#water food and meds for minimum a week at all times guys
rowanthestrange · 2 years
I love hyperfixation, I briefly forget the imminent horrors to come.
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chipped-chimera · 5 months
Time, yet again, to wade into a pit of contradictory information as I try to determine what I should do about my nuked tetra population while I'm still doing ich treatment.
(if you have some ideas/opinions about what I should do context below)
This is my first tank, so please be nice 🥺
I have a heavily planted, 20gallon (76L) freshwater aquarium which I had probably researched for about 3 months, then ran empty/with plants for about a month or so? before fish introduction. So absolutely cycled, bombproof setup that I have not seen a whiff of ammonia or nitrates in since I started testing (probably a month after it being cycling empty when my kit arrived).
I introduced 10 green neon tetra, which grew confident very quick within the new tank, like within the next day stopped schooling behaviour, bopping around and doing their own thing. But then I saw white spots appearing. In my delay of trying to determine if it was actually ich and conflicting info about it being 'stress ich' that could minimize in time with the stress reduction - probably me delaying it too because the meds were expensive - I probably doomed them.
I'm angry and sad at the same time, in part towards myself but mostly because I'm mad at the contradictory info leading to delay on a situation that was more time critical given the size of these little fish. Which I think led to their deaths.
I know quarantine is important but given my tank is heavily planted, I was struggling with bioload - as in not enough - so on the day I started ich treatment I put in 6 corycats which have been absolutely fine. So fine in fact I've noticed their barbels getting much longer! They're having a great time in there, and while I've seen some showing sign of being itchy, I've never seen a spot appear. Same with the Starlight Bristlenose, who was actually the first resident - she's weathered the ich outbreak pre-treatment fine (yeah I know it's hard to tell given she's a starlight but I've had a good look at her when I could, she's clear) and while she hides a lot during the day, I think she's happy - there are a stupid amount of tunnels and hidey holes in my setup, the centerpiece is a huge slab of driftwood so she has plenty to rasp on too. All the food is also the best quality I could get, and they get blanched veggies twice a week.
Unfortunately though, the delay was too late for the Tetra. First I lost one. Then more. I went from 10 to 3 today, if I am lucky it will stay at 3. Two of them look very good. One of them has minor body spotting. Worst comes to worst, it'll be 2. I think it'll stay that way, nothing new has been appearing.
What I am worried about now is I know the minimum for tetra is 8. While these guys I think know fairly well the tank is safe, and the presence of the corycats might help in terms of them having another grouping fish around to help them feel more confident, I don't want to be causing them unnecessary stress that might make the situation worse. Two of them left are grouping together, the one I am uncertain about is often hanging out on it's own which is making me worried I'll lose it too.
I am early on in the treatment at full dosage (I spent more time cranking up the dosage slowly since this is a planted tank with inverts, so that probably didn't help the ich situation) 25%~30% water changes daily.
Naturally online opinion on 'should I add fish during ich treatment' is about as confusing as it was when I was just trying to find info on ich. Some say hard no. Some say it's always in tanks anyway, it's the stress, may as well chuck them in during treatment. I'm going to have to grab another bottle of the stuff (so bleeding expensive) and I don't want to use more of it on a quarantine tank - right now anyway.
The treatment I am doing specifically targets parasites (Seachem Paraguard) but I also have Melafix and Pimafix, though I haven't really been dosing either since the smell of it I think irritates the tetra, and Paraguard supposedly has antibacterial elements that also target finrot. If I were to add new fish, I'd probably start adding both during the day, Paraguard goes in at night after a waterchange because it's lights-off after that (degrades under light).
If I added new fish, I'd be doing that for 14 days + maybe one more week just in case. But yeah, I have no fucking clue what to do and I very much want to not fuck this up anymore.
I'm also honestly kind of put off by tetra at this point - compared to the corycats they are very, very nervous and twitchy I think which didn't help their stress levels, even with me trying to make it as stress-free as possible. But also know I'm probably stuck with them if I want them to feel better.
Any thoughts/opinions would be good. I don't really have other treatment options available either btw, either because products are literally not available or the risk of killing plants/hurting other fish is too high (heat is NOT an option, corycats upper-limit is 26C so that's what the tank is set to)
My gut says it's probably okay to add fish, if I keep up treatment. But idk anymore :C
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Safe (Home Worker Jay, Social Worker Hailey; Part of AU-gust) {Please Re-Read; Made Changes}
A/N: After some confusion, I changed the home to resemble more of Brady (Chicago PD 4x13). So if you guys wouldn't mind rereading and liking/reblogging again, that'd be great!  Thank you for reading! Remember to like/reblog and comment! I'm also donating all the proceeds that from my buy me a coffee account to Save The Children to help the children of Afghanistan. Link to buy me a coffee. 
Jay walked down the long, dimly lit hallway and peeked into each girls' room. Because of the dim light in the hallway, there was no need to utilize the flashlight he carried with him and shin it on the floor of each room to make sure that each girl was there. He continued peeked in rooms to make sure that each girl appeared asleep. But then, he got to your room.
You were sitting on your bed, visibly shaking and covering your mouth with your hand so that your sobs wouldn't wake up the girls in the rooms next to you.
Jay quickly went to the last room and checked to make sure that all the other girls appeared asleep and then scribbled down on the piece of paper attached to his clipboard that all the girls appeared asleep...except for you.
He knocked softly on your door and you jumped. He gave a small wave and pointed inside your room, silently asking if he could come in. You didn't have much control in the girls' home you were in, so the staff was always trying to give you as much control as possible...even though you needed staff to wait outside the bathroom for you since there was a time limit, and needed them to unlock doors which were closed, since they automatically locked, hence all of your bedroom doors being propped open because staff needed to do bed checks and make sure you and the other girls were okay and where you were supposed to be.
You nodded, allowing Jay to enter your room.
"Can I turn this on?" he asked, pointing to the small lamp on your desk.
"Sure," you answered as you wiped the tears on your cheeks and drew your knees up to your chest, and then hugged them to your body.
Jay crouched in front of you. "What's wrong?" he asked. "We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. We can just go out into the common area so you can calm down a bit and go back to sleep. Or the kitchen if you need a snack or water," he offered.
"Can I- Can I get some water?" you asked.
"Of course," Jay answered. "Do you want to come with me?"
You nodded and picked up your water bottle. You also grabbed your blanket. Jay was going to tell you to leave it on your bed, but seeing how distraught you were, he decided against it.
"You want ice?" he asked as the two of you walked to the kitchen. He unlocked the door and you followed him in.
"Yes, please," you told him and then handed him your water bottle.
"Okay, I can do that."
You stood in the kitchen area while Jay unlocked another door to get to the freezer. He propped the door open with the doorstop and then opened the freezer and put ice in your water bottle. Then he closed the freezer, kicked the doorstop away, and then walked out and closed the door behind him. Then, he grabbed you some water, screwed on the lid, handed it back to you, and the two of you left the kitchen.
"Can I stay out here for a while?" you asked quietly after you had taken a few sips of the cold water.
"You can. Just give me a minute to text Kim, okay?" he answered.
"Okay." You pulled out a chair at the table and sat down, tears still coming down your face, but a lot slower than earlier.
Seeing as there was only three staff at the home tonight and Jay had to do bed checks for his hallway, he had to text Kim to let him know that one, he was in the dining area with you because you were upset about something, and two ask her if she could do his section of bed checks until he got you to calm down and got you back in bed.
She answered quickly and said that she could do that and thanks for letting her know.
Jay put his phone away and turned his full attention to you.
"What's got you so upset?" he asked gently after he sat down next to you.
"I have a home visit tomorrow with Hailey. My first overnight one," you answered.
"Hey, that's a good thing! You're getting adopted soon!"
"But they always fall through!" you cried. "And what if I have a nightmare when I'm there?"
"Hey, hey," Jay soothed. "We'll pack your meds and you should be fine."
"But what if she doesn't want me after this home visit?"
"Y/N, I need you to listen to me." You looked at him. "Hailey's nervous too, but it's okay to be nervous because that means you're about to do something really, really brave."
"Really? She's nervous? But it's her house?"
"Mhm, it's not just you who's nervous. The adoptive parents are nervous, too because they want everything to go well just as much as you do."
You looked up at him nervously while pushing the straw of your water bottle back and forth. "Will you be there?" you asked.
He cocked his head to the side. "Will I be where?"
"At Hailey's," you stated simply.
"Why would I be there?"
"Jay, everyone knows you two are dating."
That was one thing about being a man who worked in a unit with a bunch of female coworkers and girls he had to take care of: the gossip was astronomical...even though the staff did try their best to keep it to a minimum.
"I mean, I won't dispute that fact," he began, "but I wasn't planning on being over at Hailey's tomorrow night."
"Please?" you asked. He had a confused look on his face. "Please will you stay at Hailey's tomorrow, too? You- you both make me feel safe and if something happens to either of you..."
"You want there to be another person you trust around?" he finished.
"Yes, please."
"Okay," Jay relented. "I'll talk to Hailey."
"Are you ready to go back to bed?" he asked.
You nodded and you went back to bed, hopeful that Jay would be at Hailey's tomorrow because then there would be two of the people you trusted most in the world. Jay was one of your favorite staff members...mostly because he rarely disciplined you and the other girls and was always approachable when you wanted to talk about anything that was going on in your head.
"I need to do a bag check," Kim said. You handed her your bag to check so that she could jot down what you brought with you to make sure you brought all your clothing, toiletries, and comfort items back from your overnight home visit with Hailey (and Jay).
Once she checked your bag, she handed it back to you and then turned to Hailey. "She's good to go once I get you her meds. Some need to be taken in the morning and some in the evening. Don't worry, I wrote evening and morning on the med envelopes so that you don't get them mixed up."
Hailey nodded and then Kim went to get your meds.
"You nervous?" Hailey asked you.
You looked down at your feet. "Did Jay tell you I was?"
"He didn't," Hailey said. "But, you wanna know a secret?" You nodded. "I'm a little nervous, too."
"Jay told me you were," you said.
"He's good at making people feel better, isn't he?"
"He is."
"He also mentioned that you wanted him there tonight? Do you want him to come out to dinner with us, too?" she asked.
"If that's okay with you."
"Totally fine!"
Kim came back and handed Hailey your envelopes of meds and then the two of you were off.
Dinner had come and gone. You went to Olive Garden where Jay met you and Hailey there. You had decided to get fettuccine alfredo and Jay and Hailey both said that you could eat as much salad and breadsticks as you wanted. They even let you get dessert!
You went back to Hailey's house and were shocked to see how nice your room was, and it was a lot bigger than the one at the home you lived at and the one Jay worked at. It was simple, but you loved it. It had a full-sized bed with a fluffy white comforter, a desk, a bookshelf  (which Hailey said that you guys could go to a bookstore tomorrow so that the bookshelf didn't look do empty), a dresser, and a closet. Hailey also said when you officially moved in in two weeks, you could go shopping for more decorations so that your room wasn't so undecorated...even though you were totally floored by it the way it was now.
Hailey made sure to give you your meds promptly at 8 pm. Then, you watched a movie, the three of you had decided to watch Tangled because Jay knew it was a good bet since it was PG and not PG-13 and if you had to choose your favorite Disney princess movie, that'd probably be it. And because some things in PG-13 movies could be triggering...for obvious reasons.
When the movie was almost done, your stomach started to hurt, but you just chalked it up to nerves because you knew you'd be sleeping soon...and that was always the worst part.
Luckily for you, Hailey had a boombox that she let you use for music. You didn't have a phone or mp3 player and at the home, everyone was given their own small radio when they came. As a peace offering of sorts from the staff to the girls. But, you forgot it for your home visit with Hailey.
"Goodnight," you said after you filled up your water bottle.
"Goodnight," both Hailey and Jay said. They said that you could wake them up any time if you needed absolutely anything. But, you hoped you wouldn't need to.
You fell into a fitful sleep, tossing and turning in both anxiousness and from the pain in your stomach. God, maybe that pasta, all those breadsticks, and dessert hadn't been as great of an idea as you had previously thought.
Okay, so all that food most definitely was not a great idea. Soft groans were coming out of your mouth as you tried to get comfortable and move your body around so that you didn't feel the pain in your stomach anymore.
You needed to go to the bathroom and you needed it now, so you needed to hurry so that Jay could wait outside the bathroom for you since you needed to let him know where you were going and would only get a certain amount of time in the bathroom.
You grabbed your water and slowly walked so that you didn't irritate your stomach even more. There was a lamp on in the living room, which showed you that Jay was asleep on the couch.
You padded over to the couch. "Jay,"  you whispered.
"Hmm?" Jay asked and rubbed his eyes.
"Can you come with me to the bathroom, please?"
He sat up. "Oh, Y/N, you're at home you don't have to ask."
"Oh, sorry," you quickly apologized. "Sorry for waking you up." You were so used to having someone have to accompany you to the bathroom or unlock certain doors for you, that it was going to take you a while to break that habit...especially when you were tired and not feeling so hot while also being in a new place.
"It's no big deal. I slept out here in case you needed anything anyways. It's what I'm here for."
Your stomach made a noise and then you felt bile rise in your throat. You stiffened.
Jay heard your stomach and noticed your drastic change in posture. "Y/N, what's--"
You covered your mouth and took off running toward the bathroom that was across from your bedroom.
"Shit," Jay muttered and followed you, but a lot slower.
Once you got to the bathroom, you threw the lid of the toilet open and threw yourself to your knees, just in time to empty your stomach.
Jay crouched down next to you. "I'm gonna hold your hair back, okay?"
"Uh huh," you croaked. You knew that if you didn't say yes, Jay wouldn't have held your hair back. In his job, he was trained to go along with the girls' boundaries and to not touch them unless he verbally asked them and got verbal confirmation from you girls that that said physical contact was okay.
Jay gently held your hair back while you continued to retch and spill the contents of your stomach.
"There you go," he soothed. "I'm right here. You're not alone."
When you thought you were done, you reached up and flushed the toilet. "Thank you."
"You're welcome. I'm gonna go wake up Hailey just to tell her what's going on. Feel free to get some water or brush your teeth."
You nodded and he left the bathroom. When you picked up your toothbrush, you realized what had just happened: someone had just comforted you when you were sick. That never happened before.
A tear rolled down your cheek just as Jay came back into the bathroom with Hailey.
"Oh, Y/N," she started as she walked up to you. "How bad does it hurt?"
"No, it doesn't hurt now," you said. "I just, I never had anyone comfort me or hold my hair back when I was sick before."
"Oh, honey," Hailey said as her heart broke. Then, she caught herself. "Is that one fine?" she asked, referring to pet names. She didn't want to trigger you.
"Th-That ones fine," you answered.
"Can I give you a hug?"
"Yeah," you whispered and opened your arms so that you could hug her.
"You're feeling a lot better?" Jay asked and you looked up from hugging Hailey and nodded. "So, no doctor?"
You abruptly pulled away from Hailey and backed away from both the adults. "No, no doctor. Please no doctor. Please," you pleaded.
Jay furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, but Hailey's eyes widened as she realized what he had just said.
"Honey, no, we are not taking you to the doctor, okay?" Hailey began. "We know you're feeling better, but we're just going to give you some Tums in case your stomach starts to hurt again."
"So no doctor?" you asked.
"No doctor," she confirmed.
"Thank you. I think I'm gonna brush my teeth now. My mouth tastes gross."
"Okay. Come out whenever you're ready."
Hailey reached for Jay's hand and led him out of the bathroom. He still had a look of confusion on his face while she grabbed two Tums and set them next to a cup of water for you.
"What does she mean no doctor?" Jay asked in a hushed voice.
"You know she was trafficked by her own parents, right?" Jay nodded, he had to read all the girls files when they got new girls in, but some information was left out because it could still be in the court process, or because it had something to do with family where a parent still had legal custody of the girl or for other reasons. Hailey's voice got even quieter. "A doctor was one who would you know...pay for services, um, regularly."
"So now she doesn't think she can trust any doctor," Jay finished.
"Yeah. She told me a few weeks ago. I think I'm the only one who knows that her doctor had been one of the people assaulting her."
"Now it makes sense that she had to be restrained when we told her she had to go to the doctor's for a check-up three months ago. We all just thought that she didn't want to go, but she was just really scared."
"She was a danger to herself and others," Hailey said. "You did the right thing by using restraints, even if you didn't know the reason she was acting out."
"Still, I wish I would've known. That way maybe we could've eased into talking about it more instead of just telling her she'd be going. And, she actually might've gone to the check-up if we did it that way."
"There was no way you could've known."
"I know, still makes me feel bad." He took a deep, shaky breath. "God, we take it for granted so much that we'll have at least one parent there for us, to hold our hair back and comfort us when we're sick. But, Y/N didn't have anyone, Hailey."
A few tears ran down Jay's face.
"I know," Hailey said and pulled him into a hug. "I know. But, this is what we do. In our jobs, we help these girls. We do this because we want to make the world a better and safer place for these girls, to help break the cycle. Lord knows we don't do it for the money. And, soon we'll be helping her even more. Together. Here. At home."
"You're excited for when the adoption goes through, aren't you, Hails?" Jay asked.
"Yeah, I never wanted kids because, well you know my  past history with my parents, but working with kids in social work and seeing how many of them go through multiple foster homes and other types of homes and then just age out..."
"I know, I know," Jay sympathized. "We talked about this. And you felt drawn to Y/N. I'll be there through it all with you."
"Thank you. I love you, Jay."
"I love you, too, Hails."
You sighed and then made your way into the kitchen. You didn't want to be in trouble.
"Are these the medicine?" you asked, pointing to the table where the Tums and the cup of water were.
"Yes," Hailey answered. "They're dissolvable, but I didn't know how you would like the taste, so I put the water there just in case."
Jay looked at you closely. "Hey, are you okay? Is your stomach hurting again?"
You shook your head and sat down and then took the two tablets and drank a few sips of water after.
"Just ti- tired," your voice cracked halfway through the word, immediately alerting both Jay and Hailey that something was wrong.
Jay crouched down in front of you and Hailey sat down across from you as you let out a wail.
"You're mad, you're mad, you're mad!" you bawled.
"Neither of us is mad," Hailey told you softly.
"Jay's mad! I woke him up!"
"I'm not mad, Y/N, not one bit. You're allowed to wake me and Hailey up whenever you need us or even if you just want some comfort, okay?" Jay asked as his heart broke.
"Who told you that they were mad when you woke them up?" Hailey asked gently. With her job, she knew she needed to ask some tough questions in general, but, specifically with you, she also needed to get more of your history than she already had so that she knew what your triggers were and how to help you with coping skills and other things that were beneficial to your mental health when you moved in with her.
"My parents and my first foster parents," you whispered.
"Okay," Hailey started, "I'm sorry that happened to you. We're sorry that happened to you. And we can promise you that neither of us will hit you or raise our voices at you."
At the mention of you having been hit in your past, Jay looked up at Hailey and she gave him a subtle nod, silently telling you that that had been a part of your past. He knew your parents were unfit because both their parental rights had been terminated, but he didn't know details...and now he was receiving those heartbreaking details from his girlfriend, who you seemed to open up to more than anyone else. Well, more than anyone besides the in-house therapist.
