#waves sign that says you should ask me for fanfics I have a fucking library over here
byooregard · 2 years
Hello everyone, dear followers, I'm making an announcement to let everyone know that I have, after around 2 hours, finished meticulously going through my Ao3 bookmarks and categorizing them in 'rec' and writing little comments on the ones I have comments on and making sure that they are a very neat collection of The Best Handpicked Fanfictions for the viewing pleasure of anyone who happens across my bookmarks.
After going through this process, i realized that due to my five (5) whole works in two (2) fandoms, no one is looking at my ao3 bookmarks. So I'm making an announcement that if you are into fandoms displayed on my blog* and wish to find fanfiction of the quality varieties you should look at my bookmarks please I worked very hard on them
*mostly ace attorney and critical role but also: others!
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hikarimiyanaga · 3 years
Loving You (Wanda Maximoff/Reader)
Summary : The worst that could ever happen just happened to you.
You were a beta. Being an omega could’ve been better but no, God decided to fuck you up.
In a world, where Alphas and Omegas are considered the best, being a beta meant that you were just going to be an average person. Always in the middle.
People don’t look the same at you. You had potential. At the top of your classes, taking all of the AP Classes. Now, you doubt that even Colleges would consider you.
Ever since, Asami Sato has proven that even Omegas can change the world, people have been considering them as equal to Alphas… but never Betas. When has a Beta ever change the world?
So you shut up and hide from the world as you try to graduate and maybe get a job in your Family’s Company, R Firm.
But a chance encounter with a gorgeous Omega will change everything up.
Warnings : Omegaverse. Beta!Reader x Omega!Wanda Maximoff.
New series! After a month. College does seem to hate me that much.
You sigh as you trudge the halls of your high school. It was lunch break and almost everyone is in the cafeteria, obviously not you, though. You’ve been reading inside the library when Miss Danvers kicked you out, saying that she needs her lunch break too. You sigh and sit in front of your locker. You open up your book and begin reading.
Reading is one of the only things you could enjoy these days… you still remember the day you got your evaluation test.
You tremble as you stare at your test result. You were a beta. Tears spring up in your eyes but you quickly wipe them away. You could hear some people cry and some sniffle. You guess they were betas too.
“Y/LN?” You stop and turn to Janine Rivera, she was one of the juniors. A popular Omega who is in your AP English Class.
“Do you want to-?” You stop and gulp. Janine cuts off herself and gets your test result. You don’t fight her because it’s better to just rip the band-aid off. She scoffs and shoves the result back to you. “Megan!” Another girl looks at Janine. “Cross off Y/LN! She’s a Beta!” She shouts and everyone quiets down. You take a deep breath and walk off. The murmurs then start. You feel tears again in your eyes and you wipe them away again.
You walk home because inside your school felt so suffocating. People were going home anyway to tell their families their evaluation result. As you stood in front of your house, you feel your stomach cave in. You’re afraid to face your parents. Your Alpha Mother would surely get angry. Even your Omega ma would look at you with disappointment. Your two Alpha sisters would get disgusted. Just imagining their reactions make you cry.
“Y/N?” Your sister, Alsie, gets out of her car and you cry even more. She quickly kneels besides you. “What’s wrong!?” You refuse to answer so she guides you inside. “Ma!?” Your Omega Mother, Dahlia rushes downstairs and gets to you.
“Y/N!? Are you okay?”
“M-ma.” You stutter and cry even more. Your other sister, Valerie, gets downstairs too and fusses over you. You faint and they panic even more.
When you came to your sense, you’re in the living room with your Alpha Mother, Zale, is hovering over you. She sighs in relief and shouts that you’re okay. She was about to leave and you bite your lip as you grab her arm.
“Mom.” You say weakly and Dahlia gives you a glass of water. You sit up and gulp it down in one go.
“What’s wrong, little one?” Zale asks gently and you try not to cry again. God, their gentle affections and kindness, will it go away once you tell them what you really are? That you’re just a Beta and not like them? Will they throw you out? Disown you? You take a deep breath and you look at them.
“I-I” You tremble and put the glass on the coffee table. “I’m a Beta.” You look down and clench your fists, waiting for their reply.
“Oh, Jesus, it was just her evaluation result.” You look up and see as your all of your family collectively sigh in relief.
“Damn it, Y/N, don’t scare us like that.”
“My little sister is a goddamn drama queen, who freaking guessed?” Zale slaps Valerie softly on her arm.
“Why were you so afraid, anak?”
“I thought you guys would get angry and disown me.” You sniffle and Dahlia quickly hushes you and hugs you.
“Y/N, little one, that doesn’t matter to us.”
“Dude, that’s like the least of our concerns.”
“Oh? What matters most then, Val?” Valerie glares at Alsie and look away. “Your potential mate, that girl call-“ Valerie screeches and attacks Alsie who dodges quickly. You laugh at their antics and everyone looks relieved at you. They hug you and you hug them back. Grateful that they accepted you.
You were just humming to a song that’s been stuck inside your head when someone calls out.
“Excuse me?” You look up and gulp. The girl looked stunning and words seem to be stuck in your mouth. It felt like everything around you was moving slowly.
“Y-yes?” God, human interaction was not a daily occurrence for you, people tended to avoid you like the plague in School and the house is quieter now that both Zale and Alsie are off to college. Both of your moms never push you to talk about anything and simply bonds with you through food and TV.
“Can you tell me where I would find this classroom?” She pushes the schedule onto you and you hum. You knew the school halls like the back of your hand, it was easier to navigate that way. You felt your heart beat faster as you give it back.
“Yeah. You should take a left there and it should be the fourth room on the right.” You point it out and she nods. She smiles at you and you feel your heart skip a beat.
“Thanks, stranger.” You nod.
“Wanda!” Someone calls out and you both turn to the newcomer. “You know where the classroom is?”
Yeah. Come on.” They both turn to leave and you stare after them. Wanda looks back and waves at you. You simply put your hand up in a lame attempt to reciprocate.
“Fuck.” You whisper softly and put your hand to your chest. You will yourself to calm down before resuming to read your book.
You yawn as you step inside the cafeteria. It’s been a week since you gave Wanda directions… a week since and you’ve been avoiding her. Every time she would wave her hand at you, you’ll turn to the other direction. Anytime she tries to call you, you would run the other way. It was hard since she’s practically a dog just begging for your attention… this is why you really prefer cats.
You get a tray and get your usual lunch. You’re not in the library since Miss Danvers apparently quitted and even though students usually man the counter, you’ve decided to eat like a normal person this day.
“Hey!” Wanda calls out and you felt your stomach drop. She was with the Avengers. They were the most popular group in school, even more than Seniors despite being Sophomores like you.
Tony and Vision Stark are smart, and people are saying that they’re going to take the world in a few years. With Stark Industries, they might as well do that.
Natasha Romanoff is the heir to the Romanoff Airlines, and she has been basically to everywhere and knows many languages.
Angel Garcia is one of the only people who seem to take every AP classes like you. She’s a smart Omega that you have no doubt will take the world in a storm. Some says she’s a power Omega to Natasha.
Pepper Potts is already showing signs of a great businesswoman and is already interning at Stark Industries. She’s the soulmate of Tony Stark.
Steve Rogers is another example of a power Omega, with his buff body and being the captain and quarterback of the football team.
James ‘Bucky’ Barnes is an Alpha who is also the ace of the Basketball team. He’s the Alpha of Steve Rogers.
Thor Odinson is an Alpha who can make girls wet their panties without doing anything but existing. He’s the heir to Mjolnir Constructions.
Sam Wilson is an Alpha who loves flying more than anything else, he’s father is a pilot at Romanoff Airlines.
You gulp and turn away from her. Walking to a smaller table with no one. You turn to look and see Wanda’s disappointed face. You sigh as you eat and take your phone out. You read fanfics as you eat your lunch.
It’s not like the Betas at the school have not invited you to eat with them but you preferred to be alone, talking to no one and be in your own world.
Wanda sighs and turns back to their table.
“Something wrong, младшая сестра?” Pietro asks and Wanda huffs. She gets her tray and was about to go to you when Sam grabs her arm.
“I wouldn’t go to Y/LN. She’s a Beta.” She stops at that and pulls away from him.
“So what? Is that a sin?” Natasha scoffs at Wanda.
“It means she’s a trying hard nobody.” Wanda glares at her and Natasha smiles.
“She’s still in most of the AP classes though.” Angel says and Tony scoffs.
“Only because her mom and sisters threatened to sue if they didn’t let her.”
“Jesus, what a spoiled brat.” Wanda’s eye twitches at that and she drags Pietro away from them.
“THOSE are you new friends?”
“Yeah? They’re the coolest people, Wands, trust me.”
“Coolest? They’re judging someone based on their second gender.”
“It’s the truth, though.” Wanda crosses her arms and Pietro shrugs. “Betas are just average people, Wands, don’t put too much faith in them.” Wanda huffs and looks at you but you were already gone.
You stretch your body before going back into your research. You’re inside the library after school and you’ve already texted your moms about being late.
“Is this seat taken?” You look up and see Wanda with a book of her own. You shake your head. “Do you mind?” You shake your head again and she sits down besides you. You were so focused on doing you research that you haven’t noticed that Wanda has been staring at you. You only notice that she hasn’t opened her book yet. You look to her and meet her eyes.
“Um?” You blush and Wanda looks away as she opens her book. “Is that The Flower Girl Wore Celery?” Wanda nods and you squeal lightly. “They have this? Where’d you find it?”
“In the literature section? There’s a whole lot of Children’s books there.” You sigh.
“Maybe after I finish this dreadful thing.”
“I’m Wanda by the way.” She holds out her hand and you take it while blushing.
“Right. I’m Y/N.” Wanda smiles at you and you gulp.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N.” You nod and try to focus on the research. You finally finish after an hour and you stretch your body.
“Finally done.” You say and Wanda hums. She’s already finished the Children’s book and was now reading a novel.
“Here.” She gives you the book and you smile at her.
“Thanks.” You begin reading the book.
Your phone rings just as you finish the book, you quickly answer it and it was your Mom.
“Y/N? Are you still finishing your research?”
“No. I’m already done, just going to return all the books that I’ve borrowed.”
“Okay. Your Ma is already cooking dinner.”
“Alright. I’ll finish up and go home.”
“See you later, little one.”
“Yeah. Bye, mom.” You hang up and sigh.
“You okay?” Wanda asks and you hum.
“Just a little sore.” You gather all of your things and put them into your bag.
“You’re leaving?”
“Yep. Ma’s cooking and my mom’s going to get angry if I’m not home by the time she finishes.”
“Let me help you.”
“You sure? Some of these reference books are heavy.”
“Yep.” She picks up the books that you left behind and follows you. You begin returning the books while Wanda hovers behind you. “You’ve been avoiding me.” You drop the last book in your hand and it drops on your foot. You whimper quietly and pick it up. You immediately sit and Wanda looks down you. “You okay?”
“F-fine.” You stutter and stand. You take all the remaining books from her and return them. After you return the last one you notice Wanda and blush. You look down. “Sorry.”
“For what, exactly?” She gets into your vision and you sigh.
“For avoiding you? Getting involved with me won’t do you any good.” You pick up your bag and leave the library with her.
“Why not?” You sigh.
“Because I’m a Beta. And you’re an Omega.”
“So what?” You look at her, not believing her words…
“I’m a Beta, Wanda, you’re an Omega, you should hang out with another Omega or an Alpha, not a Beta like me.” You get something from your bag and present it to her. It was a bookmark, a simple one with just words on them. “My apologies and try to read all the books written on it. They’re all pretty good.” Pietro calls out to Wanda and you both turn to him. “I have to go.” You leave her behind and Wanda sighs. She smiles as she reads the bookmark’s contents.
A/N: I don't know how to cut off chapters now that I have no guide. Help.
Anyhows, thank you for reading and do tell me if you would like to be on the taglist for this series or future works!
I'm going to try to post chapters at least once a week or if life happens then once biweekly.
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haikyu-hoe · 3 years
The manager
Kuroo Tetsuro x reader
one shot, fluff
Hope you guys enjoy this, and if you do, you can check out my other fanfics!! ;)
The end of class bell rings, and you hurry down the stairs to your locker. You quickly grab your manager uniform and walk quickly to the gym. You change, hurrying as much as you can and enter the gym, only to find out you’re the first one there. And you thought you were gonna be late... These boys never fail to impress you, except not always in a good way.
You start setting up the court, until you hear loud chattering outside. They’re finally here, these little ray of sunshine that form the Nekoma volleyball team. You peak at them from the window, waving back at Lev and making accidental eye contact with Kuroo. You quickly turn away, concentrating on the nets you were putting up. You’d never tell him, but all his flirting actually has an effect on you.
The boys enter the court after passing through the lockers and you greet them, before going to sit on the bench for a while. Today was exhausting, and you know you’ll have a lot of homework later on tonight. But even though it seems like more work, being the manager is actually a break to you. It’s peaceful, fun and distracting.
Lost in thoughts, you don’t realize Kuroo is standing besides you, leaning on the wall.
“Hey care to toss me some balls, y/k?”, he says.
“Oh uh sure thing Kuroo”, you say, a bit startled but happy someone needs help.
You start tossing to him in silence, and this goes on until the end of practice. He’s usually so chatty… you start to wonder if something might be wrong.
