face of dentistry. You always have new strategies to offer you a healthier and also new lovely smile. More modern tools are being designed to make the most of performance as well as lessen pain. With all this technological advancement, dentistry is still all about human communication and also touch. With a family dentist, you can feel genuine empathy and empathy in your sees. An additional feature of Best Dentist in West Long Branch is the truth that you are always sure about them.
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hineswallace48-blog · 6 years
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Our movers undergo intensive training. Our Redwood movers will arrive at your present house or workplace at a delegated time (or slightly earlier) to assist with the packing then begin loading all the pieces. Redwood City, CA-based mostly Auris says it will use the capital to commercialize its medical robot platform, referred to as Monarch. Auris Well being has already received regulatory clearance to promote its medical robot within the U.S. Auris’s robot does not perform these medical procedures by itself. I went to take just a few courses to discover ways to swim without utilizing my arms (because of a debilitating illness I've that impacts both my arms, neck and shoulders) in order that I might get certified in scuba diving. 220 million in funding to assist it place the know-how in the hands of surgeons. A-1 Auto Transport will help you move your family items nationwide. It might also assist free up time for extra vital matters across the fire stations, he stated. We're so experienced within the trade that the whole process is completed on time.
This is the first time we've tried swim classes, wherever. My son is now 7 months previous and that i began with his swim lessons here at 5 months outdated. Completely terrified. He started having nightmares. He began off with Brianna and struggled a lot with adjusting to me being absent in the pool. The pool itself is very good and clear, and we never had to wait to vary, there is sufficient areas for that. Do you love your dream sufficient to make the necessary investments in it and in you to be sure that it not solely survives, but thrives? Before packing, acquire enough transferring boxes and sealing tapes. FREE USE of Wardrobe Bins! The laser-and-radar system can track shifting and stationary objects with the use of cameras and computer-generated imaging. She has improved a lot, she will be able to virtually float on her personal! You could be assured your household possessions shall be safely transported. There isn't a price tag for getting your youngster into an activity which will probably be with her for all times---by means of instruction that permits studying with pure enjoyment. There are 3 situations that have stood out to me within the four courses we attended to date-- 1. For the non-public courses, a boy was fully distraught.
The standard of coaching saved at that awful degree for the subsequent three classes as nicely. As a part of our staff, King's Swim Academy invests in you, offering you with all necessary coaching and assist as needed. The Contact Heart Know-how Award honors vendors and applied sciences which have embraced know-how as a key device for buyer support excellence. All staffs have courtesy, pleasant and helpful. For some reason, KSA saved on charging me for 2 more months for one thing (I still do not know what, since there only fee is the annual payment if I'm not taking classes). The extra we attend, the extra I fall in love with the King Swim neighborhood. One hundred Reward Certificate from KIng's Swim Academy! My son had taken swim classes right here when he was youthful, and now could be on their swim group. As a swim instructor, you will educate students a vital life talent that may one day save their or another person's life. In case of any unexpected event, we'll compensate you. Sometimes, the transferring corporations cost you on each of these bases; they’ll charge you hourly or perhaps the value will rely upon the number of objects. Common worth is just a little costlier than I wished but there are dearer locations.
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Wellesley Writes It: Jane Ridgeway ‘09 (@janeridgeway), Fiction Writer and Teacher
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Photo by Jane Ridgeway.
Jane Ridgeway is a fiction writer born and raised in Seattle, now living in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is the current Writer in Residence at the Kerouac Project of Orlando, Florida, living and writing in the house in which Jack Kerouac wrote The Dharma Bums. Her work appears in the Cover Stories anthology from Volt Books. She has an MFA in fiction from the University of Oregon, and has taught creative writing and literature at the U of O, as well as at prep schools in California and Hawai’i. Interview by Camille Bond ‘17, Wellesley Writes It series editor.
WU: Welcome, Jane, and thanks so much for chatting with the Wellesley Underground! One of your short stories was recently published in an anthology, Cover Stories. What is the story about?
So, as the title suggests, Cover Stories’ mission was to anthologize “cover” versions of other short stories—so you take a canonical (or not-so-canonical) story that you passionately love or hate, and you riff off of it, explore some particular facet of it, or write very literary fan fiction of it, essentially. It’s an exploration of that weird and glorious phenomenon in which, over the decades, a song can be transformed through the different covers of it that are performed by artists with radically different sensibilities.
My story, “Peredelkino,” is a take on Isaac Babel’s “My First Goose,” a personal favorite and a story that definitely haunts me. Babel’s narrator, Liutov, is this gentle, nervous Jewish intellectual who finds himself embedded with the incredibly violent Cossacks and has to find a way to integrate himself to survive—and because he finds himself both drawn to the sort of sexy, robust glamour of the soldiers and terrified of their brutality. My piece updates some of the same conflicts that Liutov experienced to the era of the Soviet purges of intellectuals carried out by the KGB (which took the lives of many artists, including Babel himself).
WU: As a fiction writer, are there specific themes or issues that you feel drawn to? How do you discuss these themes/issues in your writing?
Grief, loss, sex, queerness, mortality, the sturm und drang of being a teenage girl, the way the past keeps popping its head back up throughout a life/a century/a place’s history. People who try really hard to be good but aren’t very successful at it. For some reason, religion, which is certainly not because I want to espouse any particular set of beliefs through my writing, or even something I focus on deliberately—I just can’t seem to get away from it, even if I try to. I’m really interested in the stories we tell ourselves about the afterlife, and how that shapes the way we live.
WU: As an emerging fiction writer, you’ve been accepted as one of four annual residents at the Kerouac Project in Florida. Congratulations! Kerouac residents spend a season living in Kerouac Project housing and working on creative projects. What are you working on during your residency?
I’m now one month into the Kerouac and have been using my time to generate new short story material! When I accepted the Kerouac I self-imposed some pressure to come here and bang out an entire novel draft, which isn’t what’s happened so far. The Kerouac is gloriously unconstrained: I’ve been given time to work on any project I choose, so I’m taking advantage of that freedom to play a little, write outside of my usual range, and create things that aren’t geared toward any particular publication, workshop, etc.
WU: How do you hope to develop as a writer during your time at the Kerouac Project?
I’ve been greatly enjoying finding my rhythm and discovering a creative schedule that works for me outside the constraints of my usual day job and responsibilities. It’s also been an exercise in overcoming self-doubt, because when I first arrived I was walloped by a wave of uncertainty and impostor syndrome. Through some combination of “faking it till I make it” and adopting some of the swaggering ego of the Beat generation that permeates the Kerouac House, I’ve found a way through it. (Kerouac himself said, “You’re a genius all the time!” which feels awfully audacious, but I think we could all stand to borrow a little of the audacity of a man who wrote his unedited first drafts on a single continuous scroll of paper.)
WU: You previously worked as a staff writer at the Los Altos Town Crier newspaper. How, if at all, has your journalism career informed your creative writing?
Working at the paper was one of the happiest phases of my working life! I loved having an immediate and local audience of subscribers with a clear stake in the stories I was covering, rather than a hazy sense that someone might read my fiction years in the future after I’d painstakingly revised for months, spent a year or so waiting to hear back from lit mags, then many more months before publication. I also love the precise, straight-to-the-point journalistic style. (Readers of this interview may notice that my natural tendency leans to the verbose!) Having experienced journalists and a brilliant copy editor to learn from helped me write crisper prose. Coming out of an MFA writing literary fiction, I think I also took the (unproductive) attitude that all of my stories were delicate, precious creations that I couldn’t possibly let out of my hands until they were perfect. Working at a publication that publishes weekly taught me to work with a much tighter turnaround time, much more efficiently, with less unnecessary psychodrama. There’s a deadline—just get it done!
WU: You’re currently teaching in a prep school environment, and have also taught Creative Writing at the University of Oregon, where you studied for your MFA. How, if at all, has teaching the subject changed your perspective on the act of creative writing? How has it informed your development as a writer?
I wholeheartedly love teaching, even though I can’t exactly recommend it to aspiring writers on the grounds of short hours or great work-life balance! Teaching literature means I get to spend my days hanging out with some of my favorite stories, novels, and poems, and really thinking about how to break them down for a young audience. It’s great to admire literature, but it’s even more useful to know how it ticks! On a more woo-woo level, teaching has helped me as a writer because it’s balanced out some of my edges and helped me grow into a softer, more vulnerable, caring, and patient human. Which is hard as hell, and not something I’m sure I would ever have gotten good at otherwise, because that’s not my natural inclination! I’ve always tended to be a seething ball of snark and sarcasm, and, untempered, that’s no way to go through life! The writers I admire most are all able to observe how much humankind can suck without losing their love and compassion for what a desperate, scrappy lot we all are. Teaching gives you great respect for people (young or otherwise) who are trying their hardest. Being a person is hard! We shouldn’t dismiss how hard it is, even when people disappoint us.
WU: Can you tell us a bit about your background in theater, and how this background has informed your literary career?
Some useful lessons of a theater-kid background for writers:
Better to commit to a choice than to be boring
Say “yes, and”
Don’t write any dialogue so stilted your actors would be embarrassed to say it
Read everything out loud after you’ve written it
I actually first started writing seriously after a playwriting class in my senior year of high school resulted in a festival production of my short play. Watching the actors and director in rehearsal, hearing my words, realizing how I could make the work better, was one of the most electrifying experiences I’d ever had as a young person.
WU: Are there any teachers and/or students who have been particularly influential to you?
A long and glorious lineage, starting from my absolute miracle of a second-grade teacher who made me fall in love with Greek myths, to my brilliant high school English teachers who were tremendously overqualified to be teaching me grammar and who told me I could be a writer, to Prof. Erian at Wellesley who actually taught me how to edit, to the teachers who caught me as a proper adult and really kicked my butt into writing things that an audience other than myself might care about. Also, Ehud Havazelet, the stern fiction father figure who permanently broke me of the ability to use the word “impactful” or read it without a tinge of disgust.
Hillger → Culhane → Doelger → Aegerter → Erian → Kiesbye → Brown, Bradley, Havazelet
WU: You have described your thankfulness to belong to a network of writers and thinkers. How can Wellesley students and alumnx build similar networks around themselves?
I love knowing writers and artists and readers all over the country. A lot of my writer acquaintances come not from my grad program but from an eclectic network of youngsters who were all applying to grad school at the same time as me, and joined forces to share information behind the scenes on how well-funded programs were (among other things.) I’ve always found networking in the traditional sense grotesque and repellent, but I think there’s a lot to be said for finding other people who care about the things you care about, befriending them with no regard for whether they’re currently (or ever likely to be) in a position to help you, and generously sharing information that might be helpful. Do your best to root for other people’s success even though sometimes you’re going to feel bitter and jealous because you’re a human and, like all of us, you kind of suck sometimes. Also, don’t be a dickbag. We all know who the dickbags in a given community are.
WU: What is your approach to self-care?
I take a very pragmatic approach to self-care that wouldn’t play well in a glossy magazine! To me, self-care is about doing the things that will make my life better, like doing the dishes I don’t want to do, taking out the trash, and clearing my inbox, more so than ‘treating myself’, you know? This summer, this has included writing lots of snail mail, going running even when I don’t want to, and long, slow, inefficient cooking projects.
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chapulana · 6 years
Jake Kyman: SoCal youngster’s already looking like a vet
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You don’t want to sleep on SoCal prep hoops. Not with someone like Jake Kyman coming through the ranks of the high school-ball system.
