#wc ceremony
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dragonocat · 4 months ago
my vision of the medieval warriors, Firestar’s leader ceremony
it was hella hard to draw
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seroquelstar · 5 days ago
can i get a Rootspring
probably my most drawn wc character. never got a good design for him tho :(
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cypressrootclan · 7 months ago
Moon 8
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new name, new warrior...
Btw I haven´t got any in-character asks in a while. So you can send one you know if you want to.
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warriors-naming-ceremony · 8 months ago
I'd ask you to name my kitties but my autism means I did it first haha. these are raccoonfang (raccoon, she bites) and crowcall (Misha, she screams)
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CUTIESSSS!!!! If I had cats I’d totally be giving them wc names so that’s so real. THANK YOU FOR SHOWING ME YOUR KITTIES THEY’RE PRECIOUS!!!! Such fierce Warriors…
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shummthechumm · 12 days ago
the urge to consume and create wc content hit me like a truck over spring break...I felt the spirit of Firestar possess me
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strawberryfrostedkitties · 5 months ago
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oflgtfol · 2 years ago
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Stonedapple still remembers when Mistypaw was just a kit, batting around in the medicine den and asking endless questions about everything. He chuckles with fondness and avoids the question as Mistyghost asks why her new name was chosen. Unbeknownst to her, the spirit of her mother hooks its chin over her shoulder and purrs.
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ghostclangen · 6 months ago
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When Hornetstar was given her nine lives, it was nightmarish. That’s what she’d told him (despite Marshlily’s protests about confidentiality) when she first spoke to him about Waterfur. But when Fireflash wakes up after reluctantly touching the Moongem, he awakes into a brilliant shining day.
“This must be StarClan,” he murmurs, looking around. Second only to the Cavern and its ethereal glow, it’s the most beautiful place he’s ever seen. A slight breeze ruffles the long grass around him, and a forest, leaves dappled with light, lies in the near distance. Clear blue ponds dot the landscape, reflecting the cloudless sky. For the first time that day, he feels a sense of relief; not enough to wash all the stress away, but he’d been expecting far worse.
“It is indeed.”
Fireflash turns around and is unable to keep back a gasp. Behind him stands what must be hundreds of cats, their coats shimmering as if made of stars. Their eyes are ablaze, but Fireflash senses no hostility, simply expectant curiosity—though admittedly, he’s still intimidated; with no idea what to expect from a real leader ceremony, he simply stands there, overwhelmed.
As his eyes flick from face to face, some of them familiar but most not, his eyes finally fall on a group of nine cats at the front, and his heart skips a beat at the sight of some of his most beloved cats. Before he can say hello to them, though, the crowd speaks in unison once more: “Welcome, Fireflash.”
Fireflash chuckles nervously. “Um. Hi?”
A little laugh comes from the front of the crowd, and from the group at the front, a dark tabby tom steps forward.
“Charredtail!” Fireflash breathes, more in amazement than in greeting. It’s not that he didn’t know what StarClan was, but still, to see all of his departed loved ones again … It’s not something anyone can prepare for.
After giving him a fond smile, Charredtail touches his nose to Fireflash’s forehead. “With this life, I give you sympathy and understanding. Use it well to support your Clanmates through their suffering.” Then, after a pause, he adds sheepishly, “Sorry about this next part.”
“What next pa-”
As soon as he says it, Fireflash is swept away in a sensation unlike anything he’d felt before. Every inch of him feels like it’s on fire, every nerve set ablaze as the fur rises along his spine. His mind, too, spins out of control; all at once, the only thing his eyes and nose pick up is the tang of blood, and mortal fear washes over him—but it’s slowly replaced with a feeling of acceptance. 
Fireflash takes a deep breath in, struggling to maintain composure. He’d been prepared for intensity, he supposes, but the pain of gaining a new life was still almost unbearable. He balks at the concept of eight more lives rushing through him.
The next cat to approach is Havenpool, and a wound that he thought had healed opens in Fireflash's heart at the sight of him. As much as he loved- and still loves- Rapidspeckle, he'd always regretted never properly confessing his feelings to him and Crageagle. Call it a flight of fancy, but he'd bonded with Crageagle over their outsider origins, and he'd quickly fallen in love with both him and his mate. But now they were both gone, and Rapidspeckle, too.
Before he can start to fully spiral, Havenpool's nose is on his forehead and says, "With this life, I give you truth. Use it well to stay loyal to your heart."
Fireflash takes in another sharp breath as the life courses through him. With grit teeth, he shuts his eyes tight, struggling to bear the vertigo from the spinning of his mind, shot through with lightning-like pain.
As Havenpool turns away, not one but three cats step forward, and Fireflash’s heart aches at the sight of his family: Flamenco, Cobaltshine, and Miteskitter. His eyes fill with tears of happiness and melancholy, but he blinks them away before anyone can see—hopefully.
Flamenco is the first cat to touch his nose to Fireflash’s forehead. “With this life, I give you love. Use it well to nurture what needs healing.”
This life, thank StarClan, goes down smoother. There’s still a background noise of pain, but most of what he feels is affection—platonic, familial, and romantic, all swirling together. The faces of his loved ones, living and dead, flit through his brain, and despite the ache in his bones, he can’t help but smile. “Thanks, Dad,” he says softly, but Flamenco is already walking away to sit with Cobaltshine. 
Miteskitter steps forward next. “With this life, I give you judgment,” he says. “Use it well to tell what’s righteous from what’s not.”
Pulsing pain races through Fireflash’s body once more, and he grits his teeth, tempted—though unable—to run. While the dizzying feeling should be disorienting, he finds that his brain becomes sharper instead of confused. He takes a deep breath in, then another one out, feeling more stable than before, more ready to accept the next six lives. It’s the right thing to do, he knows; GhostClan needs a strong leader.
That leaves only Cobaltshine. Fireflash is hit with a pang of guilt; even if she had been under the influence of the curse, he was still close friends with Hornetstar, and he doubts she’d be nearly as forgiving of the cat who killed her than Charredtail had been. 
If Cobaltshine harbors any resentment toward him, however, it doesn’t show. Like the first three cats, she touches Fireflash’s forehead and says, “With this life, I give you determination. Use it to fight for your Clan until the very last moment.”
A surge of energy washes over him, and he gasps. This is the most powerful he’s ever felt in his life—was this how the tigers of legend felt? His muscles grow tense, aching as the life runs through him. It’s a good ache, though, the ache that comes after a good run or a victorious battle. He knows in his bones that nothing could stop him now.
When he opens his eyes, though, Fireflash is faced with a sight that makes his shoulders slump. His mate and child … How could he face them? He was the one who sent them on the border patrol they never came back from. If he’d just had them go train, they would still be alive. “I’m sorry,” he croaks, hanging his head. “I’m so sorry.”
As he looks back up at her, Rapidspeckle gives her mate a forgiving yet sad smile, then bumps her shoulder against Pearstripe’s to urge him onward. 
