windclan — year thirteen — greenleaf
watchstar dies. it's near the end of this season, after the exiles. smokestar seems to be doing better. she appoints skyclaw deputy.
woodsong becomes a warrior. i have canon timeline qs.
songpaw's mentorship is taken over by smokestar.
heathertail has three kits with dandelionfur, poppykit (light, mottled brown tom with stripes and extensive white patches), ashkit (white and brown smoke tom with long fur), and palekit (brown calico chinchilla tabby she-cat with long fur).
ridgeleaf takes over whistlepaw's mentorship.
and orangekit dies.
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windclan — year thirteen — newleaf
breezestar dies. watchstar is...different. like juniperstar.
smokehaze is made deputy.
sageface dies in the raid on thunderclan.
madroneheart, ricebranch, and fadeclaw are made warriors for their bravery in battle.
whistlepaw, flutterpaw, and songpaw are apprenticed to heathertail, oakflame, and watchstar.
juniperkit dies.
pineshimmer has kits with spruceheart, but dies in childbirth. her kits are oakkit (white and black mink golden spotted tabby tom), orangekit (brown she-cat), and sagekit (golden brown tom with a paler body).
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windclan — year thirteen — allegiances
leader: breezestar (7y). tom with amber eyes. (apprentice — madronepaw)
deputy: watchglow (6y). huge, pale grey she-cat.
seer: pearlpoppy (6y). she-cat with very long fur.
heathertail (7y). lithe she-cat with soft fur.
skyclaw (4y). blue and white ticked tabby tom with long fur and dark eyes.(apprentice — ricepaw)
yewcloud (4y). red and white smoke she-cat with long fur. (apprentice — pumicepaw)
oakflame (4y). pale tom.
sageface (3y). black spotted tabby tom.
smokehaze (2y). grey she-cat. (apprentice — woodpaw)
rosecloud (1y). smoky tom with long fur and green eyes.
spruceheart (1y). tabby and white tom.
sheetsight (1y). red tabby tom.
dandelionfur (1y). red tabby tom.
pineshimmer (4y). golden blue she-cat with yellow eyes.
indigoleaf (6y). thickset, cinnamon calico sepia smoke she-cat with one hooked tooth and golden eyes. (kits — whistlekit, flutterkit, songkit)
ridgeleaf (4y). smoky mink she-cat. (kit — juniperkit)
iciclesun (10y). white and cinnamon silver ticked tabby she-cat with blue eyes.
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windclan — year twelve — newleaf
hoodstar dies. breezestar chooses watchglow as deputy. conniving bastard breezestar? perhaps. or perhaps hoodstar simply caught ill. it does seem to be affecting young cats most strongly, and like any leader, she would rather her clan eat than her.
halotail, poppypaw, and pinepaw also die of illness. pinepaw likely catches it from hoodstar, and poppypaw from breezepelt (as he's in close proximity with hoodstar).
pumicepaw and rosepaw are apprenticed to yewcloud and watchglow, although they both fall ill.
ridgeleaf has four kits, madronekit (sepia and white tom), ricekit (pale, nearly white tom), yewkit (tom with white patches), and fadekit (black she-cat).
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windclan — year twelve — allegiances
leader: hoodstar (4y). she-cat with a clawed-out eye. (apprentice — pinepaw)
deputy: breezepelt (6y). lean black tom with amber eyes. (apprentice — poppypaw)
seer: pearlpoppy (5y). white and mottled red she-cat with very long fur.
iciclesun (9y). large, white and mottled red she-cat with blue eyes.
halotail (8y). silvery-blue tom.
snakepelt (4y). tom with pale eyes.
watchglow (3y). huge, blue chinchilla tabby she-cat with knowledge of herbs.
skyclaw (3y). blue and white ticked tabby tom with long fur. (apprentice — balsampaw)
ridgeleaf (3y). black tortoiseshell mink smoke she-cat.
yewcloud (3y). smoky she-cat with long fur.
oakflame (3y). white and brown tabby tom.
sageface (2y). black and white tom.
brindlewing (1y). brown she-cat.
