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tobiasdrake · 2 months ago
Ranma 1/2 Reboot 01x12 - Shampoo Cleans Up
Shampoo Shampoo Shampoo Shampoo Shampoo Shampoo Shampoo Shampoo LET'S GO
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Yeah, that checks out. My vague and fuzzy memories of the manga from decades ago tell me that Shampoo is the strongest of the female martial artists in the series. Between the main four ladies (Akane, Shampoo, Ukyo, and Kodachi), I'm pretty sure Shampoo is the gold medal when it comes to a straight fight.
With Ukyo taking the title of quirkiest fighter.
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Shampoo's ability to inflict extremely selective amnesia is such a potent fucking gaslighting of an ability to have. This might be the scariest superpower in the entire series. She can unperson you to the people you love.
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I love how much fun this series has with Genma's dumbass signs. XD
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Can you imagine showing up to a fight and this is what you're watching? XD
The thing that's great about this twist is that. Like. It's in the name. She's called Shampoo. You didn't think personal grooming products were going to be involved in this arc?
Shampoo has the ability to manipulate people's memories and selectively remove individual pieces she doesn't want them to recall, all through the movement of her fingers as she washes their hair. This is so goddamn cool.
Amazon martial arts are built different.
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They played off Akane trying to remember Ranma earlier as a joke, but her jealous outburst here is our first serious hint that the memory is still in there somewhere. It's just buried deep.
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Ranma, why did you think this would work?
Like. There's a legitimate reason why this was doomed from the get-go.
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He's trying to restore her memories using the Memory Erasure Shampoo, and not the Memory Restoration Shampoo. This was never going to work.
But also, even if it did work like this? Ranma. Ranma. Buddy. You don't know the technique. It's not just magic memory shampoo; There's also pressure points and stuff involved. See?
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It's a martial art that requires specific training to learn how to do. Randomly futzing about with Akane's brain isn't helping. You might have just rinsed the ability to do algebra out of her! Go to the Shame Corner!
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I've said it before, but Ranma's got it baaaaaaaad for Akane. He hasn't even gone back to China to find a cure for his curse. There is one! He could literally just return to Jusenkyo and get fixed! But it hasn't been worth the trouble.
Gender dysphoria isn't enough of a reason to go back to China. But this? Akane having the memory of him specifically wiped from her brain? This is enough to send him back to China. This matters more than being comfortable in his own body.
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Well, second-best but my fave probably isn't going to debut until like episode 43 if the series even survives Netflix's routine cancellation policies. It's not safe to be a show on this network.
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Look, you can't blame me for forgetting that this is still a plot point. Ranma forgot too and it's literally happening to him as we speak!
You know, this is one case where you really can't blame Ranma for not coming clean about his curse. If Shampoo knew, it's literally a coin flip whether she'd decide to keep the Kiss of Death or Amazon Engagement. I don't think the Amazon rulebook has any official guidance for a situation like this.
Right now, the only reason she isn't gunning for his throat is because she thinks he's a different person from the Ranma she must kill. If she finds out? Hell, she might just do both. Marry and kill him. The Junko Enoshima solution!
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I get a kick out of it every time someone calls Ranma a bakemono.
She's not entirely wrong. XD
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I mean. She makes a compelling argument. I can't really find a fault in that logic.
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I need you to know that Ranma goes so hard to sell this illusion that he uses the pronoun あたし atashi. This is the feminine version of the pronoun 私 watashi, used pretty much exclusively by girls.
And he rolls so high on this Diplomacy check that even Genma is fooled. (Which lands even harder for manga fans who already know about the deal Genma made with Ranma's mom.)
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Fuck, I'm starting to remember why I was rooting for Shampoo to win back when I was a kid. She deserves to be happy.
I mean, she's an attempted murderer and an amnesia-inflicter. But she deserves to be happy. It's not her fault that Japanese culture doesn't appreciate her.
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ddvauconspiracies · 3 months ago
Part 3 of Martyn conspiracies! :D (it’s honestly pretty funny who the only I have been really talking about is the guy who hasn’t even been introduced into the Au yet *not until the next update*)
So, why do I think Martyn is or was in the vigilance? I have a few pretty solid reasons.
I have mentioned in earlier posts how I believe Martyn is connected to the Mimic. I’m not going to go into too much detail on this reason. If you want more detail go to my lastest post.
Purple. I believe that the color purple is associated with the vigilance. (I know CG is in pink but I feel as though that it is that way because IN REAL HERMITCRAFT he was pink. Would have Doody and Maruu made him purple otherwise? No idea, but me further explain about the purple) When we do see other people from the vigilance such as, obviously, the mimic and CeeCee. Don’t remember the name CeeCee, don’t worry I forgot too, and I had to do some serious digging around for it.
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(Ceecee is the one with the fungus powers that ‘corrupted’ Grian in the most recent updates) In my opinion Doody did say that:
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*I really don’t think of The Nexus group as “villains” sure they may have controlled Grian against his will. But they are (I’m assuming so far but it’s a bit early to tell) fighting for a good cause and going against a flawed government.*
SO BACK TO PURPLE XD! We know that the Mimic and Ceecee are purple, representing Nexus as such. What does this have to do with Martyn? He wears green. WELL! In one of Doody’s post they show and talk about everyone’s phone and their backgrounds. On Grian’s background we see Grian in pink (what a queen), and 4 others
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see who Martyn (and bigB but we will talk about him in a later time) is wearing purple. Which I believe represents the Nexus. So this could mean he is (or was) a part of Nexus. He is wearing green now, so idk, my bets are on that he left but we have no way of knowing this early.
I will be continuing talking about this in a future post. Thank you guys for all the likes and follows! :) It makes the time I spend making these worth it. PLUS I get to talk about a thing a love! <3 -Shroom~the conspiracy theorist <3 (Just a reminder this au and all the art is made by @kitsuneisi and @xmaruu11)
Ps sorry if this post is a mess, I have been pretty sick and have to catch up on work so I was really rushing LOTS OF LOVE ❤️
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1moreff-creator · 13 days ago
DROS CH2 Part 6 First Impressions
It's Valentine's Day (or, it was when the part released), and I can't possibly think of anything more romantic than spending it solving a horrible murder! Let's get into this trial!
"Noah: Alright, let’s get started…!" Glad to see the trial grounds have lifted his spirits (?)
"Vanessa: Y-yeah! Let’s pick a topic and get to the evidence!
Harper: Are you two alright…?" Oh okay good, I'm not the only one thinking that's weird coming from those two xD
"Kennedy: We will! Because I’m going to solve this thing and figure out all the mysteries this game is hiding!" Ah, missed ya', Kennedy.
[Nonstop Debate] Let's go!
Actually I have no idea what to shoot :v Everyone's kinda saying what I believe, which is that Robert died of drowning. Maybe...
"Taylor: Couldn’t it be poison again?" Shooting Vivi's Autopsy at this?
"Vanessa: Like, it could be a lie, but it seems like it’s drowning, right?" Or Damp Body at this? Idk
[Answer: Vivi’s Autopsy → “it seems like it’s drowning”] Yeah that was another possibility :p
"Ellis: Vivi already told us that the Monoquin–or should I say, MQ– File..." Wait are we actually abbreviating "Monoquin" like this? I somehow didn't catch that, but it's pretty funny :p
"Grace: I don’t trust Vivi.
Vivi: Oh, come on! Why this again?!
Grace: Anyone can see that it would be beneficial for the killer to control information. 
Vivi: And anyone with a brain would understand that I’d do the autopsy either way! Stop accusing me just because I’m trying to help!" Leave my girl alone ToT
"Mark: Do we have any concrete proof to back up Vivi here? Just to avoid this argument?" [Evidence Select] Okay so I accidentally looked ahead but I'm pretty sure I woud have said the right answer (Damp Body) anyways :p
"Vivi: Great! Because, as you should’ve learned last time, if you actually trust me, this thing will be a whole lot easier!" I know Vivi, don't worry I trust you.