For as confident as he was in life, Pearstripe seems more daunted now. He doesn’t look afraid, exactly, but … Fireflash frowns as he recognizes the feeling of having to break bad news in his expression. “With this life, I give you stubbornness,” he says, not looking him in the eye. “Use it well to keep going even when your first plan fails.”
A violent spasm wracks Fireflash’s body, a painful jerk that leaves him gasping. Before he can collect himself, he’s hit with another, then another, then another. Though he’s half-convinced they’ll never stop, he pushes through, digging his claws into the ground and gritting his teeth hard until the pain relents.
Fireflash’s heart sinks at the meaningful look Pearstripe gives him before he leaves. His first plan? Surely he doesn’t mean …
As he stares down at the ground, renewed stress flooding down his spine, Fireflash feels the soft touch of Rapidspeckle’s muzzle against his forehead. Despite his anxiety, he begins to purr as she says, “With this life, I give you bravery. Use it well to face the fears that hold you back.”
A million feelings swirl in Fireflash’s mind: the rush of flinging himself into battle, the excitement of climbing his first tree, the exhilaration of swimming in a tumbling river. While the life of bravery hurts like any other, a thrill runs through him, a new itch in his paws to search for the next challenge.
But it was facing your fears that got you killed, he almost says after the rush seeps away, but bites his tongue. Instead, he rubs his cheek against Rapidspeckle’s, wishing desperately that he could stay. Still, as afraid as he is about becoming a leader without almost any of his family alive to support him, Fireflash manages to build the courage to let her go.
The next cat that greets him isn’t a loved one, but Fireflash is grateful to see her nonetheless. “With this life,” Nettledawn says as she touches his forehead, “I give you hope. Use it well to brave the long journey ahead.” 
Expecting it to be a gentle and painless life to receive, Fireflash jolts as he’s hit with the most painful one yet. His heart beats so quickly and so strongly that it hurts, and terror fills him at the concept that it might give out. The rest of his body feels like it’s gone up in flames, filling him with burning pain that seemingly emanates from his chest. Through the pain, though, there’s a sense of overwhelming power, and as the agony seeps away, something new blooms in his heart: an unmistakable feeling of hope. 
As Nettledawn walks back to the crowd of starry cats, she brushes against Hornetstar. A wave of grief washes over Fireflash at the sight of his closest friend. What’s he going to do without her to guide him? Nothing would ever be the same. How could it be, with her not by his side?
Hornetstar walks much more confidently than usual when she approaches him, giving him a warm look of pride. Despite the newfound swagger, though, she’s still a little sheepish when she says, “With this life I give you leadership. Use it well to make decisions with confidence.”
Hornetstar’s life whips up a whirlwind of emotion. Inexplicable fear and grief strike Fireflash like burning lightning, nearly driving him to tears. Through the disorienting sensation, he smells the distinct scent of sickness and blood. Is this Hornetstar’s kithood? He’d heard about RoseClan’s plague, but to live it now, in this moment, is something else entirely. Then, stress clutches him, and in the back of his mind, he hears the sound of violence—loud, eerie shrieks of pain. Long before he was born, as Hornetstar told him once, there was a war between GhostClan and MoonClan that ended in the death of their first deputy. This, he realizes, is the echo of that war. How much more of this can he take? How much more of Hornetstar’s long life can he take?
 Just when it feels like his heart will explode from anxiety, it—along with the pain—suddenly washes away, and he opens his eyes with a gasp. Trembling and haggard, he attempts to steady his breathing. Despite his body’s exhaustion, though, his heart is filled with strength of a thousand cats. 
He looks up at Hornetstar as she begins to speak again. “I hail you by your new name, Firestar,” she declares. “Your old life is no more. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants you the guardianship of GhostClan. Defend it well; care for the young and old; honor your ancestors and the warrior code, live each life with pride and dignity.”
“Firestar! Firestar! Firestar! Firestar!”
As the countless cats of StarClan cry out his new name, Firestar stands up straighter and looks around, a bit embarrassed at the sheer extravagance of it all. He’s just some cat, really … 
“I’m so proud of you,” Hornetstar says as sits down beside him, curling her tail over her paws. “You’re going to be great. I know it.”
Firestar gives her a smile, warm but tinged with melancholy. “I’ll miss you,” he says softly, and leans his head against hers. He tries to hide the desperation and grief in his voice, but it still cracks.
“I’ll be here,” Hornetstar says, and smiles. “Now, go on. Your Clan needs you.”
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eeveekitti · 10 months ago
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since i never ended up finishing rw x wc art month [and didn't get to the day i MEANT to post these] hi here's gourmand's slugpups as wc apprentices!!
these were actually done like a month ago but again never got posted lol
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^ their kit drawing for reference
snailpaw is raincloud [surv]'s apprentice, and bugpaw is amberspark [arti]'s :3
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hamstyandfriends · 1 year ago
When you start drawing SquirrelStar's ceremony at the Moonstone...
Just to realize that there's NO MOONSTONE ANYMORE
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Was it even JayFeather who guided her there lmao
The curse of only reading the first series
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troutfur · 1 year ago
prompt if you still need: fernkit/paw wondering if she'll ever become a warrior and wondering why she's still in the nursery/just starting her apprenticeship while cloudpaw gets apprenticed first and becomes a warrior before the other cats that are older than him -- brightpaw and swiftpaw.
[according to canon, she's born in the summer at the end-ish of into the wild. she's not even an apprentice until the following summer of rising storm. her and ashkit/paw are full adults in the nursery.]
I just HAD to do this one since it's so goddamn funny. The Erins did my favorite timeline fuckup TWICE. GOD. Knowing them it's probably many more, actually. Diversity win! Due to authorial incompetence this character is now adult in primary education representation!
For the unaware, it's an important plot point that The Sight takes place towards the end of winter/beginning of spring, since the whole of the plot can be tracked almost day by day pretty accurately and only takes up about a single moon, with the climax at the Daylight Gathering which explicitly happens during the first full moon of the spring.
However, in Sunrise during the subplot in which Jayfeather goes snooping in Leafpool's business, it is established him and his siblings were born in... winter! Leafpool's Wish later on doubles down on this nonsense which has forever ruined my ability to take the parentage reveal investigation seriously. CLEARLY such a basic timeline fuckup must mean Jayfeather's memory is shit and not to be trusted.
Typically I ignore this when creating timelines for my work, but I do have the jokey headcanon that Firestar was so furious about the fox kits incident that he refused to apprentice them until they were grown-ass adults. lmao.
Anyway, enough of my ramblings! Let's go!
(Want to submit your own scenario for me to turn into 500 words of crack? Check out my guidelines and submit a prompt! Recently I did an askbox cleanup so I'm very much in need for a good few more to get to November 30th.)
“Ashkit, don’t you feel like there’s something just... wrong about all this?” Fernkit asked with her squeaky kit voice from where she was observing just at the entrance to the nursery.
