#we actually kind of bonded watching that movie and talking about horror movies we like
kentucky-daisey · 2 years
eating and social anxiety
Does anyone have anxiety about eating in front of other people? 
I’ve got D&D on Saturday and I found out we’re going meet up early, order food and have dinner before playing. Usually I look up the menu and plan what I’m going to eat before going out or ordering in but I have no idea where we’re getting food from and am too embarrassed to ask. And it’s so stressful.
I’m good friends with the DM but am only starting to get comfortable with everyone else. And I know they like me because we always joke around and have a good time, but there’s a stupid part of my brain that’s afraid they’ll judge me. Which they won’t. I just happen to have really bad social anxiety.
If anyone has any tips, would be very open to hearing them
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night-raven-tattler · 9 months
Hello there, I recently became a follower and I love your writing so far, keep up the great work and I hope you’re having a wonderful day
I saw that requests are open so if it’s alright, can I get headcannons of the first years (separate) and shows/movies they’d enjoy watching with the reader?
Thought it’ll be pretty fun and an excuse for me to get recommendations lol, thank you!
Hello, Aesthetic! Thank you for your kind words! This was a bit of a challenge for Mx Tattly, since they are not a huge movie person. However she hopes you still enjoy his takes. They also wrote from the perspective of the Prefect/Yuu having access to some movies from their world of origin. Enjoy!
Movie night, otherworldly edition
Characters: Grim, Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Ortho, Sebek and GN!Reader (separate)
Warnings: food mention (Epel's part)
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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Grim's preffered genres are: comedy, action, animation, fantasy
Grim trully is a child at heart, and all the colorful characters and scenes from animation have him hooked
He also enjoys a good laugh, especially visual gags
He barely has any attention to spare for a series, so movies are his preffered format
He would never admit it but he's a sucker for found family
Silent movie crier
Loud denier
Some favorites from your world: Home; Bolt; That one Wizard Boy Movie we Don't mention in This Household; he has a weird relationship with Ace Ventura
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Ace's preffered genres are: horror, thriller, action, adventure
He enjoys gorey stuff and being the guy you hide behind of when the scenes get too much, but he needs time to prepare for psychological horror
Ace is the type to look up spoilers before watching something and he tries to trick you into believing his made up version of the plot
He talks a lot during movies but hates when others do it
While he enjoys a good adventure movie, he hates superhero movies and he thinks they're silly
He prefers movies over series because he likes the format more, but he's down for a short series
Some favorites from your world: The Mummy; Jumanji (he loves making fun of it); American Psycho; Scary Movie
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Deuce's preffered genres are: action, adventure, animation, family movies
He is pretty easy to please, he'd watch anything that is entertaining
Definitely a Marvel fan
He also loves animation movies, the animation always leaves him awestruck
He likes movies about families and their bonds
Deuce is also surprisingly into medical dramas... but also cop dramas
He is a crier as well but only when he's just with you
Some favorites from your world: Black Panther; The Rookie; A Goofy movie; Police Academy 2
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Jack's preferred genres are: documentary, adventure, romance, dramas and telenovelas with a bit of nudging
Jack is the type of guy to retain various informations after watching something
He can sometimes memorise entire scenes, and he finds that habit less annoying when he watches documentaries; he likes something informative and motivational
Jack also enjoys some romance movies sometimes, but he is very picky so it's hard for him to find one he actually likes
He does, however, like to point out and comment on the weird courting habits humans have
Jack finds telenovelas and soap operas kind of nonsensical and overly dramatic, but he also gets hooked on the plot pretty quick and soon enough it would become a bit of a guilty pleasure
Some favorites from your world: David Holmes, the boy who lived; the social dilemma; Love, Simon; Yo soy Betty la fea
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Epel's preferred genres are: comedy, action, western, anything he can mock and make fun of
If you think Ace is bad with his mid watch commentary, Epel is 10 times worse
He mocks things in movies so often he's giving Cinema Sins a run for their money
He won't shut up even if you give him all the snacks, he'll talk while eating
He also has the most colourful, boisterous, ridiculous laughter imaginable (and I say that lovingly), so if the comedy movie is not making you laugh then Epel's laughter is
Epel is not a picky watcher so he can get behind anything that isn't too sappy
If you pull out anything with Vil on the poster though he will dematerialise from your couch
Some favorites from your world: Rush Hour; Desperado; Puss in Boots 2; any Fast and Furious movie (unfortunately)
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Ortho's preferred genres are: anything he finds intriguing, family movies
If anything, Ortho has a wide palate and can enjoy almost anything
He also knows how a movie ends before he watches it, but it never ruins his enjoyment
He never spoils anyone unless they try to argue with him about the direction of the plot
Most of his interest in movies came from wanting to understand human behavior better, but now he can just use them as a time killer or sleepover material
He also likes watching your reactions to the movies: how often you laugh, how often you cry, how often you reach for snacks
A favorite from your world: Big Hero 6
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Sebek's preferred genres are: historical films, (period) dramas, musicals with the right nudge
Listen here, musical enjoyers. Here is the most susceptible one to being convinced to join the dark side
One word: Hamilton.
Yes, he'll think the music is nonsensical, BUT he'll also tap his foot to it
AND if you say anything about teaching him something from the soundtrack to surprise Malleus with, he's all ears
He is also very quick to get songs stuck in his head: he's easy prey
All jokes aside, Sebek can be a good watch buddy when his interest is piqued
Not even he can deny when a movie has good plot and characters
He does prefer period dramas, since he has a soft spot for the setting
And historical films: a nerd do be nerding even during movie nights
Some favorites from your world: The Crown, Hamilton, Les Miserables, maybe Oppenheimer but it would be used in his anti-human agenda
Speaking of Oppenheimer...
Well, let's discuss Barbenheimer.
Everyone went to watch both movies:
Ace went dressed in pink for the both of them
Deuce got confused by the "dresscode" and apologised to you for not knowing about it
Jack and Ortho enjoyed both
Epel insisted he liked Oppenheimer more but he's lying
Sebek cried at the end of Barbie
Grim is the only one who in fully in Oppenheimer's corner
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teecupangel · 7 months
I keep seeing this floating around and I keep thinking of Desmond and his ancestors getting drug into the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
First off Captain Nemo showing Connor how to pilot his huge ass submarine. Aaaaand also Ezio and Tom Sawyer both endlessly flirting with Mina Harker.
I dunno. Altaïr might chill with Dr. Jekyll.
I think Desmond would be the first to catch on to Dorian Gray, or maybe Altaïr.
Either way Moriarty gives off Templar vibes and I don't think that is something that must be explained.
(also bonus Frye Twins content? They seem very likely to be involved there)
I’m going to be honest, I barely remember the movie and it’s been so long since I read the comics so I am working with what I can remember XD
Since you added Dorian Gray, I will assume that this is more in line with the movie than the comics.
For this one, Desmond and his three main ancestors get transported into the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and they assumed they had just been transported into another time until they start realizing that, given the year, there should be information about the British Brotherhood but there’s nothing.
There wasn’t even any information about the Kenway bloodline and a quick stop to Italy would show that there are no evidence of the Auditore family and the Assassins tombs never existed at all.
It is during this time that they are approached by a man who only goes by the name ‘Bond’ who recruits them into becoming part of a league of ‘extraordinary’ people.
Bond says that his ‘employers’ have been keeping an eye on them and found them a good fit. (Mainly because of their capabilities as Assassins, especially the Eagle Vision).
They’re introduced to Quartermain who is noted to be the ‘leader’ of the group and Tom Sawyer, his… protege? Assistant? They weren’t clear. All they said was that Tom Sawyer is part of the group.
In this one, Ratonhnhaké:ton would definitely try to learn how to pilot Captain Nemo’s submarine and Captain Nemo would be more than happy to try and teach him, enjoying the young man’s enthusiasm.
Ezio would be more on the side of just casually flirting with Mina Harker as a way to get more information about her and this league of theirs. She knows this and response in kind because she tells him that they (Ezio and the others) ‘smell’ different. (We can also push for the idea that Jonathan Harker’s death still haunts Mina and Ezio can related to that, being reminded by Cristina’s own death).
Desmond though would be more inclined to talk to Dr Jekyll because of the whole two personalities in one body situation. Dr Jekyll would feel a kindred spirit with Desmond but also tell him that he will never understand the horror that the doctor is going through because Desmond accepted his Bleeding Effect and even embraced it while Dr Jekyll is stuck in hell, trying to wrestle control from his ‘other self’. Whether this turns into a bromance or a romance is up to you.
Altaïr would be the one to catch on to Dorian Gray, mostly because the four of them decided to divide and conquer to get more information about this world and talking to Quartermain is both informative but also a bit too bland so Altaïr sometimes talk to Dorian Gray. He doesn’t know his story (no one does because Desmond didn’t really read the classics but he did watch Invisible Man XD)
Speaking of which… they can all see the Invisible Man using their Eagle Vision. That’s why none of them suspect the Invisible Man when things started heating up.
‘M’ definitely gave Templar vibes and the twist can be that he is part of the Templar Order back in their own world, having changed places with the original Moriarty when he fell from the top of Reichenbach Falls. He actually transmigrated to the dead body of Moriarty and took his place.
And he held the other Assassins (Edward, Arno, Jacob and Evie) in some kind of stasis in his secret headquarters because the ‘smell’ Mina talked about it actually the otherwordly energy their bodies give off. They’re the perfect batteries to use for WMD that Moriarty had been developing in secret and it’s up to the League and the Brotherhood to stop him.
This would probably end with the Assassins leaving the Brotherhood to form… well… the Brotherhood while helping the imprisoned Assassins get back on their feet. Also, they haven’t found out how they were getting ‘sent’ in this world and that would be their priority, ending this more on the side of the League and the Brotherhood having a tentative alliance.
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dead-or-lie · 5 days
💗 Relationships / lovers
💚 Friends / family members
It's your turn to talk about the polycule, my friend.
—yes! I love these losers! Happy to answer!
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“Hehe..all of them are so wonderful..s-so where should I-i even start? W-well me and Sonia have interests in common..s-so it makes her easier to talk to than I-i orionally thought..I-im glad she doesnt look at me weierdly for enjoying all the gore in the films we watch! S-she..is so kind and patient to me..I-im so thankful..”
“I-i..I kinda find Gundham difficult to talk to still because of h-his speeching style..but I-i think im slowly learning!! D-despite that..he can really be a nice person despite his act..hehe I-i wont lie his fears of horror movies i-is amusing, but ah! P-please dont tell him I said that! I-I hope we can get closer in this relationship..and heal him if he ever needs it!”
“I-I feel like a owe a lot to H-hajime for being so patient with me..I-I was so worried I was wierding him out! But he sticks with me all the same and even helps me when Im getting scared. I-I know he gets scared of my medical equipment though..s-so I try to be careful when I help him with injuries, rare as they may be. I-Im really happy with him!”
“Kazuichi..r-reminds me of myself in a way I-I cant explain..m-maybe because of how easily nervous we can get. I-i hope he isnt upset for comparing us..th-though I dont think he will be. Hehe, he rambles sometimes, but he is fun to talk to. Though..I-i do worry about all the mechanic work he does due to all the equipment he uses..h-he always comes to me if he gets hurt though which makes me feel useful and m-makes me happy!”
“F-family….? Th-they..they are all just a bunch of bullies..I don’t know where they are now and I dont care….AH! S-Sorry if thats a disappointing answer!”
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“Heh..I cant believe I got to have any partner..let alone four. Though..I definitely can’t complain as they all are..really important to me. Sonia seems to think that I match some sort of legendary hero in Noveselic..I-im not sure about that, but I mean..Ill try to do my best to reach that expectation? Ethier way, she is easy to talk to and really kind to boot. I hope to teach her more about Japan and learn about her country more in return.”
“Gundham certainly did take awhile to understand, but now that I do I wouldnt trade that bond we have now for anything. Im pretty glad I reached above being a mere human at least..Proud to assist him in making his soul more atrocious as his partner..and all those other things he said we were. It..feels nice to be one of his..’souls chosen companion.’”
“Mikan is..ah I got to be honest..I worry about her a lot. She is so kind and has told me enough about her that..I dont ever want her to be hurt ever again. I really hope that me and the others can continue to make her happy as she really does deserve it. Probably the kindest of all of us..even if her love for horror was somewhat shocking.”
“What is there to say about Kazuichi? He is my soul brother for a reason..and thinking back about our relationship makes me laugh as I did joke about going on a date once or twice. Guess I was right! He is a good guy and I’m always happy to help if he ever needs anything..though I gotta ask..how in the world is he strong enough to pick me up? Im..Im I really that light..? Whatever not important. I really do care about him..a lot.”
“..I wonder..i wonder what my parents are doing now if I can be honest..I can barely even remember what they look like. From..what I heard..Hopes Peak lied to them and told me I was dead after the Kamakura Project. Maybe I should be mad..but Im actually thankful for that one thing as we never got along. There expectations were so high for me and they always disrespected my identity and who I was..The closest family I got is Izuru..as..ugh this is annoying to admit, but I do see him as a brother. While we sometimes have conflicts..like he is persistent about keeping our hair long which is super annoying..but Im thankful to have them. Nice to have a family member..”
