#was so so minimalistic even from the get go so i cant really get into ronan's headspace!! he went to church every week he believed he found
seavoice · 2 years
Do we think Ronan remains Catholic at the end of it all. Super interested in that because that’s such a HUGEEE part of his character
ooh this is an interesting question! i was going to say "yeah sure i think he would believe in a higher power the more magic expands for him, believe in a general god/mystic force etc. who may be sort of responsible for everything magical he's part of". but then i remembered what catholicism is. there's lore and a bible and everything. does ronan see himself in jesus? so no idea how that could reframe for him! i think real catholics please weigh in because i do not know enough about it to answer😭
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macsimagines · 1 year
kazutora, hakkai, and izana or anyone you like are going to visit their darlings apartment for the first time! uninvited and without her knowledge but still exciting! but when they get in there its like empty as hell. one room apartment and not counting the kitchen that came with it her only piece of furniture is her bed...maybe has a couple magazines laying around, and a phone thats just plugged into the wall sitting on the floor. this is beyond minimalist bruh what is going on? does she actually live here? where are her clothes??? under the bed maybe. babygirl you alright?
cant relate ive got so much weird shit in my living space but let me give this a shot.
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Yandere!Kazutora Hanemiya
Ok so this loser was so excited to break in and learn so much about his soulmate only to be crushed at the barren emptiness. He was so sad for you.
He wants you to have everything your heart desires and he feels like you don't have what you rightfully deserve.
Gifts, gifts, and more gifts are flooded your way. He's giving you clothes, handbags, posters and plushies. Anything you showed slight interest in he's getting you some kind of merch.
You try and tell him that you really don't need all this stuff, but he doesn't accept that. "You deserve it. C'mon, just this once?" except once turns into twice and a hundred times more.
That's not even the brunt of it, he's got his own special room he's decking out and making just for you when he decides its time for you to come home with him.
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Yandere!Hakkai Shiba
So he isn't the breaking and entering type, but after failing to initiate a conversation with you, for like the tenth time in a row, he decides it's time to try a different approach.
His sister and Taka-Chan both told him to try and take an interest in your likes, that way when he tries to talk to you he'll have something to talk about, except he doesn't know what you like and he resorts to this.
So shocked and defeated when he finds nothing. Not one photo, not one hobby, not even books. Just magazines and he honestly doesn't really understand what the interest in those are either.
But he's smart and finally has an idea. He invites you shopping- and by that I of course mean his sister invites you shopping and he tags along like an overgrown guard dog.
Sure Hakkai may not speak the whole time or even make eye contact with you once but he does swipe his own card every time you go to the register to pay for something.
Even though the fool doesn't even respond when you tell him thank you, you don't miss the way he blushes when you try to speak to him.
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Yandere!Izana Kurokawa
He wasn't planning on breaking in either. But he was bored and he wanted to see if there were things you were hiding from him. Like maybe secret friends that meant he wasn't the center of your world, or maybe plans to move away and leave him.
It was more about his own insecurities than anything so when he breaks in and sees nothing in your apartment at first he's worried that his fears are right and you really are going to leave without a trace.
But then he looks more carefully, and realizes "Damn, bitch. You live like this?" Is more bemused than anything, but after while starts to feel a little bad.
"I need clothes. Do you need clothes?" He's going to try shopping with you. But then you hit him with that "Naw, my socks only have a few holes in them."
Drags your ass to the mall. "Pick out some damn furniture, Y/N. I know you ain't got shit." "How do you-" "I said pick out some furniture, Y/N."
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sablegear0 · 1 year
So I need to blog about Kairo, because the computers and tunnels post reminded me of this strange and beautiful game.
Kairo is what I can only describe as a surreal Brutalist walking sim puzzler. Yes, as in “the more conk they crete, the more Brutalismer it is” Brutalism. I hope you like concrete textures and cubes because Kairo has a lot of that. It’s also among the handful of games that I think have irreversibly altered my brain chemistry (positive).
Kairo came out in 2013, so I wasn’t that young and impressionable at the time, but something in this game definitely struck a chord with me. It’s relaxed, contemplative, minimalistic. Scenic despite the simplicity of it, calming despite the starkness around you. Take a look at the Steam page linked above for some screenshots to get a sense of the visual style. (I used to have a bunch of screenshots I used for desktop backgrounds at one time but they seem to have vanished, so I unfortunately am not including images in this post.)
It’s a lot of simple, geometric, Brutalism-adjacent structures in various coloured light washes. But it’s... pretty in its own way. I think this was the piece of media that helped me come around to this sort of aesthetic. Previously, like the computers-and-tunnels post, I liked a grungier, more complicated feel to my industrial spaces, a la the Half-Life games. Bit Kairo... Kairo was serene.
The sound design, too, reflects this calm starkness of everything. The soundtrack is super ambient and synthy, usually calming and occasionally spooky. There are only two tracks I could even say come close to being “intense,” those being the menu theme and one particular area that seems designed to put you a bit on edge. The artist Wounds does a great job of conveying the empty, otherworldly vistas of Kairo. (It’s great reading music, too. Check it out here.)
I was rapt when I first found it, though it certainly helped that a favourite YouTuber at the time was how I discovered it. (Playlist here, KurtJMac’s run is commentated but he’s pretty lowkey overall.)
The puzzles range from extremely simple perspective/movement puzzles to moderately challenging password puzzles, excluding two notably obtuse examples - one where you have to memorize a series of notes and play them back in a room very far away, and another that (ideally) requires you to collaborate with other players to reveal the whole solution. Both of these thankfully are optional, and can be looked up online now that the game has been out for ages. Both, I believe, are also required for the game’s secret (not “true”) ending.
I’m not sure what else to say other than give it a try/watch it. I really cant recommend it enough, honestly. It’s very cheap on Steam and isn’t terribly long, complicated, or hardware-demanding. (Though if you do play it, I recommend turning off the visual-noise filter in the settings. It’s easier to look at and looks better without it.) Kairo is less a game and more a powerful vibe, I guess? It’s a walking sim with some puzzles in it, but it has a very unique feel to it. On reflection I think it’s due for a comeback; it has a lot of the “liminal space” feel that internetizens seem to be going nuts for lately, but predates it all by a clean decade.
It’s near and dear to my heart, and a game I come back to every now and then for a chill pick-me-up.
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year
in my head the pesto kids mom is like a very white suburban middle class mom. she values appearances first and her actual kids second
her house is VERY pinterest mom minimalist aesthetic she gets angry when the kids spill something on her white furniture or whatever. we cant let people know WE LIVE HERE!!!!!! she packs them lunches and does typical Mom stuff and she likes bringing them to do fun activities like going to the zoo etc but its mostly to brag about how good of a mom she is and how she's soo much better than jimmy pesto they definitely did not have a happy divorce
in general the kids (or at least jimmy jr) always feel like they come second to her perfect aesthetic lifestyle and she doesnt love them for who they are considering they're all kinda weird kids who dance to the beat of their own drum. and that she cares more about her new boyfriends than them (even if thats not true i do genuinely believe she loves her kids she's just. maybe not the best at being a mom)
jimmy pesto is NOT a great dad but he lets his kids do whatever they want and mess around in his apartment so its a lot more fun when they're with him even if he's super neglectful. both of them clearly have a lot to learn from the belchers when it comes to accepting and supporting their kids for who they really are
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a-moth-to-the-light · 10 months
My Current Top 10 Itzy Songs
Context: I've been a fan since I first saw the Icy dance practice in late 2019, but I became a superfan with the release of Wannabe and haven't looked back since--well, except for a slight moment of hesitation with the release of MITM, but the delightful Crazy In Love album brought me back!!
I'm in the process of designing my dream Itzy comeback, like @nayeonline did! [link to their post] I wanted to share this top ten list first, so y'all have an idea of what kinds of songs I love most from these ladies! See, no matter how much I trash-talk Itzy's music (sorry, Not Shy, I was too mean to you for far too long), I really do love SO MANY of their songs--I only criticize some of their tracks as passionately as I do because the highs of their discography are soooo high for me. So let's talk about them!
1. Nobody Like You
Itzy are rock stars in my heart <3 Anything with them + a guitar brings me sooo much joy! Also, the second verse is SO pretty, it's what drew me to the song right from the day the album sampler was released :)
2. Wannabe
I don't think there's any other choice for my favorite Itzy title track--I'd be surprised if anyone has a favorite other than Wannabe. I really have to do an essay about this era one day...
3. Ting Ting Ting (with Oliver Heldens)
This song is totally just trolling all of us! I HATED it for that during the first few months after it came out, but now I don't mind at all--I'm completely in love with it, and all of its weird production choices! I love when songs make me laugh, because I don't find too many of those out there, and the prechorus in this one always gets at least a giggle out of me (JUST LISTEN FOR THE WEIRD GRUNTING SOUND IN THE INSTRUMENTAL WHAT EVEN IS THAT ITS BEEN THREE YEARS AND I CANT STOP LAUGHING ABOUT IT)
4. Icy
Yes, I'm THAT guy who likes Icy more than Dalla Dalla. I know minimalistic choruses are overdone nowadays, but this basic chorus format is so well-suited to such a charismatic group--they carry the energy of the song so well!
5. Be In Love
What did I say about me when Itzy + guitar? This song makes me soooooooo sentimental.
6. That's a No No
There are tracks I like more than this from the Wannabe album, but I'm sure this is my most-listened track from that comeback--most days, its infectious, chaotic energy is exactly what I need to get by :)
7. #Twenty
(This one and above are in the category of songs I would die for btw!!) Look, I just LOVE mean girl music! This is a song that barely manages to hold itself together--luckily, it has the Itzy members to give it some semblance of being a... something? (Whatever it is, I can't help but sing along, so here we are.)
8. Cherry
Minimalistic choruses for the win! Again, their charisma really gets to shine here.
9. Loco
Look, I know Itzy aren't anywhere near the best vocalists out there, but they sound SO strong on this song! I think it's one of their best vocally, and Itzy really is one of the first groups that comes to mind when I think about my favorite vocalists. So I love this one :)
10. Love Is
Yay, a sentimental coming-of-age movie pop ballad thing! I've heard better examples of this vibe (see: Playing Games by Anna of the North), but this still makes me feel Feelings, so I come back to it quite a bit!
Honorable Mentions: It'z Summer, 24 Hours, 365 (it's become a comfort song lately! so i don't hate it anymore hehe), Domino, Cake (it's CATCHY go away), None of My Business
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HI LOVE cactus nutmeg and taro for the ask game.. mwahh <3
Cactus: something you're currently learning (about)?
Aside from the tiny imperceptible lessons that im sure i pick up every day i am slowly getting better at acoustic guitar! Finally got over myself and started looking up chords lol so ive been zipping along in the past few days.... its good for me to have tactile hobbies because i do lose my mind when i cant do things with my body. Honestly not much of a disciplined student im very good at like flitting from subject to subject and learning in small increments so there really is a hundred little things
Nutmeg: how’s your room/home decorated? Do you have a specific theme or style going on?
I dont really decorate intentionally tbh but looking around my room its a lot of blue/white/brown color-wise. My mother once described it as a "fur trapper whore house" which i think paints a very vivid picture... theres a lot of animal pelts and pearls and velvet. Its a bit minimalist though it just sounds lush because its so texturally elaborate. Big fan of anything but plastic so its pretty much all wood and metal. I also live in a house from the 30s so the details of the room automatically add a lot
Taro: if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
The weather, which hasnt been anything special (aside from the fact that all existing things are inherently special). There is nothing going on in my life and even if there was i havent yet fallen into the practice of telling people things 👍
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new year, new music!
so, lately i’ve been listening to all kinds of things, as usual. 
but, a main re-discovery im making is of older hip hop and rap. i remember when i was very small i really liked listening to MC Hammer  ( Can’t touch this is gold), and it hasn’t changed! the powerful message, moving rhythm and unique and crafty samples make a signature sound like no other. i also recognized samples of old rap music in my favourite gabber tunes. for example, S’Express has been sampled for a 90′s dutch hardcore mix (aw, not fair! no-thats good). or my favourite track by Undercover Anarchist called Kingdom samples a line from King of rock by Run-DMC which has since become both my one of favourite songs and an artist i come back to regularly. I especially like the reverb effect in King of Rock as well as the confident nature of the singers coupled with the sounds of electric guitar. It’s really unique. 
what i am amazed by most is the versatility, rhyme and rhythm to the words that seem to make music by their very intonation. i think its incredible. the music structure itself is not complex but is powerful in that purity of human voice and raw emotion expressed in these songs with just a backing track and a few samples to accompany it.  
i also enjoy listening to Salt n Pepa because of their fun and smart lyrics and the colourful language they use to describe feelings and acts of love. i find it boring when these kinds of things get too literal, there is no magic or imagination to it. i also find it interesting how their songs feel like a conversation with their call and response style, for example Let’s talk about sex or Shoop. 
but, sometimes i like going a bit south. no, a bit more east. lately i really like listening to Bali gamelan music by an artist called Gamelan Degung. I will edit this post when i find more information about Balinese music, because the scale used is very unique and i just love it. the subtle, smooth and soft metallic sound sounds like the gentle pattering of rain while swimming inside the sea or in a foggy rainforest. the sound feels very calm and colourful to me, and the flute gives it a sharp and airy edge and texture to it. the music is mainly polyphonic, and the rhythm seems to change in the course of a tune too. the music is very subtle, maybe even minimalist, but feels very intricate and complex. i cant pick a favourite, because i like all of them. if you read some of my earlier posts, you’ll know i also listened to Gabber Modus Operandi, who also used traditional balinese instruments like the gamelan as well as the scale.
