#was the light green i cant remember
noodledrawsandstuff · 6 months
Can we get much higher
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btw, vote mondo on this pretty please :3
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cashmere-caveman · 30 days
one thing i am really noticing on this rewatch is how long it takes for silver to start looking like silver. seeing him in (especially in the early part of) s1 always feels so jarring to me idk why but with everyone else already having their Look down (character driven style pivots of flint and eleanor nonwithstanding) he still feels very Unformed.
idk if thats just me on my nth rewatch projecting my foregone conclusions and opinions abt him as a character on him but i do think even w the change he undergoes being a very gradual one (unlike the previously mentioned pivot of eleanor from Pirate Boss to Ladywife or flints buzzcut of grief and political radicalisation), there is a definitive period where he is not yet locked in, so to speak.
i think what gets me as 'not silver yet' is him being clean shaven and that he wears light colours but genuinely. thats a chameleon still deciding which colour to turn while it watches the room and once hes decided with whom to side he commits not only to a 'personality' but also to a wardrobe style which in his case is first unassuming dark clothes and growing his hair and beard and then slowly bit by bit hes adding details like necklaces and rings and starts wearing his hair differently etc until he ends in his Coat Era once he starts to assume real power as he begins the transformation from 'john silver' into 'long john silver'
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py6oto · 1 year
red light green light
one two three !!!
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littleplantfreak · 2 months
Thinking about your camping post with Ume. Thinking about how when you two are finally done romping around lol you both take a moment to star gaze trying to find the known constellations but end up making them up as you go. Coming up with goofy background stories for each one. You realize tho that it becomes silent after you two stop giggling and that’s when you turn to look at Ume. He’s looking at you with so much love and the stars seem to shine even brighter against his blue eyes. Little did you know, a shooting stars flies by as the two of you are caught in each others gaze ✨
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This is so cute Emi I’ll be dreaming about this tonight if I’m lucky. Spending the whole rest of the night wrapped up in each other as the fire dies down, slowly but surely.
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witchblade · 1 year
do i just have sickly eyeballs or does this game not signal things very well
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Finally finishing all these guys we’ve got charts and headcanons! (Long post)
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(Body length & basic shapes I used) (it might be odd but ignore any detail on the back, the shapes are for general body shape)
Seawings: - Colors range from red and purple to yellow - Aquatic is based off areas of bioluminescence rather than singular scales (because no one wants to draw all of those) - Although they average small compared to the other tribes, gigantism is more common - Wing bioluminescence gene is always present but for some doesn't show, thus aquatic doesn't utilize the wings
Rainwings: - Can change the texture of their scales alongside color - Weakest bite due to their fangs, probably why they're vegetarian - Mimic interesting behaviors - Have forked tongues
Mudwings: - Colors range from olive green to purple-ish red - Very resilient - Able to breathe fire regardless of body temperature, the heat of the flame depends on body temp - Their horns constantly grow and sometimes have to be cut due to dangerous growing patterns - Love gnawing on things, tough foods like jerky is popular - The horn covers of fallen siblings are harvested and turned into instruments to remember them by
Leafwings: - Colors range from gold to teal (and pink to olive green during cold seasons) - Can appear to have false eyes - Bug-like just like the other Pantalan residents (because they're just some weird outlier like what is going on here) - Leafspeak doesn't actually allow them to hear voices from plants but rather increase the sensitivity of their antennae which pick up on the changes in plants - In colder seasons, regions that have deciduous trees influence leafwings in that their scales change into warm tones similar to fallen leaves for camouflage but this also negatively impacts one's leafspeak ability; this doesn't apply to evergreen leafwings however
Hivewings: - Colors range from hot pink to olive green - Can appear to have false eyes - Have elbowed antennae just like their "cousins", Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants) - Tend to disregard personal space/get close out of habit, being close means better temp regulation and better communication - All hivewings have stingers, wrist stingers, and a venomous bite but it largely depends on preference of which they choose and like muscles, they can be exercised to become deadly weapons - They're not capable of "emitting a horrible stench"
Icewings: - Colors range from white to pale indigo - Melanism is still very rare but more likely in icewings - Can be iridescent in any color, especially visible in lighter scaled individuals - The scales on their face is very fine and is flushed with blood which darkens the area and allows them to see in the snow by absorbing light, otherwise the glare from the sun reflecting off would be a hinderance - Their wings are thin and thus have visible veins most of the time - Idk how to describe their scales other than its kinda like basalt formations - From the side they appear large but are actually thin and flexible - They can freeze to death if they've gone without cold for a long time and then reintroduced too quickly - In hybridization, they have dominant genes, partially because the animus gene - The extra mane of horns can appear randomly on the body in singular spikes, they also make a clink sound when they collide as if they're made of ice, making a pretty scary rattle when disturbed
Nightwings: - Colors range from orange to purple - Albinism is still very rare but more likely in nightwings - Dwarfism is more common - Teardrop scales are always present, highlighted when the dragon has powers regardless of type - Pitbull ready to bite kids - They CAN hang upside down as the books suggest but not for long - By taking dust baths, they dull their scales to reflect less light and blend in better in the dark - Have white fire but cant breathe for long due to how hot it is (this is mainly to add onto the mysterious factor of em and I always liked the idea) - Due to eye sensitivity, they hate sudden bright lights and will close their eyes as they breathe fire
Silkwings: - Can have black or dark accents but never as a whole body color unless they've hybridized - Wing shapes vary widely - Can appear to have false eyes - Flamesilk is rarer than one might think - Very flexible and have strong tails used as a sort of 5th limb in climbing - Albino or melanistic dragons still keep their iridescence - Silk is emitted through a spinneret on the chin rather than the wrists - Prefer to travel in pairs (instinct)
Sandwings: - Colors range from red to olive green - Dark patters often mimic a snake's - Horse-like in complexion - Alongside their snake-like appearance, they have pit organs - Tend to move like birds - Poor eyesight but good hearing - Their horns angle upwards sort of like a bull
Skywings: - Colors range from red to yellow (and green because skywings are meant to be your typical fire breathing dragon which is most often depicted to be red but can also be green) - Tend to move like birds - Weaker than they appear - Green skywings are incapable of being or having flamescales - Their horns constantly grow and have to be filed down - A flamescale cant melt rock or metal by touch alone, only via fire is it possible - It's not that they don't want flamescales that they kill them, it's more of a mercy killing because of how lonely their life can be
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angelicgirlmj · 14 days
a gilmores girl daily routine:
hi angels! with september drawing to a close i cant stop rewatching gilmore girls - such a cozy show i wish i lived in stars hollow! here is a little daily routine inspired by Rory Gilmore and the aesthetics of Gilmore girls.
