#watch tag: lbfad
talagalaxies · 2 years
I love that Chengheng's mortal version is his polar opposite. They're foils, actually.
Chengheng is a righteous person, doing his duty well and diligently. He's earnest, poise, sincere of his intentions. But, he repressed his wants and feelings so much for duty and reputation; until it's too late.
If Chengheng is the Golden Child of the family, Xiao Run is the headache
Xiao Run is aloof, annoying, and a troublemaker. He didn't take things seriously and would rather indulge in pleasures than duties. He's impulsive, would not think twice to get anything they want.
It highlights more on their approach to XLH. Chengheng wants to stay away from her, to hide his feelings from everyone despite pining for her for centuries. Xiao Run just met her just once and now he's broadcasting to the whole fucking kingdom that he'll marry her.
And added to the fact that DFQC erased his memories of XLH in Xiao Run's head. But after that, him seeing a painting of her--that he havent met before--then he's already planning for marriage. Something Chengheng would not do.
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tytangfei · 6 months
When the mutuals and people I follow and followers are all watching the same shows and collectively losing their minds
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unforth · 2 years
My mom, after reading MDZS vol. 4: so, can you rec me more like that?
Me, sweating because she is asking this in the living room on Christmas day: um. Depends? What'd you have in mind?
Her: maybe a little less...vanilla?
Me: ....that really doesn't help.
Her: you know. Spicy!
Me: ma, I've written porn for kinks you've never even heard of. My gauge of spicy isn't going to match yours.
Her: hey, I'm worldly. Try me!
Me: ... ... ... (frantically trying to think of anything that would make the point out without being completely beyond the pale in front of my more normal family members present on Christmas day, finally settling on one that as long as none of them know what it is, it should be fine, and if they do know what it is, they probably won't admit it) ...do you know what oviposition is?
She does not, in fact, know what oviposition is. And will almost 100% ask me to explain tomorrow. My only chance of escape is her forgetting. Fortunately she is 78 and will likely forget. Unless she sees this tumblr post. Because she follows me on tumblr now. Yep, that's my life. 🤣🤣🤣
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elvencantation · 5 months
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okay but why cant she have both?? look at how cute he is worrying about her!! orchid has two hands!!!
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yilinglaozu · 1 year
8 shows to get to know me
tagged by @itsallaboutzayn and @leedongwook thank you 💓
the devil judge
love between fairy and devil
killing eve
the untamed
legend of fei
gank your heart
romance of tiger and rose
tagging @fangrui, @gege, @yibo-wang, @xiaolanhua, @belsmultifandommess, @dimpledpran, @zhoufeis, @thoresque if you want to! <3
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marvelousmawn · 2 years
xiao lanhua grabbing dfqc'a sword out of his hand and just. tossing it on the ground. Peak Comedy. im having a blast. can't wait to be devastated 👍
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storytellergirl · 1 year
Is anyone still watching Love You Seven Times?
I know that the first episodes dragged, but guys, IT GOT SO GOOD, I AM LOVING THIS DRAMA!
It's still very light for a xianxia, even lighter than e.g. LBFaD, but it got so enjoyable and it gives me so much serotonine with each passing episode. (and YCY is doing a really good job too!)
@gizkasparadise @for-dramas-sake @guzhuangheaven @dangermousie
(tagging some of my favorite drama blogs just because)
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mengyan · 2 years
i really do love how 90% of people who watch lbfad cannot just peacefully exit the show. like it just stays with you. it haunts your every waking moment. it finds you everywhere. it rots your brain. once i saw a leaf fall on the ground and wanted to start crying. i hear the beginning chords of jue ai and my soul exits my body. i check the tags on twitter and tumblr hourly for new content and posts. i bought a single marker the other day just because the name of the colour was ‘orchid.’
you do not consume cang lan jue. cang lan jue consumes you.