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stinkrascal · 2 years
my game is still doing the infinite loading screen glitch no matter what i do, save for take out my entire build/buy folder. i think my game is just overloaded with mods, so i’ll probably have to purge and rebuild my mods folder, or wait until i can update my computer so it’s stronger. idk what else to do
#i have a headache#im so upset about this :( i wanted to take screenshots so bad#i had such a cute idea for a post and i cant even execute it bc my game only works when i take out a significant portion of mods#i thought maybe there were conflicts but i did the 50/50 method and couldnt replicate the glitch#and i used mod conflict detector to delete 10gb of mods but im still getting the glitch#it only happens when i have my full folder in#granted it is 117 gbs lmfao but i need the stuff for storytelling#every other storyteller uses intense cc builds and i love that style! i love making realistic lots#the idea of having to go minimalist makes me so upset. building is so much fun for me#im just really upset over this. i dont know when i’ll be able to post again#this year ive only made like maybe ten posts it makes me feel awful :(#i love my story so much. it is my greatest source of comfort#being unable to create puts such a huge hole in my chest#im gonna try to save the cc from my builds like the straud house/farm and my characters homes#and then delete the rest of the cc and probably only download lots from very specific people to keep my bb to a minimum#but i just hate having to do that bc im scared i’ll delete something i really needed#i just hate change so much it literally ruins my day lol my head HURTS#so i guess i’ll be on an indefinite story hiatus until i can sort this out. :(#sorry im always complaining on here its just that literally nothing ever goes right lol
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littleoanh · 2 years
AGGHHHHH!!! My favorite series It Started With a Smile ended!! Fridays will never be the same. I really really love your writing. Its so addicting I cant stop reading. You’re really doing a good job at this. I’m sad thet the series is over (i will miss Ran series from you) but I trust that you wont get get tired writing about Ran. I’m not much into reading but you made me get addicted to your works Albie!!!
You might be getting a lot of requests but if you have time can you grant my request for below scenario abour Ran?
- Y/N (Fem Reader) had been busy doing art abroad. Since she’s done with her exhibit, it’s time to go back home to recharge and get new inspo for her next project! She also wanted to go home in time for her bestie’s bday. The celebration is in a club owned by Bonten. Y/N went to the club even though she hated it and only wear basic clothes (white top and black trousers and sneaks). She met her bestie but since she doesn’t know her other friends that well, she stayed at the bar to wait. Then suddenly, a bouncer asked her to go to the vip room (as instructed by Ran). She turned to the room and told the bouncer to tell the vip that she aint a wore and to go fuck himself haha! Turned out Ran was a childhood friend of her bestie’s boyfriend and introduced them in the party then Ran mentioned to Y/N that he knows she aint whore 😆 Ran was turned on by Y/N IDGAF attitude so he digged his friends to provide info about her. But her friends seem to be protected telling Ran to play with anyone but her (you can create a mystery about Y/N like a past experience that hurt her, death of someone important). Lucky Ran, he accidentally ran into you buying paint brushes in this art district where Bonten have businesses. Ask you out for lunch then everything started there. Keeps visiting you on studio and eventually finding out about Y/N’s soft side and sad past. Making Ran be soft for her and falling in love with her! I am in my late 20s so please make it smut smut but in a romantic way 🥰
Gosh im thinking about scenarios like these while reading your series. Albie, you are such an effective writer!!! Hope you’ll expand the request mentioned and please dont stop writing!! Will be here always reading and supporting you!!
- Lory (im anon coz im a little shy but im always here to support you!)
A/N: Hi Lory!! Thank you so much for reading my first mini series <3. That really means a lot to me. And you are absolutely right, I will never be tired of writing for my beloved Ran Haitani!!! And WOW that’s such a thoughtful compliment, thank you! I really appreciate the love and support! And don’t worry about being an Anon, I completely understand about feeling shy. I’m a total introvert. ANYWAYS! I really hope you enjoy this piece :) Sorry, I really got carried away and didn't realize how long this was … 
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Because I Have You
Characters: Ran Haitani x fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff (lots of kisses, Ran being a sweetheart [but not at first] and cuddles), angst (talks of a character’s death, emotional trauma, anxiety), cursing, and smut (unprotected sex, mention about pubic hair, Ran calling reader ‘baby girl’, oral, and creampie).
Like, reblogging, and kind comments are appreciated.
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“Oh my God, [Y/n]! You made it!!!” Your bestie, Shinzu screams over the loud upbeat EDM music playing in the background of a popular club in Tokyo. She jumps over to give you a big bear hug, you haven’t seen each other in a long time due to your work trip abroad. “I’m so glad you’re here.” She talks in your ear with contentment while still holding you in her arms.  
“Of course, I wouldn’t miss your birthday.” You smile softly, you landed in Tokyo about an hour ago and dropped off your luggage back at your minimalistic apartment. Then headed right to the club without changing your clothes, you weren’t a party person and didn’t have clubwear. You came here wearing a white boyfriend button up with the sleeves rolled up, black trousers and your favorite Converse sneakers. 
“Hey, good to see you [Y/n]!” Tora, Shinzu’s boyfriend, comes to greet you with a bear hug too and pulls the both of you into his strong muscular arms. “How’s your art exhibit in Paris?” He lets go of you but still has his arm around Shinzu. 
“Good, it was very busy and fuckin exhausting but totally worth it.” Your lazy smirk appears on your tired expression. “Feels good to be home though.” You turn your attention to the bartender and order shots for the three of you.
“Staying here for a while, I hope?” Shinzu smiles brightly, hoping you won’t go on another long international trip. The bartender pours liquor into three shot glasses.
“That’s my plan,” You hand two shot glasses to both of them. “I need to recharge and prepare for my next expo. But enough about me!” You lift your shot glass in the air, “Let’s take fuckin shots! To Shinzu for being born today!!”
“Kanpai!” The three of you clink your shot glasses and chug, your chest feels burned from the alcohol and return the shot glasses on the bar counter. 
“Shinzu!!!” A group of loud squealing girls approach the bar area, surrounding Shinzu and grabbing a hold of her.
“Come on, why are you taking so long?”
“Let’s get on the dance floor!”
“Forget the dance floor, let’s get on the poles!” They are practically dragging Shinzu away from you, but she manages to use her heels to stop them from hauling her and looks back at you.
“[Y/n], do you wanna come with us?” The girls are staring at you, waiting for your answer. 
“No, you guys go ahead. I’m good here.” You motion them to go on without you, the truth is you are not comfortable with Shinzu’s other friends since you don’t know them that well. The girls drag her away and Tora sighs.
“I’m going to follow them in case they cause trouble,” He looks back at you, “You sure you’re good here?” You give him a thumbs up.
“Don’t worry about me.” Tora nods then follows the girls behind, you turn back to the bartender and order yourself a beer. The bartender pops the cap and hands you a nice cold beer. You instantly take a gulp of it, the dance floor is crowded and so many girls are grinding on guys or on their girlfriends. This scene is completely out of place for you, you much rather have a quiet night in but Shinzu likes to party. You lean back against the bar counter, wondering how long you should stay here for. 
“Miss.” You are not certain if the ‘miss’ is for you but your eyes flicker in the direction of a big scary man, most likely a bouncer. Holy shit he’s huge, he is staring right at you. “Can you please follow me to the VIP room?”
“Are you talking to me?” You point at yourself, why would the bouncer want you to follow him to a VIP room? 
“Yes, you have been invited by one of our VIPs.” 
The fuck … is this some kind of joke?
The bouncer shows you the direction up at the balcony where the VIP rooms are located. You follow where he is aiming, there is someone standing by the balcony. There are flashing lights near them, giving you a glimpse of who this person is. From what you can tell, it is a tall man wearing a striped purple pantsuit. He possibly has multicolored hair, too dimmed for you to tell. He is not alone, there are women with revealing dresses clinging onto him. Maybe he is bored of them because he is focused on you, but what pisses you off is that cocky grin on his face. Does he think you’re easy?
Tch who the hell does he think he is, you scowl. You turn back to the bouncer looking unimpressed.
“Go tell your VIP I’m not a whore and for him to go fuck himself.” The bouncer who is stoic at first is bewildered by your response. You take another chug of your beer, now ignoring the bouncer. 
Hm? Ran’s lavender eyes spots the bouncer coming back to the VIP room alone, why are you not with him? “Mr. Haitani.” The bouncer appears to be hesitant.
“Where is she?” Ran gets to the point, Rin and Sanzu snickers when you don't show up. 
“She um … she wants me to give you a message.” One of Ran’s eyebrows arched, oh? 
“What does she want to tell me?” Ran’s iconic lazy grin appears, did you want to meet him somewhere else? Were you too shy to come up here? He could tell from the moment you were at the bar that this was not your scene. You are even bold enough to come to Bonten’s most popular club wearing a white big shirt and pants. You are different and he is completely intrigued by you. 
“Pardon me for saying this, here is her message.” The bouncer clears his throat to help with his nerves, “She said ‘I’m not a whore and for you to go fuck yourself.’” Rin and Sanzu are howling in laughter while Ran is speechless. He had never been rejected by a woman before, they would always do what he instructed. This is actually a nice change of pace and is turned on by your IDGAF attitude. He stands up, taking off his tie with a smirk.
“Where are you going?” Rin asks his brother, who is now leaving the room. Ran stops his movements, to turn back to him.
“Going down to meet with an old friend of ours.” 
Your eyes catch Shinzu and her friends returning to the bar area, you also notice Tora coming back laughing with someone. “[Y/n]! Come here and meet Tora’s friend.” Shinzu waves you over, you sigh and are reluctant to meet someone new. However, if it’s Tora’s friend … how bad can he be? 
“[Y/n],” Tora’s big hand pulls you closer to them and his hand is also on his friend’s shoulder, “this is Ran Haitani, my childhood friend. He is also one of the owners of this club, so basically a VIP.” One of your eyebrows instantly perk up and get a closer look at him. 
“Mother fucker …” You mutter, it’s the same cocky VIP who was standing at the balcony. Ran showed off his charming smile and wave.
“Nice to meet you, [Y/n].” Ran’s tall stature comes closer to you and leans down in your personal space. He sees the look of annoyance, his charming smile changes to a devilish one. “For the record, I know you’re not a whore.” 
“What, you think I need your validation or something Mr. VIP?” Your angry smile spur Ran even more. Why do you look so fuckin hot when you’re mad? “Also, get out of my fucking face. Don’t need your cockiness up in my personal space.” You push Ran’s broad chest to back the fuck up. 
“Uhhh, is something goin on here?” Tora looks back and forth between the both of you. 
“It’s non-existent.” You want to nip this in the bud, you whip your head back to your bestie who is also concerned about what is happening. “Shinzu, I’m going to head out. I had a long flight and my jet lag is about to knock me out.” She nods.
“Oh of course, I wasn’t expecting you to stay long. Do you want me to come out and wait with you?” Before you can answer, Ran jumps in.
“I can drive you home.” 
“How about you jump in your own ass and fuck off?” Shinzu’s friends are astonished at how badly you are treating Ran. He is being a gentleman, offering you a ride home and you chose to be rude. You didn’t care what they think, you are now focusing on Shinzu again, “I’ll be fine. You don’t need to wait with me. Go enjoy yourself. I’ll give you your birthday present later.” 
“Oh okay, at least let me walk you to the door.” She follows you right out, Ran’s lavender eyes follow the both of you out of the club. He needs to know more about you. Tora put his hand on Ran’s shoulder, breaking his thoughts.
“Hey, don’t take what she says to heart. She’s really a sweet person.” Ran’s lips quiver upwards.
“Is she? Could you tell me more about her?” Tora knows where this is going and needs to put his foot down.
“Don’t. I know what you’re thinking but you can’t be interested in her.” Ran is surprised Tora is cockblocking him. “There are plenty of girls here for you to be playing with, just not [Y/n]. She’s off limits.” 
“Off limits?” Ran chuckles darkly, “You should know better who you are talking to.” He comes closer to Tora with an intimidating stance, “I take what I want. So either you tell me more about her, or I will use my methods. Your choice.”
“No.” Tora knows Ran well enough that he will not hurt him. “I’m asking you as my brother, leave [Y/n] alone.” Ran frowns, then steps away from Tora and sighs in defeat. 
“Alright, fine. I’ll leave her alone.” Tora pats Ran’s shoulder and smiles softly.
“Thanks, brother.” 
It has been a few weeks since Ran last saw you at the club, he continues to keep his promise with Tora to leave you alone. He really did his best to forget about you, but how could he? You have plagued his mind. You are completely different from the women he’s been with. A fresh breath of air. He is bored of the same type of women. The only way he can temporarily forget about you is to keep himself busy with work.
