#waste processing
dreamweardesigns · 7 days
How to Set Up a Wastes Management Businesses
Beginning a waste management enterprise may be a profitable and critical career in today's world. Here's a breakdown of the important thing steps to get you commenced:
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 Define your area of interest: 
Not all waste is created the same. Production websites produce more waste than households or hospitals. Studies diverse waste streams and discover a spot you could cater to. This can be primarily based on the sort of waste (e.g., risky substances, electronics), or the client base (e.g., residential, commercial).
Craft a marketing strategy:  
This roadmap will manual your choices and cozy funding.  Define your offerings, target market, competitive analysis, advertising and marketing approach, and economic projections.
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 Cozy allows and Licenses: 
Policies vary with the aid of vicinity, so research the allows and licenses required to perform on your region.  Touch your neighborhood environmental employer and enterprise registration office for specifics.
 Financing Your enterprise:  Startup expenses can include motors, systems, and advertising. Explore investment options like personal financial savings, small commercial enterprise loans, or offers in particular for green businesses.
 Invest in the proper gadget:
 The kind of system you will want depends on your preferred area of interest.  For a simple series, you would possibly start with a truck and packing containers.  Some niches might also require specialized automobiles or processing gadgets.
  Gather Your Team:
Depending on the scale of your operations, you may need to lease drivers, waste handlers, and an administrative body of workers. Make sure your team gets the right education on protection guidelines and waste dealing with processes.
 Construct Relationships:  
Community with potential customers and set up partnerships with recycling facilities or landfills.  Presenting splendid customer service and reliable waste disposal is key to retaining clients.
 * Promote Your commercial enterprise: expand a marketing approach that reaches your target audience. This can include growing a website, social media presence, or direct outreach to potential customers.
 Stay Compliant:  
The waste control enterprise is heavily regulated.  Staying up to date on environmental policies and adhering to the right disposal practices is vital to your commercial enterprise's achievement.
 Include Sustainability:
  Look for ways to decrease waste and maximize recycling in your operations.  This will involve providing recycling offerings or partnering with centers that prioritize green practices.
By following these steps and engaging in thorough research, you may set up a thriving waste management commercial enterprise that fulfills a crucial need in your community.
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why-the-heck-not · 2 months
understanding academic concepts got me blushing swinging my legs giggling
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wattemeer · 1 year
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“But someday you'll find somebody and love him and love him and never let him go.”
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mering · 1 month
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‘Do ‘You know nothing? Do you see nothing? Do you remember ‘Nothing?’
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appsa · 1 year
People seeing kendall bringing up all this dirt abt connor and roman to attack logan as him "protecting" them is a little weird cause like. Guys we've seen this before 😭 kendall is always trying to place himself on a place of higher morality wrt logan and say the right words to come out the other side looking like the bigger person when functionally he's done fuckall. He did this in season 3 when he was all "fuck the patriarchy" and "time's up" etc when he was forcing himself into his ex wife's house, surrounding himself w women for his image and then using his financial power to silence them into agreeing w everything he said.
This is the same except he's finally able to actually talk about his family's issues instead of nebulously talking about some "foundational rot" in the company, and even then he STILL can't talk about his own abuse and the way logan has hurt him because that would be admitting that harm was done at all, so he uses his brothers' abuse as weapons against his father. All this while still treating said brothers as a joke because only he and shiv are the serious, smart, level headed siblings when their decision making so far in the season has literally been irrational reactionary shit to get back at their father.
He does care for his siblings, no doubt, but this argument was specifically about how shiv and kendall were strung along, and about logans broken promises to them. They did everything right- shiv got married and kendall got clean just so they could please logan and have a shot at being ceo and they both still failed to measure up to Logan's expectations (not to mention at said marraige and sobriety too) and thats what theyre angry about. But instead of talking about That they bring up their brother's shit that they specifically did Not want to talk about, especially when they didn't have a grudge against logan like they did. It was honestly really cruel of him to dig things that were painful for his brothers just to take a dig at logan for some cheap satisfaction and it'll probablyyy be the end of the season again before they realize any of this so like. Yeah. This is just kendalls manic monday again (ft. shiv) except instead of faceless victims of the patriarchy he's using his own family as meat shields against his dad now which. Is probably some repetition from their childhood and means that the show is coming full circle
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I think my most toxic trait as a Zenos enjoyer is wanting to 1v1 everyone who says that Zenos actively wants to kill his opponents
Like, completely disregarding that it is actively ignoring the text even in StB there (and that he consistently wants the WoL especially to live), he, uh, is written as having a desire for more the opposite to happen. Very, very consistently. His drive to live is solely linked to brief moments of pleasure-from-struggle and when that drops he explicitly wants to die so he can preserve the moment (and like. *looks at the end of 6.0* if he wanted to kill the WoL he would not be disappointed when they fall before the game allows it, nor would they have lived after given his will was strong enough to bring them back if they bite it). He wants struggle and lacks the ability to give enough of a shit to hold back if someone walks up and says they're going to go for his head.
