#water pressure
rahiwatching · 2 years
BIONICLE Science: Water Pressure at Mahri-Nui
This is the third in a 5-part series 6-part series (guess who thought of another connected question to answer?) of interconnected BIONICLE Science investigations that all feed into each other (the other parts will all be included in my BIONICLE Science master post).
In the last post I determined that Mahri-Nui sat 72.95km below the surface of the Aqua Magna Ocean and I wondered, what kind of pressure would things be under there thanks to having that much water above them at all times? That is what this post is here to find out.
The equation for water pressure at a given depth is fairly simple:
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The density of water is 997kg/m^3
The depth of Mahri-Nui is 72.95km or 72950m
The acceleration due to gravity on Aqua Magna is 4.84m/s^2 (as determined in my Science of Spherus Magna paper).
Therefore, by plugging all of these numbers into the above formula, we get a pressure around Mahri-Nui of 352,018,766 Pa.
Let’s put that into context. As discussed before, the deepest point of the Earth’s oceans is the Challenger Deep in the Pacific Ocean. We already know that Mahri-Nui sits 6.67 times deeper than this point, however we also know that the acceleration due to gravity is stronger on Earth than it is on Aqua Magna (9.81m/s^2 vs 4.84m/s^2) – so how do the two pressures compare?
The measured pressure at the Challenger Deep is around 116,000,000 Pa, meaning that the pressure at Mahri-Nui is 3.03 times higher than at the deepest point of Earth’s Oceans.
That is a very high pressure to be living under. It is the equivalent of having 35,895.74 metric tons of weight resting on every square meter. Or to put it another way, it is like having the weight of 239 Blue Whales, all stacked on top of each other, for every square meter of surface.
However, even in the crushing pressures of the Challenger Deep life can still be found, ranging from microbes to marine worms and sea cucumbers. If organic life can evolve to handle the pressure at that depth, then it may be reasonable that biomechanical life (which should be far hardier) could exist at 3 times that pressure. The biomechanical beings we see at this depth may have also been given a helping hand in being able to survive these pressures. The Toa Mahri were given transformed bodies by the Mask of Life to allow them to survive in this environment and all other biomechanical beings we see here were in some way affected by the Pit Mutagen (even the Matoran to a small degree) and we know that the Mutagen changes biomechanical bodies to be able to survive underwater, so an ability to survive the intense pressures here would likely be part of that.
It is even not that unreasonable to suggest that the organic life found around Mahri-Nui, such as the Sea Squid, could possibly survive at these pressures. While an extreme example, microscopic Tardigrades here on Earth have been found in experiments to be able to survive pressures of six times greater than that of the Challenger Deep, twice what is found at Mahri-Nui (admittedly the experiments only tested this for short periods and they are hardly on the same size scale as a Sea Squid, but still, life finds a way).
So, there you have it, the intense pressures found around Mahri-Nui revealed. Next up, we will look at just how much deeper this ocean goes…
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pensivespacepirate · 7 months
anyone seen the post about OP's experience with diving, and if you stay underwater for too long you start to lose yourself (and think you're a mermaid?) similar posts are welcomed because i dont quite remember the details and could have gotten posts mixed up
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Plants that develop root pressure frequently produce liquid droplets on the edges of their leaves, a phenomenon known as guttation (Figure 4.5).
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Figure 4.5: Guttation in a leaf from lady's mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris). In the early morning, leaves secrete water droplets through the hydathodes, located at the margins of the leaves.