Ran is at the Art District in Shibuya, Bonten owns several businesses here and he needs to collect payment. At the last stop, Ran happens to notice an art supply store across the street. His lavender eyes are shaken, he finds a familiar face … yours. You are wearing a white crop top with short dark blue overalls and white sneakers. He couldn’t help but to smile, you are adorable no matter what you wear. What should he do? Should he come say hello? Maybe come into the store and buy those paint brushes in your small hands? 
He is distracted by his thoughts that he almost didn’t notice you have already stepped out of the art supply store. I know I shouldn’t but … his long legs take off running. Ran can’t help himself, he needs to see you again. “[Y/n]!” He touches your shoulder to grab your attention, you on the other hand are about ready to deck him in the face but stop when you see him.
“You, again?” You lower your fist, which Ran finds amusing. You are definitely unique. “What are you doing here?” 
“Got some business to attend to.” Ran is happy you are at least talking to him, maybe this can start something new. “Then I happened to see you and wanted to say hi.” He displays his famous charming smile.
“Could’ve kept walking …” You mumble, then look back at him. “Is that all?”
“Have lunch with me.” Your eyes widen, why would he want to have lunch with you when you have been so cold towards him? Is he some kind of masochist? Right when you are about to reject his offer, your stomach starts growling … traitor, you called your stomach.
“Fine, but you’re paying.” 
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” Ran is elated you agreed to have lunch with him, he can finally start to get to know you. 
“You’re a painter, right?” Ran asks at a casual sushi restaurant that serves sushi on a conveyor belt. You arch one eyebrow, then he nods at your bag. “You have paint brushes, I assume you’re a painter.” 
“You’re right, Sherlock. I am a painter.” You pick up a salmon roll and plop it in your mouth. 
“What kind of paintings do you do?” 
“Landscapes.” You answer curtly, however it doesn’t seem to bother Ran. He genuinely is content that you are at least answering his questions. Your eyes flicker in his direction, he seems enthralled. “My style is impressionist landscape either with acrylic or oil painting.”
“That’s fascinating, I am terrible with art. How did you get into art?” You have a sorrowful gaze when you pick up an eel roll. 
“A family member inspired me.” He sensed you didn’t want to talk about it and didn’t want to put pressure on you. 
“Have you done any art exhibits?” Ran changes the subject to make you feel more comfortable with him.
“I came back from Paris about three weeks ago and now I am working on another expo.” He places his arm on the table and his hand is under his chin.
“Oooh, am I invited to this one?” You arch one of your eyebrows again.
“You’re interested in art?” 
“I’m interested in whatever you make.” Ran gives you a cutesy smile, you almost want to roll your eyes but he does look cute when he smiles like that. You also never realized how pretty his lavender eyes are. Actually now you have a better look at him, he’s quite handsome. His tattoo on his neck is quite … sexy. Your eyes trail from his tattoo to his large hand, then you look back up to his eyes again and he definitely notices you are checking him out. “Thinking of painting a portrait of me, darling?” Ran playfully winks, you turn away to hide your redden cheeks.
“As if I want to.” You mumble. The rest of lunch went pleasantly and you didn’t find Ran intolerant as much anymore. You are becoming a little intrigued by him. JUST A LITTLE.
“You’re back here again?” Ran has been frequently visiting your art studio nearly every single day. It was a bit annoying at first, but now you are looking forward to his visits. He always comes with a lunch box for you since the first time he came, you missed lunch because you were too focused on your painting. 
“Of course, I wouldn’t miss visiting my favorite little paintbrush.” Ran holds up a brown bag with pack lunches for the both of you. You wash the splatter paints off your hands and take a seat with Ran. 
“You missed a spot.” Ran tells you, you look down on your hands to check but you don’t see any paint on you, he chuckles. “On your face.” He points to the spot.
“Oh.” You grab a paper towel to wipe where Ran mentions but he grabs your wrist to stop.
“A paper towel will be too rough on your skin, let me.” He wipes your cheek, “Gosh, you have another spot here and here.” He continues to wipe your face, however you feel your cheeks feel wet. That’s when you catch on his fingertips, there are paints on them.
“You asshole! You’re making a mess on my face!” Ran laughs as you tackle him down while grabbing some paint of your own and start painting on his face. “Since you are being devilish,” You paint his face with little devil horns and a funny moustache, “I’ll paint you as the devil.” Ran doesn’t even fight you, he enjoys watching you paint on him. “There!” You just realize you are on top of him and leaning close to his face. Right when you are about to get off of him, Ran holds you in place and uses his strength to pull you closer to his lips. His hand is in your loose ponytail, playfully tugging them. 
His lavender eyes are filled with a fiery passion, he’s been wanting to kiss you this whole time. Now he has you in his arms, he doesn’t want to let go. Ran leans in but is interrupted by a phone call. “Shit.” He reluctantly releases you and sees a call from Kakucho, something must have happened with the mission. “Sorry, I have to go. Work call.”
“Uh, before you go.” You quickly climb off of him with your heart beating expeditiously. You wet a paper towel for him to use to wipe his face. “Here.”
“Thanks. See you later.” Ran walks out of your painting studio.
“See you …” 
Later that night, Ran comes back to check if you are still at your painting studio. He still sees the lights on, so he decides to come in. When he opens the door, he hears you talking in panic but why are you getting worked up? He takes a peak to see you are talking to Shinzu, Tora’s girlfriend.
“I can’t have feelings for him,” Your eyes are brimming with tears, “not after Yuki’s death.” Who’s Yuki, Ran questions himself. 
“[Y/n], Yuki would want you to move on.” Shinzu tries to calm you down with a soothing tone, “It’s been five years, you deserve to live your life and be happy.” 
“Happy?” The word sounds bitter in your mouth, “It was my fault he died!” Your tears are now dripping on your face.
“That wasn’t your fault!”
“I couldn’t hold onto him!” You are visibly shaking, admitting this out loud. “I couldn’t … I was too weak and my hand … let go. I still have nightmares about it … I can’t even look at his last unfinished painting without feeling haunted by him.” Ran’s chest softens when he sees you crying into your small hands. Shinzu walks over to give you a comforting hug.
“I know I can’t understand losing a twin,” Ran’s heart plummets, so it was your brother? He can’t imagine the pain you are feeling, “but I know Yuki doesn’t want you to be plagued by his death. You need closure to move on. Finish his painting. Finish what he started.” 
“I-I can’t.” Your anxiety and guilt is eating you up. “I can’t do it. I’m not brave enough to face him.” 
“Then let’s face him together.” Ran steps into view, startling the both of you. “I will be right by your side.” 
“What the hell, Ran?!” Your face scrunched up in anger, “Were you listening this whole time?!”
“Yes and I’m not sorry that I did.” Ran approaches you and Shinzu. “If you are scared, then take my hand.” He extends his hand out for you to take it. “I’ll be your anchor. Your rock. Every time you are feeling anxious, I’ll be right here with you. I promise, I won’t leave by your side. If you fall, I will pick you right back up.” Your eyes are shaken, feeling hesitant to take his hand.
“Take his hand, [Y/n].” Shinzu encourages you, she sees how much Ran cares for you. You look at Ran’s downturned eyes, they’re that passionate again. His steady arm, waiting for you to take his hand. He’s not going to give up on you. You slowly reach out for him and he does not hesitate to take your hand, pulling you into him.
“I won’t let go. Not until you’re done.” 
Ran kept his word, he stood by you while holding your hand and watched you work on your twin brother’s painting. Every time he felt like you were feeling overwhelmed or anxious, he whispered encouraging and sincere words. After a while, he senses your determination to finish your brother’s work. You needed both of your hands to do the texturing and Ran still remained by your side. Your bravery and willful attitude made Ran fall for you. 
“It’s … complete.” This painting took the whole night into the morning without any rest. Ran stares at the finished canvas. This is a painting of a couple hugging under a sakura tree, the sakura tree is textured making it look 3D. The male looks similar to you, Ran guesses that is your twin brother and the female must have been his significant other. You painted the landscape beautifully, it looked as though it’s from a fairy tale. 
“It’s beautiful.” Ran compliments your work, “I’m sure your brother would be happy you finished his work.” 
“...Yeah.” The painting may be completed but there is still one more person you need to face. 
Ran stands beside you while you nervously ring the doorbell, it takes a few minutes before someone opens up the door. He recognizes the woman, she is the girl in your painting. She is surprised to see you after five years, you apologized for your absence and told her you had a gift for her. You hand her the present, containing the painting. She unwraps your gift, the moment she sees the painting, she bursts into tears. She pulls you into a hug, telling you thank you and you hug her back with tears. Still apologizing for your brother’s death. She tells you that she never once blamed you and wishes you all the happiness. The burden you had on your shoulders has now lifted. 
You have woken up from your nap, feeling more refreshed compared to the last 5 years. You turn your head to find Ran sleeping peacefully next to you. Because you have him, you are able to move on. You lean close to him and place a gentle kiss on his cheek, when you pull away his arm snakes around you.
“Where do you think you’re going?” His lavender eyes are gradually opening, meeting your content gaze. “It’s a crime to kiss me when I’m not awake.” Your lips quirk upwards.
“How would you know that happened if you weren’t awake?” Ran prop his other arm up to have a good view of you. Your bedhead looks like a bird’s nest but he still finds you pretty. 
“Touche, but-” His arm that is around you pulls you closer to him, “I want you to kiss me when I’m more awake. Such as right now.” A playful grin spread on his lips and you are a bit flustered.
“I can’t do it if-” Ran slant his lips against yours, his lips feels good on yours. It’s been so long since you have kissed someone. You kiss him back without feeling guilty, he deepens the kiss and uses his tongue to swipe across your bottom lip. You grant him access to let him play with your tongue. The way his tongue dances with yours makes you feel good and turns you on. 
Ran rolls you on your back and he climbs on top of you, placing loving kisses from your lips down to your neck. Licking, sucking, and biting your plush skin, earning some sultry moans from you. His hands lift up your shirt to gain access to your tits, giving them some squeezes and plays with your nipples. He strategically rolls your nipples with his skillful fingers, making you twitch from his touch. Ran moves his lips down to your abdomen, coming closer to your nether region.
“Wai-wait.” You stop him before he proceeds to take off your pants. “It’s been awhile since … I … um.” Your cheeks are now blushing, it’s so cute how shy you are. “You don’t need to-” Ran kisses your lips once again to interrupt you.
“Let me take care of you, baby girl.” He gently takes off your pants along with your white cotton panties. You close your legs in embarrassment, but of course he’s not going to let you stay like that for long. Ran spread your legs, lowering himself down and looks are your glistening cunt. You have some hairs but not enough to deter Ran from eating you. He opens your pussy lips, takes one long stride of your lips and moans. You are fuckin delicious. 
Ran messily eats your pussy, you hear him slurping and so many lewd wet sounds but you feel too good to care how embarrassing it sounds. He laps your clit and sticks two fingers in your hole. As you mention, it has been awhile so your pussy is extremely tight. He sucks on your clit, making you shake and scream from pleasure. Your walls pulsate around his fingers, letting him know you have cummed. Ran sits back up, unbuttoning his pants and releasing his thick cock and sucking on the fingers that were in your pussy. 
He leans down, putting a little weight on you, “I’m going to need you to listen to me.” Ran talks roguishly in your ear, “I want you to take a deep breath for me.” You listen, taking a deep breath, “Now exhale through your pretty lips.” The moment you exhale, you feel something big plunging in your pussy and nearly taking your breath away.
“Fuckkk …” 
“You’re doing so well, baby girl. Just a bit more.” Ran slowly pushes his thick cock into you, making you feel every inch and vein. He finally bottoms out, waiting for you to adjust his size. You feel so full with him so deep inside you. Ran starts thrusting in a slow pace, you whimper and make cute moans for him. He kisses you with more heat and gradually increases his rhythm. You wrap your arms around his neck, moaning into his lips and enjoying the pleasure. He thrusts even deeper, making you hug him tighter in your arms and crying into his neck. Ran wraps you close to him and keeps hitting your g-spot. 
“Oh god, yes! Ran!” You cry out his name, Ran grunts and groans into your ear. You cup Ran’s face for him to look into your feverish eyes, “Please … please go faster and harder.” How can he say no to you? He gives you another sloppy kiss before granting your plea. “Oh Ran!” You are calling his name like a prayer and he ravishes you. “I’m about to cum, I’m about to cum.” Ran keeps the fast pace and goes harder to have you cum on his angry cock. You let out a pornographic moan and arching your back. “Ran, Ran!” He captures your lips, feeling your gummy walls squeezing him.
“Feel so good, baby girl.” He continues to pump his cock into you, letting you enjoy your high. He keeps going until he is getting close to ejaculating. “Where do you want me to cum?” 
“In-inside, please. I want to feel your love.” 
“Fuck, [Y/n]. Let me show you how much I love you.” Ran continues to slam his cock, about to bust and he let out a loud guttural groan. He paints your gummy walls white, creating his own artform. He waits for a few minutes before taking his cock out, thick cum is spilling out of his pussy. It is stunning. He lays down next to you, pulling you into his arms and tenderly kissing you. “Are you okay?”