“Kobe has always been my idol just because the way he treats the game. What he does on the court is incredible. The footwork he had. Just the impact he has on a game. He’s my favorite player of all time.”
Well, this next statement may sound bolder than anything you can think of, but Kyman’s idol and the youngster himself are bound to forge a career around the place they share and he’s determined to reach the highest of heights with his game, prove he’s as good or more than anyone stepping into his way and, hey, why not, surpass some of his muses as the kid from Italy did not that long ago.
“I try not to pay attention to the rankings. Honestly, they don’t mean anything. They are just fuel to my fire.”
Coming from Santa Margarita Catholic, Kyman’s name is not the only one that pops from the HS record books. Does Klay Thompson sound familiar? Probably if you’re engaged to basketball at least by a hair. The LA native attended the same school as Jake Kyman and went to Washington State to play ball there for three years before departing for the L where he was picked 11th overall by the raising Warriors. Kyman, even having just finished his Junior season at SMC, already has offers from programs as coveted as those of UCLA, USC or LSU. Talk about talent hunting. But honestly, that is for a reason and it is all about Jake’s game and its evolution –only going up– up to this point in time.
The first move of what looks like the right decision: “I played baseball and was actually really good too, but I quit in 7th grade and solely focused on basketball.” Jake opted to handle the big orange ball instead of the small white one, and it’s starting to pay off. Forget about doubts, possible alternative routes, or any other concern this double approach may lead you to think of: “[My] love [for the game] just came from within, I mean, I never really loved that game until I started getting good and it just became my outlet for everything and keeps me on track now.”
A big chunk of the whole “mixtape culture” is built on hype, dunks, disrespectful moves and young fellas jumping and bumping around the court smashing opponents at the rim. Already part of the Adidas AAU circuit, if not a veteran by now, Jake’s tape is not just about the flashy moves and the dunks and the highlight stuff. It is about the game. The whole, full, all-angles-covered game and the fundamentals. A cut, a quick pass, finding the open lane or the free spot to hit the dagger from long-range.
Jake does it all.
And you don’t see that from every baller at his age. In terms of his pro-comp, he knows whose game he’s trying to replicate. “I’d like to say my game [is] like Gordon Hayward’s because I can do many things with versatility. I can guard many positions, and I can also score at every level – from three, midrange, and at the basket. I have a very developed post game from playing center since I was young until 7th grade so I feel I’m extremely versatile, [which] also helps with being 6–foot–7.”
“I definitely want to go to the pros because the NBA has been a goal since [I was] a lil kid.”
Maybe now you start to understand the interest he’s been generating around Cali and the rest of the nation. “It feels amazing to get D1 offers. [It] lets me know my dreams have come to a reality [thanks to] working so hard to this point, and it is a validation factor as a player that the work you put in is paying off.”
Jake’s been breaking milestones and rankings since the first time I heard his name. He is already a four-star caliber prospect for ESPN (80 grade, #14 CA prospect) and Prep Hoops (#56-best 2019 prospect, no less). “I try not to pay attention to the rankings. Honestly, they don’t mean anything. They are just fuel to my fire because all that matters is if your team wins, but I like to look at them a little bit and if I play someone higher: I’m definitely gonna go at them and prove to people why I should be higher but I don’t really focus on that stuff a lot.” Young, yet clever.
With the season over and the spring and summer tourneys around the nation about to start, Kyman’s games with his Dream Vision Adidas AAU team are about to start rolling.
“This summer from AAU all I expect is to win and help my team win. I don’t care how many offers I get or how many points I score, even if I get two points [but] we win [then] I contributed to a W. All I want to do is win because that speaks for itself.”
And the same goes for his future HS plans at SMCHS for the last run next season:
“Colleges want winners and that goes for my senior season as well. Just put everything aside about who is who. All the politics. Just go out there and hoop and try to win the league and win CIF and try to win State and everything will fill itself out.”
At this point, you don’t know if you’re reading quotes from an under-18 or an already retired veteran. What you know is Jake’s got everything pretty clear in his mind and a great foundation to succeed. How does that future look in his mind then, you say?
“I definitely want to go to the pros because the NBA has been a goal since [I was] a little kid. Balling in front of thousands of people, there is no better feeling. I have no problem playing one year at college-level or four, just whatever makes me most successful in getting to the League.”
Clear as water.
The next time you check some prospect rankings you may not find Jake’s name in there. The following one, he’ll probably have popped in them. By the third, you’ll surely be looking at a SoCal prospect already committed to a D-I college with a high pedigree, though he’s not ready to make that decision yet. He’ll wait, and take the best option. Anyways, keep his name on hand, because you’ll probably read about him more than you do about your average up-and-coming ballers.
* * *
Read the full feature at Basketball Society.
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
How Student Loans Work...EXPLAINED!
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/how-student-loans-work-explained/
How Student Loans Work...EXPLAINED!
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Mike: hey? Have you ever guys ever heard of Tyler Oakley? Good, Tyler Oakley has heard os scholar loans, cuz he had ’em. Giant time. And so he and his acquaintances at gigantic body have asked us to make this for you to give an explanation for how student loans work so you realize, you guys can hae a slightly higher existence vis a vis (?) student loans than Tyler did. Cuz from what I comprehend, he and his acquaintances located it very confusing being that they may be humans and everything. So how do scholar loans work, and the way can you make them work better for you? Section One: The FAFSA AKA Free software for Federal pupil aid. Now before you genuinely start watching for loans, you are gonna want to fill the sort of babies out, either online or on a paper type, which it seems that continues to be a thing.Did you? I didn’t. In any case, huh? Rapid note: filling out the FAFSA is FREE! Free! By no means pay any scammers who are trying to get your money to fill it out. Go to FAFSA’s government website, no longer FAFSA.Com because these guys… Somethin’s fishy. In addition to getting used for federal financial help the FAFSA can also be used by state and institution funded packages, reminiscent of scholarships. Now if youre in high institution, reeer-eer rock and roll, high institution right here, it can be the hippest position in town. Seem at me, i’m not a 31 year old man, i am so hip.I think that you can tell. (beep) If youre in excessive institution then youll surely wish to fill this out as soon as viable after January 1st in the course of your senior year. If youre no longer in high university, you still do wish to fill it out as quickly as viable after the new 12 months. I do need to take a 2nd to stress how foremost that is. Most fiscal help is given out on a primary come, first served groundwork even though it is determined by distinct reasons. So the sooner that you may get that FAFSA in, the bettter you chances of getting the maximum quantity of support available to you.And unluckily, this isn’t a one time thing, either. Even when you are in tuition, you have got to keep filling it out each year. That is due to the fact that, you already know, your occasions might alternate. Considered one of our lovely Tumblr readers said that you may get help from the fiscal support workplace which makes plenty of experience and we’d incredibly advise that. To honestly fill it out your FAFSA, youre gonna want some records. There are tons of one-of-a-kind ones, so right now that knowledge is solely floatin’ round my face right now on account that powers. Also, dont leave any blank house on the shape, if something would not apply to you, simply write zero or no longer applicable and then you are done, you already know. Simply wrap that youngster in a blanket and smack it on the bottom, cuz we’re occurring to– phase Two: varieties of Loans After submitting your FAFSA, there are going to be a quantity of different loan choices. These comprise: 1. Stafford Loans These are offered immediately to you, the pupil, from the USA department of schooling. They are able to be used to pay for many distinctive sorts of bigger education.Stafford loans will either be subsidized or unsubsidized, based in your monetary want. Backed loans mean you dont need to pay any interest on the mortgage at the same time youre nonetheless in university as a minimum half of-time. If your mortgage is unsubsidized, you start accruing curiosity on the first day you obtain your funding. 2. PLUS Loans AKA father or mother Loans for Undergraduate students. These loans are provided to the dad and mom of students by means of the U.S. Division of schooling to help fund their childs education. PLUS loans are confined to the precise schooling expenditures minus every other fiscal aid obtained with the aid of the scholar. 3. Perkins Loans Perkins loans are available for undergraduate or graduate students. These loans are financed by using your institution, however are guaranteed through the federal govt. Perkins loans are situated on your financial want and have caps of $27,500 for undergrads, and $60,000 for graduate scholars. When weighing your monetary options, PLEASE be definite to look at your interest expense. Even decimal points of change can add as much as massive quantities over the ten, 20 or something years for the duration of which you’re going to be paying your loans. So read that high-quality print child! Depending to your problem, you too can have got to practice for personal loans.These are style of problematic. Exclusive loans most likely cost greater costs and more interest, however we do comprehend that they possibly the only option for your case. Extra data within the dooblydo. Section Three: compensation good day, investigate out that fancy piece o paper in your fingers! Whoah mama! Aooga! Time to pay for it. You’re gonna have a number of extraordinary choices of the right way to pay your loans back. 1. Customary terms – that you can repay situated for your loans long-established phrases. This is regularly a ten to twenty 12 months reimbursement plan and it is the most common system. 2. Earnings-established repayment. That is the 2d most fashioned variety. The phrases of your long-established loan are restructured to suit into your funds centered to your present stage of revenue. You’re going to have to reapply ever year for this style of repayment, on account that your revenue could also be altering year to yr, confidently going up.Up, up, up, to the moon! 3. Deferment – if you can not have the funds for your pupil loan cost, in some instances that you can defer it. Deferment doesnt eliminate your student loan debt, it with no trouble puts off when your reimbursement plan starts offevolved. Its most likely most effective granted to current scholars, residents within the army, or if youre unemployed or are incomes not up to the minimal wage. Unsubsidized loans will continue to accrue curiosity for the period of deferment, so its a excellent inspiration to make any repayments that youre ready to. 4. Consolidation Loans If youre now out of institution and in finding your present repayment plan elaborate to manipulate, that you would be able to consistently consolidate your loans. Consolidating will take a couple of loans and simplify them right into a single new mortgage. This can make reimbursement less complicated and may prolong your reimbursement terms up to 30 years, that will slash your monthly repayments, but will extensively increase the quantity of interest you pay over the years. It’s super dupes essential to remain on top of your scholar loan repayments or to work with a mortgage servicing organization if you already know that you cannot make your repayments, try this as quickly as possible.Additionally, pupil loan debt does no longer mechanically go away. Even though you file for bakruptcy! What the crap? Best under very precise circumstances are you going to have these loans forgiven. A type of occasions is dying. So that you die, however you don’t have to pay. Every cloud… You can also honestly be competent to get your loans reduced or utterly forgiven if you happen to prefer to work in the public sector. You may still need to could a hundred and twenty on-time monthly payments before your ultimate balance is forgiven, however it is a quality alternative for regional, state, and federal government employees. Section four: A note for father and mother hi mom and dad! It can be first-class to peer you around here. You’re looking great.Would you adore this gift card for Chili’s? (laughs) Or these tickets to your Billy Joel live performance? Or would you adore… What’s yet another factor grown-u.S.Like? I am a grown up (document scratch) Existential hindrance! Consistent with Forbes, greater than half of all pupil loans are both delinquent or in deferral. These loans will also be for striking quantities, so if you do decide upon to support pay for your youngster’s school schooling, saving early is A+++.The IRS absolutely needs you to aid pay in your little one’s education, so they’ve anything known as a 529 financial savings Plan, which is sort of like a Roth IRA for saving to your bebes future. Not everyone has parents who’re going to be competent to support, but I do want each person to understand this alternative exists to aid. Phase 5: Tyler Oakley i’m so enthusiastic about this that I spit. I spit within the rainbow arc, with the bad french accent that goes to italian routinely. Tyler, you are making me communicate in tongues, you’re making my sould dance, you’re making my liver quiver. I don’t know what to assert to you besides (kiss) thanks a lot to Tyler Oakley and associates for suggesting the subject of this week’s video. In return, i am so joyful to inform every body that HowToAdult can be donating advert sales from this video to the Trevor assignment. The Trevor assignment is a 24-hour hotline and useful resource for hindrance intervention and suicide prevention offerings to LGBTQ young people from ages 13-24.Tyler has supported the Trevor venture for years. It is very close and costly to his heart and to ours, so this is simply our way of paying it ahead. Thanks a lot Tyler, we heart you. In the event you guys are looking for a model of exceptional maturity, Tyler Oakley is lovely difficult to beat. We will see you guys subsequent week. I really like you bye. (kiss) (endscreen) .