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AM ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
wake up at 6:30am.
pick out outfit and book for day.
have a shower, using vanilla or autumnal scented body washes etc.
dress and pack bag for school/academia.
have a cosy breakfast such as oatmeal, french toast or pancakes alongside a coffee (or a chai tea if you dont love caffeine!).
clean teeth, do skincare and light makeup.
style hair - add a cute headband or pin the sides like Rory often does.
journal, light a candle and read over notes or any relevant material for your classes.
go to school/whatever academic institute you attend.
PM ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
go to a cute coffee shop and study with a friend!
head home.
change, put on a cute jumper.
finish off any work or homework left.
make dinner, such as a comforting soup with sourdough toast or a salmon, broccoli and rice bowl.
have a warm, comforting bath, try using a bath bomb or cute autumn themed product such as a body scrub.
have a cup of tea and read a book for a little bit.
watch a favourite show under some blankets and get cozy!
brush teeth and do skincare before bed.
do five minutes of journalling.
do some light stretching and yoga before bed!
head to bed and get a nice early night.
bake a cute autumnal treat, such as pumpkin loaf or apple pie muffins.
take cute photos.
visit a library or book shop.
go on a walk round a local park or green space!
paint your nails.
try writing an article or blog post - like you would if you were a journalist.
have a film night with a family member or friend!
organise your book shelf/book collection.
update your planner and get ready for the week ahead!
plan an outfit for tomorrow.
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thank you for reading angels! i hope you have a cozy and cute gilmore girls autumn. remember this list is only ‘inspired’, feel free to adapt it and make it your own and comment and tell me what you would add! love, m.
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simpforboys · 11 months
my voice will haunt you
drew starkey x fem!musician!reader
summary: during an award ceremony, you honor your grandmother, stevie nicks. but freshly after a breakup, emotions cant help but rise. works for biological or adopted!
warnings: angst, fluff ending, swearing, teasing (the camera men are kinda fucked up), drew and reader are heartbroken but it’s fine, not proof read
listen to silver springs (live) by fleetwood mac!
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the pounding in your heart never left until your newly manicured hands clutched the microphone in front of you.
despite your shining smile, your chest ached with fear as the hundreds of celebrities and their families stared at you, front and center of the big stage.
bright lights illuminated your frame, the extra bits of the fabric designed to look like fairy wings hung against your skin.
“hello to the grammys!”
the crowd erupted into cheers as you pulled your face from the mic, sucking in a nervous breath.
“i’m y/n l/n, and with the celebration of my newest album, dread, the grammys have invited me to play tonight.”
you spoke confidently to the crowd, used to performing as your career took off with the help of your grandmother.
any other time you would kill to play for the grammys, but now you all you could feel was dread, because you knew he was here.
“some of you may be familiar with my wonderful grandma, Stevie Nicks…”
as the crowd began to clap and cheer in honor of the legendary woman, your eyes subconsciously began searching the room in hopes you’ll find the deep blue color you became so familiar with.
but he was watching, a pained look hidden deep within his eyes. but he shifted in his seat, feeling a pat on the back from his co-star, Johnathan.
he barely blinked, the aching feeling in his heart deepening. but he was scared that if he closed his eyes for even a second, you would disappear. but then you spoke again.
“so i invite you all to sing with me if you know this iconic song.” you grinned at the crowd, the cameras panning onto the celebrities and artists in their respective seats.
taking in another breath, you heard the okay in your ear piece. as the band began to strum the introduction, you opened your mouth to begin.
“you could be my silver spring, blue-green colors flashing, i would be your only dream,”
Drew felt chills run down his spine as your voice lingered in the crowd. he missed your voice, your personality, your everything.
“your shining autumn ocean crashing, and did you say she was pretty? and did you say that she loves you?”
a tang shot through his body from the lyrics, remembering the reason you two broke up. you had overheard Drew telling his sister that he was conflicted, and while he loved you, Odessa was someone who enticed him.
he felt his eyelids become heavy as he closed his eyes, letting his head hang low a bit. he could feel Madelyn’s eyes drift over to him, knowing that the lyrics meant everything to you both.
“baby, i don’t wanna know. i’ll begin not to love you, turn around, see me running. i say i loved you years ago, tell myself you never loved me, no.”
you picked the microphone up from the stand, beginning to walk around the stage as your vocal cords became deeper, stronger.
Rihanna blew you a kiss as you walked past her, in which you smiled at the gorgeous woman.
unfortunately, it was no shocker that you and Drew recently ended off your three year relationship. being there from the beginning of Outer Banks season one, the fans adored the two of you, more after learning your grandmother.
so, when the news that the “it” couple of the Outer Banks cast got out, a lot of people took it seriously.
“and did you say she was pretty? and did you say that she loves you? baby, i don’t wanna know…oh, no…”
you looked elegant on the stage, your dress flowing as you walked. the band and background singers complimented your voice perfectly, making the performance extra special.
“and can you tell me, was it worth it? really, i don’t wanna know.”
Drew’s eyes returned to you, and it felt like you were specifically asking him the question, even though you were singing to a crowd of people.
and no, it wasn’t worth it. Drew never did anything with Odessa, but you didn’t want to be with someone who doubted their relationship with you.
and so you broke it off, deciding it would be best to have some space from each other.
and it was Drew’s biggest regret.
“time casts its spell on you, but you won’t forget me. i know i could have loved you but you would not let me.”
“time casts its spell on you, but you won’t forget me. i know i could have loved you but you would not let me.”
as you repeated the lyrics, you centered yourself in the middle of the stage once more. unbeknownst to you and Drew, the sneaky camera man zoomed in on Drew’s broken expression.
his eyes were ride, as if in a trance, never wanting to leave you. his usual cheerfulness gone, the sadness radiating off of him as the other celebrities and artists look turns glancing at the man.
“i’ll follow you down ‘til the sound of my voice will haunt you. you’ll never get away from the sound of the woman who loves you.”
you moved to the right side of the stage, approaching the table with Billie Eilish, Timothée Chalamet, Lady Gaga, Anne Hathaway, and Emma Stone.
Billie was singing along to the music, a proud smile on her face as she swayed.
but you felt your heart drop into your stomach with you realized that he was sitting right behind that table.
and as the music picked up, you locked eyes with the man, your skin erupting with goosebumps.
“i’ll follow you down ‘til the sound of my voice will haunt you. was i just a fool? you’ll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you. was i just a fool?”
the crowd grew silent as it was just you and him in the moment, the guilt radiating off of both your bodies into the air. the sting in your eyes became more evident as your vision became blurry and you hadn’t noticed that all the cameras were locked in on the two of you, sharing your moment for the world to see.
“i’ll follow you down ‘til the sound of my voice will haunt you. give me just a chance. you’ll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you.”
Drew stared at you with an expression no one has ever seen before; regret, love, and fear. and he just let himself feel, mourning the loss of your presence in his life.
as the background vocalists began to take off, you felt your feet moving back to the center of the stage, trying to compose yourself and not to break down in front of millions of people.