After practice ends, you pull Kuroo’s arm to make him stay after the others. Surprised, he turns around to face you. You’re extremely close to each other and you quickly take a step back.
“is something the matter, y/k?", he says softly, walking close to you again.
“W- well actually i was wondering if everything was ok, you’re usually so chatty and i-”, you start, but he interrupts you.
“Heh and to think that this was gonna be you asking me out… guess i was mistaken.” He looks away, runs a hand through his hair than looks straight back at you. “I’ll do it myself then. Are you free tomorrow?”
“what”, you say, extremely confused. This is probably a joke, right? It’s Kuroo after all.
“Meet me at the school gate after class”, he winks and leaves, leaving you standing like an idiot.
You stay up a few hours thinking about it all, and decide to go. You do like him after all…
The next day, you barely pay attention in class, chewing on pens and worrying. Time goes by so slowly in this stupid school.
Finally the last bell rings, and you dreadfully walk to the school gates. Kuroo is already there, and he puts an arm over your shoulder when you arrive.
“What are you doing?!?”, you whisper.
“Mmh well this is a date y/k, do i need to explain to you how it works?”, he says mockingly. 
“Oh shut up. You know what i meant. People will talk and-”. Kuroo cuts you off again.
“Relaaax, are you embarrassed? You should be honoured to stand close to me you know.”, he says, still mocking you.
You sigh and let go of your worries. A few people are staring, but it isn’t as bad as you thought. Kuroo is kind of a star after all.
He takes you to a sweet ramen shop, and while you save a seat by the window, he orders for both of you. You eat in silence for a few minutes until Kuroo breaks it.
“C’mon, you got nothing to say? This is nice, don’t you think?”, he asks.
“Yeah, yeah it is… but what will the others think? Have you told them?”
“You need to calm down, y/k. What does it all matter? We do what we want. And i’ve been wanting this for a long time”
You sigh and laugh a bit. He grabs your hand on the table and looks at you with sweet eyes, a stare you’d never seen before.
“I’m… glad you asked, Kuroo. But i… i have to go. My parents expect me home. I’ll see you at practice.”, you quickly say, leaving no room for an answer. You bowl of ramen slowly goes cold on the table, a disappointed Kuroo staring at it.
You avoid Kuroo for the next days, even skipping practice one day. You feel ashamed of the way you acted, and aren’t ready to face him just yet. You don’t know what you want to do with this situation… ask for a second date saying you messed up or simply apologize and never talk about it again?
God this is so stupid. You’ve liked him for so long and now that it could finally happen, you’re running away like a coward. You’ll face him after practice tonight. But for now, you head to the library to do homework.
At practice, you talk a bit with Lev, that way you’re sure to not accidentally stare at Kuroo. You then toss to Kenma, often looking at the clock, dreading the end of practice.
After 2 hours or so, they leave for to change in the locker room. Luckily for you, the last ones out are Kenma and Kuroo. You make a sign to Kenma to leave, and he nods at you. He might have smiled, but it’s hard to tell with him. Kuroo goes to follow him, but you grab his wrist.
“Hey um, Kuroo? I wanted to talk to you.”, you say, breath trembling a bit.
“It’s ok y/k, i just thought you might like me too, but i was wrong, and i hope it doesn’t make things weird.”, he replies, avoiding your stare and fidgeting with his hands.
“Kuroo! it’s not that. I… I do like you. I just got so worried about how it would affect the team, and i just kind of panicked, but i regret what i did, i really do, i shouldn’t have avoided you like this-”
You get interrupted by his lips crashing on yours softly. You kiss back, running a hand in his hair, the other oh his chest. He holds your waist firmly, pulling you closer. After a few minutes, you part and both feel a bit embarrassed.
“How about we give it another go? Tomorrow, you and me, we can do anything you like”, he says softly grabbing your hands.
“Sure, i promise i won’t run this time. But i’d like to take things slow… Is that ok with you?”, you reply.
“Of course. I’ll come pick you up at 5”, he winks and leaves. You smile to yourself, so happy you didn’t screw everything up.
At five pm, you are impatiently waiting in the living room. Pacing around between the couch and the TV, you sometimes stop in front of the mirror to check how you look, fixing your makeup or flattening a stray piece of hair.
Finally the doorbell rings. Of course Kuroo would be fashionably late. You open the door, and he looks so good in his casual wears. A black hoodie, track pants and white baskets.
You greet each other and walk side by side to a nice local place near. You talk but it feels a bit fake. You sit down, order, and the conversation starts to get more casual. You talk about volleyball, classes, your friends, etc.
Kuroo gets the check, and he walks you home in the pale September moonlight. Your fingertips graze against his hand, but remembering what you said about taking it slow, he resists the urge to hold your hand.
Arriving in front of your house, he only murmures a gentle “goodnight”. He turns around and walks away, hands in his pockets.
“Kuroo! Wait!”, you suddenly scream. Your lips have been missing his since yesterday and you’re not about to let him slip away.
“Fuck taking it slow.”, you whisper as you grab him and press your lips on his in a passionate kiss. You feel him grin, and he pulls away a second to say “now that’s what i like”, before kissing you again.
You stay under the moonlight for long instants, talking, kissing, allowing each other to finally enjoy each other.
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 9
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2443
Warnings:  Pregnancy, mentions of past child abuse
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 9: Ghost of Family Past
It wasn’t long before I felt settled in the new place.  I loved the house out at the compound and I was glad we had it, but it had been so large that it still felt a lot like a hotel to me.  This new layout at the tower and the familiarity of being in the place where I’d spent so much time, I felt at home.  Not to mention it was nice being in the city again.  We could order in food, something that had been impossible out at the compound.  It was great having the big meals where we arranged them all by type and then just took what we wanted again.  People had gone back to stealing things from each other’s plates.  All these little habits that had been a huge part of our collective lives were coming back and I loved it even after a few days.
Things quickly found their rhythm too.  Natasha and Wanda’s morning sickness was hitting hard in the morning so they were generally staying home.  Wanda was in full nesting mode.  She was spending a lot of time with the kids and looking at baby clothes online.  Natasha was working in the office, going over mission briefings, and compiling intel.  She also was adamant that we did not take the kids out without her, so she would finish work in the afternoons and take them and anyone else that wanted to go to the park and the library for storytime.  Her new cloaking powers meant that they were going to be able to live a fairly normal childhood in the end.  Or at least, paparazzi free.
I was mostly spending my time between the lab and home and planned to keep it that way as long as I could.  So far I wasn’t getting any morning sickness.  I was still really only barely pregnant, so all those signs hadn’t kicked in yet, though I was expecting them to start soon.  Mostly I was just relaxed and enjoying life returning to normal.
Bucky had booked Tyr and Spotty in to be groomed and the two of us went to take them to the groomers during our lunch break one day not long after getting back.  It was the first time I had gone out without Natasha since the wedding and so my first experience with the paparazzi after they got word that I had married Tony Stark.
They had been grouped around the front door and security had to push them back as we made our way out with the dogs.  Mostly they were calling out my name and asking about the wedding.  Some seemed to be trying to make Bucky angry for some inconceivable reason.  Yelling out to him about being a second choice.  Luckily he was good at keeping his reactions neutral.  He just put his arm around me and pulled me a little closer.
“Should have gone out the back,” I said.
He shrugged.  “They’re around there too.  Just ignore them.  You’re all glowy so the pics are gonna be nice.”
I giggled.  “‘Cause that’s what I care about.”
“Just keep walking, don't engage.  Security will keep them out of arm's length and if they get past them, they won’t have any arms when I’m done with them,” Bucky said.
“Bucky!” I scolded.
He chucked and rubbed my shoulder.  “I was kidding.”
“How long will we have to worry about them?”  I asked, looking back over my shoulder at the crowd following after us.
“They’re just greedy ‘cause they don’t get how the wedding thing worked.  They’ll get over it soon.  It’s not like they’re gonna catch us going out that way very often,” Bucky explained.  “If it makes you feel any better, the dogs think they’re fucking annoying too.”
I laughed.  “Oh no, babies,” I cooed and reached down and scratched Spotty’s back.
“You better pat Tyr too,” Bucky said. “He’s jealous.”
I bit back more laughter and pet the Cavalier awkwardly as we kept moving.
The use of my less formal name by someone in the crowd drew my attention and I turned to see who had called out.  The voice was familiar too, and yet it wasn’t until I saw who was calling out to me that I recognized who it was.
“Elly, please.”  My younger sister was being held back by two security guards, looking at me imploringly.  I hadn’t heard from any of my family in years.  I had kept in touch with my sisters for a little while after I ran away from home, but when they started dating what my father would have considered the right people and I remained the black sheep.  The last time I spoke to any of them was around the time I had been kidnapped by Madame Masque and only then was I calling my father once a month so he wouldn’t send out the police to find me.
“It’s alright,” I said the security.  Bucky looked at me confused.   “It’s my sister,” I explained quietly as they let her through.
He nodded.  “Keep walking,” he said, his voice low and serious.
I started walking again letting Amanda catch up to me.  I wasn’t sure what to say to her.  Or why she was here.  It wasn’t like people hadn’t known where I was for the past six years.  I’d been in the media on and off since my first date with Tony.
“Tell us what you want,” Bucky said as she pulled up next to us.  There was a growl in his voice.  He was angry and protective and worried Amanda was here to hurt me.
“It’s okay, Buck,” I said rubbing his hip.  “Let her say what she wants to say.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t keep in touch,” Amanda said.
“I didn’t exactly keep in touch either, Mandy,” I said.
She shrugged a little.  “I know but I was the one that stopped first.”
I could feel Bucky tensing more and more as we walked.  I slipped my hand into his back pocket and looked up at him.  “It’s okay,” I said quietly.  He scowled at me and nodded but he didn’t relax at all.
“So… what?”  I asked.  “You suddenly got into the mood to make amends and you thought rather than calling or reaching out to me online you’d stalk my home?”
“It’s not like that,” Amanda said.  “You cut us all off when you started -” she waved her hand in the direction of me and Bucky.  “-all of this.  We haven’t been able to get through to you.”
“We?”  I asked, not sure who exactly she meant by ‘we’.  Then the rest of what she’d said sunk in.  “Wait… what?”
“Mom and dad.  They’ve been trying to get through to you, but they can’t get past your security,” I stopped walking and it took a few steps for either Buck or Amanda to realize I wasn’t with them anymore.
“El?”  Bucky said, turning back to me.
“Why wouldn’t I have been told that my parents were trying to get in contact with me?”  I asked.
Bucky shook his head.  “I don’t know, doll,” he replied.  “Would you want them to?”
“I - I -” I shook my head, trying to clear it.  My brain was a jumble of thoughts that involved my abusive parents trying to get back into my life and my overprotective spouses not telling me shit that directly involved me again.  “How long?  When did they first try?”
“We need to keep moving, El,” Bucky said.
“When?!”  I shouted.  The paparazzi had all started taking pictures in a frenzy like this was the best scoop they’d ever gotten.  Bucky moved to me quickly, putting his arm around my waist.
“Come on, darlin’.  Not here,” he said quietly.
I nodded and we started walking again.  “When was it?” I asked again.
“When they read about the wedding,” she said.
“Oh, that’d be right,” I snarked, rolling my eyes. “And you haven’t thought about me at all?  You have a niece and nephew and it didn’t cross your mind.”
“Well, so do you,” Amanda retorted.  “You’re hardly in a position to judge me for that.”
“You have kids?”  I asked, frowning as I looked her over.  She looked a lot like me.  Her hair was cut short, in one of those ‘I want to speak to the manager’ styles, and she was dressed in a grey skirt suit.  But aside from the styling differences between us, there was no mistaking this woman was my sister.
“Yes, three,” she said.  “And so does Olivia, and so does Ian.”
“Right,” I said.  “I’m sorry.”
We’d arrived at the dog groomers and Bucky turned to Amanda.  “Wait here,” he growled.
Amanda drew herself up, obviously not used to being ordered around by random strangers.  “Now listen here…”
“No, you listen to me,” Bucky hissed.  “You ambush us while we’re out walking the dogs and you think you get to run the show?  I don’t fuckin’ think so.  You’re gonna wait here while we drop our dogs off and then we’ll talk.”
Amanda took a few steps back like she was facing a wild animal.  Bucky put his hand in the middle of my back and guided me inside.  “You okay?”  He asked.
“I … I don’t really know,” I admitted.  I didn’t know how I felt.  It was a mess.
“Tell her to fuck off then,” Bucky said, picking Tyr up and putting him in my arms.
“She wasn’t the one that hit me, Buck,” I said.  “She was a kid in that house too.”
“Right,” Bucky huffed.  He picked up Spotty and we carried them to the counter.  We checked them in and were given some paperwork and a time to pick them back up and Bucky took me aside.  “Alright, this is what we’re gonna do.  We’ll take her to that bar on the corner.  Get something to eat and get to the bottom of why exactly she’s here.  Then we’ll get the dogs and go home and you can think about it, alright?”
I nodded.  I couldn’t fault the logic.  He went to move and I grabbed his arm.  “Why didn’t anyone tell me they were trying to get in touch?”
“I don’t know, El,” he said.  “I promise if I did I’d tell you.  I’m guessing either Steve or Tony said not to let their calls come through, or they just haven’t got that far into the messages while we were away.”
