#was tired of the white skinny 20 year old humanizations of him
rupertholmes · 1 year
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dadtimus prime
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weirdnessxmagnet · 9 hours
Super late: 14, 1
1. What would completely break your character?
Not much! She's long mastered using anger to prevent herself from crumbling. The one thing that comes to mind is a senseless tragedy taking away her kids permanently (especially Eli, given everything she's put in to get him back). She's lost her kids before and it didn't break her completely, but she had some very clear figures to blame for that. There was somewhere for the anger to go. Something to do. Something as senseless as Eli being taken out by a random asteroid strike (asteroids can destroy souls for the purpose of this example because it's really hard to stop her just deciding that she's gonna fix things) would break her, because there really is just nothing to do with that. No one to blame, nothing to fix. Nowhere to put her anger, so she'd just have to deal with the grief instead, and she would do so badly.
14. How does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project?
Not that I need to tell you, since you did this on purpose, but this is complicated. To say Toni doesn't care how people see her is inaccurate, but she only cares insofar as the perception of her is useful. To that end, how she tries to present herself depends on the intended audience and the circumstances, and how that image is perceived depends on the observer and what information they're working with.
Literal essay of examples below the cut.
This is how Toni tires to portray herself in most daily situations; normal by the standards of her present audience, whatever that audience may be. For most mundane interactions this means angels and demons are allegorical, vampires are for halloween, and while God may answer prayers with signs, if her audience is so inclined to believe that, He certainly isn't showing up for an in-person chat if you start banging pots and pans in his house at 2am. Of course, normal is relative, and so the stranger her audience, the stranger she can be.
This lands perfectly with strangers and passing acquaintances in one-on-one interactions; She lived an ordinary life once, she knows what the expectations are, and in the short term they're easy enough to maintain. The longer the association or broader the group, however, the more the cracks will start to show. She is weird even by most supernatural standards, and eventually that's not possible to hide.
Living Dead Girl:
This is a variation on Normal intended specifically for people who knew her before she got involved in the supernatural (usually immediate family). Critically, this is always woefully unsuccessful; for example, while a Normal Person can still have anger issues for entirely mundane reasons, 20 year old Toni didn't. The girl she was is, as Toni puts it, dead twice over. It is not someone Toni knows how to convincingly be any more around people who know exactly what it should look like. Even at her best, the result leaves her audience with a deep sense of the uncanny valley.
The Doll: 
At its most basic, The Doll is what happens when Toni plays on the stereotypical perception of the tiny, skinny, doe eyed white human girl (which of those categories are relevant is audience dependant). The presumed non-threat, innocence, and naïvety. A soft, weak, and harmless thing. Depending on how premeditated the role is, she will play this up with almost-conservative dresses, often in soft pastels or white, an exaggerated doe eye, and even making herself appear younger now that she's mastered her glamours.
This usually lands perfectly on the audiences it's targeted at; Specifically, those already primed to see themselves as more powerful than her in whatever arena she plans to contend in. It lures the target into a false sense of security, and ends with her getting all kinds of access, information, and opportunities that would never have been available if they'd taken her seriously from the start. Of course, there are groups and individuals who are already primed to be suspicious of exactly this kind of act. For most of these she just doesn't bother with it at all, but in some instances, such as interrogating certain terrorists  with Han, the juxtaposition between the persona and the situation is enough to be deeply unsettling in a way that still takes the target off their guard, if for entirely the wrong reasons. In which case, well, whatever works.
The Vixen:  
Her personal favourite, because the targets just make it so damn easy, Toni can go from the Doll to the Vixen with nothing more than a change in body language. Frequently this persona is called on the fly, but if there's opportunity for a premeditated costume change she'll really lean into it. In fact, given her unique capacity to worm into her target's mind and then glamour herself according to their preferences, her portrayals could be oddly specific and detailed for a sufficiently significant target, though she's yet to have cause to go so far.
The targets of this persona are primarily lonely straight men who are eager to take any positive attention from a woman at face value, and this group specifically has a near perfect success rate, to an embarrassing extent, like even when they know exactly who she is and should really, really know better (we're looking at you @texastrickshot, or indeed any goon Han has given the honey trap talk to who could still be convinced to fall for it). Has also been used on some not so straight men and queer women, but these groups are at least marginally more suspicious on average. This persona has also become more difficult to convincingly pull off long-term since entering a committed relationship, as there are now lines she won't cross so casually. However, given sufficiently high stakes she would expect her former sex-cult-member husband (and suspiciously invested demonic bestie) to understand that sometimes you do what you have to.
The Hunter:  
The trouble Toni had when she was first trying to learn to navigate the sudden appearance of demons in her life was it was really difficult to be taken seriously by the kinds of people who claimed to know what to do about that kind of thing. Frustratingly, it was also near impossible to move towards being someone actually worth taking seriously without first getting a foot in that door. So then the plan became to use what she did have - uncanny observation skills and unholy stubbornness - to fake it till she made it.
This persona, ironically for one that involves the most significant departure from her personal aesthetic preferences, appeared the least concerned with appearances. Rough ponytails and messy buns are the norm, as are well-worn thrift-store jeans and soft flannel shirts, practical boots, and the bare minimum of makeup to not look like she was outright haunted by horrifying nightmares, but not quite enough to make her look well-rested either. This was where she learned to appear resigned rather than desperate, and shoot straight whiskey like she'd been weaned on it (despite being underage the whole time). It was never quite perfect at the time, but it got her far enough to get a chance to learn that the solution she was trying for wasn't one that suited her at all. These days this persona comes out mostly to mislead real hunters to get them of hers and a friends tail, and it works better now than it ever did back then.
The Advisor:  
Toni is more than aware that she has a rather dominant personality. Often this is useful. When working in a position where the job is to support Mara's authority, it risks becoming counterproductive. Mindful of this, Toni intentionally subdues herself both in personality and visually when acting in her capacity as advisor, especially in settings such as a council meeting where they will both be in attendance. She won't contradict Mara directly with an audience; if something is significant enough to debate immediately, it can be done telepathically, leaving Mara free to pass off any reconsideration she might make as entirely her own idea, or else it can wait until they're in private over a cup of coffee. She will publicly ask Mara's permission for things she doesn't truly feel she needs permission for, and has even suggested actions that directly benefit her, such as redistribution of her more extraneous responsibilities, be portrayed as a "punishment" for one of Toni's more unpopular "personal" projects (even as that project benefits the realm long term. Ah, politics...) in order to bolster Mara's own authority and reduce Toni's. 
In terms of appearance, contrary to her natural inclination towards bright reds, bold blues, and gold, Toni's wardrobe when acting in her role as the advisor has gradually shifted not only towards purgatory's colours (blue, grey, and silver), but towards using jewel tones as accents when Mara uses them as a main colour, and being entirely greyscale when Mara uses colour as an accent. She even aims to make her hair less elaborate, and her heels short enough to hide that she's naturally a few inches taller (or at least was, when Mara still wore a physical host).
The Regent: 
Toni has, over the past few years, regularly had to act in the capacity of purgatory's regent. Sometimes in a officially sanctioned capacity, and at other times less so. This plays far more naturally with her true personality; assertive, bold, dominant, and composed. It also plays well with the after effects of possession; while Toni could mimic Mara convincingly even early on in their friendship (they are worryingly similar people in many ways), these days Toni can speak, act, even move as Mara almost as naturally as she does herself. For the most part when acting in her capacity as regent this is the tactic she uses, adding full use of their shared wardrobe to appear as much of a Mara clone as possible, the Queen's personal understudy, convincingly covering any personal doubts she might hold about her own qualifications.
...There is however an occasion where she has acted as regent and very much not been Mara's clone that is worth discussing. You might have noticed that I haven't said anything about how either the Advisor or Regent personas are received. That is because it's uniquely impossible not to discuss these two together; their intended audience is identical. Both personas are used to influence perception of purgatory's residents, especially the palace staff and representative council. Both personas are directly contradictory. Therefore, how they are received depends entirely on which one an individual finds more convincing. 
Add to that that after Hell's terrorist attack on Purgatory's central power source, Mara took some extreme actions that Toni felt hurt them politically and of course were just morally problematic, but that's hardly a point worth arguing with a demon, or even a former demon. During Mara's subsequent breakdown, Toni chose to act as regent (she felt justified, Mara was clearly unstable, but it was not sanctioned at the time), going out of her way to style and carry herself as bland and business like, as practical as her Hunter persona but without the rough edges. This was a conscious effort to distance herself from Mara in order to run political damage control on her own terms.
Add to that that while changes have been frequent enough that there might not be many staff or councillors currently present who remember it, there will surely be at least a few who remember that the first time Toni chose to act as regent, Mara was not even the reigning monarch. There was an heir available who should naturally have been the next in the chain of command while his parents were indisposed. Yet while Toni claimed said heir was in charge when asked directly, anyone with eyes knew that was a lie.
"...if I am the one who looks most in control out there tonight it will not help your position or my sanity..." - Toni to Mara before a recent diplomatic ball.
Neither persona is real; Toni is as uncomfortable in the Regent persona as she is restrained by the Advisor. However, years of practice have made her far better at hiding when she feels in over her head, while hiding her controlling impulses does not come so readily. Therefore, she is acutely aware of how moments like the one in the quote above tip the scale decidedly one way, impacting their long term political situation.
The Demon:
Machiavelli's The Prince states that if you must destroy an enemy, you should do so absolutely, so that his retribution need not be feared. Unfortunately, it is often quoted missing the much needed context that destruction should be the last resort, as you cannot change course later, while gentler means leave many more options open to you.
For Toni, The Demon is the personality of last resort, where stubborn ruthlessness reigns supreme.
A number of people might believe they've seen this persona in a moment of casual cruelty, but generally that's just a crack in her "Normal" persona revealing that she's a deeply unsettling person with serious anger issues. The Demon is also not worth using on the vast majority of people, as anyone inclined to believe another persona will believe this one is bluffing. Then, instead of getting what she wants, she has to make good on her threats to prove she isn't, which, while it will make them inclined to believe her next time, isn't actually productive in the moment.
There are only two people I can think of who have been on the receiving end of her full blown "do not doubt my willingness to be colder then you ever imagined" demonic persona; Hale and Malcolm.
Hale has been on the receiving end of this only once, when he threatened to devour her children after Han's first failed extraction attempt. She told him outright that she had survived their deaths once and would do so again, but he wouldn't. She was of course sobbing the whole time behind the scenes, but he didn't need to know that. She had a record to back her up, and she meant it. It didn't solve the problem; Han did that by "kidnapping" Hale's own son (with somewhat suicidal consent), but he believed her enough to hesitate.
While most of the time she's mostly her honest self around him (in so far as she's her honest self around anyone), Malcolm Brockway is perhaps the victim of this persona more than anyone else, largely because he's not inclined to believe any of the others. He knows she's not normal and he knows her games, but he has expressed, time and again, that she is as callous as Mara or worse. This makes it particularly easy to strong arm him into falling in line when he's in danger of growing too much of a spine; he never makes her prove it. He already knows that if she's making a threat, she's willing to follow through. It still hurts her to be seen that way so easily, but it benefits her too much for her to ever try to repair that perception.
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key201303 · 4 years
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Word count: 3k
Warnings: SMUT, fingering, cursing, pet names. Jaemin being naughty 😏
Plot: It was your birthday and just like the song says, Jaemin was ready to fullfil every single birthday wish you had. And by every single wish he meant EVERY.
Genre: Smut, strangers to lovers
Pairing: Jaemin x fem!reader
Taglist -> @eunsangelical​ (let me know if you want to be added!)
Event -> @neosmutcollective​ #neosmutmas
Special thanks -> @msmadness99​ for beta reading this and for supporting my annoying ass 🙂💙🙏🏼
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Another year blowing the birthday candles alone in your small apartment. Your roommate has traveled back to her city to visit her family like every year and your friends have promised to celebrate your birthday properly once the holidays are over and they weren’t busy with their family activities. Being born on Christmas Eve was fine and cool back when you were a kid and got to receive more presents than others just because it was also your birthday but now that you were a well grown up girl of 20 years old and Christmas was just a weak excuse to visit that cousin you haven’t seen since last year started to piss you off a bit when you never got to celebrate your birthday properly. 
Witnessing all your friends’ birthdays that were during “normal” days and seeing them get well deserved birthday parties going out to some random club to end up having a quick breakfast at the nearest cafe and then sleeping all day at home made you jealous. You also wanted to experience that feeling when it was your birthday but all you could do was stay at home with a blanket over your body, some pizza on the tea table in front of the couch and random TV shows playing on the TV in front of you until late night because going to a club all alone was weird, wasn’t it? Well, not this year.
You were tired of always spending your birthday all alone when you wanted to be locked in a room with hundreds of people and loud music playing in the background. Yeah, you had a weird taste for birthday parties. But actually you only craved some human affection during your special day and the only way for you, who have been single for the past year, was going to those kinds of places. You’d rather go with some of your friends but seeing they had no interest in spending your birthday with you, your only option was going there on your own. 
And there you were, in front of your room mirror doing your make up and getting ready to go out on your own. Fortunately I’ll make some friends there and who knows. You kept thinking, trying your best to convince yourself that what you were about to do wasn’t ridiculous. You weren’t planning to get too drunk or stay in there until next morning though. That was until your gaze met a black haired young boy across the room.
He was handsome as hell, you had to admit it. He was wearing a white shirt that was meticulously tucked in his skinny black jeans and a black and red leather jacket covering his toned body. His hair was perfectly done, like he spent an entire hour to make it look like that. Whenever he smiled your heart skipped a beat. So charming, so charismatic, so sexy. You didn’t even know him and all you wanted to do was being around him, his aura intoxicating you. And then, right when you made a wish for him to notice you, his gaze met yours. Was God on your side today just because it was your birthday? Well, if he was then you were more than grateful for that. 
You saw him excusing himself to the people around him and walking towards you. Your heart was pounding like crazy inside your ribcage as you saw him approaching. He’s just coming to grab another drink, he’s not going to talk to you. You kept repeating to calm yourself down. “Hey.” The boy greeted you with a charming smile. Shit. You thought. You could only smile back as a greeting, words getting trapped on your throat as you admired his features. If he was handsome in the distance, now that you got to see him better up close he was even more handsome. Was him your birthday gift from God? 
“I’ve seen you from across the room, are you all alone?” He asked you as he waited for the bartender to give him his new drink. “Yeah.” You shyly admitted. “I’m not going to bite you or something, relax.” He said giggling, clearly noticing how nervous you were. “I’m not the kind of boy that approaches beautiful girls to take advantage of their loneliness so don’t worry.” He added once he got his drink and sipped a bit of it. “So, what brings you here all alone?” He finally asked turning around on his seat to face you. The moment his eyes met yours your heart stopped pumping blood. For a few seconds you felt dizzy, completely lost in his dark eyes. “Hello?” He said waving his hand right in front of your face. “Oh… sorry…” You shyly apologized. “It’s okay.” He said giggling. “Can I treat you to a drink?” He asked. Even though you always knew accepting drinks from strangers in a club wasn’t the greatest idea, you couldn’t resist the urge of accepting it and getting to know him a bit more. 
“I’m Jaemin by the way.” He said handing you your drink. “(Y/N).” You answered, taking the drink and smiling at him. “So, are you going to answer me what brings you here now?” Jaemin asked full of curiosity. “It’s my birthday.” You answered a bit embarrassed for the fact of going out to a club all alone on your birthday. “Happy birthday then.” He said reaching his drink out waiting for you to cheer with him. “But why would a beautiful girl like you celebrate her birthday all alone in a random club?” He said sipping on his drink. “All my friends are busy with family activities… You know, Christmas stuff.” You said sipping on your drink as well. “That’s kind of an ugly detail from your friends. Leaving you all alone on your birthday just because it’s Christmas.” He added making you feel relieved that finally someone on earth thought the same way you did. “How about you? What brings you here on Christmas Eve?” This time you were the one being full of curiosity. “I don’t enjoy family gatherings so I come here with some friends.” He said pointing at the group of people that were with him before. “You can go back with them if you want then, I don’t mind.” You said smiling. “And leave a beautiful girl all alone in here? Never.” He said fitting his jacket. “You’re a great example of what I’m into.” Jaemin whispered in your ear making you blush hard.
You both stayed in there for a few more hours just chatting about random stuff. Your cheeks and ears went through an entire palette of red tones as Jaemin’s comments got more and more flirty. “You know, I’m having so much fun with you. I was thinking we could jam for a little.” Jaemin said, making you choke on your drink. “Relax, I mean dance together. Don’t worry, I won’t be asking you such things this soon.” He said standing up and winking at you, leaving you speechless. That was definitely a curious way for asking someone to dance but well, he was also a unique boy. 
You followed him to the dance floor and he threw his hands towards your waist as soon as you approached him, not wanting to waste any minute. “Girl, you’re just my type. We should match it up.” Jaemin whispered in your ear as you both danced making you shiver under his breath. The strong smell of his cologne has intoxicated you enough to fall for his charms and his hot breath against your ear and neck wasn’t helping at all. You wanted to give in. You wanted to be his. At this point of the night and with the amount of alcohol you had in your body you didn’t care about his friends at all and all you wanted to do was escape that place with him.
“Jaemin…” You whispered almost moaned his name. Just by the way you called his name, he could tell you wanted him just as much as he has wanted you ever since he spotted you glowing like a diamond in the darkness of the club. “Do you also want that?” He asked you like he could read your mind. You didn’t need to answer. As soon as his eyes met yours he knew your answer and smashed his lips with yours. At this point you didn’t even know what the hell you were doing. The night started with you deciding to go out alone on your birthday expecting 0 company and you’re ending up with, probably, the most handsome boy in the whole club.
The kiss got more and more heated up as you both kissed hungrily. “I’ll give you anything. It’s your birthday so I’ll let you make a wish.” He whispered in between the kiss. You just kissed him again, not being able to get enough from him. “Hurry up before I change my mind.” He ordered. The way he said that turned you on even more, you don’t even know why. “Okay. Then first of all let’s get out of here and go somewhere else.” You suggested. His dark eyes turned even darker, the beautiful gleam he had on his eyes before has been replaced with lust and the soft smile he had during your funny chat turned into a wide smirk. You couldn’t understand how someone could have such duality but holy shit did it turn you on.
He grabbed your hand and walked with you in a hurry towards his group of friends. “Guys, I’m leaving.” He said in a husky voice, hurry reflected on his tone. “Who is-” A blue haired boy was about to ask when Jaemin pulled you to his side to grab you by your waist and lead you out of the local. As soon as you both got outside, the cold hit your uncovered skin making you shiver. It was an indescriptible feeling of horniness and cold at the same time. “Here, take my jacket.” Jaemin said, offering you his leather jacket. You tried to reject it but it was impossible, Jaemin kept insisting on you to wear it and even put it around your arms by himself. “I’ll warm you up once we find a good place.” He whispered into your ear as he fitted his jacket around your shoulders. 
The jacket had his amazing smell on it and as you both hurriedly walked towards a little hotel nearby you couldn’t get his words out of your mind. “I’ll give you anything. It’s your birthday so I’ll let you make a wish.” Was he really going to give you anything you wanted? You’d have to wait until arriving at the hotel room though but you couldn’t get that sentence out of your mind.
Once you arrived at the hotel you were mesmerized. When he said he knew a good hotel nearby the club you weren’t expecting him to take you to a luxurious hotel for a night stand. “Jaemin, I can’t pay for a night in this hotel.” You said looking at him with puppy eyes. “You can’t but I can do it, I’ve got the cash.” He said smiling at you. “Wait, what? No!” You tried to stop him but he was already entering the hotel. “I said I would give you anything right? A glowing diamond like you deserves to spend her birthday properly in a good hotel.” He said lifting your chin up so you could make eye contact with him, something you have been trying to avoid since you got out of the club. You didn’t know what to say. Expensive lamps hanging on the ceiling above your heads, expensive carpets on the floor you walked in and expensive chairs where you sat waiting for Jaemin to get you both a room. You could bet a single lamp of those were even more expensive than your entire house.
“We have a room.” Jaemin said walking towards you with a big smirk on his face. “You don’t have to spoil me.” You said grabbing the keys from his hand as a smirk appeared on your face as well. “I know I don’t have to but I want you to feel like a princess before I make a mess out of you.” Jaemin whispered on your ear winking at you and with the biggest smirk on his face.
You arrived in front of your hotel room door. “I can’t hold it anymore, come here.” He said checking nobody was around and pulling you into a rough kiss full of hunger. You both kissed roughly as he tried to open the room door and when he finally succeeded you both entered the room smashing the door behind you. You both started to remove your clothes in a hurry, not wanting to waste any more time, as you walked to the bed without breaking the kiss. You ran into the edge of the bed and landed there with Jaemin on top of you. He started to trail wet kisses all over your body and when he saw you being already a moaning mess just because of his kisses he decided to go further and started to leave some love bites on your neck, creating a painful yet pleasuring feeling. “I see you like my sweet tooth and how I know how to nibble.” He said with a smirk when he saw the pleasurable reaction he got from you. He stopped some time on your breasts giving them the same attention and making you a moaning mess once again. “That’s it babe, call my name.” He said as he kept trailing kisses down your stomach and stopping on your already wet panties. “Already this wet for me sweetie?” He asked with a playful tone. He looked at you before removing it asking you for permission to do so. You just nodded and right after that, he pulled your panties down throwing them in some spot of the room. He wanted to take you to heaven with his fingers’ work and he wasn’t wasting any more time. As soon as he started rubbing his thumb on your clit a gasp escaped your lips and as he moved his fingers in and out of you his name repeatedly fell from your lips. You just met him but you wished this wouldn’t be the last time you saw him. You were close when he was about to go down on you and taste you but you needed him to get already in you. “Just skip that part and get in me already Jaemin.” You begged him, making him harder. Seeing you all needy drove him crazy and he couldn’t help rejecting your suggestion of skipping all the foreplays. With a smirk on his face he slowly pulled down his boxers teasing you. “Just get it off already!” You said annoyed. He chuckled at your begs. “You look so fucking cute when you are all needy and you beg me to get in you.” He said smirking and getting on top of you once again. Once he had removed his boxers and threw them somewhere in the room, he reached out to get a condom from his black jeans. The way he ripped the plastic that covered the condom and sliced it into his hard member was just so sexy for you.  He placed his hard member on your entrance and kissed you so you wouldn’t moan too loud so the rest of the hotel would hear you. “Shit, (Y/N) you’re so wet and it entered so well. It feels so good.” He groaned as he slowly pulled into you. You both tried to moan as low as you could but you couldn’t hold your volume much when he started moving faster. You perfectly knew everyone knew what you both were doing but you were too occupied looking at Jaemin right in his eyes to care about others. Jaemin had to admit that he loved when you kept eye contact with him and when he could press his forehead with yours as he pounded into you. His thrusts started to get harder and deeper as you moaned his name and begged him for more. Your voice right now was music for his ears. After a few more thrusts he started hitting your sweet spot perfectly making you gasp. Your walls tightened around his member which got even harder to the sudden feeling of your tightness. “Fuck, you’re so tight. If you keep tightening I won’t be able to last much more.” He said letting a loud groan escape his lips. You both were close and even if it were hard for both of you to keep the eye contact you did your best to do so. He pressed his lips against yours knowing how loud you could probably get when you reached your orgasm and even though he knew the entire floor of the hotel heard you both already, he still wanted to hide your moans. “Let’s do it together doll.” He whispered as his thrusts started to get sloppier due to how close of his orgasm he was. After a few more thrusts you both came together and he landed next to you on the bed exhausted. 
