#wave 3
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milafm2002 · 1 month ago
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What's that New Music coming
Now loading Wave 3 of new bands and artists coming
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moonmacabre01 · 2 months ago
gijinka Magolor is the shortest member of wave 3, and Taranza is the tallest. True form Sectonia is taller than Taranza. Sectonia could pick Magolor up by the scruff like a misbehaving kitten.
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gemapples · 6 months ago
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first degree murder
gift for my friends @theultimateultimateweapon @galaxy-jester
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nickmarino · 2 years ago
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mhdiaries · 3 years ago
Diary of Meowlody & Purrsephone
If we catch you reading our diary you’ll be in double trouble!
Spending part of the summer at math camp was so boring I could almost…fall…asleep…writing…about…it. Of course my sister liked it. She was a total teacher’s pet.
You like to complain but math camp wasn’t that bad. There were lots of monsters to prank, I liked some of the classes, and I was not a teacher’s pet. We were simply stuck in the middle of no-where with nothing else to do so why not learn something?
I did learn something. I learned that there are worse things than being locked out of the house in the rain. Things like listening to never ending arguments about who was the greatest monster mathematician and having every geek in the camp tell me that the chance of twins being born is 1 in 31 or 3.125%. It’s an interesting fact the first time you hear it but the novelty wears off, at a factor of 10 to the power of infinity, after every monster in camp acts like they’re the first one to give you that information.
So it wasn’t a total waste of time for you after all?
Every monster thinks that just because we are twins we must think and act alike every moment of the day. It’s like they think we share the same brain. I have my own personality, my own likes and dislikes, and even though we don’t have the same color of hair, monsters treat us like we’re interchangeable. I even thought about learning a dead language just so some monster could say, “Oh they’re not the same at all, the one with the dark hair speaks Manticore.”
I like the chaos that being a twin sometimes causes. I think it’s awfully awesome and who cares if other monsters get us mixed up? We know who we are and if they can’t tell the difference between us that’s their problem. Learning a dead language is fine but why choose Manticore? They’re the crankiest monsters ever.
You miss the whole point. It doesn’t matter what the language is, it’s about… nevermind.
We may not think alike but no monster knows how to push a twin sister’s buttons like her twin sister.
We went to the maul today and some thing asked us if we were werewolves! I said, “Do you live under a rock or something?” Turns out this thing did live under a rock, but that’s no excuse for making such a mistake. It happens a lot though I’m not sure why.
Me either! We have different shaped ears, our claws are retractable, we have tails, we don’t feel the need to run in packs, we have far better table manners and we are much neater in appearance. Werecats have been around far longer than werewolves too like all the way back to Ancient Egypt and India! We’re also more curious about the world around us – I mean we practically invented the Law of Claws and Effect.
Werewolves are so…common…werecats are much more rare and mysterious. We are perfectly mysterious aren’t we?
Do you feel a draft? I sure do – oh wait it’s not a draft, it’s the wind blowing on a patch of skin that is normally covered with fur. Sister, you will say that you’re missing fur too but it’s really just a few hairs. I had to be shaved down to THE SKIN! I can’t believe you thought pranking Headless Headmistress Bloodgood by dying her nightmare white was a good idea.
It wasn’t a good idea it was a great idea – and it wasn’t the idea that was the problem it was the execution of the idea that was at issue. Sometimes a plan doesn’t always come together and how many times do I need to say, “I’m sorry?”
I’m counting the “I’m sorry’s” and I will let you know when you get to the magic number. I told you that beast was a fraidy cat and sneaking around her stall was bound to make the nightmare nervous. Oh and what did I also tell you nightmares do when they get nervous? THEY BREATHE FIRE! Fortunately for me, you were holding a bucket of permanent white dye when I got breathed on so you were able to… put everything right. Unfortunately, I ended up looking like a roasted marshmallow and a large patch of my fur had to be shaved off because that dye wouldn’t wash out. It’s a fabulous look for me…not.
