#wash rinse repeat Tim. You have no life
paperbackribs · 2 years
The Rookie, by the end of Season 1
Tim: You saved me. I owe you my life.
Lucy: No thanks. I’ve seen it and I’m not very impressed.
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introspectivememories · 8 months
obsessed with the idea of timbern baby. like it starts in the cult and bear finds this kid, literal child, in the cult and y'know he may be a depressed and suicidal bastard but he's not so far gone that he's just gonna ignore a literal child (let's call him luka) in the pain cult. and bear's been rising through the ranks, so he smuggles luka out and tells (read: lectures) him to stay out. except this is the first time anyone's ever really cared about luka, so luka just latches onto bear.
eventually bear starts letting luka stay over at his apartment bc whoever was taking care of the luka before clearly doesn't care if he was left unsupervised enough to join a pain cult. so it becomes this kind of family unit. bear wakes up, wakes luka up, drops luka off at school, then goes to class, comes home and makes some food so luka has smth to eat after school, fucks around with the cult for a few hours, and then goes home and tries to avoid luka's concerned glances. wash, rinse, repeat.
and this is going well for a good few years and then senior year of college, everything goes into overdrive. bear who has risen through the ranks of the cult has been chosen for the sacrifice and yeah, luka will be sad when he dies or whatever but he's got money set aside for luka. luka can live on without him.
and then tim comes back into his life. tim drake from high school. his tim drake. darla's tim drake. their tim drake. who likes skateboarding and photography and is maybe a little too serious about mario kart. tim drake comes back and for a brief, weightless, moment, bear thinks he can do this. he can do this life thing and want to live. he can take care of luka and watch him graduate and be friends with tim again. he can stop blowing off the people at school who want to be friends with him. he can live again.
and then, like he does with everything, he ruins it. luka sees him off on the night of his "not-date" with tim drake with a teasing shout of "don't put out on the first date dad!" bear whacks him upside the head. the not-date goes really well right up until the fucking cult kidnaps him and preps him over the course of the next few days for the sacrifice. as he greets the pain like an old friend, all he thinks in between the haze of getting whipped is that luka must be going out of his mind with worry. and then they have him strapped to the altar and he lets the wine they're practically waterboarding him with take him away. his leader raises the knife and bear relaxes. this is where he was always meant to be. he has no other purpose than to be the vessel. it's not like he meant much anyway.
and then, robin is bursting onto the scene and punching the leaders in the face and somewhere in between kicking ass and taking names, bear realizes he wants to live. like for real, for real. he wants to wake up tomorrow. he doesn't actively want to die. he wants to see luka walk the stage at his high school graduation. he wants to hear tim drake laugh one more time. so he lets robin save him and then goes home and lets luka sob and fuss over him as bear promises to be a better parent.
and that's it he thinks. he definitely scared tim off with the whole getting kidnapped and being part of a cult thing. it's okay, he tells himself, at least you got tim back for a little while. but then tim is showing up at his door like a week later and he wants to go on a proper date?? like an actual date. bear is overjoyed but wary. tim drake is tim drake-wayne and bear is bernard dowd who has been consistently fucking up his life since his best friend got shot and died in high school. he figures that this thing between them will last maybe what, 4 months, before tim realizes he can do better.
except it lasts long than 4 months. it goes on for almost a year before bear realizes that tim is here to stay. well, fuck, now he has to tell his boyfriend that he has a kid. lord knows, luka wants to meet him too. so he texts tim one day, can we talk? and tim shows up at the cafe nervous and panicky. and bear just fucking blurts it out. i've got a kid. he says.
what? tim replies. i've got a kid. like a kid i'm raising. like a son. he says. so you're not breaking up with me? tim asks slowly. what? no! and so he explains the whole situation and tim just laughs a little hysterically and goes how does this happen twice? except now tim wants to meet his kid. so bear brings him over and to put it gently, it's a fuckin disaster. luka hates tim. tim spends the next year trying to get into luka's good graces. it only works when bear gets kidnappped for umpteenth time and tim spends the two weeks bear is missing for, taking care of luka and spending lots of his considerable fortune getting bear back.
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chenfordspiral · 1 month
treacherous, ch. 1
The following few weeks went by very similarly to how the last couple of years had gone by – Tim woke up in the morning, did some cardio, went to work, trained a rookie for another day, returned home to his dog, had dinner while he watched a game, and went to sleep only to do the exact same thing the next day. Rinse, wash, repeat. The only occasional excitement he got was when he took Kojo for a hike or to the dog park and watched him play around with other dogs, or when Angela insisted on having him over for dinner so he could spend some time with his godson and goddaughter. 
Maya was only three months old with Angela back at work for the past month, and despite seeing the exhaustion in almost every muscle of her body, Tim envied her. 
In the three years since his divorce, Angela had gotten married and had not just one, but two kids. She had the life he thought he would’ve had by now. And it’s not like he wasn’t happy for her because he was; he just often envisioned raising kids with his best friend instead of watching hers growing up without having any of his own. He loved being their godfather, and he loved Jack and Maya to pieces, but every time he left the Lopez-Evers residence, he wished he didn’t have to leave and go back to his empty house. He wanted the sleepless nights and toys littered all over the floor. He wanted-
“Hey, where’d you go?” 
read here on AO3.
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calumsbabylonbabe · 6 years
The Day We Begin
Second part to “The Day We Began”
Summary: The next day after Luke has taken off
Warnings: Fluffffff, swearing, not really angsty but??
It’s been several hours since Luke left.
I sat against the door for a solid two hours, before slowly making my way to the restroom to washing my puffy face, only to make my way to my bed where I cried until I fell asleep.
It’s 7:54 in the morning now, meaning it’s not longer our anniversary, and Luke didn’t come home all night.
Before finally laying down, I had unlocked the bedroom door, a small part of me hoping he would return, despite the fact that I know he doesn’t see me as anything serious.
The fact the he didn’t show up almost makes me want to cry again, but I’m out of tears after last night.
I don’t understand why I feel the constant ache, why I have to suffer with my feelings. He’s the me who fucked up, why do I have to suffer?
Actually no, perhaps I was fuck up. Allowing myself to get attached too quickly isn’t the best idea I’ve had, and I should have known better.
I brush off all negative and degrading thoughts about my feelings and reach for my phone, again hoping I have messages from Luke.
I have one from Calum, regarding the couch situation last night, but I disregard it and push the endless covers and sheets off myself.
I get out of bed, and walk into the connected bathroom, to see my eyes swollen and deep bags underneath, making me look like a Tim Burton character.
Last night was the first time sleeping alone since Luke and I officially started dating. Needless to say, it was tough sleeping.
I quickly rinse my face, trying to rid it of it’s tired look, before making me way back into my bedroom.
I sit on my bed again and admire the pictures of Luke and I on my dresser, feeling my heartstrings tug again.
The idea that Luke and I are probably going to break up is something that I haven’t processed. It’s something I don’t want to process.
I brush the saddening thoughts away and make my way downstairs, realizing I haven’t eaten since last night’s dinner, and even that was a sparse amount of food.
I make my way to the pantry, to see it practically empty, remembering Luke and I were supposed to go grocery shopping today.
I guess it’s just me now.
I get ready, texting Calum back finally, before making my way out of the door.
I open the door to see someone standing on the porch, smoking, while running their fingers anxiously through their hair.
The familiar blue eyes surrounded by dark bags underneath them turn to look at me, as I awkwardly stand half in my house, half outside.
The sight of Luke smoking again is enough to make someone want to cry. Luke stopped smoking about the time we started dating, and to see him start up again just further confirms that we are over with.