“I’m more than okay, better than before.” You look up with a loving gaze, “Thank you. I … wouldn’t have been able to do this without you.”  Ran smile softly, then place your head against his neck for you to nuzzle into.
“I promise you, didn’t I?” Ran huskily talks while stroking your disarray hair, “I won’t leave your side.” 
“Does … does it still apply since … now I’m done with my brother’s painting?” There is a moment of silence, you have a slight panic that Ran will up and leave you.
“[Y/n] …” You are almost scared to look at him but you need to face your anxiety, you make eye contact, “if it’s alright with you, I want to stay here with you.”
“You do?” Your voice cracks a little.
“Yeah,” Ran caresses your cheek, “I’m not planning on leaving even if you push me away. I will always be here.” 
“Ran …” You wrap your arms around his neck and lean in to kiss him with longing. Who knew you would find someone at a club that would change your life?
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2022 © littleoanh — do not repost or translate my work on this platform or any other platform. likes, reblogs, and kind comments are welcome. must be 18+ to interact.
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spiderwcd · 3 years
sour | b. barnes
pairing: bucky barnes x avenger! reader
summary: you and bucky met on unforgettable terms and have hated each other ever since. of course this doesn’t stop tony putting you together on a mission. will this break the frozen later in each other’s hearts for each other?
word count: 2.6k
warnings: murder, violence, some cursing, mentions of sex, cursing, steamy makeouts,
gif not mine !
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you awoke as the same as yesterday, full of hatred towards the world. yet you try to save it everyday with your team. you woke up of course especially hating james buchanan barnes.
ever since we discovered him, you weren’t so fond of his presence. everything and anything he had to do was irritating like a bug bite that won’t to stop needing to be itched. you wanted to strangle him every time he spoke, slap him every time he worked out in front of you, you could of course go on.
you hopped out of the bed in the minimalistic room. you wandered from the mattress towards the attached bathroom. you felt heavy that day, almost sluggish. you huffed out some air from your chest and stared hard in the mirror as you rubbed you sore head. you quickly did your morning routine before becoming any more sick of yourself.
you escaped your small and empty room after changing as soon as you could into the bot so empty one outside. you ended up in the kitchen where natasha and steve were talking. you ignored their presence as you grabbed a cup of coffee and some yogurt from the fridge.
“so, y/n,” natasha began. you perked up your head towards her. “i heard tony might have new missions for us today.” she explained. you shrugged slightly.
“what now?,” you scoffed slightly. “he need us to clean the park?” you rolled your eyes softly as steve chuckled slightly.
“no actually, i heard it was more serious this time,” steve added to our conversation. “heard it was something about spies this time.” your ears perked up and you shot your head up.
“seriously? i bet you tony is gonna bench me again,” you theorized. “he always has it out for me i swear to god.” you grumble.
you take a long sip from your freshly brewed coffee and felt your spirit uplift shortly as you awoke. you felt happier to be awake this time and talking to your friends. that was until bucky entered. you were angry that he walked in without a shirt and dared to wear only a pair of black joggers. you rolled your eyes as you placed your cup of coffee before walking away.
“i’m gonna work out.” you sassed as you quickly left the kitchen before any words could be spoken back.
bucky returned the favor by rolling his eyes back. he knew your hatred towards him. he remembered the day clearly, you were fighting him and he knocked you out and nearly killed you. but steve and natasha saved the day. of course you tried to forget that and become close to him as she was close to her other team members. instead bucky gave her an icy glare and ignored her. so instead of becoming friends, they found it easy to hate each other.
as you disappeared away, bucky scoffed and looked back at the two other people in the kitchen. “i cant believe her, she barely gave me chance and already hating my presence!” bucky ranted as he grabbed a cup of coffee himself.
“well to be fair bucky,” natasha began. “you did give her the cold shoulder when she tried to give you a chance.” she commented.
“yeah but still,” he replied. “that was when i was still brainwashed by hydra. she should know better.”
steve hissed slightly as he reminded him the first date ordeal. it was odd because tony invited everyone to go to his favorite club and y/n found herself a dance partner and as he placed a hand on her waist, bucky showed up and nearly broke the guy’s hand. y/n hated him for ruining her night and she left to get drunk and grumble about how much she hated him.
“oh come on,” bucky blurted. “that guy was making her uncomfortable!” natasha gave him a raised brow before bucky sighed.
“okay maybe i just didn’t want him touching her.”
he couldn’t deny in the end of the day, he had developed a not so small crush on you. he dreamed to even become close to her. he was supposed to be hard and tough and somehow let himself fall for someone who hates him.
before the conversation could go on any longer, tony’s voice came over the intercom as he mentioned the meeting. everyone stopped what they were doing and went to the meeting before tony could argue with them.
everyone grumbled their way to the meeting room and sat in their usual spots next to everyone they usually talked to. you sat next to natasha and wanda per usual wearing your work out clothes.
“i know everyone doesn’t want to be here,” tony began. “but deal with it.” he finished.
he began to explain how the spies in a popular celebrity restaurant and how they were beginning to build nuclear weapons in the basement of this hotel/ restaurant.
“now here’s the kicker,” he sighed. “we can’t really get in, we’re all to recognizable to the public. we need someone new out there.”
everyone began to look around before landing their eyes on you and bucky. you realized what was going on and your eyes widened.
“uhm i’m down to do this,” you raised your hand. “only not with him.” you motioned towards bucky.
“it’s not up to discussion,” tony stopped. “you do this with him and that’s it.”
before any of you could argue with the billionaire, he walked away ending the meeting. you huffed out in frustration as you stood up and walked away.
later that day, you received an invitation to the restaurant. wow thanks tony. you knew it was your time to shine. you had to pull out some emerald green party dress from the back of your closet for this one. you never were the type to party. even before becoming an avenger.
you decided to clean your looks for the night, you did your hair and makeup and felt clean and almost human again. but you snapped out of it and marched towards the meeting room. there you were met with bucky in a all black suit. a blush crept in as it was suited for him, but bucky was also shocked at your appearance, you wore a opened back silky emerald green party dress that hugged your curves amazingly.
he cleared his throat as you were met next to him. “you clean up nice.” bucky grumbled.
“you too, barnes.” you smirked slightly as you both made your way to the limousine with tony inside. he explained the plan simply to both of you.
get away from the party and once done, one goes upstairs to where the terrorists have the launch codes and panels. other goes to the basement and disarms all the guards and somehow eliminates the launch from succeeding. then tony ends explaining with,
“then at the end, both of you get a room and squash this beef you guys have going on by simply sleeping together.” you both stare at tony with disgust and horror as you pull up to the front of the building.
“good god kill me.” you whispered as you got out, tony yelled, ‘use protection!’ causing you guys to become flustered and quickly walk away from the limousine.
both pair of eyes wandered around the room and noticed the fancy party going on. everyone was too focused on their own thing as both you and bucky nodded and split into different directions. you wandered to the elevator towards the upstairs to a specific room.
tony explained how a signal was being traced from the 5th floor and you’d have to use some electromagnetic machine to find them. or whatever tony and bruce explained to you. you discreetly pulled out the small machine from the clutch you held and your hand wandered through the hall, still keeping an eye out for any guests and possible intruders.
your eye caught the door next to the wide balcony opening at the end of the hall. it glowed a dark blue underneath the crack of the white door, illuminating through the hall.
you cautiously pointed the machine and it went crazy. this has to be it. you pulled out your gun from the clutch and you threw it to the side as you pushed the door slightly open. you noticed at least 5 people in the suite. some guy was typing at the large computer and talking in a foreign language towards the guards, clearly not doing their job.
you scoffed softly. these were simply just idiots. you knocked out the first guard easily. it wasn’t too hard to knock out the other big guy too. you decided to tie up the guy way the computer. you needed some answers.
“why nuke the place huh?” you asked as you plugged in the flash drive given to you. you began decoding some firewalls as the terrorist began talking.
“small talk doesn’t suit you,” he smirked. “where’s your boyfriend?” he asked you back.
“i ask the questions here,” you raised a brow. “and he’s not my boyfriend.” you continued typing vigorously as you disarmed the codes.
“good so you won’t mind when we put a bullet between his eyes?” he smirked. you sighed and stopped typing. you turned around and squatted in front of him.
“i may hate the guy,” you began as you grabbed his hair to reveal his beaten face. “but he’s still my teammate. i’m a team player.” you spat as you let go of his face and it hung low as he chuckled dryly.
“you know you’re pretty tough for a who-.” before he could finish the sentence, bucky came in with a gun and silencer. he shot the guy straight and point blank before he could even finish the sentence.
“we have to kill the bad guy you know, y/n.” bucky snarky comment didn’t make you flinch.
“yeah but it was quite fun hearing him talk non stop,” you sighed as you sat back down and began typing yet again. “almost like you.” you smirked. bucky rolled his eyes and watched you breakthrough the firewall.
“why do you hate me?” bucky asked as he examined your beautiful features. you scoffed.
“you should know this.” you replied coldly.
bucky shifted his stance and raised a brow. “yeah but you should know that was just my mind being all freshly blended.” he sighed.
you stopped typing and sat up and turned to face the brunette. “bucky, and i mean this from the bottom of my heart to the bottom of my ass,” you stood up and towered over him. “you are the most stupid and naive man i’ve ever met. you hate where people despise you and yet you never bothered to get to know me. therefore bucky barnes, i hate you.” you put on a fake smile before you sat back down.
“wow...,” bucky blinked completely dumbfounded. “i didn’t know you felt... so strongly about me.” he blinked rapidly.
you slightly scoffed at his comment instead of replying and there was a silence between you two as typing echoes the room.
“got it,” you finally said as you stood up. “finally disabled all the weapons and it should be ready to be removed from basement and just in time for tony and the gang to gather these.” you finally said as you removed the flash drive.
bucky looked at you in awe. how could you gather all your emotions and just focus so easily. you quickly got out of the room and began walking down to the elevator with bucky. the floor began moving downwards as it stopped at the next floor.
some clearly bad guys, loaded the lift and you notice the guns. they were suspecting you two were involved.
“kiss me.” you whispered into his ear. his hairs stood up on the back of his neck at the comment and made his throat go dry.
“w-what?” he whispered back.
“just do it!” bucky grabbed your face and pulled towards him as he began slowly kissing you. you hated to admit that your stomach gave you butterflies. your bodies slowly melted. the bad guys became uncomfortable and just waiting for the lift to finally stop at the next floor.
as they exited and the doors shut, you let go and heaved for air. you let out a sigh as you wiped your face. you looked over at bucky and he had lipstick smeared on his lips. you chuckled a bit as you noticed this and he looked confused.
“you have lipstick smeared everywhere.” you noted as you guys finally made it to the first floor.
bucky blushed as he rubbed off the lipstick on his face and cleared his throat. he didn’t know what that was about but he wanted for more.
you guys finally made it to the parking lot as the car tint delivered stood. tony and the crew should be here any minute, but you two needed to get out before any one shows up. your job was considered done.
you threw the keys at bucky as he swiftly caught them in his natural hand. you waited for him to unlock the door. you began to get into the car and both of you zoomed out of the parking lot.
both of you made it back to the compound and you two finally let loose of the disguise and sat at the bar.
bucky cradled a scotch in his metal hand as you held some vodka and cranberry in your own hand.
crickets could could be heard of how quiet the compound was. it never got this silent. usually someone would start something and it would be a comfort thing after a while. bucky finally broke the silence.
“why did you kiss me?,” he asked sheepishly.
“i mean mostly to get the guards uncomfortable.” you raised a brow.
“yeah but why would you kiss me?,” he questioned. “i mean you could’ve started arguing with me or crying to make them uncomfortable, but instead you kissed me.” you finally noticed it and a blush crept onto your face.
“well uhm.” you started as you were lost for words. “i really don’t know bucky.” you chuckled dryly. you placed your glass onto the marble table as bucky did the same with his.
he strutted to you with any confidence he had from the crazy night or the scotch gave him. he was now next to you.
“admit it,” he suddenly said. “you don’t completely hate me.” he smirked.
your breath hitched in your throat at this. “are you crazy bucky?”
“only for you, doll.” he softly replied as he leaned closer to you.
fuck it.
you gave in and kissing him the second time that night. all the excitement gathered and you let out any hatred you had for him all those years.
“i don’t hate you,” you breathed out. “i wanted you, but i knew i couldn’t.” you finally let out. it was like a weight lifted with these words.
bucky slightly moaned into the kiss as you jumped up into his arms and wrapped your legs around him. he felt electrified and trapped under your spell.
“i called it.” tony let out. you both quickly pull away and you noticed the gang all standing at the door. you blushed and let go of bucky standing on your feet quickly.
“shut up stark.” steve told him as everyone walked in exhausted as they sat down on the couch.
bucky quickly cleared his throat as he leaned into your ear. “you tasted so sweet.” you coughed at your own saliva (and a bit of his) at this comment.
