#wasting second chances on trying to correct the past
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Both Ming and Joe are stuck in the past.
Wanting something they lost.
And being miserable about it.
But old habits die hard.
And love is a habit.
Which makes it the hardest to kill.
#my stand in#my stand in the series#I hate them#because I love them so much#the way this show constantly parallels the past and the present#when will we break the habits?#and start something new?#ming and joe keep repeating the same mistakes#but they also keep showing their love in the same ways#they are both stuck in the past#and miserable#wasting second chances on trying to correct the past#instead of using the second chances to change the future#everything about this show is working for me
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Long time no see....
I did TRY to get this finished as soon as I could, but between the rollercoaster of 'Are You Sure?!', the hellscape that Jikook spaces (on Twitter/X and Tumblr) became (and honestly were already...), and trying to shorten everything down, it took a good while.
But I refuse to keep this past 2024, so here's an gift for the holidays (or maybe not considering the word count 🫥)!
I wanted to articulate exactly what my thoughts and concerns were, especially since this is a more serious topic regarding Jimin’s work and art, but I don’t think it came off that well before.
Hopefully I do better this time!
I’ve seen the many anons that were spamming your and other Jikookers’ inboxes the second WHO and MUSE released because “OMG Jimin said she/her!! He’s single and looking for a woman to love!” became the newest narrative.
While I do think it would be perfectly okay for him to want a female partner, it does make me slightly upset and sad, that people resorted to being homophobic and honestly misogynistic as a response. There is a way to discuss Jimin's potential romantic partners without being nasty to queer fans or possibly invalidating Jimin’s identity (especially since it is not likely that he’d ever fully come out (if he is queer/bi) in the way most people think nor want, given where he lives and his line of work).
Even the way people were talking about women was questionable. Going on about how it is outrageous for Jimin to deny himself the chance to be with a woman, have a biological family, and overall is wasting himself on Jungkook (if they are in a romantic relationship).
Making women out to be objects for men to use and only worth making/raising families, the homophobic rhetoric towards the longevity of queer relationships and same sex parents, as well as the blatant disrespect to Jungkook (that he’s “not enough” or “not right” for Jimin). If someone thinks that Jikook are nothing but platonic friends, that is perfectly fine. But to degrade their bond, as well as Jimin and Jungkook’s characters, is just unnecessarily cruel.
In regards to your response, I would love for nothing more than to say that it helped with my understanding of Jimin and MUSE, but I’m honestly not completely sure of that….
My first ask was sent right after the behind video for MUSE dropped, so before some of your posts that you linked about MUSE and WHO were posted (though I did read them again!).
Before I continue, I do want to make a few things clear:
I’m not stuck on any of my assumptions or thoughts being the “correct” way to interpret MUSE.
I’m not here to convince anyone that Jikook isn’t in a romantic relationship. I’m honestly really just confused.
I don’t need anyone to convince me that Jikook is still real.
I’m simply having a conversation and trying to process my thoughts and MUSE with someone that I trust and respect. Do I always agree with everything said? No, in fact disagreeing with others (Storm in this case) is how I tend to find out how I feel or think about a topic or situation.
I’ve done a lot of thinking about what exactly has been confusing me with MUSE, and I’ve narrowed it down to three main topics or questions: Is MUSE a conceptual album?, Is WHO how Jimin actually feels?, and What does this all mean for Jikook?
This is going to be long, I’m sorry in advance!
Initial Thoughts
Since I’m used to Jimin’s recent work, FACE and his Photofolio, having lots of Jimin’s own inspirations and ideas tied into it, like Greek Mythology, German Poetry, Robert Mapplethorpe’s Imagery and Work, ect, with the title being MUSE, the idea that Jimin was going to vaguely write about his inspirations or muses (how Closer Than This is considered for ARMY) seemed likely to me.
Then as the track titles were revealed to be more romantic sounding, it felt like he may have used the concept of love to better articulate another deeper message. Or that he chose to write about a fictional love and focused more on vocal and production styles, in a similar way to what Jungkook did with Golden.
Post MMM
While watching the MMM video for the first time, I was confused because Jimin had mentioned MUSE being more vague (or conceptual) than FACE but that WHO was his “feelings” after the previous tracks. Ultimately, I took that as him wanting to write about love but not having current personal experiences to pull from, so he decided to make up a fictional love story/crush, and then WHO comes at the end being like “actually that’s not true. i’m not in love, though i want to be.”
Then I saw this post:
I went back to watch MMM immediately, and was almost horrified at how I managed to miss or maybe interpret parts of Jimin and Namjoon’s conversation differently.
JM: I really tried to express all the emotions I felt at the time. “What do you talk about these days?” “How are things going?” Those were things Pdogg asked me about and I felt that it had been a while since I felt excited about something.
RM: Oh, over something.
JM: Yeah. We hadn’t been active as a team for a while either. I was working hard, I wanted to do well and was trying but it felt like it had been a long time since I was immersed in something or felt excited about something.
RM: So, since your life felt really bland, you expressed your different feelings through Muse?
JM: I tried to capture that in my album. I set my album like this, from tracks one through five, those emotions compared to having a crush and confessing my feelings.
RM: Having a crush is exciting.
JM: Exactly! So I share how I feel, then in track six which is the title track, I go, “no, that wasn’t really true”. “When will I feel excited about something again?”
RM: Then does it connect to Face in any way?
JM: Not really. It’s not that connected.
RM: Face was then?
JM: Those were my emotions then. Getting clarity, and this time it’s just vague.
With this in mind, as well as the fact that BOTH Jimin and Namjoon talked about Jimin’s work, singing, and idol identity more than anything to do with love, made the idea that search for love = search for his inspiration/excitement with his art more possible.
MUSE Behinds
Then the Behinds for Muse dropped….
Which led to my first ask:
Looking back now, I don’t think I presented WHY I was so conflicted after that video that well in my initial ask.
JM: This album has a lot of cheerful songs. But I wanted to try a different approach for just the title track. There will be a lot of fun songs.
JM: It was harder to write the lyrics this time. I had to pretend to go through experiences I haven’t had before. I’ll explain it one by one in more detail later.
So I know a lot of people have been using the “pretend to go through experiences I haven’t had before” to explain the “looking for love” vibes of WHO, but my understanding of Jimin saying this was that it’s towards the first five tracks (where he sings about having a crush and falling in love). While both relate to it being a concept, it being about the rest of the album (the love part) does make it sound like he’s currently single.
JB (Jon): *interpreting Jimin’s ideas* I’d like to fall in love. I wanna, I’ll do what it takes to fall in love. I still don’t feel it, so what is my heart waiting for?
JM (Through the Translator): It’s just a bit sentimental, so it doesn’t get too intense like, “Where is she?” It doesn’t get too depressing.
JM: It’s not supposed to be sad or anything.
Translator: He’s not like, not too deep into it. He’s like “This is what I’m feeling right now”.
JM: It’s kind of embarrassing to explain emotions. It feels like someone found my diary.
Translator: Thank you for explaining everything so honestly.
JM: My ears are red. *touches ears*
I really do want to hear more of what Jimin told Jon directly about his (Jimin’s) vision for the song.
While Jimin still could be working through the idea of a concept about his inspiration, when he says “It feels like someone found my diary”, to me it really did sound more personal to him than expected.
Especially to be getting so embarrassed about it.
JM: I’ve poured all my emotions into this, so I was very embarrassed just now. Even though they just wanted to ask about the story I wanted to tell. It’s just, everyone…. *laughs*
JM: Everyone’s just living alone, right? That’s what it is.
Yes, technically he does LIVE ALONE or he could have been using the feeling of not having that excitement to being alone….
But I'm curious as to what he meant by “everyone’s just living alone, right?” within the context of WHO, MUSE, or even in general?
Producer: If the album is going to be all about expressing the process, we could just go all out conceptual.
Producer: I thought we could do a story with a specific concept, and I thought it’d be great if we chose a name for a band.
With SGMB, the confusion for me was more about them mentioning it being about “expressing the process” and being conceptual after I had thoughts about WHO being more personal.
Now I wonder if they meant the process of falling in love.
Response to Your Thoughts
I really liked your take on the title of MUSE and relating it to inspiration and the Muses of Greek Mythology. It fits in line with what we’ve seen from Jimin, as well as what I was initially expecting.
Like I said above, after going back and paying attention to what they were saying (I literally typed out the entire video to go over 💀), the search for his inspiration and a version of himself that he’s fully satisfied with seemed likely to be the concept of MUSE.
Rejecting WHO, because “he didn’t write it”, feels not only disrespectful, but stupid to do so. It’d be one thing if Jimin had clearly stated that he had no connection to the lyrics/story and just liked the song that was given to him (though this is still weird, because him liking the song and presenting it to fans is valid and important). But that’s not what happened.
Yes someone else wrote WHO, but we’re literally told AND shown that Jimin was involved when they wrote it. That Jimin himself explained what he wanted to express through the song. Along with his further involvement with the MV and the choreo.
If he is explaining his search for inspiration through the idea of romance, that is incredibly smart and endearing of him. It shows me how much his work and art matter to him. That he’s willing to work on bettering himself (even if I thought he was already amazing) to achieve even better results that he can truly be proud of.
While I can see where topics surrounding his sexuality can come into play with WHO, more so with the MV, I’m under the impression that Jimin has come to terms with any gender expression or sexuality issues he’s had a long while ago. But still, even if he is accepting of who he is, others (ARMY, South Korea, The World, ect) might not be.
I’m happy though that even while in this search (whether for inspiration, satisfaction, or love) that he’s still able to be happy and content with where he is at and who he is.
Producers’ and Jimin’s Thoughts
Hearing that MUSE was born after Jimin was so excited to work on music, especially considering the darker topics discussed in FACE, makes me so unbelievably happy. The songs ending up as upbeat and hopeful, even romantic, really does make sense in that context.
But I'm honestly more and more confused the more people talk about this album.
The producers say the album is about looking for some imaginary woman, while every song other than WHO is gender neutral. Even with WHO, we are shown a version that was gender neutral.
“He’s a Korean Idol. He’s going to be portrayed as straight!”
So why is Jimin not following that?
Most (if not all) of what I hear him talk about in relation to MUSE is gender neutral. I don’t have an issue with Jimin making love songs about women, but make it consistent with the rest of the album that THEY (Jimin and Producers) wrote then!
Is it Personal or Conceptual?
It's true that conceptual doesn’t have to mean fake, but the question I’m often left with is “In what way is this album conceptual?” Is it his search for inspiration and excitement of his work through a romantic lens OR is it his search for his person through a made up love story?
The idea of most of the album being love songs about a made up relationship/crush just to be like “I’m actually single and alone!”, does frustrate me a little. Like he’s an Idol, it’s already assumed that he’s single.
“Please misunderstand”, Park Jimin, what does this mean??
At first I thought maybe he meant him being in a relationship, because the songs (up until WHO) read as him confessing to someone or telling ARMY about his partner. But WHO exists on the album… so that narrative is already clear.
So is he not LOOKING FOR A WOMAN? Or is he not SINGLE?
Is the album not about his LOVE LIFE but his work?
Because ANY of those would actually make more sense to misunderstand.
Why is he releasing this in the military? I’d understand if he was planning on revealing a partner, but based on what Jimin, the producers, and WHO are saying, he’s single. So is he announcing that he’s looking for love once he’s discharged? Then we go back to it being assumed that he is already single… and not going to lie, that is a little strange to announce? Why make an entire album for that?
Why is Closer Than This on the album? I’m desperately hoping it’s not some sick way of saying “At least I got ARMY”..... and then what is Letter for?
The Song
So the only song that Jimin doesn’t have writing credits on is supposed to be the one depicting his “true feelings”... Interesting.
According to the producers, the song was born out of Jimin having trouble relating to a love serenade they were trying to write initially, and thus ends up asking himself if he can ever really love someone. With the song apparently being about the reality of feeling lonely and melancholy, and asking yourself where the person for you is , it does make me think that he hasn’t been in a long term romantic relationship for years, if it’s directly about Jimin and not just the concept of the song.
“He’s an Idol, of course he’ll say he’s single and doesn’t know what love is!”
Ok, but why mention it at all?
I could maybe see Jimin not being out to his producers (or more so with his possible relationship with Jungkook), but it’s also not hard to just take him at his word (via the producers) that he’s unfamiliar with romantic love.
Jimin mentions that when he meets up with friends, they’re all feeling similarly flat. I wonder if that flatness is towards not being in a relationship or feeling uninspired with life and/or work? He goes on to say it’s not a sad or scary feeling, but it’s also not exciting. This could go for either concept (Love or Work) to be honest.
The MV
Initially with the MV, I just saw Jimin dancing with girls trying to find the one but ending up alone (in line with the song). The only thing that I really had trouble processing was the billboard…
I’ve read through multiple analyses of the MV since my first viewing, and I’ve noticed a lot more details that are somewhat questionable.
Auto Calibration being the main one as it flashes on screen after Jimin dances with men and then leads into him dancing with women. This does give some queer vibes, and makes me interested in what “story” Jimin had in mind with WHO as the choreo also has similar vibes too.
Jimin mentioning people instead of just women as potential options when passing by is also interesting, especially when he has mostly talked about this album gender neutrally.
The billboard with SOMEONE’S EYES dropping after Jimin sings “Who is my heart waiting for?” does seem as though it's an answer for Jimin, or maybe others. Especially when WHO with NO QUESTION MARK and Keep Going are written on it. In my opinion, it does resemble Jungkook's eyes. But I find it hard to take it as a promotion of some sort when it quite literally interrupts the MV, seemingly for no reason, instead of being a poster in the back.
Then of course, there is the insane potential connection of Taeyang, someone Jimin is a known fan of and is now friends with, showcasing his then girlfriend (now wife) on a billboard in a MV….
The Choreo
Most of the choreo just matches with the lyrics, but there are some parts that I found interesting.
During a Chorus part Jimin joins up with SIX OTHER MEN. I don’t know if this is supposed to be a BTS reference or just formations. But what is the point of having SIX when there is only FIVE later for the girls vs boys part? Why not just keep the seven men (including Jimin) and have seven girls? Where’d the other guy even go?
Next in Verse Two when Jimin sings about “taking her places they ain’t found yet, putting it all on the line, and being that someone she can count on”, he dances with two men. Why? Would it not be better for him to do some sort of partner choreo here?
In the bridge, he repeats “who is my heart, heart waiting for?” as he passes by BOTH WOMEN AND MEN. Sure he only tries to match with women, but he’s a kpop idol and the song uses female pronouns, so that’s expected. I’m sure the male dancers were most likely included just to have it look better, but considering Jimin saying people when talking about it, the gender neutral version of the song, and that Jimin was involved with the choreo, it’s something to consider!
Jimin also keeps mentioning the choreo feeling like a short film or musical, which makes all the film (play, pause, rewind) details in the MV fit.
I am a bit disappointed that he, once again, warned fans about him interacting with women in the choreo. Even to the point of saying “moments that you might find uncomfortable” and “please don’t be too disappointed”
This is part of the reason I’m genuinely confused if this was to be some big “ARMY I’m dating/going to date!” announcement, because why would he care??? He mentions that “it is part of the grand scheme of things”, does that just refer to the story aspect of the choreo or is there more to it?
His conversations with his friends come up again, about how there are few instances to feel really strong emotions and him thinking “Should I start feeling more passion?” while making WHO, and that the writers of WHO worded the story he wanted to tell in such a lovely way.
The choreo has a lot of fun theatrical elements as he seems to want to express a lot of picturesque scenes, and the dance suits him while being simpler and fresh. But he’s still concerned about how to express the emotions for this song, as it isn't a sad song, but it does kind of become one towards the end.
Jimin’s Truth
With the amount of story elements, I’m considering the song being more of a way to describe his feelings about needing passion in his life than a detailed recount of his “failing love life”. It’s still his thoughts and feelings, but maybe expressed in a more digestible way for the audience.
If he is being up front about his romantic past, then I really do hope he finds his person, whoever they might be.
Park Jimin OF ALL PEOPLE deserves to love and be loved!
Being More Open
I know Jimin, and all idols, needs to be careful when talking about love. It’s why I’m so confused as to why this concept, and why now? Though with Jin stating that he wrote Falling for someone, maybe this is just part of BTS being more honest and open.
I do want to take Jimin and Jungkook’s words and actions seriously, however part of what has been said about MUSE and WHO from Jimin and his producers, does make me question if I (and the rest of us) were mistaken of what the nature of their bond is.
Why Does It Matter?
I think part of the reason that it's important to me to know if Jimin is legitimately saying he’s single, is that I do want to respect him and his words.
“So why were you shipping him with his bandmate?”
Personally I’ve always left room for doubt when it comes to Jikook. It’s not everything I think about in terms of BTS, Jimin, and/or Jungkook. Nor is it the end of the world for me if they’re simply platonic friends. I just thought Jikook seemed like they were/are dating.
Now I’m a little confused on where I stand, and knowing what MUSE and WHO are about in relation to Jimin would help. I know you obviously can’t know exactly. But I’m hoping I’ll get something other than “Jikook is real! Stop doubting them! You’re projecting your internalized homophobia!” OR “Jikook isn’t real! Jimin is straight and looking for a woman!”