“Smoking again?” I ask, as I lean against the door.
“Uh no, I just, needed it for the nerves.”
“What do you want Luke? You didn’t come home last night, so I kind of figured that confirms that we’re done, right?” I ask, feeling my throat tighten, but I keep my ground, making sure not to cry.
“No, baby! I’m just...” Luke replies, trailing off, leaving us in completely and utter silence, despite the sound of the birds chirping.
It’s been about a minute of complete silence, and I figure he’s not going to say anything, and I don’t have he will to say anything to him.
With that thought in mind, I turn to lock the door and make my way toward the car sitting by the curb.
As I’m just about to walk down the steps, he finally breaks.
“Wait, Y/N, don’t go. I’m just, trying not to fuck this up again like I’ve already fucked up,” he says, rubbing his hands over his face.
I don’t want to stay, but the way my name rolls off his tongue is enough to make me swoon. I don’t turn towards him, but I stop walking down the steps, waiting for him to continue.
“I know that I fucked up-“ he starts, to which I scoff and laugh at, and begin walking away again.
“Y/N! I know I fucked up. And I know I hurt you, and I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry,” Luke starts again, his voice cracking while finishing his last sentence, causing my heartstrings to pull and my chest to feel heavy. I stop walking and wait in place for him to continue.
“I know, I said some fucked up things last night that I didn’t mean. I know that. Baby, you have to understand that I didn’t mean what I said, and I feel like a piece of shit for saying what I did, and for you treating you the way I did. I’m sorry that I defended Maddy, of all people, instead of siding with you.” Luke heavily sighs and I can visualize him anxiously pulling at his blonde curls.
“ I kept beating myself up last night at Ash’s for being such a dick, and I had a few drinks, so I couldn’t even come home to you, not because I didn’t want to.” I can hear Luke’s emotions in his voice, and his throat is tightening up, meaning he’s on the verge of tears.
I feel my eyes water and I quickly wipe all trace of tears in my eyes away, shaking my head.
I hear Luke begin to walk down the steps and near me. I don’t want to turn to look at him, because I know if I do, those small tears will turn into a steady stream.
“You mean the world to me Y/N, and I can’t express how much I love you. When I met you, you helped me get through a dark place in my life. I think we both know you’re not just some groupie, Y/N, because what we have is the realest shit I’ve ever felt, and we both know that. I’ve never needed anyone more than I need you, and I’ve never wanted anyone more than I want you. “
At this point, tears are rolling down my cheeks and I can’t stop them.
“You’re my everything baby. You’re my personal heaven. I know, that the only way I’ll get through life is with you by side. I don’t want it any other way. I need you like I need air, and that leaves me so fucking scared, but I love it. I love you. I’ve been wanting to do this for three weeks already, but I was waiting for the perfect moment,” he starts, causing my mind and heart to race.
“Luke,” I start, turning around to see Luke kneeling, tears running down his face as he holds a small black velvet box.
“I love you so fucking much Y/N, and I need you to know that you’re not just any other girl. You’re my girl, and the girl I want to wake up everyday with, the girl to be the mother of our kids, and the girl I want to grow old with. Marry me?”
My heart is beating what feels like a million miles a minute as his words replay in my head like slow motion.
The words “marry me?” play on repeat as I see Luke looking up at me, with hope in his sad, tired eyes.
“Luke, I love you so much, so much that it fucking hurts to love you. I’ve never been in a committed relationship, let alone married,” I start, seeing the hope fade from his eyes.
“But I’m not afraid,” I quickly continue. “I love you, Luke. I’ve never been in a committed relationship before, but I want to marry you. I want to grow old with you. I want a future together,” I reply, my throat constricting as I cup his face in my hands and wipe the tears away from his eyes.
“Of course I’ll marry you,” I say, as I kneel down to eye level. Luke’s blue eye cloud with tears and he pulls me into a passionate kiss, entwining our emotions together in just that single kiss.
“I love you so much.”
Perhaps the universe isn’t as sick and twisted as I thought. Luke and I didn’t end the day we began, but rather our lives and future together took it’s place. Today is the day that we truly begin.
WOW IT TOOK ME TWO WEEKS TO MAKE THIS AND IT SUCKS IM SORRY IM BAD AT FLUFF AND ENDINGS but thank you to everyone who actually enjoyed reading and gave feedback and supported! It’s all greatly appreciated <3
Tags: @shortstackpanda @darkwolfpeanutskeleton
@emo---tional @rexorangecouny
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sadisweetomi · 2 years
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Executive ImpactStartup ecosystem can shake up Japan's business world
Tim Romero knows a lot about successes and failures. He’s built companies, seen others go bankrupt, tried to have a music career, lived in his car for awhile, built more startups, sold them and invested in others during a topsy-turvy 25 years, most of which were spent in Japan or LA. But he has never stopped having fun, describing his life as “rinse, wash and repeat.”
Originally from Washington, DC, the affable Romero (no relation to Cesar “The Joker” Romero, in case you were wondering) is one of the most well-known members of Tokyo’s startup community. He still invests in start-ups and also works as a senior advisor on market entry for SunBridge Corp, a company that assists companies entering the Japanese market (salesforce is one example). In addition, Romero finds time to write a blog and host a podcast, Disrupting Japan, twice a month, in which he interviews entrepreneurs about how the startup ecosystem can shake up Japan’s business world and what the future holds for Japan.
Japan Today hears more from Romero.
What first brought you to Japan?
I first came as a professional musician in the late 1980s but my music career didn’t work out. So I spent my days writing speeches for Japanese businessmen, my evenings playing music, and my nights dancing at Julianna’s until the first train. After two years, I returned to LA to try and revive my music career, but that went nowhere and I was living in my car for awhile. I was then hired by a Japanese import/export company, which brought me back to Japan. I stayed with them and paid off my debts. That was around 1998. After that, I quit and started Vanguard, an Internet company, doing web designing and programming. I sold it to Digital Garage just before the dot.com bubble burst. For the next five years, I was involved in at least a dozen projects and started two companies.
Do you think it is easier today to launch a startup in Japan compared to, say, 10 or 15 years ago?
Definitely much easier. Back in 1998, when I started Vanguard, people didn’t start companies like that. I had a really hard time recruiting employees. One Waseda graduate wanted to join as a computer programmer but his mother was concerned. So I had to go and meet her a few times. To her, the whole idea sounded like a scam. But he finally joined. That component has changed.
You still hear some talk about cultural factors, but it is really all about risk and reward. Back in the 1990s, the smart move for graduates was to join a big company. The pay was better and there was no downside. Starting your own company, even if you were successful, was all risk. That’s changed now. Guys graduating from college know there is no lifetime employment, unless you go into the government.
Another difference I notice today is that while there have always been lots of foreign entrepreneurs, now there are more Japanese, especially women. At some startup events in Tokyo, 25-30% of the participants are women. Entrepreneurship is a really good avenue for women in Japan. It lets them bypass biases and traditional culture.
How do you think startups will change the corporate world in Japan?
Startups will put pressure on the big companies to change. Of course, Japan will still need the big companies, but the innovation, pace of change and breaking of hierarchy are what start-ups are doing from the bottom up. M&As are becoming more common within the startup community. Before, if a company in Japan bought another company, it was generally because the company being acquired had problems. Now, we see companies with CEOs in their 20s or 30s and they, in turn, are investing in the next generation of startups. With that financial power comes a lot of social changes and these entrepreneurs have the resources and credibility to do it.
What do you think are the most common mistakes that sink startups?
The most common mistake is probably not getting outside validation of your idea soon enough. People come up with brilliant ideas and they’ll work on it, refine the product, get it polished, and then they’ll show it to a potential customer who might say, “That’s good, but if it could do this instead, that would be better.” So they end up going down this blind alley.
