#wat je vind
polldermodel · 2 months
Hallo! I wil chaos!! Heb je al een keer gevraagt op welke partij mensen gestemd hebben?
Nog niet op deze blog! Niet alle partijen passen natuurlijk, dus ik heb voornamelijk linkse gedaan omdat dat de algemene tumblr vibe is volgensmij, en dan wat andere grote partijen. Geen judgement als je op een andere partij heb gestemd natuurlijk!
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baantjer · 4 months
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twee versies @dewydd
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homoerotisch · 9 months
Om recht te doen aan die complexiteit, hebben we méér woorden nodig. De Amerikaanse psycholoog en neurowetenschapper Lisa Feldman Barrett (een van de meest geciteerde onderzoekers in haar werkveld) ontdekte dat mensen met een grote emotionele woordenschat mentaal gezonder zijn. In het boek How Emotions Are Made (2017) laat Feldman Barrett zien hoe taal onze emotionele ervaring vormt. Als je naast ‘angstig’ ook gevoelens als ‘zenuwachtig’, ‘verlegen’ en ‘opgewonden’ kunt herkennen en benoemen, ervaar je minder angst. Een groter vocabulaire stelt je in staat meer variatie te ervaren en verschillende verhalen over je ervaring te onderzoeken. Dat maakt mentaal flexibel.
De mentale gezondheidscrisis, zou je kunnen zeggen, is mede een taalcrisis. Door de alomtegenwoordigheid van therapietaal op platforms als TikTok, in combinatie met lange wachtlijsten voor echte therapie, verschraalt de woordenschat waarmee jongeren zichzelf kunnen begrijpen. Dat werkt mentale inflexibiliteit in de hand. In het ergste geval verandert overhaaste zelfdiagnose mentaal ongemak in een specifieke, door TikTok geïnspireerde stoornis.
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zoueriemandzijnopmars · 8 months
Ik heb de stemwijzer net ook maar eens ingevuld, al had ik mijn keuze eigenlijk al gemaakt, dus het was meer om te vergelijken. Maar zo'n tool is eigenlijk niet genuanceerd genoeg. Ik heb bij meerdere vragen het tegenovergestelde antwoord gegeven vergeleken met de partij waarop ik ga stemmen, volgens die tool, terwijl we op het moment dat je de uitleg bekijkt we het er eigenlijk wél over eens zijn.
Het viel me specifiek op bij de vraag over euthanasie, waarbij bijvoorbeeld de SP 'tegen' stemt, terwijl ze helemaal niet volledig tegen euthanasie zijn. Ze vinden volgens de stemwijzer alleen dat er een arts bij moet komen kijken.
Eigenlijk zou ik bijna zeggen, geef de mensen die die tools maken meer tijd een maak de test dieper. Ja, de standaard stellingen, da's lekker makkelijk bij degenen die een hard no of juist cruciaal voor iemand zijn, maar er zit voor mij een aanzienlijk groot verschil tussen tegen iets klimaat gerelateerd (bijvoorbeeld) stemmen vanwege de uitvoering of andere opties, en tegen zoiets stemmen omdat het hele concept 'klimaatverandering' klinklare onzin zou zijn (niet mijn mening, maar een voorbeeld).
Dat staat er natuurlijk wel bij: je kan op individuele partijen klikken om hun beargumentatie te zien, maar dan kan het dus zo zijn dat je door (onbewuste) vooroordelen over een partij anders kiest, omdat je die beargumentatie niet los van de partij ziet.
Een tool waar je dat dus wél hebt zou een stuk handiger zijn: je krijgt stellingen, geeft je antwoord (ja/nee, geen van beide) en in een latere ronde kan je kiezen uit (geanonimiseerde) beargumentaties van de individuele partijen. In een ideale versie zouden die dan nog losstaan van de antwoorden die de partijen gegeven hebben ook, mocht je het er niet mee eens zijn of iets 'voor' of 'tegen' is, want dat komt eigenlijk gewoon aan op interpretatie van de vraag.
Ik heb hier eigenlijk niks aan toe te voegen! Helemaal mee eens!