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xiaohuayaos · 8 months
going in the lbfad tag and seeing people who have just started watching it is Truly such a fun time- like no, no please keep making posts about what you think is happening, I'm having the best time in the world reading these
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moonsorchid · 7 months
Thank you for tagging me @tockamybeloved
Hope I am doing this correctly!
3 ships you like: Dongfang Qingcang - Xiao Lanhua (LBFAD), Tan Tai Jin - Ye Xi Wu (TTEOTM) and Duan Jia Xu – Sang Zhi (Hidden Love)
First ship ever: Jareth and Sarah from the Labyrinth
Last song you heard: Middle of the Night – Elley Duhé
Favourite childhood book: Not a specific book, but many many classic – and some not so classic - collections of fairytales. Also stories from Greek mythology
Currently reading: The Hunger Games - Mockingjay
Currently watching: Love is Sweet to calm myself after Till The End of The Moon
Currently consuming: always chocolate
Current craving: chocolate cake
Tagging, only if you want to!
@glorioussunset93 @purple-amaranthe @alittleillumination @himboblackdragon @eldritch-bisexual
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silverloreley · 1 year
Part 2 of the outline of my LBFAD x TTEOTM crossover idea (which I need now more than ever given how the series ended).
Part 1 here. We were left at the Nehter River. Now, I think the reason the disaster demonic duo couldn’t find the Devil Fetus for 500 years is because TTJ was in the river while the Evil Bone was with Susu, who timeskipped to her own time so, in those 500 years, there were no Evil Bone nor Devil Fetus to find.
[Which means that having TTJ dive in the Nether River was actually a good idea to prevent/delay the end of the world, or at least to spare him five centuries of tortures from the demons who’d try to awaken their master (not that he didn’t suffer plenty in the Nether River, but that was his choice, you see)]
That said, the 500 years disappeareance could happen, in this fic, also if the very worried immortal family decides to take a risk and bring TTJ with them in the immortal realm, preferably Xishan or Cangyanhai. In fact, in Xishan he could recover from the wound of the Nails in his heart and cultivate better his new immortal soul. They’d also explain him the nature of Susu’s sacrifice, once given the chance, and XLH would beg him to be patient and wait for LSS to be back in a new life, like she waited for DFQC.
But we know TTJ is a stubborn freak (who we love) and I think more likely he dived in the Nether River anyway, “bye family, come pick me up in 500 years” sort of.
This got even longer than the other part.
Shangque basically adopts Nian Baiyu. Aka: Nian Baiyu doesn’t fall prey of the demons and gains immortality thanks to his new dad shifu. They were close before too, since Shangque saw the poor lieutenant interact with TTJ and had flashbacks of himself with DFQC. Jieli insists on taking in Nian Baiyu’s sister too when their mother dies in the demon attack (this isn’t plot-relevant, I just liked this idea). The Yiyue tribe passes under Shangque’s protection and of the Moon Tribe by proxy, therefore no one is taken hostage or stuff.
Qingyu and Pian Ran get married and rule the empire together, although they make to history as they created a new tradition about the emperor wearing the mask and the empress must never be seen, the latter only to let Pian Ran be free to do whatever she pleases. After 300 years or so, they plan to find a good-hearted, strong, righteous and smart kid to adopt as their heir for when they plan to retire and travel around the world.
That said!
When the Nether River spits out TTJ, he does end up near the immortal sect, while his family was waiting for him near the Yiyue tribe’s settlement. It causes a bit of a delay in them meeting again.
No one remembers he had been a disciple over 500 years before just like no one remembered Xiao Lin, which is curious but true because most people forgot, have died, or just are too young to have met him in those 3 years so long before.
Master Zhaoyou still puts TTJ to test because “a disciple who had not cultivated any art in five centuries is as good as a newbie” or something (he dissipated most his cultivation in the Nether River so Zhaoyou is pretty much right). That’s when Zhaoyou finds out a few things that he keeps for himself about TTJ, including the fact he’s the Devil Fetus but without the Evil Bone, that he was raised by actual immortals, and there’s something else he can’t quite figure out and breaks his head over.