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What would you suggest then?
If you think you’ve got a good idea for a product, talk to the people who would be the customers. Find out if they would use your product or service. If they say yes, then you are on the right track. After that, you have to make a decision. You can either go to an incubator which may give you about 5 million yen for 5-10% of your company. That can be good for first-time startups. Or you could get some customers first and then take it to a regular venture capitalist who will bring in a lot more money for a lot less.
You had some failures in your early days. How did you bounce back?
I had a lot of ups and downs. It’s not easy going through it, especially when you have friends who no longer return your phone calls and you have to lay off employees. For me, it’s being able to look back and know that there was always a way to turn my life around.
What are you working on these days?
There are 4-5 startups that I am invested in. I am also working with SunBridge Corp as a senior adviser on market entry, consulting with foreign companies trying to come into the Japanese market. That takes up most of my time. I go to San Francisco where a lot of our clients are based.
Tell us about your podcast.
It’s called Disrupting Japan, and I came up with the idea last summer. There is this overseas image of Japanese entrepreneurs being salarymen. But the truth is there is very little difference between startup founders in Tokyo, San Francisco, New York, London or wherever. They are birds of a feather. The other thing I saw going on in Japan is that entrepreneurial companies of the past like Honda, Sony, Rakuten, SoftBank were founded by true entrepreneurs, certainly. But there is this “great man” mythology that they were able to succeed because of their superior business acumen and that it’s not something that can be taught. People think they pulled the ladder up after them. That’s just not true.
So I thought a podcast would be a good medium to discuss this and to hear Japanese entrepreneurs explain in their own words how they decided to take a few chances. I try to make sure each topic is different, find a real story behind each one and bring out the subject’s unique insight. I do it every fortnight and it has become so popular that I am actually turning people down. Coming up are Hiro Maeda of Beenos on the topic of what makes a good or bad incubator, and Brandon Hill of btrax, talking about why Japanese and Western design are different.
Are you optimistic about the Japanese economy? What do you think of Abenomics?
I think Abenomics itself is overhyped. It is just a loose monetary policy. We’re seeing asset inflation and the market goes up but you have to pay the piper one day. However, I am optimistic because I see this avenue for disruptive change taking root in Japan. Today’s generation of entrepreneurs is very different from 10 years ago and they are willing to take chances.
Japan has gone through two economic miracles in the past 100 years – the Meiji Restoration and the postwar reconstruction, both times effectively starting from zero. Japanese are very resilient and have a great ability to persevere. We saw that after the Lehman Shock and the earthquake. I still remember on the night of the earthquake how remarkable it was to see 5 million people walking home. There was no chaos, nobody looted shops. That would not have happened anywhere else on the planet. Everyone was polite and orderly. I have a lot of faith in this country.
How do you like to relax when you are not working?
I can’t lie on a beach for three days. I play a little bit of music and I go to the gym. My hobbies are weird side projects I am tinkering with, even though most don’t lead to any companies but it’s fun. My wife is very tolerant of the strange tangents I go off on.
What gives you the most satisfaction from your work?
I’m never bored because every new startup I get involved with is very different and that’s exciting. Any time I feel like I have been a part of a winning team working with a group of committed people, I feel great. That’s what keeps me going.
For more information on Romero’s podcast, visit www.disruptingjapan.com or read his blog at www.t3.org.
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pineapple-qween · 7 years
Relationship: Dick Grayson x Reader
Summary: You are the superhero Nightingale and you’re slightly a meta.
Key: Y/N= your name
You were Nightingale, a kick-ass superhero that was trained under the aid of the big, bad Batman. While his combat training was hella useful, you had another talent, one you try to keep pretty quiet.
When you were born, your cries could serenade the angels. Your parents, while in awe of your talent, didn’t know exactly how to take care of you. Anytime you would cry, they would get distracted and almost forget they had to take care of you. If it had not been for your mother, you could have died as a child. The meta-gene that had made you the way you are caused you to be premature.
Your mother had passed on a few years after you were born which caused your father to go slightly insane and throw himself into his work. You would have to sing to get your father to pay attention and take care of you. After many late nights, and learning to take care of yourself, you were offered a scholarship to Gotham Academy for your musical capabilities. That is were you met Dick Grayson, the adopted son of Bruce Wayne, who, unbeknownst to you, was the reason behind your scholarship.
Dick knew, by ways of some easy hacking, that you were more than just a pretty voice added to the Gotham Academy choir. Bruce had studied you, learning that your voice had more capabilities than what you used them for. This is what caused Dick to beg Bruce to train you. He couldn’t imagine what you could do as a hero with some combat training and a little more control over your voice. Boy, did it work.
That is how you got to where you were you are today. A badass with a voice that made doves swoon. You worked with the Team, what you liked to call the Young Justice league. You had joined almost a year after Dick, as Robin, had formed the team. He was thrilled and so were you, and you were even more excited when the other batfamily members joined as they came and went.
Now, Dick was Nightwing, Babs turned to Batgirl, and Tim was the new Robin after Jason had passed. You stayed Nightingale, it was the perfect name and it was a gift from Batman. 
Nightwing had just called a small squad together. “Okay team, we have a pretty quiet mission. Recon, we’re checking out a drug trafficking ring. Probably nothing big, but the Bat wanted someone to check it out,” he explained to the group.
“Sound like so much fun,” you joked. The small group snickered.
It turned out to be not as easygoing as you had thought. It was a trafficking ring, but not drugs. Joker venom. This was the Joker’s dealings the team had stumbled upon. In the midst of the fight, you realized you were going to have to sing. It was only used as a last resort, but from what you could tell, you needed that last resort.
“Find a way to shield your ears!” You saw Dick look at you in confusion before understanding. He repeated your message over com to the rest of the team.
Once Dick had given you the all clear, you began, “Sing sweet nightingale, sing sweet...” You let it all out, you let your abnormality shine. As you sang, the fighting ceased and non-team members found themselves in a daze. While in their trances, they were cuffed and tied together. You stopped singing when everyone was clear and the goons were all tied together.
“Nightingale, that voice thing’s so super cool,” Beast Boy whooped while you guys made your way to a zeta.
“Thanks, BB. Just one of my many talents,” you gave him a cheeky wink and Garth laughed. Dick just smirked at the two of you. He knew that the voice wasn’t your only defense, he had trained with you and you were just as good at combat as he was.
“Yeah Beast Boy, I bet she could beat you with her mouth shut.” You chuckled as you nudged him with your elbow. Garth chuckled glancing at you unsure, not knowing if Nightwing was for real.
After a extremely boring mission debrief, you were talking with Dick until you sniffed the air. Appalled, you went searching for the source of the odor.
“Do you smell that? God, it’s horrible,” you groaned.
“Dude, that’s you,” Dick smiled, holding his nose.
“Crap, well I guess I’ll hit the showers, don’t want my roomie to have to deal with this,” you gestured to yourself, “See ya later.” Dick waved as you went to the locker room.
You grabbed your towel, 2-in-1 shampoo, and your civies. You glided into the showers and pulled the curtain. You decided to take your time. The showers were never this empty and you, for once, didn’t have to be back at school right after a mission.
 A bad habit you accidentally picked up was Jason’s habit of singing in the shower. It never occurred to you before that, in the shower, it was the safest place for you to do something that both was a blessing and a curse. You usually didn’t shower long at headquarters, so no one truly knew your habit.