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rurulaura · 11 months
Digimon 02 the beginning review:
it was a fun time. I had to take Uber and the fare was rather expensive after it was all said and done. But it was worth it. The Uber driver ended up being the same person there and back! He was a gaming nerd and enjoyed anime too. Theater experience was good too. Got some yummy chocolate peanuts and even extra card packs after the movie.
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Now my thoughts on the movie. I’ll be putting all spoilers under the read more.
The banter between daisuke and miyako never gets old lol
Rui sounds so dang emo telling the others it's his problem and blah blah blah
Rui does says he thinks he is the first in the sub. WHich people can play around with if he really was the first or not. I still think Rui was a chosen child that just didn't realize that other chosen existed. and the digital world wasn't aware of it because Rui never went to the digital world.
Hawkmon flocking in front of Rui was hilarious. Looked like a real bird being obnoxious.
...until hawkmon actually knocked the eyepatch off showing the creepy digimon eye!
When it shows Daisuke holding Rui's hand and assuring him to let them help... I can't help but to notice how short Rui is. Holy cow
Daisuke encouraging Rui's recklessness is sure something lol
Daisuke suggesting if they fly on Imperialdramon fast enough, the humans won't see them. Reminds me of the naruto meme at area 51 XXD “ they can’t hit us if we run fast enough”
RUi running towards lil' Rui and Ukkomon gives Magica Madoka vibes with Homura trying to stop madoka from being a magical girl.
Miyako's light tinted glasses during the computer scene. Haha “all according to keikaku!”
Hikari does indeed say homeostatsis in the japanese version! tri. is Canon folks.
"Ukkomon is a special Digimon..." Heard that one before o_o;;
In the Ukkomon and Rui meeting, Rui accidentally says Unkkomon. Unko being poop in Japanese. Sadly a funny joke lost in translation.
Some wondered if the bruises are actual physical bruises... Rui covers his head. I'd say he does get hit from time to time...
When the characters are talking about the bonds with their Digimon and having to work through conflicts, it really reminded me of part 5 when they tell Meiko the same thing. Kind of nice to get a 02 version of that.
I had to hide my face from the body horror shit. THe eye. Rui's eye. GAPING HOLE IN UKKOMON'S HEAD. Just transferring an eye like it's nothing. This isn't Naruto! That's not how it works!
I had a feeling Hikari said more of "That poor thing" about ukkomon. It feels different actually watching the movie with context than reading other reviews. Hikari could just felt all it wanted to do was make Rui happy.
When Ukkomon goes big, it sings the creepiest happy birthday. Geeeez
I saw a lot of reviews saying the characcters didn't get anything and they were just there. I think they got some nice character moments. THe back and forth about killing Ukkomon for example. It's the 02 kids and they are older now. Their issues are going to be more to the point. It was still good to see. I think the movie did a really good job with that. Despite what people think.
Just a small amount of Kenyako. It made me happy.
Miyako's Bingo!
Loved the 6 way evo. Just cool to see. Glad we got to see their evolutions.
I can't get over Takeru driving a CAR. He drives and Hikari sits up front. The other two in back while Daisuke, Ken, and Rui rode on Imperialdramon. It's just an amusing image. I can't get over it.
There are many shots of this giant digimon eye sticking out of Rui's small head. It creeps me out and they show it a lot.
THe animation for the fights are so dang good. Reviews did not overexaggerate that fact.
I may need to rewatch 02, but where do Daisuke and Ken hang out on fighter mode? I know it's on the back usually but... Also really cool how the inside of Imperialdramon looks like a command room. Really cool..
HAH THE FLIRTING REMARK. Made me smile. *sighs* even after all these years.. It's still just them.
The zoom in on Rui's face and that eye. Wny...
Even as Rui and Ukkomon talk.. the comical eye is there...
The snow fight was gorgeous and fun little moments too. Seeing the international kids all grown up is wonderful. We even see Rosa! Which I think is fantastic.
I was pretty happy with this movie. I don’t think i need a grand series like tri. To flash characters out. They’ve all had their moments in various ways.
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Raiders of the Lost Ark is so damn good
Well my Spielbergqathon has entered the 80's ,with one of the most iconic action franchises of the 80's ,the Indiana Jones series ,starting with Raiders of the Lost Ark
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In this 1981 film Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) is an archeologist /adventurer who is out to find the Ark of the Covenant before the Nazis do
So Indiana Jones is a childhood favorite franchise for me.I actually dont know which Indiana Jones film is my favorite cause as a kid ,if I watched one,I HAD to watch all three (This is before Kingdom of the Chrystal Skull ) . So what makes this watch through unique ,Is I will be viewing the Indiana Jones films in the context of Spielbergs filmography instead of as a whole .So happy to report of the Spielberg films I have watched so far .....Its at the head of the pack
Raiders is just such a fun film ,it is a thrillride .The film is full of great action.Like if you love good action,this film is for you..Like the famous boulder scene,where our hero is outrunning a boulder......There is a shootout in a burning bar ,a fun chase through the streets (With an amazing bait and switch joke ),a fist fight with a burly mechanic and ana amazing car vs Horse chase .You also get great set pieces like a tomb full of snakes (I am not a snake person so that scene always creeped me out ),Indy being chased by a boulder and of course the finale
THe film also has elements of the supernatural and that was always an appeal to me of this series.Its funny there isnt anything too mystical till the end ,but it doesnt feel unearned ,because the way the Ark is talked about ,you know something is gonna happen.I wont spoil the finale,but it is awesome and frankly terrifying ,it feels like something out of a horror film
We have three main villains .The least interesting is Colonel Dietrich ,Wolf Kahler does a good job being the voice of authority but of the three villains I kind of forget he is in the movie .Belloq is really our main villain ,a rival archologist to Indy .A oppurtunistic man ,he is in it to observe the power of the Ark .Paul Freeman is perfect in the role ,he is a great contrast to Indy ,the refined villain in white suites who firmly believes in greater powera to our more scruffy skeptical hero .Also love his piercing eyes and the excitement in his voice when he describes the Ark as a "Radio to God ".The most memorable villain however is Ronald Laceys performance as Toht .He's actually not in the film alot and doesnt say much ,but good lord is he creepy . Toht is a sadistic Gestapo agent ,LAcey is able to capture this slimey quality ,that is almost Peter Lorre esque (REally brings to mind Lorre in All Through The Night ).
The supporting cast is all great ,with memorable appearences by Alfred Molina (In his first role )George Harris and William Hootkins .Denholm Elliot brings a warmth as Museum curator Brody . The best supporting character has to be Sallah ,Indys friend played by John Rhyse Davies , he brigngs a sense of levity and warmth to the film and to be frank.....Hes the character who I think has the best lines ,my favorite being "Aasps! Very dangerous.....You go first."Plus everytime he sings it just makes me smile
Karen Allen plays Indy's love interest Marion .Theres a toughnbess and sense of humor to her that makes her stand out .My favorite scene with her is where she is getting drunk with Belloq ,while she is hiding a knife so she can plan an escape
An now we get to Indy who I can best describe as James Bond but combined with a Humphrey Bogart character .He bit of a scruffier and scrappier action hero and Harrison Ford was kind of the perfect choice ,being tough but able to convincingly look like he is in danger ,which just makes us root for him even more
OVerall this is such a damn good action movie ,highly reccomended
@ariel-seagull-wings. @amalthea9 @angelixgutz @princesssarisa @goodanswerfoxmonster @themousefromfantasyland @filmcityworld1 @the-blue-fairie @theancientvaleofsoulmaking
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internal how did you and alice actually meet?
“Ok so this isn’t the worst godsdamn question to start off with so and Alice is telling me to try and be nice right now so I’m going to fucking try. If I remember correctly it was when I was in the human world hunting for a fresh meal when I came across her being assaulted by a couple of fucking punk asses and I thought, oh Hey no one is going to miss these fucks they’re just pieces of shit I could easily kill and eat there insides and at the time I well I don’t fucking don’t know if I cared about what happened to her after that or not but I do for personal reasons I’m not gonna let a sexual assault happen, but again I was honestly a the time just looking for a meal.
and for what ever reason alice just didnt fucking run at the sight of me ripping out and eating their organs and at first I thought this girl was insane or dumb or probably just frozen in fear at first (we’ve talk about this btw I’m not insulting my wife she’s cold with me talking you my thoughts from the time) and instead just took notice of my scars which I’m not gonna tell that fucking story cause one it’s private two I gotta fucking warp this one up .
Anyway she took notice of my old deep scars that I got years ago and immediately started showing concern for who she saw as her savior and I remember that what I saw as a crazy ass human at the time cause like she had to be for not fucking running away immediately after watching a feral vampire feed, but she didn’t instead she just asked if I was badly hurt and if I needed anything from her again as if she didn’t just watch me kill and eat two shitty but still fucking humans and I just kinda yelled at her at first and admittedly was a asshole too her and told her to fuck off but for some reason she didn’t instand she stood there and cried and I’m not gonna lie I felt a bit bad about that she was one of the first and only humans to not be horrified of me and see me as a monster and what did I do after she showed concern for me and try to thank me for saving her I try to scare her off and start being a fucking ass hole to this amazingly kind woman and I just actually do something uncharacteristic of me and apologize I barely apologize for anything and I just took her hand told her to try and stop crying and offered to take her home and I did and stay with her for the night again that isn’t in character for me and it felt so godsdamn fucking weird.
And well after that I guess we started to become friends and talked to one another regularly from that point on and started bonding over common interests like horror movies for example and then well we started dating and now here we are as a happy married couple .
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orifumioshi · 10 months
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*ehem* Sorry. I'm ok. Anyway... Digimon Survive uwu and as an extra: I, myself, was supposed to be born on Feb 29 but I went ahead of time and ruined my mom's telenovela finale by being born on Friday 23rd (ง ื▿ ื)ว
Ok so, I just came back home from watching and I'm still shaking.
02beginning SPOILERS AHEAD!
Because I went to the very first screening at 12 pm, we were only 6 in the room and one guy went cosplaying as Dukemon (was too shy to ask for a proper pic because he was with his girlfriend).
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The experience of being welcomed with Bolero with an overwhelming audio is something I'll never forget but onto the plot.
Because I thought I would have to wait years to watch it, I actually looked for spoilers but nothing very explicit tbh, I also saw people saying there was body horror but honestly, Ghost Game had it "worse" xD so I wasn't that bothered by what Ukkomon did; he never did it with malice anyway, of course it was kind of... wrong? Awful? But he did it because he genuinely wanted for Rui to be happy; no one told them they had to talk in order to have a healthy relationship.
I don't think I ever felt so close with Daisuke before despite being a Dai oshi; I felt so angry with how Rui's mom treated him, being a 4 years old baby... this was the second time I cried in the movie (the first being listening target and don't believing that I was there watching xD) and I swear I wanted to cross the screen and scream at her a couple of things. Rui was genuinely a good boy (still is), going to talk to his sick dad about their day, I thought that was very sweet.
At the end, the "time travel" didn't really felt like that to me but rather a very immersive memories.
The evolutions sequence were beyond amazing so, nothing to say really xD just thankful that XV-mon and Stingmon were actually "drawn" rather than staying as CG and even so, the CGs were very neat.
I was quite worried about the dub but it seems the dialogues were done properly, at least taking in consideration what I remembered from the PVs. Thankfully we got Hikari, Iori and Ken having their same VA from Adventure along with the Digis; Daisuke and Takeru had their same VA from Lastevo and Miyako got a whole new voice but they did decent, they actually got quite well how the 02 gang is.
And Daisuke, oh my boi being the man I trust to ruin it with the police xD "why didn't you stopped me?!", I love you uwu and how he was the only one to tell Rui right to his face what he had to do.
The battle sequence was nice as well, I was worried for a moment to be honest and loved that scene where Miyako "ships" Daisuke and Ken-chan uwu
I knew we had to go in a big fight but I genuinely felt bad that the only solution was to defeat Ukkomon. I actually stayed until the post credits scene and I was happy to see Rui smile ;w;
So, in my humble opinion, it's a very good movie to add to the Digi Lore, it's very enjoyable and was what I needed for 02.
I saw people say that the movie doesn't solve the losing partners issue presented in Lastevo but I think that's not the case: Ukkomon gave the chosen children the Digivice via Homeostasis; considering that this "superior being" is indeed Homeostasis, this giving the partnership a tangible item to tie Digimons with Humans but, is that all?
I personally think that Takeru being anxious over losing their partners was justified after all, Yamato lose Gabumon so I understand why he would hesitate to kill Ukkomon; at the end, the Digivice was just that, a tangible bond but, they don't really need it, do they? Just like how in Adventure, Taichi and co. didn't needed the crests to evolve because their hearts were the actual crests.
The Digivice ties Digimon and Humans, yes but even without it, the bond is there so how does this solves the partners loss? As long as they have a bond, they will come back I mean, Ukkomon is coming back and Rui's Digivice is no more plus even after losing their D3s, Daisuke and co. still had their partners, right? This just shows that Digimon Survive was right in not giving their protagonist digivices: KIZUNA. We don't need the bond to be tangible, right?