The first thing XLH does upon finding TTJ again is slap his arm and chastize him for making her worry for other 500 years, as if she had not suffered enough being parted for so long from someone she loved before. He apologizes and she cries and obvsy forgives him. DFQC gives him the cold shoulder for the grand total of a day, then he caves in too. Changheng and Shangque can’t even do that and hug him right away. Once they arrive, Danyin and Jieli are much worse, they go on a tag-team two-hours long tirade while Xunfeng is just, like, there watching and gloating with this judgmental face that ends up being worse than everything else put together.
Nian Baiyu and Changheng offer to stay in the sect with him if what he wants is to stay, everyone else will come back from time to time, like they used to do in his childhood.
None of them had the chance to meet Susu yet or even hear of her name, at least until the competition comes and, whoops, there she is! The Lady of Spirituality, who would have guessed? And she saved TTJ again, just in case someone had doubts it was her.
Before that, though, the immortal fam offer their help containing the demons during the competition, since that’s not an interference with mortal fates. It changes everything and nothing: they manage to trap the two big demons for a while, but those two are very strong and manage to escape.
XLH is very happy to meet Susu again, although Susu tries to pretend she doesn’t know any of them, XLH laughs and tells her she tried the trick too and it never works in the long run.
(TTJ knew that part of the story and he pulls a DFQC and kisses Susu instead of only tricking her into revealing herself. Yes, that’s a scene I loved in LBFAD and I expected one like that in TTEOTM, damn it!)
He still ends up following her to Jing and being baited by Si Ying and Jing Mie, use the Crossbow, find out Susu has the Evil Bone and so forth because that bit was solid.
Since TTJ told his parent(s) a through recollection of Bo’re life (save for some, ehm, more private bits), they all know that Di Mian is a lying liar who lies, who did not kill the (D)evil God - the previous Goddess of Xishan did - and that he was the real cause of his beloved wife’s death. It discredits him a lot, especially during the trial (Changheng basically moved in the Xiaoyao sect at this point and was already there to help, DFQC and XLH arrive later for reasons).
Although, it’s undeniable that TTJ is the Devil Fetus and used to have the Evil Bone and still has the Crossbow so it only helps so much.
DFQC crushes the Pillar to interrupt the punishment (and gets real scary) while XLH starts to chastize the sects for being unable to see past their prejudice. Susu adds to it with her retelling (and the lie about the Evil Bone being gone) just like in canon because that scene is epic and almost made me cry so it must stay as it is.
Incidentally, the trial is also when TTJ finds out his family adopted him to prevent the end of the world, which is pretty devastating interms of trust, but the love they have for him is genuine and so is his for them, so everything is later resolved with a shoutfest and lots of tears.
Zhaoyou is unofficially dragged in the loop of the immortal family after that. He admits he had perceived/noted the Devil Fetus’ nature from the start but wanted to give his student a chance. They’re all very touched by that, and grateful (and Changheng developed a bit of a crush on him, no I accept no criticism here).
They end up sharing all they know: in the 500 years, they made researches on the Devil Fetus and how to separate its destiny from that of Tai Sui, but aside from removing the Evil Bone and keeping the artifacts far from each other since none can be destroyed, it seems like there’s nothing more to do, not without killing TTJ and make him regenerate in Xishan’s soil. The only problem is that without a soul vessel (like XLH’s seed or the moon bone orchid) the new life would be completely new, so not TTJ, and that’s not a viable solution, so TTJ needs to cultivate enough to create a soul vessel for his primordial spirit to be preserved if he wants to get rid of Tai Sui’s influence for good. It’s a lenghty procedure and the demons, along with Tai Sui, give them no time for this to happen.
There is, nevertheless, a moment of respite, while they start to plan the wedding. The immortal family almost goes overboard with the engagement gifts.