“Right,” I said.
“You can ask them tonight,” he said.  “It’s gonna be okay.  I promise.  I’m here.  You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”
I nodded and we went out to find Amanda.  She was waiting with our security detail and Bucky approached her.  She took a few steps back, and I saw that same kind of terror in her eyes I always felt when I knew I was in trouble.  It made me feel sick and I hurried up to Bucky and took his elbow.  “Mandy,” I said quickly.  “Can we have lunch?  Talk this over?”
Her eyes flicked from Bucky to me and she nodded.  “Yes.  Yes, please.”
We walked down to the bar in silence, me clinging to Bucky’s hand.  We were given a booth in the back and some of the security took a booth near us, while others waited outside.  After a quick peruse of the menu, Bucky went to place an order for us.  I wanted nothing more than to order a whole tray of shots and just drink myself into a coma, but thankfully rationality won out.
“Ended up with someone just like dad after all, didn’t you?”  Amanda snapped when Bucky went to the bar.
“Bucky is nothing like our father,” I hissed, balling my fists under the table.
“Right, looks it,” she snarked.
I clenched my jaw as I tried not to completely lose my temper.  I wanted to just yell at her that she didn’t know him and she didn’t know me.  That I hadn’t ever felt safer with anyone than I had with the people I was with.  But there was no point.  She had her idea of what he was like and while he was in angry protective mode, that wouldn’t change.
“Why are you here?  Really?” I asked.  “And why now?”
Bucky returned to the table with a number, a glass of white wine for Amanda, a beer for him, and a pineapple juice for me.  He sat close to me, putting his arm around my shoulders and resting his hand on my hip.
Amanda’s eyes flicked to Bucky and back to me and she let out a breath.  “Mom and dad asked me to come.  You’d blocked them on most things, and they tried calling the Avengers people, but they weren’t getting through.  They want to see you.”
“Over my dead body,” Bucky growled.
“Buck, honey.  I really need you to not do that,” I said.  He huffed and took a drink of his beer.
Amanda took a sip of her wine and fiddled with the glass.  “They did think about it when you were pregnant.”
“But they waited until I got a rich husband, huh?” I snarked.
���They’ve changed, Elly,” Amanda said.  “Dad’s mellowed out.”
I shook my head.  “Uh-huh.  And the fact they’ve chosen now that I’ve married one of the most famous billionaires to get in contact is a coincidence.”
Amanda sagged a little and blinked her eyes.  “Elly, I know it was harder for you than the rest of us.  I know that when you ran away they just wrote you off.  When it came out you were in this big -” she waved her hands again.
“Polyamorous.  The word you’re looking for is polyamorous,” I hissed.
“Right, that,” Amanda said.  “He completely lost it.  Said it was going to look bad on them.  That if people found out he’d lose his position.”
“You’re not spinning it in his favor there, Mandy,” I deadpanned.
She sighed.  “I know, but… he’s your dad.  And they’re your kid’s grandparents.  They’re really good grandparents.”
Bucky stiffened up.  “If you think for one second, I’m letting my kids near that monster…”
Amanda leaned over the table and put her hand on mine.  “Please, Elly.  Consider it.  For me.”
There was a fear in her eyes and I looked down.  There was a thread that joined me to her.  It was very faint and hard to see with all the other much brighter ones.  I looked at it and I knew… we were family and I was going to have to meet with my parents.
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Caffeinated drinks, black dots and I should’ve stayed at home
Kanene’s Notes: Heya, heya awesome beans! Howz you are all doing?!
I am very glad that I finally finished this idea dfghjkderty. Shinsou was the second character that my mind screamed that I NEEDED to put in a cat cafe and kjhgtrertyu I think that one is a litol more funny and fluff than hurt/comfort, like the one with Midoriya, but worry not! In the end of the day one more kid is adopted :D
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* That fanfic has Dadzawa and Yamadad and their relatonship can be seen as romantic, if you wish.
* This happens in the same universe as This Fanfic Here and you can also find it on AO3.
* There is passing out due exhaustion, sleep deprivation and cursing, but besides that i don’t think that there are any more warnings. This is more funny and fluff.
* This characters do not belongs to me. They all belongs to the amazing the manga/anime Boku no Hero.
* Something around 2.500 words. -w-)b.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any advice is very very welcome!
* Tô com preguiça de postar a versão em português brasileiro aaaa! Oh!! If you have an idea for another scenario in this universe, hmu! I would love to hear it !!Thankys so much for reading this. Take care! Drink water! Eat well!! Pet a cute animal today!! And please sleep a bit, okie? <3 Byeioo!~
Shinsou blinked for what it felt the fifth time on the last minutes, which was probably the same amount a normal human being was supposed to blink but right now it just felt wrong. He rubbed his stinging eyes again, suppressing another yawn, firm on his purpose to concentrate his brain enough on the task of remembering his order, an almost impossible action by the way a growing headache involved his mind since he woke up.
The teenager focused again on the colorful, full of doodles of paws and whiskers menu, wishing for the first time in nearly two months attending the place that the drinks’ names were objective and direct, and not awful cat puns that made his braincells prefer to combust themselves instead of gathering the necessary information to remind him of the beverage he should ask.
 He squinted his eyes, dots appearing in the air. Hm. Definitely not a good sign. Maybe he should order two of the most caffeinated drinks instead of just one? He stared the menu again, frustration flaming on his veins as the words blurred and lost their signification, dancing together with the café’s lights.
 And it was only 7 AM.
Perhaps he should have stayed home, on the safety of his bed and the darkness of his room. He knew he should have cancelled his training.
 And yet, even thinking about that possibility made Hitoshi’s stomach be consumed by anxious tugs and knots, leaving an unpleasant taste of displeasure on his mouth. His trainings were one of the best moments on his entire week. They were events he would catch himself smiling as he thought about a newest move he learned or how his body seemed to recover quicker from the lessons. Or even how good, how right and free he felt on the gym, tired and sore, in the moment that his mentor nodded, proudness flicking in his eyes.
 … How amazing it felt to look at the mirror and see that same feeling reflected on his own gaze.
 He couldn’t deprive himself of that sensation, even if dealing with the painful consequences of his sleep deprivation and probably a lecture if his mentor caught him was the only other options.
 “Just one more. Just one more person and then I can ask for the strongest caffeinated shit here.” Yeah. This time those cups would be enough to make him endure at least his afternoon classes, he repeated to himself in mumbles. Two cups. Two cups and some minutes petting a cat and he would be ready. He would be ready for the world and society and the whole being a functional human being thing. And then he would get on the metro and nap until he gets home where he would have the real opportunity to properly sleep. Almost there. Just two cups. Two. Two cups.
 Gosh, he probably sounded like Midoriya, mumbling non stop like this. A mental image of the energetic teen looking as tired as Shinsou and drinking coffee as if his life depended on it popped on his brain, leading to a sudden urge to giggle manically take over the purple haired boy, and for the way some other customers eyed him warily he possible vocalized that impulse as well, limbs feeling at the same time too much heavy and too much light.
 He was so fucking tired.
 “Next one!” Loud. So loud. Shinsou obligated his body to step closer, opening his eyes enough to realize that dark spots still painted his vision. Huh. When did he close his eyes, again? “Good morning, little customer! How can I help you today?”
 Hitoshi stared at the figure in front of him, senses slow like he was under water, trying to understand the distorted sentences being directed at him, the dots growing and twinkling. Black dots were supposed to be able to do that?
 The world swayed a bit under his feet. He tried to move his lips but they didn’t obey him.
 “Little customer?” The voice sounded worried, and maybe that is what compelled the boy to take a deep breath, putting all his will in forming word after word when a nauseating wave of tiredness hit him, leading his conscience’s grip in reality weaken.
 “I am going to pass out.”
 And then the world got completely black, his senses disappearing together with a background screech.
 Well, fuck.
 Yamada had seen a lot of crazy, strange things while working at the cat café.
 As example that one shift when an adult of blue hair, strict pose and clear exhaustion dripping in waterfalls from his form was convinced that he was in a library and fiercely tried to return a book to them, doesn’t taking a ‘no’ as answer until the blond was left stupefied with a book of “The Secrets Hidden in The Bottom of The Ocean” on his arms.
 Or that occasion when a boy with a blank expression wearing Victorian clothes and completely surrounded by crows opened their door, looked from a side to another, stared at the deepest parts of Yamada’s soul, analyzing all his dark fears and secrets before slowly blink and say “Wrong store, my apologies” walking back and calmly ignoring the hissing and battle yowling of dozens of cats and crows.
 Or the day a green haired woman with a kind, calm aura just walked behind the counter completely unphazed by Hizashi and Aizawa’s unbelieved looks, made two healthy snacks, patted their cheeks saying ‘You two need to eat more, dears’ and then disappeared as if nothing had happened.
 However, none of those events ever prepared him for the moment which purple eyes would stare his in an unfocused state, not really looking at anything and a wobbly smirk – if he wasn’t accustomed with Shouta’s grin, he would easily call it ‘creepy’ – would paint his customer’s pale face, the silence ringing alarmingly on his ears.
 “Are you okay, little listener? Do you want to sit for a minute? You look extremely tired.”
 As the words came out of his lips, a spell seemed to break, the other’s face getting even paler, smile falling and eyes widening leaded his body to stumble forward instinctively, something on his guts screaming for him to get ready. A few other customers on the line grumbled in impatience, looking at their watch and protesting. Somewhere, in the deep part of his brain, Yamada wondered why those things only happened when Aizawa was out and no procedures for those kinds of situations were previously discussed on their contract.
 “Hey, guy,” a blonde teenager behind the paralyzed one said, tipping forward in an attempt to catch the other’s expression, his kimono following each move, “are you… here with us?”
 “Little listener?”
 A hesitant poke on his cheeks, two pair of eyes warily watching a third.
 His mouth finally moved.
 “I am going to pass out.” His voice was light, stitched together by certain. His legs trembled under his own weight, body collapsing.
 “You WHAT?” A terrified shriek mixed itself between Hizashi’s words, flying across the whole store.
 “Oh, shi-”
 His blonde client didn’t waste a second before holding the other, arms locking under his armpits in a strange kind of hug, knees weakening with the sudden, unexpected effort, the limp teenager not even flinching with the touch, laying there completely motionless.
 Hizashi blinked, gulping, adrenaline exploding on each one of his fibers, color slightly draining from his own face, a piece of his conscience wishing with all its strength for this to be only a dream. When his eyes opened, everything would be the same.
 He blinked, the deafening silence still crushing the room, one set of black eyes staring at him in confusion and growing panic, another set closed, heavy, dark circles under it.
 Right. He didn’t have time for this.
 So, he blinked again, finding himself in front of them both, pushing his feelings under a mask of a calm, an easy reassuring smile already slipping on his face, crouching to get the legs of his customer, catching the gaze the other and winking, “let’s get him on a more comfortable position, right?”
 A determined nod, quick, careful steps as they both laid the purple haired one on a small couch placed under some shelves, having to gently dislodge three sleeping cats, who hissed in irritation. The voice of Nemuri, attending the rest of the line filling the space and being acknowledged in the back of his mind, serving as a firm ground and helping his muscles to relax, even if just a little bit.
 Hizashi stared the young boy in front of him, looking somewhat peaceful, a bit of color having already returned to his face, soft snores coming out from him.
 … Hitoshi. That is his name, right? He wasn’t a new client, always coming at every fifteen days, always by morning and always caffeinated drinks that only Yamada - on his most delirious moments - ever thought in trying, quick to go to play with any feline who appeared in front of him. Although, he never stayed more than ten minutes, the quiets ‘bye’s he gave to the felines never failing to melt Yamada’s weak, bleeding heart.
 A childish voice pulled him right out of his thoughts.
 “Mom, is he dead?”
A snort escaped his lips before he could help it. Kids.
 “Sir?” The teenager shook a small device with a shiny screen in front of him, the logo of a new rock band he hadn’t a chance to listen to yet on the background “I found his phone, I think we should call his emergency contact…?”
 “Of course! Thank you, little helper!” He ruffles his hair, flashing a smile and thumbs up as his finger quickly clicked on the call button, listening, not trying to show his impatience as it ringed.
 “You’re late.” A tired voice answered him, and Hizashi felt his entire body relax completely, right before the surprise shook its frame, too much pieces clicking together in a puzzle he didn’t even know he was solving.
 “I am sorry.”
 “You will be writing a formal letter apologizing to Hizashi, Nemuri and to me, our classes will be cancelled for this week and, if I notice you didn’t recover properly on this free time, for the next week as well. I am not going to stand by and watch you running yourself to the ground, damaging your potential because you lack of some sense of self preservation, do I make myself clear?” Shinsou tried to not visibly flinch at his sensei’s words. He almost forgot how much intimidating Aizawa could be when totally serious. They stopped by the Cat Café’s door, the black eyes staring at him.
 “Yes, sir.” He answered, lowering his gaze. Shouta sighed, his worry stopping to come out as harsh and necessary words to materialize itself in the form of him patting the boy’s head, messing his hair for a few seconds before opening the door and getting into the establishment.
 “Good. Now come in, Hizashi has been worried and he won’t stop pestering me until he sees with his own eyes how you are.”
