#was that yesterday???? I think I’m getting my days mixed up
crybaby-bkg · 1 year
I’ve been getting more into creepy, obsessive, a little Yandere Dabi and Shigaraki and it’s driving me absolutely insane omfg
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writtenbymoonflower · 5 months
Hi! Can I please request a poly!Marauders x reader where the reader has a secret admirer? The reader is receiving anonymous gifts and letters, making the boys anxious and jealous. If not, it's okay! Thank you, author-san!
omg i love this! thank you so much, baby, hope this is okay! gn!reader x poly!marauders
cw: jealousy and possessiveness, borderline harassment and stalking, hickey
1.1k words
You groaned loudly when you opened the front door only to be greeted by yet another bouquet of flowers. You begrudgingly brought the arrangement into the house, setting it on the countertop. 
"Again? That’s like the third this week, and it’s only Wednesday." Sirius said, exasperated and (almost) as annoyed as you. 
"Fifth, actually." You hated that you were complaining, you knew you were technically very lucky to receive all these gifts, it was just distressing. And to be frank, getting very old.
"Christ, this person is thirsty." Sirius’ voice was strained, clearly more anxious than he was wanting to let on. 
"At least it seems they don’t have much of a chance, anyone worth their salt knows that you hate roses, angel." James said, between mouthfuls of his sandwich. 
"I know," You cringed. "Who should I give these to this time? Lily has enough flowers to open a shop" You rolled your eyes. "Speaking of," You reached into your work bag and pulled out two boxes. "There were chocolates at my work when I got there yesterday, and a pair of earrings on monday." You walked over to where Remus and Sirius were cuddled on the couch. 
“Geez, dove. Are we gonna have to step up our game?” Remus said, voice tinged with jealousy. 
"No, this person needs to step down. Or at least give me a return address or something. All the notes say is ‘from someone who appreciates you, xx.’ It’s actually kind of distressing." You handed the smaller box of earrings to Sirius, "Are these your style, honey?" 
"What? You don’t want them?" He sounded surprised. Of course you didn’t! Why would you need presents from a random person when you have three boys who give you all the love you could ever need? (and in the way you like it)
"No, I would feel weird wearing them." You cringed, handing the larger box to Remus. "You can have these, I don’t even like cherry chocolate." Remus took the box like it was filled with poison, a disgusted tilt to his lips, just as Sirius dramatically dropped the jewelry box onto the coffee table. 
"I don’t know whose grubby paws have been on this box." He sneered. You rolled your eyes at his dramatics, looking over to James who was still in the kitchen. He had set his sandwich down and was looking like a kicked puppy. It made your heart crack.
"Jamie, what’s wrong baby? Come here." You beckoned him over. He rushed to your side, placing his hand protectively on your shoulder and gripping you tight. You looked at your other two boyfriends, Remus’ jaw was clenched tight and Srius was still looking at the box and scowling. 
"I jus’ don’t like it." James said from your side, his voice was small like a child's. 
"Wait, hold on," You said, "Are you all actually worried about this?"
"Define ‘worried’ lovely," Remus said, his voice an awful mix of venomous and depressed. “I don’t think any of us like knowing there’s someone out there fighting for your affections.” His eyes had an angry glint to them. 
“Guys,” You said, your heart only breaking further. “You have nothing to be worried about, okay?” James’ grip tightened on you. “There is absolutely no competition here, I’m not even giving these the time of day. I don’t want anything to do with the gifts or the person sending them.” 
“But you would if we weren’t in the picture.” Sirius said quietly, all too insecure for your liking. You wormed your way out of James’ grasp, resulting in a whine being pulled from his throat, to crouch in front of Sirius. You grabbed his pretty face in your hands, looking into his sad eyes. 
“No, I wouldn’t. I’m not impressed by these gifts.” You took a deep breath, not wanting to confess the next part and worry your boyfriends worse. “They actually kind of scare me.” You admitted, making all their eyes snap to you. 
“Scared? Of what, darlin’?” James piped up. 
“I just,” You cringed. “I don’t like knowing that there is someone this obsessed with me and I don’t know who they are. And that they know where I live and where I work. I mean, who knows how much they know?” 
“Well now I feel like an arse.” Sirius grabbed you from the floor and hauled you onto the couch with him and Remus, wrapping himself tightly around you. “Here I was thinking this person was gonna get you away from us, not knowing they were worrying you.” 
“You’re not, I promise!” You reassured. “Honestly, if there was someone doing all this for you three I would be really jealous too.” You placed a hand on two of your boyfriends’ thighs, looking over at James, who was still sulking, now sitting on the coffee table in front of you. “But I can assure you, even if I found out who this person was, they, and no one else, would be able to take me from you three. You aren’t getting rid of me that easy. Besides, I don’t like stalkers.” You joked. 
Remus pulled you closer to him, gentle but still much more aggressive than usual. Your other two boyfriends had settled, but he was still heated. 
“Remmy,” You turned to face him. “I promise, you have nothing to worry about.” 
“I know,” He grunted, burying his face into your neck. You wanted to shrink at the ticklish feeling but you allowed him to stay there, knowing he needed it. Remus had a jealous streak, perhaps the most of all your boyfriends. James and Sirius were more subtle in their protectiveness, but Remus started marking you all like a wolf anytime someone let their gaze linger too long. You buried your fingers in his hair and scratched his scalp, trying to relax him. 
“As soon as I find out who this is I will get them to stop, I promise.” You said vehemently. You looked guiltily at all your boyfriends, “I’m sorry this is happening, it isn’t fair to you all.” 
“It’s not your fault, dolly.” Sirius placed his hand on your back. “You don’t have anything to be sorry for, you aren’t asking for this.” You were about to hug him, but Remus held fast around your waist, you started to protest, but you felt Remus’ lips latch to a spot on your neck, nibbling and sucking hard enough to sting, but not hurt. The sound you let out was half giggle and half moan.
“Christ, Moons!” James barked, “You trying to brand them or something?” The three of you started giggling like children. Remus released your skin from his teeth, observing the red and purple splotch that was left in his wake. 
“Gotta make sure they know what’s mine.” He said, possessively. “Don’t worry," His eyes glinted furiously at your two other boyfriends, "you two are next.” 
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videovamptramp · 6 months
i’m right over here, why can’t you see me? (2)
// when ellie’s reaction to you and abby hooking up isn’t quite what you expected, she leads you right into abby’s open arms. //
[warnings: jealousy, pining, angst, slight arguing, angry!ellie, illusions to one-sided feelings, simp!abby, fuckgirl!ellie, sexual implications]
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this is pt.2 (pt.1 can be found here)
abby was always taught to be the bigger person. her father consistently reminded her that no matter how people treat her, she should always be the bigger person. that’s most of the reason why she’s so reserved and non-confrontational. when she first started university, she knew she didn’t quite fit in. unlike a vast majority of students around here, she wasn’t here for the “college” experience. she was just here to play soccer and get her degree in engineering. she also noticed you from the first day of freshman year, but she was way too shy to say hi to you. abby’s never really been good at flirting or starting conversation with new people. she often feels too awkward, or too intimidated to say anything.
manny took a liking to her right away; the school got his rooming situation mixed up, and that’s how he ended up being abby’s roommate. it was strange at first for her; she was wary about having a guy as a roommate. but she quickly learned manny was a cool guy. he was funny, and hung up pictures of him and his dad right away. abby could relate, as she was very close to her dad as well.
manny slowly seemed to get abby out of her shell, and would invite her to various functions and parties. but he quickly learned if it didn’t have anything to do with soccer, abby wasn’t really interested. even the girls who threw themselves at the dark haired blonde, would get shot down without abby even realizing she was rejecting them. you were ironically the first person abby found herself interested in. hell, after the party yesterday, abby was almost certain she was enthralled by you.
after walking you back to your dorm, you gave abby your number and hugged her tightly. abby walked all the way back to her shared room with a dorky grin on her face. she could still smell your girly perfume, and all she could think about was your pretty smile. a part of her wondered if you’d cave and call ellie, but when you texted her after she had gotten out of the shower, she knew you didn’t.
y/n (1:34 a.m): i can’t wait to see how she reacts tomorrow, thanks for helping me haha
y/n (1:35 a.m): and thank you for keeping me company tonight, i really liked getting to know you abby 🖤
the smile that tugged at her lips after reading your message was nearly unrecognizable. as she walked out of the bathroom with her eyes and thumbs on her phone screen, manny raises a brow in slight suspicion at the peculiar sight.
abby (1:42 a.m): i really liked getting to know you too, i hope we can get to know each other better :) i was serious about teaching you how to ride a horse lol
“that’s a face i’ve never seen before.” manny states observingly, causing abby to look away from her phone, over at her roommate who was flashing her an intrigued smile. a blush coats her freckled covered cheeks as she thinks about you and your smile. “you remember that girl from my women’s history class? y/n?” abby reminds her best friend, who throws his head back and lets out a bark of a laugh. “abby you jugadora (player)! i knew you’d get laid eventually.” he taunts causing the jock to roll her eyes. “i didn’t ‘get laid’, gross ass. i finally said more than five words to her. i got her number too.” abby smirks, and mischief glints in manny’s eyes. “so nora dragging you to that party was a good thing then?” he half taunts and abby’s phone chimes, signaling that you’ve texted her again; her face gets hot, and manny chuckles.
y/n (1:44 a.m): i’ll be waiting for you to set something up when we’re not tipsy then ;)
abby (1:46a.m): i don’t think you’ll be waiting for very long <3 goodnigjt y/n, sleep tight
y/n (1:47 a.m): goodnight abby 🖤
when you wake up the next morning, your head is throbbing, and thoughts of last night begin to flood your mind. suddenly you remember all about abby’s plan to make ellie jealous. you reach over for your phone and see you have a string of missed calls, and five texts from ellie. your heart thumps as you open the text thread with the brunette.
ellie (2:20 a.m): you home??
ellie (6:34 a.m): why didn’t you call me last night?
ellie (6:35 a.m): did you make it back to your room safely??
ellie (9:35 a.m): you going to class today?
ellie (11:47 a.m) did you really hookup with anderson last night? it’s all that nora chick and her friend are talking about rn.
your cheeks heat up as you read the last message; word certainly seems to move fast around here. before you can even think about a response to ellie’s various messages, your gaze wanders to the time. your eyes widen as you gasp, realizing you slept nearly half the day away; it was already 2:30 p.m and nobody except for abby knew you were alive. you scurry off your bed, and just as your about to grab your clothes and stuff to shower, dina comes barging into your shared dorm. “dude, is it true!? did you hookup with the captain of the soccer team last night!?” dina sounds excited, and your cheeks turn a dark shade of pink, causing her to gasp.
“you did! holy shit, y/n… i didn’t think you had it in you.” she comments, sounding a bit impressed. “what? you didn’t think i had enough rizz to pull abby anderson?” you question half jokingly, causing the raven haired girl to laugh loudly. “oh no, i’m well aware you can pull whoever you want, i just didn’t think you’d move on from ellie so fast! i didn’t even come home last night, i spent the night listening to ellie rant about you and abby hunky anderson.” dina teases you mercilessly, doing nothing to ease the way your face is burning.
the raven haired girls eyes then widen, shining with pure amusement. “did you two do it in here? on your bed!?” she cackles before whistling, “who are you?” dina asks half jokingly as she begins to walk over to her side of the room, reaching for her biology textbook. “you’re leaving again?” you ask out loud, and dina nods, turning her head and flashing you a roguish smile. “yup, i’m studying with jesse till five.” she admits, and you raise your brows, offering her a disbelieving expression. “studying or fucking?” you ask her, poking fun at the slightly taller girl. she rolls her eyes, but looks away from you in order to keep you from seeing the way her face changes in color. “unlike you, i am considerate of jesse’s roommate. we wait until he’s at work.” dina’s response causes you to laugh, shaking your head in amusement.
“whatever. i’m going to shower, and change into pajamas. maybe i’ll make myself a cup soup and watch reruns of buffy all evening.” you tell her, and dina snorts. “maybe you could call anderson to join you. i’m sure she’ll be up for round two.” dina’s voice is sardonic but dripping with lightheartedness. “who says we didn’t already have round two?” you inquire challengingly, causing dina to gasp as she reaches for a pillow on her bed, tossing it right at you. you laugh loudly, as you make your way towards the door with your pajamas and toothbrush in hands. right as you open the door to rush out, you come face to face with ellie who had been debating with herself on whether to knock or not.
her eyebrows meet her hairline as she sees you, your mascara from last night a mess, and your hairs a mess. there’s a wave of hot, red anger that surges throughout the brunette as she realizes you’ve been so busy with abby anderson, you haven’t been able to answer any of her messages, or even been able to wash your face. her eyes flicker over to your bed that’s a mess, and suddenly unwanted images of abby fucking you on your bed flood her mind.
“it’s nice to see you’re alive.” ellie grumbles a bit dramatically as she pushes her way into the room, causing dina to turn around and look at you. “you knew i was okay. i was with abby.” you respond, and the mere mention of the other girl seems to set ellie off. “no i didn’t know that y/n! i don’t know a fucking thing about abby! she could’ve been a weirdo who only wanted to take advantage of you—” you cut ellie off before she can say something stupid, “but she wasn’t! abby and i are both two consenting adults who hooked up, just like everyone else around here!” you snap a bit harshly, and the words feel like a slap to the face for ellie. “so the rumors are true? you and anderson hooked up last night?” ellie’s voice sounds hurt, and you can’t even recognize the expression that’s etched onto her features.
“uh, jesse’s waiting for me, so i’ll let you guys talk.” dina declares a bit awkwardly, she can feel the tension in the room, but she decides to stay out of it and walk away. before she walks out, the raven haired girl flashes you a look of reassurance. when she shuts the door behind her, you and ellie are left alone. you shake your head, “why do you sound so angry about it? you hookup with girls all the time!” you counterpoint, and ellie shakes her head. “but i never ditch you to do it!” she hisses, while you respond with an eye roll. “yes you do! ellie, you ditched me last night for angela! you do it at every party with different girls, but the one time i do it, it’s a problem?” you ask, crossing your arms over your chest.
“i was worried about you! i don’t care about your meaningless, shitty hookup with anderson.” ellie spits rudely, and you let out an angry laugh of disbelief. “shitty? why do you think i was asleep all day? it was amazing.” you nearly grimace as you realize you sound like you’re trying too hard to convince ellie. “besides, abby already asked me on a date. she wants to go horseback riding.” you lie right through your teeth, and ellie lets out a chuckle. “yeah? that sounds like complete bullshit.” she calls you on your bluff, and you raise a brow, “what sounds like bullshit? that someone could actually want something more than a hookup with me?” you ask challengingly, causing ellie’s annoyed expression to falter. “no, y/n, that’s not what i meant…” she trails off, her voice lowering slightly.
“then what did you mean? because to me it sounds like you think all abby or anyone could ever want me for is a hookup.” you reply dryly, but ellie can detect the slight hurt in your tone. she shakes her head again, “no that isn’t— it’s not you! it’s abby! girls like her aren’t actually interested in dating anyone. i mean, half the cheerleading team said she sleeps with girls and never talks to them again!” ellie points out, and you furrow your eyebrows. “since when do you listen to rumors?” you demand, making her run her fingers through her hair in frustration. “you can’t seriously be thinking about going out with her, are you?”
her question causes you to frown, “yes i am. and unless you can give me an actual reason on why i shouldn’t, then we have nothing left to fight about.” your voice is strangely stern, and something in ellie’s stomach drops because of it. “i’m going to go shower… just like was before you barged in here.” you know you sound meaner than usual, but you can’t help it. ellie was supposed to be showing you how sexy she was when she was jealous, not what a jerk she was. you didn’t even mean to lie about your date with abby; it had just slipped out. ellie had a way of pushing your buttons, and in a way you knew the more you talked about abby, the more you were pushing hers. you walk out of your room, shutting the door behind you and leaving ellie alone. she can’t help but glance over at the messy, undid bed that was taunting her. ellie hates thinking about you and abby together, but she still can’t figure out why. dina was right, the brunette might just be the most oblivious person on the planet.
you’re not as upset after getting clean. a warm shower and a fresh set of pajamas always makes you feel better. when you get back to your room, ellie is no longer there, but there's a twinge of guilt that runs through your veins. you push it as far away from your thoughts as you can. you know you shouldn't feel bad; after all, ellie has been raving about how "pretty" and "hot" angela is for the last four weeks! you shouldn't feel the slightest bit guilty for making her jealous with abby.
as your mind thinks about the honey blonde girl, a small, inevitable smile makes it's way onto your lips. though the smile falls fast when you realize you're going to have to ask abby to help you again. this time it was your own doing; you angrily lied to ellie and told her you had a date with abby. in a way it made you feel a bit pathetic, faking a date. the cruel voice in your head was telling you that ellie was right; you couldn't get a date with someone like abby... not an actual date at least. but ellie didn't really know that. as far as she knew, you were going to be riding off into the sunset with abby after your date.
ellie doesn’t text you throughout the rest of the evening or night. a part of you feels a bit bad for lying to her, but the other part of you knows you only did it because she was acting stupid. the next morning you wake up and get ready for your classes; feeling way better than you did yesterday. abby sees you walking to your second class, which happens to be women’s history with her. she can’t stop herself from approaching you, regardless of the butterflies fluttering in her stomach.
“y/n.” she greets you with that soft accent, that causes an unfamiliar warmth to course throughout your body. “abigail.” you respond back, unable to contain the smile on your face. “how did things go with williams yesterday?” she asks curiously, and your smile falls at the mention of your best friend. “not good? was my plan a bust?” she questions cautiously, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. you sigh, “i don’t know. i mean, she was really mad yesterday when she came to my room. she heard people saying we hooked up, and she said all you wanted was to hookup and never talk to me again…” you trail off, and abby opens her mouth to disagree, but you go on before she can get a word out.
“i kinda got really mad when she said that and i might’ve lied to her about us having a date.” you blush in pure embarrassment, and abby lets out a laugh. “oh jeez, i don’t even wanna picture how angry she got when you told her that.” abby’s voice is light, yet there’s a slight seriousness in her tone; she remembers the way ellie was glaring at her the other night. you shake your head, a small frown etching itself onto your face. abby can’t figure out how you look so pretty all the time; even when you’re upset. “yeah she was pretty mad… but who cares? she’s just acting like a jerk! i mean, to be jealous is one thing but she doesn’t have to be an asshole about it. she’s supposed to be my best friend. realistically she’s supposed to be happy for me.” you mutter, causing the blonde to raise her brows in amusement.
“she’s your best friend who’s in love with you. the more time you spend with me, the angrier she’s gonna get.” abby points out with a slight mumble, and you sigh, “if ellie is as in love with me as you and dina say she is, then she would’ve said something yesterday. but she didn’t. i honestly think ellie just isn’t into me like that.” you sound genuinely sad as you come to terms with this, and the dismal expression on your face causes something to tug at abby’s heartstrings. she doesn’t like seeing you sad.
“she’s just stubborn. she needs more of a push. i mean you said she got upset when you told her we have a date.” abby tries, as you both stand outside of the classroom, continuing the conversation. “yeah, but she’s ellie, she literally has anger issues. maybe she was just mad that i promised to call, and i didn’t.” you explain, and abby shrugs. “then lets go on a date. let’s see how ellie reacts to it.” the taller girl throws the idea out there, causing you to freeze. you look at her, “you wanna take me on a “date”, just so i can see how ellie reacts?” your voice has suspicion laced throughout it, as abby nods. “why do you wanna help me so badly?” you interrogate slightly, obviously not trusting the blonde.
she laughs at the way your eyes are narrowed, and she can’t help but find every expression of yours absolutely adorable. “because i like you. you’re the coolest person i’ve met around here aside from nora and manny. i’ll help you get the girl if that’s what you want. i’m a great wingman.” she winks at you, and you roll your eyes playfully, that genuine smile that causes abby’s heart to palpitate returns. “you’re also a very sweet person.” you add onto her boast; this causes the back of her neck to heat up, as she looks down at her boots and smiles. you wrap your arms around her and hug her tightly, just like you did the other night.
and just like the first time you hugged her, abby’s mind begins to race as the smell of your perfume takes over her senses. she hugs you back, and when you pull away you have this mischievous grin on your face. “i guess we’ve officially got a date then, anderson.” you half joke, as you lead abby into the classroom. abby’s sure her face is as red as a tomato, and she’s much too busy thinking about how soft you are and how good you smell to think of a good response. instead, all abby can do is follow you like a puppy to your seat. she sits down next to you, and throughout the entire class, she doesn’t pay attention once.
after the class ends she realizes she hasn’t taken a single note, and has no idea what the assignment topic for tonight is. every thought she seemed to have, circled back to you. the worst of it was, you were probably thinking about ellie while she was thinking about you nonstop.
after class, she groans to herself as she realizes she has no idea what the assignment topic for tonight is. she was too busy stealing glances at you, and thinking about your “date”.