Her twin brother looked to her from where he was batting at a mossball, his head tilted to the side with confussion. “What do you mean?”
She frowned. “It’s just that, you know...” she looked out. “Cloudpaw is getting his apprentice ceremony, but wasn’t he smaller than us? And didn’t he get bigger just now?”
“When we woke up we were the same size,” Ashkit replied with a shrug.
“Maybe but shouldnt’ that mean we should be apprenticed as well?” Fernkit asked.
“Well, Bluestar didn’t say it was our turn to be appentices yet,” Ashkit said. “And mom says that we must obey everything she says. So if she hasn’t said we should be apprenticed we should just obey.”
Fernkit took in a deep breath as she tried to think how to explain the situation. “But aren’t we supposed to become apprentices when we reach 6 moons old? Didn’t we reach that a while ago?”
“I’unno,” Ashkit replied.
“We were already here by the time Cloudpaw joined the Clan,” Fernkit pointed out. “Shouldn’t we at least be becoming apprentices alongside Cloudpaw?”
“I don’t know what you’re worrying so much about,” Ashkit finally said as he turned around. “Cloudpaw’s going to have to do chores around camp all day now and we get to play instead. What do you miss so much about becoming an apprentice?”
As her brother tossed out his mossball and walked off, Fernkit was left alone with her thoughts on the matter. She couldn’t deny that there was some truth to what her brother was saying but it still left her a tad... unsettled. Wasn’t he ever excited about the idea of finally leaving the nursery? Of getting to know the territory and the world outside of camp? Of doing all of the things their adopted littermate would get to do?
Fernpaw shook her head, refusing to keep dwelling on these thoughts. Perhaps Ashkit was right and it wasn’t their time just yet. Perhaps being in the nursery would be for the best.
And so she followed in his lead.
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crossed-paws · 8 months ago
Crossed Paws, Book 1: Rising
The Clan Lore of Crossed Paws
In my universe, unlike in canon, StarClan can interfere with the world of the living but also functions much closer to our concept of the afterlife. It is a spiritual and supernatural place that cannot be observed but there are occasions when cats with "special" abilities can communicate with StarClan under certain conditions.
Cats with these abilities can communicate with StarClan at Three Trees, the burial site of the Fang Trio, and can receive prophecies and messages. These cats act as messengers between the Clans and the cats of StarClan.
The Warrior Code is a concept that doesn't strictly exist, however, there is an unspoken set of rules that the Clans and Clan cats follow in their daily lives to ensure a peaceful existence alongside each other. There are a handful of rules which are universal, such as protecting the young and elderly, though the stances on other rules can vary from leader to leader.
The clans were founded in the early 1900s, though how they actually came to be is unknown to the current generation of Clan cats, however, many legends and stories surround the founders of the original three clans. Of these legends and stories, only one has ever been believed by Clan cats to be truthful, though some cats are even doubtful of this since these stories all come from the elders.
Due to the introduction of herbs and plants into the Clans and the training of Herbalists, the Clans are a lot larger than they were in the past and this has made survival more important than ever, especially due to the current famines that are occurring.
Though the Clans were originally created to be a unification of cats under the Fang Trio, eventually there were periods of infighting and conflict which led to separation into four clans rather than the original three.
Currently, the political state of the Clans is complicated. Some moons, they are living peacefully, though other moons are wrought with conflict and violence. Right now, they are somewhere between the two, with WoodClan still recovering from the reign of their previous leader, Woodstar, who had led the Clan to the brink of starvation.
The ranks within the Clans are much different in my universe than they are in Warriors canon. There are many more ranks, as well as titles that the most prestigious and honoured cats may receive. Other cats may also receive significant titles based on achievements, and a special ceremony is held in order for a title to be bestowed. Among the Clans, this is known as the Honouring Ritual.
A Sentinel is a highly respected and crucial role within the Clan, typically filled by the most vigilant and experienced Warriors. These seasoned Warriors are entrusted with the vital task of guarding the Clan's territory and ensuring the safety of their fellow Clanmates. Their duties include conducting border patrols to detect and respond to potential threats, such as intruding predators or rival Clans, as well as performing nightly vigils at the camp entrance. Sentinels must remain alert and observant, ready to act swiftly to protect the Clan and maintain its security.
Beyond physical demands, the role of a Sentinel is mentally challenging, requiring not only combat skills but also the wisdom and experience to anticipate and address dangers. Their presence as the first line of defense is a key factor in the Clan's survival, and their unwavering dedication symbolizes the strength, loyalty, and protective values of the Clan. As such, Sentinels are held in high regard, their commitment and vigilance serving as a cornerstone of the Clan's security and peace of mind.
A Mentor in the Clans is a prestigious role given to experienced Warriors who are responsible for training young Apprentices, preparing them to become full-fledged Warriors. This involves not only teaching combat techniques but also instructing in stealth, hunting, and other essential skills for survival. A key part of a Mentor's role is to instill in their Apprentices the Warrior Code, ensuring they understand the values of loyalty, honour, and respect that are central to Clan life.
The bond between Mentor and Apprentice is significant and often extends beyond the Apprentice's training period. Mentors serve as role models, shaping their Apprentice's character and guiding them in understanding their responsibilities within the Clan. The effectiveness of a Mentor is seen in the growth and maturity of their Apprentice, making mentorship a vital aspect of the Clan's continuity and strength.
In the Clans, the rank of Fighter is a prestigious title bestowed upon the most ferocious and formidable Warriors, those whose exceptional combat skills and fierce demeanor have earned them high regard within their Clan. Fighters are often seen as the ultimate defenders of their Clan, possessing not only raw strength but also a deep understanding of battle tactics and an unyielding spirit. Their prowess in combat sets them apart from other warriors, marking them as individuals who can be relied upon in the most perilous situations.
The duties of a Fighter are extensive and vary from Clan to Clan, reflecting the unique challenges and threats faced by each group. However, common responsibilities include fending off predators that pose a danger to the Clan, such as large predators or rival animals, as well as engaging in combat with Fighters from other Clans during territorial disputes or wars. Fighters are often called upon during times of conflict, their skills pivotal in ensuring the Clan's survival and dominance. Due to their exceptional abilities and the critical nature of their role, Fighters are frequently honoured in special ceremonies, such as the Honouring Ritual, where they are often bestowed with significant titles that recognize their contributions and valor. This recognition not only solidifies their status within the Clan but also serves as an inspiration to other Warriors, highlighting the importance of strength, bravery, and dedication to the Clan's cause.
The rank of Hunter is a specialized and respected position reserved for members who exhibit exceptional skill in the essential tasks of hunting, foraging, and scavenging. Hunters are the lifeblood of the Clan, responsible for ensuring a steady supply of food and resources that sustain their fellow Clanmates. This rank is typically awarded to younger and more agile cats, whose speed, sharp reflexes, and keen senses make them particularly adept at these critical tasks.