"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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Off-Grid: Living Without Running Water
The other day, a friend of mine and I were discussing my emergency planning activities and supplies. When it came to plumbing, my friend said “I couldn’t live without running water”. To that I responded, “If you think you can’t, you haven’t tried or you haven’t looked at alternatives”. I then began to explain the methods I have used in place of conventional plumbing. It all boils down to this; if you seek alternatives, you will find them but you may need to give up some of the creature comforts like taking long showers and automatic dish washers. Reaching for the faucet and expecting water to flow out of it is so ingrained in us that, for many, it seems impossible to imagine a life without that luxury. It is possible. A mindset change is always needed when dealing with an emergency or making a lifestyle change to "go against the norm". Try it. Plan one day to live without turning on the faucet, taking a shower/bath, using the dishwasher or flushing the toilet [as usual]. The items below are but a few of the alternatives available. You are limited only by your imagination and research. As a homesteader, Jaimie gets questions about water. "It seems that everyone marvels at my fortitude of living so long without running water. They want to know how I do it. I often find myself answering their questions by explaining the logistics of life without working faucets. I tell them how we heat water on our wood stove in the winter and in our solar oven in the summer. I explain how we have a bucket shower on a rope and pulley attached to the ceiling above our bathtub. But what I've come to realize is that their questions aren't even remotely related to logistics. What they really wonder about is my commitment. They are really asking HOW could I find it in myself to spend three years carrying water?!" Read more . . . This Is What it Looks Like to Live Without Running Water in America Tips for Surviving Without Running Water How to Survive a Week Without Running Water WATER SOURCES: Produce Drinking Water from the Air, Ground and Undrinkable Water Long-Term Water Storage: Containers - Treatments - Quantity Per Person Hand-Made Water Well and Hand Pump DRINK: If you don't have a water storage plan and public water is not available or contaminated, there are several ways to "create" clean drinking water from nearly any kind of water or ground moisture. Distilling is the best method and can be done for free or very little cost. Click here for other options. SINK: My cabin’s "rustic" version of a sink is a small stainless steel sink built into the kitchen counter with a 5-gallon water container on a shelf above the sink, to dispense into the sink, and a 5-gallon bucket under the sink, to catch the used water. But, again, there are many alternatives, including RV sink systems and those used by snowball stands and lunch wagons. SHOWER: There are many portable showering solutions (usually for camping) that do not require conventional plumbing. Some produce heated water and others do not. For those that don’t produce their own heat, pre-heated water can be used. For years, I have enjoyed using coleman hot water on demand. It uses the 16.4-oz. propane cylinders or optional bulk propane tank adapter. With practice, I have been able to acquire a warm, cleaning shower with less than 3 gallons of water and even less when the water is cold. A clean, fresh-water stream or lake is also an alternative. A Shower Bag or [clean] Lawn Sprayer are good for camping or as alternatives when running water is not available. Like anything else, there are choices of quality, capacity and options. Suggested Reading: Bathe Without Showering OFF-GRID HOT WATER: Rocket Stove Hot Water Heater Coiling Copper Pipe for Thermo-Siphoning [Video 1 of 2] Endless Hot Water Without Electricity or Gas [Video 2 of 2] Coleman Hot Water On Demand - Repairing of older model Portable Off-Grid Hot Water Products on Amazon.com TOILET: My most recent off-the-grid toilet is a compost toilet. It requires no electric or water. An electric, incinerating toilet does require a good amount of electric but requires no water or plumbing. The unit vents its "odor" outside and all that’s left are ashes. I have used both types for years and have found them to be extremely efficient and comforting that I can stay in a nice warm cabin instead of going to an outhouse. I found them to be the closest thing to a "regular" residential toilet, without the need for plumbing. There are many other, less expensive alternatives that can be utilized but are a bit less maintenance-free, uncomfortable and can be more expensive over time. I have also used a simple bucket with a heavy-duty trash bag liner, a toilet seat, made especially for 5-6 gallon buckets, with kitty litter and a product called "Poo Powder" to help control odor and solidify the waste. Your selection will depend on your circumstances, availability and budget. LAUNDRY: Doing Laundry in an Emergency Situation or Living Off-The-Grid GRAY WATER: Water should never be wasted. A graywater system is used to take water that has already been used from places like laundry, shower and sink and divert it to use for another purpose like watering gardens or landscaping instead of flushing it down into the sewer or running it into a field. Using a Solar Still, graywater can be converted to drinking water. Here are some resources for installing and using a graywater system. Depending on where it is to be installed, a government permit may be required. [Article 1]     [Article 2]     [Video 1]     [Video 1] POWER WASHING: With a 12-volt water pump (from a marine supply store) connected to my 12-volt batteries (to push the water to my Power Washer), and the pump placed between my water-collection barrel and my Power Washer (connected to my generator), I can power wash my ATV, cabin deck and anything else that needs an extra-powerful stream of water. A [clean] Lawn Sprayer may work as a less powerful alternative. SEE ALSO: Replenishable Water and Food Sources Toilet Paper Alternatives Coleman Hot Water On Demand Repairs [Reference Link]
[14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [5six7 Menu]
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startechengineering · 2 months
Another term for a fire pump is a fire protection pump or water pump, which provides enough water pressure and flow to power sprinkler design systems, standpipes, and other systems that help control or put out fires. For additional information on fire pumps and their types, visit this blog.