Also, I almost screamed when Wallace was on screen with Terriermon and Lopmon ;w; it was nice to see Chichos too xD How did your dubs named her anyway? Here in Mexico it was changed to "Guadalupe"; Chichos sounds like "chichis" and that's a way to say "boobs".
Anyway, because I want more cards, I'll go to watch it again on Sunday because it's the only day I have free ;w; hope they don't run out of them, I want all my kids OTL
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weebsinstash · 1 year
bro 😨 i swear some of these are actually psychological horror books
I think the problem at least for me is really how it's handled and a lot of these authors are like obsessed with high school teenagers having sex. Like for example if you just spent like several chapters describing all the ways she's been physically and sexually abused by her own father to the point she literally doesn't even understand what the mate bond or love actually is, like her dad fucked her up so bad he would molest and beat her and say it was love, and she's instantly terrified when she meets her mate because she fears his love too, and then the story will switch to his pov and hes like, LUSTING for her, that's not ok? That's fucked up, like tone wise?
Like for example i know teenagers who are 5'4 and curvy probably do exist but is it like truly appropriate to be describing how sexy and hot to protagonist is when she's 1. A high-school girl, a child 2. An incest victim and has been since she was 13 and 3. The abuse literally just ended like a chapter or two ago and she hasn't even mentally recovered
Rm for length
Like this story goes from her new future Alpha mate who is also a high schooler saving her from being raped, he literally walks in on, ew, her father forcing her legs apart, and then like maybe 4 chapters later "oh maybe to help her understand the mate bond and help her be more comfortable, we can have her spend time with these other two kids her age who are mates" and she's like watching them touch and cuddle and be physically affectionate which i find insanely inappropriate actually, she was molested and told it was love so you're exposing her to other people being touchy with each other? Like an actual talented author would have made the connection that, realistically, the protagonist would probably be massively uncomfortable if not outright triggered by this, like at one point she has a panic attack so bad she passes out. and the dude who is her mate like, tries to cuddle her while they watch a movie and stuff, and she kind of likes it, but from my perspective as an adult and as a reader i just keep thinking "can you guys not even give her like a couple of months before trying to like lowkey manipulate her"
Like for the love of fucking god I don't want to hear about how he's literally getting fucking hard by cuddling with her and his internal monologue about how sexy she is and how badly he has to hold his wolf back from pouncing on her when BOTH OF THEM ARE MINORS like GROSS, what age group is this story even intended for, it's going from really adult topics to like really tropey mid tier highschool drama bullshit? I don't want to hear the fucking boyfriend thinking shit like "she shifted just slightly, briefly putting her hand on my thigh for a moment, and it sent waves of electricity straight to my cock" when she's like. Trying to just watch a movie and let dinner settle into her stomach because she's so poorly malnourished she can't even take full bites of a sandwich, she has to tear pieces of it off and eat slowly bc she feels so sick. Like it's the WHIPLASH.
Like sorry maybe when you're still a teenager, shows that show teenagers being flirty and sexual with each other might be appealing, but im a grown woman, and it rubs me the wrong way, idk? IS there an appropriate way for adults to write about kids in this way? Sometimes it's cultural I guess but imo I basically consider everyone a kid until they're like 20, 21 and it just. It's creepy. Please stop talking about how this like 16 year old is gorgeous and doesn't even need makeup and she has double d size breasts and a flat stomach and a thigh gap and a fat ass but is somehow also dangerously malnourished like, it's very. It's just outta pocket. It's weird man and that's coming from me. I'm gonna listen for a little while longer but I just find the handling of her abuse a little bizarre.
And also like. They have her speak to a therapist about how horrific her abuse was and the therapist immediately goes to her future mate and is like "I'm not supposed to tell you this but you are her mate, so--" and just tells him all her personal shit. That should have been her choice to make. They're not giving her enough time to heal. Maybe it's just upsetting for me because I'm dealing with a lot of mental health stuff and these plotlines involving being manipulated and betrayed behind your back and not respected or having your own autonomy is really hitting me
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smalltownoutcasts · 1 year
Continued thread with: @ellevenie
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“Wow, shit, Misty. Talk about doom-mongering,” Elle muttered, spitting out a chuckle. “You’re not going to be eaten by a bear. We can always just trip up someone else and run,” she said with a shrug. Obviously she was joking, but she knew some people didn’t appreciate her gallows humour. “I’m not a doctor, either. I’m a wannabe paramedic at best. I mean, I have seen some grizzly shit in that year I’ve been in that program. There was this guy who got his hand caught in some machine and it got all squished. Looked like Coach Scott’s leg.” Might have been why Elle had been the least phased by it. She was rather certain that someone her age shouldn’t really have been exposed to this, but medicine rarely dealt with pleasantries. Who needed horror movies if she saw that shit every weekend?
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“I don’t give a fuck about being some sort of hero. If you want that spot, please. I’ll help you.” Elle knew that Misty Quigley wasn’t exactly the most popular girl at school. While Elle herself had zero friends, either, she liked it that way. People left her alone, especially after beating up that Becky Whatshername. She had observed Misty today, watching how she was thriving under everyone’s attention. Who was she to steal the limelight she didn’t want anyway? “I’d say I got a grade two wrist sprain, which can take up to twelve weeks to heal, so you’ll be in charge of this for a while longer. Don’t be too hard on yourself.” Elle would get over herself and give Misty a hug in this situation, but hugs with only one arm sucked, and she didn’t want to move. Instead, to show some support, she rested her head on Misty’s shoulder. She knew that this was like feeding a stray cat that was going to follow her around for the rest of its life now, but she didn’t like the other girls awfully much. Misty Quigley was easier to stomach.
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"Hey, it's hard being cheery 24/7. Besides, I'm a lot darker then you think. But why give people yet another reason to make fun of me." She sighed, before twisting the cap back off the water bottle comfortable with the idea of taking another drink knowing how easy it would be to off one of the other girls if it involved wild animals, "Guess since we're tripping people in front of bears now, I'll have another sip..." She looked to Elle with a smug, but sad grin, before downing a little more of the coveted liquid.
Hearing her new friend's tale about a smooshed hand had intrigued Misty, and seemed to further her interest in the macabre. Maybe a career in healthcare would be in her future, if they ever made it out of the middle of nowhere alive, of course, "So tell me more about this paramedic stuff. Can anybody do it?" Elle was easily taking her mind off of the troubles that had seemed to plague her not five minutes earlier. It was strange having someone who actually took interest in her, not for the skills she offered the group, but because they genuinely wanted to talk to her.
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"Here. Now you drink. The more dehydrated you are, the longer it's going to take your body to heal that grade two wrist sprain." Misty handed the bottle over, but was taken by surprise by her fellow classmate resting her head on Misty's shoulder. Yet she kind of liked it...That was a lie. She liked it a lot. So much so that a genuine grin had replaced the former sad smile, "No one's ever hugged me like that before..." She looked down feeling her glasses slip again, "Thank you..." Misty didn't know what else to say, but she enjoyed the bond that she was already forming with Elle.
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darksideofclouds · 8 months
"Is it too late to say I got BPD?"
Even though I said you were not diagnosed, yeah. It was fucking late. It was fucking late for everything. If you're concerned I felt something when we had sex, let me tell you something: I was too fucking drunk to feel anything like that. What I was feeling had been there for a while longer, it didn't happen just over night, not even over that night. And that's what I confessed in that room, I remember what I told you, I remember I told you I liked you a lot but you had BPD. It's kinda blurry but it's there, and still you showed no fucking mercy for my feelings (this is not an accusation, it's more like a realization). Still I did not keep my distance. If I believed in karma, I'd call this karma.
And yeah, of fucking course I was feeling something. Because though we were different, we talked every day, we shared a lot of stuff, we bonded through trauma, we messed with the other, we joked together, and it was fucking fun, and for me it was a very warm form of a friendship. A friendship that some day could turn into something cool and sweet and amazing. And yeah, I still like to live in the future and should totally stop.
I just lied to myself and I liked it. I wanted to believe you were feeling something too, I wanted to believe you were just too awkward to admit it. But the truth is you were feeling nothing actually, it was just pure bliss. And oh my fucking god I'm so sorry for mistaking it, for waiting for something you were not going to be able to reciprocate.
But you know what? I also told you this. I told you I needed a connection with someone to have sex with them. And I thought there was a connection, but now it all makes sense. For very selfish reasons, I assumed we were talking about the same thing when we said 'a connection'. You just needed a liking, a fun thing, and I needed chemistry, some kind of tenderness into it, the ability of the other person to actually feel something deeper, some kind of caring. But of course you don't consider me your friend. You don't consider me your anything. Oh my fucking god it's like discovering the depths of the universe.
I'll admit something too. I never wanted to feel this that I'm feeling. Because a little part of me, the smartest one (I should listen to it more often), was pretty aware of the situation and it was just so complicated, so I started just pushing away, slowly, silencing your stories was the first step. Silencing your messages was next. But I was too fucking dumb for it, I couldn't just stay away, and what did I do? I started watching your stories through other media. Of fucking course I did that, I'm just that stupid and proud. I can sabotage myself that fucking much.
Why did you tell me you still wanted to eat weird stuff with me. Why did you want to bring milk and cereal to my house. Why did you use that fucking purple filter when Welcome to the black parade was on. Why did you repost that horror movie poster. Why did you accept to play board games with me. Why did you say you didn't know who to send that link to so you sent it to me. Why did you tell me all of your life stories. Why did you share that video your brother posted. Why did you still mask this thing as friendship when it was clearly not friendship. Just fucking why. I still hope that it is not just a fucking act, a fucking way of coping. I still hope that all that shit meant something to you. But of course you didn't really fucking care at all. Like, I've never felt this fucking dumb. I can't stop laughing and crying at the truth that I was the last one to discover when it. Was. In front. Of me. All. The fucking. Time. I was a part of it. I was involved. I was invested. And I didn't fucking notice.
Why did I try to read into all of that, it was nothing, of course it was nothing. Of course it meant nothing.
And it's crazy because I'm thinking "well maybe I'm kinda forcing this friend thing to happen, I should just take it slow" but the truth is that no matter how long I wait, you will never feel anything real for me. And of course it'd be even worse if I found out you forced yourself to do so at some point. I would feel like total shit.
So what is left for me to think? That you should go to therapy? Yeah I guess? However, you've loved people before. It's not like you cannot feel the feelings for other people. You just couldn't feel that for me and that's it. So you don't really need therapy for that, maybe for other stuff. I was just not the chosen one. I hope this teaches me something because the depth of this pain is too fucking much for it to be just plain pain and no lesson. I think this will teach me to just be careful, to be single and to stop being a hopeless romantic.
How am I going to process this I wonder. How am I going to live with this I wonder.
Should I block you like you said I'd eventually do? Isn't it funny? You already knew how this was going to end, and you warned me. And still I wanted to defy the inevitable. Blocking you would mean I'll just turn into another one of those girls for your stories of people who just started 'feeling too much'.
Then yeah. I think blocking you is the only option that's left for me.
Will you read this some day? I don't think so. You hate reading and this shit is too fucking long.
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selamat-linting · 2 years
my friend offered me to accompany them on their friend group outing thing. theyre all having a jam session in a proper music studio. i dont know any of their friend group guys (one of them was an old acquaintance in middle school), but i dont have anything better to do that night so i just say yes. after the short jamming session, we watched a horror movie in my friend's house. the movie was satan's slaves : communion. a sequel of a remake of a local horror movie.
god, the movie made me realize how much watching english speaking horror movies had turn me into a softie. i cant believe i turned away from the gory elevator murder scene. i even hugged my friend in fear! oh this is so unbecoming of me. oh god that was not fun at all. that was scary! but it was also awesome. like, fuck that was great. its been a while i got properly spooked and its super fun. i need to watch intense horror movies again, not just because its fun, but because i need to up my tolerance to gory shit again.
overall, this outing has been a mixed bag. the movie was fun, but im suspecting that one of the guys from that friend group is a crypto-fascist. and he's already rubbing off on them. i dont know them well, like this is the first time i actually work on remembering their names and faces, so i might be wrong but. yeah, the warning signs are there. what kind of weirdo would point out some random racial minority on the street to their friends like its some kind of spectacle? my friend and their partner are way too spineless they might as well be just like them if they let behaviors like that slide on a daily basis. i almost got into a nasty argument several times that night. geez.
i'll meet up with them one more time just in case one of them actually has a chance to be radicalized in a more revolutionary manner. but i dont have my hopes up. it was a friend group that had stood the test of time and i was only an intruder who just met them all together. oh man, they all might have crossed through the fascist line already. why did my friend hang out with them? sigh, this is the worst part of organizing. making sure if your new acquaintances are just folks who need to unlearn reactionary junk using theory and praxis or if theyre full blown fascists who already set up their irl environment and online spaces to reinfornce that belief. if i have my friend backing me up i could try to mitigate the damage even if i found out two out of three of them are professed fash, but i dont have that kind of support or social capital. also, i still have self respect. im not befriending a man who would throw microagressions at me, even if my nonbinary bestie thinks he's tolerable. im afraid you need to be more assertive, buddy.
god, those guys are probably cowards anyway. my friend say they all hung out at their house and they all bond over tiktok memes and video games like genshit midpact. i know i say shit about friend groups who made shopping and drinking coffee as their main bonding activity, but thats a lot better than getting cooped up on the online space. i dont even see any of them smoking or vaping. the way the shittiest of them crumple into 'heyy im joking' once i started to speak about how fucked up what theyre saying is? yeah, they wont survive a police questioning. literally the basic skill of all leftists, keeping your head cool when the pigs try to talk to you. and he dont seem to have the backbone necessary to learn. look, if you cant even be defensive in the proper way when a stranger intrude on your friend group and say that they think your words are creepy, you dont have it. even if youre some kind of wisecracking gigachad.
funny how fascists tend to be relatively inexperienced with fighting brutality when theyre the ones boasting over strength and power. like, whatever man, i dont see them actively ramming down a police brigade or throwing back tear gas. its always someone walking alone with no backup. if there's any win with a mass of people, they do it with surprise tactics and more funding, not raw strength or ingenuity. not to glorify fighting and martyrdom, but fascists already lost at the things theyre bragging over.