"Kennedy: Aidan! You still have to explain to everyone what you were doing earlier." Oh, time to talk about this!
[Aidan's explanation] Similar to what we had earlier, still just as sound as ever. It makes me wonder how future killers are gonna try to play around this. Now that the option is on the table and everyone's aware of it, the killer's gonna have to force the BDA, otherwise they're cooked. I guess that's a consideration for future trials, though.
"Aidan: If you don’t believe me, then it’s a good thing it worked out anyways." [Evidence Select] Uh... Body Discovery Announcement I guess, since Aidan's part of the three discoverers and thus confirmed spotless. Maybe mix it with Alibis to confirm that no one else saw the body.
[Answer: Body Discovery Announcement + Regulation #6] Okay I guess that's also fair xD Forgot those things were always bullets as well :p
"Paris: Or you had this plan going into the Class Trial, and you manipulated the Body Discovery Announcement in order to “clear” your own name~
Mark: …She raises a good point." ...No she doesn't? Unless she can come up with some way to do that. If no one else saw the body, the BDA clears them, there's no loopholes. What is she implying, that someone saw the body and didn't notice? That someone else saw the body, and Aidan's convinced them stay quiet or something? I mean I guess it isn't impossible, but y'know.
"Aidan: Do you trust Ellis’ luck?
Vanessa: Huh?
Aidan: Let’s say I am the blackened, and eventually, you’ll figure out that one of us three has to have faked being part of the Body Discovery. Why would Ellis be in that group? It’s the highest risk category." Well this is a hell of an argument xD I guess it isn't horrible, though. Although if you think about it long enough it kinda falls apart (there's no particular reason the others distrusting Ellis is a bad thing for her above distrusting any other spotless, since any vote on a spotless gets everyone killed anyways), but oh well.
"Taylor: “Luck isn’t something you can rely on so easily, darling~”
Vanessa: …
Taylor: I-it’s a pretty good argument…!" Hey I'm sorry Taylor but did you really take Antonia for that? I genuinely still find it incredible they keep doing this, what's wrong with them??? I love them xD
"Vivi: Isn’t it kinda weird that Aidan was so calm? Like, everyone freaked out when it was Cass’ body." Was Aidan even particularly freaked out by that? I guess he must have been, if Vivi's bringing it up.
"Davis: I believe Aidan.
Jeff: Of course you do.
Davis: What’s that supposed to mean…?" Lol. Lmao, even xD
"Harper: [The BDA] can’t be faked without doing something to fake it, can it? So, we’ll go through the Trial and figure out what happened, and if we discover a trick within those solutions, we’ll know the truth." Thank you Harper, that's what I'm saying! xp
"Kennedy: I’m not done with Aidan yet.
Davis: Can you please just… move on already?
Kennedy: Relax, I’m not accusing him. I’m talking about what he saw, if he is innocent.
Aidan: Yeah, makes sense. Alright, let me share with the class." [Nonstop Debate] I got worried about Kennedy for a moment, but yeah, Aidan is an important witness lol. Anyways, yay Nonstop!
"Vanessa: It seemed pretty normal during investigation…" I'm assuming we shoot State of the Villa here, since that's the bullet that mentions the water in the tub, which I'm assuming is where we're going :p
[Answer: State of the Villa → “what could’ve drowned him"] ...Or that, yeah. It's basically what I was trying to get at. With how many things there are to shoot in any given Nonstop, it's sometimes kinda difficult to tell some options apart from others xp
"Kennedy: The bathtub?
Paris: It’d be the best place to drown someone in one of the Villas, right?
Kennedy: That means it’s too obvious." Oh hey, me and Kennedy agree! What an unprecedented event which certainly doesn't happen a worrying amount! xD Though I more so believe that because of the lie in the MQ file (fuck it I'm using the abbreviation too), as the location is the most likely to be the lie imo.
"Taylor: Well, if we’re sure that it was drowning, then the only things that can be the lie are really the time or the location, right?
Davis: So, there’s water in the bathtub. What does that tell us?
Noah: That the location was accurate…?
Jeff: Does that mean the time’s the lie?
Mark: …Does it…? [Puzzling Pieces] Speaking of the MQ file lie :p
"Davis: Was anywhere else particularly dry or wet?
Jeff: The hell does “particularly dry” even mean?
Davis: If somewhere looked like it was messed with by the killer, I mean.
Davis: Somewhere that really should have been wet, but it wasn’t." Okay I tought "particularly dry" was hilarious when I first read it, but Davis raises an interesting point, actually. Now that I think about it, there wasn't any mention of water going from the tub to the closet, right? Oh that's extremely suspicious actually how didn't I notice before?! Unless it dried, which I guess might be possible... hm...
"The _____ _____ be _____ by _____." Okay wow I'm actually really bad at these what do I do.
Uh... "The body should be dry by now"? Going with the idea that the time is the lie. I don't believe the time is the lie, because Vivi's Autopsy, but I could believe that this is the direction the trial's gonna go for now. I hadn't considered how dry the body should or shouldn't be in my original theories, but I guess if the body should be dry if he'd been killed at 9:15, then that supports the idea that the body got wet a while after the murder, possibly if the killer crossed the Fountains while carrying it.
[Answer: The bathtub should be dry by now.] Ah, that also makes sense. Although this doesn't clear up anything actually, which is kinda why I didn't even consider it xp If the time is the lie, then the bathtub could be wet because it happened way later than the file says. If the location's the lie, then the bathtub could be wet because the killer turned it on to appear as though the murder happened there way after the murder actually happened.
I am... not doing well in these minigames am I? xD I gotta lock in chat what is this.
"Kennedy: The time being different is too obvious. Clearly, the killer knew we would be searching for the lie, so they constructed a world in which we would think the lie was the time instead of the location; that’s why they planted the water. Maybe they even expected us to see through that lie, so they also set up a false alternate location and the real lie–" I love it when I have to reread Kennedy's lines to follow along (/gen), it's awesome xD
"Mark: Could we step through it together?
Kennedy: …
Vivi: Uh… let’s talk it over as a group, okay? I mean, I’m pretty sure it must be the location, ‘cause my autopsy determined the time was about right, but… we can come to a conclusion everyone can believe, right? Kennedy, you wanna start?
Kennedy: …Alright." [Nonstop Debate] Theory Trio going in!!! And another Nonstop! :D
...Okay it's getting dire. I genuinely have no clue where I'm supposed to be going with this.
"Noah: …Hey, uh, what if it was the time though? What would that mean?" Maybe Vivi's Autopsy here? Feels kinda redundant since Vivi just mentioned it... This is maybe the most likely in my eyes?
"Paris: It’d be about who’s with who, right?" Though maybe Alibis here to start talking about that? Idk.
[Answer: Damp Body → “the water should’ve dried by now”] I am not doing well, I should've gotten this T_T
"Ellis: Robert’s skin had fully dried, huh…? That probably didn’t take all of five hours, but the time it would’ve taken for his skin to dry is still longer than the time needed for the tub. That would add to the idea that the tub is a trap." Yeah this makes sense, thank you Ellis Ortiz the GOAT.
"Aidan: Slow your roll. No one’s gonna listen to you if you go off on your conspiracies.
Kennedy: It’s a theory! And a founded one at that!" Have I mentioned how much I love this beef? I have, but it bears repeating :)
"Vanessa: So, wait. If Robert’s body is dry, then that means that the murder was at 9:15…?
Grace: I would say that seems likely.
Vivi: It’s definitely true. Like I’ve been saying the whole time… " This is why y'all need to listen to Vivi more! Smh.