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bbqbastard · 4 months
Beef Bulgogi Steak van de BBQ met Gochujang mayonaise
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pelova4president · 6 months
Magic Euros I
Leah Williamson x Wife!Reader
Magic Euros II
summary~ Leah Williamson, England Captain, your wife and the mother of your children managed to balance her private and work life. You thought you couldn’t be prouder but now she’d won the home Euros.
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Knowing Leah she, was going into the Euros with a winners mindset, one that no one could destroy. She worked hard to get where she is and she isn’t gonna let this chance slip through her fingers. This is Englands Euros. This Euros is the Lionesses’s.
When you and your wife got together she had just joined Englands senior team. She had always been a confident player but those first few months playing for England were rough. Her confidence was low, she didn’t get any minutes. The team was suffering and she didn’t get the chance to help out.
At Arsenal she was at her place. She played had in red for her whole senior career. Every time she got to wear that badge she wore it with pride. No one could stop her in the Arsenal colours. She loved her teammates, the club and everything around it. Arsenal was Leah’s whole heart, until you arrived. Leah was infatuated by you.
Leah and you had met at a party that her then dutch teammates held. Jill, Viv and Daan introduced the two of you to each other when they saw Leah staring at you from across the room. “Leah, this is y/n. Y/n this is Leah.” Daan had said.
You lived in England but knew the other girls from working in the football industry back in the Netherlands. When Viv moved to England and told you about the opportunities there and how the women’s game was growing you had to see it yourself.
Leah charmed her way into your life. She flirted with you throughout the whole night and eventually won your number. When everyone had gone home you stayed behind to help your friends clean up. “En wat vond je van Leah?” (And what did you think of Leah?) Jill asked curiously. “Ja, ze is wel leuk.” (Yeah, she’s nice) you answered blushing at the thought of the blonde. “Leah vind jou ook zeker wel ‘leuk’.” (Leah definitely thinks you’re ‘nice’ too) Daan laughed.
The girls invited you to the games they played and you turned up, every time. After a bit of teasing and convincing of her teammates Leah asked you out. And from one date came another and that’s how you eventually got into a relationship, moved in together and got married.
You and Leah had discussed the options of having children and started a family after a few years of dating. Both England and Arsenal were doing good and your wife was in her prime time.
When your baby boy was born her eyes were full of tears, she couldn’t believe the both of you had a little family now.
Your son, James, was a few months old and you were about four months pregnant when Leah had to go for England camp. She had been talking about the Euros for months now. When Sarina had told her she’d captain her country she couldn’t hold in her tears anymore. Playing for England was a dream, captaining England was.. marvellous.
leahwilliamsonn posted on their story
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Leah had found it hard leaving you behind, now even more so, pregnant and with a little baby to take care of. Leah had called her mom to help you out. She knew you would want to do everything alone and without help but you needed help and that was okay.
Leah texted you the moment she arrived and called you whenever she could. She got her own room, perks of being the captain, and got to face time you almost every evening.
“Hi baby, how are you and the kids?” she asked looking at you through her screen. “Hey Lee, they’re good, Jamie is asleep and your other baby is very active.” you laughed tiredly. Leah knew you had your hands full, that was why she asked her mom to look after you. Amanda tried to and she helped with James but the pregnancy was hard and more intense than when you were pregnant with James.
You asked Leah about the girls and how they were doing when her door swung open and a hyper active Georgia was jumping on Leah’s bed. “Ooooehh got your wifey on the phone. How’re you doing? How’s little Jamie?” Georgia asked excited while your wife rolled her eyes at her. You laughed at the both of them, “Hi Gee, Jamie’s sleeping and just misses his mommy and aunties.”.
You had brought James to England camp a couple of times. The girls adored him, especially G, Keira and Luce. When Leah had time off, the both of you and James had flew to Barcelona to see Kei and Lucy. It wasn’t long before Lucy had stolen your kid. James was amazed by Lucy, she was so good with kids.
lucybronze posted on their story
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The opening game of the Euros was held in the Old Trafford stadium, England against Austria. You knew Leah was nervous, she always was even though she would never admit that. But being a captain made it even more nervewrecking.
