chromatictales-blog · 6 years
This is so beautifully said, and there is a lot for me to personally relate to here
To the woman he will love,
This is from the woman who wished to hold his hands and to laugh with him forever. This is from his friend who wished to be more than that but was too scared to make a move. This is from the girl who does not have enough courage to capture her Light and to tell him he’s special. This is from someone who will forever drown in regret.
You must be very special to get the attention of the golden Light I know. Maybe you can tell him everything you think at the moment. Maybe you can stare at his eyes without getting sucked in. Maybe you can hold a conversation that can hold his attention long enough that he never realised how much time has passed. Whatever the case, I know you are special.
Forgive me for being too forward in this letter but I want to tell you how precious he is. He is the smell of your favorite coffee in the wake of cold mornings. He is the first flower in the spring that blooms first, the flower that stays even after the winter comes. He is the bird that creates a symphony only nature can hear. He is the tree which bears the sweetest fruit. He is the tiger that runs at full speed to avoid a flying cockroach. He is the owl that keeps watch at night. He is the night sky that brings comfort to those crying in the silence of the dark. What I am saying is, he is something that cannot be described with just a word.
I know what I sound like. I know that my sentences bleed out the sincerity of a love sick fool. And I am no fool but he turns me into a love sick fool. Please take care of him. I know you know he is special. I know you know that better than I could ever know. However, for me he is the Light I never expected to find. He is the calmness I never expected to come. He is my safe haven and strength- by his side I could take on the universe. He is the hope in this hopeless world I live in. He is my Light. I know you’ll make him happy. But please promise me you’ll do your best to make him happy too. He deserves the best you could give him,sweetie. He deserves it. Please tell me you’ll take care of him.
Tell me that you won’t allow the world to dim my Light. Tell me that even if a long time passed his eyes will still hold that shine that I never found on others. Tell me that you won’t break him, that you won’t destroy him. Tell me he will be safe with you. I will trust you. After all, you’re the one he trusted with his heart.
If I could just put into words the way he makes my world better, I would. I hope that I have written enough to make you realise that you are holding the heart of a man worth his weight in gold. I hope you could make him happy. I know he will make you happy. Keep smiling,sweetie. Please take care of my Light.
From the girl whose poetries are written in the stars in hopes of them reaching her Light,
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chromatictales-blog · 6 years
I’m All You Need
               Hearing the obnoxious beeping of his alarm clock, Taylor, half asleep, slams the top of the alarm clock multiple times with considerable force in hopes of hitting the snooze button. After the tenth time, Taylor just gave up and reluctantly got up out of bed. Murmuring curse words under his breath, Taylor slowly opens his eyes, looks at the clock and realizes it’s 6 o’clock in the morning.
              “It’s too early for this crap.” Taylor says with an annoyed tone.
              He looks around and realizes that his room is an absolute mess. There are boxers and old undershirts hanging from his desk chair, video games disks and cases littering the floors, and mounds of papers and school textbooks all scattered about on the desk. Taylor gives his whole room a massive look of distaste while he walks out with only a t-shirt and underwear. Upon entering the bathroom, Taylor then carries out his normal morning routine of brushing his teeth, washing his face, and bathing. Taylor gets dressed and gets all of his school supplies together in his backpack. He walks into the kitchen and only sees his cat Damien casually laying on the window sill staring out into the snow-covered backyard with large angular trees. Taylor quickly makes himself a breakfast of Honey-Nut Cheerios cereal and a granola bar while watching some early morning cartoons. Still somewhat half asleep, Taylor realizes that it’s six forty-five and that he needs to catch the bus to high school. He then goes to the door, tries to pet Damien but gets hissed at, and then goes out the door to catch the bus.
              Upon leaving the bus, Taylor walks along the heavily cracked and rundown sidewalk towards the school building which has a large sign that reads “Jonathan Stewart Memorial High School.” As Taylor reaches the front entrance of the school, he takes a deep breath and hesitantly walks in. Taylor was then greeted with hallways filled with students, teachers, and custodial workers. As he walked through the hallways, Taylor kept getting shoved and knocked back by incoming students. One of the students was really big and burly, large enough to match an oncoming car, and they ran into Taylor and knocked him down hard enough that he fell onto his back and his school supplies had dispersed all over the hallway floor. The burly student just kept walking, not noticing that he had knocked Taylor down. No one had offered to help him back up and assist him with his supplies, until a young girl stopped and helped Taylor out while having a concerned look on her face. Taylor looked up and saw that this medium-sized and thin girl was his good friend Lily.
              “You really are a clutz aren’t ya?” Lily announced with cheery voice.
              “Hehe, I guess I am. Thanks Lil.” said Taylor as if defeated.
              “You look like a mess! Are you okay?” Lily said with a concerned demeanor while intensely grabbing Taylor’s shoulder and shaking him back and forth.
              “I’m fine Lily. No need to worry about me.”
              “No, I will worry! Have you been up late again?” Taylor darts his eyes around trying to find something to give him an excuse to change the topic, but soon gives up on trying as soon as he sees Lily’s piercing gaze.
              Taylor sighs and explains, “I had a lot of work to do last night. Two essays that I had only two days to do, studying for the big exam in calculus that we both have today, and doing the English homework that Mrs. Dale gave me an extension for.”