“god, what the hell did i get myself into?”
abby thinks to herself as she walks into her shared dorm. she throws herself onto her bed, her thoughts never leaving you.
meanwhile ellie slams the door behind her as she storms into her room. she can’t help but feel more upset than ever. she saw you and abby walking to class today, and it caused an ugly green wave of jealousy to wash over her. for a moment she actually wanted to go up to abby and punch her right in front of you, though ellie knew you’d never forgive her for that. but ellie also couldn’t just sit around and watch you fall for abby fucking anderson.
suddenly, she pauses in the middle of pacing as an idea hits her; like a lightbulb lighting up over her head. ellie knows what she has to do; she’s going to ruin your date with abby, and she has a million different ideas on how to do it.
team abby or team ellie? 👀
taglist: @macaroni676 @swxxtbnny @bellaramseyswife @asabovesobelow666 @thatonementallyillsimp @fofinhamarie @p4ison1vy @harrysslutsstuff @jalousiexx @mostlyhornyandsad @clouded-whispers @elliewilliams4ever @forelliesposts @dergy @uraesthete @4rt3m1ss @3bolivia @calderysuh @milfsandtittyenthusiast @fofinhamarie @mikimambo @elliewilliamsgf69 @ariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii01 @ellienbilliearemywives @emst4rr @nabiba @bycoincidencesoflife @jennasoneanonly @lizzygoldenr @bready101 @dinasbigtoe @fairlyang @wingedoafbasketballjudge-blog @halfmooneclipse @defencelessarcher @selfcentered-bitch @vswerve @iwantyoutocryforme @hsangel64 @abbysleftbicepp @gabsssssblog @2dmenlackimperfection @cinematicdilfs @masclover111 @mai5mai @teenagedramaqueenlisa
i’m sorry to everyone it didn’t let me tag, some of your blogs weren’t popping up 😭 merry christmas loves, stay safe - vamp <3
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bbyobbyo · 16 days
Ever since you stopped using his Spotify account in the mornings, you find other ways to mess with your boyfriend.
A short continuation of this fic, but can be read as a standalone.
content: fluff, established relationship, idol!Jihoon, banter, reader and jihoon just have a permanent jam session going on, they’re in love i swear
wc: 857
note: ahhh they’re back!! thank you to everyone who read the first part and gave it love😊 this has been rotting my brain for a while and i originally was playing with this concept for the original but couldn’t pull it together but we’re here now! shoutout to @highvern because it was partly inspired by her fic “Between the Titles” which is such a great read that i highly recommend along with literally everything else she writes!! all the songs featured here are real and from an era of kpop I hold near and dear to my heart so if you recognize any of them, you’re a real one 🥰
Jihoon is not a morning person, never has been. As he sits in the dressing room of the filming studio, he can feel his eyelids getting increasingly heavy. Some of his members are actively sleeping, in fact, and Jihoon knows he’ll be joining them soon if Wonwoo takes any longer in that makeup chair.
Blasting in his ears is his usual Bruno Mars playlist, a sad attempt to try to recover his energy before he knocks out next to Mingyu sleeping on a mat on the floor, but to no avail because his mind slowly slips away until a piercing airhorn noise jolts him awake.
Uhh. This was definitely not his Daily Bruno Mars Mix.
He immediately searches his screen to find out what happened when he finds his answer in the form of a text from you.
[8:18 am] good morning sleepyhead :)
[8:18 am] hope I didnt scare you too bad :)
He scrunches his face up in disbelief, half amused that you managed to catch him off guard with possibly the most annoying wake up song on Seventeen’s discography, and half annoyed at the realization that he must’ve forgotten to cancel your Spotify Jam session from yesterday.
He decides to leave your text on read. After all, he has plenty of time to be petty today. Furiously searching through his library, he queues up a song and before Mingyu can finish singing the first chorus, he smashes the next track button in smug anticipation.
Now Playing: Fxxk U • Gain, Bumkey
And he doesn’t have to wait long before he gets your reply.
[8:20 am] oh i see how it is
Now Playing: This is War • MBLAQ
If Jihoon wasn’t awake before, he definitely is now. Even as he gets called in to do his makeup next, he thinks carefully about his next move.
Now Playing: LOSER • BIGBANG
Now Playing: WHO, YOU? • G-DRAGON
An audible scoffs escapes from his lips as he involuntarily tilts his head back in amusement, much to the dismay of his makeup artist who had just started on his foundation. He mutters a shy sorry before resuming his search for a reply. Maybe he needs to take a different approach to this if he hopes to continue having Jam sessions with you in the future.
Now Playing: Whatcha Doin’ Today • 4Minute
As Jihoon eventually discovers, his hopes to change the topic of conversation were in vain as two songs were suddenly queued one after another.
Now Playing: Why Don’t You Know • CHUNG HA, Nucksal
Next in Queue: Mind Your Own Business • Ailee
Jihoon thinks he’s met his match, coming to the realization that he could never out sass the love of his life. But he wasn’t willing to back down so easily either.
Now Playing: I’m so sick • Apink
Next in Queue: Because of you • After School
Your next move nearly sends him to tears.
Now Playing: Excuse Me • AOA
Next in Queue: You Don’t Love Me • Spica
Next in Queue: I ain’t going home tonight • Navi, Geeks
Next in Queue: I Don’t Need a Man • miss A
As he chuckles to himself for what seems like the hundredth time this morning, this newfound form of entertainment suddenly becomes incredibly precious. Although you see each other nearly every day, Jihoon realizes just how much he misses you, talking to you about everything and nothing at all, bantering like you’ve known each other for your entire lives.
Now Playing: Am I too easy? • U-KISS
Now Playing: Mystery • Beast
Even though he couldn’t be with you physically, he knew you were enjoying yourself just as much as him on the other side. He could almost picture your smile of satisfaction as you found your next song, knowing that he would appreciate your humor. And appreciate he did, happily tapping away at his screen until his makeup artist puts on his finishing touches and tells him to call the next member.
Now Playing: Gotta Go • CHUNG HA
Next in Queue: I’m Busy • 2NE1
Next in Queue: Plz Don’t Be Sad • HIGHLIGHT
Now Playing: Okay Dokey • MINO, ZICO
Little does he know that his members are in the corner snickering at the sight, knowing that only one thing could have their producer smiling like an idiot at his phone the whole morning.
Soon enough, Jihoon and his members get swept up into their schedule involving the filming of various contents for their Youtube Channel, a task that usually takes the entire day if a game is involved. Thankfully, the game allowed for members to go home early, a rare treat considering how competitive his members can get when it comes to shooting content.
After his usual rounds of “good work everyone” to the company staff and his members, he gets ready to see the person who been on his mind (and in his ears) since the morning. Taking out his phone, he queues one last song while exiting the building.
Now Playing: Run to you • SEVENTEEN
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corrodedcorpses · 2 years
Eddie x reader
Summary: You're being a brat and Eddie puts you in your place in a nice way
Warnings: this is not smut but there are some sexual themes so still 18+!!, reader is a brat, Eddie is a cute dom, light choking, they don't exactly talk about boundaries fully, reader has trouble eating sometimes
Word count: 1.5K
a/n: Idk where this came from but it's completely self indulgent and I've been in a weird mood recently and would love my own personal Eddie to take care of me like this! Hoping this gets me out of my writing slump
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Eddie runs his fingers through his messy hair, an exasperated sigh leaving his lips as you stalk past him to the bedroom, slamming the door as you go. You have been in a foul mood since you came over to his trailer. Yesterday you seemed fine, excited even to spend the afternoon with him even, but since you showed up today, just after lunch time, it’s like every little thing he does annoys you. 
You were weird when he hugged you hello, like you couldn’t think of anything worse than his touch, then you complained that he hadn’t been cuddling you enough while you were on the couch together just before. Then he was talking too much about his latest campaign even though you asked about it and then he wasn’t talking enough and it was like he was ignoring you. 
Whatever he did it just got under your skin, he couldn’t win. 
You’ve gotten into these moods before, usually when you want something from him. These moods usually end with you collapsed on the bed, sore and glistening with sweat. Throat and pussy swollen from taking Eddie so well. But he knows this mood is different. 
He leans his forehead against the door you just slammed. Wracking his brain for what to do to get back on your good side. Thinking of all the things you usually like, a lot of them would involve you letting him into the room first… but he does think of one thing, you love going out for milkshakes with him. 
That’s it, he thinks. He’ll take you to your favourite diner and share some milkshakes, maybe even get some food, you could also be cranky if you were hungry and Eddie knows you struggle to eat sometimes. 
Eddie bursts through the door suddenly, excited by his ingenious idea, startling you on the bed momentarily before you plaster the scour back on your face. 
All of Eddie’s excitement seems to vanish as he sees the look on your face, still he pushes through, determined to still have a good afternoon with you.  
“Get your stuff, we’re going,” Eddie says, almost cheerily. 
“What?” you question, unamused. 
“We’re going out,” he reiterates flatly, “get your stuff.” 
“No,” you respond, crossing your arms with a huff. “I’m obviously not in the mood, I’m not going.” 
The action made you look like a spoiled kid. Jesus you could be a brat. 
“Come on, I know you’re not in the mood but can you just trust me?” he was getting frustrated at this point, all afternoon he’d be trying everything just to make you smile, to make you happy and you couldn’t just do this one thing? This one thing he knows would make you at least a little bit happier?
“No, why would I? Your idea is stupid how is going out supposed to make me feel better? You obviously don’t know me at all.” You snap back. 
He shakes his head at you, a mix of a sigh and a laugh leaving his throat. There's no humour behind it. 
“I know you better than you think, princess.” He spits the last word like an insult, it has you seeing red. 
“You don’t know shit Munson. You’ve done nothing but piss me off all day, can you just fuck off?”
Eddie’s not sure what came over him, he was fed up with your attitude, your words reminding him of how much of a brat you would be in other situations, although those were a lot more playful. Still he takes his chances, striding over to you. 
He kneels in front of where you’re sitting, crowding into your space placing his hand gently against your throat. You move away automatically, lying back on the bed as Eddie follows until you’re trapped under him, his fingers giving your throat a light squeeze. You stare into his eyes, usually warm dark orbs now black and hard. 
You’ve seen this look on his face before, just never in this kind of situation. 
“I said,” he tried a again through gritted teeth, “get your stuff.” 
When he’s met with silence he studies your expression. Your mouth is slightly open, your eyes softened and slightly glazed over. You don’t seem alarmed so he continues. He applies more pressure before continuing in a firm tone. 
“I’m getting really sick of this bratty little attitude you’ve had all day and I feel like a milkshake,” he says nonchalantly, “so get your stuff. Now.” 
He keeps his hand on your throat, his eyes darting back and forwarth between yours. You seem to be enjoying this, although you do seem a little surprised. For his peace of mind he has to check, has to make sure he hasn’t crossed a line by taking the dominance he has sometimes used into a more casual setting. 
“Colour?” He asks softly, domineering act faltering slightly. 
“Green,” you breathe in response. Sounding much smaller and submissive than you had wanted. Fully intending to keep up the annoyance that had settled over you all day. 
“Good,” Eddie responds simply, before suddenly standing up again. You feel the loss of his body heat immediately and scurry to grab your things, fulfilling his request before your brain can even comprehend your movements. 
Eddie watches you with a smirk as you slightly stumble around, mind slightly hazy as you gather your things. Once you have your bag slung over your shoulder, you stand up straight in front of him, smoothing out your bottoms as if you’re trying to look presentable for him. 
He grabs his keys and walks outside silently, revelling in the way you follow, hot on his heels. You mentally curse your body for giving in to him so easily. 
Eddie hops in his van as you try to not feel so hurt by him not opening the door for you like he usually does. 
The drive to the diner is quiet, one of Eddie’s tapes playing softly is the only thing cutting through the silence. 
When you arrive you both find a quiet booth, not many people in the diner at this time of the afternoon, the lunch rush having already passed. 
The waitress passes both of you menus but Eddie takes yours from you before you can even spare it a glance. You look at him with a mix of anger, confusion and sadness on your face but he doesn't meet your eyes, he just continues to study his own menu. 
When the waitress comes back over to take your order you’re pleasantly surprised when Eddie proceeds to order most of your favourites from the menu as well as two large milkshakes. 
You continue to sit in silence, Eddie doodling on a napkin while you try to ignore the nagging pain in your stomach. You hadn’t realised just how hungry you were until you knew there was food on the way. You do this sometimes, it’s not like you mean to not eat, sometimes it was just hard to remember to. And you don’t realise how sad and cranky it makes you. 
Your stomach also twists with regret, you feel bad for the way you’ve acted all afternoon, taking all of your weird emotions out on Eddie. And now here he was, taking you to get all of your favourites just to try and make you happy. 
You thankfully don’t have to wallow in self pity for too long before the food arrives. You both thank the waitress before trying your best to not inhale everything in front of you, knowing you'll hurt your stomach if you eat as fast as you want to. 
You’re both about halfway finished when you speak up, guilt and silence becoming unbearable. 
“Eds?” You mumble quietly. 
He looks up at you, finally, with an unreadable expression on his face as he pops another fry into his mouth. 
“I’m sorry,” you say sincerely. 
He sighs, a small smile creeping onto his face. “S’okay sweetheart, you feeling better?” He asks in a tiny teasing tone. 
You nod, blushing. 
You take another bite before asking “hey, how did you know I was hungry? I didn’t say anything.” 
“Well, you were a brat, acting cranky all fucking afternoon,”  he says matter of factly “and you only do that when you’re hungry… or when you wanna fuck.” He adds the last part with a wicked smirk. 
You roll your eyes at him with a smile on your face, but you know he’s right. 
“Next time though, just tell me yeah? You know I love taking care of my girl.” 
You lean forward across the table, looking up at him through your lashes. 
“Oh yeah, well I can think of a couple other ways you can take care of your girl.” 
Eddie leans towards you too, “hmmm you’re pushing your luck a bit there babe.” But his tone isn’t serious. 
You continue to stare at him with a smirk on your face, you know you have him. 
“Tell ya what,” he continues, leaning back, “be a good girl and finish all of this and I’ll think about fucking you silly in the back of my van, hmm?” 
You quickly pop a couple of fries in your mouth, earning a chuckle from Eddie. “Okay, master,” you say through a mouthful of food and a cheeky smile on your face. 
Tagging a couple mutuals: @andvys @wroteclassicaly @pxrxcxa @usedtobecooler @eddiemunsonfuxks @parkermunson @translatemunson @hammity-hammer @littledemondani @prettyboyeddiemunson
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caxde · 21 days
disposible heroes | 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
summary Eddie is assumed to be dead, you belived it, until music found his way into your live again, and a promise he's still alive is evident (7.2k)
warnings fem!reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, mutual pining, yearning etc, slowburn, idiots in love!!!, english is not my first language so I apologise if there’s some mistakes, not proof read!, canon-ish complaiant?
a/n: thank you to @sage-glowstick for all your help as I was writing this <33
“You know I’m here if you need me, right?” Robin’s voice felt as if it were coming from a thousand miles away, even if she was beside you, her fingers running through your hair, petting you softly. 
“I know” Your voice came out croaky, heavy, raspy. Tears were still falling from your eyes, you felt them, the coldness of the salty water running down your reddened and hot cheek. 
“Anything you need.” She repeated, wiping it away, her finger on the apple of your cheek a bit longer, trying to make you feel seen. 
“It just doesn't feel real.” You whispered, not being able to actually say it fully out loud. 
“I know.” She imitated your low tone, standing up from the bed as she looked out the window. “It’s a lovely day out, we could go for a walk.”
“In a bit, maybe.” You gave her a forced, half smile to her. She imitated it before nodding, standing up to finally leave the room, leaving the door ajar. 
It was a good day out, sunny and without a cloud, the leaves on the tree outside your window moving slowly. 
But he wasn’t there. 
As far as you knew, his body still laid lifeless on the fractured darkened ground of the upside down. 
And you hadn’t saved him. 
Guilt consumed you. 
It was worse, you had to lie to Wayne, you had to lie to the only person that knew him as much as you did, that cared for him as much as you did. 
You buried an empty coffin a couple of weeks ago. 
And all you had was an old shirt of his, and his guitar pick necklace you had once gifted him. 
Your hands closed around it, one last tear falling down as you did so. I miss you, i’m sorry were the only thoughts running through your mind. 
After a long time of just thinking, your eyes vacant and your thoughts going a bit too fast. As soon as Robin came to check on you once again, she knew where you were headed off to. 
The mix he had made you was still in your car, playing his music as if he was next to you. If you concentrated enough, you could still hear him sing them, in his usual chaotic goofy voice and tone he always used to get you to laugh, though if he was being sirius or was in his own little world he actually had a beautiful voice, an angelical one if you were the one listening. 
A weird combination of crying and laughter was now consuming you, as you finally parked your car in the same spot you had for the last few weeks. 
It was a weird feeling, you became more yourself the closer you walked to his grave, the closer you came to seeing his name carved in stone, the fuller you felt, as if he was walking beside you. 
The wind rustled in the leaves, as birds stopped singing, the sun still shining, your skin soaking it in, your puffy eyes squinting harder because of it. 
It was a very scenic moment, you thought as you sat down in front of the carved stone. 
“Hey Moon.” You whispered with a heavy heart. The stinging coming back to the back of your head as you looked at the faded graffiti you had cleaned yesterday. “I brought you a bit of music, I thought you might like it.” You fumbled through your bag, trying to find the little portable cassette player you had saved up for, that he had drawn in the back of with one of his markers. EM was here could still be seen in a faint white ink. “I finally got you the Metallica cassette you wanted.” You half smiled, trying not to break down again. 
The first guitar notes from the song battery filled the air, you let your body hit the ground right as the bass started, your feet stomping at the melody. 
“You’d love to play the guitar solo of this one.” You teased him, mumbling to the sky, your eyes closed, your body relaxing a bit more. 
The little portable player was starting to make that funny noise it had been making for the last couple of days, that dirty interference that made you angry every time, interrupting your time, it only infuriated you more now that you were here, trying to be close to him once more. Your arm reached to it, your eyes yet unopened, spanking it a bit, hopeful that it would go away. 
It didn’t. 
It started going in and out of focus, as if something was tampering with it, or water had crawled in, making the switch to the next song sound as if it was coming from deep underwater, as if a wave had just engulfed the speaker. 
“Fuck’s sake.” You complained through gritted teeth, grabbing it and holding it up, wiggling it a bit. As you did, the muffled sound went away, and the thing that should not be started playing. 
You lowered the volume, and let the speaker sit next to your ear, letting it sing only for you. 
It didn’t give you any trouble for a while, until it started acting up again. This time, the volume went up and down. At first you thought it was random, until you started paying attention. It seemed like a message, and grief invaded you enough to make you believe impossible things. 
Your shaking hands grabbed it, pulling it a top of your lap, looking back at where his name was carved before whispering “Don’t fuck with me” as you played the backwards button. Letting the song start from the beginning once again. “I swear to god Eddie if you’re fucking with me I’ll kill you again.” You spat as you mumbled angrily at the air, hoping to be right. 
