#watching gotham knights
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ltleflrt · 2 years ago
The fact that even Fugue!Harvey was protective of Duela gets me right in the daddy issues.  Sure, he’s a bastard about it, but he still cares about his daughter.
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hauntingblue · 2 years ago
Cullen exercising topless and stephanie canon queer.... gotham knights knew what they were doing on pride month
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groovyace · 11 months ago
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Average gotham knights experience (the game crashes not even 30 seconds later). Shoutout to @magnusj the most stealthy redhood player.
[Robin: OK. Let's do this SNEAKY STYLE.
[Robin: Jason NO-]
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lastadis · 6 months ago
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jason has no business being this funny during such a serious/sad scene😭
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spatteringstars · 4 months ago
someone’s gonna ask me one day,
“So, how did you get into DC comics/Batman?”
and I won’t be able to answer them like a normal person and say “oh the justice league shows” or “oh my brother was into comics and we bonded” or even use those godforsaken Snyder films as an excuse (they did Superman so dirty) because all of those would be LIES
No. One day I will have to look someone in the eyes and tell them that I got into this shit because I saw one (1) animated TikTok referencing the “Bruce strips and dances on an ice penguin” scene from the Gotham Knights video game and everything else just spiraled from there
and they will never look at me the same again
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 1 year ago
Adding on to my The Batman post, I forgot to mention how much I adore the way they handle the no killing rule. In terms of plot, I don't think it's mentioned at all as a sticking point. He won't kill and that's that.
But there's one particular scene. Carmine and Selina. Bruce has just punched Carmine to the ground, saving Selina's life, and is now trying to wrestle the gun away from her. She tries to convince him. "He has to pay!"
And right here is where I thought that stupid classic line was gonna be. I could see it coming like a freight train. "If you kill him, you'll be just as bad as he is." But then... I'm wrong. It doesn't happen. Instead, Bruce makes a very different statement.
"You don't have to pay with him. You've paid enough."
And with that, he gets the gun and Carmine is arrested. There's no moral high ground, there's no shitty logic.
Bruce has seen what The Roman has done. Who he's hurt. What he's taken away. Selina's mother. Her girlfriend. Bruce's own parents. He knows better than anyone the need for revenge. For justice. But he also knows that this man before him, lying bloodied on the floor, has taken enough. He's taken their families, their morals, their innocence. But he doesn't get to take away their lives. He doesn't get to have that power.
And then Carmine is shot and killed anyway so Selina got what she wanted in the end either way.
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normal-nightmare · 2 months ago
It's me again and please keep yapping this is the tasty content I come here for. lol I've been sitting here a while (longer than is polite) trying to form a proper response to my previous ask cause it was literally everything! I wish I could be half as eloquent instead of just yelling XD
like there are so many things that draw me to these two, and ngl it definitely started with the whole pseudo-incest vibe but they really are so complex and you really hit the nail with this:
Just... they're so complicated and it sucks that people don't wanna explore that because of the preconceived notion that they're brothers, nothing more, nothing less. Sure, legally they are, but they don't... act like it? They didn't grow up together, they weren't very close before Jason died, and they only recently started getting properly close. Jason also has his crush thing going on (seriously, how else am I supposed to interpret RHATO v2 annual 1??)
Look I will forever maintain Dick was Jason’s gay awakening and that boy has been in love with Dick since he was what 12? 15? Also the way you described their relationship to each other was so delicious and alterous is such a great term for them.
I feel like jaydick becoming canon one day would be a natural progression of their relationship. Especially since they seem to be getting paired up as a duo more often. Readers love them, comic artists and writers like them too- i feel like jaydick actually happening one day wouldn't be extremely surprising.
THISTHISTHIS!!! I hope this does happen.🙏
Also re: dickbabs and not making certain characters bisexual I feel that on such a spiritual level. Like I’m sorry but both Jason and Dick read as queer to me? Idk how to describe it. Which is why I love the little touch of bi Dick in Gotham Knights.
Also speaking of Gotham Knights, I finally finished it and holy fuck what the fuck? One of my few complaints is that I wish it was longer. I need GK2: electric boogaloo but this time with a Poison Ivy case file because reasons. I adored every interaction Dick and Jason had, from the emails to the flirting in front of everyone’s salad, plus how they were almost always near each other? (also Jason looked so good in that post credit scene in the Batcave I choose to believe every time he wears it, Dick can’t keep his hands to himself 🫣)
I genuinely feel like the writers were intending for jaydick to happen in a DLC given how much setup there is.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this? I want to yell about this game so much. I wish I had someone to play co-op with me so I could see some of those Jaydick interactions too 😞
GOD honestly i have a million thoughts on Dick and Jason's relationship in Gotham Knights?? Because what the HELL is going on in that game!!!