"You promise?" you asked, finally looking up from where you had your eyes trained on the table.
"I promise," said Hailey.
"You have my word," Jay echoed. He paused a few moments to let those promises sink in. "Now, if Hailey's okay with it, I say we watch another movie until you get tired. What do you say, Hails?"
"I think we can make an exception," she agreed.
"Okay, what movie?" Jay asked.
"Can we watch the Jumanji remake?" you asked. "The one with the Rock. I know it's PG-13, but it doesn't seem that bad."
Jay nodded. "Well, if anything triggers you, you just need to tell either me or Hailey so we can help you process it right away, okay?" You nodded. He looked at Hailey. "You good with Jumanji?" he asked with a humorous glint in his eye because he already knew the answer: his girl loved any movie that The Rock was in.
"Jay, you know I love The Rock. You wanna get it set up while I grab Y/N's pillow from her room?"
Jay said okay and the two of you made your way to the living room. Jay moved his pillow over so that he and Hailey could sit on the couch, while you sat on the smaller couch across from them.
Hailey came back with your pillow and a few blankets and you got all set up.
Not even halfway through the movie, you were asleep once again. But this time, your stomach ache was gone and you felt safer and more comfortable than when you had first walked into Hailey's house earlier that day.
"Quiet, Hails, she's still out," Jay whispered to his girlfriend as they walked out of their bedroom the next morning.
You were knocked out on the couch after getting sick and anxious last night. And Jay had decided just to go sleep with Hailey last night after everything that had happened because they were both emotionally drained and needed the other's comfort to go to sleep after Hailey had told Jay a part of your story that he hadn't known.
"What does she normally eat for breakfast?" Hailey whispered.
Jay worked a mix of first, second, and third shifts at the home, so he knew what you'd normally eat for breakfast and that after school you needed some time to recharge in your room after being with other kids all day.
"Normally bagels and cream cheese. Sometimes a banana too," Jay whispered back.
"Perfect. I don't have to cook a ton. Want me to start on coffee and then we can just drink it at the table and wait until she wakes up?"
"Sounds good to me. Don't forget her morning meds."
"I know, Jay."
"Just checking."
You woke up to see Jay and Hailey sitting at the table drinking something out of mugs, which you assumed was coffee.
You stretched and then got up off the couch. You remembered watching another movie last night, but don't remember finishing it, so you must've fallen asleep there and Jay and Hailey just decided to let you sleep instead of waking you up.
"Good morning," you said as you got up off the couch. "What time is it?"
Jay craned his neck to look at the clock on the oven. "8:45," he answered. "Time for your morning meds, too."
He started to stand up, but Hailey stopped him. "I got it. I need to make sure I have this down, so do you just want to cut up a bagel and pop it in the toaster? There should be chocolate chip ones in the fridge," Hailey told Jay.
"You have chocolate chip bagels?" You asked as a smile broke out on your face. "We don't have chocolate chip ones at the house."
"And, I have regular cream cheese and strawberry cream cheese, so take your pick." She paused. "Your stomach's feeling better though, right? I don't know if I want you eating this stuff if you're just gonna get sick again."
"It's not hurting anymore. I think I just ate too much," you answered. "But if you want me to eat something else—"
"Oh no," Hailey quickly cut you off. "You can eat whatever you want."
Hailey walked over to get the meds ready and Jay cut a chocolate chip bagel in half and popped it in the toaster.
"Hails, you want one?" Jay asked.
"That'd be great. Thanks, ba- Jay." She almost called him babe but didn't know if that would trigger you, so she immediately cut herself off.
"Are you gonna have one, too, Jay?" you asked.
"No, I think I'm gonna make myself some eggs," he answered you while he cut a chocolate chip bagel in half for Hailey.
"He's such a health nut," Hailey laughed as she rolled her eyes. Then, she made her way to the table and handed you a cup with your meds in it and a cup of water. You quickly took the meds and washed all of them down with the water.
"We know," you laughed as you handed the med cup back to Hailey. "He always brings his own meals to the house. And they're always salads or something else really healthy." You wrinkled your nose.
"I know, he's weird," Hailey agreed.
Then, Jay told you that your bagel was done, so you walked over to the counter and used a plastic knife to spread some strawberry cream cheese on it.
Jay's phone buzzed and he groaned. "My brother wants to meet up for lunch today."
"Well, if Y/N's comfortable with it, maybe he'd like to meet us at the bookstore and then we can all go to lunch or just meet us for lunch?" Hailey suggested.
"You're letting me decide?" You had never had this much control over anything in your life.
"Of course," Hailey began, "we want you to be comfortable with whatever you're doing."
You turned to Jay, whose attention was still on you and Hailey while he scrambled his eggs in a pan over the stove. "Is he nice?"
"Oh yeah," Jay said. "He's super nice. His name's Will and I'll even tell him to be on his very best behavior."
"Okay. Can we just have him meet us for lunch?"
"Of course," Jay agreed. "I'll shoot him a text."
"What kind of books do you like?" Hailey asked.
You looked up at Jay. "You didn't tell her that?"
"Nope. Some stuff I can keep a secret," he answered with a wink.
Hailey smacked him on the chest. "Jay Halstead. You are the absolute worst."
"But you love me. And you know it." Jay gave her a kiss on the cheek and you burst out laughing. "What?"
"You two. You're just so cute."
"Hear that, Hails? Y/N thinks we're a cute couple."
"Oh, quit your bragging," Hailey said and rolled her eyes. "Anyway, what's your favorite genre?"
"Uh, I really like historical fiction," you answered.
"Alright," Jay started, "towards the historical fiction we go."
"Oh, and if we go to that section, we pass their little cafe," Hailey told you. "You up for a hot chocolate or pastry?" she asked.
"You don't have to get me anything," you said quietly. "You're already getting me books."
"You know what Hails?" Jay said. "I could go for another cup of coffee and then we could drink it while we're walking around."
"That sounds like a great idea. Two coffees and then whatever drink Y/N wants."
"Okay," you relented. "But you guys don't have to keep spending money on me. I don't need much."
"Y/N, look at me," Hailey began and you looked at her, "when I decided I wanted to adopt a kid, I knew I was going to spoil them. And, it just so happened to be you. I know you're scared because everyone's left you, but me and Jay, we're in it for the long haul. You can trust us. Let us spoil you, okay?"
Tears made their way to your eyes. "Okay. Can I- Can I hug you?"
Hailey nodded. "Of course."
And as you hugged Hailey, Jay smiled because that was the first time you had asked for a hug. Before, most people had to ask you, but this time you were asking them and Jay considered that huge progress from when he first met you months and months ago.
You sat down next to Hailey at the little diner you decided on for lunch. Jay texted Will and told them they had gotten a table, and he said he'd be there in a few minutes.
You ordered your drinks and then a tall man with red hair and a navy blue jacket with a hospital logo on it walked towards your table. Your breath hitched.
"Hey, it's okay. That's just Will," Hailey explained.
"But- But his jacket says medical on it," you said and clenched your fists and dug your nails into the palms of your hands.
Will sat down.
"Y/N, this is Will, he's my older brother. And, he's also a doctor. But, he's a good one, I promise!" Jay told you quickly.
You swallowed as tears pricked your eyes.
"Y/N," Hailey began gently, "me and Jay wouldn't let you meet him if we didn't think he was 110% safe to be around. I promise you that Will's a good guy."
You looked up at Will to see that he had a goofy smile on his face. "Hey, kiddo."
"H-Hi," you replied quietly.
"So, Jay told me you like historical fiction and that you got hot chocolate. Did you like the hot chocolate? And what's your favorite time period to read about?"
You started talking to Will and you thought that this doctor wasn't so bad...but there was still no way in hell you'd be going to see a doctor for any kind of medical treatment any time soon.
Two weeks later
You grabbed all your bags and made your way out to Hailey's car. Then, you turned around and looked at the place you had called home for the past few months. Even though sometimes it didn't feel like home, you knew you were safe there, and with your past, that was what made this place a home in and of itself. You just hoped that Hailey's (and Jay's) place would be as safe as the first night you were there.
Jay was over for dinner and even though he wasn't on the official adoption papers, he went through the same extensive background checks and trainings as Hailey just because she said that he'd be over a lot.
That night, you were asleep. But, somewhere in your sleep-addled brain, you were dreaming. And it wasn't a good dream. It was a dream about your terrible parents and that terrible doctor.
"I don't give a damn!" Jay yelled. He had gone outside to take a phone call from his dad because he didn't want to wake you. But, seeing as you were a light sleeper, those words entered your nightmare.
You whimpered and tried to dodge the slap that came your way in your dream.
Jay quickly hung up the phone when he heard a thud come from inside the house and ran back inside.
You were laying on the floor and had landed with your arm in an awkward position.
You heard the thundering of footsteps coming towards your room.
Shit, you were going to be in trouble for waking Hailey and Jay up.
You scrambled back into bed and took a sip of your water to calm yourself down. But damn, your arm felt like someone had twisted it and stepped on it...much like it had felt three years ago when your dad yanked you back by the arm and twisted it behind you when you tried to run away from that doctor.
Jay slowly opened the door to see you sitting up in bed drinking some water. "Hey," he greeted. "You okay? I thought I heard a thud."
"Uh, I just dropped my water bottle," you told him, trying to hold back tears at how much your arm hurt. "Sorry if I woke you and Hailey up."
"Oh no, I was talking with my dad on the phone," he told you quickly. "You didn't wake us up. Goodnight."
"'Night, Jay."
The minute he walked out of your room, you turned on your side to face the wall and cried until you finally cried yourself to sleep because of the pain.
The next day, you tried your best to eat normally and not make a face at how much your arm hurt. But, best believe that when you went to the bathroom or went to change your clothes alone in your room, you cried silently to yourself.
"Hey, it's pretty nice out," Hailey stated when you walked out of your room dressed in jeans and a t-shirt after you had eaten breakfast, washed your face, and brushed your teeth. "Jay suggested a picnic and some baseball at the park nearby. Do you want to do that?"
"That sounds really nice," you said. But, you weren't looking forward to the baseball because you knew that it'd made your arm hurt. But, you didn't want to go to the doctor's either, and the lesser of two evils would be playing baseball with your arm hurting at a level ten.
"Okay, then it's settled. Ham or turkey on your sandwich for the picnic?" Jay asked.
"Ham please," you answered.
You played some baseball and gritted through the pain of pitching, catching, and batting and now it was time for lunch.
The three of you were sitting on a picnic blanket on the grassy area outside the baseball diamond. You took the sandwich out of the baggie and Hailey's eyebrows furrowed as she saw the bruising on the inside part of your forearm.
"Y/N, are you okay?" she asked.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" you asked.
"I just see a bruise on your arm. Did you fall earlier when I was running to get a ball and didn't see it?"
"No. I uh, I must've just slept in a weird position last night," you told her. You knew that was a terrible excuse, but that was the only one you had at the moment.
"Okay, well we have ibuprofen at home and we can ice it there, too."
"Okay, thank you." You took another bite of your sandwich.
You finished your picnic and then made your way to Jay's truck. You reached up and grabbed the bar to pull yourself up into the truck easier, but cried out when you pulled.
Jay dropped the picnic basket.
"Y/N!" he yelled and ran up to one side of you and Hailey ran up to the other.
You cradled your right arm in your left hand. "It- It's nothing," you said quickly. "I think I just pulled a muscle or something."
"Honey, can I take a look?" Hailey asked.
"I- I don't want to go to the doctor's! Please don't make me go! Please!" you cried.
"Honey, I'm just going to look at it. Then we'll see if we need to go. And, we can always call Jay's brother, Will, and make sure he's the one who treats you. But we don't even know if you need to go to the doctor yet, so please, just let me see your arm."
You reluctantly held your arm out to her. Jay looked, too.
"I think we need to take her in, Hails," Jay said.
You ripped your arm away from Hailey, causing you to scream out in pain. "No! I'm fine!"
"Y/N, you are not fine," Jay said. "Please just let us take you to the doctor's."
"No!" you yelled again.
"Can you tell me why?" Jay asked, employing a tactic he used in the home when girls didn't want to do things. "Maybe make me understand why?"
"He hurt me there!" you yelled. "Every time I went to the doctor, he gave my dad free visits to look at me in exchange for- for--" you wailed and crashed into Hailey's arms.
You gripped her t-shirt tightly with your good hand while you bawled your eyes out.
"Shh, shh, it's okay. It's okay. He's not here. He's in prison. He can't physically hurt you out here, Y/N. And, if we go to the doctor, we'll make sure that it's Will who treats you and we'll be there the whole time," Hailey soothed.
You sniffled and then looked up at her. "You promise you'll be there the entire time?"
"I promise," Hailey confirmed.
You looked at Jay. "You too?"
"You have my word," he agreed.
Jay called Will and told him that the three of you would be coming into Chicago Med to look at your arm because he and Hailey thought that you broke it and that they needed Will to treat you because you didn't trust anybody else.
When you walked into the hospital, tears pricked your eyes and you grabbed Hailey's hand with your good one.
"I- I changed my mind," you said quickly. "I don't want to go to the doctor. It'll heal by itself like the other one."
Hailey didn't know what "other one" you were talking about, but she let that part of the sentence go.
"Y/N, honey, we need to make sure you're safe and healthy. And getting you treatment for a broken bone is part of that." She looked at Jay, silently asking him for some help.
"We'll be right there the entire time," Jay promised once again.
"But- But what if you have to leave? I don't wanna be alone in there! I don't!" you cried.
"And you won't. We'll both be there. And if one of us has to leave for whatever reason, then the other will stay. You can trust us. I know it's hard, but I promise you Y/N—me and Hailey both promise you—that you can trust us. We wouldn't have these jobs if you couldn't trust us."
Jay looked up when he heard someone clear their throat. He saw Will standing there.
When you saw Will, this time in hospital scrubs instead of jeans, a t-shirt, and his Chicago Med sweatshirt, you gripped Hailey's hand even tighter.
"Hey, Y/N," Will greeted. "Jay told me you're having problems with your arm? I bet it hurts really bad."
"No, I'm fine," you argued.
"Okay, well..." he paused and moved a hand from behind his back, which was holding a bowl that contained an ice cream sandwich. It was chocolate ice cream squished between two chocolate chip cookies. "I have this ice cream sandwich here for you. Why don't you eat this with your good arm while I take a look at the other one?"
You shyly nodded and let go of Hailey's hand and took the bowl from Will's outstretched hand. "Thank you," you said quietly.
"You're welcome. Now right this way, please."
Will let you into a treatment room and Hailey helped you up on the bed.
"Alright, so Y/N, this is April," Will said as he introduced the nurse who walked in. "She'll be helping me out and taking your vitals."
April would've made a joke about how she'd be doing all the work, but seeing how nervous you were, she didn't."
"But you- you said that Will would be treating me. You promised!" you yelled and looked at Hailey and Jay.
"Y/N, all April's doing is helping Will out. Doctors need help, too," Hailey reassured.
"I'll be really gentle. Okay, sweetie?" April said.
You shoved yourself back into the bed, almost whacking your head on the wall.
"No! No! Don't hurt me! Please, don't!" you yelled.
All four of the adults in the room shared a look.
Hailey cursed. "It was the pet name," she figured out quickly. "One of them must've called her that before."
She knelt down next to the hospital bed, where you were visibly shaking.
"Y/N, I need you to take a few deep breaths with me. In and out," Hailey said.
"I can't! I can't!" you wailed.
"Yes, you can. Just like this." Hailey breathed in and out deeply.
"We can always administer medication if needed," Will suggested.
"Yeah, no," Jay said quickly. "You won't be doing that."
He pulled your emergency inhaler for times like these out of his pocket and pulled it out of the small box. Then he uncapped it and handed it to Hailey.
Once you took two more deep breaths, she held it up to you. "Can you take three puffs for me, Y/N? Just three puffs," she said.
You nodded and put the inhaler to your lips, allowing Hailey to push down on the button, which resulted in you getting some much-needed oxygen into your lungs.
"Better?" Hailey asked when you handed it back to her.
You nodded. "Thanks for having it, Jay."
"You're welcome." He put the inhaler back in the box and then back into his pocket.
Will pulled up a stool and sat on it. Hailey was still right in front of you, but Will was next to her and looking directly at you.
"Y/N, what April's gonna do is just listen to your heart and lungs with a stethoscope just like I have." He touched the stethoscope that was dangling from around his neck. "And then she's going to take your blood pressure by wrapping that around your good arm and squeezing the red thing." He pointed to the blood pressure cuff that was hanging in the room. "And then, I'll take a look at your arm. While she does that, I'll go grab you another ice cream sandwich because I'm pretty sure the other one is melted. Does that sound okay?"
You nodded, thankful that Will was explaining everything to you.
Fifteen minutes later, Will was back with your ice cream sandwich. He apologized for taking so long and said he had to argue with a cafeteria worker to make sure he got chocolate ice cream and not vanilla ice cream on it. But, he got it, so that's all that mattered.
He handed you the bowl and you took the ice cream sandwich out with your good hand and took a bite.
"How is it?" Will asked with a smile.
"It's really, really good. Thank you," you answered and took another bite.
"Good. Now, can you try and hold your arm out me?"
You hissed as you straightened your arm to hold it out to him.
"No, no," Will said quickly. "If it hurts to straighten all the way, don't do it." You nodded. "I'm just going to hold your arm with one of my hands and feel around it. Tell me where the most pain is. Do you want some pain medication?"
"No, no needles," you said. "Last time it made me sleep and then I couldn't feel my body."
If Will wasn't working he would've froze because he knew what you were talking about. Jay did, too, and Hailey squeezed his hand to silently tell him to stay calm.
That doctor who had previously assaulted you had drugged you with Rohypnol.
"We can give it to you in pill form," Will suggested. "Is that okay?" You nodded and Will turned to Jay. "What medications is she on?"
Jay rattled off the list of medications and then Will said something to April and then she handed you three pills and a cup of water. You took them.
"They should start to work in fifteen minutes," April told you.
You nodded and then yelped when Will gently pressed down on the inside of your forearm. "Right there?" he asked.
"Mhm," you gritted out as tears came to your eyes again.
"Well, the good news is, we're gonna get an x-ray and you won't have to have me push on your arm anymore," Will told you. You nodded. "Can you tell me how this happened?"
You looked up at Jay. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Jay furrowed his eyebrows. "I fell out of bed because of a- because of a nightmare. I told you it was my water bottle. I'm sorry!"
"Hey, hey, it's okay," Jay soothed quickly. "But can I ask why you didn't want to tell me?"
"I didn't want to see a doctor. And I thought you'd be mad and bring me back to the home."
"Oh, honey," Hailey interjected. "We'd never do that. You're my kid forever now."
"Yours, too?" you asked looking at Jay once more.
"You're not mine on paper, but I promise you that I'll keep you safe," he answered.
"But can I be your kid? Eventually?" You asked.
Hailey put her arm around Jay's waist. "You know what, babe? I think getting you to adopt her, too would be great. What do you say?"
"I'd love nothing more," he said with a huge grin on his face.
"Hate to break up this little moment," Will began, "but we gotta get her down for x-rays. Based on where it is, I think she broke her ulna."