TTJ asks LSS’s fathers to let some of the immortal family assist in the removal of the Evil Bone (he doesn’t trust Di Mian. in. the. slightest). Di Mian wouldn’t want to, but has to cave in to avoid suspicions.
During the procedure, Di Mian manages to near-fatally wound Qu Xuanzi and DFQC with the Sky-Slashing Sword to the point of rendering them comatose and manages to put the blame on TTJ, he also plans to completely kill them but he’s stopped by LSS figuring out what happened. Qu Xuanzi very nearly dies (maybe he doesn’t. I just decided this can be an everybody lives au, all things considered, with XLH being there it can be).
Di Mian still flees with the Evil Bone, followed by Zhaoyou and Changheng.
TTJ is lured out by Si Ying and Jing Mie who kidnapped Susu thinking she still has the Evil Bone or at least can bait TTJ. She manages to escape mostly on her own because she’s more badass than the show allowed her to be.
Danyin and Xunfeng fight against Si Ying and Jing Mie because I say so to cover Susu’s escape and her start looking for the entrance of the Devil Palace.
(Eh, that means the Spider Demon won’t appear here, nor there will be her fight with Nian Baiyu. Whoops)
After the fight with Di Mian, Zhaoyou is about to devilize but Changheng uses half his immortal soul and near so of his cultivation to stop the process and save him. Unfortunately, this also means they’re both out of commission and seem to be dead on the outside eye.
The All-in-Distress-Way is opened, cue the sect people being stupid (the red master whatshisname tries to use the Crossbow which backfires and kills him LOL), Susu facing her shit dad once more, and so forth.
TTJ saves Susu from Di Mian, but he’s forced to devilize. Of course, he surrendered only on surface, because he 100% intends to weaponize the chance he’s given to destroy Tai Sui from the inside, a true suicide mission (it’s nice that I started to write this outline days before I saw the final 5 eps and I still got it right, that part of the plot makes perfect sense, if you ask me).
This starts an internal power struggle between TTJ and TS to control the body, the whole speech about all things sad and evil feeding the Devil God and all that drill.
After GYJW calls back all the sect people, including LSS, he finds out Zhaoyou isn’t dead and Changheng tries to make him see reason. Idk where this may lead until this dialogue is written though, but I feel this must happen because GYJW is a bad cheap copy of Changheng (and XL wasn’t that bad) he could have been a much better character, so perhaps he’s salvageable here.
The sects still have to intervene to stop the All-in-Distress Way because stopping the end of the world is the right thing to do.
Susu will have none of it, of course, and goes to speak with her (almost) husband, consequences be damned. So do XLH and DFQC, although he’s still wounded by the Sky-Slashing Sword.
Changheng stays behind in the sect to help the planning, Danyin and Xunfeng decide to return to the Immortal realms to mobilize Shuiyuntian and Changyanhai to try block the All-in-Distress Way from above.
TTJ ends up having to fool not only LSS but also XLH and DFQC, and actually manages to get the upper hand on all three because Tai Sui started to gloat about how he tricked the Goddess of Xishan and the great Yuezun by taking the primordial spirit of their future child and turning him into his vessel. Basically, in the river of reincarnation, he swiped their future child’s soul and forced the Evil Bone onto him, and then made sure he’d be born in a mortal’s life of suffering to break him down to his will for good. He planned to reveal it near the end of the world to make DFQC and, most importantly, Xi Yun unable to kill him (whether this is the truth or not, it’s debatable, it all depends on the message we want to pass thorugh with this rewriting).
Unfortunately, it works, and TTJ is left to apply his initial plan of having himself killed by Susu after the Celestial Punishment Array will hit.
During the Bo’re life, though, Susu sees through his lies, three lifetimes gave her a good enough grasp of his tellings. The fact she figured out most the plan does little to stop it, at first, since both play their parts till the end.