Random AYS Interjection
I did want to finish this before Are You Sure premiered because I didn't want to keep talking about this past then and really didn’t think I had that much more to say.
But as I was going through my ask, your response to me, your posts you linked, my notes on Jimin’s video, the new videos that were being uploaded, and other anons and bloggers opinions, I realized this was going to take longer than I thought.
Part of me was also curious if my thoughts on MUSE would change how I saw Jikook in Are You Sure. Honestly my surprise when I didn’t find anything that pointed to them breaking up or being just platonic, was nothing compared to seeing that my opinion was uncommon to quite a few in the Jikook Community….
“What about the Car Conversation?!?!”
OK???? What about it?
Honestly, watching people discover that Jimin and Jungkook were busy and missing each other (or at least quality time) in 2023 for the first time this August was interesting to say the least…
We could get into the abuse and bullying allegations, calling Jimin being anti romantic over things taken out of context or making it into some weird narrative that Jimin doesn’t love Jungkook as much or that he sees their relationship as the Devil, or the fifty other weird things some of y’all said on your "Jikook Supporter" blogs…
But this is about MUSE, so THAT RANT will have to wait!
Final Conclusion
I’m still confused, but I do think after reviewing things that there is more to MUSE than I think. Especially with stories and theatrics being involved in so much of the concept.
I really just want to know what MUSE is about. The misunderstanding thing was fun for like a couple days, now it just makes me anxious and stressed. But maybe it was supposed to be like this 😔
Thank you for actually responding to my first ask so nicely and being willing to have this discussion with me!
Sorry this response took forever, hopefully it's somewhat decent 😭
Hope you're doing well, and are having a good holiday!
— Nice Muse Anon 🎨
I'm going to cry. I typed this whole fucking thing up. And it got deleted. So here we go again 😭
Hi love, I'm going to do this in a bit of a direct response thing. Copy what you say in red and then reply to it and so forth. Here we go. It won't be EVERYTHING you say, just the parts I wanted to make a comment about....
But I refuse to keep this past 2024, so here's an gift for the holidays (or maybe not considering the word count 🫥)!
And yet here I am months later. Sorry!
Your first 3 opening paragraphs about homophobia and misogyny.... Hard preach!
Rejecting WHO, because “he didn’t write it”, feels not only disrespectful, but stupid to do so. It’d be one thing if Jimin had clearly stated that he had no connection to the lyrics/story and just liked the song that was given to him (though this is still weird, because him liking the song and presenting it to fans is valid and important). But that’s not what happened.
Yes someone else wrote WHO, but we’re literally told AND shown that Jimin was involved when they wrote it. That Jimin himself explained what he wanted to express through the song. Along with his further involvement with the MV and the choreo. If he is explaining his search for inspiration through the idea of romance, that is incredibly smart and endearing of him. It shows me how much his work and art matter to him. That he’s willing to work on bettering himself (even if I thought he was already amazing) to achieve even better results that he can truly be proud of.
Agreed x 2
Hearing that MUSE was born after Jimin was so excited to work on music, especially considering the darker topics discussed in FACE, makes me so unbelievably happy. The songs ending up as upbeat and hopeful, even romantic, really does make sense in that context.
It does make sense in that context!
“He’s a Korean Idol. He’s going to be portrayed as straight!” So why is Jimin not following that?
This is part of why he is beloved. Him and BTS. They do this all the time and queer or not, it's impactful and meaningful and special to so many people
It's true that conceptual doesn’t have to mean fake, but the question I’m often left with is “In what way is this album conceptual?” Is it his search for inspiration and excitement of his work through a romantic lens OR is it his search for his person through a made up love story?
Personally, I think it's option 1. People can have their own opinions though, no right or wrong answer. Some might even have other options they think it is
The idea of most of the album being love songs about a made up relationship/crush just to be like “I’m actually single and alone!”, does frustrate me a little. Like he’s an Idol, it’s already assumed that he’s single.
1000% fair and I can even agree a bit with that frustration. Mostly my frustration there is with the company and fans though that cultivated this environment for idols
Why is he releasing this in the military? I’d understand if he was planning on revealing a partner, but based on what Jimin, the producers, and WHO are saying, he’s single. So is he announcing that he’s looking for love once he’s discharged? Then we go back to it being assumed that he is already single… and not going to lie, that is a little strange to announce? Why make an entire album for that?
I don't think he is announcing anything exactly. Like it's not a release meant to be for an announcement. If that makes sense. He isn't trying to inform people he is single and/or ready to mingle. He is trying to share emotions and a story. Why during MS? Idk.
Why is Closer Than This on the album? I’m desperately hoping it’s not some sick way of saying “At least I got ARMY”..... and then what is Letter for?
Usually singles that are released before albums get put on the album. Personally I think that was a one off goodbye song for ARMY before the army. I don't think it actually has anything to do with the album concepts or themes at all... Lol it just got stuck on the album because of release times. But that's just me and what do I actually know 🤷♀️
What is letter for? Good question. There are soooo many theories lmfao
The Song
According to the producers, the song was born out of Jimin having trouble relating to a love serenade they were trying to write initially, and thus ends up asking himself if he can ever really love someone. With the song apparently being about the reality of feeling lonely and melancholy, and asking yourself where the person for you is , it does make me think that he hasn’t been in a long term romantic relationship for years, if it’s directly about Jimin and not just the concept of the song.
Fair enough friend. I disagree but that's totally fair and valid feelings to have
“He’s an Idol, of course he’ll say he’s single and doesn’t know what love is!” Ok, but why mention it at all?
Because with the concept and theme being what they are, it would be discussed to hell and back (low-key hello is us in this post) and it's "damage control" regardless on how I feel about that, it's most likely what it is. No matter how annoying
I could maybe see Jimin not being out to his producers (or more so with his possible relationship with Jungkook), but it’s also not hard to just take him at his word (via the producers) that he’s unfamiliar with romantic love.
I personally Don't form my opinions too much based on things that are second hand. I still take them into account for sure. But I don't put too too much stock into things that via someone else on behalf of any of BTS. Because really, they can just say anything. Now don't take this as me dismissing things said, because I'm not. I'm just clarifying for everyone that I form 85% of my opinions ONLY on things that are direct from Jimin himself and based directly on Jimins actions. Things are going to be influenced by personal bias always as well too
The MV
I think we are mostly just mostly on the same page with everything you said here
The Choreo
Again, mostly think we are on the same page about your thoughts here. Will just comment specially about....
I am a bit disappointed that he, once again, warned fans about him interacting with women in the choreo. Even to the point of saying “moments that you might find uncomfortable” and “please don’t be too disappointed”
Very fair and honestly same. Again, mostly in the fans and company that have cultivated that environment he feels like he has to operate in now. I do wish he would care less about it though.
This is part of the reason I’m genuinely confused if this was to be some big “ARMY I’m dating/going to date!” announcement, because why would he care??? He mentions that “it is part of the grand scheme of things”, does that just refer to the story aspect of the choreo or is there more to it?
Jimin just cares a lot and very deeply about everything that matters to him, which includes his job and his fans. As for the grand scheme comment, I personally think it's in regards to the story aspect of the choreo, but that's just me
With the amount of story elements, I’m considering the song being more of a way to describe his feelings about needing passion in his life than a detailed recount of his “failing love life”. It’s still his thoughts and feelings, but maybe expressed in a more digestible way for the audience. If he is being up front about his romantic past, then I really do hope he finds his person, whoever they might be. Park Jimin OF ALL PEOPLE deserves to love and be loved!
I know Jimin, and all idols, needs to be careful when talking about love. It’s why I’m so confused as to why this concept, and why now? Though with Jin stating that he wrote Falling for someone, maybe this is just part of BTS being more honest and open.
Between Jin saying he wrote falling for someone, and Joon with some of his songs and posts... And some other things and comments, I really really hope that they come out of MS feeling more free and giving less of a fuck about certain fans and their feelings about things. But only time will tell
I do want to take Jimin and Jungkook’s words and actions seriously, however part of what has been said about MUSE and WHO from Jimin and his producers, does make me question if I (and the rest of us) were mistaken of what the nature of their bond is.
Fair enough friend
I think part of the reason that it's important to me to know if Jimin is legitimately saying he’s single, is that I do want to respect him and his words.
Highlighting the respect part, because everyone should want to do the same
Personally I’ve always left room for doubt when it comes to Jikook. It’s not everything I think about in terms of BTS, Jimin, and/or Jungkook. Nor is it the end of the world for me if they’re simply platonic friends. I just thought Jikook seemed like they were/are dating.
AYS comments....
Honestly, watching people discover that Jimin and Jungkook were busy and missing each other (or at least quality time) in 2023 for the first time this August was interesting to say the least…
It really brings back up that whole media literacy thing I keep bringing up people's lack of and as well as people's lack of understanding of relationships in general (platonic and romantic) doesn't it. Lol
We could get into the abuse and bullying allegations, calling Jimin being anti romantic over things taken out of context or making it into some weird narrative that Jimin doesn’t love Jungkook as much or that he sees their relationship as the Devil, or the fifty other weird things some of y’all said on your "Jikook Supporter" blogs… But this is about MUSE, so THAT RANT will have to wait!
Always willing to have any kind of discussion with you lovely 🎨! Either through asks or DMs.
Your conclusions
I’m still confused, but I do think after reviewing things that there is more to MUSE than I think. Especially with stories and theatrics being involved in so much of the concept.
I agree
I really just want to know what MUSE is about. The misunderstanding thing was fun for like a couple days, now it just makes me anxious and stressed. But maybe it was supposed to be like this 😔
JIMIN PLEASE. YOU ARE KILLING US. And this is for sure how it's going to stay. We are getting NOTHING more from him 😭😂
Thank you for actually responding to my first ask so nicely and being willing to have this discussion with me!
Fucking always. But I feel like I didn't actually DO anything for you here and I'm so sorry! I wish I could be more helpful for you in a discussion. Let me know if there are things I can give a more in depth opinion on if I haven't already?? I enjoy talking with you and hearing your thoughts!
~ Storm⛈️
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Second Chance AU Drabble
A Prologue
TW: Temporary Death
The boys died while trying to save Floyd. John wished for a chance to make it right. The stars decide to grant that plea.
John Dory liked to picture himself as an okay man. He was average at most things. He lived an okay life… towards the end of it. But everyone had a past, right? Didn’t everyone have regrets? Oh trolls… did not everyone have regrets like this? Oh no… he was a bad person. These were John’s thoughts as he was bleeding out on the ground.
John could feel himself getting colder. His eyes wanted to shut. No. He didn’t want to die. His head would barely move as he tried to look at his brothers. None of them were making it out of there. Not even…
‘Oh god… Branch,’ John thought as he saw his youngest brother. He was already gone or at least he wasn’t moving… John had failed everything. He failed to rescue Floyd. He failed his brothers. He failed. John slowly ripped his eyes away from Branch, his chest heaving in weak, heartbroken sobs. ‘Please… please, it wasn’t meant to be like this. It was meant to be a rescue mission. We were supposed to get our baby brother back.’
John kept thinking these thoughts as he stared up at the night sky above them that the stadium opened up to. And he noticed one star. It was stupid, but John started to say a wish in his heart to the lonesome star, feeling that this was going to be the last chance he had to think… anything.
‘I just need one chance,’ John started as he felt his eyes closing without his permission. ‘Please. I wish I had one more chance. I could fix this. I could fix everything. I just need one more chance.’
And with that… his eyes shut.
And they instantly blinked open.
John was standing upright and he could hear the murmurs of a crowd, the buzz in the air, and he’d been walking as he opened his eyes which set him off balance. With a startled sound he leaned against the wall, his legs sort of giving out on him as he adjusted to the new surroundings.
“Woah! John Dory!” John heard Bruce say with worry. Bruce? “Are you okay?”
John looked up and properly looked at his surroundings. He… he was staring at Spruce not Bruce. John could only stare in disbelief before looking past him. They… they were back. They were all okay! Even Floyd! And they… holy shit, had they always been that small at this age? They all looked like how they did the night of…
John’s gaze eventually settled on Bitty B. Bitty B. Not Branch… He was a baby again. It was the night of the first concert. And Bitty B looked like he had broken grandma’s good china. Oh god… how had John left him so easily?
John’s gaze shifted between everyone’s faces. They were all waiting for him to blow up or do something. The tension in the air… it was him. John’s throat tightened at the realization. This was it. This was his second chance. He had a second chance. And he wasn’t going to waste it.
“I’m okay, B-Spruce,” John corrected himself as he looked between his brothers. He cleared his throat slightly, his brothers still looking on at him. “Tonight was my fault. I am so sorry. Is everyone okay?”
The boys looked shocked at this reaction before slowly nodding. And they did look okay. Just shocked. No one… no one knew what to do now. The tension in the room has been almost sucked out of the room with a vacuum. So now John just had to stand there with his brothers’ gazes boring into him.
That was until Bitty B cleared his throat.
“John Dory…” His littlest brother started. “I’m sorry I ruined everything…”
“No! No, no, no,” John sighed as he quickly went to go hug his baby brother. “You didn’t. I did. For all my talk of being perfect, I decided to change the choreography. I messed up tonight. But uh… if we’re all okay… Do you guys think the crowd’s still out there?”
“Uh… yeah? Why?” Clay started, looking at his older brother skeptically.
“Let’s get back out there,” John said, smiling at Bitty B as he scooped him up. “Forget about the crowd. Let’s have fun with this. We’re already famous! So who cares! Fuck the perfect family harmony!”
“JD! Don’t curse when you are literally holding Bitty B!” Spruce chastised, but he was smiling. In fact all his brothers were smiling, from Bitty’s big smile to Clay’s hesitant but happy smirk. And John could feel his own face breaking out into a grin.
“Let’s go and salvage Branch’s first ever concert!” John Dory cheered as he quickly rushed back out with his brothers, their excitement palpable. Same with his own. John Dory had a second chance.
And he would rather die than waste it.
#my writing#fanfic#trolls fanfic#trolls Drabble#drabble#trolls branch#trolls floyd#trolls bruce#trolls jd#trolls john dory#trolls clay#trolls spruce#second chance au#second chance trolls au#john dory
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I wrote this a few months ago for Febuwhump...Day 13 I think? I was super excited about sharing it. But when my schedule got crazy I had to change my plans and didn't get a chance to post it.
So here it is now!
CW for blood, injury, vomiting, and torture (including sleep deprivation)
Another slap snaps Time’s head back, stinging across his face. Stars explode before him and turn the semi-darkness spotty. He grits his teeth against the rising tide of nausea.
“I asked you a question.” A wiry, whiskered man leans forward, malice glinting in his small, rat-like eyes. “And you will answer me.”
Time drags in a breath. The air is stale, tinged with the sickening iron scent of metal chains and his blood. His attackers loom over him, knuckles red from their assaults upon him, faces sneering.
He ignores them. He has seen quite enough of them, after all, in the past few days. And he doesn’t doubt that he will be seeing quite a bit more.
He has no plans to give in anytime soon. It doesn’t matter how they pressure him, or how many torture methods they try. He will never give up one of their own.
“I told you,” he croaks, “I do not know anyone with the power to resurrect Ganon.”
A meaty fist grasps his shoulder, fingers digging into the stab wound there. Time just barely manages to bite off a scream.
“Wrong answer!”
The man steps closer. The magic that emanates from him is all wrong. Upside down and inside out and not his own in the least. The people he has dragged it out of, stolen it from, cry out with every movement he makes. It is all Time can do not to gag as the sounds and smells of it smother him.
“I am a sorcerer– ”
“You’re a thief and a coward,” Time spits. Fingers turn into a fist, slamming into his wound with a ferocity that makes him lightheaded. He hardly hears his own cry.
“I am a sorcerer,” the man repeats. He grabs Time’s chin, forces his head up so he has no choice but to look at him. “One who has sworn his very life to the Demon King. I have the power to do what must be done. I will bring him back and help him take his rightful place as ruler of Hyrule. I need only for you to give me the answer I seek.”
A bitter smirk lifts Time’s lips, even as blood drains down from them.
“Ganondorf would be ashamed to have a follower such as you. How long have you held me here now? Four days? And you have wasted that time on repeating the same question. Perhaps, you should use that skill with magic you pretend to possess and find another avenue to resurrect him. Because searching for someone who can do it for you is a fool’s errand.”
Another blow knocks his head back. It hits the damp stone wall with a nauseating crack. Time pitches forward, retching, and the wizard steps back and out of the way.
“You are full of pride, hero,” he sneers. “You forget your place, you ignore your situation.”
Time skewers him with as severe a glare as he can muster. “I have not forgotten either. In fact, I know them quite well. Which is why I have told you the truth. No person exists with the blood that can resurrect Ganon.”
“Truth? What truth? You have done nothing except to mock me and spew lies.”