It utterly BAFFLES me when other people read their interactions (Belfry, cutscenes, whatever) as brotherly/familial bc like... if you're interacting with your family like that I'm so concerned?? Bc they're gay as hell!! They flirt the ENTIRE GAME. Like... it's ridiculous how in-your-face they are about it. It's not even gay subtext anymore, it's just... text. Saying they're not gay in Gotham Knights is like saying Jayce and Viktor were 'just brothers' in Arcane to me LMFAO.
Like... the rooftop scene for one reads as really BAD flirting on Dicks part. It doesn't feel like he's being deliberately silly to cheer up Jason until he fakes falling over the edge, THEN he's properly silly. The entire scene otherwise, he's just... being really bad at flirting? And it's funnier that both that and then him being silly actually kinda WORKS on Jason. He laughs (laughs!!), relents and let's Dick sit next to him! It's so, so cute!!
And then the little interaction where Dick says that the Belfry needs a cat, and then Jason suddenly flirts with him?? Like the line "Listen, Grayson, if you're scared of some mouse you saw scurrying, I'll keep you safe." Is ABSOLUTELY flirting, and this is only supported by A) the tone Jason has and B) the way Dick stutters and stumbles over his words afterwards. Like, Dick is AUDIBLY flustered and surprised by this. He tries sooo hard to keep it cool but that boys BLUSHING.
And then there's the tension in some scenes?? When they argue in the beginning and when Dick puts a hand on Jason's wrist (after Jason jokes about making Tim a fake ID), and kind of the scene where Jasons mad, and he's sparring with Dick and Dick catches his fist and says "Easy, Tiger." Like.... the tension in these scenes goes crazy?? The physical closeness, the eye contact, the brief silence, calling Jason tiger?? Like I CANNOT be crazy thinking that there's at least a LITTLE sexual tension in these moments. Juuuust a little 🤏
And like! Yeah you're 100% on them being so physically close most of the game. It's hard to find scenes where they AREN'T standing right by each other. And their stories focus a lot on each other!! At least Dicks story focuses a lot on Jason! Like... a LOT, it's 90% Dicks story 😭
And the like,, nicknames. Dick calls Jason things like Big Guy, swole, and Miracules throughout the game, like, consistently. He points out Jason's size and strength a lot?? (His size and strength kink is so blatantly obvious, good lord this man is horny LMAO. I don't blame him though... 👀) and then Jason mainly calls him Grayson, but when he's being vulnerable he calls him Dick? Which is so cute?!
And a cute little detail is how angry Dick gets on Jason's behalf when Talia says they should be grateful she brought Jason back even though she took away his autonomy and used him. Like, Dick is PISSED! Lowkey he's so ready to throw hands right there.
And i think one of my favorite interactions is when Dick chooses to take Jason to a circus that's in town. Like! He's literally asking Jason out on a DATE. And it's the cutest thing ever?! Jason is surprised and it's just... it's so sweet.
And in general they have the sweetest interactions and emails. It's adorable how they kinda talk about Tim like they're proud parents, and it's also cute how they kinda bicker over the perfect sandwiches cause they sound like a married couple loll.
Just!! Auuggghhhh they're so CUTE in Gotham Knights! There's a mountain of setup there for a romantic relationship. It's very in your face, and honestly impossible to ignore if you have ears and eyes. I'm sure there's more i'm missing or just haven't mentioned, but it's so blatant it feels like it couldn't have been on accident.
Just... it's so cute, I'll never get over it 😭
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mediamime · 18 days ago
spn cast on The Boys
I had no interest in watching The Boys after that last season but then... misha collins and jared padalecki are going to be on it now....
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littlepikmins · 16 days ago
Since I finally actually wrote a whole Gotham Knights video game fic focused on TimBer, I am now thinking about when Tim eventually reveals his Robin identity to Bernard (who already knew but now they're both aware the other knows) and Tim and Bernard can be found frequently hanging out at the Belfry and being very gay and sappy after that.
One day, in particular, some horny teenage shenanigans happen, and they are making out on the couch and Jason walks and is like, "What the hell?! Get a room!"
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bronzemettle · 4 months ago
Does Talia still have a relationship with Damian? Does she have a relationship with Batman?
in BronzeRealms, Polyamory is common among superheroes in the 21st century. Batman/Clark/Diana/Lois is a full quad. He's also married to Selina.
He's not with Talia, though. They're not enemies, but not involved. The League of Assassins, now led by Talia, is mildly reformed. Still a League of Assassins, tho. Just no longer trying to actively topple civilizations, and slightly more principled about what jobs they'll take. Talia can visit with Damian, if Damian wants her to, and for his sake the Fam will refrain from trying to capture her for her many, many (some still ongoing) international crimes. But she's not exactly sitting down for most family meals.
I will now tell big parts of the story of how things got like this.