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Reader visits Family Video practically every day, and tries to get service only from Robin, ignoring Steve 🥰
Hoooooo boy went a little overboard with this one but I really really really love it so much- maybe not exactly what you asked for but I hope you like it!
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This Week at Family Video
Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington friendship (and character study) Robin Buckley x a girl who I guess is technically an oc
summary: A cute girl keeps coming into Family Video and Steve is determined to wingman his best friend Robin into a date with her, which turns into a deeper bonding moment when Steve realizes he's grown a lot but there's still room to go and Robin realizes that she's not as alone as she feels.
Content/warnings: Robin talks about how it feels to be closeted in the 80s so there are allusions to period typical homophobia and a quote from Steve from season one which is uncool. It's just like....an analysis of the friendship between the lesbian and the straight himbo and how there's a lot more to it than bonding over hot girls.
(Also I mention a couple movies in here and I have seen none of them so don't @ me)
9k words
    It was an average day at the Family Video. People filtered in and out, a few of whom garnered some appraising, and, admittedly kind of objectifying glances from the two clerks that sat behind the central desk, who’s eyes would flash up as the bell ring, look at each other and make a subtle face to indicate whether or not the thought the girl that just came in was cute. 
Robin admits openly to feeling bad about this ritual, and Steve agreed that it was pretty sexist and they shouldn’t be collectively checking out chicks that came in and consulting on their hotness but at this point it was almost involuntary and hard to avoid when Steve all but lept over counters when a pretty girl walked in. Robin told him that she only did it now so she knew if she’d have to be working the sales desk for the next 2-8 minutes until he’d get rejected and come back to help but he didn’t buy it for a second.
The bell over the door rang and they glanced up to see a cute girl with intentionally messy hair, some oversized layers, and a bucket hat walk in casually. Steve and Robin both looked at each other with raised eyebrows just before Steve walked around the counter.
“Welcome to Family Video- anything I can help you find today?” Steve said, turning on his charm, regardless of how overzealous he was with it at times. “I’m Steve, and you are?” He said, sticking out a hand. The girl looked a little overwhelmed at the attention and laughed awkwardly.
“Uh, yeah I’m Leslie.  I’m just looking for a movie that nobody else seems to have.” She said with a laugh and a furtive glance at Robin, who prepared herself to step in quickly.
“Well, obviously we have a wide, wide selection of movies, what kind of things are you into? Tell me about yourself.” He said, leaning seductively against a shelf and knocking a few of the empty cases to the ground and picking them up while attempting to look like he hadn’t missed a beat. Robin couldn’t help but widen her eyes in mild horror at how poorly he was doing. Then her eye caught the girl’s, who met it with the same look that said holy shit, are you seeing this? Robin nodded and silently laughed as she watched the girl turn back to Steve’s attempted flirtation with an overly exaggerated interest and nodding that Robin delighted in seeing was entirely sarcastic.
“I’m actually looking for something pretty specific that I’ve been having a hard time finding.” She interrupted after the humor of the situation had worn off.
“Of course, yeah- what do you need?”
“A film called Hour of the Wolf?” she said nervously, and Robin’s ear perked up.
“OH, yeah I love that one- Michael J Fox as a basketball playing werewolf- who thinks of this stuff? I used to play basketball, you know. Didn’t need the wolf powers, though-”
“That's Teen Wolf, Steve.” Robin corrected from the counter, earning a grateful glance from the girl, who walked over to her quickly, and Steve threw his hands up and sighed.
“We don’t actually have Hour of the Wolf which is a shame because it really is a masterpiece.” Robin chimed in, pulling a thoughtful face
“I’ve been trying to get stupid Keith to get it but he says there isn’t enough demand. Shows what he knows.” Robin said, making Leslie smile and her own heart flutter at the sight. 
“Whoever Keith is sounds like he’s got quite the expert on his hands…” She said cheerfully.
“If you're into arthouse horror stuff though you should check out Eraserhead.” Robin suggested, and Leslie shrugged.
“Arthouse? Is that like a place, or..?” Steve asked, trying to stay in the conversation, but was largely ignored. 
“Sure. If you recommend it I’m sure it’s a winner...” She said, a little cheeky, glancing down at her nametag so obviously that for a second Robin thought this girl was checking out her rack in the middle of the store.”Robin.” She finished, saying her name clearly. 
 Robin thought that maybe for a second there she died and was resurrected, but it turned out to just be butterflies. She stuttered for a moment, telling her about the cinematography as she got her the movie and finished lending it. As she walked out Robin sighed, glancing at Steve.
“Once again, you blew it, Steve.. I really wish I still had the you suck board.” She said with a wry smile.
“Yeah…I know you do, Robin. I know you do.”
The next day at Family Video, Steve was peppering her with questions to Robin’s ire.
“Okay, explain one more time what an arthouse movie is?” He asked, and she rolled her eyes.
“Why do you want to know? You already blew your shot.” She criticized while put away the tapes.
“Alright, you don’t know that. And she’s not the only arty chick in the world. Maybe that’s why I haven’t had any luck lately.” He guessed lamely and Robin gave him a dead stare.
“You are telling me that the reason you can’t get a second date is because you haven’t met a girl that is artistic enough? You, Steve Harrington, want a girlfriend who’s primary interests are in arthouse cinema? Is that really what you’re saying to me?” Robin asked incredulously, stopping herself from laughing at the idea of Steve on a date with a moody poet who wanted his opinions on verse. Maybe she should help him if she’d get to hear about that. 
“Just give me another movie like that to recommend her if she comes back in.”
“I don’t know- Dr. Strangelove.” Robin pulled out of thin air. He was definitely about to ask more questions but at that moment the bell rang and there was the girl from yesterday.
She gave Robin a big smile and waved the tape in her hand as she walked over.
“Holy shit, Robin. Holy shit.” She said, putting both hands on the counter. She remembered my name, Robin thought giddily.
“Is that a good holy shit or a bad holy shit?”
“It’s a holy shit holy shit.” Leslie said, still a little bit stunned. “I mean, the last scene? With the bandages? I mean what the fuck? I mean it’s a…bold recommendation to make to a stranger that’s for sure but it was a good one.” She said, giddy, and all of a sudden Robin’s worst fears came true: she opened her mouth and couldn’t shut it.
Fun facts about the movie, her favorite things about cinematography, favorite movies in order, all of it came pouring out involuntarily. Steve sensed her panic and stepped in front of her.
“I think what Robin meant to say was that you should check out uh, Doctor, uh,” he glanced at Robin quickly, who tried to mouth the words subtly even though Leslie was standing a foot away. Steve read her lips and confidently looked to the customer and said: “Doctor Trained Dove. It's great. Arthouse.” 
Leslie tilted her head and pulled her lips between her teeth like she was trying as hard as she could not to laugh, Robin put her face in her hands and Steve grimaced, reading the room correctly and guessing he hadn’t gotten the title right.
“I haven’t heard about that one. What’s…it about?”
Steve opened his mouth and looked at Robin helplessly.
“It’s a musical about a surgeon that becomes a magician. It’s a lesser known sequel to Doctor Strangelove.” Robin said dryly, glaring at Steve when she said the real title and Leslie laughed and bit her lip.
“Didn’t know Kubrick did sequels.” She said teasingly.
“No, this one is John Hughes, actually.” Robin said, sarcasm not coming through as much as a hopeful punchline that she was obviously shocked to see land.
“Well, Unofficial Kubrick sequels aside, do you have another recommendation for me?” Leslie asked, now leaning on the counter.
“Are you sure you don’t want to hear about 2002?” Robin said, her voice now fully transitioned to that of a person daydreaming and unaware they were talking aloud.
“I preferred 2003, actually.” Leslie played along, and Robin knew she was laughing too hard as it was happening.
“Or 2004, right?” Steve cut in , and they both looked at him awkwardly as he ran a hand through his hair. “Seems like it’s a long time from now but it’s not that far, huh? Weird. End of the century."
Two two women just stared at him blankly and just like that the magic was broken. Robin was no longer in the nonexistent John Hughes movie where she was the one that got to kiss Molly Ringwald over a birthday cake and the three of them were just standing in a video store again.
“Have you seen Holy Mountain?” Robin suggested, and Leslie left with it in hand.
Robin and Steve sort of just stood there in shock at just how badly that interaction had just gone.
“Maybe you’re my bad luck charm. I feel like the last time I was cool was before I met you.” He said contemplatively.
“I’m not going to dignify that with a response besides the fact that I didn’t put you in that sailor outfit. If you want to get her attention tomorrow you’re gonna have to study up, man.” Robin said with a laugh, and Steve frowned at her and cocked his head.
“Me?” He asked, and Robin looked at him with confusion.
“Yeah? I thought you liked her.” 
“I mean she’s cute but I was kinda getting a…. Hm?” He said with a vocalization and a hand gesture that Robin didn’t understand.
“C’mon man, you know I have a hard enough time reading people as it is.” She complained.
“What vibe?” She asked incredulously.
“A vibe, Robin, there was a vibe.”
Steve looked around to make sure nobody was around so he could remind Robin that she was a lesbian and he was pretty sure that girl was flirting with her. 
“She was totally flirting with you.” He said quietly, and Robin looked at him far more aghast than she had any reason to be.
“What? No! No, of course she wasn’t flir- what would even make you think? I mean that’s just-” Robin stammered and Steve’s eyebrows got higher and higher.
“Alright, alright, alright, don’t start spiraling. You seemed into her, though, right? I’m not about to violate bro code and ask out the girl you like just because you’re a chick.” He said in what she assumed was a tone that bros used to talk to each other with a shrug and Robin just set her jaw in disbelief and well meaning annoyance.
    Not for the first time since she met him she imagined getting into a time machine and traveling to Ms. Clicks class and leaning over to whisper to herself See those two right there? See sweet, beautiful Tammy Thompson staring at that dick Steve Harrington? In a couple of years one of those people will be the single person on the planet earth that you have ever told that you’re gay and the best friend you’ve ever had in your life.  I’ll give you one guess to who it is, and if you guess right I’ll give you a billion US dollars. Also you’ll be tortured by evil Russians together. 
    “Whatever- look, whether or not I think she’s cute she’s not a- y’know-” she said, grimacing instead of saying lesbian in such a casul setting without a self pep talk to convince herself it wouldn’t be weird.
    “Returning Fast Times at 53 minutes and 12 seconds?” He offered, and her shoulders relaxed and she loosely pointed at him.
“Right. Sure. She’s not pausing fast times and she’s cool- why shouldn’t you go for it?” She said, now surprisingly adamant in a way that Steve didn’t understand in the slightest as Robin was almost always apathetic towards his love life.
“Because I blew my shot? It’s fine, it happens. A lot, according to the You Suck board.” He justified it, but Robin had a determined look on her face.
“I could coach you! Yeah, she’s gonna watch Holy Mountain tonight, why don’t we watch it too and you can talk to her about it.” She suggested, and Steve emphasized the confusion on his face.
“Robin, it's fine if you like her. You know I don’t have any problem with-” he started, and she cut him off on the spiel. 
He did that sometimes when she was upset and he couldn’t figure out why- always jumpeing to defend himself and assumed he had said something wrong by mistake. It happened on occasion, Steve, as much as she knew his heart was in the right place, was still a white, straight male former highschool bully from Hawkins Indiana with parents that voted for Reagan, he was always honest that he was still unlearning a lot of shit and it was inevitable that something would slip out every once in a while. The first time it had happened, about a month after they started working at the video store she heard him talking to an old team mate and casually dropped the word fairy as a descriptor. She told herself he didn’t mean it but she had still let it fester until he was following her around while she restocked movies asking what’s wrong what’s wrong what’s wrong over and over again like a petulant child. She confessed loudly and angrily before looking around in fear that there was a customer. He swore at himself and apologized profusely and in that moment she was really reminded of that night in the Starcourt bathroom and how, despite how annoying he was, Steve Harrington had a heart even bigger than his hair.
It had been a nice moment, the next time he said something a little off-color he caught it himself, but still apologized a lot. It only got annoying when he started doing it every time he (unfortunately, usually correctly) identified that she was in a bad mood because of a problem that stemmed from her sexuality and assumed that problem was that he said something offensive by accident. The truth was that there were just always going to be some things that she would go through that he would never be able to understand and would be hard for her to explain. Half the time she hadn’t even taken the time to figure out what exactly it was that was bothering her besides the baseline level of worry that came with the small town closeted lesbian territory.