The sorcerer whirls away and a streak of flame zips through Time’s veins. He cannot restrain his harsh cry as agony washes over him. But just as quickly as it comes, it is gone. And he has a split second to drag in a few, desperate wheezing breaths. Then, the sorcerer begins to speak once more, every word like another assault.
“You are correct in one way, however. I have consistently used the same methods to pry the words from you. No torture, whether by magic or physical harm, has moved you from your stance of silence.” He pauses, hand held to his chin in contemplation. “Perhaps, it is time to try another avenue. Bring in the other one.”
With a wave of one bony hand, his companions jolt into action, rushing from the room, and slamming the leaden door behind them.
Time’s eye widens, fear slicing through him. He had thought he was the only one the thugs had captured. He had been alone, after all, scouting the far perimeters of the camp, when they had knocked him out.
The sorcerer looks back at him, now, a sly grin stretching his wide mouth.
“Your little friend happened to spot us dragging you away and decided to try and be a hero. Fortunately, my little sleeping spell worked as effectively to knock him out as it did with you.”
The door slides open with an eerie creak and Time turns toward it, heart in his throat.
“Ah.” The sorcerer sets a hand on his shoulder, fingernails digging through his tunic. “And there was another fortunate development for us. You well know that my spells are excruciating. Wonderful for convincing, to be certain. But you spared me the trouble of exerting too much magical energy on you two. You are quite the collector of masks, it seems. And while some were childish at best, others have proven…very useful.”
A familiar form stumbles over the threshold, wrists clasped in the unforgiving grip of manacles. His tunic and trousers are splotched with dirt and dried blood and his shoulders sag with exhaustion. His long, blonde hair has been freed from its hair band and falls limply forward to hide his features. But his ears peek through it and the sight of them makes Time’s stomach turn.
They are encased in a prison of wiry black metal. Time would recognize that sight anywhere.
“No,” he breathes.
Wild lifts his head and the leaden weight in Time’s gut twines itself tighter.
The cage of unyielding obsidian extends to the rest of his face, curving in web-like strands across his cheeks and forehead. Eyes once the same shade as Malon’s are now blood red and rimmed in white. They stare wide and terrible, fixed in an expression of permanent horror.
Despite it all, a shaky grin quirks Wild’s lips.
“H-hey, old man,” he slurs, fumbling to keep his feet beneath him.
His captor practically drags him the rest of the way into the room. They hurl him down beside Time and he lands on the hard floor with a grunt.
Laughter rings out, echoing off of the walls of the cell and Time drags his attention away from his cub to scowl at the wizard. The man meets his stare without fear.
“I don’t have to explain the implications of this little development to you, do I? You know full well what that horrid device of yours does.”
He turns away, arms crossed and a victorious smirk on his face. “It has been four days for him as well. Four without a wink of sleep. I wonder…how long can one go without slumber? I will leave you both to ponder that.”
The door screams as it is once again pulled open. And the sorcerer glides out in a rush of nauseating power and swishing robes.
“What a creep,” Wild mumbles, gazing at the spot where he had stood. He lists slightly to the side, bumping against Time’s uninjured shoulder. Time wraps an arm around his shoulders, pulling him close.
“Have they truly forced you to wear that for four days?” He asks, worry turning his tone sharp. His own pain seems inconsequential now, the ache of his wounds a far-off thing. All that matters is the broken boy slumped against him.
Jerkily, Wild nods. A small sniffle sounds from beneath the mask.
Time’s heart clenches. “Oh, cub, I’m so sorry.”
The champion shrugs, weakly. “Least it doesn’t…doesn’t put me to sleep. Rather be kept ‘wake.” He giggles, drunk on exhaustion, fighting against the tears Time hears in his voice. “And ‘sides…got hundred years of sleep under m-my belt. Gotta count…right? Be fine.”
With a sigh, he shifts, head slipping down to rest on Time. The harsh edges of the mask bite into his abused flesh. But he doesn’t move away. The least he can do is act as Wild’s makeshift pillow.
If he could, he would tear the mask off of him and shatter it on the hard ground. But once the cursed thing has latched onto its victim’s face, only the one who put it there can remove it. And if the blood visible beneath its dark edges is any indication, Wild has already learned what happens to anyone else who attempts it.
“They hur-hurt you too,” the champion murmurs, after a pause. His tone is more somber now and fearful. Like a lost child, pleading with a parent for reassurance. “I…I can’t really see straight anymore but…they told me…they told me they were. ‘M sorry.”
Time shakes his head. “Don’t worry about me, cub. I’m alright.”
Gently, he brushes Wild’s bangs back, trying not to wince as his fingertips touch icy metal rather than warm skin. The champion leans into his touch, curling up like the barn cats do when they are seeking warmth. Any other time, the older hero would find it amusing. Now, it only makes his heart ache.
“Can’t tell them,” Wild mumbles, barely audible now. “Can’t tell ‘bout Rule.”
Time draws in a trembling breath. “No.”
But that doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways to save his cub from this terrible fate. And by the goddesses, he is going to find them. Even if he has to burn the place down.
#trin writes#febuwhump#torture tw#blood tw#injury tw#linked universe#lu time#lu wild#linkeduniverse fic#whump#angst#sorry about the open ending#i meant to continue this one#but you know#anyway#wild and time my absolute beloveds#they're such a good duo#also that all night mask is soooo creepy#i love it
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At the breakfast Tony will give him a huge portion of pancakes with colourful cereals, which Stark calls "as if the elfs puked a rainbow at them", to which he will receive a light slap on the arm from Pepper and her famous disapproving look. „Don’t swear near the kid”
After the breakfast, Peter will probably ask Tony to watch SpongeBob with him, because it’s Saturday and he doesn’t have any school.
At first, Tony will saying in disgustingly exaggerated way that he has a lot of work to do and that actually it’s a kids show, but Peter, knowing better, will eventually drag him into the couch area, tug him in an octopus hug, glueing them together so that the Stark would have no chance to escape. Tony will have no choice but to defeatedly exhale, relaxing in the arms of his child and bury his arm into Peter’s curls.
The it will be already afternoon and pepper will probably cook miso soup, so Peter need as fast as possible try to make his homework.
So he’ll probably ask Tony to help him with physics, math, Spanish, English, literature..and, well, with everything.
Tony will probably complain about lazy teenagers in these days and how back then it was better. but he still will help.
Once they will end, Pepper will call them to eat.
Still quizzing a tired Peter on some probably history topics, will they sit down to lunch.
During lunch Pepper will tell hilarious stories from Tony's past while he will try to deny everything listening to the amusing Peter’s giggling.
After they will finish eating, Pepper would remind Tony about the papers he needed to look over and then she would go to take a bath.
Meanwhile, Peter will go to his room, impatiently calling the Ned and for about an hour losing connect with the reality, rambling about Star Wars fics.
After that, hanging up and entering the living room, Peter will find Tony lying on the sofa, glasses on his nose and a Satrkpad in his hands, who, most likely, will methodically going through some documents sent by Pepper.
Not wasting any seconds looking at his domestic mentor, Peter will take the remote and lie down next to Tony, one leg draped over him, the other rummaging around the floor scrolling Netflix.
Chances are, if Peter will hug him, watching Horseman Bojack, Tony will lose all of his concentration hugging his kid next to him and eventually to Pepper’s future dissatisfaction, will become invested in series and will forget about said documents.
After their snuggling Tony will go and make them hoc chocolate, while Peter will explain to him everything about fan fiction.
Tony probably wants to know about it more.
Then Pepper will come and talk about their plans on Sunday which will end Peter pleading Pepper to watch new “Star Wars: the Clone wars” and how can Pepper say now to these big brown puppy eyes?
It’s impossible.
So the rest of the day they will eat popcorn and watch Stat wars, until pepper would remind them that they will still need to eat dinner. Time will complain that he is adult and if he doesn’t want you to eat dinner he will not. But at the end they will order some Thai food.
While waiting for the order to arrive Tony and Peter will likely go to the workshop where Tony will look at the diagrams, making some corrections while Peter will talk and pet dum-e, calling him good boy.
30 minutes later Pepper will call them to eat and they will go and eat together, talking about their plans for the week.
After that they will return to their laying activity and will end up watching the whole season of that show.
Tony will argue about the illogicality and the holes of the plot, while Peter will vehemently refute his comments.
Will 99,9% chances Pepper will stroke Peter’s hair whispering him that he did today a good job.
Most likely, Peter will fall asleep next to Pepper with his legs at Tony lulled by the warmth of two adults, with whom he feel the safest he’s ever felt.
Most likely, Tony will not want to wake the kid and will slid his hands under Peter’s body and carry him across the couch into his chest right to the kid’s bedroom, tucking his blanket and kissing forehead.
Which will make Peter whine at the loss of contact and he will probably slip “dad”, which lately has been slipping into his speech more and more often, especially when he is sleepy.
But each time it sounded like the first time for Tony as he will held his breath and his heart will race and race.
"I'm here bambino," will Tony whisper, kissing Peter again and stroking his hand, staying in the room until the kid finally falls asleep.
Then Tony will go into the living room, where a little bit drowsy Pepper will smile tiredly at him and the two of them will go into the bedroom.
In the morning, Peter will wake up and first thing will head into the kitchen area, where Tony will greet him, kissing his forehead while the kid wraps his arms around him like a koala. Then he will do exactly the same with Pepper, getting at least a million kisses from her giggling as the woman playfully kisses his cheeks, forehead, curls smiling at the kid.
At the breakfast Tony will give him a huge portion of pancakes with colourful cereals, which Stark calls "as if the elfs puked a rainbow at them", to which he will receive a light slap on the arm from Pepper and her famous disapproving look.
I really don’t know what is it hahah
#irondad and spiderson#peter parker#tony stark#spiderman#spiderson headcanon#actually autistic#irondad#ao3 fanfic#irondad spiderson#iron man#ao3#fandom
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AU where luke overhears owen and beru talking about how his father is darth vader. luke, who is still kinda ignorant about how bad the empire is but knows they're evil, sets out to save his father. A few months later, Darth Vader is kidnapped by an Imperial engineer :)
Read it on AO3 or on FFN instead!
Vader knew the stowaway was there before he even got onto the shuttle. The troops who were meant to accompany him on his diplomatic mission to Tatooine stood to attention when he strode into the hangar and didn’t dare to question him when he waved them away. They could take a different shuttle.
He was bored. He was angry. If he had to spend the afternoon negotiating with Jabba rather than simply rolling into Hutt Space with the Imperial Navy and taking what he wanted, then he would at least spend the morning finding out what pathetic sort of trap this was and crushing it. The presence on board was clearly Force-sensitive: was this an attempt by the dregs of the Jedi to assassinate him? He would enjoy putting it—and the stowaway—to rest.
So, pretending not to have noticed the presence, he sat down in the pilot’s seat and smoothly took off from the hangar, feeling his troopers’ baffled stares after him. They would follow in a transport soon after. He wanted to have this chance, first. The presence sparked with joy and excitement when they took off: the Jedi must think their plan was succeeding.
It wasn’t long before the trap he was waiting for was sprung. The controls of the shuttle started to wobble, and their trajectory pitched to the right. Vader growled. Their current course would take them away from Mos Eisley, towards the Jundland Wastes and towards…
His mother’s grave.
The autopilot was engaged. That was exactly where they were taking him, when he checked: the programme had been fed coordinates that Vader well-remembered inputting once before, in another life. When he made to override it, the navicomputer beeped at him angrily.
Passcode protected. Vader spent a scant thirty seconds trying to break through, but the Jedi’s tech skills were at least passable. He could work at it harder and correct their course, but first he wanted to see what plan they had shoved into actions.
He stood from the pilot’s seat and looked behind him. In a lambda shuttle, there should be nowhere to hide. There was the cockpit, the engine room, and the hold, where both cargo and troopers would be stored. Nowhere else should be large enough to hide a humanoid.
The cockpit was empty other than for him, and to enter he had had to come through the cargo hold. That left the engine room—but at a first glance, that was empty too.
A challenge then. And one with a time limit, before they reached his mother’s grave and whatever nefarious plot this was came to full fruition. He let rage soak his chest, lit his lightsaber, and stalked forwards.
“I know you are here, Jedi,” he boomed. “What game do you think this is?”
A flicker in the Force—almost like a giggle. Vader snapped his gaze around the engine room and peered behind the engine itself. Wires tangled in and out of his peripheral vision, tubes interlocked throughout like a grid, but the Force saw clearly. The Jedi was directly behind—
He stopped. He’d reached the back of the room. There was only a metal wall.
He reached out to rap his fist against the wall.
The resounding echo was hollow. The Force betrayed the wince and discomfort from the Jedi, but more importantly, his own ears betrayed the moment when they started scrambling through this vent they’d found to hide in and ran.
Darth Vader was never going to let his prey escape. He drove his lightsaber into the rigid metal like it was water and slashed down. The Jedi screamed. Vader slashed along the other side, uncaring as to whether he amputated a limb, or a head, or a torso, and the metal buckled and bent as he seized the Force in his fist and flung it backwards.
The panel slammed past him, into one of the metal tubes throughout the engine room, and clattered to the ground in a twisted, charred mess. The Jedi tumbled out of the vent in the wall to land at Vader’s feet. He didn’t have the time to lift his chin before the edge of Vader’s blade lingered at his throat.
The Jedi was a boy. He couldn’t have been more than fifteen, so the Imperial engineer’s uniform he was wearing was laughable: it was several sizes too large for him, and it horrified Vader to think that his men could have let such an obvious imposter infiltrate the Devastator without noticing. Heads would roll for their incompetence. The boy’s hair was long and shaggy, as sun-bleached and yellowed as bones forgotten in a desert. His pale eyes moved slowly along the length of Vader’s lightsaber, from one line of smoke that snaked up from his uniform collar where the blade was at his throat, to the other line of smoke that rose from where the tip of the blade punctured the floor.
“What did you hope to achieve by this, Jedi?” Vader spat. “Why are you taking me here?”
The boy swallowed, set his jaw, and glanced up at Vader. “To bring you home,” he said earnestly.
Vader extinguished his lightsaber. The boy didn’t have time to telegraph his relief on his face before Vader telegraphed his rage on his face instead. Feeling cartilage crunch under his durasteel fists was a satisfying sort of violence, second only to seeing someone squirm in mid air as they realised how fragile their grip on oxygen was. Vader lowered his fist, and the boy’s knees rammed into the floor. He spluttered blood.
“What?” he asked. “I—”
Vader seized him by the throat. The boy stopped talking. His nose twisted in on itself like an ingrown jogun, and his cheekbone didn’t exactly look straight, either. He audibly gulped—for air, perhaps, as the blood blocked up the access through his nose, though his terror was a sudden bright, sharp thing.
It cut Vader to the bone in an instant. He didn’t know why. He didn’t want to.
“This,” Vader hissed, his fury crashing like cymbals through his helmet, through the Force, until the boy looked dazed from the experience of it, “is not my home.”
Vader threw him. In the engine room, there were many things to hit, and he hit at least three of them. His head slammed into a pipe, his spine into another one, and his foot even crunched with unpleasant finality against the thrumming engine itself. He lay limp on the floor. Consciousness flickered out for him for a moment—but only for a moment. Vader reached out to seize him and drag him back to the waking world with an ease that surprised even him.
He was not yet finished.
“What do you know?” he demanded, stalking forwards. The boy jerked sluggishly upright, staring blearily at him—then scrambled backwards as fast as he could. “Where did you find out—”
The boy got to his feet and made a run for the door, back to the corridor. Vader indulged him: he made it to the doorway of the cockpit before Vader seized his neck with the Force and yanked him into the air, kicking and lashing out. A hand gouged deep scratches in his throat, as if he could unpick Vader’s grip on him, Vader’s grip on the Force, Vader’s grip on reality and the truth of how he had lived for nearly sixteen years. It did nothing. A strangled cry was all that escaped Vader’s chokehold.
Vader stopped in front of him and quieted himself to speak almost calmly. “Where,” he said, voice still with promise, “did you find out about this place?”
The shuttle set down with a resounding thud. They had landed. Vader didn’t bother glancing out of the viewport: it would be the same desert, the same worthless farm, and nothing of import would ever be found there again.
The boy was trying to speak. Vader gritted his teeth—if he did not control his frustration, he would kill him and lose any chance of discovering what the Jedi knew about Skywalker’s past—and loosened his grip.
Tears streamed down the boy’s face. They cut through the mangled mess of blood left behind from Vader’s attack. White bone gleamed in his cheek.
“I…” he got out. “Live here.”
That was unexpected—and insulting.
“Why?” he demanded. “Why would the Jedi settle here?” His mother had remarried, had she not? Perhaps whatever farmers had dared to monopolise her affection had decided to throw in their lot with random Jedi, in memorial to the Jedi who had failed to save her from her fate…
“Not. A Jedi.”
“Not a Jedi?” Vader tightened his grip again, and the boy’s cry was near-silent. “Your presence is unmistakeable. Who are you, what do you know, and what do you intend by bringing me here?”
He loosened the grip to let him speak.
“Skywalker,” the boy said.
Vader threw him into the viewport. The whipcrack of his skull against transparisteel was also satisfying. He slid down onto the console, several functions of the ship whirring into action as he landed on them.