 Hitoshi didn’t had time to question how someone that he just met – if you consider passing out in front of him a proper meeting – could be worried about his well-being when, as the door clicked behind him, an excited screech filled the room, forging the realization that maybe that weird high sound before his faint wasn’t just the ring of his ears.
 “SHINSOU!!” And, in a blink of eyes, the blonde was in front of him, hands on his face, turning it from a side to another, up and downwards, “You look so much better with some color on your face! I am glad that you finally took some necessary rest, huh? Your eyeshadows even got lighter, which, phew, is such a relief! For a very terrifying moment there I almost thought you would be as bad as this guy right here.” Yamada locked his arms around Aizawa’s shoulder, using the time to take a breather and smile, gladly giving the younger some time to process the flow of words thrown at him. “You gave us both quite a scare, kiddo.”
 “I am deeply sorry for inconveniencing you and interrupting your work, Yamada-san.” He bowed, a slight embarrassed blush dusting his cheeks.
 “Just please don’t do that again and you will be fine, little customer.” Hizashi then squinted his eyes on his direction as Hioshi brought himself back to his previous position, shoulders tense and straightened back, much different from his previous more slouched pose. Yamada’s eyes got a few inches wider. “You gave him The Talk!” He turned himself to Shouta, his excited sentence, loud enough to probably making his friend deaf, if the black haired adult wasn’t already used with the other’s attics, previously covering his ears before the outburst.
 His response was a grunt, Aizawa dislodging himself from his touch with scoff and half heartedly mumbles, ignoring the confusion on his pupil’s gaze. “Maybe he looks like that because of your total disregarding of personal space.”
 “Don’t worry,” Hizashi put his hand at the side of his mouth, as if he was confiding Shinsou’s a secret. “He only does that because he is worried about you, too. Don’t let yourself to be fooled by his grumpy façade. He is a mother hen at heart.”
 “I am going to lock you outside and give all your CD’s to the kittens a their new toys.” The other threatened, going behind the balcony and turning the coffee machines on, preparing the store to open. The few cats who were already wandering around the place yowled and meowed in despair, as if the blonde hadn’t feed them fifteen minutes ago and they were starving under the hands of such unloving and uncaring creature. Aizawa crouched and distributed the treats hidden on his pockets for everyone of them, nevertheless. His friend used the distraction to mouth a ‘see?’ at the younger’s direction, eliciting a snicker from him, his body language more relaxed.
 “Feel free to do whatever,” Aizawa proclaimed, not staring at the boy, who felt a flower of warmth blossom on his chest. “Just be sure that all your homework is completed by lunch time or the moment you decide to go. Sushi is probably napping now, but when she wakes up, I will warn you.”
 “But first,” Hizashi clapped, capturing the attention as he walked with a dance on his step to the bakeries, taking two plate on his way. “breakfast! For you both. And that means something substantial and not just a cup of coffee.”
 Shinsou startled from the table he decided to place himself, shaking his head. “Yamada-san, it’s okay, you don’t need to-”
 “Nonsense, nonsense! I want to. Eating breakfast alone is just sooo boring, you know?” Hizashi spun on the place, almost throwing the muffins and breads around as Ochaco used his distraction to attack his shoelaces. “Uravity, stop, I need those.”
“Her name isn’t Uravity.” Shouta appeared again, bringing drinks and yawning, his focus changed to the boy’s. “Better give up. I’ve been fighting against him for years now.”
 “Also, her name is Ochaco Uravity Fluffy Second and you just refuse to call her that because you’re just jealous of how much genius I am.”
 “I refuse to call her that because I care for her sanity.”
 “Lies, lies.”
 Hitoshi snorted, hiding his smirk behind his hand. “I prefer his name better, sensei.”
 Aizawa watched them high five between the cheers of the blonde with an unimpressed expression. “Cheeky brat.”
 “You’re just grumpy because he has a good taste. Friendship ended with Shouta, now Shinsou is my new best friend.”
"I am truly devasted." Aizawa deadpanned, taking a long sip of his beverage, hiding his smirk as Shinsou snorted, Yamada's dramatic wailing in the background.
 And, as the playful bickering engulfed them between the warm food and purrs, Hitoshi decided that maybe losing his weekly training wasn’t so bad if that was what waited for him.  
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harryspet · 4 years
A Wife’s Duty [2] h.s.
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[Warnings] a f’d up fanfic based on the handmaid’s tale, commander x wife, harry styles x named oc, noncon spanking, abuse, verbal abuse
In which Harry establishes her place in his home.
check out my my #masterlist for part one!
Like, reblog and let me know what you think!
Part of her felt violated. Like Harry had reached into the darkest part of her mind. Of her soul. She thought she’d feel clean and rejuvenated with the Lord’s spirit after consummating her marriage with her husband. Instead, she felt dirty. Dirty for letting someone touch her in that way and dirty for feeling so much pleasure from it.
The next morning, Harry was not lying beside her. She debated continuing to lie in bed but the sun was already up and she didn’t yet know what would be expected of her here. She didn’t want to make a bad impression by rising too late. 
She found clothes waiting for her on the dresser, most likely laid out by Imogene. She carried them to the bathroom and as she glanced at herself, she noticed how disheveled she was. Her hair was a wild mess, her nightgown was riding all the way up, and bruises decorated her waist and thighs. Her neck was bright red and, as she lifted her gown, she noticed her neck was too. 
He might as well have given her tattoos. 
She frowned at herself. Had he really held her that hard? She wondered if she had left any marks on him.
Last night, Harry was an animal and she was the sacrificial lamb that was thrown into his cave. The moment was only awkward on her end and it made her wonder how many times he had done something like that with another girl. He had her first kiss and virginity. What did she have from him?
Ember showered and dressed in a cream-colored knee-length skirt and a pastel blue sweater. She wondered if it is a turtle neck was a coincidence. Either way, she was grateful because she didn’t feel like parading around her new home like a common whore. No matter how Harry treated her. 
In a pair of beige flats, she headed down the stairs, once again staring at that beautiful chandelier. 
The aroma of cooking breakfast filled the air and she followed it to where Harry showed her husband was in the dining room. At the head of the table sat her husband, eyes focused on the newspaper in front of him. There was a placement sad beside him so she assumed it was for her but, still, she stood in the entrance waiting for him to acknowledge her. 
It seemed he was already done with his breakfast, toast crumbs sitting on his plate and his coffee cup empty. He looked over his newspaper and his eyes raked over the girl in front of him. His wife. Newly deflowered, “Are you not hungry?” He asked, expectantly. 
She blushed. Gosh, it seemed like she couldn’t make any of the right moves with him. She walked over to the seat beside him and pulled out the chair before sitting down, “I’m sorry for being late,” She folded her napkin neatly on her lap. 
“I’m just early,” He spoke concisely as Imogen appeared to say good morning and to refill Harry’s cup of coffee. Ember smiled at the older woman and, despite how she felt like a new person from yesterday, the woman returned her warm smile. 
There was lots of food spread over the table, more than both of them could probably eat. She hoped it wasn’t going to waste. Still, she filled her plate and began to fill the hole in her stomach. 
“Alec is out back,” Imogene spoke to Harry who didn’t even lift his head from his newspaper, “It seems our new little filly is a bit of a handful. But she seems playful.”
“Tell him I’ll be out in a moment,” Imogene only nodded. 
Swallowing a piece of bacon, Ember looked to Harry, “A filly?”
“Yes,” He looked up to see she was still confused and sighed, “A baby horse. A girl.”
Ember’s eyes seemed to widen a bit, “You have a baby horse?” 
He began to fold his newspaper, “I have several horses. But you, Ember, have a baby horse,” She almost choked on her food. 
“I-I what?”
“A wedding present from my uncle. She was born three weeks ago,” Ember blinked, eyes wide. She smiled but part of her was scared of smiling. Smiling meant she was okay with this. Smiling meant she was accepting a future here, “I’m assuming you’re happy about it.”
Ember nodded, “Yes, of course. No one’s ever gotten me . . . anything before. Let alone a horse. I cannot wait to meet your uncle, he seems like a kind man.”
Harry didn’t comment on that and she couldn’t read his eyes for a sign of anything. He was really good at hiding things. 
“Who is Alec?” Ember asked next. 
Harry frowned before taking a sip of his coffee, “He tends to the land and the animals. You can meet him after breakfast. If you finish anytime soon,” With that, she stopped talking and finished the rest of her plate. 
Ember named her Blue. She wasn’t blue. She was blonde actually but she liked the name and neither Harry nor Alec protested it. She stood behind a tall white fence, watching Alec, as he played with the filly. She was still very wild, running away when she called him and biting at him when he got too close. 
Alec was handsome with reddish-brown hair, freckles that decorated his nose and a nice smile. He seemed like someone she might’ve been friends with if she hadn’t been shipped off to Haynes Girls Reformatory at such an early age. There were no boys there, she almost felt weird when Alec was so nice to her. 
Alec led the baby horse closer to us, “Here, you can pet her, Ember. I’ll put my hand down to show her it’s okay and then you can touch the same spot, okay?” She nodded eagerly. 
A quick glance at Harry showed he was hesitant but Ember was too excited to care. She reached over the fence to place a hand on the filly, right where Alec’s had been, and gave her a soft pat, “See, she likes you, you’ll be riding her in no time.”
“I can ride her?” She looked at Alec with a childlike wonder. 
“When she’s much older and trained. And after you’re trained too Ember,” Harry interjected. Her smile fell a little bit but she just continued to pet the horse. 
I didn’t seem like Harry wanted to stick around for much longer after that. He escorted her back to the house, she waved goodbye to Alec, and he went off to do whatever the Commander's did. She thought she should be more curious about what he does but, honestly, it was the last thing on her mind. 
She didn’t understand how the man could go from making her claim she was his to being cold and distant. She was more curious about the man beneath the mask of the Commander. 
She found a small library on the second floor, each wall covered in a giant oak bookcase and a comfortable seating area by the window. She simply picked a book, a classic one that would make her look smart in front of whatever posh people Harry associated with. She unleashed the tight bun her hair was in and relaxed. A hundred pages later and she was dozing off. 
She awoke to a car pulling in front of the home. Harry was back from the meeting with the guy on the phone from yesterday, she assumed. She was about to begin another hundred pages when a thunderous boom roared through the house, the slamming of a door.
Ember sat up from her spot, shutting her book slowly, before going to peak out the door. She can hear that downstairs Harry was yelling about something and Imogene was trying to calm him. He spoke some cursed words and Ember wondered how he could speak that way in front of such a nice woman. 
Ember left the room, tiptoeing downstairs so she could see what was going on. 
“What do they want from me, huh? To roll over like a dog! I sit on committees, I run campaigns, I go to their charity fundraisers, hell, I even got fucking married. And the comments keep coming. They won’t ever stop!”
“Harry, please, if you don’t go along with them-”
“I know, I know. Political suicide. It’s not what my mother would have wanted, I know. I fucking know-”
Ember rounded the corner into the kitchen, “You shouldn’t speak to her that way,” The words left Ember’s lips before she could stop them. His eyes narrowed her and even Imogene seemed to freeze. 
“What did you say?” Harry seemed to snarl, taking a step closer to her.
“I-I mean … I-I wanted to help. I understand that you’re angry, Harry-”
“Commander,” he interrupted with venom in his tone, “I’m your Commander. You will address me as such. You will not help because you know nothing. You will not even take a single breath unless I approve it. And you’ll return to your room without another word, Ember.” He wasn’t shouting anymore though she felt a pounding in her ears. What was she to do? He looked like he was going to explode at any moment. 
Her eyes began to well up with tears and she turned to walk away. She covered her mouth, trying to hold in a sob, as she hurried up the stairs.
Imogene was not the one who gave her the information that she was being summoned to Harry’s study. It was a younger servant, one who had a scar over her left eyes that told me that it was missing. She wondered who had been able to hurt a young girl in that way. 
His study was opposite the library and two giant dark wood doors separated it from the rest of the house. Ember knocked with a trembling hand and she heard him murmur to come inside. 
Ember slipped inside, her head so low that she couldn’t even take in the vast room. She felt her eyes on him and she shook even more. 
He sighed, “You think I’m a monster, don’t you?” It wasn’t really phrased as a question. 
“No, Commander,” she lied. 
“Imogene thinks I am. Half of one at least. She’s understanding of my moods. She raised me so she’s accustomed to it. My intention was not to disrespect her and she knows that “Ember was quiet. Maybe that kind smile she received from Imogene meant more than she originally thought. The woman probably knew there were bruises beneath my sweater, “If there’s one thing you need to know about me, Ember, is that I do care. A lot. Imogene and Alec were all I had. And now that you’re here, I assume we will get to that place too.”
He was pacing in front of her and her eyes were now on his black shoes, “I also care about my family and, this is the life they wanted for me, so I will respect that. I care about having a favorable view in the eyes of my constituents and fellow commanders. To do that I need to have control in my city but also in my own home. You have duties as my wife and one of them is to not overstep me.”
“I’m sorry,” Ember whispered, the words barely audible. 
“You will be,” He spoke as he grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him, before dragging her over to a leather couch. He sat down before rustling her small body over his knee. He held her upper body down with his elbow as he lifted her skirt and lowered her panties, “You’ll make it worse if you squirm.”
Only five seconds later she had gone rigid as she realized she didn’t want things to get worse. 