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airoasis · 5 years
How Student Loans Work...EXPLAINED!
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/how-student-loans-work-explained/
How Student Loans Work...EXPLAINED!
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Mike: hey? Have you ever guys ever heard of Tyler Oakley? Good, Tyler Oakley has heard os scholar loans, cuz he had ’em. Giant time. And so he and his acquaintances at gigantic body have asked us to make this for you to give an explanation for how student loans work so you realize, you guys can hae a slightly higher existence vis a vis (?) student loans than Tyler did. Cuz from what I comprehend, he and his acquaintances located it very confusing being that they may be humans and everything. So how do scholar loans work, and the way can you make them work better for you? Section One: The FAFSA AKA Free software for Federal pupil aid. Now before you genuinely start watching for loans, you are gonna want to fill the sort of babies out, either online or on a paper type, which it seems that continues to be a thing.Did you? I didn’t. In any case, huh? Rapid note: filling out the FAFSA is FREE! Free! By no means pay any scammers who are trying to get your money to fill it out. Go to FAFSA’s government website, no longer FAFSA.Com because these guys… Somethin’s fishy. In addition to getting used for federal financial help the FAFSA can also be used by state and institution funded packages, reminiscent of scholarships. Now if youre in high institution, reeer-eer rock and roll, high institution right here, it can be the hippest position in town. Seem at me, i’m not a 31 year old man, i am so hip.I think that you can tell. (beep) If youre in excessive institution then youll surely wish to fill this out as soon as viable after January 1st in the course of your senior year. If youre no longer in high university, you still do wish to fill it out as quickly as viable after the new 12 months. I do need to take a 2nd to stress how foremost that is. Most fiscal help is given out on a primary come, first served groundwork even though it is determined by distinct reasons. So the sooner that you may get that FAFSA in, the bettter you chances of getting the maximum quantity of support available to you.And unluckily, this isn’t a one time thing, either. Even when you are in tuition, you have got to keep filling it out each year. That is due to the fact that, you already know, your occasions might alternate. Considered one of our lovely Tumblr readers said that you may get help from the fiscal support workplace which makes plenty of experience and we’d incredibly advise that. To honestly fill it out your FAFSA, youre gonna want some records. There are tons of one-of-a-kind ones, so right now that knowledge is solely floatin’ round my face right now on account that powers. Also, dont leave any blank house on the shape, if something would not apply to you, simply write zero or no longer applicable and then you are done, you already know. Simply wrap that youngster in a blanket and smack it on the bottom, cuz we’re occurring to– phase Two: varieties of Loans After submitting your FAFSA, there are going to be a quantity of different loan choices. These comprise: 1. Stafford Loans These are offered immediately to you, the pupil, from the USA department of schooling. They are able to be used to pay for many distinctive sorts of bigger education.Stafford loans will either be subsidized or unsubsidized, based in your monetary want. Backed loans mean you dont need to pay any interest on the mortgage at the same time youre nonetheless in university as a minimum half of-time. If your mortgage is unsubsidized, you start accruing curiosity on the first day you obtain your funding. 2. PLUS Loans AKA father or mother Loans for Undergraduate students. These loans are provided to the dad and mom of students by means of the U.S. Division of schooling to help fund their childs education. PLUS loans are confined to the precise schooling expenditures minus every other fiscal aid obtained with the aid of the scholar. 3. Perkins Loans Perkins loans are available for undergraduate or graduate students. These loans are financed by using your institution, however are guaranteed through the federal govt. Perkins loans are situated on your financial want and have caps of $27,500 for undergrads, and $60,000 for graduate scholars. When weighing your monetary options, PLEASE be definite to look at your interest expense. Even decimal points of change can add as much as massive quantities over the ten, 20 or something years for the duration of which you’re going to be paying your loans. So read that high-quality print child! Depending to your problem, you too can have got to practice for personal loans.These are style of problematic. Exclusive loans most likely cost greater costs and more interest, however we do comprehend that they possibly the only option for your case. Extra data within the dooblydo. Section Three: compensation good day, investigate out that fancy piece o paper in your fingers! Whoah mama! Aooga! Time to pay for it. You’re gonna have a number of extraordinary choices of the right way to pay your loans back. 1. Customary terms – that you can repay situated for your loans long-established phrases. This is regularly a ten to twenty 12 months reimbursement plan and it is the most common system. 2. Earnings-established repayment. That is the 2d most fashioned variety. The phrases of your long-established loan are restructured to suit into your funds centered to your present stage of revenue. You’re going to have to reapply ever year for this style of repayment, on account that your revenue could also be altering year to yr, confidently going up.Up, up, up, to the moon! 3. Deferment – if you can not have the funds for your pupil loan cost, in some instances that you can defer it. Deferment doesnt eliminate your student loan debt, it with no trouble puts off when your reimbursement plan starts offevolved. Its most likely most effective granted to current scholars, residents within the army, or if youre unemployed or are incomes not up to the minimal wage. Unsubsidized loans will continue to accrue curiosity for the period of deferment, so its a excellent inspiration to make any repayments that youre ready to. 4. Consolidation Loans If youre now out of institution and in finding your present repayment plan elaborate to manipulate, that you would be able to consistently consolidate your loans. Consolidating will take a couple of loans and simplify them right into a single new mortgage. This can make reimbursement less complicated and may prolong your reimbursement terms up to 30 years, that will slash your monthly repayments, but will extensively increase the quantity of interest you pay over the years. It’s super dupes essential to remain on top of your scholar loan repayments or to work with a mortgage servicing organization if you already know that you cannot make your repayments, try this as quickly as possible.Additionally, pupil loan debt does no longer mechanically go away. Even though you file for bakruptcy! What the crap? Best under very precise circumstances are you going to have these loans forgiven. A type of occasions is dying. So that you die, however you don’t have to pay. Every cloud… You can also honestly be competent to get your loans reduced or utterly forgiven if you happen to prefer to work in the public sector. You may still need to could a hundred and twenty on-time monthly payments before your ultimate balance is forgiven, however it is a quality alternative for regional, state, and federal government employees. Section four: A note for father and mother hi mom and dad! It can be first-class to peer you around here. You’re looking great.Would you adore this gift card for Chili’s? (laughs) Or these tickets to your Billy Joel live performance? Or would you adore… What’s yet another factor grown-u.S.Like? I am a grown up (document scratch) Existential hindrance! Consistent with Forbes, greater than half of all pupil loans are both delinquent or in deferral. These loans will also be for striking quantities, so if you do decide upon to support pay for your youngster’s school schooling, saving early is A+++.The IRS absolutely needs you to aid pay in your little one’s education, so they’ve anything known as a 529 financial savings Plan, which is sort of like a Roth IRA for saving to your bebes future. Not everyone has parents who’re going to be competent to support, but I do want each person to understand this alternative exists to aid. Phase 5: Tyler Oakley i’m so enthusiastic about this that I spit. I spit within the rainbow arc, with the bad french accent that goes to italian routinely. Tyler, you are making me communicate in tongues, you’re making my sould dance, you’re making my liver quiver. I don’t know what to assert to you besides (kiss) thanks a lot to Tyler Oakley and associates for suggesting the subject of this week’s video. In return, i am so joyful to inform every body that HowToAdult can be donating advert sales from this video to the Trevor assignment. The Trevor assignment is a 24-hour hotline and useful resource for hindrance intervention and suicide prevention offerings to LGBTQ young people from ages 13-24.Tyler has supported the Trevor venture for years. It is very close and costly to his heart and to ours, so this is simply our way of paying it ahead. Thanks a lot Tyler, we heart you. In the event you guys are looking for a model of exceptional maturity, Tyler Oakley is lovely difficult to beat. We will see you guys subsequent week. I really like you bye. (kiss) (endscreen) .
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dtkrippene · 5 years
Florida Sunset
Dan & Mother-in-Law
  It’s been a rough spring largely because I missed it. 
In December, we made a sudden decision to spend February through April in Florida. Our primary reason was to spend time with elderly mother-in-law in assisted living before she forgot who we were.  Secondary reason is spousal unit’s desire to skip winter in Pennsylvania. 
Who could blame her? It was a rough winter as well. My initial fear, however, is what would it do to the time I reserve for writing. I’d just come off a promise to the long-suffering muse in my head that I’d not neglect her; (click and read – The Silent Light of a Winter Night, December 2018).
Turned out, I wrote more than usual.  Cranked out 40K on the book I’m rewriting, and still had time to format and post blogs on our group’s GLVWG Write Stuff Conference™ blog about every three-four days that began in mid-January through the end of March. Lot of work, but something had to give.
Yep, bless me readers, but I haven’t blogged since February.  
During this rather busy period, I heard from an ex-colleague who used to follow humorous articles I wrote for a travel magazine overseas. Would I submit something for a quarterly newsletter they do?  More specifically, would I write about our first ever snowbird experience in the same voice as my former writing experience?  How could I turn down a fan from yesteryear?  It published a few weeks ago, and he’s given me permission to post it here.
The article is in a different voice from what I pen today, but as penance for not keeping up in blogosphere, I offer it below.  I hope you find it humorous, and perhaps it will brighten your day as well.
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  Graphic From: Sarah Barendse – Creative Services
Never thought I’d be a Snowbird, defined as those who abandon the bitter winters of Northern America for sunnier climes in Florida. I like the change of seasons and don’t mind shoveling the times Nature dumps solidified water on my driveway. It’s also my most productive season as a writer, when I don’t have to answer the WYWA (Worldwide Yard Wrestling Association), or involuntarily submit to projects assigned by my wife.
It was an impulsive decision, sparked by a need to spend more time with my 90-year-old mother-in-law in an assisted living facility in Naples. Wheelchair bound, she’d weakened the past year after her husband passed-away in 2017. My bro-in-law knows everybody in the South Florida boating industry, and he found a place in Ft. Myers beginning February if we were willing to take it for three months.
Three months? What the heck do I do for three months in a territory commonly known as “God’s Waiting Room”. 
We left early February in bone-cracking, five-degree temperatures. We hit a blizzard outside of Harrisburg. When we stopped for the night at my sister’s in North Carolina, the car had a veneer of crusted salt. CNN breaking news repeatedly looped a federal indictment against Punxsutawney Phil for fraud. 
The place we rented is in a sizeable community built in the 80’s, advertised as; “riverfront splendor and boasts an 18-hole executive golf course, 13 lighted tennis courts, competition-sized swimming pool, 18 stocked lakes to fish, landscaped paths plus a private harbor and marina.” We arrived late afternoon, just in time to meet residents bearing Pyrex dishes who invited us to join them for the weekly poolside soirée. I noted my pallid skin was a lighthouse among the well-bronzed cocktail drinkers. The only tan on my body were skin moles. We took a rain check and went to an onsite restaurant, where the drinks were stiff, and a brisket burger happily spackled my arteries. The check arrived with “what’s your member number?”  I gave the server our condo unit, 205. Next day, we learned every unit had a 205. Red-faced apologies offered, it didn’t seem like a very good start.
