#wdym my love of blood isn’t normal
thewitchiestdoctor · 1 year
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Drawing teeth instead of paying attention during the CPR certification course
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leclerced · 8 months
No i absolutely love that and it also gave me an idea
So we have lando w his normal but enthusiastic gf, Oscar w his assassin gf and max w normal and clueless gf
I’ll raise you:
Normal Charles w mercenary gf. And hes all oblivious, thinking she just has really good self defense skills or her father is a hunter and thats why she has guns at home.
And she never explicitly stated what her job was but she always openly talked about hunting/finding her targets, all that. Imagine Charles‘ shock when she comes home all bloody for the first time and hes like „wdym you killed someone?? I thought you were headhunting people for JOBS“
you said mercenary so i’m thinking she can be hired for anything, not just assassinations. lets say she specializes in stealing things but isn’t opposed to killing to get what she’s being paid to retrieve. she thinks he saw her kill someone when they met, she was running out of an alley after taking someone out and bumped into him. she’s sure he noticed the body behind her but he was too busy thinking about how pretty she was, plus it was really dark and he was drunk. he offers to walk her home, saying pretty girls shouldn’t be walking alone. the entire time she’s just like, wow this guy is crazy like i was standing in a puddle of blood and all he says is “oh wow you’re pretty, let me walk you home, you might be in danger.” like she isn’t the danger.
he gets her number and they start seeing each other and weeks, months go by with her going on business trips to secure her target. she tells him when she has a new target and where she’s going, but never specifics and he never asks for clarification but he sees the guns and overhears phone calls where she’s talking about tracking, and securing items etc. he basically thinks she’s an antique dealer who likes going hunting sometimes.
then she has a local job and comes home covered in blood and he’s worried someone hurt her, and she’s just like, “no charlie it’s not mine, don’t worry, i just had to torture someone to find out where something is. just run me a bath, yeah?”
charles just stands and stares at her in shock for a minute before asking what she means, and she’s like, “you know, a bath, in the tub? turn on the water-“ he cuts her off and says, “no i know how to run a bath, what do you mean you tortured someone? i thought- i thought you were attending a gala to ask around for a painting.” she just nods as she unzips her dress and steps out of her heels, “i was, and i found it. just had to get my hands dirty. why are you acting so weird, baby?”
he’s so confused and starts thinking about all the things she’s told him about her job, leaves to run her bath while he thinks about it. when she joins him in the bathroom, he starts asking her questions about what she does and she’s like, “i thought you already knew this, remember how we met?”
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ang3lwithapen · 4 months
I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THE DEMO!!!! And I love playing an absolutely oblivious and ditzy mc!!! Like mc seeing Alice bite someone and drink their blood (cause why not?) and mc is like wdym that’s not normal my cousin used to do that and he’s very normal
AH THANK YOU! I’m glad you liked it. And please, that’s so 🤣🤣 A isn’t a vampire but who knows what they get up to in their free time/j
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