His palm ran over her bare bottom as he said, “I could’ve used my belt,” she flinched, “And I could’ve made Imogene and Alec watch since their members of this household. Consider yourself lucky that I’m giving you a chance.”
She whimpered and he only hit her bottom hard, “Say thank you.”
“Thank you!” She rushed out before quickly adding, “Thank you, Commander.” 
“I’ll only give you ten if you can be a good girl and thank me for each one.”
She nodded quickly before saying, “I’ll be good, Commander.”
And then it really began. 
One. “Thank you, Commander.”
Three. “Thank you, Commander.”
Seven. “T-Thank y-you, Commander.”
Ten. “Thank you, Commander! Please, please, please, stop!”
He sighed, lifting her underwear, before pulling the sobbing girl into his chest. She had nowhere to go, no other source of comfort so she held him tightly. 
She was convinced that he would have little problems from her seeing as she could barely handle ten from his hand. Threatening the belt would be very effective. 
He let the girl soak his white t-shirt with her tears as he ran a soothing hand down her back and fingers through her hair, “You’re mine, Ember, through good and bad behavior. In the end, I’m still going to be here,” Ember simply closed her eyes and welcomed the silence.
My request are open! Part 3 of this series is already posted!
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youkaiangel · 4 years
Curiosity Killed the Cat - Wizardess Heart Fanfic
Pairing: Vain x female
Genre: Smutty smut
Words: 5969
A/N: This is a response to a request I got far too long ago. I hope it satisfies!!
Read here or on Ao3.
She sighed as she flopped back on the grass, staring up at the afternoon sky spattered with drifts of white clouds. It was a rare moment the three girls had seized to relax together in the academy courtyard, just for a little while, but listening to Liz babble on about her boyfriend, and Amelia fawning over falling in love, was not helping her mood. Love was not what she was craving then and there, but perhaps something a little more raw, more intimate, more risqué.
‘What’s the matter, hun?’ Amelia’s head popped into her view, leaning over to ask her the question.
She just gave another sigh and averted her eyes. ‘I don’t know,’ she murmured. ‘I just feel…’ Horny? Bored? Unsatisfied? In desperate need of a good hard bang? She searched her mind for the right word, but eventually settled on something a little more tame in the presence of her sometimes frustratingly prudish friends, ‘restless.’
‘Restless?’ Liz repeated. ‘In what way?’
Of course Liz would probe for more information. Liz was the main reason she held back her other choice words. If it had only been Amelia with her, she would’ve just admitted she was kinda horny and needed someone to fuck her brains out, but Liz would be horrified if she said that. She explained as politely as possible, ‘like I wanna see somebody. See a guy.’
‘Oh, a guy hey?!’ Amelia squealed with delight. Any mention of a boy and the girl lit up like a Christmas tree, eager to talk about any hot guys she knew. ‘Anyone in particular?’
She gave it a little thought, wondering who could possibly be the one she wanted to satisfy her right now. There was Ted, he was strong, silent, sexy. She loved the way his muscles flexed under his uniform, or even more so when he was ambling around shirtless sunning himself like the proud cat he was. Or there was that guy from the ministry, the one who loved teasing Klaus, Albert something-or-other. He was such a flirt, in a cheeky, gentlemanly way, and she wondered if he would live up to her expectations of him. Or there was Vain, he was so dark and mysterious. And gorgeous. She often caught herself fantasising about being cornered by him, trapped like a lamb led to slaughter. Would he be just as domineering, just as cunning and sneaky if he were trying to get her into bed? Just thinking about him made a tingle run through her body.
‘No,’ she answered, despite it being an obvious lie. ‘No one in particular.’
‘Really?’ Amelia asked, not fooled by her futile attempts to cover up her pathetic deception.
‘Really,’ she asserted. She just didn’t want to go into detail about all the guys she took a fancy to. Talking about how badly she wanted them wasn’t going to help her situation. All she wanted was a crazy, sexy, hot, one night stand. That would be enough. She voiced her thoughts out loud, asking her friends, ‘do you ever get the feeling like you just wanna go a bit wild? Do something crazy and have some fun?’
‘Wild?’ Liz repeated.
‘Crazy?’ Amelia questioned.
‘I don’t think so.’
‘All the time!’
Both girls answered at the same time, Liz giving her typical reserved response and Amelia’s face lighting up at the prospect of wild, crazy fun. She smiled at Amelia and murmured, ‘At least it’s not just me.’
Silence fell between them again as she gazed up at the sky. Where would she even find someone to satisfy her the way she needed? It was stupid to even think about it, let alone want it. It was never going to happen. She laughed at herself under her breath and murmured, ‘it sounds silly right?’
‘Not at all,’ Amelia objected. ‘If you want to have fun and do something wild and crazy, go for it.’
‘Just make sure you don’t get hurt,’ Liz added. ‘Or anyone else for that matter.’
She grinned up at Liz, forever looking out for other people’s safety and well being. ‘Of course not,’ she said with a patronising smile.
Wild and crazy fun…
The thoughts weren’t going to leave her. At least not until they were satisfied, or she found something new to occupy her mind. Laying around with the girls wasn’t helping anything though, and she needed some space to clear her head.
‘I think I’m gonna go for a walk,’ she announced as she jumped to her feet. ‘I just need to clear my head.’
‘Okay,’ Liz said with a wave. ‘We’ll see you back at the dorms for dinner.’
And with that she set off, back into the academy. Perhaps a stroll around the halls would do her some good.
Ten minutes of aimless ambling about the academy halls later, she still hadn’t found anything to reoccupy her mind, or anyone to satisfy her. Classes had finished for the day, and most people were back at the dorms by now, only a few stragglers heading to or from the library. She hardly even knew anyone she passed by, let alone would have the confidence to even talk to them. It was a hopeless cause.
She decided to call it a day, head back to the dorms and take a long hot shower, or maybe a very cold one. If she took a little nap before dinner maybe she could sleep away how she was feeling and get through the rest of the night without too much stress. As she wandered through the hallways though the sound of a door closing up ahead caught her attention.
She stopped in her tracks, spotting the dangerously beautiful man up ahead. He had just left the Headmaster’s office and was strolling away from her, down the hall.
It was like it was meant to be.
She froze up, unsure of what to do. Could she approach him? Talk to him? Flirt with him? Even if she could manage all of that without making a complete ass of herself, what was the likelihood that she would ever get him in a bed? It was slim-to-none, but she couldn’t help her hope.
I wonder what he’s even doing here?
She followed him (he was heading the same direction she was after all), trying to think of something to say to him. Could she just ask what he was doing here? He looked a little suspicious, and he had come from the Headmaster’s office. Was he snooping about again? He rounded the corner ahead of her and she hurried a little faster to try to catch up. Even if she could only look at him a little longer, it was better than nothing.
She rounded the corner, expecting to see him walking away down the hallway, towards the academy front gate, but he wasn’t there. She only caught a glimpse of the tail of his jacket as it swished around the corner of the stairwell, heading up to the second floor.
What is he going up there for?
She hesitated a moment, wondering if she should follow him, but it was only an instant until her body took control and she started after him again. It was highly unlikely that she would so much as speak to him, but if following him meant she was able to watch him a little more, then why not. She dashed up the stairs, keeping her footfalls as quiet as possible.
At the top of the stairway she glanced left and right. There he was, down to the left. She followed him further, keeping her distance, and watched as he turned up the next set of stairs.
But that leads to the haunted hallway.
Notorious amongst academy students and faculty, the haunted hallway was a row of seldom used classrooms, a place where magic always seems to go astray, and some people had heard strange noises or found themselves inside a locked room. At this hour, there was no doubt it would be deserted, and Vain had no business snooping around up there.
So she followed.
She scurried up the steps again, hoping she wouldn’t lose him at the top. He was moving fast, and going somewhere he had no need to go. Something was very suspicious. She glanced around at the top of the hall, only to catch a glimpse of him, down the far end to the right, rounding the corner away from her.
She rushed after him, eager not to fall behind. She stopped at the corner, taking a peek around to check where he was going, and watched as he slipped into one of the classrooms, leaving the door wide open.
What on earth is he up to?
She followed a little slower, knowing that inside the classroom there was no where for him to go. Her tiptoes were silent in the eerily quiet hall and she held her breath, although possibly not intentionally. She stopped by the doorway and peeked around it, into the classroom.
He wasn’t there.
What the…? Where is he?
She stepped into the doorway, to see into the room a little further. He wasn’t in there at all.
Perhaps these classrooms really are haunted?
She walked slowly into the room, looking up and down to try to spot any sign or clue of where he could be.
Two hands grabbed her arms from behind.
She seized up and froze, her heart leaping up into her throat. The hand on her left arm bore familiar metal talons and the one on the right a black leather glove. She spun around but he just as quickly replaced his hands on her arms, keeping her fixed to the spot.
‘Well, well, what do we have here?’
He stood before her, silken rouge hair sweeping down over his right eye, conniving smirk tilting one corner of his mouth. His golden eye burned into her, as mesmerising as a roaring fire, and twice as dangerous. His hands were firm on her upper arms, holding her in place, no where to run, no where to hide.
But I’m not the one who was snooping around!
‘What are you doing?’ she demanded. ‘You scared me!’
‘Scared?’ he repeated, amused by her defiance. He taunted, an edge of a dark whisper in his tone, ‘you weren’t up to anything naughty now were you? No following anyone you shouldn’t be?’
‘I could ask the same of you!’ she retorted. ‘What were you doing in the headmaster’s office?’ She pushed her forearms out against his inner arms, trying to break free of him.
‘That’s none of your concern.’ He kept his grip tight despite her resistance. What was he even doing being so close to her?
‘I am concerned,’ she snapped. She pushed her arms against his again and added, ‘And you can let me go already.’
His hands slipped from her shoulders, but he didn’t move back at all, less than a foot between them. She stood her ground, not wanting to reveal that she was intimidated by his presence. She could hold her own as long as he could.
His smirk widened. ‘As if there’s anything you could do to stop me anyway,’ he mocked, his golden eye sparkling with a challenge.
His arrogance was enraging. But his confidence was so alluring. She was filled with conflict, so utterly despising how cocky and rude he was, yet still she found herself insatiably attracted to him. Why did he have to be so gorgeous? And cold? ‘Whatever you’re up to, we’ll find out.’
He took two steps backwards, keeping his golden eye trained on her, and reached behind him to close the door. Once it was securely closed he asked, a slyness in his voice, ‘and just how are you going to do that?’
Her mind went blank. She was captivated by his strong gaze, intimidated by being alone with him, and completely perplexed as to why he wanted to be alone with her.
Does he…? Could he…?
There was only one logical conclusion her mind could come to. Her biggest hurdle would be finding the confidence to go through with it. Still uncertain if he was really interested in her, she asked in the best sultry tone she could summon, ‘I’m sure there’s something I can do to get you to talk.’
A smirk spread across Vain’s face, narrowing his eyes and curling his lips. ‘Come here and try it then,’ he commanded.
She hesitated, only for a moment, wondering what on earth had blessed her that day to find herself in this situation, but she couldn’t second guess it. Here he was, asking, practically demanding that she do what she wanted with him. She crossed the two steps to move in closer to him and leant up on her toes to press her lips to his.
Oh god, oh god, oh god, what am I doing? I’m kissing Vain!
Her hands found their way to his waist, one placing on his side, the other clutching the hem of his jacket to leverage herself closer. She didn’t really need to try though, as Vain leant forward, his lips capturing hers as he placed his hands on her hips.
He was somewhat taller than her, but not so much that she had to strain her neck to reach him. Just enough she could enjoy the power exchange that flowed between them. She squeezed her hand on his waist, feeling the strength of his muscles beneath her fingers, stroking her thumb back and forth. She relished in the weight of his hands on her hips, holding her, drawing her in to him.
The kiss broke for air, momentarily, before he leant in again, this time with slightly parted lips, soft and almost wet. Her body clenched and her heart skipped a beat as the kiss softened into a press of lips. He liked it. He wanted more.
She returned his advance, kissing him again with open lips and slipping her tongue to meet his. She briefly swept her tongue past his before the kiss softened again. Her body ached to be touched, to be held, to be wanted, but just how far was this going to go? Was she really just after information?
Definitely not.
She leant in to him harder, forcing him backwards, pushing him against the back of the door. Her body pressed against his, her chest, her stomach, her hips, all melting against him. Beneath the belts on his hips was a firm bulge pressing into her abdomen.
Is he really that into me?
She drew her hips back an inch and slowly wiggled them closer. A soft moan rumbled from his lips against hers. She kissed him again, a little harder, her tongue dancing with his between their parted lips for a moment.
Oh god, how far is this going to go?
Her heart hammered away in her chest, her mind a buzzing blur. She drew away from him, opening her eyes to look up at him. She could tease him again, or she could sweet talk. She opted to tease, asking coyly in reference to their previous conversation, ‘how about now?’
He just smirked at her again, a glimpse of his teeth and a pointy canine between his smug lips. ‘Still not talking, sweetheart.’
Clearly, he wanted more than just a kiss. That suited her just fine though, happy to see where this thing was going. She returned his smug grin and murmured, ‘I’ll just have to try harder,’ before leaning up to kiss him again.