“you could be my silver spring, my blue-green colors flashing.”
as the music ended, the crowd erupted into cheers, everyone in the room standing and clapping.
you hadn’t even realized a tear had left your eye until the drip dangled off your chin, making you wipe it away as you grinned happily.
“thank you so very much for having me. i love you.”
and as the announcers retook the focus, you walked swiftly off the stage.
“you need to talk to her, dude.”
Chase whispered to Drew, everyone at the table staring at him. the man nodded, finally seeming to come back to reality, that you weren’t his girl anymore.
Drew excused himself from the table, knowing where the most likely place you would be at.
he knows that whenever you get overwhelmed you went outside and just listened. listened to the cars, the people, the earth.
so, when he saw you leaning against a wall underneath a large oak tree, he wasn’t surprised.
not knowing what to say, he just decided to lean next to you.
you said after a minute of silence, not bearing to look up at him.
he repeated, his chest heavy. he had so many thoughts and words he needed to say, but it seemed as if something was forcing him to stay quiet.
things had never been awkward between you two. even when you argued, you two always went to bed happy. he never wanted to upset you.
“you were amazing out there, y/n.”
he says, turning to face you. you gazed up at his face, twitching your nose as you fought back tears.
“thank you.”
your words were quiet, and he hated the way your lip trembled as you spoke. all he wanted to do was scoop you into his arms, kiss you all over, and tell you everything was alright. but he couldn’t.
“y/n, i’m sorry,” Drew said, taking you by surprise by his abruptness.
“i should have never doubted our relationship. i was a fucking idiot to ever believe we couldn’t make it. the truth is… i was scared. i was scared you would get tired of being with me, but in the end i lost you. i lost the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
as he ranted his apologies, all you did was stare up at him, retracing every single part of his gorgeous face.
“and i hope that one day you can find it in your heart to forgive me for giving up on us, when in reality the only thing i need in my life is you.”
“i love you, Drew. and these past few weeks have been hell for me. i want to marry you, to have kids with you, to grow old with you. but i need to know you’re hundred percent committed because i cannot go through another heartbreak like this with you again. i emotionally can’t handle it.”
“i swear to you, y/n. you’re the only girl for me, the only girl i’ll ever need in my life. there’s nothing i wouldn’t do for you, and i promise that. i promise myself to you. i love you so fucking much.”
you felt his large hands place themselves on your hips until your chests were pressed up against each other. your arms wrapped around his broad, muscular shoulders. he was wearing your favorite cologne, the one that always made your knees weak.
he leant his head down to capture your lips in his, missing your taste. and as the two of you kissed against the wall, the rest of the world drowned out, Drew knew that he would always keep his promise to you.
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thetxtdevil · 2 months
Heyyyyy can u write something about reader getting caught by kai while using a vibrator. Like i imagined an escenario where reader is waiting for kai at the hotel room while kai is out with the boys in the US (since the relationship is a secret, reader cant be seen w them) and she misses him so much and she starts getting horny by some thoughts and starts playing with herself with the vibrator bc she thought kai was going to arrive much later. Poor little thing gets caught with her legs spread open, dripping wet and moaning so loudly by her beloved boyfriend 😙 (i live by soft dom kai so his reaction will be according to it lmao)
Please and thank u, love ur works hehe💗
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You wait in the lobby of the hotel Kai lead you to through text message. He said he would meet you there to give you a key but here you were sitting on a chair feeling awkward. Flipping through the provided magazines on the coffee table you hear loud conversations very distinct not only from the foreign language but the familiar tone of each member of your boyfriend's group. You smile to yourself standing up to look at the men to suddenly have your stomach start to flutter when you see your boyfriend Kai. It's been so long since you two have been in the same vicinity his presence hit you like a truck. You study his much broader shoulders and his arms were very muscular, his once dusty blue hair were now long dark locks which exaggerated his angelic features so well. Your heart rate pumps a faster when you see his chocolate eyes glance at you. You felt like a high school girl when you became shy as Kai walks towards you.
"Hey beautiful"
"You're the beautiful one."
Kai chuckles getting as bashful as you "lies."
You wanted to grab his chin to look at you but your resisted, "you know I don't lie" He smiles puffing out his chest in confidence, then Kai's eyes widen as if he remembered something, patting down his pocket he pulls out a small card. "Do you have a pen?" he asks and you quickly search for one in your purse. He starts writing something and hands you the card and pen back.
"This is my room key and I wrote down the level and number. I'm going out with the band but I should be back later."
"Oh okay, thanks." You were stunned to see him leave fast watching him go back to the group of men. You awkwardly smile and wave at Yeonjun and Taehyun who were staring at you in suspicion.
"Who's that" Yeonjun nods towards you.
"Oh... uh- a fan" Kai nervously messes up his hair hoping to hide his blush, "noticed her around so I thought I'd finally give her an autograph"
You took a deep breath as you bring the electronic key to the pad on the door handle. Making sure you have the right room number once more you swipe the card resulting in a small green light blinking. Opening the door you waddle in with your duffel bag. The room was like any other hotel room, clean, nice bed sheets, warm light, but there was a beautiful view of the city. Admiring the cars stopping and creeping forward, lights illuminating the area making the stars in the sky barely visible. You stop looking to get yourself comfortable in the room removing the extra layers you had on.
Falling onto the bed you let out a huff of boredom. You let your mind wander to your meeting with Kai from earlier, how handsome he is, how big he looked, how much you wanted to graze your fingers along his milky skin. Closing your eyes to imagine him above you, his light sweet kisses pressing into your lips asking about your day or simple "love yous", and his big hands grouping your breasts. As your thoughts go wild your own fingers explore yourself and a hand massage your tit. You flex your thighs together, back arching, your whole body shaking from arousal. You stop for a moment to remember that you brought a little toy for tonight.
Digging through your bag your hand touches a solid object. Picking it up knowing its your handy wand ready to be used. You study the curves of the vibrator remembering how much Kai love to tease you with it. When you both started dating Kai was a little inexperienced with little knowledge of selfcare so you took it upon yourself to show him the great pleasures of sex toys. Stripping away your clothes settling back on the bed you tease your nipples once more. Reaching for the vibrator clicking it on to fill the air with a light buzzing noise. Pressing the vibrations against your clit instantly shot pleasure through your body making it hard to not get needy. You tease yourself over and over again swiping the wand against your folds but never fully fucking yourself.
A small sound of metal of the door knob clicks but was quiet enough to not be noticed by you. However, your smalls gasps and breathy moans could easily been heard from your boyfriend who came through the door. He walks in quietly to see his beautiful girlfriend spread out before him. His cheeks burn a fiery red, big doe eyes shy away embarrassed that he caught you in such a position until he starts to hear your juices that sounded so delicious to him. All his attention came back to you especially when your moans became calls of his name.
He watches the curl of your toes, every spasm of your open legs leading down to your glistening folds moving around your vibrator. Kai's secret cover was compromised when a drawn out groan escaped from deep within him. Your teary eyes open to look around the room finding Kai standing perfectly in front of you, your legs framing his body.