April stepped forward. "If you'd follow me, that'd be great."
You looked at Hailey and Jay. "Will you guys come, too?"
Jay looked at his older brother, who gave him and Hailey a slight nod.
"Of course we will, honey," Hailey said.
"Because you said you'd be with me the entire time and because you said you'd keep me safe?" you asked as Hailey helped you down.
"Precisely, kiddo, precisely," Jay said.
And for the first time in your fifteen years of life, you finally found a home that you felt safe in, all thanks to Hailey and Jay.
A/N: Again, I changed a bit of this because some people were a bit confused and, I figured if I modeled the home after Brady, you guys would have a better time imagining it. Anyway, thank you guys so, so much for reading! Remember to like/reblog and comment if you haven't already! Next up, royalty AU part 2! Again, I am donating all my proceeds on buy me a coffee until the end of AU-gust to Save The Children to help the children in Afghanistan. Buy me a coffee here.
As always, if you want to be added to my taglist, just tell me and I’d be happy to add you!
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firepiplup · 3 years
How do i say no to people
You know that analogy about people with adhd having spoons for energy management or whatever? My spoons are on backorder from like 2 months ago and more got on that list now
The problem is that all of the things I'm being asked to do are Very Important Things
I have to feed my diabetic cat. This in itself is not a problem, however she's needs to eat at a specific time (12 hour spacing) and my current sleeping situation along with work do not allow this to happen consistently. Currently trying for 7:30, we'll see how it goes
My apartment has bedbugs, and there's no way in fucking hell I'm sleeping on my living room floor until my scumlord landlord actually gets the guy to come back to spray because he did spray but I'm still seeing adults and i "need to give the spray time to work" it's been fucking 2 weeks i don't know how is supposed to work but i feel like after 2 weeks whatever spray you did isn't going to get any stronger i just want to sleep in my own bed it's been like this since fucking March
With that part explained, I'm sleeping at my mom's house on the other side of town. This in itself isn't much of a problem, however as "payment" i have to take care of her dog in the morning, to practice because she's going on a week long vacation in October and none of her dogs can just be taken care of like normal dogs. He needs to wear a diaper to leave the room while i pick up his shit and soiled weewee pad and mop the floor, give him some time to be out of his room, and then feed him his special food mix. The other dog has allergies and probably will get into something he shouldn't, then not use the bathroom outside even though he literally has a doggy door that has constant access to the backyard. Neither dog get along with each other, which is why they are separated. Thank fuck the cat is just normal, this is why i prefer them
Now with THAT explained, it's difficult to take care of my own cat on time in the morning. But as the legendary Billy Mays says: But wait, there's more!
I just got rehired at my job working in a local understaffed pizzeria. My friend, ego also works there, is on vacation (good for her, she deserves it, absolutely no negativity towards her) so i have acquired her hours. So i now work 6 days a week, kinda sorta clopen but i guess it's more of opelose. Or a combination of both? Idk. The point here is, I'm then dealing with essentially running half a restaurant alone 6 days a week, with it not being 7 purely because the owner himself ALSO has the same work schedule as far as I'm aware, and wanted to give himself a day off, and since we are so understaffed it would be impossible unless we literally closed. My tasks include answering the phone, washing dishes, making sandwiches, making dinners, folding pizza boxes, and cleaning the tables/equipment on that side of the restaurant. So essentially everything except making pizzas, cleaning the pizza area, mopping in general, and driving. We generally close at 9, 10 on Friday and Saturday. Guess who was explicitly rehired to close those days? Guess how that's going to work with me having to be home around 7:30 to take care of my own cat? I have no idea either. It's only for about 3 weeks, but my mom, whom i have not asked for any additional help with anything, won't feed the cat while i have work, even though there isn't a guarantee that i can leave on time to THEN RETURN to close, because again I'm the only one on that side of the building. I understand the fear of the bedbugs, so that's probably it, but it still fucking sucks because the kitchen is on the other side of the apartment from the bedroom and there is literally no reason to go there to feed her. But i get it
Did we get to where i can do my own ADLs? Of course not. My neighbor is in the hospital, and her husband is blind. This is a new development that was only discovered an hour before starting this post (about 3:30 am for me). She's ok, it's for mental health reasons, and that's her own business about that. Her husband being blind is not a new development however. And he needs help taking care of the pets, specifically the birds. Which is fine, they just also need to eat on their own schedule. 8am, around lunchtime, and 8pm. Guess who's still at work? One of the birds is special needs because her beak got injured and needs to be essentially spoon fed. Which the blind husband can't do at all. Fairly simple task, but just adding to my obligations that are Very Important because they involve making sure things don't starve to death while my neighbor is in Crisis
Ok let's see, that's 4 Very Important Tasks/Obligations, and only one was originally my own voluntary one. Still not at taking care of myself yet, but i have my shelter, i have my job ("part time" minimum wage, hurray. Part time because even with me being there 6 fucking days a week open to close it still isn't technically enough hours for the state to recognize it as full time), and I'm taking care of *counting* about 8 pets for the next week. Will unemployment give me my money that I've been claiming since March? No? Will they let me claim with my new working hours that makes that while process even harder? Technically but it'll take over an hour for it to process and it doesn't even do that in the end? Well fuck, guess i have to wait to get paid on the books in cash and beg for a hand written paystub and have my hours worked written down. Glad i earned $100 this week, i hope now that my hours have increased i get some more
Next on the list, appointments. Because I'm a dumbass who can't remember shit if it isn't consistently recurring, i overbooked myself for next week. My much needed therapy appointment with my therapist that I've only met once and is the replacement for my much better therapist that i actually had a relationship with is supposed to have a session with me on Tuesday. Will i remember to do it this time? Possibly since i actually remembered it's on Tuesday. Will she send me the reminder text with the zoom link? Probably not. Wednesday, my one day off, thank fuck for that, is the main problem with the scheduling. My med appointment is for 11:30. Cool, can do. Driving lesson at 12. Oh, that's a little close, but i can manage that probably. I only average 1 lesson per year and a half, so it's fine, it's "healthy" to be nervous about operating a death machine powered by explosions. Have to go to social services to pick up, or attempt to, a new food stamps card. They probably close at 5, and add a Non Driver, i need to rely on someone to take me. The sooner the better, but it can't be during the lesson. Don't forget to take care of the creatures before and during all of this.
Ok. Great. There's an hour before work. Time to shower, because it's so fucking hot I'll be sweating like crazy by the time i get around the corner to the pizzeria, with me literally getting out and dressed and then walking out the door. Glad i finally did still to take care of myself. Eating? I might have something i can heat up quickly while the cat eats and so i can take my own meds. Dishes? Those are going to have to wait, i hope the heat wave doesn't get too bad, but it's been like this for a while, still slowly chipping away at them. Sleep? Severe insomnia. I partially blame the bed, my mattress is so comfortable, i hope the bedbugs like it because i can't fucking use it right now. I'd be sleeping so fucking soundly if i were in my own bed, and yet here i am. Maybe i should take the Trazodone now. I just hope I'll wake up on time. Oh look I'm exhausted, can't afford to buy comparatively better prepared coffee from Dunkin, so i guess my shitty at home coffee is going to have to do. Black because i don't have any creamer or milk or lactose free milk in my house. Just the way i hate it. Gonna have to deal with that i guess, maybe I'll learn to like it
The coffee pot lives in my fridge now. I'm worried to put it with the other dishes because if it sits there, not being washed like everything else, then i won't even have the option of coffee. It's just water and ground up beans, I'm sure it's fine
Maybe i can find some kind of coping skill/hobby to help me through my limited me time. Let's see.... I like to crochet, and that helps me get through the dishes by letting me alternate between them and a row/round on one of my many started projects. What? It's in a giant garbage bag with a bedbug treatment stick because of the damn ass bedbugs? Can't open it for at least another week and even then there isn't a place to put the yarn safely? Well fuck. I found that really helpful with keeping me grounded. Umm, well looking online, i should *checks notes* buy new yarn in the meantime and keep it somewhere safe. Uh, well, i can't afford more yarn now and i have nowhere to put it. Videogames it is maybe? Oh fuck now I've hyper focused too long on pokemon, rhythm heaven, and whatever daily games i do, i think i have 5 of those of varying lengths of time spent on them
Did i remember to brush my teeth? No. Do i remember that i should and then when i get out of the shower so i forget to actually execute? Yes. Have i gone insane? Probably
How many spoons is a person supposed to have per day? It takes more for me just to get through the day in general. Why does everyone need me to do their Very Important Tasks? Why is there never anyone else? Can my neighbor just not buy more birds when she gets home from Crisis?
I just want to have good mental health, why is this so hard
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thestrippershateyou · 5 years
I’m just here to share some good news :) I can tell people now that it’s not just me speculating but actually official.
My therapist has removed major depressive disorder from my diagnosis. 
I’ve been depressed my entire life. Even as a child, from the time I was old enough to read the symptom lists myself there was never a point at which I saw the lists and did not know for a fact I had that. Every school counselor and, later, therapist I have ever spent more than 10 minutes with has known it too. I was never treated for it for a multitude of reasons....primarily my parents not believing I had it and refusing to take me to a therapist and, when I was an adult, me not being able to afford a psychiatrist until I got health insurance in 2018.
But my doctor says he thinks the cause of it was untreated ADHD. As a child, when my ADHD was treated I was still in an abusive home and school. As an adult away from that, I couldn’t afford the $400+ a month meds plus the $150 appointments without insurance. But now, after a year of being on the correct medication, I’ve been able to actually pursue my interests, have hobbies, make more friends and interact more with the ones I have, socialise, process traumas and hurts without being utterly devastated by them, meet and overcome obstacles, and really do things I’m proud of. I’ve also been able to eat better since my meds take away a lot of my appetite. As a teenager with depression, this caused me to damn near just never eat. As an adult without depression and several physically demanding hobbies, this has caused me to stop just eating my feelings all the time and eat dramatically healthier foods because they are needed to fuel my hobbies. Not even counting the pole dance, my hobbies now include hiking (I climbed my first mountain!), sword fighting (rapier, ftw!), camping (I just got an underquilt for my camping hammock!), rock climbing, and soon to be kayaking as soon as my new boat gets shipped to me (bitch, I’m gonna be on a boat!!!!!!) which, combined with the better diet, also caused me to drop 25 pounds and put on more muscle which has made me feel much better about myself when I look in the mirror and also when I’m carrying my body up a pole and other various non horizontal surfaces. I’m sure it’ll be more weight when it gets warmer outside again and I can stop sitting in my house on my laptop all the time and get back out on the trails, the water, and the outdoor SCA fighter practices.
Anyway, all THAT combined with my ADHD being treated and everything else has also caused me to be doing DRAMATICALLY better at work. I’m making more money now at the club than I have at any other point in my life. Obviously more than at any other job I’ve had since those were all terrible minimum wage jobs. I’ve met some great new customers and have taken up making my customers play me in chess so I can practice now that I can focus enough to play. And I have always loved working at strip clubs, but this has just made work somehow even funner than before. On top of that I’ve also gotten me a lap dance sugar daddy who is just the sweetest teddy bear of a nerd which makes us quite compatible, lmao. I figure once I’ve seen your genitals in person outside of a strip club in the course of you giving me money on a regular basis to be sexy, flirty, and girlfriendy for you, you’re my sugar daddy even if you are only getting lap dances and not having sex though that could be worked out in the future. And I’ve sold my most expensive and best painting commission this year which was a canvas piece that featured gold leaf and beetle wings. Beetle wings!! I also sold some drawings including one to a friend who shared pictures with me of it hanging above his writing space surrounded by other wonderful pieces. Oh, and I drew a piece about the Area 51 raid that was complemented by the guy who started the Area 51 meme which I still cannot get over. So both art work and sex work have both been utterly amazing this year.
Honestly, I know my blog is full of anger. But my life has done a complete 180 over the last year. I’m not on here as often because, honestly, it’s much easier to dismiss the degrading idiots when their attempts to deliberately trigger me into a depressive episode don’t really work anymore. It’s much easier to realise how utterly inconsequential these people are, how fragile and weak a hold their ideology has over anyone, when they no longer can get to me the way they used to because my mind doesn’t have the illness that it used to. 
I had depression so long it was just who I was...depressed. I was the negative person. It was my identity. I keep thinking if I just say “I no longer have depression” more and more then it’ll really stick that this is real. It’s not a manic episode. It’s not me speculating or dreaming. It’s not just my therapist going “Hey, you’ve had a good few weeks” and I don’t have to wonder when “a good few weeks” will come to a screeching halt.
It’s officially been removed from my diagnosis as of today. 
I no longer have depression.
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uberrapidash · 4 years
This is a post I made on Facebook, but I’m also putting it here since I can tag it and find it again later.
Hey, guys.
This post is somewhat self-reflection, processing, and validation, and somewhat PSA-ish/FYI-ish since I am posting it online.
Mental health is nuts. It affects everything. I took an Adderall this morning for the first time in over a month and a half, and it changes everything. I know I have shared about how Adderall changes everything for me before, but this time is different in some important ways because of the circumstances.
At some point during the spring semester this year, I began seeing a new PCP and a new psychiatrist, since I'm in a new city and actually have health insurance. I was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 29, this year. It was like a dream come true, because it was so incredibly validating, but also because I thought I would be able to get all the help I needed because I had this Very Important Answer now.
However, that was not the case. Upon diagnosis, I asked the psychiatrist if there were any support groups or resources that I could access to learn about my newly-confirmed Neuro-Divergent Brain™. She said she didn't know of any. So I have been learning about how my brain works through Youtube videos, Reddit posts, and the experiences that other people share with me.
At the same time that this was happening, I continued searching for answers about my ongoing mysterious health problems. One of the FIRST things that my PCP jumped on was to tell me, in clear terms, repeatedly, that I needed to ask my psychiatrist about putting me on something for "psychological pain." What she means by this is that she thinks that my body pain happens because of something going on in my brain, or that my brain is heightening normal aches and pains for some reason. And so I began taking Cymbalta (prescribed by the psych). This was later in the semester by now.
After being on the Cymbalta for about a month, I could no longer take my Adderall - I found that any time I took Adderall, I became extremely anxious, would physically shake and feel ill, and it was just all around a bad time. (Adderall is not a drug that you need to keep in your system - you can start it and stop it at any time. Cymbalta is one of those drugs that has to build up in your system. It takes like a minimum of two weeks to even start seeing how it affects you.) There was clearly something going on between the two drugs, so the clear choice was to not take the Adderall while I got in touch with the psych.
Now, at this time, I did not have an appointment set up with the psychiatrist, because she wanted to go two whole months before seeing me again (which seems like a really bad idea considering that I was still new on the Cymbalta... it baffled me when she told me that and I was not happy with it). So I made a mental note that I needed to make an appointment ASAP because this wasn't working.
Except... It's now July, and I still have not made an appointment. I have run out of Cymbalta and cannot get a refill because it needs to go through the doc. And I am in this situation because that's just how low-functioning I have been since starting the Cymbalta.
I needed to have been closely monitored. I needed to have frequent appointments. And when I didn't pick up the phone or return the calls to the psych's office, they should have kept calling me.This is the nature of mental illness. It controls everything. Your brain controls everything you do. I need someone to be assigned to my case to make sure that my life isn't falling apart, especially when I've been given new meds. I'm not the only one. And this isn't my first time going through something like this. The entire mental health field needs a lot of work.
Anyway... I haven't had Cymbalta in a few days, and I took Adderall today for the first time in a while. It's like putting glasses on. It's like an enormous heavy fog has been lifted. It's like I have been pulled out of a pool of molasses. 
So... I am now capable of making that appointment, which I actually needed months ago. How fucked up is that?
This is what it's like to be on the wrong meds, or to be unmedicated:
Every day for over a month, I have woken up every morning thinking about all of the really important things that needed doing, but as if I were chained to a pole or being held hostage in a cage, I could not do them. I was so sick that I had thoughts of telling Aaron that I needed help doing these things, but I couldn't even communicate it to him. That might sound impossible to someone who has never experienced any sort of mental illness or brain fog or executive dysfunction, but I and millions of other people are crying out about how so very real it is.
Today, after starting to gain some separation from the Cymbalta and after taking an Adderall, here are some things that have been different that I wasn't able to do before: 
- I told Aaron basically the above paragraph ^^^ (Contrast: remaining silent on these problems... not communicating my plight at all whatsoever) 
- I reached out to two (2) dear friends because I wanted to know how they are doing (Contrast: not reaching out to the people I love, ever) 
- I drink water when I notice thirst (Contrast: becoming so thirsty that it's too distracting to ignore, getting a headache, increased body aches) 
- I changed clothes once I recognized that what I was wearing was too warm (Contrast: suffering for hours until I felt sick from being too hot and couldn't do anything else, until doing something to alleviate that suffering) 
- easily and efficiently gave my body breakfast (Contrast: not eating anything until I feel sick/am extremely physically weak) 
- nearly automatically cleaned up after lunch (Contrast: leaving the mess until it's in the way at a later time) 
- easily and efficiently picked up some dishes and trash in the apartment (Contrast: seeing dishes/trash, thinking "I want to clean that up/put that away," and not being able to make my body do the thing) 
- not running into things when I walk around, being able to carry objects easily, and being able to efficiently pick up and put down multiple items without much effort. AKA - better motor control 
- scheduled a time to go grocery shopping today (and I'm going to make a grocery list and meal plan after I'm done typing this) (Contrast: another day without having gone grocery shopping, another day of fast food)
The list goes on and will continue to go on...
Shame on my PCP for pushing on the "psychological pain" thing instead of doing more to actually discover what is wrong with my body. Shame on me for seeing that red flag, but going along with it anyway. I feel like I'm constantly torn between wanting to trust medical professionals, who have had years and years of education and practice, and wanting to fight them. I thought I was in good hands. But add this onto the list of stuff that quickly built up with that doctor... I won't be seeing her again.
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umaine orono insurance
"umaine orono insurance
umaine orono insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Will I get a car insurance rate hike?
In Pennsylvania, if you are given a traffic citation, and are told points will NOT be accessed on your driving record with DMV, will my car insurance stilll go up?""
Is there any life insurance you can get for stroke victims?
My sister had a massive stroke and she needs life insurance because she may die.
What is the cheapest car for car insurance?
I'm looking at buying a car, but I want one with really cheap insurance. I'm 17 so I know it will be pricey, but what is the best car that will keep my insurance low?""
Do they let you take insurance?
hi does insurance companies in US,let you take life term insurance if you have HIV..""
Do I have to have my mom on my car insurance?
I recently bought a car(mustang!) and I was able to get a pretty low premium, do I need to put my mom as a additional driver? She has her own car and her own premium.""
How much will my insurance go up after being charged with hit and run on a parked car?
I recently was charged with hit and run on a parked car (for the record I didn't realize I hit the car), there was hardly any damage at all to either car but I am wondering how much I can expect my insurance rates to go up. Over 100%? Hopefully I won't be convicted as I really didn't notice that I scuffed this cars bumper.""
""What is the best car insurance for a single girl of 20, full-time job, and living in a safe neighborhood?
a price would be cool along with the insurance name
What is the reliability of these private insurance companies?