A cool breeze blew through the cockpit—increased circulation. He’d opened the vents, and the eddies blew his hair back from his face, so that his eyes were clear and uncovered when he locked them on Vader’s mask and finished, “Luke Skywalker.”
Vader’s fist froze halfway to closing.
“I’m—not a Jedi.” He coughed; Vader could see the muscles in his throat spasming from here. “Don’t know what that is.”
Vader lifted a finger. “You—”
“Thought you were my father.” Luke’s eyes spilled fresh tears down his cheek. Down his soft, ruined cheek. “Must’ve been wrong.”
When Vader reached out to connect to that Force presence, as powerful as any Jedi’s but—now—blaringly obviously untrained, he felt it settle somewhere in his chest. Pain followed. Pain, he was used to, but not this pain.
“You are Anakin Skywalker’s son,” Vader said.
“Overheard my aunt and uncle saying you were… him. Empire’s evil. Like Hutts. Thought you’d be… a slave again.” His head lolled, the effort of keeping it up clearly gargantuan. “Didn’t realise you’d be a Hutt.”
“What do you mean by that?” Vader snapped. Luke flinched. “I am here to negotiate with Jabba, to destroy him if necessary—”
“I came to save you,” Luke muttered. “Didn’t—didn’t even let me explain…”
“You were a stowaway on my ship! What sort of naïve, ignorant child are you? Have you no concept of danger? Of violence?”
“Didn’t expect a Hutt,” Luke muttered again. “Seen them get violent, but—”
“I am not a Hutt!”
Luke didn’t respond—because he didn’t want to, or because he couldn’t, Vader didn’t know. He just kept looking up at Vader through pale lashes, head lolling without the strength to be lifted.
“Thought you were my father,” he said.
“I am your father.”
Luke closed his eyes, then. A thin wisp of a sigh wheezed from his lips. “Oh.”
Vader stormed up and towered over him. “You are a fool,” he hissed. His finger sprang out to jab in his face. “You—”
Luke flinched and turned his face away.
Vader’s tirade stumbled to a halt.
“Maybe,” Luke mumbled. “Dunno what I was thinking.”
But Vader knew what Luke was thinking. It was written into Luke’s thoughts, projected into his mind like a slide-by-slide presentation. It was something that Vader would never, ever have considered. He had never thought he’d get away without being caught. He’d just trusted his father, a man he loved without knowing him, not to hurt him.
He'd had no idea how capable his father was of violence. Now, though…
Now he knew it intimately.
“You require medical assistance,” Vader said awkwardly.
Luke coughed. “Probably can’t afford it.”
“I will provide it.”
“You don’t have to. I…” His heart was audibly breaking. “I get it.”
“You most certainly do not.”
“You do not have a choice.” Vader moved for the comlink set into the console and typed in the frequency for his personal medic on the Devastator. “You will require urgent attention if you are to be saved.”
Luke snorted. “I came here… to save you.”
“You cannot save me, Luke,” Vader said. “What was done to me, and what I have done, is written in blood. Anakin Skywalker is dead. You are not.”
Luke cracked his eye open to peer at Vader for a moment, just as his personal medic responded. “No,” he said, almost with amusement. “I’m not.”
Vader wouldn’t realise what that meant until later.
Later, when they returned to the Devastator, and Vader realised a few minutes into Luke’s surgery that he had to get painkillers or anaesthetics for Luke, because Vader’s own droids were not equipped to provide them. He ran for the first time in over a decade, because he could not interrupt the surgery, but Luke was screaming, screaming, screaming, and the sound tattooed itself on his eardrums. He heard it even as he sat in the chair beside Luke in the medbay and watched his sleeping son.
Anakin Skywalker was dead. He had long since been exposed to the violence of the galaxy, the betrayal it was capable of, and he had returned it tenfold.
But because of him, Luke Skywalker was not.
Vader had long since lost any innocence. He had torn it from the hearts of civilians in his campaigns. He had beaten a lot of Luke’s out of him, as well. But not all of it.
Protecting someone had never been something Vader cared about. Even the Empire was not something Vader protected; it was something he served. But after all he had done, Vader would crawl through another universe of torment to sit at his son’s bedside and listen to the beep, beep, beep of the heart monitor assure him that he still lived.
Luke had wanted to bring him home. He had succeeded in that, at least.
#as always i am so so sorry for the delay#received this ask february 3 2022#skywalkersinflight#my writing#random words on a page#luke skywalker#darth vader#for darkness shows the stars#whump#so much whump#i wanted to beat up luke okay
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The Unsealed Skies (6)
AN: The gif is not mine - I found it on google. Credits to the original owners of the gif.
Warnings: injury, mentions of insecurity and past infidelity, and violence.
Growing up, your mother had often said that your level of stubbornness rivalled your father’s and for the first time in many years, you considered the possibility that she was correct. As the shadows grew and the daylight faded, you remained hidden within the depths of the forest. You knew that you were being childish but you were past the point of caring.
Your thoughts continually circled around the moment that you had found Ares and Aphrodite entangled in the sheets. There was no denying that the goddess was beautiful; many deities were but it was Ares’ unwavering confidence when he informed you that this was to be a common, expected occurrence when the both of you were married that buzzed around in your mind.
The air grew still and cold, distracting you from your memories. There was an echoing crack and growling sounded close to you. As you cautiously rose from a sitting position into a standing one, you glimpsed a massive blue blur rushing through the forest, moving far quicker than its size would have you believe it was capable of.
“How did one of them find their way to Midgard?
The last time a bilgesnipe had been sighted on Asgard, it had taken the considerable efforts of Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three to subdue it. You did not have your brother’s strength or his allies so it would be reckless to engage the beast directly. But maybe you could return it magically to Jotunheim and spare the inhabitants of Midgard unnecessary pain.
Once again, you found yourself having to reveal your location to protect others. “This is becoming an all too familiar occurrence.”
You could hear the bilgesnipe continuing to crash around in the forest and after you inhaled deeply, you grabbed its attention by using your powers to levitate a bunch of rocks and through them at the rampaging beast.
The bilgesnipe let out an insulted bellow. It changed direction immediately and sprinted towards you with its sides heaving. Up close, the beast was admittedly impressive. It stood taller than Slepnir with four powerful, muscled legs that ended in paws tipped with razor sharp claws. Its heavy tail swung from side to side knocking down the trees in its path. By contrast, the beast’s eyes were small, red, and dim as it relied on its other senses during the hunt for prey.
As you stood opposite the beast, you remembered a story of your grandfather trying to ride a bilgesnipe in his youth. The bilgesnipe snorted, revealing its pointed fangs and sharp teeth but as you made no move to attack it, the tail of the beast stopped swinging to and fro.
You were just about to speak to the beast and explain your plan when it charged towards you. You ducked out of the way but its fangs scraped your knuckles causing you to wince at the sudden pain and cold. With your uninjured hand, you created a shimmering vision of Jotunheim. The beast wasted no time and ran directly at it. The image didn’t harm the beast as it passed through and it winked out of existence the second that the beast’s tail had left the forest.
Gasping for breath and from pain, you chanced a look at your injured knuckles and wished you hadn’t. They were badly grazed and there were dots of blue around the outside of the grazes. Despite your talent at healing magic, you had used a good portion of it recently and your magic needed time to recharge.
You could heal the blue dots that decorated your skin with no worries but you wouldn’t have enough magic left to heal the grazes and the longer you stayed in the forest, the more danger you would be putting yourself in.
With another sigh, you waved your hand over your injured knuckles, and just as you had anticipated, the blue dots vanished and the cuts remained. With no other option, you made your way back to the refuge.
#my writing#my fics#law and order: svu#wonder woman 2017#norse goddess reader#ares#ares x reader#the unsealed skies
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[Part 7] The Wizard tries to lift your curse [M4A] [Fantasy] [Neko Listener] [Potion Making] [Fluff] [Comfort] [Kiss]
Author notes:
I’m sorry, it’s been a while-- but I’m finally back with part 7! Things are about to end here, but how? Will the Wizard succeed in lifting the listener’s curse? I guess, we’ll see in part 8, the last one!
As always, feel free to make edits for sfx or text if you want, as long as the characters/story stay the same! English is not my first language, so if you read things that sounds weird, feel free to fix it however you like it. You are allowed to monetize and paywall, as long as you provide me with a copy of the audio!
Summary: After spending many days studying a way to lift your curse, the Wizard has found a way that could potentially work but, if things go wrong, it could be the end for both of you. Which, you’re not really enthusiast about. The last thing you want is put the Wizard in danger, after all, but… this one could be the only way.
[Action/things happening/Moods]
Thinking/emphasis on words
[Tired] Alright. After long nights spent studying this grimoire, after long nights spent trying out potions, I think… I think I might have found a way. I’m not sure but, that... could really work.
[Worried] It’s… risky. And there’s no guarantee that it will actually lift their curse, but… there’s nothing else that can work. A metamorphosis like that cannot be reversed, even if they turn into a cat and I tried a counter-curse to bring them back to human form, they could just… be a complete different person. When the curse will be completed and they’ll turn into a cat, that would completely erase who they are now, and there’s no way to stop that. Unless, I do this and…
But if it doesn’t work… No, no, I need to be optimistic. [Hopeful] This has to work. I won’t accept a failure. Hell, I’m a Wizard, magic flows in my veins. There’s no way this won’t work.
But still. Even if I do everything in the correct way, if it’s too late for this spell… then I did all for nothing.
The sun is about to set… I’m so glad they have been working on the front shop in the past few days. It’s all thanks to them if I was able to put all of my focus on this. I… don’t want to waste any more time. I can’t wait until tomorrow, because… any seconds more we wait, it lessens the chances for the spell to succeed the way it should.
And I definitely need their help too in preparing the potions… hopefully, it won’t take too long.
[The Wizard leaves the basement and goes upstairs, sfx for footstep on stairs]
[Sweet] Thank you for your help, Kitty. Let’s close the shop for today, I need a hand in getting some things done in my study… Can you please go downstairs with me and help me make a couple of potions?
Oh, no, it’s not for clients, it’s… Well, I’ll explain it to you later.
Great, thank you. I always appreciate your help, Kitty. I’ll be there in a second, let me lock the door.
[Sfx as the Wizard locks the front door]
[Whispered, thinking out loud] Sigh… please, let this spell work. I… I don’t want to lose them.
Before going downstairs, though, I need to get one string of their hair. I’m sure I’ll find some on their pillow… I can’t ask them directly. I highly doubt they would agree to try this spell and help me prepare the potions if they knew my goal… But this seems to be the only way to help them. I’ll… tell them later.
[The wizard goes upstairs, sounds of fabric as the wizard retrieves the listener’s string of hair from their pillow]
There we go. [Sigh] Come on, take a deep breath. You can do this. You can save them. Everything will turn out fine.
[The wizard goes in the basement]
[Focused] Alright, so: I need you to work on two base potions. While you pound the silver root on the mortar, I’ll take care of the other ingredients.
Let me see…
[The Wizard turns a few pages on a book, as the listeners starts working at the mortar]
Starroot essence, yes… I should have this one ready. Right… [looking for the ingredient among some glass bottles] here. And there’s also the crystallized moon water, and the ash of a phoenix feather.
First, I need to melt the moon water… then the ash is added little by little, and….
[Apologetic] ...I’m sorry I make you do all the boring stuff, Kitty. I would take care of that if I could, but you know better than me that if we pound the silver root in advance, it wouldn’t work the same way.
Are you sure you don’t mind?
[Chuckle] [Cheerful] Hey, that’s so mean! I can do that too! Maybe I’m not as meticulous as you are, but I’ve been making potions for months and months now.
What- Hey, if you have the energy to make fun of me like that, use that to extract all the essence from the silver root. [Chuckle] I’ve been making less and less mistakes now with potions, I’m getting better!
That’s not tr- well, maybe it’s true that it’s because you’re helping me but-
[Sigh] Jeez, just get those base potions ready! [Chuckle]
[Sweet] I must admit though, it feels better working on these things with you here. I’m not saying I didn’t like it before, I wouldn’t have become a Wizard otherwise, but… not doing all of this on my own, it’s more fun.
Well, that’s because hiring an assistant it’s not that easy when you’re not great at all of the things you do. I’m still a novice in the magic field, compared to other wizards. I wouldn’t be able to pay their work and I highly doubt that they would accept living here as a payment... like you do.
True, I give you all of the extras we earn, but an assistant wouldn’t be happy with just that. So…
Aw, thank you. I know I can always count on you. It… makes me truly happy that you��re willing to help me. You were a wizard’s assistant too, after all…. I’m very lucky to have you here, Kitty. My job is so much easier thanks to you.
[Small pause]
Well, is the root ready?
Great, I’ll make the water boil, so we can get the base ready. In the meantime, could you get me from the small greenhouse the dragon orchid sap? Thank you.
[Footsteps as the listener goes upstairs]
[Almost a whisper] And while they’re gone… I need one string of my hair, dissolving into the moon water as it comes in contact with it.
[Sfx as the Wizard takes one string of hair and puts it into the mixture]
And for the expulsion potion, I have all of the ingredients ready.
...As for the absorption potion I need-
[Surprised] Oh, you’re back! Thank you, you can add it to the base mix you prepared.
[Flat] We’re almost done, you can pour the mix into two different ampules. I just need to take the ground scale of a basilisk and-
[Worried] What… what do you mean?
I, uhm… [Sigh] [Sad] Don’t look at me like that. Yes, it’s true, these ingredients are for those two potions. I guess I was… underestimating your knowledge in potions. I’m sorry I haven’t told you that right away, but... see? [Worried] Look at how you just reacted! This was exactly why I didn’t want to tell you until both potions were ready!
Well, I don’t care if you don’t want to give me one of your hair, I already got one from your pillow. Please, Kitty. This is the only way.
[Slightly upset, but gentle] Well, I don’t want to lose you either. And if we don’t do something, that’s exactly what’s going to happen! Trust me, I wish there was another way. I know this is risky but that’s the only thing we can do. A counter-curse to share your curse is the only thing that could work.
Please, listen to me! Stop shouting like that! If we cast this spell and we balance perfectly your curse in both our bodies before it’s too late... before the curse affected yours too much that even when shared in ours we would both be damned… then the curse would affect us so little that it will reverse on it’s own in both our bodies, and we’ll both be human again. The potions should help my body to accept the curse and yours to get rid of it.
[Sigh] [Angry/sad] The more time you spend arguing with me, the less chance we’ll have to make this work, Kitty! Why don’t you understand?! I don’t want to lose you! And, no, I’m not going to sacrifice myself either just to leave you alone in an empty house with me as a cat.
Listen to me, I love magic. I’ve always wanted to become a wizard, and I reached my goal. But I’ve been so alone all this time, until I met you, Kitty. [Sweet] No one else made me feel this… happy. My days are so much brighter with you here. And I can’t bare the thought of not having you around anymore.
If I have to choose between being alone once again in a world where you’re not in it or sharing your same fate, I’d much rather take the risk of being a cat with you and leave all of my life behind.
[Upset again] To hell with magic, potions and spells. To hell with all of it, damn it! You are much more important to me. And just like you don’t want to lose me, I don’t want to lose you. And it doesn’t have to go wrong! Maybe with this spell everything will be fine and you’ll be free of your curse, you will be able to live your life without worries anymore. [Gentle] I beg you, Kitty. Let me try this. Let me share your fate, whatever it will be.
[Relieved sigh] Thank you. Now, let’s finish those potions, shall we?
[Flat] The mixture I prepared before goes in one ampule, the ground scale and the starroot essence on the other one. Your hair goes last, and… it dissolved. Now, as they cool down, I’ll prepare the magic circle for the counter-curse. For that, I’ll need my white chalk, and…
[Pause of a few seconds as the Wizard draws the circle on the floor]
Alright, so, there are two ways to cast the counter-course. We both need to be inside of this circle, after drinking the potions. And after chanting the spell, we need to… connect our bodies, so that your curse can flow into mine. There are two ways to do that, and one is holding hands by making a cut on both our right palms, just like when you sign a magic contract. For that, I can use this other potion to numb our hands so that it won’t hurt, and I also got this-
Huh? The other method? Oh, uhm, it’s… not that important, so-
[Sigh] [Slightly flustered] Well, the other one is actually… sharing a kiss. I mean I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable or something since there’s still the other way so-
[Surprised] Wait, are you… sure? Do you really want to do this… this way? Are you okay with… kissing me?
That shy nod… I didn’t think that… No, no, I shouldn’t see a secret meaning. I mean, I guess it’s pretty normal choosing a kiss over a cut on the palm.
Okay, then. We’ll use that method. Anyway, the connection between our bodies must last the time necessary to balance your curse. If it’s too little, nothing will change. What I’d get wouldn’t be enough to affect my body, and your situation would remain the same. If it’s too much, on the contrary, we’ll switch our fate.
[Sweet] What are you saying, Kitty? I already told you: you are important to me. More… more thank you think. And I’m willing to risk my humanity if it means I have the chance to save you.
[Sigh] No, we don’t have the time to find another way.