"Grace: I doubt that would get us very far. Though, along those lines, it would be possible to see if anywhere seemed… too clean, wouldn’t it?" [Evidence Select] I also accidentally spoiled myself on the right answer here (Robert's Room), but given there's not a lot of places that could be talking about, maybe I would have answered right anyways.
"Ellis: Robert’s room seemed exceptionally normal. I know how that sounds, but literally nothing looked moved, like a ghost had been living in there. Er– you know what I mean." I hadn't clocked this as strange, but yeah, it's a good point.
"Davis: In any case, it seems like we can agree that Robert willingly let the killer in, or at least opened the door for them.
Noah: Does that tell us anything about the killer…?
Paris: Well, I heard Harper was going around to people’s rooms and giving them gifts to cheer them up. It would’ve been nice for the killer to have set that little precedent for themself~" You know Paris I really would like to stop suspecting you of literally every bad thing in the killing game, but the fact that the murder happened inside and you're my top suspect out of everyone inside, combined with you saying shit like this, when you know Harper has an alibi from breakfast to 11 (covering 9:15, the time of murder in the MQ file) is not helping. I swear I don't hate her she's just so suspicious always and for what T_T
"Harper: I was with Davis at 9:15 AM. Unless you’re suggesting that I committed the crime from afar or that the Monoquin File lied about both the time and location, that would be impossible." Yeah that.
"Kennedy: Me, Mark, Harper, Davis, Paris, and Taylor are all in the clear. Plus Ellis, Vanessa, and Aidan, if we’re going off the BDA." Yeah, if you trust the Taylor and Paris alibi. Thing is, indoors people without alibi are just Noah and Vivi, and I don't particularly think they're the killer here. Jeff also has no alibi, but it's risky to lie about being in the pool without making sure no one could have seen it.
"Kennedy: Figuring out how the killer got inside or outside." [Nonstop Debate] Oh yeah we do need to talk about this, right? I'm assuming it's time to bring in Jeff's Account.
"Harper: That’s true… Robert’s room is quite far away from the body discovery site.
Harper: Is there a more direct way they could get his body outside?" You know, I thought about dropping Robert's body from a window, but that would probably cause some damage that Vivi's autopsy would have caught :p
...Though, wait. Order List mentions the rope that got ordered was long, which is strange, because you wouldn't need such a long rope just to tie the closet shut. Maybe the window idea isn't so insane? If you tie Robert by the waist or something (making sure to put the rope above his clothes to avoid rope burn), then you could lower him slowly so as to avoid injury, and then maybe climb down there yourself, which would avoid the whole "going through the Fountain Bridge" problem.
...Are there even windows in these rooms?
Okay I went back to check the Prologue real quick, yes there's a window in Ellis room and thus presumably in all the others. Though I've also realized that maybe I don't understand what the hell the layout of this thing is? According to the Prologue, Ellis' window overlooks “a pretty are with fountains”, which I assumed to be, y’know, the Fountains. But… how?
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Like I'm probably being extremely silly here because today is clearly not my day when it comes to actual coherent thought, judging from my minigame guesses, but... if the Foyer door leads to the Fountains (which, it has to, right? There's no other doors to get outside), then Robert's window would overlook the fountains, but Ellis' would need to look past Kennedy's room to see those. Ellis' window would more likely face the Monorail. Unless the "pretty area with fountains" that Ellis says her window overlooks is different from the Fountains in the map... am I losing my mind? T_T
Okay me not understanding maps aside, I'm going to go with Order List -> a more direct way because I don't even know anymore.
[Answer: Order List → “a more direct way”] We got one!!! This is the start of the comeback I believe.
"Mark: Exactly. If you look at the map… Robert’s room is right in the front of the building. You could easily lower yourself and the body down and end up just slightly to the side of the Hotel door." Okay the fact we're actually bringing this up makes me even more confused about Ellis seeing fountains outside his window- no, no, I'm done talking about it.
"Jeff: Oh, come on. Why can’t they just have gone through the Fountains?
Harper: Through?
Jeff: Yeah. Take a quick swim, pop out over by the Monorail Station. No one goes to the Monorail Station. You’d be fine." You know, I may not have caught the rope thing, but I'm still somewhat proud I actually called the killer going through the Fountains (if that even is what happened). Like, it wasn't particularly hard to call, but y'know. I gotta take my Ws when I get them xp
"Vivi: Honestly, I think Jeff is right. The Villas have, like, hotel type stuff, so they have a blow dryer and whatnot. As long as the killer could make it into the Villa of choice without getting spotted– which checks out with it being the farthest from the Hotel– they could make themself passably dry and look totally normal." Alright that's very convenient and easier than my other ideas on how to dry oneself after doing this lmao.
"Kennedy: Then, we should figure out whether the people inside or outside are the ones responsible.
Grace: If the killer could easily move back and forth anyways, would it really matter much? They could dry off in both the Villa and Robert’s room. Thus, anyone would have access to anywhere." Incorrect, Grace! It's easier for someone inside, since the rope needs to actually be placed in Robert's room in the first place. If they were outside, they would need to put the rope in some other room before going outside, then go inside, move the rope to Robert's room, and proceed. Plus, it wouldn't benefit them to move the body, since the body being the Villa would make the people outside more suspicious if taken at face value. It makes significantly more sense for them to start inside. I'm assuming all of this is about to get brought up, but y'know.
"Kennedy: There are still things we can consider. Pick a side, everyone! It’s time to figure this out.
Taylor: O-okay! I guess we’re doing one of these now… 
Monoquin: I’ll prepare the Trial grounds." [Scrum Debate] Wow Kennedy was quick with it huh xD
Wait why is the doc title "Ch 2 ScrumDeb 1"? Could there be a second one in the same trial? Crazy if true. Also crazy is that I need to figure out how to format this lmao.
Also why is Ellis in "outdoors." Was I silly in assuming the killer would be indoors?
"Grace: Robert was killed inside. Wouldn’t it make the most sense for the killer to hang around the _____ of the murder?" Vivi - Site. No other option really :p
"Aidan: It’d be easier to predict where _____ might come from if you were inside. The walls and doorways give you something to go off of." Harper - Witnesses. I guess.
"Mark: People are in more consistent locations inside. It’d be easier to find an _____ after the murder there." Paris - Alibi. Hey "inside" people you're not really arguing the correct points here :p The alibis don't really mean anything.
"Jeff: We figured out the File’s _____, and that means the murder happened inside. End of case." Kennedy - Lie. I'll concede that maybe we jumped to Robert's room as the true murder location a bit too fast, but it is the best idea we have atm.
"Vanessa: Vivi and Noah’s behavior has been, like, totally _____, right? So it wouldn’t seem suspicious if they claimed to have been alone all day…" Ellis - Predictable. Because "predictable" is the only adjective there lmao. Also what is this argument. Is anyone gonna bring up that there's no reason for the killer to put the body outside if they were outside themselves? Alright, I guess this is the direction we're going now.
"Vivi: The killer is just as likely to have hung out around the site of the body discovery as the site of the murder! Honestly, it makes even more sense if the body discovery was where the killer ended up…" Does it? The killer would want to get away from the discovery location, especially if the wanted it to be perceived as the murder location, no?
"Ellis: I dunno, I just think that the fewer times that the killer had to move between inside and outside, the better. Swimming through the fountains again and climbing up the rope seems like a hassle. If Robert’s final resting place is outside, then doesn’t it make more sense for the killer to have just stayed outside?" Okay this is an actual argument, thank you Ellis. But it still has the issue that either Robert didn't die inside (which would make the rope useless), or the killer had to get from outside to into the building before the murder. The amount of times the killer moved between outside to in remains the same, unless the killer killed inside, went out and never returned, hiding when the BDA happened. Though I guess in that case they could claim to have been outside from the very beginning, instead of claiming to have been inside the whole time when they were outside for a while.