Your fur will grow back in a few days and no monster will ever know unless they happen to show up to watch us clean HHB’s stables for the next week. At least she’s letting us work off the mess instead of telling mom and dad. I’m sorry. I’m really, really sorry.
Not even close to the number.
We bought Toralei’s pet sabertooth tiger, Sweet Fangs, a little present and took it over to them. Being in the pet store made us miss our pet canary. He used to sing us awake every morning – but we had to give him away because someone… was allergic. I’m not blaming her but you have to admit it’s a little odd for a werecat to have a bird allergy.
I know you blame me for having to get rid of him. It was really hard cause I loved him to you know, but just try waking up every morning with an itchy tail, watery eyes, dry nose and a hacking cough. It was really miserable.
You always blame your hacking cough on the canary but the real reason for you cough was because you didn’t take your hairball medicine like mom told you to. She’s really sensitive about it though, so I try not to bring it up.
I am not so sensitive, but if you keep talking about it one day you’re going to slip and say something about it in public and then I will be embarrassed. Lots of werecats get hairballs you know. Just because you and Toralei have never had one you both look at me like I’ve grown a second tail. Besides, we were like kittens when that happened anyway. It probably wouldn’t bother me if there were not a picture of me in the “cone of shame” which my mom thinks is cute and won’t let me throw away. I just know this is going to haunt me forever.
Totally pranked Ghoulia Yelps today… Okay maybe not totally but it would have been totally if that annoying gargoyle ghoul hadn’t interfered and completely spoiled the milk. It was purrfectly planned and so clever on our part.
We noticed – we notice everything – that little miss know-it-all has been riding her scooter down the same street at the same time every day. It’s the street that goes past library – she’s so predictable. All we did was slightly tweak a detour sign that would have pointed her down a street that was closed for repairs – it had lots of enormous pot holes filled with rain from last night’s storm.
We were watching from a rooftop with our camera and when she got to the detour sign she stopped and was completely confused; but she always follows the rules because she’s such a little do-gooder. So she was just about to turn down the street for a little “bump and wash” when this gargoyle and her pet gryphon glided down from the roof of another building – it was the library – and landing in front of Ghoulia.
We couldn’t hear what she was saying but she pointed to the sign and then pointed up to where we were hiding. We ducked of course and escaped – sort of escaped. This gargoyle, who wouldn’t tell us her name, caught up to us on the street and blocked our way – so rude. She had this horrible French accent and she said “Zat was a vary mean thing you tried to do to zat poor ghoul.” It was the perfect opportunity to practice the third “D” in Toralei’s formula for the successful prankster – Demure.
We told her that we had no idea what she was talking about but she ignored us and kept on talking – we have it all on camera. “She is vary nice and you are vary mean and I am going to tell all zee other gargoyles to watch for you now so you do not do such a thing again!” Talk about a monster with a chip on her shoulder and that gryphon of hers was ill behaved as well.
It screamed at me and I told her that if she couldn’t control her pet it should be on a leash. I should add monsters who can’t take a joke to my list of pet peeves and while I’m at it, that gryphon as well.
We were supposed to meet up with Toralei tonight for some Claws and Effect practice during the meteor shower but some monster made us late.
I said go on without me and I would catch up cause I forgot my camera and had to go back and get it. Good thing I did too cause I got some purrfect pictures of the falling stars.
Even though we didn’t get to practice Toralei’s 3 D’s we got to all hang out at the coffee shop together listen to music and watch something better than any fireworks show.
Much, much better sister.
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allspark · 4 years ago
First US Retail Sighting: Transformers Kingdom Rhinox!
First US Retail Sighting: Transformers Kingdom Rhinox! #Transformers #Arizona #Toys #Kingdom DPCI: 087-16-4905
Facebook user Chris Bryant has spotted (and purchased) Kingdom Rhinox (DPCI: 087-16-4905) at a store in Peoria, Arizona! This is the first US retail sighting for the new Kingdom Wave 3 figures so be on the look out for more Wave 3 of Kingdom! Be sure to discuss this in our Forum Thread or on our Discord that is now a part of the Discord partners program: https://discord.gg/allspark (more…)
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[Credit to nathan.c.dolls on Insta]
WE ARE GETTING NEW FACEMOLDS?? There better be a asian doll, not just new expressions.