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lns-turnkey · 3 months
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Temecula's Pipe Repair and Replacement Experts" offers professional plumbing services specializing in repairing and replacing pipes in the Temecula area. Contact us now. For more info - https://www.lnsturnkey.com/
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lnsturnkey1 · 3 months
Plumbing Problems? Top-Rated Plumbers in Escondido CA to the Rescue
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Residing in lovely Escondido, CA, doesn't have to entail enduring frequent plumbing troubles. Dripping taps, congested drains, and assorted snags might speedily transform your home into a tension-filled area.  But worry not, homeowners! In this guide. We will discuss the plumbing solutions for you to deal with contingencies as well as Escondido's top-rated plumbers who will get your home flowing smoothly again.
Understanding Your Escondido Plumbing Options
Escondido has a variety of skilled plumbers available. Each of them provide a wide range of services to cater to your needs: 
Maintenance and Repair: Experienced plumbers in Escondido CA are pro at repairing leaky faucets, clearing clogged drains, addressing toilet issues, and troubleshooting water heater problems. They have the expertise to identify and promptly resolve any plumbing issue you face.
Setup: Whether you're building a fresh home, revamping your kitchen, or upgrading your bathroom accessories, plumbers excel at performing these functions. They install faucets, fixtures, water filters, tankless water heaters, and various other items.
Repiping: If your home's pipes are causing constant issues, hiring experts to replace them can provide a lasting solution. You'll enjoy peace of mind for years ahead.
Emergency Services: If you're facing a plumbing issue, most of the top-notch plumbers in Escondido are available 24/7. They deal with burst pipes, sewage backups, or clogged toilets. Understanding the urgency of these situations, they respond promptly and ensure proper resolution.
Why to Choose Licensed and Insured Plumbers in Escondido CA
Choosing a plumber in Escondido CA who holds valid licenses and insurance is vital for receiving quality service and protecting your financial interests.
Licensing: Making sure the plumber meets California's state standards, proving their grasp, skills, and dedication to safety regulations.
Insurance: Insurance safeguards your finances against accidental damage during repairs. It ensures you won't encounter unexpected costs for unforeseen situations.
Benefits of Direct Insurance Billing
Plenty of plumbing firms in Escondido provide the perk of billing insurance directly, simplifying the claims process.
Decreased Stress: The plumber in Escondido CA manages all communication and paperwork with your insurance company, freeing up your time and reducing stress.
Speedier Fixes: Swifter claim approval leads to faster repairs, cutting down on disruptions to your daily routine and returning your home to its normal state sooner.
Equipped for Emergencies: How to Handle Plumbing Crises
Plumbing emergencies can hit us anytime. In  order to be prepared, we are sharing some expert tips below:
Keep cool and size up the scene: Locate and find out where it went wrong and how much harm it caused.
Turn off the water: Find the main shut-off valve, usually close to the water meter. Twist it to stop the water and avoid any more flow, which could lead to damage.
Contain the leak (if you can): Put towels or buckets beneath the leak to reduce water damage to nearby spots.
Get in touch with a licensed plumber ASAP: Avoid trying to fix it yourself for significant plumbing problems. An experienced professional can detect the issue accurately, suggest the best solution, and keep disturbances in your home to a minimum.
When Disaster Strikes: Water and Slab Leak Detection Services
Water leaks, especially the ones not so visible can cause big problems for your property. The plumbers in Escondido CA are experts in detecting leaks and can help fix the problem efficiently.
Water leak detection: Plumbers have tools such as thermal imaging cameras and acoustic leak detectors to find hidden leaks. These tools detect leaks without harming your walls, floors, or ceilings.
Detecting slab leaks: This particular service employs modern methods to identify leaks beneath the foundation of your house. It stops expensive structural harm and avoids potential health risks linked with mold growth.
Restoring Your Home: Flood Damage Restoration and Repair Services
In case of a flood, quick action is essential to limit harm. Escondido's adept plumbers provide thorough flood damage restoration and repair services.
Water extraction: Swift pumps swiftly eliminate extra water from your residence, thwarting additional harm to your possessions and minimizing the chance of mold formation.