To your astonished surprise, it seemed to work. 
The volume went up, as if it was a code, as if he was screaming. If you were honest, you could feel him screaming and yelling the lyrics in that chaotic voice you learned to love and miss. 
The very first word of the song spiked up messenger, it felt obvious enough, though it could just be a dumb coincidence. lurking beneath the sea made the volume go up, lowering immediately after it. You kept listening, writing it on the sketch pad you always carried in your bag. 
Once the song ended, the previous blank paper had sparesed lyrics over it. 
It read a confusing mess that you had to bring to Dustin as soon as possible. You recited it over and over again while you were speeding on the car. 
The motor of your car was louder with every gear shift you made, the little orange arrow in your speedometer kept rising, but you payed it no mind. In a similar manner, you didn’t care if your car skidded anytime you made a left turn, the only thing in your mind where the little words you had heard louder than the others. 
You didn’t care if your car blocked his driveway, or if the keys were still in the ignition. The bag on your left shoulder felt havier now that it was guarding the little instrument that felt magic. You hands where still shaking and you could stop fidgeting with his necklace, moving it one swipe left and two right as you made your way to Dustin’s front door, not sure what to say, not sure what to do. You were now anxiously looking down at your feet, and the way they moved through the cobblestone, the bumps that they left on your feet. 
You gathered enough courage to bang on his door. 
But he was taking a bit too long. 
He still hadn’t come down stairs. 
Bang Bang Bang Bang
“Jesus what?” He finally opened the door, the usual annoyed look on his face disappearing once he the way your lips were pressed together. 
“Upstairs, now. Code red.”
“Can you read it again?” Dustin asked, a pen in his own hand. 
“Messenger. Lurking beneath the sea. Forbidden site. Shadows. Underground. Fallen city, living death.” You looked at him, sharing a deep breath. “Then it repeats, Lurking beneath the sea, and ends with not dead”
Dustin stood up, pacing around his room while his hands fidgeted with the pen he had. 
“And you’re sure it worked normally before you arrived at the grave?” He inquired, his words pausing between them as he usually did when he was trying to figure out something. 
“Look I know it sounds stupid, but… I… It can’t be a coincidence.” He acknowledged just how hopeful and defeated you were, and he gifted you a smile. 
“I wanna believe it too, I just, can I hear it now?” You nodded, while you took the little player out of the bag and played the song again. It sounded crystal clear, no interference, no change in volume. “And it changed volume once you were…” 
“Yeah, I told you.” 
“We should go there, I’ll ask the others to join us there.” He grabbed the talkie while he handed you the phone, letting you call into family video, the number already dialed up. 
“Family Video this is Steve how may I help you today?” He sounded as bored as he always was, you could tell he was playing with the telephone chord. 
“Steve, can you take your break now?” Your voice was quieter than usual, and that pulled him in, you heard how his elbows hit the table, and the receiver was caught between his cheek and his shoulder. 
“Hey honey, everything okay?” His tone was sharper now, you felt the way he was measuring his words, he had become rather used to spreading kindness and handling you with care ever since you had come back, you had no time for that kind of nonsense right now. 
“Yeah, that’s why I’m asking you to skip work in the middle of the day.” Your words were coming out sharper and colder than you intended for them to. Irony stinging like a dagger. 
“A simple no would also work, y’know.” He answered, a bit hurt, but mostly worried. He knew the number was coming from Dustin’s house, and the only reason you had to go over his house was for one he didn’t dare to think about. 
Mostly because the last time you had barged in with Dustin into Family Video he ended diving into cold water, and with a few scars to remember those days by. 
“Can you take your break or not? We kinnda need both of you.” You were impatient now, you were speaking faster, snappier, quicker. 
“What the hell is going on?” You could physically see him holding the bridge of his nose, his eyes closed while he loudly breathed out into the receiver. 
“Steve! Please?” You were begging now, the frustration of wanting to let him know everything all at once, while trying to be careful to not say too much, the fear that someone might listen to you, the impotence of not being able to do enough, it was all enough to create tears that wouldn’t fall. 
“Breathe out.” He reminded you. He didn’t know what was going on, or why you seemed to be so aggravated, but he could tell that it was important enough, a sense of urgency clear in your voice. He took a second, looking at Robin while his eyebrows raised she called the ‘the decision look’ and she knew better than to oppose it. “Is this a code red?” He finally asked, wanting and needing you to say no, his head falling deeper once he heard your muffled yes. “Where are we meeting?” 
“Graveyard.” You answer quickly, the iron taste in the inside of your mouth becomes more prominent now that you are speaking again. “Pick Nance up.” You told him before hanging up. 
You gave a quick glance over your shoulder to check on Dustin. His words were fast paced, he started the second one while the first was still finishing in his mouth, he had no time to lose, which in a weird way, was reassuring for you. Someone cared as deeply as you did, it made you feel not that alone, seen in a way. 
You found your way downstairs, your feet feeling heavier and your chest tightening, a fast thought entered your mind, as it grew bigger so did the worry that accompanied it. What do we do if he is alive?
If Eddie really is alive, and he has been there, all by himself for the last weeks he must be pissed off. Not only that, as far as you remembered he was incredibly injured, so he could be right at death's door, a slip away from being actually gone. And if that was really the case, and he was bloodied, starving and a whisper away from death, you’d never forgive yourself if you didn’t at least just try, you had to try. 
But then again, that panic was shared. 
Dustin did not talk while you drove. He didn’t complain while you smoked one of his cigarettes that he had left on your glove compartment, he limited himself to stay still, biting his thumb as a response to the nervousness that was now deep inside his body. 
You parked where you had a mere hour ago, and the birds sang until you found your way next to his gravestone. You looked at Dustin, needing reassurance, he just nodded. Weirdly enough, you were both in a lost for words. 
You sat in silence, looking at his name with clear sandness in both of your faces, you hid a whimper, culpability making its way into your body. 
“I feel insane.” You confessed as you buried your face into the palm of your hands. Needing just a second to process it all. 
“You’re not the only one.” Dustin added, looking back as soon as he heard a familiar car pull into the secluded place you both were, he gave you a soft pad on your shoulder, his head nodding to it so you’d look. 
Steve emerged from the burgundy car, closely followed by Robin, Nancy and Jonathan.
Robin’s eyebrows were raised in concern as she ran to where you were, she wasn’t a fiscal touch person, but lately she had been giving you hugs every chance she had, and this time it was no different. It felt familiar, a sense of reassurance you desperately needed. 
“What’s going on?” She whispered into your ear, pulling away slowly, looking deep into your eyes. You waited for the other three to make their way up hill, Nancy’s knuckles were white with how much strength she was holding Jonathan’s hand. 
“He’s alive.” Is all you could bring yourself to say, before breaking down. 
You weren’t even sure why you were crying this time, maybe it just felt good to say it outloud, maybe it was just too much to manage, or maybe you just needed to relise your bottled up emotions. It didn’t matter. 
Nancy’s eyes widened, as Jonathan looked at her, not really understanding why you’d say that. Meanwhile, Steve’s arms crossed in front of his chest, he was having a hard time following you. 
“What are you talking about?” Steve’s voice was not only lower, his tone had never been as serious, not a trace or irony or sarcasm in them. 
“Dustin?” You plead for help, you didn’t think you could manage to explain it all again. Your hands were busy fidgeting with the cassette player, tracing over the speaker, wishing that it would happen again. 
“She uh… Well…” Dustin was having a hard time, the possibility that you might be right was a bit overpowering for him. 
“I came over, and played him the new record.” You gestured to the empty cassette case with the white crosses on it, Robin picked it up and looked at it closely, smiling in that that’s sweet way that she does when she finds something charming. “And uh…” 
“She says that the cassette player started going wild, the volume going up and down by itself, interference, water sound in it. But we played it again at my house and it sounds perfectly clear. And well… The words that were actually louder were like a call for help and if we look at this logically-” Steve cut the explanation that Dustin had started, a crease in the middle of his forehead. 
“That’s insane. You’re seeing things where there are none.” He exclaimed, gesturing wildly with his hands. 
“Steve…” Robin pleaded calmly, her eyes asking for him to consider the situation. 
“It’s not!” You screamed. You needed them to understand, weirder things had happened to all of you in the last couple of years, this was nothing new. “Will was able to communicate with you!” You looked at Jonathan now, trying to make him understand, trying to win him to your side of the argument. 
“Yeah but… He actually… It was his voice.” Jonathan mumbled, trying really hard to believe what you were saying, trying to see your side of the story, but the look of desperation on your face was too close to Joyce’s, and that gave him a bad feeling in his stomach. 
“He’s alive.” You repeated, looking back at the way his name was carved into the gray stone, how long it took you to be able to accept it, and how it hopefully would be destroyed, as if it never had happened. “And he’s down there, alone, injured and with no strength, do you really think he’s going to start chatting?” With every word you said your tone became higher and higher. 
“Look, there is no way he’s alive…” Steve’s voice sounded defeated as he crouched down, closer to your eye level as you were still sitting down at the floor. “We all saw him down there, bloodied and… I get that you want him back, but you shouldn’t make it our problem.” his cheeks were red, as the vein in his left temple became bigger with every breath he took. 
“Your problem?” That made you lose it, it was one thing to not believe you, it was an entirely different thing to call you crazy and accuse you of being delusional. “You were the last one out, if he is alive, it’s your fault.” It had been like poison, hearing you say such things. You knew far too well that you were hurting him, his lips were pressed against each other, his left hand holding on thigh to his arm. 
“Guys…” Robin tried to calm you both down, exchanging looks between the both of you, knowing full well this could blow everything up. Knowing that pain can be spread around faster than any disease. 
But before she could say anything else, her ears perked up, as she heard the way the wind was rustling through the trees, she was a bit too sensitive to these kinds of things, over vigilant after everything she had seen. 
“That’s way out of line…” Steve whispered, with clear guilt creeping in through his voice. “You know that if I could trade it… You know I don’t…” He was truly at a loss for words, not being sure what he could say, an extremely defeated expression rested on his face, his eyes avoiding eye contact with yours, looking at the ground, and the way the grass moved thanks to the wind. 
“Guys!” Robin screamed at all of you now, as she picked out a rusting coming deep and low from the little player you were still holding. 
Silence broke through all of you, as you looked down and started hearing the beginning of a song you hadn’t hit play for, the red light that usually shined bright when it was on was absent from it. 
“Did you–?” Dustin started to ask, you shook your head, as a hopeful smile invaded your lips. 
You went quiet, looking down at it, a guitar solo started, before you heard the tape playing backwards until the last phrase of the song was found, volume creeping louder and louder reaching out again could be heard from it, you let out a chuckle, a nervous giggle that went around the group as everyone had now experienced what had happened to you. 
“What song is that?” Nancy asked directly at you, her face still in clear shock, mouthing the first words since she got here. 
“Welcome home” You mutter, with glee in your eyes. “He is here.” You tell her, knowing that she fully believes you, by the way fear was creeping into her body. 
“That could just be a coincidence…” Steve was still cautious, not wanting to fully give in. If he did, that meant that you were right, and that he left him for dead, and he couldn’t handle the guilt that came with it. 
“Eddie!” Dustin started screaming, directly into the little player that you would not let go of, repeating his name with urgency. “Buddy, are you really there?” 
“It’s changing again.” Robin pointed out, as her fingers traced a pattern on your leg, reassuring you that this was actually happening. 
It was exactly as it had happened a few moments ago, when you were by yourself, as if water had creeped inside, mumbled and far away it sounded as the song changed to another one, before becoming crystal clear to your ears. The heavy thumping of the guitars starting again, quieting down before abruptly going up once the lyrics Twenty-one, only son, but he served us well could be heard. 
You were tearing up now, and you weren’t even capable of hiding it any longer. 
But panic came quick once you heard the next highlighted set of words. 
Finished here, greeting death, he’s yours to take away
“What’s this one called?” Jonathan asked this time, his head whipping fastly from Nancy to you. 
“Disposable Heroes.” 
You wasted no time. 
Dustin held on tight to his car seat every time your foot pressed the accelerator, everytime you swerved the car you could feel him holding his breath just for him to release it in a nervous manner. 
They were all gathered around Steve's kitchen table, arguing over themselves. 
You weren’t all there, the only thing going over your head was him, and the promise of actually being able to hear his voice once again. 
Your foot kept on tapping the ground, a repetitive pattern that you weren’t able to stop, your hand still playing with his necklace. The chatter of them talking was overwhelming you, they were wasting time and that was infuriating. They were arguing, and you were frozen in the spot. They kept talking and you remained quiet. 
Nancy sat down next to you, she still hadn’t said anything either. 
Her hand traveled to yours, a top of your thigh. She squeezes your hand, you knew it was her way of telling you i’m here, i’m sorry. 
“They’re wasting time.” You finally whispered, your voice hoarse, a trace of sadness in it. 
“I don’t think I can go back.” She said at the same time, a trace of guilt in hers. 
“You shouldn’t.” You reassured her, not only with your calm voice, but with the same squeeze she gave to your hand, now on her’s. You didn’t have to tell her that you planned on going alone, she had already noticed. 
“You can’t.” She finally looked at you, deep into your eyes. You noticed the way her eye twitched before shaking his head. “We barely made it out of there, there’s no way you’ll make it by yourself, and having to carry Eddie or…” 
“His body?” She snorted a laugh, trying hard not to giggle, thought the nervous laughter got you too. “This has to be one of the most insane days…” She nodded while you both laughed, catching your breath before she talked. 
“I’m watching over you, I’ll stand at the gate. That I can do.” she stood there for a second longer, her lips pursed in that shy smile she usually gave people, the ones she actually cares about. 
“Thanks Nance…” You let go of her hand, to give her a playful bump on her shoulder. She nodded as she saw you finally stand up. 
Robin looked at you with curious eyes, as she saw you finally leaving the couch. She watched in a quiet manner as she saw you grab the car keys and put them in your pocket, and how you looked around as you put your hair up in a messy ponytail, bumps caused by shaky fingers. She only put her hand around Steve’s arm, her eyes still trained on you, once she saw you pocketing the vodka bottle and the old rag to light it up. 
Steve looked at Robin first, following her eyesight until she saw you, trying to not look suspicious as the rag poked out of the pocket of your brown leather jacket. 
You knew you were being caught as soon as you heard the sudden silence. 
“Woah, woah, hey…Where do you think you’re going?” Steve pointed out, one hand on his waist as the other one gesticulated widely. Confusion and worry evident in the way he spoke, his voice coming up and down like a rollercoaster. 
“What do you think?” The frustration was clear in the way you not only looked back at him, but in the way your words sting. “You’re wasting time…” You were now defeated, your hands now buried deep into your jacket pockets, fingers playing around with what you had in them, a way of distracting yourself. 
“We’re not.” Dustin tried to make a point, though his furrowed brows read as sadness. “We need a plan, so we’re just trying to come up with one…”
“What plan? We go in, Nancy guards the door, we get him, we come back.” Your shoulders scrunch up as you simplified it all, their eyes switched from you to Nancy, who was still sat down at the sofa, a bit tenser than when you were beside her. 
“Nance, you’re not coming?” Steve inquired, his whole body turning to face her from a distance. 
“I… I can’t…” Her eyes crystalised as shock emanated from her body. 
“She doesn’t have to, I’ll be with her, we’ll keep watch. Right?” Jonathan jumped in, reassuring Nancy, as Steve took a step back. “You’re not leaving my sight.” He whispered in her ear once he got by her side, their foreheads touching. 
You smiled to yourself, a sweet moment between them. The world stopped for them, you could tell, and that’s exactly what you were craving right now, and worrying you might never get back. 
“Fine, but we still don’t know how to get in.” Steve added, his arms flexing in front of his chest as he shook his head in defeat. 
“Watergate.” You mutter. 
“You’re insane.” Robin snapped as soon as she heard you, pausing in between words. “Even if we did manage to get down there and it was still open, how do you plan on coming back with him? What if there’s more rabies infected bats around? What if you get stuck there this time? We need to find another gate!” She was now talking in full speed, cascading words as her thoughts entered her mind. 
“So we go to the woods!” You whine, frustration and impatience invade you once more. 
“The woods?” Steve asked. 
“She’s right.” Dustin added, his eyes finally leaving the ground shining as they did so. “Vecna killed Patrick and that created Watergate, so maybe there’s a gate near Fred’s death, like the one in the trailer…”
“What?” You questioned him as you saw him losing the train of thought. “We go to the woods and we get in and out, what’s wrong?” 
“We killed Vecna, so the upside down should be collapsing since he isn’t alive and isn’t there to power it so…” He continued as he thought out loud. 
“So what?” Steve asked as his voice went higher in tone. 
“So it’s crumbling down.” Dustin pointed out as if it was overly obvious. 
“So we have to go, now.” You said at the same time, heading to the door, no time to waste. 
You heard their footsteps following you as you found your way to your car, you were finally getting somewhere.
You thought you would feel relieved once you saw you were right, what you weren’t expecting was your jaw to clench at the sight of the hidden gate. 
It wasn’t big, it was small and weak. 
The same thing that happened back in the graveyard started again. The wind picked up, hollowing through the trees replacing the chirping of the birds. 
“Take care.” Nancy said with a trembling voice, while her hand was holding tightly with Jonathan’s. 
Steve’s grip on his bat changed, firm and steady now, before twisting it a bit, readjusting it so he’d be more comfortable. Dustin’s hands fidgeted with the end of his jacket, patting his pockets checking once again that he wasn’t missing anything. 
“If we’re not here in an hour, check in with El, she’s with the others guarding Max, but she should be able to…” Dustin recalled for the hundredth time, going over the plan he had been yelling about in the car drive over here. 
“Yeah, one hour. Got it.” Jonathan nodded as he spoke, waving bye as you stepped in. 
You just pressed your lips as you heard him. 
If you only had an hour, you had to make it count. And it had to start now. 
You had never just walked into the upside down. You had always fallen into it, so you didn’t have time to actually feel the veil breaking as your skin found its way in, the viscosity of the red hue, and the dryness that could be felt immediately after that. Your eyes slowly adjusted to the lack of colour and light, as you became hypervigilant, looking up at the sky before the others found their way. 
There was absolutely nothing there. 
A cloudless sunless grey sky welcomed you, with no thunder or lightning. 
If anything, that nothingness was just more unnerving. 
Every step they made echoed through, and made you look around, hoping to find something that would make you keep your hopes up. 
You agreed on walking to the graveyard, if there was nothing there, you’d find your way to the trailer park and go back. 
“Something’s weird.” Steve pointed out, as he looked around. 
“Not weird, decaying.” You added, nodding to a grey crumbled up vine. The hole in it seemed to get deeper and bigger by the second. 
“Quiet.” Robin said, as she looked up. “There’s no bats, no thunder either.” 
“You can still trip though.” You told her as you held her from stepping into a fallen tree branch. 
You walked, you weren’t really sure for how long, yet she was right, it was oddly beautiful now. A stuck in time version of Hawkins where nothing seemed to change, where everything looked as if it was straight out of an antique photograph you had found hidden in a cupboard. 
You could see the iron gate from the cemetery, the bars on it starting to fold down, as if they were wilting flowers of an old bouquet. You felt as you collectively held in your breath. 
It wasn’t long after that that you started hearing someone yelling unintelligible things. 
While you were slowly making your way in, Eddie lied there. 
He was right where you thought he’d be -unaware that you were near him- an empty space between gravestones, his body falling into the floor, exhausted from getting there, starving and malnourished. He had been talking nonsense for a while, he started whispering it into the heavens, until now, his voice was loud, and even if he didn’t intend to, panic found its way in it. 
“Just one more song? Please? I need to know you’re there. I’ll sing along again if you want!” He had been looking at the void in the sky for a long time, he wasn’t sure if it had been an hour or two, to be honest, it felt like he had been there for days. “C’mon baby, please? Just a bit more, a guitar solo, or just… your voice would be nice…” He started begging now, pleading with some force he didn’t quite believe in for something that would indicate you’re there, near. “For fuck sake! I know I’ll die here, at least you could play some music while I do so!” Themix of desperation and tiredness was now getting into him, he looked at his hands and realised how his rings looked bigger, then now danced and moved with more ease. “Or just… Maybe if you light one up?” 