A heat built between them, tongues dancing between their mouths for brief moments between deep kisses and breaks for air. She dropped her hand from his jacket and lifted her hand from his waist to tug at the red cord that held his jacket to his chest. She pulled on the tail of the cord, smoothly untying the bow, then nudged his jacket back off his right shoulder. He moved forward off the door momentarily, allowing the heavy thing to drop off his shoulder and down his arm, before swiftly replacing his hands on her hips.
It wasn’t enough. Her body was pulsating with excitement, she wanted more, needed the next step. He took hold of the zip that ran from his collar down to the side of his shirt and pulled it down. She had to lean back off of him to draw it down and bare his chest, but as soon as she could, she leant in to him again, pressing up against him. The zip came undone and his shirt split apart, letting her slide her hands in underneath the thick fabric, over his firm stomach and up his sides. She smiled in to the kiss, fully aware of how long she had wanted to touch him like this, kiss him like this, and finally, her wish was coming true. The kiss deepened, her mouth locking over his as he returned her passion, pushing back to bear over her. It still wasn’t enough.
She slipped her hands out of his shirt and moved her hips off his, enough for her hands to find their way to the belts strapped around his hips. She ran her fingers over the smooth leather until she found a buckle and fiddled with it until it came apart. The second buckle just below the first was much easier, knowing which way to pull and slacken the belt. The next problem was his pants. She had no idea how they opened. She tucked her fingers into the waistband of the dark leather pants and ran the back of her nails across the smooth flesh of his stomach, hoping he would take the hint.
Vain obliged, the comforting weight of his hands leaving her hips and slipping between them. She kept gliding her nails back and forth around his hips as he swiftly undid his pants. She felt the soft leather slacken and she took hold of the waist band to push them down. Their kiss broke as she drew away, her eyes fluttering open to look up at him. At that distance, she could glimpse the icy blue eye hiding behind his rouge hair. She felt him lift himself free of his pants and gave him as sultry smirk before lowering herself to her knees in front of him.
Her body tightened and a slick warmth spread between her legs at the sight of his cock hovering before her, long, thick, and hard with a slight upward curve. She was suitably impressed that he was just as big as she had hoped, had imagined. She wrapped her hand around his length and slid the head of his cock between her lips as her eyes fell closed.
This was what she wanted. What she needed. She ran her hand up and down the length of his shaft as she slid the soft, wet inside of her lips back and forth over his head, her tongue rolling around and lapping at the tip of his cock like a lollipop.
His hands found her hair, the tips of his metal claws stroking through her tresses, while his right hand cupped the back of her head, gently coaxing her closer to him. As her lips slicked up the head of his cock she slowly worked her further down over him. Her tongue stroked the firm underside of his cock and his head pushed farther back into her mouth.
‘That’s it,’ he sighed. ‘Good girl.’
She looked up to his eyes to see him smirking down at her. From her vantage point she has a wonderful view of the firm ridges in his abs, the flat planes of his pecs, and the strikingly beautiful angles in his face, his jaw, his lips, his eyes. This was everything she wanted, the naughty school girl in an abandoned classroom, giving the devilish bad boy a blow job as he whispered to her how amazing it felt.
She worked harder, faster, wetter. Saliva slipped from her lips, slicking him up as she stroked her hand back and forth and pushed her head as fast as she could, as deep as she could. She could feel him growing harder under her grip, so clearly she had to be doing something right. Over the thick wet sounds coming from her mouth she could hear his heavy breathing and soft sighs, and every so often his fingers tensed on the back of her head.
Her avid desire to do something crazy and wild had been all but sated, but she could feel another desire building lower in her stomach. A tingle rippled through her followed by another little seep of slick warmth between her legs. She slipped her free left hand between her knees, up underneath her skirt and gave the lightest stroke over her panties, causing another wave of tingles to shudder out of her. Aroused was an understatement. She glanced up at Vain, wondering if he saw what she was doing, and if he might take the hint.
‘You want more, little kitten?’
She drew back off his cock, and nodded eagerly with a breathy, ‘yes please.’
He took hold of her arms and lifted her with ease to her feet. With a glance over her shoulder and a firm grip still on her arms, he guided her backwards. She tried hard not to stumble or trip as he pushed her back across the classroom until her ass butted up against a desk and he leant in to kiss her again.
He released her arms, his hips pressing against hers holding her in place, and wrapped his arms around behind her. She wondered for a moment what he was doing, his hands fiddling behind her back, but it soon became obvious when he returned his ungloved right hand and slid it between them again, his hips lifting off hers and hand slipping up her skirt. His fingertips traced over her lips, tickling and teasing the same way she had done to herself. This time though the tingles that ran through her were much stronger, melting under his touch. She needed more. She kissed him harder, wrapped her hands around the back of his neck and into the long thick strands of his hair, pulling him closer to her.
His fingers pulled at the side of her panties between her thighs, nudging the thin strip of fabric to the side to slip his fingers between her warm, wet lips.
‘Oh,’ he murmured, drawing back from the kiss. ‘The little kitten’s gotten herself all worked up.’
She couldn’t help her glance downward and a small cringe.
He stroked a circle between her lips before sliding the tip of his finger inside of her. His fingers were cooler than the warmth between her legs, a strange rigidity that felt so good, but not quite right inside her. She pulled him in to kiss her again as he slid his finger further in and back out of her, slowly, gently.
He clawed hand found her thigh, slipping up under her skirt to the hem of her panties. He gently removed his right hand from between her legs, to take hold of the other side of her panties and pushes them down. She had to lift her hips off the edge of the desk and the fabric slipped over her ass to the top of her thighs, where Vain let them go to drop to the floor.
‘Sit back,’ he instructed.
She complied, sitting on the edge of the desk, her short skirt tucked underneath her ass. Vain dropped to one knee and grabbed her legs, hoisting them off the ground as she gave a little yip and steadied herself with her hands behind her. He lifted her legs onto his shoulders, knees wide, her thighs either side of his cheeks and leant in to press his open mouth against her warm, wet lips.
‘Oh god!’
A jolt of pleasure leapt through her, her stomach curling up on herself and one hand diving into his hair. His lips locked over her clit, flat tongue stroking the raised bundle under her skin. Her breath hitched as he sucked and licked, the warm, wet, soft sensation making her legs tremble and her body clench.
‘Vain!’ she gasped.
He didn’t relent. He wrapped his hands around her thighs, drawing her closer, trapping her under his grip. Tension was building quickly in her lower abdomen, deep inside her core. His deep kiss on her clit made her body tremble and her legs shake. The ecstasy threatened to burst out from her at any second.
No! Too soon!
She clung to his hair, feebly tried to push his head back, but it was futile. Her thighs clenched around his head, her stomach twisted into knots, and stifled whimpers slipped out of her lips hanging agape.
‘Mm please!’ Her pitch grew higher as she climbed towards precipice, his smooth tongue dragging her closer with every soft wet stroke. Her toes curled and her head rolled back as she tumbled into the chasm of her orgasm.
‘God yes!’ she moaned. Her legs, her whole body, trembled and waves of ecstasy rolled through her. Vain didn’t move away, continuing to lick and suck, drawing out every whimper and moan from her, pushing her to ride through every course of pleasure until it became too intense to bear.
‘Stop, please stop!’ she panted. She pushed harder against his head, and this time he yielded, releasing his lip lock from between her legs.
Her legs dropped of his shoulders as he stood upright, stepping in close to the desk. He slipped one hand around the back of her waist, the other wrapped around his cock stroking slowly. ‘Are you ready?’ he whispered as he pulled her forward with his hand on her lower back.
There were no breaks. No chance to catch her breath. She had somehow managed to shift back on the desk, so she wiggled forward and Vain pressed his stiff cock downwards, his head rubbing between her lips. ‘God,’ she panted. She slid her hands over his shoulders, underneath his shirt, and locked her legs around his hips. Trying hard not to grip too tight, she tilted her hips forward to allow him. She watched, look down between their bodies, as he pressed his hips forward, his hand drawing away as his cock sunk inside of her.
‘Oh god!’ she moaned.
Her body was still spasming internally, and despite how wet she was, it was a bit of a stretch for him to slide his thick cock into her. She could feel her body clenching and convulsing as he pushed his hips deeper between her legs, until she was filled entirely and there was nowhere further for him to go.
She looked up to his eyes, happy to find his smug little smirk had dropped, to be replaced with an intense heat and desire. He leant forward to kiss her, the taste of her own body clinging to his lips, before he gently drew out and pushed inside her once more.
It was an ache that felt so incredibly good she didn’t have words. Unlike the finger he slipped inside her before, his cock was the perfect size and shape, stroking every inch of her and pushing into the end of her core. She kissed him, hard, clinging on to his lips like a lifeline.
Her body rocked on the desk, tilting back and forth with the push and pull of his hips. It felt so amazingly good, a heat running through her from between her legs all the way through her chest. She kissed him again, her tongue swirling around his as he slid his free hand around the side of her neck, drawing her closer to him. She dropped one hand from his shoulder to slip it around his waist, pulling herself to the very edge of the desk and widening her hips to allow him better access.
His hips rocked a little faster, pushed a little harder, thrust a little deeper. Each stroke of his cock hit deep inside her, an almost painful ache that pulled a whimper from her lips. The faster and harder he went, the more the desk rocked back and forth with her, and she prayed that no one on the floor below would be able to hear them. Vain adjusted him rhythm, short jolts deep inside her that made less movement for the desk, and somehow managed to strike a nerve that pushed every thought from her mind except for her thoughts of him.
He didn’t tire, didn’t stop, didn’t come. He kept his kiss locked over her lips, holding her face up to his, and fucked her harder, pounding into her faster and stronger. Between kisses and gasps for air she couldn’t help an occasional yelp or blurted obscenity. Her mind grew heavy, her body reaching levels of pleasure she felt terrified of ever letting go of.
But eventually he slowed, quickly coming to a stop as their kiss gently broke. ‘Get down,’ he instructed as he drew out of her and she relaxed her legs.
Everything between her legs ached. Her insides roared with a dull agony that felt very similar to the pain after a long workout. But it was more than worth it, and it wasn’t over yet.
‘Bend over the desk,’ Vain commanded.
She did as instructed, turning around in the small space between him and the desk, and leant forward onto her forearms. Vain’s hands ran up over her ass, lifting her skirt, the claws on his left hand grazing her skin. He kept his left hand on her lower back while his right took hold of his cock again and pressed it down, guiding it between her soaking wet lips and pushing his way inside of her.
‘Oh god!’ she gasped. This was a much different pleasure, a different angle, a new strain on her opening that felt somewhat sharper and she might regret the next day but right then, she didn’t care. He pushed deeper inside her until his hips met her ass and his hands took hold of the round flesh of her hips. Her fingers slipped over the edge of the desk, gripping tight as he drew back and pushed back into her, each stroke a little faster, a little harder.
With no kiss on her lips, her yelps and moans came out louder and faster as he pounded in to her. She pressed her mouth to her forearm, desperate to stop herself and the cries of ecstasy being torn from her. He held nothing back, fucking her hard enough to make the edge of the desk lift with her hips, and in the brief moments of quiet she could force from herself she could hear his heavy breathing, a tense pant coming from him behind her. She glanced back over her shoulder to see the strain on his face, in his eyes, as he gazed down at her ass and his cock sinking in to her. He glanced up to catch her gaze, the sly smirk almost returning to his panting lips.
He leant forward, his right forearm leaning on the desk beside her as his left hand wove into her hair and grabbed a fistful to pull her head back and to the side, twisting her body around. With the height difference between them it was not difficult for him to lean over her and capture her lips in another deep kiss while continuing to thrust his hips against her ass. It created a different tension though, a different angle that was verging on painful for her, but she would never complain. She was just so utterly content to be his little play thing.
She could feel the tension rising in him, the strain in his body and movements as he grew closer to orgasm. She kissed him deeper, her tongue playing with his momentarily before breaking away. ‘Please,’ she whispered against his lips. ‘Please come for me!’ His hips faltered a moment but he kept pushing harder and deeper as he kissed her again. ‘Please!’
A groan tore from his throat as his head bowed. He quickly pulled out of her, his cock nestling between her ass cheeks and his abs. ‘Fuck!’ he hissed as both fists clenched and his body shook, hot sticky cum shooting between their bodies, over her ass.
His body relaxed, his heavy panting turning into deep breaths. She waited patiently, revelling in the ache of her body, and how utterly content and satisfied she felt until he opened his eyes to look at her, the icy blue and fiery gold captivating her. He leant in to kiss her once more, gently, briefly, before pulling away to stand up off her.
‘Stay there,’ he instructed. She didn’t have much choice anyway, if she stood up, her skirt would land in the puddle of mess on her backside. He crossed back over to his jacket by the door and pulled something out of a pocket.
She waited patiently, as he had told her. After a moment, he returned, standing behind her again and wiped up the mess on her backside with a handkerchief. A sticky residue was left behind, one that would no doubt need a shower to remove, but for the most part she was cleaned up, so she stood up straight again.
Vain tossed the handkerchief into a nearby waste paper basket and then redressed himself. She absentmindedly pulled on her panties and adjusted her uniform back into it’s correct place while watching as he zipped up his shirt, pulled up his pants, buckled his belts and finally pulled his jacket on again. The only thing he was missing was the glove he’d taken off his right hand, which was still on the desk behind her.