(As long as it's not just a rumor)
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zwengtube · 4 years ago
Another pruffesional UNBOXING VIDEO
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mindstormproductions · 5 years ago
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Unboxing my NEW Elgato Wave 3 Microphone!! - Vlog 7
I decided to treat myself to the new Elgato Wave 3 Microphone and in this video I'm going to be unboxing it and setting it up onto my PC for my future streams!
(Click the image or title to go to video)
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actionfigureinsider · 5 years ago
TMNT ULTIMATES! Wave 3 Pre-Order
Cowabunga, dudes! Super7 is proud to announce the  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Wave 3 Ultimates! Inspired by the original 80s classic toy line, each 7-inch articulated deluxe figure is lavishly painted and features a massive cache of weapons and interchangeable accessories.
The new assortment includes: The Turtles’ ally April O’Neil! The robotic turtle Metalhead! The carefree joker Michelangelo! The mutant rhinoceros villain Rocksteady!
Available for a limited time, these are a must have for the TMNT fan! Each figure will come with an alternative set of hands for highly posable play and display, plus a fully loaded weapons rack. They will also come with a PAINTED set of rack accessories in addition to an UNPAINTED set still on their rack.
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Michelangelo, the carefree joker, comes equipped with:
Interchangeable Heads
Interchangeable Hands
Pizza Box and Slice
Turtle Fist Daggers
Ninja Stars
Grappling Hook
Weapons Rack
Michelangelo will also come packaged in a deluxe slip case-style box.
April O’Neil, trusted ally to the Turtles, comes equipped with:
Interchangeable Heads
Interchangeable Hands
Camcorder with Tripod
Wireless Microphone
TMNT Portable Computer
Ninja Stars Open and Closed
Turtle Communicator
Press Pass
Weapons Rack
April will also come packaged in a deluxe slip case-style box.
Metalhead, the robotic turtle, comes equipped with:
Interchangeable Hands
Radical Robo-chuks
Portable Party Pack
Radar/Foot Blaster
Utility Belt
Weapons Rack
Metalhead will also come packaged in a deluxe slip case-style box.
Rocksteady, the mutant rhinoceros villain, comes equipped with:
8″ tall (other TMNT Wave 3 figures are 7″)
Interchangeable Hands
Retro-Mutogen Gun
Manhole Cover Shield
Turtle Carver Knife
Weapons Rack
Rocksteady will also come packaged in a deluxe slip case-style box.
    Visit the Super7 pre-order store for all the details!
New TMNT ULTIMATES! Wave 3 from @Super7 Pre-Order Open Now! TMNT ULTIMATES! Wave 3 Pre-Order Cowabunga, dudes! Super7 is proud to announce the  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Wave 3 Ultimates!
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zackb1025 · 5 years ago
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Wave 3
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hector-of-ostia · 5 years ago
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mhdiaries · 3 years ago
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Wave 3 Meowlody & Purrsephone Diary
*kindly sent in by @fedorasquidwithglasses*
Spending part of the summer at math camp was so boring I could almost…fall…asleep…writing…about…it. Of course my sister liked it. She was a total teacher’s pet.
You like to complain but math camp wasn’t that bad. There were lots of monsters to prank, I liked some of the classes, and I was not a teacher’s pet. We were simply stuck in the middle of no-where with nothing else to do so why not learn something?
I did learn something. I learned that there are worse things than being locked out of the house in the rain. Things like listening to never ending arguments about who was the greatest monster mathematician and having every geek in the camp tell me that the chance of twins being born is 1 in 31 or 3.125%. It’s an interesting fact the first time you hear it but the novelty wears off, at a factor of 10 to the power of infinity, after every monster in camp acts like they’re the first one to give you that information.