But that still leaves the issue of motive (why move the body outside? Just leave it inside, it gives you a better alibi. Unless you're playing four dimensional chess and claiming that because an outside killer would want the body inside, then having the body outside makes it less likely for the killer to be outdoors, but that's... a lot. Only Kennedy might believe that me thinks :v), and the fact that the only people outside who aren't cleared by either alibi or BDA are Grace and Jeff, which are looking less likely as we go.
Eh. Maybe it's Grace. I don't know, I could still see it going either way :v
"Jeff: Okay, sure, but has anyone considered that I’ve been staying mostly in one place too? I’d be setting myself up to be obviously gone from somewhere if I were the killer, too!
Grace: Oh, definitely, because when Jeff isn’t present at a location, we all immediately jump to “because they’re murdering someone.”
Jeff: Aren’t we on the same side here?
Grace: Are we? If we’re the only two suspects remaining, we aren’t any longer." Ooh, things are heating up! :O Grace is starting to act a bit more hostile, but we're kinda early in the trial for that if they're the killer, no?
"Vivi: It is true that, for both sides, we weren’t really arguing based on anything…" Okay so I'm not completely insane. Well, maybe I am if the one agreeing with me on the shakiness of the arguments is the Mad Doctor, but here we are I guess.
"Aidan: If it comes down to it, we can just pick someone and go after them until they come up with a good enough excuse. Rinse and repeat until we find someone who can’t.
Taylor: “Isn’t that… unnecessarily cruel…?”
All: …
Aidan: If it’s what we have to do to find the answer, it’s what we do, cruel or not. Figure something out or I’ll pick for you." [Question Completion] Alright, interesting way to go. Also who is Taylor impersonating here? From the reaction, maybe Robert? Idk :v
"_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____?" I'm gonna lock in "What did the File lie do for the blackened?" I'm assuming that's the idea, though the wording might be a bit off. There's probably a way to word this so that you can say "Monoquin File lie" instead of "File lie", but I ran out of room :p
[Answer: What did the Monoquin File do for the blackened?] Ah, got it. So "Monoquin File" instead of "Monoquin File lie." Makes sense, I'll take it.
"Kennedy: …No, she’s got a point. There should be something specific.
Noah: Should there…?
Kennedy: That was a mistake we made last time. We thought that the murder location being a lie could’ve just been part of the Trial. But it was Antonia in the Casino. That’s something that’s inherently incriminating. There should be a clear path as to why the killer would want the lie in the File to be what it is." Thank you! So the killer was inside, that's where we're going with this, right?
"Harper: If we’re all agreed, then I suppose the next step is figuring out why the killer would want that lie in particular." [Puzzling Pieces] Yay more minigames! :D I feel like I haven't been making it apparent enough, but I do really enjoy how many of these there are. They're really fun to play!
"Mark: It is inside, though.
Mark: That could be incriminating to the inside people, if the point of it was to try to get the burden off their shoulders.
Kennedy: But that could be what the outside people want us to think!" Isn't this exactly what I said before? It's getting to be legitimately worrying how well I can read Kennedy's overthinking ahead of time xD
Okay chat I am bad at these. I've come up with stuff that makes no sense ("An __ killer would want the room to be open at one point"???), but maybe the most coherent thing I have is "An inside killer would want the murder to be outside at one point." Most likely wrong, but my brain hurts T_T
[Answer: An inside killer would want the murder to be outside at one point.] Okay hold on I'm goated. I have genuinely no idea how I managed to get that right xD Puzzling Pieces is probably the most satisfying minigame for me when I get it right because I never feel like I know what I'm doing and somehow it works anyways :v
"Paris: Kinda like I said, right? If you center the case around the lie, it falls apart. The lie is that we couldn’t go from inside to outside without getting caught." Yeah you wouldn't want the thing to be centered on one lie. So maybe you'd want there to be two lies. Such as if your bestie was possibly covering for you, right?
I don't know if Paris is the killer or not, I'm just suspecting her for funsies at this point xD
"Noah: So, it’s… one of us…?
Davis: That’s… how it seems, at least.
Vivi: I mean, I’ll fight for myself if I have to. It’s just… hard to believe that it’s Noah?" Yeah see I don't think it's either of you that's what's tripping me up as well. Then again, we still probably have an entire extra part to this trial, so maybe it's a bit early to really be down to just two suspects :v
"Harper: …I assure you, Noah couldn’t possibly–
Aidan: Do you know where he was all day?
Harper: Not… technically, but I believe that he truly was in his room all day. I know Noah, including outside of this… Resort. I’m certain we can trust him." Well, ve's trying at least, that's sweet of ver :)
"Kennedy: This is all about finding out who’s actually innocent. If you believe he is and put up arguments, it doesn’t matter if it’s you instead of him. So, get to it.
Harper: Alright.
Vivi: …" [Third Party Analysis] Oh shit, TPA with someone who is not a suspect! Cool :D Also I really like this one so I'm thriving. I just need to remember how I formatted this. Eh, I'll just go with it like this.
Concession: "It’s kinda annoying that you guys are really suspecting me again, but I guess I understand why. I am always at the center of everything with my autopsies."
Defense: "If the door’s open to other people coming in, I couldn’t be sure that I’d be in the clear if I did decide to kill someone."
Attack: "Noah’s the one who’s been alone doing who-knows-what for who-knows-how-long!"
Proposal: "Maybe he was using that time to plan a murder instead of grieving like we thought…?"
Concession: "In all fairness, that would be true were she innocent as well."
Defense: "Noah is my friend, and has been for several years. If you’re looking for a character judgment, I attest that I don’t believe Noah would be capable of killing someone, especially under these circumstances. Isn’t it clear that he’s been keeping to himself out of grief? He’s already lost so much… What reason would he have to kill now?" (This one can probably be shorter lmao).
Attack: "Their medical knowledge also puts them in an ideal position to lie about details of the crime. [...] Still, their overall combativeness contrasts with Noah’s solitude; they have something they’re willing to fight for, even if it’s against us." (I don't know if I'm allowed to actually skip lines with "[...]", but since I feel like both of those technically count, I'm putting them both in :v).
Proposal: "On the other hand, Vivi has been… in conflict with others recently and defending herself rather firmly. Maybe it was all to ensure we wouldn’t distrust her inherently going into her upcoming Trial."
That looks good enough. I don't have any bright ideas for the Inquire section, though. My only guess would be shooting Vivi's Autopsy + Monoquin File #2 at Harper's Attack? The idea being that Vivi is in a good position to lie about details of the crime, but she didn't. They gave a time and cause of death which matched the MQ File, meaning if the cast had believed them, the lie would be found out immediately, which would be bad for the blackened because the entire point of the lie was to pull off the whole "inside-outside" trick. I'm not sure it's right, but I don't know what else to shoot, so.
[Checking Distill Answers] So I got most of it pretty right, even if I still have a tendency to use more text than strictly necessary. Issue is that Harper's Attack doesn't include the "lying about details of the crime", meaning my Inquire's gonna be wrong, but oh well.
[Answer: The Motive → Harper’s Attack] Yeah I guess this makes sense. Forgot you could agree with these. I mean, I typically don't like arguing on motive until there's literally no other options, so I'm not sure this would have crossed my mind anyways, but here we are now!
"Ellis: Unless he’s like, actually gone mad with grief– poor word choice, sorry..." This is Mad Doctor discrimination and I will not stand for it >:( (/silly)
"Vivi: No! I mean, yes! I mean, it’s not me, so it seems like it has to be him… No. I think you guys are still wrong about the killer being inside. Like, this all just feels wrong…
Kennedy: It’s true; it’s possible this was all a mind game from the killer to begin with, and they only wanted us to think that the killer was inside! Like I said earlier, with the current motive, mind games–" Mad Duo stand strong, you love to see it :D
"Harper: It’s true. They are guiding our debate…
Vivi: Wait, what? If I did, it wasn’t on purpose!