Say some of Private sector insurance companies like TATA or Bajaj or Aditya Birla Group etc offering schemes like Cr life cover or pension plan for a minimum 500 or 800 per month premium etc....But What is the guarantee that those companies will even exist after 25 years...How is my money guaranteed?please help.
How does exhisting back injuries affect your insurance health car life?
I was hit on the head with a 68lb box. I have 3 herniated disc in my back, major nerve damage etc.... How does this effect my car insurance? If I get in a wreck am I not covered because ......What if the meds I'm on or my vertigo is the cause? I'm screwed right? How does this effect health insurance... am I un-insurable? Any web link would help. I'm 26 and its been 7 months... I still cant lift over 5lbs.""
Can I get insurance that isn't based in my state?
I currently live in South Carolina and I'm in need of a particular surgical procedure, and my current insurance provider rules the surgery as cosmetic when in fact, an orthodontist, dentist, and an oral surgeon all suggested that surgery is a good option for me. They've all told me the same thing, however, that the surgery is difficult to get approved. So I did a bit of research and only one insurance company in the entire United States covers the procedure (That I could find). But, this insurance (Kaiser Permanente) isn't offered in my state. It is however offered in Georgia, which is relatively close. So my question is, could I switch to Kaiser Permanente if I don't live in Georgia, California, or one of their other locations? It's orthognatic surgery, in case it's relevant.""
How Much is this Emergency Room Visit without Insurance?
My aunt got really loopy yesterday after hearing bad news and i took her to the emergency room. They took her blood pressure, pricked her finger to test her blood sugar, the nurses/doctor asked her questions, and they gave her an anti-anxiety pill. That was it. No xrays or anything else. it took about 3 hours all together with the waiting. would this still be about 500 - 1000 bucks?""
My car insurance in RI?
I have car insurance in Rhode Island and my son lives with me. When I went to lower my coverage I found that my son had been included in the policy as a driver. I do not let him drive my car at all and they said that since he is licensed and living with me he is automatically included in the policy. This sounded to me as so much hogwash and I hope that someone can fill me in on this weird rule.
""Saving to buy a car, what do i need to know about insurance?""
so i just turned 21 and have been saving up for a car. i'm looking to purchase through the owner, not a dealer. this will be my first car purchase and i'm wondering how insurance works. do i just research different insurance companies and then call and talk to them to set things up? do i need to have purchased the car first or can it be handled beforehand without the title? just trying to get an idea before i dive in!""
Car Insurance Renewal?
Dear Mates I have been driving for a year,The car that I have got is Micra 1 litre. Just received a letter from my current Insurance Provider. Letter says that my car insurance is 1807 for this year, if I pays Monthly. Which is about 300 more than last year. Even this year, I have got 1 year No Claim Bonus. What you guys think, is that OK or is it too much on this car? How much do you pays at the moment? Many Thanks""
""If a trucking company is self-insured,what are deductibles?
I've been told that I have to cover damages in a backing accident between two trucks belonging to the same self-insured company.
Insurance on a 69 camaro?
How much will it cost a month for insurance on a 69 camaro and i live in florida and im 16
In New York: Best health insurance on the cheap?
This information is for my stepdaughter and her family. After long term unemployment her husband recently went back to work as a trucker. He might bring home around $500 per week. They presently have no health insurance, although she said a New York State program would cover her two younger children. This leaves her and husband uninsured because his new job has no health coverage. Somehow she found a company willing to insure them for around $200+ a month. What this insurance covers I do not know. (By the premiums, I don't think much) The problem is they don't have much more than the $200+ to pay per month. Can someone tell me how to find(in New York) legitimate insurance companies with affordable cost? Also how can I educate myself on health insurance, the details, so that I can advise them correctly? They're in their late 30s and in reasonably in good health. Any an all advice greatly appreciated Tony""
Can i pay for a car and insurance together monthly?
Like on finance or something? so i pay the insurance and the car price on a newish car both at the same time each month?
I have a car insurance question (teen)?
I am a 16 year old teen just about to get my license pretty soon. I am aware of the fact that insuring a teen is incredibly expensive and annoying. my family is middle class. the car that i really want now is a 2004 infiniti G35. the car itself would be around 5-12k which i can put up most of. but my dad is not gonna let me because of the insurance of a teen driving a sports car. i know that, but i really do not want to be driving a piece of crap. i know a bunch of friends my age from my town who have 2012 sports cars i just don't get how they afford them.can someone explain to me the price of a male teen driving a 2004 coupe. and i am aware that there are exceptions such as school. if you get good grades its less.. can someone please let me know of any exceptions to help me pay less insurance.. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE..""
Where can i get cheap and full coverage auto insurance?any good suggestions?
need full coverage for my car . I am looking around $150.00 a month MAX. Thanks!
UK: Converting standard car to kit car to reduce insurance?
I'm 19 and I drove a Jaguar S-type in the US. I've moved back to the UK and my insurance premiums are looking around 7000 (roughly 4x of what it was in the US). What I'm thinking is what if I buy an s-type, and replace the engine with a small 1.6L engine (I don't care about speed, just luxury) and change the car to a 'kit car' status, will that lower my insurance to a more affordable rate? Thanks for any advice.""
""Who will pay for my flooded car, the city or insurance company?""
This past weekend I get a knock at the door from some neighbors during a storm telling me that I should move my truck out of the street. I walk outside and see that my truck is sitting in nearly four feet of water. The water level rose up to cover the seats and nearly reached the dashboard. We put it in neutral and pushed it down the street so most of the water ran out. We used towels to get out what we could that night. I didn't try to crank it, and I unhooked the battery cables. When I tried to crank it about 18 hours later it would not start. My question is, can I sue the city for the flood damage to my truck since their sewer drainage system was responsible for the localized flooding on my street? Can they be held responsible for this? Or will I just have to settle with what the insurance company will give me for the truck since it is undoubtedly totaled? I have already paid about $19500 on the truck, but I still owe about $8600. How much can I actually expect to get?""
I can't afford my car insurance...?
I need transportation so I can work. But why should I have to choose between car insurance or food and medicine? Shouldn't the Government come up with a single payer plan for automotive insurance too! Its not fair that I have to pay for this out of my own pocket.
Car insurance in new york?
hey guys, I'd like to know what would be the ballpark for insurance. I'm 24 years old and have had my driver's license since 2003 and never have had parking violations, points taken off my license or any type of moving tickets. I'm looking to buy a 96-00 civic and would like to know around how much I would be quoted""
What other types of insurance should I get?
So far I'm going to get family health insurance, life insurance, and Car insurance. I'm going to have kids. Anything else I should have? We rarely have natural disasters where I'm from.""
umaine orono insurance
umaine orono insurance
How much would it cost to insure a large SUV for a 16 year old?
I have always wanted this car: http://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/200608/2006-toyota-sequoia-1_460x0w.jpg The Toyota Sequoia. I know it gets crappy gas mileage, but ive seen worse. And plus Im not gonna be driving that much either. my school is very close to me, along with all my friends houses. But how much will insurance be at your best guess? Also, if I don't blow off gas, and waster it, how much money do you think I will pay per month in California? Dont try to tell me that I am not old enough to be behind an SUV, because 1) Im going to be learning how to drive from my parents in an suv, so i will have some experience 2) my parents want me to get an SUV 3) Im not a dumb a** whos gonna go 50 mph and try to cut a corner and flip over. Bottom line is, im getting an suv and thats that.""
What's a good looking affordable car for a teen?
My budget is going to be about 15-25k and I like muscle cars like camaros and dodge challengers! Any other good lookin cars?
Americans. What cars do you normally have as your first Cars. As a cheap car with cheap insurance?
I was just wonderng What kind of cars American tennagers ahve for there first Cars I might think of importing one
Will my car insurance go up much?
im planing on buying a new car in the next few weeks, im just wondering, will my insurance go up much? I currenty have a Peugeot 206 GLX 1.4, 2000 reg. I am hoping to get a Vauxhall Corsa S 1.0 ecoFLEX, 2011 reg What other cars should i consider, that are cheap to run/ insure / road tax ectect..""
What are the pros and cons of car insurance?
What are the pros and cons of car insurance?
A way to make health insurance premiums to go down.?
To make it affordable we have to come up with a no-profit system for health insurance companies. Since that would never happen, due to our capitalist economy. I would suggest the ...show more""
Health Insurance (Prescription insurance denied) Why?
Bad title for this question I know. I have never really had to go to the doctor for anything, ANYTHING. Recently I went to go see one because my energy level has been horrible, and I am always fatigued. After seeing the doctor, and getting lab work done, I had spent almost a $1000 dollars. But still, I'm okay with that, if its like one visit every six months or so, so what. Anyways, they found my Testosterone levels to be really really low. So they put me on a medication called androgel. Let me tell you, I can only get 15 days worth of this medication at a time, but every time I go to Walgreens to get a refill, I spend hundreds. Tonight when I picked it up it cost me $268.41. I called everywhere to see about health insurance, even though I only need help with prescriptions. I dont know what to do. I dont need all out full fledge health insurance. But apparently if I tried to get it anyway, I would be denied due to a pre-existing condition ((WTF))!! Apparently the only people who can qualify for health insurance are those who dont need it to begin with. And those who need it are denied because of a pre-existing condition. They are no programs that help with prescriptions that I know of, that dont require tons and tons of paperwork, audits, background investigations, and appointment after appointment. I am really upset and am lost with regard to getting the medication my doctor says I need, reduced in price. I cant afford almost $600 a month. But if even if I try to get health care, i will be denied. Could someone please help me out : ) Thanks for checking out my question I dont have health insurance because I never needed it. Plus I have always been responsible with my money""
Can a life insurance sole beneficiary claim be disputed in Arizona?
The mother of my 4.5 yr old son recently passed with no will. Her 25 yr old son (half-bro) being oldest blood relative, locked my son out of his home and proceeded to stake claim to everything his deceased mother had, car, cash, final paycheck, $3800.00 income tax refund check (probably less than $30,000. total assets) but no real telling. Come to find out she had a employee life insurance policy which she named the 25 yr old as sole beneficiary. does' my son have any rights to claim anything?""
""Young motorcycle riders, how much is your insurance?
Im wondering how much insurance will be for a 19 year old for a 08' R1...im thinking about financing one but of course you cant have it without insurance..i would like to know about other riders and their insurances...and which one would be the cheapest for me..
Health insurance for an immigrant who's over 65?
My parents and I are thinking about bringing my grandmother to the U.S. but we are worried about health insurance. My grandmother is 87 years old and has many medical conditions so we need to get her something that would cover the medical expenses. She will be an immigrant because she doesn't have U.S. citizenship or green card, and she has never worked in this country. Since she is over 65 years old, she cannot get a health insurance, but I am hoping that she can get something that is similar to Medicare, Medi-Cal, or Medicaid. I know that Medicare is for people who is either a citizen or permanent resident and who has worked least 10 years in Medicare-covered employment. Is there anything that my grandmother could be eligible for medical health plan or insurance although she is an immigrant, over 65 years of age, and never worked in the U.S.? Any advice or suggestion would be much appreciated.""
How much will my insurance go up after a claim?
i was in a crash it was my fault i went into the back of another car my van was fine but the other guys car was damaged at the back it is too damaged to pay out of my own pocket so understandably he is claiming off my insurance. i have a full licence, since i started driving 8 years ago i have no claim my insurance is fully comp and i pay 330 euro each year. after this claim does anyone no how much roughly will my insurance go up next year . any advice would be greatly appreciated as i am very worried.""
Best location for insurance agency?
I'm very early in the stages of starting an insurance agency in Lafayette IN. Where do you think is a better location? There are reasonable prices in downtown lafayette, but also on the east side, which is has a lot of offices, retail stores, and restaurants. Where do you think more people would likely to meet a beginning independent insurance agency?""
Life insurance through disability until age of 65. Now they say there is no policy for me.?
In 2003, I received an award letter of life insurance until the age of 65. I called the company recently to see about it and they said another company had taken over-I called them and they said I was not in the system and said to call a 3rd company which may have taken over my policy. I called them and they said, No-I have no life insurance policy. Where and who can I get in touch with regarding the policy I was awarded and it seems to have disappeared.""
What do I do if my car insurance lapsed without my knowledge?
I need to get tags for my car this month, only when I called my car financing company to see how much it is, they told me that my insurance had lapsed, and my registration was suspended!! I had no idea, because my cousin had gotten the insurance for me (we are now estranged, and I don't have any contact with her), and I was told by her the insurance expired in May. All my documments have been sent to her house (and she refuses to send me my mail) and I had no idea. Now, I'm terrified that I won't be able to get my registration back, or pay fines, because I just barely have enough to get new insurance and pay for my tags. I have no proof that she bought insurance for me through May or anything. Does anyone else have had to go through this? What will happen? Please help!""
Can I get liability insurance if I do a roll over?
I'm currently financing a vehicle and I simply can't afford it anymore. I'm considering doing a trade in for a cheaper car. I would be trading in my car which has a higher value than the car. So there will still be a finance going on but it would be a rollover. Will the other technically be paid off meaning that I'd be able to get liability on it? I just need to lower my payments because it's too much to handle right now so even some ways that I can lower my payments or insurance would be nice.
Insurance for garage?
I rent a flat with garage where I store my sports equipment-kanoe,angling equipment,car roof box and bars,bikes,tools etc. Do you know any insurance company? Thank you.""
I scraped the bumper of a parked car. Is it cheaper to pay it off or send it to my insurance?
I have a clean driving record, but i accidentally scraped a car parked next to me. There was a dinnerplate sized scrape, and the guy sent me a estimate for $400. Will it be cheaper for me to send it to my insurance, or pay it out of pocket?""
How much would car Insurance be for a 16 year old guy?
My parents want me to start picking what car I want to get. I was wondering how much insurance would cost for each of these cars for a 16 year old guy. I am interested in a BMW E36 323is Coupe, BMW E36 325is Coupe, BMW E36 328is Coupe, 1997-2001 Honda Prelude, and a 2000 VW Golf GTi. Please help me because I need to know the cost to insure each of these cars before I pick.""
Who provides really affordable car insurance?
I'm 19 in a month, I drive a 2002 Ford explorer and it needs to have full coverage. What are some cheap insurance providers for teenagers? What can I do to lower the cost?""
What is the cheapest motor vehicle insurance company in NY right now?
I wanted to know if anyone knew of any good insurance companies with low rates. I'm kinda sick of the one I have now Geico. Service is not great, guess they spend too much money on commercials and none on customer service. Any info would be great! Thanks.""
""Insurance for 6 months, changes mid policy?""
I'm looking at buying insurance for a 6 month period, but 2 months into the period there will be a change that causes a significant price drop (3 points removed from my license and my birthday). Will they generally allow me to have my rate adjusted mid-policy? I'm talking of a price difference of about 100 a month, so I really want to see how I can make this work.""
Best car insurance provider for person in early 20's?
Which provider is best suited for in this age group, located in California? Thanks!""
What are my options to get my car back from the insurance company?
I got into an accident about a week ago. the front passenger side was damaged. the insurance company told me today that it was a write off. they wouldn't be able to fix it, which is complete bull. It is a 98 Honda Civic with 200,00 km on it, and they are giving me $2800. What can i possibly do? Can I get my car back and repair it myself (by myself i mean a bodyshop i will take it too out of my own pocket)? What happens in that case? Will they give me any money or would i have to pay them?""
My car was rear-ended but I don't have car insurance?
Someone rear ended my car today. My insurance has been expired for a while now but I still called the insurance company and they filed a claim for me. When I mentioned that my insurance had expired, the lady who filed the claim said that the adjuster will call me on Monday and give me the details. Though the accident wasn't my fault, I am worried about not having insurance at the time. Also, nobody was injured in the accident but my back bumper had a very minor scratch. Was what I did wrong? And should I be worried about anything?""
Can a 17 year old hold insurance to more than 1 car?
can they have fully comp insurance on more than 1 car
umaine orono insurance
umaine orono insurance
How much can car insurance be cheaper if someone hold off driving 2 years after they can their license?
or is it any cheaper?
How much is car insurance for a teen?
I'm 16,I have a 2002 Camaro SS,I live in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don't stalk me lol).My dad has Geico insurance.What else do you need to know?""
How can i sell truck insurance?
appointed agent to sell truck insurance
Car insurance advice for a 17 year old?
Hello, I just bought a Citroen AX for 500, and have payed a lump sum of 2800 for 12 months insurance. My question is: If I get a 1 year no claims bonus when im 18, how much cheaper will my next 12 month insurance be? How much less do you think It will cost after a year of no claims. And If possible: How cheaper would It cost to insure that car after 4 years no claims? Thanks.""
Insurance is up in 4 days I just made a claim. Can I still switch insurance companies?
Insurance is up in 4 days I just made a claim. Can I still switch insurance companies?
How to make insurance cheeper?
what are the things i can do to make my car insurance cheaper? i have good grades my car is 97 color gold
How much is car insurance for a range rover sport 2010?
I have a friend how is looking to get a 2st hand range rover sport 2010 but Is worried about the insurance. What is the range of car insurance prices for the basic driver
What determines car insurance prices?
I'm going to get my first car soon. im 20 years old, been driving for a while, clean record. someone told me that the car you drive really makes a difference in the insurance price. Ive heard things like, white cars are cheapest, old cars are cheapest as well.. I dont knwo what car I'm buying but I want to get something that will get me a cheap insurance. So what shuld I get? An older car or a newer one? Also does color matter? things like that. thanks all!""
How much would car insurance cost for me?
How much does it cost to get my first car insurance under my parents insurance living in NV, USA? Also: I'm 18 yrs old, Just got my driver's license, White male Caucasian, Drive a black 1996 Honda Civic, been in no accidents, got good grades from High School, had no bad records in general, I live in a safe area, but will drive about 80 miles a week .""
2007 Cadillac Escalade Insurance Quote?
What would the Auto Insurance Price be on A 2007 Cadillac Escalade in 2013. A 17 Year old would be driving it? Liberty Mutual
What's a classic British car that's cheap and insurable for a learner?
Cheaper than a mini or morris minor.
Does an expired MOT invalidate insurance when making a claim for my car stolen from a private driveway?
I had no idea that my mot had ran out, when my car was stolen from a private driveway (not on public road) My insurance say i was in breach of the policy. But where do i stand legally with the car being off road when stolen? The insurance quoted no payout if there's no mot when one is required by law! Is there a loophole i can use""
Car insurance question? Under parents name?
Hi all, I recently got my drivers license when I turned 17, and am now looking to buy a car. I'm looking at a Foxbody mustang 5.0. Before the omg 17 get a civic comments, I can drive, I seldom speed, and when I do, its on an empty road in the middle of the night. I have track experience and know how to control a car, don't try to convince me otherwise. Now, my problem. Obviously mustang insurance for a 17yr old will be nuts, but right now I'm on my parents insurance policy so I can drive their car(1 car family), and a friend of mine told me I could just insure my car under my dad's name and claim that I drive it occasionally. So I realize I could claim my father is the primary driver and I'm just an occasional driver, but if I am actually the only one who is driving it, and something does happen where I get into an accident or get a ticket, what could happen? Would I be covered in case of an accident? Can they say no and not cover me if they find out I'm the primary driver? I'd be the only person driving it whatsoever, my dad can't even drive a stick, so I'm wondering if this is even possible or not. Thanks.""