So it wasn’t a total waste of time for you after all?
Every monster thinks that just because we are twins we must think and act alike every moment of the day. It’s like they think we share the same brain. I have my own personality, my own likes and dislikes, and even though we don’t have the same color of hair, monsters treat us like we’re interchangeable. I even thought about learning a dead language just so some monster could say, “Oh they’re not the same at all, the one with the dark hair speaks Manticore.”
I like the chaos that being a twin sometimes causes. I think it’s awfully awesome and who cares if other monsters get us mixed up? We know who we are and if they can’t tell the difference between us that’s their problem. Learning a dead language is fine but why choose Manticore? They’re the crankiest monsters ever.
You miss the whole point. It doesn’t matter what the language is, it’s about… nevermind.
We may not think alike but no monster knows how to push a twin sister’s buttons like her twin sister.
We went to the maul today and some thing asked us if we were werewolves! I said, “Do you live under a rock or something?” Turns out this thing did live under a rock, but that’s no excuse for making such a mistake. It happens a lot though I’m not sure why.
Me either! We have different shaped ears, our claws are retractable, we have tails, we don’t feel the need to run in packs, we have far better table manners and we are much neater in appearance. Werecats have been around far longer than werewolves too like all the way back to Ancient Egypt and India! We’re also more curious about the world around us – I mean we practically invented the Law of Claws and Effect.
Werewolves are so…common…werecats are much more rare and mysterious. We are perfectly mysterious aren’t we?
Do you feel a draft? I sure do – oh wait it’s not a draft, it’s the wind blowing on a patch of skin that is normally covered with fur. Sister, you will say that you’re missing fur too but it’s really just a few hairs. I had to be shaved down to THE SKIN! I can’t believe you thought pranking Headless Headmistress Bloodgood by dying her nightmare white was a good idea.
It wasn’t a good idea it was a great idea – and it wasn’t the idea that was the problem it was the execution of the idea that was at issue. Sometimes a plan doesn’t always come together and how many times do I need to say, “I’m sorry?”
I’m counting the “I’m sorry’s” and I will let you know when you get to the magic number. I told you that beast was a fraidy cat and sneaking around her stall was bound to make the nightmare nervous. Oh and what did I also tell you nightmares do when they get nervous? THEY BREATHE FIRE! Fortunately for me, you were holding a bucket of permanent white dye when I got breathed on so you were able to… put everything right. Unfortunately, I ended up looking like a roasted marshmallow and a large patch of my fur had to be shaved off because that dye wouldn’t wash out. It’s a fabulous look for me…not.
Your fur will grow back in a few days and no monster will ever know unless they happen to show up to watch us clean HHB’s stables for the next week. At least she’s letting us work off the mess instead of telling mom and dad. I’m sorry. I’m really, really sorry.
Not even close to the number.
We bought Toralei’s pet sabertooth tiger, Sweet Fangs, a little present and took it over to them. Being in the pet store made us miss our pet canary. He used to sing us awake every morning – but we had to give him away because someone… was allergic. I’m not blaming her but you have to admit it’s a little odd for a werecat to have a bird allergy.
I know you blame me for having to get rid of him. It was really hard cause I loved him to you know, but just try waking up every morning with an itchy tail, watery eyes, dry nose and a hacking cough. It was really miserable.
You always blame your hacking cough on the canary but the real reason for you cough was because you didn’t take your hairball medicine like mom told you to. She’s really sensitive about it though, so I try not to bring it up.
I am not so sensitive, but if you keep talking about it one day you’re going to slip and say something about it in public and then I will be embarrassed. Lots of werecats get hairballs you know. Just because you and Toralei have never had one you both look at me like I’ve grown a second tail. Besides, we were like kittens when that happened anyway. It probably wouldn’t bother me if there were not a picture of me in the “cone of shame” which my mom thinks is cute and won’t let me throw away. I just know this is going to haunt me forever.