“That was so fucking great.” Jaemin said after some minutes of catching up with his regular breath. He was right. Nobody has ever made you feel the way he did minutes ago. “You still have to make a wish though.” He added turning to face you. “What if I ask for another round?” You shyly asked not really wanting to admit you were begging for this moment to repeat some day. “I see you’re a naughty girl, huh? I love that.” He said getting on top of you once again and pressing his lips on you. “This time I won’t be that gentle.” He whispered and winked down at you making your heart skip a beat as a smirk slowly appeared on your face at the thought of him going rough on you. It was definitely going to be a long night yet the best way of spending your birthday.
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puppyexpressions · 4 years
10 Great Apartment Dogs
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Are you thinking about adopting a brand new puppy? It can be difficult making a decision on which type to get when all of their faces are just so darn cute! Whether you’re living in an apartment complex now or are about to move, you know you at least want to learn more about dogs that are best suited for apartments. We thought you might. That’s why we compiled this list of the most apartment friendly dogs for your consideration and although we’ve narrowed it down to the top ten, that doesn’t mean there aren’t a lot of great pups out there! Use this list as a jumping off point to get you going in the right direction.
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1. Pug
This snorting, wrinkly-faced little character with a cinnamon-roll tail is one of my favorite toy dog breeds. He’ll grow to be about 18 lbs (unless you over feed him and make him a big fatty!), follow you around the house, and want to sleep in bed with you. If you can’t stand snoring, then the pug is not your dog. He’ll wheeze louder than your drunken grandpa, who’s passed out in front of the TV. And his beauty is unique. But how can you stare into his cartoon-like eyes and feel anything but love? Unfortunately, due to those bug eyes, pugs are prone to eye injuries. But they’re easy going and affectionate, getting along well with other dogs and with cats too. So if your girlfriend’s high-maintenance Siamese has to stay, you won’t worry about your pug making a meal out of it (he might wrestle with it instead, so let’s hope the cat’s a fighter!).
Take your pug on daily walks and everyone in the neighborhood will admire his cute wiggle as he struts around town. Just be careful not to over exert him. Because of their brachiocephalic (fancy way of saying flat-nosed) faces, pugs can have breathing issues, especially in warm weather. So when you’re outdoors, watch your pug carefully for signs of overheating.
Grooming level required: High. This guy needs you to clean out his facial wrinkles on a daily basis to remove dirt and debris, and also requires daily brushing. Pugs shed a lot, so invest in a decent vacuum cleaner!
Noise level: Medium. Pugs aren’t going to bark without good reason.
Kid friendliness: High. If trained well, pugs enjoy children!
Exercise: Low. Don’t overwork or overheat this little sausage!
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2. Bichon Frise
Your Bichon Frise will get along well with other animals, should you already own any. His energy level is high, so be sure to take him for walks in the park and to play indoor games as well. Except scrabble. He’s intelligent, but c’mon, he’s still a dog. If left alone for long periods of time, the Bichon suffers from separation anxiety. Workaholics who spend all day and night at the office will break his fluffy little heart!
Grooming level required: Low. The Bichon’s coat barely sheds, so this breed is good for people with allergies. Bichons do need daily brushing to keep their fur from matting. Also, a monthly bath is required to keep your dog’s coat white.
Noise Level: Low. He’s not prone to yippiness like the poor excuse for a dog that belongs to that crotchety old lady down the hall.
Kid friendliness: Medium. Bichons are good with children, but puppies should be handled by kids only under adult supervision.
Exercise: High. Get your Bichon out of the house regularly for a game of fetch, and practice teaching him tricks at home.
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3. Chihuahua
I know what you’re thinking. Yo quiero Taco Bell. Three crunchy tacos supreme, please! But there’s a reason that the adorable Chihuahua is the star of commercials and Hollywood movies: she’s got that it factor! This little baby weighs in at 2-6 lbs, so she can definitely fit in your Fendi handbag. But you don’t need to be a reality show has-been like Paris Hilton to walk around toting one of these babies. Chihuahua’s can be bigger divas than J-Lo if overindulged, so remind your doggie who’s the boss. That being said, they’re affectionate, intelligent and fast learners.
Your Chihuahua’s larger-than-life personality means she’s loud and talkative. Forgetting her size, she’ll probably challenge the Doberman down the block to a fight, so be careful when you’re on walks together. This go-anywhere companion needs a loving owner to take care of her for the next eighteen years. If that scares the bejesus out of your commitment-phobic self, this dog is not for you!
Grooming level required: Low. You only need to brush once a week.
Noise level: Medium to high. These dogs like to talk!
Kid friendliness: Low. It’s too dangerous to have these tiny dogs around children under the age of eight, because your Chihuahua might get injured. But do socialize her around kids.
Exercise: High. Chihuahuas need 20-30 minutes of daily exercise, and are eager to keep playing, so make sure your dog doesn’t wear herself out.
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4. Poodle
There’s a reason there are so many -oodle bred dogs (goldendoodle, labradoodle, schnoodle, etc)! Poodles are one of the best-behaved and even-mannered breeds you can own. They’re also hypoallergenic so people with allergies won’t have to worry! The poodle is the second most intelligent dog breed which makes them incredibly skillful and quick learners . Although they are slightly larger in size, they’re also skinny so tend to fall under most apartment weight limits. They are relatively quiet, don’t have large amounts of energy, and tend to get along well with other dogs and humans. Basically, Poodles are every apartment accommodating personality trait rolled up into the perfect pup!
Noise level: Low. You’re more likely to hear your neighbors getting rowdy during a game of Pictionary than hear your Poodle make a racket.
Kid friendliness: High. Poodles love kids. Simple as that.
Exercise: Medium. Poodles do have a good amount of energy but that doesn’t mean they need to be running around in open spaces all the time. Exercising their minds with thinking games and training inside your apartment work just as well!
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5. Shiba Inu
This member of Japan’s six native dog breeds is known for her fun personality, pointy ears and agility. Your friends might point out that your curly-tailed Shiba resembles a fox and is like a Ninja Warrior! Weighing in at 20 lbs, she’s nimble, quick, keen and alert. The Shiba is fiercely independent, which is why it’s important to socialize her early with other dogs. This smarty-pants may think she knows what’s best, so look for a trainer who understands this breed’s unique mindset.
Another thing- your Shiba doesn’t like to share her toys. She’ll guard her belongings with her teeth bared. Be sure to give your Shiba Inu enough exercise with a neighborhood walk or jog. But if you take her off leash, be careful-she’ll chase cats (if you live in an urban neighborhood like mine) or squirrels, and could potentially be aggressive with other dogs. If you don’t appreciate her firecracker personality, the Shiba might not be for you. But give her love and she’ll love you right back, charming you with her spunk and loyalty.
Grooming level required: Low, though she’ll shed heavily twice a year. Ready to splurge on that Dyson vacuum yet?
Noise level: Medium. She shouldn’t bark unless something suspicious is going on, or another dog is making her feel threatened.
Kid friendliness: Medium. The Shiba Inu will be friendly towards children as long as they treat her with kindness and respect. No tail pulling!
Exercise: Medium. Getting outside is important for this breed. Make sure she gets a good daily workout.
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6. Chinese Crested
Some refer to the Chinese Crested as the worlds ugliest dog? But if you’re sick, your Chinese Crested will lie in bed with you for hours. This 12 lb sack of love will fall in love with you, make you her world, and never leave your side. If you’ve just gone through a soul-crushing breakup, the Chinese Crested will nurse your blackened heart back to health.
This heat-loving canine can lounge in the sun like a lizard, so if you live in the Arizona desert, a Chinese Crested is for you. However, he has no tolerance for cold, and can’t be exposed to it as a means of ‘toughening up.’ Please don’t torture your dog, let him be comfortable!
Like that time you sent your ex-boyfriend two hundred text messages, your Crested also suffers from separation anxiety. Be careful, this David Blaine-esque dog can escape from almost any enclosure, and will dig, bark and climb if he’s freaked out. But he’ll play games, cuddle affectionately, and love your family with all his hairless little heart.
Grooming level required: Medium. Even though he’s hairless, the hair he does have needs to be trimmed. Also, he needs to be bathed regularly.
Noise level: High. Yep, this guy’s a talker. He’ll bark to protect his home, and sometimes he’ll sing!
Kid friendliness: Medium: They do well with kids, but small children could be a danger to the dog because he’s so tiny.
Exercise: Low. Chinese Crested dogs will tire out after about 15-20 minutes of play time and want to go back to their den. But they can jump over low fences, so be careful not to let them escape!
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7. Boston Terrier
This tuxedo-wearing gentleman is a dapper and affectionate dog. The only problem? He might be too smart for his own good. 10-25 lbs of stubbornness in a handsome black and white coat, Boston Terriers can be hyperactive at times. But they’re so incredibly cute, all bad behavior is forgiven. Just look at those big round eyes! Not to say that Boston’s are all trouble. Like Matt Damon’s character in Good Will Hunting, they’re fighters on the outside, but loving and affectionate at home. Because they’re in the same class of dogs as pugs (brachycephalic), these guys are prone to over heating. Their funny antics will amuse all your friends, as will their snorting, drooling and flatulence. That’s right- don’t get a Boston Terrier if fart jokes make you uncomfortable. These dogs are usually quiet, but like a true Bostonian, they’ll get scrappy if another male invades their territory. How about them apples?
Grooming level required: Medium. Brush your Boston weekly and wash his face everyday, to check his eyes for redness or irritation. Like the pug, these big-eyed dogs are prone to eye problems.
Noise level: Low, except when another male is on his turf.
Kid friendliness: High. Bostons love children!
Exercise: Medium. These dogs are fairly inactive indoors. He’ll take a walk with you, and he loves to play, but then he’ll tire out and take a nap.
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8. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
You fell in love with her as Elizabeth Taylor, Charlotte’s dog in Sex and the City. (If you’re a chick, then like me, you’ve probably seen every episode more than once). The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is intelligent, sweet and tail-waggingly cute. Cavaliers are attached to their owners and like to be spoiled. They shouldn’t be left alone for long, so part-time workers or stay-at-home moms make good owners. Cavaliers are too friendly to become good guard dogs. Please don’t rely on your girl as an alarm system! After barking at an intruder, she’ll probably try to lick his face off. At 13-18 pounds, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is the perfect size for apartment dwellers. Cavaliers enjoy a good game of chase; therefore, cats should be ready to play tag. But your parakeet will get eaten…seriously. So yeah, don’t own a bird. You can’t take the hunting instinct out of this English lady!
Grooming level required: Medium-High. Brush their coat 3-4 times a week and bathe the dog when necessary.
Noise level: Low. The Cavalier might bark when someone comes to the door, or she’ll just ignore it and keep quiet.
Kid friendliness: High. She’ll sit on your daughter’s lap while watching Spongebob.
Exercise: Medium. Take her out for walks, but don’t let her off the leash. This poor little princess has no street smarts whatsoever, and might run in front of a car.
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9. English Bulldog
There’s a reason the English Bulldog has been chosen as a mascot for so many universities and sports teams. The breed is known for being tough and tenacious, but personally I think the bulldog’s squashy face is too adorable to be intimidating. I mean, look at that broad head and those stubby legs, that funny under bite and all those wrinkles! The laziest of dogs, this 40-50 lb guy is perfect if you want someone to cuddle with. Though they’re courageous and protective of their families, bulldogs are also friendly and playful. You might think it’s cute when your bulldog snores (not so cute when he farts), but beware of the many respiratory problems they’re prone to. You better start pumping some iron at the gym because you’ll need to be able to lift this fatty when it’s time to take him to the vet! Your bulldog will sleep until it’s time to eat again (just like your good-for-nothing ex-husband), so don’t expect a lot of activity from him. Though he loves children, you won’t find your bulldog playing fetch at the family barbecue. He’ll be sitting next to you, waiting for his hamburger patty.
Grooming level required: Medium. Brush his coat once a week and clean the wrinkles of his face every day with a damp cloth. He’s an average shedder: brushing more than once a week will reduce the amount of hair.
Noise level: Low. They are too lazy to bark. In fact, he’s probably asleep.
Kid friendliness: Very high. This tolerant sweetheart will let your toddler torment him.
Exercise: Low. He won’t want to go on a walk, but you need to take him anyway. Once a day is fine. But keep him away from swimming pools and hot tubs. He can’t swim!
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10. Bitsa
What’s a Bitsa you ask? A bitsa this and a bitsa that! In other words, a mixed breed, a mutt, a few little slices of heaven all mixed into one great dog. Mixed breeds are great because they tend to not have any super dominant traits. Since they’re a mix of different breeds, their personality traits tend to blend together into a much more mellow mutt. A mellow temperament helps this dog breed adjust to a variety of households and living conditions more easily. Bitsa’s are also statistically proven to be healthier than purebreds, so if you’re spending extra on pet rent or a deposit, you’re more likely spending less at the vet. Lastly, because they are a combination of breeds, you’re more likely to be allowed to have say a pitbull-mix than, unfortunately, if your dog is predominately pitbull.
Noise level, kid friendliness, and exercise all depend on the specific dog you have but can be highly affected by the way they are raised!
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whiskynottea · 5 years
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An Interruption in the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27,  Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35,  Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44,  Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51 Chapter 52
Huge thank you to my beta, @theministerskat for correcting the same mistakes 53 chapters in without any complaint!
picture by: Kamryn Hinojos
Chapter 53. Dust and Smiles
When I lived in Scotland I missed the sun dearly. Sunny days were treasured, and I found myself smiling without any particular reason when the sunlight snuck between the curtains of my room in the morning.
But sometimes a person can have too much sun. And too much dust stuck to their body. And there is a point when you think of rain and realise a wistful smile has appeared on your face at the thought. It’s the same moment you realise there isn’t an inch of your body not coated in grime.
I reached that exact point on a quiet afternoon in June, two weeks before I left Zambia. Some would say it had taken me long enough.
I was left alone after treating the skin wounds of a couple of five-year-old boys that had gone out ‘to explore’. Their little feet had raised tons of dust as they ran away from the clinic and the first thing that came to my mind was that I was extremely tired of washing my hair every night only to feel it dirty again by noon the following day.
Then, just before the boys disappeared out of sight, one of them turned back to look at me, white teeth stark against his dark skin as he smiled, and waved goodbye.
And suddenly, I didn’t mind the dust that much. I didn’t mind the heat, or how heavy my body felt at the end of each shift. All that mattered was their smiles when they left the clinic.
My three months in Zambia were so full of experiences, I could hardly believe it hadn’t lasted longer. I learned how to talk to people who were in pain, how to heal them or -- when this was impossible -- how to make them feel better. I learned to listen to them, to search their eyes, to read their discomfort or pain in the way they moved. And I learned how a single smile can make your day, how two skinny arms wrapped around your body or two warm hands holding yours can fill your heart to the brim.
Spending my childhood with Lamb, I was used to living amongst people who were different from me. He’d taught me to look at people and see them for all they were. Humans. Different, beautiful, every one a worthy individual.
“All people are the same,” Lamb used to say. “All genuine smiles make the eyes crinkle, all hearts beat in the same way inside our chests, not aware of colour or tribe.”
In Africa, I saw life, and I saw death. I saw the universality of pain. I felt hands squeezing mine in terror and in gratitude. And I felt full. I felt alive.
When I first decided to volunteer I had thought I would find a piece of my mother in Africa. I believed I would discover who she had been, what she had pursued in life. I didn’t. And I wasn’t disappointed, because I had found a piece of myself in the faces I met in Livingstone, and I cherished that. And maybe -- just maybe -- that piece of myself was hers. Passed down to me, together with her amber eyes, an unbreakable part of myself.
Being a volunteer had been a full time job -- and a demanding one at that. But I didn’t want to leave, not yet. I had more to give, there were people here who needed me. But I knew that my time was up. In two weeks, I would feel Scottish air against my skin once more. I would feel Lamb’s arms hugging me for a few extended moments before he would push away to look into my eyes and pet my hair the way he always did. And a week later, I would be at Lallybroch. Jenny had asked -- demanded, actually -- to spend a week or two there. She had enough of the men, she had said when we’d texted. And true to her word to her brother, she had sent me pictures of the estate, in full bloom and beauty.
Jamie would come home after the summer term. We would spend two weeks together before his next term began and I would go to Oxford. To Oxford, where -- unexpectedly -- I would find a familiar face.
He had been different since his personal confession. His arrogance and cheeky comments hadn’t abated, but there wasn’t an edge to his voice anymore. It felt as though he needed someone to know his story, even if that someone wasn’t a friend, even if it was just me. He clammed up after that and never talked about his mother again, apart from the time he’d told me it was her wish that had brought him to Zambia as a volunteer.
We started, however, talking about literature. One evening I found him reading that fantasy book I had finished a few months ago. And when the conversation turned to our future plans after Zambia, he had looked down at me with a smirk and proudly announced that he had been admitted to Oxford University. I’d almost spit my pineapple juice out and onto his face. After that, our expectations and dreams of studying at Oxford became the most common topic of our discussions. Robert would be studying economics, expected to inherit and work in his father’s wine business in Provence. That was a relief. The last thing I wanted was to have the self-centered, competitive French on my heels through medical school. From what I had learned about him in the few months we lived together, he didn’t like being bested by anyone. And neither did I.
Jamie was the first to know I had found a fellow Oxford student in the middle of Africa. He and I had been texting and sending photos all the time, and I kept changing my screen background, choosing the funniest of the pictures he sent me. My favorite picture of him though, was the one he had sent me right after I arrived in Zambia. He was wearing a wide, silly grin as he sat in the bleachers of Michigan Stadium, my Wolverine amongst the blue and yellow sea of other students. He had sent it together with a text, shouting, “MY FIRST SPRING GAME!”
Despite the selfies Jamie sent me every day -- in class, on his way there, before training holding the towel I had bought him, or tucked in with his blanket at night in bed, my favorite part of the week was when I saw him during our calls every weekend. I was always trying to take in every detail of him during our video chats -- his beautiful eyes, the way his curls moved as he excitedly gesticulated, his voice.
I missed him and I knew he missed me too. Even when John was present in their dorm and Jamie wouldn’t say it, his longing was obvious in the way he looked at me.
Two weeks and I would be at Lallybroch, in Jamie’s room. It made no sense for me to fly straight to Michigan with Jamie having his final classes and preparing to sit for his spring term exams. I had looked for tickets to visit him right after the exams, but the fares were too high to even consider it.  
We had agreed that it was not the ideal situation but okay nonetheless. We would survive it. At least, once I was back in Scotland, we would be able to call each other every day. As John had said, laughing, the force of the internet would be with us.
Jamie would come home at the end of August, after his summer term, and we would be at Lallybroch together, spending every single minute with each other.
“We have to make up for so much lost time,” Jamie had said to me during our last call, and the glint in his eye was as terrifying as it was exhilarating.  
A text on my phone brought me out of my reverie and I realised that I was still standing under the sun, alone, looking towards the far end of the road.
I found myself doing that a lot lately.
Scot: John’s cousin is a pain in the ass.
Sassenach: Hello to you, too.
Scot: Hi babe. John’s cousin is a pain in the ass. She called him, woke us up, and she demands that we pick her up from her hotel and show her around.
Sassenach: Well, she came to visit. Makes sense, no?
Scot: It. Is. Too. Early.
Sassenach: It’s 1 pm here!
Scot: You’re not helping. It’s 7 in the morning. Maybe I can send her there, then?
Sassenach: Is that the cocky cousin or the nice one? I doubt they’ll like the dust we have here, in any case.
Scot: The cocky one. Can I come there myself? Please?
Sassenach: Why aren't you on your way, already? :P
Scot: Don’t tempt me.
Sassenach: I don’t have anything to do right now.
Scot: We didn’t send you there to relax under the sun, Sassenach. Get that gorgeous round arse to work.
Sassenach: It seems I’ve healed all of Zambia.
Scot: So humble.
Sassenach: Always. I took lessons from the best.
Scot: Fuck you.
Sassenach: What? Since when are you talking like that? I need a selfie to make sure it’s really you.
I spent a whole minute wishing his selfie to load faster, but I ended up with a sleepy Jamie on my screen, which was worth the wait.
Sassenach: So it is you. These Americans are rubbing off on you, no? AND I DON’T MEAN IT LITERALLY. Also, fucking seems a bit difficult right now, seeing as you’re half a planet away.
Scot: But I’m ready, you know, right now.
I could almost see his pout and the challenge in his eyes when I closed my own, and I felt my cheeks turn red.
Sassenach: Okay. Shut up!
Sassenach: Oh I’m looking forward to that.
Scot: Aaaaargh
Sassenach: Eloquent. Now get dressed, go get John and Hector, and show the girl around. She came all the way from Penrith to see Ann Arbor.
Scot: I just don’t get why I have to go, too.
Sassenach: John is your friend. This is what friends do. I spent all Saturday afternoon shopping with Louise.
Scot: I hate you.
Sassenach: Me too. Send me pictures?
Scot: Always. You too. Actually, I need one right now.
I took a picture of my dirty dusted face and sent it to him, grimacing when I saw how sloppy I looked.
Scot: You’re so tanned, I want to lick you.
Sassenach: Believe me you don’t. I’m dirty.
Scot: DIRTY? OMG STOP TALKING. I’m hard already and I have to get dressed.
Sassenach: You are ridiculous. Have I ever told you that?
Scot: Only a million times.
Sassenach: Good!
Scot: I’m going to take a cold shower AND CERTAINLY NOT THINK OF YOU.
Sassenach: I wish I was there with you.
Sending that, I actually snickered. His reply came in milliseconds.
Scot: You are a heartless, dangerous woman.
Sassenach: And yet you love me. Now go shower.
Scot: I do love you. And I’ll prove to you how much once I get my hands on you, you tease. Ttyl!