Aidan: Insistence doesn’t mean anything on its own. If you want to defend yourself, use actual arguments.
Vivi: Okay, fine! I will!" [Nonstop Debate] Don't worry Vivi I believe you, let's go!
"Vivi: Okay, how about this: I’m a doctor, right?
Vivi: That means I’d know more than anyone else how to kill someone.
Jeff: …That’s your brilliant defense?" Yeah, we're not off to a great start here xD
"Vivi: If I was gonna plan a murder when I’ve been in the Infirmary all day every day, I would try to pick something that had to be tied to a more specific location." Not... a great defense. We'll see how we work with it.
"Noah: Are we all gonna just… ignore how much thought it seems like she’s put into this…?" Yes we are Noah, let Vivi come up with hypothetical murder plans in peace >:( (xD)
Okay jokes aside I got nothing. Like I genuinely have no idea what I'm supposed to do here. Uh... No yeah, abstain, idk. I really did not bring my A game to this trial huh :p
[Answer: Order List → “no weapon like that”] You know I did think about this, but it didn't really make sense in my mind. Like yeah the rope is a portable weapon, technically, but you'd be arguing that Robert died strangled, meaning the MQ file lie is the cause of death and thus the death location is true. But that comes with its own problems, of course, such as why Robert would be in the Villas in the first place, and why Vivi wouldn't just give the true cause of death in their autopsy to make the Villas the true death location before all these arguments about going back and forth began. I guess they did say asphyxiation and drowning are hard to tell apart, though. Hm... let's see where this goes.
"Ellis: …Okay, look, if nobody else is gonna say it, I will. Gun!" ???? Wait what the fuck are we talking about Ellis. The gun's not involved. You know the gun's not involved. Where are we going.
"Paris: Oh, did people not hear? My b, I’ll make sure to be more upfront with information next time~" Paris.
"Vivi: It could be! It means that… What if the killer was able to coerce Robert to go somewhere, or do something? If a gun was in the equation, it could’ve totally shaken up what happened! Or, there could’ve been an accomplice, if they were coerced into helping…" This is what I meant. We know this shit didn't happen. The one with the gun was Ness and she's cleared by BDA!
"Vanessa looks at me, attempting to steady the panic in her eyes. What, does she think this is my choice? It’s hers." It' your choice to bring it up when you now it's not connected, though. I don't get what Ellis is trying to do, his moves are too big brain for me.
"Taylor: But, doesn’t the fact that no one’s claiming they got it imply that it is connected to the murder? Otherwise, why wouldn’t they say something?" We've completely derailed the trial here. Maybe there's some kind of point being made that I'm just not seeing? What is Ellis trying to do?
"Aidan: Hey, eyes over here.
We all turn to Aidan– who’s holding the gun." WHY DO YOU HAVE THAT?!?! I mean it's probably gonna end up helping but geez.
"Aidan: It doesn’t have any relevance to the case, though, so we can move on already." Thank you Aidan. Did he hear the conversation between Ness and Ellis? Or does he just not think it's related to the case through regular reasoning? Probably the latter ig.
"Aidan: I’m still cleared from the BDA, and neither of those things have literally anything to do with the case. 
Jeff: What, so we’re just supposed to take you at your word and move on?
Aidan: I’m not gonna tell you what to do. It’s your move.
All: …
Aidan: Cool. Let’s get back on track, then." [Intermission] ...So, what was the point of bringing up the gun again? Just so everyone knows it's on the table? I guess it’s not a horrible idea, but I'm still confused xD This trial is breaking me lmao.
Yay!!! Really enjoyable trial so far! You know, part of me wonders if at times I may come off as slightly frustrated at the characters’ lines of reasoning, but I assure you that’s not the case. It’d be kinda boring if the trial just went the exact path of reasoning I would want it to go anyways, so I like seeing so many perspectives on the mysteries of the murder xp As always, fun minigames, fun mysteries, and good character moments for good measure! Peak as always, can’t wait to get my heart broken next chapter, when the killer might get revealed! (Or not, what do I know). See you all then!
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purple-striped-shirt · 1 year ago
and here I am again, hello hello!
I already talked about Jon’s sister (I mean Leela) and now about Jon’s parents! :3 (I just wanted to do this earlier but forgot about it lol)
(Anto Sergeevich) - father of Jon and Leela. he is Russian, but speaks English and German, loves motorcycles and rides them himself, hates ordinary cars because he thinks they are inconvenient to drive, impudent and rude to others, but he treats his wife and children well.
(Barbara Miller) - Jon and Leela's mother. half American and French, works in a flower shop, loves to play musical instruments, especially the guitar and ukulele, and for this she taught Jon and Leela to play the guitar and ukulele, kind and naive.
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(and that's all I wanted to say about them lol, sorry for writing too much. I'd love to see Jon introduce Tom to his parents XD)
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Barbara would warm up to Tom right away but I get the feeling it’d be a bit difficult for Tom to worm his way into Anto’s good graces.
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mewtwoandme · 2 years ago
OH! Forgot to mention earlier! Even though I'm taking a break this weekend by all means keep sending asks! XD it'll give me something to do for when I come back. (I need to draw more Newtwo content, so asks that focus on her would be appreciated lol) ^^
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kotobormot3 · 2 months ago
Happy new year! Not a comic suggestion or anything, but a question! What are your thoughts on wandersong au’s? Any specific favorites and recommendations? Any of your own?
Happy new year, anon!! :D
Hmm, Wandersong AUs... Well, I definitely enjoy some of them! I'm not really an AU kinda person, to be honest, but sometimes it is indeed fun and refreshing to put familiar characters in completely new and different settings. So... yeah!
I don't think I can remember right now all the AUs that have caught my interest, but lately (after I saw soothsayerditty's amazing art here on tumblr) I've been stuck thinking about that vaguely modern Wandersong AU for days, haha. I dunno, there's something about these road trip vibes and all the possible situations and interactions that could happen between Kiwi and Miriam in this scenario that simply makes me giggle and wish someone would write or draw more of it. (I even started to write a little drabble myself, but I don't know if I'll ever finish it or make it public lol). I dunno. I just love putting characters in modern settings and thinking of all the stuff they could do and how that would affect their relationships and what form the canon events would even take there. (Even better if there is a possibility of the characters meeting their original selves later, hehe. Or just learning about the existence of each other.) (I just simply can't help but enjoy the concept of parallel universes and multiple timelines. Yeah, yeah, I may be cringe, but I'm free xd).
I also immensely enjoy all the time loop Wandersong AUs. I feel like it's one of these games that's just asking for one (or two, or three... lol). Honestly, each time I start the game immediately after finishing it, I feel so weird that Kiwi doesn't remember anything at all and basically has to start their quest all over again, even though not only a minute earlier they were hugging their newfound best friend and companion and saying their heartfelt goodbyes to her, knowing that there is a tomorrow after all- And then. And then we see her again only to go right back to being complete strangers. Just. Ughgh. Angst material. Absolute angst material. That being said, I really enjoy Kiwi's perspective in this AU (khem I even started to write a little something about it a long time ago khem), but Miriam's POV is very interesting too. All in all, time loop AUs are great. They never get old. This AU and the previous one also nicely go with another concept I greatly enjoy – something something computer simulation, you know the drill xd
I also came across a lot of cool AU ideas while reading some old fandom stuff, like siren!Kiwi, monster!Miriam, shapeshifter!Miriam, warrior cats AU (hehehe), ghost!Kiwi or ghost!Miriam and some more. Personality swaps are not really my thing, but some role swaps are great. I especially like hero!Miriam concept, because it just makes sense and has a lot of interesting potential storywise. Kiwi with the sword makes for some really good drama as well.