As you shampooed your hair, you began to hum. When you rinsed it, you began to sing softly. Then you went to wash the rest of your body and you were full out singing. Your eyes were closed and your head relished the feeling of water tapping the skin. It was peaceful and calm and…serine. There was no one and nothing to stop you from enjoying your shower.
You finished up and reached around for your towel. You couldn’t find it so, while still singing a simple tune, you poked your head around the curtain to find it. You screeched.
Outside your shower stood Dick, Tim, and a few other teammates. Your scream shook them out of their trances. They all began blushing and murmuring reasons for leaving. Still naked behind the curtain, you watched as the crowd thinned except for Dick. He stood there just looking at you.
“Dick? Why are you still here,” you whispered his name, but continued on in a normal voice after. “I’m kinda naked here.”
Dick blushed, “Wha-what? Oh, sorry! I’ll just…be…going,” he babbled as he backed out of the room.
You got dressed and put your stuff away in your locker before going back out to face people. You didn’t really look up as you shuffled to the zeta tubes, hoping no one would stop you. Unluckily for you, Dick stopped you as you reached the tube.
“Y/N,” he muttered, “Do you have a minute?” You nodded. “I’m not going to apologize for being captivated by your voice, you can’t help it’s effects, but I will apologize for never truly appreciating it. Not only in tactical battle strategies, but in everyday life. It’s not just your singing, it’s when you talk. I could listen to you forever. So what happened today, with me taking a little to long to walk away, it was just my realization that I’ve never told you how much I appreciated it.
I can’t think of any reasons to not like you. Your talking and singing are the beginning of the thousand reason why I can’t shake you off my mind. God, it’d be impossible to try to tell you everything, but, please,” Dick grabbed your hands from laying limp at your sides, “let me try?”
You stood statue still, staring at your hands in Dick’s. Your brain was running a mile a minute. It took you awhile before you thought of a single coherent thing to say. “Yes.”
Dick beamed and you did too. He engulfed you in a hug. You melted in his arms until you heard Garfield shouting to whoever he was with. You and Dick sprung apart. Still smiling, you stepped into the zeta tube and waved to the boys as you disappeared.
You took your time strolling home, softly singing, “Sing sweet nightingale, sing sweet…” A smile dancing across your lips.
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andrewmawby · 5 years
Magic Mold Removal on Vinyl Siding
This is mold and mildew on siding. It happens on siding of all types, vinyl, wood, fiber cement, etc. (C) Copyright 2020 Tim Carter
DEAR TIM: My house is now twenty-five years old. It’s covered with vinyl siding. Every summer I have mold and mildew that develop on the north side of my house. Every few years I remove it. Is there some coating I can apply to the siding to stop the mold and mildew from reappearing? It’s aggravating. What about some sort of magic paint? I’m open to any and all ideas. Robert C., Sylvania, OH
Robert doesn’t suffer alone. I have the same exact issue here at my own home, although my house is covered with fiber-cement siding. You may have black mold and mildew or green algae growing on the north side of your home if you live north of the equator. The north exposure provides the perfect conditions for this organic growth.
Here’s the bad news for Robert, in my opinion. There’s no magic paint or coating I’m aware of that will keep his or your siding free of mildew, mold, and algae. Here’s why.
These three living organisms are just about everywhere. They just need two things to grow: water and food. The northern exposure of houses provides ample amounts of water.
It’s important to realize that direct sunlight doesn’t wash the house walls facing north. This means water is often slower to evaporate. Morning dew can and does form on all the surfaces of the house when the surface temperature drops below the dew point of the air.
Those surfaces on the north side of the house lose this dew last allowing the mold, mildew, and algae to get a drink before the next morning. The soil just below the siding stays far moister than the soil on the other sides of the house all things being equal. Water evaporates from this soil and some of this water vapor might also quench the thirst of the organisms.
Food is readily available in almost all areas of the USA for mold, mildew, and algae growth. Robert lives in Ohio where deciduous trees are as plentiful as kids at an amusement park on a sunny summer day. Some of these trees, especially maples, broadcast a fine aerosol. These microscopic drops of elixir contain sugars that are delicious food for mildew, mold, and algae.
Dust, and other pollutants, can also be food for some of these organisms. Realize that food is everywhere even though it’s invisible and you can’t see it. Old oil-based paints were made from alkyd oil resins. These oils are scrumptious food for mildew and mold!
This is why some modern deck sealers that are made using natural oils turn black in months after you go to all the work to make your deck look nice. You’re slathering on food for the mold and mildew to munch on! Some natural-oil sealers contain chemicals to slow organic growth.
Three years ago, I wrote a book, Roofing Ripoff, about why the asphalt shingles on your roof are falling apart faster than they should. The inspiration for the book came when I was the first person in the world to discover that copper ions will extend the life of asphalt shingles for decades.
Many have known for hundreds of years that copper is also an amazing natural biocide. This is why the hulls of clipper ships and Old Ironsides have copper plates on them. I’ve used liquid copper solution to keep algae off patios. The only issue is the copper washes away with each rainfall and it can create a bluish cast. Some people are very much against the use of aqueous copper like this thinking it harms the environment.
Robert may want to experiment with spraying a copper sulfate on the vinyl siding. However, if he’s got valuable landscaping or trees nearby, the copper is not going to help them live. The issue is the copper on the vinyl siding is temporary and it will wash off with repeated rainfalls.
I think the easiest thing to do, but this is not what Robert wants, is to just wash the siding once a year around Flag Day. It’s warm by then and the chore won’t be too hard. If you wash the house when the siding doesn’t yet have mold or mildew growth, you might be able to accomplish it using a garden spray attachment to your garden hose.
Instead of putting dangerous chemicals in the sprayer, just put in some powdered oxygen bleach as well as some liquid dish soap. Spray this soapy solution on the house and allow it to sit for 15 or 20 minutes. This allows the oxygen bleach to attack and breakdown any invisible food particles. The liquid dish soap lubricates the surface so any food comes off with minimal effort when you rinse the siding.
This simple cleaning procedure ensures the siding looks great all year.
Column 1336
The post Magic Mold Removal on Vinyl Siding appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from builders feed https://www.askthebuilder.com/magic-mold-removal-on-vinyl-siding/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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thegregorybruce · 5 years
Magic Mold Removal on Vinyl Siding
This is mold and mildew on siding. It happens on siding of all types, vinyl, wood, fiber cement, etc. (C) Copyright 2020 Tim Carter
DEAR TIM: My house is now twenty-five years old. It’s covered with vinyl siding. Every summer I have mold and mildew that develop on the north side of my house. Every few years I remove it. Is there some coating I can apply to the siding to stop the mold and mildew from reappearing? It’s aggravating. What about some sort of magic paint? I’m open to any and all ideas. Robert C., Sylvania, OH
Robert doesn’t suffer alone. I have the same exact issue here at my own home, although my house is covered with fiber-cement siding. You may have black mold and mildew or green algae growing on the north side of your home if you live north of the equator. The north exposure provides the perfect conditions for this organic growth.
Here’s the bad news for Robert, in my opinion. There’s no magic paint or coating I’m aware of that will keep his or your siding free of mildew, mold, and algae. Here’s why.
These three living organisms are just about everywhere. They just need two things to grow: water and food. The northern exposure of houses provides ample amounts of water.
It’s important to realize that direct sunlight doesn’t wash the house walls facing north. This means water is often slower to evaporate. Morning dew can and does form on all the surfaces of the house when the surface temperature drops below the dew point of the air.
Those surfaces on the north side of the house lose this dew last allowing the mold, mildew, and algae to get a drink before the next morning. The soil just below the siding stays far moister than the soil on the other sides of the house all things being equal. Water evaporates from this soil and some of this water vapor might also quench the thirst of the organisms.