"Kai, angel, I missed you so much a-and I couldn't wa-"
You eyes widen at his abrupt request but then soften as you widen your legs as a sign of welcome. Kai gets on his knees getting a hold of your hips to push you towards him, towards his face so it was morphing into your pussy. You pant at his luscious muscle lapping up every part of you and his nose bumping into your clit so lovingly. Kai lifts his head to grin at your fucked out state then catches a glimpse of the forgotten wand. He grabs it and as his lips latch onto your clit he shoves the vibrator deep inside you receiving a shocked gasp.
You feel lightheaded by the deep penetration. Your vision begins to see stars with every suck and lick of your clit. Looking down at the sight of your boyfriend, Kai, his long dark hair hiding his face that was already hidden in your cunt, his broad shoulders keeping your legs far apart, one hand thrusting the wand in and out of you while the other explores your soft skin. God did you miss him...
A nuisance,
TxT's Devil
taglist: @inkigayocamman, @naoristerling, @incogrio
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ramons-elevator · 11 months
I wanna write a thousand essays on today about every team, but I feel like Bolas?? egg base and how they played today showcases their team very fucking well
First, the base was insane. If you didnt watch their streams recently, they weren’t 100% confident in their base. It wasnt as complete as they wanted it to be. It was half done and rushed at the last second.
But yet it was the most confusing and efficient base. Etoiles was mining at the base for like 15 mins, screaming about how he is confused on where the fuck the egg is. Hell, everyone including team Bolas hated the base because it was just awful to go through. And yet the other teams nearly found it like 4 times.
I feel like that Bolas in a whole. They are unpredictable and confusing. One of them says they dont wanna harm any farms yet another later on destroys a farm. Someone will say they are dirt poor while the other will say they are incredibly rich. They will light themselves on fire just to make sure you dont get want you want.
And yet they are careful with covering their tracks. They have so many different layers to their base to the point the other members are confused on what is what. They make sure everyone thinks they live on their old island. But yet they are prepared when someone finds their base and they have to move
Now going to how they all acted today holy shit
Foolish and Philza being sneaky rats and constantly climbing into Greens egg base. Foolish at one point was dead quiet as everyone around him was searching for him. Phil paragliding over and over again and just trying to hit them off their base.
Baghera being the agent of Chaos and fucking chasing people down with her chainsaw, having the time of her life. It was a terrifying image, but also an insane strat because he was destroying peoples armor. I remember Etoiles and Forever yelling about it being like what the fuck??
Charlie coming in last minute and doing what he can and just being himself. Chasing people down, only for them to one shot him. Just being in peoples way so they dont find the egg.
Cellbit being bloodthirsty and going for people, but hesitant when he saw Roier. He only hit when Roier hit him. Then constantly making sure no one saw the egg base and giving commands when things were getting scary
Jaiden helping out and kicking ass. Jaiden being in peoples ways so they dont spend more time at the egg base. Also just getting into fights as much as she can.
Who is to say if Phil killing the Egg statue is going to make a difference or not because we are just as blind as everyone else. We can make up as many theories at as we want, but you cant deny that team Bolas with the amazing help from team Soulfire deserve that win and that Cellbit and Foolish did an amazing job on the egg base.
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haruchi-slit · 4 months
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warnings: mdni, toji and reader meet in the bar, ooc (slight?), reader refered as: girl & slut, fucking against the wall, p in v, pussy eating, semi-public sex, not proof read... | a/n: almost scrapped this idea cause i had a migraine, i almost died :o
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so exhausted from work and life? why not go have fun once in a while with your friends at the club? it had been a long and difficult week for you, dealing with the aftermath of your broken engagement to your now ex-fiance.
working under the pressure of your personal life is damn tough, you can't even get one work done without breaking into tears, remembering your fiancé of 5 years left you for some girl he met at work, his voice still echoes non-stop in your brain, the night he confronted you about your relationship, "I'm sorry, but i cant do this i cheated on you..." and it just makes your heart pulse and fuel with hatred and pain, with your hand in your head you sighed deeply as you continued to type in your laptop, your mascara all ruined and your eyes were sore, "I can't believe he can do that, fucking bitch, fucking shit, goodness burn in hell!" you grunt as you broke in to tears, you were a crying mess, you lolled your head back to your chair as streams of tears overwhelmed your thoughts,
"fuck-" you sighed, before hearing a knock on your office door, "w-wait!" you grumbled, wiping off your tears with the back of your hand, you stood up catching your breath as you opened the door you were greeted by shoko with yuki,
"heyyy! what are you two doing here?" you forced a smile, "girl are you ok? your fucking mascara is all over your face!" shoko worriedly asked as she nursed your cheeks wiping off your messed up mascara, "shoko, take a closer look, do you think she's ok? of course not, duh!" yuki blurted out as you chuckled,
"ok- guys what the fuck are you guys doing here?" you uttered,
"to get you outta misery!" yuki snickers, "yeah, what yuki said-" shoko sighed, "were taking you to the club, to destress" shoko continued,
"but i have work to do-" you dabated, "no butts, it's already been 2 months! i already talked to nanamin, he said it's fine and choso will take care of your work!" yuki exclaimed.
"you guys know i have to change right?" you rolled your eyes, sitting in the backseat of yuki's car, "yeah, that's why we brought you a some...stuff" shoko reaches out for the paper bag in the back of the car before giving it to you, "just change here in the car, the window's tinted" yuki chuckles as she focused on the road...
as soon as the three of you arrived at the club, you stepped out of the car along with yuki and shoko "youu look so fineee!" yuki smiled holding both of your hands, "damn, thank you", you smiled back, "guys c'mon let's go, i need a drink asap" shoko snapped the two of you back before she walked in the club, "yee let's have fun!" yuki exclaimed dragging you in the club, the three of you sat on the couch while the music blasts against your ears, it was so loud, the flickering lights blinded you as you looked around.
your eyes focused to the girls and guys bumping to each in the dancefloor, the stage crowded with girls doing the most nastiest moves as cash blows around them, till a particular person caught your attention, raven dark hair, green piercing eyes, tall and broad, bulging muscles and someone who looks like they're in their mid 30's, he's so fucking fine, glamorous even. while the three of you chat, and drink you and that gorgeous man exchanged the glares, he gives you one of the finest smirks across the club, all you could do was stare at him with a unconscious smirk plastered in your face,
"who are you looking at?" yuki sheepishly asked, while she waved one of her eyebrows, "definitely no one" you scoffed, as you swirled your alcohol in the glass cup, "oh really?" shoko jested, the three of you laughed, you took a glance on him once more while you sipped your alcohol to its last drop, you pressed your eye lids together as the alcohol flow down your throat.