              All Lily gave was a sympathetic smile and a pat on Taylor’s head of fluffy hair. They both went off to their first period classes and went about a relatively casual day up until their sixth period calculus class. One scantron was on every desk in the room and the teacher, Mr. Ehrhardt, stood in front of the class writing some calculus related topics onto the blackboard. Taylor and Lily sat on opposite ends of the class, and before the test started, Lily and Taylor exchanged glances. Lily gave Taylor an energetic thumbs up and then the test had begun.
               As the testing went on, Taylor was going through the test slow and steady. Unfortunately, Taylor’s face slowly went from focused to a face of dread as the questions got harder and harder. His hand was trembling more and more with each answer he bubbled in, and an overwhelming sense of anxiety started to befall him. Then, out of nowhere, Taylor heard an echoing voice throughout the classroom:
              “Do you really think you’re going to do well? You’re wasting your time, why do you even bother?” Taylor freezes up upon hearing these words, and he then looks around to see who said that. To his surprise, everyone was looking at their tests and no one looks like they were trying to talk to him. Taylor tries to focus again on his test, but is then promptly interrupted with that same echoing sound.
              “Seriously, I don’t know what makes you want to keep going. You’re not that bright and you’re just exhausted. Quit while you can!”
              Taylor looked up and around the room in panic and saw no one speaking to him. He got up out of his seat and told Mr. Ehrhardt that someone was talking during the test, but he told Taylor that nobody was talking. Taylor went back to his seat and just concluded that he was probably just sleep deprived and was hearing things. He resumed with the test, but he kept constantly hearing that same echoing voice over and over again and all it had were the same kind of comments as before. The test soon became too overwhelming for Taylor and he didn’t know what he was doing anymore. Time was up and everyone handed in their exams, and Taylor handed his in with a blank yet defeated face.
              Taylor thought to himself, “I failed, I failed, fuck I definitely failed, stupid me! All of that studying for absolutely fucking nothing.”
              Lily came to talk to Taylor, but Taylor had a sullen expression on him and his mind was in another world, one that could not be disturbed. Lily just walked along side Taylor to their next class and their classes after that for without exchanging a single word.
              The school day came to a close and then Taylor and Lily parted ways and onto their respective bus. Lily sent some motivational messages over the phone to Taylor while on the bus, but Taylor could not shake the feeling of dread and did not answer back to her.
              “You know she really doesn’t care about you right? It’s all just pity and she’s not really your friend.” the voice echoes.Taylor looks around again for the source of that voice but to no avail.
              Taylor returns home and oddly enough, Damien comes and rubs himself up against Taylor’s leg. Taylor comes to the living room where he sees his father sitting on the couch watching the sports channel where they are playing football. He’s wearing his work uniform and sitting next to him is his current girlfriend who he has been seeing for about two months. Without stopping to say hello, Taylor tries to walk straight up to his room until his father stops him.
               “Hey Ty, how was school today?” His father asked with curiosity.
               “Fine.” Said Taylor abruptly.
             “Everything okay champ? Come here and sit down, I wanna talk to you.”
              “I don’t want to. Not when she is here.”
              “What has she done wrong?”
              “I just don’t feel comfortable with her, dad.”
              Before his father could say something else, Taylor walks quickly towards his room and locks the door behind him. Damien followed Taylor to his room and then perched himself onto Taylor’s bed. Taylor dropped his bags, slowly walked to his desk, wiped all of his papers and books off his desk onto the floor, sat down, and then rested his head on the table facing downwards. Minutes have past and Taylor could hear nothing but his own thoughts racing, until a voice abruptly ended the silence. This time the voice was not an echo.
              “Look at you, what a mess. Are you always like this? How weak are you?”
              Taylor is startled and he slowly turns around until he sees a dark figure standing right behind him. He jumps with fear and stays completely still as if paralyzed while looking at this strange person’s feet. The dark figure backs up with its tall and slender body towards the bed. Its long tendrils grip the sides of the bed frame while Damien sits there seemingly unaware. Taylor looks up, confused and shaking, and looks at the figure’s face. Its face is devoid of any expression, lifeless and vapid white eyes, and body completely pitch black.
              “W-who are you?” asked Taylor, trembling.
              The figure did not respond. It looked at Taylor, put on a twisted smile, and slowly got up and walked towards him. Once the figure reached him, it bent down, wrapped its arms around Taylor, and gave him an unsettling, yet comfortable, hug. The figure then spoke and said:
              “Do not worry, I’m all you need.”
So to give a little anecdote as to the story of why I wrote this piece, I wrote this during my first semester at college in a writing class that I was required to take. Our professor gave us an opportunity for extra credit in class, so I jumped on it as soon as possible. The purpose of the extra credit was to allow students in the class to demonstrate the techniques we learned in class. Others did presentations and personal stories in front of the class, but I chose to make my own little short story and read it in front of class. Ever since then, I have had a growing interest in writing and it’s what compelled me to make this world of mine. I see that I didn’t particularly start this whole thing on a bright note, but this piece touches on themes that are important to me. Anyways, see ya later!
    Chromatic~ ♥
Tags: @writersontumbl-r
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chromatictales-blog · 6 years
Welcome to My Chromatic World!
I hope everyone enjoys their stay and likes what they read! I will try and post as often as I can, and please don’t be afraid to give constructive criticism if you feel that there is something that I could better. I want to grow as a creative writer, and to have everyone who stumbles on this world of mine to join me on that journey! The genres will span from happy and upbeat, to dark and depressing, to also thought provoking and experimental.
I will also be reblogging, and it’s most likely gonna be artistically related stuff!
Goodbye for now~!
     Chromatic ~ ♥
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