At the same time, you started hearing his screams, and you started picking up the pace, running through the maze of granite carved stones, with different names and dates. 
Dustin was the first to start screaming his name, while you just focused on running near where the voice came from. 
You’d know it was him even if you hadn’t heard him in thirty years. 
Adrenaline came over your body, so you rushed until your legs stopped, all of a sudden once you saw him. 
He was there, his hand on his stomach, where blackened stains in his shirt layed wrinkled. 
He was there, his hair laid perfectly still in a careful knotted mess. 
He was there, his chest raised up and down as he breathed. 
He was there, and he was alive. 
“Moon…?” The nickname you had for him fell from your lips, your tone shaking as you still couldn’t believe it. 
He slowly stood up, a grin of discomfort from pain evident in his face. He looked at you, his eyes barely opening up. He was still sitting on the ground, you felt your lips curving upwards as relief invaded you, seeing him smiling at you in recognition. 
“Eddie?!” Dustin screamed as he ran up to him, falling to his knees as he hugged him, his head hitting his chest, Eddie’s arms slowly wrapped around his body. “I thought I… We lost you…”  His voice was muffled, still you could tell he had started crying. 
“I thought I lost you too.” Eddie’s voice trembled as he looked directly at you. His eyes crystalised once he saw the first tear jump from your eyes. 
You felt Robin’s hand on your shoulder, a thigh squeeze letting you know it was real. He was okay, and you were getting him back. 
She nodded, letting you know it was okay if you wanted to interrupt.
You walked slowly to him, the back of your hand wiping away your tears. You let your body hit the floor, you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him. 
“Hi” You whispered as soon as you were a breath away from him. 
“Hi” He gleamed back as soon as he got you close. 
“You’re okay?” You asked, as your voice quivered, desperate to hear him again, talking directly to you. 
“Yeah, I’m okay.” He nodded as a trembling hand found the back of your neck. 
Dustin smiled before stepping back, leaving you both alone for a moment, a much needed moment. 
You gave in, melting into his arms. You were both crying quietly now, his hands stroking your hair politely, afraid that you were nothing but a mirage, while yours held on thigh to him, scared that you would cause him pain from needing that close. 
“You scared me to death.” You half joked as you chuckled through the crying. 
“I’m the one dying.” He added on to the joke, his lips finally kissing your temple, drinking your perfume in as he did so. 
“Shut it.” You shake your head as you slowly pull back, your hand now cupping his cheek, as your thumb slowly graces the high points of his cheekbone. “I’m getting you home.” 
You thought about kissing him, your lips touching his, melting completely under his touch. But once he leaned in to do so you saw how blood stained his shirt again, your eyes darted from his as you looked down, the red growing wider by the second. 
Fear invaded your body again, a sense of urgency creeping over both of you. 
“Yeah, we should really go” He grunted through gritted teeth. 
It had been a blur. 
Nancy grabbed your car keys from your hand, as you helped Eddie inside the car, sitting on the back with him. Cradling him as you talked to him, trying to keep him calm even if you were panicking deep inside. 
Steve arrived at his house before you, opening the door wide open, Robin helping you bring Eddie in. 
They were downstairs now, phoning Hopper, and El and finally Wayne. 
Steve’s bedroom guest had a big window where sun creeped in, a soft breeze helping him cool off as cold sweat dripped from his forehead. You helped him lay on the soft mattress sitting next to him carefully. 
You had enough supplies hidden under the bed, you knew you could stitch him up enough so he would stop hurting, you had enough experience patching people up. 
“Can you take your shirt off?” You asked him with a slight raise of your eyebrows. 
“You already want me naked?” He joked. He tended to do that when he got nervous. You tilted your head as you bent over so you could take the little box full of supplies out of underneath the bed. He chuckled once he saw the box in your hands. He started trying to take his jacket off, with a grunt in his face he shook his head. “I might need help.” He admitted, a grunt on the back of his throat. 
“Thought so.” You muttered under your breath. 
You scootched over to him, your trembling hands becoming steadier as they found the neck of his jacket, pulling it down slowly. At first, Eddie moved, tried to help. Once he felt your hands against his arms however, he stood still, his eyes not letting go of you, and the way your hands moved with such carefulness and tenderness. 
The tips of your fingers were now in between his skin and his shirt, soaked in dirt and blood. 
You looked at him before pulling it up, he nodded, his eyelids halved opened, a cautious smile in his lips. He sucked to his teeth as his skin separated from the stiff cloth, your fingers brushed his abdomen with care, avoiding to trace his skin as soon as you saw the grin of discomfort he had on his lips. His arms ached once they were up in the air, the shirt falling off of them slowly. 
“It looks worse than I thought.” Eddie grunted as he finally looked down. You guided his torso against the cushions that were prepped up, his hand lingered to your arms, the tip of his fingers burrowing into your skin. 
“I’ll clean it up, I’m sure it’s not that bad.” You tried to play it off, a kind smile curved your lips upwards, a little gesture he imitated. 
“You must really like me” He started in a soft whisper. “You keep lying trying to make it all better.” 
You laughed it off, a short chuckle coming out of him. You started soaking the cotton swab with alcohol, the odor of it filling the small gap between the both of you. 
“You know I do.” He smiled in a soft manner, his teeth showing as he tilted his head. “Ready?” 
You smiled kindly before starting to clean his wounds. They were as if someone ripped and crumpled a paper sheet. They weren’t deep, just repetitive bite and claw marks over the same spot. The big one was on his lower abdomen, another one near his collarbone, a gash on his neck. His arms were full of scratches and deep cuts you had to keep clean. 
He didn’t complain. He just let you do whatever you thought you had to, deep down he knew that if he let you take care of him, you’d feel better. And if he was being honest with himself, he enjoyed you dotting and caring for him, you knew it was because he won’t trust anyone else but you. 
“You know you could just wait for Hopper to come right? He’ll probably make me go to a hospital or something.” He whispered in an attempt to get you to look back at him, his eyes not leaving yours. 
“I know, I just…” 
“I’m okay.” He started, reassuring you, trying to get you to stop overcleaning the same spot on his chest. “Hey.” You kept overdoing it, a blank look on your face. “Darling, please…” He begged now, the way his lips said the nickname snapping you out of it. 
“I thought you were dead.” You crumbled down, nervous tears threatening to jump out, your lips quivering as you started to talk. “I thought you were gone, Moon…” 
“I’m not.” He reached out, his hand finally holding yours. “You really think it’s going to be that easy? You’re not getting rid of me.” 
“I buried you… Well there was nothing in there but… I just.”
“I know, I heard you and Wayne talking.” He confessed, his eyes changing, now they were full of melancholy, and a hint of guilt. “I’m sorry by the way…” 
“What the fuck are you on?” The words fell right out of your lips, tilting your head as your tone went higher. 
“I just… I heard you crying. Begging and all that. I’m sorry I almost died and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you everything I wanted to, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I loved you before, I’m sorry I left I-” You interrupted him, as soon as you heard the big word. Your hand tightening around his. 
“You do?” 
“I do what?” He tried to brush it off, the confession had fallen out of his mouth without him thinking too much about it. 
“Love me?” You were embarrassed by how hopeful you sound. His free hand travelled to your cheek, slowly stroking it as he looked deeply into your eyes, falling deeply into them. 
You gave in, your head now resting in the palm of his hand, he slowly pulled you closer to him. Finally closing the distance between the both of you, slowly, then all at once. His lips met yours, a smile appearing on both of them. It was a careful kiss, a needy and soft kiss. It said more things than you both could ever tell eachother. His lips begged for yours to never leave him again, to let him stay by your side. Yours were yelling for him to be patient, and let you love him in a quiet and slow manner. 
You pulled away slowly, your forehead touching his. 
You both knew each other understood. Still, he whispered low enough for you to barely hear him, right before you were interrupted by the door opening. “Of course I do.” 
“Happy you’re back kid.” Hopper’s voice interrupted the both of you, moving your heads so you could look at him. “I’m sorry but you’ll have to answer a couple of questions, then go to the hospital”
“Stay?” Eddie asked, a promise in his voice. 
“Yes. For as long as you let me.” 
He kissed the tip of your nose, before talking again. 
“Forever then.”
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missredherring · 6 months
Wrong Until You Make It Right
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Joel Miller x Plus Size!F!Reader
Rating: T
Word Count: 3k.
Summary: After a long day when his kitchen sink starts leaking, there's only one person he thinks to call. You make a house call and Joel gets a wake up call.
Contents: no outbreak!AU. No kids!AU. Co-workers to lovers. Power imbalance (contractor/subcontractor). Reader is nicknamed "Patches."
A/N: This is a Secret Santa gift for the lovely @covetyou!!!
I hope you like this, Lo. All of your prompts were great and I had a hard time passing up Dieter giggling about butt plugs, but I couldn't resist Joel pining over his pretty subcontractor plumber.
I was going to try and wait to post this closer to Christmas but I'm so impatient to give it to you!!
I know nothing about plumbing except for what Google told me. Not beta'd; all mistakes are my own. Divider by @saradika-graphics.
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Joel’s feet are wet. Why are his feet wet? 
He blinks his eyes back into focus from where he’d been staring blankly at the dishes and looks down at the floor. There’s a small puddle at his feet which explains the deeply unpleasant sensation of wet socks, but not why or where it came from. He opens the cabinet under the sink and a few more trickles of water rush out to settle around his feet too.
He sighs, and for one sweet second he considers going out to his truck, getting the sledgehammer, and just smashing through the whole damn kitchen. But then he thinks of the work and money it’d take to fix everything after his temper tantrum and sighs again. He turns on his phone’s flashlight and looks under the sink. There’s the usual pipes and nothing is obviously broken, but there is a puddle at the bottom of the cabinet to match the one on the floor. He hears another drop of water fall as he closes the door. 
His head hangs between his shoulders and he squeezes his eyes shut for just a moment. His phone is in his hand and ringing before he really knows what he’s doing. Your name is on the screen and his gut is mixed between the flutter of anticipation to hear your voice, and the sick twist of ‘oh shit.’ He shouldn’t be calling you this late after an even later day, but he has a plumbing issue, and you’re the one he always calls for plumbing issues. Ok, not always, but for the past year and a half you’ve been his plumber of choice. 
Your tiny voice is yelling at him by the time he makes up his mind to not hang up on you.
“Did he butt dial me or something? Man…” You’re talking to yourself and it sounds like you’re moving your phone away now so it’s his turn to call out your name.
“Patches, uh, hey. I meant to call you.” He says quickly. He grabs a kitchen towel and throws it on the floor, soaking up as much of the water as he can, moving it around with his already wet foot.
“What’s up?”
“I have a problem at the house. Kitchen sink is leaking.” 
“I just checked the kitchen pipes yesterday. Did something–”
“No, not at the site. At my house. There’s water all over the floor and–” He can feel the need to explain himself mix with the nerves in his gut and it’s an effort to stop the words. “Could you come over and take a look at it please? I know it’s after hours. I can call someone else.”
“Don’t worry about it, Miller. I’m leaving the site now, so I’ll see you in a bit.” You say and end the call. 
He’s left looking at his phone’s clock and rubs at the back of his neck, suddenly aware of his sore back and arms and the weight of tiredness behind his eyes. Joel takes the gamble and finishes the remaining dishes in the sink. He can give you the curtesy of a cleaned up workspace at least. When he’s done he goes under the sink again and turns off the water valve. 
Another hanging kitchen towel catches his eye as he straightens up and he tells himself that he might as well dry and put away the dishes while he waits for you to get here. Right after he changes his socks.
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Headlights flash through the front windows and his phone chimes with a text. He checks it even though he knows it’s from you, and a moment later you’re knocking at the door. 
Joel saw you just this morning, passing you in the site’s upstairs bathroom as he left to meet up with the materials supplier. He already has the urge to give you a wide berth, to leave the room you haven’t even entered yet. As he opens the door he knows, deep down, that being alone with you is a bad idea.
You’re standing on his doorstep, still in your preferred work uniform of a t-shirt branded with your plumbing company’s logo and a worn pair of overalls. Sturdy boots are on your feet and you’ve got a tool bag in one hand as you shove your phone in a pocket with the other.
All of a sudden he regrets everything. Calling you was a mistake. You shouldn’t be here, all round and soft and looking like you’ve walked out of every dirty dream he’s had since he was a teenager just learning what to do with a stiff dick only steps away from his bedroom, his couch, his kitchen counter. Hell, he’d happily deal with his back and knees aching tomorrow if you let him fuck you on the stairs right behind him, or up against the door after he closes it.
You raise your eyebrows at him when he doesn’t say anything and just stares at you. “You said you’ve got some busted pipes? You’re gonna have to let me in if you want me to look at them, Joel.”
He nods and moves out of the way. His hand is fidgeting at his side, but he's happy to let it go, relieved that it hasn't done something dumb like reach out for you instead. “Thanks for coming over so late. I appreciate it.”
“You know, there’s a porno that starts out like this,” You say as you pass him, a teasing grin on those lips he does his best not to think about. “The genders are usually flipped –which is just a ridiculous waste of potential– but don’t worry, all I have in here are my work tools. I left my other tool bag at home.”
You laugh and it’s all he can do to force some kind of sound out of his mouth that he hopes to God sounds like a laugh instead of a groan at the thought of you watching porn. 
“I promise I can pay, no need for a trade of services.”
You click your tongue and give him a look over your shoulder. “Shame.”
Joel finally closes the door behind you, pointing the way to the kitchen. It’s the only other room on this floor with the lights on, so you find it easily and Joel follows you, watching the shift of your hips as you walk. He’d always thought the overalls looked good on you, hugging the lines of your belly and ass and making him want to pop the buttons at your hips to see how far down your shirt went today. He's seen it ride up your sides, revealing skin and rolls that his fingers itch to touch. 
They’re covered in stains and patches, just like every pair you own, but he recognizes this pair and that patch on the back of your leg. It was one of the first jobs you'd worked together and he was still keeping an eye on you, getting the feel of how you worked and how well you fit into an established crew all trying to get the job done on schedule. 
The denim had gotten caught just at the back of your knee on a nail that had been sticking out while you checked a pipe fitting. You didn’t care much, just glad the skin underneath hadn’t been caught as well. The next time he saw those overalls there was a patch over where the hole had been, the stitches neat and straight in a way Joel knew his mother would’ve admired.
He glances away from that same patch and the others that have since joined it when you set down your tool bag on the counter. 
“You said the sink was leaking?” You ask him with a curious tone. It was the same one you used when triaging plumbing issues. There's what the client thinks the problem is and what actual problem is, you'd told him when he'd asked about the obvious ‘customer service’ persona you used. He was good enough dealing with customers, but you had a way with them that made him wonder just how much patience with stupidity you had. He hopes it’s a lot because he’s feeling really stupid right now, as you give him another look.
What the fuck is wrong with him? He’s been in a hundred different kitchens, bathrooms, and houses with you, but somehow you being in his own home, in his own kitchen feels different. He likes to savor a pot of hot coffee at that table when his schedule allows for it. That counter is where he dumps his stuff from the day and shakes off his responsibilities as head contractor for a few hours before he has to do it all again. 
Now you’re here in the middle of it, and all his brain can do is wonder how you’d fit in those scenarios. Would you join him at the table, watching the sun come over the trees while you both wait for the coffee to cool down? Would you want something to eat first, needing something in your stomach instead of having caffeine first thing in the morning? Would you lean against him as you tug your boots off and take a moment to rest there, pressing your face into his shoulder tenderly before making a face and moving away to tell him he stinks? 
Joel’s done his damnedest to keep things professional with you, despite the attraction he feels, but now those lines are blurring. There's a familiar curl of desire starting in his gut and he knows he can't let his thoughts wander much more or he'll just make it worse. When he'd changed into sweatpants after getting home, he certainly hadn't thought he'd need the camouflage jeans could provide. He swallows and falls back into the safe zone of work.
“Yea. I was washin’ up and water was coming straight outta the cabinet underneath.” 
You hum and pull out a small flashlight from your bag. Clicking it on, you open both cabinet doors and go down on your knees. After a second you roll back onto your bottom to sit on the floor. He watches as the extra fabric of your overalls stretches over your thighs and the denim creases and pushes into you, and when you readjust to get more comfortable he can’t stop the thought of taking you down to the floor himself. The way you’d laugh at him as he’d wrestle with your clothing, trying to get his hands on any part of your warm skin he could until you took pity on him and helped, lifting your hips up into his as you move them out of the way for him. 
You’re up to your shoulders in the cabinet by the time he blinks the fantasy away and he catches the tail end of what you’re saying. 
“-- you aren’t trying to fix this yourself. Most guys think they can do it.” You say, your voice muffled and echoing at the same time somehow. 
He scoffs. He’d been hired to clean up the aftermath of underqualified “Mr. Fix-it’s” plenty when he was starting out and building up a client base to branch out into contracting. 
“I know enough to shut the water off and call someone who knows what they’re doing. I don’t mess with plumbing or electric, you know that.”
“Right,” There’s a pause before you speak again. “I’m surprised you called me actually, Joel.”
His brows pull together in a frown you can’t see. “Why’s that?”
“I get the impression that you don’t like me much. You’re always scowling at me.”
“I scowl at everyone.” He says, but you’re not wrong. He often finds himself scowling when he catches sight of you on the job. It’s not because of anything you’re doing, it’s because he has to remind himself to stop ogling you while you’re both at work.  
Instead of saying anything else you motion to the faucet. “I can’t tell much right now. There’s no giant holes or disconnected pipes. Turn on the water and let’s see what’s going on.”
He nods and after stepping around you he flips the faucet handle all the way back. 
It happens all at once. The only warning they get is gurgling and the interrupted flow from the spout before something breaks and it’s no longer a drip but a full spray of water coming from where it shouldn’t.
The handle is slammed back down and he’s standing there with his hands held up and a driving need to do something to fix the mess. You’re still leaning into the cabinet, taking a final look at things before he hears the squeak of the water valve being turned off again and you emerge.
You’re soaked. It’d splashed some onto his pants, but you’d gotten a direct hit. Your hair, your face, and down your chest: it’s all wet, dripping onto his floor. 
“Shit, Patches,” He’s all out of kitchen towels. “Hang on.”
You’re where he left you when he comes back, towel in hand. He can see how tired you are in the tight lines around your mouth, the dark circles under your eyes, and the way you’re slouching over your lap. He hands you the towel and you nod in thanks.
It’s a brisk rub down that leaves your hair even more of a mess and the way you hold the towel to your chest in an attempt to draw out some of the water that’s seeped into the denim makes him regret giving up the towel. He holds a hand out to you and helps haul you up to your feet, both of you grunting with the effort. 
“Well,” you start. “From what I saw it’s an easy fix. Just needs some new fittings and fresh tape. I know I’ve got the tape on me, but I’m not sure about the fittings. I can definitely take care of it tomorrow though.”
He nods and is trying to think of something else to say, to keep you longer, when you do it for him.
“Could you get something from my truck for me, Joel? I’ve got a bag of clothes, behind the driver’s seat.” 
“'Course.” He says and you pull out your keys from one of the numerous pockets in your overalls. He wouldn't have minded having to find them himself. Your truck is somehow neat and dirty at the same time and the bag you mentioned is easy enough to find. 
He’s jostling the duffel bag, shuffling the handles in his hand, back and forth as he comes in when he’s stopped in his tracks. You’ve unhooked your overalls and taken off your shirt. The denim is bunched at your waist, held up by your round belly and leaving your chest bare except for your bra. Joel doesn’t know what he’d do if you’d taken that off too, even though it must be wet.
There are red marks on your ribcage and indents on your shoulders where the elastic has pressed into you throughout the day and he wants to soothe them, rub his thumbs and fingers over the marks on your sides as he kisses your shoulders. 