Average car insurance for 21 y/o f?
my fiance and i are planning to buy a used car soon, and we were wondering about how much car insurance would cost us. the insurance would go under my name, but it would cover him as well. we are both 21. neither of us have had an accident. we both have pretty good credit. i've had no tickets, he's had 3, each in a different state (they were only minor speeding tickets). he's had his license since 17 y/o and i've had mine since 18 y/o.""
16 year old male car insurance question?
My mom has Gieco car insurance. I was wondering how much car insurance would be for me on a 1998 Jeep Wrangler with a security system, and 4x4 drive. I tried to get a quote yesterday on the fone but they made me wait like 40 minutes so i hung up and it never works online so please help me.""
Car accident insurance help needed?
My partner was involved in a car accident the other day, the young lad got out of his car and said that he'd rather pay for the damage in cash rather than go through his ...show more""
Can i list my vehicle at another adress for insurance?
hi, i own a 2006 acura RSX-s and i live in the philadelphia suburbs. my insurance is quite PRICEY! any how, my father owns property in northern PA which is primarily farm land, and insurance would be alot cheaper if listed there. tho i dont live there, can i list my insurance there? is there anything illegal or could it hurt me? i see alot of people with New Jersey tags who live in PA to get cheaper Insurance. what do you suggest, and what would i have to do, change adress on D/L etc?""
Car Insurance - What kind of coverage is needed for an Occasional Driver...?
Okay, this is the deal, I have full coverage car insurance. This means that the insurance will cover me, if I have an accident that is my fault or if someone else hits me & it's not my fault. I also have insurance that covers me if someone breaks into my car & steals any kind of important items in my car. The Question... I sometimes let other people drive my car, to run errands for me (like driving my car home, cause I'm too sleepy to drive or I'm super busy & need an item from the store & I hand my keys to a licensed driver). I talked to my insurance company & was told they do not have coverage that will cover other drivers unless they are listed under my coverage. The problem - I don't want to list everybody in my family or all my friends. Isn't there insurance coverage that will cover anybody driving my vihecle as long as they are older than 25 & has a valid license? If so, what's the name of this type coverage - I nd to know the name b4 I call other companys. thanks""
Health Insurance?
I have Blue Cross and Blue Shield from my job. It is very expensive for me and my wife. Is there any other option of affordable insurance that is worth a damn when I actually need it? Not some cheap.. Bob's Insurance or something like that...
Car insurance in california?
is medical expense coverage optional or required in california. I called my car insurance company to delete this coverage and the genius over the phone was telling me its mandatory, and I said to her...mandatory to california or to your insurance co?I know comp/ coll and liability are mandatory but everything else is optional...isnt it?""
Car insurances for a day help?
I just need to drive my car to my new apartment.Right now i don't have car insurances. Is there any way i can get car insurances just for a day. I live in new jersey. I know i can get a car insurances quote but i don't have enough money right now I just need to move it
How much would it cost to give birth without insurance?
Like regularly and with the C-Section?
What is cheaper for insurance mustang or charger?
well they would both be 2007. v6 cause my insurance is already high. and what one would you choose i want a mustang but alot of people have them but a charger has a big body
Help! i need to find out insurance costs if i add parts to a car?
hi, im 17 and i own a peugeot 206, im wanting to tune it, and i need to know where to find a cheap body kit, new headlights, and some wheels? just trying to make my driving life and little more better :) i need to know roughly how much it will up my insurance cost, im currently paying 1,650 for it, and i can mabye go up to 2,000 also i need to find some speakers to go in the boot of my car, will that make my insurance go higher to? thanks for your time.""
Car insurance advice..We bought a 97 dodge ram for my son that he picked out for his first car.He is taking?
auto body etc so it was something he was excited about fixing up.He had it looking pretty good still needed work but the other day my husband was driving it and was hit in the back and it wasnt his fault.They are trying to say it is totaled because the repairs exceeds a certain amount.So my ? is is there any way of keeping this truck?If so is it like a buy back thing and how much would it be? I know I should be asking the other insurance but the adjuster for them is not answering or returning calls.My son still wants to keep it is fully drivable and alot of work has been put into it and wants to eventally re fix it.Thanks for your time.
umaine orono insurance
umaine orono insurance
What 600cc Sports Bike is cheapest to Insurance?
Cheapest i got some far is 750 on a honda CBR 600 im looking at not spending more then 500 on insurance
What is the difference between term/whole life insurance vs accidental death insurance?
I'm trying to buy life insurance for myself and my mother. I read up on this survivorship insurance which sounded pretty good since I wanted something for my mother if I were do die first and vice versa. but most of the online quotes I saw were between spouses... But I got confused when I read about accidental death ins- does this mean I will not be covered if I die of an illness or old age- but instead must die of an accident such as auto or slip and fall?? secondly, would I get taxed on the interest earned on the universal/whole ins or when the policy is paid out/ surrendered?""
Hayabusa Mini Insurance. (Kit car?)?
I am a young driver and I was hoping to buy a Mini with a Hayabusa engine from someone like Z-Cars. I have heard that some people have got cheap insurance for them. I have heard of a 17 year old who had just passed his test got insured for a hayabusa mini for 1500 which is cheap for a 17 year old. I was just wondering if there is anyone has insured a Hayabusa or similar Mini for road use. If so how much was it and from which insurance company? Thanks
""Hit by a car, license suspended in California, will the insurance cover the damage? will i get in trouble?
I was driving then the traffic lights turned red so i stopped. few second later i heard a loud breaking sound and 2 seconds later a car hit me. the problem is that my car is under my ...show more
How much could I expect to pay for motorcycle insurance?
I am going to take motorcycle lessons, and once I obtain my license, I plan on buying a new Kawasaki Ninja 250R. Either a 2009 or 2008 model (cost is 4000 or 3500 dollars, respectively). I am 19 years old, and have a car, which I am the primary driver of, which cost a little bit over $20k. Insurance is a little under $3000n annually. I have heard that this might reduce my motorcycle insurance costs (if I get it with the same company?), but I am not sure. I have never been any type of accident, or speeding or any involvement with the police. Only one parking ticket for my entire time of driving (since 2008 July). And I live in Massachusetts. Any type of idea of the cost would greatly help, before I commit myself to the lessons and purchases and the costs. Thanks!""
What would insurance cost on a 2010 nissan versa?
I am getting my first car a brand new nissan versa approximately how much will insurance cost me i'm a male and a college student
Will auto insurance rates go up if filing a Comprehensive claim in Texas?
I had windows knocked out and body damage done to two trucks by vandals, the vandals were identified and police report files and charges will be pressed. I carry $1000 deductable and damage was in the range of $2000 per vehicle. Any insurance claims adjusters want to comment? PS I havent called my insurance yet, cause I know just making the call will go down as a claim .""
Can I take out a life insurance policy on my child's father?
My ex is a very big risk taker and our son is only two years old. Being a single mom is very financially straining and if he was to die I would have to go onto public assistance. Is there a way I could take out a life insurance policy on him where I am the beneficiary? I'm terrified that he will do something stupid and wind up dead and my son and I will be stuck living off of welfare.
""Out of these cars, which one will have the cheapest insurance?
Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005
Cheap auto insurance in miami?
Does anyone know of a cheap auto insurance company in miami? i am 20 years old and i have gotten quotes from Esurance, geico, and progressive. the cheapest was Geico and it was $278 a month for the Basic coverage. I own my car and it is a 2003 Hyundai Tiburon""
Individual dental insurance for braces?
What is a good individual dental insurance if I were to get braces? I have done some research and nailed it down to DeltaCare and Pacificare. So which dental insurance is better, or any other suggestions? Pacificare cost slightly less than DeltaCare as far as co-payments go. Both are HMO plans, all the PPO plans covers little to nothing for braces, so HMO seems to be the only way to go for an individual plan. DeltaCare seems to be more reliable since it's associated with Delta Dental, a little more costly also. I'm more concerned about the quality of the services as far as making claims and such. So DeltaCare, Pacificare, or ay other dental insurance/plans? Any personal experience with either of these companies? I am in San Francisco, California.""
Car insurance in the UK?
Can anyone in the UK recommend a decent & reasonably priced car insurer for a 1st time female driver in her mid 30s?
What does 1000 or 500 deductible mean when you're getting car insurance?
Before I get my car insurance I would like to know what this means,and what is better.""
Car insurance recommendations?
hi im 16 and trying very hard to get emancipated i havent told my mom yet though because it seems like a great idea not to get kicked out first, but anyways i have locked in a steady job at a clothing store but i am only working part time for now. What would your recommendation be for cheap car insurance i have no idea where to even start but if i can get cheap insurance than i will be able to spend more on an appartment or trailer. plz give me your recommendations and any advice on how to accomplish my goal. and please no bad comments i just want advice.""
How much will my insurance go up?
I recently crash my car into a bush going 50 with 4 other people in it. The car costed $2000 and I totaled my car and the police came. My 6 months weren't up so I wasn't supposed to have anyone in the car with me so I got a ticket for that and I got a ticket for reckless driving plus my license suspended. How much will my insurance go up?
""Volkswagen GTI owners, how much do you pay for insurance?""
I am doing a project and I need to get 3 auto insurance quotes. It's due tomorrow, if it's not too much trouble could anybody get me 3 quotes? This is the specifics: 2008 (White) Volkswagen GTI 2-Door Hatchback 46,000 miles 2 Wheel Drive Automatic Help would be much abliged, thank you.""
""By about how much will insurance increase, sedan vs. sports car?""
I am 20 years old currently and drive a 2002 Chevy Cavalier. I was considering purchasing a 2000ish model Chevy Camaro Z28 (5.7L v8) and was curious perhaps by how much my insurance will go up. I know obviously that no one can give an accurate guess as to how much since there are numerous factors involved, but just based on my current insurance I thought perhaps someone might be able to guess what the price on the insurance might be. I am currently on my Uncle's insurance plan, and if I bought the vehicle, would transfer the deed to him so as to retain the benefit of his insurance. I pay about 50$ a month for liability for my car due to his insuring many cars currently. I know this is very cheap for one my age, so I thought the camaro insurance might not be bad still. Anyway based on 50$ a month for liability on my 2002 cavalier, any guesses as to what a 2000ish camaro might run me for insurance? (Both liability and comprehensive if you'd like.) I know I can find out for sure by having my uncle call his insurance, but I just wondered if I might get a ballpark estimate before I approach him about it.""
Affordable health insurance?
So we make about 35,000 a year so I do not qualify for government subsidies. we bring home about $2,600 a month $900 house, $800 car (I've tried geting out but there least so we cant) about $400 for house bills water, electricty ect..., $150 cell phones $100-$150 in gas(to get to work) $100 car insurance, and that only leaves us with $100 dolars a month for food so we keep having to use our credit card just to feed our son which is another $75 dollars a month!. (we dont have house phone, cable, took our son out of pre-school and karate) So we end up with $25 (If I use the credit card for food) and yet the cheapest insurance I can find is $183 a month. CANT! is there anywhere that sells insurance for cheaper? I have and interview on monday but I cant afford daycare. I knot know what to do. help please""
No insurance and expired tags in kentucky?
I got a ticket for no insurance and expired tags in Louisville Ky, I've never neen in any trouble before with anything not even a parking ticket I just could'nt afford the insurance and tags. Whatare the chances of serving jail time for this? I know inKy, it can pack a 90 day sentence please answer I'm kinda freaking out.""
I am moving to California on a J1 visa do I need to get a californian driving licence?
Hey, Im moving to Los Angeles for a year this month on a J1 visa. I need a car for the internship I am doing. I was wondering would I need to get a californian driving licence. I checked the dmv website and it says that If I am becoming a residnent I would need to get one. A resident is considered someone voting in an election or paying homeowners tax which I won't be. I just need it set clear whether or not If I need a california licence to drive or will my British one be ok? Also will insurance companies insure me on a foreign licence.""
How To Get The Best Homeowners Insurance?
How To Get The Best Homeowners Insurance?
Getting car insurance?
I just got my license and i have paid for a car at the dealer but i cant drive it off the lot untill i have insurance..so how do i get insurance..it would be with state farm.im 18 years old im a male.so how do i do i get insured?.how long does the process take??..and how much do you think my monthly payment will be..are there any deposits/extra payments you have to pay at first up front???
How can I get an Auto Insurance adjuster to address my claim ? He is completely unresponsive.?
I drove out a brand new car from the dealership and stopped at a signal light. I was rear ended hard by a coupe driven by teenagers. His car was towed and impounded. Now I called the other driver's insurance company after receiving the police report and was told that a claim has already been filed and an adjuster's name and number given. I have been ever since calling the adjuster and leaving voice-mails. Its about 3 days and I have left more than 8 voice mail but he does not call me back. Its getting frustrating and am unsure if thats their strategy ? How long should I continue this ? and How can I get him to attend and address my claim ? and what else are my options ? Should I go to small claims court ? Advice is much appreciated.
Learner car insurance?
I will be supervising a learner with a provisional licence, i have been driving for more then 5yrs and hold a full Uk license.. Do i have to have the car insurance in the learners name too?""
Cheapest insurance?
What company has the cheapest insurance for used cars.
umaine orono insurance
umaine orono insurance
1 note · View note
welcome to the new year
ao3 link
to @blastiax a brief story of Raven before he was Raven, based heavily on the first few chapters of Empty Mask. I hope you like it, and I hope you have a happy holiday!
also, bonus content, the thing that almost killed me (I gotta say, Raven fucking fought with me the entire month, I don’t think I’m meant to write him, haha)
“So this’ll be your first New Year in the Capitol, Damuran?” Samaras smirked at him from over the giant sack of potatoes he’d just thrown into the back of the cart. Casey had ordered them to fill it and take down to the Lower Quarters, and it was nearly ready to go.
Damuron grunted as he hefted his own burden, a sack of mixed grains, and heaved it into the cart. “Yeah.” He looked out over the courtyard of the Knights’ Baracks and sighed. “Can’t believe it’s already been nine months since I got to Zaphias.”
“You’ll have to tell us how the festivities compare, then,” Casey said as she swept into the courtyard and loaded a sack of carrots into the cart. “Granted, what we do in this Brigade is a bit different from most of the other platoons. After we deliver these goods to Hanks in the Lower Quarter, we’ll go on to help him with the set up in the central square. Once that is complete, and if time allows, we may do a hunt to ensure they have fresh meat for the celebrations. At sundown we’ll return to the central square and help provide security to ensure the revelries don’t get out of hand.”
Damuron gave a half hearted groan and slumped against the cart. He took his role as designated complainer seriously, after all. “Aw man, we gotta do work on New Year’s Eve? When does the party start for us?”
“Buck up, kiddo,” Gaiman said as he staggered into the courtyard, shoulders draped with two more massive sacks of produce. He shrugged them off into the cart and then gave Damuran a hearty slap on the shoulder. “The party’s for them, but we’ll have fun too, I guarantee it.”
Hiethum arrived with the last of the supplies, a sack of onions and another of garlic cloves, which he set behind the driver’s seat to keep it from getting crushed. “The Casey Brigade has been supplying the Lower Quarters with their New Year’s Feast for several years now, and it has become far more of a celebration for all of us than an event where we have to be on our guard. Don’t worry, Damuron, they know how to ring in a New Year with style. I guarantee this will be nothing like a stuffy noble feast.”
With that, Hiethum climbed up into the driver’s seat and offered a hand to Casey. She took it with a small smile and allowed him to pull her up. As she settled into the seat, she called out, “Alright, men, fall in.”
Damuron had to hand it to the rest of the guys in the platoon: they knew how to set up that central square fast. Under Hanks and Casey’s astute direction, the square was swept, stalls set up and stocked, tables and benches assembled in neat, orderly rows and an area cleared for dancing later in the evening. It was only early afternoon when they finished, and Casey declared there was time enough for a hunt if they stayed within an hour’s march of the barrier.
The hunting so close to the city would usually be slim pickings, but monster activity had been gradually increasing in the area. The knights were able to bring back enough to supply the Lower Quarters for a couple weeks including the New Year’s Feast, and Damuron couldn’t hold back a frisson of unease as he stood near the head of the line surveying their take. Casey seemed pleased, and he tried to let that be all that mattered.
Several carts worth of various beasts were loaded up and taken to the butchery for dressing before the platoon was dismissed and given an hour of leisure before returning to the Lower Quarters. Casey stood at the head, delivering her orders.
“. . . Archer, Fletch, you’re assigned to the med station. Biggs, Wedge, the fountain area. Gaiman, Samaras, top gate. Hiethum, Damuron,” he thought she gave a flicker of a smile as she glanced towards them, “command station with me. Minimum armor, small arms only. Those of you on second watch may rest or celebrate at your leisure, but be prepared and ready for duty at midnight. Those on first watch, convene at your posts by the evening bell. Until then you are dismissed, though I suggest we all bathe at some point,” she added with a wrinkled nose. There was a smattering of chuckles as the ranks broke up, the knights of the platoon breaking into smaller groups as they made their way up to the noble quarters.
Damuron, naturally, fell in with Casey as she marched up the ramp. “So . . . what can I expect from tonight, just to be clear.”
She smirked at him as Samaras and Gaiman trotted up to her other side. “Tonight you can expect to see how the other half live,” she replied. “I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of revels in your time slumming it up with your old platoon, but I can assure you, that is nothing like what you’ll see when the people are genuinely happy and celebrating.”
“Uh, yeah, sure.”
“It ain’t gonna be like a bar crawl,” Gaiman chimed in, grinning. “I’m not sure what kind of New Year’s Feast you’ve been to, but it’s another thing entirely down in the Lower Quarters.”
Damuron’s memory flashed to the New Year’s Feast held in Farryheid. He’d never been to the commoners’ feast, but the one his father held for the nobles of the city was always staid, stiff and proper much like the old man. Sure, the later in the night it got the louder it got, but he would hardly call it ‘revelry’. “So what, there’s going to be drinking, dancing?”
“And fireworks.” Samaras’s eyes lit up. “Of course those are set off by the nobles usually, but you can see them just fine from the central square. That’s when the party’ll really start.”
“Uh. Huh. And we just, what, stand and watch? Sounds like a party to me.”
“Don’t worry, Damuron.” Casey smiled at him. “If you’re invited to dance, certainly you can accept. We’re on duty, but part of that duty is to foster good relations with the people of the Lower Quarters. Be respectful, break up fights, keep watch for trouble, but also talk to the people, find out their concerns and worries for the new year, and reassure them that we are always on their side as true and righteous guardians of the people.”
“By dancing with them when they ask?” He had a hard time keeping the disbelief from his voice.
“By being there for them when they need us.” She smiled at him before turning and striding ahead. “Now it’s time to get ready.”
Damuran watched as the same two mismatched kids tore through the central square again, this time the blond chasing the dark haired kid while shouting. They were by far the rowdiest of the pack of children swarming the square, and it made him feel exhausted just watching as they dodged through the crowds of happy revelers.