XLH is conflicted for a while, but eventually agrees to the plan, although for her it’s another heartbreak and repeating history. She says this much to TTJ who falters for a moment, revealing his true feelings but he has to push trough.
The Celestial Punishment Array is made by the sects and supported by Shuiyuntian and Cangyanhai, which once again joined forces to defeat Tai Sui. It’s a pretty big thing because it’s the first time in 30000 years the Immortals descend among mortals to help them (and will mark a new alliance for the future).
LSS ascends because that’s what she has to do and, in the “godly council” there’s also Xi Yun, who promises to be by her side. Chu Huang thanks her.
Tai Sui is ultimately erased for good by the combined efforts of TTJ, ascended!Susu and Xi Yun, but this effort claims TTJ’s life, as he expected, and Susu’s, who sacrificed her godhood to turn the Scale into a soul vessel for him to come back when she realized he intended to die for good.
XLH is left to pick up the pieces: given her phoenix nature, LSS is back as an egg, which her adoptive father (if he survived, otherwise Ye Qingyu and Pian Ran) will take care of until she’s back. As for TTJ, the Scale-turned soul vessel will allow, with time, to fix and restore in full his primordial spirit, so XLH and DFQC take it to Xishan and wait.
Qingyu and Pian Ran had been using their combined energies to protect the kingdom, but since they had each only half her original demonic energy/life, they end up consuming most of it, at which point they agree they had had enough of being rulers, and retire to the countryside.
Time skip to a few centuries later, when the taizi dianxia (crown prince) of Cangyanhai meets the Lady of Spirituality of the immortal sect. Neither remembers each other, again, until they touch by accident while bickering and then it all comes back to them.
And, for fuck’s sake, this time they get married decently and are happy with their daughter and extended family and all is well.
THE END and holy shit, if the outline is that long, this could become a monster fic.
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talagalaxies · 2 years
Why am i crying over a man taking care of a houseplant
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prolestariwrites · 10 months
Fandom: Love Between Fairy and Devil
Tags: Romance, Comedy, Fate, Soul mates
Pairings: Dongfang Qingcang/Orchid (main), Shangque/Jieli
Characters: Dongfang Qingcang, Orchid/Xiyun, Shangque, Jieli, Changheng, Xunfeng
Rating: T: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: None
Summary: After Dongfang receives a warning for changing fate, he doesn't think much of it until he finds himself in a world where the Cangyan Sea and Shuiyutian are ruled by Xishan. Here, hellfire is just a long-forgotten legend, and as a royal Dongfang must submit to harsh treatment. His beloved Orchid is the goddess Xiyun, a ruler who is cold and unforgiving towards the Moon people.
Meanwhile, the Moon Supreme has changed into a Dongfang his family and friends do not recognize. Now timid and soft-spoken, Orchid and Shangque work together to find out what is behind the sudden change in his personality. It soon becomes clear he is Dongfang—but not their Dongfang.
As Orchid and Shangque attempt to find a way to bring their Dongfang back, they also need to keep the switch a secret: which also means passing off the gentle version as their bold and decisive king. At the same time, Dongfang wrestles with the drive to free his people and put Xishan in its place. But he also needs the goddess to get back home, something that may be impossible to get if he returns to his old self.
Note: Here is my submission for the LBFAD Mini-Bang! This story has gone through multiple versions and I must thank my partner @crisdrawsandcries for being so patient through the rewrites. Please go check out the amazing artwork that they did for this fic! I'm so grateful for all your hard work!
Below is the first chapter, and I'll be posting a new one every day through the mini-bang. You can also find the story over on AO3. Please enjoy!
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮
Hundreds of people mill about on the palace grounds, the doors open to celebrate the Harvest Moon festival. It is a holiday in the autumn on the night the moon appears largest and brightest in the sky, a week full of parties and fun for the tribe. Children run around with sparklers and treats sold from carts that line the square, while the adults share a drink or several of warm spice wine and buy trinkets for their special someone. Flags hang in decoration while the orange glow from the lamps give a warm feeling to the atmosphere. It is one of the best times of the year, the festival having a resurgence now that the clan is whole and the Moon Supreme has returned to his throne. He has vowed to return the old traditions to the clan, and worked to make this year’s festival the largest in history.