While most Hunters focus on honing their hunting skills, mastering the art of stalking prey and making swift, precise kills, they are also required to possess a basic knowledge of both foraging and scavenging. This versatility is crucial, as the availability of prey can fluctuate with the seasons, and the Clan must rely on other sources of sustenance during lean times. Foraging involves gathering edible plants, herbs, and other natural resources, while scavenging may require locating and retrieving carrion or other usable materials from the environment. The rank of Hunter is therefore not just about physical prowess but also about adaptability, resourcefulness, and a deep understanding of the environment, making these cats indispensable to the Clan’s survival.
The rank of Protector holds a critical role within the Clan, embodying the essence of loyalty, vigilance, and strength. Protectors are the backbone of the Clan's defense, ensuring the safety and stability of both the leadership and the broader community. Their primary function is to safeguard the Clan's leaders, such as the High Saint or Ambassadors, who rely on Protectors to shield them from any potential threats, both external and internal. These Protectors are typically the most experienced and battle-hardened members of the Clan, trusted for their unwavering dedication and exceptional combat skills. They serve as a personal guard unit, constantly by the side of the leadership, ready to act at a moment's notice to preserve the well-being and authority of those in power.
Meanwhile, the younger and less experienced Protectors take on a slightly different, yet equally important, role within the Clan. These Protectors are assigned to patrol groups, where they learn the intricacies of their duties under the guidance of a Sentinel. These patrol groups are responsible for scouting the Clan's territory and ensuring that it remains free from threats such as predators, rival Clans, or other dangers. Patrols are meticulously scheduled to take place at Sun Rise, Sun High, and Sun Fall, ensuring that the Clan’s borders are consistently monitored throughout the day. These patrols are not only vital for maintaining the security of the Clan’s territory but also serve as a rigorous training ground for young Protectors, helping them to develop the skills, instincts, and discipline required to eventually ascend to the ranks of those who guard the leadership. Through this structured and tiered approach, Protectors play an indispensable role in maintaining the integrity, safety, and continuity of the Clan.
Within the Clans, the role of Prophet is a revered and mystical position, reserved for those who have been blessed with the extraordinary ability to communicate directly with StarClan, the ancestral spirits who guide and watch over the living. Prophets are not merely Healers; they are considered the spiritual leaders of the Clan, serving as the voice of StarClan and interpreting the will of their ancestors. These cats are chosen based on their ability to establish a strong connection with StarClan, a gift that is both rare and sacred. The depth and clarity of this connection determine a prophet's standing within the Clan’s spiritual hierarchy.
The internal ranking system of Prophets reflects the varying degrees of their connection to StarClan, with the highest rank being a Cassiopeian Prophet and the lowest an Orion Prophet. A Cassiopeian Prophet, akin to a cardinal in human religious systems, holds the greatest spiritual authority and is often seen as the chief interpreter of StarClan's will. This Prophet guides not only their own Clan but also provides spiritual counsel to other Clans, making them a figure of immense influence and respect.
On the other end of the spectrum, an Orion Prophet, comparable to a deacon, may have a less direct connection with StarClan but still plays a crucial role in the spiritual life of the Clan. These Prophets may assist in rituals, offer guidance to younger cats, and support the higher-ranking Prophets in their duties. Together, Prophets at all levels work to ensure that the will of StarClan is understood and followed, maintaining the spiritual health and unity of the Clan.
The Shaman within a Clan holds a deeply sacred and mystical role, standing apart from other Healers due to their unique and extraordinary abilities. Unlike typical Healers who focus on the physical well-being of their Clanmates, a Shaman serves as a crucial link between the visible world and the spirit world. This cat possesses the rare and revered gift of being able to leave their physical body and travel into the spirit realm, a skill that is both awe-inspiring and vital to the spiritual health of the Clan. The Shaman’s role is not only to heal physical wounds but also to navigate the complex spiritual landscape, ensuring harmony between the living and the spirits of their ancestors.
One of the Shaman's most important duties is to assist Cassiopeian Prophets during burial rites. In this capacity, the Shaman plays a key role in ensuring that a Warrior’s spirit is properly guided into StarClan, the revered afterlife where the Clan’s ancestors reside. This sacred responsibility involves intricate rituals and deep spiritual knowledge, as the Shaman helps to secure the safe passage of the deceased, ensuring they join the ranks of StarClan.
Beyond this, the Shaman possesses a unique and formidable ability unmatched by any other Clan member: the power to communicate with the spirits of both the Dark Forest and the Unnamed Residence — realms associated with the more malevolent or lost souls. This ability to interact with these darker aspects of the spirit world makes the Shaman an essential figure in protecting the Clan from potential spiritual dangers, as well as offering a chance for redemption or understanding for those spirits that dwell outside of StarClan's light. The successor of the Shaman is chosen explicitly by StarClan once the previous Shaman has passed on.
Within a Clan, the rank of Herbalist is a fundamental and highly valued position, despite being the most common among Healers. These cats are the medical experts of the Clan, possessing extensive knowledge of the various herbs and plants that grow within their territory and beyond. Their expertise lies in the identification, properties, and applications of these natural remedies, which they skillfully employ to treat a wide range of ailments. From soothing minor wounds to combating serious infections and illnesses, Herbalists are the primary caregivers who ensure the Clan remains healthy and strong.
Although their role might seem ordinary compared to the more mystical ranks like Shamans or Prophets, Herbalists are actually among the most crucial members of the Clan. They are the first line of defense against the physical ailments that can threaten the well-being of their fellow Clanmates. Whether tending to a Fighter injured in battle, curing an Apprentice of an illness, or easing the suffering of an Elder with chronic pain, Herbalists are constantly at work, applying their deep understanding of nature’s medicine. Their steady, reliable presence is vital for the Clan’s daily survival, making them indispensable in maintaining the health and resilience of the community. The Herbalist's knowledge is often passed down through generations, ensuring that each new Herbalist is as skilled and prepared as those who came before, safeguarding the Clan's future through their healing paws.
A Seer is a unique and highly revered type of Prophet within the Clan, distinguished by their ability to receive and interpret visions directly from StarClan. Unlike standard Prophets, who primarily serve as interpreters of the ancestral messages and guidance, Seers are granted a more profound connection to the spiritual realm. They experience vivid, often prophetic visions that provide insights into what StarClan is currently doing or revealing. These visions can encompass a wide range of spiritual and temporal insights, including omens, glimpses of future events, or messages meant to influence the Clan's decisions.
The role of a Seer extends beyond mere interpretation of spiritual messages; they are instrumental in advising the leadership on how to navigate upcoming challenges and opportunities based on the divine omens they receive. Their visions often come as dreams or sudden flashes of insight, and they require careful contemplation and analysis to decode their full meaning. Seers are expected to provide the Clan's leaders with guidance that aligns with the will of StarClan, helping them to make informed decisions that will shape the future of the Clan. This direct line to the divine and the foresight offered by their visions make seers invaluable assets, as they help the Clan anticipate and prepare for what lies ahead, ensuring that their strategies and actions are in harmony with the broader spiritual direction provided by their ancestors.