You’re leaning so casually on his counter like it’s something you do all the time. Like you’re just waiting for him to come back. He knows you’re doing just that, but the domesticity of the scene you make is too strong deny and to keep blaming it all on the strong physical attraction he has for you. The thought is clear in his mind and it breaks through all the bullshit he’s been telling himself for the past year in a half: this is what he wants. To come home with you after a long day and spend the rest of the night relaxing together. 
His heart trips over itself and he understands that this is it. He can’t avoid it anymore.
“Here.” He says and you jump a little at his voice. He hands over the bag and doesn’t speak again until you pulled a shirt on. “I like you plenty and that’s the problem.” 
You're in your underwear in front of him with one leg in your own pair of sweatpants. You're bent over, your breasts swinging a little with your movement. There is no shy turning away, just a grateful shucking of wet clothing and he’s only looking at your face and eyes now. 
“You’re damn good at your job and I’ve been trying to be professional around you,” He pauses and rocks his jaw. Then he says your name, not the nickname he gave you or your surname or anything else. Just your name. “I like you a lot, as more than a coworker and these feelings haven’t gone anywhere in the time I’ve known you. If you’re not interested, this won’t change anything at work,” He promises. “But I’d like to see if there’s something there, with you. If you want to.”
He shuts his mouth with a click and almost winces as what he said comes back to him. If Tommy heard about this, he’d never hear the end of it. Hell, he might not have the smoothest lines out there, but he said what he needs to.
You pull your arms into your shirt and there’s movement under it before you’re pulling the wet bra out from an arm hole and tossing it on the pile of clothes. The sigh you let out is gusty and full of relief. 
“Thank fuck it’s not just me. You’re one stubborn man, Joel Miller, but I’m glad we’re finally talking about it.” You reach out to him and smile when he takes your hand. It looks small in his, and he can feel the calluses on your palm catch on the calluses on his fingers. “I’d really like that.”
It’s Joel’s turn to sigh in relief and he squeezes your hand. “I was gonna order a pizza. D’you want to stay for dinner?” 
You narrow your eyes at him and take your hand back to poke him in the gut. “Feeding me won’t get you out of paying for work, you know.”
Joel shakes his head and gets his phone out. “Not even if it’s from Ty’s Place?”
Your lips purse in consideration and it’s with a giddy feeling that Joel realizes that he doesn’t have to push down his urges anymore. He gives into it and leans down to kiss your pretty mouth.
It takes a second for you to reply. “...maybe if you get breadsticks too.”
He chuckles and kisses you again.
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rabesbabe · 7 days
Silver Soul
Jackie Taylor x Fem!Reader
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part one part two ➴ part three
A/N: Hii thanks for the love on part one ! This is part two and i’ll probably make one more part after this <3
Summary: Jackie starts sending you mixed signals and you struggle to keep up with her. (shitty description ik shh)
Students fill the classroom groggily walking over to their desks. You and Taissa always talk in homeroom and today you wanted to get her advice on Jackie.
“Do you even know if she’s gay?” Taissa asks.
You look down at your book bag. “Well no, I mean she didn’t even know I was.”
Taissa laughs. “Yeah she’s definitely straight. A blind person would know you were gay just based off your voice.” She says, poking fun at you.
“You’re the worst.” You joke back to Taissa.
“But seriously, the hardest part of it all is that before last week she barely crossed my mind and now, I can’t stop thinking about her.” You sigh.
Just as Taissa was about to add on to the conversation, you feel a weight on your desk in front of you.
At the front of your desk stood Jackie, flashing her gorgeous smile.
“Good morning!” She said in her normal chirpy voice. Taissa looks between you and her puzzled. “Who are you guys talking about?” Jackie asks, having overhead a little bit of you guys conversation.
You look at Taissa silently pleading for her to help you. You were the worst at lying and Taissa could win a medal in it if she wanted to.
“No one that interesting.” Taissa says, lying. “You’re so dressed up today Jackie.” She adds on, attempting to change the subject
Jackie was wearing a skirt with a plaid pattern on it. Her pink sweater was tucked into the skirt and Taissa was right she did seem to be more dressed up than usual.
“Yeah you are,” You add. “You look good though.” You say as you look Jackie up and down checking out her outfit.
She smiles at your words and a deep blush spreads across her face.
“Thank you, You look good too.” She reaches over to you and lightly runs her fingers through your hair for a second. Backing away she says, “You always look good though.” She moves off your desk and winks at you before walking away leaving you a flustered mess.
You turn your gaze to Taissa who’s just looking at you with a knowing eyebrow.
“I’m not crazy right?” You say. “She’s flirting with me?”
“No, definitely not crazy.” Taissa laughs out.
The rest of the day was a blur you tried to avoid Jackie knowing you’d just embarrass yourself if she spoke to you. It was easy to avoid her in the classes you shared and in the halls. But, at practice it would be more of a challenge.
You were dreading practice all day today. Usually, it was a place for you to clear your mind. But the one reason your mind wasn’t clear just happened to be there.
Before practice, you were walking out of the locker room with Nat laughing at some dumb joke she made about Randy Walsh. She had started talking to him recently and couldn’t stop making jokes about how much of a weirdo he was. Which happens to be exactly her type.
Watching you laugh at Natalie’s jokes, Jackie glares at Nat from across the field. She couldn’t help but wonder if you and Nat were a thing. Ever since what you told her yesterday she was curious. You guys were always together and you seemed to think whatever she was saying was the funniest thing in the world. She didnt know why she cared so much but she did.
During practice the team had a scrimmage against each other. Jackie formed the teams and of course she put you on her team. You were already nervous about being next to her on the field after almost knocking her out about a week ago. All you could do was pray it would be fine.
The end of the scrimmage was nearing. The teams were tied 2-2. Whoever scored next would win.
Van, who was on your team, stole the ball from Shauna and ran towards Lottie to pass the ball to her. Lottie missed the ball and at the last second you ran in-front of Laura lee who almost caught it. You maneuvered the ball away from her causing her to trip. You ran downfield towards the goal and took the shot. And shockingly enough, you made it.
When the ball went in Coach Ben blew his whistle and yelled, “Game! Jackie’s team: Wins.”
Jackie ran over to you and basically tackled you into a hug.
“Jesus Y/N! How the hell did you make that shot?” Still in her arms she looked at you smiling.
You smiled back at her, her hair was stuck to her face from sweat and she was slightly flushed from running. But, she still looked pretty as ever. It was almost annoying that she could still look so beautiful after a full practice.
“To be honest I didn’t think I would.” You say, laughing.
Jackie pulls away from you but leaves her arm around your shoulders. You both walk over to get water.
“I’m glad I put you on my team today.” She giggles out.
You nod, “Me too.”
After practice, while changing in the locker room you were talking to Nat, as usual, about tonight. There was a Halloween party and you and Nat were trying to pick out your outfits.
“Maybe I could be like a pirate or something?” You say, lacing up your shoes.
“That’s pretty cute actually.” Nat agrees. “And on brand, you steal people’s shit in real life too.”
Rolling your eyes you interject, “That was one time, and I was twelve.”
“Are you guys going to the party together?” You hear a voice behind you say. Turning around you see Jackie’s hazel eyes looking between you and Nat questioningly.
“Uh yeah, I guess” Nat says nonchalantly. “I mean I’m driving her there. I always do though.” She explains.
“Oh, okay I’ll see you guys there then.” Jackie says, sounding a little bit disappointed.
As she walks away you notice her look back at you and she gives you a tiny smile before disappearing behind the wall to the way outside.
“Did she sound upset or was it just me?” You question turning to look at Nat.
Nat just shrugged. “Maybe she wanted to go with you. She has been oddly close to you recently. I mean the way she hugged you after you scored on a Scrimmage? C’mon man.” Nat explained, enunciating the word scrimmage.
Your face contorts with confusion at Nats words. Did Jackie really like you? She couldn’t right? I mean you guys had just started to become friends like a week ago after what happened at practice. Maybe you were just overthinking everything and Jackie was like this with everyone.
She was naturally charming and you were probably just reading over everything wrong.
You drove home from practice that day and didn’t stop for coffee. You just wanted to get home and take a nap before the party. Life was too confusing.
You’d been at the party for about an hour now. You had been dancing, drinking and doing anything and everything to get Jackie off your mind. Everything was so loud. Halloween music was blasting and you could barely hear anything.
You were dressed in a pirate costume like you planned. It was a tight white dress with a black corset and long boots. The dress barely reached your knees and you wore a red bandana on your head with an eyepatch. You might’ve been dressed a little bit skimpy but it was Halloween, so was every other girl on the planet.
You look over to the couch with Natalie sitting on it talking to Randy.
“I’m gonna grab another drink!” You say practically, yelling over the music so Nat would understand what you meant. She didn’t react to anything you had said. Either the music was too loud or she was too focused on Randy.
You push through the crowds of people struggling to stay upright and finally find the kitchen.
You grab a cup and pour yourself a beer. You were honestly struggling to hold the cup right. To say you were tipsy might be a little bit of an understatement.
“Here to steal my gold?” You hear a familiar voice say. Jackie was standing next to you dressed as Tatum from Scream. You were shocked you weren’t drooling because of how hot she looked.
Your brain finally processes her joke and you laugh a little bit. “Nah, I like your costume though very hot!” You say, still yelling over the music.
Jackie was definitely just as drunk as you, if not more. It was pretty late into the night and she looked like she had been here for about 2 hours already.
Continuing to pour your drink you suddenly feel a wet splash across your chest. “Bitch!” You hear Jackie yell at a girl behind her. The girl shoved her into you causing her to spill her drink all over your costume. “I’m so sorry Y/N!” Jackie slurs out looking like she wanted the floor to swallow her whole.
“It’s okay!” You say, you were too drunk to really care. Jackie grabs your hand and drags you through the crowd. You absentmindedly followed her too distracted by her warm touch to think about where you were going.
You both walk into a bathroom with Jackie closing the door behind you. The bathroom wasn’t very big and your heart was beating out of your chest at the proximity to Jackie.
She wet a paper towel and started to wipe at your chest. Jackie was so focused on getting the stain she caused out, she didn’t realize how close she was to you. You guys were basically sharing breaths at this point.
“It’s almost out, I think?” Jackie says meeting your eyes. Hers go wide for a second as she realizes your distance. Your breathing was labored and your cheeks a deep shade of crimson. You both stood there for a moment. Both trying to understand what the other was thinking. Just before you were going to lean in, Jackie backed away plopping herself down on the bathroom floor.
Her eyes avoided yours as you sat down next to her.
You both just sat there for a minute until she blurted out, “So are you and Nat like, Y’know?”
You scrunched your eyes together hoping she wasn’t suggesting what you thought she was. “Actually no, I don’t know. Are we what?”
Almost mockingly she looks over at you as if what she was saying wasn’t obvious. “Like, dating…”
You widen your eyes at her and burst into a fit of giggles. “Hell no.” You laugh out.
Jackie just looks at you like you’re crazy.
“I wouldn’t date her if she offered me a million dollars. She’s just my best friend.” You say.
“Oh.” Jackie says, furrowing her eyebrows confused at the fact she read it all wrong.
Your drunken mind finally connects the dots. “Why do you care if we’re dating anyway?”
She rolled her eyes at your words and gave you an angry look as if you had just told her that her outfit was ugly or something.
“Really?” She asks you, disappointed by your question.
Quicker than you’d expected she got up and stormed out the bathroom. Leaving you dumbfounded and confused. What did you say that pissed her off so badly?
The party kind of sucked after that. You
just sat outside and smoked with Van and Taissa. Which was a bad idea as they were so obviously in love, and you, were so obviously confused with your love life.
The worst part of it all was Shauna had to drive you, Natalie and, Jackie home since Natalie ended up drinking when she was supposed to be designated driver. The tension in the car was unbearable and you were dying to get out.
Every few minutes Jackie would look into the rearview mirror just to shoot you a dirty look. Nat noticed too and tried to whisper to you. “What’d you do to piss the princess off?” She said very loudly, her drunk mind making her think she was whispering. Everyone in the car had have heard what she said and you just hid your face in your hands for the rest of the ride.
When you finally got dropped off you looked back into the car while walking up to your house. You and Jackie made eye contact and she looked like you had just kicked her puppy or something. You were so lost. What did you do?
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miniversse · 3 months
⭑ “snowbound” pt.3 ⭑
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╰┈➤ OTHER PARTS ⭑ bang chan x female reader
⭑ content includes: oral (m receiving), hickeys, established relationship, non-idol chan, non-idol reader, work relationship, use of pet names (channie, baby, babe, princess), releasing, mentions of shower sex
⭑ note: last part of this series! i’m gonna miss it loads. not too much build up you can live hehe. lmk what you think!
⭑ minors dni
your hands are wrapped around his hard chest, and your legs were squeezed up to keep you warm from the winter mornings. before your mind could think of what breakfast to make today or what chans schedule will look like, you’re struck with memories of yesterday night, and that you and chan are no longer friends with benefits…
you let your mind relax, taking in the peaceful moment and listening to chans quiet snores. you let your fingers run over his biceps and you left a small pec on them, lingering to take in his morning scent. chan let out a grumble and pulled the blankets up to cover his chest.
“channie~ get up so we can make breakfast”
his head sharply turns to face you, and his eyes were bulging out of his face. it took him a few seconds to also remember yesterdays series of events and his head falls back down on the pillow, letting out a hearty laugh.
“good morning princess”
“‘cmon, i’ll make us pancakes” you jump out of bed and slap his ass jokingly, racing to the kitchen before he can chase after you.
by the time chan came over, you had set the table and mixed up the batter to cook it. his heavy steps approach you from behind and he wraps his arms around your stomach and lets his head fall in the nook between your shoulder and head.
“can we relax for a bit? im still hungover and my body aches”
“don’t we have work today? i barely have time to have breakfast with you and rush home to get ready”
“its newcomers training today, we have a day off” his nose grazes the inside of your neck, the cold metal of his piercing sending chills throughout your body.
you let out a sigh of relief. “thank god, i thought i’d have to get another written warning today”
“even if we did have work, i think we would be too busy to make it. hm?” he lets a breath escape from his lips and it graces your neck. he sucked and nibbled at the skin below your neck, moving his mouth down to mark another spot, your head fell back to fall onto his shoulders and you let go of the whisk, leaving it to chan to mix up a storm inside of you.
“pancakes sound great, but i can start your morning in another way.”
he turns his back to a counter and keeps his gaze on you, waiting for you to act. from day one you could tell that your boyfriend was heavily turned on in the mornings, and he wouldn’t let you go until you obeyed him. so you grab the claw clip next to the long forgotten mixing bowl and twist your hair up.
“come here” he stretches his hand out and brings you close to his body, connecting your mouths together. his body brought you warmth on this cold day, and he would do so for as long as you stay together. you let go from his touch, and brought yourself down, along with his shorts. his cock bulged from his underwear, waiting to be loved. he helps you in stripping his lower body bare.
“be good for me princess. hm?”
you nod, your mouth watering at the sight of his thick dick leaking of precum. you lick it off and plant a small kiss on his tip, warming up to his touch. you notice his breath getting faster and he gets impatient, placing his hand on the back of your head waiting for you to devour him whole. you close your eyes and open your mouth wide, taking him in and adjusting to his size. he lets out a long groan as your mouth dives deeper and deeper to take in his lengthy dick, the saliva coating your mouth covers his length and you continue to suck him with passion.
“holy shit, keep going princess” he whispers and lets his other hand hold onto the counter edge as you moved faster and took more of him in.
you tried your best to not choke on him yet keep him satisfied but it was difficult with him pushing your head further and controlling your pace. you slightly gag and retreat for a moment before you kept going. his head shot back and he let out consecutive grunts and whimpers, attempting to clear his dry throat. his length jerks in your mouth and he moves his hand from the counter edge to helping himself reach his release, pumping his cock as you licked his tip and moved back up again. his endless streams of cum fill up your dry mouth, and you swallow with every release he has. he watches you do so, agaped.
you bring yourself back up to fall on his chest, panting in symphony as you regain your breathing rhythm. his hand rubs up and down your back, planting pecks at the top of your head.
“thank you baby”
his kisses and touches continued in the shower. you promised each other to take separate showers and resist each other but it was difficult when you were both snowbound, and the warm water crashing on the both of you wouldn’t melt that away.
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pitchsidestories · 8 months
Pumpkins & Picnics II Laura Wienroither x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1771
Your girlfriend Laura and you were already about to leave Beth and Vivianne’s home which you visited earlier in the day when the Dutch woman put on a serious face: “Wait a second. Bring her home safely, okay?” “Of course, Viv.”, you reassured the older teammate not without a little eye roll at her direction. Home was not their place anymore for the Austrian home was the appartement you shared together. Smiling Beth scolded the dark-haired forward: “Viv leave the children alone.” “Sorry, Viv can be such a dad.”, Laura apologized.
But you just waved it off with a small grin on your lips: “It’s fine, I’m used to it by now.” “They’re really just looking out for me.”, the defender told you. With a sigh you admitted: “That’s in equal parts adorable and annoying because they should trust me by now.” “They do. Really.”, your girlfriend told you in a comforting tone which put your mind at ease.  
“Girls, you almost forgot your coats. You’ll need them for your outdoor picnic!”, Beth said making both of your heads turn as she handed you the coats.  “It’s not even that cold Beth. You’re such a mum.”, Laura laughed but the way she looked at the older forward was full of love. Nonchalantly the blonde shrugged her shoulders: “I don’t want you two to get sick that’s all, she stopped for a second before adding with a wink, Besides Arsenal needs your girlfriend let.” “Yes, yes I know.”, the Austrian mumbled.
Softly you tapped your girlfriend on her shoulder: “Come on, let’s go, Lau.” “Coming.”, she replied. Beaming you waved at the older couple: “Goodbye, Viv and Beth.” “Have fun, girls.”, the English national team player hummed.
It was a beautiful autumn day outside. The leaves were turning into all shades of yellow, orange and were softly falling from the trees. The lake to which you went was mirroring the colourful trees. “I think we can do our picnic here.”, you pointed to a place from where you had a perfect view at the water. While Laura and you were unpacking your things the Austrian whispered:” That’s beautiful.” “It really is, do you want a hot drink now?”, you asked her cheerfully. Excited your girlfriend nodded: “Yes, please. What have you got? Tea? Hot chocolate?” “Actually both.”, you confessed. The smile which appeared on her face warmed your heart as she stated: “Oh my god, you’re the best.”
“Only the best for you, Lau.”, you grinned as you handed her a cup of hot chocolate. The defender took it with both hands and breathed in the steam with closed eyes; “If I weren’t in love with you already, I’d be right now.” You fondly rolled your eyes as you poured yourself some hot chocolate; “Cheers.” Carefully, Laura clinked her cup against yours before taking the first sip; “It’s delicious.“ A comfortable silence settled in while you enjoyed the view with your hot drinks.