She picked it up and crossed over to him, holding it close to her chest. He gave a sly smile as he took hold of the glove, but she didn’t let it go. She still needed to know what he was doing in the academy in the first place, so she asked, ‘are you gonna tell me now what you were up to?’
‘Hm?’ he queried, having clearly forgotten all about their prior conversation. ‘Oh you mean in the headmaster’s office?’ He gave a small chuckle to himself and yoinked the glove from her hand. ‘He wanted to talk to me about enrolling Hugo in the academy,’ he answered as he pulled his glove on once more.
She felt dumbfounded. ‘Is that it?’ she asked. ‘Why couldn’t you just say that in the first place?’
He smirked at her once more. ‘Why would I?’ he taunted. ‘It was so much more fun leading a little kitten astray.’
He leant forward, curling a finger underneath her chin to tilt her head up and kissed her once more, gently, briefly. When she opened her eyes, he was gone.
What? He disappeared!
She looked around the room, spinning in a full circle, but he was no where to be seen.
That sneaky bastard!
His last words stuck in her mind. Little kitten he called her, and she didn’t mind the nickname at all. Leading her astray. He hadn’t done much to lead her, other than bringing her to the privacy of the room, but clearly it had been his intention, bringing her up here, grabbing her, closing the door. Despite however annoyed she felt that he had literally up and vanished, she couldn’t help the swell in her ego, knowing that he had wanted her just as much as she wanted him.
She sighed with a smile, revelling in the satiation of her need for some wild, crazy fun.
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edo-salandria · 8 years
SUMMARY: Natsu and Lucy have been targeted. A mysterious tattoo appears on both of them that changes their relationship in ways they could never have imagined.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Also can be read on: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12234990/1/Sensory-Overload  (Up to Chapter 16)
Prologue ; Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2 ; Chapter 3 ; Chapter 4 ; Chapter 5 ; Chapter 6 ; Chapter 7 ; Chapter 8 ; Chapter 9 ; Chapter 10 ; Chapter 11 ; Chapter 12 ; Chapter 13 ; Chapter 14 ; Chapter 15 ; Chapter 16
Lucy glanced at her hand which was covered in dried and fresh blood. She got herself good this time and decidedly needed her first stop to be the ladies room once inside the guild. She opted for the rarely used back door which was near the bathrooms. She quietly slipped in and entered the woman's room. Each bathroom had an oversized medicine cabinet stocked with the supplies needed to fix up quick wounds. She shrugged off her winter coat trying not to get blood on it and turned to the cabinet. She took out the peroxide tape and gauze. She realized at that moment she was not alone in the bathroom. She stilled and silently inhaled, the scent was an unusual mix. She was not sure who's scent it was since she hadn't made it a point to sniff out every guild member but there was a distinct smell of citrus mixed with a more rancid smell of bile and a strong undertone of something she had no words to describe but intuition told her exactly what it was. 'Someone has a bad case of morning sickness' knowing she had a few minutes to take care of her hand she deftly washed and bandaged the wound. Just as she finished with the last piece of tape the last stall opened and a very green haired and green faced Bisca came out of the stall.
"Hey there Lucy!" she glanced at the fresh bandage "ya alright over there?"
Lucy smiled at Bisca "Ya, I just cut myself." her smile faded slightly "Are you ok?"
"Oh I think I ate something bad this morning it came on so fast!" she gave Lucy a sheepish grin "hopefully this is the last of it!"
Lucy turned facing the green haired beauty full gave her the fullest most warmest smile "I hate to break it to you, but it ain't over."
Bisca had a confused look on her face "Whatcha mean by that?"
Lucy giggled with excitement and with a wink "You may want to take a test and take the Jack out of your Ginger."
Biscas eyes grew wide with knowing but confused excitement "How do you know? I haven't told a soul not if Al."
Pointing to her button nose "Smells can't lie!"
"Since when can you smell something like that?"
"Well, since my senses are linked through this sensory link hullabaloo. I knew his nose was keen but I never knew just how keen it was."
"So you're tellin' me that a Dragon Slayer can smell something like that?" Bisca was a little weary of this new revelation.
"That and SO much more Bisca, they know things about us girls that we barely know ourselves."
Bisca's face reddened a little and her grin turned a little more playful "Oh GOD, poor guys. So tell me, what else have you learned sharing senses with Natsu?"
Lucy's whole body tensed and her joyus demeanor turned more rigid, she didn't want to be rude and run away like her body was screaming to do so she kept it short and sweet "Nothing I didn't already know."
Bisca wanted to press the question further but suddenly another wave of nausea overcame her and she mumbled "Sorry Lucy!" and turned back clumsily into the stall to start round two.
Lucy instantly felt sorry for her "I hope you feel better soon. You should see Porlyusica. I'll leave you be now! CONGRATS" and before Bisca could attempt to reply she gathered her coat and walked out the door to the bar.
The bar was crowded as usual and Lucy did a scan of the room to take stock of who was there. Almost everyone, she was mostly interested in seeing her favorite bluenette but noted that she wasn't there yet, and neither was Gajeel for that matter. 'That's not suspicious' she thought as she noted the usual groups were formed at their usual tables. Gray, Natsu and Happy were sitting eating while flinging insults at each other. Erza was next to them getting visibly annoyed and Juvia just huddled close to Gray as usual. She noted that Lisanna was at the bar alone and Lucy figured the only way for her to get over this is to go apologize to her for ruining their moment last night. She was embarrassed and hurt but she only hurt herself and she had to face this as a fact of life, she had to push through her embarrassment.
"Hey Lisanna, how are you?" Lucy put on the best smile that she could.
"Oh hey Lucy! I am doing great… So Natsu told me about the sensory link, how are you doing?" There was genuine concern in Lisanna's voice and that only made Lucy feel that more badly for how she had reacted that morning. Lisanna was truly a kind hearted woman and was a great fit for Natsu. All the more reason to reinforce her wall hiding her feelings for Natsu.
She let out a half sigh have laugh "It's been ok. The smells and sounds are kind of overwhelming. I think Natsu got the better end of the deal on this one." they both laughed at that statement "Hey so, I just wanted to apologize about last night. I didn't mean to inadvertently interrupt anything."
Lisanna scrunched up her nose completely puzzled by what the Celestial Mage was talking about "Lucy, what-"
"HEY LUCY!" Levy came bounding full of fun and energy from behind the two of them. She was panting a little heavily "Sorry I am late, blame Gajeel! Why don't we go grab that table over there so we can talk!" She grabbed Lucy's hand to guide her to the table.
Lucy glanced over he shoulder "Again, I'm sorry Lisanna - this link should be gone soon hopefully!" and with that she turned toward the direction she was being pulled.
Before Lisanna could question further her sister Mira appeared before her "What is Lucy apologizing to you for?"
"I have no idea. She is weird sometimes. I can see why Natsu likes her so much!" to that both the girls giggled.
Lucy was too bombarded with the sounds of the guild to focus on the comments from the two platinum mages at the bar behind her. She settled down across from Levy she looked down at her hand and fiddled with her bandage. Looking up she noticed that Levy was eyeing her suspiciously.
"What was it this time Lu?" She had a look of gentle compassion on her face. There were only two people in the world that knew her coping mechanisms and Levy was one of them.
"Nothing Lev, really I'm fine now" smiling across at the petite mage, she knew her smile couldn't reach her eyes. This wall was proving a little harder to keep up. 'Maybe it's just his impulsive nature that makes this so hard right now.'
"It's bull Lu and you know it!"
"So, was anyone able to find Meredy?"
"Way to change the subject… but no not yet."
Lucy could only sigh and put her head down on the table. "I can't take this anymore Lev."
"Will you just tell me what happened already?" Levy's voice was now holding a harder edge. Maybe a stricter approach would pry the information out.
"Fine, but let's head to the Library where it a little more quiet."
As she rose from her seat she caught the familiar scent of Natsu and she felt his apprehension, fear and excitement 'that is a very strange mix of emotions' but she shrugged it off. She thought she had enough distance to make a safe getaway, she was teetering on the edge not wishing to look at him or talk to him just yet. When she turned toward the library he was right there in front of her, they were practically nose to nose.
"Hey Luce!" His voice was softer than usual, it was a rarely heard voice that always turned her legs to jelly.
"Hey" she refused to make eye contact with him she felt ashamed in that moment. Ashamed for letting her guard down and then letting pangs of jealousy eat at her.
"I need to talk to you" he had a determined eye that told her she couldn't say no.
A wave of nausea ran through her and in that moment she couldn't tell if it was him or her. She knew he was going to tell her truth about him and Lisanna and she realized she wasn't ready to hear it "I am sorry… I… I didn't mean to interrupt you two last night. I already apologized to her. I…." She glanced up at him and saw tears rolling down his face but he didn't look like he was crying, it didn't even look like he knew they were there. She brought her hand up to her own face and realized it was her that was crying. She panicked and was about to make a break for it, she had to get away.
Natsu instantly knew she was going to flee, he didn't need to be linked with her to see all the signs in her. He glanced down at her hand and grabbed it, all the dots quickly connected. 'She was outside my house earlier, my nose was right, she probably saw me leave with Lisanna. All her sadness that I felt all morning, she was upset about seeing us. That explains the pain in my hand and the emotional void after that. She was trying to shut down. That's what this is about right now, she thinks I am with Lisanna and she is upset about it! Enough a this crap, I know how to fix it!' He reached out toward Lucy's face and made her look at him with his joyful wide grin "You're so dense sometimes." He quickly released her and ran to the bar. He leaned over the bar and grabbed a bottle of well vodka. He ran down the opposite end of the bar clearing out everyone's plates and glasses apologizing to everyone he inconvenienced. " 'DA FUCK NATSU" yelled Cana as quickly grabbed her barrel before it got knocked over.
Lucy stood completely stunned and glued in place not knowing if she should run away as planned or be mad at him for calling her dense. She glanced at Levy which looked puzzled "What is going on?" she asked Levy. "I have no clue!" Everyone in the guild at this point was focused on the bar and the pink haired lunatic trying to figure out what the hell he was doing. Finally with a shout "YO HAPPY… PICK HER UP!" the blue cat called to attention "AYE!" he flew over to Lucy "Don't flail you're heavy and I'll drop you."
Lucy lacked the energy or wherewithal to even respond. Happy picked her up and lifted her rather gently bringing her up to the rafters. Natsu nodded approvingly with a ridiculous smile on his face. He turned his attention to the bar and jumped on top of it, he squatted down and with a quick breath of fire he set the bar a blaze. Everyone gasped and cleared the bar area not knowing what was happening. Shouts could be heard and confusion was starting to settle into the crowd. Lucy looked down at the bar and gasped bringing her hand up to her mouth. She started giggling and smiling, tears were rolling down her face. Everyone was completely stumped as to why she was laughing and crying. None of them saw that the flames of the bar read I LOVE YOU LUCY.
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queen-0f-the-nerds · 8 years
First Impressions (Are Important)
So I’ve decided to post one of my fanfics (aside from @askchanceoffates with @nightzilla333). This one was a Christmas present for a friend for her prompt:  Hawke brings their LI with them to the Inquisition, first impressions (pref. Fenris, Merrill, or Isabella)
If you like it, I have a couple more on AO3 as The_Musketeers_29, and I’m always trying to write more
After being introduced, Hawke and the Inquisitor went off to speak with the War Council, while Varric forced Fenris into the Herald’s Rest.
“You should meet everybody in the Inner Circle, but I have a feeling even you’ll get along with this guy, Broody.”
Fenris raised an eyebrow at the emptiness of the corner Varric pushed him towards. “Where is this guy I’m supposed to meet?”
Varric leaned around Fenris to see only Bull’s chair, no sign of Bull or the Chargers. “Damn. I thought they’d be back by now. Well, let’s have some drinks while we wait.”
Iron Bull and the Chargers piled into the tavern, eager to drink and celebrate after a successful Venatori hunt. Bull stopped short of his chair. “Varric! Good to see you! Who’s this?” He calls, gesturing to Fenris.
“Sit down and I’ll tell you!” Varric managed to not slur his words, despite having downed a fair few drinks in the hour or so spent at the tavern. He waited for Bull to take a seat, then began introductions as promised. “Fenris, meet Tiny. Leader of the Bull’s Chargers mercenary company, Qunari spy, and normally goes by The Iron Bull. The article’s important. Bull, meet Fenris. Came here with Hawke. Tends to glow, which is often followed by people’s hearts being removed from their chests.”
“Really?” Bull seemed excited by the whole ripping-hearts-from-chests thing. “Any chance I could do that?”
“No.” Fenris spoke quietly, but definitively.
Bull pouted, but quickly cheered up as he described the job he and his boys had just finished. Which was followed by another story about killing other Venatori, Krem shouting over Bull whenever he over exaggerated something.
The story ended up being mainly told by Krem.
(“No, Krem, heads absolutely count! Down on the collarbone and through! That Vint spell-sucker lost three limbs in one blow!”
“Heads don’t count, Chief!”
“Yeah they do. Ask Blackwall.”)
Fenris countered with a story of his own about hunting slavers.
(“Heads definitely count.”
“See, Krem! He gets it!”)
As the hours passed, Fenris got caught up in one of the Chargers’ drinking games (he was uncertain of the rules, but far too drunk to care). The evening ended with Fenris passed out amongst the Chargers, Varric smirking as he stumbled away.