The Moon Supreme walks through the first day of the festival with his queen, happily watching Orchid exclaim over the decorations and costumes as she pulls him from vendor to vendor to sample everything. People call out their greetings to the royal couple as they walk by, and Dongfang nods in response, keeping his expression cool to hide his own excitement.
“Look!” Orchid lets go of his arm to stand in front of a stall selling mooncakes, fresh from the oven and glistening with sweet butter. 
“Good evening, Your Grace,” the vendor says with a bow. “How many would you like?”
“I’ll take two. No, three. How many do you want?” she asks, turning to Dongfang.
His mouth curls into a half smile. “We’ll just take all of them.”
“Oh! Yes! Right away!” 
The vendor busies himself packing up the four dozen or so cakes that are ready, and Orchid takes his hand. “What will we do with so much?” she laughs.
Dongfang shrugs. “Give them away, I suppose.” He signals one of the four guardsmen that are with them and instructs him to pay. “Have these given to whoever is on duty tonight,” he says.
Orchid picks one for herself and the rest go into several boxes that are taken back to the palace. “Do you want to try?” she asks through the first bite.
“No,” he replies. “I'd rather watch you.”
Orchid makes a pout and he chuckles in response. They continue their walk through the square to look at more tables of goods. A short while later they stop so Orchid can play a ring toss game, and Dongfang looks on with a smile, his arms folded.
Contentment settles on him like a warm blanket. After all the trials they had been through, the danger of war and pain of losing each other not once but twice, it is times like these that he feels most at peace: simple moments in which Orchid is happy, when they can be just a couple and not one of their many roles.
She is pouting again when she rejoins his side. “That game is nearly impossible,” she complains. “It's a wonder that anyone has won a prize.”
“Is he cheating?” Dongfang frowns. “If so, he must meet justice.”
“No! Nothing like that,” she quickly says, grabbing his arm. “I'm just not very good at it, that's all.”
“Well what is the prize? I can just buy you one,” he huffs.
Orchid rolls her eyes. ”That's not the point, blockhead. Let's keep going.“
The next stall that makes them pause is selling jewelry of different kinds. ”I should get you a new chain,“ Orchid murmurs as she starts peering through the selection.
Dongfang presses two fingers to the pendant shaped like an orchid that hangs around his neck. It is imbued with the goddess' magic, and similar to the way the Bone Orchid protects her with his power, the pendant protects him in turn. ”Why?“ he asks. ”It's perfectly fine.“
”I think a thinner chain would look nice.“ She takes one and holds it up, modeling it against his chest. ”See?“
”But that means I'd have to take it off.“
”Just for a minute,“ she replies.
”Even that is too long,“ Dongfang frowns. ”In the years since you've given it to me, I've never taken it off, not once.“
Orchid grins up at him. ”Even more reason to make sure it has a proper chain.“ She turns back to the vendor and says, ”We'll take this one.“
Dongfang laughs to himself as the man exclaims over the queen's excellent taste, turning around to observe the crowd. Some are watching them curiously but most are busy enjoying the festivities, the atmosphere warm and merry. He suddenly feels eyes watching him, so he quickly scans until his gaze falls on an old woman off to the side, sitting at a small booth that has seen better days.
With a glance to confirm Orchid is still shopping, he walks over to the woman with some interest. There are no wares on her cart, and she sits on a cushion on the ground covered in several shawls. Her face lifts as he approaches and Dongfang realizes she is blind in one eye. “Were you watching me, madam?” he asks.
“My lord,” she replies. “You and the queen are so happy, I could not help myself.”
“Thank you.” Dongfang gives another glance towards Orchid before continuing, “Do you have anything for sale that I could give the queen as a gift?”