"agh- let's go and have fun" you hissed, wiping of the alcohol that trickled down on the edges of your lips with your hand, "shitttt, and here we go the old her is backkk!" shoko exclaimed with yuki following you to the dance floor, where people are grinding against each other, you swayed your way close to him, you knew it was risky, flirting with a stranger in a bar, but you couldn't resist the opportunity to forget your dumb ass ex, you got a little closer to him grabbing his attention, "hey there mama, are you alone?" he starts of, radiating with charmness and suave, with a hint of danger in his dark eyes that only made him more appealing, "nah, I'm with my friends, here to forget my fucking ex" you drawn out hazed with the shots of alcohol you've just drunk, "oh really?" he chuckles "yeah, that fucking bitch wasted five years. five fucking years" you huffed, rolling your eyes, he smirks clearly amused by you, "toji. name's toji" he spoke and he was so fucking smooth with it, you chuckled in response, "no, need to know my name...toji" the both of you talked for what seemed like hours, lost in each other's company and the music pulsing through the club. you found yourself grinding against him as your conversation flowed so smoothly,
"y'know, i can take your pain away, hah" he whispers, his hot breath fanning your ear, sending shivers to your core,
before you knew it, toji was leading you to the club's restroom, his touch was gentle and reassuring, yet it was so rough, as he guided you through the crowd, you felt a surge of adrenaline at the thought of what was about to happen, a mix of fear and desire swirling in your veins as he pushed open the door and pulled you inside, you were so drunk in his presence...
in the dimly lit restroom, toji's lips met yours in a searing kiss that ignited a fire within your thobbing cunt. you instantly melted against him, with your body responding to his touch with a need that eclipsed all rational thought,
"t-touch me more-hah! kiss me more, please!" you gasped, as his hand roamed freely on you, his hand tracing on the edges and crevices of your perfect body, giving the attention that it needs, which your ex didn't do, he pressed you against the wall, his hands roaming over your body with a hunger that matched with your own, he rolled your dress up to your chest, almost ripping it off, he'd kiss your forehead before his kisses traveled down to your shoulders, stomach, before he dropped down to his knees, facing your clothed aching cunt,
"all I've done was touch and kiss you- so fucking wet already?" toji huffs, as you struggled to stand properly inside the bathroom stall, he tugs the hem of your panties as letting it pool down to the floor of the restroom, you placed your hand to his broad shoulders, the other on his hair, you saw him lick his lips, before diving down to your pulsing cunt, pushing you deep on the cold wall of the restroom, his hand grabbed a handful of your ass and thighs placing it on his shoulder prying your legs a little bit wider,
"hmmmnn~" you'd groan, stealing a pleased hum from you, as the brige of his graced your clit while he bobs his head up and down, you could feel his grunts vibrating against your gushing pussy, matched with his skilled tongue laying on your dripping cunt,
"t-toji- hgh" you moaned gripping on his hair, as he continues to bob his head on you,
"toji-" you moaned once again, with a breathy plea, "easy-" he purrs, before diving once more between your thighs, your thighs quivered as you feel your climax near.
in that moment, there was only toji and you locked in a dance of desire and need that transcended words, he moved his tongue in your cunt with grace and skill that took your breath away, with each lick he made sent you higher and higher towards a climax that left you gasping for more, "c'mon, girl..." he murmured fanning your cunt with his scorchingly hot breath, you felt your breath hitch as your climax gushed on his face,
"hghhh-toji!" you gasped, breathless.
catching your while he stood up hungrily unbuckling his belt, letting his pants fall down on the floor along with his boxers, revealing his hard cock, before he landed a rough, passionate kiss on your tender lips, you respond to him, feeling butterflies filling your
stomach, as your knees fell weak, your mouths puffing heated breaths agaist each other, while your hands roamed freely on him.
he lifts you up and pressed your body to the restroom's wall as he aligned his angry tip on your entrance, before plunging his cock in you
"ahck!- ngh~" you moaned softly as your gummy walls was quick to wrap toji's aching cock, toji grunts as he pushed you deeper against the wall burying his cock on your heavenly cunt,
"mhmm, that's what i like, girl- sucking me in so good, such a slut" he laughs, thrusting deeper in you, as waves of ecstasy, washed all over your body, your eyes clouded with haze and lust, your legs instinctively wrapped against his waist as he plunged mercilessly in your pussy, "fwuaack-!" he blabbered as sweat trickled down on his forehead, your chests heaving uncontrollably while toji buries his face on the crook of your neck, fastening his pace, "so.fucking.tight!" he cursed under his breath, while he slams his hips on you,
"to-to'i m' close, m' close!" you warned,
and soon after both of you felt a sense of release wash over your bodies, feeling estatic, both of you catched your breath as you feel your mixed juices trickle down the floor, he pulls back and faced you...
"so- uh what's your name?" toji inquired..
meanwhile, "where the fuck is she?" shoko asked yuki, as she puffs out a cigarette smoke, "I don't know!"
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vilebird · 4 months
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a painting of a pale sky and bright blue sea crashing onto dark rocks and foaming. it's oriented the right way. - Day, by Frederick Judd Waugh
"and the man looks me in the eyes and he points to the blue-orange vault over heaven's gates and he says the face of everyone you miss is up there and i know i know i can't see them but i know" - And What Good Will Your Vanity Be When The Rapture Comes, by Hanif Willis-Abdurraqib
"i've cut myself off. i can feel the place / where i used to be attached. it's raw, as when you grate / your finger. it's a shredded mess / of images. it hurts." The Door, by Margaret Atwood
"i found you / i found the door / but when i stepped through / there was no floor" I want you, by Mitski
a still from a video of a bright setting sun against a dark orange sky and dark blue sea, with the caption "don't cry" - The Green Ray (1986)
"i feel dead. / i feel as if i were the residue of a stranger's life" - The Lost Pilot, by James Tate
"the shuddering moan of blood, a song to calm the sacrificial, the loss across the river. the way a dying animal will look at you is seared into me. we tie together and all over again." - i cant remember what this one is sorru
"i am feeling numb. it's a curious feeling, and i get it all the time. my attention to the world around me disappears, and something starts to hum inside my head. far off, voices try to bump up against me, but i repel them. my ears fill up with water and i focus on the humming inside my head. / i am inside my skull. it is a little cave, and i curl up inside it. below it, my body hovers, unattached." - Madness: A Bipolar Life, by Marya Hornbacher.