We ventured out on Ft. Myers famous Route 41, Tamiami Trail, to shop for victuals. It was a pinball rally of elderly drivers in luxury cars cruising the left lane at ten-mph under the speed limit, versus millennials who weaved traffic at twenty-mph over the limit in monster pickups with thunderous mufflers and earsplitting hip-hop. Observation through the rear window of older drivers often revealed a pair of headless hands on the steering wheel. A 70’s song lyric came to mind amid this chaos – “clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you”. 
The wakeup call came promptly at six with the greens keeper in a misfiring two-cycle tractor engine and headlights the brilliance of a supernova. The condo’s heated pool acted as a morning meeting place for women’s water aerobics to discuss the latest gossip, much of it centered on husbands.  Though I shellacked myself with lotion, by noon, the intense southern sun left an alabaster imprint on my belly of a Kindle reader framed by painful crimson. Following day, all I could do while clothed in full body cover-up was to wait for the afternoon shift when residents arrived for mid-afternoon adult beverages and lies about their golf score. Cocktails start early in sun country. Be prepared to have your ‘check liver light’ activate with regularity.
Our condo is advertised as a community of ‘active seniors.’ Where women outnumber the men by at least two-to-one, I hoped the definition of active meant outdoor activities.  USPTA regulation tennis and Pickle Ball, a kind of a mini tennis game with paddled wiffle balls for those who failed at tennis, are quite popular. I assume Pickle got its name from the usual state the players were in. The tight knit 3,078-yard golf course has nine lakes (drainage pits), and forty-five sand traps (yawning sink holes), which came with the frequent shout of fore and resultant whack against building walls. A sign by the pool warned to be observant of stray balls. Nothing like a nice float and the risk of concussion. Our second floor patio gave us a referee’s vantage on the seventh-hole ladies tee-box, where we had front row seats to deep-divot, shagged shots, followed by un-ladylike potty-mouthed epithets. And to think many of them were grandmothers.
Every Wednesday, our village decorated the poolside veranda for the weekly BYOB get-together at five-o-clock.  Attendance required a snack to share, which turned out to be a full potluck buffet. People lined up at 4:30 to get their pick of the best. My chicken tikka sat virtually untouched on a table groaning with meatballs, deviled eggs, vegie tray, ambrosia salad, and vegan pizza. Lesson learned, traditional American flavors are favored. A couple at our table advised we start with the dessert offerings while others queued for the buffet. All manner of sweet confections had defined our generation. I’m now officially pre-diabetic.
The reason we came was to spend time with Ann’s mother; our intent to get her out of the cloistered spaces of her otherwise excellent care facility. No one warned us about going to restaurants during Florida high season. The older generation eats early. All others know to wait until at least 6:00. We went to a wine bar in Naples that advertised jazz. Handicap parking occupied the entire front half and nary a slot available. I damn near needed a GPS to find my way back from a lower-forty lot of cars parked haphazardly at crooked angles. Zigzagging with a wheelchair around bodies and crowded tables, the shortest distance to our table was by way of Orlando. Younger folk congregated the bar with raucous laughter. The older table troops dined in groups of six or more – with more raucous laughter. Intimate conversations nearby were shouted, some of which I wished had been left unsaid. The jazz turned out to be a crooner in a fedora hat singing Frank Sinatra hits. Ann’s mother loved it.
Seafood is king in Southwest Florida. Oysters on the half-shell, shrimp and grits, scallops in spicy garlic butter, yellowfin tuna, and fresh catch of the day grilled, fried, or burnt. I love seafood, but I was one grouper entrée from becoming a merman. Imagine my joy when I spotted a Five-Guys Burger and Fries.
The complex had a nice exercise facility, and I took advantage of the elliptical machine to manage added pounds from eating too many Wednesday sweets. Adjusting to elderly men and women in stretch tights took a couple of days to undo the shock. The gym had mounted TVs, but instead of news or sporting programs, vintage reruns like Gunsmoke and Andy Griffith were popular (I’m not making this up). Color me happy when someone switched to Discovery Channel’s ‘Pickers’.
The complex had an amazing marina with a restaurant facing west for stunning sunsets and great views of boaters maneuvering thirty-foot cabin cruisers with the skill of a fifteen-year-old’s learner’s permit. You had to arrive two-hours prior to the setting sun to get a seat. Five-minutes after the sun disappeared, the place emptied as if someone shouted ‘cockroach’. We stayed and ordered another drink. The brisket burger called my name.
Hey, let’s go to Fort Myer’s Beach.  I’d forgotten about the annual college ritual of spring break. Traffic backed up for miles waiting to cross a two-lane bridge. Police manned crosswalk islands, not on watch for underage drinking, but ready to cite drivers who weren’t wearing seatbelts. It must be a major revenue generator.  Out of curiosity and a touch of naivety, we stopped by a gaudy multicolored hotel called the Lani Kai Island Resort for a drink. The place had the air of an unrestrained mash-up of college fraternity/sorority revelers at an inner-city bus terminal. Absent responsible supervision in any form, youngsters in various stages of undress swarmed beaches and bars like ants at a picnic. The acrid taste in my mouth was volatilized raging hormones polluting the air. The bartender took an immediate shine to us, thankful for a sober adult conversation in what might have been the first in days. I tipped her heavily and left post haste, my hopes for the next generation in question.
Once we adjusted to a slower pace, our days unfolded relaxed, and without the never-ending distraction at home of things that needed doing.  How can you turn down skipping winter in Pennsylvania? We posted beachy sunsets. Our neighbors posted snowdrifts. I don’t look forward to wearing sweaters again and the itch of a peeling tan.
By far, our original mission to bring some light and happiness to Ann’s mother succeeded. Frequent visits enhanced her cognition. The succession of instances we settled her in the car, I noted improved strength in her ability to stand. She greeted us with a smile each time we visited. It was difficult to leave.
Will we return as snowbirds? The twinkle in my mother-in-law’s eye, and the open-armed welcome of both renters and year-rounders, has us considering next year. We enjoyed cruising the left lane as trained snowbirds in sunglasses, doing our part to govern the speed limit. If we do return, I’ll wipe the dust off golf clubs I’d left at home, and join the duffer ranks of carefree, congenial folks who play worse than I do.
Snowbirding It's been a rough spring largely because I missed it.  In December, we made a sudden decision to spend February through April in Florida.
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toldnews-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/business/can-northamptons-dying-high-street-be-saved/
Can Northampton's 'dying' High Street be saved?
Image copyright Leon Neal/Getty
Image caption About a third of units of Northampton’s main thoroughfare are vacant
The number of boarded up shop fronts in towns the length and breadth of England is symbolic of the country’s growing High Street crisis. Perhaps nowhere quite encapsulates this as much as Northampton, which in the past five years has lost three major department stores with the future of a fourth uncertain.
In recent years countless big name chains like Woolworths, BHS, Toys R Us and Comet have faced the administrators and folded. Others have clung on, saved by rescue deals or by swapping their bricks and mortar businesses for the digital marketplace.
That in itself appears to be a Catch-22. Only last month, MPs warned that British High Streets were “in danger of becoming ghost towns” as consumers flock to internet retailers.
In towns like Northampton, there has been a slow drip of shop closures. And conspicuous by their absence are the shoppers that once used to crowd into its market square.
“The place used to be packed,” says fruit and veg market trader, Anne Andreoli. “It used to be rammed with customers and you’d be serving non-stop, all day.
“At one stage there was a 100-year waiting list to get a stall. Now you can take your pick. The change has been humongous.”
Image copyright Photofusion/Getty
Image caption There was once a 100-year wait for a market stall in the town
The square is one of Britain’s largest and dates back to 1235. For centuries it was the centre of the town’s bustling market trade.
“This used to be a good living but I struggle to cover the stall rent now,” says Lesley McDonald, who has run an underwear stall for 28 years.
She and her husband used to work on it together, but he is now a window cleaner – an income they rely on.
“There’s just no trade. The youngsters shop online and since we lost M&S we’ve seen a big decline in older customers,” she says.
“I get here at six in the morning and often I’ve not had a single customer by 10 but I can’t just walk away. I keep hoping it will go back to how it was but I don’t think it will.”
Image caption Lesley McDonald fears the town will never go back to its heyday
Image caption The old M&S store has been boarded-up since August while the BHS, two doors down, closed in 2016
Marks and Spencer, like many others, was lured away to the £140m Rushden Lakes retail park, which opened 15 miles east of Northampton in 2017.
The retailer’s move prompted local celebrity and broadcaster the Reverend Richard Coles to describe the town centre as “decaying”.
On Abington Street – Northampton’s main thoroughfare – about a third of units are vacant and many of the entrances now occupied by homeless people in tents.
The M&S shop has been empty since August and is now boarded up. BHS, which closed in 2016, has only recently been occupied by a factory outlet store, while House of Fraser closed in 2014.
Now, the future of the nearby Debenhams branch is uncertain. It has agreed a £200m refinancing lifeline with lenders but said it would continue with plans to cut the number of its stores.
What’s happening on the UK High Street?
Each year, more shops close than open in the UK and the gap is getting wider.
According to figures from PWC and the Local Data Company, 2,692 shops shut in the first half of 2018 – about 14 per day – while 1,569 opened, a net loss of 1,123.
That compared with a net loss of 222 in the same six months of 2017. Clothes shops and pubs were the biggest casualties.
In January 2008 the internet accounted for 5p in every £1 of retail sales. By August 2018, it was 18p in every pound.
In 2018, 43 retailers with multiple stores either closed or went into administration, affecting 2,594 shops and 46,000 jobs according to the Centre for Retail Research.
A further 15, with 266 stores and 2,706 employees, did so by the end of February 2019.
Life-long resident Jacqueline, 69, says the town’s heyday was between the 1960s and 1990s, when the atmosphere was “tremendous”. Now she comes into the town centre not to shop, but to drop some paperwork off at the council.
“The town centre is a mess. Ask anyone born and bred in Northampton and they’ll tell you the same.
“I don’t come in very often. Mostly just to catch a bus to the shops in Milton Keynes.”
Image caption Halymah Agboola says she rarely ventures into Northampton
Image caption Jacqueline misses Northampton’s “tremendous” atmosphere and shops elsewhere these days
Northampton is not only competing with online retailers and Rushden Lakes, but larger towns nearby with a greater selection of shops.
Milton Keynes, for example, is a 15-minute train journey away and has a Marks and Spencer, House of Fraser and a John Lewis.
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“Big towns and cities can attract the crowds and be a destination for a day out, while smaller centres [offer] convenience,” says Kardi Somerfield, senior marketing lecturer at the University of Northampton.
“So mid-range towns are particularly and disproportionally affected by store closures.”
Image copyright Leon Neal/Getty
Image caption Northampton is home to about 210,000 people and is an hour north of central London by train
Student Halymah Agboola rarely ventures into Northampton’s centre.
“It’s probably about once a fortnight to look for clothes. There are much better deals and discounts for students online and it’s just less hassle,” says the 22-year-old.
“A lot of students I know are going into the centre regularly to pubs and clubs. But I’m not sure what else would attract young people into town and city centres.”
Perhaps the answer lies in St Giles Street, which runs adjacent to Abington Street.