“Nothing like that. I sell fortunes.”
He raises a brow. “Fortunes?”
“I can read the fates. Shall I read yours, my lord?”
In truth, Dongfang has had enough of fate for one lifetime, but he pities the old woman so he takes a seat on an opposite cushion. “Go on,” he says. 
She tilts her head before pulling a small bag from her cloak. It makes a clattering sound when she shakes it, and he learns that it contains coins when she dumps it out on the blanket between them. “Fortune and long life,” she says.
He examines their strange markings before chuckling. “I wouldn’t expect any less.” He reaches into his own robes for his purse, shaking out a few of his own coins. “How much do I owe you?”
“No need,” she says. She puts her hand out, and he slips three gold into her palm; but the second they make contact she jerks back. “My lord!” she hisses. “What have you done?”
“Please, take the money—”
“Your life line. It’s been altered.” Her eyes narrow as she drags her fingers along his palm. “You have changed fate, haven’t you?”
Dongfang swallows thickly. “My business is my own.”
“Those who change fate must pay a price,” she warns. “You cannot know the ripple effect such acts will have on the universe. It will come for you in the end.”
Her words leave him unnerved, but he hides it with a harsh laugh. “Your fortunes may scare the young lovers, madam, but I think I will sleep easy tonight if it’s all the same to you.” He gives her another coin before standing and heading back to find Orchid at the stall.
“Are you alright?” she laughs when he returns to her side. She reaches up and presses her fingers to his chin. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“It’s nothing,” he assures her, and together they continue through the festival.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Dongfang has strange dreams that night, and when he wakes he reaches for Orchid, wanting her warm presence next to him to chase the last of it away. But when he reaches out, she is gone, and he opens his eyes blearily to see how far away she is on the bed.
Only the bed is not the bed—not his bed, anyway, and Dongfang bolts upright. He looks around in alarm: instead of the large four poster with rich fabrics and thick pillows, luxurious drapes, intricate carpet, and the window open for the sunrise, the room is dim and small, its simple decor more that of a poor villager. The bed is made of straw instead of down and the blanket is thin and threadbare. No lanterns hang from the ceiling and no light washes in from the balcony. It is a simple hut with one window and door, and it is that door that bursts open a moment later.
“Brother!” His younger brother Xunfeng hurries inside. “Quick. The queen has sent the black dragon.”
“Hurry! We need to stop him.” Xunfeng flings open a chest and pulls out a crude-looking sword, one that Dongfang knows he would not be caught dead using. “They are here to steal more people to work at the palace, I know it. Together we can make a stand.”
Dongfang frowns as he watches Xunfeng slip on the scabbard. “What do you mean? Where is Orchid? Where am I?”
Xunfeng shoots him a withered look. “Don't talk nonsense. Shake off whatever dream you were having and hurry! The dragon will be here soon!”
“What dragon—?” But his question goes unanswered as Xunfeng hurries out of the hut again, the door banging against the wall.
Quickly Dongfang slides from the bed and heads outside. He winces at the sudden sunlight, and when he gets a chill he looks down. Instead of his royal robes he is wearing a simple tunic and trousers, not even a cloak to keep off the morning dampness. “What is happening?” he asks out loud.
“Brother! This way!”
More huts sit nearly on top of each other, and the villagers hurry to run inside and hide. Women clutch their children tight as the men grab pitchforks and knives to stand guard at the door. Several yards away, Xunfeng is organizing a small group into a defensive stance. Wanting answers, Dongfang pushes through the panicking crowd until he reaches his brother.
“You will answer me,” he growls, grabbing Xunfeng's shoulder. He turns him, ignoring his protest, but before he can answer there is a familiar roar above them that shakes the trees.
Dongfang looks up to see Shangque in his dragon form flying above them. The people around them scream in fright as they run, and Dongfang frowns in confusion. Shangque was never someone the Moon tribe feared, and they had all seen this form many times before. Unless that isn't Shangque, but who else would it be?