Yeah. I probably forgot something, but I think that's enough for now, haha. There's a lot of cool AU stuff people have come up with lately that's really nice and interesting too.
As for my own AUs, I can't say I have any 🤔
And even if I get some ideas, it's often just certain little random scenes in my head that don't really tie together in the big picture. I mostly like to think about what happens after the game, and all my fics on AO3 are post-canon stuff. Wandersong is honestly one of the only pieces of media that didn't leave me with the burning desire to change things in it after I was done, so maybe that's why, lol. It's a very special game, and I just like it the way it is.
...Doesn't mean I can't appreciate other people's AUs, though xd
Anyways, thanks for asking! Happy holidays! :D
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Prompt: Snake Oil
Pairing: Hawkmetri
Inspired by this shitpost I made forever ago XD You really can have SO much fun with the mlm abbreviation.
This is a 5-parter--500 words total!
Demetri pauses frantic texting. His coworker’s leaning on his cubicle wall, frowning.
“I’m on lunch, Gary.”
“I know.” Gary chuckles. “And you’ve spent it glued to your phone instead of devouring your shawarma.”
“Right, uh. Trying to get an old friend out of this MLM…situation.”
“Oh?” Gary’s frown returns.
“We haven’t talked in forever, but…I worry about him. Don’t want him mixed up in that sort of…depraved lifestyle.”
“I see.”
Gary now seems more concerned. Demetri laughs awkwardly, trying to ease the tension. “Pyramid schemes, am I right?”
“Oh, multi-level marketing!” Finally, Gary relaxes. “Thought you were being homophobic.”
“He’s always been impressionable. Got brainwashed by this karate cult when we were teenagers, cut me off because I said they were sketchy.”
“He what now?” Gary’s eyes widen.
“Don’t worry about it. Point is, he gets really into questionable stuff, and…he hasn’t listened to me in years.”
A pause.
“Some mean girl from junior high messaged my wife, selling Speed-Gro hair enhancer shampoo,” Gary muses. “Lady sounded pitiful. My wife vowed to free her…even if she did steal her boyfriend in 8th grade.”
Demetri brightens. “Did it work?”
“Probably not a catch-all, but…show me the conversation. We can try.”
5:20 p.m. Hawk: Don’t ever speak to me again, or I’ll END you. Go rot in your basement playing nerd bullshit, bitch.
7:47 p.m. Demetri: Fine. Goodbye, Eli. ✔✔ Seen 9:53 p.m., September 24, 2018 ✔✔
March 17, 2030
7:26 a.m. Hawk: Hey man!! Selling Kickass Karate™️ equipment—gloves, pads, nunchucks…anything!!! INCREDIBLE prices. New discounts, too!
9:41 a.m. Demetri: Hawk! It’s been too long! Why not discuss these awesome deals further over coffee? I’ll pay. You’re giving me your time AND a great opportunity!
9:50 a.m. Hawk: …like a date?
10:02 a.m. Demetri: No, no, strictly business :) Pick you up tomorrow?
Eli’s surprisingly pleasant on their da—er, business outing. 0 mentions of Cobra Kai.
Instead, he waxes poetic about working for Kickass Karate™️, and how they’re “totally hiring right now!” He barely notices them parking at Demetri’s apartment because Demetri “forgot his gift card.”
“The fuck? I’m not getting free coffee?!”
Traces of “Hawk” emerge when Eli finds himself locked in. Demetri accounted for this.
He thrusts a macchiato at Eli as the lights dim. “Ordered them earlier. Hope that’s still your favorite.”
A PowerPoint opener illuminates the TV.
“Demetri’s incredibly badass guide: Besting the dumb pussies scamming you.”
“You’ve looked better.” On Wednesday morning, Gary does a double take. “What were you doing with that PTO?!”
Demetri grins meekly, dabbing antiseptic across assorted cuts and bruises. “Eli finally listened about the pyramid scheme thing. He wanted to deal with it immediately.”
“You two…” Gary’s eyes widen. “You fought the guys scamming him? Is that even legal?!”
“Probably not.” Demetri shrugs. “But neither’s most MLM stuff, so…”
“Not true.” Gary smirks. “Not since Obergefell v. Hodges.”
“…fair point.”
“Is that why you have this Eli character openly saved in your phone as ‘Babygirl?’”
Demetri’s cheeks burn. “That’s not important!”
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after-nine-at-the-oasis · 1 year ago
Abbott Elementary Episode 4: Smoking!! I lowkey forgot Abbott aired last night till I saw a clip of it on YouTube earlier, I believe lol. I watched it earlier today and did not liveblog it, but I'm here to talk about it a bit now!
Not much though, because it's late and I had a show tonight, and more tomorrow and Saturday lol.
The fact that they were discouraging substances while all actively using substances is hilarious xDDD It's not where I was expecting that to go lol! Idk what I was expecting, but not that xD
I'm glad it really talked about how broken the system is. I hope that kid doesn't get suspended <3.
Also the jokes the kids made about their vices were wild 💀. That dust bowl was out of control XDD Iconic all around though lol
I'm glad Jacob decided to give up vaping lol, good for him :') <3. Out of all of them his was honestly the most actually harmful lol.
Even though I don't love the detail that he vapes (mostly because you'd think being against it would be one of his many liberal policies lol), I really love that it brought back that smoking comment from the pilot!! Also I can totally spin this into a vices from deep anxiety thing which is lovely lol. Also the air bit was hilarious xD
Anyway they're all idiots but I do love them all lol <33
Also Janine was wild with that teacher lol 💀. I do think there were some things she was right about (like. the literal education parts lol) but dang girl xD love that the sub did not care at all lol
Unrelated but I love Jacob immediately blaming Morton for the smoking lol xD
Anyway seeing them all being chill at the end was great xD. Like Barbara trying the oil, Jacob quitting, etc lol. Good for them :).
This episode caught me off guard a bit, especially since I don't use substances, but I kinda like that, once again! This season is really throwing me off my game in the best way possible - we all need to be made uncomfortable sometimes to learn stuff :). This episode it wasn't too much, because I don't disrespect anyone who uses drugs (of the safe kind), but since I don't it's still a view into the other side.
Also Gregory's was so him xD. Honestly all of them lol - Janine's makes so much sense in hindsight (also Gregory's comment to her about like "Did you smoke last night" 💀 XDD iconic lol), Melissa's (and her smoking background - which by the way, the comments about that were funny too lol) made sense, Barbara's was- yeah xD, her lol, we basically already knew about Ava xD. And of course Jacob's is a callback lol! And it does kinda make sense for him, even if I thought he would know. I mean hey, we do things we know are bad all the time lol, and nobody can resist everything. Also I think I'm in partial denial because I don't want him to have gone through what it puts you through lol xD. Anyway, they were all super accurate :D.
I loved this episode!! I thought it was really great and I'm so excited for the next one :D. I am also utterly terrified :). Help me please :'). The title and description are scaring me and I swear to goodness they better be a mislead. I think they probably are but still xD.
Don't break them up please I need them lol
Also I'll just pretend it never happened anyway xD
Oh dang I probably won't be able to see that episode live either- eh we'll deal with that later.
So yeah! I loved the episode :D. I thought it was really great and super interesting :). I'm excited for the next one!
This has been my review for. . .
Abbott Elementary, Season 3, Episode 4: Smoking
It was really good :)). I'm really excited to see the next one but y'all I am so scared lol.
I'll be back next week for my review of. . .
Abbott Elementary, Season 3, Episode 5: Breakup
See you guys then!!!