"-though we're dry and waiting. part of me died here so another could go on. the body i raised-" - When They Say you Can't Go Home Again What They Mean is You Where Never There, by Marty McConnell
text: "there'll always be a few things / maybe several things/ that you're gonna find / really difficult to forgive" image: a black silhouette of a minotaur sitting on top of a pale pillar rising out of a pale maze, looking out at an orange sunset over an empty desert beyond the walls of its maze. the text is black letters on white pasted in strips over top. - Up the Wolves by the Mountain Goats and Minotauro by Jordi Garriga Mora. collage put together by @scatterghosts
"i know there are things i haven't survived." - Lord of the Butterflies, by Andrea Gibson
"it seems to me that the dead only return for love or for revenge. who did you come back for?" - White is for Witching, by Helen Oyeyemi
a painting of a bright white bird on a background split between dark blue and black - Promised Land (2013), by Michael Creese
"and with or without your support, i will continue / what im trying to say is you never know what you've been through / til you pause and cough it out" - Cough It Out by The Frontbottoms
"painting all the mirrors black / i won't see you staring back / i'm getting lost forever / searching in the broken glass / trying to ignore the past / and put myself together" - Mirrors by 8 Graves
"saint calvin told me not to worry about you / but he's got his own things to deal with / there's really just one thing we have in common: / neither of us will be missed" - Saint Bernard by Lincoln
"so many bright lights to cast a shadow / but can i speak? / well, is it hard understanding / that i'm incomplete?" - Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance
"being in a completely normal nonthreatening scenario & environment and thinking 'i have GOT to get the fuck out of here' with the intensity of some trapped neurotic prey animal" - tumblr post by user @greelin
"but you know me / what can't i conjure into hysteria / and longing? / any place is a funeral as soon as i get there. / of course i'm the disaster / but you're the one foolish enough / to learn my name." - The Next Time We Talk on Facebook, by Clementine von Radics
"if your wounds are still open, trust / they are the doors to an answer, / and walk through." - You Better Be Lightning, by Andrea Gibson
text: "what a tremendous thing to learn from" image: black text on white strips across a blue-orange gradient - i forgot this one too sory
"when the body remembers, it bucks wildly / when we try to heal, the phantom smell returns / while in the shower, you break down / while you wash your body you realise it is not your body / and at the same time, it is the only body you have" - Bless the Daughter Raised by a Voice in Her Head, by Warsan Shire
"that was the thing. you never got used to it, the idea of somebody being gone. just when you think it's reconciled, accepted, someone points it out to you, and it just hits you all over again, that shocking." - The Truth About Forever, by Sarah Dessen
"the spirit is so hurt / it don't know the / body / it / looks in / the mirror / and asks, who is it?" - On/My/Aging, by Carolyn Marie Rodgers
"could we sit together in new bodies, shoulder to tender / shoulder, / the lovely and the thorned, the bitter and the failed, / the grave to the left of us, the sea to the right?" - 8, Always a Rose, by Li-Young Lee
"the fact of the matter is / you survived, / it's what you do. / death and you / walk side by side / all sigh and scythe / you stay alive. / and you have the right / but struggle to believe. / you're still allowed / to be alive. / it feels inappropriate." - It's What You Do, by Lena Oleanderson @lena-oleanderson
a painting of a bright orange sky at sunset, sun nowhere to be seen, over a pale sea crashing onto dark rocks and foaming. it's oriented upside down. - Night, by by Frederick Judd Waugh
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sky-high-standards · 5 months
Yandere!!Fairytale characters Dark reverse Harem x reader Part 2
Ik I've been neglecting a part to for so long but here it is.
part one here
You fell into the ocean and all you could hear was a voice it was so beautiful and so sweet and..obsessive?
you woke up on a very familiar shore and sat up only to be tackled down by a big gray sheep dog who seemed very happy to see you and due to almost drowning you were extra confused.
???: Maxine? where are you girl
Then a man with dark hair and Caribbean blue eyes spotted you and the dog. Maxine? why does that sound so familiar?
??: Oh sry about Maine ma'-Y/n?
You had no idea how this man knew you but then you remembered.
Y/n: Eric?
He then beamed and hugged you it was eric another one of your childhood friends you two always played by the beach with Maxine and Eric would always say how when he became king you had to be his queen.
A much younger eric and you playing by the shore making sand castles while Maxine lied in the sun.
Eric: Y/n, Y/n look at my sandcastle!!
Y/n: Oh its so cool.
Eric: cool? It doesn't look cold y/n.
You shook your head.
Y/n: nevermind
Eric then smiled at you and laughed
Eric: Y/n you're very strange y/n when I'm big I'm going to be a king and you're gonna be my queen okay.
Y/n: No I wanna be in charge and you're the strange one.
You huffed and eric then pouted.
Eric: No Y/n you have to be my queen if you're my queen I'll tell the servants to make the moats full of chocolate.
he smirked when he saw your eyes light up.
Y/n: Oh okay I'll be your queen!
Eric: pinky swear?
he said sticking out his pinky finger.
Yn: Pinky swear.
and the moment you interlocked pinkies a promise that eric would never forget was made.
As Eric helped you up he brought you back to the palace but you couldn't help but wonder who saved you but little did you know you're savior carefully watched the two of you from under the water
Under the sea
???: Floundra she came back...she finally came back.
A voice excitedly said.
???: I knew she'd come back to me she must love me why else would she fall into the ocean she was practically telling me to save her an act of love!! that's so cute of her.
the voice said in a lovesick and happy way his sea blue eyes practically had hearts in them just thinking of you with a blush as red as his hair dusting his cheeks. but he then snarled.
???: But that repulsive man just had to come too trying to steal her from me I cant have that now.
Floundra his best friend looked at him concerned and worried not just for him but for you too ever since he was a sea wee he'd watch you and Eric play together longing to be a part of your world but this longing soon became a lovesick obsession she'd seen the way he'd look at you blinded by love and delusion she knew he'd go through any length to be with you but after you suddenly disappeared he was devastated and the obsession died down which Floundra was relieved about because she knew if you stayed there longer he would've done something horrendous to have you.
But the moment he saw you again helpless and almost drowning he was euphoric he'd never been so close to you, you finally came back to him he wanted to drag you down to the bottom of the ocean and keep you but unfortunately human lungs aren't for the water so he pulled you to the shore and saved you while happily singing to you and caressing your body the sunset made your skin glow and his emerald green tail shimmer in the light he wanted to stay there forever but he had to come and that mangey mut too so he went back into the ocean and watched from afar with jealous eyes watching Eric help you up.
Floundra: Arien are you okay
He just stayed silent watching Eric take you away the look on his face was blank which was strange for someone as go lucky and puppylike as Arien but it was the kind of cold stare that would run a chill down your spine.
Arien: If I don't act soon she'll be gone forever. I need to get rid of that human Floundra.
In the palace
You got washed up and brought into the old room you used to stay in pacing around wondering how to pass this story and just on time a purple light flashed and your fairy godmother came.
Godmother: I'm glad you made it my dear.
You sighed a sigh of relief happy to see her.
Y/n: Whats my task for this story Godmother?
Godmother: Well my dear you have to keep Eric alive.
At that your heart drops.
Y/n: w-whats going to kill him.
Godmother: That can't be revealed yet my dear...
She smiles gently then continues
Godmother: Keep him away from the sea at all times my dear.
And in a poof of purple light she was gone you groaned the fell onto the bed pondering what danger awaits Eric and when you'd be sent to the next story.