He had been standing at the command post for over an hour now, watching Casey work her magic. She chatted happily with Hanks and the other Lower Quarter community leaders, helping with last minute set up as garlands of dried flowers and leaves were strung up around the square, the final garnishes placed on the long low tables holding the Feast, and barrels rolled to the stands and tapped. The other members of the platoon were scattered throughout the square as well, talking and helping as they mingled with the crowd.
Casey was right. It was much less like guard duty than it sounded. As the newest recruit, though, Damuron was still a relative unknown, and so was left pretty much alone.
He blinked as a hush finally went through the crowd. Hanks had climbed up onto the low dais set for the musicians, and was making a speech.
“Now we lay the old year down to rest,” Hanks began with the traditional New Year’s tidings. “Welcoming and blessing the new so that it may begin with good cheer.” He took a deep breath, and Damuron prepared to settle in for a long and boring sermon of the type his father and the other leaders of Farryheid generally gave. “We remember those who have passed and prepare spaces for those who will join us. May we leave our troubles behind in the old year and ready ourselves for new ones, and carry our joys forward so that they may guide us to happiness in the New Year.” He paused. “Alright, let’s eat.”
With that, the crowd began chattering and lining up at the tables.
“So what did you think?” Hiethum asked, grinning as he watched Damuron jerk in surprise at how short the New Year’s Tidings had been.
“Ah, it was nice,” he said. “Good. I mean usually these things just go on and on.”
“Yeah, Hanks is good at being concise,” Hiethum agreed. He smiled as a woman cheerfully greeted him by name and offered him a plate of food. “I definitely prefer it to what goes on up top. Just think if we had to guard a Noble celebration. The Chancellor's speech is probably going to last another hour.”
“Hmm.” Damuron blankly took his own plate of food, offered by a smiling granny who also somehow knew his name. The woman pinched his cheek before trotting off, corralling several children and herding them toward a table. “That’s probably the shortest speech I’ve ever heard. Think the nobles would be willing to take lessons in precision speechmaking?”
Hiethum gave a barking laugh, shaking his head.
The feasting itself lasted for about an hour, the people growing rowdier as the night went on and the wine and spirits flowed freely, but never to the point where the knights had to intervene. Occasionally one reveler or another would offer Damuron and Hiethum a beverage, but they always declined and instead toasted them with the watered down mead supplied by the knights’ command: festive enough but not so strong as to impair them in their duties.
Casey never seemed to stop for long in one place. Damuron watched as the light from the bonfire glinted in her dark hair across the plaza by the steps to Hanks’ inn, and flicker across her animated face as she stopped to speak with the knights manning the first aid station, and saw her disappear into the shadows that fell near the street leading past the gates. She seemed to be everywhere, and know everyone, and if he waited for her glancing smile with every breath, he knew he wasn’t the only one.
At some point, a signal seemed to ripple through the crowd, and the feast was cleared away to widen the dancing area while musicians filtered out and onto the dais, setting up an odd array of instruments. Damuron saw several guitars, a well worn fiddle, numerous pipes of varying types, and several large kettle drums make their way to the stage.
Casey, on one of her circuits through the crowd, noted his interest. “The signal for dancing is the nobles’ fireworks display,” she said over the noise of tuning instruments and moving furniture.
“The view isn’t the best from down here but it’s enough to get the party started,” Hiethum added.
Casey smirked and propped one hand on her hip. “The fireworks might not be the clearest, but this is the best view I can imagine,” she replied. “People happy and safe with their family and friends. This is what I joined the knighthood to safeguard.”
Hiethum ducked his head, a fond smile flashing across his face before he muffled it under his usual stoic expression. “Of course, Lieutenant. The fireworks are less important anyway.”
Damuron looked from one to the other. “Well, it’s definitely going to be different from Farryheid,” he said. “We never did have fireworks out there.”
The mood between the other two broke, and Casey turned to him. “Then you’ll definitely enjoy them. Everyone should see fireworks at least once in their life.”
Hiethum clapped him on the back. “Unless I miss my guess, the best view is going to be over by the fountain, if you want to duck over for a bit when they start.”
“Sure,” Damuron said.
Casey smiled at both of them and moved on, heading over to Hanks again. The next ten minutes almost seemed to drag as Damuron and Hiethum stood together in an awkward silence. Damuron wasn’t sure he saw what he thought he saw, and he had no claim even if he had seen what he thought, and he wasn’t, he didn’t, she deserved better than him anyway, he--
A high whistle and a thunderous bang echoed over the plaza, silencing the crowd and making Damuron jerk back with a surprised shout. He looked up, following the gazes of the people in the crowd, and gaped at the falling bright sparks of fire in the sky.
“They’re starting!” Hiethum smacked him in the shoulder. “Get out there, kid, you’ll barely even be able to see them from here.”
As if summoned by Hiethum’s parting blow, Casey appeared in front of him and grabbed him by the wrist. “Come on, you’ll miss it,” she exclaimed, tugging him along. Her eyes were lit with a childish glee as she pulled him over to the fountain and spun him around, pointing up to where more explosions caused more showers of sparks to fly across the sky. “Isn’t it amazing?”
“Oh yeah,” he replied, and he hated himself for the cliche, but he wasn’t looking at the sky. The blue and red and green lights of the fireworks traced enchanting lights through Casey’s hair and alluring shadows across her face, and when she turned to look at him, it took all his willpower to stay still.
She rolled her eyes at him. “Turn the charm off and look at the fireworks, Damuron,” she said, elbowing him in the ribs.
“Right,” he wheezed, only half in play. She had some sharp armor on those elbows.
He turned and watched the sky. It was, in fact, amazing.
Too soon, the fireworks ended in one final extravagant blast, and a cheer went up from the people of the Lower Quarters. Immediately, the band that had assembled itself struck up a rousing tune. Casey grinned at him again as he turned his attention back to her. “This is the part where they dance til dawn,” she called out. “The second watch will be coming down soon, and when they relieve you, you can return to your barracks, or stay if you wish.”
“Right.” The happiness and excitement was still shining in her eyes.
“But for now, back to your post!” She flipped him a salute and a cheeky grin when he automatically snapped to attention. The swirling crowd pulled her away again, and he ducked past several dancers already enthusiastically throwing themselves into the rhythm to return to the command center.
“Not bad, huh,” Hiethum greeted him.
“Not bad at all,” Damuron agreed.
The next hour passed in a blur, and when the second watch came in to dismiss them, Damuron greeted them with relief. He could barely believe it, but he was thinking of his bunk with barely contained longing, the excitement of the revelers having worn him near through.
The dancers in the square had given up their more studied dances, and were now simply spinning and jumping as the rhythm moved them. Weaving through them was a chain of people all holding arms and laughing as they pulled themselves along. Damuron’s steps faltered as he caught sight of a familiar length of hair and blue uniform jacket slide by in the line. Casey’s face was lit with happiness as the people embraced her and made her part of their dance, and he could only stand and watch as the tail end of the line whipped around and caught up Hiethum in its length. He thought he spotted several other members of the platoon being pulled along as well, Samaras and Gaiman locked at the elbows between the old granny that had offered Damuron food earlier and a younger man who barely looked old enough to be awake so late, the two who had manned the medical station further up, another two or three familiar faces flashing by as they wound their way around the square.
Damuron stood at the edge, and watched them dance for a long while before his feet eventually lead him away.
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behardonyourself · 5 years
My Ironman Training and Nutrition
As I have mentioned numerous times here on this blog and in my social media profiles, I am training for a full Ironman 140.6 in November, and I am doing so on a plant powered diet.  Recently, I have been asked quite a bit about what that entails and what does a typical day look like for me.  I am going to set up a full training log that’ll be easy to navigate, but here I am going to lay out my outline, strategy, and mindset.
First, a little background about me.  Like many, I have a family:  My elementary school teacher wife, coach, and therapist Lisa, my 14 year old son Peyton, and my 9 month old daughter Ava.  In June, it was only me and Lisa and our pets, Knox (coon dog that barks entirely too much) and Izzy (Juliana piglet that thinks he is a human).  Ava was born in July.  Of course, adding an infant to the mix drastically changes any family.  Peyton came to live with us full time in October.  So our empty nest became a full nest seemingly overnight.
Of course, I have the challenges that any parent has:  Get Kid A to Point B at Time C.  Make sure homework is done, kids are fed and bathed, the animals are walked, the house is taken care of, bills are paid, etc.
I also have a very rewarding, yet very demanding career.  I am in new homes sales here in the DFW.  My schedule is very demanding, requiring me to work 8 hour days a couple of days during the week, a 10-12 hour day on Thursday for training, and a minimum of 25-30 hours on the weekend, every weekend.  Similar to most retail jobs.  I am also involved in the mortgage and financing portion of the job, and assisting clients with becoming ready to buy a new home.  Even if I’m not at work, I’m typically doing something work-related.  I am typically REQUIRED to be at the office 55-60 hours per week and spend another 4-6 hours per week when I’m “off” meeting clients for loan applications, closings, or on the phone providing whatever service they need.
I give you my background NOT to have a pissing contest with people that do more or less than I do, but to make a simple point:  THIS IS LIFE.  On the surface, TIME is not easy to come by.  But training and reaching the goal of becoming an Ironman is a top priority to me, so I don’t look for time:  I make time.
Sometimes I wake up at 3:30am for a run or a ride on the Peloton or to hit the rower.  
Sometimes I get in a session at 6pm.  
It isn’t the perfect “routine” that so many people strive for - but it is what it takes for me to get what I need to do done.
A few questions that I probably should answer now.
First:  What the fuck IS an Ironman 140.6?
An Ironman 140.6 is a Triathlon that consists of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride and a 26.2 mile run (a full marathon) which equals 140.6 miles.  They are completed in that order, consecutively, with little to no break in between.  Competitors have 17 hours to complete the race with cut-offs for each of the 3 events during the race.
What is a plant powered diet?
Plant powered is exactly what it sounds like.  In short, I don’t eat foods that come from animal products.  This includes all meat, seafood, and dairy.  Initially, I shifted to being plant powered because I just felt better.  I’ve never felt like I could perform optimally on a typical bodybuilder style diet, and the immediate improvements that I felt completely sold me on this lifestyle.  
In short, I eat what would be considered a “Vegan” diet.  I don’t like that label for a few reasons, but I’m not going to get into that here.  I do know that a lot of people think of vegans as scrawny, spindly types and I am obviously not that.  In fact, more and more pro athletes are shifting to this style of nutrition and are able to maintain (and even increase) lean body mass without issues.
Hell, I’m still a bad ass and have a lot more muscle than those guys chugging down protein shakes, slamming steaks and consuming 1g-1.5g of protein per pound of bodyweight.  I’m just able to run a lot further than they are...
But how do you get your protein?
The same way a motherfucking silverback gorilla gets his - by eating fucking plants!  Beans, seeds, nuts, veggies, grains - they provide more than enough readily absorbed and useful protein to provide us with what we need to fuel and recover.
What is your training program?
Unless you are planning to compete in an Ironman, my training should not matter to you.  I do a lot of shit.  Although I hadn’t done much in the previous 5 years, I had 20 plus years of training experience prior to that and thankfully, my body quickly remembered life before I became a fat ass.  Yes, I lost 60lbs in under 4 months.  But if you are untrained and looking to mimic what I did/do, you may fucking die or get seriously injured.
With that being said, my training is very specific.  To become a better runner, one must run.  To become a better swimmer, you gotta swim.  To become a better cyclist, you have to put the bike miles in.
In October, running 1/2 mile almost killed me.  I own a Peloton and had ridden it frequently (even fat and drinking every day), but I had never been on a good road bike.  I hadn’t swam a meaningful lap since Air Force Pararescue training in 1995.  Needless to say, I was starting from ground zero.  Hell, I was in the basement.
One important thing to realize is the actual breakdown of the Ironman.  The water is about 10%, the bike about 50%, and the run is about 40% of the race.  Now, we obviously need to focus on our weaknesses.  If I can’t swim 1/4 of a mile without drowning, nothing else matters.  So there is a minimal level of competence required.  But I do focus a lot on the bike, because a) I have a Peloton in my home and it allows me to get miles no matter the weather, my schedule, etc. and b) the bike is the lion-share of the race, c) cycling is low impact and tends to help me increase training volume without increasing injury risk while also facilitating recovery and d) I am actually not terrible in the water or as a runner.
My training typically runs about 15-25 hours per week.  Yes, that is a lot.  I view my training cycle as a two week breakdown vs one week, because that gives me a better picture for assessing where I am at and how I am doing.  I mix in a couple of “accessory” training days to focus on overall strength (resistance training), variety (I love the row machine), core, etc.  Here is a typical training breakdown for me.  
Know that I walk my dog nightly (1-2 miles) and sometimes do that weighted with 65-75lbs of weight.  My days off change every week, so I’m listing everything by Days 1-14.  Days 6-7 and 13-14 are weekends (since those never change) and days 4 and 11 are Thursdays, which also never change.  The other days may change depending on what time I have to work or get off, but my Thurs, Sat, Suns are fairly consistent.  These are days I’m typically up at 4am. 
Current Benchmarks: Last week I ran 20.2 miles right at a 10 min per mile clip.  I was fine and could’ve run 20 more miles, but my goal was 20.  
My swims are usually 1200-2000 yards.  I am not swimming until complete fatigue, just staying comfortable in the water and focusing on technique.  Once it warms up a bit, I will be swimming in open water at Lake Ray Roberts.
I feel that I am becoming a very good cyclist.  100 mile days don’t hurt me much.  
Day 1 Light Peloton (20-30 minutes, hr +-115) Long ride (Currently 40-50 miles)  Short run (1-2 miles) Intensity is low here (10 min mile) Yoga/Stretching (30-90 minutes)
Day 2 Moderate Peloton (40-60 minutes, hr +-140) Swim (1250-1500 yards) Resistance Training (full body) Optional short run Yoga/Stretching
Day 3 Light Peloton Long Run (8-20 miles, 10 min miles, hr < 140) Yoga Stretching
Day 4 Long Peloton 60 min+ (hr depending upon how I feel post-run) Yoga Stretch Optional swim
Day 5 Light Peloton Medium Ride (20-30 miles) Short run (6 min miles, 1-3 miles) Stretch/Yoga
Day 6 Medium Peloton ride (45-60) Resistance Training + Rower (20ish minutes) + Core work Optional Short run (10 min mile pace) or Hill runs Yoga/Stretch
Day 7 (Active Recovery Day) Medium Peloton Ride Yoga Stretch
Day 8 Light Peloton Bike ride (20-50 miles) Optional short run (inversely intense based on the ride - short ride, hard run, long ride, slow run) Stretch/Yoga
Day 9 Medium Peloton Resistance Training + rower Short Slow run Yoga/Stretch
Day 10 Light Peloton Long Run (8+ miles) Yoga/Stretch
Day 11 Long Peloton Short Slow run Yoga Stretch
Day 12 Swim Med-Long Cycle Yoga Stretch
Day 13-14 (repeat Days 6-7, may throw a moderate run in on Day 13 if I’m feeling it).
A couple of notes: -I do yoga and stretch every single day, a minimum of 30 minutes per day.  Sometimes my stretch sessions are over an hour.  Sometimes, I stretch 2-3 times per day.  Nothing affects my recovery more than my stretching - if I skimp, I feel it in my hips and legs.  
-90% of my showers are ice cold.  
-I sleep at least 7 hours per night
-I monitor and chart my resting heart rate, my sleeping heart rate, and my body temperature as an indicator of how well I am recovering.  (That is a lengthy post in itself).  
Once I start logging the actual training, the above schedule should make a bit more sense to you.  For those that think they could never do an Ironman, well, you can if you decide to.  It’s 100% between your ears and has little to do with the current condition your body is in.  
One bit of advice I’d give is to find something, pay for it, and start fucking training for it right now.  My initial catalyst was a simple 3.5 mile obstacle course race on June 22.  I didn���t want to die doing it, and I talked a bunch of friends into doing it with me, including my son Peyton.  Once I started training (not actually doing the races, simply fucking training for them) and seeing how I was progressing, I simply said “fuck it” and got the bug.  Just the fucking IDEA of doing something new changed my entire life’s trajectory.  That is all it took.  
Now my race schedule is: -June 22 - 3.5 mile OCR Texas Stadium, Arlington, TX -Aug 10 - 8.5 mile OCR Boston, MA -Oct 22 - 50k OCR (yeah, 50k motherfucker) Dallas, TX (this race will complete my Spartan Race Trifecta) -Nov 24 - Ironman Tempe, AZ
Is it smart to run a 50k a month out of Ironman?  Probably not.  I don’t know, and I don’t really give a shit.  I do know that when I put my credit card down for each of these events I was scared to fucking death and at that time I had no idea how in the fuck I’d ever be ready.  That was before I had remembered that I am not a pussy and I am one bad motherfucker, just like you are.  So stop being a pussy - it is holding you back more than you’ll know.
0 notes
national general life insurance
"national general life insurance
national general life insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Best insurance company for a 16 year old driving a v6 or v8 camaro?
my thought is that while a v6 camaro might be reasonable to insure a 16 year old driver with, the v8 wouldbe some unuearthly figure in the 8 digits. i know its based on SO many things, but im just asking if anyone has a HUNCH about what insurance company is the best/cheapest for a teen driving a camaro? assume its a v8, ad it cant get any worse if it ended up being a v6, if you know what i mean. btw dont say american faimily. they wont even insure a person with less than 5 years driving experience driving a v8 camaro AT ALL, let alone at a huge rate. finally, do you think there is any way on earth for insurance for a 16year old driving a (2000 lets just say for example) camaro v8? including all the little bonuses like good grades, clean record, etc. all of which i have. thanks so much for your answers! they REALLY help!""
Full Coverage Insurance Alaska?
Hey, I'm just wondering what the minimums are for full coverage required by a lender in the State of Alaska, lookin to finance a 2007 prius 45k. Thanks :)""
Where do i apply for free state insurance in the state of Georgia?
i dont have health insurance and cant afford insurance
Is home insurance quote negotiable?
Just got a new quote on home owner insurance. It is slightly better than my last insurance company, but not by much. Is this quote negotiable? Or it is what it is, take it or leave it?""
Oklahoma insurance help..?
I'm 21 years old and i don't have any insurance, haven't since my mums stopped covering me. I'm not working right now, i had a job for awhile, but had to quit cuz i had to call sick too often due to horrid migraine headaches. I really need to find some insurance of some kind because i see to goto a doctor for a few different health concerns. Does anyone know where i can find some affordable insurance? I don't even know where to begin looking or what to look for. How much should i expect to be spending? Or would i qualify for some form of state insurance if I'm not working?""
""Why don,t we have the auto industry make a car that won,t exceed the speed limit and not start?""
if driveris impared, reducing insurance, heath, saftey and legal cost
Need affordable heath insurance in NJ?