The rank of Trainee is a fundamental stage in a young cat's development within the Clan, marking the transition from a carefree Sacred to a disciplined and skilled member of the Warrior ranks. Unlike other Apprenticeships that might be geared toward a specific role within the Clan, Trainees are given a broad and comprehensive education that prepares them for any potential path under the rank of a Warrior. This phase of training is designed to equip them with a well-rounded set of skills, ensuring they are versatile and adaptable, ready to serve the Clan in whatever capacity is needed when they reach maturity.
Each Trainee is assigned to a Mentor, an experienced Warrior who takes on the responsibility of guiding their development. Mentors usually oversee groups of three or four Trainees, creating a collaborative learning environment where young cats can learn from both their Mentor and each other. The training they receive is extensive and covers a wide range of essential Warrior skills. This includes combat techniques to prepare them for battles, hunting strategies to ensure the Clan is well-fed, as well as specialized abilities such as climbing and swimming — vital for navigating the varied terrains within and beyond their territory. Mentors tailor their instruction to suit the needs and strengths of their Trainees, often incorporating additional skills they deem valuable, depending on the specific challenges the Clan may face. This period of rigorous training is crucial, as it lays the foundation for the Trainees to grow into capable and resourceful Warriors, ready to uphold the honor and security of the Clan. The Trainee training period typically lasts until the Trainee reaches the age of twelve moons.
Junior Herbalist
The rank of Junior Herbalist is a specialized apprenticeship within the Clan, dedicated to training young cats to become full-fledged Herbalists, the primary Healers. This apprenticeship lasts as long as a general Trainee's, but its focus is exclusively on the medicinal arts. Each Junior Herbalist is paired with a seasoned Herbalist Mentor who teaches them to identify various plants, understand their medicinal properties, and apply them correctly. This hands-on training covers everything from treating wounds and infections to curing illnesses, ensuring a thorough understanding of herbal medicine.
In addition to their theoretical education, Junior Herbalists accompany Hunters on foraging patrols. These patrols provide practical field training in identifying and harvesting the necessary herbs in their natural habitats. This dual approach ensures Junior Herbalists are well-versed in both the knowledge and practical skills required for their role. By the end of their apprenticeship, they are fully prepared to transition into the rank of a full Herbalist, ready to maintain the health and well-being of their Clan.
The rank of Disciple is a specialized branch of Apprentice within the Clan, distinguished by their unique connection to StarClan and their innate spiritual abilities. Unlike regular Apprentices who are trained for various Warrior roles, Disciples are carefully chosen by Prophets and Seers due to their remarkable potential to communicate with StarClan. Often, these young cats have already begun receiving messages or visions from their ancestors, though they typically struggle to understand or interpret the spiritual guidance they receive. This natural but unrefined connection to the divine sets them apart, marking them as future spiritual leaders or guides within the Clan.
Disciple training is an open-ended process with no fixed completion date. Unlike other forms of apprenticeship, which have a clear timeline, the training of a Disciple continues until they demonstrate sufficient proficiency in their spiritual abilities. This training is deeply immersive and involves learning how to interpret visions, understand divine omens, and accurately receive messages from StarClan. The Cassiopeian Prophet, one of the highest spiritual authorities within the Clan, plays a crucial role in this process, assessing each Disciple's progress. Only when the Cassiopeian Prophet is confident in a Disciple's ability to reliably connect with and interpret StarClan's will do they declare their training complete. This rigorous and deeply spiritual journey prepares Disciples for their future roles as spiritual conduits within the Clan, ensuring that they are ready to guide their Clanmates with wisdom and divine insight.
Apprentice Mentor
The rank of Apprentice Mentor is a distinguished position within the Clan, separate from the general Apprentice rank, and is reserved for those young cats who have shown a particular talent for assisting their fellow Apprentices during their own training. This role is not automatically assigned but is instead offered to those Apprentices who have demonstrated a natural inclination towards leadership, guidance, and teaching. Typically, a Mentor may recommend a cat for this role after observing their helpfulness, patience, and ability to effectively support and instruct others in their group.
Becoming an Apprentice Mentor is unique within the Clan because it is one of the few ranks that a cat can pursue by request rather than being assigned based on necessity or ability alone. Once an Apprentice expresses interest and is deemed suitable, they undergo a specialized training period that is notably shorter than that of regular apprenticeship, lasting only six moons. Despite its brevity, this training is intense and requires a great deal of patience and dedication. Apprentice Mentors are taught how to refine their teaching techniques, learn more advanced skills, and develop the qualities necessary to guide younger Apprentices through their training. The goal is to prepare them not only to excel in their own warrior duties but also to take on the responsibility of mentoring future generations of Clan members, ensuring the continued strength and unity of the Clan.
The rank of Mediator is a specialized Apprentice role within the Clan, designed for those destined to become Ambassadors — cats who play a crucial role in mediating and overseeing negotiations between various parties, whether within the Clan or between the Clan and external groups. Unlike other apprenticeships, the path to becoming a Mediator begins only after a cat has completed twelve moons of foundational Warrior training under the guidance of a Mentor. This ensures that aspiring Mediators possess a solid understanding of the Clan's culture, values, and warrior skills before embarking on their specialized training.
Once the initial Warrior training is complete, Mediator training focuses intensely on the development of negotiation and diplomacy skills. This period of training is relatively brief, lasting only four to six moons, but it is highly concentrated and tailored to the specific abilities and previous experiences of the Apprentice. During this time, the Mediator Apprentice hones their ability to navigate complex discussions, mediate disputes, and foster understanding between conflicting parties. The training emphasizes the importance of neutrality, empathy, and strategic thinking, all essential qualities for an effective Ambassador. Upon completion, the Mediator is well-prepared to take on the vital role of ensuring peaceful and fair resolutions to conflicts, safeguarding the interests of the Clan while maintaining harmonious relationships both within and beyond their borders.
The Herald of a Clan holds a position equivalent in rank to that of a Deputy in traditional Warriors canon, serving as a key advisor and right hand to the High Saint, the Clan's leader. This prestigious role involves a wide range of responsibilities that are crucial to the smooth functioning of the Clan. One of the primary duties of the Herald is to assist the High Saint in overseeing various ceremonial aspects of Clan life, such as Naming Ceremonies where young cats receive their official names and ranks, and Honouring Rituals that celebrate significant achievements or transitions within the Clan.
In addition to their ceremonial duties, the Herald plays a vital role in maintaining communication and diplomacy between Clans. They are entrusted with the responsibility of carrying official messages and representing the Clan during crucial gatherings. Every full moon, the Herald is tasked with attending the Gathering, an important meeting where representatives from all Clans come together to discuss matters of mutual concern, resolve disputes, and share news. During these Gatherings, the Herald serves as the voice of their Clan, delivering messages and negotiating on behalf of the High Saint, ensuring that the Clan's interests are well-represented and that relations with other Clans remain stable and constructive. The role of the Herald is, therefore, integral to both the internal harmony of the Clan and its external diplomatic relations.