It features a range of small, independent businesses from barbers to restaurants and – despite a handful of empty units – feels altogether more prosperous.
Lisa Witham, 29, runs the Dreams Coffee Lounge with her sister, Nina Neophitou, 25. She says the key to the street’s success is simple.
“There’s a lot of lovely independent shops all offering different experiences for customers, rather than the generic High Street shops.
“The experience for the customer is important. Offer something a bit different that online and out-of-town retailers can’t.”
Image copyright Lisa Witham
Image caption Cafe owner Lisa Witham, right, and sister Nina Neophitou, say it is important to focus on customer experience
Steve Ward and his wife Caroline run St Giles Cheese, which also sells locally produced gin.
“Abington Street is just the classic, dying High Street isn’t it? You’re losing all these big names, one after another,” says Steve.
Northampton Borough Council has made efforts to revitalise the town centre. According to some, progress has been slow, but a new board has been created to tackle some of the the town’s long-standing issues of shop closures and poor footfall.
“We know the town has some problems, particularly the centre which is suffering through a combination of factors,” says council leader Jonathan Nunn.
“The primary aim of this new board is to ensure everyone is pulling in the same direction to address those issues and allow the town to live up to its promise.”
Image caption Efforts have been made to highlight Northampton’s arts and heritage offerings
A slew of new cafes and restaurants have breathed life into the town centre area and there has been a flurry of regeneration work around the newly designated Cultural Quarter.
It is home to the Royal and Derngate Theatre which recently kicked off the UK tour of Kinky Boots – a nod to the town’s shoemaking heritage, based on the story of a struggling Northampton shoe factory.
Nearby, the town’s museum, which is currently closed for a major refurbishment, is due to reopen next year. And the University of Northampton’s new £330m campus, which opened in September, brought some 12,000 students and 2,000 staff to the area.
Signs of progress mean many businesses are cautiously optimistic about the future, with caveats.
“There needs to be more support from the council and landlords, making sure we get the right businesses in,” says Lisa.
“There needs to be variety with the retail, with leisure options such as bowling or maybe an arcade. We have students nearby but they need an incentive to come into town.
“But the more empty units there are, the more difficult it is to attract new businesses. It’s easy to get into a downward spiral.”
0 notes
aiimaginesbts · 8 years
House of Cards: Chapter 1 (M)
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Taehyung x Reader, with Jungkook
Genre: Smut, angst, fluff
Warning: Infidelity. Please avoid if this is not for you.
Word count: 2,778 words
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 (Final)
How many love stories start this way? And just how many of them become this messed up?
You were just another student in high school who had developed a crush on one of the seniors. And not just any senior. No, you fell for the most popular student in school – Kim Taehyung. He was one of the top students, actively participating in various sports, and his good looks didn’t hurt his reputation any. Needless to say, he had dozens of fans and admirers constantly vying for his attention. Obviously he never gave you the time of day, considering he never even noticed you. How could he have known that you exist when you were the shy wallflower who ducked her head every time his gaze even strayed in your direction?
You admired him from afar, like the majority of the female population in school, lacking the courage to go up and talk to him, all the way to his graduation ceremony. He graduated too soon for your liking – you wished you were his age so you could have spent more time in school with him – but at least after he left all the fuss died down and you could concentrate more on your studies instead of planning how to watch him in between classes and after school. Thoughts of him visited you less frequently since, he was just a crush after all, but you never quite forgot him.
No one else caught your attention after that. Although you gained more confidence to mingle with your peers and became more active in school, you were studious and managed to make it into one of the top universities in the state, making your family proud. It was a little far from your parents’, but you didn’t mind it. Actually, you were quite relieved to have some space of your own away from your family – even if it meant having to board with the other students – especially when you were herded with the other new students into the main hall on your first day of orientation and you saw him.
Yes, it was Kim Taehyung, smiling in greeting towards the fresh batch of youngsters having their first glimpse of the university’s large hall. He was one of the senior students who volunteered to facilitate with the orientation process. Naturally. After words of welcome from the students’ representative, you were divided into smaller groups to get to know each other, and a senior student was assigned to each group to keep things organised and answer any questions that the fresh intake might have. Taehyung headed towards your group sitting in a circle, and your heart beat just a fraction faster when he approached and sat across from you.
It was stupid of you to hope that he recognised you, because why would he? Marshalling all your powers of concentration, you focused on the discussion and tried your best not to gawk at him. His attire was simple and casual – an oversized white sweater, washed-out blue jeans and sneakers – but he looked as handsome as ever, and you noticed that you weren’t the only one sneaking glances at him. His boxy grin and resonating voice had garnered the attention of the other girls in your group as well. This is going to be high school all over again, you thought to yourself, swallowing a sigh before paying more attention to what the guy beside you was saying.
After he finished, it was your turn to introduce yourself. Midway through, you hesitated, then thought, why not? and informed the group of the name of the high school you graduated from. Satisfaction filled your chest at Taehyung’s surprised reaction at this tidbit. Finally, after all these years, you had his regard, but you wanted to kick yourself when your cheeks started to flush as he gave you his undivided attention.
You lingered after the session ended, giving him a chance to approach you. You bit your lower lip to contain your excitement when he did just that. He was surprised and impressed that his junior managed to make it to the university; it was not easy to get in, and the conversation just flowed from there. He felt an obligation to look after you as his junior and you used that to your advantage, approaching him with questions, asking him to show you around, and his excitement at a chance to show you the ropes only made you bolder, daring you to strike conversations about other topics unrelated to your studies. He seemed to enjoy your company, too, an easy friendship developed between you and after a while, he asked you out.
The fact that someone who used to be the most popular student – still was one of the most popular, actually – was dating you was surreal. At least that was what you thought. Turned out that the idea wasn’t so far-fetched to everyone else, including Taehyung. Not long after you agreed to being his girlfriend, you asked him why he asked you out.
“Someone like you?” His brows furrowed in confusion. “Why would you ask something like that? You’re bright, confident, pretty and you can carry a great conversation, which is more than I can say for most of the girls here. Most of the guys, even.”
Somewhere along the way, without realising it, you had shed your quiet, wallflower personality. You were still shy, but you had learnt to work past it to become more outgoing, to socialise with more people, not just the tiny band of friends you had when you were younger. Your eyes had flicked up in a silent thanks to God that your sense of fashion had also matured to what it was now.
There was no hiding your shyness from Taehyung though, not when he was your boyfriend and you spent a lot of time together outside classes. It rarely showed compared to how timid you were in school, but Taehyung didn’t mind, especially when you were in bed. He found it endearing, and was surprised to find that you were still a virgin. Frankly it wasn’t unexpected, but he didn’t know just how reserved you were in school, and even after you gained more confidence in yourself, after crushing on him so hard, no guy gained your interest. You gave him everything, because he was your everything. You were aware that he probably didn’t feel as strongly about you as you felt towards him, but he loved you, and that was all that mattered.
Of course it was foolish of you to expect your luck to run its course forever. Someone like you could never measure up to a person as perfect as Taehyung. Not only was he smart, good-looking, friendly and athletic, he was also the heir to a big company, and his relationship with you would not offer his family any benefits. He had barely graduated and taken his position in the company when he relayed to you the bad news: He was to marry a woman from a prestigious family to help the company expand its market overseas.
You didn’t even stop yourself from crying, you had been together for 2 years by then, so you didn’t hesitate showing him your pain. He pulled you into his arms, holding you tight, and it was a while before you realised that his body was also wracking with silent sobs, his tears falling on the top of your head as you were soaking the front of his crisp shirt, now crumpled from your desperate grip on it.
Both were unaware of how much time had passed, but even an eternity would seem like a fraction of a second before you had to let each other go and accept the bitter reality. He had to leave eventually, and you had to deal with the world crashing down on you. Neither of you contacted each other after that, it would only make it harder to let go, but you heard that his engagement was extremely short and in no time, he became a married man. You were thankful that he did not invite you to the wedding, because even the sight of his invitation might make you burst into tears.
However, you were strong, you’ve made it so far in life, so after a few months of wallowing in your sorrows you decided that it was time to pick up the pieces and try to move on. It was not easy. Every day was a struggle, every day without hearing his voice or receiving his texts, wishing you luck for an exam or simply telling you that he needed you was difficult, bordering on impossible, and you wished that you could just give up.
And then one day your phone rang. You had deleted his number, but you should have known that your brain would never allow you to forget the familiar digits. Fingers curled in a hesitation that only lasted for a second before you picked up.
Why am I doing this? How did I let this go on for so long?
It didn’t matter how many times you asked this of yourself, because you knew just a word from him would cause you to give in to him. You could not resist Taehyung any more than he could resist you.
“It’s late. Wouldn’t you get into trouble with her?” You asked despite yourself. His answer was a groan reverberating deep inside his chest as his length sunk into your warm mouth. Looking up at him gripping the hotel room bedsheets, unable to answer your question, made you grin around his cock. In fact, it took him several deep breaths and another groan as you swirled your tongue around the head before he could even utter a word.
“She’s on a company trip,” he gave up trying to keep his hands at his sides, one of them releasing the sheets to grab your hair as he guided you slowly up and down his length. “God, I missed this so much.”
You lifted your head up to look at him, his dick escaping your mouth with a loud pop. “After all this time, she still doesn’t do this for you?” You knew the answer but you asked him anyway. Nothing boosted your ego more than him admitting that you were better than the woman he was expected to spend his lifetime with, to love until death did them part, and he had no qualms about giving you that.
“She is horrible at giving blowjobs. I don’t know how she manage to make it so uncomfortable that I just ask her not to do it,” he said with a whine of protest at the loss of contact. “Why are we talking about her anyway? I don’t want to think about her now. Hell, I don’t want to think about anything other than your wicked mouth wrapped around me,” pushing your head with his hand, he directed you back where he wanted you to be. “You’re so fucking good at this.”
You returned your focus back on him, taking as much of him as you could without gagging, bobbing your head up and down his shaft, your right hand moving up from the base, making up for what your mouth couldn’t take. Your left hand snaked between your legs, finding your clit and rubbing hard on it. His hips bucked against you, and you knew that it wouldn’t be long before he stopped you. It was not often that he could see you, at least, not as often as either of you would have liked, so he always wanted to get inside you before he came. Your moans vibrating against his cock was the last straw, his hand in your hair tightened to pull you up, your tongue dragging along from his base to the head, giving him a show of you flicking his precum with your tongue into your mouth.
“Don’t move,” he said in a low tone that never failed to arouse you, and you obeyed, only lifting your chin to follow his movements as he slipped up from under you. He grabbed your hips and turned you around so that you were facing away from him, on all fours with your ass in the air. His hands moved from your hips down to cup your ass cheeks, spreading them open so your wet, pink entrance was in full view.
“Mmm, so wet for me,” his words made you moan softly in excitement and embarrassment at the same time, and it only got louder when he dropped down to taste you. It was your turn to clench the bedsheets as your walls clenched on his tongue. His fingers continued your work earlier, slowly rubbing your clit in circles before pinching the sensitive nub, making you scream his name.
He got on his back and pulled you down so you were sitting on his face and started to work you to an undeniable high. He licked your slit up to your clit, where he settled to circle the nub while he inserted his index finger into you. He had just started, but you were already squeezing on his finger, your moans coming forth unbidden, growing louder in volume when a second finger joined his first. Never having any partner other than Taehyung, even after his marriage, your fingers and vibrator were the only things keeping you company on lonely nights, but nothing compared to his fingers, his tongue, his cock. You closed your eyes in mortification at the lewd sounds your pussy is making as his fingers moved faster, urging you to come, and you did. He knew your body best, and he could make you come in record time.