Food is readily available in almost all areas of the USA for mold, mildew, and algae growth. Robert lives in Ohio where deciduous trees are as plentiful as kids at an amusement park on a sunny summer day. Some of these trees, especially maples, broadcast a fine aerosol. These microscopic drops of elixir contain sugars that are delicious food for mildew, mold, and algae.
Dust, and other pollutants, can also be food for some of these organisms. Realize that food is everywhere even though it’s invisible and you can’t see it. Old oil-based paints were made from alkyd oil resins. These oils are scrumptious food for mildew and mold!
This is why some modern deck sealers that are made using natural oils turn black in months after you go to all the work to make your deck look nice. You’re slathering on food for the mold and mildew to munch on! Some natural-oil sealers contain chemicals to slow organic growth.
Three years ago, I wrote a book, Roofing Ripoff, about why the asphalt shingles on your roof are falling apart faster than they should. The inspiration for the book came when I was the first person in the world to discover that copper ions will extend the life of asphalt shingles for decades.
Many have known for hundreds of years that copper is also an amazing natural biocide. This is why the hulls of clipper ships and Old Ironsides have copper plates on them. I’ve used liquid copper solution to keep algae off patios. The only issue is the copper washes away with each rainfall and it can create a bluish cast. Some people are very much against the use of aqueous copper like this thinking it harms the environment.
Robert may want to experiment with spraying a copper sulfate on the vinyl siding. However, if he’s got valuable landscaping or trees nearby, the copper is not going to help them live. The issue is the copper on the vinyl siding is temporary and it will wash off with repeated rainfalls.
I think the easiest thing to do, but this is not what Robert wants, is to just wash the siding once a year around Flag Day. It’s warm by then and the chore won’t be too hard. If you wash the house when the siding doesn’t yet have mold or mildew growth, you might be able to accomplish it using a garden spray attachment to your garden hose.
Instead of putting dangerous chemicals in the sprayer, just put in some powdered oxygen bleach as well as some liquid dish soap. Spray this soapy solution on the house and allow it to sit for 15 or 20 minutes. This allows the oxygen bleach to attack and breakdown any invisible food particles. The liquid dish soap lubricates the surface so any food comes off with minimal effort when you rinse the siding.
This simple cleaning procedure ensures the siding looks great all year.
Column 1336
The post Magic Mold Removal on Vinyl Siding appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from Home https://www.askthebuilder.com/magic-mold-removal-on-vinyl-siding/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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manuelclapid · 5 years
Magic Mold Removal on Vinyl Siding
This is mold and mildew on siding. It happens on siding of all types, vinyl, wood, fiber cement, etc. (C) Copyright 2020 Tim Carter
DEAR TIM: My house is now twenty-five years old. It’s covered with vinyl siding. Every summer I have mold and mildew that develop on the north side of my house. Every few years I remove it. Is there some coating I can apply to the siding to stop the mold and mildew from reappearing? It’s aggravating. What about some sort of magic paint? I’m open to any and all ideas. Robert C., Sylvania, OH
Robert doesn’t suffer alone. I have the same exact issue here at my own home, although my house is covered with fiber-cement siding. You may have black mold and mildew or green algae growing on the north side of your home if you live north of the equator. The north exposure provides the perfect conditions for this organic growth.
Here’s the bad news for Robert, in my opinion. There’s no magic paint or coating I’m aware of that will keep his or your siding free of mildew, mold, and algae. Here’s why.
These three living organisms are just about everywhere. They just need two things to grow: water and food. The northern exposure of houses provides ample amounts of water.
It’s important to realize that direct sunlight doesn’t wash the house walls facing north. This means water is often slower to evaporate. Morning dew can and does form on all the surfaces of the house when the surface temperature drops below the dew point of the air.
Those surfaces on the north side of the house lose this dew last allowing the mold, mildew, and algae to get a drink before the next morning. The soil just below the siding stays far moister than the soil on the other sides of the house all things being equal. Water evaporates from this soil and some of this water vapor might also quench the thirst of the organisms.
Food is readily available in almost all areas of the USA for mold, mildew, and algae growth. Robert lives in Ohio where deciduous trees are as plentiful as kids at an amusement park on a sunny summer day. Some of these trees, especially maples, broadcast a fine aerosol. These microscopic drops of elixir contain sugars that are delicious food for mildew, mold, and algae.
Dust, and other pollutants, can also be food for some of these organisms. Realize that food is everywhere even though it’s invisible and you can’t see it. Old oil-based paints were made from alkyd oil resins. These oils are scrumptious food for mildew and mold!
This is why some modern deck sealers that are made using natural oils turn black in months after you go to all the work to make your deck look nice. You’re slathering on food for the mold and mildew to munch on! Some natural-oil sealers contain chemicals to slow organic growth.
Three years ago, I wrote a book, Roofing Ripoff, about why the asphalt shingles on your roof are falling apart faster than they should. The inspiration for the book came when I was the first person in the world to discover that copper ions will extend the life of asphalt shingles for decades.
Many have known for hundreds of years that copper is also an amazing natural biocide. This is why the hulls of clipper ships and Old Ironsides have copper plates on them. I’ve used liquid copper solution to keep algae off patios. The only issue is the copper washes away with each rainfall and it can create a bluish cast. Some people are very much against the use of aqueous copper like this thinking it harms the environment.
Robert may want to experiment with spraying a copper sulfate on the vinyl siding. However, if he’s got valuable landscaping or trees nearby, the copper is not going to help them live. The issue is the copper on the vinyl siding is temporary and it will wash off with repeated rainfalls.
I think the easiest thing to do, but this is not what Robert wants, is to just wash the siding once a year around Flag Day. It’s warm by then and the chore won’t be too hard. If you wash the house when the siding doesn’t yet have mold or mildew growth, you might be able to accomplish it using a garden spray attachment to your garden hose.
Instead of putting dangerous chemicals in the sprayer, just put in some powdered oxygen bleach as well as some liquid dish soap. Spray this soapy solution on the house and allow it to sit for 15 or 20 minutes. This allows the oxygen bleach to attack and breakdown any invisible food particles. The liquid dish soap lubricates the surface so any food comes off with minimal effort when you rinse the siding.
This simple cleaning procedure ensures the siding looks great all year.
Column 1336
The post Magic Mold Removal on Vinyl Siding appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from Home https://www.askthebuilder.com/magic-mold-removal-on-vinyl-siding/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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williamccreynolds · 5 years
Magic Mold Removal on Vinyl Siding
This is mold and mildew on siding. It happens on siding of all types, vinyl, wood, fiber cement, etc. (C) Copyright 2020 Tim Carter
DEAR TIM: My house is now twenty-five years old. It’s covered with vinyl siding. Every summer I have mold and mildew that develop on the north side of my house. Every few years I remove it. Is there some coating I can apply to the siding to stop the mold and mildew from reappearing? It’s aggravating. What about some sort of magic paint? I’m open to any and all ideas. Robert C., Sylvania, OH
Robert doesn’t suffer alone. I have the same exact issue here at my own home, although my house is covered with fiber-cement siding. You may have black mold and mildew or green algae growing on the north side of your home if you live north of the equator. The north exposure provides the perfect conditions for this organic growth.
Here’s the bad news for Robert, in my opinion. There’s no magic paint or coating I’m aware of that will keep his or your siding free of mildew, mold, and algae. Here’s why.
These three living organisms are just about everywhere. They just need two things to grow: water and food. The northern exposure of houses provides ample amounts of water.
It’s important to realize that direct sunlight doesn’t wash the house walls facing north. This means water is often slower to evaporate. Morning dew can and does form on all the surfaces of the house when the surface temperature drops below the dew point of the air.