Raising my eyes from the screen, I saw Louise looking at me.
“You know I can tell when you’re texting Jamie, from that silly smile on your face?” she asked, keeping her arms crossed in front of her chest as if judging me.
“What can I do?” I didn’t try to hide my smile. “I found myself a good one.”
Louise nodded and came to stand next to me. A moment later a heavy sigh left her lips, and I noticed the shadows in her eyes. “Margaret was crying again. I tried to talk to her, but she won’t listen. She’s leaving next week and she doesn’t want to go back.”
“Makes sense.” Louise’s mood had been bad the last few days. “The moment she’ll be back, she’ll have to deal with reality. He won’t be there, and there will be no way to escape.”  
“She keeps talking in her sleep. She’s having weird dreams, you know.” Louise twisted her rings absentmindedly, not looking at me.
“I know. I woke her last night because she was murmuring and thrashing about. Jeremy was awake too, and we kept her company until she was settled again.”
“I’m sorry to see her go, especially knowing she’s still so unstable. I think her family isn’t supportive and that terrifies her even more.”
I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Two of the volunteers I got to know had come to Zambia carrying a great emotional load and needing a chance to escape. They were trying to heal themselves through healing the others. The universality of pain, all over again.
“Charlie called me.” Louise changed the subject, this time with a smile. “He said he misses me.” She rubbed her hands against her thighs, awkwardly, but met my eyes when I turned to look at her.
“Rather convenient, wouldn’t you say? Seeing as you’re going back home next week.”
“Not all of us are strong, Claire.” Her voice was harsh and I bit my lip, regretting being so straightforward.
“You know better, I guess.”
Louise sighed again. “I wish I did, actually. I don’t know what to do when I get back to Paris.”
I placed my hand on top of her shoulder and squeezed lightly. “You don’t need to decide right now. You can meet him, see what he has to say, how he’ll explain himself.”
Louise nodded, sleek brown locks of hair escaping her loose ponytail. “I wish we were as strong as you and Jamie are. Everything would be simpler.”
“Well, it’s not like everything comes easy and we don’t try at all. We’ve just decided that being together matters the most, and we’re not sacrificing what we have just because we’re not close. We’re both stubborn and it helps -- thus far, at least.”
My phone vibrated against my leg, and I unlocked it to see a picture of Jamie and John rolling their eyes, and a girl in the background.
Sassenach: Out, already?
Scot: Yeap. She’s fourteen but she’s so bossy I think John is afraid of her.
Sassenach: And you?
Scot: I’m being a good friend, as I was advised to be. I already regret it.
Sassenach: Where are you?
Scot: Out for breakfast. She had the longest order I’ve heard in my whole life. She actually ordered something from the menu and then changed every little bit of it. It was embarrassing.
Sassenach: Leave a good tip.
Scot: We will! Hector turned red as she kept going on and gave the waitress a shy smile.
Sassenach: I wish I was there, sitting at another table just to make fun of the three of you.
Scot: Believe me, babe, if you were here I’d sit right next to you at a table in another cafe.
Sassenach: Drama queen.
Scot: You haven’t met wee Geneva yet.
Sassenach: How come she visited without her parents?
Scot: They had promised her this trip if her grades were good. They were. She’s really smart, actually. It makes her more of a pain in the ass.
Sassenach: Maybe the three of you can teach her something, you know? Humility, for example.
Scot: Not a chance.
I stuck my tongue out, took a selfie and sent it.
Scot: Don’t you show me that tongue because I have dreams about it. And I hope you’re there alone.
Sassenach: I’m with Louise! She says hi!
Scot: Hello Louise! Take care of Claire for me, okay?
Sassenach: You realise I’m still the one reading the texts, right?
Scot: Just read that one aloud.
Sassenach: I’m capable of taking care of myself, thank you.
Scot: I know. My strong and stubborn lass. John looks desperate and Hector is huffing. I’m going to save them from their misery because I’m a good friend.
Sassenach: The best! Go save them, my gallant lad!
I huffed a laugh and turned my focus back to Louise. “It was quiet today.”
“Mmmm.” Her eyes were closed, her face relaxed under the sun.
“Whatever happens with Charlie, you’re going to be fine,” I said, using my most reassuring tone.
I decided to join her and close my eyes for a bit, but an elderly woman and her daughter came into view. “Well, don’t blame me for that,” I murmured and nudged Louise, who opened her eyes, saw the patients, and shot me an accusing glance.
“Hello,” she said as she turned back to the women, and we both rose from the bench.
Who knew what waited for us once we got back to normalcy. For now, we had work to do.
Chapter 54
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unimpressedperson · 6 years
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(Found this picture on Twitter and it’s so gorgeous)
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Warnings: Mentions of drugs
Pairing: Kim Taehyung x @ohmydearmoonchild , Kim Taehyung x Reader
Word Counting: 3.4k
Synopsis: After celebrating their second anniversary, Taehyung decided to prove how grateful he felt for Diyaa’s help on his recover from drug addiction and profound hopelessness towards life.
A/N: Hey I’m here and the oneshot is finally finished! Thank you for inspiring me to write it down, ‘cuz it felt amazing to put into words a few feelings and I really hope you enjoy it, baby :) Wish I could play any instruments, so the “song” Taehyung wrote for Diyaa during the story would come true, but for now it’s just a short poem. Sorry :/ 
P: S The Mark mentioned during the story isn’t Mark Tuan from GOT7, it’s a made up character and you can imagine him like you want, and think would possibly attract Yoongi.
- x - x - x - x -
Diyaa felt the rays of sunlight warming her face, every detail bathing under the waves of heat, bearable and delicious, caressing her skin like kisses. Still with closed eyes, she grope the bedsheets, looking for some human contact, specifically with Taehyung. Fingers trailing the silk fabric, blindly and allowing only touch guide her senses, finding its path and reaching for his long digits.
Laying on her back, covered with a navy-blue blanket and still listening to every single words said emotionally the afternoon before. Diyaa was stuck to them, all she could think about. Passionately contemplating how long it would last. The feelings, the touches, the promises. Hopefully forever.
Slowly and lazily opening her eyes, Diyaa took her time to get used to the bright morning lights. Still sleepy and intertwining pinkies with Taehyung, she stared at him, sleeping on his stomach peacefully by her side, while Diyaa couldn't help but watch passionately his exposed back going slightly up and down, calmly inhaling and exhaling.
Everything about Kim Taehyung seemed ethereal, way too perfect to be considered human. From his soft dark brown hair, to his breathing movements while sleeping. Diyaa always pointed out how lucky she felt for having him, looking up to encounter a flustered Tae with rosy cheeks and a timid smirk.
— I'm the lucky one in this relationship, sweetcheeks. - Tae always said, caressing her face dutifully with one hand, while the other one found its way to Diyaa's, intertwining pinkies.
The connection between them was strong, deep, soulmates. Her peaceful personality mixed with how chaotic he was. Yin and Yang. Balancing each other. Diyaa never felt something so profound or good, same for Taehyung, who was used to fake relationships, friendships, partnerships, a plastic world which he was tired of, willing to give up in exchange of some truthfull love and caring. Luckily, the man found honesty without leaving behind everything he battled for.
Taehyung was desperate and lonely, surrounded by bodies, but lacking souls. Filling the void with alcohol and overwork, sometimes mixing both of them and dragging Namjoon back to his old habits: late night studio sessions, hosed by cold vodka and lime slices. Some masterpieces were resulted, but no one involved felt happy.
At some point, getting drunk got trite and Tae bought stronger drugs, such as cocaine. With a thin package of powder disguised as salt on his wallet, Taehyung was feeling the pity results of a night spent on studio with Namjoon and Yoongi (who almost caught him taking a sniff). Under the hangover effects, he questioned his life choices, thinking about what would Hyung possibly do after getting him red handed. Everyone close to Suga knew he had problems with coke, only sobering up after his boyfriend, Mark, found him in a puddle of vomit, almost overdosing. Even drinking a few shots from time to time, Yoongi hated the idea of seeing someone he cared about going down the same alley.
The brown-haired man decided to get some coffee and buy new books, tired of reading the ones he had at home. At the bookstore, Taehyung grabbed a random work from Dan Brown and got in line for paying. Still hiding behind his sunglasses, he looked up and saw possibly the prettiest girl alive, dressed in a black mid-lenght sleeved shirt and a yellow apron. He felt his heart skip a beat noticing that on Diyaa's (as written on her tag) wrist was painted a sunflower, Van Gogh style.
— Fuck. I'm going to buy books here more often. - Taehyung spoke out loud, meaning to only say it to himself. The girl in front of him blushed and smirked.
He obsessed over Diyaa for over three weeks, before actually finding courage enough to ask her out. The day he finally did it, Namjoon was there to pick up his copy of "It" and a few magazines to leave on the dorm's bathrooms, also guaranteeing Taehyung wouldn't chicken out on the last minute.
Diyaa acknowledged who he was and would recognize his godlike face from kilometers afar, but never considered the idea of meeting him in person, nevermind attracting him and being asked out. At first, the girl thought everything was just a dream and even pinched her own thigh to make sure, feeling a sting and realizing that it was actually happening and Kim Namjoon was also there, holding a bunch of random magazines (literally, one of them was about motorcycle gears and raising cows).
Their first date was on a coffee shop, Diyaa didn't mention she only drank iced-coffee and Tae paid for two expressos, and a few almond cookies he claimed to taste like heaven on a plate. In fact, the biscuits were amazing. While leaving the place, after spending three hours laughing and chatting, the girl confessed that she hated coffee and a very guilty Taehyung bought her frozen yogurt with a no number of toppings. Staring at her cheeks full of brownies and strawberries, the man felt his heart melt a little.
Two years later, plenty of fights over Taehyung's addictions and bad habits, now Diyaa was helping him remain clean and sober, sometimes loosening up so he could drink wine on Christmas special to VLive, nothing stronger than champagne was their deal.
Mark and Yoongi also helped with Tae, since they went through something similar at the beginning of their relationship. Suga felt overwhelmed when Diyaa and Taehyung told what was happening, and getting his handsome and talented friend back on track became a teamwork. After coming out with his addiction, Tae became the fulltime maknae, being watched closely by even Jungkook, who was with him after relapsing for the first time and helped out when detoxing started all over again.
Now fully awake, Diyaa rolled on the bed to place her chin against Tae’s shoulder blade, hearing a growl coming down from his throat, still asleep, the man moved slightly and speaking in a low, raspy voice asking her to lift up the face so he could turn around and lay on his back.
He was still asleep, swollen eyes and mouth, not quite ready to stand up and face another toil afternoon and late night practice, wishing to stay right where they were, enjoying Diyaa’s second day off and just making out, or watching a movie, without giving more than 500 steps during the next 24 hours. Where there's a will, there's no way, so before the couple could possibly think of pretending to be sick, Hoseok knocked on the door, crooning on a rather pitch voice.
— Wake up lovey doves. I mean, Taehyung, Didi can keep on sleeping, she is off while he has a whole day of workiiiing. - After finishing the lyrics and high-note, the song continued with a whistling that wouldn’t quit before Tae opened the door and saw a fully dressed Jung Hoseok, with his uglyass Balenciaga shoes, skinny jeans and white t-shirt.
— You’re annoying and I’m going to toss your shoes right in the middle of the nearest river. - Tae said and closed the door, going back to bed, holding Diyaa on a tight hug, leaving smooches all over her face. - I know you hate my morning bad-breathe, but I love you. Good morning sweetcheeks.
— Go brush your teeth, you pig! - Diyaa joked, while caressing his chest and allowed herself to feel his soft, swollen and moisturized lips cover her face in light kisses. Yeah, she hated his morning bad-breathe, but also adored Tae. - I love you too, honeybuns.
— Come on baby, honeybuns? Why horse names? I swear that if at some point you end up calling me Buttercup or Chestnut, I’m going call a quit to this relationship. - Tae said staring her deadly serious, but leaving a perverse grin take over his gorgeous features.
They stayed there, kissing and discussing better nicknames, when Jungkook opened the door without any warning, staring at Taehyung and saying, before looking back to his cellphone, where he got into a very critic situation on the Battle Royale match.
— Morning hyung. Morning Diyaa. Jin said that if you don’t stand up and get ready, we are leaving without you. - He looked up from his cellphone screen and continued. - He also said that if you don’t get ready in 20 minutes, he’ll be taking the breakfast with him as well.
Taehyung growled again and stood on his feet, shooshing away Jungkook and breathing heavily. Diyaa was still laying comfortably on the bed, holding his pillow and glancing at him lazily.
— Ok sugartits, duty calls. You can stay at the dorms and sleep, or go to your own place and sleep. You decide where you want to crash. You know the rules, Yoongi’s room is a forbidden area. Don’t light any black light around, unless you want to see a Pollock painting.
— I'm going home. It's been days since I saw Gale for the last time, I don't even know if she fed Nemo right. - Diyaa commented while sitting up and sliding off the bed.
Walking in the bathroom direction, Tae glanced over to his girlfriend again, feeling immensely lucky, not regretting a single word said the afternoon before when they celebrated their 2 years anniversary. He loved and worshipped her, beside all the gratitude felt for helping with every addiction, also representing to perfection her task as muse for composing and work in general. Painting, singing, writing, thinking, there was nothing unrelated to Diyaa's appearance and personality.
- x -
Late night composing. Taehyung couldn't even remember the last time it happened. Everyone always felt like reliving old situations related to "dark times" would end up in relapsing again, so Namjoon and Suga changed passwords from every studio inside the BigHit building, only allowing Tae to get access whenever another member was around.
Honestly, thanks to Jimin and his fingers full of Doritos powder, Taehyung found out the new codes two weeks after changed, but writing alone was boring so he never felt the urge to use them.
Differently from any other day, Taehyung had everything related to a new song stuck to his brain, from melody to lyrics. After convincing Suga to stay til late on the Genius Lab, he began working hard and passionately. Whenever he lacked words, only staring at Diyaa's smile on his lockscreen helped.
Yoongi was tired of practicing, but didn't had the balls to say no to a deeply inspired Kim Taehyung and called Mark, calling off their plans of having dinner, but politely inviting him over, not really meaning it, he also wanted to finish one song to his new upcoming mixtape. And let's face it, focusing on something other than his shiny eyes and plump lips was very difficult. Per se impossible.
Better than anyone else, Yoongi knew how personal a composition could get, so he just left Taehyung working without interruption, a constant flow of words and melodies emitting from his mouth and guitar.
Considering how long it would take for him to finish the primary details, Suga decided to order dinner, turkey sandwiches and orange juice. Vitamin C was important, bro. Presumably, based on how focused Tae was, he also texted Diyaa guaranteeing everything was alright and if her boyfriend didn't answer any messages it wasn't on purpose.
Nothing else existed around, only the notebook where he was sketching lyrics and the guitar. Distractions showed up now and then, but Taehyung wouldn't even notice, every word and feeling flew from his mind to the paper easily and smoothly.
"Skin smooth like whipped cream
Breathe appealing and reminding me of cold blue breeze
Oh, I feel your silk voice at afternoon
At night, get comfy on your touch soft as wool
I melt in your pastel pink lips
And sand yellowish sweater covering down your hips."
Said the first verse. When Taehyung decided to write a song completely about Diyaa, nothing sounded appealing or good enough. He wanted it to pat ears with a sweet melody, sounding as beautifully as her voice. Randomly, during a conversation with Namjoon, the hyung mentioned a condition called 'synesthesia' where some of the senses just mingled, making the person listen to colours or taste smells. After searching a little better, Tae found a way of describing his love and worship for Diyaa.
While putting together some ideas, Tae remembered how he couldn't tell apart her fruity smell perfume from the mint fresh breath, whenever they were kissing it felt like a froot salad on his taste buds. Or how soft her skin was, so whenever Diyaa used clothes made of light fabrics, everything seemed so unearthly, as if she could fly and astound humanity to a point everyone would worship her as a goddess. In contrast, wool made Diyaa looks so soft and cuddly.
He wished to highlight how everything improved after meeting her. No longer than 3 months together and Diyaa became his sun, warming and keeping him healthy. Now she represented life, heat and a meaning to keep on living. Diyaa was his daily dose of strength,
"You're my reason to live, breathe and never surrender to any adversity
You are my sun and I'm a sunflower
Your warm hugs created a bond based on tender
Even at night, eyes can't see but heart always feel
I'll chase you, round and round I'll follow you for real
You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed
I would cross the world to see you dusk and dawn. "
At some point, writing became so personal and emotional that Taehyung unconsciously felt tears roll down his face. Luckily, Yoongi was entertained producing a track with headphones on and didn't pay attention to whatever happened around.
The previous afternoon, celebrating their second anniversary with a picnic on the rooftop, Tae began talking nonstop flooding Diyaa's ears and mind with sweet and sincere words, possibly the deepest ones she ever heard from him in so long.
Everything started while looking for shape on clouds, laying peacefully at the rooftop.
— It's just vapor and air, but still manages to keep up in there, looking fluff. Physics is a badass bitch. - Taehyung said laying on his back, while staring at the skies, legs crossed and one hand pointing to the impressively big and dense cloud which amazed him, while the other one was being used as a pillow for his head.
— Yeah. It's so crazy to think that atmosphere is holding a bunch of condensed water right above our heads, and us down here. If something happened and the air got slightly different, we would probably float like clouds or get killed by the gravity, making us suffocate or get smashed by how heavy we would get. - Diyaa said also staring at the skies, but with a grin on her face.
Taehyung turned his head to face the girl, with eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He loved how Diyaa saw things, always finding a wire to connect subjects and turn the assumption into a whole another topic. The brown-haired man would never get tired of their long conversations, pillow talks or just random talks, there was never space to be bored.
— How did you just came up with that, though? We were looking for shapes on clouds and suddenly you are suffocating us in your mind. Girl, your brain is so fascinating. - Tae said smiling, still looking at Diyaa's soft expression and round cheeks, sparkling a light on her dorky grin.
— And that's a compliment I've never heard before. Not even coming from you. - She said turning to stare at his dark eyes, finding a Taehyung smirking passionately, glaring at her. - You always point out how soft my hair feels, or how my taste for movies is possibly the most random, just because we went from watching Saw and began a rom-com marathon with The Kissing Booth.
Tae's hand slid from his lap and found its way to intertwine with Diyaa, caressing the back of her hand with the thumb.
— I love finding new details to compliment about you. Luckily, you are so interesting, it would be impossible to run out of traits and sweet words. - He said and got back into staring at the skies.
They could stay silent for long periods of time without feeling uncomfortable. After so many ups and downs, fights and make ups, the lack of words would never bother them. Only sensing and acknowledging each other’s presence, with light touches or cuddles, was always enough. 
Taehyung glanced over to Diyaa again, watching her skin being caressed by the daylight, he felt a knot tight on his throat and an incompatible need to speak, expressing how much he loved her.
— Sweetcheeks, I love you. - Diyaa looked at him about to say something, but his pointer finger laid on her lips and a waterfall of words flew from his mouth, untying the knot on his throat and making salty tears roll down. - I love you way more than I love anything else in this goddamn world. You met me in a complicate moment, back in then I was a dirtybag full of shit and instead of leaving me and prayed for the best, you stuck around and helped to rise up again. I was so afraid of you getting tired of my hectic life and watch you leaving me for someone more similar. This idea still frights me up. I’m so grateful and I don’t think it’s possible to reward you. You deserve the world and now I remember listening to Yoongi praising Mark for all the assistance on his addictions, and how he claimed that love saved him. Back in then, constantly high and drunk, I mocked him, but look at me now. Full cheeks, sober for over a year, attending to the reunions, in a healthy relationship, living my best life so far. You even made me ditch fake friends and value the ones I have here.
“I don’t think there are words pretty enough to describe you, that’s why nothing I compose is totally about you and I want to change it. Put in a song why I love you and spread around like seeds. You are my sun and I’m a sunflower full of pollen and it’s possibly the worst metaphor ever. Sorry sweetcheeks.” - Tae continued, finger still on Diyaa’s lips, but now she didn’t knew what to say, only feeling the urge to kiss him, while sobbing on his chest, never truly understanding how deep was their love. - “I want to describe you in melodical words. Tell the world how your voice makes fireworks pop inside my brain, leaving a trail of colours around. Everything. You deserve the greatest masterpiece and I’m afraid I won’t be able to accomplish it.”
A whole new cascade of words were said and attached to them a promise: as long as they were alive, they would always keep their fire burning and love growing. Cultivating a life together like flowers, specifically sunflowers, just like the ones Diyaa had tattooed on her wrist and Taehyung intended to paint on his own skin at some point.
 - x -
Yoongi finished editing his track and left the headphones slide down to his neck while saving the archive on a file named “Mixtape 2″. He turned around on his chair and saw a sobbing Taehyung, trying his best to not smudge the lyrics written down. At first the hyung didn’t react, trying to remember what to do in such situations and a few seconds later getting in ‘parent mode’, walking carefully to check on the crying kid.
— What happened Tae? Is everything alright? - Yoongi didn’t touch Taehyung, but made sure he noticed the body getting closer.
— Of course, I’m just so happy hyung! I think I did it! I wrote something worth of being related to Diyaa! - Heavy, but happy, tears went down his face, trembling hands raising the notebook and handing it to Yoongi.
Holding the notebook and sitting down again, Yoongi read the lyrics carefully, paying attention to how personal every verse was. If love could possibly be materialized and described, the words completing that song would make its part. A feeling of tenderness took over Min Yoongi’s heart and the urge to cry got unbearable. He was proud and sentimental.
“I used to be blue and dancing between shades of grey
Your yellow love took over me turning me green
I was growing again, adulting up again
You gave me hope, when all I wanted was to quit
You held me up, now I’m alive and everyday a little more keen
After so many days together, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been
I’m so thankful, sweetcheeks.”
- x -
Inspired by: @ohmydearmoonchild thank you for being a ray of light and honesty among so many toxic people. I purple you.
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writersblock2point0 · 6 years
Twilight, Alec LS. Seeing Nightmares. (Chapters 20-21)
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Emberly and Alec meet their children together, and we also get to see the little ones!
Chapter 20
The house was quiet when we came back, other than the quick fluttering hearts I heard. Alec held my hand as we walked to the door, and I spotted Esme and Carlisle first as we rounded the hall and came to the living room. Alice was suddenly in my face, stopping me from going to the room.
“You will not meet your babies looking like that missy!” She grabbed my arm and dragged me upstairs.
“What are you doing?” I asked as she pulled me into what I could smell was her room. She pulled out a pair of skinny jeans, a simple white top with pink flowers, and tan flats.