“I know you’re not homophobic, Steve.” She said and he stopped, nodding in relief, but then doubling down on his confusion.
“So then why are you getting all weird about this?” he asked genuinely, and Robin shook her head exaggeratedly, like if she did it super obviously he would believe it more.
“Fine, I’ll watch the movie.” He conceded, as they started to gather their stuff for the end of the day. Robin shook a triumphant fist with a silent yes as she grabbed her bag and  headed out the door to his car.
“I’m not being weird at all. I just think you have a shot and she seems cool. Also I haven’t seen Holy Mountain in a while and it rules.” She said all too casually, and Steve stared at her suspiciously. Robin wasn’t budging, mostly because she didn’t really know why she suddenly had the urge to push them together either besides the odd sensation of trying to make something go away on its own. 
“Is this gonna be a movie that I have to think about a lot while we’re watching?” He asked apprehensively, and did not care for the mischievous and possibly sadistic smile she gave him
    Robin and Steve sat on stools behind the checkout counter, Steve looked shell shocked, to say the very least. More so than he looked after last year's Russian Invasion. Robin was alternating between laughing at him and trying her best to be comforting and apologetic.
    “Steve, I told you you could close your eyes if it got too scary.” She said in a voice she hoped sounded genuine and that he couldn’t hear it shaking a little. He didn’t say anything, just leaned back against the counter staring downwards, unresponsive. “Okay, you’ve been doing this for like a day and a half the movie wasn’t that weird.” she said, and he turned to glare at her.
    “You know that’s not true, Robin. You know that.” He said emphatically, and they glanced towards the door as it rang.
    It was Leslie, walking in with a grin on her face and the movie in hand and Steve was pretty sure that this girl might actually be a serial killer. Robin liked it, too, though, so maybe they were on a crime spree together and they were definitely going to take him outside and skin him alive and hang it up and- ugh, Steve stopped and put his palms over his eyes to get the image out of his head.
    “Is…he okay?” Leslie asked, leaning past Robin to look at the unresponsive Steve.
    “He’s fine- we actually watched Holy Mountain too last night and he's contemplating it.” Robin said, glancing at Steve and pumping the eyebrows of a wingwoman, and scowled when he didn’t see her because his head was now resting against the counter.
    From his vulnerable state, Steve braced himself to hear them babble on about the perfect ratio of that shot of that lady banging that mechanical horse without legs but instead only heard Leslie respond with a disingenuously excited “Oh!”
    Robin was expecting the same as Steve, and she couldn’t quite decipher the way that Leslie’s eyes flitted between the two of them.
    “I’m guessing Steve wasn’t a fan?” She asked, and Robin laughed at him to which he responded with a dry ha ha ha said from under his arms laying on the counter.
    “Well, that’s commitment for you. Takes quite a guy to sit through a movie like that just because he wants to hang out with you.” She said with a tight smile.  The way she said it made Robin wish she was better at social cues because she knew for damn sure she was missing something. 
    “Yeah, he’s alright.” Robin said affectionately. 
    Steve was torn between warm fuzzies at the closest thing his best friend can ever come to a compliment and smacking her on the back of the head for not realizing that this girl now thinks that they’re dating. It never ceased to fascinate him that the person that can decipher Russian without knowing Russian couldn’t hear that telltale sound of jealousy and disappointment in the goodbye of a person who just discovered that their crush was dating sebody already. Then again, he could do that but couldn’t decipher the Russian, so maybe it was just a different skill set. 
    “Wow, I’m sorry dude I really thought that she’d want to talk to you about the movie.”
    Leslie let out a fake laugh and put the tape and some cash on the counter before walking away with an awkward wave and disappeared with the bell. 
    Steve pulled himself up off the counter, his forehead red from pressing against the surface and his hair messed up, and his look was one of utter frustration and disbelief.
    “Holy shit, Robin of course she didn’t. She wanted to talk to you about the movie. She left because she thinks we’re dating and it bummed her out.” He said, almost in a yell at the fact that he knew she wasn’t going to listen to him.
    “Ooooh, that makes more sense. See, I was right, her being jealous is proof that she likes you.” Robin declared and Steve dropped his head back onto the counter with a smack that hurt enough to drive that weird ass flick out of his brain. “I’m sorry you watched Holy Mountain for nothing though. She’s right, it is a rough one if you don’t enjoy it.” She said casually, almost certainly smiling maliciously. He began to smack his head against the counter and he was pretty sure he heard her laughing.
    Family Video opened at 11 AM, so almost every morning after he dropped Robin off he’d go and try to figure out more ways to not talk to Keith for an entire shift. Today he had decided to take the stack of returns into the back room and rewind the ones returned by the “unkind” that he secretly wanted to kiss on the mouth for giving him a really easy and time consuming thing to do every morning until his break, where he’d go get Robin, listen to her rant about school, get some drive thru for the both of them, and then finish off the day with his best friend. 
    All in all, it was an alright gig.
    Except for Thursdays. Steve hated Thursdays.
    Because on Thursdays Robin’s band practice goes late and she doesn’t work a shift, and Keith takes off for long periods at random intervals and would leave him alone to mind the store on a pretty busy day of the week.
    Today was slow, both in passage of time and number of customers, so they canceled each other out and made the day suck exactly as much as last Thursday. 
    He continued to rewind movies, noting a few titles for later that seemed interesting. He took out the next tape and pushed it in. The movie turned on and Steve nearly fell off his chair when his screen was very suddenly two very naked women. He didn’t rewind yet as the two of them kissed and Steve glanced down at the tape. Desert Hearts. He quickly checked to see who returned it and it was, unsurprisingly, a long list of male names, a few of whom he recognized from various sports teams and parties throughout high school, and strangely Karen Wheeler of all people, but he wasn’t going to unpack that. 
As Steve scanned the back of the VHS box he read about the plot of the lesbian love affair that blossoms between the two women out west and a plan formed in his mind, and that plan would help him honor his Duty as a Man with a Heart a Soul and The Critical Social Skills Robin Buckley Lacks: He was going to get his best friend laid. Because that's what friends do.
Later that day Steve had an okay plan that could potentially pan out and now was just waiting for the opportunity, he just had to wait for Leslie to come in like she had every day this week. He leaned against the counter and idly watched the screens and glanced out the display glass as people passed by.
    That was when he glanced up to see somebody slowing down and peeking inside. It was Leslie. Whatever she saw, she looked away and kept walking. Steve tilted his head in confusion, but pushed the VHS tape into the player and waited. There wasn’t much business today and as the movie played he did find himself a bit enraptured in the drama between the two women. 
 The only time when his attention was torn from the weighty glances between Vivian and Kay was when he saw somebody pause outside the window. It was Leslie again, peeking in. When Steve met her eye and waved a little she looked like she had been caught red handed and awkwardly walked in and waved.
“Uh, hey Sam.” She said a little stiffly.
“It’s- it’s Steve.” He corrected, and she quietly apologized and wandered into the stacks.
Now that Leslie was actually in the store, Steve realized that his so-called ‘plan’ was actually just the idea to put the movie about lesbians on the tv and wait to see if she reacted. He wished that wingmanning for Robin didn’t have to be so subtle. 
She put the box on the counter and Steve began to slowly start checking out the movie to give her time for her to either look at the tv and say…something. This was a stupid plan, he realized, and he made a quick move to salvage it.
Using his stealth skills gained from years of monster hunting and high-stakes babysitting, he tried to secretly watch Leslie around the store and noticed that she seemed to not be looking at the movies, but at the staff break room and around the store for other clues about the whereabouts of a certain missing front desk associate. When her eyes caught the TV screen and saw the actresses that Steve hoped looked familiar her head snapped back in front of her and she stood very still, examining a box without really seeing it for what she deemed long enough to take it to the counter to make a quick escape.
“Do you like this movie?” He asked, pointing at the screen and unable to stop himself from visibly cringing.
She looked up at him incredibly awkwardly. “I’m…not sure what movie that is, honestly.” She said, and he was like 50% sure she was lying.
“Robin likes this movie.” What had happened after breaking up with Nancy that left him so much worse at talking to other people? Was it Dustin’s influence? Was it just that he didn’t know how to be charming without being a total dick? He knew it was probably that one.
Leslie gave him a tight smile. “That’s sweet that you’re watching her favorite movies. She’s a nice girl. I'm glad she’s got someone that cares.” 
“Yes! Robin is a nice girl!” He said energetically, even if that wasn’t necessarily a word he’d use for her. “She’s super cool and smart too. She speaks four languages and can translate Russian by ear.” he said, hyping her up, realizing now that Leslie had meant it’s sweet that you watch your girlfriend’s favorite movies.
“I…didn’t know that. Very impressive. You two make a cute couple.” She said, and it was audibly strained.
“We’re not dating. We’re just friends. Best friends.” He added at the end, a little embarrassed of himself. “But I do watch her favorite movies and thank you for seeing the value in that because Holy Mountain has literally been haunting me for two days and I just think that friends should get credit for doing that shit too.” He added in annoyance at nobody in particular.
“Oh!” She said, and he could hear the audible relief, and saw her glance back at the tv and swallow. Steve could see the gears grinding in her head and he could not believe that his terrible plan might be working. “That’s- I mean- I guess I just assumed.”
“Nope, not dating, she’s totally single. I asked her out a little after we first met because of all the cool hot smart stuff I said earlier but she was not interested and now we’re just friends.” He explained, trying to put emphasis on the not. 
“Best friends.” Leslie said gently with a smile, her awkwardness gone and replaced with a very cautious beginning of a theory he was trying to confirm without saying anything.
“Yes! Best friends. Because she’s the best.” He said, nodding, and then Leslie nodded too. They stood there in silence for a second before Steve remembered he was checking out her movie.
He went to write down the number and furrowed his brow when he saw the title.
“National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation? This doesn’t seem like your kind of flick.” Steve said oddly, and her cheeks got a little red.
“I was kinda waiting for Robin to give me another recommendation.” She said with an awkward laugh.
Steve saw his opening, and was closing in on his plan quickly and efficiently. “Well, Robin really likes this movie.” He said, stepping aside so she had a full view of the tv and the lengthy stares between the two actresses. “Do you want to rent it?” he asked, suddenly kind of hoping she said no because he wanted to finish watching it.
“Uh, sure?” She said, and he reluctantly turned around to eject it and making it a full spin when he came up with an alternative.
“Oooh no!” He said in a dramatic fake tone akin to a child's television star that didn’t see you come in but wants to show you some puppets anyway. “This is actually Robin’s copy of Desert Hearts, and not the stores. So I can’t lend it to you.” He said in an exaggerated voice.
Leslie furrowed her brow. “Then why is it playing?”
“Becaaaaaause….she thought I’d like it and she knew it would be a slow day and she wasn’t working.” He pulled out of nowhere.  “But- you should come back tomorrow, when she is here and ask her to borrow it. Oh! Maybe you could watch it together and talk about cinema! Now that’s an idea!” He said, knowing he was overplaying it while he was talking and as Leslie stared at him incredulously.
“You…want me. To come in tomorrow. And ask your friend Robin if I can watch her copy of Desert Hearts with her?” Leslie asked, and Steve nodded profusely at the secret code the two of them had developed. 
“Yes. That’s exactly what I think you should do. If you want to.” He said encouragingly, and he could tell that Leslie was running some serious cost-risk analysis gymnastics in her head trying to decide if this really weird situation was actually trustworthy. Steve knew that if he said anything else he could blow his cover, so he just kept his mouth shut.
A little smile came on Leslie’s face and she nodded.
“ I guess I’ll be back tomorrow, then.” She said, and Steve thought it was adorable how she was trying to hide her excitement.
She left with a little spring in her step and, unsurprisingly, National Lampoon’s stayed on the counter with him. Steve grinned, imagining how excited Robin was going to be, and started to rewind the movie because he was sure that he’d missed something important while he was talking to Leslie.
It was Friday at Family Video and Steve was acting….weird. 
“Dude, tell me what’s wrong you know I can’t read body language.” She scolded and he shrugged energetically.
“Nothings wrong. Everything’s great!” He said, and reached out to pick a piece of fluff out of her hair so she would look her best when Leslie arrived but she smacked his hand away.
“Don’t touch my hair-Is it the Russians again?” Robin asked seriously.
“What? No. Why do you always assume it’s Russian?”
“Because of the time that it was Russians.” 
“Yeah but it was only once.” He said calmly.
“That’s already too many times, Steve.” She said dryly. “Okay, fine, nothing’s wrong but something is up. What is it?”
He sighed. “Okay, but I’m only keeping it a secret because I don’t want you to freak out and get in your head about it.” He explained, and Robin’s eyes went wide.
“Oh no. What did you do?” she asked in horror. 
“Not oh no! This is good!”
“Tell me now or I’m going to punch you in the throat Steve Harrington I took a self defense class after last summer.” She said sternly. Robin didn’t like surprises. Especially after the Russian thing.
Steve leaned in conspiratorially, looking around the store to double check that no customers had snuck in. “Leslie’s gonna ask you out today.”