Like, death is a side effect of what he's after, it's not the goal and he explicitly considers it a waste of life. Even fighting isn't the goal, the goal is to struggle, to need to put effort in. The WoL is just the only person to put him in that state as he currently is, hence his obsession.
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scificrows · 8 months
Murderbot conducting weirdly specific data analysis on a random detail in its media storage... It's just like us for real!!
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stoshasaurus · 10 months
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Take this Minos Prime I drew on a sticky note in class today. Started a matching Sisyphus but idk if I’ll finish it
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heartsoji · 1 year
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starring the bllk boys!
featuring kunigami rensuke, chigiri hyoma, and bachira meguru
a/n: sigh some easy headcanons bc i simply cannot write anymore
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acts of service!
pls acts of service just screams him
hes your hero, after all! hes at your service
you're hungry? here, have some of his food!
on your period? chocolate and midol for you!
cant go to sleep? he has a bottle of melatonin and huge, snuggly arms
he will literally do anything you ask
he's def an 'actions speak louder than words' typa guy so he feels that when he does something for you, its proof of his love
ALSO something that i was thinking ab was yk how kunigami is ripped
if ur feet were tired, he'd carry you on his back with ease
'are you sure im not too heavy?' *looks back at you with disappointment and betrayal* 'hell no."
hes a sweetie
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words of affirmation!
hes a rizzler, ok
he says cheesey things with the same composure he'd have if he was taking a nice stroll in the park
"the stars, the sun, the moon. they're supposed to shine bright, but they pale in comparison to you" with a calm, soothing smile
ok sorry
he also provides really good comfort!
if you're crying from a rough day, he's there with you, rubbing your back, whispering sweet things into your ear
"it's ok, love. i know it feels like the end of the world now, but it was etc etc" WITH HIS SILKY SMOOTH VOICE UGH
ok i hc that after he gives you those cheesy poetic compliments, he makes you look him in the eyes and just lets you melt into putty in his arms
hes just so
(can u tell i love chigiri)
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quality time + physical touch!
he love love loves spending time w/ you
he plans the most fun dates ever and he always makes sure you have a great time
picnic dates, arcade dates, amusement park dates, you get it
hes just so thoughtful and his laughter is literally contagious
hes one of the guys who will be happy just by being with you (and his happiness is contagious so youre happy too)
also hes super touchy
big fan of back hugs. you'll be standing there when you suddenly feel him ram into you, arms circling around your waist
a big cuddler also
i could def see him being either a little or big spoon tbh
he just loves being close to you
sometimes you'l be laying in bed when you hear a "YAHOOO" (like mario) and suddenly hes ramming down on top of you as you let out a loud, "OW"
he has the tightest hugs ever
just grabs you and squeezes you and spins you around
also loves dancing with you
he'll put on some fun music and he just spins you around and laughs and has fun
pls hes so cute i love him
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heartsoji 𑁍 please do not steal, plagiarize, or repost onto any platform. thank you!
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chodzacaparodia · 22 days
Me, writing fanfiction, when I have to decide whether the character's eye color will be the same as in the original or in its adaptation:
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Is anyone else simultaneously really excited and really scared about Season 3? Like, Season 2 was incredible, but it is also legitimately hard for me to rewatch at points, and I expect Season 3 to be even more intense.
Things I either know or think will happen that will destroy me include:
- Siuan and our other friends at the Tower dealing with the fallout from Cairhien. Everything about this. The political and the personal. I can barely even *think* about it, but I’m supposed to watch it??
- Moiraine finding out some of what the future holds for her as if babygirl didn’t already go through it last season.
- Lan and Moiraine. Above points apply.
- Mat’s arc really kicking off when he gets [redacted]. Donal Finn has completely won me over on sad puppy Mat and I just want him to be goofy and happy and get some therapy, not have to face the end of the world.
- Basically anything to do with Morgase if she appears this season. With the show’s ability to give the middle aged women so much depth of character, and with the way I already feel about her arc in the books, I am very scared of how much the show is going to make me feel about her! And her and Elayne’s relationship, which I fully expect to be more fleshed out than it is in the books.
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rainintheevening · 8 months
The only clone/jedi ship I will look twice at is Blyla.
Personally, I see it as one-sided on Bly's part, and I kinda love the idea of him just... being okay with that. That he is in love with this fierce, brave, wise, beautiful Jedi Twi’lek, and he loves her enough to come up with a hundred ways to show her his love that won't tempt her to break her Jedi code of honour (clones know plenty about 'codes of honour').