[Kind, reassuring] Hey… We will be okay, don’t look at me like that. If it doesn’t work, then we’ll share the curse and one day we’ll live a wonderful cat life together, but I want to be optimistic. I want to believe that this will work, and that you will be human again.
Are you ready?
Okay. First, let’s drink the potions we’ve made.
[Sfx as they drink the potion]
...Yeah, it’s not the tastiest thing I’ve ever had. [Trying to cheer the listener] We might drink some tea later to make up for it, don’t you think?
Now… step inside the circle with me. ...Come a little bit closer.
I’ll cast the counter-course now. [Caring] Are you absolutely sure you want to do it this way?
I won’t be able to stop until the spell is completed, so…
...Okay. I’ll be able to feel the curse leaving your body as it flows in mine, so I know when it will be balanced enough to stop. Just… keep your eyes closed until it’s done.
[Chanting the spell in a flat tone] “In moonlit silence, where shadows grow... [Heartbeats] from one heart to another... the curse must flow”.
[The Wizard kisses the listener for a few seconds]
[Pause as the Wizard interrupt the kiss]
[Sightly worried] Did… did it work?
[Calm] Ah… yeah, it did. I can already feel the tail, and… look at my claws.
Alright, let’s step out of the circle.
[Sweet] Hey, hey… Shh. Here, let me wipe away those tears. There’s no reason to cry, Kitty. It will be okay, I promise you. With the curse shared, we finally have a chance that it will reverse on its own. And… if it’s too late for that…
[The Wizard hugs the listener]
I still won’t leave you alone. I’ll… hold you close to me, just like I’m doing now. Either in human or in cat form.
[The Wizard strokes the listener’s back]
Don’t feel guilty, please. I did this because I wanted to. [The Wizard tries to talk as the listeners keeps apologizing over and over] No, don’t apologize, Kitty- Hey, no- that’s not- Don’t say sorry, you don’t- Jeez, will you listen to- [Sigh]
[The Wizard kisses the listener again to calm them]
[Slightly playful, but still sweet] Will you finally keep quiet now, for a little bit?
[Small pause]
[Chuckle] Your red cheeks are adorable, you know that? Does caressing them like this make you feel better?
[Slightly shy] No, no... that wasn’t part of the spell. I kissed you because… [Sigh] [Sweet] I simply wanted to, and you weren’t listening to me at all.
We’ll see if this worked the way it should in the next days, or even weeks, for all I know. So… let’s just go on with our lives, and see what will happen in the future. If luck is on our side, one day we will both wake up as humans again.
[Chuckle] [Gentle] I can’t say no to that. We can sleep on the same bed tonight too, Kitty. Tomorrow too, if you want. And the day after too. And… [Playful] well, if you wanted to hear me purr, you could have asked that directly!
[More strokes]
[Sweet] Is it better now? I know stroking your back and hair is soothing for you, so… don’t be afraid, Kitty, trust me. It will be okay. You’ll never be alone again. And whatever happens, whatever you’ll go through… I’ll be right beside you, until the very end.
#asmr scripts#asmr roleplay#asmr#roleplay#asmr boy#asmr boyfriend#redacted asmr#relaxing#comfort#asmr community#scriptwriting#fantasy
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Lunar Plush AU Part Seven. This is the seventh chapter of a collaborative AU with Ultimawolffox.
Part 7: Negotiations
A couple of uneventful days passed since my escape attempt was thwarted. I have not tried to escape again, but Bloodmoon could tell that, during intervals between activities, I kept glancing back towards my little blocked off escape route. He observed this natural occurrence for a few days, till one evening he eventually decided to ask.
“Why do you keep trying to escape?” Bloodmoon asked suddenly.
“Well,” I start to think, “It is not very safe here.”
“We know but, we won’t let Ruin destroy you.”
“Plus, Lunar might be worried about and miss me,” I added logically.
“Maybe Lunar misses you, but maybe he doesn’t. He already has plenty of siblings! We would miss you if you left.” the second Bloodmoon exclaimed.
“You do know that, right?” the first Bloodmoon voice questioned.
I was not expecting him to actually say that. I only recently started thinking that might secretly be the case, but to hear them outright say it. I guess it makes sense that they would miss their entertainment, but maybe there was more to it than that. I don’t know.
“What if Lunar no longer cared about you? What if they never come for you, what would you do then?”
“I suppose,” I start, hesitate, then after a moment continue. “I guess, if that really were the case, I would stay here for the moment, but probably not forever.”
This seemed to satisfy Bloodmoon for the moment, but I feel like this would probably not be the end of this conversation.
“Why do you stay?” I offhandedly asked, curious as to his reasoning. “Do you like it here?”
“Ruin does have some uses,” the calmer Bloodmoon replied matter of factly.
The energetic voice added on a bit regretfully, “Besides where else would we go?”
I was about to continue the conversation, but Bloodmoon cut me off by saying, “Goodnight.”
It has become a bit of a thing to say goodnight before now, ever since I first said it a few days ago.
I decide it is best not to push the matter, since he does not seem like talking. So I just say back, “Goodnight,” and try to go to sleep thinking.
It was nighttime when Lunar finally found the ruined Pizza-plex with help from Sun and Moon. Earth had thought that it could be Ruin and Bloodmoon’s hideout. He hopes that she was correct.
Sun and Moon offered to cause a distraction while Earth and Lunar sneak in to look for Luna. They both started to make a scene looking for Ruin and asking to talk, which seemed to get Ruin’s attention but Bloodmoon did not come out of the hideout.
They were supposed to sneak inside once the coast was clear, but… Lunar really does not want to waste this opportunity to look for Luna, he is not even sure if she would still be alive at this point. He waited a moment longer, then decided to take a chance and head in.
“Are you sure about this, Lunar?” Earth asked.
“We can’t just leave her trapped in there,” Lunar answered decisively. He then, as if to reassure himself, added, “Besides, we do not even know if Bloodmoon is home.”
Lunar started to carefully make his way inside with Earth following nervously after him.
As he and Earth entered they stayed close to the walls and made their way to hide behind a barrel in order to be able to assess the surroundings. It was rather poorly lit, but Lunar could make out a stage, what looked like an empty ball pit, some form of broken play structure, and he saw- It was Bloodmoon, it seems like he and Earth were not that lucky after all. What was he doing? He was near what seemed to be a cage, a leash, a food dish, and a cat bed. He seemed to be glancing anxiously between the door and the bed.
They would need to get closer to know for sure, but Lunar began to believe that the bed had to be where Luna was being kept. This thought filled him with both relief and worry. Lunar would be very glad to know that Luna was still alive, but he was worried about how he was going to be able to get past Bloodmoon in order to get to Luna. He really hopes Luna is okay. He felt that they had already taken way too long to get back to Luna. It had taken weeks to find the Ruined Pizza-plex and come up with a decent plan. Now he needed to deal with Bloodmoon.
Lunar leaves the barrel quickly in order to not let Earth stop him from leaving. He knows this is probably a dangerous and stupid plan, but they were running out of time, who knows when Ruin would come back. Ruin returned they would have twice as many problems to worry about. So, Lunar started to walk along the walls and planned to reach Luna from behind the bed. He made it only part ways along the wall when he was spotted by Bloodmoon. Lunar started to run towards Luna, but Bloodmoon cut him off.
“What are you doing here, Lunar?” Bloodmoon’s first voice asked in a low tone.
“I need to get Luna!” Lunar answered angrily.
“Leave this place, unless you wish to die!” the second voice added in a slightly louder more demanding tone.
“I am not leaving without Luna,” Lunar said defiantly.
“How about a deal?” Bloodmoon’s calmer voice offered quietly.
Neither Bloodmoon wanted Luna to wake up, because they did not want her to know that Lunar had finally come for her.
“What?” Lunar asked, confused. He decided to human Bloodmoon with conversation because he could see Earth start to sneak towards Luna.
Bloodmoon wanted to get Lunar as far away from Luna as possible.
“You leave Luna here and we promise not to attack you,” Bloodmoon explained.
“I am not just going to give you Luna,” Lunar indignantly declared.
“Why do you think Luna would want you to get her?” Bloodmoon asked. “It has already been weeks since she left you.”
Lunar got an idea.
“She did not leave, you kidnapped her!” Lunar interjected. He knew that he should not make Bloodmoon mad, but he thought that he would be able to stall if he interrupted Bloodmoon whenever possible.
“What did you do? All you did was watch it happen and did nothing,” Bloodmoon calmer voice said coldly. “You were not capable of keeping her safe, but we will be.”
The second voice added, “She has a bed here, receives candy and goldfish for food, and is safe, why would she want to leave? What could you offer?”
What could I offer? Lunar’s thoughts echoed indignantly.
“It is not like you have much of a choice, if you try to take her, you will die,” the first Bloodmoon voice declared. “If you leave we will allow you and your family to live. Now leave!”
“No,” Lunar replied sternly. He did not want to leave without seeing Luna first.
“What was that?” asked the calmer Bloodmoon, starting to lose their patience.
“I said No!” Lunar shouted back.
This made Bloodmoon mad. Lunar tried to dodge, but Bloodmoon managed to grab him and was about to attack when-
“Wait!” a familiar voice shouted.
Both Bloodmoon and Lunar turned towards the location of the sound and saw Luna with Earth close by.
Bloodmoon did not want Luna to know that Lunar had finally come for her. They feared that Luna would choose to leave them if she knew, but now she was awake.
I was having weird dream about Bloodmoon and Lunar arguing. I was woken up by the sound of someone shouting “No!”. I poked my head out of my bed and saw Lunar being attacked by Bloodmoon. I then realized that my dream was not really a dream at all. Bloodmoon was about to hit Lunar, so I instantly shouted wait. Now everyone was looking at me.
“What is going on?” I asked and immediately the room was filled with the chaotic noise of everyone trying to explain.
During the confusion Earth started to move towards me, but when Bloodmoon noticed he told her, “Take one more step and Lunar loses an arm.”
It was clear that Bloodmoon was getting desperate, but desperation often leads to danger. So, I try my best to deescalate the situation.
“Please, don’t hurt Lunar,” I asked Bloodmoon in the calmest voice I could muster at the moment. “Let’s just talk, Bloodmoon. Can we just do that?”
Lunar seemed surprised that I was trying to reason with Bloodmoon. To be honest, so am I, but it seems that Bloodmoon cares at the very least a bit about me. If anyone in this room has a chance of talking him down, it would be me.
Bloodmoon was listening, but he seemed unconvinced.
“Please?” I added.
“Fine,” said the first Bloodmoon voice relenting.
“What is it that they would want to say?” the second voice demanded.
“Well, Surely this is not a safe place to keep Luna,” Lunar stated.
“What do you mean?” Bloodmoon demanded.
“Well, even if you do not hurt her, can you guarantee that Ruin will not?” Earth explained calmly.
“You can’t take her, I won’t let you!” the second Bloodmoon declared.
“Why not?” Earth inquiried, asking the million dollar question.
“If you take her, then we won’t have her.” the first Bloodmoon stated. “We will not let you take her from us!”
“Why don’t you come?” I asked in response, regaining the attention of the whole room.
Lunar seems like he is about ready to say something, but Earth gave him a look that said to wait.
“Why not leave Ruin to his own devices and leave with us?” I asked again” “We both know he just likes to use you.”
“Why do you say that?” Bloodmoon asked.
“I don’t know, but it seems like the only times he talks to you is when you initiate it or he wants something,” said simply. “I personally do not care for him, he is dangerous and mean.”
“What does that make us?” Bloodmoon asked.
The whole roomed seemed to wait for an answer.
I stopped to think for a minute, then I said, “Well, you are dangerous and can be mean, but, unlike Ruin, you do seem capable of caring.”
We all seem to take a moment to process what was just said in silence. But the silence was broken by the sound of Ruin.
The time bought by Sun and Moon had finally reached its end. We could all hear the sound of Ruin returning. Lunar and Earth started to move towards the exit of the daycare and out of sight, but they both kept looking back at me and Bloodmoon.
The question in the air was not whether or not I was safe. The question was whether or not Bloodmoon was ready to let go and what his decision would entail.
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A Second Chance
This is a continuation of No Regrets
London, United Kingdom - December 2018
The interior of Owl's flat was as chaotic as ever, if not more so. The air was dusty and thick with the scent of stale coffee. Books, papers and dirty laundry were scattered haphazardly around the room, a physical manifestation of Owl's mental state. Owl had been granted bail after initial custody but had been confined to his flat since then.
Owl laid on the worn leather couch, his eyes hollow, staring blankly at the ceiling. Not even the sound of a key turning in the lock managed to snap Owl out of his stupor. As the door swung open and Percival entered, Owl remained motionless, his dishevelment a stark contrast to Percy's immaculate appearance.
Percival closed the door behind him and moved to sit opposite Owl. “I’ve got news. And it’s good news.”
Owl’s lips twisted into a bitter smile. “Good news? Doubt there’s any of that left for me, brother.”
“Listen to me. I’ve been working on something—something that might not only keep you out of prison but give you a chance to start over,” Percival said earnestly, leaning forward trying to capture his brother’s gaze. Owl however just kept staring at the ceiling.
Owl scoffed. “Start over? Percy, look at me. My career, my reputation— I've ruined everything. What’s left to start over?”
Percival's tone remained insistent. “Listen, I've pulled every string, leveraged all my influence and called in every last favour I had and I’ve managed to arrange a deal. A deal that would keep you from having to go to prison. It’s unconventional, but it’s an opportunity.”
Owl replied with a bitter edge to his voice. "What kind of opportunity? One that changes the past?" His gaze was both cynical and disinterested.
"No, not the past," Percy replied, undeterred by Owl's skepticism. "But possibly the future. It’s an alternative to prison. A kind of public service, but not what you might expect."
Owl finally turned to look at his brother. "Public Service? You mean like community service? Cleaning streets, painting walls? Teaching little kids not to kill their fathers?"
"More significant than that," Percy said, leaning forward. "Military service, with a specific unit—Task Force 141, under the command of Captain Jonathan Price."
Owl laughed. "Military? Percy, you’ve gone mad. Me, in the military? Don't be ridiculous."
"Listen *redacted*. It’s this or likely a very long time in prison, maybe even life. And we both know how that would most likely end for you. Captain Price is offering you a chance to make something out of the mess you’ve created for yourself. This unit isn’t conventional; they operate in the shadows, where the rules are different.", Percy explained patiently.
Owl's laughter died down, replaced by a skeptical frown. "You’re actually serious?"
"Completely serious," Percy affirmed. "I’ve pulled every string, talked to every contact I have. This is real, and it's your best shot."
Owl ran a hand through his unkempt hair, taking a deep breath. The idea was ludicrous. "So I just agree to become a soldier, and all is forgiven?"
"Not forgiven," Percy corrected gently. "A chance for redemption. Your skills, your intelligence—used for something bigger than you or me. It would mean your freedom, in a way. At least you wouldn’t waste away in a cell."
“And if I say no?”, Owl asked, still with a skeptical expression.
“If you say no, the trial proceeds. With the evidence stacked against you...” Percival let the sentence hang, the implication clear. Owl would be tried for murder and most certainly be convicted.
Owl sat up, his mind racing. The prospect of prison terrified him; he knew he wouldn't survive it. But joining the military seemed insane. This bizarre alternative was almost too good to be true, yet here it was. "And if I say yes? What then? I just pack up and become G.I. Joe?"
“As soon as you say yes, I’ll make the arrangements. You’ll need to meet with Captain Price, go through some formalities, but... you’re essentially in, if you want it.” Percival looked at Owl expectantly.
Owl glanced around the cramped, chaotic space that had been his refuge and his prison. Slowly, he nodded. "Alright. I’ll do it. I don’t have anything to lose anyway."
Percival let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding: "Alright, I’ll take care of everything.”
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@loser-swag Oh I guess I can talk about him. I guess. It’s not like he’s constantly in my head always it’s not like I’m thinking about him every second of every day. I can do that. (sarcasm)

Where to begin.
Ough okay so the death messages specifically. Let me copy paste a text I sent to my friend while I was coming up with that idea:
“God what if he records a special message for when the prosthetic or the scanner or weapon detects that its wearer is dying. What if they get a message in his voice being like “I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve this. None of us did. We’ll fix it, in the end. It will be okay. I hope.” And nobody ever finds out about this until they’re literally on the brink of death and resistance members who have gone their whole lives thinking Donnie was cold and heartless and actually enjoying the apocalypse in some way will get slapped in the face with his sincerity and won’t even have the chance to reform their opinion of him before they die.”
Since then I’ve been thinking about it a lot. Usually it would consist of him apologising (because he sees this as a failure of his tech, because it was meant to protect them), some short “you didn’t deserve this”, and then finally a promise to make things better. To try, at least. To do whatever he can. To give them some peace of mind before they die.
I don’t know how much value he thinks these messages will actually have. He was very tired when he first recorded it and decided to implement it. This would be at least a couple years after the initial invasion, when the Earth is already so unfamiliar to everyone. He just felt like the least he could do was help them die peacefully if he couldn’t prevent them dying in the first place. Either way, it’s probably appreciated more than he knows.