Those surfaces on the north side of the house lose this dew last allowing the mold, mildew, and algae to get a drink before the next morning. The soil just below the siding stays far moister than the soil on the other sides of the house all things being equal. Water evaporates from this soil and some of this water vapor might also quench the thirst of the organisms.
Food is readily available in almost all areas of the USA for mold, mildew, and algae growth. Robert lives in Ohio where deciduous trees are as plentiful as kids at an amusement park on a sunny summer day. Some of these trees, especially maples, broadcast a fine aerosol. These microscopic drops of elixir contain sugars that are delicious food for mildew, mold, and algae.
Dust, and other pollutants, can also be food for some of these organisms. Realize that food is everywhere even though it’s invisible and you can’t see it. Old oil-based paints were made from alkyd oil resins. These oils are scrumptious food for mildew and mold!
This is why some modern deck sealers that are made using natural oils turn black in months after you go to all the work to make your deck look nice. You’re slathering on food for the mold and mildew to munch on! Some natural-oil sealers contain chemicals to slow organic growth.
Three years ago, I wrote a book, Roofing Ripoff, about why the asphalt shingles on your roof are falling apart faster than they should. The inspiration for the book came when I was the first person in the world to discover that copper ions will extend the life of asphalt shingles for decades.
Many have known for hundreds of years that copper is also an amazing natural biocide. This is why the hulls of clipper ships and Old Ironsides have copper plates on them. I’ve used liquid copper solution to keep algae off patios. The only issue is the copper washes away with each rainfall and it can create a bluish cast. Some people are very much against the use of aqueous copper like this thinking it harms the environment.
Robert may want to experiment with spraying a copper sulfate on the vinyl siding. However, if he’s got valuable landscaping or trees nearby, the copper is not going to help them live. The issue is the copper on the vinyl siding is temporary and it will wash off with repeated rainfalls.
I think the easiest thing to do, but this is not what Robert wants, is to just wash the siding once a year around Flag Day. It’s warm by then and the chore won’t be too hard. If you wash the house when the siding doesn’t yet have mold or mildew growth, you might be able to accomplish it using a garden spray attachment to your garden hose.
Instead of putting dangerous chemicals in the sprayer, just put in some powdered oxygen bleach as well as some liquid dish soap. Spray this soapy solution on the house and allow it to sit for 15 or 20 minutes. This allows the oxygen bleach to attack and breakdown any invisible food particles. The liquid dish soap lubricates the surface so any food comes off with minimal effort when you rinse the siding.
This simple cleaning procedure ensures the siding looks great all year.
Column 1336
The post Magic Mold Removal on Vinyl Siding appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from Real Estate https://www.askthebuilder.com/magic-mold-removal-on-vinyl-siding/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[NF] The Loves of My Life
Or the ones I deemed I loved. Justly, they were bipolar hypothetical one-sided love affair because I was the only one sending those professional photographed Christmas cards, and I rubbing my clit with chocolate-stained hands on Valentine’s Day,
KRIS Kris was my first “real boyfriend” — you know, the one you could actually envision a future with. Notably, we dreamt about a six-hour flight to our white picket fence in San Diego. (Years later; I’m living in Hawai’i. Him in Florida.) We were the definition of SEPARATION OF STATE AND HATE.
I want to say Kris is a recovering addict, but that doesn’t define him. As I type this NOW, he said the same to me years ago. Back then, those words resonated in my brain with the same force as Taylor Swift belting out that Summer’s Keep Your Windows Down as You Jam, Jam. Repetition and intensity, but BACK THEN, I was negligent to human evolution, and C.D.’s broke upon contact.
Our past — his past was his wife, I, the could have been future, was the jilted piece of decaying meat. (THE OTHER WOMAN eventually expires.)
I checked out. Kris checked into me as if I was morphine. Stepped out, threw away the key to the garbage man so he could collect the trash — aka, M.E. I was recycled to Greg — the narcissist — brain and bootay fought over which had the larger circumference. (Spitting some fifth-grade math that I still don’t understand.)
Lack of seduction, but overflowing with death; Kris drank the fatal potion concluding our relationship. Days following our return from Disney, The Happiest Place on Earth; word vomit told a story about Mickey and Minnie “catching more tail.” I, as I had another man out for a test drive. Him, because who the fuck doesn’t expect to have sex on vacation?
A friend of his told me I could do better. He was wrong. I was wrong. We were wrong for each other.
Tired, but no one was more exhausted than my father after I disrupted his friendship with my now ex-boyfriend. To the man whose penis I brought back to life; you’re welcome. I used to hate you for this, but now I thank you for the friendship you provided for a man who never was taught how to expel his love all over the place without making a mess. I guess we are even.
Greg sat back in the Pimp of Dick’s Throne as The Dick, (my Dad) slammed the back of my head into a wall because I shit all over his shitty behavior — the affair. That night my Dad taught me that love and hate run parallel to each other.
DAVE Dave, oh, sweet, Dave. Thirty-two-year-old Nicole could have loved you. Respected you, and the hours you devoted to your craft. With every success; I’d be standing right by you, groping your ass — Cat Woman’s dominance over Bat Man. We’d be in this together IF twenty-something-year-old me weren’t taking her Dehumanizing 101 final during her senior year of college.
I went from creating a checklist for the man of my dreams to checking off every possible sabotage I could commit.
But wait, let’s talk about the checklist. Sex ALWAYS donned itself at the top of the tree. She shined brighter than the obnoxious headlights glistening under steel lamps, but once orgasms (sap) dried out — that tree was one flicker away from being torched.
We never took the tree down. I forgot to water it, and he threw gasoline on it. Dave, the talented photographer; I still stare through the lens of what could never have been even though my Dad taught me to love and hate run parallel — never meeting.
TIM I considered Tim one of my best male friends. He loved washing down 90s rock alternative with beer and baseball games. Patient to understand the boundaries of my relationships, but impatient when he was yanking my Gumby-like, drunk body out of my dress when they ended. Drunken wedding date sex spiraled into “expected expectations” of what should be.
We were fine before girl brain overproduced Oxytocin. We went on dates. We got drunk. We had sex. Rinse. Repeat. (Multiple times, especially after anal sex.) Sex ONCE AGAIN shined so brightly that I couldn’t see the dysfunctional branch holding up the disconnected to commitment leaves.
Tim, who had to deal with the mess, but when his blood sugar dropped, so did his dick and ability to fuck me. When I would cry, he left me to use my hands like windshield wipers as I cleared the visibility between medicine cabinet and tissues. He ‘didn’t understand, IN THAT MOMENT, he was the last option.
Tim couldn’t save the girl with the bloodstained thoughts. Hell, he couldn’t even keep beer bottles out of his diabetic pricked fingers grasps. My dad taught me love and hate run parallel — never understanding that love cures hate.
I’ve stopped trying to perfect my past so I can move on with my future.
Kris taught me how to be strong. Dave taught me how to love. Tim taught me how to be independent.
submitted by /u/Nicole-Boner [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/32edUUE
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andrewmawby · 5 years
Magic Mold Removal on Vinyl Siding
This is mold and mildew on siding. It happens on siding of all types, vinyl, wood, fiber cement, etc. (C) Copyright 2020 Tim Carter
DEAR TIM: My house is now twenty-five years old. It’s covered with vinyl siding. Every summer I have mold and mildew that develop on the north side of my house. Every few years I remove it. Is there some coating I can apply to the siding to stop the mold and mildew from reappearing? It’s aggravating. What about some sort of magic paint? I’m open to any and all ideas. Robert C., Sylvania, OH
Robert doesn’t suffer alone. I have the same exact issue here at my own home, although my house is covered with fiber-cement siding. You may have black mold and mildew or green algae growing on the north side of your home if you live north of the equator. The north exposure provides the perfect conditions for this organic growth.