“you’re so dead barnes.” you whispered towards him.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
11 Anti LO Asks
1. honestly the fashion in LO was never great (the Korean readers saying Persephone looked like she was in a napkin was so right) but at least there was a few stand outs, usually Hera and Minthe, but S2 has been such a downgrade. It's all either frumpy 60s fashion or just?? boring minimalist sheets? and all the men are in the same boring suits as always. if she cant bother to make the characters or environment look good, cant they dress nice at least?
2. it honestly feels like hades is more of the MC at this point than persephone. we know so much about his past, his goals, his wants, his dreams, he has fleshed out relationships and is on an arch to get something (a wife/family), meanwhile persephone is just there. she has no friends, no family, we know nothing about her past beyond random flashbacks that get retconned anyway, and her world only revolves around him. it really feels like shes secondary in her own supposed story.
3. you know how the synopsis of LO is how "you see the gods as youve never seen them before" or w/e? yeah, youve never seen them like this before because rachel made them completely OOC from their actual mythology counterparts, butchered any sort of connection/basic foundations of mythology, and isnt following a single myth and is just making a convoluted fanfiction versus actually retelling the myths. literally none of the "myths" or characters match what we know. that's not good.
4. i was reading a review on the lo book and the reviewer posted a snippet of the dialogue (without visuals) and it just dawned on me how generic the writing actually is? and how personality less it is? like it was a part of artemis talking, yet you wouldnt be able to tell, it just sounded like a generic party girl over the goddess of the hunt. like truly, if it didnt have that unique style in the beginning to ride off of, i honestly doubt this writing would even pass an intro to writing class.
5. I've stopped going to WT theory pages because overwhelmingly every LO theory is either so obvious it's not a theory, or just obsessed about demeaning every other character (woo boy, they love saying Artemis will be the next twist villain because she's purple!) or saying Persephone HAS to give Hades kids "like in the myths" like?? That's so dehumanizing, Does Persephone have no worth or purpose outside of bearing him kids? Also, no, they didn't have kids in the myths. Sorry to say but it's true.
6. In regards to that one ask, I don't believe RS has said in particular in she's only writing the Trial week by week, but she did give in interview early in 2020 where she admitted she writes the next episode as soon as its published on Saturday, so it's not that she's only writing this plotline in a weekly fashion, it's that in general she writes everything in LO in a weekly fashion. That's why plot lines are dropped, new ones randomly pop up, and there's too many retcons to count.
7. The anon that said LO only concerns itself with aesthetics is so right. It does! It coasts off all the bright colors, fun events (like Hades and Persephone going shopping), shallow drama (like the various non-canon sexual and romantic relationships between the gods) and out-of-nowhere stakes (like Kronos waking up), which all sound very nice and interesting and attractive in theory, but in LO's story they're so random and disjointed... They're only there for the aesthetics of a good work!
8. Honestly looking on Barnes and Noble at the images included for how the pages look between Hooky and Lore Olympus. Even if I enjoyed Lore Olympus the book would have to look really amazing, but instead it looks like it was done relatively quickly with not enough care(again from the images they’re trying to sell it with, I have not seen a physical copy personally to judge)
On the other hand, while I hate the daily pass system, it was part of the reason I was looking into getting the Hooky graphic novel, along with the fact the preview pages look amazing. Hooky overall offers a much more interesting story and it suits the graphic novel form, while Lore Olympus just does not in its current state. 
9. if the fans are perfectly willing to excuse persephone for mass murder, excuse hades and hera having a centuries long affair while acting holier tthou than zeus, hades' constant abuse of his citizens, employees, and literally owning slaves, then i think they could have handled persephone being like, 200 years old. RS claiming shes "subverting" the "powerful old man with a submissive young girl" trope is such a blatant lie its honestly maddening.  its your kink, lady, lying about it doesn't help.
10. i hate how the stans claim rachel is "being so respectful" with the serious topics like SA and the age gap when she doesnt. she constantly sexualizes the fact persephone is so young and depicts her as acting even younger (why did she retcon their first meeting to where persephone was NAKED and possible underage?), and the SA is only there to push the couple along, with it not depicted well at all and even forgotten most of the time. If actual victims tell you it's badly depicted, LISTEN TO THEM.
11. Been looking through your blog and though I agree with most takes, I gotta tell you that as a designer it's actually quite important to ask the target audience for feedback on the product. User testing for a product is important. It isn't odd that she asked her fanbase what they'd like to see more in a story since the story IS a product. We do that in my field all the time. Now, can't say that she made the wisest decisions in her story, but the approach to the fandom to ask about their expectations is normal. 
From OP: Ah ok! Thank you for telling me /pos
I found it weird because it wasn’t very specific but then again, that’d probably spoil the story lol
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camslightstories · 4 years
Tolerate it - Part 4
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Notes: Here is the part everyone waited for. I have been receiving so much love from you guys, and I don't know how to thank you. You guys are completely utterly amazing, and I cant wait to give you guys more of this story. I think i can write part 5 in a day, idk, but I will try my best for you guys. 
Thank you so much for your love, it means the world to me. I receive any type of feedback, comments or request, I posted a prompt list so you guys can have a little idea for your request but if it is your own then I have no problem writing it.
Thank you again for reading, I hope you like it.
Lena Luthor x reader, Kara Danvers x reader, Alex Danvers x reader. Baby Danvers.
24 hours before
The raindrops overwhelmed the streets of National City. The overwhelming sound of the rain falling was heard all around the city. The way the cold breeze moved the trees. The light of the posts illuminating the city during the cold and rainy night.
You were happily cleaning the decoration table, as you hummed to the melody that has been in your head the whole day. JJ, your boss came walking laughing when she saw your mood. “Why is my favorite pastry chef so happy may I ask” 
“First of all, I'm your only chef, and well like you know I finally cracked it. The lemon pie cake recipe, Lena loves so much. It was a success boss I made four cakes and they are all gone, third I got Lena's favorite flowers and favorite pastry, fourth I don't know, I think that is it” You stopped cleaning before showing her the flowers you had gotten earlier that day, and then the other box with the cake while smiling widely.
The blonde looked at you before sighing, you had worked with her for 5 years now, and she had seen you in the past with Barry and now Lena. She cared about you in her own way, you were her principal chef and somehow you became her friend. The blonde said as she closed the register walking to get her things.“Never change, Danvers.”.
You nodded and kept cleaning and organizing your workspace. Lena never leaves your mind, you knew you had to talk to your sisters and your girlfriend soon because it had been two weeks since the school decided to fire you since they found a better fitting music teacher.
The fact that you worked your ass off in the school, so the children could have the best of you, wasn't enough for them, and it hurt you. What other things have you done, are doing, or will do that are not going to be enough?
Like the time you worked on a project for 6 months straight, not taking care of yourself, working in three jobs, going out of line to make sure the movie sample was perfect. Trying to achieve your dreams, only for the executive director to call you one morning to tell you, they had found some else, someone better. 
It scared you to think about the fact that Lena may find someone else, you knew she deserved everything she wanted and needed it, she deserves someone who was smart, stable, powerful, someone strong who can give her anything, someone without trust or abandonment issues, someone perfect for her, and you had a long way to be that person for her. 
But every time she had seen your insecurities, she had come and reassured you every single thing, she had made your insecurities go away. She had made you feel worthy and perfect for her. But your insecurities had always been a part of you and somehow Lena worked in every step of the way with you.
Your boos whistle pulling out of your thoughts, before making you look up as she threw the store keys for you to close before she concluded “You are way too deep kid”
You murmured as you looked at the raindrops. “How could I not? she is my everything”
The rain covered you completely as you rode your bicycle, the coat on your basket covering the pastries boxes and the flowers. The way your cold shirt cling to you, and your socks getting wetter every time you passed through a puddle. Your soaked hair taking over parts of your face, as you felt the cold breeze hit your face, your breathing became stronger when you started to feel the freezing temperature.
Before entering the lobby of the large building, you tried to get rid of the extra water from your clothing, but it seems impossible. Grabbing the things you entered and smiled when you felt the warm temperature. You watched the clock and noticed the time it was 8:35 PM, meaning it took you over 10minutes to get there. 
Mr. Simmons, the doorkeeper of the penthouse chuckled at you, you were too stubborn to take a taxi or let Lena’s driver, Mr. Smith, to drive you even when it is dangerous outside, you had always preferred to ride your bike. 
After Jeremiah, your dad died, and you felt your world crashing down, you didn't want help. You kept quiet about your feelings, trying to comfort your loved ones, every time you felt you need space to open up alone, you rode your bicycle to the beach and sat for hours thinking, and crying. After a time your bike was the only way you went to places alone, it was the way you remember it was okay to be alone and to be hurting as long as the ones you love are okay and happy.
“Ms. Danvers, good evening,” The man said as he called the elevator for you.
You rolled your eyes at your name, before speaking “Good evening Simmons, we have talked about this call me Y/N, we have known each other for 3 years” 
The old man responded as he chuckled, maintaining the elevator open for you.“Yes miss-...Y/N, I hope you don't get sick”
You mention as you walked inside, giving him boxes with various types of cheesecakes smiling.“I hope so too, Simmons. Here this is for you ” 
“Thank you Y/N, have a great night,” The man said waving at you.
You yelled when the door began to close, the old man nodded and smiled at you. “You are welcome! good night and say hi to your family for me”
Each floor of the building was elegant, classy, and minimalist. The soft LED lights on the top and bottom corners of the corridors, the way the blue and gray color made pop up the white vintage doors. 
You took the key chain out of your pocket, putting the security code in, waiting for the green light meaning you could put the key card in. The keychain was simple, it had the keycard and a polaroid photo of you and Lena, the day you moved in. Lena was laughing at something and you were looking at her as if she had brought down the moon for you. 
You entered with difficulty at the apartment trying to not let anything fall as you spoke before you stopped completely when you saw your girlfriend in one of the bar stools drinking wine.“Baby, I'm home! Sorry it took me a while but it was raining and I tried my best on the bicycle, nut that is not important, what is important in that I have something for you, you are not going to believe me when I tell you that after 3 years of dating you and knowing your favorite cake, I cracked the recipe- ”
You didn't even think about anything else, you immediately turned to her side, putting all of the things on the kitchen aisle, as you asked worriedly while checking her for any types of injuries.“Lee? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did something happen? Do you want me to take you to the hospital? Do you want anything?-”
“I need to tell you something” Your girlfriend interrupted with a tone, you swear you have never heard from her. It was cold but at the same time vulnerable. She glances at the wine glass, not looking at you.
Pain and worries flashed through your eyes when you felt the sudden change of attitude. You felt the wall she had put between you guys when you entered the apartment, no greeting, kiss, or hug. It felt like you were nobody. That morning everything was perfect. Why is this happening now? Why the sudden change?.
You started to say before stopping, taking her in. She was not okay and she needs you now. It didn't matter if you would wake up tomorrow sick, what matter was that Lena was okay.“Lee do you mind if i- you know what that doesn't matter, you are first.”
You quickly went to one of the bar stools and sat down facing Lena. You went to grab her hands, and she quickly put them away from you. There was the moment you knew the hurt in your eyes could be seen by everyone.
You cleared your throat, shaking away the tears that were overwhelming your eyes before speaking, as carefully and softly as possible.“What's up? What did you want to tell me, Lena?”
“Kara told me she loves me” After a few seconds of silence, she took another sip of her glass before admitting.
Your stomach drops. Your throat was caught. You stopped breathing. You felt the world fall down on you. You saw how every piece of the future you had imagined left in the late nights. You knew what was going to happen, just because you studied film doesn't mean you can't solve a simple riddle. You knew the other shoe was going to drop.
You whispered incoherently, still not being able to think or speak “Ohh- i...I didn't- Ummm”
When Lena cleared her throat and her glance and yours connected waiting for an answer. You whispered softly not figuring out what to say “I didn't know”
The silence overwhelmed you. You felt your chest tighten. Your sense of cold and wet clothes in yourself became uncomfortable. The smell of the wine made you nauseous. The way you felt your mouth to go dry. Your eyes blinked away the tears, but the hurt in them couldn't go away. Your hands closing tingly almost cutting blood with your nails. You knew you had lost her, but did you lose her if you never really had her.
“Can you say something?” Lena said with anxiety in her voice, you could see her walls slowly coming down. 
You pulled away from her glance, painfully looking around the apartment not wanting for her to see the pain in your eyes. As your eyes ranked around the apartment memories of the two of you came running through your head as you responded quietly, pained and hesitant of the answer ”Do you...?”
You went, you heard her sigh again, you knew everything was over. You closed your eyes hoping it was all a nightmare, that this wasn't happening, that Lena loved you, and that she wanted to be with you, not someone else, someone better.“Somehow, deep down I felt the same, and that came crashing down”
When the words finally fell out of her lips, all you felt was pain and emptiness. There wasn't anything else but it. You knew you had lost everything, your light, your heart, your world. Right there you had empathized with Kara’s feelings after leaving Krypton. 
You kept your eyes closed, putting yourself together knowing that if you did or said the wrong thing, Kara and Lena would not be happy. And how selfish of you could be, to make two of your favorite people in the world to hurt. You wouldn't do that, to anyone less to your sister and the love of your life.