Eric's pov
She came back Maxine she finally came back I knew she'd never break her promise he said looking at his pinky dreamily and she came just in time for me to be crowned king I always knew she was destined to be my queen
He said as Maxine sat Infront of him wagging her tail.
Under the sea
Floundra: Eric don't do this this is a bad idea.
She desperately said swimming by Arien who then gave her a cold and furious look.
Arien: Quiet Floundra
He then swam to the entrance of the sea warlocks cave Ursule Arien swam in determined and motivated and then he saw Ursule sitting there staring right at him with his signature persuasive yet sinister smirk.
Ursule: I year you've been having trouble with you're love life my dear.
Arien: I want you to turn me into a human.
Ursule: oh~ that eager are we?
Ursule laughed and made his way to his spells before he turned to Arien and smirked.
Ursule: you do know you have to pay a price for my help.
Arien: I'll do anything to have her.
He said in a determent voice to which ursule looked intrigued by and checked his spells where your face appeared looking into the ocean.
Ursule: Oh she is quite a catch very beautiful you have a taste for gorgeous things I see.
Arien glared at his comment.
Arien: what price do I have to pay.
Ursule: Well Angelfish you will need a human heart if you want to win hers I'll make you human for Three days but by the third sunset you'll need a human heart and her love.
Arien: She already loves me.
Ursule: Sure she does Angelfish~Ooh and one more little thing, I need your voice.
Arien looked at him irritated and furious.
Arien: How will I tell her I love her without my voice.
Ursule: If she loves you as you say it'll be child's play to show her your love so sign the contract my boy.
A magic contract appeared in front of Arien with a pen to which Arien eagerly signed then suddenly he was human and Floundra quickly helped him to the surface.
Back in your room
You sat on the bed looking out the window staring at the ocean when a figure in an old ships sail stumbled across the beach.
You were intrigued and climbed through your balcony to see who it was as you drew closer you were seen and the figure attempted to run towards you only to fall as if unable to use his legs.
You quickly went to help him.
Y/n: I'm sir ate you alright.
The strange man suddenly leaped onto you nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck as you pushed his face away you got a better look at him he had the most beautiful sea green eyes and soft looking scarlett red hair he was undoubtedly handsome even dressed in an old sail.
As you pushed the clingy man off Eric came along with Maxine
Eric: Y/n!! Y/n where have you gone...oh there you ar-
Eric stopped mid sentence when he saw the man on top of you glaring at him to which Eric immediately tried to separate you two while Maxine growled at the man.
Eric: What do you think you're doing with her?
Eric coldly spat out and the man who was visibly irritated opened his mouth to speak but the closed it scoffing.
Y/n: Eric it's okay he didn't do anything wrong.
You say then turn to the strange man.
Y/n: what's you're name?
You said it do sweetly hid heart melted you were finally here looking at him with those beautiful e/c eyes that were only supposed to look at him.
He opened his mouth to speak but the clutched his thought gesturing that he couldn't speak.
Y/n: oh you can't speak you poor thing Eric we have to help him.
Eric was visibly against this but wouldn't dare upset you so he simply nodded grumbling under his breath and he could've sworn he saw the man smirk.
You three then go to the palace with new company and he soon got dressed cleaned and was seated at dinner.
Y/n: Sir did you have an accident? Is that why you can't speak?
He slowly nodded.
Y/n: Are you okay with me calling you Red until we find your name?
He eagerly nodded and stared into your eyes giving you the most adorable smile but you could sense something was wrong about it...
Okay I accidentally posted this y'all tell me what your suggestions are and tell me if I should continue love you my lovely single pringles.
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argisthebulwark · 6 months
"Would You Kill For Me?"
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summary: asking your partner the most intimate question of all - would he kill for you? gn reader, no pronouns or y/n used. feat: Cicero, Teldryn, Vilkas, Miraak, Brynjolf, Erandur, Farkas, Mercer warnings: obv allusions to violence, nothing explicit. alcohol.
"I already have."
Cicero giggles, slapping a gloved hand on your shoulder. "Of course I've killed for you! Silly Listener, asking your poor, beloved Cicero such a question." Rationally, you know any other person would be upset - but it's endearing. You know deep in your heart that Cicero would slice through anyone who even looks at you wrong without a second thought. "Would you kill for your Keeper?" He asks coyly, sliding closer. It's too difficult to resist his charm. You find yourself grinning, remembering the many threats of bodily harm you've inflicted upon any initiate who breathes a negative word about your beloved. "Any day, my love."
"Why? You offering to return the favor?" Teldryn smirks before taking a drink from his mug. The tip of his boot knocks into yours under the table, earning a nice flush in your cheeks. You've clearly had too much to drink but Teldryn looked so pretty in the low tavern lighting, the alcohol loosening your tongue enough to voice all those silly little questions you've had floating around. "You have?" You urge, leaning so far over the table you're practically laying on it. Teldryn grins, bowing toward you and his voice conspiratorially low when he speaks again. "Of course - why do you think all that chatter about you being an untrustworthy outlander stopped so quickly?" "I thought my good deeds were enough to earn their trust." You pout, thinking back on the sudden shift in opinion. "Oh yes, yes - that too, but a few well placed jabs never hurt."
"I'd die for you."
"Isn't that better? To die for you?" Vilkas laments, lips stained red from his third glass of wine. The question had hardly been in your mind before it slipped out - late nights toasting to the Companions often left you tipsy. "I'd rather you lived for me." You hiccup, leaning closer to him. Those dark eyes still track every little move you make despite the intoxication. "A happy, long live if I have any say in the matter." He lapses into silence but you know his mind is still chewing on that question. Swirling the wine in his glass Vilkas reclines into his seat, staring earnestly into the low burning fire. "Vilkas, it was just a silly question." Those eyes cut straight through you, blinking away whatever retort he'd come up with before simply placing a kiss to the back of your hand.
"I would die in your stead." Miraak's hands cup your face, each word soaked in adoration. "I've died in your arms once, my Dragon. I would gladly do it once more." You will never truly grow accustomed to this version of him - stripped of the malice he'd lived with for so long, he's become devoted to you. Too many pupils gaze lovingly into your eyes, the crooked bridge of his nose bumping yours. You've never known a love like his and doubt that many ever will - he's had lifetimes to yearn, to want something more and hone a vocabulary that often leaves you a flustered mess. "You're far too serious." He grins at those words, the ones you've said dozens of times. "I would tear the world to shreds for you, my love. I would tear myself to shreds."
"I cant."
