gatchagatchaman · 10 years
     "Despair city," she lets the name roll off her tongue, testing it, checking if the two words can exist next to the other. A small notebook, originally dull and colored a single shade of blue but now covered in multicolored stickers and tapes, sits open in one hand while in the other a small pen covered in shining fake gems. "Des-pair ci-ty," she says again, writing out each letter in bold letters in her notebook. Her eyes scan each stoke and she lets out a small hum. The city itself passes by slowly as she walks with a slight sprint to her step.
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     "Hmmm, I still think it would sound better if it was 'Desbear city'. Bear city? I think Monobear-san missed out on something great. Can he split into two? or become a pear? I wonder..." She stops walking turns around abruptly, holding the notebook out to the person walking behind her. On one page the words 'Despair city' display themselves cleanly and on the other various scribbles of 'Desbear city' and 'bear' (with a few small doodles of Monobear himself) spread across it. "Which do you prefer?" 
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satsujino-blog · 10 years
"So, have you decided whether you'd like to beat me up after our trial or give me the cold shoulder as most typically do and will?"
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spiritualious-blog · 10 years
Send ☂ for a weather headcanon.
Sorey prefers the warm rays of sunshine than the cold of rain. He doesn’t dislike the rain, but he prefers exploring outdoors and in various ruins when it’s a beautiful, sunny day! 
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9999overlord · 10 years
notice me law senpai || laharl & law
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     Laharl intentionally seeks people out, perhaps not to recruit them as his reputation has him, but, rather, scope out the specs of them. Enemy or ally? No, nothing in relation to that old binary. Will this person benefit me (his inward voice adds, and my vassals) or will that be a large electrocuted fence standing in the way of his goal. 
     One such people he wants to understand is the man named after justice, yet seems to hold a very lax interpretation of it. Law. Or, as Laharl finally learned, Trafalgar D Waterlaw. His deductions and manipulation of facts proved their worth though their particular (first, just the first) trial ended in defeat. He broke that annoying bitch's nose (the bitch that's now dead and rotting in the ground) with a projectile in the middle of the trial and if that didn't garner some semblance of respect from Laharl, nothing would. 
     So Laharl purposely follows Law around for a little while. It's not stalking, he assures himself, it's espionage. He follows Law as he walks about the city and he makes sure to stick to high places or small alleys that have only the occupation of cats to worry about. Eventually, he would come out of hiding and grace Law with his presence... Eventually...
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herbalxsm-blog · 10 years
003. { alstroemeria }
        Well then, this wasn't what she had expected. Being suddenly burdened with a child was surprising all on its own, but in a city like this, it had come at a complete shock. A robot they had said, with a likeness to herself, making it seem all the more likely that if it was real, the child would indeed be related to her. That's why, she decided, to dedicate this week to making him the happiest robot baby ever! He even got a name, Nii-chan Junior, in honor of her dear Nii-chan. 
        Not exactly the best name, but he seemed to like it.
        Oh, but there was crying children all around her regardless as to how well Shiemi cared for her new addition. One person in particular stood out, a tall man holding the baby at an awkward angle and was quite obviously distressed. 
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        ❝ Excuse me, but you're holding the baby wrong. Holding a child like that will make them uncomfortable, that could be why that child won't stop crying!❞
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soniasama · 10 years
       A man with one arm. She briefly wonders if she should check the lost and found, but that would be an incredibly tasteless joke to make. He probably misses his arm very much. 
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       Oh dear-- she's staring. Shame washes over her as she quickly glances away, hoping that, if he noticed her, he's not too angry. She didn't mean to be rude, after all.
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sisconendgame-blog · 10 years
A vivid memory
✵I dunno what this means ✵
Kirino’s most vivid memory is when she was finally able to reveal her secret to her brother. The burden lifted from her shoulders is a feeling she’ll never forget. Kirino, who had only received praise for all her accomplishments, had one hobby that would destroy her relationships with her friends and family.
Kyousuke didn’t have to approve of her secret or keep it from the rest of the family. But he did. He made Kirino feel like her hobby, considered gross by many, was something she should be allowed to enjoy. In addition, it was the first time in years the brother and sister had truly bonded over something.
For once, Kirino felt accepted for what even she seemed to believe is unacceptable. And that’s something that will always remain with her
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snackoodetective-blog · 10 years
Cat’s Paw
Cat’s Paw: What is your muse’s reaction to gore?
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It took some time, but she has no extreme reactions to it anymore. Her line of work requires her to see some pretty gross things, to put it lightly. In fact, she’s more likely to be excited to examine the body rather then be shocked about it.
Despite how appalled people are by this.
