#she was worried itd use a lot of paper and still be illegible
unforth · 2 years
My mom, after reading MDZS vol. 4: so, can you rec me more like that?
Me, sweating because she is asking this in the living room on Christmas day: um. Depends? What'd you have in mind?
Her: maybe a little less...vanilla?
Me: ....that really doesn't help.
Her: you know. Spicy!
Me: ma, I've written porn for kinks you've never even heard of. My gauge of spicy isn't going to match yours.
Her: hey, I'm worldly. Try me!
Me: ... ... ... (frantically trying to think of anything that would make the point out without being completely beyond the pale in front of my more normal family members present on Christmas day, finally settling on one that as long as none of them know what it is, it should be fine, and if they do know what it is, they probably won't admit it) ...do you know what oviposition is?
She does not, in fact, know what oviposition is. And will almost 100% ask me to explain tomorrow. My only chance of escape is her forgetting. Fortunately she is 78 and will likely forget. Unless she sees this tumblr post. Because she follows me on tumblr now. Yep, that's my life. 🤣🤣🤣
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