The Ambassadors of a Clan are esteemed diplomats who hold the crucial responsibility of managing negotiations, trade agreements, and other diplomatic engagements on behalf of their Clan. These cats are more than just negotiators; they are the official representatives of their Clan's values, culture, and interests, ensuring that their Clan's voice is heard and respected in all external interactions. Ambassadors are carefully chosen for their keen understanding of diplomacy, their ability to navigate complex situations, and their skill in fostering positive relations with other Clans and outside groups. Their work often involves delicate discussions where they must balance the needs and desires of their own Clan with the expectations and demands of others, making their role essential for maintaining peace and securing beneficial alliances.
In addition to their individual duties, Ambassadors play a vital role during significant Clan events, particularly at Gatherings where Ambassadors accompany the Herald and High Saint, providing strategic support and advice in any negotiations that arise between Clans. Their presence strengthens the Clan's position in these discussions, as they bring a deep understanding of diplomatic nuances and are adept at guiding conversations toward favorable outcomes. Whether it's securing trade deals, mediating conflicts, or representing their Clan's stance on important issues, Ambassadors are instrumental in shaping the external relationships of their Clan and safeguarding its future.
High Saint
The High Saint is the revered leader of a Clan, a position of immense power and responsibility, chosen by the divine will of StarClan with the crucial assistance of the Shaman. Typically, the cat elevated to this esteemed role has already proven themselves as a Herald or an Ambassador, demonstrating the leadership qualities and diplomatic acumen necessary to guide the Clan. Once selected, the High Saint undergoes the sacred Leadership Rite, a profound ceremony where StarClan bestows upon them the extraordinary gift of nine lives.
Each of these lives is tied to a distinct personality trait, such as courage, wisdom, or compassion, which the High Saint must nurture and embody throughout their leadership. This unique blessing not only extends their physical lifespan but also deepens their spiritual connection to StarClan, enhancing their ability to lead with a multifaceted perspective.
Despite their elevated status and the divine blessing of nine lives, the High Saint's ability to communicate with StarClan is not without its challenges. While they are capable of receiving messages from the ancestral spirits, their interpretation of these messages is often limited without the guidance of a Prophet or Seer. The Shaman aids in this communication, acting as a bridge between the High Saint and the spiritual realm, but it is the Prophets and Seers who provide the crucial insights needed to correctly understand and act upon StarClan's will. This dynamic makes the High Saint both a powerful and a dependent figure, as their leadership is intertwined with the spiritual counsel of their Clan's Prophets and Seers. As the embodiment of StarClan's chosen leader, the High Saint carries the weight of their Clan's future on their shoulders, guiding them through both prosperity and peril with the divine support of their ancestors.
The Elders of the Clan are esteemed senior members who, due to age, injury, loss of sight, or illness, are no longer able to fulfill the physical demands of hunting or fighting. These cats, who have dedicated much of their lives to the service of the Clan, are held in high regard and treated with deep respect. Their advanced years and accumulated wisdom make them valuable sources of knowledge and experience, though their contributions are now more often in the form of guidance and counsel rather than direct action.
In their retirement, Elders receive dedicated care from younger Clan members, particularly the Apprentices. The Apprentices are responsible for bringing fresh-kill to the Elders, ensuring their dietary needs are met, and performing tasks such as picking out fleas and changing their bedding to maintain their comfort and health. Most Elders are retired Warriors or Healers, who have served the Clan in various capacities before stepping down from their active roles. However, Shamans are an exception; they often continue to practice their spiritual duties until the end of their lives, contributing to the Clan’s spiritual guidance.
Despite their retired status, many Elders are viewed as repositories of invaluable Clan history and tradition, offering insights and wisdom that continue to shape the Clan's values and decisions. Their presence is a reminder of the continuity and depth of the Clan's heritage, providing a bridge between the past and the present.
A Scholar is a revered position held by an Elder within the Clan who undertakes the crucial role of documenting and preserving the Clan's history. This role, while not officially recognized as a formal rank within the Clan's hierarchy, is highly valued for its importance in maintaining the Clan's collective memory. The Scholar meticulously records significant events such as births, deaths, and other key occurrences that shape the Clan's legacy. This record-keeping is essential for ensuring that future generations of Clan cats have access to a detailed account of their history, including the achievements, struggles, and milestones of their predecessors.
Although the role of Scholar is not formalized with specific duties or rank, it is considered integral by the Clan due to its impact on cultural continuity and historical preservation. Scholars often possess a deep understanding of the Clan’s traditions, legends, and lineage, making them vital custodians of the Clan's heritage. They work to ensure that the knowledge and experiences of past generations are not lost but are passed down to younger members. By documenting the Clan’s history, Scholars play a significant role in shaping the identity and values of the Clan, fostering a sense of continuity and connection among its members. Their efforts help to ensure that the Clan's legacy endures, providing future generations with a rich tapestry of their shared past.
The rank of Blessed is a revered status within the Clans, conferred upon she-cats who are either expecting kits or are actively caring for their own. This rank is not merely a functional role but is imbued with deep spiritual significance. A she-cat who becomes a Blessed is often viewed as having received a divine favour from StarClan, as it is believed that only by the will of StarClan are these she-cats blessed with the gift of motherhood. Consequently, Blesseds are highly esteemed by the Clan, embodying the Clan’s reverence for the sacred cycle of life and the belief that StarClan’s will is directly intertwined with their role in nurturing the next generation.
In addition to those who are pregnant or nursing, the rank of Blessed can also extend to she-cats who, while not bearing kits of their own, choose to assist and support other Blesseds in the nursery. This selfless dedication to helping raise and care for the Clan’s young reinforces the communal aspect of Clan life, where the well-being of the young is a shared responsibility.
Regardless of their personal situation, Blesseds are honored for their role in ensuring the future of the Clan, and their position is seen as a testament to StarClan’s blessing and the importance of fertility and nurturing within the Clan’s spiritual and social structure. The respect afforded to Blesseds underscores the Clan’s deep connection to their ancestors and the spiritual significance they place on the roles that ensure the continuity and growth of their community.
The rank of Sacred refers to kits or kittens who are younger than six moons old within the Clan. These young ones hold a special status and are deeply revered by all Clan members, who regard them as divine gifts from StarClan. The reverence for Sacreds stems from the belief that their arrival is a direct blessing from the ancestors, and as such, they are afforded protection and care by every member of the Clan. Their presence is seen as a symbol of StarClan's favor and the continuation of the Clan's lineage and traditions.
Despite their significant status, Sacreds are typically unaware of the weight of their importance in Clan life due to their young age. The Clan places a great emphasis on ensuring their safety and well-being, viewing their nurturing as both a duty and an honor.