Totally pranked Ghoulia Yelps today… Okay maybe not totally but it would have been totally if that annoying gargoyle ghoul hadn’t interfered and completely spoiled the milk. It was purrfectly planned and so clever on our part.
We noticed – we notice everything – that little miss know-it-all has been riding her scooter down the same street at the same time every day. It’s the street that goes past library – she’s so predictable. All we did was slightly tweak a detour sign that would have pointed her down a street that was closed for repairs – it had lots of enormous pot holes filled with rain from last night’s storm.
We were watching from a rooftop with our camera and when she got to the detour sign she stopped and was completely confused; but she always follows the rules because she’s such a little do-gooder. So she was just about to turn down the street for a little “bump and wash” when this gargoyle and her pet gryphon glided down from the roof of another building – it was the library – and landing in front of Ghoulia.
We couldn’t hear what she was saying but she pointed to the sign and then pointed up to where we were hiding. We ducked of course and escaped – sort of escaped. This gargoyle, who wouldn’t tell us her name, caught up to us on the street and blocked our way – so rude. She had this horrible French accent and she said “Zat was a vary mean thing you tried to do to zat poor ghoul.” It was the perfect opportunity to practice the third “D” in Toralei’s formula for the successful prankster – Demure.
We told her that we had no idea what she was talking about but she ignored us and kept on talking – we have it all on camera. “She is vary nice and you are vary mean and I am going to tell all zee other gargoyles to watch for you now so you do not do such a thing again!” Talk about a monster with a chip on her shoulder and that gryphon of hers was ill behaved as well.
It screamed at me and I told her that if she couldn’t control her pet it should be on a leash. I should add monsters who can’t take a joke to my list of pet peeves and while I’m at it, that gryphon as well.
We were supposed to meet up with Toralei tonight for some Claws and Effect practice during the meteor shower but some monster made us late.
I said go on without me and I would catch up cause I forgot my camera and had to go back and get it. Good thing I did too cause I got some purrfect pictures of the falling stars.
Even though we didn’t get to practice Toralei’s 3 D’s we got to all hang out at the coffee shop together listen to music and watch something better than any fireworks show.
Much, much better sister.
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ampedupkaon · 6 years ago
Wave 3 Bot Review
First things first; Bah Weep Granah Weep Nini Bong! Since I like playing this game; I thought I’d start up a blog for it. And since Wave 3 is right on the horizon, what better way to start than to give a review of the Bots in Wave 3. These are just my opinions; you might have completely different ones.
T09 Major Shockwave
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An interesting card; that works rather well with the original Shockwave from Wave 1. Definitely good for playing mind games on your opponent. Possibly the best SRT in this Wave.
T11 Major Ultra Magnus
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Only really a good character if you can keep his armour on him. Bit easy to beat otherwise I’d reckon. And he’s a pattern matcher; so if you don’t build for that he may as well be vanilla on his bot side.
P3 Private Smashdown
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Vanilla on bot side. Weapon side punishes mono-colour decks; so might be useful in competitive play.
T19 Private Red Heat
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Does Swap Parts when his bot mode ability is used. He will definitely be useful in a certain deck that the enabler card got banned. Assuming of course he doesn’t go the way of Swap Parts and get banned as well.
T08 Major Prowl
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Bot mode ability is really good; weapons are a common upgrade to see (whether they be Energon Axes, Flamethrowers, Mining Picks or anything else) so he will like do two direct damage to an enemy when he attacks. Other than that… lack of an alt mode ability is a little disappointing.
T01 Alpha Trion
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Battlefield Legend Light. He will definitely see competitive play; either with the aforementioned Battlefield Legend or in place of him.
T13 Private Firedrive
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He’s actually a rare Battlemaster ; one with an actual ability on his bot side; one that helps him when he gets KO’d. Useful as a game finisher I reckon.