You sat in the family and friends section of the stadium, wearing one of Leah’s jerseys. She loved it when you wore those, the Williamson name on your back matching both her and your lastname. You even got James in a little England kit with mommy on the back of it.
When Leah walked out of the tunnel, leading the rest of the team with her rainbow captain armband on, you couldn’t be prouder.
The girls had won the game by one goal and got the next day off. Leah had gone home to spend some much needed time with you and your son.
Your own little family was laying on the couch when you felt a kick. Leah was resting her head on your chest, your son in her lap when she heard you gasp. “Babe, what’s wrong?” she asked slightly panicked. Taking her hand and putting it on your belly she felt it. “She’s gonna be a footballer, just like her mommy.” Leah whispered. You raised your eyebrow at her, “How do you know she’s a she hmm?”. Leah looked up and gave you a little smirk “I just know baby.”.
Your wife had to go back in the evening after laying your son in bed.
The weeks went by quickly, Leah got busier by the day but even then she made time for you. After every game she headed straight to you, she could celebrate after with her teammates.
Things got extremely stressful when England reached the Semi-Final against Sweden. But Leah had the right mindset and got the team to play their best. With four goals, Mead, Bronze, Russo and Kirby all scored, they were onto the big final. The final against Germany.
This time Leah had no time off but you got to visit her at camp. With James and a round belly you drove to St. George’s Park.
y/nwilliamson posted on their story
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When you walked through the big doors of St. George’s Park you were greeted by a bunch of the England girls. Georgia practically launched herself at you, well, at James. You handed the boy over to Georgia and saw Leah. “You’re here baby!” she walked over to you, holding her arms out. You hugged her and she gave you a kiss on your forehead. “I missed you so much Lee” you whispered into the crook of her neck. “I missed you too.” your wife told you.
Leah eventually got to hold her own son too after she told Georgia off. “I can have him too Gee, he’s my kid.” she scolded the midfielder. Georgia groaned and handed a giggling James over.
You got some time to catch up with a few of the other girls. Most of them told you about how Leah would show them all the pictures of you and James she had and how she’d talk about you nonstop. You talked with Jill and she said that she wanted to start a coffee shop after the Euros and that she probably wants to present football matches and stuff like that. It suited her, she was funny and made for it. You promised to ask around for her and to visit her in Manchester sometime.
The Final was the day you dreaded.
The stadium was absolutely packed with fans, their cheers echoing through the big Wembley stadium. This was the day Leah dreamed of. This was it, the Euros final at home. England against Germany.
Leah walked her team out, just like every other game. The pride armband around her bicep leading her team onto the pitch.
After the National Anthems Leah had a little talk with the team and everyone got ready. The whistle blew and the game began.
As the match progressed, the tension kept building. Germany had scored in the first fifteen minutes, England scored not long after. The score was one to one, with both teams fighting tooth and nail for every goal. The atmosphere was electric, you couldn't help but feel your heart racing with every pass.
When Alessia Russo scored the second goal for England in the 67th minutes the crowd went wild but there was still all to play for. A few minutes later, in the 73th minute Germany scored making it equal again.
Then, in the final moments of the game, when it seemed like a draw was inevitable, something truly unbelievable happened. Leah Williamson, the fearless captain and your wife made a clean tackle that changed the whole game. She got up, dribbled with the ball and with her precise vision and skill, Leah delivered a jaw-dropping assist.
The ball sailed through the air, finding one of her bestfriends. You held your breath as you watched the ball hit the back of the net. This was it, England had won the Euros.
You looked down at your son and realised that they had defeated Germany, in front of their home crowd. This was something magical, it was pure ecstasy.
Your wife sunk to her knees. She had done it. Wiping the tears from her eyes she walked towards her teammates.
She couldn’t celebrate long before she was pulled into an interview. “Leah Williamson, England Captain and European Champion, how do you feel?” the interviewer asked her. She took the microphone and responded, “This is the proudest day of my life, after the birth of my children i suppose.” she beamed. “Excuse me but i have to get to my wife and baby.” Leah excused herself, searching for you.
When she found you waiting in the stand she stood up on her toes and kissed you and James. “You did it baby, you brought it home.” you whisper yelled.
