#wbb farmer
r1ng-w0rm · 2 years
Uhhhh WBB Tobias and Jawtay(+a bit of the others as a bonus) Frenemy HC's???
Sorry if these are ooc btw- also I have some general brother hcs coming up soon :D
also I promise you that these aren't ship hcs even if some of these do sound a bit smooch-y.
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Under the cut because there's alot-ish
💪🦷 Where to start.... Hmm... I think these two love hating eachother and love to torture themselves by being around eachother(in a non romantic way).
💪🦷They do not get along! No matter how similar their pasts might've been(epic farmer and fisher moment) , they H A T E eachother.
💪🦷So why did I put frenemy up at the top? Well I put it because while Jawtay is blunt and not ashamed to say that Tobias looks like a dead raccoon doped up on cocaine, Tobias can get defensive of/over his enemy. Therefore, they are (one-sided) frenemies.
💪🦷Someone could be like, "Yeah I hate Jawtay too," after one of Tobias' long rants about him and Tobias could flip instantly. He'd throw things and claw at them with his stitched on hands while yelling about how Jawtays his enemy and only he's aloud to hate him. Tobias would apologize to them later, but for now they must face his wrath.
💪🦷-But don't consider this favoritism, because Tobias likes to claw at Jawtay too. So uh.. Yeah?
💪🦷 He's (Tobias) obsessed with him in the way those fictional villains are obsessed with the hero, but in a weird musty way.
💪🦷Tobias will finally be fulfilled of his obsession once Jawtays arms are in his possession!
💪🦷I like to think about Jawtay mushing Tobias' fake teeth into his gums because it's super silly.
**✿❀ BONUS HC'S❀✿**
💪🪱I feel like his friendship towards varai is a 'you take care of me, I take care of you' kind of ordeal. He'd be really codependent towards varai in a semi-unhealthy way.
💪🪱He's the wasp to varais dead worm
💪🪱He'd die before showing his ugly mug to the coolest worm corpse in the biker central.
💪🍆 Tobias is if-y towards Jeff. Not in a bad way, but in a scared way.
💪🍆 I can see him(Tobias) hiding in a corner like a cat whenever Jeff comes around. Spooky.
💪🍆He LOVES his hair tho. so bonus to that?
💪🎲He is flat out afraid of dice and now there's two of him in one??? *insert Tobias clawing at the couch*
💪🎲If you can get Tobias to stay calm around dice for even a minute, l congratulate you.
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webearbros · 6 years
How's Farmer doing?
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Farmer is doing good!
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cupofangst · 7 years
Imagine Nom Nom and Grizz start dating and Farmer can’t keep out of their business, being the overprotective koala dad that his is. Like, they’re sitting on the couch, about to watch a movie and Farmer just waltzes in with a bowl of popcorn and parks his ass right between them like “So, what’re we watching?” Or similarly, Farmer accompanying them on their dinner dates and being like “So, what are you two getting? I’m in the mood for chicken!”
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soniana-draws · 6 years
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Grizz stared wide-eyed at the figure that just stormed into his and his brothers shop. With it's strong body, sunglasses, and all dressed in black; he couldn't help but have the funny thought of how this man looked like one of those bodyguards that appeared in the action movies that he so much liked.
The grizzly bear turned his head to pause the Nom Nom's video in his laptop, not noticing how in those few seconds a second figure appeared into the scene, and then opened his mouth, ready to cheerfully greet this new client.
An startling slam at the counter interrupted him, making the bear to look down and find a not-so-happy-looking koala digging his claws in the counter with such force that the poor dollar under it may end ripped at any moment.
"How do I passive-aggresively say 'fuck you’ in flower?"
-slams fists on table- OK BUT GRIZZNOM FLOWER SHOP AU
Originally I wanted to do a short fanfic about this, but I couldn’t think of what to do with the middle of the story(working with ships that have a constantly changing relationship in canon and trying to take that into an AU is hard, man) soo I decided to scribble down some of the ideas I had instead
-ahem- now with the AU: Nom Nom was struggling with the fact that the studio wanted him to film a video in the forest for...some reason(idk), so after a very heated up argument he ended up throwing a tantrum and his manager told him to ‘buy some flowers to apologise so they could keep the project going because they needed it’. Nom Nom was going to go to his mansion and that’s it, but then he saw a flower shop in the middle of the forest and had an idea. Grizzly from his part was suffering from boredoom because it was a slow day, when suddenly Nom’s showed up and then I guess you know what’s next; Grizz fangirls because Nom Nom is there, then panics because he doesn’t know what to give him, goes to ask for help to his brothers, aand Nom Nom end’s up leaving satisfied with his purchase(Grizz didn’t want neither to make such an aggresive bouquet nor to add the poison ivy but the koala insisted, you can’t say no to that glare).