You quietly cleared your throat to draw your girlfriends attention back to you; “Lau? I’m so proud of your first run yesterday.” Her excited smile was the same as yesterday when she took her first steps out of the gym; “Thank you. It felt great to be back on the grass.” “I can imagine…”, you replied quietly, your gaze subconsciously shifting towards your own knee. One hand was tracing circles on your jeans in the places where your own knee surgery had left scars. “I can’t wait to play again.”, Laura went on, the longing for the football pitch now overshadowing the pride for her achievements. You nodded slowly; “Me neither. Something’s missing when you’re not on the field.“
With a mix of genuine light-heartedness and self-deprecation, she laughed; “I didn’t play that much anyway.“ “Right before your injury you did.“, you corrected her, biting your lip for bringing up the other injuries in the squad. Laura patted your knee; “Don’t worry, I’m okay. The ACL Squad is taking good care of me.“ “I’m glad they do. Because I can’t always be there like they can…“, you could not avoid the slight hint of sadness in your voice. At the same time you loved the team for it. Beth and Vivianne let Laura stay with them whenever she wanted and Leah was always in the gym when Laura was, celebrating every small progress. “I know.“, Laura answered with a soft voice. “Sorry.“ “It’s okay. Really.“
You could feel the mood shift and didn’t want it to affect your date, so you started to unwrap freshly baked cinnamon buns and offered them to your girlfriend; “Cinnamon bun?“ Lauras eyes went wide as soon as the smell of cinnamon and butter met her nose. Delighted, she took one; “Sure, thank you.“ “You’re welcome, love.“, you smiled warmly and took one for yourself. Laura took the first bite and hummed happily; “They’re so good.“ “Yes, I made them with the other Swedish Girls.“, you explained, satisfied with how much your girlfriend enjoyed the taste.The Austrian’s beamed: “Nothing better than real Swedish cinnamon buns.” “Agreed.”, you winked at her. Sheepishly smiling Laura admitted: “I could eat all of them.” “Seems like we need to make some more before Jonas team meeting.”, you observed amused your girlfriend’s hunger for the Scandinavian treat. The taste and scent of cinnamon buns always put a smile on your face because it reminded you of your home country.
The blonde could not help but to tease you: “Are you trying to convince him to let you start?” “Rude!”, you playfully slapped her upper arm. Innocently she smiled back: “What? It was just a question.” “Maybe I should them to Lina.”, you thought out loud. Your teammate really shined in recent national team games so it would have been only fair for her to get more game time in the club aswell. Confusion was in Lauras voice as she asked: “What?” “So, she is able to start?”, you explained. Determined the defender shook her head, holding the baked goods close to her chest:” You keep those delicious cinnamon buns right here.” “Okay, got it, Lau.”, you giggled. Pleased about your answer your girlfriend replied: “Thanks.”
A leaf slowly fell from the branch on to your light hair.: “Huch.”  “Oh wait. Let me get this one out of your hair.”, Laura offered while carefully removing the leaf from the top of your head. It was those small gestures that made you fall more in love with her everyday: “Thanks, Lau.” “Cute.”, she remarked. Grinning you suggested: “Maybe we should take that leave with us as decoration?” “To put it in your hair?”, the defender joked. You could not help but laugh: “No for our appartement.” “Oh. Right.”, Laura blushed.
Curiously you watched her walking around your blanket:” What are you doing?” “Picking up more leaves?”, the Austrian replied with an adorable smile. Immediately you stood up from your cozy place:“Wait, let me help you.” “Lia would be proud of us.”, she exclaimed delighted by that task which was something different to her monotone rehab days. You had to agree with your girlfriend’s observation: “Yes, except she wouldn’t let us take the leaves inside a house.” The Swiss woman was known in your team for always cleaning of her front porch as she did not like them there. Still, she was one of your closest teammates despite her peculiarities because let's be real everyone has them.
“I guess that’s true.“, Laura nodded thoughtfully. “She’s missing out on that though.“, you laughed. You looked up as your girlfriend didn’t answer. She was looking up at the exceptionally blue sky and the colourful trees, breathing in the crisp air. “It’s such a nice autumn day too. What’s more autumnal than colourful leaves?“, she finally said. “Very true.“, you agreed. “Oh, I know something.“, the Austrian answered her own question all of a sudden.
You cocked your head in surprise, waiting for her to go on; “Yes?“ “Pumpkins would be perfect right now.“, she beamed at you. Your jaw dropped; “Oh my god. Yes.“ Nothing screamed autumn quite like pumpkins did. “We could carve them. Or make pumpkin soup.“, Laura suggested, her eyes bright with excitement. “Or both. What do you think about that?“ Eagerly, your girlfriend nodded; “I’m in.“ “So, time to get a pumpkin.“, you said, starting to pack up your picnic. “Or two.“, Laura grinned while folding the blanket. “Right. One for carving and one for the soup.“
Holding hands, you left the lake side and made your way to a farmers market. Laura let out a squeal of delight when she saw a pile of pumpkins displayed. Carefully, she touched the smooth, round surface of one. You knew she had already decided to take this specific pumpkin home. “Maybe Viv and Beth want to carve a pumpkin too. What if we do an Arsenal themed one?“, you asked. “We should!“, she agreed. Together, you picked out some pumpkins. They were probably more than you would need but Laura was convinced to take them home.
At Beths and Viviannes house, you dropped off the pumpkins. Vivianne was eyeing the amount of vegetables on her kitchen tables while Laura and Beth immediately got to work to cook a pumpkin soup. The soup was slowly simmering on the stove, filling the kitchen with a delicious smell. Beth looked at the left over pumpkins on the table and grabbed a knife for carving; “So, Arsenal themed, huh?“ “Yeah, why?“, Laura asked innocently. Beth turned the pumpkin, trying to find the perfect side to work with; “Should it be the Club’s Logo?“ Amused, Laura shrugged and gave the older player a challenging look; “If you’re artistic enough for that.“
“Do we have something easier?“, Vivianne asked, not convinced that any of them would be able to reproduce the intricate details on a pumpkin. “We could do Win, the dog.“, Beth suggested. She and Laura had taken a particular liking to the team dog, so Laura nodded; “Oh yes!“ “As if that’s easier.“, Viv rolled her eyes but finally gave in. Happy with the outcome, you took out your phone and snapped a picture of the dog-themed pumpkin; “We finally made the pumpkin! Let me send this into the team group chat.“ “It looks like a cat though.“, Vivianne criticized with a smile. Beth nudged her; “Oh shush. The pumpkin soup is ready too.“
The sun was setting and your carved pumpkin illuminated the kitchen while you were crowded around the table enjoying the warm, comforting taste of the soup. You smiled to yourself. It was the perfect cozy autumn night to end the day.
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thedeviltohisangel · 3 months
All The Things I Did (3): Don't Leave Me Alone
chronology: chapter 1 chapter 2 interlude 1 chapter 3 interlude 2
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a/n: well well well. here i am again. not as sad as interlude 2 i promise. i put them in chronologic order up top for all the new fans of this fic. focusing on gale and cass this chapter. i've appreciated all the screams in my ask box (i will explain anything about spook x bucky i've got going on in my head whenever you want, shoot me a dm) and will work on more interludes this weekend. keep the prompts coming! good a good mix of current & post war bucky x spook. love you guys and enjoy this longer one in celly of the finale.
Of all the places for them to bump into each other, no one should have been surprised it was in the base library. It was small and quiet and didn’t have the nicest lighting. But it had plenty of books on plenty of topics and very few people ever frequented it. Normally, it was her place to unwind and seek solace. Breathe in the scent of the worn bindings and get lost for a few hours. Cass wasn’t sure if John even knew it existed so it only made sense that this is where Gale would find her first.
Gale Cleven had been in communication with John Egan since their first day of basic training. Had watch him fly and crash on occasion. Watched him flirt and dance and take girls home. Only a few times had watched him give a piece of his heart and never once had he watched it go anywhere. When he had sent him the unicorn to pass along as an apology to a bar owner in Greenland, John had written one line at the end that made him more confused than the figurine had. A little note at the bottom: P.S. I think I’ve found my girl. 
Gale hadn’t known then, wouldn’t know for awhile, that Bucky had only seen her across the airfield when he had written that. Hadn’t even spoken a word to her. Had taken one look at the way every man on that base stopped and parted for her. One look at the way she navigated herself around the airfield while never looking up from the paper in front of her. John Egan had been gone like a freight train.
“Excuse me, Lieutenant Cooper?” She was in an armchair in the back of the library, curled up as much as her uniform would allow, thumbing through a book on Prussian history with two others opened and balancing precariously on either side of her and a stack of yet-to-be-read books piled on the floor. “I don’t mean to intrude. I just thought I’d introduce myself. Gale Cleven, friends call me Buck.” 
“My friends call me Cass.” She shook his hand as firmly as she could, her right arm in a sling. “You know, John has a whole thing planned for us to meet. He’ll be heartbroken.” Him and Cass had spent the night on a blanket in the flowers, just like she had wanted upon her return. He told her all about his best friend Buck and that introducing her to him was almost like her meeting his sisters or mother. Joked that she needed Buck’s approval before he could take her on another date.
“We can work on our story. Let him still have his moment.” Cass smiled and motioned for Gale to take the chair next to her. She placed a notecard between the pages to keep her place before giving him her full attention. 
“I’m sorry your first impression of me was when I got off that plane yesterday. I promise I’m not always that dramatic.” Gale laughed. The swelling in her eye had gone down slightly and there was color back to her cheeks. Maybe a couple of new bruises on her neck but he assumed his friend was more likely the culprit of those than the secret police.
“I barely noticed over the commotion of Bucky.”
“I wasn’t expecting that,” she noted shyly. All of a sudden her fingernails were much easier to look at than Buck’s gaze.
“I’ve known Bucky, John, a long time. You’ve enraptured him, Lieutenant.” Gale hadn’t expected such a reaction either. Bucky had always been somewhat impulsive, sure, but always with a personal gain in mind. Win the bet. Win the girl. Win the game. But yesterday had been near primal. A base instinct to protect. To put himself in between her and those who would do her harm. It had come as natural as breathing.
“Your word choice is inspiring, Major Cleven.” Her eyes twinkled. She knew.
“Has he serenaded you yet? Then you’ll really be inspired.” 
“I don’t know if that is what I would call it. I haven’t worked my way to that level of affection yet.” He thought back to the desperation in John’s voice when he called Cass’ name yesterday. Thought back to the venom that replaced it when someone got in the way of him reaching her. 
“I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.” She ducked away from his gaze again.
“Don’t tell him I’m telling you this, but I’m pretty enraptured by him, too.” Gale reached over and squeezed her hand, locking the secret between them, and stood up to let her get back to her reading and to find the book he had come here looking for in the first place. “Cass? I’ve got a favor to ask. It’s kind of a big one.”
“Something wrong, Buck?” 
“No. Just something that’s been on my mind since he left.” He mulled over the words for a moment. “He’s got a big heart. Does a good job at hiding it. I’ve been doing my best to protect it since the day I met him but if something happens to me up there…”
“You don’t even need to ask, Gale.” She would be his armor. Protect John Egan the way her soul had told her she should from the second she laid eyes on him. Had recognized the purity within him and felt the need to protect it. Cassandra Ann Cooper had been gone for John Egan the moment he stepped foot in England.
Gale nodded in appreciation. “I’ll see you at dinner tonight.” He walked to a shelf out of her sightline and Cass sighed deeply. She had faced down some scary people. But that interaction had her stomach in more knots than any of them. She had met, and talked to, and hadn’t made a fool of herself in front of, Major Gale Cleven. Cass smiled. John was going to be so happy when he found out.
The man in question was having a bit of a devious streak. Decided he was going to be early to pick up Cass instead of simply on time. Decided, after five minutes of waiting, that it had been too long since he last kissed her. Mary rolled her eyes when he came strolling in, thinking better of it when she opened her mouth to ask what he was up to. 
“Mary, I swear if Major Egan is early, tell him I’m not ready.” He smiled as he heard Cass answer his knock.
“Too late, Spook. Let me in so I can see whatever potions you're brewing to look so goddamn beautiful.”
“Are you calling me a witch?” Her voice was closer this time. John pressed his palm to the door where he imagined hers was.
“I miss your face,” he provided simply.
“I have curlers in my hair.” Her mother had never let her father see her with her curlers in. Even after thirty or so years of marriage. Told Cass it took away the allure of femininity. 
“Good. I’ve been imagining what you might look like in my bed in the morning-” He almost fell through the door when she opened it, her fist around his tie and all confidence choking off in his throat. 
“No remarks like that in the hallway where anyone can hear you.” Cass sat back down at her vanity for the finishing touches of mascara and powder. 
“Afraid they won’t find you so spooky anymore?” There weren’t too many artifacts of her life for him to look at. Photos of what she presumed were her parents and her siblings. A pile of letters with a return address in South Carolina. A jewelry box on top of her dresser.
“I don’t mind the nickname. I never had one growing up.” John stopped to admire her in the mirror as she pulled the curlers from her hair. He swallowed. It did look like he imagined she would be waking up next to him. How she would be after spending the night letting him worship her.
“Hey, wait on that for a second.” Cass put the tube of lipstick down and looked at him with a question across her brow. “Don’t want to mess it up when I kiss you.” She smiled and crooked her finger to beckon him forward, standing on her vanity chair as he got closer.
“So handsome,” she sighed as she took the opportunity of her newfound height to really take him in. She knows he would disagree but Cass found something ethereally beautiful about John Egan. The slope of his nose and the angles of his cheeks. The soft hair on his upper lip that she had found such joy in kissing. 
“I’m glad you think so.” He started with just a quick peck, enjoying the look of annoyance on her face. 
“That’s not worth holding up my lipstick application for.” John took that as a challenge. He felt guilty for only a second as he tangled his fingers into the curls at the back of her head and held her steady. John was trying to be mindful of the healing cut on her lip but she was pushing herself closer and closer and he had no choice but to give her more and more. It wasn’t slow. It was a spark spinning itself into a fire. An ember catching fire on all the things around it. He was a man starved for her oasis. She was a girl all too eager to tantalize him in the desert. 
John slid his arms to wrap tightly around her waist, lifting her against his body and turning so her back was against the wall. Instinctually, she wrapped her legs around his waist and gasped into his mouth at the sensation. “Fuck, Cass.” 
“John, we have to slow down.” She was enjoying his lips that had moved to her throat all much. Was so flushed with desire for him that beads of sweat were collecting in her collarbone. Cass unwrapped her legs from around his waist and John smiled with pride when her knees buckled ever so slightly. 
“You’re right. Do this the right way. The slow way.” He straightened his tie and bent down when Cass reached up to fix his hair.
“Doesn’t have to be slow forever. Sir.” She knew exactly what she was doing when she said it. Relished in the way it made his eyes darken with lust again immediately. “We’re going to be late to dinner. And I already made a literally bloody first impression with Gale.” 
“Come to think of it,” he noted as she expertly coated the red pigment around her lips, “it might’ve been more fun to try and kiss it off of you, Lieutenant.” 
“There’s always later.” 
He watched her hips sway to the Jeep, held her hand while he drove and smiled so wide it hurt when she slid across the bench and kissed his cheek. It all felt so normal. Felt like he was back home taking a girl to a movie and milkshakes on a Friday night. Felt like being with her was exactly where he was meant to be.
“Before you ask, no, we are not going back to the pub tonight.”
“Oh?” she asked as they drove right past. “Our memories from the other night incapable of being topped?”
“Just thought we would meet him somewhere nicer. This little bistro up the way a little bit.” 
“John Egan, are you nervous?” 
“Maybe.” She laughed but snuggled into his side. 
“It’s very sweet that you love Gale so much.”
“Don’t tell him. I’ve got a reputation to uphold.” Cass thought back to her conversation with Gale in the library. About the mushy heart right behind the very ribcage her cheek was resting against. 
“You know, I’ve been told I’m good at keeping secrets.”
Gale watched from the window by the table as John’s Jeep pulled into view, smiling to himself as Cass held his friend’s and kissed him. Stayed close to whisper reassuring words and knock his nose against hers to seal the promise.
“Bucky you lucky son of a bitch,” he muttered. They held hands as they walked in and when she let go to shake Gale’s hand, firmer this time as the sling hadn’t gone with her dress, John had kept his hand on the small of her back. Looking back on it, Gale doesn’t think there was a moment the whole night they weren’t touching. 
“Cass, this is the best man I’ve ever met, Major Gale Cleven. But I call him Buck.”
“Gave everyone else no choice but to call me Buck, too.” John pulled her chair out for her and pushed it in, sitting straight as a rod in his own until her arm locked around his comfortably. He visibly relaxed and kissed her forehead when she offered it.
The conversation flowed smoothly, John none the wiser the two of them had already met. Buck had her giggled over stories of a younger Bucky, taking her back to their days when they were first learning to fly. She asked about Marge and John noticed the way her chin dropped into her hand and she watched Gale with adoration as he spoke about the woman he had loved since he was a child. And would love until the day they died. 
“She sounds absolutely lovely, Gale.” Cass reached across the table and squeezed his hand when his gaze turned melancholy for a moment. 
“If you’re crazy enough to see it through with this one,” his chin jutted towards John, “I’m sure you and Marge will be thick as thieves.”
“Hey! I’m not that bad of a guy,” he spoke around bites of his dinner.
“John, you’ve got a little…” Cass motioned to the corner of her mouth to signal a bit of sauce was lingering on his. Without even really thinking about it, she used the corner of her own cloth napkin to dab away the offense. 
“Perfect.” Gale could lose his stomach with the sweetness. “Gentlemen, if you’ll excuse me to the powder room.” John stood as she left, watching her with a dazed smile on his face until Buck coughed.
“She’s something, Bucky. A real class act. Whip smart. Has you wrapped around her finger many times over.” John hummed around his sip of whiskey. 
“I’ll keep wrapping myself around it as long as she’ll have me.”
“Yeah? I should tell you she’s too good for you.” 
“You’d be right. I don’t deserve someone like her.” He swirled his glass pensively. “You know I love you and I love Marge and I love the little world you two build whenever you're together. I’ve always wanted that but kept getting in my own way. Chasing the immediate instead of being patient. Cass and I, it’s going fast because of this fucked world we live in. And I’m not getting in my own way because I’ve found a girl who won’t let me.”
“Watching you two, I think it’s real, John.”
“I think it is too,” he swallowed the lump in his throat. “We’ve got to make it through this thing, Buck. I came here with nothing to lose but now I’ve got something I couldn’t stand to.” There was something desperate in his eyes. The same look Gale had seen yesterday when he was fighting the officer to reach Cass. 
“Feels nice to have someone to live for, doesn’t it?” he teased.
“Nice, scary, like I’m being mauled by Meatball.” They both laughed in spite of the truth. “You think she’s smitten with me?” Gale rolled his eyes.
“I do.” Bucky nodded.
“Good.” Cause he thinks he might love her. 
“Sorry for the prolonged departure.” She came back with a  smile, John standing and kissing her gently. “Major, I just reapplied that.”
“Couldn’t help myself.” Didn’t want to. 
He watched her and Gale banter back and forth the rest of the night with a smile on his face. Cass was the first girl he was introducing to his best friend, wished it was under better circumstances. Wished he had met her somewhere the threat of not making it to tomorrow didn’t exist. That he could court her properly and take her to the drive in and canoeing on the lake by his parents house and listen to a ballgame on the radio in the summer. Wished he had the courage to tell her and Buck that he was scared of losing them both. That he had been up there once and would back up a hundred times more if it meant they could live in a safer world. 
And one day, after all three of them had done their part to end this war, John will mention this dinner at Buck’s wedding. And Buck will mention it when John asks him to be their child’s Godfather. But they didn’t know what they would have to go through to get there. That John’s fear of losing them both will come true. And that he would almost lose himself in the process of getting them back.
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fan-goddess · 9 months
I AM HERE!!!!! ugh that kinktober list made me so feral bestie, I cannot WAIT to see what masterpieces you come up with!
I would like to send my own request in (if that’s okay) 😌 you already know >>>> Aegon ii x fem!reader with the sex pollen AU (and maybe even the breeding kink + public sex) I wasn’t sure if I could request other kinks from the list, if you only want to focus on the one tho just the sex pollen please 🥹
ilysm 💋💋💋💋
- @lovelykhaleesiii xoxoxo
Authors Note: Hi bestie! Yeah you could request more than one I’m glad to take on the challenge!!! I’ll definitely enjoy encorporating them all!
Warnings: P in v sex, breeding kink, aphrodisiac, public sex, dirty talk, infertility is mentioned in for form of Aegon joking without any thinking, (if I miss any let me know),
Taglist: @humanpurposes, @lovelykhaleesiii, @valeskafics, @sofiyathecunt, @marvelgirl123, @sylasthegrim, @mochi-rose, @watercolorskyy, @amiraisgoingthruit , @f4ll-for-you
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Your husband Aegon ii Targaryen, the eldest prince of the realm, whilst you loved him deeply yes was easily the most insufferable man you had ever met.