I wonder if he’s thought about whether it would be selfish to make the last thing they ever hear be his voice, but in the end it’s probably better than whatever they were hearing before. Must be awful to die to the sound of the Krang killing everyone around you. Must be awful to die alone on the cracked ground, bleeding out, and the only thing you can hear is your own struggling breath.
I don’t know. Anyway. It’s not like he tells anyone about this. It’s not necessary. Nobody needs to be consciously aware that he’s thinking of the moment when they’re going to die.
I think the Resistance has mixed opinions about him. No matter how valuable you are to the group, being “rude” means people will typically have a bad opinion of you. And this man is so exhausted from his constant workload, he really doesn’t have the energy to waste on deciphering the correct responses with the correct tone at the correct times. So he tends to snap a bit. And brush people off and tell them he’s busy, because he is. He learns to manage this better later on (when he adapts and is less overwhelmed) but it’s still there. Listen having low empathy in the apocalypse when you’re working with so many other people is difficult. But he prioritises getting work done over being pleasant to talk to and very few people actually understand how he works. So. It’s not worth it, you know?
Despite that, there’s a good amount of people that respect him more than anything. They know his tech is the only thing keeping them alive, and they know how much he works and how much he does to keep them all safe, so they can see past the fact that he forgets to greet people or respond or make eye contact. I’d say the percentage of people who dislike him overall is like. 40%. The rest are fine.
#foggy talks turtles#future donnie#thank you for asking about him I can talk about him whenever#I love him so much. I also get to project everything onto him#there’s more that I’ll probably add in a minute
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Take Me (In the Midnight Hour)
Masterlist Read it on AO3 WIP
Chapter 1 2
The Rings of Power / The Lord of the Rings | Haladriel / Saurondriel | 10.1K | E
Tags: Non-con | Depictions of Violence | 1st Person POV | Alcohol Abuse | Minor Character Death | Kidnapping | Technically HEA | Torture
Finrod calls me the second I step into the threshold of my home.
"Hello," I say. I feel lighter now before he speaks. I set my coffee on the counter, the wrapper of my croissant in the trash.
"Before I speak rashly," he says. "How about we try something new? Why don't you tell me what happened between you and Mother this morning, and then I can decide if I'm going to yell at you."
I shrug, leaning against my kitchen counter as I look at my apartment. The throw blanket is haphazardly thrown across my coffee table and couch from where I woke on the couch the day before. There's still a plate of half-finished chicken nuggets dangerously teetering on the edge of the table. My TV is showing a purple screensaver of a monster attacking a town. It's a mess.
"Well, if you've already spoken to Mother then I fear that she may have missed the part where I told her that disrespecting me is not advisable." I move, clearing the plate into the trash before I lay it in the sink. "As well, she called me while I was leaving my friend's house telling me how I was wasting away and how embarrassing it was for me to get dumped."
It's easy to roll my eyes as I move through my apartment. I explain to him the conversation from the coffee shop as I pick up out-of-place dishes and place them in the kitchen. "–and then I told her I'd do it again now, down to the slap to the face, and calling him a shrimp-dicked cretin."
Finrod snorts, coughing against his saliva as he tries to regain composure. "You called him that."
"He cheated on me and asked if I'd be willing to have an open marriage while he was still inside another woman," I say. At this point, it's like commenting on the weather. No pain, no shame. Just the "isn't that fucked up?" of it all. There's silence on the line, and I think Finrod was attempting to think of a response that was both diplomatic and the correct thing to say. For a moment, I think maybe he'd hung up with how quiet the line got. Finally, he spoke, but it was little more than a whisper.
'And mother knew this?" He sounded distraught. Or maybe just contemplative. Something sad and not at all like I expected him to. I nod, forgetting for a second that he couldn't see me. And then I close my eyes. I'd forgotten Finrod wasn't there. That he'd been on some assignment in Annùminas further west and I hadn't had a chance to see him before I was gone. Mother was the one to tell him what happened.
"She was there, Fin," I say. The memory is vivid, her frowning as I swept past her and the remainder of our guests. Looking back I know she was only embarrassed for herself. I remember her pulling up to the house as I packed, and I thought she was going to be the one who took my hand, welcoming me back to my childhood home until I could sort myself out. She did nothing of the sort. "And instead of helping she demanded I apologize and still marry him. Everyone did."
He's silent for a long while. I almost think of pulling out the cheap vacuum I had tucked away if only to have something to fill the silence of the room.
"I – Galadriel I never would've told you to do that had I known."
"I know."
Bronwyn sent 9:52AM
Yoga? At The Reed? Read 9:54 AM
You sent 10:02 AM
Read 10:02 PM
Bronwyn sent 10:03AM
Good, you can tell me where you disappeared to last night :) Read 10:04 AM
The Reed was technically owned by Arondir, something I found hilarious when he first told me.
"What's so funny?" He had asked.
"You're literally the last guy on earth I would expect to be a yoga instructor." Which was true. The man was all hard lines and frowns, an intense aura of someone who only put a hundred percent of themselves into every task they took on. I think I'd only seen him smile maybe twice in the eleven months I'd known them. Still, he nodded at my accretion then, like he knew that his vibe didn't quite match his profession.
He wasn't teaching today, however. Bronwyn suggested something about a brother I wasn't quite sure existed. Still, it was nice. My body was still loose, pliant from my activities the night before. Each stretch and move felt like realigning my body into itself again, making my body whole as I twisted and turned. It's almost enough to make me forget why I was invited out in the first place.
"So, are you going to tell me about Mr. Tall from the bar last night or are we spending today pretending you didn't look like a bitch in heat when you left me and Arondir at the bar?"
I keep thinking that one of these days, Bronwyn will keep her voice down. But no, she's very direct when she thinks people won't see, saying exactly what's on her mind. We'd just left The Reed, sitting at the coffee shop/bar combo in the same shopping plaza. I sip on my iced coffee, averting my eyes from my friend to check that no one was around.
"He was good," I mumbled, fingers tapping against my cup. I don't have to look at her to know Bronwyn was staring at me skeptically.
"Just good?" She scoffs and takes a sip out of her own glass. "When you left you looked at that guy like he'd just fucked your brains out and – oh my god tell me you did not fuck that guy in a sports bar bathroom."
I can only blush, abandoning my cup on the table and sinking into the small patio chair. If I could disappear I would, hidden away from the shock and judgment swirling on her face. "It was very fast."
"It was very fast," she mocks, letting out a laugh. "You fucked tall, dark, and handsome in the fucking bathroom and you still go home with him and all you can say is that he was good?!"
I huff, taking another cursory glance around before leaning in.
"Will you keep it down," I whisper. I hesitate as she raises an expectant eyebrow at me, and suddenly I feel like a child whispering about her first crush on the schoolyard playground. "Fine. He was amazing. Phenomenal even, but that doesn't matter."
"Did he eat you out?" She asks, leaning on her elbows. I swear I must be red as a tomato. The hazy memory of his face buried between my thighs sometime in the night comes unbidden into my mind, and I can't even think to stop the smile that comes across my face. "He did, didn't he?"
"He...is very talented."
"Oh my god," she squeals, a smile spreading wide across her face. "Did you stay the night? Did you get his number?"
And then I get to watch as I disappoint yet again. I didn't get his number, something I only realized after she'd texted me to go to yoga. It was a disappointment, to say the least, but hey. Dick comes and dick goes. At least that's what I told her. I couldn't live with the embarrassment of dealing with her knowing looks as I internally lamented the loss of the number of a man who turned my brain to mush.
"Well," she says. "Maybe we'll run into him again. Tirharad isn't that big."
The month passes in a blur. A full year of living in Tirharad, and yet I couldn't tell you much more about the city than the day I moved there, with the exception of a phenomenal boba place, the Reed, and the bar. I find myself pacing the streets in the morning, watching as those in the city go about their work, only to return home around noon just to shower, do a quick clean in the apartment, and traverse to the bar. Maybe I should get a hobby. Or a job. I need neither but something has to give. At this point, even Elendil has my drink ready before I even sit down at the bar.
"Something on your mind," Elendil would always ask. And each time I'd roll my eyes, bringing a freshly made lemon drop to my lips.
"Nothing more than usual," I'd say. And he'd nod, sagely. I don't think he believed me, or maybe he just wonders what the usual fodder in my head is, because often I noticed how he would linger on my side of the bar, waiting for me to speak.
I really should consider getting that hobby.
Instead, I drink, occasionally sending a text response to Bronwyn about my lack of will to entertain any men that day. And she'd respond with some eye roll emoji or complaint in between customers at her shift at the boba place a few blocks over. I could hang out there, but they don't serve alcohol. Besides, Elendil just repainted the sign to the bar, so at least I can stare at the fresh gold lettering of Barad-Dûr while I debate having a conversation with anyone near me.
"This seat taken?"
I'm about to roll my eyes and tell the stranger to fuck off, and then I find that seafoam green I'd been missing, well not missing but I thought about them, for over a month.
"It's you," I say with a frown. Confusion wasn't a feeling I particularly enjoyed. It definitely wasn't one I sought out. Yet here was the stranger who plagued a few wet dreams of mine, equally deranged and unsatisfactory when compared with the real thing. He doesn't seem perturbed, however. He slides into the seat next to me with a smile.
"It's me."
I open my mouth to say something. Ask something, anything. Except, Elendil interrupts, and I'm snapped out of my amazement.
"Halbrand," he says with all the familiarity of a close friend.
"You two know each other?" We both ask at the same time, much to the bemusement of Halbrand as he looks between the two of us. I feel another blush creeping up my face as I look away from them both, scanning the crowd.
"Galadriel and I met at your son's birthday party last month," he offers to Elendil. "Just passing paths."
Elendil narrows his eyes, and I can't tell if it's skepticism or if it's just how he thinks. But he laughs, then slides Halbrand a drink I didn't even see him make. "Of course, you'd meet not at my bar."
I chuckle, quickly disabusing myself of my embarrassment. I don't think anything of Halbrand's short laughter, or the tight grip he keeps on his glass before raising it. I ignore the way his free hand falls to my knee, though I can see the slight quirk of an eyebrow on Elendil's face.
"And I'm friends with Elendil's son," Halbrand says, turning to me. I nod as it clicks. The crowd around him at the other bar must've been part of the illusive son's birthday party. "We grew up together, and now that I'm officially back in town I figured I'd pay a visit."
"Officially back in town," I ask. Halbrand nods, though his gaze is back on Elendil. Their gazes are loaded, an obvious conversation that I'm not privy to.
"Halbrand went away to get his certification a long time ago," Elendil offers. My brow furrows again as I feel Halbrand's thumb press into my knee, but something about it feels like when I was a child, gripping Finrod's hand at night when there was a thunderstorm. So again, I say nothing. "But he's back now, so we should celebrate."
"No need to celebrate on my account," Halbrand says, sipping on the amber liquid in his glass. "I just thought I'd check in on an old man." I smile, and Elendil looks like he's about to give a snide remark in return before there's a crash. Another patron on the other end of the bar who was clearly over-served stumbled into the bar moments after rising from his booth. And he's gone in a flash, approaching the man before the event even fully registers in my mind. I'm not distracted for long.
"Sorry for barging in," Halbrand says. My attention immediately snaps back to him, and I shake my head.
"I think you're probably the most interesting person here."
He smiles, hand sliding higher on my knee into my thigh. I suppress a shiver, though his hand holds nothing but warmth against my skin as he repositions himself to face me fully.
"I'll have to disagree," He says.
"I think you're far more fascinating."
I'm not proud of my response, exactly one drink in on a Friday afternoon. But the warmth from his hand has spread over my body, and he's looking at me like I matter. And maybe I was tired of dreaming when the real thing was sitting right in front of me. I'm human, damn it.
"Do you want to get out of here?"
His smile is that of a wolf. All teeth, violence, and threats that promised a bite I wasn't sure I wanted to avoid.
The walk to my apartment is short, but Halbrand holds my hand the entire time. He lets me walk in front of him, his left hand being dragged forward by my right as I mark the familiar path. It's a sunny day, a few stragglers out on the street as we walk home. Still, there was a chill in the air as we walked, a bristling breeze that cut straight through my sweater, so that by the time we arrived on the stoop to my apartment my free hand felt like ice as I grasped at the key in my purse.
I didn't know it then, but it was my last chance to keep Halbrand in the past. If I ever had a chance at all it would've been then. Before he would know intimately what my apartment looked like and how I lived. This was the last chance to turn around and say I'd changed my mind. Knowing what I know now, I'm not sure that I would want to deny him. Maybe I'm just as fucked as him.
I let him inside, and suddenly it's like there's a stone in my throat. I drop his hand in service of closing the door behind him. With my back to him, I try not to think about what he might be thinking about my home. The furniture I brought directly out of an Ashley Furniture Magazine, the TV set to a 24-hour nature stream that I fall asleep to, the cups in the sink, my favorite blanket still in its place. I wonder if he'll hate it, or if he'll judge it, or if –
My thoughts are silenced the second I turn around. His lips immediately pressed to mine, hand gripping my head as he pushed me into the wall next to the door. He's hungry, a ravenous being, drinking me in as if he would die without it. And I respond in kind. My hands clench at his shirt, trying to draw him closer, closer, closer. There's no hesitation when his tongue swipes into my mouth, his other hand grasping my waist.
I feel dizzy and lightheaded as he grips me. The scent of him, a woodsy cinnamon that felt like a warm hug around me, infects my brain and makes me lose any trace of thought. I can barely focus on just kissing him back, let alone his wandering hands as they pulled my sweater from my skirt or the way he seemed on a one-man mission to taste every inch of my mouth. The most I can do is paw at his shirt and whimper as he begins to take and I think maybe we'll rush again, slip into a base hunger that can not be sated with slow.
But he pulls away and I embarrass myself by chasing him, soft pecks to try to draw him back to me, to pull him in.
"Slow down," he breathes. His voice is ragged, short huffs as he presses me back into the wall. "I want all of it this time."
He says this and I can only nod, words escape me. The hands at my waist are tugging at my skirt, pushing it down, down, down, until the fabric pools at my feet. His lips drag along my neck, down my front until he's kneeling in front of me, eyes peering up from beneath golden lashes.
"Tell me Galadriel," he breathes this, and it feels like I'm suffocating. "How do you like it? Do you like it sweet?" He presses a kiss to my hip, just above where the band of my underwear ends. I wonder if my neediness shows through the way I stare at him, watching as he pulls the fabric from my hips. It feels like an eternity, but the second they hit the floor he pulls my leg over his shoulder, exposing all of me to him. I barely have time to feel embarrassed, the prickly hair from over a week of not shaving was no deterrent for him. He lips encase my clit, and I can't help but moan from the feeling.
I'd been prepared for his fingers or more of his cock in me, but this. His lips were heaven. His tongue a sin when he opened his mouth to take in more. Wet, smooth, soft, my hips were not in my control as they chased his tongue.
"Fuck," I whimper. "Fuckfuckfuck."
My hands flew to his hair as he feasted. It was too much. It wasn't enough. Each lick was a path to salvation, each kiss a guiding light. Maybe it's hindsight bias, maybe I read too many romance novels and religious devotions, but it felt like being held by a god. When he finally, finally, slipped his tongue into my weeping pussy, I was already close. In record time, because what felt like an eternity was surely only a few minutes. He fucks me with his tongue and I find out what people meant when they say earth shattering.
There's something that escapes me when I feel his finger breech my entrance. The way he suddenly pulls back, kisses at my hip, sweet and gentle before he speaks again.
"I'd ask if you like it rough but," he huffs. Suddenly the single digit is doubled to two, my breath hitches instantly. But he doesn't take it slow. It's like our first time redone. Each pump of his fingers grazing a spot inside me I've never been able to reach in rapid succession. It was if he were ringing for an elevator — fast, impatient, but still precise in his movements. Then he brought back his tongue.
I barely hang on. The only thing anchoring me to reality was the feeling of his free hand on my hip, the softness of his hair entangled in my hands. My back arches off the wall, trying to chase him as the pressure in me, the tight coiling in my belly, finally snapped. Yet he didn't stop. He continued to lick at me, headless of my weak protests as I shook above him. Each breath belonged to him. Each jolt of pleasure taken by his mouth.
He stood only when he felt like it. So calm as he placed my foot back on the ground. I could only sag back to the wall, panting as if it wasn't just one orgasm. As if it wasn't just a teaser for what he planned to come.
"I've been kicking myself for not doing that last time," he murmured. He crowded my space again, capturing my parted lips in another kiss. There was something so sickly sweet about it. A tendril of sugar that coated the sweet tang of my cum on his tongue.
"I'll give you whatever you want, as long as you keep doing that," I say. Dazed, drunk off my high — that's when I sign myself over to the devil.
It wasn't the basement that did me in. That's what the papers got wrong. It was here, in the afterglow of orgasmic bliss that I gave him that inch to claim me. Of course, at the time, I thought that it was just a thing. Something to say when you want to be ravished to the edges of your sanity by the person standing in front of you. But it was my first submission. It was the first time that he heard me say that I belonged to him, in not so many words. He heard my willingness, my devotion. He saw it before I did. I found Eru in him. I found religion and atheism. I found peace and pain.