You knew Kara was better for her, Kara had a stable job, a great personality, a status that can be compared to Lena’s, She had superpowers, she is Supergirl, She was out of this world literally. For Rao’s sake how could she not want her instead of you, she was perfect.
You who was only a 24-year-old woman. You who studied film school but weren't good enough to get a job in your field. You who played soccer and basketball in high school but weren't good enough to make it to college. You who could barely survive in National City with two jobs. You who the school fired because you weren't a good enough music teacher. You who worked at a bakery as the pastry chef. You with trust and abandonment issues. You who had some much baggage because of your past relationships. You who were scared of the dark as a grown woman. You with self-esteem issues.You who were broken. 
You wouldn't be good enough for anything and less Lena Luthor, the good Luthor, a genius, the CEO of one of the most important companies in the world. How could you ever be enough for her?
You took a deep breath before opening your eyes, to see the two eyes you felt more in love with every day staring at you, waiting for your reaction. Lena had thought she was subtle but you saw the fear in her eyes, as tears overwhelmed them. There was the border, you would never want Lena to cry, or Lena to be other than happy and okay. 
You whispered as you slowly got up from the stool putting it back, taking her in, one last time. The weight of the world in your shoulders as you did. “Okay” 
Your eyes examined her hair, as you remember how many times you had comfortably run your hand through her hair after a long day. You saw her nose and remembered how many times you had softly leaned in, sharing an Eskimo kiss. You looked at her eyebrows as you remembered every time she had raised them, when you did something childish funny, before laughing with you. Her cheeks made you remember every time you would make her laugh as the dimples came out. Her lips remained you of every kiss, every time she would ground you with only one breath when you were panicking.
“You know, you two deserve the whole universe, and I know Kara will give it to you, as you will do with her. I know she will give you everything I couldn't, and that she is the better option. I mean we are talking about Kara, she is perfect. What isn't it to love?”Lena was perfect for you, but you knew you had to let go, for her and Kara to be happy. You concluded before walking to the door not bothering to take any of your belongings.
Lena watched you as you walked away in silence, her glance burning in the back of your neck. It was a second before grabbing the doorknob, with tears threatening to come out and a hitched breath you spoke with a sad smile.“You deserved all the happiness in the world, I will come for my things tomorrow morning, I wish you the very best Miss. Luthor”
The moment you closed the door, the world came down on you. Everything was gone. You didn't know what was going to happen to you, you knew you wouldn't go to Alex and any less Kara. You couldn't blame your sister, it was Lena you were talking about. She was perfect, she was the person you fell in love with after 3 months of dating. And you couldn't blame Lena for not wanting Kara. She was royalty, she was perfect, she was the sun, and you were not.
You just knew you had to be okay...for them.
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3-E Bedroom Aesthetic Headcanons Part 1
I’m simply bored rn so why not?
It’s very obvious she’s into mangas/anime’s lmao
Has a lot of merch and posters all around, as well as cute plushies
Likes to keep it dark most of the time so she can watch/play on her TV. If she wants to read or write, she can just turn on her lamp.
Bed is a standard size, but filled with a ton of pillows and blankets so she’s comfy while doing whatever. It’s also perfect for building blanket forts or starting pillow fights with friends
Looks like this but maybe less intense haha
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Has a fairly spacious room that she loves
Prefers sunlight so she keeps her curtain open for as long as she can
Has a few posters of singers that she really likes
Her room overall has a pretty indie vibe. It’s super chill though
Literally never makes her bed. Ever.
Has a desk but she likes to do homework on the floor for some reason
Looks like this but a lot messier
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He has the smallest bedroom in his house, and he completely offered to take it.
It’s very cramped :( He only fits his bed, desk, and dresser inside there.
Doesn’t spend a lot of time in his room though because of his very busy schedule
Cant fit a bookshelf so he keeps his textbooks and such under his desk.
His room is tidy for the most part but it’s probably just because he’s barely there
The lighting is pretty awful. He once saved up some of his money to buy a proper lamp that would be better for studying
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I know y’all weren’t expecting him to be a plant mom lmao, but listen: his parents are into artisan crafts, his sister travels, they are an artsy family ok?
So his room has a lot of greenery inside, and he takes care of all his plants UwU
His room is very much a reflection of himself and all his rebellious energy. So he’s painted his walls, put up posters or quotes he resonates with, etc.
His bed is minimalistic because he’s barely in it tbh. Whenever he wants to chill or draw, he has a mini sofa. It’s also seating for whenever he brings friends over.
Room’s kinda cramped but he prefers it that way
Looks like this
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Her room is very minimalistic but has a sweet vibe to it
Likes open-lighting but has a habit of leaving the curtains closed even after finishing her experiments
Has a view plants that she takes care of very responsibly
Doesn’t like having a boring white room, so she’s put up flower images and art around, just to give it more life.
Her desk area is kind of a mess filled with papers and such haha. Despite that, she still makes room for when she wants to carry out another spontaneous experiment
Her lab equipment is all in a spare room in the house, solely for her use. So there’s not much in her room but you might see a vial of poison randomly somewhere lol
Looks like this
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Has one of the smaller rooms in his family’s apartment above the restaurant and it annoys him sometimes
At least he doesn’t have to share with his brother anymore though....
Anyways yeah. It’s pretty minimalistic. He doesn’t use a desk, and instead works on the floor or in the living room. Usually studies with his friends.
His clothes take up most of the room lmao, boy cares about his wardrobe a lot
Bed is always messy but he tries not to leave piles of clothing around, or leaving any dirty dishes.
Full-length mirror so he can check out his outfits every morning and take selfies
Leaves tissues, a few graphic novels, cookbooks by his bed, as well as some other things on his lil makeshift nightstand
Sleeps with a fox plushie. Will deny that its his vehemently, even if it’s right there in front of you.
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Gets the best room bc she’s the eldest and the only girl hehehe
Her room is honestly the definition of cozy
A very soft rug covers most of the floor, and it’s great to just lay on tbh
Always has very warm lighting because she prefers that vibe. Sometimes lights up candles if she’s feeling it
Has a lot of storage space so her room is never really cramped or full. Also keeps it very tidy all the time.
Hides her private stuff away from her little brothers, who snoop around a lot
If no one else is home, sometimes she clears her floor and tries out wrestling moves or fitness stuff on her rug.
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Keeps a very huge extensive collection of all his fav movies in a corner of the room, stored in a box
His room is medium-sized but he has so much shit that he hasn’t organized yet, it’s a bit tight
His desk is near his bookshelf, and he prefers to study during the day. Then at night, he can chill with some movies and snacks
He has a lava lamp and he loves it. It was a gift from Fuwa for his birthday actually
Tries to be tidy but he just doesn’t have the energy to go through all his stuff and organize it
Doesn’t have a rug and he really wants one bc it’s hell every morning, to step onto the freezing wooden floor and yelp loudly at 6am
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Kanzaki’s gaming corner
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1oserjk · 4 years
— full stop | 04 
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* .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*. * .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*.* .✫*゚・゚。.☆.  
a series.
a messy divorce, unrequited feelings, and a five year old.
* .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*. * .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*.* .✫*゚・゚。.☆.
+ this isn’t a big update, it wasn’t even supposed to be a main part since i wrote this today n it’s literally 2k n i was going to put this in memories n moments but since this an event that had just happened a day later .. sry i’m putting it with the chronological list bc smthg happens at the end.
this is also the jk i talk about bc i cant get him out of my head, frankly
03 ⇋ 05
x full stop masterlist | x masterlist
* .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*. * .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*.* .✫*゚・゚。.☆.
full stop | 04: over the fence
Shutting the car door after helping Yeona out, you skeptically glance at her before asking, “Do you need any help?”
Her head stubbornly shakes in between the colored plastic wrap of the flowers and the wide poster she holds close to her chest and a determined pout set on her lips. “No Mommy! I’m okay,” she says, even when she stumbles slightly on the sidewalk’s pavement. 
Your fingers ghost against her back just in case, observing her nervously before you both reach the entrance of the studio. “Alright. Just be careful, okay?”
The plastic and paper rustle and it simply tells you she’s nodding back. 
You reach for the door and nudge her in the right direction, finally setting your eyes forward and at the front desk where Seol is sat at. “Hi, miss!” Yeona greets, voice muffled and fully unaware of who exactly the person was behind the desk. She’s seen her a few times when you both visited through the years, but not enough to be introduced as Jungkook’s new girlfriend — which has only happened recently. 
And as if that was even a thing to her yet. 
Seol’s eyes widen before timidly waving at your daughter.
You offer a curt smile and a short greeting before asking, “Is Jungkook busy?” 
She doesn’t seem as surprised by your sudden visit, clearly aware of the date on the calendar set out and taped down in front of her as she offers a polite smile back. “I can check for you.”
Her pointer lands on a specific paper, dragging down towards the time slots until it reaches a point. She looks back up. ��He’s free for the next thirty minutes before his lunch break.”
Gently patting your hands on Yeona’s shoulder, you begin walking forward, pushing at the small gate that separates the employees from the clients and out of Yeona’s way when she walks through it. 
“Thank you, miss!” She throws out, rushing towards his office without even waiting for a reply back. 
“Careful, baby,” you remind, wincing at some of the reflective glitter that falls onto the black flooring. 
She simply ignores it, greedy hands reaching for the doorknob, unfortunately too short and weak to properly turn it. With her struggling like this, you’re a hundred percent sure Jungkook can hear the wiggling and disruptive noises from the opposite side of the door. 
It only reminds you to work on her patience some more when you get back home. 
Finally reaching her, you’re the one to open the door and allow her to rush in with the abundance of gifts she’s been too excited to get the past few weeks. 
“Daddy!” Yeona squeals, finding him already standing up, most likely preparing to confront the ruckus that was happening behind the door a few moments ago. 
With wide eyes behind the lenses he wears today, he immediately crouches down and accepts the ecstatic little girl that sprints towards him. 
You stay close by the door after gently closing it. 
“Yeonie,” he chuckles after the embrace, fingers supporting the back of her head as he envelopes her further into his chest. 
Yeona gasps, wiggling away all of a sudden. “Your gifts — You’re crushing them!” 
“Ah,” he sheepishly replies then apologises soon after. “You got me something?”
Yeona eagerly nods. “It’s Daddy’s Day, remember?” 
He holds a blank expression and you’re already assuming he has forgotten all about today and that it was just another work day with his schedule full as it always was. “Oh,” he realizes. “It is, huh.”
At this point, it doesn’t even come as a surprise with how little Jungkook truly thought about himself. It reads well when you take a solid look around at the place, his corner lamp turned on and dozens of notebooks stacked up on the table beside his tiny sofa in the corner. 
Thankfully, most of his clients don’t go through this way and only reserve the open space in the minimalistic studio, where the divided black curtains are the only thing that separates them from the rest of the shop. This was just a place to plan and clutter most of Jungkook’s things before the next person would show up again, maybe even squeeze in a nap when it was needed. 
His eyes finally meet yours and his lips quirk up with a certain gratefulness that fills up his eyes, and you send him a small nod. 
Though, your short interaction suddenly gets disrupted when flowers get shoved at his face. 
It’s too difficult to hold back a small laugh when he flinches, an eye squeezed shut as the thin veil of plastic comes dangerously close. “We got you flowers!”
“O-Oh,” he coughs out when he drowns in the scent of them, “Thank you, sweetheart.” When he can finally make a grab at them, he takes a look at the kind and softens at the sight. “Tiger Lily’s.” 
“Mommy said they’re your favorite,” Yeona enthusiastically explains before pausing to double-check, “They are, aren’t they?” Her doe eyes search for his, head coming closer to observe the flowers with him. 
He nods and pecks her cheek to reassure. “They are and I love them. I think I’ll draw some of them later.” He directs his eyes at you when he says, “Thank you.” 
You quickly turn away, eyeing the sketches to the left of you, exactly where his messy desk is. 
“And this is my card for you!” 
She holds it up and even more glitter falls to the floor, but he doesn’t even seem fazed by it, eyes brightening at his little girl’s artwork. 
She impatiently hops and the writing seems to be hard to read when he squints through his glasses. You slowly walk over to the both of them and hold onto Yeona’s shoulders again to make her stay still. “Baby,” you warn. “He can’t even read it with you shaking like this.” 
She sheepishly smiles and giggles, looking up at you. “Sorry Mommy. Too excited.”
You hum and find Jungkook silent through all of this, eyes glassy from her small fingertips that are seen all throughout the poster. Knees bending, you hold her close as you both watch over him silently. He’s touched, and it shows when he chokes up a little and hides it with a lame cough. 
Yeona eyes him worriedly, whirling towards you unsurely before you shush her with a small nod, silently letting her know that it was all okay. “Happy tears,” you whisper to her, your own eyes glossing over slightly. “He’s okay.”
“Daddy,” she timidly calls, “Do you like it?”
He looks up and nods with a smile, arms stretching out so that she can fall back into them, “I do, baby. I love it — I always love the stuff you make for me.”
She giggles into his neck and grapples on tighter. 