After the insistence of him for you to join him on one of his escapades to fleabottom, and the bribery of him getting something nice for you from one of the many stalls you two liked to visit, to your dismay you found yourself following him blindly and trusting him fully.
A mistake you’ll soon find that out to be…
“Come on my love! The stall I saw yesterday should be right around here…” He says, dragging you along with his hand gripping firmly on your wrist whilst you shake your own head in amusement. “AHA! Here it is! What do you think my love?”
Even you had to admit that this certainly made up for Aegons recent behaviour. The stall held an arrangement of flowers, varying in all shapes, colours and sizes. From where you were standing it looked as if it could barely contain its own stock. Which surprised you considering the almost exotic looking beauty of it all. Though you suppose in fleabottom, not many could afford such beauty.
“So? Which would you like to take home to display my love?” Aegon spoke as he rubbed a thumb on you wrist, effectively bringing you from your thoughts.
“I have no idea nuha zaldrīzes,” You sigh as your eyes dart across the stall. “There’s so many beautiful options I fear I may stay here all day deciding…”
“If I may princess!” A voice all of a sudden brings your attention and when you turn to it, you immediately lock eyes with a beautiful woman. “I may have an idea for the type of flower you both may need. If that is you are willing to allow me to choose for you?”
“Oh please do my lady otherwise as I said earlier, I’ll end up losing my mind choosing!”
“Very well! This my dear, is a flower from my very own home land. I think it would look marvellous in comparison to other flowers, and it would surely start a conversation in one of your lady groups?”
You didn’t dare deny the woman and say she was wrong, as it really was a thing of beauty. The petals were that of a soft purple and it deepened as it got closer to the edge.
When you tilted your head closer to it to sniff at it, you were surprised to feel a strange sort of breeze hit you when you adjust the petal to look closer, yet the thought quickly drifted away as the unique scent hits you.
It smelt like the salt of your skin after you made love to Aegon, mixed with the smell of your favourite fresh strawberries…
“Aegon my love, smell this please.” You beg. When you push the flower closer for him to smell, and he takes a small sniff, you can see his eyes widen slightly and look at the flower in confusion. If the moment wasn’t as confusing as it was to you, you probably would’ve laughed at his face.
Still, after you successfully purchase the flower for some silver coins, and begin the journey home, the sudden tightening grip of Aegons fingers on your wrist brings you from your thoughts.
“Aegon what is it?” You ask. It’s a surprise to the both of you on how breathless you sound. Yet it’s quickly pushed down to make room for the sudden feeling of arousal that enters your system, and the sudden shock you feel when Aegon pushes you into a vacant alleyway.
“A-Aegon what are you doing?!” You shout as he pushes so close to you, he’s effectively trapping you between himself and the wall. You hate to admit it, but as surprised as you are by the sudden turn of events, the ache you feel between your legs seems to take first place in regards to attention.
“You smell so fucking good…” He groans, almost animalistic in his words and his actions to reveal your somehow already sweat covered skin to him.
You should’ve been horrified by his sudden onslaught of lust. You should’ve been acting like a respected wife and begun pushing him off you and insisting this sort of behaviour should happen only in the privacy of yours and his’ chambers. Yet that all seems to wash away as you find yourself gushing more into the soaked fabric of your underclothes the more revealing you become.
All you could think about in that moment though was Aegon fucking you into oblivion, and by the looks of his eyes as they dilate to a deep purple, it was all Aegon could think about too.
“Gonna be my good little wife yes? My good little breeding whore?”
“Yes husband yes!” You whine as Aegon wastes no time in pushing his trousers down enough before sliding your damp underclothes to the side, and pushing his cock as deep as he could inside of you as you wrap your legs round his waist.
Preparation was always usually needed before Aegon fucked you, due to his larger than average size. Yet as he’s currently fucking you into oblivion, impaling you over and over again with his cock as your visible skin is roughly dragged against the wall, the dull ache from him only seemed to heighten your pleasure.
“Oh shit” You whine. Somehow, your orgasm is already steadily approaching quick and fast as Aegons cock bullies your sweet spot already.
Maybe it’s the sudden feeling of Aegon pinching your clit, or maybe it’s the sudden pain you feel of something digging into your bare shoulder? But all you know is that all of a sudden your cunt is clenching down tightly on Aegons cock, milking his cock for what all he has as you cum loudly around him.
It’s a filthy thing, you think, as you feel the conjoined liquids of yours and Aegons dripping slightly down the skin of your thigh. But it’s an even filthier thing to realise that Aegon is still somehow hard inside of you, and that your still feeling aroused than ever.
“Ready for another round dear wife? Who knows… maybe this’ll be where we finally conceive our heir… in a filthy street around the corner from the brothels.” Aegon teases as he nips the skin of your bare shoulder between his teeth, leaving small indents there to distract you whilst he thrusts slowly into your dripping heat over again with a light groan.
“Please Aegon, don’t tease me! I need more!” A wanton sound is released from your mouth as all you can think about it what Aegon said. Maybe you would become pregnant from this. In some dreary common place alley where anyone could walk past and see the both of you… it sends a thrill up your spine like no other.
“Fine! If my wife wishes to be bred like a common woman, then she’ll be bred like some common woman, with my seed dripping down her thighs!”
You don’t know how it happens, but the next thing you know Aegon is using all his energy to keep you pushed against the wall as he thrusts himself as deep as he can inside of you. Maybe it was just in the moment, but you swore you could feel Aegon practically entering your womb at that moment.
Yet the idea of the pain excites you, frightens you even at this sudden rush of arousal hits you.
It also frightens you how you and Aegons sudden thirst for each others bodies are not quenched even after that second round against the wall. Not even a third round satisfies the two you.
The first time Aegons cock finally softens inside of you, is after the fifth round of fucking.
It’s so satisfactory to feel as a whole, yet when the tender aftercare moment is over, the fatigue hits the two of you like a heavy stone over the head.
“What the fuck just happened…” You exclaim as you giggle into the depth of Aegons shoulder.
“I don’t know… but I’m not exactly complaining right now dear wife. Also, I wasn’t lying earlier.”
“Hmm? Lying about what?” You murmur halfheartedly as you attempt to make yourself look presentable as you could. The skin of your back feels raw from the rough friction of the wall, and your legs feel like they’re about to buckle under the stress.
“I wasn’t lying about conceiving our child in this alleyway. Though after that excellent yet unexplainable performance my love, I don’t think we’ll have issue with it. If we did, then one of us has to be barren I swear on the seven!” Aegons swears as he buckles up his trousers and pushes his hair back before moving to help you look presentable.
Much to your amusement though, Aegons hair didn’t look any different to how it looked before the lust took over your systems.
As you begin to giggle from what may or may not be drowsiness, your eyes look over to the discarded flower Aegon bought you that had fallen to the floor seemingly in the hassle. It’s petals still held that soft purple hue, yet the inner pistil seems to have engorged slightly as they spill from the inner part.
Much to your inner amusement though, the sight of two common rats seemingly fucking makes you realise just exactly what brought on this sudden onslaught of lust. Who knows, maybe you’ll visit the lady again sometime soon for some more flowers…
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WIBTA if I quit my school play?
Tl;dr at the bottom!!
For context, I’m 15f and was just cast in my school play. I had never been in one of my school’s productions, so I figured I’d give it a try and make some new friends (I transferred to this school). I really enjoy theatre, and I’ve been in productions since I was around seven or eight years old; I’m no stranger to it.
Well, it turns out the amount of interest for the school play was a lot bigger than they thought, so there were limited roles. Thankfully, I did manage to get into the main cast, so I was like, yay me (even though it was a smaller role, which I was wholeheartedly expecting, albeit a tad sad about)!
Yesterday, we finally started rehearsals and read from the script once, to get a feel of our characters. I didn’t know much about the role, since it was a lesser known play and all that was in the description for my character was ‘foreign housekeeper’. All I knew is that I’d have to have some kind of accent (something I’m not too good at, but I figured it would be fun to get out of my comfort zone a bit), so I had been practicing some kind of accent at home to try out with the script.
But when I was reading through my lines, I quickly discovered that this was NOT what I thought it was going to be.
My character, putting it lightly, is a blatantly xenophobic stereotype. They are a completely one note character whose only personality trait is, ‘foreign’. She can’t speak English very well, and tends to ‘mix up her words’, which the other characters tend to berate her for. She also never speaks in more than four words at a time, and the script goes out of its way to never have her speak in more than one syllable at a time. It’s disgusting, and I fucking hate it!
Here’s a direct line from the play so you can see one of the worst examples.
MY CHARACTER: No nuts in this house!
CHARACTER 2: Do you realize what you did, [my character]? You put all the words in the correct order! That’s wonderful! We’ve been waiting so long for this day!
MY CHARACTER: You thank.
CHARACTER 3 (and this character is the goddamn LEAD): Well, she’s bound to get things right once in awhile.
It just..makes me so uncomfortable. I want to get out of my comfort zone, but playing this character takes me out of it and places me one hundred miles away in the open desert.
The worst part I think is that this show is a goddamn murder mystery, and my character has no fucking purpose. They don’t even end up dying; they’re just there for ‘comic relief’, and it’s all fucking xenophobia! And at the end, it’s revealed that they’re stealing from their bloody employer.
I also think, based on their prior recorded performances, they’re going to put me a costume I’m not comfortable in…so I’m really considering quitting right now.
Here’s why I think I may be the asshole for quitting.
I technically signed a contract (not knowing about the characters but assuming it wouldn’t be more than a few swears and some sex jokes here and there) that I would play any character they cast me as…so I would be breaking that promise if I quit. There IS an understudy, so I won’t technically be fucking them over with this…but god, I am such a people pleaser that I’m thinking about just sucking it up and playing the part.
My parents told me I’m overreacting on the part and that I just need to ‘make it fun’…but fuck, I just can’t with it. I want to cry every time I’m at rehearsal because I feel like I’m condoning xenophobia with it.
So, do you think I’d be the asshole if I quit the play?
Tl;dr: WIBTA if I quit a show I signed a contract for (although there is an understudy) because I don’t feel comfortable with playing a character that is an xenophobic stereotype?
What are these acronyms?
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autisticlancemcclain · 11 months
parts one two three
The first emotion Keith feels, immediately upon waking, is intense dread.
And if that doesn’t sum up the day he’s about to have. Fuck’s sake.
He already feels pretty guilty about yesterday. Besides the fact that Lance is his right hand man — they’re supposed to have each other’s backs, and Keith definitely didn’t have Lance’s, because even though Lance wasn’t in the right he wasn’t in the wrong either — and they’re supposed to be leading this as a team, Keith knows part of the reason things fell apart so quickly is because he didn’t talk to Lance last night. He probably couldn’t’ve convinced Lance to kill the beast, obviously, but they could have definitely explored some different angles together. By letting things fester, Keith pretty much ensured that Lance was going to come up with some elaborate, dangerous scheme that was going to cost them an alliance, and worse, possibly get Lance hurt or killed. (Lance had a good track record with dangerous animals, sure, but this is a beast. The thing sounded like a mix between a polar bear and a dragon. There’s only so much Lance can do, uncanny abilities or not.)
But what’s done is done. Keith can’t very well redo yesterday and make Lance un-mad at him and everyone else, so he’ll have to make do with what he’s got.
And what he’s got is first shift on make-sure-Lance-doesn’t-mutiny-duty.
Fuck, Keith thinks as he makes his way out of his room, this is going to be the Actual Worst.
As usual, Keith is one of the first people on the bridge. Unusually, Lance is next. (Usually he is last, and also late).
“Hey, Lance,” Keith says, trying to muster up a smile.
Surprisingly, Lance beams right back. “Hello, Numb — uh,” his smile falters. “I mean, hi there, Mullet.”
Keith slumps. “I’m still Mullet, huh.”
Lance nods.
“You reckon I’ll work my way back up to Keith, soon? I’ll do anything, you know I will. I’ll even try your horrible face mask with you.”
To his further surprise — Lance must have actually slept well, or something — Lance smiles again, and this time it’s soft even to Keith’s eyes.
“Really? You would do that?”
“I’d do anything for you,” Keith says, and it’s more than he means to.
Lance frowns, and Keith’s heart sinks for the millionth time in just a few hours.
“Except help me save an innocent animal’s life,” he says, and there’s nothing Keith can say to that.
They sit in tense silence until the rest of the paladins arrive.
Shiro counts them once they do, like they’re kindergarteners and he’s a very tired EA, and furrows his brow when he finishes.
“Six. Including me. Who are we — where’s Coran?”
“He said he’ll be here in a few dobashes,” Lance says. “A calibrator broke down in the control room somewhere — nothing urgent, but he wants to get it fixed to get it out of the way. He’ll be back before we’re gone long.”
“That’s fine. Thank you, Lance,” Allura says, transparently trying to ease the tense line of his shoulders, a little.
It does not work. Lance sets his jaw and looks away.
Allura sighs. “I’m sorry, Lance,” she tries. “I know this is hard for you. If it were possible, and we had more time, we’d find another way.”
Keith decides that enough is probably enough. Allura and Shiro look genuinely dejected and apologetic, and both Pidge and Hunk look upset.
“Look, Lance, this situation sucks for everyone, okay? It sucks. We’re going to do what we can. If we get to the situation in question and we can actually manage to fix things without killing the beast, then that’s what we’ll do, okay? We’ll do our best.”
Lance exhales, shoulders slumping. He looks… guilty, and his guilt certainly does nothing to appease Keith’s.
“Sorry,” Lance mutters. “I know this is hard for everyone.”
Keith swallows the lump in his throat. He genuinely can’t remember the last time a non-major battle mission sucked so unequivocally for everyone involved, but Jesus Christ.
“Let’s just go,” he says, and everyone nods before following him off the castle and to the wet, humid heat of the planet.
part four
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hxjikonn · 1 year
Could I request headcanons of Kalim, Vil, Ace, Idia and Rook with a fem!reader who's skilled in all fields of science and technology? Just imagine her using her skills in technology to upgrade Rook's bow and help in creating poisons for Vil.
I hope this wasn't too specific.
A/N: The moment I read, “science and technology” the immediate character that popped in my head is Honey-Lemon from big hero 6 😩♥︎ I’m not really a sci-tech person myself so bare with me, I’ll try my best to write this one! (P.s nothing is ever too specific when it comes to details ily for that) heads up this is gonna be a long one
Gear Head
☆Staring☆: Kalim Al asim, Vil schoenheit, Ace trappola, Idia Shroud, and Rook Hunt
Synopsis: Their headcannons with Fem!reader who’s skilled in science and technology (THINK GOGO or HONEY LEMON from big hero 6)
Warnings: Copy pasted french sentences in Rook’s part💀 Feel free to correct me in the comments I do not know a lick of french😭
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Kalim Al asim
You’d think he wouldn’t be interested in what you do or how you do it, but believe me he is.
It all started when he sat behind to you in a potionology class, and you were doing something out of the ordinary.
He looked over your shoulder to see that you were making a tiny little contraption that would project holographic images
He was so amazed and at awe but he didn’t get your name and that was the only class he ever shared with you, so he went to Jamil for help
Kalim: Jamil~! d’you know that girl I sat behind in potionology class?, y’know the one who’s really good in science-y tech-y stuff?
Jamil: Oh her, yeah she’s the prefect, y/n I think…
When he got your name the boy couldn’t stop thinking about you, he was curious, he was trying to put together things in his mind to solve his questions but he just couldn’t find out how you did it
The next day, he made it his goal to be friends with you, so instead of sitting behind you, he sat beside you.
He turned to say hi expecting you were probably doing your own thing, but you were already looking at him….
He thought you were really pretty so he was a bit nervous now.
“Umm, hello” you greeted him, bowing your head slightly, “Oh! Hi! Hi I’m Kalim” He also bowed his head slightly “I’m—“ “Y/n! Yeah I already know” he cut you off smiling, “How’d you know?” you asked and smiled back back at him. Her smile’s pretty too-he thought but then quickly realized you were asking him a question “Uh y-your the pretty- I mean prefect! You’re the prefect…right?” He stuttered, thoughts merging with his words, you laughed at his mistake, he wanted to be eaten by the floor at that point “Yeah I am, nice to meet you” you said to him.
He told you about what he saw you do yesterday and that he was impressed. He started asking you loads of questions about it and you explained and answered all of them
He doesn’t really get half the stuff you were saying but he thought you were really smart…he grew very fond of you…
He always looks forward to seeing you in that class, and always sat next to you. Whenever he had time he’d go looking for you so he can listen to you talk about your hobbies some more
Don’t get me wrong, he tries his best to understand what you’re explaining but most of the time he really just wants to hear your voice and listen to you gush about science and technology and why you love it
He finds it endearing, he just keeps smiling and staring while you talk and he gets embarrassed when you caught him doing that
Would always watch you mixing chemicals or tinker and make stuff in awe. And he loves it when you praise him for remembering what certain things do or mean when he chimes in while watching you work
Would gush about you to Jamil all day long
“aaaa how can someone be so pretty AND SMART?”
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Vil Schoenheit
I’m not gonna lie, this man would see you as competition tbh
You’d always answer Crewel correctly when he asks you a question in his class. It annoyed him
You’d always know which chemical to add next to complete a potion. He was irritated by it.
You could surpass him at any moment. That kept him on edge. He kept a keen eye on you.
He’d take note of every little thing you do to crack some sort of weakness
Little did he know that doing this would give HIM a weakness.
He noticed how you bounce your leg when you’re nervous, how you scrunch your nose when someone answers incorrectly, how you’d clap your hands quietly celebrating your small victors….it was annoying…it was infuriating…not you. But the feeling he felt in his chest.
He thought he inhaled too much toxic fumes in labs that he finally had gone insane, why did he feel this way? Is this a new form of hatred? He hates you…..right?
He thought the great 7 would have mercy on him, however that wasn’t the case when Crewel paired the two of you for a project. He kept belittling you to save his ego.
He toned down the insults when he noticed you weren’t doing the things you usually do in class though. But he was still very strict
He didn’t let you help out on the project, instead he made you a runner, making you do absolutely unnecessary things that doesn’t contribute to the project, he wants to do on his own.
However that all changed when he ran into a dilemma while making the project, he knew you could probably help him, but he doesn’t ask you, his ego got in the way. Instead he kept on trying, all turned out to be failed attempts.
You heard his frustrated groans and sighs, so you peeked over his shoulder and ask what’s wrong.
“Is something wrong?” You softly ask, “No, mind your business.” He snapped, you crossed your arms “That project is my business.” You protested. “We agreed on letting me take the lead, so you just focus on the task I gave you and let me do this project” he said sternly. “You asked me to iron your dorm uniform! What does that have to do with the project?” You were persistent. He sighed, it was time to admit defeat. He was upset by this, admitting defeat to a magicless human of all people.
He stood up from his seat, “Fine, do it then, I know you can solve this probably better and faster than I can since you’re such a clever little teacher’s pet” he walked away from the table arms crossed, turned away from you. “I can’t believe a magicless human is more capable than I am” he mumbled. Thinking only he heard it but then you chimed in “Yeah that’s me, magicless girl from nowhere, I didn’t mean to offend you in anyway, honest.” You confessed, he scoffed.
“it’s the only thing I can do here that makes me feel like I fit in, so I get excited when I make potions…I don’t wanna take over the project, I just wanna help…” you told him, he sighed and faced you again he wanted to apologize for being unnecessarily mean too but he bit his tongue “Well potato we aren’t going to solve anything with all this sappy talk, lets get back to work” he sat down with you, and you helped him find the missing chemical needed to finish the project. For the first time, he didn’t feel jealous of you. He was astonished by your intelligence.
He still hasn’t admit to himself that he likes you, however when Rook asked him if he hates you as much as he hated his other rival Niege leblanche. It dawned to him that you were different.
Ever since that day, he always sat next to you in class, he’d always wanna be paired up with you in projects, and he’d help you understand things you were having trouble with. He still doesn’t confess but his favoritism for you was evident to everyone.