Brynjolf's words carry a silent apology - of course you knew his answer but watching him squirm can be fun. "I'm sorry, love - I know it isn't the romantic answer but I don't think I could bring myself to do somethin' like that. Not after -" "Bryn." Grasping his face, your heart still skips a beat when those green eyes find yours. "I know that blade you wear is simply decorative, I would never ask you to draw it." "It is not merely decorative, it serves other purposes." "Such as?" "It's fairly useful for intimidation. And breaking windows." He huffs, pressing a kiss to your palm. He pauses for a moment, eyes falling closed and nose nuzzled into your hand. "Truth be told, I like to say that I wouldn't - hell, I tell myself I won't take a life every day, but after Mercer takin' you away from me, I'm not so sure."
"I swore against such actions, my love." Erandur murmurs, forehead pressed to yours. "Lady Mara may have forgiven my past transgressions but I took an oath to bring no further harm to her people." "Of course, dearest." You smile, a bit entertained by how easy it is to get him talking. Erandur's fingers play across yours, rings bumping into your knuckles. "Would you kill for me?" You're a bit shocked by his question, even further surprised by the little hint of hope buried in his words. "Without second thought." It's the easiest answer in the world. Of course you would kill for Erandur - you would fight through hordes of enemies to ensure his safety. "I can only pray that your Lady's forgiving attitude extends to me."
"Of course."
Brows raised, Farkas assesses you across the training yard. He sucks in a deep breath, wiping the sweat from his brow before heaving the giant practice sword over one shoulder. "Any day." He says easily, a quick kiss pressed to your brow. No matter how long you're together this sight still seems too good to be true - muscles glistening in the midday sun, his hair tied back and an easy smile on his face. "Why, you need someone killed?" "Not at the moment." "If one of those recruits gets too mouthy, you come find me." He grins before turning his attention back to a battered training dummy. You notice after that question that his sword strikes just a bit harder, hammering that point home.
"No." Mercer lies, kicking his feet atop the desk. You mirror his position - boots on the desk and arms crossed, though the scowl is hard to mimic. He's perfected it. "Yes you would." You counter, fighting back a laugh when he rolls his eyes. That little divot appears between his brows - it's cute. You'd tell him but fear being assigned some awful job across the continent. "Why bother asking?" He grumbles, shoving a stack of paperwork toward you. "If you insist on hanging around asking inane questions, least you could do is make yourself useful." "I'd kill for you." "Lovely." He mutters, though you note a bit of color rising in his cheeks when he turns to some parchment he'd pointedly ignored all evening. It's too easy to get under his skin.
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thewertsearch · 5 months
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JADESPRITE: what did you do to me?? JADE: i prototyped you and brought you back! [...] JADESPRITE: you shouldnt have, this is overwhelming and awful [...] JADESPRITE: its hard to describe what its like JADESPRITE: but its too much for me JADESPRITE: and the sun... JADESPRITE: its way too big and bright and i cant stop seeing it...
Dream Jade was thrust into godhood against her will, and she’s not taking it well. Sensory overload is only to be expected, as her body is pierced by emerald rays that she was never meant to feel.
As far as Jade was aware, Dream Jade's consent to prototype this body was equivalent to her own. She's OK with this, so it's probably somewhat disconcerting that Jadesprite is not. It's like having your own reflection disagree with you.
JADESPRITE: i was happy where i was with my friends
Wait, so Dream Jade was aware after she died? Was she a ghost?
...wait a second.
If Dream Jade had her own consciousness in death, before she was prototyped, doesn't that mean she always had a separate identity to her counterpart? That there were always two Jades in the equation, even though they were never awake simultaneously?
I'm starting to think that everything I know about Dream Selves might be wrong.
JADESPRITE: i want to go back JADE: i dont think... JADE: that it can be undone :(
Not even in the obvious way. The whole reason we created Jadesprite is because she's borderline indestructible, and therefore might stand a chance against an invincible foe. Her inability to die is the whole point.
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JADESPRITE: why, why would you do this? JADE: we need your help! […] JADE: me and dave and rose and john JADESPRITE: john!!!!!!!!!!! […] JADESPRITE: john, poor john… JADESPRITE: id forgotten about him JADE: what do you mean, how could you forget about john??? JADESPRITE: it was so long ago! i put that sad memory behind me
From Jade’s perspective, her Dream Self died hours ago – but Jadesprite’s body has been dead for years, and that seems to be the frame of reference she was working from in the afterlife.
She's been pulled out of peaceful rest, stuffed into a Sprite, and commanded to do her part as a Player once again, in a session which was traumatic enough for her for the first time around.
It's not just the Green Sun's light that's bothering Jadesprite - this whole situation is hell for her.
JADESPRITE: after we died i looked all over for him but couldnt find him […] JADE: but john didnt die! JADE: i saved him JADE: YOU saved him, dont you remember?
She also seems to think that John died alongside her, even though her last act was to save his life. This is still Dream Jade, after all, and she’s always been a little absent-minded.
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opal-owl-flight · 2 months
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The trailer had quite the focus on new hairstyles, but our main squid is sporting classic 3s for some reason. They also made it a big selling point to "put your sparkle on!" -- the squid's tentacles are as shiny as the ink you have in Sploon2's hero mode.
Actually, Im not sure theyre a squid.
A lot of the tutorial/trailer text shows salmonid icons. Granted, theyre...salmonid with rocking hairstyles and different colors (not just green and grey.)
The character finally turns around tk sjow us her face and...
She doesnt exactlt have an eyemask. She has bags under her eyes and her ears and top half of her face are darkened (similarly to how I color in my inkfish). Smile a set a SHARP teeth.
Jumpcut to where this...creatura is going. She was at first in a warm canyon of sorts, but it transitions to a cold area. Gives Alterna vibes. Except its completely revamped and the vibe is now one of Las Vegas with all the shining lights and rides and shit. Festive (like. Anarchy rainbow almost) plays everywhere. Hell, Frye's in here too! With a new hairstyle and clothes. I cant remember much of that....
Trailer moves to show the maps. A lot of it is in this cold environment. As if...as if the world has frozen over, instead of warminh up. And everyone had bundled up for warmth. "The world is ending but its bc its an ice age" and yet the damn inkfish (?) Were sporting military style gear.
There was also a lot of Octarian tech in the maps (moving floating platforms, octotroopers moving around the background or ARE the moving platforms...think that toaster boss), and there are salmomid also just vibing in places.
The story mode is hinting at the mysteries of the flooze and humanity.
And...Whys this majorly Octarian nation freezjng over? Is it bc they dont have a zapfish again? No, not really. Theyre starting out with a new energy source that they discovered while digging around human ruins: geothermal power.
They havent mastered it yet. Not at all. But its better than begging Inkadia for help
Oh, and. The Flooze.
The trailer implies quite heavily that this is a new Alterna, or an Octarian + Salmonid majority living in Alterna. And the new creatura in the trailer is a salmonid who gained humanoid form bc she touched the flooze.
Then the logo of tbe game, yadda yadda.
The dream also had a lot of pro players analyzing the maps. Bc moving platforms on maps arent that common a sight, from what I know. Like, platforms thar move on their own and not pushed by players (like the ones in Lemuria hub, or Wahoo, etc)
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