But I'm getting ahead of myself.
When he finally got me to my bed, he was slow in undressing himself. He unbuttoned each button on his flannel, watching me as I breathed sharply as he revealed the parts of himself I wanted to memorize. Each piece of exposed skin was a map to a destination I was sure I wanted.
This is where I find out he likes to watch me squirm. He likes the desperation in me when I kneel in front of him. He gets off on me impatiently moving to unbuckle his belt. But in the moment I don't care. I want him. I want him entirely. Inside of my home, inside of me, toying with my heart — I wanted him. I never acted so feverishly before. Not with Celebron, in twin mattresses shoved into college dorm rooms. Nor in the house we built. But I hungered for a man, a veritable stranger, who'd wormed his way into my life with clandestine meetings and too many shots of gin.
"Whatever I want, right?" His voice is breathless, and it's a small comfort to know I wasn't the only one reeling in that moment. He climbs over me, and I don't dare to fully speak. I only nod, my arms wrapping around his neck. Then he just stares. It's more intimate than I was ready for, the way he began to trace my form with his eyes. Something so innocuous that kicked me on my ass. "I don't want this to be the last time."
I hadn't noticed him grasping himself, but I immediately noticed when the head notched against my entrance. Slow, almost methodical, he guided himself inside. If I could find it in me, I would be embarrassed by the low, needy mewl that flew from my mouth.
It feels like my first time all over again. Each push of his cock inside me feels like he's building something inside me. Carving and molding me into whichever shape he wants, intent on making me feel whole as he made space for himself inside me. Slow, conscious effort as he took more from me in that moment. I felt dizzy. I felt insane. I knew I'd never want anything else as much as I wanted the fullness I felt in that moment. The entire time, he holds my gaze, intent to make me feel what he's doing to me.
Finally, his hips press into mine. He's a deep as he can go. I feel him everywhere. Fully pressed into my cunt, the pressure I can feel in my throat as he takes and takes and I can only hold on. He moves, drawing out slowly, every inch felt as he retreated. Then he rocks back in. Again, he draws out, only slightly faster, rocking back in with that same deliberate pace. I feel electric, every inch of me smarting with each roll of his hips. I can't speak, only the hurried gasps and soft moans able to filter from my mind to the waking world.
I don't have to guess if he feels it too. His lips are parted, small groans of satisfaction escaping unbidden from his mouth. I stare at his mouth. I want him to kiss me. I need him to do it. I need to know that this is more for him. That this is different from last time.
He does. He pauses his thrusts for just a moment, leaning impossibly closer just to press his lips to mine. They're soft, impossibly so. His thrust grow shallow, more of a grind inside me as his kiss grows sloppy. My finger tangle in his hair, the heel of my foot presses into his lower back, and our chest glide against each other. Every breath I took became his. Every kiss was an awakening.
In the end, it wasn't as if I came and then he came, or the vise versa. It was as if one moment we were at sea, in the calm waves as he rocked into me and I clung to him. But then a storm came, both of us grasping the other tighter. His hands grasped at my hips, clenching so hard that they would bruise. My nails scrapped along his back, breaking skin in a way that I only noticed much after the fact. Our limbs moved in unison, my hips chased his in fervent need. The storm raging around us. It was like lightening struck and every fiber of my being was lit anew.
But the best part was the end. Basking in the afterglow as he softened within me. Our breaths matched each other, slowly calming down. It was a peace. His head laid nestled in my shoulder, I slowly stroked his back. Smooth skin only broken by the welts I'd left on him. I tried, at the time, to quell the pride I felt in leaving a mark on him. The haze of my orgasm was fading, the clarity of the insanity of my emotions was beginning to take hold.
"How are you so stressed after we just had sex?" He mutters the question out loud, nuzzling up to me as if he could get closer. I laugh, feeling as the creeping anxiety drips way.
"I was just thinking of how insane I felt." It was the truth. Whispered as if that would prevent him from hearing it. He stills for a moment. Just a second that disrupted the breaths he takes but it's noticeable.
"Insane because you didn't like —"
"God no," I huff. "I'm pretty sure that was the best sex I've ever had. It's just."
I stop. Silence myself before I officially cross into crazy territory and say something that can't be unsaid. But he doesn't take that. He shifts, propping himself on his forearms, gazing down at me before.
"Don't —" He bites his lip, pausing himself as he mulls over his words. "I don't want to leave without knowing I'll see you again."
I swallow. It's like swallowing a peach pit, the hard nut stuck in my throat before I whisper out a confession that should left to the sands of time. I wish I encased those words in my mind. But they slipped through, and with them my own damnation, doubled over in a bit under an hour as I offer myself to the devil again.
"I don't want you to go."
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Don’t procrastinate (it only makes things worse). Eat well. Exercise regularly. Get a good night’s sleep.
All of these are vital—and common—pieces of advice that will help you manage all forms of stress, academic and otherwise.
As anyone who has struggled with academic stress likely knows, each of these points is easier said than done. What I think is often missing from such advice is an account of the mental and emotional hurdles that can get in the way of effective time and health management.
Maybe you struggle with anxiety or depression, or maybe you have family or other health issues that make sleep or exercise really difficult to come by. Stress is often a symptom of circumstances that need their own forms of management.
But stress is also often a learned pattern of thinking, one that we need to unlearn if we’re going to get things done.
“You cannot get stressed out unless you believe your thoughts,” explains Susan Stiffelman, a licensed psychotherapist and author of Parenting Without Power Struggles. “All stress is precipitated by stressful thinking.”
Often, we convince ourselves that the tasks ahead of us are more difficult than they need to be. If you’re a perfectionist especially, you probably impose impossibly high standards on yourself and your work that may engender procrastination.
After all, why spend the next 30 minutes trying to produce absolutely perfect work when you can just let your mind wander on Snapchat?
When Stiffelman warns against believing your own thoughts, she is suggesting that we question our assessments of what we have in front of us. Next time you’re stressed out over an exam, a paper, or college applications, try listing reasons why your assessment of the situation might be incorrect.
Do you have a record of academic success? Have you succeeded in the past on projects that you found daunting? If the answer to either of these is “yes,” then there’s a good chance you’ve misread your current situation.
Sometimes, there’s freedom in getting things wrong.
But even if you are correct, and if what lies ahead is very difficult work, pausing to consider why a given project is difficult—and writing out the reasons—often reveals a range of sub-tasks that are far less difficult than the project as a whole.
This is why Stiffelman also advises breaking tasks down into small chunks.
In my own experience, to-do lists are lifesavers. List out the tasks ahead and break these down into the smallest possible tasks.
One student of mine wrote out everything she needed to do on sticky notes and then threw the notes away as she completed each task. But if you want to avoid wasting paper—and I think you should—an app like Todoist is just as good for laying out a roadmap and for checking off items as you go.
Let’s say you need to write an important paper for an English class. Your to-do list might look something like this:
Read the assignment [Monday]
Decide which text(s) I’m going to focus on [Monday]
Read my notes on that text [Tuesday]
Find 3-4 quotations from the text that seem relevant [Tuesday]
Draft a thesis [Tuesday]
See if the thesis goes well with the quotations I’ve chosen [Tuesday]
If not, find other quotations or revise the thesis
Draft an introduction [Wednesday]
Draft the first body paragraph [Wednesday]
Draft the second body paragraph [Thursday]
Draft the third body paragraph [Thursday]
Draft the fourth body paragraph [Thursday]
Draft the conclusion [Thursday]
Review my topic sentences [Friday]
Review my transitions [Friday]
Read the entire draft [Friday]
Check that the body paragraphs correspond with the thesis
Check that the body paragraphs proceed in a logical order
Make necessary revisions [Saturday]
Proofread the essay [Saturday]
Writing an entire paper can seem daunting, but reading the assignment is easy. Deciding which text to focus on isn’t too hard, either. Even drafting a thesis isn’t all that bad. Taken together, writing an entire paper might seem like a difficult task. But, when broken into small chunks, the job is much simpler than it seems.
Notice that I’ve given each task a day of the week. It’s important to recognize that your time is limited. If you give yourself a rough timeline, you can kind of mechanize the process a bit and give yourself peace of mind that you’re on track. Remember to stay flexible—adjust as you go, when needed, since some tasks might be more difficult than you first anticipated.
Keep yourself motivated by giving yourself a reward for each task or pair of tasks that you knock off your to-do list.
You’re always practicing, always training yourself. You’re not all that different from a dog who learns how to do tricks. Just like a poodle, you need positive reinforcement to train your mind and body that getting things done is good.
If you practice being anxious with a stomach ache while writing, you’ll get really good at being anxious with a stomach ache while writing. But if you practice breaking writing down into small sub-tasks and rewarding yourself—with dessert or a video game or something else you love—you’ll learn to associate getting things done with feeling good.
In sum: change your thinking, make to-do lists, chart out a rough schedule, and reward yourself along the way.
But of course, remember to avoid procrastinating, eat well, exercise regularly, and get a good night’s sleep. Those truisms are true, after all.
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hi hi hi! here is my little plot call for the event. vry quickly put together so this may seem a little scrambled but pls bear with me. this will def get edited randomly as i continue thinking throughout the days. feel free to leave a like if u'd like to plot something for the event <3 or lmk if one of my ideas interests u and would like a starter
december 11-14
jinri's one of the early arrivals against her wishes at the four seasons hotel. it's very likely to run into her there, or during/on her way to or back from one of her spontaneous night escapades.
will be at some of the offered activities because it's "for her image" and potential connections. more likely to be at the art classes, second likely are the wellness activities, and third is anything food related. she'd rather not do things in big crowds which is what she does during the night. might even catch her at any other muse's event if she so feels inclined to stop by.
might catch her potentially songwriting (or attempting to) in her free time. (she's at a weird state in her career where she feels like she has lost her way since she's not constantly working on something, so she's grasping at straws here..
vibes are casual small talk and brief conversations during the day, but at night she's more casual, esp if you catch her outside. the 12th, 13th and/or 14th may be filled with her doing fan events idk yet but i'll update this when i make a final decision.
some thread/plot ideas (can be adjusted): in art class and jinri gets emotional and maybe sheds a tear or two over art / being used as an excuse for jinri to escape her manager and then being roped into whatever plan she has / going on a tour and jinri attempts to convince the other to join her in leaving to do their own / simple running into each other in passing / past friends taking advantage of being in the same place and finally hanging out.
december 15
once again, she annoyingly early arrival to the gala so she might not be in the best mood near the start. after the ceremony she'll be mingling and be all over the place so high chance of seeing her or even chatting with her.
occasionally stops to just enjoy the music throughout the event. the easiest time for anyone to approach her since she's not on the move. once she's exhausted she'll be settled for the night near the bar. likely internally struggling with the decision to drink or not.
some thread/plot ideas (can be adjusted): someone convinces jinri to drink (intentionally or unintentionally) / jinri really likes the song being played and asks for a dance / sat next to each other during dinner and jinri's spacing out. / jinri loses her prized possession and is silently panicking trying to look for it.
december 16-17
if u guessed she'd be at the resort in chiang rai, you'd be correct.
jinri isn't too ecstatic to be participating in a campaign for the resort, but what choice does she really have when she's supposed to be "rebranding" herself. once she's done she's running as far away as possible from the cameras.
tbh, this is probably the one night she completely lets loose. this is probably the easiest time to talk to her, but also potentially the most aggravating since she's likely not taking anything seriously.
i envision potential budding friendships or the strengthening of old ones as she'd have a group of people she hangs out with for majority of the time they're there?
far, far, very far stretch! but since it's likely she got wasted that same night, there's also potential for jinri to have started shamelessly flirting and say things she definitely regret. i don't know but this could be an interesting angle to play out and develop further.
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Mastering TypeScript Faster: How the JS2TS tool Can Help New Learners?
When starting out with TypeScript, beginners can easily find it to be overwhelming learning about types, interfaces, etc. together with themselves working on complex data structures. In contrast to JavaScript, one of its main differences is that TypeScript forces the developer to define data types, meaning that at first it can be confused. It is frustrating for new learners to understand how to properly define types and progress slowly.
This makes the learning process much easier by automatically converting JSON data into accurate TypeScript type definitions using the JS2TS tool. Instead of having to manually determine the correct type structure for beginners, the JS2TS tool provides a way to show how TypeScript handles various data structures in real time. This makes it easier for new developers to learn TypeScript faster and create errors, and it increases their confidence in their coding skills.
About JS2TS tool
The JS2TS tool is an online tool to transpose JSON data into TypeScript type definition in a single click. JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a common data format used for APIs and applications, but it becomes difficult to define its structure for TypeScript as a beginner.
The JS2TS tool lets learners take JSON data and paste it in the tool and within seconds they get a well-structured TypeScript interface. This eliminates the need to guess and gives the beginners a chance to focus on learning how TypeScript works instead of dealing with type definitions.
About TypeScript
It is a type-based javascript programming language with added syntax and static typing to javascript. Typescript does that, meaning you can’t store everything in JavaScript variables but must specify its type every time. Contrary to JavaScript, this makes your code more controlled so you don’t get bugs you thought you would not get and, yes, this does mean that TypeScript allows you to write more elegant and, in some sense, safer code.
TypeScript is a hard language for beginners due to the need for careful attention to type definitions, interfaces, and strict coding rules. How is that such a useful tool can sound scary? Well, it’s because too many newcomers use TypeScript when that’s simply not the case.
How does the JS2TS Tool help beginners understand TypeScript types?
Defining types correctly is one of the hardest things one needs to learn first with TypeScript. For new developers, interfaces, type annotations, and handling complex nested structures are the problem.
Auto-typing JSON data into TypeScript with the JS2TS tool makes it an excellent resource for new learners. It helps the learners to look at real-world types of data to understand how types of data in TypeScript are structured without writing the type definitions manally. Using the JS2TS tool, it is easy for a beginner to understand how TypeScript interfaces work and to be able to write their own type definitions.
Rather than spending hours researching the appropriate type structures, learners can play around with the JS2TS tool brainlessly and see on the fly how TypeScript translates different types of data. That makes learning TypeScript faster and easier because it is added.
How does using the JS2TS tool reduce frustration for new developers?
In fighting the errors and debugging problems while learning a new programming language, this is a real issue. TypeScript evaluates strict rules and if the type definition is wrong, it may cause confusion and slow down the progress.
The JS2TS tool reduces much of this frustration by automating the type definition process. The JS2TS tool allows beginners to not have to write interfaces and deal with errors and instead to generate correct type definitions instantly. It helps them not waste their time trying to solve syntax errors but rather focus on the TypeScript concepts.
The JS2TS tool simplifies the type definitions, which helps new developers learn to write TypeScript code with more confidence. It gives them to play around with different JSON structures, play with how TypeScript handles those, and incrementally enhances their grasp of TypeScript’s type system.
Why is the JS2TS tool the perfect learning companion?
The JS2TS tool is a helpful guide to anyone new to TypeScript; it provides clear, ready-to-use type definitions. This helps reduce the learning time by letting the developers easily see the real examples of how TypeScript works without the headache of manually converting the code.
The JS2TS tool is also good for self-study. TypeScript defines different JSON data structures, which beginners can paste into the tool and observe how they are defined. With this interactive approach, learning is more engaging and learners learn better about TypeScript’s type system.
Also Read: How to Convert JSON to TypeScript Made Easy?
The JS2TS tool generates precise and standardized TypeScript interfaces, so beginners also get good practices from the start. This also prepares them for the real projects in real-world TypeScript projects where they already have a solid base for writing clean and well-structured code.
Learning TypeScript is not an insurmountable task. JS2TS tool lets you skip the frustration of requiring to define types yourself and learn how TypeScript works. The JS2TS tool allows for immediate transformation of the JSON data into the TypeScript interface, making it faster for fresh developers to learn concepts of TypeScript and avoiding standard mistakes at the same time.
Also Read: Convert Object to JSON in a Snap
The JS2TS tool is a must-use tool for anyone who is starting their TypeScript journey; it makes it smooth, efficient, and error-free. JS2TS offers you to try it and start mastering TypeScript with absolutely no effort!
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I've read a manhwa with the plot of MC being in a marriage of convenience with the ML in their first life and they work hard to make it work/feel like an actual marriage but the guy didn't give it much thought so they died and in their second life, the MC just decided to not focus on the guy but that somehow attracted the guy's attention
So that premise with Mydei (or Phainon, I just thought it suited Mydei more) where in reader's first life they had loved him and dedicated their whole being to him but they end up dying so in their second life they were more confrontational and willing to potentially piss off Mydei but that just had the opposite effect on him.
Bonus I guess if he remembers what reader did after a certain time and makes him fall harder (or go full on yan route idm)
Yandere!Mydei x Reader
You had loved him once.
It was a quiet, steady love, the kind built on careful devotion rather than reckless passion. A love that manifested in the way you always reached for his hand in public, in the way you made him pomegranate juice exactly as he liked it, in the way you handled every social obligation so he wouldn’t have to. A love that, despite being arranged, had been genuine on your part.