After celebrating the big win you went on a vacation with Georgia, Lucy and Keira. They offered to babysit Jamie whenever the two of you wanted to go out.
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liked by jillroord and 237.719 others
date night away from the kids
y/nwilliamson that’s kinda hard since there’s still one in me
alessiarusso99 the girlss 🥰
stanwaygeorgia what do you mean ‘kids’ there’s only one with you
↳ lucybronze she meant that you’re a kid too
↳ keirawalsh both of you are kids
↳ leahwilliamsonn all of you are kids
↳ y/nwilliamson you can’t say much babe
daniellevddonk cute 😍😍
katie_mccabe11 milfs 😋
y/nwilliamson posted on their story
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When the whole Euros thing had settled in you were almost nine months pregnant and James was almost one year old. Leah had already gone back to Club football where they played amazing too.
It got harder and harder to do things on your own so it was very helpful that the Arsenal girls helped you out whenever they could. Katie, Viv and Beth loved to babysit which really helped you a lot.
When Katie came over to pick the boy up because you and Leah wanted to have one last date night before the other kid arrived, your water broke. I guess this was it, you wouldn’t get another date night until she was atleast a few months old. A stubborn child, just like her mommy. Leah took you to the hospital while Katie took care of little Jamie.
Your baby girl, just like Leah had told you, was very determined and arrived almost immediately in the hospital. “Told you she was a girl.” Leah smirked while holding her. You rolled your eyes and the door opened, revealing two Arsenal strikers. Viv drove the two of them to the hospital as soon as she heard.
“Is she born already?” Beth asked curiously. Leah told her no, “Ha ha, very funny.” Beth said sarcastically while Viv grinned at Leah’s joke. Leah handed the little girl over to Viv who smiled at her. “Her name’s Alice.” you told them.
Alice was just like her big brother, a hand full. They caused trouble on and off the field. Alice tried to kick balls before she could even walk and James ran around the field chasing your wife’s teammates. Katie loved Alice just like she loved James, you were sure she was the one making them act naughty.
When the team travelled to Germany you got to go with them. Katie and Victoria even offered to babysit them so Leah and you had a little alone time away from the kids and the team.
Katie and Vic got Jamie to put his middle finger up and he thought it was funny since they laughed at it. And since his little sister wanted to be just like him she mimicked the action. Vic called Kyra over who was laughing hysterically at the two naughty kids that got told off by Viv. “You shouldn’t do that, that’s very bad!” Viv tried to scold them but failed to hold her laugh in.
But that wasn’t the end of their bad influence. Katie got Alice to pull some pranks on the other girls. They would blame Katie but they won’t blame a sweet kid like Alice right.
The Irish woman sent Alice on a mission to bring all the football boots she could find to her. Katie tied them all together and they hid them together.
It wasn’t long before the next training session was and the angry teammates came after Katie. “It was Alice! I didn’t do anything!” she defended herself. Kim looked at Alice who acted like she knew of nothing. “Did you tie all the shoes together Al?” she asked the girl. Alice shook her head and pointed to Katie who had already started to run away.
victoriapelova posted on their story
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The camp was perfect, a little getaway with your loved ones. The Arsenal staff had all kinds of things planned and most of them were child friendly so the kids got to go with the team.
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liked by liawaelti and 137.172 others
germany with the arsenal kids
lucybronze tell them auntie lucy misses them
↳ leahwilliamsonn jamie has been wanting to see you for weeks now
victoriapelova we’re the best babysitters out there
↳ katie_mccabe11 we really are
↳ y/nwilliamson yeah if you want naughty kids
lottewubbenmoy kleine monstertjes
kyracooneyx you’ve got the weirdest kids out there
↳ leahwilliamsonn because of you yeah
arswfc43 they’re so cuteeee
kcc4evrr i love them and the team sm
When the awards came around, Leah was invited to almost every one of the events and even won a few. Sometimes she got to bring your kids with. It was hard to keep them quiet and keep them from running around but the England girls helped you out.
When Leah won SPOTY both James and Alice escaped out of your and Viv’s grasp and ran over to their mom. You walked over to your wife, apologised to the laughing room and took both of them off the stage with a red face.