Here’s the bad news for Robert, in my opinion. There’s no magic paint or coating I’m aware of that will keep his or your siding free of mildew, mold, and algae. Here’s why.
These three living organisms are just about everywhere. They just need two things to grow: water and food. The northern exposure of houses provides ample amounts of water.
It’s important to realize that direct sunlight doesn’t wash the house walls facing north. This means water is often slower to evaporate. Morning dew can and does form on all the surfaces of the house when the surface temperature drops below the dew point of the air.
Those surfaces on the north side of the house lose this dew last allowing the mold, mildew, and algae to get a drink before the next morning. The soil just below the siding stays far moister than the soil on the other sides of the house all things being equal. Water evaporates from this soil and some of this water vapor might also quench the thirst of the organisms.
Food is readily available in almost all areas of the USA for mold, mildew, and algae growth. Robert lives in Ohio where deciduous trees are as plentiful as kids at an amusement park on a sunny summer day. Some of these trees, especially maples, broadcast a fine aerosol. These microscopic drops of elixir contain sugars that are delicious food for mildew, mold, and algae.
Dust, and other pollutants, can also be food for some of these organisms. Realize that food is everywhere even though it’s invisible and you can’t see it. Old oil-based paints were made from alkyd oil resins. These oils are scrumptious food for mildew and mold!
This is why some modern deck sealers that are made using natural oils turn black in months after you go to all the work to make your deck look nice. You’re slathering on food for the mold and mildew to munch on! Some natural-oil sealers contain chemicals to slow organic growth.
Three years ago, I wrote a book, Roofing Ripoff, about why the asphalt shingles on your roof are falling apart faster than they should. The inspiration for the book came when I was the first person in the world to discover that copper ions will extend the life of asphalt shingles for decades.
Many have known for hundreds of years that copper is also an amazing natural biocide. This is why the hulls of clipper ships and Old Ironsides have copper plates on them. I’ve used liquid copper solution to keep algae off patios. The only issue is the copper washes away with each rainfall and it can create a bluish cast. Some people are very much against the use of aqueous copper like this thinking it harms the environment.
Robert may want to experiment with spraying a copper sulfate on the vinyl siding. However, if he’s got valuable landscaping or trees nearby, the copper is not going to help them live. The issue is the copper on the vinyl siding is temporary and it will wash off with repeated rainfalls.
I think the easiest thing to do, but this is not what Robert wants, is to just wash the siding once a year around Flag Day. It’s warm by then and the chore won’t be too hard. If you wash the house when the siding doesn’t yet have mold or mildew growth, you might be able to accomplish it using a garden spray attachment to your garden hose.
Instead of putting dangerous chemicals in the sprayer, just put in some powdered oxygen bleach as well as some liquid dish soap. Spray this soapy solution on the house and allow it to sit for 15 or 20 minutes. This allows the oxygen bleach to attack and breakdown any invisible food particles. The liquid dish soap lubricates the surface so any food comes off with minimal effort when you rinse the siding.
This simple cleaning procedure ensures the siding looks great all year.
Column 1336
The post Magic Mold Removal on Vinyl Siding appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from builders feed https://www.askthebuilder.com/magic-mold-removal-on-vinyl-siding/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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andrewmawby · 5 years
Magic Mold Removal on Vinyl Siding
This is mold and mildew on siding. It happens on siding of all types, vinyl, wood, fiber cement, etc. (C) Copyright 2020 Tim Carter
DEAR TIM: My house is now twenty-five years old. It’s covered with vinyl siding. Every summer I have mold and mildew that develop on the north side of my house. Every few years I remove it. Is there some coating I can apply to the siding to stop the mold and mildew from reappearing? It’s aggravating. What about some sort of magic paint? I’m open to any and all ideas. Robert C., Sylvania, OH
Robert doesn’t suffer alone. I have the same exact issue here at my own home, although my house is covered with fiber-cement siding. You may have black mold and mildew or green algae growing on the north side of your home if you live north of the equator. The north exposure provides the perfect conditions for this organic growth.
Here’s the bad news for Robert, in my opinion. There’s no magic paint or coating I’m aware of that will keep his or your siding free of mildew, mold, and algae. Here’s why.
These three living organisms are just about everywhere. They just need two things to grow: water and food. The northern exposure of houses provides ample amounts of water.
It’s important to realize that direct sunlight doesn’t wash the house walls facing north. This means water is often slower to evaporate. Morning dew can and does form on all the surfaces of the house when the surface temperature drops below the dew point of the air.
Those surfaces on the north side of the house lose this dew last allowing the mold, mildew, and algae to get a drink before the next morning. The soil just below the siding stays far moister than the soil on the other sides of the house all things being equal. Water evaporates from this soil and some of this water vapor might also quench the thirst of the organisms.
Food is readily available in almost all areas of the USA for mold, mildew, and algae growth. Robert lives in Ohio where deciduous trees are as plentiful as kids at an amusement park on a sunny summer day. Some of these trees, especially maples, broadcast a fine aerosol. These microscopic drops of elixir contain sugars that are delicious food for mildew, mold, and algae.
Dust, and other pollutants, can also be food for some of these organisms. Realize that food is everywhere even though it’s invisible and you can’t see it. Old oil-based paints were made from alkyd oil resins. These oils are scrumptious food for mildew and mold!
This is why some modern deck sealers that are made using natural oils turn black in months after you go to all the work to make your deck look nice. You’re slathering on food for the mold and mildew to munch on! Some natural-oil sealers contain chemicals to slow organic growth.
Three years ago, I wrote a book, Roofing Ripoff, about why the asphalt shingles on your roof are falling apart faster than they should. The inspiration for the book came when I was the first person in the world to discover that copper ions will extend the life of asphalt shingles for decades.
Many have known for hundreds of years that copper is also an amazing natural biocide. This is why the hulls of clipper ships and Old Ironsides have copper plates on them. I’ve used liquid copper solution to keep algae off patios. The only issue is the copper washes away with each rainfall and it can create a bluish cast. Some people are very much against the use of aqueous copper like this thinking it harms the environment.
Robert may want to experiment with spraying a copper sulfate on the vinyl siding. However, if he’s got valuable landscaping or trees nearby, the copper is not going to help them live. The issue is the copper on the vinyl siding is temporary and it will wash off with repeated rainfalls.
I think the easiest thing to do, but this is not what Robert wants, is to just wash the siding once a year around Flag Day. It’s warm by then and the chore won’t be too hard. If you wash the house when the siding doesn’t yet have mold or mildew growth, you might be able to accomplish it using a garden spray attachment to your garden hose.
Instead of putting dangerous chemicals in the sprayer, just put in some powdered oxygen bleach as well as some liquid dish soap. Spray this soapy solution on the house and allow it to sit for 15 or 20 minutes. This allows the oxygen bleach to attack and breakdown any invisible food particles. The liquid dish soap lubricates the surface so any food comes off with minimal effort when you rinse the siding.
This simple cleaning procedure ensures the siding looks great all year.