I'm trying to find a health insurance plan for me and my fiance. I currently do not have health insurance but I am on Birth Control for cyst prevention and it runs 90$ a month. My fiance will be expunged from his parent's plan in October when we are married. I am a nanny and he is a personal trainer and tennis instructor, both jobs do not offer plans since he is not considered fulltime. I went to ehealthinsurance.com for a quote and the lowest is 375 with a steep deductible and limited coverage. We are also both fulltime college students so we are not able to pay much along with our other living expenses. Does anyone know of anyway of getting low cost insurance? I looked into family care etc, but unless I'm pregnant or have children, I wont be covered. I'm at a catch 22....we really want kids but not without being stable first...so either I pay for birth control or health insurance for prenatal and maternity (ha ha ha) I'm getting a bit frustrated here...Will definitely chose a best answer and thanks for reading this :)""
Looking to get auto insurance... should i get life insurance ?
My brother told me to check out http://quck-insurance-quote.com is this a good site to shop around for auto insurance and life insurance, I drive fast and don't want my girlfriend to have nothing if I die.""
Ne 1 know a cheap 4x4 insurance company?
Ne 1 know a cheap 4x4 insurance company?
Does taking DUI class help reduce insurance rate?
I'm working on getting a driver license and wondering whether my prospective insurance rate will be lowered (even just a tad) if I take some DUI classes. I'm 19 and abiding in Georgia.
Got into an accident will my insurance cover repairs or not?
I got into an accident today. No other car was involved. I lost control of my car and it spun twice and hit the side of the interstate. The officer didn't write me a ticket and marked it as an incident not an accident. I told him my windows fogged up and I hit a puddle of water. Im covered under full insurance. Will all costs be covered? How much do you think my insurance will go up?
What is the importance of Health care insurance?
Let me know what is the importance of Health care insurance in any individual life and best Health care insurance companies in India?
""Of the different types of Life Insurance, Which is the best & why?""
Of the different types of Life Insurance, Which is the best & why?""
Cheap car insurance in CA?
I'm 19 and am looking to buy a 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) and am wondering what the cheapest insurance would be? Personal experience?
What happens when your employment insurance ends?
i am receiving regular benefits at the moment because i got laid-off but i want to know what happens when it ends..can i still apply for another one since i submitted only one record of employment to service Ontario but i have records of employment from my previous work can i use that one to claim another?
What kind of car insurance do i need?
hello there,i'm a plumber,i have 7 year no cliam on my vans insurance,till now coz i was goin every where with my van i didn't needed a car,now with new baby we won't be able to go every where with my van so i had to buy a new car,because i won't have any no claim on my car the insurance is sky high....i'm sure i'm missing something in here,i can't drive my van and my car at the same time so why i can't use my no claim on my car too,surely i'm the driver didn't have the accident on these7 years not the cars so why my insurance got to be so high....any idea what can i do about it? thank you so much for your time...take care and all the best""
What zip code in the U.S. has the cheapest auto insurance?
I want to know what area of the country recieves the cheapest auto insurance?
I want to insure my car for only 4 months?
Can I do this and if so how? and what is the cheapest way? I used to be with Direct Line but canceled it when I went to Uni. Now I want my car back on the road but only for the summer holidays. Any company suggestions and how much it would cost would be great, its an M reg ford fiesta and im 19 if that makes any difference. Please help, Thanks :-)""
Average living costs for a UK 16 year old girl on the following things?
Ok, I'm planning to move out at the age of 16 and go study at collage in Poole 3 day's a week and also have a few job's on the go to! I'm looking at roughly the living costs (Rent, food, Car or transport, Car Insurance, TV Licence and Internet Bills ect.) Website links would be brilliant and any advice would also help! Also If I could get any help financially by the government for paying the rent as i won't be earning much, about 7,000 a year? Many thank yous in advance :) I'm figuring the earlier i start budgeting, the better""
Question about Car Insurance?
At the moment i have a G2 lisence. If i get my full G lisence will my insurance be less?
What is long term care insurance?
Please help me with this one. My parents are in badly need of assistance. I found this reliable website http://www.infolongtermcare.org/what-is-long-term-care. However, I need more help as much as possible.""
How much would it cost for a citation with no insurance in Texas ?
How much would it cost for a citation with no insurance in Texas ?
Does the smart roadster have cheap insurance for teenagers/young drivers?
Is it under 3000 Because I might get one next year I'm 16
IN california, how much cheaper is girls insurance from guys? Also, If I have a C average for my grades, can I get a discount?""
How can I get my medications without insurance in California?
I've been taking Citalophram (Celexa) daily and Alprazolam (Xanax) as needed for the past 5 years. They've truly helped me with my depression, social anxiety, and even bipolarity believe it or not. I lost my job in February of this year and so far have been unable to find work for myself. I've been trying so hard to find work but unfortunately, i haven't had much luck at all. My medications are running out and I'm completely broke. Where can I get assistance in securing my medications? I'm afraid I'll hurt myself once I run out of both meds. I am in California. Anyone know of any places and/or public assistance agencies that can help me out?""
national general life insurance
national general life insurance
Will my insurance go up if i get a speeding ticket?
i was going 95 im 18 ive been in two accidents its not my car and im on my parents insurance but i do not want my parents to find out i just wanna pay it and be done with it and do you know about around how much it would be?
Will this affect my auto insurance rate?
I accidentally hit a poll, no one was injured. Only damage to my front bumper. I went to a body shop and the estimate is ~$2000. My deductible is $500. Should I go through my insurance or just pay it out of pocket? Will a claim automatically make my insurance go up? I am a 29 y/o married male with a clean driving record.""
For a 19 yr old what is the best and cheap insurance in los Angeles?
I live in los angeles and the car insurance companies wants me to pay 300.00 dollars every month and thats to much for me.
If I have broad form insurance can another insured person drive my car?
If i have broad form insurance while another party has average car insurance, would they be insured in my car?""
Classic car insurance?
I'm a young driver, no previous accidents, honor student, plan on driving something close to, if not exactly, a 1965 Type 2 Volkswagen Bus and can't find much information on insurance. I've queried my insurance agent, but I'm a bit impatient for results, haha, and also I'd like to see what other people with classic cars have done about this dilemma. :) Thanks for reading.""
How can I get a fair replacement cost by the auto insurance company when my car is totoaled?
my car is being paid off by the other person's insurance company, not mine.""
Car Insurance Question- KY?
What are the rules with car insurance? I know if you are under the age of 25 the price is ridiculous. So obvioulsly you get the insurance under someone (your parents, other family, etc). Now to get insurance, does the car title have to be in that same persons name who is getting the insurance? Anyone know how to get cheaper insurance? Just wondering if anyone has any advice...""
Is this what health insurance companies and Conservatives think about people with preexisting conditions?
How much did you pay for auto insurance at 18?
I know that it differs depending on where you live, but i just wanted to get a general idea of how much it would be per month. I'm not gonna be under my parent's insurance policy either. so i know that's going to get pretty expensive. Also, i have a 4 door sedan type car. thanks!""
Will I receive confirmation my insurance covers it?
I'm 19 and currently living at home with my parents and I am trying to keep this medical problem a secret and I found out that my insurance will cover the mini procedure. My parents keep track of the health insurance, however I have all my information. Will my parents get something in the mail saying my insurance is covering this, or will they never find out? Thanks.""
Is my car insurance still valid?
My partner has been banned from driving, he is the first named driver on my car insurance and I am the second driver. Am I still insured to drive my car?""
Can i buy my car back of an insurance company and get the damaged repaired myself ?
Hello last Tuesday someone banged into the back of my car and left a big dent with paint coming off. There is not much damaged but the insurance companies evaluators said that he will have to cut it out and replace it and im afraid they will write the car off due to the cost. if this happens can i buy the car back of the insurance company ? and also i have been told if i buy the car back i have to take up to Birmingham to reregister it ? is their any truth in this ?. My cousin said he could knock the dent out if i buy it back. Please please help :)
Need help to get the cheapest car insurance possible for a 17 year old?
I just turned 17 and I am gutted because I have had to hold off on my driving lessons as I have the money for the lessons and the car but the insurance is WAAAAY too expensive. for cars like a ford KA or a smart car the insurance is between 3500 and 5000! is there anyway to lower this? how much would it go down by if i went on a family members insurance etc. please help. what kind of car will have low insurance.
Rough estimate for Car Insurance Cost For Second Year?
Hi peeps. I Have a question about car insurance. I am basically looking for qualified guesses from people who have previous experience with this sort of thing. I am a first year driver. Im 21 and i passed my test in early August and was driving straight away because i had bought my car the month before hand. The car i own is a 1.4 Ford Fiesta Zetec 2002. I paid around 1250 for the year for insurance and i did it through Quinn Direct. My question is, does anybody know a rough figure of what it might be next year baring in mind i have never claimed? I have tried running new quotes on comparison websites but they are based on new customers and all come out at around 1500 to 4000 If anyone has used this company or even another company and situation was similar could you please tell me the rough figure of what it was reduced to/from just so i can maybe have an idea of what to expect Any help is greatly appreciated. Cheers :)""
2 insurances? 2 deductibles?
If I have 2 insurances one has a 500 deductible and a 80/20 coverage and my x has an insurance that has a 750 deductible, does this mean we both have to pay each of our deductibles for our child? She is getting a MRI, what happens, will my insurance make us pay the first 500, then the 20 percent.. Then does the remainder go to her secondary insurance, then the first 750 comes off top of the balance again?""
Was Obama's health care/college system comparison valid?
Tonight President Obama compared the public health care option to the public system of Universities and colleges. He said the public option will work the same way public colleges and Universities without inhibiting a vibrant system of private colleges and Universities. This is a fool's argument and a total apples to oranges comparison. Let me explain, first almost all private universities receive funding from the federal government. The federal government is not going to provide funding for private insurance. The second reason is it's common knowledge that the best Universities in the U.S. are private schools such as Duke, Stanford, and the Ivy League. These universities fill most of the highest paying jobs in the country. Some jobs even go as far as to require a degree from one of these schools (Stock Brokers on NYC Stock Exchange.) These highly paid graduates can donate larger amounts of money back to their respective colleges than the average Joe who graduated from a generic state funded university. No one is going to donate money to the private insurance companies. We can't even get all the people who qualify for insurance to sign up and that's the problem! Look, I have no way of knowing whether the public option will work or won't but when faulty logic is used to support it I become concerned. When most of the people supporting the public option are from California (a state where the middle class is few and far between) I become more concerned. When most of the Senators and Representatives who support the public option say they would prefer the U.S. had a single payer system (that's total government control of health care if you didn't know) I become very concerned. The reality is no one knows what the effects of public option will be. Also, the success of FedEx is not any proof that public option won't hurt private companies because an independent council regulates the mail industry. No independent council is mentioned in any of the plans in the House or Senate. yes or no""
Do i need to have insurance if i don't use a car?
Please tell me - do i need to have insurance when i don't use a car? I'm buying car next week but after that i'm going abroad for a month and nobody will use this car. I would like to know if i can keep car in garage for this time without insurance and buy when i go back? Maybe its comuplsory to have insurance for all time when i'm cars owner?
I need infon about various product/plans available in life insurance?
what are the various products in life insurance available, please do let me know now , it is a request""
Can you rate these cars on insurance coasts?
I was looking at buying a car. I have selected a few cars that I was interested in buying, but I don't know the coasts of car insurance. Can you give me a price range or tell me terrible, bad, average, good, great. If you can give me a price range that would be great and thanks for the help. The cars are 2005 Nissan 350Z Coupe, 2006 Hyundai Tiburon SE, 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer ES, 2006 Audi a4, 2000 Hyundai Tiburon, 2002 Audi TT, 2004 Mazda RX-8, and 2010 Toyota Corolla.""
""Looking for health insurance, not a discount plan?
I have MS and have not been able to find real health insurance. My state health pool will cover me but at $1300/mo. I've heard from a lot of discount plans and indemnity providers but am afraid of these. Any one out there have any ideas? Thanks!
I'm looking for low cost health insurance in california?
I'm looking for low cost health insurance in california?
Antique car insurance?
I have read about cheaper insurance on classic cars, but you can only have it if you occasionally drive it. Is it possible to have that insurance on a classic car (1970`s) and use it as a daily vehicle? Is there some kind of loophole or something? Thank you in advance. Sorry for my english.""
Health insurance for an immigrant who's over 65?
My parents and I are thinking about bringing my grandmother to the U.S. but we are worried about health insurance. My grandmother is 87 years old and has many medical conditions so we need to get her something that would cover the medical expenses. She will be an immigrant because she doesn't have U.S. citizenship or green card, and she has never worked in this country. Since she is over 65 years old, she cannot get a health insurance, but I am hoping that she can get something that is similar to Medicare, Medi-Cal, or Medicaid. I know that Medicare is for people who is either a citizen or permanent resident and who has worked least 10 years in Medicare-covered employment. Is there anything that my grandmother could be eligible for medical health plan or insurance although she is an immigrant, over 65 years of age, and never worked in the U.S.? Any advice or suggestion would be much appreciated.""
Should i use life insurance or annuity or retirement?
my wife has a non qualified annuity @ 3% fixed rate. my question is on her renewel medicaid application should i use annuity-retirement or life insurance policy. thanks for any help & may GOD bless.
Student health insurance?
I recently got acceptance from California State University,Fullerton for my master degree and i need to have a health insurace to enroll for classes. Medical benefit is at least US 250.000$ per condition The medical evacuation benefit is at least 10.000$ The repatriation benefit is at least 7500$ What is the cheapest company supplying this conditions for cheap?""
national general life insurance
national general life insurance
Why do rich people buy health insurance?
like billionaires, why would they but health insurance? it is not like they cant afford the medical bill.""
What is the best UK car insurance for me to get?
Ok, i'm a little confused here. Basically my insurance expires in a few days and i'm coming up to 4 years no claims. I've never protected these claims (obviously as you cannot protect less than four years) and on my renewal i've come to a dilemma; 1) I have got a fairly cheap quote which includes courtesy car, legal cover and windscreen cover (this is cheaper offer but doesn't offer protected no claims). or 2) courtesy car, protected no claims and windscreen cover (this is a little more expensive but doesn't have legal cover). Now my question is (since I don't know much about car insurance, i just know its a law), how important is legal cover? i'm assuming its very important but for the last four years i've never had any claims or been in any accidents, and i really want to start protecting my claims since my car is kind of old now and i'm worried about losing the last 4 years, any tips or advice? oh this is on comprehensive by the way. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.""
Which is the best Home Loan insurance?
Hi, i have taken Home loan of Rs. 10 Lac from HDFC. and want to protect my loan through insurance. can any body tell me that , which is the best home loan insurance plan or policy. HDFC recommend to me its own HDFC ERGO for home loan. is it best for me or any ohter option to chosse me. Please advice. LK Sharma""
How much would car insurance cost for me? roughly?
Right, im going to be driving before christmas and i was just wondering, instead of going through all the fiff faff of looking on the internet for a quote. I was just curious, from a very rough idea how much it would cost per year to insure me. Il be a 20 year old guy by the time i pass my test.never driven before. first time on the road.""
Can An unlicensed person buy auto insurance for their car and have other drivers?
My husband owns a car but has no drivers license at this time. He wants to insure his car and have friends drive. Is this possible?
Good Student Discount for Car Insurance?
I am a Senior in highschool living in california and my parents are trying to get me car insurance this week, however i dont know which GPA matters. Last year for my junior year i recieved a 3.8gpa and this year i have a 3.4. Am i supposed to show my cumulative gpa or one of these semester report cards?""
What would the minimal insurance be on a 2000 dodge dakota sport club cab 4x4?
For under insurance with a g1 driver ?
Where can I find a comparative listing for auto insurance rates?
Where can I find a comparative listing for auto insurance rates?
Car Insurance increased? what to do next?
My car insurance company had increase my insurance by 2 folds (103%) increase. I contacted the company, enquired about this increase. But they said they cant do anything about it, If I want I can raise this with the customer service chief and chief executive. I wrote them a letter stating it was ridiculous amount of money, they asking me to pay. Also clearly brought to their notice, that I have a clean history, no claim, paid insurance on time, no accidents, and I have no claim discount of 7 years in total. The companies chief executive has replied me in a letter stating, unfortunately, the post code where is stay is subjected to recent increase and personal injury claims from post code area has gone up. So nothing he could do. But I replied him saying, I lived in the same place for more than 5 years. But still no good. Regards to this, I email Watch Dog, explaining the same a month ago. Still no reply or correspondence from them. Now I am stuck, I do not what to do. Honestly, I only brought this care for 500 in very good condition and it is still the same. But my insurance is more twice the value of my car. Please somebody tell , what can I do next. This is really ridiculous amount and unacceptable whatsoever. Thanks in advance.""
How much is a sr22 with car insurance for a first offense dui?
Don't bother answering if your just going to tell or give me websites to get a quote on. I want to know if anyone else has had to get a sr22 for first offense dui and how much it cost them or an estimation.
Can I get my own car insurance policy with State Farm and still be covered on my parent's policy?
I have been on my parents' car insurance for a few years. I have a car that is covered by their policy, but I just bought another car (I still have my old one) and I need insurance. Can I get my own policy with State Farm, or do I have to bundle it with my parents' current policy? Will that be cheaper?""
Is it legal for a car insurance company to do this?
I was in a no-fault wreck on Christmas Eve(slid into two cars on ice). The damages were about $3500 to my car. A buff job for the first car, and a chrome polish on the bumper of the old truck. They are not worried about making an insurance claim. There are not enough damages. First off, my car is fully insured with Progressive on my mother-in-laws insurance. The car is in mine and my spouse's name. I am not on the insurance because it was not allowing my mother-in-law to add me. It kept giving her an error. She was however able to add my spouse. I received a call on Saturday from a claims specialist. They told me that because I am not on the insurance, they may not cover the repairs. They are looking into whether or not she in fact did try to add me. If they can't find that she did try to add me, they said they will not cover it. Shouldn't they pay for it no matter what. Seeing how the car has comp. and collision? This is the first time I've had to deal with a claim on the insurance, so I really don't know anything about the process. I'm going in blindfolded. Everyone I've talked to has said that it doesn't matter who is driving it, if the car is insured, it's the insurance companies responsibility to cover the costs. It would be no different than you letting your neighbor borrow your car. Am I wrong??? If you have any comments or advice, please help me out. I need something to go off to work with them! Or more like against them. Thank you!""
Where can I get cheap kite insurance?
Here's the hypothetical situation. I'm flying my kite at the local park. Then someone's RC plane hits the kite line. The RC plane stalls and falls 100 feet, hitting a soccer player and killing him. Then my kite, which has been cut loose, hits the windshield of a car causing it to have a collision with a pedestrian... So, where can I get insurance to cover a situation like that?""
Car insurance price? ?
I am nearly 16 and looking at cars. I was wondering what a ballpark cost would be for me to get a 2000 to 2002 mustang GT. I know the V8 will make it more. I will be 16, a boy, I have a 3.5 GPA.""
Idea of what monthly insurance rates are for new drivers?
I am a new driver and would like an idea of insurance rates for new drivers, I know its high. i live in Connecticut and so far Ive been told AAA is the cheapest for new drivers. Also would i pay more if i drive and SUV rather than a car Any advice on how i can pay at least a reasonable amount monthly?""
Car insurance question?