T25 Raider Aimless
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For use in blue decks. Another one with an ability in bot mode. He’s rather nasty if you can get the deck set up for him (3 blue is quite a lot to flip in one attack!) But otherwise; he seems solid to me.
T42 Sergeant Cog
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Not sure he should be SRT. He’s vanilla on bot side. His weapon mode ability is nice; and would have been better if Swap Parts wasn’t banned! Should have been a Rare.
T24 Private Trailbreaker
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Good if you can keep the Forcefield on him; but a bit so-so otherwise. (Now we just need a Kaon so we can recreate THAT scene.) A Wave filler Transformer.
T33 Raider Nightstick
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He’s vanilla on the bot side. His weapon side relies upon a lot of black pips in deck (or a lucky flip!) Would have been a better ability if it did damage I think.
T32 Raider Needlenose
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He’s reliant on having star cards in deck. In other words a sink hole (you need to build your deck around him; like Mirage from Wave 1; or Skywarp from Wave 2). Could be fun to experiment with; but won’t see competitive play.
T48 Specialist Ratchet
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Another sinkhole. Unless we get some better repair cards; he’s never going to get more than 4 attack boost if you Brainstorm into two Medics. And his alt side is vanilla after the start of the game. Wish he repaired when he flipped to alt mode as well.
T16 Private Mudslinger
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Does Fling when his bot mode ability is used. Not sure that particular card was good to begin with. A Wave filler Transformer.
T05 Captain Wheeljack
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Again; a vanilla alt side after the game begins. Bot side is good if you run lots of actions that allow you to play multiple actions; but otherwise, not particularly good. A Wave filler Transformer.
T35 Raider Road Hugger
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Does Leap Into Battle when his bot mode ability is used. That card is good; and this fellow might be useful as a result. Can give blue decks a bit of a kick (that I’m not sure it needs).
T14 Private Flak
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Does New Designs when his bot mode ability is used. Not a bad card; useful in upgrade heavy decks (or turn 1; to play an Upgrade on one of your characters!)
T38 Raider Storm Cloud
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Does Focus Fire when his bot mode ability is used. Can also be done with three actions that don’t match for Supercharge. Possibly good in orange heavy decks but only if the deck also runs green/orange cards.
T47 Specialist Flamewar
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A bit of a let-down. Two  abilities that are a bit so-so. Can we have a different female Decepticon please (like Nickel!)? A Wave filler Transformer.
T40 Raider Visper
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Does Sonic Scramble when his bot mode ability is used. Not sure that card was particularly good in the first place (only draws cards back up if all three were played). Guess that makes him another Wave filler Transformer.
T31 Raider Laserbeak
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Not a bad ability on either side; good tap ability too. Decent card; but will probably see play with Soundwave only.
T15 Private Lionizer
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Probably will go in orange heavy decks. Bold 4 is easily the strongest boost on a weapon (that doesn’t scrap!)
T12 Private Arcee
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Another so-so card. She’s alright; but not really a stand out card. A Wave filler Transformer.
T03 Captain Ironhide
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This one on the other hand… is actually very good. Easily the best Ironhide. He gives Wave 1 Shockwave the middle finger while in alt mode; and his bot mode ability isn’t bad either.
T10 Major Soundwave
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Not really a stand out card. He’s only good with both Ravage and Laserbeak beside him. Shame really; a lot of people have been screaming for him (Now give us Tarn!).
T34 Raider Ravage
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Vanilla on alt side. Bot mode ability is a bit disappointing. Not really going to see play; except with Soundwave.
T45 Sergeant Skywarp
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Again; like the previous Skywarp, he relies upon the deck being built around him. This one likes Secret actions. Could work with Thundercracker though; if you run enough Secret Actions.
T23 Private Tote
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He’s cute. He can be used to untap your other little fellows; but he’s not much good for much else. A Wave filler Transformer.
T18 Private Red Alert
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A non-vanilla Red Alert. And a not bad one at that. Could work with Ratchet; as he repairs when you flip to alt mode.