“Change,” She smiled, and pushed me into the bathroom connecting to her room. I changed my clothes and looked in the mirror, seeing someone who did not look like me.
My skin was pale, much like Alice’s. My freckles were still there, but they seemed faint, as if they were not fully erased from a drawing. My hair was back to its natural dark brown color, the dye completely gone from my hair. My eyes were a blood red, and looked intense and I felt like I wasn’t looking at me. I was me, but different.
I walked out and down the stairs at light speed, still trying to figure this stuff out.
I rounded the corner and saw the Cullens with three small babies. There was two boys, who looked the same. Their eyes were a dark brown, their hair a chocolate, just like Alec’s. Did he have brown eyes as a human? I looked to see Edward holding a small girl, with blonde hair and stormy blue eyes. They were all watching me.
I smiled, and looked around.
“Where do I sit?”
Esme stood up from her small sofa, “You can sit here, Dear.” Alec sat to my right as Rosalie and Emmett brought the boys over.
“This is Elias and Evander.” Alec told me, and I felt like I could cry, I was so happy. I laughed as both boys were touching my face with tiny hands, smiling up at me with small white teeth in their gums.
“Why do they look so old?” I asked, looking around to see Edward coming over, and Renesmee stood by the side of the couch, leaning over to look at my daughter.
“Half breed children grow faster. They should be full grown in seven years.” Carlisle informed me, and I looked at my three children. Only seven years of being a parent to them, before they were old enough to fly from my nest.
“This is Isadora.” I smiled at Alec, seeing he kept the names I picked out. I had asked him if he wanted to pick the boy names, but he told me whatever I chose was perfect. I smiled as Alec and I held and played with our children, and it wasn’t until they fell asleep in our arms that I saw we were alone.
“Alec?” I asked once we were just outside of Volterra, the sky clouded over as it was about to rain. No one came to greet us at the plain, but we didn’t have a problem as Alice was nice enough to give us some baby supplies and a stroller. Not that they would be using it after this.
“Yes my love?” He turned to me, holding our bags as we weaved through the streets.
“Does Jane like dolls?”
He nodded, “Yes, very much so. She’s frozen at seventeen, but she never had those luxuries or normal things a young girl had, so she likes to collect things. Dolls, jewelry, and she’s got a very impressive green house.” He smiles, before looking confused. “Why?”
I pushed the stroller, holding both boys as we walked, while Isadora was in a black and red baby holder that Alice said ‘You just have to have it!’ and I smiled as she laid her head against my chest and slept peacefully.
“I saw a small antique store that seemed to have some dolls.” I hummed, and smiled as I spotted the castle. “Just thought of her, maybe we could stop and get some next time we’re out.” I shrugged and sighed when we finally reached the castle. I wasn’t tired, no, I didn’t get tired. But I was glad to finally be back home. Home, I smiled, shaking my head I followed Alec in.
It was quiet, and I looked around at the castle I’ve never actually had the chance to really see. Other than the time me and my friends took the tour. Hm, interesting.
“Does Aro want to see us?”
“I would imagine, but he will understand that we need to settle in.” He steps from the elevator and I follow him, stopping when we reached his room. It was the same, though I spotted two cradles near the foot of the bed. They were large and white, having silky white sheets and small little stuffed animals in them. I smiled as I gently ran my fingers over the pained wood.
“Here you are baby.” I cooe as Isadora sters with a soft wine before settling into her crib nicely. Alec places the boys into theirs, and I smile as they cuddle into each other. Those boys will be trouble makers, no doubt.
A knock came from the door and I turned to see Jane walk in.
“You lived,” She nods to me, a ghost of a smile upon her lips. “These are the children?” She walks over and peers into the cribs.
“These are Elias and Evander.” I speak softly as to not disturb them. Jane looks to our baby girl, “And this is Isadora Jane.” Her eyes widen, and she looks at me with something I cannot place, but I’m shocked when a bright smile adorns her beautiful face and I see Alec sharing a similar smile.
“After me?” She almost sounds like a small girl, asking if whatever was handed to her was actually for her. I nod and she looks back down at Isadora. Her slim finger lightly traces the soft rosy cheeks, and she has a far away look in her eyes.
I feel Alec place his hand on my back, pulling me into him with a soft smile. I could get use to this.
Chapter 21
-Third person-
“Please let me dress you!” Emberly’s voice was pleading, and a small ‘Nuh-uh!’ came in a short reply as the small boy before her shook his head and stood in front of her, stark naked. His brown eyes were dark with mischief as he giggled behind his hands, fluffy brown hair shaking with every move he made.
“Elias!” She warned, giving him that look every child recognizes. He giggled and dashed away, only to be scooped up by Alec. He shrieked and laughed as Alec pretended to eat his little arms. The children looked about three now, and where walking-running-and talking the poor palace to death.
“You can’t be seen like that,” Alec stated and smiled as his son’s laugh rang in his ears. “Come on, let’s get you dressed while Mommy wakes up your sister.” Emberly handed Alec the boy’s clothes and turned to see Isadora standing up in her crib, looking at her mom with big round eyes and wild blond hair that curled in natural ringlets.
“Good morning princess!” Emberly beams and picks up her little girl, taking her to the large bed and setting her down. “You gunna let mommy dress you up nice and pretty?” She asks and her daughter nods, golden hair bouncing as she smiles.
Emberly dressed Isadora in a dark blue dress, white tights, and black flats. Emberly brushed through her hair but stopped when Isadora stopped her.
“I want to look like Aunt Jane!”
Emberly smiled, looking at her daughter through the mirror. “A bun?” A nod in reply, “Do you want it braided and twisted into a bun?”
“Yes please!”
This was the usual mornings. Elias and Evander were a nightmare to get dressed, only complying to their father, and Isadora usually wanted to dress like Jane. Isadora loved Jane, and it wasn’t very hard to see that the vampire loved her little -‘princess’- niece to death. The young girl was always following Jane around, and Emberly even caught her and her brothers pretending to be the leaders-with Isadora being Jane and Elias was usually Aro, who told ‘Jane’ to use her ‘power’ on Evander-who played a vampire who broke the rules. It was adorable. Elias and Evander hung around Felix and Demetri, a lot actually, and Emberly couldn’t find it in her heart to tell the two boys that teaching her babies to prank wasn’t a good idea. They got too creative.
Emberly was starting to get worried, as neither of the children displayed abilities, and neither did she. It was what Aro had wanted, but now it seems that he is getting impatient, ‘all this hard work for nothing’ was basically what he meant.
“Mommy?” Emberly blinked, feeling Isadora pulling on her shirt. Emberly finally got clothes of her own, but usually wore Alec’s shirts.
“Yes my sweetness?”
“Can I go see Aunty Jane?”
“I suppose.” Emberly smiled as her daughter dashed from the room, leaving the door wide open as she searched for her Aunt. No doubt the said vampire was waiting for her, knowing how she liked to follow her around and pretend to be Jane.
“I must go make my rounds, will you be alright?” Alec placed a kiss onto her lips.
“Yuck!” Evander grimaced, looking ill as he just witnessed his parents kiss.
“Mommy! I want kisses too!” Elias bounced, making Emberly laugh. She peppered him with kisses, careful not to hurt him with her newborn strength. It was like kissing a butterfly's wings.
“Yes, I’ll be fine.”
-Isadora’s pov-
I ran to Aunt Jane’s room, seeing that she was just stepping out of her door. She wore a black dress that reached her knees, along with black tights and black heels. She had her hair up in a bun as well, making me smile.
“Good morning Aunt Jane!”
Aunt Jane’s face lightened, and she shared a smile with me. “Hello Isa.”
“What are we doing today?” I asked, walking beside her as she started to walk down the hall.
“I planned to go to the village today.”
“Oh! Can I come?” She glanced at me, before smiling.
“Of course, why would I leave you behind?”
I giggled, shrugging my shoulders. “Are we leaving now?”
The village was cloudy, the sun hiding behind the clouds and I held Jane’s hand as we walked through the streets. She always said to hold my hand when we were outside, and told me so it was so I could stick with her. She opened a door, a bell ringing at the top and pulled me inside with her. It smelled like dust, and wood.
“Go ahead and look around,” She pushed me forward by my shoulder, giving me a smile. “Pick out whatever you want.”
“Really?” I beamed, and she nodded. I ran off, looking around at all the different stuff the store had to offer. It wasn’t very big, but had a lot of stuff, making it look crowded and messy. I looked at a few weird hats, pulling some on and laughing as the feathers dangled in front of my face. I didn’t like any of them, so I put it back, exactly how it was before.
I moved on, stopping when I saw a few bears with different colored scarves around their necks. When I touched them, they were stiff and smelled bad, and the scarves were rough and itchy. One button on a bear's face was missing, making me feel a little sad as it looked neglected.
I gasped as I saw a large stuffed rabbit, grabbing it and holding it close to my chest. It was a tan velvet and soft, with a pink wool coat and shiny black eyes and giant floppy ears that felt a little stiff. He even had small pockets in his coach. I smiled down at his shiny eyes, Winston. I’ll call him Winston.
“Found something?” I turned to see Aunt Jane, who held a few dolls in her arm.
“His name will be Winston!” I declared, holding him up like in the movie Lion King, one of my favorites.
Aunt Jane smiles, “Come on, we can look around some more.”
“Okay!” I skipped around, Aunt Jane following me as I looked around the aisles.
Spotting something, I gasped out loud and called for Aunt Jane. She was beside me in seconds, looking over my shoulder. She grinned down at me.
-Elias’s Pov-
“Uncle Petrie!” Evander called, running away from me as I tried to tag him. He was fast, a lot faster than I, and I growled in frustration. Why wouldn’t he just stop? Evander ran around Uncle Petrie’s legs, and I ignored the laugh and thrusted my hand between his legs and tapped Evander.
“You’re it!” I snickered and ducked as Evander nearly got me.
“You two settle down.” Uncle Felix says with a deep but friendly voice and I stopped, letting Evander bump into me. “You two nearly broke some vases last time things got too rough.”
“But we didn’t.” I point out with a smirk, and received laughs in reply.
“Be careful.” Uncle Petrie says before they were gone, leaving us by the secretary. She was annoying, always saying we needed to play somewhere else because we distracted her. She wasn’t nice, and I didn’t like her at all.
Evander grabbed my hand, “Let’s go.” He pulled me away, as I glared at the lady before turning and running with him around the castle.
We continued to play, mostly Evander running from me as he was faster than me. I snarled in anger as he evaded me once again, but froze when I saw the double doors that Daddy and Aunt Jane go to work in. They work, or are apart of a large family, but they spend a lot of time in there. We’ve been in once or twice, only to meet three older men who seemed very happy to meet us, until suddenly they didn’t seem to pay attention to us.
Daddy said to not worry about it, but I hear them talking sometimes.
Mommy’s worried that because we don’t have abilities, that we will be...what was the word?
“You two,” We both jumped and turned to see Heidi, a very pretty woman that also works and lives here with Mommy and Daddy. “The Master’s wish to see you.” She places her hands on our shoulders, guiding us forward and I look at Evander, who’s giving me a worried look.
“We don’t want to.” I say, looking up at her.
She smiles warmly, “You aren’t in trouble dears.”
Evander and I are walked into the room and I see Daddy is beside Uncle Caius, who never looks happy. I notice Uncle Petrie and Felix as well, where was Aunt Jane?
Heidi leaves us standing in the middle of the room, and Evander is clutching my hand tightly. He’s nervous, mostly because he’s scared of how mean Caius is.
“Hello my dear boys!” Grandpa Aro grins, standing and coming to us. He had dark red eyes, like Daddy but they looked cold and mean, not like Mommy or Daddy’s. “So nice to see you two are up and about, enjoying yourselves.”
“We were playing tag.” I state, tilting my head and frowning when he burst into laughter. Why was that funny? “I’m not any good at it, Evander’s a lot faster than me.”
Grandpa smiles, “So I’ve heard.” Then, a hand was held out to me. “May I?”
I know what he wants, he wants to look into my head and see my thoughts.
“No.” I shake my head. Daddy is suddenly beside me, a hand on my shoulder.
“It’s alright Elias, let him look.”
I huffed but handed my hand over. He grabbed it greedily, like how Evander does with candies. He’s quiet before he pulls away, a disappointed look on his face. Daddy is rubbing my back and I give him a confused look, what is wrong? Am I dying?
“What’s wrong?” I ask Daddy and he shakes his head.
“Nothing, now go play.”
I give last looks at the three men before turning and pulling Evander with me.
“Give them more time, Master.”
“A few more weeks Alec, that is all.”
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worldsbestpredators · 3 years
ramble to me about Eleanor
Send me the name of one of my Muses you want to learn more about, and I’ll ramble about them.
DSBRGEOUGHRSEUOONFOSNGFDGN i could talk about Eleanor McCarty (the Cullen is optional) all day *cries*
She might actually be my favorite Twilight Muse. I'd say it's a tie between her and Edythe, but lately it feels like I talk more about Eleanor to those who put up with me going on and on about fictional characters.
tbh I love the whole McCarty family which I had to create myself since someone didn't think Emmett and Eleanor's backstories were good expand on... although knowing SM she would have ruined them anyway, so the McCarty family is mine now. All 11 of them (not including the four grandparents). Yes Eleanor has 7 or 8 biological siblings depending on if its the twin verse or not (but lbr its always the twin verse)
I can't remember what exactly made me include El when I decided to write Emmett, but she really just became her own person instead of just a "female version of Emmett" She's a clown, but she's not as exactly chill as Emmett. She doesn't show it but for a long time she felt like she had something to prove because her mother did not approve of her ( #mommyissues). For years Eleanor was the only girl in the family, so her mother put pressure on her to be a proper young lady. To be the young woman that she (mama McCarty) wanted to be when she was that age, but Eleanor was more interested in doing whatever her brothers did. It was easier to keep up with her brothers than be whoever her mother wanted her to be, which caused many disagreements. Eleanor prefers her father over her mother. He had always been supportive of her, although he didn't always understand her.
The pressure Doris McCarty put on Eleanor lessened after the second girl (and youngest child) was born. Sasha was the little girl Doris always wanted. Well almost. Sasha did like to roughhouse with her brothers, and occasionally made a few of the ones closer to her age cry, but 9 kids can really tire a person out.
Got a bit off topic. but Eleanor gets jealous often, she just hides it very well. As a kid she was jealous of her brothers' freedom, as a teen she was jealous of her brothers' being able to have an obvious relationship with women while when she flirted with girls it was frowned upon ( in the 1900s when she was human in twilight verses, in other verses her mom still didn't like it but it was only her she had to deal with). Hell, after getting turned into a vampire Eleanor was jealous of Rosalie's preference for Emmett and their relationship. She eventually got over the last one, but it never seemed fair that Emmett always got the girls she wanted so effortlessly.
this is getting long so
El isn't skinny, but she isn't all muscles either. She has a soft layer of fat over her muscles, and she loves her body. Her body is still like this as a vampire. The venom didn't change much other than getting rid of all her scars (minus the original bite mark that changed her). Her nails grew a bit, she usually always kept them short, but she bit them back down to a comfortable length after finding out that a nail clipper wouldn't work. She still finds the face Edward gave her when finding her biting her toenails in the living room hilarious, and the face he made when she said "what, do you wanna bite them off for me?" even funnier.
Her hair grew a bit more, and her curls became a little more defined after the change as well.
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The only time Eleanor is a little slimmer is in the DC verse when she becomes Batgirl for a bit (or the other DC verse where she becomes a vigilante). The constant action (plus the training it took for her to be allowed to be Batgirl) made her burn off waaay more than she could eat. Her body is more like the picturebelow
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she doesn't stay in the crime fighting life for long. maybe a year or so depending on the verse. She loves the adrenaline rush, but she's stubborn and very angry at the time (anger is her way of grieving as a 18/19/20 year old). Crime fighting is the worst therapy, and her heart was never in it. She loved helping people, but all the patrols and rules got on her nerves. Also she can't bring her pet chicken, Carl, with her even though she got him a little mask to hide his identity as well (Bruce was not very amused by that, or if he was he did not show it). a world where crime fighting chickens are frowned upon is a world she does not want to be part of
in her HP verse, she's a Slytherin. The only Slytherin in her family besides her mother. She's also a halfblood. Her mother met her muggle father, fell in love, and moved to a different country to be with him. Her siblings are scattered across the other three houses, which didn't bother her because it allowed her space from them. She loves her brothers, but sometimes they were too nosy. It never stopped her from visiting them. All the McCarty kids shared house secrets with each other. Rules be damned, they all hang out in each other's common rooms until they get kicked out.
When they were in their second year, Eleanor actually found a way to show her dorm to Emmett by carrying him on her back to the door. The floors may prevent boys from entering girl dorms, but if his feet doesn't touch the floor how would the floor know? ( she may be an idiot and a clown most of the time, but she's not dumb)
Eleanor gets into too much trouble to become a Head Girl or Prefect, but that did not stop her from giving herself the title of Head Mom / Slythermum at some point and keeping an eye out for the younger Slytherins (well younger students in general, but it was easier to spend time with the bb slytherins) She just couldn't not be a chaotic big sister to someone. She speaks to everyone, even if it's just a passing hey in the hall.
uhhh i can't think of more crossover verses so a fun fact about the twilight & death verse before we go. When the Edward and Bella thing goes on, and the family has that meeting where Edward is outed by Alice, Emmett's laughing, but Eleanor literally said out loud "how did you go from wanting to kill her to wanting to fuck her?" because she's genuinely confused. after that, since no one's gonna actually listen to her about why this shit is weird, everytime edward and bella do something she refers to it in her head as 'white nonsense' and sometimes aloud to emmett. she's still friendly to Bella, and grows to like her (she's never outright mean or dismissive to the girl because she's done nothing to deserve it) but she doesn't understand whatever is going on between Edward and Bella. Same goes for Edythe and Beau (or Edy and Bella or Ed and Beau... you get the point) she just doesn't understand it.
i do have a hc that Eleanor would probably offer to take Bella to an adult toy shop, but since I never have a Bella to write with idk how to imagine it going. Especially since Eleanor would absolutely sit next to Bella and say "so, Bella, I hear you want your pussy popped. You're in luck, little sis because I know all the raunchy stores that Edward will never take you to. "
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chanchomon-blog · 7 years
Pets are the only ones that truly love us no matter what.
They will love you when you have a job and when you are unemployed or retired,
Looking like a model and wearing the nicest most expensive outfit and they will love you the same when you are fat or skinny or muscular and with whatever clothes you are wearing, with or without clothes, weather you live on the street or a mansion, being part of the royalty or a Dr.,a professor a student, whatever age you’re if you’re a baby they’ll take care of you like their’s, if your a teen they will understand all your mood swings, your sexuality, low or high grades and keep loving you the same way either way.
I love and it makes me cry, knowing that he’s always there for me, I love my cat Chanchomon so much. He’s been there since since I adopted him when I started university and felt alone, being on a different country.
When I went through really hard times, he was always there, no matter where I came from. Everyday, every single time I get home he gets up and runs to see me and to give me the nicest “Welcome Home” I will always get.
I will always remember this: I came home with a bag of Cocaine that I really wanted to try for the first time in my life. Chanchomon, my cat, like he does everyday came running to welcome me home and then we sat like always in front of the tv on the carpet. He began to play with me like everyday and then went to play in front of me with his toys, just like always.
I got the Cocaine out of my pocket and snorted half through each nostril, now I know it’s too much and too many grams just alt once. If there would have been a human in the house other than me I’m sure that they would have yelled at me, cause an immense fight and finally they would have thrown me out of my own house, that’s what any member of my family would do.
But I just snorted Cocaine in front of my cat while he was playing and he kept loving me. He loves me until this day and I love him with all my heart. Chanchomon my cat is always there for me, no matter what mistakes I have done during the day or during the past.
He loves me fully, completely, it is eternal love. I’m 20 years old and he’s the only one who hasn’t abandoned me, they all get tired of my personality or how I don’t think the same way as they do, so then I’m wrong for them. But my cat love me unconditionally, he loves me when we lived in Canada now he loves me living in Peru, being a student or owning a spa, chubby or athletic, with depression or anxiety, white or tanned, brunette or blonde, high or sober, alcoholic or after rehab, author having written a book or not, I used to trust people in everything they said now I don’t trust them. He, Chanchomon loves me year after year, since we met and I didn’t know a thing about life, he loved me as I was and never tried to change me, he just gives me so much love and care, I evolve on my own, I grow wiser with my mistakes and with the passing of time.
People try to change you, love you when you do what they say, get angry for small things and miss out what life is really about, people like money and would do anything to get it, they focus on objects and material things, they forget live is about love and living happily everyday.
I love Chanchomon my cat eternally, and he loves me back, it’s the secret to a perfect relationship, Eternal Love.
I love
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dragon-fics · 4 years
S&H: Ch. 1 Befriended
Chapter summary: Molten Flarescales has never really been one to believe in fate or chance meetings.. But after an argument with his brother, he tries to clear his head. He finds someone who’s not supposed to be in Wyrmia.
Notes, Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7, Ch. 8, Ch. 9, Ch. 10, Ch. 11, Ch. 12, Ch. 13, Ch. 14, Ch. 15, Ch. 16, Ch. 17, Ch. 18, Ch. 19, Ch. 20, Ch. 21, Ch. 22, Ch. 23, Ch. 24, Ch. 25, Ch. 26, Ch. 27
15 years since the end of the war 
Molten Flarescales was wandering through the forest near his home in his human form. His black leather jacket, white t-shirt, and skinny jeans went well with his slightly tanned skin, black loosely curled long hair. Narrow white curved horns protruded from his dark locks, and sharp canines that pierced his bottom lip.
He wasn’t trying to do or find anything: he was just trying to clear his head. His brother—Blaze—had argued with him yet again after he had stayed up late last night after a party and lay in, sleeping through the weekly family dinner. So, Molten was just trying to clear his head, after making it clear to his brother he was lucky to have his parents provided him with not just a house, but his energy drinks—which would soon be taken away from him—and whatever else he ‘needed’. He himself had been DJ-ing at the same party, so he was still feeling a little light-headed and tired, but at least he’d showed up, helped to prepare the meal and brought his dam the wine she liked.
The twenty-year-old always wondered how his parents could put up with Blaze and his obnoxious personality daily. Molten could barely tolerate him after living with him for sixteen years.
Molten shook his head and listened.
He could hear the water lapping the jetty at Lakeside—the vacant property his grandparents owed—as he walked. He didn’t live far from here, as he had walked from the cottage he rented to the forest. The woods itself was webbed with trails so it wasn’t rare to hear, see or smell other dragons nearby. As he was about to enter a bright clearing, he smelt another dragon or drake nearby, along with something else. Something he had never smelt before.