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purple-nightfall-writes · 5 months ago
Just finished the last chapter and I might screammmmm they're so stupiddddd and in loveeeeee and I hate them (i would die for them)
Anyway, before I actually ask any questions I just want to say how much I LOVE your writing, you put your all into this fic and it really shows, each chapter was AMAZING and I loved every single one. The way everything had the perfect mix of fluff, comfort, angst, suspense, hope, and dread was just. *MUAH* chef kiss. I hope to be here for any future fics you share because I am HOOKED.
now for the questions, I guess my main ones are:
How are you? How are you feeling about the fic? Because personally, it might be one of my favorites!
Your writing style is so fun, I think it perfectly fit the vibes of ruffled feathers! (i have no idea if that makes sense, but it does to me) Was there any part that was particularly hard or easy to write? Like any of the panic attacks or maybe flashbacks? Or any tips for beginner writers?
And lastly, if you are willing to share, what are some of your plans for the rest of this series? Any spoilers or fic concepts you want to share?
Feel free to answer as many or as little of these as you want, I'm not great at asking questions so... I tried my best lol!
(Also i do want to say i feel bad, because at one point i was going to scream about your fic to you/pos but i noticed you didnt have the ask option avaliable and i was going to tell you but i forgot and i feel baddd)
HIIII thank you so much!!!! that's genuinely so encouraging to hear agdljlfglksldf
i'm so glad it hit the right balance for you - the balance of fluff and angst, hope/trust and tension/anxiety, was one of the things i kept retooling throughout the writing process, so i'm SO GLAD to hear it worked out! :D
as far as how I'm feeling about the fic, I'm honestly really happy with it! Currently I'm really proud of the earlier chapters and I'll need a little more distance from the later chapters before I can have a solid idea of whether i like them a little or a lot hehe. I'd written up through chapter 10 or so (maybe chapter 11) when I started posting, so all of those chapters I had a good bit of time to keep polishing to my heart's content. i think i'm gonna really enjoy rereading it lol, my main goal with writing is to write the kind of fics that i would enjoy reading, because that way i can guarantee that at least one person (me) is going to like the finished product. it also helps me feel like i have a creative center and not get pulled all over the place by people-pleasing. this means i end up rereading my stuff like "damn this author knows exactly what i like" XD The number of times i would sit down to work on chapter 10 or 11 or something and get caught up rereading the earlier chapters is a little embarrassing lol, it's just exactly the kind of story that i would enjoy reading 😅
as far as parts that were harder or easier to write! the flashback scenes were, oddly enough, some of the most fun to write actually. there's just this energy and dynamicness to the conflict in them, and the contrast between those days and the trust they have in the current timeline was really fun to work with. I also really liked going back and figuring out what their dynamic would've been in the early days. which is how I ended up with Scar's past crush on CuteGuy - that wasn't in the original plan but just felt extremely correct when I was working out the early days. the fluff scenes were like. too easy to the point that it looped back around to being a challenge lol. like it's just so easy to write them being disgustingly in love and it was difficult to try to not overdo it. which i'm not entirely sure i succeeded at lol but i enjoy reading those chapters so at least my target audience is happy 😆
and parts that were harder to write - definitely chapter 11 (the cuteguy reveal chapter) was the hardest. weirdly, the panic attack(s) in chapter 4 weren't that hard for me, maybe because it was a very in-the-moment kind of panic (if that makes sense), whereas grian's angst in late chapter 10 and into chapter 11 are more of a sense of protracted dread about needing to start a pivotal conversation which was Not Fun to write from lol. it's a good thing that chapter 11 works best from scar's pov because i don't think i ever could have written it from grian's pov, and it would've been really hard to reread.
as far as plans for the rest of the series are concerned! i'm probably going to do a separate post about my planned upcoming fics (in this and other aus), but i'll tease a little here. the next fic in the canon timeline will be one where grian sets out to find a way to protect scar from the ongoing threat to his life. it will be relatively low-stakes (...if my current plan holds). it'll involve a trip to the under-city (which means i have SO MUCH worldbuilding to do askfdlkjldfj), and will introduce at least one minecraft mechanic and a life series mechanic. ideally somewhere down the road i would love to write a fic about the downfall of the Institute, but that is way outside my normal wheelhouse and i don't have any solid ideas yet, so it might be a while and no promises lol. i've also mentioned a few diverging paths fics for this au, sort of alternate versions of what could have been. i've got two in mind that are different sorts of role reversals, one of which i may or may not have already started writing aslkdfjlsjfkd. i just can't leave them alone 😂 there's another diverging paths one that i'm not... entirely sure whether i'll actually end up posting? i've kind of teased it at least once but i want to be noncommittal about actually putting it out there. it's an angstier version, diverges near the end of chapter 4 (bonus points to anyone who can guess exactly what point it splits off at), and would be pretty difficult for me to write due to heavier angst. it would still end on a good note but it would be really rough in places. i do want to write it, to explore that version of events myself because i find it compelling and i want to stretch my writing muscles. but i'm not gonna fully commit to posting it because i don't want to add performance anxiety to the existing writing hurdles for that one lol. so basically: that one might exist or it might not idk, apologies for teasing something that might not end up ever getting published 😅
that basically sums up my current plans for this au! i'm also leaving the door open to the possibility of exploring other characters in this au, though i don't have solid ideas as of yet.
thank you for the ask!! i had so much fun reading your questions and thinking through answers to them hehe. also no worries about the askbox thing 😅 i really should've checked a lot earlier sdfljsljgfklk
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lisadoduwuwow · 1 year ago
and here I am again, hello hello!💥
I already talked about John’s sister (I mean Leela) and now about John’s parents! :3 (I just wanted to do this earlier but forgot about it lol)
(Anto Sergeevich) - father of Jon and Leela. he is Russian, but speaks English and German, loves motorcycles and rides them himself, hates ordinary cars because he thinks they are inconvenient to drive, impudent and rude to others, but he treats his wife and children well.
(Barbara Miller) - Jon and Leela's mother. half American and French, works in a flower shop, loves to play musical instruments, especially the guitar and ukulele, and for this she taught Jon and Leela to play the guitar and ukulele, kind and naive.
Here are the drawings, of course it turned out a little crooked but everything is ok lol🏃‍♀️💨
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(and that's all I wanted to say about them lol, sorry for writing too much. I'd love to see Jon introduce Tom to his parents XD) @purple-striped-shirt @margarita-the-pizzeria-worker @cola-stripe @amphisbean44
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2a8n · 2 years ago
New add. info 3
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Most of this post will be devoted to my comments on the new information that has appeared, and not mediocre my assumptions on them, since the amount of this very information from the streams from DSP has increased so much lately (she streams almost every day). So expect a lot of text from me here and a small amount of any pictures. And yes, these drawings were also made on the stream, if I'm not mistaken.
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I wonder what Rock did that makes Shirogane not even want to call him by his first name? Okay, he still doesn’t call Idate by name, but is this hot-tempered penguin really even worse than Rocma and Suno-san in the eye(s) of our depressive wolf? And yes, when did all the characters from Ice Scream manage to find out the name of the Orca? He had never introduced himself to anyone before. I understand that his niece Nagi and his "best friend" Rock may have learned his name as well as he learned their names due to long acquaintance, but what about the rest of the characters?
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And the second warmest DSP character will be his brother Yukiyoshi? =)
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--Especially in a place where there is a orca-rapist-abuser-bully-sociopath, a polar bear that can shred you to pieces at any time if she doesn’t like you or she is in a bad mood, a swearing penguin, which can also because of a bad mood or if you are not a child, say more nasty things and shoot you, and, finally, a living piece of pissed snow, mocking you at every opportunity. Indeed, Shirogane is really hard to get to think positively. I believe in it. Sounds like true.
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I see that Takama has become more talked about on streams. Well, not as often as about his younger brother, but still… =\
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Sorry dude, I forgot to mention you earlier. This character during the whole time that was his shown in Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea, wasn't presented as very intelligent. I mean, all his conversations were about his hunger and even his longest monologue in essence consisted of the fact that "an empty stomach is the world's greatest pain". Even if he knew how to transform into a humanoid form, he wouldn't do it, simply because he couldn't even think about it: it would be easier to get food in his animal form, and he wouldn't even think about it, only because he is tormented by hunger more often than thoughts about his possibilities.