Fenris woke the next morning wondering, not for the first time, if death was preferable to a hangover. Grumbling to himself as he carefully stepped over the still unconscious Chargers, giving the bed a wide berth – he did not trust that axe. Fenris gingerly walked down the stairs to the tavern, hoping for something to ease the pounding in his skull. Instead, something blonde popped up in front of him on the stairs.
“Name’s Sera. Saw you last night, you know, with the Chargers. Drinking, getting drunk. Glad to see you’re not too elfy.”
Fenris stared at the girl – Sera – in bemusement, requiring a moment to comprehend what she said. When he did, “What do you mean ‘elfy’?”
“Well, you know, elfy. Head stuffed up a thousand years ago and all that.”
“Do you have a problem with elves?” Fenris appeared more confused by the second.
“Not if they’re not too elfy.”
Awkward silence descended as Fenris tried to think of a response. Sera shifted, uncomfortable with Fenris’ blank stare. She tried to think of something else to talk about.
“Sooo…are those tattoos or some freaky magicky thing?”
Fenris and Sera both jumped back as Cole materialised out of nowhere. “Pain, burning, searing, it hurts, why, why, make it stop –”
“What the fuck?!” Fenris didn’t know who or what this was, but he Did. Not. Like. It. Sera was gone, having run off the moment Cole started speaking.
“Why would Danarius do this? Master, please, stop –”
“Enough of this!” Fenris stormed down the rest of the stairs and out of the Herald’s Rest. Hangover completely forgotten, he ran to the main hall.
“Hey Solas, come here for a moment,” Varric called as the elf was about to head to the rotunda.
“Can I help you with anything Varric?”
“Yeah. You’ve heard how Hawke and Fenris are here?” Varric actually waited for Solas to nod before continuing, “Do me a favour, and don’t go on about any of that Fade stuff.”
“I do not ‘go on’ about it, especially not if not asked.” Solas wasn’t offended if his smirk was anything to go by, despite the affronted tone he used.
“Oh really? Because I heard the Inquisitor ask you one single question, and you rambled on for over twenty minutes.”
Solas’ smirk grew. “And didn’t your answer to Cassandra’s question ‘where is Hawke’ take around seventy hours to finish?”
Varric’s rejoinder was cut off by Fenris’ sudden appearance in the main hall and the rather pissed expression on his face.
“What is that-that-thing? That demon?” Fenris demanded. “It just popped up, out of nowhere, and starts blathering on about things of which it should have no knowledge.”
“I believe your friend has met Cole.” Solas commented to Varric, who nodded in agreement.
“Who is Cole? And who are you?” The latter question was asked rather more calmly than the first.
Solas and Varric exchanged a glance, before Solas gestured towards the rotunda. “Perhaps this conversation should be held privately? I am Solas, by the way.”
Once the door separating the rotunda from the main hall closed, Fenris rounded on Varric and Solas.
“Cole is, well, special,” Varric hedged, “He’s a good kid.”
Solas cleared his throat, drawing Fenris’ gaze. “Cole appears to be a spirit. He did not come into our world through the Breach, but rather predates it by months, possibly years. My best guess is that he is a Spirit of Compassion. He senses people’s pain and wants to help them. Unfortunately, he does not know how best to do that, which often leads to incidents such as the one you experienced.”
Varric winced at the bluntness of Solas’ explanation. Fenris appeared to be speechless, completely as he attempted to process what Solas said. Varric braced himself for the inevitable explosion when –
“Are you talking about Cole?” Dorian leaned over the railing from the library above. “He’s harmless. Mostly. Unless you give him daggers. Then again, he always stabs the correct people, so all’s well, hmm?”
Solas sighed, “Dorian, we are trying to have a private conversation.”
“If you want to have a private conversation don’t have it in the rotunda.”
“Indeed.” Everyone looked up farther at to see Leliana, gazing down at them from the rookery. “The acoustics in here are wonderful. I suggest you and the Inquisitor keep that in mind, Solas.”
“Ahh, the things we hear in here, right Spymaster?” Dorian snickered. Leliana smiled before returning to her work.
Fenris seemed to have calmed down from his earlier panic and was smirking at the slight embarrassment on Solas’ face, while Varric was outright chuckling as he recorded the event for posterity.
Solas facepalmed. “I need a drink.”
“Did somebody say drink? I have wine up here.” Dorian grabbed a bottle from somewhere behind him, waving it tantalisingly. Solas started up the stairs before Dorian was done speaking.
Varric put a hand out to prevent Fenris from following immediately. “Fenris, don’t kill Dorian.”
“Why would I?”
“He’s an Altus.” Fenris felt his markings light up; he struggled to remain relaxed and listen to Varric, who was speaking desperately quickly. “He fled from his family and Tevinter, and he joined the Inquisition to help stop the Venatori. Dorian’s a good guy. He marks spots on the map where he thinks Venatori may be found; the other day when we were both out with the Inquisitor, he laughed when we killed some. And he hates blood magic!”
Varric waited with bated breath as Fenris deliberated. Breath which was released once Fenris nodded slowly. “I will give him a chance. And besides, he has wine.”
After several hours drinking wine in the library, the group migrated to the tavern. Solas and Varric went up to get the next round, leaving Dorian and Fenris alone at the table. Dorian leaned across the table, all mirth gone from his countenance.
“I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to say this. Please don’t interrupt. I only want to say this once.” Dorian drew in a shuddering breath. “I remember hearing about Danarius’ experiments. That man was one of the most disgusting bastards to ever walk Thedas, and his death at your hands was the epitome of poetic justice. I am truly sorry you ever had to go through that, but at least with his and Hadriana’s deaths others will not suffer the same.”  Dorian quickly straightened up as Solas and Varric returned with the drinks, which left Fenris no time to wallow in what Dorian said.
Which may have been his intent, Fenris realized upon reflection.
“Might I join you?” A large, bearded man broke through Fenris’ thoughts.
“Sure!” Varric and Solas shifted their chairs to make room for the newcomer. “Blackwall, Fenris. Fenris, Blackwall. Our resident Grey Warden.”
“Good to meet you.” Blackwall raised his tankard for Fenris to knock his glass against. “Next round is on me.”
“Hear hear!” Fenris lauded as his glass met Blackwall’s. “I’ve gathered that Wardens have a rather high tolerance for drinking,” Fenris added as the bearded warrior settled into his seat.
“Shall we find out?” Blackwall’s smiled gleamed through his beard.
Once again, Fenris woke up thinking about the hangover-death debate. This time, however, a remedy was handed to him.
“Wakey wakey, we’ve got people to go and see!” Varric sing-songed as he uncorked a potion.
Fenris drank the remedy as he sat up. “What are you talking about?”
“I’m in trouble for not immediately introducing you to our ambassador. That’s happening now.” Varric explained as he dragged Fenris from his new sleeping spot in the stables.
“How did I end up in the stables?”
“You and Blackwall thought sparring was a good idea. The two of you stumbled over here to fetch his sword and shield, and instead of sparring you passed out in the hay.”
Fenris had no response as he was too busy trying to get hay out of his armor. This took most of his attention until Varric knocked on a heavy door leading off the main hall.
“Good morning Josephine! And Leliana, good to see you too. May I formally introduce you to Fenris, Hawke’s companion.” Varric exclaimed in his storyteller voice. Fenris nodded to the two women in the room.
“Oh my goodness! It’s truly a pleasure to meet you!” Josephine flushed as she jumped up to greet Fenris. “I have so many questions for you.” She emphatically gestured for him to sit.
Leliana chuckled softly. “Oh Josie, you are adorable.” Turning her attention to the stunned Fenris, she nodded. “Good to see you survived your second night in the tavern.”
Fenris did not respond, as Josephine had started asking her questions. Many of them about him and Hawke. Leliana and Varric sniggered as Fenris was bombarded with personal questions about his romantic life.
“How do you know about that?”  Fenris exclaimed in response to the one of the more invasive questions.
“She read it, of course.” Leliana chimed in. “She is such a fan of Varric’s works, after all. And you feature in many of them.”
Josephine flushed even more at Leliana’s words, while Fenris glared at Varric. Varric gulped and slowly edged towards the door, saying “I’m sure you ladies are very busy. We’ll just be going now.”
Fenris rose as Josephine returned to her desk. “We will discuss your writing later Varric,” he mock-whispered as he reached for the door handle. As he opened the door, still glaring at Varric, he collided with someone.
“Watch where you are going!” Vivienne angrily straightened her robes, chin lifted imperiously. She gave Fenris a once over, casting a critical eye over everything from his unclad feet to his disheveled, hay-strewn hair. “You are?”
“Fenris.” He did not like this woman. Pomposity rolled off her in waves. Her bearing reminded him of that of Tevinter Magisters. A great deal more than that of the eloquent drunk he had met yesterday he noticed.
“And what are you doing here?” Fenris noticed her gaze pause on his markings, felt her judgment continue.
“He came with Hawke. I was introducing him to the Ambassador and Spymaster here.” Varric piped up as he maneuvered Fenris away from Vivienne. “Fenris, this is –”
“I can introduce myself. I am First Enchanter Vivienne, Enchanter to the Imperial Court, and the leader of the last loyal mages in Thedas.” Even the way she spoke, so self satisfied, reminded Fenris of Magisters. He could almost picture her walking through the streets of Minrathous, with a little elven girl carrying the day’s shopping.
Fenris was saved from the onslaught of memories and a subtly sneering mage by the appearance of Cole. “Anger, rage, so much rage –”
“Kid! Good to see you. I heard you and Broody here got off on the wrong foot and I want to properly introduce you two. Cole, meet Fenris, Hawke’s partner. Fenris, this is Cole.” Varric motioned between them.
Cole dipped his head, his hat flapping around. “I didn’t know the foot was wrong. I upset you.”
“Hmpf,” Vivienne exhaled annoyedly, “Begone, demon.” She waved her hand dismissively.
“I’m not a demon. And I’m sorry for upsetting you Fenris.” In that moment, he closely resembled a kicked puppy.
Fenris’ eyes flicked between Vivienne, Varric, and finally, Cole. He rolled his eyes but replied, “No harm done.”
“Really? That’s good. I was worried.” With that, Cole disappeared again.
Fleetingly forgotten, everyone was reminded of her presence when Leliana called over to Varric and Fenris, “Perhaps you should go see Cullen?” Recognised as an opportunity for escape, Varric quickly mumbled his goodbyes to the ladies as he pushed Fenris out of the room.
“Shit, I’m sorry about that. I honestly hoped you wouldn’t meet her.” Varric ran his hand over his forehead. “I wanted you to meet Dorian more than her. And he’s a damned Altus.”
Fenris placed a hand on Varric’s shoulder as they walked the battlements. “It’s fine. You couldn’t have known she would be behind the door.”
“Anyway, here’s Curly!” Varric exclaimed as he threw open a door to reveal an extremely tired Cullen seated at a desk.
“Varric, what are you – Fenris? I heard you were in Skyhold.” Cullen came around his desk to grasp Fenris’ hand.
“So, you are the Inquisition’s Commander?”
“That’s right.”
“I thought you hated mages. Yet here you are, working for one.”
Fenris was not sure what reaction he expected; Cullen smirking was not it. “I thought YOU did. Yet here you are, accompanying Hawke. And I’m sure accompanying is not all you do.”
Varric burst out laughing. Fenris’ eyes narrowed as the tips of his ears burned. “You’re different than I remember.”
“Yeah, the Inquisition has been good for him,” Varric said, still laughing.
A soldier came into the office then. Cullen sighed, “If you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.”
The afternoon saw Fenris and Blackwall finally sparring, Bull and the Chargers training nearby. As Fenris and Blackwall took a break, a formidable looking woman walked up. “You are Fenris?”
“Cassandra Pentaghast.” Cassandra held out her hand for him to grasp. “I’ve heard much about you. It is an honour to meet you.”
Fenris shook her hand, realisation dawning on him. “You’re who interrogated Varric.”
Cassandra shifted uncomfortably. “Ah, yes. The Divine sent me to find Hawke. Failing that, I was to bring Varric to her.”
Fenris grunted in response and turned to resume sparring. Blackwall was an impressive warrior. It was not often Fenris found someone who could keep up with him.
“May I spar with you? Would you mind, Blackwall?”
“Not at all. I want to see this.” Blackwall chortled as he sat near the sparring ring.
Fenris took up his stance, this time facing Cassandra.
If Blackwall was an impressive warrior, Cassandra was one of the most terrifying people Fenris had ever met. Five bouts later, and he only managed to win the last one. Varric had turned up to witness his humiliation.
 “Enough. I think that’s plenty for today.” Cassandra smiled as she sheathed her sword and went over to the wall where the others were gathered. Fenris took a moment to catch his breath, and didn’t even jump when Cole materialised beside him.
“Here. These make the Inquisitor happy. I thought they might make others happy too.” Cole placed a flower crown on Fenris’ head before he could react and went to give the others their own flower crowns. As Fenris watched, Varric was crowned, Blackwall too – as well as somehow having his beard braided – Cassandra grudgingly accepted a crown, and the Iron Bull was decked out in flowers. Crowns were draped around his horns and he growled at his men to put theirs on too.
“But Chief –”
“Just do it Krem. It’s a gift! You can’t say no to a gift. Besides, they’re pretty.”
Fenris looked at the lunatics he and Hawke had become involved with, and laughed.
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