Structural drying: Plumbers in Escondido CA employ specialized equipment to thoroughly dry surfaces like floors, walls, and ceilings. This ensures complete removal of moisture and prevents damage to the building.
Fixing and restoring: Plumbers address issues with drywall, flooring, and other components to return your home to its pre-flood state. They ensure its safety and functionality for everyday living.
Experiencing Plumbing Problems in Escondido? L&S TurnKey is Here to Help!
Experiencing some plumbing issues lately? No worries! L&S TurnKey has got your back with our trustworthy plumbing solutions designed specifically for people in Escondido. Check out what sets us apart:
24/7 Emergency Services: Ready whenever you need us!
Wide Range of Services: From leak detection to water heater repair.
Experienced Professionals: Skilled, licensed, and insured for your peace of mind.
Customer Satisfaction: Our top priority with a history of delighted clients.
Don't let plumbing issues disrupt your day. Contact us now for immediate assistance!
Author Bio:-
Name - Josephine Floyd
Josephine Floyd is a marketing head at L&S Turnkey. He is an experienced marketing leader with over 12 years of experience in the plumbing industry. With extensive knowledge of severe water damage, mold damage, and fire damage, as well as general plumbing services, he writes articles about water and flood damage repair and restoration along with heating installation, maintenance, and repair to make readers aware of the potential risk and quick actions they can take to reduce damage. Keep reading his latest articles to have an understanding of whether your plumbing system is intact or not; if not, what you should do to fix it.
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tapronlimited · 3 months
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The Main Component in Your Bathrooms No One Is Telling You About!
The Tapron blog post emphasizes the crucial yet often overlooked component of bathroom design—shower pumps. It guides on selecting the right shower pump to enhance your shower experience by improving water pressure. The article covers key considerations such as pump types (single or twin impeller), flow rate, and understanding your home's water system (gravity-fed, combi-boiler, or unvented). It aims to educate readers on making an informed decision to ensure their showers function optimally. For a detailed exploration of how shower pumps can transform your bathroom, visit the full guide here.
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gabe-sanders · 5 months
How to Identify and Fix Low Water Pressure in Your Shower
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grojvalle · 7 months
Six Reasons Why You Have Low Water Pressure in Your Home
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universalinfo · 8 months
How to Find the Ideal Water Pressure for Your Home
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Ever found yourself eagerly anticipating a shower, only to be met with a disappointing dribble? Or perhaps you've faced the exact opposite: a jet stream so strong it felt like an aggressive massage? 
Both scenarios revolve around a central player in our household drama: water pressure. And trust us, discovering the optimal water pressure for your home can feel like striking gold. Today, we dive deep into the world of water, its pressures, and how you can achieve that 'just right' flow in your abode. Let’s begin, shall we?
What's the Big Deal About Water Pressure Anyway?
Have you ever watched a movie where the action just drags and you’re left wondering, “Can we move things along a bit?” Water pressure is kind of like the pace of that movie. It’s the rhythm of your home's plumbing story. 
When it’s too low, it’s like watching paint dry: every drip from the faucet feels like an eternity. But when it’s too high, it's a fast-paced thriller that can leave your plumbing system exhausted.
Picture this: you've just returned home after a sweaty workout, and all you want is a refreshing shower. Low water pressure means you'll be there, shampooing your hair, waiting for what feels like forever to rinse off. On the other hand, a garden hose with high pressure can make watering your plants feel like a firefighting mission. Balancing that pressure? It’s like finding the sweet spot between relaxation and excitement.
Decoding the Numbers: What's the Ideal Pressure?
Think of water pressure as the Goldilocks of your household. Too low, and you're left yearning for more. Too high, and it’s overwhelming. But somewhere in the middle? Ah, that's the sweet spot. 
Most homes find their groove with a pressure between 50 to 70 psi. This range ensures tasks like filling up a bathtub or cleaning dishes are a breeze, but without causing a tsunami in your sink.
But how does one find out if they're living the water pressure dream or nightmare? The answer is surprisingly simple and involves a handy tool: the water pressure meter. It's like a thermometer for your water. Hook it up, and voilà! You're immediately informed whether adjustments are needed. And remember, knowledge is power (or in this case, pressure).