Mydei, however, had never given you much thought.
Your marriage had been one of convenience, a political arrangement that benefited both parties, nothing more. You knew that. You had known it from the start. But knowing didn’t stop you from hoping, didn’t stop you from trying to be someone he could come to love.
Yet you had tried.
You learned his preferences. You shielded him from trivial nuisances. You defended him against enemies in court. You ensured his home was warm when he returned, even if he never cared whether you were there waiting or not. You gave him everything you had to offer, even as your own needs went unnoticed, unfulfilled.
And then, one day, you died.
It was an illness, slow but inevitable. The kind that ate away at you little by little until there was nothing left to give. You had fought to stay by his side, to live long enough for him to notice you, to care. But as you lay on your deathbed, your body weak, your breath shallow, Mydei had stood beside you with the same unreadable expression he always wore.
“It’s unfortunate” he had said, his voice calm. “But there’s nothing to be done.”
He hadn’t held your hand. Hadn’t begged you to stay. Hadn’t even asked if you were afraid. And so you died, alone in a marriage that had never truly been shared.
But then, against all reason, you awoke again.
A second life. A second chance.
And this time, you wouldn’t waste it on him.
The first time you met Mydei again in your new life, he had the same detached expression, but this time, you weren’t the same.
“Oh. It’s you.” he said, mildly surprised.
You stared at him, deadpan. “Tragic, isn’t it?”
He blinked at you, clearly taken aback. In your past life, you would have smiled softly, eager to please. Now, you met his gaze with all the warmth of an ice sculpture.
“You seem different.” he noted, as though observing the weather.
“Yes, well, dying does that to a person.” You crossed your arms. “But don’t worry, I’m not here to cater to your every whim anymore. I have better things to do.”
His brow furrowed slightly, a reaction so subtle you might have missed it if you hadn’t known him so well. It was funny. For the first time, Mydei found himself unsure of how to proceed.
Days turned to weeks, and you continued to avoid him as much as possible. When you couldn’t, you treated him with polite indifference.
“Here, I brought you tea.”
Mydei raised a brow. “Tea?”
“I just grabbed the first thing I saw.” You sipped your own drink with a smirk, watching as he hesitated before taking a sip. No more pomegranate juice, but you made no move to correct it. Let him suffer.
He gave you a long, unreadable look, then quietly finished the tea anyway.
You weren’t sure when it started, but Mydei began seeking you out more often. Not for anything important, just small, meaningless interactions that, in your first life, he would have ignored entirely.
“You’re busy” he observed one day, watching you pour over books in the library.
“You’re perceptive” you deadpanned, not looking up.
“I can help.”
You finally met his gaze, incredulous. “You? Help? With something that doesn’t benefit you?”
“I’m capable of generosity” he replied smoothly.
You scoffed. “Sure. And I’m the Empress of the Universe.”
To your growing unease, Mydei only chuckled, as if thoroughly enjoying the challenge you presented. If he had ignored your love in your past life, he now seemed intent on prying into your every thought in this one.
You weren’t sure which was worse.
What made it all the more complicated was that Mydei had no idea you had already lived and died once before. To him, this was just the first time you had ever looked at him with anything less than quiet admiration. And while he couldn’t understand what had changed, he was undeniably intrigued.
The third prince’s birthday celebration was an unavoidable event. No matter how much you wanted to stay far away from Mydei, you were both expected to attend.
Dressed in formal attire, you entered the grand hall, carefully ignoring Mydei’s presence beside you.
As expected, the noble ladies flocked to him almost immediately, their voices sickly sweet.
“Mydei, you look as composed as ever” one simpered, lightly touching his sleeve. “Surely you must save a dance for me?”
“And me as well” another chimed in. “It’s not often we get to see you at these gatherings.”
You sipped your drink and turned away, uninterested.
Mydei, however, seemed less inclined to entertain them. His gaze flickered to you, watching your utter lack of reaction.
“You’re ignoring me” he murmured, stepping closer.
You didn’t even glance at him. “Congratulations, you’re learning.”
His lips twitched slightly, as if amused. “Are you jealous?”
You turned to him at last, offering the driest look you could muster. “If I had a single grain of salt for every second I cared, I wouldn’t even be able to season a meal.”
He chuckled. And you had the distinct feeling Mydei wasn’t going to let you ignore him forever.
Sensing your chance to leave, you excused yourself quietly and slipped away. You navigated through the bustling crowd until you reached the gardens, where the young third prince stood alone, watching the lanterns flicker above. You wished him a happy birthday, exchanged brief pleasantries before excusing yourself, intent on leaving before anyone noticed. Unbeknownst to you, Mydei had followed—watching from the shadows as you spoke to the young prince with a warmth you had never once given him in this lifetime.
The door shut behind you with a quiet click as you stepped into your quarters, letting out a sigh of relief. The evening had been long. You had done your part, made an appearance, and now you could finally shed the pretense of civility and rest.
You barely had time to unfasten the heavy jewelry weighing on your ears before there was a knock at the door. Your brows furrowed. It was late. Too late for someone to be calling on you unless it was urgent.
Still, you already had a sinking feeling about who it was.
“Enter” you called, bracing yourself.
The door opened, and sure enough, Mydei stepped inside. His usually pristine attire was slightly disheveled, his coat unbuttoned at the collar. But what truly caught your attention was the way he moved, slower, more deliberate, as if something was weighing on him.
He had never been one to drink, and yet, something about him seemed... off.
You sighed. “It’s late, Mydei.”
“You left early” he countered, shutting the door behind him. His voice was calm, but there was an edge to it—something quiet and simmering beneath the surface. “Without informing me.”
“I wasn’t aware I needed your permission to retire for the night” you replied dryly, turning away. “Now, if you’ll excuse me—”
“I saw you” Mydei interrupted.
You stilled. “Saw me?”
“With the third prince” he clarified, stepping closer. “In the gardens. You seemed… close.”
You exhaled through your nose. “He’s a child, Mydei. I was wishing him a happy birthday.”
“And yet, you looked at him with more warmth than you’ve ever spared me.”
You turned to face him then, brows arching. “Are you jealous?”
Mydei didn’t answer immediately. Instead, he studied you. He took another step forward, invading your space, forcing you to tilt your head slightly to maintain eye contact.
“Would it matter if I was?” he asked at last.
You scoffed, stepping back. “No. Because it wouldn’t change anything.”
Mydei was a man of control. To be thrown off balance, to be met with resistance where he once found compliance, was undoubtedly foreign to him.
Good. Let him feel what you had felt all those years.
You turned away, signaling the conversation was over. “Go sleep, Mydei. We have nothing more to discuss.”
For a moment, he didn’t move. Then, finally, he let out a quiet chuckle, a sound devoid of humor. “You truly are different now.”
You didn’t respond. Didn’t look back.
Because if you did, you might have noticed the way his fingers curled slightly at his sides. And you might have realized that Mydei was far from willing to let things be.
Over the next few days, Mydei seemed to have an unusual amount of free time. His duties, which once kept him busy, were now seemingly cast aside. Wherever you went, he was there.
It started subtly: walking in step with you through the halls, his presence a quiet shadow. Then it grew bolder. Sitting beside you at meals, his knee brushing against yours and never pulling away. Standing behind you, fingertips grazing the small of your back under the guise of guiding you forward.
You would have ignored it, written it off as coincidence—if not for the way his touch lingered. The way he reached for your hand absentmindedly, as if it were second nature.
One evening, as you sat by the window, lost in thought, you felt it again, his hand, warm and steady, against your shoulder. A familiar presence, yet wholly unfamiliar in its intent.
“You’ve been avoiding me” Mydei murmured.
“I’ve been living my life” you corrected, not looking up.
His fingers curled slightly, almost as if to pull you closer, but he hesitated. “And yet, somehow, I find myself a part of it more than before.”
You turned to him then, meeting his gaze directly. “Perhaps you should ask yourself why that is.”
A smirk ghosted his lips, though his eyes held something heavier. “Oh, I have.”
You had tolerated it long enough. Mydei’s constant presence, his lingering touches, the way he hovered around you as if he had never been indifferent.
The final straw came when he followed you into the private study, an intimate space he had never once stepped foot in before. You slammed the book you were holding onto the table and turned to face him, irritation burning in your chest.
"Enough!" Your voice was firm, unwavering. "What exactly do you want from me, Mydei?"
He arched a brow, unfazed. "I would think that’s obvious."
You scoffed. "Obvious? You ignored me for years, treated our marriage as a mere obligation, and now—now you cling to my side like a shadow. Why?" Your breath hitched slightly, but you pushed forward. "Is it because I no longer chase after you? Because I finally see this marriage for what it is?"
A flicker of something passed through his eyes—something unreadable. He took a step closer, but you raised a hand, stopping him in his tracks.
"No" you said sharply. "No more. This ends now. I want a divorce."
For the first time since his sudden shift in behavior, Mydei’s expression darkened. "You don’t mean that."
"I do." You met his gaze head-on. "I refuse to stay shackled in a marriage that was never real."
He exhaled slowly, as if reining himself in. "And what makes you think I'll allow it?"
Your fingers clenched into fists. "Because it’s not your decision to make."
"You truly have changed."
You didn’t back down. "And I intend to keep it that way."
His eyes lingered on you, calculating, something darker stirring beneath the surface. Then, as if making a silent decision, he took another step forward.
"Then let's see how far you’re willing to go" he murmured.
Determined to push him into agreeing, you invited Duke Laurent, a respected noble and someone with a clear interest in you, to visit. If Mydei would not agree to divorce out of reason, perhaps jealousy would make him let go.
Just as you began conversing with the duke, Mydei’s arm suddenly snaked around your waist, pulling you flush against him. You stiffened at the public display of intimacy, something he had never once shown before. The duke’s expression remained polite, though there was clear tension in the air.
Mydei leaned in, his lips brushing dangerously close to your ear. "You think bringing another man here will make me release you?"
He turned his gaze to the duke, his expression composed but lethal. "You see, we are still very much married."
Before you could shove him away, he tilted your chin up and pressed a slow, deliberate kiss to the corner of your lips, just enough to make the moment scandalous.
"Mydei—" You hissed, shoving at his chest, but his grip remained firm.
Then came his final blow, spoken with a smirk against your skin. "If you truly wish to fulfill the divorce, then surely, as tradition dictates, our marriage must bear an heir first. Otherwise, it would be incomplete."
The audacity of it, the sheer arrogance—
Fury surged through you. Without thinking, you leaned in and bit his shoulder, hard enough to make him tense, hard enough to leave a mark through his fine fabric. Just hoping it'll make him let you go. He inhaled sharply, but instead of anger, something else flickered in his gaze. Interest.
His grip on you tightened, fingers pressing into your waist. "How intriguing" he murmured, almost amused. "You’re becoming more and more fascinating."
You could only glare, breathless with anger, as he leaned in even closer. "I’ve decided—I shall never let you alone."
That night, Mydei made his final decision.
You found yourself restless, pacing in your chambers, feeling trapped in a game you never agreed to play. The door creaked open, and you didn’t need to turn to know it was him.
"Leave!" you ordered without looking up.
Instead, he stepped inside, shutting the door behind him. "You asked for a divorce. I gave you my terms," he said smoothly. "But I have a better idea."
You turned, narrowing your eyes. "I don't care for your ideas, Mydei. I want my freedom."
"And I want you," he countered effortlessly, closing the distance between you. "So, it seems we are at an impasse."
He reached out, tracing a hand over your wrist. "You see, I’ve realized something," he murmured, his voice quieter now, almost reverent. "I cannot let you go."
"Then you will have to learn."
"No" he whispered, leaning in "I will simply ensure that you never wish to leave."
This was no longer a battle of marriage or freedom.
This was war.
Then, his voice dropped to a chilling whisper. "If you try to run, I will find you. If you seek another, I will ruin them. And if you deny me..." His fingers trailed over your throat, "I will make sure you have nowhere to go but back to me."
"You wouldn’t dare."
"Wouldn’t I?" The smirk on his face only triggered you more. "You forget, my dear, I am not a man who lets go of what is his. And you? You belong to me."
A slow, measured pause before he added, "So fight me if you must. Hate me, struggle, scream. But in the end, you will always return to me. I will make sure of it."
Another day passed. Nothing happened. Until-
You were sitting stiffly in your chambers, the weight of Mydei’s last words still pressing against your mind.
Mydei entered, once again without your consent.
A goblet sat before you, filled with deep crimson liquid—the rich, unmistakable hue of pomegranate juice. It was his favorite, something he drank often, something he had tried countless times to get you to enjoy.
“I had the servants prepare this just for you” Mydei said smoothly, swirling the liquid in his own goblet. “It would be such a shame if you ignored my gift.”
You hesitated, glancing at the drink. Something about his tone made you wary, but refusing would only stretch this moment further. You reached for the goblet, only for Mydei to intercept, his fingers ghosting over yours as he picked it up himself.
“Let me.”
His hand cupped your chin, tilting your head slightly. Before you could react, the cool rim of the goblet pressed against your lips, the sweet aroma of pomegranate thick in the air. The moment the liquid touched your tongue, warmth flooded through your body. A strange, numbing sensation curled through your veins, heavy and inescapable. Your limbs felt sluggish, the world turning soft around the edges.
Your breath hitched as your body betrayed you, sinking against the silk sheets.
Through your hazy vision, you saw Mydei standing by the door, watching. His expression was unreadable, his hands clasped behind his back.
“Rest well, my dear”
But he didn’t leave.
Instead, he moved closer, his fingers brushing against your cheek before he slid into the bed beside you. His arms wrapped around you, firm yet deceptively gentle, caging you against him. The warmth of his body seeped into yours, and in your hazy state, resistance felt… unnecessary.
“You’ll understand soon” he whispered, his breath fanning against your ear. “You don’t need to fight anymore. Just listen to me.”
Your thoughts wavered, slipping further into a fog. Your body felt too heavy to move, your mind too sluggish to argue. His presence, once suffocating, now felt… inevitable.
Through the night, he held you close, his grip never loosening. Each time your thoughts stirred, his voice was there, murmuring soft reassurances, reinforcing his presence, reminding you he was always there.
By the time morning light crept through the curtains, your mind was no longer as sharp as before. The idea of pulling away seemed distant, unnecessary.
He was still here.
His arms remained locked around you, as if this was how it had always been. His breath, slow and even, ghosted against the side of your neck, warm yet oppressive.
“Awake already?” His voice was low, thick with the drowsiness of someone who had slept well.
You swallowed, trying to shift, only to realize just how intimately entangled the two of you were. One of his legs had hooked over yours, anchoring you beneath the weight of him. His fingers, idly tracing over the fabric of your nightclothes, stopped just at your wrist, where his hold subtly tightened.
You were trapped.
“I need to get up” you muttered, voice still hoarse from sleep.
Mydei didn’t loosen his grip. If anything, his arms curled around you more securely, pressing you deeper against his chest. “You don’t, actually,” he murmured. “Stay.”
Something in his voice made your stomach twist. There was no plea, no request, just the quiet certainty of a man who had already decided what would happen.
“I have things to do” you tried again, frustration slipping into your tone. “You can’t just—”
“Can’t I?” Mydei interrupted lazily, propping himself up on one elbow so he could look down at you properly. His hair was slightly tousled, falling over sharp eyes that gleamed with something unreadable. “You haven’t been well. I think it’s best if you rest today.”
“I feel fine” you lied, pushing against his chest.
He caught your wrist easily, his thumb pressing against the rapid beat of your pulse. “Do you?” His smile was slow, knowing. “You still look dazed. You’re warm. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were falling ill.”
Mydei had always been perceptive, dangerously so. And in this moment, with your thoughts still sluggish, you knew you were at a disadvantage.
“Mydei,” you tried to keep your voice steady, “what did you do?”
His grip on your wrist didn’t waver, but his expression softened into something almost… fond.
“I’ve merely helped you see things clearly.” His fingers traced over your knuckles before he lifted your hand, pressing a slow, lingering kiss against your palm. His lips curved against your skin. “You always try to run. You make things so difficult for yourself.”
“You drugged me.”
Mydei sighed, tilting his head as if mildly disappointed. “It was just a little something to help you relax. To stop you from making rash decisions.” He leaned in closer, his nose grazing against your cheek before his lips brushed against the shell of your ear. “You wouldn’t want to make any rash decisions, would you?”
A surge of unease coursed through you, your body screaming to move—to fight. But your limbs still felt leaden, and Mydei knew it. He had planned for it.
“I thought we had an agreement” you gritted out. “You can’t keep me here like this.”
“What do you mean by 'keep you'? You’re mine, my dear. You always have been.”
Your breath hitched as he finally released your wrist—only to cup your jaw, forcing you to look at him properly.
“You’ll understand soon enough.”
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#yandere x reader#yandere#hsr x reader#hsr x you#honkai star rail#yandere honkai star rail#yandere hsr x reader#yandere mydei#mydeimos#hsr mydei#mydei x reader#mydei#bsd x you#honkai star rail mydei
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