Gently pushing you up, he positioned you back on your elbows and knees, caressing your back as you came down from your high, using the opportunity to rub the tip of his throbbing cock at your entrance. Your breathing had just started to slow down when he pushed himself into you, making your heart race again, feeling him stretch you out impossibly as he filled you to the brim.
“God, you’re so fucking tight, y/n,” he breathed, his nails digging into your ass in an effort not to come right then and there. You lacked the strength to reply, simply pushing your hips back against him in a silent request for more. Taehyung was more than happy to oblige, using his grip on your hips as an anchor as he rammed himself into you repeatedly. He hit you hard and deep, making both of you feel good, and for a while the only sounds echoing inside the small room were your laboured breaths and moans, accompanied by the lascivious noise of his hips meeting yours.
Just when you thought you could take it no more, he paused and pulled out of you. Ignoring your whine of protest at the sudden emptiness, he picked you up and laid you on your back before quickly returning back into you, his gaze intent on the sight before him as he fucked you missionary style. Your hands reached up to clutch his lean arms, your back arched in pleasure, mesmerising him with the view of your breasts bouncing with every thrust, driving him wild.
You could tell that he was close, his steady rhythm breaking as his hips moved faster, panting hard, and finally slowing down when he felt you clench around him, your legs trembling as his name escaped your lips. With a few more thrusts, you felt him filling you up, his body almost crushing yours, his face buried in the crook of your neck, his grunts filling your ears. You wrapped your arms around him as the two of you caught your breaths before he swiftly slid off and out of you, bringing you with him to lay on his side.
It only took a few moments for him to regain his composure. “We should get cleaned up,” he tried to tug you into the shower, but you pulled your hand away.
“Go ahead. I want to rest for a bit first.”
He smiled at you, shaking his head. “Okay, but don’t take too long. I’ll wait for you to join me.”
You nodded and watched him step inside the bathroom. We should stop doing this; another useless thought that was promptly pushed out of your head at the thought of hot water hitting his body, and you got up to join him.
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trendtshirtnewposts · 4 years
Senior Class Of 2020 Graduation Quarantine Social Distancing Shirt
Senior Class Of 2020 Graduation Quarantine Social Distancing Shirt T shirts Store Online
Senior Class Of 2020 Graduation Quarantine Social Distancing Shirt
Do you want to include fun and exhilaration to the existence? Should you, then this hobby could be merely the solution you are looking for. If you are searching for a fresh pastime to take pleasure from, keep reading and learn more about various ways to spend your time and revel in lifestyle far more.
Don t restriction your pastimes as to what you ve explored before. Often you must drive yourself in new recommendations, and interests are good for carrying out just that. The truth is, try anything out that you just would have in no way considered well before. You may well be astonished at how pleasant a whole new activity may be.
Try to help others with your pastime. Do you want to crochet? You can crochet winter caps for community youngsters that don t have caps. Do you like to cook? Prepare food meals for somebody special in your life who will benefit from it. Be creative and have fun although assisting other people.
If you are looking for any interest you can enjoy when you are traveling the globe, give scuba a test. When deep-sea diving, you get to enjoy an marine community that not many people have the chance to see. Additionally, you may get a small workout and go out with some very nice men and women too.
Consider starting a blog about whichever your own personal desire is. Talking about something that takes in your focus in your leisure time is a wonderful way to love it much more. You may even make use of it to get in touch to fellow fans who reveal your passions, equally online and potentially in real life way too.
Your computer may be your portal to your following interest. Blogging is becoming ever more popular with individuals of all ages and genders. Get something which you are searching for and make a blog site online. It provides you with anything to keep up with daily and may even tell you about folks you by no means would have fulfilled.
Go cycling your bike. People who bicycle for entertainment are capable of doing lots of exploring in the community. Motorbikes may be ridden all through the year if you dress properly. This a pastime that has numerous health advantages, can improve your fitness level, and is a lot of exciting apart from.
Seashell gathering is an excellent interest that can provide fond recollections of beach front getaways. Seashells may be academic for kids and also are actually excellent attractive decorations for your property.
This article needs to have exposed that you have things about pastimes that are not well known. To obtain the most out you hobbies, you can find things you must know about. Use the suggestions through the article that will help you accomplish a new admiration toward your favorite pastime.
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michellelewis7162 · 5 years
Choosing A Family Members Digital Photographer
Choosing A Family Members Digital Photographer
 Family members photography has transformed due to the fact that the days of dark centers and awkward posing chairs ... an increasing number of individuals really want a freer technique to their treatments. Coeur D'alene Family Photography
 Along with the introduction of inexpensive digital cams, individuals are starting to feel that there is actually no demand for a specialist freelance photographer - for holiday seasons and day to day photographs of the kids covered in gelato or even the youngest boiling down the staircases with cosmetics throughout their face stating, "Look mummy, I am actually fairly!" an electronic video camera is actually excellent and you will definitely be the greatest person to capture these moments. I encourage you purchase the best you can easily manage! These seconds are actually to be cherished and also they shall be, just always remember to acquire all of them published! Don't leave the pictures on the pc or camera, these things can lose your images if one thing fails along with them.
 These seconds are valuable and I am actually in favor of the developing customer electronic market, alternatively I can likewise see and also understand the need for skillfully taken photographs. The relationships between the entire family may be displayed in a qualified picture, it may be hard to acquire everyone in front of the video camera when you are actually taking the picture!
 Experts understand exactly how to create you appear excellent in a picture and kids usually tend to act much better for somebody they do not understand - employing a qualified loved ones and children's digital photographer will certainly bring that factor of behavior into the session.
 I've listened to parents from all line of business claim that their youngster merely won't look at the camera, regardless of how hard they try. A professional youngster & family members photographer, aside from being actually a 'recruit' likewise has had a bunch of knowledge with little ones and understands the best means to promote all of them to get involved completely in the treatment, from tremendous smiles to charming grumpy frowns.
 One more benefit with working with a specialist image photographer is actually each one of the work they do 'responsible for the scenes.'
 Experts have bought the greatest handling software program available (Photoshop, Lightroom/Aperture) along with a host of various upgrades and also plug-ins.
 The systems that they use to process your graphics not just set you back a fair bit of amount of money however a considerable amount of skill to use effectively, enabling the freelance photographer to provide your family an image with that 'oooh' factor which will certainly make you pleased to feature the finished printing on the wall structures of your house.
 So you have picked acquiring a family members portraiture taken by a specialist photographer ...
 Most studios are now vivid and also pleasant, I'm sure you have seen the household photos where they are actually standing or resting on a white colored background. These kinds of photos appear a lot more fun than the standard loved ones pictures of years passed.
 This style in all white background photographs is actually fairly preferred currently and also is actually a great, practical service for households on a finances, (beware, having said that, that these photos will definitely appear old very quickly, as they are a pattern) the sessions tend to cost no greater than ₤ 30 and generally consist of a cost-free print as portion of the package. Some centers right now offer free of charge sessions as well as you simply purchase the printing on its own which could be just ₤ 10!
 This solution is excellent if you are on a minimal finances as well as don't mind a picture that will definitely look dated in regarding a year's time. Have a look around your community or even metropolitan area for these workshops, there is actually normally at the very least one where you live.
 For loved ones who possess a lot more non reusable earnings, tapping the services of an independent digital photographer is a far better idea if you really want long-term family members images that will definitely still appear excellent on your define 10 years time. (Independent family members professional photographers are often referred to as freelance photographers.).
 Independents are actually not limited to a studio, they usually tend to function coming from home and also can offer a far better session expertise. The session typically takes place out side in a playground, garden or in the hardwoods. This is actually an even more natural backdrop for each family pictures and specific portraits as well as the classic attribute of this particular sort of digital photography are going to absolutely last the exam of your time and also will certainly not head out of fashion trend in a year or 2.
 When you call to publication with your individual family photographer, go over the accessible alternatives for location as well as let them know if you possess a particular much-loved place or even anywhere unique that you would certainly as if the photos taken.
 A good freelance/independent loved ones digital photographer will certainly set you back greater than a high street center however in regards to long lasting total satisfaction as well as fun, they are well worth it. Anticipate to spend from ₤ 60 to ₤ 150 for a session and print costs are going to differ relying on who you manual and also the dimensions you prefer. Some professional photographers will offer package deals and also some will definitely provide every item/a lacarte costs.
 Analysis your professional photographer on the web and also by spoken communication prior to you book, take a look at their images and also create two times as certain that what you observe is actually specifically what you prefer, if you can not think of maintaining some of their pictures on your wall after that it's most likely a much better suggestion to always keep saving up until you may afford a better Coeur D'alene Photographer.
 Just how To Choose The Best Family Photographer.
 There are actually minutes you truly can't afford to miss out on as a family members. The pictures work as terrific memories for such seconds and also if you are actually searching for the very best top quality of images for your household photograph cd, at that point you likewise require to buy a good loved ones photographer. A number of the priceless household instants you can easily grab in images feature maternity, college, child and also involvement relevant images. You will only enjoy it when you sought to have a chronological presentation of an event like that of your kid since pregnancy times all the way to the senior university graduation ceremony.
 There are many experienced photographers, however when taking family pictures, you intend to depend on a specialist who has what it needs to offer you the very best. When producing your option if at all you are to end up in the upper arms of a great and dependable family members professional photographer, there are things that you need to presume through. Listed here are a few concerns that can help you pick an excellent digital photographer to manage your family members picture necessities?
 Are they great with youngsters? Bear in mind that kids could be very a handful, particularly when you prefer them to become in a certain setting. A great family photographer requires to be person with kids and also should recognize exactly how to finest handle all of them so they have the ability to record the best pictures despite youngsters who may hardly sit or even stand in one position. Think of the expertise they have in the family members kind of setup, at that point invite all of them over to see just how they relate to your children.
 Just how versatile is actually the photographer? The best valuable pictures are actually those handled area and also not always at the center. If you are actually going for maternity digital photography, you will certainly desire to have a photographer who may happen to your house to grab the images in the most best instances. The exact same opts for senior college photographes that are actually most effectively positioned right at the college or even holiday season images at the beach and others. Select a loved ones professional photographer that is flexible good enough to follow to where you prefer the photographes taken or even one that can quickly observe your celebrations to get the greatest photos based on your requirements.
 What digital photography style does your professional photographer use? There are actually so several types and you should select in relation to the last results you wish to possess when it happens to photography. It is actually additionally crucial to bear in mind that photographer specialized can easily matter. To receive the most ideal family pictures, pick a photographer that has some specialized in family photos and one that can incorporate the best styles so you possess one-of-a-kind beautiful photographes at the end of the shoot. Explain any unique demands you may find and also have out whether the digital photographer are going to remain in a role to fetch you the preferred results. Ask to see a collection including various types of digital photography they have actually performed before Coeur D'alene Photographer if you need to have to be completely certain.
 Just how to Choose a Family Photographer.
 Deciding on a family members photographer doesn't need to have to become a difficult activity. It is actually important to pick a freelance photographer that has a lot of knowledge taking household images. When picking a household digital photographer, the adhering to are a couple of straightforward points to appear for.