He slowed his pace and peered around the tree in front of him. His sky-blue eyes widened. Before him was a white unicorn with a blonde mane and tail, a blue spiralling horn and some multicoloured stripes on his back, similar to a tiger’s. Molten could make out his gender pretty easily. He was slender, with a short mane and a narrow trail that had a little poof of blond hair at the end. He was dozing by a tree, all tucked up and snoozing quietly.
He was scared for the unicorn as some leviathans would not let him stay in such a peaceful state nor let him cross back as easily as he had come in—however that was. But after his fear came curiosity; Why was he here? How did he get here? Could he really use magic? How does it work? What’s with his stripes?
Then a snap caught his attention. A twig underfoot if he wasn’t mistaken; the other leviathan was close. In his human or anthropomorphic form, his eyesight wasn’t as good as when he was in his beast form. He quickly changed to his beast form, a cobalt drake with a black underbelly, white horns and small, black bony plates on his neck, back, and tail finished with a black spade on the tip of his tail.
He used his acute eyesight to scan through the trees to his right, the direction he felt the other dragon in. The emerald green dragon was in a pouncing stance, ready to leap for the colt, to scare and probably scar him, before bringing him to the attention of other nearby leviathan’s, especially the state police force. Since the war between both species; the one that has divided the land in two—Roania: the land of the unicorns, pegasi and alicorns, and Wyrmia: the land of the dragons and drakes—they would be very hostile to their guest.
Molten—for some reason—felt protective of the unicorn and growled. He got ready to pounce also, but for a different reason.
The colt raised his head and the emerald dragon glided over the bushes in front of him, claws outstretched. Molten then jumped himself, aiming for the dragon’s cheek, tearing it. He left three jagged ridges on the green dragon’s face as he hit him off course. The distinctive navy blood of a reptilian oozing out of the wound Molten had caused as he landed on his side with a thump.
The dragon gathered his thoughts and got onto his feet, looking straight at Molten, his pupils narrow, scowling at Molten. He released a low growl and glanced back at the unicorn. Molten growled back at him and he edged back. He turned around and sulked his way back behind the trees.
Molten let out a satisfied snort, a small plume of smoke leaving his nostrils. His thinned pupils were focused on where the green dragon had been a mere few moments before. He turned his head around—relaxing his pupils to their usual shape—to the colt. He was now in his human form, sitting against a tree, shaken by the sudden commotion.
Molten shifted back to his own human form and slipped his headphones back down onto his shoulders. He then sat cross-legged a few feet from the colt, a technique used by dragon parents to get their dragonets to talk about something personal. He stayed quiet. He swept the tips of his fringe out from his shadow space, above his right eye to get a better view of the colt; his skin was paler than Molten’s; he had curly blond hair with some covering his forehead and icy blue eyes. He had a silvery blue diamond on his forehead, to signify where his horn should have been His clothes were basic, a plain white shirt and faded jeans. Molten couldn’t help but admit that he found the colt attractive.
Molten sat cross-legged for several minutes before the colt found his voice. “W-what do you w-want?” he stuttered. He sounded well-spoken, even with those few frightened words.
Molten sighed, disappointed, and stood up. “Nothing, I guess” he turned around. I should’ve known. He cursed himself for being so stupid into thinking a unicorn would give a dragon a chance. He started on his way.
The colt swallowed hard and rushed to his feet. “Wait!” he called. Molten turned his head, surprised, and raised an eyebrow. “Thank you,” he said with a bow of his head, “for saving me.”
Molten turned around fully to face him. His nose was level with the colt’s eye in his human form. “You’re welcome,” he said, holding his hand out to shake. “I’m Molten”
The colt looked at his hand and hesitantly put his pale hand in Molten’s. “Zion.” Molten held his hand lightly and gave it a gentle shake.
Molten stood back a step. “So, why—or rather how—are you in dragon territory?” he asked.
Zion looked at him. “I’m not sure,” he said honestly, shifting his gaze from Molten, shrugging slightly.
“What do you m—?”
“I started to walk around,” he said, cutting Molten off, “I was taking a different route from my home near the border. I somehow crossed the border and kept walking. It was only until I felt a shift in the amount of magic around me I realised I was outside of Roania.” He paused. “I thought if I stayed away from towns and cities, no one would see or find me... Guess I was wrong,” he shrugged with a smile.
Molten chuckled. “Yeah”
Zion laughed. Molten felt heat rush to his cheeks.
Molten looked around. “We better go, in case he tells someone and brings them here,” He said. Zion tilted his head at him, and Molten took his wrist and led him away, through the lush forest.
“Hey,” Zion said in surprise. Molten let go of his wrist and Zion held it in his own.
“Sorry... I just—“
“Wanted to make sure I followed?” Molten nodded in response. “Listen, Molten, I have no idea where I am and I need somewhere to hide until it’s safe. And seeing as you stopped that green guy from killing me—or whatever he was going to do—I guess I should trust you...” he lowered his voice, “and I have a good feeling about you.”
Molten couldn’t help but notice the same good feeling Zion had mumbled. He felt like he’d met him before. But that was impossible since he was a child when the war had ended.
Molten looked down. “I could take you back to my home. It’s not far?” He offered. Zion thought for a moment.
“I don’t think I have much of a choice. I am a fugitive.”
Molten smiled and snorted with amusement. At least he has a good sense of humour
“Why did you—um—do what you did back there?” Zion asked softly. “I didn’t think dragons liked us after what we accused you of.” He looked around at the greenery closely.
“The older generation probably wouldn’t like you, but younger dragons are willing to try to help—some are, anyway. I personally, feel like we were robbed of getting to see Roania,” Molten cleared his throat. He had only ever seen photos of its artwork, pretty cities and its amazing architecture, though he’d always wanted to see it in person.
“Feeling’s mutual,” Zion said. “And older people can be pretty eccentric, from my experience.”
Molten laughed as they emerged onto a path by a main road. He sighed. “Sorry, I forgot about this. I don’t suppose you can create illusions with your magic? Or turn yourself invisible?”
Zion shook his head. “I’m not that good, so invisibility is off the list.” He studied Molten. “I could hide my magic star, but I can’t grow fangs or horns.”
Molten thought. “Not all leviathans have horns in their human forms, and fangs usually aren’t as prominent as mine.” he lifted his upper lip with his finger and lowered it again. “Either way, anyone passing by will be driving, like, fifty K.” Zion shrugged and chanted something in a language Molten had never heard before. A few moments later Zion touched his brow and a gold ring circled the diamond and it soon faded to the colour of Zion’s brow.
“Impressive,” Molten said. More questions built up in his mind; What was that language? What did you say? Do you have to speak in that language to cast a spell? Do you have to speak to access your magic?
But he pushed them aside for now. Zion looked at him. “It’s nothing, just a simple cover-up spell.” He shrugged. “So, where do we go from here?”
Molten led him away from the forest, towards a city that Zion could see above the trees.
“Where exactly do you live?” Zion asked slowly. It worried him that Molten may live in the city.
“Outside of Shovania City,” Molten replied.
“Right. and no one will see me?”
“No, not a soul. I don’t have any housemates; for now.” Zion relaxed a little and kept walking.
It took them the better part of half an hour to get to Molten’s home. It was a small two-bedroom bungalow—according to Molten—with a converted attic and a short drive into the house. A parked up silver Audi A4 sat in the drive. Expensive, Zion thought to himself. Molten unlocked the door and waited for Zion to come in as he eyed the car.
“Don’t you dare. I work very hard to maintain it.” He said. Zion looked from the car to him and walked into the house. As he passed, Molten glanced at his ass.
Zion was met with a dark oak floor, a hot press, a corridor down to the left and an oak door to the right.
Zion took a few steps forward. “I expected something dull and cold, not something so... homely.”
Molten walked forward. “Yeah, dragons have almost completely given up on living in caves. And does who do, renovate them. Or we just live in a nice warm house.” He said with a smile. He opened the oak door beside Zion, which led into a living room-come-kitchen area.
“Not bad” Zion commented. A red-tinted dark leather suite was in front of him, with a TV and fireplace beside him. The kitchen was off to Zions left, at the back of the house, looking out at a small garden. oak cupboards lined the small kitchen. Sunlight poured through the low window behind the sofa, lighting up the soft yellow walls.
“Cosy,” Zion mused. Molten left the room through another door, which led to a utility room from what Zion could see. He heard a fridge door open and the clinking of glass bottles. Zion noticed a soft green and white striped blanket on the back of the couch and felt it, it was soft. So soft he considered wrapping himself up in it like a blanket burrito and laying there... But in a stranger’s house? Not even he was that trusting—even if he was the one who had crossed the border.
Molten came back out with two green bottles. And opened one on the kitchen counter. “Beer?” he asked, not even looking over his shoulder.
“Isn’t it a little early?” Zion questioned. The clock on Molten’s wall said it was only three in the evening.
“Heh, we’ve both had a weird day,” Molten said as he opened the other one and handed it to Zion.
Molten woke up in the middle of the night, still sitting on the couch in his living room. Both Zion and he had fallen asleep, losing control of their human forms. Molten was an anthropomorphic drake, while Zion was an anthropomorphic unicorn. Blue light from the TV lit up the room.
Zion’s head was on Molten’s shoulder, his horn barely missing the drake’s face.
Molten now had blue and black scales; white horns poked out through his black hair; his blue and black tail curled down by his leg.  His anthropomorphic form stretched his clothes to their max, showing his pectoral muscles, abs and muscled arms and legs through the stretched fabric.
He reached over the back of the couch, pulling the soft, green and white striped throw onto his lap. He carefully placed the blanket on himself and Zion. He then yawned, turned off the TV and fell back asleep.
It had been a strange day.
0 notes
sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Requested by anon: The Wonwoo fic and Taeyang fic are so freaking cute and they are so well written too omg! Please write more fics for the both of them as they're my favourites (: Wolf!au? Thank you ((((:
Requested by anon: Wolf!au for wonwoo or woozi! Thank you and I love your works!!
so i got the same au request i hope both of these suited your taste! LIKE I SAID I HAVE OVERWHELMING FEELS FOR WONWOO SO THIS IS PROBABLY LIKE THE LONGEST HEADCANON I’VE EVER WRITTEN THIS IS SUPER LONG OMG BUT I HOPE YOU ENJOY EVERYONE!!!! BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH THE WONWOO IMAGINES :)))) if you weren’t satisfied please send me another request!
I was lying in bed and was just like “hm you know wonwoo really resembles a wolf????”
I love jeon wonwoo anyways
You lived near a very dense forest with your grandpa
Since it was a small town, there could only be so many things that could happen before word travels
Ofc nothing ever happens in your small town the most eventful thing was when the local market ran out of your favorite potato chips like honEST TO GOD
But as of late there’s been more signs of wildlife in the forest and everyone is lowkey freaking out like what is this we haven’t even had livestock in 80+ years????
Thanks to the dense forest there’s been showing a steadily increase in deer population yay!!!! But also what!!!!
With deer ofc comes…………
Packs and packs of them
You’re worried for your life what if a wolf is gonna attack you one day since you’re right next to their habitat!!!!!
Your grandpa is just like lmao y/n chill i was a hunter back in the days we’ll be fine
It was a chillier day than usual in the winter and temperatures were dramatically dropping
You were tired of being cooped up in the small little house so you were just roaming around in front of your porch and playing with the fluffy snow
You smol child were too busy cutely hopping around to notice a wolf lurking behind the trees oH SNAP
It wasn’t until it got a little closer that you felt a strange presence and you know that eery feeling in the horror movies where it’s like …..i feel like someone is there…..
You immediately stopped and cautiously looked around you
You would have missed it if you weren’t so keen about your surroundings bc the wolf so easily blended in with the forest and snow
yOU WERE GONNA SCREAM BUT dude they can probably smell fear that’s not your best choice here
your heart leapt in your throat so you couldn’t have screamed even if you wanted to (you did)
Gdi your grandpa was out running errands and he left like half an hour ago so you’re kinda screwed!!!
The wolf looked so,,, ethereal and majestic with its mix of black, gray, and white fur and it was still pretty young
It looked more like a wild husky so beautiful i love dogs
But you obviously didn’t have time to soak in their beauty you were about to get eaten for pete’s sake
You were very very very slowly backing away from it your door was only a few steps away
buT IT KEPT INCHING TOWARDS YOU LIKE PLS LEAVE ME ALONE ALL YOU WANTED WAS TO MAKE A SNOWMAN (it doesn’t have to be a snowman im sorry that joke is old)
You decided that maybe since this winter was harsher than normal it was hard finding food
So once your back hit the wall yOU SLAMMED & LOCKED THAT SHIT
You rummaged through your fridge to see if you could find absolutely anything for the wolf to leave you tf alone
“Aha!” you grabbed a piece of red meat and cut up a fourth of it into smaller chunks
You were pretty damn smart like we’re talking about how a pre teen be doing all of this
You brought your cutting board to your window and sure enough the wolf was still outside your house yiKES
You cautiously opened your window and you could see the little ears perking up
You threw the pieces as far as it could reach the wolf in the hopes of him leaving once he’s gathered his meal
At first the wolf jumped back in surprise like ??? what’s this human doing?????
After a few minutes of inspecting the meat the wolf cautiously approached the makeshift meal and started to gobble all of it in seconds flat
You’re just like,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that could have been me oh my god,,,,,,,,,,
After it finished eating it looks back up to you and even from afar you can see gratitude and hints of,,,, sorrow??? in its eyes
It turns back to the forest and disappears as fast as it came
All your little body can do is slump against the door clutching your beating heart like i WAS GONNA DIE TODAY
You thought that would be the last time you were gonna encounter a wolf but there wouldn’t be a plot then lmao
You managed to prevent any more wolf encounters as you grew up and by the time you hit 20 you have been successful
But all good things must come to an end
You decided to go to a college nearby to still help take care of your aging gramps but the school isn’t all half bad it’s pretty decent so good for you reader!!
It was now winter break aka the longest school holiday your college granted you with so you decided to return home and spend some Quality Time with your grandpa
Your grandpa’s health has been declining more apparently than ever
One time you had to rush him to the hospital because he fell unconscious and you were trying so hard not to tear up and be strong the whole time
You stayed overnight at the hospital despite the nurse insisting you return home but you just camped outside the hospital room and slept there
You woke up to a random blanket on you and you figured it was just a nurse who knew better than to convince you
Your grandpa quickly recovered in a matter of days go gramps
When he was finally discharged and you were approaching the front desk about the bill they were like “oh it’s already been paid for”
“What that’s strange I didn’t even get the bill yet”
“Someone walked in last night and said they’ll take care of it for you miss”
You thank her and walk away in confusion like,,,, ofc you’re grateful that you didn’t have to pay but who on earth would do that?????
One day you wanna explore the forest because i mean you lived next to it for basically almost your entire life and you don’t even know what it looks like!
Ofc your grandpa is like do you wanna get killed child um
“Pls gramps I lived my whole life being terrified of that forest and now that I’m older I kinda want to see what it looks like,,,, I’ll stay close enough to have the house in my view!”
“sigh,,,, well you’re an adult now I trust that you can make decisions for yourself so,,,, fine”
So off you go to your death exploring
You’re amazed by how enchanting the forest looks like from within, nothing like what you see from your house
The snow only adds more of a magical sense
There’s a small pond and some bushes where you guess is the deer’s habitat but they probably left to find a warmer spot
You push yourself to discover more about the forest so you inch just a litttttle farther
You see a bridge and think ????? did someone live here or something why is there a bridge?????
And being the curious cat you are you crossed it only to see aNOTHER HOUSE LIKE UM WHO THE
you hear some muffled talking and you’re just likE OH CRAP I GOTTA SCRAM so you hide behind a fairly big trunk just in time before some faces are in your view
You see a group of men around the same age as you and at first they seem to be normal but what’s normal about living in the middle of the woods????
You carefully eye each of them, and you mentally do a headcount of 13
One of them immediately catches your eye and you can’t help but feel a sense of familiarity
He’s wearing a gray turtleneck and black skinny jeans with a gray winter coAT SLJDKFLJDSFLJFDSLJFDLJDFSJDSF I LOVE WONWOO THE MODEL
He seems to be aware of you and he’s like @ the group
“Guys… do you sense someone here?”
And the guys are like eh wonwoo you’re probably being a little paranoid
“Wonwoo it’s been years just let it GO!!!” (what’s up with all of these frozen puns this is unintentional i sTG!!!!) “the last time you said this it was just a rabbit!”
And you’re like ???? what do they mean by that buT I GOTTA JET
You wait for them to enter the house and wonwoo is the last one
He scans the area one more time and does a little head shake before heading inside
you can’t help but feel a tug in your heart because he just looked so disheartened and dejected
And he sWEARS he could have smelled your scent but maybe it was his brain tricking him like it did all these years :(((
Who hURT MY EMO SON wait you did indirectly lmao
You get tf out of there like “i aint trying to die again bye yall”
You’re scrambling to get out of there and when you reach the house your gramps is like so how did it go
Gramps: but??? it’s ,,,, break,,,,,,
You contemplate about what just happened back there
You: i shouldn’t go back i got lucky and didn’t get eaten alive
Also you: but i need to find out more ok it’s settled I will return
Soon enough you found yourself visiting the same place every day and now wonwoo is rEALLY on edge
“wonwoo…….. We acknowledge your senses are the better ones out of us but…… you need to let her go”
You’re like omg what??? Her??? Who’s her?????
“You know I can’t do that…… she fed me -- hey wait a minute, is that someone over there?”
You’re like oH WELL FUCK MY LIFE
They whirl around to where his finger is pointing and they’re like hmm wait he’s right it looks like someone’s shadow
And you’re scared to literally freaking death bc you are not trying to get yourself killed but i mean you kinda had to see it coming tho
So you do what a reasonable person would
But you just keep running and you eventually get lost in the forest and you’re like oh my god pLS NOT NOW
You’re desperately trying to reroute but you’re pretty sure you passed by that same stump six times
You try to calm down like ok look it’s still probably around noon and the sun is still out you still have time
That is until you hear a crunch of a leaf
And you’re like oH MY GOD NOW WHAT
You turn around to see you’re surrounded by dark black wolves
This is it this is where you die
And you’re trying to find an escape but you’re practically cornered
“Please….. Go find something else to devour……. I swear I am not tasty at all…………… I’m all bones you wouldn’t want that right aHAHA………...”
One of them inches closer to you and you can guess it’s probably the alpha male since it seems to be the biggest
And you’re like welp i lived a good life IM S ORRY GRAMPS YOU WERE RIGHT
You’re in the middle of having a mental breakdown when the alpha suddenly bares his teeth and you know it’s gonna go down
Just as it’s about to leap on you, you see another blurry figure slAMMING INTO THE ALPHA
A full on wolf battle is going on right in front of you
Not only did that wolf come but his entire pack did so it’s pack vs pack
And some black wolves are still trying to get @ you ;))) to devour you ;)))
I gotta go
But obv the other pack is like dON’T TOUCH HER and you’re super confused bc 
Well there’s obviously more than one thing to be confused about but your main concern is why am I not getting eaten??????
You can’t help but notice the one who rammed his body in your attacker has very,,,, familiar looking fur,,,,,,
And you’re like oMG NO,,,, NO IT CAN’T BE HOW
Since the wolf brawl has temporarily taken the focus off of you, you’re like ok this is my chance 2 escape
You don’t get too far like probably 15 feet when you’re feeling really lightheaded and nauseous
You stumble upon a tree and try to steady yourself but the events took a huge toll on you and so you collapse
Right before you do you feel someone’s arms holding your waist up and some yelling
“I… finally…. found you….” you hear someone whisper in your ear before you really blackout
By the time you regain consciousness the sun is about to set
You’re stirring around in a foreign bed and you’re like wait,,,, hold on,,,,,
Your eyes slowly adjust to the dim light and the strange room
You’re fully awake now and start panicking like where am i???? Am i gonna die?????
You see someone’s head on the edge of the bed and you’re like WHO THE
“oH GOODNESS” your little outburst woke him up
He groggily yawns and rubs his eyes “oh great you’re awake!!!!!11!!11”
You just stare at him in 34384682 emotions welling inside of you like pls do not hurt me i just want 2 go hOmE!!!
He starts to introduce himself as Wonwoo but who cARES YOU JUST WANNA GO HOME
“Ok Wonwoo i have no idea who you are or where I am but I need to leave before I’m actually gonna get killed by my grandpa I appreciate you letting me stay here for the time being but I gotta go now thanks i guess??? bye”
And you’re trying to keep your cool and escape as fast as you can but he’s right on your heels
He is nOT gonna let you leave so easily after spending the past decade thinking about you
You reach the outside of the house and you realize,,,, hey it’s the house i saw earlier,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
He eventually reaches you and pulls you around by the arm and you almost gasp when you see the intense look he has in his eyes
“I,,, can’t let you leave just yet”
“Please i’m sorry for snooping earlier!!! Please let m eg o I swear to keep my distance!!!!”
You: what
Him: what
“What…. did you say?”
“Don’t you remember me? You fed me”
And you’re like ?????????? ?? ???????  what is this guy on
“Uh… Wonwoo, was it? I think you have the wrong person; I don’t know what you’re--”
And it hits you
That day you thought you were gonna die
You look at him completely baffled like how is that even possible???? That was,,,, a wolf
Your breath is hitching you’re gonna faint again that means he was the same one who saved you from being eaten
“I know it’s hard to believe but that was me!!!!! Food was extremely difficult to find at that time and when I saw you…. Well, i was hoping you would be willing to spare me something”
My heart poor little wonu was gonna starve to death if it weren’t for you
“But…. but how….”
“Ah…. well that’s a story for later but the important thing is I was eternally grateful to you and I was determined to find you again,,,, I wanted to return the favor for saving me. Who do you think paid off your grandpa’s medical bills? I hope that blanket was warm enough for you”
Turns out he’s been watching you from afar as his human form as your little guardian angel (or stalker…. tbh) im crying
“You were thankful just for some pieces of meat I gave out?”
“It wasn’t just some meat. You saved me from dying! I hadn’t had any food in my system for a week. I’ve helped your grandpa plenty of times at the market before. I also purchased those textbooks you needed for that math class”
“Wait but my friend gave those to me?”
“Yeah well that’s what I told her to say to you LOL”
gdi your friend was probably geeking out about how good looking he was
And you’re just trying to process this but it’s overwhelming to say the least
“You… you did all of that for me???”
And he’s like ofc!!! :DDD you deserve everything and more!!!!
“What about that pack from earlier?”