The loss of a Sacred, whether through stillbirth or miscarriage, is considered a profound tragedy and a serious omen from StarClan. Such events are deeply mourned, and although the occurrence is often interpreted as a sign or message from the spiritual realm, no Seer, Prophet, or Shaman has ever formally sought to clarify the meaning of these omens with StarClan. The interpretations surrounding these losses are left to the Clan’s collective beliefs and emotional responses, reflecting their deep spiritual connection and the significance they place on the lives of their youngest members.
Being the Warrior equivalent to months, I prefer to use this concept of aging to refer to cats under a year, twelve moons, old. It makes aging a lot simpler to understand once the cats get older, as surely counting the seasons that pass is easier than counting every moon that passes.
Using the number of a specific season passing to count a cat's age is done to simplify the work of a Scholar when noting a cat's age at time of death or some other important aspect of the cat's life. It also makes aging relatively easier for me to work out, as well. The season chosen to age a specific cat against is done so by choosing whichever season they were born in, for example: a cat who was born in winter would age 1 winter every time winter passes. It is the same for every season. This version of aging is only used once a cat has passed twelve moons old.
The Blessing Ceremony
The Blessing Ceremony is a significant and intimate rite performed by the Shaman and the High Saint when a Blessed she-cat gives birth to her kits. This ceremony marks a momentous occasion, celebrating the arrival of new life and affirming the sacred bond between the Clan, StarClan, and the newborns. The ceremony is held with great reverence, underscoring the importance of the Blessed’s role in continuing the Clan’s lineage and fulfilling what is believed to be a divine will.
During the Blessing Ceremony, the Shaman and High Saint conduct a series of rituals designed to honor the newborn Sacreds and ensure their well-being. The Shaman may perform prayers or chants to invoke the protection and guidance of StarClan, while the High Saint, as the Clan's leader, blesses the Sacreds with a special ceremony that often includes ceremonial markings or offerings to symbolize the Clan’s acceptance and hopes for the new lives. The ceremony is attended by key Clan members, including other Blesseds, who gather to witness and celebrate the event. This rite not only serves to bless the new kits but also reinforces the Clan's spiritual and communal values, highlighting the interconnectedness of life and the divine favor believed to be bestowed upon the Clan.
The Naming Ceremony
The Naming Ceremony is a significant rite in Clan tradition with two distinct versions, each marking important milestones in the lives of Clan members.
The first version of the Naming Ceremony occurs when an Apprentice reaches the end of their training and is ready to assume their role as a full-fledged member of the Clan. This ceremony represents the culmination of the Apprentice's journey from youth to maturity and their readiness to take on the responsibilities of a Warrior or other designated role within the Clan. During this ceremony, the Apprentice is formally given their adult name, signifying their transition from an Apprentice to a recognized and respected member of the Clan. The ceremony is often a communal event, celebrated with the presence of other Clan members who witness and honor the new name, marking the Apprentice's official acceptance into the Clan's ranks.
The second version of the Naming Ceremony takes place in conjunction with the Blessing Ceremony, celebrating the birth of new kits by a Blessed she-cat. In this version, the ceremony is dedicated to the naming of the newborn kits. The Blessed has the honour of choosing the names for her kits, which are then presented in the ceremony. The Shaman plays a crucial role in this version, ensuring that the chosen names are recognized and blessed by StarClan. This dual ceremony serves to both celebrate the arrival of new life and integrate these new members into the spiritual and social fabric of the Clan. It symbolizes the Clan's commitment to honoring the divine connection and continuity of their lineage, with the Shaman’s role reinforcing the belief that the names are spiritually significant and protected by StarClan.
The Honouring Ritual
The Honouring Ritual is a significant ceremony led by the High Saint before the entire Clan to recognize and celebrate the exceptional achievements of individual members. This ritual acknowledges various accomplishments, from reaching notable ages and completing challenging tasks to receiving scars in combat. It is a formal event where the High Saint highlights the contributions and milestones of the honoured cats, emphasizing their impact on the Clan.
The ceremony serves to publicly honour and celebrate these achievements, reinforcing the values of courage, dedication, and service within the Clan. By recognizing the efforts of its members, the Honouring Ritual fosters a sense of pride and unity, reinforcing communal bonds and upholding the Clan’s traditions.
The Leadership Rite
The Leadership Rite is a sacred and pivotal ceremony that marks the elevation of a cat to the position of High Saint, the leader of the Clan, who is chosen by StarClan. This important rite is conducted during a full moon, symbolizing the alignment of the Clan's spiritual and temporal realms. The ceremony is overseen by the Shaman, who guides the chosen cat through this profound transition, ensuring that the sacred aspects of the rite are honored.
During the Leadership Rite, the cat receiving this prestigious role is bestowed with nine lives, each representing a distinct personality trait. These traits are intended to shape and influence the High Saint's leadership, guiding their actions and decisions throughout their time in office. The nine lives symbolize not only a divine favor but also the diverse qualities that the High Saint must embody and cultivate to effectively lead and inspire the Clan.
The new High Saint also receives a new name with the suffix -star, signifying their elevated status and connection to the Clan's spiritual heritage. This ceremony is not only a formal transition but also a spiritual reaffirmation of the High Saint’s role as the Clan’s leader and the embodiment of its values and traditions.
The Burial Ritual
Before the Burial Ceremony takes place, the deceased Clan cat’s body is carefully transported to the center of the camp, where it is laid out for the Clan to pay their respects. Family members, close friends, and the cat’s Mentor or Apprentice gather around the body, keeping vigil through the night. This period of reflection and mourning allows Clanmates to share final words, offer comfort, and honor the life of their fallen companion. This communal gathering provides a time for personal farewells and emotional closure before the formal burial rituals begin.
The Burial Ceremony itself is a solemn and sacred event. The Shaman, with the assistance of the deceased’s loved ones, prepares the resting place for the body by encircling it with a row of carefully placed stones. This arrangement includes two symbolic gates: one for the living to pass through and another for the departed’s soul, signifying the transition between the mortal world and the afterlife. As the final ritual, the Shaman speaks words of blessing and guidance, invoking the favor of StarClan to ensure the departed’s soul is gently guided towards its eternal resting place in the spiritual realm. The ceremony serves both as a final act of respect and as a spiritual send-off, aiming to honor the deceased and facilitate their journey to StarClan.
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riverc1an · 2 years ago
it’s kinda funny when nightheart is called a teenager even tho he’s an adult haha
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warriors-naming-ceremony · 8 months ago
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my beautiful daughter she is 16 years old and used to kill snakes before I forced her into retirement (inside cat no longer outdoor)
Tinyadder had a knack for getting herself into trouble as an apprentice. A bit of a risk taker, she actually caught several snakes during her Warrior assessment, in which she would then receive her Warrior name in honor of the event. She still tells this story to kits and apprentices as an elder.