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liked by chloekelly and 327.125 others
crazy kids and my crazy wife ❤️
mbrighty04 still can’t believe they ran up on stage on live television
↳ y/nwilliamson can’t believe it either
katie_mccabe11 realll crazy
y/nwilliamson you’re the crazy wife
stanwaygeorgia wonder who they got it from huh
keirawalsh still the cutest tho
liawaelti they’re adorable 🥰
w0soleahwill Alice is gonna be a real star
↳ russoo23 James too probably
pavlovarusso leah and her kids are so adorable
Lucy and Keira came to visit you in London when they had a weekend off. They told you they wanted to see you again but you all knew they’d probably end up giving all their attention to your kids anyway. And just like you expected, Lucy was passed out with James on the couch and Keira was playing football with Alice in your backyard.
The day after they took the kids to the park and to a little farm not far away. Both the kids and the Barcelona players were tired and almost immediately fell asleep after their intense day away.
lucybronze, keirawalsh
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liked by leahwilliamsonn and 291.730 others
might keep them
y/nwilliamson you can keep them
↳ leahwilliamsonn babe!
↳ y/nwilliamson it was just a joke!
racheldaly3 is that lucy passed out on the couch?
stanwaygeorgia why wasn’t i invited?!!
esme.morgan sneak them in to camp next time please
The kids were adored by everyone, including you and your wife. Playing for England and Arsenal was something incredible but being the mother to your children and your wife was her proudest achievement by far.
A/N I’ll probably write the McCabe!Reader fic next but i kinda like writing these domestic fics 😭
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sakis40 · 3 months
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Wat vind je van mijn lul
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dutchmemes · 9 months
Hallo, wat vind je van deze meme
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Eftelgekkies, ik heb een beetje input nodig van jullie...Mijn autisme vertelt mij dat ik een premium-abonnement nodig heb, en in principe heb ik het geld ervoor al bij elkaar gespaard, plús ik krijg wss nog €50 korting vanwege mijn beperking, dus ik kan het betalen...Ik weet alleen niet of ik het helemaal het geld waard vind... Want ik vindt de voordeeltjes opzich wel leuk, alleen als je bijv. kijkt naar speciale evenement....ik ken verder irl niemand met een abonnement dus het is niet alsof ik er samen met iemand naartoe kan gaan, tenzij er mutuals hetzelfde probleem hebben...
Dus vandaar dat ik even wil peilen wat jullie gaan doen!
(dit zijn de verschillen btw)
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polldermodel · 18 days
Tumblr help me out. Ik heb een discussie met m'n vriendin over het dragen van een shirt van band/artiest A, bij een concert van band/artiest B. Dus dat je een shirt draagt van een andere band dan waarvan je naar het concert gaat. Wat vind je daarvan? Moet kunnen Not done Alleen als het een concert is met meerdere bands (zoals op een festival)
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Wat is het toch heerlijk om naakt te zijn in de natuur. Vind je ook niet? Bikini’s voelen dan echt zwaar overbodig 👙👙👙 Een fijne throwback naar IJsland 2018 ✨
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nedermemes · 9 days
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zoueriemandzijnopmars · 8 months
Stemwijzer zegt vdd.. Naja laten we dat dan maar doen.
Nou ja, weet je, ik ga niemand vertellen hoe die moet stemmen dat mag iedereen lekker zelf weten, maar gezien de .. en de ‘naja’ krijg ik het idee dat deze vraag meer bedoeld is als kritiek op de stemwijzer en dat je liever geen vvd stemt.
En dat is ook prima! Ik zie de stemwijzer meer als hulpmiddel die vaak bevestigt wat ik al weet, maar soms met partijen komt die ik niet had verwacht. Dit geeft je dan een kans om daar toch eens beter naar te kijken en dan te beslissen of de stemwijzer gelijk had of juist niet. Ik neem het resultaat uit de stemwijzer niet klakkeloos over.
Ik denk wel dat voor mensen die geen idee hebben van politiek de stemwijzer een goede eerste stap kan zijn. (Ik kan me niet voorstellen dat je meest gehate partij bovenaan komt. Ik kan me zo indenken dat als je geen vvd fan bent er ook nog wel minstens 3 andere partijen zijn die je erger vindt.) De stemwijzer kan helpen door je een kleinere verzameling partijen te geven waar je je focus op kunt leggen. En zelfs als ze klakkeloos op de bovenste partij stemmen is dat naar mijn mening beter dan niet stemmen.