T28 Raider Detour
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Does Pep Talk when his bot mode ability is used. Not a bad card; but not sure that he’d be better than Pep Talk itself; except on turn 1.
T41 Sergeant Chromia
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I’m happy; because she works well with Ironhide! Both want a blue deck; so they work together. Her ability is similar to Wave 1 Chromia’s, but for blue; much easier to hit.
T02 Captain Elita-1
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Prime’s girlfriend and I see her being played with Battlefield Legend. She’s also not a bad card; considering she can sneak all of the damage on to her then trigger a Leap of Faith ability when KO’d.
T46 Sergeant Sparkstalker
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One of the Firecons. Good in orange decks; so could see play in them. Can also scrap armour to make it easier to hit enemies for your other bots.
T27 Raider Cindersaur
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One of the Firecons. Also very orange orientated. Can do direct damage if he has enough Bold.
T29 Raider Flamefeather
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One of the Firecons. Can actually boost his defense when you flip orange while he defends; so is actually the most interesting of the three in my opinion. Shame his alt mode ability only works with the other Firecons.
T30 Raider Ion Storm
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Vanilla on alt side. Bot mode side isn’t very interesting. A Wave filler Transformer.
T26 Raider Blowpipe
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A card that will only get more potent as the game progresses and more colours get added. He’s not bad at the moment, though.
T07 General Optimus Prime
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A bit of a let-down. Won’t see play over Battlefield Legend; as he’s nowhere near as good. Could have been an uncommon; as his ability is really unimpressive.
T06 General Megatron
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He’s actually a very interesting card. He would be amazing in a deck with Megatron, Living Weapon… But unfortunately; Living Weapon is also 13*s and can’t be teamed up with the General! That’s the only shame; other than that, possibly the best Megatron.
T37 Raider Runamuck
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He’s vanilla on alt side. When he flips to bot mode; his buddy Runabout does as well. Could be a fun combo at release events; and possibly after too!
T43 Sergeant Hound
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He’s vanilla on alt side. Bot mode ability has been seen before on Starter Set Megatron. A Wave filler Transformer.
T36 Raider Runabout
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He’s vanilla on bot side. When he flips to alt mode his buddy Runamuck flips (and both of them heal 1 damage!) Could be a fun combo at release events; and possibly after too!
T04 Captain Starscream
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Another sinkhole Starscream. You need to build a deck around scrapping enemy upgrades for him to be useful. Don’t think he’ll see play over Decepticon King.
T20 Private Sideswipe
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Wants to be the last bot standing so he can get big when you flip him to alt mode. Not sure he’s quite as good as Legendary Warrior Bumblebee (who also wants to be the last bot standing). Another candidate in car decks; though.
T22 Private Topshot
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Does Incoming Transmission when his bot mode ability is used. Not a bad card; but I’m sure he’d only be useful turn 1 over Incoming Transmission itself.
T39 Raider Triggerhappy
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His alt mode ability isn’t bad; especially to get back Grenade Launchers or Power Punches. Since he suits an orange deck; his bot mode ability isn’t bad either (two orange flipped = guaranteed 4 damage!).
T21 Private Stakeout
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Does Rapid Conversion when his bot mode ability is used. Again; not sure this card would be preferable over the actual card; not even on turn 1. A Wave filler Transformer.
T44 Sergeant Skrapnel
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His bot mode ability is interesting. Not sure he’s as good as Wave 1 Skrapnel; but he’s not bad.
T17 Private Pteraxadon
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The weapon mode ability is very good. Brilliant counter to blue heavy decks; if it pays off. Shame he’s not a Dinobot.
I’m sure you’ve all got your favourites; and cards you want most (I know I do!) I hope you all get exactly who you want; and that you have fun playing with these new guys and gals!
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pyro-madder · 6 years ago
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(Redeeming) Heroes in Another Dimension
(Or how 3 characters can be disasters apart, but squad goals together)
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mothcollective · 6 years ago
Hyness still isn't forgiven in my books
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