I think Aayla senses the 'more' behind his devotion to her, but they don't have time to talk about it, and she won't abandon her Jedi vows. So she just accepts his love, and gives back what she can in friendship and care and watching his back in turn.
Her commitment to him being less, doesn't negate or diminish the beauty of his complete commitment to her.
If he dies for her, he will die well.
And then he kills her.
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robo-dino-puppy · 10 months
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horizon forbidden west | the shining wastes 3/?
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teecupangel · 9 months
Been playing AC3 again lately and, for some reason, listening to Bill. It's great to hate him for his father of the franchise thing, but he seemed pretty sincere about trying to find Desmond beofore Absetergo. I'm kinda curious what would have happend if the Assassins did get there beforehand.
I agree that Bill was being sincere in finding Desmond before Abstergo did. I always saw him as someone who wanted to do what was best for Desmond and tried to protect him the only way he knew how. But that didn’t mean he didn’t hurt Desmond and his actions can easily be misinterpreted (especially by someone as young as Desmond was during that time) so yeah… Bill wanted to protect Desmond and he loved him in his own way but that didn’t mean he wasn’t a bad father.
And that would show even if he was able to find Desmond before Abstergo managed to capture him.
You did write ‘get there beforehand’ and I’m going to assume this means that they’ll be able to save Desmond from being abducted by Abstergo or get there before Abstergo captures him.
If it was the latter, Desmond would try to run away from the Assassins as well and probably won’t believe that Abstergo was trying to capture him (it would be funny and annoying if Desmond get captured by Cross because he was busy running away from the Assassins sent to get him) so…
We’ll have Desmond get saved by the Assassins during the time he was being captured by Abstergo. Cross and his goons would be surprised and the Assassins would use that to get Desmond out using the van Abstergo was about to use.
From there, Desmond would be escorted to the nearest hideout but, here’s the thing…
Since Lucy is staying with Abstergo, this means that Desmond would be saved by other Assassins and it can’t be Shaun and Rebecca because they’re more on the support side (until around Unity) so…
This means that the Assassins who would save Desmond would be those who tried to save him and died in AC1.
The ones to have been ‘implied’ to have been from the Farm.
It would feel like he was back on the Farm, surrounded by people he knew.
Would they be happy to see him?
Would they see him as stupid and foolish?
Those would be the things Desmond would be worrying about and he would want to run away, far away.
He would now understand that Abstergo does want him because of who he was but he would refuse to be an Assassin and he doesn’t want to be one, not ever.
Which means when he meets with William Miles…
Both of their voices would start to raise.
Words would leave their mouths that they may or may not regret later on.
Bill will call him the life he had spent living away from the Assassins as meaningless and without direction.
Desmond would say that he had been happiest away from the Assassins and that he didn’t want to be part of this shit.
In the end, Bill will raise his hand and hit his son.
And that punch will break whatever ‘foolish’ dreams Desmond held onto about making up with his parents, of finding some kind of middle ground.
And Desmond would do it once more.
He had done it before.
And he never forgot the lessons.
… that night, Desmond Miles disappeared once more.
And this time…
He was making sure no one would find him ever again.
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akkivee · 1 month
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according to canon at least lol
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fluffalpenguin · 1 year
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Happy Shun Duel Links Day!!! (party popper emoji)
#yugioh arc v#yugioh arc-v#arc-v#shun#yuto#comic#duel links#sorry for the long format but OOH it looks so clean when its all in one line!!!#this almost didn't make it out of my wip jail cells because i spent 30 mins on one of the panels#using references and everything but it just looked super duper odd and it was a waste of time overall#and don't even get me started on the toning (clenches fist) nothing was looking right at one point#but enough about the process i want to talk about the comic itself#part of the motivation for drawing this was seeing all the fluffy shunyoot celebration pics during his roaming event#they ARE cute but also i really really wanted so badly to see shun's visceral reaction that didn't reduce him to mere comedic fodder#(something i'm also guilty of)#so anyway like we always say in ygos we make our own food#wow im rambling anyways the last line of dialogue i had most trouble with but also the most proud of#no shade to the writers of the show (ok maybe like a LITTLE shade) but with this comic i really wanted to reflect the feelings of both#fans of the show as well as fans that left after the ending because that was something i saw floating on jp twitter during the roaming even#and it really made me Think#also can we talk about how in the event yuya was just like hey shun i have a surprise for you!!! haha :]#he was THERE when shun said never appear in front of me ever again did he think shun would just be omg yuto :)#this is why youre my favourite (yuya)#anyways last but not least#the final yuto panel is a healthy mix of guilt + existential dread and doubt about his own existence i hope that was obvious enough
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