Curiosly, this wasn’t the oddest encounter that these two would have, because sometimes, just like flowers, love can bloom in the strangest of places.
all credits to this post for the prompt and the info of the flowers 
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muffintonic · 6 years
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Actually listening to/watching Grizz’s pitch all day, using manners, AND thinking about Grizz’s feelings?? Nom Nom’s really turning around after his near-death experience in “Vacation.”
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Nom Nom doesn't brainstorm. Nom Nom says what he wants and gets what he wants
Farmer in Crowbar Jones Origins
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adrigummi · 7 years
What a great episode!
“Kyle” is, from now on, my favourite episode with “Anger Management”. Today, after many days of waiting, I finally could watch it and I’m so SO happy with Nom Nom’s development in this third season! In this episode Nom Nom showed so many emotions! We could see a heart beating under his rough facade, and even we could discover that Nom Nom appreciate more his (supposed) family than his fortune. And to watch him dancing and singing of pure happiness in his mansion is simply adorable! Bravo for this episode, WBB crew! P.S.: is Farmer the bodyguard that is always with Nom Nom? Maybe they changed a bit his design... Anyways, he’s a great character! :)
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iboughtaplant · 3 years
WIP Name Game
I think by now, I have been tagged by @ghostinthelibrarywrites, @handwrittenhello, and @broskier so I guess I should finally do this. 
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it. and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
Yenskel (and Lambskel) University au
Bathtub - Geraskefer fit 
Classic Cars inspired Yennskier fic
Werewolf Eskel - modern au Jaskel fic
WBB - Jaskier/Geralt/Eskel - dragon!Jaskier and tea dragons 
Eskel/Geralt farmers market au 
There might be a couple more that I didn't notice, I don’t actually have my hips in a folder, lol. My google drive is very disorganized. And yeah none of my titles are very fun, I try to fit as much description in them so I know what they are. 
I have no idea who to tag, um @pipingplover, @j-a-pankratz
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nomnomsentourage · 4 years
you must know by now I only do these when I see a lot of potential in something that had a great concept but could've been executed better, so. here's my take at a WBB movie rewrite!
SKIP this post now if you haven't seen it or scroll very fast if the read more doesn't work lol
- the movie starts more or less the same, with the flashback dream, the bears waking up, and them rushing through town. when they see Nom Nom at the poutine stand, he acknowledges Grizz nervously, clearly not annoyed or indifferent, but unsure about associating with him in front of so many fans, given their differing reputations. hurt by the dejection, the bears try to prove their worth
- ...and inevitably screw up, but it's clear that whatever they do is... probably not that big of a deal, some harmless antics, and the humans are just blowing their grievances out of proportion on sole account of them being bears, as is seen to be the case throughout the show. Trout gets called in, and they're thrown into the van, only to be busted out by Charlie. they (someone especially) tell him how grateful they are to have a friend like him, especially since he snuck all the way through the city just for them, something they know must've been difficult for him. he mentions that it was nothing - he knows how terrifying it is to be hunted down for no good reason, and that they would've done the same for him, too. they get the idea to lay low in Canada for a while, when Chloe, Tabes, Lucy & Darrell call them on Panda's phone. they tell them their plan, and while both parties are heartbroken and infuriated, they agree it's the best decision for their safety, at least for now
- after confronting Trout in rage, the girls & Darrell band together in the official Bears Protection Squad: organizing public events, handing out fliers and shouting passionately through megaphones to spread awareness of all the kind and wonderful things the bears have done for them over the years - easing Chloe out of her shell and supporting her as she tried to fit in and succeed at school, standing by Tabes in her passion for justice and helping her with the rangers and Kirk, lending Lucy a hand with her competitions and babysitting Clifford, and even saving some poor old shmuck's dream of running a mousepad store, not to mention his wedding. they may have been outcasts alone, but together, they became a family. despite it all, the people are unconvinced; the gang know they need to think of something bigger, something more impactful
- the next part plays out the same - the bears hit the road, singing their cute lil' song and getting stopped at the checkpoint, crashing down the hill and landing at the internet animal rave. they're almost kicked out, until the other animals realize their collective solidarity and let them stay the night
- Chloe & co flip rapidly through phone books, run through the streets, going from door to door looking for anyone and everyone from the bears' past who can vouch for their innocence. Tom, Griff and Isaac, Chloe's relatives, the Poppy and Ivy rangers with Zhao, Ranger Martinez, Dr. Clark, Mr. Sacher, Professor Lampwick, Mrs. Lee, the mailman, Wyatt, Nate, Kazumi, even Karla and Yana hear about their deportation and chime in to help. disappointingly, their efforts still go unheard. but they don't give up; they dedice to kick things up a notch
- Grizz has a tonally dark and distressing nightmare about the overwhelming responsibility he feels over keeping his brothers safe, and they just barely escape in the van
- the Protection Squad, aiming to get the support of someone with cultural power and influence, storm Nom Nom's mansion, with Tabes very politely using her strength to press past security (though Farmer is pretty compliant), and ask for his help with the campaign. in Nom Nom fashion he assures he wants nothing to do with them (he doesn't even know who they are, and he's late for some celebrity party anyway), but they pull out some good old Emotional Manipulation using everything they've heard about how the bears helped him, and how he'd probably have been dead if not for Grizz. he's not happy about it, but he knows they're right, and asks what he can do