“What?” Robin squeaked, her eyes going wide and her chest filling up with that extra special anxiety that was cooked up for her specifically by Sappho two thousand years ago and Ronald Reagan now.
“Yeah! It’s gonna be great- I had a whole plan to figure out if she was, y’know, pausing Fast Times and it worked and she’s gonna come in later and ask if she can come over and watch your copy of Desert Hearts.” He explained cheerfully, hoping that his enthusiasm would break through what he really hoped was happy stunned silence.
“What? How did you..? Did you tell her I was- I mean what the fuck, Dude- and what is Desert Hearts?” She stammered, trying to gather her thoughts.
“You haven’t seen it?” He asked in shock. “Oh my god it’s amazing the chemistry between Helen Shaver and Patricia Charbonneau is electric and-”
“Steve!” She said, snapping him out of his review.
“Right, sorry. I didn’t tell her anything, I just put on the movie and said that you liked it and she said she also liked it and I said that she should ask if you want to watch it.” He said calmly. “More or less.” he added, but Robin didn’t look any less freaked out. “What’s wrong? I thought you liked her.” He asked, truly confused.
That happened sometimes. Steve would assume he  said something wrong but that’s just because he doesn’t like seeing her upset. If he had just accidentally said something shitty at least he could just apologize but more often than not it was just something that she didn’t believe she could explain to him. He had asked her to try, he was her friend and he knew that he was the only one that knew she liked girls- He wanted her to be able to talk to somebody- he hated that his best friend ever felt alone.
“It’s not about that you just- you shouldn’t have done that.” She said angrily and walked towards the counter away from him.
“Why not? You’re always helping me get dates- why can’t I help you too?” He asked, hoping she could tell he was confused and not just being difficult.
“Because it’s different!” She snaped.
“You always say that but maybe it isn’t! Maybe I would understand. We’re friends, Robin. Just because we don’t have the same experiences doesn’t mean that I won’t be able to listen and help you. You told me about how much you liked Tammy- I thought you wanted to meet somebody.” He said, and Robin glanced at him, her hard gaze softening to something more awkward and nervous and familiar.
“It’s just…” she started, screwing up her face and trying to figure out how to explain something that frustrated her about herself endlessly. “It’s- fuck- okay,” she took a deep breath and tried to start, quickly scrubbing her face with her hand. 
“I knew Tammy didn’t like me back. It wasn’t real it was just a stupid crush and it hurt like hell but it was still safe.” She tried, words spilling out of her.
“Robin, Leslie’s a nice girl. She’s not going to hurt you.” He said, pained at the fact that he got to ask out and get rejected by 20 girls a week and Robin could just watch from afar.
“That’s not what I mean. I mean, it kind of is, you never really know it’s just- fuck.” she groaned in frustration, pacing for a moment before finally finding her words.
 “I don’t know what I’m doing, okay?” She said in a furious rush. “I’ve never done this before. It’s not like when you were ten and you got to walk up to a little girl on the playground and ask to hold her hand. I never got to learn how to flirt or ask my friends if the girl I like mentioned me or figure out when you’re allowed to put your arm around a date at the movies. 
“Robin…” Steve said softly, but she wasn’t done and he wasn’t going to stop her. She took another unsteady breath
“I didn’t get a first date, or a first kiss or a dance with my crush at the Snow Ball or-or ever get to ask my mom for dating advice or gotten to hear my dad sternly talk to my date before giving a nod of approval.” Robin sniffed hard, her eyes watering up as she valiantly fought away the tears.
“I didn’t get any of that. And I’m never going to.” She said, her voice now rough with emotion and a little quieter. She wiped away a stray bit of wetness from her eye and twisted her mouth up. “Nobody’s going to be pulling up in a limo to take me to prom.”
“I’m always going to be different, and it’s hard and it hurts that all of that is just gone now and I missed all of it and I can’t ever get it back. I’m never gonna be a kid at the Snow Ball looking at Kelsey Landin sitting by the punch and not understanding what was so wrong about wanting to ask her to dance. I couldn’t even doodle our names in a heart in my notebooks.” She took a gasping breath and wiped away a tear that finally fell. 
“It shouldn’t be like that.” She was almost talking to herself now, taking an angry breath and shaking her head. “I was just a kid. It wasn’t fair that for my entire life every person that has ever claimed to love me might have hated a piece of me so much that if I was sitting on the swing sets at recess holding hands with Jenny Becker instead of you then I would be utterly ostracized by everybody. Not just bullies. Friends, family, students, teachers, strangers. Grown-ass adults that would hate a child for the crime feeling the same way as every other kid but about the wrong kind of person.” Her voice was sad and proud and angry and valiantly holding down the waterworks that were going to come bursting through any second now. 
“I mean, Jesus, Steve, you’re the only person I ever told and I did it totally on a whim fueled by adrenaline and truth serum- you have no idea what it’s like not knowing if anybody else I care about might turn on me and ruin my life if they actually knew me. I still don’t even know if my parents would still fucking love me if they knew I wanted to watch a stupid movie with a pretty girl and put my head on her shoulder.” Robin was humiliated that she was fully crying now, sitting down behind the desk on the floor and unable to stop. She had kept all of this in for so long and now it was pouring out of her involuntarily. Steve walked away for a moment and she felt an irrational panic that he was going to leave and not wantt to be her friend anymore because she couldn't keep the ugly parts of it to herself and left any discussion of her sexuality at vague looks of hot or not when a girl came into the store. She watched him go to the door and her heart froze until he just reached out flipped the sign to closed before coming back and sitting next to her on the floor. 
Relief flooded her followed quickly by more misery that after all they’d been through her instincts still told her that she shouldn’t expect him to be okay with her saying any of this out loud and the tears came back in full force.
 Steve put his arm around her and pulled her close so she could cry into his shoulder and patted her back as comfortingly as he could as his heart just fucking shattered. He remembered when they were in the Starcourt bathroom and she said that if he really knew her then he wouldn’t even want to be her friend. The two of them had just been kidnapped and tortured by evil invading Russians armed with bone saws and floor eating acid and Robin was afraid to tell him that she had a crush on Tammy Thompson. Even worse is that she had watched him be King Dickhead Steve for years and he had almost certainly given her a reason to think he wouldn’t be okay with it at some point.
You know what, Byers? I’m actually kind of impressed because I always took you for a queer but turns out you’re just a screwup like your father. Was what he had said to Jonathan after telling Nancy to go to hell. He felt bad as soon as he said it, but that didn’t stop him. Back then he didn’t know how to be hurt he just knew how to be angry. He had been heartbroken, in love, and an absolute piece of shit about it. About thirty seconds after saying it Jonathan was beating the ever loving shit out of him and each punch really hit home the fact that he absolutely deserved it. 
He had actually thanked Jonathan later for very literally knocking some sense into him, and to his surprise, he forgave him. And it felt good. He hated who he used to be. He really did, so he had made a few phone calls and a few drop ins to make some heartfelt apologies to some surprised people that were genuinely shocked that he would ever have come around. The worst part is that he would never really know everybody that he hurt, never know who was out there overhearing him say something hateful and taking it to heart.
Robin was his favorite person. He wasn’t sure when it had happened but despite all his complaining she was somehow the only person he knew that really got him. She exploited that knowledge constantly and used it against him, sure, but she got him. He wished he could make her feel as understood as she did. But there would always be things like this that he never would’ve considered that she had gone through her whole life. 
Eventually her breathing calmed down and she sat up, her breathing a bit unsteady and her face red and puffy. She gave him a watery smile when she saw their matching tear tracks and she patted him gratefully on the shoulder.
“I’m sorry about that- that was-”
“You don’t need to apologize, Robin. I’m serious.” He said, looking at her so she knew he meant it. “If I’m the only one you have to talk to about this then I want to hear it all, even when it’s sad and it sucks. Especially when it’s sad and it sucks.” He said, and took a deep breath. “You’re not alone anymore. Anybody tries to mess with you or make you feel like shit just come and get me and I know that I’m not enough to make up for the entire world’s garbage but if there’s anything I can do to make all of that even a fraction less shitty for you then I’ll do it.”
He looked at his hands for a moment, feeling a confession of his own coming on.
“You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, you know.” Steve said honestly, and Robin quirked an eyebrow. “Like, even though I was super popular and knew everybody I still only really hung out with Tommy and Carol and they were just the worst.” he sighed, not knowing how to say this without making it seem like he was trying to get out of responsibility for being a shithead. 
“I have never met two people so good at making somebody feel like a fucking loser like Tommy and Carol and there is nobody better at making you terrified of being that loser like they could. I’m not saying that they forced me to shove nerds against lockers or anything but any time I tried to do the right thing they’d just shut me down and taunt me until it felt like if I didn’t do whatever bullshit they wanted me to then everybody would think I wasn’t a real man or some shit and they’d drop me and then I wouldn’t be fucking King Steve anymore.” He shook his head, his hair wobbling as he swore and looked at Robin, unsure if he was getting across what he was trying to and he saw that she was listening, even if her thing had been bigger and more painful she still cared.
“And that’s exactly what happened. For the first time in my life I stood up to them instead of for them and Tommy punched me in the face and drove away. Never even tried to talk to me again. Then at school they started all kinds of rumors and talked shit about me all the time and then I wasn’t King Steve anymore and…” he trailed off and had a little smile “and then I was happy.” He said, in a little disbelief.
“I was thinking about that the other day, pointing at you and Tammy in Ms Clicks class and asking young Robin one day, one of those two people will be the only person you trust enough to tell that you’re not into dudes.” She said, a little mystically, and Steve burst out laughing, and Robin quickly followed. Their laughter calmed down and they knew that the storm had passed and they came out better on the other side of it. They grabbed each others hands to hoist each other back to a standing position and looked at  each other grinning.
“I didn’t fucking hate myself anymore, I got to follow my own instincts and do the right thing. Sure, Nancy dumped my ass and broke my heart and it actually felt so good to just…be sad. Without Tommy and Carol taunting and yelling at me until I felt so angry and pathetic that we’d spray paint her name on the movie theater again and I would’ve felt like absolute shit about it for the rest of my life. I was totally heartbroken but for the first time in my life I actually got to feel it and it. Then Dustin Henderson of all people comes sprinting at me one day and says that everybody else is busy and he needs my help.” He grinned. “It’s just stupid, right? All that time I only cared about being popular and if I could tell my younger self that someday I’d be working in at the video store for minimum and I’d spend all my time hanging out with a 15 year old egomaniac and a band geek that I was briefly a little bit in love with until she rejected me and the entire male population on the floor of a mall bathroom I’d do it and let him know up front that they’re honestly the reason that I’ve never been happier. Really rub his nose in it too.” He said, and Robin laughed aloud in that special way he recognized because it always preceded I was just about to say that.
“Is my face red?” She asked, touching it and being a bit satisfied at how healthy her skin felt after crying.
“Yeah but just give it a couple minutes.” He said, and she nodded. “Hey, when Leslie does get here you can go hide in the back or something if you really don’t want to talk to her, I know I overstepped, but if you need any advice on stuff you didn’t get a chance to learn let me know, no judgment- guaranteed.”
Robin furrowed her brow. “Wait- how exactly did your conversation with Leslie go yesterday? Did you just point at the screen and ask if she liked the movie?” She asked incredulously, and Steve slowly began to nod.
“Uhhh…yeah. That’s exactly what I did.” He said, and she started to laugh again. Steve grinned when he heard a laugh that seemed a little lighter now.
About an hour later the bell rang and Leslie came in. Steve nodded at her and went into the shelves to give quiet support and maybe some advice via arm gestures from behind Leslie, and Robin took a deep breath.
Both girls were extremely nervous, both giggling when their eyes met in a way that reminded Steve a bit of middle school. He smiled to himself and resented the tears pricking at the corners of his eyes when he thought about her getting a chance at simple, blushy, giggly, inexperienced romance for the first time. She deserved it, more than anybody.
“So, um, this is kind of a weird question but I stopped by yesterday to see if you have a copy of um…Desert Hearts?” Leslie said tentatively like she was giving a secret password at a speakeasy and hoping it was the right one.
Robin had a determined look on her face that didn’t necessarily give off a romantic vibe but he could feel her relentless bravery from where he stood.
“I’ve heard of it.” Robin tried to say mysteriously, waiting for the next part.
“And your friend with the hair- He said that, um, that you didn’t have it at the store but he said that you had a copy and that maybe…..you…might…want to watch it with me?” She said, finishing with a smile that was also a grimace. Steve was delighted at how awkward the girl who had seemed so cool all week had gotten.
“I…would like that very much.” Robin said, holding in all her excitement to seem casual when inside she was exploding.
“Cool.” Leslie said, and she and Robin stared at each other in gleeful silence until they made a plan to meet after her shift and Leslie left, waving awkwardly while walking out the door. The bell rang as the door shut and Robin turned around so she could catch her weight against the counter, but Steve’s eyes followed Leslie out the door first and saw her get into a car parked out front with a driver that was currently giving her a high five and obviously congratulating her. Steve waved subtly to the silhouette of the other wingman and he waved back before they drove  away.
Steve then walked up to Robin to see her smiling dreamily and starry eyed.