Column 1336
The post Magic Mold Removal on Vinyl Siding appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from builders feed https://www.askthebuilder.com/magic-mold-removal-on-vinyl-siding/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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thegregorybruce · 5 years
Magic Mold Removal on Vinyl Siding
This is mold and mildew on siding. It happens on siding of all types, vinyl, wood, fiber cement, etc. (C) Copyright 2020 Tim Carter
DEAR TIM: My house is now twenty-five years old. It’s covered with vinyl siding. Every summer I have mold and mildew that develop on the north side of my house. Every few years I remove it. Is there some coating I can apply to the siding to stop the mold and mildew from reappearing? It’s aggravating. What about some sort of magic paint? I’m open to any and all ideas. Robert C., Sylvania, OH
Robert doesn’t suffer alone. I have the same exact issue here at my own home, although my house is covered with fiber-cement siding. You may have black mold and mildew or green algae growing on the north side of your home if you live north of the equator. The north exposure provides the perfect conditions for this organic growth.
Here’s the bad news for Robert, in my opinion. There’s no magic paint or coating I’m aware of that will keep his or your siding free of mildew, mold, and algae. Here’s why.
These three living organisms are just about everywhere. They just need two things to grow: water and food. The northern exposure of houses provides ample amounts of water.
It’s important to realize that direct sunlight doesn’t wash the house walls facing north. This means water is often slower to evaporate. Morning dew can and does form on all the surfaces of the house when the surface temperature drops below the dew point of the air.
Those surfaces on the north side of the house lose this dew last allowing the mold, mildew, and algae to get a drink before the next morning. The soil just below the siding stays far moister than the soil on the other sides of the house all things being equal. Water evaporates from this soil and some of this water vapor might also quench the thirst of the organisms.
Food is readily available in almost all areas of the USA for mold, mildew, and algae growth. Robert lives in Ohio where deciduous trees are as plentiful as kids at an amusement park on a sunny summer day. Some of these trees, especially maples, broadcast a fine aerosol. These microscopic drops of elixir contain sugars that are delicious food for mildew, mold, and algae.
Dust, and other pollutants, can also be food for some of these organisms. Realize that food is everywhere even though it’s invisible and you can’t see it. Old oil-based paints were made from alkyd oil resins. These oils are scrumptious food for mildew and mold!
This is why some modern deck sealers that are made using natural oils turn black in months after you go to all the work to make your deck look nice. You’re slathering on food for the mold and mildew to munch on! Some natural-oil sealers contain chemicals to slow organic growth.
Three years ago, I wrote a book, Roofing Ripoff, about why the asphalt shingles on your roof are falling apart faster than they should. The inspiration for the book came when I was the first person in the world to discover that copper ions will extend the life of asphalt shingles for decades.
Many have known for hundreds of years that copper is also an amazing natural biocide. This is why the hulls of clipper ships and Old Ironsides have copper plates on them. I’ve used liquid copper solution to keep algae off patios. The only issue is the copper washes away with each rainfall and it can create a bluish cast. Some people are very much against the use of aqueous copper like this thinking it harms the environment.
Robert may want to experiment with spraying a copper sulfate on the vinyl siding. However, if he’s got valuable landscaping or trees nearby, the copper is not going to help them live. The issue is the copper on the vinyl siding is temporary and it will wash off with repeated rainfalls.
I think the easiest thing to do, but this is not what Robert wants, is to just wash the siding once a year around Flag Day. It’s warm by then and the chore won’t be too hard. If you wash the house when the siding doesn’t yet have mold or mildew growth, you might be able to accomplish it using a garden spray attachment to your garden hose.
Instead of putting dangerous chemicals in the sprayer, just put in some powdered oxygen bleach as well as some liquid dish soap. Spray this soapy solution on the house and allow it to sit for 15 or 20 minutes. This allows the oxygen bleach to attack and breakdown any invisible food particles. The liquid dish soap lubricates the surface so any food comes off with minimal effort when you rinse the siding.
This simple cleaning procedure ensures the siding looks great all year.
Column 1336
The post Magic Mold Removal on Vinyl Siding appeared first on Ask the Builder.
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manuelclapid · 5 years
Magic Mold Removal on Vinyl Siding
This is mold and mildew on siding. It happens on siding of all types, vinyl, wood, fiber cement, etc. (C) Copyright 2020 Tim Carter
DEAR TIM: My house is now twenty-five years old. It’s covered with vinyl siding. Every summer I have mold and mildew that develop on the north side of my house. Every few years I remove it. Is there some coating I can apply to the siding to stop the mold and mildew from reappearing? It’s aggravating. What about some sort of magic paint? I’m open to any and all ideas. Robert C., Sylvania, OH
Robert doesn’t suffer alone. I have the same exact issue here at my own home, although my house is covered with fiber-cement siding. You may have black mold and mildew or green algae growing on the north side of your home if you live north of the equator. The north exposure provides the perfect conditions for this organic growth.
Here’s the bad news for Robert, in my opinion. There’s no magic paint or coating I’m aware of that will keep his or your siding free of mildew, mold, and algae. Here’s why.
These three living organisms are just about everywhere. They just need two things to grow: water and food. The northern exposure of houses provides ample amounts of water.
It’s important to realize that direct sunlight doesn’t wash the house walls facing north. This means water is often slower to evaporate. Morning dew can and does form on all the surfaces of the house when the surface temperature drops below the dew point of the air.
Those surfaces on the north side of the house lose this dew last allowing the mold, mildew, and algae to get a drink before the next morning. The soil just below the siding stays far moister than the soil on the other sides of the house all things being equal. Water evaporates from this soil and some of this water vapor might also quench the thirst of the organisms.
Food is readily available in almost all areas of the USA for mold, mildew, and algae growth. Robert lives in Ohio where deciduous trees are as plentiful as kids at an amusement park on a sunny summer day. Some of these trees, especially maples, broadcast a fine aerosol. These microscopic drops of elixir contain sugars that are delicious food for mildew, mold, and algae.
Dust, and other pollutants, can also be food for some of these organisms. Realize that food is everywhere even though it’s invisible and you can’t see it. Old oil-based paints were made from alkyd oil resins. These oils are scrumptious food for mildew and mold!
This is why some modern deck sealers that are made using natural oils turn black in months after you go to all the work to make your deck look nice. You’re slathering on food for the mold and mildew to munch on! Some natural-oil sealers contain chemicals to slow organic growth.
Three years ago, I wrote a book, Roofing Ripoff, about why the asphalt shingles on your roof are falling apart faster than they should. The inspiration for the book came when I was the first person in the world to discover that copper ions will extend the life of asphalt shingles for decades.
Many have known for hundreds of years that copper is also an amazing natural biocide. This is why the hulls of clipper ships and Old Ironsides have copper plates on them. I’ve used liquid copper solution to keep algae off patios. The only issue is the copper washes away with each rainfall and it can create a bluish cast. Some people are very much against the use of aqueous copper like this thinking it harms the environment.
Robert may want to experiment with spraying a copper sulfate on the vinyl siding. However, if he’s got valuable landscaping or trees nearby, the copper is not going to help them live. The issue is the copper on the vinyl siding is temporary and it will wash off with repeated rainfalls.
I think the easiest thing to do, but this is not what Robert wants, is to just wash the siding once a year around Flag Day. It’s warm by then and the chore won’t be too hard. If you wash the house when the siding doesn’t yet have mold or mildew growth, you might be able to accomplish it using a garden spray attachment to your garden hose.
Instead of putting dangerous chemicals in the sprayer, just put in some powdered oxygen bleach as well as some liquid dish soap. Spray this soapy solution on the house and allow it to sit for 15 or 20 minutes. This allows the oxygen bleach to attack and breakdown any invisible food particles. The liquid dish soap lubricates the surface so any food comes off with minimal effort when you rinse the siding.
This simple cleaning procedure ensures the siding looks great all year.
Column 1336
The post Magic Mold Removal on Vinyl Siding appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from Home https://www.askthebuilder.com/magic-mold-removal-on-vinyl-siding/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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