- after finally making it to the Canadian border, the bears get turned down; maybe there's some legal thing with them being outlaws or some meta joke about how animals don't need passports, but talking ones do. exhausted and frustrated, Panda lashes out at Grizz, upsetting Ice and delivering that brutal line about how they're 'not even brothers' and it was just some 'story they made up to make themselves feel better.' after a silent moment, Grizz chokes up - he's humiliated in himself, for spending so many years trying to protect the people he saw as his family, only to fail miserably, and not even do a good enough job for Panda to consider him his real brother. broken, the two decide that maybe they'd be better off alone - Panda where he can make the right choices for himself, and Grizz where he can't hurt anyone any more. Ice, terrified, tries to pull them back together, even pulling them to the ground at one point to stop them from leaving, but they push him away, and head out on separate paths to find shelter from the rain
- the moment they're separated, Trout reappears and captures them all - they can hear each other's cries, but can't do anything to help as they're each brutally caged and sent to the deportation site. Panda, still in his cage next to Ice Bear and about to be flown or shipped off, has flashbacks to the time they met, triggered by the similarly perilous situation he finds himself in now. he thinks about how much pain they'd all been in - Grizz after losing his family, Panda after living in isolation, Ice after being sent away by Yuri - and how important it was to them that they stayed together after that, how much it healed and comforted them to be around people who knew what it was like to be alone and lost and outcast, but did everything they could to support and nurture each other. it reminds him of the promise they made, not just from Grizz to them, but them in return too, to protect, care for, and remain brothers with each other for life
- spurred into action, he calls out to Ice, asking him to forgive him for the fight and, now more than ever, call upon his awesome littlest brother strength to bust them out. they break free and rush to the now dejected and lifeless Grizz, who makes no effort to free himself from his cage, hopeless and resigned. they have to act quickly before the guards show up, so they ramble tearfully through a list of all the reasons they need and appreciate him, all the ways he's helped them over the years, and all the ways they should've been helping him, too. he might sit at the top of the stack, but as far as they're concerned, he's their sturdy floorboards, their safety net to fall back on, and whether or not he always succeeds, it means so much to them to have someone they can always go. they affirm their willingness to be there for him by opening his cage, and, after Grizz finally lets loose the waterfall of tears he's been holding back the entire time, they embrace
- they break the other bears out, and they charge Trout's forces. they take him down, keeping the speech about his unjustified intolerance and sadistic exploitation of those he sees as different to him, and the fire starts. Panda calls the fire brigade for help, but it's unclear whether they'll make it on time, or whether there'll be enough vehicles to get everyone out safely
- meanwhile, the support have taken to the streets once again. people are ready to dismiss them once more, until they see Nom Nom with a scowling army of internet animal celebrities amongst them - he calls the cityfolk idiots, one for making such a big deal out of such tiny and harmless nuisances, two for being so cold to the bears he owes his life to, and three because. he's literally a bear too! well, marsupial. what he's trying to say, the others chime in, is: why are animals only celebrated in society when they can be made into some kind of tokenistic, pop cultural sensation? why is deviation from the norm only acceptable when it can be exploited for human's enjoyment? why do they have such low tolerance to animals living among them when their buildings are literally built on what used to be their natural habitat? if this is what his fans are like, Nom Nom agrees, then he doesn't want to be famous any more
the crowd is quiet. just then, Chloe gets a call - it's from Panda, showing him in a panic, begging for help as the flames engulf the trees around him. she shows the video call to the crowds, yelling that the bears need their help, and that if they have any common decency they'll do what's right and lend them their hands. slowly, one by one, people from the crowd emerge, dialing the fire brigade to send in more trucks and helicopters to help at the scene. after some tension, uncertainty and one last bout of Trout fuckery, they get all the bears out and put out the fire
- the ending is much the same - people crowd to admire the bears' bravery, and while many others remain unconvinced about their presence, they know that those who care will always be there to use their voice to speak up in support of justice and equality. (I don't want to erase Murphy from the conversation and pretend his arch wasn't a flaw in the movie, so maybe there could be an alternative where he resigns from his position and takes to spreading awareness, although I'd rather leave the specifics to someone with better knowledge and insight.) the bears' friends - Chloe, Tabes, Lucy, Darrell and Yana all rush to embrace them, tearful and delighted that they're all okay, Nom Nom shows up to apologize and take a selfie for his timeline with them, and Charlie embraces Panda, warm and relieved
the bears return home, the rest of the bears integrate into society, and a montage of them finding their places and families is shown as the credits play
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soniana252 · 5 years
just jumping right into your inbox to ask if you've watched any of the new Shaun the Sheep episodes and your reactions !!