heathertail (6y). pretty, light brown tabby she-cat.
pineshimmer (3y). she-cat with yellow eyes.
smokehaze (1y). grey she-cat. (kits — pumicekit, rosekit)
indigoleaf (3y). dark red calico she-cat with one hooked tooth. (kits — cloudkit, sprucekit, sheetkit, palekit, oakkit, dandelionkit)
whitetail (10y). small white she-cat.
willowdawn (9y). mottled, pale blue tabby tom, tired of battles.
indigoheart (5y). tom with green eyes.
slimfrost (4y). smoky tom with long fur, a caretaker.
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windclan — year eleven — allegiances
leader: hoodstar (3y). pale blue and white tabby she-cat.
deputy: breezepelt (5y). lean tom.
seer: pearlpoppy (4y). pale, mottled red she-cat with very long fur. (apprentice — creampaw)
whitetail (9y). small white she-cat. (apprentice — smokepaw)
iciclesun (8y). large, white and cinnamon silver ticked tabby she-cat with blue eyes.
halotail (7y). mink tom.
banesnap (4y). smoke tom. (apprentice — sprucepaw)
snakepelt (3y). silvery-blue and white tom with pale eyes.
watchglow (2y). huge, blue chinchilla tabby she-cat.
skyclaw (2y). blue and white tom with long fur.
ridgeleaf (2y). black tortoiseshell she-cat.
indigoleaf (2y). thickset, cinnamon calico sepia smoke she-cat with one hooked tooth.
oakflame (2y). huge, white and brown shaded tabby tom.
cressnose (2y). white she-cat. (apprentice — brindlepaw)
pineshimmer (2y). gold and white she-cat with yellow eyes.
sageface (1y). black and white spotted tabby tom.
heathertail (5y). brown tabby she-cat with smoky, heather-blue eyes and thick fur.
yewcloud (2y). pale red she-cat. (kits — dandelionkit, hailkit, dawnkit)
willowdawn (8y). white, black, and brown tom who retired early.
indigoheart (4y). ill tom.
slimfrost (3y). red tom with fatigue.
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windclan — year ten — allegiances
leader: nightstar (6y). black she-cat with amber eyes. (apprentice — sagepaw)
deputy: pale-ear (3y). white she-cat with pale cream ears and tail.
seer: pearlpoppy (3y). pale ginger she-cat with long fur.
whitetail (8y). white she-cat.
iciclesun (7y). silver, flecked she-cat.
halotail (6y). white and mottled, pale grey tom with long fur, yellow eyes, and a scar on his muzzle.
heathertail (4y). she-cat with smoky blue eyes and soft, thick fur.
breezepelt (4y). lean tom.
banesnap (3y). plump, small, red smoke tom with yellow eyes.
leafstrike (3y). tortoiseshell she-cat.
snakepelt (2y). tom with white patches.
hoodspot (2y). tabby she-cat.
slimfrost (2y). tom with white patches.
ridgeleaf (1y). faded, tortoiseshell she-cat.
watchglow (1y). blue chinchilla tabby she-cat.
skyclaw (1y). blue and white ticked tabby tom with long fur.
indigoleaf (1y). mottled red calico she-cat.
yewcloud (1y). red and white she-cat.
oakflame (1y). shaded tom.
cressnose (1y). white she-cat.
pineshimmer (1y). golden she-cat with yellow eyes.
willowdawn (7y). white and black mink smoke tom.
indigoheart (3y). blue and white tom with green eyes, sick.
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windclan — year nine — greenleaf
willowdawn retires, replaced by pale-ear.
pineshore and sandpaw die to illness, so pearlpoppy takes over trailpaw's training. windclan points to this as their rationale for having an excessive number of seers.
(dawnpaw and crowfeather also die of illness.)
watchglow and skyclaw become warriors.
oakpaw, cresspaw, and pinepaw are apprenticed to iciclesun, snakepelt, and pale-ear.
heathertail has two kits, eddykit (white and brown classic tabby tom with pale eyes) and sagekit (black and white tom).
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