Causes of Low Water Pressure
If your home was a crime scene and the crime was 'dismally slow water flow,' who would be your prime suspect? Well, there are a few usual culprits that might be lurking in the shadows. One of the top suspects is the shutoff valve. Sometimes, they aren't fully opened, and that small oversight can lead to significant pressure drops.
But the plot thickens. Enter the aging pipes, rusting away like relics from another era. Over time, corrosion builds up, leading to restricted water flow. It's like trying to run a marathon while breathing through a straw.
And don't get us started on leaks. They quietly drip away, causing a decrease in pressure and leading to water wastage. Playing detective by regularly inspecting your system can help you catch these culprits red-handed, ensuring your home stays in the optimal pressure zone.
The Risks of High Water Pressure: More Than Just a Splash
You know that feeling when you bite into a chili pepper, thinking it’s mild, only to realize it's off-the-charts spicy? High water pressure is a bit like that unexpected kick. At first, it seems exciting and powerful, but then the reality sets in. That impressive force can take a toll on your home's inner workings.
Picture it: You switch on the tap, and it's like Niagara Falls in your sink. Great for a quick fill, but your pipes and appliances might be silently screaming. High pressure can be a nemesis to appliances like dishwashers and washing machines. It's like they're trying to drink from a fire hose every time they operate.
And those sneaky leaks we talked about? High pressure is their best friend. The added force can lead to more frequent, unexpected sprays and damp spots. But fear not, the next section will guide you on controlling this enthusiastic pressure.
Adjusting to Perfection: The Symphony of Water Regulation
If water pressure were music, you'd want a harmonious melody, not a deafening rock concert. To achieve this balance, there's a magical tool that comes into play: the Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV). Think of a PRV as the conductor of your plumbing orchestra, ensuring each 'instrument' plays at the right volume.
For those on the low-pressure side of things, the solution might not always be in-house. Sometimes, it's like being at the end of a game of telephone: the message (or water) doesn't get to you properly. Chatting with your local water department might reveal larger infrastructure issues or simple fixes.
Whether you're turning down the volume or cranking it up a notch, knowing how to adjust ensures your home's water symphony hits all the right notes.
Maintenance and Regular Checks: The Unsung Heroes of Optimal Pressure
Let's dive into the world of regular check-ups, the underrated champions of a hassle-free home life. Think of your plumbing system as a living, breathing entity. It needs periodic TLC, much like how we need our routine health check-ups.
Now, remember our trusty friend, the water pressure meter? Making it a habit to dance with this device every so often is a game-changer. It's the equivalent of regularly checking the air pressure in your car tires.
Beyond checking, there's also the act of listening and observing. Hush for a moment and listen to your home. Are there mysterious dripping sounds? Is there a faucet that’s a little too enthusiastic? Catching these early signs and symptoms can save you a lot of future stress (and possibly a drenched kitchen floor).
In essence, proactive care is the mantra. A sprinkle of attention here and there can ensure your home's water pressure story has a happily ever after. For more details on various types of water pressure meters visit us at https://www.nemfg.com/.
Water pressure might seem like a minor detail in the grand scheme of home ownership, but, as we’ve seen, it plays a pivotal role in our daily lives. Ensuring you're in the golden zone not only makes chores a breeze but also protects and prolongs the life of your home's plumbing and appliances. So, next time you're basking under the perfect shower or watching your garden bloom, take a moment to toast to the unsung hero: optimal water pressure. 
Read More:Unraveling the Mysteries of Water: Pressure, Flow, and Everything In Between
Driving Precision: The Role of Pressure Gauge Calibration Services in Digital Tire Monitoring
Pitot Tubes Uncovered: Mastering the Mechanics of Water Flow
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Explore Reliable Water Pressure Tanks for Optimal Plumbing Performance
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Enhance your plumbing system with high-quality water pressure tanks. Find durable and efficient solutions to regulate water pressure, ensuring consistent flow and reliable performance in your home. Discover a wide range of options to suit your needs. Contact us for more information 3018541538.
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yopefriend · 11 months
One thing's for sure I sure am lucky
This is who I'm gonna be
Even though I got low self-esteem
This is what I wanna see
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mouffetter · 1 year
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Here is my first real animation 🎞️
Just three frames, nothing really fancy, but I wanted to try 😅
Title: How does water pressure work
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red-akara · 1 year
In celebration of the Alan Wake 2 released date reveal, here's one of my all time favorite tracks from the first game.
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