YES I DID!! but not all of them tho, I’ll continue the rest this week
But for now I can tell you(under the cut bc spoilers) this: 
-Currently crying over the dance ep, it was beautiful. So much Shaunzer material there, cute Timmy’s mom and Bitzer interactions(which are a duo that I love). How Bitzer danced using rules and Shaun just had fun and still with such different methods they still were in perfect sync?? It says so much about them and their dynamic and dwfrewgw I love them, babies,, 
-It was nice to see Bitzer coming back to his more relaxed self after Farmageddon
-0/10 no Slip cameo and the bull didn’t appear at all. Pizza guy I can forgive considering….the pizza crime scene
-Lexi is mean girl and I still love her, already have lots of hc about her. Ben being basically Dinkleberg to the farmer is so funny sqfergt also blondie is RIPPED. Stash is cute and a lil shit so he fits in the show. Rita reminds me of Tabes from wbb in a way, she’s strong and I also wuv her
-Kinda thought the first ep seemed rushed? the transitions were fast and a lot happened in too little time buut I still liked the ep. Shaun just casually calling the piza place and the crime scene sdfvfv
-Mowermouth appears more and I’m so happy ;; it was confirmed Shaun is friends with him(or at least likes the dude enough to give him corn even knowing how much chaos the goat causes) and now I can live knowing my hc became true
-I can see some of the plots as mini movies in a way, I noticed the lighting in scenes looked very good too(like in the movies) and I see they experimented with stuff and there’s so much effort put into them and it’s so gOOD
-the prize ep omg not a fan of the pigs eps(don’t hate em I’m just neutral about them) but this one was pretty good. The ending with them going ‘ey you didn’t win anything at the end but doesn’t matter, MUD!!’ is so bros I liked that
-So many cute interactions ;;
-kinda weird how they mention Ben and Lexi are the neighbors but you don’t really see any proof of that?? They just pop up in fairs or just appear in the farm but if the eps descriptions didn’t tell that I wouldn’t have guessed
-the new intro is pretty cool!! I like the little variations between each one, like the simpsons with the couch gag. Seemed a little strange that Shaun and the flock appeared less than the farmer tho, understable since they needed to show the new chars better but kinda looked like the farmer was the protagonist and not Shaun there lol
That’s all for now, I’ll probably update this when I see the rest of the ep so if anyone wants to check this later there’’ll be more fangirling
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webearbros · 6 years
Hey nom nom you should look up the intro to this old sitcom call Family Troubles. I know this seems random but it's going to blow your mind when you see it.
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cupofangst · 7 years
I’m ashamed to say I haven’t been keeping up with WBB lately, and if I hadn’t logged onto tumblr recently, I probably would have missed tonight’s episode and I would have never forgiven myself it. But after having watched it....
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If I had to give any criticisms of the episode...I guess i’m kind of disappointed that the vacation episode didn’t have a lot of vacation in it XD It was just them trying to GET to the vacation...while trying to avoid a bunch of ravenous fans, which, btw, jesus christ, that shit was kind of terrifying. I mean..I wanted to laugh but like...Nom Nom was on the verge of literally DYING half the time D: Grizz, I think you need to be his boyfriend emotional support animal 24/7.
I shouldn’t be surprised that Nom Nom had to think he was about to die before finally spilling his guts out to Grizz.
They had BETTER build even more on this episode! Can we please have Farmer trying to hook them up on dates, please? This would please me.
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voice actor references
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webearbros · 6 years
It's cool Farmer but please let him know when he feels better I don't want to say much but it will surprise him so much he won't be able to "bear" it. ( Its cool just if you get a chance after processing show his reaction to it.you don't have to but I just think it be intresting to see.)
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(Thank you so much for understanding! Maybe in the future I’ll look into that idea since it does seem like an interesting possibility!)
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wake up sleepyhead
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