Ive got a younger brother who's 16 years old, newly licensed, had his drivers license for about 4-6 months... he's buying a car soon but he's paranoid of what the insurance will be! Its going to be a used car with a lot of miles (90-130K) and he'll spend no more than $4,000 on the vehicle. I know there are discounts for good grades, he has a GPA of 4.2 Advice? How much will it be per month, AND what provider is best? Thanks!""
Car insurance?
Are there any cars which are very cheap to insure? I have at several but insurance is still quite high, how do i know which will be lower than others?""
Why are my car insurance quotes so high for male 17 (UK)?
i have looked on a couple of comparison websites (compare the market, go compare, confused) and have found that the cheapest for provisional licence is 900 from collingwood, but then when i change to full licence the cheapest is 3000 from ecar. none of my friends have to pay this much for a full licence and some of them even hae better cars than me. i am trying to insure a clio campus 2002 1.2""
Can you be insured under the car's insurance if you don't have insurance for yourself?
What i mean is... If the car (like say your parents, or friends) you are driving has full coverage insurance on it, but you do not have auto insurance in your name whatsoever. What would happen if you hit someone. Would it file under car owner's insurance? No matter what, im assuming both the car (obviously) and the driver (ALL drivers) need auto insurance in their name? Or can you drive w/o insurance if the car has full coverage? Thanks! Just want proof before i prove someone wrong :P""
""Can I be added to my moms auto insurance, and drive my own car?""
Is that possible be added to my moms auto insurance, and drive my own car?""
New jersey car insurance do I need drivers license? I have a new york drivers license buy car insurance for Ny?
New jersey car insurance do I need drivers license? I have a new york drivers license buy car insurance for Ny is the highest ever.My sister lives in Nj is it possible I can use his address to get cheaper Car insurance...Or do I need a new jersey drivers license as well??
I sorta blew up my car would my warranty or insurance cover it?
Well u see my friend and I took my 2010 Prius up to the far reaches of canada to go ice fishing, the locals told us they used dynamite all the time so we didn't think much of it, anyway... We sorta had an accident with the dynamite and blew up the car(thankfully no one was hurt) but anyway, would my insurance(allstate) or my warranty cover it?""
The cost of a 125CC motorbike? Tests? Gear? Running costs?
Ok, so here it is. I know a bit about cars and I can drive one - I have a Peugeot 205. I know nothing about bikes! A freind of mine recently bought a 125CC Yamaha bike for 600 and did his CBT, his insurance is 200! So I was thinking about taking a 125CC bike crash course or getting a CBT certificate. Which is better to do? What costs are there involved? I was thinking about getting a twist and go bike (although I have had a go on a manual geared one and found it to be ok).""
What are the best supplemental insurance companies?
I am looking for quality, honest supplemental insurance companies. I am looking for a company who has good customer service and good products. A company who does the right thing and treats their policyholders well.""
Insurance rates were lower in california - for car?
i always have a california car insurance and see that it is always lower when compared to other states.. why is that.. on the other hand,i have always heard that car gettting stolen is highest in californiaso so i guess the insurance premium should be higher then why""
national general life insurance
national general life insurance
""Changing insurance companies have active claim with old one, what happens?""
I have a claim with my current insurance company, waiting to get the deductible don't have it handy. But I found I can get a better rate with a different insurance company. What happens if I change companies before I get my car fixed? Does the insurance company still have to pay when I get it fixed since it happened when I was covered by them. Or do they not have to pay it since I'm no longer covered by them?""
""Auto rate quotes, lower credit score?""
So does anyone know if obtaining a rate quote for your auto insurance or obtaining a rate quote on auto loans will lower your credit score? Im in the market for buying a new car and i was hoping to obtain as many quotes as possible to see my options. Do they actually run your credit or do they just take the information you give them and provide an estimate? Any assistance would be helpful, thanks!""
Where to get Individual Health Insurance Quotes online?
Whats a good site for cheap health insurance quotes?
I'm looking for low cost health insurance in california?
I'm looking for low cost health insurance in california?
Insurance on parents car.....?
If I get my permit next week, how can I drive it if I don't have my name under the insurance for the car?""
How much does scooter insurance cost in Ontario?
Hello all, I am buying Vespa LX 150ie soon (it has a 150cc engine with a top speed of 95 km/h) and would like to know how much insurance costs in Ontario. I am 18 years old, single, male, and have my M1, and most likely my M2 soon. Let me know if you have any info.""
How can i get my car insurance down i am 19 and i cant seem to get it cheaper then four grand?
i have a 1ltr vauxhall corsa club it is group 1 insurance i have no driving offenses point or illnesses the car has no modification and it is still 4000 pound and that was for a 10 month policy 395 a month will something like 400 deposit its just unfordable
Should my insurance really be 1950 on a 1.1 peagout 106 at the age of 18?
hello, should my insurance really be 1950 on a 1.1 peagout 106 at the age of 18 for third pary, fire and and theft, this really seems steap for a 1.1 litre, its not modified or been changed in any way or form, please help me get it cheaper lol""
Car Insurance?
I just need some really cheap auto insurance for the next 6 months...... The cheapest I've found is ESurance but I've heard that they're known to drop you for absolutely no reason? I don't care about the whole they take forever to get back to you and stuff I just don't wanna randomly be dropped, being that it's only for 6 months....... anyone know anything about esurance? Thanks:)""
Buying Car - Insurance Question?
I'm buying a Z-28 Camaro, and I have encountered a problem. I was told when I register it (which I have to apparently) that I have to insure it. I plan on leaving the car just setting in my yard. Yes it runs perfectly, but I can't afford gas for it or insurance at the time. 1) Do I legally have to register it 2) How long do I have to register it 3) Does it HAVE to be insured 4) If yes to 3, what's the cheapest insurance I can get and about how much is it. I don't care what it covers. I don't know if the state makes a difference but I live in Michigan. Thanks A Million""
Car insurance renewal quote question?
I hit a car in front last yr which i believe was not my fault. i didn't pay my excess as i had no damage on my car. however she said they was damage on hers and she had hurt herself which i believe was rubbish however!! when filling my questions out on my insurance quote do i say i had a claim? as i didn't claim for damage she did and compo, i only lost my no claims. can anyone answer please?""
How much would car insurance cost me?
I am male 31 yr old, have 1 yr experience driving on a provisional license, how much would insurance cost me for a 99 fiat punto 1.2?? Also if its possible to pay it monthly or whats the best? Would appreciate any help.""
""Teenage male auto insurance, $150/month?""
I just got a quote for insurance on a car and it would come to like $906 for 6 months? Is that way too much? That is like $151 a month, while listed on my parents policy. When switched to my own policy itd go to $1400 for 6 months, I feel like that is a hell of a lot..""
I am looking for an affordable holiday abroad ?
can anyone reccommend any good web sites with exellent deals please as i have never been on holiday abroad and is there any extras like do you have to have travel insurance and is it affordable?thankyou
I recently moved to Brooklyn and I need to find affordable auto insurance for my car. Any suggestions?
I know car insurance in NY is expensive in general, but any suggestions would help!""
Non-owners policy auto insurance in NC?
im getting my license in january i will be a unnexpierenced driver but i cant afford a car right now can i get a non-owners policy in the state of nc?and drive my fiances car?
Which car might be more on insurance for teens: A 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 or 2006 Jeep Commander?
Which car might be more on insurance for teens: A 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 or 2006 Jeep Commander?
What is the best way to get an insurance company to pay you what a car is worth?
My son was rear ended at a high rate of speed. He was pushed 6 feet into the car in front of him. The guy had to really be moving when he hit my son. He was driving a 1999 Chevy Lumina LS. The blue book value according to NADA is $5000. It only had 78,000 miles on the car. No rust on the body and overall in excellent shape. The insurance company offered me $3600 for the car. I can NOT find a replacement car in that shape for that price...""
Unemployment insurance in california?
Last year I was unemployed. To make a long story short, i took a job and was there for less than 2 weeks. I was forced to pray, and listen to scripture that was muslim. I am very understanding in all religions, but do not practice myself. I was very uncomfortable and left. EDD decided that i left without cause and that i did not deserve insurance. they made me pay back what they paid me and 30% more. I did so even though I didn't agree. Now that I am laid off again, I filled out a claim and got a response saying that I was eligible, and they gave me the forms to fill out for the first two weeks, the standard claim forn. I filled it out, and now got back letters saying that i am not eligible for benefits until i have filed a claim for each of the 5 weeks in which i am otherwise eligible for benefits. I haven't received new claim forms. I am assuming that I will get these, and I will fill them out for 5 weeks, and then they will pay me? So I am looking for clarification, after claiming 5 weeks they will give me my benefits? Thanks for your help, to anyone that has gone through this. It is so unfair! I paid them so much, for something I felt I was justified doing, and now I am still being punished! I would rather be working and not have to worry about this, but it is so hard to find a job :( not a great holiday.""
Auto insurance wont pay for damages?
I was involved in a bumper to bumper accident(at fault) in a borrowed car(my fathers) here in California. Now i get a call from the insurance that they wont pay for damages to the other vehicle because im not in the policy. Im not excluded from the policy either. My father only has liability insurance. Does the insurance has to pay for damages by law?
Truck insurance question!!!!?
I'm 17 and I want to get a truck. Which one of these would be cheapest on insurance? A 1999 Chevy silverado or a 2004 Chevy colorado? Both four wheel drive(4x4) and 3 doors? 2 regular and 2 half doors. Both lifted. Thanks
Aprox how much will my insurance cost?
im going to be 16 in a few monthes and get my license then me and my parents are going to buy my first car. Ill be 16, a girl, and the car will be some cheap used car most likely.""
""In California, does my employer have to give health insurance if i am full time?""
In California, does my employer have to give health insurance if i am full time?""
Car insurance question?
If something happens to your car and it falls under comprehensive coverage, will your insurance premium go up after the incident?""
AA Home contents insurance?
Hello The AA Contents insurance seems good value What do you think.
national general life insurance
national general life insurance
0 notes
touristguidebuzz · 7 years
New App Offers Yacht-Sharing for $120 a Day
A still from a Float promotional video, highlighting the speed and ease of using the app. Float
Skift Take: Cruising is already one of the cheapest ways to travel, but this yacht rental startup could be giving cruises a run for their money.
— Sarah Enelow
Yachting the French Riviera carries connotations of Champagne-fueled deck parties, zipping around the turquoise sea on jet skis, and having a crew to spray your sun-dappled face with Evian mist — all for the bare-minimum price of $10,000 per week.
Until now, those without five- and six-figure budgets have had a hard time living the yacht life. Either you “know a guy” who can rent you a boat for the day, or you go through official channels with a charter agency. A few hours on a small catamaran in Cannes? It can run upwards of $1,000 after rounds of contract negotiations, commissions, and carbon-copied forms.
Or you can bypass the system and live out your booze-fueled seafaring dreams for a mere €99 ($117) per day.
That’s the promise behind Float, a disruptor that launched this past June in Monaco and St. Tropez — and that’s quickly expanding to other major seafaring markets. Think of it a bit like Airbnb. The accommodation site lets you rent a room in an apartment or the full apartment, depending on how much you’d like to splurge or save. So too does Float: It lets you book just one “seat” if you don’t have seven friends to defray the cost of a yacht charter, or you can gather a group of friends and buy out a sleek little cruiser. Take the former approach, though, and you may end up making new friends when you drop anchor for a swim.
How It Works
“We’re more like NetJets than a water taxi,” says Float co-founder Jean-Jacques Boude, drawing a comparison between his startup and the Berkshire Hathaway Inc.-owned pioneer for fractional private jet ownership, which took a hit during the recession but is stable and growing after 53 years of operation. Airbnb and Uber, he says, have also inspired his approach. “We sell day charters by the seat or by the cabins for a few days on board, all through a fully digital app,” he says. (The model compares best to NetJets’ jet card program, which lets you buy “flight hours” on an a la carte basis.)
Indeed, the service is more experiential than a water taxi. Though Float will shuttle you to a buzzy beach club in Pampelonne or La Mala for the day, the appeal is more about being on the water than getting from Point A to Point B. You sail, you clink glasses, you swim in the Med, maybe even go fishing or take out some jet skis. Eventually you make your way to the destination port for a few hours before turning back around to the place where you first started.
Booking takes two to three minutes, tops: You sign up on the app or website, pick your origin and destination, select the number of seats you want to book, and input your credit card. Moments later a boarding pass is sent to your Apple Wallet. No contracts, no surcharges, and no hidden costs. (That’s a distinguishing factor, says Boude, noting that traditional charter companies liberally pile on fuel and food charges during rounds of contract negotiations.)
The Experience
Despite the slimmed-down cost — which mostly cuts out overhead — you don’t get a particularly slimmed-down service. Ruinart Champagne and canapés are included, as well as a full crew. A concierge service will also book you dinner at the hot new restaurant of your choice, or help you bring a DJ on board for private dance parties.
But Float is still a small company, and its fleet follows suit. These aren’t megayachts in the vein of Azzam, the record-setting 591-footer owned by the Emir of Abu Dhabi. Currently, Float’s two vessels are of much humbler proportions — one clocks in at 49 feet (15 meters); the other at 59 feet (18 meters) — but the company is investing in larger motor yachts as it readies to launch in other global destinations. If all goes according to plan, Boude says, Float will be operating three ships in Miami by November; next year, he told Bloomberg, he’ll launch in Ibiza, Mykonos, and Corfu. By then, he expects to secure at least one 104-foot superyacht, which will offer overnight trips from Miami to the Bimini islands for $1,000 per person per night.
A Reasonable Ride
Sort of like Bolt Bus or MegaBus, Float is built on the principle of dynamic pricing: If demand is high, the €99 rates might climb. (Boude expects the prices to max out at €199, or $235.)
And that price point does imply certain limitations. While there’s hot food to go with those fabulous drinks, it’s preprepared and then heated by a basic onboard crew — you’re not splurging on a private chef. If you want to add an experience like jet skiing or fishing, that’s an extra cost.
“Most of our clients, about 90 percent, never eat on board anyway — they go to restaurants instead,” says Boude, adding that thus far the service has been especially popular with Formula One drivers such as Max Verstappen.
What remains to be seen is the size of Float’s margins, which may be the point of scrutiny as the startup enters its second round of funding. “This is a demanding business in terms of cash flow — we may be doing fundraising every three months,” Boude jokes. But he says the company’s wide appeal has investors knocking. “For people who have never been on a yacht or could never afford it, it will allow them to do that.”
  ©2017 Bloomberg L.P.
This article was written by Nikki Ekstein from Bloomberg and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to [email protected].
0 notes
rollinbrigittenv8 · 7 years
New App Offers Yacht-Sharing for $120 a Day
A still from a Float promotional video, highlighting the speed and ease of using the app. Float
Skift Take: Cruising is already one of the cheapest ways to travel, but this yacht rental startup could be giving cruises a run for their money.
— Sarah Enelow
Yachting the French Riviera carries connotations of Champagne-fueled deck parties, zipping around the turquoise sea on jet skis, and having a crew to spray your sun-dappled face with Evian mist — all for the bare-minimum price of $10,000 per week.
Until now, those without five- and six-figure budgets have had a hard time living the yacht life. Either you “know a guy” who can rent you a boat for the day, or you go through official channels with a charter agency. A few hours on a small catamaran in Cannes? It can run upwards of $1,000 after rounds of contract negotiations, commissions, and carbon-copied forms.
Or you can bypass the system and live out your booze-fueled seafaring dreams for a mere €99 ($117) per day.
That’s the promise behind Float, a disruptor that launched this past June in Monaco and St. Tropez — and that’s quickly expanding to other major seafaring markets. Think of it a bit like Airbnb. The accommodation site lets you rent a room in an apartment or the full apartment, depending on how much you’d like to splurge or save. So too does Float: It lets you book just one “seat” if you don’t have seven friends to defray the cost of a yacht charter, or you can gather a group of friends and buy out a sleek little cruiser. Take the former approach, though, and you may end up making new friends when you drop anchor for a swim.
How It Works
“We’re more like NetJets than a water taxi,” says Float co-founder Jean-Jacques Boude, drawing a comparison between his startup and the Berkshire Hathaway Inc.-owned pioneer for fractional private jet ownership, which took a hit during the recession but is stable and growing after 53 years of operation. Airbnb and Uber, he says, have also inspired his approach. “We sell day charters by the seat or by the cabins for a few days on board, all through a fully digital app,” he says. (The model compares best to NetJets’ jet card program, which lets you buy “flight hours” on an a la carte basis.)
Indeed, the service is more experiential than a water taxi. Though Float will shuttle you to a buzzy beach club in Pampelonne or La Mala for the day, the appeal is more about being on the water than getting from Point A to Point B. You sail, you clink glasses, you swim in the Med, maybe even go fishing or take out some jet skis. Eventually you make your way to the destination port for a few hours before turning back around to the place where you first started.
Booking takes two to three minutes, tops: You sign up on the app or website, pick your origin and destination, select the number of seats you want to book, and input your credit card. Moments later a boarding pass is sent to your Apple Wallet. No contracts, no surcharges, and no hidden costs. (That’s a distinguishing factor, says Boude, noting that traditional charter companies liberally pile on fuel and food charges during rounds of contract negotiations.)
The Experience
Despite the slimmed-down cost — which mostly cuts out overhead — you don’t get a particularly slimmed-down service. Ruinart Champagne and canapés are included, as well as a full crew. A concierge service will also book you dinner at the hot new restaurant of your choice, or help you bring a DJ on board for private dance parties.
But Float is still a small company, and its fleet follows suit. These aren’t megayachts in the vein of Azzam, the record-setting 591-footer owned by the Emir of Abu Dhabi. Currently, Float’s two vessels are of much humbler proportions — one clocks in at 49 feet (15 meters); the other at 59 feet (18 meters) — but the company is investing in larger motor yachts as it readies to launch in other global destinations. If all goes according to plan, Boude says, Float will be operating three ships in Miami by November; next year, he told Bloomberg, he’ll launch in Ibiza, Mykonos, and Corfu. By then, he expects to secure at least one 104-foot superyacht, which will offer overnight trips from Miami to the Bimini islands for $1,000 per person per night.
A Reasonable Ride
Sort of like Bolt Bus or MegaBus, Float is built on the principle of dynamic pricing: If demand is high, the €99 rates might climb. (Boude expects the prices to max out at €199, or $235.)
And that price point does imply certain limitations. While there’s hot food to go with those fabulous drinks, it’s preprepared and then heated by a basic onboard crew — you’re not splurging on a private chef. If you want to add an experience like jet skiing or fishing, that’s an extra cost.
“Most of our clients, about 90 percent, never eat on board anyway — they go to restaurants instead,” says Boude, adding that thus far the service has been especially popular with Formula One drivers such as Max Verstappen.
What remains to be seen is the size of Float’s margins, which may be the point of scrutiny as the startup enters its second round of funding. “This is a demanding business in terms of cash flow — we may be doing fundraising every three months,” Boude jokes. But he says the company’s wide appeal has investors knocking. “For people who have never been on a yacht or could never afford it, it will allow them to do that.”
©2017 Bloomberg L.P.
This article was written by Nikki Ekstein from Bloomberg and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to [email protected].
0 notes