 To begin with, look for a significant and great profile of family photos on their website. There ought to be many good pictures showcasing a wide array of locations. A growing number of family members are actually choosing to have their pictures taken outdoors instead of in a workshop. Most of accounts on digital photographer's web sites are going to reveal outside family images. It is important to notice if the images are from a wide array of spots and if there are actually workshop pictures. A great wide array will definitely aid you far better judge the freelance photographer's ability.
 Along with range, the lot of loved ones photos in the collection is very important. Occasionally a freelance photographer just starting are going to get hold of family and friends members and fire few photos of all of them, decide on a handful of excellent ones and also feature all of them in their collection. Most anyone may take a hundred pictures as well as possess pair of or 3 that turn out excellent. An excellent family members photographer will take a hundred images as well as have forty of fifty that appear wonderful. If a family members photographer just has half a dozen photos atop their website, regardless of whether they are great pictures, it needs to be an indicator to look in other places.
 Search for a selection of poses in the pictures. Every family is different. Appear certainly not just at the lot of people in the pictures, however the grows older and also measurements of individuals. A lot of any type of photographer will certainly inform you that taking photos of loved ones is among the best tough points they carry out. Obtaining everyone to position ideal, look at the electronic camera and also smile simultaneously isn't very easy, particularly if there are actually kids and little ones included, which is actually typically the instance. The pictures in a family members digital photographer's collection must reveal loved ones of different measurements and grows older so as for you to absolute best judge the capacity of the Coeur D'alene Photographer.
 A great family members photographer are going to likewise have many years of experience. Seek a digital photographer who has actually been taking images for at the very least five years. Once acquiring a quality digital camera remains in the grasp of most individuals, a growing number of people are actually getting into the digital photography service. There is even a term experienced freelance photographers offer beginners with little expertise, MWACK'S (Mom's With A Camera). While the majority of start out with excitement, they typically tire after a year or two and also never get to an amount of professionalism and reliability that produces first class photos. They may even deliver to take you household's photo completely free or for a really small cost so they can "construct their collection". This might be an excellent approach for all of them, however except you. You will still spend for your pictures, certainly not in regards to dollars, however in relations to time and effort wasted obtaining a low quality loved ones photo.
 Just how To Become A Successful Family Photographer.
 Enthusiasts and enthusiasts make an effort different kinds of digital photography to discover what particular kind are they proficient at or even what particular sort rate of interests them the absolute most. They do this to ensure that they can focus on particular subject matters that substantially belong to that specific kind of digital photography. Or else, they carry out whatever from home and internal style to picture photography.
 Some individuals that are into photography are actually certainly not specialist photographers and also they do possess their own expert professions. Photography is actually simply their leisure activity; they can sporadically participate in or even take pictures image trip particularly if their work demands them to be at secured their offices doing monetary plannings, accomplishment documents, technological documents as well as task propositions. As a result of that, these enthusiasts think of various other ways to take photos, without must hire sick in the office.
 Enthusiasts and enthusiasts at that point evolved right into being loved ones photographers. They offer their company in the course of family events like birthday celebrations, wedding events, baptismal events or only ordinary family get together; which is actually obviously, cost free.
 When having outdoor activities like barbeque gatherings or even a swimming pool event, household freelance photographers participate in a really vital duty within this wonderful occasion. It is very important to capture the little ones' delighted skins as well as the grownups' look as they enjoy the sunshine, the firm plus all the really good meals that are actually prepared. If you have extremely effective lens, you may even capture the sweat on your uncle's neck as he prepare the barbeque and the swing of your child's sunlight dress as the summertime wind drafts in her path Coeur D'alene Photographer.
 If your household decides to do a standard clean of your garage, carry out certainly not fail to remember to chronicle it. Before and after picture of the garage will undoubtedly interest your children, particularly after a whole day's job. Take images of the clean-up group, prior to as well as after the task. There is absolutely nothing even more amazing as well as enjoyable to accomplish than points that you make with your family members.
 In the house occasions, like commemorating white Christmas with powder snow falling outside, are also a great subject matter for household photographers. Candid tries of your better half sipping warm dark chocolate before a home window multicolor along with snows, your children browsing through the gifts under the tree, and also the grandparents eating freshly cooked cake beside the crackling blazes in the fireplace are actually some examples of really pleasant and also charming minutes you must capture. You need to regularly be alert to notice this off the cuff actions that teem with true feelings and also passion.
 Just how to Choose a Professional Family Photographer.
 Why is this vital.
 Acquiring everybody with each other for a family members image is actually not easy, and as your youngsters get older it comes to be a growing number of difficult. After you've gone via all that issue, you desire to hire an expert who will definitely acquire it straight, the initial time. The second over time you've worked to develop are going to certainly not return.
 Look properly at the Portfolio on the website.
Next to a face to face conference, which is actually likewise important, this is a great way to determine if the digital photographer is the right one for you. There are specific hints, or even warnings, which must tell you straightaway whether to phone this professional photographer, or even to maintain appearing.
 ORGANIC POSING: Are people in the photograph in organic, comfy placements, or are actually the physical bodies manipulated into pressured as well as contrived positions? Is the posing sloppy? Are actually some individuals' scalps accurately seen while others are actually partly hidden responsible for yet another individual? When working with huge teams, a digital photographer's skill-set at posing is especially important.
 LOOKS: Perform people in the photograph look satisfied as well as loosened up, and also perform their looks match. Essential, is there life in the eyes. Perform these folks' personalities happen through, or even are they simply sitting certainly there obtaining their picture taken. A really good photographer will certainly view intensely as he fires to make sure he is actually acquiring the best expressions achievable Coeur D'alene Photographer. GARMENTS: Carry out people in the picture look totally unassociated through their clothes, or carries out the image clearly reveal that planning went into coordinating every person's outfit. CREATING MOOD: Are there instances of images that reveal the photographers skill-set
in creating different state of minds utilizing center lighting as well as natural outdoor lighting. In an irritable picture you'll find wealthy darkness on one side of the folks' skins. PROFESSIONAL LIGHTING: You can inform if the freelance photographer is an amateur or even an expert by how consistent the illumination
 is actually. Are actually people in the rear row also dark and also in darkness, as well as individuals in the main row as well brilliant? While our experts're looking at consistency, are actually some scalps small and distant, while others are big and also close? RANGE: Are there many photos of the same individual on the site that search just about similar. This is a red flag. He will probably is going to Perhaps photos that look PRETTY MUCH the same if such a professional photographer states he'll fire 30 images
 . A really good digital photographer has creative imagination and also will come prepared in advance with a lot of "appeals "for you to select from. EXTERIOR SCENERY: Is the history and foreground combined. For example, if there are actually plants in the background perform they grown out of the subject matters' heads or are they put harmoniously in the structure. WORKSHOP BACKGROUNDS: Does the photographer use highly coloured and fad backgrounds that sidetrack coming from the target, or neutral ones that go well with the target. Seeing the Portfolio on the site is a really good sign of the final( unmodifiable) pictures you will wind up hanging on your walls. Concerns to talk to the digital photographer. If you and also the freelance photographer are actually correct for each other, a studio should deliver you along with a skin to encounter assessment so you can determine. This is the moment for you to discuss your. vision of the supreme
 family members portraiture, and also for various other member of the family to offer their input also. This is likewise an opportunity for the professional photographer to show you a selection of styles you may certainly not have considered( workshop, portraits in the park, way of living themed images). Essential, this is actually an opportunity to learn your sort and also dislikes as well as the things that are most important to you. SITE SCOUTING: Once you have picked an area, will certainly the digital photographer explore the area beforehand to find out the greatest lighting and also camera slants. CLOSET SELECTION: Will the photographer give you an in depth understanding of what
 works and also doesn't work when dressing for a loved ones portrait. SCREEN OPTIONS: Will the photographer look at ultimate screen alternatives with you in the studio, showing you
 sizes, finishes and structures available. BUDGET PLAN: Will the photographer discover your budget plan, or cost selection, so he provides you proposals that correct for
 you. PROMISE: Will the workshop refund your money or retake the image treatment if you are certainly not completely satisfied with the results.
 The pictures serve as incredibly good moments for such minutes and also if you are actually appearing for the finest premium of images for your family members photo album, then you likewise need to commit in an excellent household digital photographer. To acquire the ideal family photographes, pick a digital photographer that possesses some specialty in loved ones photos and one who may incorporate the finest designs so you have unique gorgeous pictures at the end of the shoot. If a family members digital photographer just has half a dozen images up on their web site, even if they are good images, it must be an indication to look elsewhere.
 The photos in a family digital photographer's collection need to reveal family members of different sizes and ages in order for you to ideal court the ability of the Coeur D'alene Photographer.
 A great photographer is going to enjoy deeply as he fires to create sure he is receiving the best looks achievable Coeur D'alene Photographer.
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inb4vaughn · 5 years
Saddle Up for Austin and Horseshoe Bay
From chords to courses, a fine Swing & Song golf travel tune emerges from the Hill Country of Central Texas. Before scoring some tranquil time at the renovated Horseshoe Bay Resort, just 50 miles northwest of the city proper, the sharp spur will saddle up for a few days in diverse Austin, where you’ll find a rep beyond just the state’s capital city.
Known as “The Live Music Capital of the World,” Austin proves an audial and outdoor nexus, with all manner of stimuli to sate and serve visitors, from waterfront activities to tunes playing, well, seemingly everywhere.
Home and host to the annual South by Southwest (March 13-22, 2020) and Austin City Limits (October 2-4 and 9-11, 2020) festivals, the city is one of the country’s most unique cultural canvasses. A blue stamp in a red state, Austin matches a boom of headquarted tech companies, paired with one of the nation’s annual top-10 college campus enrollments at UT-Austin.
And the town is proudly weird.
To borrow from the Bard, a night out in downtown Austin’s drink and dine-laden Sixth Street is a Moveable Beast. People are everywhere: from boozy co-eds to strolling music lovers to football fanatics to hipsters, hippies, vagrants, vacationers, cowboys and Moms and Pops just out for a good time. Known to some as “Dirty Sixth,” as the clock turns toward the a.m. hours, there’s no shortage of mayhem to be found there.
Slick Rock at Horseshoe Bay Resort
But, amid the din, newcomers need know it’s among the most unique, head-turning mayhems the country has to offer, and Austin’s sounds, strums and song around every turn need be experienced.
For those seeking a slightly more chill amble, the up-and-coming Rainey Street is within walking distance of Sixth or—as the visitor will fast note—easily-accessible by electric rental scooter, a fun, easy, and slightly maniacal mode of transport.
Sporting a pair of thorough food truck courts (with a third soon on the way), Rainey is also amply bar-lined, though with a fresher flair and character, as several of the establishments have been converted from former residential properties.
Now for the swing after the sing: A 45-minute drive through Texas hill country, gently winding through comely mesquite, rock outcroppings, bramble and tucked-away wine vineyards, the winding path to Horseshoe Bay aptly sets the senses for wind-down resort time.
Ram Rock at Horseshoe Bay
Recognized as a provenance for the region’s golf growth of the 1980s, Horseshoe’s 7,000-acre spread is home to four courses, with its most magnetic amenity being of the natural variety, as the property sits beside 21 miles of constant-level Lake LBJ.
Back in 2012, the debut of Horseshoe’s stellar, members-only Jack Nicklaus-designed Summit Rock Course raised the bar for property-wide enhancements. In late ’15, the resort set in motion a thorough renovation plan for upgrades to its trio of Robert Trent Jones, Sr. public plays.
Today, $95 million later, a full resort renovation has the property on the upswing, with all-new guest rooms, suites and superb lakeside Yacht Club serving a savory Texas Two-Step for the golfing Austin visitor.