“That’s our rival pack,,,,, I’m so sorry you had to get caught up in our rivalry but good thing I got there in time. I told the others to help protect you”
And you start tearing up because of how gracious and humble and caring he is and he’s like oh nononono and starts to freak out and hugs you
You’re gonna bAWL why is this guy so nice to you he’s even rubbing circles on your back to help calm you down
“I’m not asking much of you…. but can we try getting to properly know each other? You were the only single person to not judge me in my wolf form,,,,, everyone else would throw sticks and stones :(((“ (words do indeed hurt you tho) “and i’m also grateful that you were able to accept me even as a creature that you feared”
you take a moment to breathe and eventually accept bc even tho this is all so sudden and foreign you can just tell he has a heart of gold and doesn’t wanna hurt you
Ofc your gramps throws a fit when you get home and he’s like wHY IS THIS GUY WITH YOU
After a long long talk things are settled and your gramps is like ok fine you can date her or whatever but one wrong move and your head is gonna be hanged here
“I’m just saying i got my eye on you boy”
You spend the rest of your break getting to really know Wonwoo and try to overlook his,,, alter ego thing,,,, as best as you can
You’re outside making snowmen and snow angels and just being so carefree about everything
You somehow end up in a snowball fight with wonwoo and he’s like ur going down!!11!!
You’re hiding behind a tree and peek out to find him but when all of a sudden someone ambushes you from behind
“I GOT YOU” he screams in your ear while you’re laughing and trying to wiggle out of his arms
You guys stumble and fall with him on top of you oHMYGOHDGHLGDS
Your laughter dies down a little and all you can think about is how close your faces are
He softly smiles at you and leans down to give you your firST KISS IM SCREAMING
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snazzyo · 7 years
2 in 1 shot by shot
I did a "shot by shot" of the "2 in 1" promo.  I slowed it down to .25 speed and played it on my HD 24 in screen.  I'll list the shots w/ my commentary in italics
1. old house door -- the one Kelly is in? 2. Dean slices his hand for spell -- his watch is evident in multiple shots later 3. Crowley's hand reaching out of his grave -- personally, I find this a 'standard' shot used in many TV genre TV shows (Buffy, Being Human, etc... ) not some "property of Dean Winchester" shot.   4. Mystery Figure w/ guns:
Tumblr media
thoughts: Later we see him shooting a gun REMARKABLY similar to Dean's. OTOH, where's the bowlegs?  Also, does this person have a slight paunch?  My first instinct is JDM. But he's so very skinny these days.  Still, JDM wants Jensen to direct him.  Jensen is directing in S13 -- likely the 3rd episode (as always) and we could still be in the Other World at that point.  So... JDM could be in as many as 4 episodes and Jensen gets to direct him.  But... it's a stretch.  Alternatively, there could be some temporal phenomenon going on and this is Dean after years in the Other World (again..... the shoulder to hip ratio is definitely NOT Sam and doesn't really look Jensen).  Bobby?  I know Bobby may have been sent elsewhere two years ago.  But Jim Beaver is either trolling us hard or that is not Bobby.  So... I'm going 1) JDM, 2) Bobby, 3) young John, 4) Dean, or 5) "other". 5. Lawrence House staircase -- likely in the past 6. Dean w/ cutup leg -- bowlegs evident 7. Someone washing off a grisly looking claw device 8. Dean wired up in the Bunker for a mind trip. Note, bunker lights are fully ON. 9. Baby crib in what looks like a 1960's living room - did Cas hide Kelly in the past? 10. Cas by pristine lake 11. BMoL red shirts grabbing guns in their compound 12. Black & White picture of Lucifer coming out of Crowley's early lair (the New York asylum) 13. Cas reaching up with a finger to touch someone at the old house by the lake 14. Kelly, pregnant, in comfy bed 15. Luci swirling a lock of Rowena's hair in a fancy room w/ blood on the chair -- it sure implies he got her 16. Somebody depressing a detonator switch 17. Mystery Man walking 18. Ketch calling either Sam or Dean's phone -- looks like they are in the motel room based on placemat 19. Dean crying 20. Sam closing his eyes (with emotion) in BMoL compound, Jody in background 21. More Mystery Man walking, this time towards a prone Cas 22. Satellite photo of a city with a spot marked in the center 23. Kelly painting baby's room 24. Mystery Man walking towards prone Cas, firing over Cas' head at some other target -- gun looks just like the one Dean uses in the promo 25. Other World Sam with shocked face 24. Bloody footprint on wood floor 25. Other World Dean with shocked face 26. Dean's hand w/ Enochian brass knuckles 27. Dean pointing to blueprint along the curved wall (perhaps under the telescope level)? 28. Hand-cuffed Lady Toni w/ancient MoL gear attached to modern tablet 29. Dead-looking bloody dude -- I agree it's a random hunter 30. 4 spires in Other World w/ rocks and three dead dude -- one non-human sitting, two prone 31. Jody's picture on a cell phone w/ her Sioux Falls location 32. Lucifer looking at someone 33. Sam and Dean, looking tired and sweaty, sitting on the ground next to a curved wall with a relatively shallow portion smashed out. Laterns and emergency power evident. Empty bottle of scotch. -- Looks like "smash our way out doesn't work". 34. BMoL conference room 35. Jodi's truck moving quickly 36. Cas looks out of old house window 37. Bloody Dean face -- he looks satisfied 38. Ketch goes flying in MoL Bunker, across the table, the lights are on like normal. 39. Ketch w/ snub gun, bleeding 40. Ketch appears injured in upper arm/shoulder, in continuation of fight. 41. Electronic evesdropping display 42. Jody at BMoL compound 43. Spell bowl lights up 44. Ketch's phone says "Lester's down. Who's next." 45. Mary's face showing shock in Other World 46. Kelly in bed. 47. Cas touching Dean w/ two fingers & glowing thing is happening in old house 48. Sam looks stunned (in old house) 49. Cas says "you" to Mystery Man in Other World
Comments based on all sources (this promo, regular promo, pictures, and BTS):
Scene locations: - MoL Bunker w/out power, motel, MoL Bunker WITH power, BMoL compound - Old house, Other World Action sequences: - Looks like it's Dean vs Ketch & I think Dean wins - Sam seems to be at the BMoL compound - Dean seems to be recovering Mary - The boys & Lady Toni use a spell to get out of the Bunker - They boys are in a motel room plotting - The boys & Mary are recovered and in the Bunker talking about Lucifer - Cas & Kelly have some quiet moments at the Lake House - Sam, Dean and I think Lucifer show up at the Lake House -- I'm struggling with the two different cribs (one in a 60's living room, one in nephilim baby's bedroom... neither are Sams') - Otherworld has two sequences -- one w/ Luci, Cas, Sam, Dean & Mary and the other w/ Cas and Mystery Man
Theories: - We aren't in Kansas anymore in Otherworld. Doesn't look Oz but it looks different (future, different realm, don't know) - There may be temporal thing going on -- and/or a time shift
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squidmouth · 7 years
the land of daol
Raina: The night before my and JP’s landing was bizarre as it was happy, because of my friend Tracy’s 13th birthday party. After the party, on that mercurial May 25th, the air smelled of a redolent rain, and I tumbled and danced down Tracy’s lawn, waiting for a Lyft. An ebony Kia zoomed past, splashed some rainwater upon my legs, and the driver rolled down the window. The dude in the driver’s seat, a young, pale, and lanky graduate, said,
“Hey, you’re Raina, right? This must be 116 Siberia Avenue, if I followed the directions.” I tossed myself into the car, with its new car smell and some fuzzy pillows in the back seat. This environment welcomed me, and after I tossed him my debit card, he introduced himself.
“Yeah, my Lyft profile might call me Jerome, but you can call me JP. It makes me feel a little more professional. DO you like grunge, Raina? I mean, I can change it if you want.” I didn’t care much about Green Day, so I nodded in pure indifference. In a box facing me, Doritos, cookies, soda, chips, and fruit relaxed, but I already binged upon Halal hot dogs at the party. JP didn’t mind that I turned down his snacks, and I reclined in the padded backseat, texting mom,
“Hey maman, will b 🏡 soon. JP my lyft just drove onto Oceanview” JP blasted soundgarden, and from the right side of the car, an olive Corolla swerved and rammed into JP’s Kia, sending it rolling and flying into the ocean. When we were about to die of drowning, the car spun in a strange glowing tornado, and everything went black.
I don’t remember much of the dream I had, but snippets of the party aligned themselves within my dream.
JP: That morning, I woke up in a strange white bodysuit, and I felt a pain like every part of my body was getting a tattoo. Raina, the little girl who I had to take home last night, was knocked out cold. The walls were coated with marble tiles with hologram displays and glowing cracks. Eventually, our nurse, a blue-skinned elf chick entered the room, and my gut told me that I must have been dreaming. The woman said,
“Hello, human man. May I ask you to fill out this form, and ask your little girl friend there to do the same?” Her voice had the snarky and burned out sound, and I sighed and did it anyway, whispering, “Jerome Phillips Hinton, birthday: 10/09/1993, date of entry 5/26/2017, species: human… blahh blahhh blahhhh…” When I returned the magic clipboard, the nurse told me, “Jerome, the date is Nekogo 27, 2017. You’ve been knocked out for two days.
Raina woke up after a few minutes, and the nurse turned to her, and groaned, “Little girl, fill out the form. I don’t have all day.” Raina grasped the clipboard, and filled in her information. The tattoo pain I had from when I woke up was still there, and I couldn’t move much. The tired elf lady pressed the clipboard against the holograms, and they flashed our names and diagnoses: “Jerome Phillips Hinton, birthday 10/09/1993, date of admission: 5/26/2017, diagnosis: full body injury” “Raina Summer Cook, birthday: 8/20/2003, date of admission: 5/26/2017, diagnosis: full body injury’, The sound of hooves filled the air, two green-glowing sliding doors opened up, and a gnome riding a unicorn stepped in. The unicorn welcomed us with,
“Good morning, Mr. Hinton, and Miss Cook. I am Doctor Basil Sunwish. If it wasn’t for our healing team and Faer here, you two would have died horribly. Of course, the healing process wore us out, but we placed our best efforts into helping you survive the automobile crash.” Faer, the gnome, leaped down, and dusted themself off.
“Hey guys! I’m Faer! Welcome to Daol! I had a huge homework assignment to open a portal, but I accidentally opened a portal to your world, and my magic grade is terrible as it is.” Faer whined. They scratched their head, took a deep breath, and muttered, “Do you mind living with me for a few while I work on another portal to take you back home? It’s just that my older twin brother and sister are at magic school and their room is empty.”
Me and Raina had to agree, because we had no other choice.
Raina: Dust scattered across the bedroom in Faer’s family tree, where we would have to stay for an undetermined period of time. Faer giggled, “It isn’t much, you two, but you can make yourself at home.” It was an awkward situation, sharing a bunk bed with a practical stranger that was older than you, but JP didn’t mind much. Faer later reminded us,
“Guys! You’ve gotta come with me to the last day of school tomorrow! You’re my science project, and I have to present you guys as my final!” JP nodded, and I was a little anxious about returning to school after I graduated the 7th grade 5 days beforehand, even as a guest, but was school different in the world of Daol?
JP was 6’2”, and I was only 5 feet tall, so he deserved the top bunk, according to his logic. I pounced on the bed, and noticed a small bump under it. I felt underneath the bed, and it turns out, the lump was a large box.
Inside the box, lay our old clothes, the things and knick-knacks we’ve carried along with us to Daol, and a small note. The note read,
“Fixed Up By Yee-Haw Tinkers! P.S. The automobile could not be repaired, so we had to toss it aside. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.” JP became furious and gained pure fear from that little note. He roared,
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN’T FIX MY CAR? THAT CAR WAS MY JOB! MY LINE OF WORK! AND IT WAS DESTROYED RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES? FUCK YOU!” JP crumbled up the note, and catapulted it out an open door that led to a balcony, wishing the wind could send all its stupid and offensive glory to oblivion.
JP leaped onto the bed, and screamed so hard into a pillow, I had to cover my ears because he was annoyingly loud.
JP: That night, I dreamed of fairies in a city in Daol surrounding me. I remember passing by a forest of tree-buildings, and fairies flitting across the place, but this dream was quite creepy.
I travelled across the forest, and different types of creatures surrounded me. The wind blew the scent of pine into my face, and daylight lit up everything. The weirdest part was that I was still in my hospital jumpsuit, and two elves in all brown camo followed me eerily. Eventually, I stopped to play on my phone, and three more elves stopped to nab me, I paused and realized what they were going to do to me.
“GASP!” I slapped the light on, and Raina opened her golden brown eyes, and whispered, “JP, what’s wrong? I was dead asleep!” I giggled a bit, because her bleach blond hair was everywhere, and she looked like Medusa.
A clock nearby glew “0431”. It wasn’t exactly midnight, but it was early enough to be too early. I still felt anxious and I thought about how the unicorns could have been too pooped to cure my explosive anxiety. The window showed a moonless sky, and I was suffering emotionally as I climbed up the bunk bed, I remembered to turn on the light, because if I didn’t, I would feel extremely guilty.
My bed leaked a bit, and it smelled like a human armpit. The armpit-smelling sweat cavern of blankets had to do for the night. I tucked myself inside, and thought long and hard about this world’s futuristic aspects due to magic, and how I survived a car crash. I tried to comfort myself using the method of “Hey, don’t worry, JP. There’s someone else in here too, bud.”, because I had an extreme existential crisis.
This world of Daol, so far, was devoid of modern sadness, due to the discovery of magic, and all my fantasy books on Earth took place on a medieval paradise. Daol had its flaws of its own, as monsters popped up on every corner, and the concept of stuff breaking down after many years was still there. Despite the fairies in magic flying cars, the world had some primitive and Earthly issues. Gangs, tired unicorn doctors, and bullies still existed here.
After a few minutes of thinking about Daol and Earth, I fell asleep.
Raina: Other than JP’s daunting nightmares that shot him and the whole house awake, I had quite the nourishing rest. Mornings on Daol were beautiful, as the heavens were a glittery hue of pastel indigo, the air smelled of pine and maple, and clouds of white with sprinkles of gold rested in the sky.
JP was out of bed, and that left me some privacy to get dressed. I whipped on the clothes from the party: a sepia leather shrug, a goldenrod glitter tank, a skinny eggshell belt, my favorite vermillion denim knee-length skort, and orange strappy sandals. It had to do.
I peeped into the kitchen, where JP, clad in his “I hate pterodactyls” t-shirt, olive cargo shorts, and mahogany birkenstocks, feasted upon toast with peanut butter and jelly, or at least the Daolish version of it. I leaped over to the cabinets, impregnated with fragrant fairy foods, and searched for something relatively delicious.
Picking up a bag loaded with pink berries and grain clumps, I tried to search for some creamy moisture in a gelatinous blue cube with floating sustenance inside. The navy gel coated my arm with a cold blast, and I grasped a bottle of milk labelled (Suitable for Gnomes, HUmans, and Elves) I fished the human milk out of its icy indigo gel cube, and nommed the delicious berry granola.
The granola was wondrous, but the milk was the sweetness not supposed to be in sushi rice. That being said, it was an odd taste unacceptable to my taste buds when mixed with berry granola. Faer scooted into the pink kitchen from the balcony, and said,
“Hey, guys! Aren’t ya pumped? My friends Morpho and Abyssine are going to be when they see two HUMANS FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION! Come on, guys!”
I bounced out of my seat, throwing the yummy granola to the floor and awakening a temporary robot mouse army. The three of us toddled to what seemed to be a bus stop; Faer typed in a code, we landed inside a subway tram, and zoomed to Faer’s school, an array of trees of varying sizes, guarded by a magical fence.
JP: Me and Raina weren’t recognized by a magical gatekeeper, so we needed to sign into the database and wear crazy hats that said, “Hi! I’m a visitor!” We had nothing to do, other than hang out in a tree and wait like puppies in an obscure robot office.
Hours passed, and Faer swung over to the office, giggling,
“Jay! Ray! Come on, it’s lunch, and my friends are anxious to meet you!” We walked down to an overly wide tree, and a fairy and a girl with scales and tentacle hair sat down at a picnic table. Faer invited us to sit down, and told the duo,
“Morph! Abby! I want you to meet JP and Raina! They’re my science project, and they fell through a portal I made to a world where there’s no magic but electricity, and humans rule!” Morpho, the fairy, giggled and squealed, and Abyssine, the “Sea-Dweller”, let her tentacles fly with excitement and her smile. We talked a bit about our world and theirs.
The lunch whistle tweeted, and the three amigos (Faer, Raina, and I) headed off to a tree with autumnal leaves. Faer’s classroom, on the 3rd floor, was scarily round, and a diverse cast of students packed the room. The teacher, a blonde bat fairy, welcomed us with a smile. After three people presented their science projects, the teacher, Nix Wingsley, asked,
“Faer, can you present your project, please?” Faer walked up towards a button panel, placed a camera thing on a projector, and the class watched my car whoosh through a portal, and everyone in the room clapped. Two elves with t-shirts that said, “HP” came up and said,
“Miss teacher, the principal gave us permission to leave school early for uh… dentist’s practice, and we need to take that gnome’s human visitors to drive us there.” Miss Wingsley looked at them with the aura of, “Hey wait, you don’t go here! Get out!” and the elves tackled us. The evil elves from my dream were real!
Raina: “OH SHIT!” JP roared as the elves nabbed him and me. My environment grew darker as they cast a soporific spell upon us. I do not remember what happened when or how I was transported like an animal, but soon, I awoke from a magic stupor along with JP.
A group of humans, more than half of them naked, but all of them frightened, chubby, broken, and golden-toothed, approached us. JP piped up,
“Where are we? And why are there buckets of candy and a scrap blanket on the ground?” A somber human donned only in a white tank top sighed,
“Oh, it’s nice to meet a new set of humans. Welcome to the Homophobe cage, you two! How about some candy… it’s all they ever give us. That blanket was our clothes we outgrew from forced eating.”
JP couldn’t stifle a smile or devour the sweets because of the human’s welcome speech. We couldn’t bear to witness suffering persons of my own species, forced to eat twice their weight in candy, sitting about doing nothing. They almost influenced me to conform to the homophobic will and suffer as they would.
Hours passed and nearly nothing new occurred, except humans introducing themselves to me. At last, there came an event in which our cage was conveyed into a room composed of metal walls and an eldritch abomination that lay at the bottom in wait. The beast had mountains of mouths, brain-like patches with clumps of eyes, and a taste for human flesh. The Homophobes worshipped her and called her “Chag-Pn’gamaii, the wailing maiden.”
A claw descended upon our cage, tossing the roof aside, and pulling a brobdingnagian nudist by the hair, towards the mouths of Chag-Pn’gamaii, who devoured them like a wolf eating a bunny. Our fellow humans squeaked in fear, agony, and loathing, acknowledging their fate.
JP: That night I couldn’t sleep, I just shook the cage bars, trying to pull them apart, but it was no use. The bars were steel, and my hands turned to putty dealing with them. I couldn’t stand it, and I spent the whole night crying, knowing I would die at the hands of a monster. I’d lie in an unmarked grave… and my soul would die in the belly of She Whose Name Cannot Be Pronounced.
Raina kept waking up, as she failed to sleep soundly because of constant nightmares. Everytime, she cried,
“JP, I had a dream about (elves/Chag-Pn’gamaii)” Every time, the dreams were different. Once, she was nude, and the monster’s tentacles kept slapping her as she hung from a rope. Once, she was beat up by a gang of elves. Once she was in the bathroom, shivering as a set of teeth came out of the mirror.
Every single time, I rocked her, and whispered,
“Raina… please… sleep for the two of us. You’re lucky that anxiety doesn’t hurt you. Also, Raina… don’t worry, we’re going to get out of here.”
The fourth and final dream made me faint, but I was off my anxiety herbals for a while, but I felt a bit of it in my system, so I may have been good.
I didn’t dream much when I was unconscious. When I came to, the humans crowded around me, cheering because I woke up. Raina and a boy whose clothes pushed upon his skin hugged me, but Raina’s tanned arms wrapped me tighter.
Raina picked me up, and pat me on the mane and back. My new humans friends tossed me the blanket, though it smelled like the tears and sweat of a thousand sad runners. A man sewed a shirt onto the blanket, and told me about the tradition of the blanket.
“Once, a human was tossed into the homophobes’ cage, knitting a scarf which was the foundation of the blanket. That human, noticing the piles of clothes left by previous humans, had an idea. Thus, using their knowledge of sewing, the blanket was born.”
Raina: JP cuddled up by the warmth of friends, and all I could think of was the death of that enormous human, pallid and bare, and that claw The claw dropping into the cage, like a crane machine, and all I could think about was… what if that happened to me? Henceforth,
“OH MY GOD! JP! I’ve got a crazy idea, but I think it’ll work!” JP bumped his head up, and inquired,
“Raina? Wassit?” I chirped, “I know exactly how we could escape this pity cage,” bouncing on his legs. JP held his cool, even stopping to hyperventilate often. Another human popped up; a woman, paused and whimpered,
“JP, may I come closer? My only friend may die today, and at the moment, she’s the biggest one of us in the cage. Please.” My thoughts lit up, and it seemed as if JP and I could be liberated sooner than when I thought before. I whispered to JP,
“I’ve an idea, but it’s a tad savage. I thought for a moment, and I concluded that we could take the largest human’s place on the CLAW, and CLIMB IT. It could be a beacon of hope for these people, and we could overcome the homophobes.”
We later discussed climbing abilities, and it turned out that preceding his Lyft job, JP was in the mountain climbing club in High School. A fall forced him to break both legs and acquire major anxiety. I was forced into gymnastics class and a middle school gym class.
I lectured JP on our idea, pointing out that because the claw for obvious aesthetic purposes, the surface was relatively rough and crunchy, giving us an easy surface to climb. The claw also sank from the ceiling, and that we could cling upon the robe and wait until it launched up.
JP seconded the motion, and it carried on, as the humans leaped into a chorus of “Raina! JP!” chanting as the claw cascaded down, and JP and I mounted its spikes. JP’s normally olive-pale complexion grew pallid, and the wind pushed my canary curls back. A surge of hope radiated within my heart, and all we could think of was home.
JP: Oddly enough, the claw shook. The monster sniffed out fear and crawled closer to us. I wasn’t going to stand for this, so I climbed higher than I’ve climbed in my entire life. I tugged Raina’s tanned arm, and screamed,
“Raina! Hurry up! Chad-whatever is going to kill us!” Raina jumped up on the chain, and climbed halfway up to my place on the chain, and clung to it. When the claw began to fly, a familiar sound, now bursted monotonically and louder than I remember,
“Weight displaced off chain. Continue to lift.” A sliding metal door flew open, and it turned out the room where the reward for sweet escape was… a janitor’s closet?