They exchange kisses and hugs for a few more minutes and you’ve luckily snapped a few photos to send to Jungkook’s mother when you would get home. 
When your knees give in eventually, you stand up, mindlessly folding a few of the blankets that were messily sprawled out onto his daybed just to keep your hands busy. 
Jungkook notices. 
“Uncle Jimin and Tae have been saving up some candy for the next time you would come over,” he whispers and offers to Yeona, “Want to go visit them for a minute?”
She eagerly nods, already squirming out of his arms and rushing out of the room. You barely even have the opportunity to yell at her to knock before going into any of their offices and not to disrupt if they had a client over. 
Your head tips at your name only to find Jungkook with a fond smile. He scratches at the back of his head before standing up and thanking you again.
You nod with an awkward smile of your own and explain further, “Yeona had been keen on visiting. Sorry if you had other plans.” 
He shakes his head rapidly to decline. “N-No, I didn’t.” Holding up the poster, he glances at it again. “I really needed this..” 
You nod thoughtfully. “I’m glad we came by at the right time then.” 
He nods and it continues to stay silent for a while. “What are you doing after this?” He suddenly asks, “M-My lunch.. It’s—“ 
“I’m probably going back home to call up my dad,” you quickly turn down and excuse, fingers playing with themselves. 
“But you’re welcome to take Yeona out,” you offer. “It’s your day after all.” But you grow weary at the thought of Seol tagging along for it. It’s why your fingers suddenly stop and land by your sides to curl against the material of your jeans. 
“I would,” he starts, “But I have one last client visiting right after and I’m not sure Yeona would be patient to stay here for it. It’ll take a few hours..” 
“But I can visit when I’m done here?” He rushes. 
You rub your arms at the brisk air that suddenly travels downwards and you blame the air conditioning he always puts at too much of a low temperature. You’ve scolded him so many times for it, completely sure he’d get a cold one of these days for being so careless. If you were to call for it, the discourse would go on and on as if it was only a few years back and you were suddenly married again. He would reason he sweats too much and you would go on to say that it was from his heavy and bulky clothes he refuses to switch up every other season. 
“That’s—yeah, that’s great,” you weakly smile, completely erasing the foreboding thought before it would turn into a reminiscent den full of memories just like it. 
You would have turned him down. You should have, but it would hurt you even more if he would be left alone for the rest of the day, which is why you offer something Hyejin would smack you for the next playdate you planned for the kids, “I can cook dinner.”
His head shakes. “You don’t have to..”
“No, it’s okay. Just come by when you’re finished, okay? That way you can spend time with her properly.”
He doesn’t decline. “Thank you..” 
You step away before turning back and grabbing your belongings. “Happy Father’s Day, Jungkook. You should call up your dad and tell him the same,” you can’t help but add, but when you lift your head towards him, he seems thankful for the reminder. 
“I will,” he affirms, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his cargo bottoms. You notice for a short while how good he looks like this. Hair washed without styling as if he just rolled around before waking up from a nap and the specks he wears every now and then like he had just thrown them on before getting up. And knowing Jungkook well — that’s probably the case. “I’ll see you later?” 
Swallowing harshly, you nod. “Yeah.”
The door opens and you bite at your tongue, though it fails when you can’t help but call for him again with a small laugh weighing at the tip of your tongue, eyes pinned down at his bottom half. 
“Your shirt.. There’s glitter all over it.”
Looking down, he immediately notices and curses, beginning to brush off the stubborn flakes that reflect all over his black short-sleeve. 
You shut the door before he can really say anything, and you quickly search for your daughter and her chocolate-smeared mouth you can already predict. 
Seol hums from her seat beside Jungkook and smiles at him. “Lunch was fun.”
Jungkook’s too focused on the sketch below him, a few of the lilies taken and laid out. He thinks he’ll be able to finish tonight and give it to Yeona after dinner. “It was,” he agrees. 
Her hand snakes onto his shoulder and rubs comfortingly before asking, “What are you planning to do tonight?” She’s already getting too excited at the offer she has ready, sitting at the tip of her tongue and ready to unravel. 
“Ah, I’m having dinner with Yeona.” 
Faltering slightly, she turns back to the same grin a second later. She should have known. It was Father’s Day after all. He has a daughter. He has a family — more or less. “Oh.” 
“Yeah.” He smiles. And it’s wide and genuine, not at all directed towards her but at the paper he carefully shades at. 
She nods carefully and slowly. “You seem excited.” 
He finally looks up at her and he smiles again. “Yeah,” he hums thoughtfully before agreeing, “I guess I am.” 
“_____ invited?” She pokes, but he doesn’t seem to mind at all.
“Kind’ve? I asked to visit after work and she said she would cook dinner.” 
“Yeah.” He returns back to his sketching all too quickly. 
Seol bites her lip, hand going up to support her jaw and head as she observes closely, the man she’s been dating for over two months and pining for way longer — the glint in his eye and all. 
She only wonders if it was the aspect from spending time with his daughter, or having his ex-wife present in all of it too. 
Either way, from the short time in dating him, she’s only seen this particular look on him once. 
And that was only when he was married. 
* .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*. * .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*.* .✫*゚・゚。.☆.
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apparitionism · 3 years
Run 7a
This is the first installment of a two-part part. The second half is done, but it needs a couple more passes... not that it’s ever going to sing, but I’d like it to at least talk sense. Anyway, the AU basics here are as follows: Myka and Helena met each other and enjoyed a brief affair of great intensity; Myka thought Helena betrayed her; Helena is now attempting to make amends for what she didn’t at the time see as a betrayal; Myka doesn’t have any idea Helena is doing the atonement polka and is trying to keep a cold distance from her. The story also has a lot to do with athletic competition, shoes, and running, and what bodies are, and what they can and should do. See part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, and part 6 for all that jazz.
Run 7a
In the elevator, alone: This is what I’m supposed to want, Myka thought. To be alone in this elevator. To be alone, and not with Helena, in this elevator.
Standing near her, with night looming. Night.
Talking: your father, my father. She wanted to ask about Helena’s mother now—wanted to know everything. Wanted to tell about her own mother. Stupid, useless wants. Here is how I became who I am; how did you become who you are?
But she despised who Helena was.
And she despised who she, Myka, was too: nothing but an animal panting with her need to move her body to Helena’s body, to entwine her hands with Helena’s hands, to press her mouth to Helena’s mouth, terrified that her body would betray her by actually panting, by being unable to hold back its legibly, palpably eager and desperate breath.
Was that why Helena had taken that step back and given Myka the elevator? Because she knew enough, had always known enough, about Myka’s body to recognize what it was aching for? Maybe that bottle of Romanian wine really had been nothing but a peace offering; even so, this horrific, breathing need made it all so clear. Myka had to stay far, far away from Helena Wells.
Her clarity now echoed that of the past: the morning after their final confrontation, Myka had risen for her run, pushing breakage and failure from her mind, giving over instead to muscle memory. Put feet on floor; brush teeth; layer on clothing; apply socks, shoes; tie laces; pull hair back; pocket key; all ready, everything else pushed aside.
She had opened her door, however, to find the disaster still sickening before her: jagged bottle-teeth littered the hall, and wine was taking its viscous time souring to vinegar, dark and sticky on the old wood. Of course no one had cleaned it up—most likely, no one had noticed any of it.
What are you doing here.
Leaving, Myka had told herself, placing her soles carefully to avoid the glass. Leaving this minute to run away from it; leaving soon, and sooner if possible, to run far away from it.
The irony now, here, at AAI, was that she had to wait instead of run. She had to hold very still and cling to the idea that not moving would be her escape.
The following day, “hold very still” took the form of accepting a lunch invitation from Giselle, her acceptance accompanied—or, more honestly, prompted—by the unruly thought, At least it’ll keep her away from Helena. Her follow-up thought was, What, really, is your objection to that? Which one do you think you own?
She and Giselle slipped into a crowded “down” elevator at the last instant before its doors closed—at which point Myka nearly threw her hands up in surrender, because of course: Helena. So they shared an elevator space after all... but better, Myka tried to tell herself, better the crowd today than the intimacy that would have been last night. No panting, no temptation.
Or maybe she was wrong about temptation. Helena seemed to send Giselle a meaningful look, the sort of flicking glance that Myka had once taken for hers alone. Giselle returned that look with a flirty smirk. She’d flirty-smirked at Myka plenty of times, but it most likely meant something different when she directed it at Helena. Something far more special.
So much for this lunch keeping Giselle from anything.
“Ladies,” Helena said. She was on Giselle’s right; Myka was on Giselle’s left.
Giselle said, with half a grin, “Oklahoma.”
“Incomprehensible sport reference,” Helena said in a grumble that Myka resented recognizing as half real, half for show.
Giselle shoulder-bumped her. “Listen when I talk: I’m Texas.”
Helena shoulder-bumped back. “I was attempting to respond at least vaguely in kind.”
“Myka, explain sports to her,” Giselle said. “Only so many times I can try.”
Myka had been holding herself back from inserting her body between theirs, a physical Don’t be friendly! shriek of ownership over them both. Now she said, as calmly as she could, “That would not go well.”
“She’s already tried to tell me what shoes are for,” Helena complained to Giselle.
Giselle crossed her arms. “Has she.”
Was Myka trying to get Giselle on her side with what she said next? Probably. But Giselle should have been on her side—on AAI’s side, at least—already. “All I told her was that the public shouldn’t have Deceits.”
“She doesn’t want them in competition either,” was Helena’s next jab.
“I bet she doesn’t,” Giselle said, very mild, to Helena. She turned to Myka. “Do you.”
“Of course not,” Myka said.
Helena shrugged, saying to Giselle, “Then she should keep them out of competition.”
Was that a taunt? “How are we supposed to do that?” Myka demanded. “She’s made it impossible.”
Giselle inclined her head toward Helena, a “your turn” move.
Helena obliged. “I haven’t; Zelus has. But frankly, competition is one small corner of a very large field. The company wants Deceits everywhere.”
Myka leaned past Giselle to say, “Well, I don’t.” Saying this, now, directly to Helena; as if saying it harshly enough would make Helena buckle.
Helena offered another shrug, as if she didn’t care what Myka said, or to whom she said it. “In the company’s history, has there been a shoe they didn’t want everywhere? And in any event,” she said now, leaning her own way across Giselle, even farther than Myka had, “everyone wants to run faster.” She gave a cold little laugh. “Everyone but you.” Clearly a taunt.
Myka said, cold in return and true, “That’s right. Not if it’s fake.”
Helena replaced her body at Giselle’s side then, no response other than that. It left Myka hanging, casting new darting glances at Helena and Giselle side by side, as the elevator descended, floor by floor.
Myka had already spent time angrily considering how beautiful they would have been together as younger versions of themselves, but now she was confronted with how beautiful they were together as these this-minute versions. Her resentment of it, of them, gnawed at her, for who was she, who lied about a boyfriend, to get in the way of beauty? She lied to keep her life free of complication, and beauty was complicating. Insurmountably so.
She had to—had to—let go of the idea of Helena as hers. Stupid recalcitrance, clinging to it, for of course Helena had never been hers. She needed to understand that, down to her shoelaces. And whatever special version of herself Helena had made her seem? All right, yes, she had wanted it... Don’t you still want it? she imagined Helena asking, low, seductive.
Not if it’s fake.
She needed to focus on what wasn’t fake: the job she had now, and the importance of making sure she did it.
Also not fake was the fact that Giselle and Helena were two beautiful people who were beautiful together. Get used to this picture, Myka told herself. It’s the one you should want to see.
Myka considered asking Helena to join them for lunch, just to force herself to look at that picture. Then she asked herself, Or would it be to try to insert yourself between them?
The elevator ride ended before she could—or would—allow herself to discern which was more true.
At the restaurant, Myka ordered a layered-vegetable sandwich, suffering through Giselle’s eyeroll at her “without the bread, please” request; Giselle’s choice of a heavily condimented burger and fries was most likely an additional rebuke. When their food arrived, the elements of Giselle’s plate resembled browned, glistening figures arrayed on a crowded beach. Myka’s precise stack of vegetables, meanwhile, was a minimalist skyscraper.
Giselle said, “So that isn’t a sandwich anymore. You know that, right?”
“Don’t tell me what a sandwich isn’t,” Myka said.
That was clearly too much of a snap, for after a pause, Giselle asked, “You okay?”
“Of course. I just want what I want.” To demonstrate, she sliced through the skyscraper, and if impaling the resultant wedge didn’t solve her Helena-and-Giselle problem, it did satisfy.
Giselle said, “Not unrelated: I know something you don’t know.”
“Now who’s on-brand?” But that was too much of a snipe. Get yourself under control.
“Hmmm... what’s it worth to you?”
“How should I know?”
“Fair point. What if it’s worth a lot?”
“Then it would be... good for me to know?”
“Right, but what do I get out of it?”
“Um. Gratitude?”
“I was thinking three days in Monaco,” Giselle said and she looked directly into Myka’s eyes, no diverting, no nonchalant return to the eating of fries.