“The only reason I’m doing this is because I see now more as a valuable ally rather than a rival. So that’s what you’re going to do, stand by me and never leave my side naïve little potato. That’s an order”
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Ace Trappola
Would think you’re cool, he’s literally your fanboy, you cant convince me otherwise.
He thought he’d only see them in video games or in sci-fi movies, but when he saw you make futuristic contraptions and devices he was in awe
In beginning he’d only watch you because he thought the gadgets you made were awesome. But overtime my boy developed a little crush on you. No scratch that, he was crushing hard.
He started finding it very attractive when you’re focused on what you’re doing. He’d catch himself simping for you at random times
“Phew it’s hot in here huh?” You wipe the sweat beading on your forehead with your sleeve “You’re hot- I mean! You’re hot??? Yeah me too! Let me open the window” he rushes to open the window trying to cover up the embarrassment he just put himself through
He was about to walk back to your table when he saw you taking your lab coat off, he turned his attention to the floor “Damn you’re right, it’s fucking hot in here, I’ll go get you some water okay?” He rushed out even before you could answer he was staring holes on to the floor, he was having palpitations okay? Give him a break.
He would internally fanboy every time he watched you work on another project of yours, just takes pictures of you when you don’t notice it.
Like Kalim, he doesn’t even understand half the stuff you’re explaining to you, he just likes hearing you talk and seeing you smile when you do…
He tried to impress you by building something on his own…but then it caught fire and burnt him. It was still a win for him since you scolded him while tending to his wounds after.
Would always ask if he could take a device you worked on, you’d say yes if it doesn’t explode, cause fires, and is a harmless device. And he’d take it home and put it in his bed side table admiring your work.
Would ask you to play video games with him or take to see a sci-fi movie and point at something asking you if you could build that next.
“No Ace, I cannot build optimus prime.” “yes you can! I believe in you!” “It’s not that easy”
Would brag about you 24/7 to his roommate a.k.a Deuce.
“She’s so pretty, and so cool dude, did you know she build a freaking laser beam yesterday??? Man I have the coolest crush ever” “Ace I’m on the phone with her” “YOU’RE WHAT?!” “He said he was on the phone with ‘the coolest crush ever’ Ace”
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Idia Shroud
He thought he was dreaming, he hoped he wasn’t though cuz he was already thanking what Deity made you.
We all know Idia choses NOT to physically meet people, he lets his tablet attend meetings, social events and classes for him.
His tablet was his savior from ever having to socialize in person ever again! But unfortunately some careless student accidentally hit it with a baseball making it crash and shut down. Destroying the device.
He didn’t wanna have to go out so he asked Ortho to look for the tablet instead. But Ortho didn’t find his tablet anywhere.
That’s because you found it. You found laying on the ground and it’s technology peeked you’re interest.
While Idia was sulking about his lost tablet, wondering if he had to go back to going outside, you were repairing his device…
When it turned on, Idia got a signal back, he was fuming with rage, he was gonna catch the person who stole his beloved tablet
He gasped and ran to his computer, “Ortho! My tablet! It’s restored it’s signal! I’m finally gonna catch the dirty little thief who took it!” He exclaimed waiting for the camera to turn on.
“Hello?” You tapped on the tablet, “Did I fix it yet or is something still wrong?” You asked yourself, completely unaware of the camera being back online. Idia’s jaw was left hanging when he saw you “Hang in there mr. Tablet I’m gonna fix you…” you said talking to yourself focusing on figuring out if there’s any further damage. “Oh that’s the prefect!” Ortho chimed in, breaking Idia’s tranced state. “Looks like she’s the one who found your tablet!” his little brother exclaims happily.
My dude had heart eyes for you, he’s looking at you like it’s impossible that you even breathe the same air as him.
He asked Ortho your name and when he found out there was just this echo in his head that kept repeating your name
He’s so impressed, by your skills, your knowledge is technology, your attention to details while you admire the tablet’s mechanisms and programming, he was praying you weren’t just a dream
When Ortho suggested he meets you in person, he was quick to oppose the idea and degrade himself telling Ortho that he should just go meet you instead since you were more familiar with him.
But after a little convincing and a pep talk from his younger brother, he actually went to see you in person, he was anxious and but he also wanted to meet you and befriend you
When he did he was expecting you to cringe or to think he’s a huge weirdo, but you didn’t and you actually complimented his skills in tech and programming as well, it made him crush on you harder
After that day he started going to classes he shared with you in person (only those classes though but still) people were shocked to see Ignihyde’s dorm leader outside
He’d also invite you in his room when you visit their dormitory which is very rare since he and Ortho are the only ones who can get in and out of his room
Is not afraid to act like himself and gush about stuff he likes with you. He’s comfortable around you.
Would ask your opinion on gadgets he’s working on cuz he knows you know this stuff as well as he does.
It is evident that he likes you more than just a friend and admire’s you more than just a technician/scientist. But he still thinks he’s way below you and that he doesn’t have a chance.
“There’s no way she’d go for a guy like me, I mean have you seen her? She’s way out of my league… she’s like a goddess right Ortho? Ortho? Oh you’re sleeping…”
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Rook Hunt
It all started when you two got paired up in capture the flag, back in your world you didn’t really hate P.E, but here, you loathed it cuz it’s accompanied by magic like every other class
Rook was observant and he knew you’re incapable to yield magic so he, offered for you to stay behind and protect the Flag while he goes out and infiltrates other team’s bases for their flags
You agreed but you still didn’t want to be useless, so you asked if you could “upgrade’ the arrows he used and give him more equipment.
Rook was curious with what you could offer so he let you, and he watched you mend the arrows, labeling each set of 3 with different colors
He came up with a new nickname for you “Mademoiselle l’inventrice” (Madam inventor) because of your skillful knowledge in inventing
He watched you work until you were finished, he admired your dedication on making his equipment more useful to him but of course he had questions.
“Mademoiselle l’inventrice, you seem to have labeled my arrows different colors, why is that?” Rook looked at his newly improved arrows with curiosity, “Oh yeah, well the red one explode upon impact, the blue ones release sleeping gas also upon impact, the yellow ones paralyze people TEMPORARILY and the green ones have poison, don’t worry they cant kill, They’re more of an allergen than a toxin” you explain to him, and gave him more gadgets and equipment you’ve made for him while explaining
he was dazzled by how much benefit you’ve provided him with “Magnifique, Merci! Mademoiselle l’ inventrice, I shall do my best at the hunt!” He tipped his hat to you as a form of thanks and went off to “hunt” and you guarded the flag, also using your technology as an advantage to protect your base.
He was impressed with his new equipment, smoke bombs, his cloak you customized so he could camouflage better, and the arrows you modified.
Hunting was so much fun but with his new upgrades it’s a lot more enjoyable, he felt adrenaline coursing through his veins due to how easy it was to take other bases down
Needless to say you both won the game, and following that momentous event he was always near you, whether that be by your side, or watching you from afar, simply observing the beauty in your intelligence. Admiring your work, admiring you.
You was more curious about what other things you are capable of, and he seemed more attracted to you personally. He wanted to get to know you better.
He compliments before, but now you notice he compliments you A LOT more, not just you but you’re work too. You don’t mind his attention to detail though you find it somewhat endearing that he notices even the littlest of things
“Vous avez fait un merveilleux travail Mademoiselle l’ inventrice! You never fail to impress and surprise me!”
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A/N: SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG😭 I HAD TO DELLAY IT AT TIMES I WAS A BIT BUSY! I HOPE YOU LIKE IT! Like always, I did not proofread 💀 bare with my mistakes
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dopelavender · 11 months
Trapped by your love | Eddie Munson x Reader
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x female!reader
Summary: Eddie breaks up with the reader because he feels he doesn't deserve her :(
Word count: 2.8 k
Warnings ⚠️ : Angst, a whole lotta angst; alcohol consumption, and more angst ig??
Note: hi my lovelies! let me know if you want part 2, so we don't end it on a cliffhanger and I can bring some joy into your lives after all this angst! enjoy! ♡ XO
Your eyes are closed. The cool night air is vibrating around you, alive with the energy of dozens of teenagers in motion, trying to drown their sorrows in cheap beer and good music. Every beat is rushing through you, pumping your blood and electrifying your muscles. Your movements are fluid, hands up in the air, letting themselves be led by the sweet melody that’s flooding your ears, blocking out everything else.
“We are strong
No one can tell us we're wrong
Searching our hearts for so long
Both of us knowing
Love is a battlefield.” 
Pat Benatar’s emotional words resonate with your heavy heart. They fill your head, substituting the loud thoughts that have been eating away at you for the past months .All you want to feel is this moment, because anything else would hurt too bad.  As if thinking that you’ve forgotten about them for too long, yesterday’s memories crawl their way back into your mind. You chug your warm beer, trying to make them go away but they’re still there, making your chest tighten. Oh god, not now, you think. The crowd suddenly becomes suffocating. You elbow and push your way through the sweaty bodies, making your way inside to the pub’s tiny bathroom. 
The door shuts behind you with a slam, as your hands harshly grip the cold sink tile beneath them. Your head drops, arms shaking as tears start streaming down your face. It’s been too long since it happened, you should be fine by now. But wherever you go, whatever you do, he’s always in the back of your mind. The music is now a muffled sound, but you still manage to make out the words that twist the knife in your heart
“ You're making me go
Then making me stay
Why do you hurt me so bad?
It would help me to know
Do I stand in your way
Or am I the best thing you've had?” 
It’s hard to enjoy the party. It’s hard to think straight. It’s hard to stop crying. It’s hard to breathe….without Eddie.  
March 1986. 6 months earlier
“So what are you saying?” There was no way this could be happening right now. You try and remain stoic, but it’s impossible. Your tone was getting louder, emotions pouring out of every word. Maybe you just hadn’t understood what he was telling you. Sometimes things get mixed up without us wanting them to. You sit on the couch in Eddie’s living room, trying to work out the reason he was saying these things. Playing with your hands, you squeeze them tightly in hopes of grounding yourself. 
“I’m saying… I- I don’t think we should see each other anymore.” Eddie was leaning against the wall, his eyes glued to the floor. He couldn’t bring himself to look at you. If he saw your beautiful face, the face he loved more than anything in this world, he knew he couldn’t go through with it. But because he loved you so much, he had to. He had to put an end to it. It wasn’t going anywhere. You had just graduated, top of your class. You could go to any college you desired, yet you chose to stay here in Hawkings, with him. Your future was glistening brightly ahead of you, and all he was doing was slowly dimming the light, until there was nothing left but despairing darkness. 
His fate had been decided by the family he was born into. His mother bailed out before he could even remember her face and his old man had been in and out of prison his whole life. Uncle Wayne had been the only form of parental love the boy had ever known and he was breaking his back day in, day out, to put food on the table. Society hadn’t been kind to him either. He was hated and labelled as a freak. Eddie knew his life wouldn’t amount to anything big. As much as he despised it, he could slowly see himself turning into his father. After all, he was a worthless drug dealer, repeating his senior year for the third time, wasn’t he? He selfishly allowed himself to fall in love with you. But how couldn’t he, when you were the most precious soul he had ever met? Not falling in love with you seemed like a challenge many a man have failed yet and yet again. In the end, he had to face the truth: you were just too good for him, and nothing would change that. 
“Eddie...I-I don’t understand...Did I do something?” You look up at Eddie with your heart silently breaking, wondering where it had all gone wrong. The room starts to feel too small. You get up from the old couch, grabbing Eddie’s hand to make him look at you. But he doesn’t. His eyes stay focused on the floor, curly locks of hair falling over his face, hiding the tears that were starting to build in his eyes. “Please, please just tell me what it is so we can fix it. We can fix anything, baby. Just please tell me, Eddie…” You let go of his hand and bring both your hands to his chest, sliding them up to cup his face. He gently removes them and pushes you away, his eyes finally meeting yours. Eddie’s heart sinks as he looks at you, fully transparent, with fear and sadness written all over your face. Fear and sadness he had caused. 
“This just isn’t working. We’re not working anymore.” That’s a lie, he thinks The words leaving his mouth were in complete antithesis with his feelings. But he knows if he told you the truth, the real reason he was breaking up with you, you would never accept it. So he had to sell it, somehow. 
“What do you mean?” Should you have known he was feeling this way? Now, when you think about it, Eddie had been distant these past few days. No cuddles, barely there kisses and fleeting, superficial touches. You didn’t think much of it, blaming it on your conflicting schedules. He was busy playing shows since his band “Corroded Coffin” started getting recognition around Hawkings and you were busy at the diner, working extra shifts to earn some more money, since you and Eddie had been talking about getting a place together. But it seems there was more to it than you thought. You close your eyes, take a deep breath in and slowly let it out as you prepare yourself for the worst “Do you not love me anymore?”
His gaze shifts uncomfortably, looking everywhere he possibly can just to avoid your eyes, now open and expecting an answer. Of course I love you! I love you so much it hurts, he thinks. Even so, he doesn’t say that. Instead, he lies to you “No. I don’t”. 
Your eyes close again, you can’t seem to keep them open for too long. The reality you were faced with was just too agonising. You feel your nails digging into the flesh of your palms, your hands curled into tight fists. The pain will hopefully wake you up from this horrible nightmare. And when you wake up next to Eddie, he’s going to kiss your wet cheeks and whispers sweet nothings in your ear until you fall back asleep, safely wrapped in his arms, the way you did a hundred times before.  
But this time, the nightmare doesn’t stop as you open your eyes. 
“I think you should go” his head leans against the wall behind him, his Adam’s Apple moving up and down as he tries to undo the knot in his throat that’s making it hard for him to talk. Please don’t leave me, he thinks. Please see through my act. You always said you could read me like a book. So do it now, sweetheart. Read me. 
“I’m not going anywhere” That’s my girl, Eddie thinks “I’m not going anywhere until you look me in the eyes and you tell me you don’t love me anymore” You see his head snap down, jaw clenching as he searches your face carefully. You swear you can see a shadow of fear in his eyes. Why would he be afraid, when he’s the one ending things so carelessly? 
Oh no, oh no no no, he rages inside his head. Please don’t make me do that. I can’t do that, Y/N...
Your eyes never leave his face, waiting for Eddie to do what you asked of him. This all seems unreal. He swore he would never hurt you, and you believed him. You believed him with every ounce of your being because he was Eddie. Sweet, kind, loyal, goofy, loving Eddie. You didn’t know who this person standing in front of you was. But it sure as hell wasn’t the man you fell in love with. 
He looks at you, even though you’re putting on a brave face, like you always do, he can see how vulnerable you are. Your hands come up and wrap around yourself. He wants nothing more than to stop this. To hug you and kiss you and tell you you’re his universe. 
“Say it” you raise your voice. “Say it Eddie, and I’ll leave”. And you would. You would leave his life, if that’s what he wanted. But only if he said it. You know that Eddie could never look you in the eye and lie to you. So if he’s going to say it, he must really mean it. 
Eddie pushes himself off the wall, stepping closer to you. You breathe in his familiar scent, a mix of cologne, cigarettes and weed, thinking it might be the last time.  
Don’t say it, Munson. Be selfish, he thinks. Say it was all a mistake, drop to your knees and beg for her forgiveness. As much as he wants to, he knows he’s doing the right thing for you. As much as it kills him, he has to make you leave him, because he knows he could never leave you. 
“I don’t love you anymore” His face is wooden as he looks you in the eyes. Confusion, anger and defeat infiltrate your bones. Your heart is scorched and spasming. He really didn’t love you. Your Eddie didn’t love you anymore.
He opens the door to his trailer, stepping aside to make room for you “Now leave.” 
Present day
A loud banging noise on the door pulls you out of your reverie. “In a minute” you yell and look at your reflection in the mirror. Your eyes were red and puffy, mascara running down your face. Well, aren’t you a sight to see? you think to yourself. You try your best to fix your makeup and pull yourself together before exiting the bathroom.  
There’s a line of pissed off girls waiting outside the door, giving you dirty looks and making rude side comments as you walk past them “Jesus, how much coke did this bitch snort?” a redhead snickers. You ignore them and make your way to the bar, ordering another beer. You feel a bit of tension being relieved as the cold liquid pours down your throat, making you forget about everything for just a second. As quickly as it went away, it all comes flooding back in. 
Breaking up with Eddie was the hardest thing you’ve ever had to go through. First, it was despair, excruciating pain that wouldn’t let you eat, sleep or do anything else than think about him. You called this the withdrawal stage. Every bone in your body was craving for him, and punishing you for not supplying. You figured you just had to sweat it out until he was out of your system. Although it was hard, you managed to make it through. But then came the dreams. Tortured dreams, reminiscent of your time spent with Eddie. You would dream about him laughing, embracing you, kissing you, making love to you, only to wake up heartbroken and alone, sobbing his name into your pillow. Now, it’s just this numbness and emptiness that never really goes away. It’s worse than the withdrawal or the dreams, because you’re starting to see things as they are. Before, there was a glimmer of hope that maybe you would get back together. But at this moment in time, you’re haunted by the thought of spending your life without Eddie by your side. And that’s something you would never be able to get used to.
These past few months have been a struggle trying to remember what life was like before Eddie. You go out with your friends, party, have meaningless one night stands and then do it all again the next day. It was all monotone, but for now, it was better than crying yourself to sleep. 
Someone bumps into your back, making you stumble forward. You grab the countertop for stability and turn around, prepared to snap at the culprit. 
“Hey, ass-“ your voice sticks in your throat when you see that familiar head of hair and that charming smile every girl in your high school used to swoon over.  “Steve?” you stare at him, dumbfounded. For the first time in months, you actually feel true happiness. 
“Oh my god, Y/N!” the very next second he pulls you into a tight, smothering hug, knocking the air out of you. As glad as you are to see him, and you truly are, it’s a bit difficult to breathe with Steve squeezing the life out of you.
“Steve-can’t-breathe…” you try and say, face buried into his chest. He lets go of you, but leaves his hands on your shoulders as if he can’t believe you’re actually there.  
“Wow, look at ya! I almost didn’t recognise you, and I mean that in a good way” he smirks as he looks you up and down, taking in your outfit. Your style had changed a bit since the whole…Eddie thing. The colourful, decent pants and blouses being substituted by darker coloured, bolder dresses and skirts.  
“So what’s up?” He finally lets go of you and motions for you to sit down in the stools. 
“Nothing much. I’m here with some friends from college. But what about you? You’re quite a long way from Hawkings. What brings you here?” You see him shift uncomfortably in his seat at your question, picking at the label of the beer he had ordered for himself. 
“Oh, uh…you don’t know?” 
“Know what?” were you supposed to know something? “Ohmygod, did someone die? Is it Robin? It is, isn’t it? I always knew that clumsy lump would get herself killed one day!" 
"What? No!" He stops your rambling 
"Oh, thank God" you look at him relieved, with a hand over your chest "What's the occasion then?" 
"Uh well you see-" 
Steve gets interrupted by a mans hand on his shoulder. "Hey Steve, they're gonna start playing soon so you should come now if you wanna get a spot in the front" 
"Right! Thanks man, I'll be right there" The man leaves and Steve's attention returns to you, his eyes still looking at you in a cautious and unsure manner. "Y/N, you really don't now who's playing tonight?" 
"No, they usually don't have live bands and if they do I don't really care much for them, I just come for the bottomless Martinis and the cheap beer" you laugh, but Steve seems to be far from amused. "Why? Who's playing?" 
As Steve opens his mouth to respond to you, he's interrupted by the sound of a guitar. An all to familiar voice speaks into the microphone, generating playback: "1,2,1,2…Alright, good evening ladies and gents. Hope you are all ready to rooock tonight, 'cause I know we are"
Your heart reacts before your brain, tightening at the voice you hear blasting through the speakers. Although you spend all your time fighting to forget that voice..it remains imprinted on your mind and soul. 
You slowly turn around, looking to the stage at the back of the bar. "I am Eddie Munson and it is my pleasure to introduce to you... Corroded Coffin! Let's get it boys!" 
To be continued
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