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tskumoyuuma · 1 year ago
listen if we ever get squilfstars leader ceremony, its basically a given that leafpool gives her a life, but I think that specific life should be for a sisters love
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Naming Ceremony (short story)
Alderstar lay upon the fattest low hanging-branch of an alder tree, though one would be forgiven for not being able to properly identify it with every leaf blackened and scattered upon the ground. Grousemane had suggested the location for his ceremonies and meetings long ago–it was easy to remember. Alderstar would be found at the alder tree. Not to mention its height, standing out among the other massive trees, was useful in finding the place. It was helpful, too, that it was in eye-view of the Eye-Out Thorns, though far enough for the more faint-hearted to feel comfortable.
Once everyone was gathered, he rose and spoke loudly across the small space. “Welcome, kin and friends.” So many ceremonies like this had passed that he had forgotten what words would have been spoken when he was alive and the leader of Shadowclan. Something about their warrior ancestors, he’s sure. But those were taught to him by his father and the leaders before them. These are his own words. Every leader who gives names gives them with their own words.
Alderstar had even gotten into a routine, too. Or perhaps it is better to call it a tradition. Because he no longer lived in a Clan and was much less likely to know the traits that some cats had, parents who planned to have him do the naming would inform him. Sometimes when they were about to become ‘paws, sometimes when they were kits or even expecting. 
Alderstar would then occasionally watch the kits train, observe them. He would take time to speak one-on-one with the parents, mentor, and the kit themself. It was a good way to pass the time. He found he greatly enjoyed having something to do, too he greatly enjoyed thinking up warrior names, and he was satisfied with the ones he picked out for this batch.
“Today, we honour six apprentices, who defied their fate long ago. Had the Stars had their way, they would have remained small and defenseless.” The faces of several of the apprentices–namely Smallpaw–snarled at the idea. “We are not the Stars,” Alderstar said with pride, his chin lifted and chest puffed out. The families and mentors in the crowd purred in agreement. “We defied them, we defied the logics of death, and we grew. Now, we shall honour the growth, the strength, and the courage in these six young cats, now ready to become full warriors of the Place of No Stars.”
Yowls of excitement rang around the clearing. Alderstar waited patiently for them to calm down before going on. He had plenty of time. “Antpaw, step forward.”
Antpaw did as told, his steps shaky and his eyes round. “For your resistance against fate, and your heedful nature, you shall from this day forth be known as Antgrove.” 
He was happy to see Antgrove’s worry-edged smile quickly shift to one of delight as he dipped his head, and moved to the front of the crowd. All names had to have meaning, that was Alderstar’s rule. Antgrove loved to explore groves. It was where he was the most comfortable, where he felt the most peace. Alderstar had hoped that by giving him the name, he was hearing that his introverted nature was not only being noticed, but celebrated. Judging by the look on his face, it had been heard.
“Smallpaw, step forward.” 
Smallpaw’s reaction was much different. His body was tense, clearly it took a lot for him to pad forward gracefully and not simply race to the open space in which he would stand.
“For your resistance against fate, and your fierce bites, both real and metaphorical, you shall from this day forth be known as Smallclaw.”
Smallclaw’s smirk was broad. He took a moment to bask in the attention before he dipped his head and padded to sit beside who might have once been his brother. Alderstar wasn’t sure, all he knew was that the kits separated because of the different views they had on their deaths and crime.
“Hootpaw, step forward.” Alderstar had to hold back a smile as the name reminded him of his lovely mate. He was definitely going to nuzzle her and Myrtlewing once this ceremony was over. 
Hootpaw padded forward patiently. His ears were pricked and he looked up at Alderstar with interest and patience. Alderstar had wondered a long time how to convey THAT in a name.  “For your resistance against fate, and your ability to follow the wind so long as you see fit, you shall be known as Hootbloom.” Hootbloom’s eyes shone with a hint of pleasure, and something more beneath that.
It was good. Flowers bloom at different paces, some slow, some fast, but they all open up in the end. The same went for the kit. He had patience that astonished Alderstar, but the patience was for himself–he only felt it because time mattered only to him. He was slow and easy when he wanted to be, and fast as a frog’s tongue when he wanted to be. He bloomed when he wanted to bloom, it was no one else’s choice. This name was a way to announce it.
“Cinderpaw, step forward.”
Cinderpaw raced to the spot before Alderstar had finished the final word, her eyes wide and bright, and her fur dusty from the run. Kiteburn huffed in irritation where he sat with his and Cinderpaw’s family.
“For your resistance against fate, and your ability to see the heart in everyone, even when cold ice surrounds it, you shall, from this day forward, be known as Cinderrose.” The colours differed in meaning. Alderstar imagined the pink and white ones, happiness and innocence. Those were the two words that always sprang to mind whenever he thought of Cinderrose. She was an eager young cat, always ready to learn and make new friends. Even then, he could see the trauma that she was pushing away. He didn’t want to make her think about it now, or anytime she heard her name, so he stuck with the positives. Perhaps she could find help or figure out how to accept her past now that she didn’t have so much time taken up by training.
“Flarepaw, step forward,” Alderstar continued once Cinderrose was seated beside Antgrove, Smallclaw, and Hootbloom.
Flarepaw was slower. He didn’t look afraid, more curious, like he was still shocked that he could really be receiving his warrior ceremony even though he had died as a kit. Alderstar gave him a reassuring smile. “For your resistance against fate, and the justice that burns like fire in your paws, you shall, from this day forth, be known as Flarelight.” It was a double-name, what flares brings light, but Flarelight does in two ways as well. He brightens the space wherever he is, making jokes and always making sure that everyone is as comfortable as can be. As well, he never looks away when he notices that someone is being mistreated, even by a single whisker. He sheds light on the situation until it is solved.
Flarelight’s whiskers quivered in delight. He took a moment to grin at his father, Cricketclaw, before joining the line.
“Lavenderpaw, step forward.”
Lavenderpaw was not slow nor fast, she moved at an even pace, though stumbled a few times as she was unable to remove her gaping gaze from Alderstar in the tree above her. “For your resistance against fate, your way of hearing sorrows and spreading joy, you shall from this day forth be known as Lavenderspring.” It was another name with two meanings, one indicating the spring Lavenderspring always tried to bring to everyone’s steps, and in symbolism to the body of water, gentle and comfortable, which she always tried to be to those who needed it.
There was one more part of the ceremony that had to be done. He leaped from the branch and padded toward Antgrove. “Are you ready?” He asked.
Antgrove’s voice quivered. “Yes. I would like it by my tail.”
Antgrove did as told. He sucked in a breath, and Alderstar laid a claw across his skin. He dragged it down deep enough to last, but not enough to cause serious damage. Then he laid another, smaller mark beside and just across it. “You are a true warrior now,” Alderstar told him. He repeated the markings onto the other newly-named warriors on areas of their choosing, before backing up and addressing the crowd once more. “Let us call out their names, and tell the Stars they have no strength here.!”
I will be explaining how the kits differed when the grew, and this claw ceremony thing! Basically really, it’s different leaders conducting ceremonies mark cats they named. I figured in the Dark Forest, that wouldn’t be frowned upon at all. Alder’s marking is like a branch with a thorn on it.
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