Her saying that, saying it as she did, was a relief, surprising in its strength: so Giselle and Helena were not back together—or if they were, it didn’t matter. Myka could not in the moment process all the resulting implications, so she said, “We’ll see,” as a way of maybe, possibly, expanding her idea of what the future could reasonably hold.
“Most hope you’ve ever given me,” Giselle said. She deployed a flirty smirk, but it seemed warmer, just a little, in cast and cant, than the Helena one. Was Myka special after all?
“Well, maybe times are changing,” Myka said, hoping it was true. Hoping it was time.
“Exciting news,” Giselle said, and not as dispassionately as she might have done; Myka almost believed her. “So here’s my news for you: Zelus wants to buy Ingenumedix. No, let me rephrase: Zelus really wants to buy Ingenumedix.”
Ingenumedix? That pinged; Myka concentrated and located the source: a newspaper article she’d glanced over, some months ago. “That’s a tech start-up... what does Zelus want it for?”
“Wearables, I heard.”
“Where did you hear this?”
“Does it matter? I’m in communications. People communicate with me. People who care. It’s a tip from someone who cares.”
Someone who cares... “About what?” Myka asked. “Competition being fair?”
Giselle laughed. “Sure. Why not call it that?”
“But why is it worth enough for three days in Monaco?” Myka asked, but as she said those words, she heard how they sounded, and she realized what she’d implied. “I don’t mean you aren’t yourself worth those three days,” she stumbled to say, “because of course you are. Or I... I mean I imagine you would be. Not that I imagine you in Monaco, because of course I don’t. Not you.” No, no, no; that was even wronger. “Not just not you, though; I mean, not you, and of course not anybody else either, because... why am I still talking?” This is where complication gets you.
“Why? Maybe working your way to telling me what you do imagine,” Giselle said, sly. “But don’t worry about hurting my feelings. Three days in Monaco with me? I know what that’s worth. What matters is, I’m in communications.”
“What?” Myka said, baffled.
“Yes. What. But really, you’re asking who. Doesn’t matter, though. Who, what. I don’t know.”
Clearly, Giselle was not going to be clear. Myka said, “I always found ‘Who’s on first’ very confusing.”
“Your problem not mine,” Giselle said. She chuckled. “Speaking of your problem, fun times in the elevator with Helena! You two fighting through me—then around me—that was a show. A show plus.”
“She isn’t my problem,” Myka said, willing it to be true.
“And here I thought you were working on the shoes.”
“Right, but not—she’s not my problem. The shoes are.”
“She’s here because of the shoes.”
“Which are my only problem,” Myka said, again trying to force the truth of it.
“Let me be clear: she’s here.” After this pronouncement, Giselle bit an enormous hunk from her hamburger.
Myka took a new pristine slice from her skyscraper, piercing it perfectly—perfectly satisfyingly—through all its layers. “Let me be clear back,” she said, pleased that she could gesture with the fork holding it, if carefully. That, at least, was clean and unconfusing. “I won’t let that be my problem.”
“That may not be your call.”
“I won’t let that not be my call.”
“You are precious.”
“Thanks,” Myka said, with what she hoped was a long-suffering eyeroll of her own.
“I mean it in the not-mean way.”
“You and Pete are both a lot meaner than you seem to think.”
Giselle took up a French fry. She waved it lazily around—left, right—her wrist flopping limp each way. After this display of nonchalance, she said, “About Pete.”
“What about him?” Myka asked, slicing the skyscraper again. She had to concentrate to do it, so as to keep the layers from collapsing into a sliding mess, like a poorly planned building implosion. Now it was a challenge, to keep it standing as long as possible.
“That’s what I’m wondering. Are he and Helena alike at all?”
She’d thought she understood the game. But what did Pete have to do with any of it? “Why would you ask me that?”
Giselle dropped the fry and raised her hands. “Okay,” she said. “Backing off.”
Unclear about what Giselle was backing off from, Myka too backed off. She abandoned the vegetable skyscraper, though she was barely halfway through its demolition. What good could come from forcing—or even witnessing—its inevitable fall?
Myka had called Steve the night before, the night of the elevator, thinking to convince herself that any feelings she might be feeling were nothing but remnants of a brief bit of the past, and that she was perfectly able to talk about that past using the appropriate past tense. “You’ll never guess who, I mean whom, I’ve run into,” she said.
He didn’t respond at first. Then he said, “Uh oh.”
“What?” Myka asked. Seriously, had he immediately jumped to—
“A peacock,” he said, because clearly, he had.
“Are you a mind reader?”
“Voice reader. What happened?”
“Nothing happened.” But not because I know what I’m doing, she thought. That elevator could have—would have—been a complete disaster. “She’s here to... anyway, she’s here, and I can’t do anything about it.”
“As a voice reader, it sounds to me like the picture’s still pretty.”
She considered dissembling. Pointless. So she said, “God. Still.” Only to him could she have said such a thing, and it was a relief to have said it out loud, with no twinge of sarcasm or dismissal. But it was also a burden, real and true, to acknowledge with voice and breath that she did still find the view that was Helena so compelling.
He said a low “Hmmm.” Then, “I thought you gave it up. All of it.”
“I did.”
“But you’re rethinking.”
“Absolutely not,” she declared, loud, aggressive. But this was Steve, so she had to be honest. “Well. I was starting to. With someone else. Vaguely. But I keep rethinking. That.”
“Rethinking starting the rethinking.”
“I’m unclear on where you actually are in the thinking process.”
“When I hear it out loud, so am I. How’s Liam?”
“Handsome,” Steve said, and Myka could hear his half-smile, picture his incipient left-cheek dimple.
“No rethinking for either of you, right?”
“Nope. Wedding’s still on. And you’re not allowed to rethink showing up, best person.”
It was a glancing reference to how she’d become... unreliable. After. So much so, Steve had taken to camping out on the couch that lived on her apartment building’s porch, early in the morning, coffee in hand, waiting for her to return from her run so she couldn’t avoid him. “For my own peace of mind,” he would say, transparently.
Over the course of several mornings, she explained that she was considering going home again, waiting again, this time until she knew for certain.
She didn’t tell him about the coin that had done her so wrong.
He had expressed understanding, but he had also noted that the choice wasn’t binary: to lawyer or to run away. And then he’d sent her links to several job postings, one of which was at AAI.
After Myka accepted the AAI position, she took the news of it to her father. She had her arguments prepared: she told him that law school hadn’t been enough of a challenge. That was the truth. That she’d been ambivalent about law—also true—and that she wanted to take what she’d learned and use it differently than anyone expected. “Even you,” she tried to joke.
“Expectations,” he’d said, and she waited for him to go on. Waited. Eventually, he would have to fill the void. “Good run this morning?” he asked at last.
She couldn’t cry; it would have confirmed what she was reasonably sure he’d guessed, that she was trying to work her way out of something terrible. So she kept the hot red relief behind her nose, away from her eyes and throat, and said, “First few miles were ragged, but I found a stride about halfway. You?”
“Listened to my knees pop the whole time. You think I should get one of those i-things, with the little earbud whatevers? How loud do they go? Would that drown it all out?”
That had been the end of it, as far as Myka had ever been able to tell. Her father listened to her talk about AAI, asked focused questions, and expressed admiration for the ex-athletes she worked with. She breathed a little easier after each conversation.
So Myka owed Steve.
After much puzzling over what could possibly constitute an appropriate wedding present, she’d at last lit on the idea of, then actually found, a Matchbox-car Saab, which she’d repainted orange. One or more of his high school friends might have had the same idea, but a good friend—the best friend—couldn’t really have too many model orange Saabs. Probably.
And all right, yes: she’d thought about Helena. Constantly. When she’d ideated the toy Saab. When she’d bought the car and the orange paint. When she’d applied coat after painstaking coat to cover its original unassuming amber. She’d thought and thought and thought, against her will but not really, about that time she was not known for driving an orange Saab.
She considered that she herself might have called Helena into being, here, now, by doing all that thinking. “It’s kind of your fault,” she was tempted to say to Steve... but she had to wait until after the wedding for that. By then, at least, it would be nothing but comedy, for by then, all this Helena business would be behind her.
This is what I’m supposed to want.
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bnha-butterfly · 4 years
Autistic Dekusquad
If you want an indept character analysis of why I think Todoroki , Iida, and Deku are on the Spectrum @lost-caticorn does a wonderful job of covering it more eloquently then I ever could. I also did this in a newer way sooo yeah.
I talked about these 5 in THIS post but here is more about them
Tumblr media
Autistic ambivert. His social battery is huge and he tends to have a lot of spoons  but when he’s done he’s done.
Has comorbid anxiety
Sleeps with a weighted blanket and he literally cant sleep without it (his mom also definitely made some of the squares on his blanket All Might themed
Special Interest in All Might, Quirks and Heroes in general
Visual, Auditory and Tactile stimmer
Definitely has those soft chewable pencil toppers
Falls asleep to the same 5 hero videos. He just rotates between them constantly
Watches those All Might compilation videos and they’re his comfort videos
He’s a full body stimmer. He’s bouncing, he’s rocking, he’s tapping his foot. He just needs that extra bit of stimulation
I genuinely cant think of any tics he’d have.
Hyper sensitive tp auditory stimulus. Loud situations where he feels like he can’t hear himself talk make him anxious 
has dermatillomania and picks at his hands 
(lemme just say this boi is my partners favorite character literally b/c I remind them of him)
Extroverted autistic. Even though he’s extremely gullible and can misread social cues.
He lives for rules and structure. Definitely has a minimalist Bullet Journal that he schedules out his weeks in and uses to jot down any important information he needs for later.
He doesn’t adhere to anyone's morals but his own and prioritizes his morals over arbitrary rules (i mean just look at the stain arc)
Another full body stimmer
tactile and visual stimmer.
Hand/ arm motions are his thing. He has one LED tangle that Tensei got him at the beginning when he moved into the dorms
Probably the most open to trying new foods in the group
Hyposensitive to most sensory input
I feel like he’s so out going but as a kid everyone thought he was weird so nobody made friends with him and all he had was Tensei
So now that he has the Dekusquad he really loves and appreciates them and shows it by being the dad friend and like looking out for them.
Another Autistic extrovert
Scripting scripting scripting
She scripts ALOT of everyday interactions she’ll have with random people she doesn’t know. Like she scripts her Starbucks order and when she calls for takeout
Least likely to stray from her safe foods. 
Definitely has had Iida and Deku tell her she can’t just keep eating instant ramen over and over for dinner
I can se her having a special interest in Kawaii Jfashion. Things like Lolita and decora Kei even if she personally doesn’t wear the fashion
I feel like she has everything in her bag at all times cus she doesn’t wanna be caught without something she needs.
Literally has everything from perfume to hand lotion to a lint roller to like one of those tide to go pens.
Visual and Olfactory stimmer
Has slowly gotten an item of clothing from every member of the dekusquad and they only get them back when they no longer smell like them. (She just finds her friends scents comforting I know it sounds weird but like she’s not stealing there clothing they’ll like offer her a hoodie when she's cold or her and Tsuyu share clothing.)
Loves those paint mixing videos
Introverted autistic but make it sassy and sarcastic
 She only has a social battery with class 1A and a handful of other people
She canonically does raptor arms all the time 
Hypersensitive to tactile stimulation especially when it comes to temperatures
Olfactory and tactile stimmmer
She likes scented slime/putty but she’s constantly buying new ones cus they always get dirty
Hypervigilant AF
Knows all the Dekusquads manerisms
Gives all the reality check talks and is BRUTALY HONEST
Genuinely the mom of this group 
introvert mf autistic (no arguments) 
Violent escapism fantasy (no i will not provided context for this)
Literally has 0 social battery unless hes sassing someone, pushing Bakugou’s buttons or with the dekusquad
0 comprehension of social cues
Eye contact who??????? never met her and will never meet her
Tactile and auditory stimmer???
He makes lil ice cubes and lil flames to stim. He likes the temperature variation. 
He is body blind. Won’t realize he hasn’t eaten all day till someone reminds him or its late and he fells like he’s starving
Buys the squad literally anything they mention really wanting (on Endeavor’s dime of course) and just leaves them at their dorm room door
He doesn’t want the attention of them knowing its from him he just likes seeing his friends happy
Group stuff
Tsuyu reminds them to take breaks and to eat 
Everyone knows the gifts are from Todoroki but they also know he doesn’t want the attention so they act like they have no idea where they come from
Much like the bakusquad they have movie nights too!! But they do it in Izuku’s room (Todoroki definitely bought a projector and like screen for movie nights)
Cuddle piles are a thing and they’re just super affectionate with one another. Todoroki takes a sec to adjusting to this be slowly he gets less stiff and is affectionate in his own little ways.
Iida has a list of everyone's safe foods and always makes sure they’re stocked up on it in the dorms
Deku gives the best hugs and will offer hugs on bad days.
Overwhelmed stay by Iida or Todoroki and they’ll keep other’s from bothering you or overwhelming you further
Ochako and Tsuyu have implemented a mandatory monthly Spa night. They do face masks and take turns talking about their special interest and whatever's bothering them. They also paint each others nails (yes the boys get their nails painted too even if its just clear polish)
Literally just a little autistic family unit 
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