Wel denk ik dat de stemwijzer natuurlijk problemen heeft. Soms zijn er stellingen waarbij partijen het oneens lijken te zijn, maar als je naar hun uitleg gaat is het gewoon een gekke verdraaiing van hun woorden. (Ik kreeg een stelling of het aantal tweede kamerleden moest worden verhoogd naar 250. D66 was het oneens want ze wilden minstens 260 kamerleden…) Ook zijn veel stellingen ontkennend gesteld, wat het soms moeilijk maakt te bedenken wat eens en oneens nou betekent, ik vind bijvoorbeeld de stelling ‘de regering moet zich ertegen verzetten dat meer landen lid worden van de Europese Unie’ omslachtig verwoord, ‘uitbreiding van de EU is prima’ geeft hetzelfde idee veel simpeler weer. Daarom is het ook belangrijk om te kijken wat de toelichting van de partijen is, dit kan zowel tijdens het invullen als naderhand om je top partijen te vergelijken. Ik denk dat als je dat doet, de stemwijzer een heel nuttig hulpmiddel kan zijn bij het kiezen van een partij.
Verder zou ik mensen aanraden om na te gaan wat ze nou zelf belangrijk vinden en op basis daarvan de verkiezingsprogramma’s te vergelijken en een beslissing te maken.
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k3fanblog · 9 months
Results of the best KKJ song bracket!!!
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Congrats to Mamasé for being the best KKJ song! Also not pictured here, but Meiden van de brandweer gets a honorary mention for coming 4th.
Some fun stats:
Lollypopland, Beroemd and Niet-verjaardagsfeest had the biggest increase when compared to the full K3 bracket, Lollypopland was originally ranked 24th but managed to become 9th! Beroemd was ranked 21st and came 8th and Niet-verjaardagsfeest was ranked 28th but came 18th!
The biggest losers are Eya Hoya! and Willem Alexander, both losing 14 spots in the ranking
When looking at the albums, Eyo was the most popular, the average rank is 20.33, the next album is Mamasé (24.67) and then at a distance Engeltjes (32.92), Loko Le (35.69) and Alice in Wonderland (36.60). (The two singles without an album are K3 Loves you at place 20 and K3 kan het! at place 31.)
Full ranking below the cut! Though because of Tumblr lists it doesn't show ties, so it's only fully accurate until the 27th spot. (If anyone wants the full data feel free to message me)
So next is the HKM bracket, per popular demand it's going to be a 64 song bracket starting with a group stage that I will probably put up early next week so stay posted!
And that was it for the KKJ bracket, thanks everyone for voting and reblogging, it was a lot of fun to read your opinions and sometimes even song analyses! Hope to see you back for the HKM bracket!
Waar zijn die engeltjes
Hallo K3
Meiden van de brandweer
Loko le
Zwaai als je verliefd bent
Leukste van het land
Handjes draaien
De politie
Drums gaan boem
Alice in Wonderland
K3 Loves You!
Wanneer zie ik jou terug
Zeg eens AAA
Niet normaal
Koning Willem-Alexander
De revolutie
Geloof in jezelf
K3 Kan Het!
Eya Hoya!
Viva viool
Wat jij doet met mij
Mijn liefje achterna
En ik dans
Bel me ringeling
Kinderen baas
Kusje van jou
Hey hey
Cowboys en indianen
Alles kan in Wonderland
Gigaleuke dag
Vind ik leuk
Onder water
Ik wil naar huis
Doe de bloemendans
Naar de film
Op de kermis
Wie zal ik een kusje geven
Het steltenlied
Alleen door jou
Hiep hiep hoera
Mama kan alles
Leugentje leugentje
Ik wil niet naar huis gaan 
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stomgetoeter · 5 months
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gezellig · 3 months
ligt misschien aan mij maar ik vind het wat vreemd om als farmaceut op tv leuk te vertellen dat je naar een lockdown feestje bent geweest
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