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magatsuperriot-blog · 10 years
 ✖ - a repressed memory
Adachi represses many things, particularly emotions and the things that elicit the strongest emotions in him. I believe that something he represses deeply is whatever mistake he made that got him transferred to Inaba in the first place. His job as a detective in the city meant a lot to him, as he worked so hard to achieve it. The fact that he doesn't specify the reason in game besides vaguely alluding to it, (same goes for the animations) it leads me to believe he desperately wants to forget whatever he did.
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spiritualious-blog · 10 years
Garrote: Your muse must kill someone. How do they do it?
If at all possible, he’d much rather avoid having to kill anyone. If they are truly a threat to society he’d absolutely consider it, but I think he’d want to do it as quickly and painlessly as possible and only if he sees them as someone who absolutely needs to be disposed for. 
Quickly and painlessly as possible.
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9999overlord · 10 years
Battle intro: Another challenger? Ready to be humiliated beyond belief?!
Victory: Now become my vassal or you might not survive round two!
Defeat: I-I didn't actually lose! Today's just a bad day. 
Assist: I can't have a vassal die just yet. The hospital bills are too expensive.
Taunt: I'll destroy the entire arena! You still want to fight me?
Reacting to Taunt: You're gonna eat your words!!
Tie: I don't acknowledge that we have the same strength! 
Perfect Victory: How pathetic! I don't have a scratch on me, and you talked so big before.
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despairling · 10 years
★Uh oh, apparition dead ahead! Target; name unknown. Golly, he looked worst than the rest! What a bad situation the Solider of Hope's mage caught herself in. Only one thing to do, her special physical attack! Go, Monaka. ...Her attack, of course, was running over this poor man's foot with her wheelchair.
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"Taaaake that!"
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academyofdespair-blog · 10 years
[[Without any prior reserve, here's Law from One Piece! App can be found in the top bar.
Welcome to Hope’s Peak, Weirdo!
You will be roomed in apartment #113 with your new roommates Lambdadelta and a water bottle. Don’t think about escaping the city because you never will, upupu!
☣ chainsaw mod
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qrqchne-blog · 10 years
☭ fite me enragement child
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Battle intro: “Look, it’s the Surgeon of Death! What are you, twelve?”
Victory: "They say the misfortune of others tastes like honey; I’ll slowly savour the sweetness of your defeat."
Defeat: "Shit, shit, shit! I’ll fucking destroy you, just you wait.”  
Assist: "Need a hand?" 
Taunt: "You’re doing so well, keep it up- as if I’d say that, dumbass; you’re pathetic!"
Reacting to Taunt: "How about you have a taste of your own medicine?"
Tie: "You won’t be satisfied with an ending like this, right? Next time, I’ll crush you until you don’t feel like ever standing up again." 
Perfect Victory: "You’re nothing but a little fly caught in the spider’s web." 
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spiritualious-blog · 10 years
❧ a shepherd's duty
There was little that didn't bring excitement to Sorey's kind heart. Equipped with endless amount of curiosity and the yearning for new discoveries and places, and this city was no exception. He could open his eyes and be greeted to a new alleyway, a new street, a new store, and he'd be impressed in one way or another.
Of course, that included people as well.
If he could help someone, whether it be an important task or assisting with their problems, Sorey was always willing to lend a hand. Although, he often cringed at violent acts and disliked conflict. A bringer of peace was to stay as pure as possible, after all.
Too bad curiosity sometimes got in the way of his job.
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“ The people here are so different, I'm not exactly sure where to begin... ” He muses, glancing around twice and noting all of the strangers walking amongst him. Though, standing in the center of it all in a strange outfit certainly attracts attention, doesn't it?
Of course, this wasn't intentional. His self-awareness wasn't at that level yet. So he fails to notice some people sending shady glances towards him.
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unxdeadly · 10 years
what do you mean museums are supposed to be serious?
no one ever said museum's were 'no-fun' zones!
at least, she never thought of them in that way. not that she ever went to many before, but it would have been very difficult to stay calm in such a display. the third floor of the museum was enough to keep her occupied for quite a while, which meant no more boredom-- which, in turn, meant she was apt to goof off. life was very tedious without a little bit of fun and rule breaking, and the 'do not touch the displays!' sign was promptly ignored, fingers trailing lightly against whatever exhibit she passed as she skipped by.
ah, the human body. always a wonderful, intriguing topic, both on the inside and the outside. Giselle, despite some of the harsher names she might be called, was not so daft when it came to the body. she knew it inside and out; perhaps not the medical terms, but enough to know what she was controlling when using her power. now, without her abilities...touching these displays and otherwise making a ruckus was the best alternative.
with a very realistic looking eyeball cupped in each hand, the girl peered over at another patron of the museum. he looked much too serious for such a fun place! a stoic presence like that was sure to ruin the frivolity, so she approached, a spring in her step, and presented the eyeballs, speaking in a sing-song voice.
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      “ I see you...! Hehe. ♥ ”
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