“Cool.” She said softly, and smiled again. She wasn’t much help around the store for the rest of the day, but every glance he got of the wistful Robin putting tapes back in the wrong places and saying cool in a whisper every few moments and giggling made it worth it. 
    Steve waited anxiously outside Robin’s house before work and was annoying himself more and more every time his brain made the comparison of a parent waiting for their kid after their first day of school to ask how it went when they’ve spent the whole day worrying. It wasn’t like that, but he was still anxious for her to come outside.
    Robin opened the door and waved goodbye to her family and started towards the car. He could see the size of her grin from the moment she was in sight. 
    When she got into the car she was silent for a moment, and he refused to drive, only stared at her expectantly
    “So? How’d it go?”
    Robin was trying to play it cool despite the fact that she was bouncing in her chair. 
    “You know that whole list of things I thought I had missed out on and it was too late for? Let’s just say I…checked a couple things off.” She said coyly, and Steve grinned at her proudly and gave her a victorious shoulder pat. That’s when she exploded into squeals and all that sandy hair shaking around her as she bounced up and down.
    “Oh my god, Steve, it was amazing. She was so cool and pretty and funny and we had so much in common and we, um” She stopped and her cheeks turned red, and Steve’s eyebrows shot up.
    “I knew it. I knew that you had it in you to be a total chick magnet.” He said proudly, and she grinned at him, shrugging in concession.
    “Turns out I’m a natural Cassanova.” She said with only a hint of irony, and turned her head to look at him. “Thank you, Steve. I mean it.” she said with a tone so genuine that it almost sounded strange in her voice.
    Steve nodded and smiled back. “No worries. I’m your wingman, it’s what friends do. And I like seeing you happy.” 
            The End.
    “Well then…you did what you came to do, because I’m really really happy right now. You’re a good friend.” She said with a sweet finality. Things would stop being mushy and go back to normal but they’d never be the same.
As they began their drive to work they glanced at each other and smiled one more time. Robin had never been so grateful to have a friend like Steve, and Steve had never been so proud to have a friend like her. 
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~Metal Family headcanons~
These are like my... general hcs)? which means I didn't include my main hc that Glam, Ches and Vicky are polyamorous, married and started dating after Glam met Vicky, and absolutely everything that implies for the kids and the relationships between each member of the fam. Maybe I'll make a separate post for that or maybe not! Who knows lkfwnlfqnf
Glam has constant nightmares and ocasional night terrors ever since he ran away home and is an active sleep walker. Ches helped him through the worse ones when they were younger, and learned how to deal with them, always preferring not to wake him up but being with him until the episode passed. Vicky has learned how to deal with them, though she normally asks Ches for advice with it cuz she comes out short sometimes.
He has PTSD. I bet it's diagnosed too, he takes medication and goes to therapy, it doesn't mean he still doesn't have his bad days anyway. He's trying to get better.
Glam has talked to Vicky about his past, his father and his family. This is a direct contradiction of Alina's confirmation that Glam doesn't talk about it with anyone but man FUCK THAT. We love good communication in this house, Vicky tries her best to help him, but there's only so much she can do to help.
Glam enjoys gardening, cooking and making models, he also likes doing his make up, painting his nails and dressing up in fancy, extravagant clothes even if he has nowhere important to go.
He likes taking care of everyone's hair, and constantly helps Vicky brush her hair cuz there's so much of it, Dee when he gets stressed over how tangled it can get, buys Ches hair products so he actually takes care of it, and chases Heavy so the kid actually washes, untangles and brushes his hair.
This one is kind of weird, but I refuse to think any adult in the family is unarmed at any time. Glam owns a taser and pepper spray. They're bright pink and sparkly.
This man cried his eyes out while watching Coco. He's hell to watch movies with cuz he talks and predicts what's gonna happen during the movie, judges them with scores at the end and all.
Also bisexual!
Vicky's the one who does everyone's laundry most of the time. She prefers it that way since she's the only one that knows how to wash their black clothes so the colors stay vibrant. (This is based on my gf shaming everyone but Vicky cuz their black clothes always look so muted and almost gray, but Vicky's whole outfit is always the same vibrant black colors, so we decided that neither Glam or the kids know how to wash dark clothes)
She has anger issues, if it isn't obvious. I think she also has PTSD, mainly survivor's guilt due to her surviving the accident her brother died in. She blames herself and cannot bear to talk about it, in some sort of deep denial. If she can't remember, it can't hurt as much, right?
She has scars on the right side of her back and her hip, from the road rash she got on her brother's accident, she never treated it due to grief and it scarred badly. Apart from that, the scar of the caesarean section from Heavy's birth. She doesn't really mind both of them, they happened, nothing to do about them.
She likes watching boxing competitions, brawling matches and motorcycle repairing on TV. Loves doing BBQ's and going to the pool. Also an enjoyer of teasing her kids, kissing and loving her husband at random times, spending time drinking and bonding with Ches and bragging about her family and punching anyone who thinks they're not that cool.
Not particularly a fan of make up, skirts and dresses or any traditionally femenine-perceived stuff. But has been making exceptions due to Glam and Ches being unashamed of being seen as femenine, and actually rocking the looks. The internalized misogyny is kind of slowly dissapearing.
Apart from the guns she carries in each arm (I mean her biceps, have you looked at the size of those?? She strong) she has brass knuckles on her at all times. Glam gifts her new ones sometimes, she loves having multiple choices to punch people teeth in.
Loves horror, thrillers and action movies. Falls asleep during rom-coms and dramas. Ironically, loves gossip and talking shit about people. Enjoys hearing Ches talks about the gossip going on in the nursery home even if she doesn't know who the hell he's talking about.
Rest of the family under the cut!
Heavy is a trans boy! He doesn't know his sexuality yet though, he's still figuring himself out. When he's older, i think he definitely dated some men but had better luck with girls.
Heavy has had innocent crushes on some girls on his class before, but they never turn into anything more cuz he's not the best at expressing himself. He follows the bother-the-girl-to-death-until-she-hates-you gimmick, and unsurprisingly, it doesn't work.
I'm sorry to break this to u but Heavy totally had an among us phase, and uses so much reddit and twitch slang... You know he does.
Likes bullying and teasing his brother to death. You know that when Dee had his first romance, Heavy was ALL up in his business being a tease and a bad attempt at a wingman. He means well tho.
He's not squeamish at all. Also has great pain resistance. This kid has picked cockroaches with his bare hands and loves cats, of course the cats have scratched him. He's tough!
Grows up to be the charming himbo he was always destined to be.
I hc him as demisexual. Kind of inherited his dad's tastes for the takes no crap, intimidating but pretty kind of people.
Can't cook. He tries but he can only do basics like rice, cereal, chicken nuggets or eggs. Complicated meals always burn or don't taste like anything at all. It drives him crazy.
Dee was a quiet and very well behaved toddler before Heavy was born. He never threw tantrums or got whims. After Heavy was born though, and despite the fact he understood his brother was small and needed special care, he started craving attention often and cried and got mad at little things. Typical jealousy of the oldest sibling.
The first time Dee fell in love with someone, he didn't recognize it was love at first. He just thought his interest on the person was born out of curiosity and aesthetic attraction, but as soon as he realized he seeked validation and companionship, that he liked seeing them smile, that he wanted to protect them, that he yearned for more time alone with them and that he wanted more than what just a simple friendship implied, it was an instant 'oh hell no'. He wanted those feelings to get the hell away, but unfortunately, they were there to stay.
Canonically likes MLP, psychological and horror anime like Death note and Hellsing, so I'm deciding he also watched Death Parade, had a FNAF phase, is very into The Walten Files. This guy enjoys any kind of specially dark ARG's and knows a ton of lore of real crime, unsolved cases, ghost appearances and other stuff. Doesn't believe in the supernatural, but sure is entertained by it.
He's a mess at romance. Flirting? His attempts at compliments are hardly flattering. Giving gifts? The best he can manage is jewelry and you can kind of tell he asked his dad for help. Dates? He's so nervous he's silent for most of it, but begins getting comfortable and having fun if his partner really knows how to get him down from his negativity cloud.
He's very good with kids. He has the patience of a saint and he's laid-back, chill and fun but still is an authority figure who knows how to put limits. Sure, he's gonna let the kids light up a house on fire BUT hey, now they know everything about fire precautions, burns and how to treat them AND how to get away with arson. What an educational evening, am I right?
Due to certain info from the "Goodbye" official comic, I headcanon Ches as depressed. I don't want to elaborate a lot 'cuz of spoilers, but... God, everything related to his mom fucking hurts, man. How did he deal with all that?
Ches has been Dee and Heavy's babysitter so many times he cannot count them with all his fingers. He learned how to put those kids to sleep almost immediately (Sing Bon Jovi's "This ain't a love song" and any cheesy love song in a slow lullaby style and they're out), which movie were their favorite as kids (Heavy loved 'Monsters Inc.' and Dee never looked away during 'Meet the Robinsons'), how to console them after nightmares (Heavy needed reassurance, sweet words, and to be with someone until he fell asleep again. Dee just had to be tucked in, get his nightlight turned on and kissed in the forehead). He practically raised those kids along with Vicky and Glam.
More than once, Dee and Heavy have slipped and called Ches "Dad". Ches immediately gets his shit eating grin on and answers "Yes, son?" and does a couple of dad jokes just to mess and embarrass them. He's actually very flattered and surprised at how proud of himself he is for being a father figure to both kids.
Has a scar on the left side of his forehead due to a bottle his mom threw at him when he was younger, around the time he met Glam. He hates the scar with passion, it's a permanent reminder of the fact she never cared, that's why he always keeps it covered with his headband. Gets sad about it sometimes.
Ches likes to spend his time with a group of grannies of the nearby nursing home. He genuinely considers them his friends and gossips and hangs out with all of them on weekends. Bingo, billiards, walks in the park, soap opera marathons, you name it. I even designed them, gave them names and backstories... God, i just love the concept too much. I'll make some art about Ches and his granny gang FOR SURE, you're NOT ready for them.
Carries a pocket knife on him at all times. This man grew up on a bad neighborhood and absolutely knows how to defend himself, he can be intimidating when he wants to be and will pose a threat if needed. He's fucking terrifying when genuinely mad. Just cause he looks harmless doesn't mean he is, darling.
That would be all!
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
So Turns out Jaws is really good guys
SO I am revisting Spielbergs early diecting work ,at least his theatrically released work ,already reviewed Duel (TV Movie but it got a theatrical release ) and Sugarland Express,and now we are getting to the big one:Jaws
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In this 1975 film ,a shark is going around eating people near Amity Island ,and it is up to Police Chief ,Martin Brody (Roy Scheider ) ,Oceanographer ,Matt Hooper (Richard Dreyfus ) and professional Shark killer Quint (Robert Shaw ) to hunt down and slay the beast
Sooooooo....I saw the firs half hour of this film at about 8 or 9 and it scared me .Now while other movies that scared me I ended up loving,there are a select few ,where my brain interperted it as"I dont like this"(Namely this and Spirited AWay ).NOw I have revisited the film a few times since I was a teen,but while I could tell it was good ,I couldnt love it ......Now on my third full watch I can say....This is a darn good movie that I do like
Its a very important film in American cinema as it takes elements from films before it like 20000 Leagues Under the Sea,Seven Samurai,Creature from the Black Lagoon and the Birds,and combines them into a mixture.....That has ended up being the blue print for nearly 50 years of big blockbuster features
If I were to say what genre the film belonged to it is somewher between an action thriller ....And a monster horror film .In truth the film is very scary ,with some great jump scares (Including one of the scariest in cinema I feel ) ,a brilliant use of suspense(HElped by Johhn Williams amazing score ) and a premise that is inherently horrifying as unlike many other movie monsters,Sharks are real terrifying apex predators (THough in reality ,Shark attcks are less common then you think ) and despite seeing the film before..........I still was spooked watching
One thing I love about the film is how distinct the first half and second half is .The first hour we have a bunch of characters ,the shark basically going into human territory ,and the towns people reaction to the events......Which leads to a very isolated second hour,with only three characters stuck at sea with this beast ,and basically our heroes are in the sharks territory
I like the various characters who makeup the town .Of the supporting cast the two most important are Lorrianne Gary as Ellen Brody and Muarry Hamilton as the Mayor. Lorriane Gary does an excellent job but of the supporting characters the most memorable is Muarry Hammilton as the Mayor.The Mayor isnt a villain (Unlike copy cat characters,he does have humanity ) but his shortsighted pursuit of profit and keeping a sense of normalcy make him a strikingly realistic and honestly sadly relevent antagonist.Hamilton does a great job and I find it amusing this character has become kind of a shorthand for stubborn politicians who ignore something dangerous
I adore all threeof our main characters ,Roy Scheider makes for a good every man hero ,Richard Dreyfus is fun as the brainy guy ,and Robert Shaw makes for a perfect wild card .ACting wise Robert Shaw might be my favorite part of the film ,but that might be cause he is the most entertaining ,with his sea shanty singing ,his great intro and having a monologue that is so damn good I was so damn invested in it .What I really love is how the three play off each other ,both when they are at eachothers throats but also when they are bonding .My favorite scene in the whole film is when theyve had a couple of drinks....And they just start singing this song together ,its just a nice moment I like
But this is a monster movie,I gotta talk aboout the monster Nicknamed Bruce (AFter Spielbergs lawyer ) the shark was mechanical .....and infamous forthe fact it malfunctionesd....A lot.This led to Spielberg using the shark as little as possible,and you mostly see it near the end .I think this was a blessing in disguise cause when you actually see the thing it makes iit even scarier.I also think Bruce looks really good ,like I know the prop was a pain,but it actually looks ver convincing to me .It also is just an effective villain in that it plays ona very primal fear,the beast that is just out to get ya
OVerall its a pretty damn good movie
@ariel-seagull-wings @angelixgutz @amalthea9 @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @goodanswerfoxmonster @princesssarisa @filmcityworld1
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Jangobi 5 for the soulmate thing? Because that would make the fight on kamino just *chef's kiss*
soulmate au prompts
5. the one where you don’t know your soulmate until you touch them.