“Shangque!” Dongfang shouts. He waves an arm to get his attention, and sure enough the dragon rears back, its eyes focusing on him. “Enough! You're scaring them!”
“What are you doing?” Xunfeng hisses. He grabs his arm to yank it down and pull him away. “You'll be taken!”
“Taken where? Where is this? Why is everyone afraid?” Xunfeng isn't paying attention, so Dongfang does something very un-royal-like: he stomps his foot. “I demand answers!”
“What is wrong with you?“ Xunfeng snaps. ”You know the Black Dragon is dangerous. He's come to take away more of the Moon tribe.“
”Take them where?“
Just then the dragon lands, two huts going over with the force of the wind that escapes below him. There is more screaming as the last of the people run. Then a flash of light has Dongfang seeing spots for a moment as Shangque transitions back into human form.
”What is the meaning of this?“ he demands, stalking over to Shangque. ”You only take that form when commanded! Why would—”
Shangque grabs his arm and twists, forcing Dongfang to one knee with his wrist trapped against his back. “Unhand me!” he shouts. “You dare touch the Moon Supreme!”
“Moon Supreme?” Shangque asks curiously.
Xunfeng hurries forward. “Pardon my brother, he's not of sound mind. Please let me take him home—”
“Anyone who claims that title must be brought before the queen,” Shangque says. “No exceptions.”
The queen? “You mean Orchid? Where is she?” Dongfang demands.
“Keep quiet. You are under arrest.”
“Wait!” Dongfang strains to look at Xunfeng. “Where is Orchid?”
“Who's Orchid?” Xunfeng replies.
Something turns in his stomach as Shangque yanks him to hi feet. Anger suddenly boils and he reaches into his strength to find his Glazed Fire, deciding to teach his lieutenant a much-needed lesson. But there is no magic there, just the faintest trace, and as he flexes his fingers to make anything appear, even Hellfire, nothing happens.
“The goddess will decide your fate,” Shangque says.
“The goddess Xiyun?” Dongfang growls. “That is my wife, Orchid, the queen of the Moon Kingdom.”
Shangque gives a huff. “You speak very familiar about the goddess for a disgusting member of the Moon tribe. She'll want a word with you for sure.“
”Good,“ he says. ”I need a word with her as well.“ He turns to Xunfeng, who is watching with a panicked expression. ”I'll be back shortly once I get this sorted out. I think there is something wrong with Shangque. Make sure no one's been injured.“
”What?“ Xunfeng asks in a shaking voice. ”What's happened to you?“
”What do you mean?“
”Let's go, little Moon Supreme,“ Shangque says. He gives a laugh before there is another flash of light and the dragon returns. He picks up Dongfang to set him on his neck and takes off into the air, ignoring Dongfang's shouts as he tries not to fall off.
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fauna-and-floraa · 1 year
I was tagged by @chanrizard Thank you, Sa 💙
last song: The Cult of Dionysus by The Orion Experience :)
last movie: Ponyo 🐟
currently reading: I haven't been reading anything lately </3
currently watching: love between fairy and devil 🙈
current obsession: You're lookin at it. But also the Yakuza games and lbfad I've also been having good fun with, and I rewatched the x files which pulled me back into the msr trenches 🫶
Tagging @inloif @linoguy @snug-gyu @rainknow @yonglixx @agibbangs No pressure of course!
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miss-ingno · 1 year
I'm feeling indecisive, y'all, send help
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yilinglaozu · 2 years
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#love between fairy and devil - 360 posts
#the devil judge - 350 posts
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#wwx - 200 posts
#quotes - 198 posts
#sky - 187 posts
#edit - 164 posts
#asiandramanet - 164 posts
#killing eve - 141 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#also obviously you’re not required to watch anything but if that’s your only criteria for whether or not you watch a show that’s also weird
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