I wish to admit this now, but that was the longest leap of faith I had made since I was born. The room was coated with floating glowing beads similar to christmas lights, and the smell of dust filled my nose. The walls had ancient (at the time) computers, and a nearby door was left ajar, letting some light in. I felt a bit nervous hiding from the crack, because only someone knows what lurked behind that door.
Raina peeped behind the door, apparently searching for guards. I hid in the corner, hoping for a sign. Raina stepped out into the world, but then, she screamed,
“JP! JP! Help! A group of ferocious beasts has me by the hair! JP! Help me!” Dammit, Raina’s in trouble! If you go out there, you’ll die! I thought as the sound of a bar fight between Satan, Cthulhu, and a billion children burst through the halls. And just like that, Raina was gone.
All I would have done to save her… gone in an instant. Raina was left for dead. This could have been illegal on this world! I booted up my cell, realizing what I could do now, and did something booted by sympathy for a new friend.
Raina: After the humanoid abominations tore at my teenage flesh, broke my right arm and my left arm’s fingers, and bruised my face, they tossed me in the cage again.
Those humanoid freaks were just beyond imagination and cheesy horror picture shows. Their eyes, insectoid in nature, with a last flicker of humanity trapped within them, coated their bodies. They reeked of old mustard, cat piss, and burning plastic. Their teeth were knives, and their horns were obsidian spikes poking out of their greyed flesh. All across their 9 foot bodies, were tentacles with mouths at the end.
The cage humans peeped up at the guard-abominations and sobbed a little. I inquired,
“My buddies, what’s wrong? What have they done wrong to you?” A woman piped up,
“I gave birth, and my baby was stolen by the homophobes. When my precious darling came back, they ruined him so much, and he joined the monster guards!” The woman held me tighter than bark on a tree, and the world spun around me. I awaited my doom, yet I felt safe in the cage, waiting to be consumed by Chag-Pn’gamaii for her sustenance.
The howling music of a distant wind burst through the door as a band of oddly-dressed scifi warriors coated with diversity shot the beasts with magical chrome laser guns, stormed the cage, and snipped it open with magic lockpicks.
There, in the midst of the officers, was JP, screaming for me,
“Raina! Raina! Get out! Come on!” I dashed out of the now-destroyed cage, fearing for my existence. An officer disarmed, and chortled to me,
“Kiddo, thank you for helping us find the homophobe base. Without you, thousands upon thousands of people would have died.” JP pointed over in my direction, and asked for a lift over to a very special friend’s tree.
JP: “At last, we’ve arrived” Raina giggled to the cop driving us to the tree. We popped out of the car, and there at the door, smiled a little ray of genderless sunshine.
“Hey guys! Where were you? I’ve wanted to take you home since the day after I met you!” Faer, who was glowing brighter today with happiness, welcomed us into their tree, allowing us to chill out on the couches for a while while Faer brought some snacks. Raina and I hung out on the cloud-shaped couch, and Faer asked us,
“Raina! JP! I remembered those guys taking you away! What happened after they took you away?” I was too anxious to explain, so Raina took the reins and told the Homophobe story.
After the wild and weird tales of the Homophobes, Faer led us out to the backyard, and I was curious as to where my car was, but Faer announced,
“Don’t worry, JP! I’ve sent it back to your home dimension!” They drew a magic circle on the dirt, told us to stand on top of it, used their “science wand”, and returned us home.
At least we returned to the beach near our home. The car was ripped to tatters, and I knew, with this situation, Geico would practically tear off my ass, roast it on an open fire, and feed it to a pack of wolves because of this. After what happened with my mental health, the giant Horrorterror, and her multiple evil seeds, I would have to up my herb dose.
Raina didn’t seem to care, except for the tears that rained from her eyes. She seemed to have a broken look in her eyes, and and she could think of was what happened over the last week. I could sympathise with her, as we were both extremely impacted by the event,
Anxiety flared up again because I needed to get Raina home, and my car died because of something Geico would not cover, not ever. Then, I remembered that whenever you’re at your weakest, your enemies could be there to help you. I called an Uber.
Raina: Kimmy, the Uber driver, was quite open-hearted, and when she transported JP to his home, he requested,
“Miss, can you make a special stop at 758 Sarah Drive?” and Kimmy took a mild detour towards my location. In my house at Sarah Drive, my parents waited sobbing. Alas, I returned to their supervision, gaining the unusual,
“Raina! Where were you? You got in a car crash, and we had cops looking everywhere for you, and they couldn’t find you! We thought you died!” Mom’s makeup streamed down her face, and dad’s nose was almost always censored by Kleenex. Mom and Dad called all their friends, and a great gross times a thousand cars arrived at the scene.
Every newscaster in the city, and JP, pushed so close to me. Paparazzi stormed my house. Forensic scientists had me stamp my fingers on a piece of paper. My visage was spray-painted across the internet, and pastors displayed my story as an example about how God is good and could save you at the last moment.
When I sobbed to them about the land of Daol, few believed me and a chorus of skeptics complained,
“Raina! Tell us the REAL story (a bastardized myth manufactured by a skeptic about me and JP surviving off raw fish in a floating car), not this Terry Pratchett bullcrap!” I exposed pictures of Chag-Pn’gamaii and the tree-apartments. The skeptics booed me, and I knew my 15 minutes of fame sank to the bottom of the abyss.
My summer was destroyed, and people whined that my experiences were fantastic, and that I was a stupid kid with a wicked sweet imagination. I could hardly breathe, and they cracked and broke me. The skeptics spread the bastardized tale across the web, and they told everyone that Daol was a dream, though JP backed me up on it.
JP: After Raina dragged along to gather fame for the two of us, I fought with Geico to get my car and job back, and I couldn’t deal to listen to the bullcrap they flung at me, even though I was famous for one second, which I didn’t even get paid for.
My roommate Tommy luckily got a job, so that was a little lift for the two of us. Tommy also started shaving, using female pronouns, and using the name Lulu Aradia, so at least she was happy.
I would never see Raina for many years, but if she was happy, I hoped she lived a beautiful life. We saved each other’s lives in Daol, but from that day, Raina and I were the fountain of knowledge for somewhere only we know.
Years later, I’m 35 years old, I have a pregnant wife, a successful job at AmTrak, and 2 cats (Beowbie and Princess), That day, my wife, Adora, and I rush off to a parenting down in Port St. Lucie, and the place is packed. I sit down next to a woman with warm golden brown eyes, dark skin, and sunshine canary hair. She is assisted by two people who I assume are her friends, but they turn out to be her husband and wife. The teacher announces an icebreaker, where you say your name, and you say something about you that rhymes or begins with the first letter of your name.
When it’s my turn, I say, “My name’s Jerome, and I like Jazz.” The dark blonde woman next to me gives me a look of surprise, intrigue, and betrayal, all in one piece. Her husband then goes next, and then nudges her to speak up. The woman pipes up,
“My name is Raina, and I had a grandma who lived in Spain-a.” My eyes water, and I mutter, “RAINA COOK?” She sobs, “JP? My name’s Raina Armitage now… I’m married to a lovely man and woman. All those years ago, when you were a Lyft driver, and I saved our lives, I’m a manager at Disneyworld!” I told her that I work at AmTrak as an engineer. When I notice her Spiderman shirt, I know she was right about working at Disney. We nearly skip class to have a very tearsome reunion.
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You Are Not Equal. I’m Sorry.
A couple of days ago while scrolling down my news feed on Facebook a post showed up time and time again, stating (as mentioned below) “I am not a disgrace to women because...” and it goes on. When reading it, I got incredibly irritated and mostly angry because I know that as privileged as I am to be a middle class, white woman in America, not all women are. I know that while I have the freedoms and the abilities to do whatever I choose with my life, I STILL am not considered as equal and deserving as men.  There are STILL men up there in their ivory towers trying to decide whether or not it is my right to have an abortion or access to affordable birth control and/or other contraceptions. I know that there are men still making more money than I ever will despite having the exact same job title as me. I still have to carry pepper spray and tasers with me wherever I go. I still have to think about being in a group when taking Uber’s and Lyfts home from nights out with my friends because “I am a woman and you just can’t trust some people.” I still remember not being allowed to have my boyfriend in my room because my stepdad felt the need to “protect my integrity” and quite frankly it just looks bad if I’m too close with or left alone too long with him. What if the people at church start asking questions? Oh, but my brothers, my brothers could do whatever they damn well pleased.  I know that I still, am not equal. I am not equal, but God, am I a lucky woman to be able to say that my biggest problem in life is the minor possibility that one man could single me out of the crowd and try like hell to take advantage of me. I say “minor” because I live in an affluent, safely guarded area and I rarely, if ever, am alone. I am so lucky. so lucky to not live in a third world country where women are raped daily with no repercussions. So lucky to not be sold in the sex market and passed from man to man. I am blessed to be offered a decent and even highly accredited education when there are still places out there where women aren’t granted the same rights. I am lucky to have a voice and to be able to vote, as many women in the world do not. I am lucky that I have the freedom to “waste” an entire day walking around in my beautiful city with thousands of other lucky women expressing the fact that I do indeed have a voice despite countless others who don’t and for as long as I live I will celebrate my freedoms and my rights and I will do my best to be an active voice and supporter of those who do not.  I originally had a lot more to say and it wasn’t nearly as “eloquent” as I wanted it to be, so I refrained. Then I ran across this response by a lovely lady named Dina Leygerman and felt the need to share it. Sorry for the long post, but I’m kid of tired of everyone around me yelling about how “pointless” the marches around the world were this past weekend.  -Sierrah _______________________________________________________________________
A post is making rounds on social media, in response to the Women’s March on Saturday, January 21, 2017. It starts with “I am not a “disgrace to women” because I don’t support the women’s march. I do not feel I am a “second class citizen” because I am a woman….”
This is my response to that post.
Say Thank You
Say thank you. Say thank you to the women who gave you a voice. Say thank you to the women who were arrested and imprisoned and beaten and gassed for you to have a voice. Say thank you to the women who refused to back down, to the women who fought tirelessly to give you a voice. Say thank you to the women who put their lives on hold, who –lucky for you — did not have “better things to do” than to march and protest and rally for your voice. So you don’t feel like a “second class citizen.” So you get to feel “equal.”
Thank Susan B. Anthony and Alice Paul for your right to vote.
Thank Elizabeth Stanton for your right to work.
Thank Maud Wood Park for your prenatal care and your identity outside of your husband.
Thank Rose Schneiderman for your humane working conditions.
Thank Eleanor Roosevelt and Molly Dewson for your ability to work in politics and affect policy.
Thank Margaret Sanger for your legal birth control.
Thank Carol Downer for your reproductive healthcare rights.
Thank Sarah Muller for your equal education.
Thank Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Shannon Turner, Gloria Steinem, Zelda Kingoff Nordlinger, Rosa Parks, Angela Davis, Malika Saada Saar, Wagatwe Wanjuki, Ida B. Wells, Malala Yousafzai. Thank your mother, your grandmother, your great-grandmother who did not have half of the rights you have now.
You can make your own choices, speak and be heard, vote, work, control your body, defend yourself, defend your family, because of the women who marched. You did nothing to earn those rights. You were born into those rights. You did nothing, but you reap the benefits of women, strong women, women who fought misogyny and pushed through patriarchy and fought for you. And you sit on your pedestal, a pedestal you are fortunate enough to have, and type. A keyboard warrior. A fighter for complacency. An acceptor of what you were given. A denier of facts. Wrapped up in your delusion of equality.
You are not equal. Even if you feel like you are. You still make less than a man for doing the same work. You make less as a CEO, as an athlete, as an actress, as a doctor. You make less in government, in the tech industry, in healthcare.
You still don’t have full rights over your own body. Men are still debating over your uterus. Over your prenatal care. Over your choices.
You still have to pay taxes for your basic sanitary needs.
You still have to carry mace when walking alone at night. You still have to prove to the court why you were drunk on the night you were raped. You still have to justify your behavior when a man forces himself on you.
You still don’t have paid (or even unpaid) maternity leave. You still have to go back to work while your body is broken. While you silently suffer from postpartum depression.
You still have to fight to breastfeed in public. You still have to prove to other women it’s your right to do so. You still offend others with your breasts.
You are still objectified. You are still catcalled. You are still sexualized. You are still told you’re too skinny or you’re too fat. You’re still told you’re too old or too young. You’re applauded when you “age gracefully.” You’re still told men age “better.” You’re still told to dress like a lady. You are still judged on your outfit instead of what’s in your head. What brand bag you have still matters more than your college degree.
You are still being abused by your husband, by your boyfriend. You’re still being murdered by your partners. Being beaten by your soulmate.
You are still worse off if you are a woman of color, a gay woman, a transgender woman. You are still harassed, belittled, dehumanized.
Your daughters are still told they are beautiful before they are told they are smart. Your daughters are still told to behave even though “boys will be boys.” Your daughters are still told boys pull hair or pinch them because they like them.
You are not equal. Your daughters are not equal. You are still systemically oppressed.
Estonia allows parents to take up to three years of leave, fully paid for the first 435 days. United States has no policy requiring maternity leave.
Singapore’s women feel safe walking alone at night. American women do not.
New Zealand’s women have the smallest gender gap in wages, at 5.6%. United States’ pay gap is 20%.
Iceland has the highest number of women CEOs, at 44%. United States is at 4.0%.
The United States ranks at 45 for women’s equality. Behind Rwanda, Cuba, Philippines, Jamaica.
But I get it. You don’t want to admit it. You don’t want to be a victim. You think feminism is a dirty word. You think it’s not classy to fight for equality. You hate the word pussy. Unless of course you use it to call a man who isn’t up to your standard of manhood. You know the type of man that “allows” “his” woman to do whatever she damn well pleases. I get it. You believe feminists are emotional, irrational, unreasonable. Why aren’t women just satisfied with their lives, right? You get what you get and you don’t get upset, right?
I get it. You want to feel empowered. You don’t want to believe you’re oppressed. Because that would mean you are indeed a “second-class citizen.” You don’t want to feel like one. I get it. But don’t worry. I will walk for you. I will walk for your daughter. And your daughter’s daughter. And maybe you will still believe the world did not change. You will believe you’ve always had the rights you have today. And that’s okay. Because women who actually care and support other women don’t care what you think about them. They care about their future and the future of the women who come after them.
Open your eyes. Open them wide. Because I’m here to tell you, along with millions of other women that you are not equal. Our equality is an illusion. A feel-good sleight of hand. A trick of the mind. I’m sorry to tell you, but you are not equal. And neither are your daughters.
But don’t worry. We will walk for you. We will fight for you. We will stand up for you. And one day you will actually be equal, instead of just feeling like you are.
~ Dina Leygerman, 2017 https://medium.com/@dinachka82/about-your-poem-1f26a7585a6f#.lm03g3f7k
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yas-surveys · 5 years
162. // THEN, THEN, NOW
Then: December 18, 2014 Then: December 18, 2015 Now: January 13, 2020 (Damn it would be cool if i answered this last december anyways)
1. Where was the last place you went to hang out? Do you hang out there often? If not, where do you usually go? THEN: i can’t actually remember HAHA. maybe 7-eleven or something, yeah. THEN: at the mall i guess, well not really often, but for the christmas time i guess, since i go shopping with enzo NOW:i have literally no idea, the last time i was out was to go to school, and i dont think that counts as a hangout, DAMN IM BORING
2. When did you last speak to your best friend of the opposite sex? What did you talk about? THEN: - Friday, his love life. HAHAHA. THEN: - yesterday; all kinds of stuff, lol, HAHAHA, but we last discusses about the gift his friends gave him and he was too lazy to read the instructions so i read it for him lol NOW: yesterday! we were talking about going to the beach
3. Would you rather be called ‘beautiful’ or ‘sexy’? Why? THEN: - beautiful bc when you say beautiful, it’s kinda all in all, your personality and stuff THEN: ^^ NOW: WHY PICK ONE, WHY NOT BOTH? 
4. Do you think someone is attracted to you? THEN: probably??? THEN: i honestly have no idea NOW: yeah
5. When was the last time you used public transport? THEN: last Friday THEN: yesterday NOW: the last time i went out? january 8
6. Are there any flirty messages in your inbox? THEN: - noooope THEN: nope NOW:
7. What age do you think is the right age to lose your virginity? Do you think people are losing it too soon these days? If so, why do you think people feel the need to lose it at a very young age? THEN: - idrk, maybe when you know your emotionally ready and you have a job bc you need to support your child yourself. yeah, bc sometimes teenagers don’t think about what’s going to happen to them if they got pregnant, what they have in mind is the happiness while doing it or something, idk, maybe bc being not a virgin is a huge part of your life and stuff and they like to brag to others and stuff THEN: ^^ NOW: hOLY SHIT IM ACTUALLY CRYING AT MY ANSWERS HAHAAHAHAAHA ANYWAYS, LOSING YOUR VIRGINITY DOESNT MEAN GETTING PREGNANT MARGARET, THERE’S CONTRACEPTIVES. OH MY GOD. But sorry for my past self, I won’t say that there’s a right age to lose your virginity? Some who lost them in such an early young age are probably thriving right now? It doesn’t matter? As long as it consensual and you’re in the right mindset of what you’re doing then I don’t see why it’s supposed to matter? Like they say virginity is a social construct, which you just fucking call when you first had sex. I do think people are losing it too soon but I don’t think that’s such a bad thing? It’s a fucking normal thing that humans long. What we should talk about the issue of unwanted pregnancies and sex education. But not the point that wherein really young people are doing it? I really can’t say, I don’t have much statistics. But I do feel like that CERTAIN people need to lose it since being a virgin is now such a big word. Which is what we need to demolish. If we just unhinge that word from it’s meaning then I don’t think everyone would make such a big fuss about it? You’re just another person to have sex for the first time? Congratulations, now everybody, move along?
8. Do you make an effort to be nice to people you dislike? Would you hang around with someone you disliked, if your other friends liked them? THEN: - yeah. well, me and my friends, dislike the same people so we’re fine THEN: ^^ NOW: yea, i actually do since i believe that even though you hate somebody else, it’s no excuse to be not nice to them? so i don’t get this plastic thing tbh
9. What’s the closest thing to you that’s green? THEN: - the couch i’m sitting on right now THEN: like a placemat i’m sitting on lol NOW: pillow
10. How exactly are you feeling at this moment? Why do you feel this way? THEN: - It’s so fucking cold, idk maaaaan. i’’m just rly feeling cold. HAHAHAHAHA. there’s this typhoon in our country and it’s just so cold THEN: OH GOD, i feel really sick and hot rn and i’ve been coughing all day :—( NOW: tired, my heart’s kind of hurting from the ashfall probably?
11 So, tell me a bit about your best friend of the opposite sex. Are you strictly just friends, or is there something more between you? THEN: - ooh, enzo, just in the past question we’re talkiing about his love life bc he broke up with this girl but i think they’re coming together again since they always talk and stuff. so we’re strictly just friends, and i don’t really like to be with him since i think it’s going to destroy our 3 years friendship THEN: still enzo, i mean this girl i’m talking about, enzo ended finally this may of this year, after lots of on and offs, and he’s not been with anyone since and it’s been the same for us, just friends, we cOOL bFFS 4 lyf NOW: OH MY GOD. THE GIRL WAS ESTER FUCK ME HAHAAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHA HOLY SHIT, but it’s cool that enzo’s still my best friend
12. When was the last time you felt severe physical pain? What was the reason for your pain? THEN: - ooooh, i hit my knee on the edge of my bed. GOOD. it hurts a fuckin lot THEN: i can’t exactly remember, like severe sooOOoo idk rly NOW: idk tbh HAHAHAHAHAHA 
13 . In your opinion, what makes someone attractive? Be as general or as specific as you like. THEN: - appearance bc you know that’s the first thing people see and the personality THEN: well i guess now, it’s kind of both, i mean, sometimes, you look at what he’s doing and and his personality and just look at the appearance next and you can actually consider it sOooOOo NOW: ummm his mIND OH MY GOD. tbh now that i’m thinking of it very deeply, that’s where his intentions come from, what he thinks of you, what he wants to do for you, how much he loves, IT ALL COMES FROM THERE. SO DAMN. IF YOU’RE BOY A GENIUS. KEEP HIM. BUT LIKE EMOTIONAL AND INTELLECTUAL GENIUS.
14. When things in life start going wrong, are you the kind of person who tends to fall apart, or do you try to stay strong and hold it together? THEN: i’m kind of mixture of both. HAHAHA. THEN: ^^ still both lol, depends on the situation NOW: FALL APART LMAO.
15. Someone tells you that you’re beautiful/good-looking. Do you agree with them? THEN: - depends on who the person is THEN: ^^ NOW: i’d say thank you
16. If I came round to your house to have dinner, what would you make for me? THEN: - oh god i don’t cook soooo. THEN: ^^ NOW: but who are you? 
17. How did you meet the last person you added as a friend on Facebook? THEN: - i haven’t add anyone on fb so idk THEN: i haven’t added someone for a long long time, prolly a teacher in my school for school purposes too NOW: i have no idea who i last added on facebook. damn. so that’s still me after 5 years wow.
18. What is your relationship with your mother like? Is it a close relationship, or do you distance yourselves from each other? Why do you think your relationship is the way it is? THEN: - my relationship with my mom is great, i can talk to her about anything and stuff THEN: ^^ NOW: yea i guess, we are pretty close but not to the point where i tell her EVERYTHING, that’s just creepy
19. Can you remember the very first conversation you had with the last person you texted? THEN: - it was kirsten and i met her at 2nd grade bc it was the first day of 2nd grade and i was new andit was a big school, i didn’t know anyone so i cried and she went up to me and asked me why was i crying HAHA THEN: it was danice, and i honestly can’t remember tbh HAHAHAHAHA, we met in 4th grade NOW: it was my mom and ofc i can’t remember our first conversation
20. Do you keep up to date with the charts? Are there any songs that are kind of old now, that you still like to listen to? THEN: - nah, bc, i kinda listen to everything that makes my ears happy. HAHA. yeah. THEN: ^^ NOW: oh, hell no. i don’t even know what are the bops these days. i’m a grandma when it comes to music.
21. Who or what has been on your mind the most today? THEN: - christmas. christmas. christmas. THEN: yes yes yes ^^^ NOW: aw,,, i really do like christmas,,, hehehe, um nothing tbh
22. At what age do you think you’ll be ready to think about having children? THEN: - maybe like 24-26? THEN: as long as i’m financially stable then i’m good NOW: never. having kids.