Apparently there’s never any skin to skin contact in the movie? Because armor? So......... we’re gonna just. Quick little thing.
Also I’ve been doing a lot of “marginally less shitty” Jango, but this is just-as-shitty-as-canon Jango. It’s, uh, not much of a romance, because Kamino. Actually it’s mostly just a lot of angry yelling about human rights violations.
...I’m sure they’ll get together eventually. It’s just, you know... it’s going to take a while.
Jango’s heard about this Jedi.
The man isn’t famous, or particularly acclaimed. It’s just that Mandalorians gossip, and Death Watch isn’t exempt, and Dred Priest still has friends in the terrorist group. So do a few others.
(Jango sometimes wonders if he’d have invited Priest, had he knows the monster was only a step away from being Death Watch himself.)
(Probably not.)
(He’d at least have been able to see the battle circles coming.)
Death Watch hates one specific Jedi above all others: Obi-Wan Kenobi.
It’s almost enough to make a man like the pretty bastard, except the reason Death Watch hates this specific Jedi is because he kept Duchess Kryze alive, and Jango isn’t much of a fan of hers, either.
In the moment, though, the main thing this all means is that Obi-Wan Kenobi knows Mandalorian customs.
First meetings, out of armor, mean ensuring the arm clasp has skin contact.
His eyes flick down to where Jango is reflexively pulling up his sleeves, and the man just... does the same, sodden as the beige-on-brown-on-dark-brown robes are.
Jango can’t just play it off. He has to, ugh, arm clasp with a Jedi.
Kenobi probably guesses how unpleasant this is for him, going by the grim little smile that he wears, the one Taun We can’t read and Jango can, but they touch forearms and le--
They do not let go.
“Oh kriff,” Kenobi swears, and then it’s just... it’s too late. It’s too late to stop anything.
“Jetii,” Jango spits as if it’s a swear.
He doesn’t want to be soulmates with a Jedi. No sane person ever wants to be soulmates with a Jedi, but as a Mandalorian, and as specifically Jango Fett, who signed onto this project for revenge against Jedi, the idea is just... excruciating.
“For revenge? Not entirely unexpected, but I’m still somehow disappointed.”
“Stay out of my head.”
Kenobi smiles at him, completely devoid of anything but the blackest of humor. “Are you staying out of mine?”
And, well, no. They’re soulmates. Kenobi has more of an idea on how to control how far his mind wanders into Jango’s, but in this moment, just seconds after being bound together by the universe... Jango’s slamming into Kenobi’s shields with an embarrassing lack of control.
“Is something the matter?” Taun We asks.
“I do believe we need to speak alone,” Kenobi says. “Unfortunate timing, but this is our first meeting, and it appears we are soulmates.”
“Ah. We were informed of the human tendency towards such.” She blinks, too large eyes impossible to read for Kenobi, but entirely readable for Jango after all these years. She’s irritated. “I apologize, but it appears we were unable to remove such unpredictability from the product.”
A wave of revulsion leaks out of Kenobi’s mind and into Jango’s. The man just nods. “I understand. As it is, I imagine that the near instantaneous communication on the battlefield will be a boon, if any are bonded to each other or to active soldiers.”
“I defer to your judgement as client, Master Kenobi,” Taun We hums, still irritable. It’s less visible in her face, but... Kenobi can feel it. “I shall leave you to get... acquainted.”
Aaaaaaaand she’s expecting them to sleep together the second she turns her back. The disgust she feels at the thought of such carnal activities is thirdhand to Jango, but he can still feel it, because Kenobi can feel it, because they’re soulmates.
“Oh, do tell me how you really feel,” Kenobi mutters, sweeping past him into the apartment.
Jango wishes he could slam the door as he storms after the Jedi.
“Listen here--”
“Absolutely not,” Kenobi says, with the kind of bland, impersonal smile that Jango’s heard Dred Priest bitch about at least a dozen times. “I need you to answer me this: why are you selling your children into what is clearly slavery?”
“They’re not my children.”
“You choose to be dar’buir, then?” Kenobi clucks a tongue, acting like he can’t even feel Jango’s waves of hate that are just growing by the second. “Shame on you, Mand’alor.”
“I am not the Mand’alor.”
“No. You are demagolka,” Kenobi says, the sweet words of Jango’s first language falling from his lips like poisoned honey. “They are your children, Fett. Your clones, just as human as you.”
“They are little more than droids, Jedi. The Kaminoans--”
Kenobi laughs, sharp and bitter, and it’s enough of a surprise that Jango stops talking. The Jedi strides closer, and it takes everything in him to not step back at what little emotion the Jedi allows through.
“Let me show you,” Kenobi hisses, putting a hand on either side of Jango’s head and it’s too much this is not a sense he is meant to have.
Kenobi cannot lie to Jango, not in this mental space. Not in this existence. He can cherry-pick what he shows, he can exaggerate, he can hide, but he cannot present a falsehood.
What Kenobi shows him, as he pulls Jango into his mind and drowns him in the sensation of the Force, is how each and every clone shines, bright and unique and so very human, so very sentient, so very alive.
These are your children, Kenobi says, directly into his mind and with no room to pull away. If they choose to disown you for your crimes against them, then that is their right, but until they do, they are your responsibility. You’re playing in denial and cognitive dissonance, soulmate mine. If I have to drag you into caring for your children the way any Mandalorian would, then so be it.
“Kriff off,” Jango manages to grit out in the real world. Kenobi looks unimpressed, when he lets go. The sensations in Jango’s mind, the jangled distaste and horror and anger, those are worse.
“Are you going to be dar’manda?” Kenobi demands. “You, who were once king of your people, have you really sunk so low to be the worst of your kind? To be so horrible that even Kyr’tsad would be shamed? Or worse, approve?”
“You have no place--”
“You are violating one of the core tenets of your culture!” Kenobi shouts. “You are being the worst of what you could be, Jango Fett! The most important, the absolute most important element of your culture, the care and nurture of children, and look at what you’ve done--”
“The clones--”
“Your sons!” Kenobi growls at him. “Your children, Fett. I’ve a student that is, by every Mandalorian standard, my son. I know what it is to take in a child that is not yours by blood, to raise a foundling, and you are cutting off millions that are your blood. You aren’t turning away an orphan to another family because you cannot care for them as they deserve, you are breeding your children for war like bantha to slaughter.”
Jango throws the first punch.
Kenobi throws the second.
By the time the fight ends, the room is in ruins, for all that they do not draw blasters or sabers. Kenobi has Jango on his back, straddling his chest with knees on his wrists, a vibroblade to his neck. Kenobi’s lip is bleeding, and Jango thinks he might have caused a hairline fracture in the cheekbone. Both of them have at least one broken rib, and Jango’s currently blind in one eye from the blood pouring out of a cut on his forehead.
Kenobi’s a good fighter. If it weren’t for everything else, Jango might have even been able to appreciate that.
“You,” Kenobi growls, fisting one hand into Jango’s curls and yanking for emphasis, earning himself a snarl in return. “Are going to fix this mess you’ve helped create. If I have to drag the entire Jedi council, the entire senate, if I have to drag in all of Mandalore to make you fix this, I will.”
There’s determination in those words, angry and a little spiteful, but mostly just... disappointed.
“Of course I’m disappointed,” Kenobi spits out, like the words are hot coals. He’s expressive. Jango wants to like it, but mostly he just resents the trait. “I hoped to never find a soulmate; it just complicates things. Opsec becomes a nightmare and holding to the code is difficult. And now I have a soulmate, and he’s an absolute monster that views his own children as little more than droids.”
“War is going to come for them no matter what,” Jango manages to say, and Kenobi’s look is back to unimpressed. “Don’t pretend you haven’t heard of the separatists. There’s an army of actual droids, metal and code, just waiting for the right moment to pick a fight. It’s too late to stop it.”
“...you’re not only raising an army of your own children, but engineering the war that’s going to kill them?” Kenobi almost screeches, and the wave of nauseous loathing that slams into Jango is almost enough to make him actually vomit. Kenobi didn’t pull punches, not in the actual fight and not in whatever mental battle they’re apparently having via emotions and words.
“I’m not engineering it,” Jango says. “I’m just one part in a bigger machine. I got my payment. The rest is on Tyranus.”
He doesn’t even stop the images from flickering through his mind, throwing the man who hired him under the speeder.
“Master Dooku?” Kenobi whispers, horror growing. “No, no, I killed the--the Sith can’t--I killed the one on Naboo, and the Council mentioned the Rule of Two, but... oh hells.”
“You know him?” Jango taunts.
“He’s my grandmaster,” Kenobi says, and Jango can’t imagine the rest is meant to reach him, but the undercurrent is there.
Count Dooku is, by Mandalorian law, Kenobi’s grandfather.
Jango... suddenly feels a little regret about the taunting.
“I’d rather you feel regret about your children,” Kenobi snaps at him. “Every single one of them is a person, one that you chose to bring into this world, and they are your children.”
The argument is going in circles, but there are still places to take this.
“Your army is all adults, Kenobi,” Jango decides.
“They are ten years old,” Kenobi retorts. “Accelerated aging, sure, but they are children.”
“They’re soldiers.”
Disgust again, the same thing Kenobi has felt every time Jango has reasserted the purpose these children were born to, the same thing Jango has told his son, his sergeants, himself, for over a decade.
“A son?” Kenobi whispers. “Is your denial that strong, Fett? That you would claim one and not the rest?”
“Payment,” Jango says, and lets Kenobi feel the rest, since he seems so karking keen on it.
“Keeping one child in exchange for letting yourself be the creator of a slave army,” Kenobi says, and he doesn’t seem impressed. “Weren’t you a slave? Two years on a spice ship, wasn’t it?”
“Don’t you dare--”
“And you would put your sons in chains,” Kenobi hisses, hands going for Jango’s head again. It’s a sense memory, this time, of dark tunnels and exploding collars and a dar’jetii that... was his older brother. According to the Jedi way of thinking.
It’s a twisting fear and pain and I will die so that others may live while looking at an older man, a Master, who can maybe save the other slaves at the expense of one too-angry Initiate’s li--
“Get out of my head!” Jango roars, and he still can’t move his arms, and his legs are held down by the Force, but he twists his head to bite and Kenobi snatches his hands away.
Kenobi glares down at him, almost sneering with the amount of disdain he has for Jango’s general existence. “I’m your soulmate, and had we met fifteen years ago, I might have even thought that an alright thing... but whatever you are now isn’t something I can abide by. You won’t listen to morality, so let me say this instead: a Jedi does not kill an unarmed opponent, but I have full authority to arrest you, even here. I will take you back to the Republic, to be tried for your collusion with a Sith, and you will go to prison. You can try to run, but I am in your head, and you’re in mine. Once you’re in prison, what happens to your son?”
The implication is there, but even if it wasn’t, Jango hears the thought:
They’re soulmates. The Republic would place Boba with Kenobi.
He refuses to have his child raised by a holier-than-thou Jedi.
“Holiness doesn’t have any meaning in Jedi philosophy,” Kenobi says, relaxing just the slightest bit. “Other religions, yes, but no place in ours.”
“You’re a self-righteous bastard,” Jango says flatly. “Despite threatening a child.”
“You mean threatening to take custody of a child being raised in an unhealthy environment, one where he’s being taught to devalue his brothers, engendering a mental dissonance where he has to convince himself he’s special for a reason and that you won’t just drop him if he fails to be perfect?” Kenobi asks. “I prefer to keep children with guardians who love them, but the argument that he’s better off away from you isn’t a difficult one.”
“Oh, like a child-stealer--”
“My mother tried to drown me when I was a toddler,” Kenobi says, even flatter than Jango had been a minute earlier. “Because I was Force-Sensitive, and it was considered curse on my home planet. A Jedi saved me. Tell me that was a kidnapping and not being saved.”
Jango grinds his teeth. “You’re damned smug whenever you have some sob story that outranks mine.”
“This isn’t about who has the bigger sob story,” Kenobi says, and Jango can feel how he’s just as ready to start clenching his jaw to deal with Jango’s bullshit. “It’s about you doing your damned job as a Mandalorian and a father, and taking responsibility for your children. All three million of them.”
It really, really is a pity they didn’t meet before Jango took this job. They could have been great together.
As it is, Jango goes for the groin shot the second Kenobi lets him back on his feet.
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