#watari hate club hes SAGGY and OLD!!!!
bonezhead · 1 year
platonic wammy boy headcanons
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amazing art by @valfeathers ! go check out his account cuz he only posts death note ( loser lol imagine ) ( i got permission from him to use this piece ) i decided to post some of my own headcanons cuz my ego is large and i like seeing myself on the wammy's house/boys tags warning: i don't have a specific problem with any of the characters/ships on the wammy boys tag and i completely understand comfort ships. i am in no way trying to force my headcanons onto you and i respect your opinion! i swear i'm just trying to write some platonic stuff cuz i don't see it on the tags a lot. i don't want to get into any fights and disagreements over these and i understand that this might be out of character but i still find it fun to imagine a situation where these three can be brothers in peace cuz they're my comfort characters <3 however, i appreciate mentions of any critiques or plotholes in my headcanons as long as it's civil and respectful in addition if you want to add onto these headcanons or tell me your headcanons my messages are open and i'd appreciate it a lot! i love these guys and i really wanna read more of them :) 1- probably the most common headcanon but i think that whilst successors have their own rooms matt normally sneaks out and has sleepovers/study sessions in mello's dorm cuz he's an extroverted weirdo and gets lonely in his room sometimes likewise, mello and matt sneak out of wammy's house to go to concerts and festivals nearby, the longest they've probably escaped for is a week, maybe a week and a half and they wake up on their assigned street bench with roger towering over them 2- i see a lot of tropes in media where if someone doesn't like the food they just feed it to their dog when the parents/cooks aren't looking. (idk if this happens in real life BUT) i think mello and matt would find random food in the wammy canteen like plain crisps or desserts or cereals or bread, stuff that's not too overwhelming for near. cuz mello is afraid of being nice or something he would always be so dramatic about it he'd be like "someone stepped on my foot while i was getting your coco pops, you owe me your life now". 2.5- near would get those small pieces of side bread and a jacket potato for lunch & which was probably his autism-safe-food for 99% of the time in wammy's house, but sometimes he'd get something extremely cursed like plain pasta and cheese. and that's how he cheated the wammy's house nutritional system. 3- punishments in wammy's house would vary from detention to cleaning dishes or scraping litter. they would also have to do room service, for example near probably corrected a teacher's method and had to clean out mello's room. matt and mello would take advantage of lunch helper duties to sneak out chocolate, chips and other stuff. if they felt like it they'd pick up some stuff for near as well. those are the only ones i can remember off the top of my head, but i will make a part two eventually about the successor program and how each wammy boy got into it, the benefits and how long it lasts, thank you so much for reading this much if you got here!
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