23. Put your iPod or any music player on shuffle and give me the first two lines from the first 10 songs selected. THEN: - ‘Some nights I stay up cashing in my bad luck; Some nights I call it a draw’ - ‘Cecilia, you’re breaking my heart; You’re shaking my confidence daily’ - 'First thing’s first, I’m the realest; Drop this and let the whole world feel it’ - 'Give me more lovin’ than I’ve ever had; Make it all better when I’m feelin’ sad’ - 'Baby, when they look up at the sky; We’ll be shooting stars just passing by’ - 'It’s just another night; And I’m staring at the moon’ - 'It’s probably what’s best for you; I only want the best for you’ - 'Saturday morning jumped out of bed and put on my best suit; Got in my car and raced like a jet, all the way to you’ - 'When your legs don’t work like they used to before; And I can’t sweep you off of your feet’ - 'so let’s sing na, na na na na, hey ya; cmon and sing na, na na na na, hey ya’ THEN: - ‘I am not that kind of girl, who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion’ - ‘And i hate to say i love you, when it’s hard for me’ - ‘Your love is bright as ever, even in the shadows’ -  I was born in the arms of imaginary friends, Free to roam, made a home out of everywhere I’ve been’ - ‘ My heart is sinking, As I’m lifting up’ - ‘ Wise men say, only fools rush in’ - ‘ Come on skinny love just last the year, Pour a little salt we were never here’ - ‘ He said, “Let’s get out of this town, Drive out of the city’ - ‘ Hush, don’t speak, When you spit your venom, keep it shut I hate it’ - ‘ I can taste salt water , And if I blink again’ NOW: OH MY GOD IM LAUGHING AT THOSE ANSWERS OKAY HERE’S MINE -  She's got a family in Carolina, So far away, but she says I remind her of home - You’re white dress, sparks words spontaneous -  Ain't never felt this way, Can't get enough so stay with me - After the war, I went back to New York, A-After the war, I went back to New York -  Darling, darling, doesn't have a problem, Lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top shelf - I wanna pick you up and scoop you out - I've got a secret for the mad, In a little bit of time it won't hurt so bad - Mr. Vice President, Mr. Madison, Senator Burr - You keep saying that you’re alright, but I can see you through your fake smile you’re not - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, There are 10 things you need to know
24. The last time you went for a night out, who did you go with? THEN: - i don’t rly go on night outs but maybe the last one will be last october 28 wt my friends THEN: i still don’t go on night outs, well i mean, the latest i came home this month was 10:30 and i was out christmas shopping with enzo so NOW: my college blockmates i think?
25. Do you know anyone who doesn’t use Facebook, or dislikes it? Do you like or dislike it? THEN: - yeah, one of my best friends, laya, she hates it HAHA but we need to use it for school stuff. and laya actually keeps an eye on things, she wants not to be noticed on fb and stuff HAHA. i don’t really dislike it but i don’t love it either THEN: well laya has not been ranting about fb and she’s been using it a lot for chat purposes so, as of now, i don’t know anyone NOW: i don’t think so, neither
26. Have you ever mistaken a complete stranger for someone you knew? THEN: - yeah, but i think, i haven’t came to them (*i came to them, 2020) and said hi HAHA THEN: yeah NOW: yea
27. What did you have for breakfast this morning? THEN: - just bread and peanut & butter, and i’m rly hungry rn THEN: well i got out of bed like 3:36 or something, and there was no food so i ate this good large bread HAHAHAHAH and just some nerds and chocolate and that’s all the food i’ve eaten today and it’s 8:40 already and i haven’t had a proper meal yet, i’m really hungry NOW: tocino
28. Have you ever made a promise to someone that you didn’t keep? THEN: -  yeah, i think we all have THEN: yeah NOW: yeah
29. Are you ever afraid to show how you feel? THEN: - yeah, i’m always afraid THEN: ^^ yep, i am still NOW: depends on who i am with
30. Have you ever been blamed or got into trouble for something that wasn’t your fault? THEN: - yeah THEN: yeah NOW: yeah
31. Have you ever wondered what death might be like, and what might happen afterwards? It’s depressing to think about I know, but do you have an opinion about it? THEN: - yeah, oh my gods, it’s just so confusing; what would the people feel if i died and stuff, and what would happen to me, would i still see my friends and stuff THEN: i’ve been reading a lot of books associated with death, i guess, and it’s making me think more, and i guess, it’s just sleeping forever and it’s quite creepy NOW: yea of course, i don’t really have an opinion about it? but i do wonder what happens next? do you really lose unconsciousness and just drift away? 
32. Tell me something you like about your life, and something you dislike about it. THEN: - oh god, it’s gotten pretttty chaotic, i’m miserable and depressed and confused than before THEN: my life rn has beeeen a complete mess, GOD, i don’t like it. i really feel down and i mean being on christmas break is actually heping me a lot sine there NOW: i honestly can’t think of one things that’s going in the right direction at the moment, yesterday I was fucking crying my eyes out and promised myself to get checked as soon as I can.
33. Choose 10 people at random. THEN: 1. Ysabel 2. David 3. Enzo 4. Ester 5. Laya 6. Earl 7. Pamela 8. Nica 9. Kirsten 10. Kris THEN: 1. Kirsten 2. Enzo 3. Laya 4. Danice 5. David 6. Hannah 7. Pamela 8. Ricafort 9. Ysabel 10. Vito NOW: 1. Kirsten 2. Raphael 3. Enzo 4. Kate 5. Derick 6. Aly 7. Cely 8. Miki 9. Joui 10. Vanessa
34. Do you think 1 would ever help you out if you were in trouble? - i hope so NOW: yea
35. Would you swap places with 2 for a week? - sure, HAHAHA NOW: HELL NO. 
36. What would you say if 3 asked you out? - yea sure HAHA NOW: sure
37. Who is taller, you or 4? - i have no idea, i think she is NOW: she is
38. Do you think 5 has ever lied to you? -  yeah, probably NOW: i dont think so?
39. Do you think 6 will ever get married? - yeah, why not NOW: yea
40. If you had to cook a meal for 7, what would you make? - i did the numbers random, and it ended up on pamela again HAHAHAHAA but still, bacon HAHA, the only thing i can make that she likes NOW: PANCIT CANTON HAHAAHAHHA
41. Do you think 8 will ever get married? - yeah. NOW: yea
42. If 9 turned up at your door now, what would you do/say? Would you let him/her in? - YA YA YA NOW: yea
43. When is 10’s birthday? - o god, i’m not rly sure lol, prolly april???? i’M SO SORRY VITO NOW: september 18
44. Have you ever felt jealous of 1? - yeah, i guess, but not that much NOW: yea i guess at some aspects like being rich lmao.
45. If 2 decided never to speak to you again, would you care? - OH GOD YES NOW: OF COURSE I WOULD OH MY GOD
46. What colour is 3’s hair? - black and brown NOW: black
47. Do you know what colour 4’s eyes are? - black NOW: black
48. When was the last time you talked to 5? What did you talk to him/her about? - yesterday, not much NOW: january 7 in chat, january 11.
49. Who has kissed the most people, you or 6? - we haven’t kissed anyone yet HAHAHA NOW: OMG I ACTUALLY HAVE NO IDEA!!! i feel like me? but still no idea
50. What is the age difference between you and 7? Who is older? - she’s older. but i’m still taller HAHAHAHA NOW: she is
51. Describe 8 - what does he/she look like? - oh, he’s dark brown, laya and i LOVEEEE his legs, it’s smooth, he has a pretty strong feminine side and he has a subtle curly hair, his teeth are quite crooked and HE’s REALLY FUNNY NOW: REALLY SMALL GIRL WITH A SMALL FACE and long hair and such a petite frame
52. Is 9’s house within walking distance? - no, it’s near our school and our school is 30 minutes away without traffic from our house NOW: NO WAY
53. What if you found out that 10 had sex with the person you love/like? - OH MY GOD well, starting they’re not gay and stuff but if it happened, i would just be shocked NOW: HOLY SHIT THAT IS PRETTY AND VERY UNLIKELY BUT HOLY SHIT. THAT’S VERY WEIRD SCENARIO TO PICTURE
54. Do you like your teeth? THEN: - i don’t love them but i don’t hate them either THEN: i hate it NOW: hate it
55. Have you ever been to the cinema to watch a film, and ended up walking out because you hated it? THEN: - nope THEN: i have never done it, it’s just like wasting money and why watch a film when you know you wouldn’t like it NOW: UGH NEVER, if you don’t like it then just sleep? it’s cozy in there
56. The last person you held hands with, is that person single? THEN: - it was carl, but we’re just friends, and it was a joke, and yes he’s single THEN: i can’t even remember NOW: no he’s not
57. How about the last person you messaged on Facebook, are they single? THEN: - yep THEN: yes NOW: nope
58. How old is the 11th person in your phone’s contacts list? THEN: - i have no idea THEN: - still have no idea NOW: i don’t know tbh, her late 20′s?
59. Does it bother you when people ask questions about your love life? THEN: - nah THEN: not rly since i have non HAHAHAHA NOW: not really
60. Does the last person you kissed have freckles? THEN: - nope THEN: i haven’t kissed anyone yet so NOW: nope
61. Is it easy for people to tell when you’re upset, or are you good at hiding it? THEN:  i have resting bitch face so people always think i’m mad or something THEN: ^^ NOW: I DONT HAVE A FUCKING RBF WHO WAS I KIDDING!!! OH MY GOD. i’m not good at hiding when im upset.
62. Have you ever thought about joining a dating site? THEN: - oh gods, idek. i really have no idea HAHAHA. but yeah lol THEN: sure why not lol, but i always thought about it being very awkward NOW: already did
63. On a scale of 1 to 10, how you would you rate your own appearance (going on how you look right now)? THEN: probably 6 lol. i look oily and my hair looks awful right now THEN: prolly a 7, because i feel like ‘I LOOK REALLY OKAY AND THIS IS NOT WHAT I LOOK LIKE WHEN THERE’S PEOPLE AROUND NOW: OH HOLY SHIT OH MY GOD A SOLID ZERO. 
64. On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you right now? THEN:  a 5, i just found out that my crush wants to bring evrything back gdi (Oh my GOD, HE DID NOT WANT EVERYTHING BACK, 2020) THEN: a 6, i guess NOW: 7????
65. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate this survey? THEN: - like a 7? THEN: ^^ NOW: ^^ 
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seniorbrief · 6 years
24 Stories About the Touching Kindness of Strangers That’ll Make You Tear Up
The Man at the Market
When the supermarket clerk tallied up my groceries, I was $12 over what I had on me. I began to remove items from the bags, when another shopper handed me a $20 bill. “Please don’t put yourself out,” I told him. “Let me tell you a story,” he said. “My mother is in the hospital with cancer. I visit her every day and bring her flowers. I went this morning, and she got mad at me for spending my money on more flowers. She demanded that I do something else with that money. So, here, please accept this. It is my mother’s flowers.” – Leslie Wagner, Peel, Arkansas. Here are 30 more acts of kindness you can do in two minutes or less!
Jim and the Job
My neighbor, Jim, had trouble deciding if he wanted to retire from the construction field, until he ran into a younger man he’d worked with previously. The young man had a wife and three children and was finding it difficult to make ends meet, since he hadn’t worked in some time. The next morning, Jim went to the union office and submitted his retirement paperwork. As for his replacement, he gave them the name of the young man. That was six years ago, and that young husband and father has been employed ever since. – Miranda MacLean, Brutus, Michigan. Make sure you know the powerful health benefits of being nicer to yourself.
A Family’s Food Angel
While going through a divorce, my mother fretted over her new worries: no income, the same bills, and no way to afford groceries. It was around this time that she started finding boxes of food outside our door every morning. This went on for months, until she was able to land a job. We never did find out who it was who left the groceries for us, but they truly saved our lives. – Jamie Boleyn, Emmett, Idaho. These 12 heartwarming stories will restore your faith in humanity.
Color Me Amazed
I forgot about the rules on liquids in carry-on luggage, so when I hit security at the airport, I had to give up all my painting supplies. When I returned a week later, an attendant was at the baggage area with my paints. Not only had he kept them for me, but he’d looked up my return date and time in order to meet me.  – Marilyn Kinsella, Canmore, Canada
Yasu + Junko for Reader’s Digest
Seven Miles For Me
Leaving a store, I returned to my car only to find that I’d locked my keys and cell phone inside. A teenager riding his bike saw me kick a tire and say a few choice words. “What’s wrong?” he asked. I explained my situation. “But even if I could call my wife,” I said, “she can’t bring me her car key, since this is our only car.” He handed me his cell phone. “Call your wife and tell her I’m coming to get her key.” “That’s seven miles round trip.” “Don’t worry about it.” An hour later, he returned with the key. I offered him some money, but he refused. “Let’s just say I needed the exercise,” he said. Then, like a cowboy in the movies, he rode off into the sunset. – Clarence W. Stephens, Nicholasville, Kentucky. Next, take a look at these incredible photos of heartwarming moments.
The Little Lift
One evening, I left a restaurant just ahead of a woman assisting her elderly mom. I approached the curb and paused to see if my arthritic knees could climb it. To my right appeared an arm to assist. It was that of the elderly mom. My heart was so touched. – Donna Moerie, Goldsboro, North Carolina
Bounty For a Navy Wife
I was balancing caring for a toddler and working a full-time job, all while my Navy husband was on extended duty overseas. One evening, the doorbell rang. It was my neighbor, a retired chief petty officer, holding a breadboard loaded with a freshly cooked chicken and vegetable stew. “I’ve noticed you’re getting a little skinny,” he said. It was the best meal I’d had in months. – Patricia Fordney, Corvallis, Oregon. Here are 10 life-changing acts of kindness you can do right now.
My Granddaughter’s Dress
I saw a dress in a consignment shop that I knew my granddaughter would love. But money was tight, so I asked the store owner if she could hold it for me. “May I buy the dress for you?” asked another customer. “Thank you, but I can’t accept such a gracious gift,” I said. Then she told me why it was so important for her to help me. She’d been homeless for three years, she said, and had it not been for the kindness of strangers, she would not have been able to survive. “I’m no longer homeless, and my situation has improved,” she said. “I promised myself that I would repay the kindness so many had shown me.” She paid for the dress, and the only payment she would accept in return was a heartfelt hug. – Stacy Lee, Columbia, Maryland
Yasu + Junko for Reader’s Digest
White Shoulders
A woman at our yard sale wore a perfume that smelled heavenly and familiar. “What are you wearing?” I asked. “White Shoulders,” she said. Suddenly, I was bowled over by a flood of memories. White Shoulders was the one gift I could count on at Christmas from my late mother. We chatted awhile, and she bought some things and left. A few hours later, she returned holding a new bottle of White Shoulders. I don’t recall which one of us started crying first. – Media Stooksbury, Powell, Tennessee. Try these effortless ways to be nicer to people.
Breaking Bread
Last December, before work, I stopped at a deli and ordered an everything bagel with cream cheese. It was toasty warm, and I couldn’t wait to dig in. But as I left the store, I noticed an older indigent gentleman sitting at the bus stop. Knowing it would probably be his only warm meal of the day, I gave him the bagel. But all was not lost for me. Another customer from the deli offered me half of her bagel. I was so delighted because I realized that in one way or another, we are all looked after. – Liliana Figueroa, Phoenix, Arizona
“I Can Still Help”
As I walked through the parking lot, all I could think about was the dire diagnosis I had handed my patient Jimmy: pancreatic cancer. Just then, I noticed an elderly gentleman handing tools to someone working under his stalled car. That someone was Jimmy. “Jimmy, what are you doing?” I yelled out. Jimmy dusted off his pants. “My cancer didn’t tell me not to help others, Doc,” he said, before waving at the old man to start the car. The engine roared to life. The old man thanked Jimmy and drove off. Then Jimmy got into his car and took off as well. Take-home message: Kindness has no limits and no restrictions. –Mohammed Basha, Gainesville, Florida.  Start giving these 10 little compliments to people every day.
Top Note
When my husband died unexpectedly, a coworker took me under her wing. Every week for an entire year, she would send me a card saying “Just Thinking of You” or “Hang in There.” She saved my life. – Jerilynn Collette, Burnsville, Minnesota
He Kept an Eye on Me
Driving home in a blizzard, I noticed a vehicle trailing close behind me. Suddenly, my tire blew! I pulled off the road, and so did the other car. A man jumped out from behind the wheel and without hesitation changed the flat. “I was going to get off two miles back,” he said. “But I didn’t think that tire looked good.” –Marilyn Attebery, Spokane Valley, Washington. Being kind to strangers is great, but don’t forget these ways to be nicer to yourself.
My Commander’s Call
It was one of my first missions on a gunship during the Vietnam War. I was scanning for enemy fire when I spotted a bright object that looked as if it were coming straight at us. “Missile! Missile!” I shouted into my interphone. The pilot jerked the airplane as hard as he could, dumping guys from one side of the craft to the next. Well, turns out the “missile” was a flare we had just dropped. Suffice it to say, the guys weren’t pleased. Back at the base, my commander put an arm around my shoulder. “Sergeant Hunter,” he said, “you keep calling them like you see them. Better safe than sorry.” That kind act gave me the confidence to be one of the top gunners in my squadron. – Douglas Hunter, Fort Walton Beach, Florida
21 Apples From Max
When my grandson Max told his mother, Andrea, to donate any check she would give him for his 21st birthday, Andrea got an idea. She handed Max’s brother Charlie a video camera. Then she took out 21 $10 bills from the bank and bought 21 apples at the supermarket. When they spotted a homeless man, Andrea told him, “Today is my son Max’s 21st birthday, and he asked me to give a gift to someone to help him celebrate.” She handed the man a $10 bill and an apple. The man smiled into the camera and announced, “Happy birthday, Max!” Soon, they passed out their booty to men and women waiting in line at a soup kitchen. In a unified chorus, they wished Max, “Happy birthday!” At a pizza parlor, Andrea left $50 and told the owners to feed the hungry. “Happy birthday, Max!” they shouted. With one last $10 bill and apple, they stopped at Andrea’s sister’s office. Unable to contain her laughter or her tears, she bellowed into the camera, “Happy birthday, Max!” –Dr. Donald Stoltz, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Don’t miss these 21 acts of kindness that changed these people’s lives.
How Did She Know?
I was driving cross-country to start a new job. What began as a fun adventure turned into a nightmare when I realized I had run through most of my money and still had a ways to go. I pulled over and let the tears flow. That’s when I noticed the unopened farewell card my neighbor had shoved in my hand as I left. I pulled the card out of the envelope, and $100 dropped out—just enough to get me through the remainder of my trip. Later, I asked my neighbor why she had enclosed the money. She said, “I had a feeling it would help.” – Nadine Chandler, Winthrop, Massachusetts Yasu + Junko for Reader’s DigestPhotograph by Yasu+Junko; Prop Stylist: Sarah Guido-Laakso for Halley Resources
Raised Right
Children were playing at the recreation area of an IKEA store when my five-year-old granddaughter motioned for a small boy to stop. She knelt down before him and retied his flopping shoelaces—she had only just learned to tie her own. No words were spoken, but after she finished, both smiled shyly, then turned to race off in different directions. – Sheela Mayes, Olla, Louisiana. Take a look at these 8 acts of kindness that turned into good karma.
Blanket Statement
When I was seven, my family drove to the Grand Canyon. At one point, my favorite blanket flew out the window and was gone. I was devastated. Soon after, we stopped at a service station. Moping, I found a bench and was about to eat my sandwich when a biker gang pulled into the station. “Is that your blue Ford?” a huge, frightening man with a gray-and-black beard asked. Mom nodded reticently. The man pulled my blanket from his jacket pocket and handed it to her. He then returned to his motorcycle. I repaid him the only way I knew how: I ran up to him and gave him my sandwich. Zena Hamilton, United Kingdom
Just Driving Through
When my friend and I were injured in a car accident, a family from out of state stopped to help. Seeing we were hurt, they drove us to the hospital and stayed there until we were released. They then took us home, got us food, and made sure we were settled in. Amazingly, they interrupted their vacation to help us. –Cindy Earls, Ada, Oklahoma. Check out this story of how this generous man let a stranger borrow his car.
Butterflies of Support
I was four months pregnant with our first child when our baby’s heart stopped beating. I was devastated. As the days went on, I was nervous about returning to work. I’m a middle school teacher and didn’t know how I could face kids. This past May, after four weeks of recovering, I walked into my empty classroom and turned on the lights. Glued to the wall were a hundred colored paper butterflies, each with a handwritten message on it from current and past students. All of them had encouraging messages: “Keep moving forward,” “Don’t give up on God,” and “Know that we love you.” It was exactly what I needed. Jennifer Garcia-Esquivel, San Benito, Texas
Twice as Nice
Two firefighters were waiting in line at a fast-food restaurant when the siren sounded on their fire truck parked outside. As they turned to leave, a couple who had just received their order handed their food to the firefighters. The couple then got back in line to reorder. Doubling down on their selfless act, the manager refused to take their money. –JoAnn Sanderson, Brandon, Florida. This is the nicest place in America! Hint: It’s a restaurant in Tennessee.
Designated Driver
I’d pulled over onto the side of a New Mexico road and was suffering a panic attack when a minivan full of kids pulled over. A woman got out and asked if I was OK. “No,” I said. Then I laid out what had happened: I was delivering books for a publishing company. My next stop was way, way up this long and winding and, to me, very treacherous road. I couldn’t do it. “I’ll deliver the books for you,” she said. She was a local, and the roads were nothing for her. I took her up on the offer and never forgot the simple kindness of a stranger. – Doreen Frick, Ord, Nebraska
A Christmas Story
In January 2006, a fire destroyed a family’s home. In that fire were all the belongings of a six-year-old boy, including his Christmas presents. A classmate from his school who had a birthday around then asked her parents if she could give all her gifts to the boy. That act of kindness will forever warm my heart because the boy is my grandson.  – Donna Kachnowski, Lebanon, Connecticut
She Gave Me Direction
As I left a party, I got on the wrong freeway and was immediately lost. I pulled over to the shoulder and called my roadside-assistance provider. She tried to connect me to the California Highway Patrol, but that call never went through. Hearing the panic in my voice, she came up with a plan B: “You’re near this office,” she said. “I’m about to go off shift. Stay put, and I’ll find you.” Ten minutes later, she rolled up. She guided me not only to the right freeway but all the way to the correct freeway exit. And then, with a wave goodbye, she drove back into the night. – Michelle Arnold, Santee, California. Next, check out these 50 random acts of kindness that don’t cost a cent!
Original Source -> 24 Stories About the Touching Kindness of Strangers That’ll Make You Tear Up
source https://www.seniorbrief.com/24-stories-about-the-touching-kindness-of-strangers-thatll-make-you-tear-up/
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