Turning back the clock to 2006, Batman has been Batman-ing for over 3 years, but he is not known as a great fighter. He's got some passable martial arts, enough to outmatch nearly any street crooks, but primarily at this point he is the World's Greatest Detective, with some wonderful toys and a stealthy spooky cape. Dick and Barbara could either one kick his ass out of costume.
Bane comes to Gotham. He has no civilian identity to detective out, can see in the dark well enough that his stealth is useless, and isn't scared of bats. Bane arranges for Batman to be isolated from his allies and cracks his spine over his knee. Most of Gotham assumes Batman is dead. His cousin Kate takes up the mantle as Batwoman (after the short and disastrous tenure of Jean-Paul Valley). But Bats himself isn't ready to call it quits. He leaves Gotham, not telling anyone, even Dick, where he's going.
He's going to find the League of Assassins. He only heard rumors about them in his original world journeys preparing to become Batman, but now, he finally meets them. He asks to be taken in and have his back healed, and they do. He sticks to his word and stays with them, and begins his training. Talia falls in love with him, and they get together.
But this is still the League of Assassins under Ra's al Ghul, and Gotham is a target on their map. I won't say that Batman never loved Talia back, but if it's a choice between her and Gotham? It was only a matter of time. A year and change after he found them (and having become one of the more formidable martial artists on the planet), he leaves.
And here's the thing. He suspected. He knew that the League of Assassins wanted their heir. He knew Talia wasn't on any kind of birth control. He saw what might be early-months signs. But if he KNEW, he wouldn't have been able to abandon her and return to Gotham. And he needed to return to Gotham. He had a mission, and already had a family. He couldn't afford to know, so he convinced himself that he didn't, buried his guilt, and he got on the next boat.
Skipping through some stuff I'll give more details on in different posts, 2008 he takes in Jason Todd. In 2012 Jason Todd is murdered by The Joker, then his corpse is taken by the League of Assassins. 2016, Batman fights the Red Hood, finds out he's Jason resurrected by the Lazarus Pit. Jason wins the fight, but can't kill him.
The next year, 2017, Red Hood tells young Damian, Talia's son, that he knows who his father is. He brings Damian to Gotham. Damian is surprised that his father is the Batman, the legendary protector of Gotham, the very city that his grandfather has been trying to destroy for Damian's entire life. Talia comes for him, but Damian decides he wants to stay and get to know his father and the city. Against her father's wishes, Talia agrees to let him stay, and he becomes Robin and takes the full name Damian Wayne.
Ra's doesn't stand by this, and he partners with Scarecrow and Astrid Arkham, providing them with a private army, thousands of soldiers, tanks, drones, advanced technology, some of which is Batman's own gadgetry stolen by Red Hood when he was still working for them. Late 2017 the League of Assassins wages all-out-war against Gotham and a full scale military occupation. Scarecrow fits people with Fear Toxin collars to enforce his own law, with the Arkham Knight as the enigmatic enforcer of his Fear State.
(Tangent): During the fight, two of the Arkham Knight's soldiers are accidentally killed in a battle against Batman. He discovers the two had brought their son, Turner Hayes, to Gotham with them. Turner had never known that his parents were mercenaries. Batman decides to cover up the circumstances of their deaths so that Turner never has to know, and as Bruce Wayne he adopts the boy, but continues to keep him in the dark about his own identity as Batman, or all the rest of the family's hero lives. He honors Turner's parents, the first people he considers himself to have murdered (even if accidental), by protecting Turner from the world of heroes and villains altogether, just as they had, giving him the normal life that tragedy robbed Bruce himself of. (End Tangent)
Early 2018 sees the end of the Fear State, and proves the final defeat of the League of Assassins' campaign against Gotham. After his repeated failures, Talia ousts Ra's from power. He flees, along with a splinter faction of loyalists, becoming the League of Shadows based out of Infinity Island, and Talia begins instituting reforms, inspired by her son having chosen Batman's methods over the ones he was raised in.
And while Batman respects her readiness to improve the organization... she is still literally the Queen of Assassins and the last time he killed someone he adopted a kid out of guilt so no they're not getting back together.
And I think that gets us basically up to speed on why things with Talia are strained, but not hostile (mostly for Damian's sake tbf).
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ltleflrt · 2 years ago
Today’s episode of GK
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hauntingblue · 2 years ago
The actress that plays Carrie in gotham knights is called Navia ROBINSON
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warpedwings · 11 months ago
How many times have I rewatched the latest episode, just going to the Buck & Tommy scenes? Yes.
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beeceit · 4 months ago
[guy who's about to suggest the farthest thing from what you actually want voice] ermmm actually if you like that specific interpretation of these characters you're WRONG, here's what you REALLY wanna be reading
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oifaaa · 2 years ago
Stephanie Brown only being allowed to kiss other girls in the shitty cw Gotham knights show is somehow Tim Drakes fault I just know it
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booasaur · 2 years ago
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Gotham Knights - 1x07
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