Apple Rock at Horseshoe Bay
 “We see it a lot, with folks carving-out three or four days at Horseshoe; either capping the getaway off with a few nights in Austin, or hitting downtown on the front end of a trip,” says Anthony Holder, director of golf at Horseshoe Bay Resort. “And, up here, it’s a feeling of a slower, relaxed lifestyle; a place to enjoy time, but with all the modern comforts and amenities. With the renovation, just about every outlet, every area of the property has gotten some love and attention.”
From a play perspective, Horseshoe’s three publics received about $7.5 million of the renovation dollars, with improvements both aesthetic and tangible; most notably, segueing from the creation of Summit, all of the resort’s courses now roll with 007 bentgrass grass, a true rarity for the region.
“We certainly feel that it’s a nice marketing aspect for the property, in that you won’t find bentgrass with our main competition,” said Ken Gorzycki, director of agronomy at Horseshoe Bay. “Yeah, it’s a little more difficult and labor-intensive to maintain, but we think it’s all worth the effort for our guests and members.”
In concert with the greens, Horseshoe’s agronomy team—working with Robert Trent Jones, Jr.’s Austin-based senior project architect Mark Voss—conducted a host of enhancements, including new rock retaining walls, fresh fountains in ponds, leveled tees and upgraded irrigation systems.
The four-year project aimed to bring the plays close to the new Summit standard, while still keeping Jones, Sr.’s original design intents in-mind.
 “When they had Robert Trent Jones, Sr. come out to design the courses, they chose him, as I understand it, because his style was less disruptive to the landscape and more about encompassing natural features,” said Holder.
The property’s original course, Slick Rock, debuted in 1972, and proves the most benign—and popular—of the plays.
 “It’s the oldest of the courses, and the most traditional of the styles,” Holder says. “It’s a bit flatter, with large, protected greens. Still a challenge, with some fun holes. Slick gets the most play of any of our courses.”
Opened in 1981, Horseshoe’s Ram Rock Course proves headstrong, with elevated approach and continual, creek-lined holes.
“It’s what we call, ‘The Beast,’” laughs Holder. “Ram is considered one of the most difficult courses in the entire state; that’s the rep, even for pros. There’s some need to shape shots, and you need to be a long player to be able to take shortcuts. For the average-distance hitter, it will force you to position tee shots.”
More forgiveness is found on Apple Rock, which rounded-out the public tee sheet back in 1985.
“It’s a good combination of Slick and Ram,” Holder says of Apple. “It’s not as difficult as Ram, but it is our longest course, so if you tip-out at 7,000, it will give you a test. And, for the mid-handicapper, there are some great views to match with big greens and lots of bunkering.”
Travel tip: For the particularly driven player (say, the kind who may consider flying into Horseshoe’s own airport), it’s surely worth a word to try and get on Summit. Free of housing, sporting a gorgeous, natural flow and deserved of its lofty rankings by national and regions publications alike, the track is truly superior to its sister courses.
For those sated by the run of non-Summit plays (and, rest assured, they are quality), a Horseshoe visit in-full should pair golf days with some time on the water. Whether the trip style is of the Dudes, Couples or Family venture (the latter may be most recommended), the resort’s marina and Yacht Club scene match primo dining with a singular setting.
“With the sun going down over the lake, it’s as good as it gets,” says Holder. “It’s where I enjoy hanging out with my own family. It encapsulates that great view of the lake, with what we call ‘beach front’ properly, even though I guess it’s more lake front. We’ve got the pool with swim-up bar, and the huge hot tub.”
The on-site, 350-slip marina provides unique opportunity for golfers to couple the day’s turf time with water respite.
“We’re one of the only resorts that will let you bring your boat in when you’re staying with us,” says Zac Taylor, marina director. “It’s pretty common for a guest to come in, drop the truck and trailer with us, go check into the room, and we’ll load everything to the water for them.”
For family-style trips, Horseshoe makes it easy for Pop to go swing for a day while the youngsters enjoy some swim.
“We’ll have a lot of boat guest who go play golf,” adds Taylor, “and a lot of times, we’ll see golfers go head out and leave the kids here with us for tube rides.”
A full menu of lake experiences runs from pontoon rides to ski boats, wave runner rentals, sunset cruises, party yachts and fishing tours.
White bass and crappie prove the primary catch.
“Our fishing guide, his dad was our guide for a long time, so when you go out with our team, you’re pretty much guaranteed to come back with a whole sack of fish meat,” Taylor smiles.
From “weird” to wedge to water, this Texas tune is played in full with a two-step trip: going city mouse to country mouse flavors Austin in full, starting with the din of downtown singers and bookending the travel with Horseshoe’s ringer.
The post Saddle Up for Austin and Horseshoe Bay appeared first on Golf Tips Magazine.
from Golf Tips Magazine https://ift.tt/2suVJg3
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Help With Paying Apartment Rent For Free: The Samurai Way
According to federal real estate guidelines, any type of family members that places more than 30% of their revenue toward rent are “expense burdened.” This indicates they might have trouble affording other needs.
She included that there are people that invest upwards of 40 or 50% of their income on rental fee. “It leaves them at risk if their cars and truck breaks down, or their youngsters get ill.
That held true for Mandy. When they had to obtain her automobile repaired, she as well as her partner had actually already exhausted their financial savings for their relocation. Mandy estimates that they were paying near 50% of their shared earnings toward lease.
” We didn’t have any savings to fall back on,“ Mandy states, adding that saving even $20 per income (as Scherler advises) was incredibly tough for the couple at the time.
Financial challenges prevail Only 39% of Americans can spend for a $1,000 monetary emergency out of their savings, according to a current study from Bankrate.
The very same Bankrate study located that of those that can not spend for a $1,000 monetary emergency situation out of cost savings, their service is to:
Money with a bank card (19%). Lower their investing on other things (13%). Obtain money from friend or family (12%). Take out an individual car loan (5%). There are many reasons that someone might be in need of short-term help and would wish to know exactly how to get aid with lease. Volunteers of America (VOA) is a national not-for-profit company that helps people find economical housing, particularly experts, elderly people, households as well as people with disabilities. VOA has actually recognized these factors for the increase in requirement:.
Salaries are not enhancing at a symmetrical rate to the consistently increasing residential property worths and low job prices. Residential property values as well as lease continue to raise at a rate that tenants can’t stay up to date with, resulting in fight with paying lease. Significantly long waiting checklists for subsidized housing. Waiting lists of 2-3 years for low-income family members and singles make paying rental fee in higher rentals harder. While the problem might be on the rise, there are methods to elevate cash for lease.
Exactly how to get help with lease. 1. Review your lease. Figure out your legal rights as a renter. Aim to see what takes place if your repayment is late or if you miss out on a month, and when expulsion process would certainly start.
Usually, it takes 90 days before expulsion proceedings begin, Scherler says, so there is a long time to collaborate with.
” If you miss out on one lease repayment, yet make your complying with month’s repayment, you may not be forced out,“ Scherler says.
2. Speak to your property owner. They might be willing to function with you if you are a good renter and also have an excellent partnership with your property manager. Ask if they will approve a late repayment or if you can pay your rent in installations.
3. Reach out to nonprofits. Not-for-profit organizations can load the need for assistance when the federal government can not. Both Catholic Charities and The Salvation Military might be able to supply reserve to pay your lease and energy expenses. Get in touch with your local Salvation Military or Catholic Charities to learn if you satisfy their requirements for economic support. With The Redemption Military, candidates meet with a caseworker as part of the procedure.
An additional option is calling 2-1-1, a 24-hour helpline administered by United Manner in which connects individuals seeking aid to sources in their communities.
Of the 15 million emails and calls asking 2-1-1 for aid in 2017, 4.4 million were for housing as well as energy aid. That telephone call quantity was the highest possible portion of any category, Scherler states.
” I think, unfortunately, real estate is a difficult one,“ Scherler claims. "That is a big difficulty in a great deal of areas.”.
Another national nonprofit organization that supplies aid is Modest Needs, which gives grants for an one-time emergency situation cost.
People need to obtain a grant through Modest Needs. The not-for-profit posts the give request on its internet site and also enables donors to examine as well as sustain the grant demands that matter most to them if approved. When the organization funds a grant request, they remit settlement straight to the vendor received the applicant’s documentation. Many requests obtain satisfied within two weeks, Taylor claims, and much of the grant applications concern covering living costs that candidates can’t manage as a result of a short-term monetary emergency.
4. Explore other income sources. Ask your family and friends participants for a lending or see if you can obtain a payroll advance from your employer. Some firms might likewise have a hardship fund for workers.
5. Take into consideration crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is an excellent solution. A good way to sharp loved ones to your circumstance is by beginning a fundraiser on GoFundMe. They offer free fundraising so you get to keep more of the funds you raise.
6. Rental assistance for experts. The UNITED STATE Division of Veterans Matters gives help for homeless experts if you’re a veteran. Nonprofit organizations like Veterans Inc. may additionally have the ability to help those who need help with rent through its real estate program. The federal government has a program to offer funding to develop and also support reduced earnings rental housing for grownups with disabilities if you’re disabled.
7. Government aid. Regrettably, the federal government offers only limited assistance to pay emergency rent costs. The government department of Housing and Urban Advancement provides help through its housing choice vouchers program, but there are commonly long waitlists, Scherler says.
The government does supply some emergency funding. It’s generally carried out through the state agencies, but unless you’re facing expulsion, the help is hard to obtain.
“ You practically need to specify of dilemma prior to you have the ability to obtain assistance,” Scherler states.
A rent dilemma can signal a much deeper demand. By having a look at the large image when faced with a single, emergency situation expenditure, individuals can stay clear of years of financial battle.
For Mandy, her rental fee battle was a sign that she and her companion needed even more aid to manage than they wished to admit. They had been considering looking for Supplemental Nutrition Help Program (frequently described as SNAP), yet their monetary dilemma created them to seek assist right away.
“ We really felt terrible,” Mandy states. “We desired so badly to be self-dependent, but we just couldn’t make it function.”.
There are a number of free resources offered if you are in a situation like Mandy’s, as well as many remain to supply help after the situation has actually passed.
Volunteers of America has the adhering to suggestions if you need assistance paying your rent:.
Take an active role in developing an action plan to end your crisis circumstance with long-lasting and temporary services. Avoid ignoring the trouble up until the eleventh hour. Don’t make or stress rash choices, as there are area resources and also supports in position to obtain you via this scenario. Think about taking totally free budgeting courses to determine just how to pay your lease, or if you need to discover a less costly area to live. “ If you have this slipping uncertainty that following month you might not make the rent, you require to start looking now,” Taylor says. “It’s important to be positive as well as really get out there.”.
There’s no shame in requesting for help. No matter if you’re asking for assistance with a not-for-profit organization, friends or household, or crowdfunding, do not really feel humiliated.
“ Everyone falls on difficult times,” Mandy claims. “It happens to more of us than individuals recognize.”.
If you’re battling and also need to elevate cash for rental fee, take a deep breath. Occasionally we all require a little aid.
There are lots of factors that someone can be in need of temporary assistance and would certainly desire to understand how to get aid with lease. Volunteers of America (VOA) is a nationwide nonprofit company that assists individuals locate economical real estate, especially experts, senior residents, households and people with handicaps. Nonprofit companies can fill up the need for assistance when the government can not. Nonprofit organizations like Veterans Inc. might likewise be able to help those that need help with rental fee with its real estate program. Sometimes we all require a little help.
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