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Most likely, those who don't find this guy scary will themselves be no less scary persons… And it seems that everyone that Idate considers weak (they either cannot fight back, or don't want to for some reason, or all at once), he classifies as "toys". Now I remember that he calls violence a "play", and in my head it just goes "play with toys" -> use violence on someone. I want to hit him.
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Gosh, this friendship between Shirogane and Yukisada is clearly starting to go in some strange direction, don't you think? xD "Childhood friends" -> "close friends" -> "housemates" -> "great friends" -> "share a bed"…
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They look youngful and at the same time younger than Orca. The Orca looks older, and at the same time he is older than these two. It remains to find out who else looks older/younger than whom, in order to collect at least an approximate picture in myself head regarding their age composition.
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At least, before the meeting with Orca, he was definitely good health… ( - _ - )
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DSP clearly keeps all information regarding the Shirogane family a secret. This wasn't the case with the family of Idate, Rock, Peraco, and, possibly, Yukisada (no one has yet asked anything about Yukisada's and his brother's parents). Does it mean that they can play some role in the Ice Scream itself…?
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We recall that DSP divide into virginity into "rear virginity" and "genital virginity", and, based on this, we are already building our conclusions about what has been said.
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I remembered that there was an official art showing Yukisada with a suitcase. Is it possible then that not only Yukiyoshi, probably, not living on Iceberg Isle, is visiting his older brother, but Yukisada is also visiting his younger brother as well?
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But he only and does what he thinks about his childhood friend Shirogane and takes care of him all the time, so Yukisada indeed doesn't have time to think about love, ALTHOUGHWAITASECOND--! ( 0 _ 0 )
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cloud-somersault · 10 months ago
Hello, (pls ignore the ping on discord) I'm stupid. I had no idea you were making a podcast or that you had a youtube channel 😭 I should have checked here first, but wow 🫡 <--- does not know what a podcast is but a salute for all the dedication you've put into this series! 👀 I listened long enough to tell if it was like, a video talking about the fic or a reading of it before needing to rush back and I caught the word "lore" and 👀 absolutely seated for lore because I remember reading your fic before I found your tumblr and I'd love to read it proper because it was just SO GOOD and I got so curious to see what else happened in the story that I went and read pieces of all of it so I didn't have to wait in agony with the little available time, and my brain is telling me that you have some gorgeous star descriptions in one of the chapters and some really complex dialogue that was simply stellar psychologically, so a podcast cutting into the behind the scenes fic process lore sounds really fun to hear :D I'm sorry I keep blabbing to you like this, it's just taking me FOREVER to get to it with all my obligations but you have worked far too hard to deliver such a wonderful fic for free and are far too kind for me to just read this fic and not drop a 10k review eventually 💖 I just don't want you think I'm nabbing french fries from your restaurant and dipping when there's a whole plate of roasted chicken and a fancy dinner talk to be had XD
Oh! No worries. And I get the confusion. A podfic is the word used for when someone's reading a fic aloud. You'll sometimes see an author say their fics are "podfic friendly" which means people are free to record themselves reading the fic! (All of my fics are podfic friendly as well!)
But a podcast is just me rambling about gay monkeys for hours 😂
And that is okay. I know Constellations and the podcasts are a huge time investment. I get that, believe me. Please take your time reading and enjoying! They aren't going anywhere. It's just content for people who are caught up and want MORE (I get it) and podcasts take less time than writing a chapter so! I do not mind.
Aw, no pressure about leaving a long review. As long as you enjoyed something about it and took some word or phrase with you...that's all I care about. There are phrases from fics and stuff I remember to this day from decades ago. I want my writing to do that to people!
But yeah! There's a lot about constellations that I forgot about, so I was thinking of doing a reread and recording my thoughts or whatever, because I never got to talk about the earlier chapters.
Or I could do that for the epilogue 🤔🤔 OOOO THAT WOULD BE FUN
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lycanlovingvampyre · 2 years ago
MAG 158 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: baking something in the kitchen, most likely with apples...
This is one of my favorite episodes ever! There is just so much going on and every single bit is so exciting, it has me sitting at the edge of my seat. Plus big reveals of course. The panopticon, Elias etc. (And a bit of comedy.) Generally, I think the S4 finale, so MAG 158 to 160, might be the best fiction experience I've ever encountered.
MARTIN: "It’s fine. Don’t particularly like it down here." I mean, not to say that Jon wouldn't have every right to feel uncomfortable in the tunnels as well (e.g. his experiences in them in S2), but Martin also didn't have a good time down here. Wandering for hours and finding Gertrude's body + guilt of having left Jon and Tim behind, accidentally entering the Distortion's corridors only to be spat out in the Archives again (after spending 100 times more hours in there as in their real world) to the bloody mashed potato that is Leitner's head and on top of it we know that Martin is claustrophobic.
Peter just blatantly making uncomfortable small talk. Martin is already on his way to the panopticon with you, why torture him even more??
MARTIN: "Are you sure about that map? I’m pretty certain the tunnels change." PETER: "Oh, don’t worry about that. Ink’s practically still wet. Not to mention, if they do change, well… I happen to have something that will change them back." Hmmm, do the tunnel really change on their own? There is some kind of weirdness to them because of which you usually can't find the panopticon. But otherwise I thought this was just Leitner moving them around... also maps are a funny thing in TMA. There also was the map for Sannikov Land. We never learn where they're from and who made them. Would Elias really have drawn the map for Peter? If yes, he must have been pretty sure that he can prevent Martin from killing his body.
MARTIN: "That’s a Leitner." PETER: "It is!" MARTIN: "And the, um… the blood on it?" PETER: (cheerfully) "That’s Leitner too!" MARTIN: (apprehensively) "…Riiight." Peak comedy!
MARTIN: (wryly sarcastic) "Very impressive." PETER: "I’m reading. Shush." Jon was also like "I didn't hear you reading!" in MAG 80. All of the Archive crew are so used to read something out loud, they don't think it’s even possible to read quietly XD
NOT-SASHA: "So you finally decided to let me out, Jon? (calling) Jooooon?" Not gonna lie, I totally forgot about Not!Sasha on my first listen. So this did actually shock me.
BASIRA: "A couple of guards on duty vanished too." JON: (agitated) "Vanished. How?!" BASIRA: "Just left. Best we can tell, he had some dirt on them." Hmmm, if it wasn't for the "just left" and Peter later being a bit taken aback of Elias being also at the panopticon, the wording "vanish" does remind me an awful lot about Peter! And Peter just got a map to the panopticon... So did Peter get the map from Elias? His astonishment does contradict this... But also I guess Peter could have easily sneaked into prison (like, he can turn invisible, duh) and got that map from Elias! According to Jon, Basira and Daisy earlier it does seem like Elias got out because of his little deal.
Also, last episode Daisy and Basira weren't in the Institute. Maybe they were already out because that old friend from the prison called them. This could have given Elias time to get to the Institute and leave Dekkar's statement for Jon. I totally hadn't considered, that it could have been him as well, not just Annabelle.
MARTIN: "So that’s it. Both Lonely and Watching." PETER: "You must admit you’re the perfect candidate." And the panopticon is actually the perfect location for this.
MARTIN: (shaky breath) "Where are his eyes?" ELIAS: "Exactly where they’ve always been, Martin. Watching over my Institute." OMG, I was soooo blown away! This sentence of course made it very clear, what was going on. Buuuut we get a more direct reveal on that in just a minute, just for anyone still doubting this.
BASIRA: "It’s just that there’s a lot of tapes around." JON: "And I don’t keep any of them with the key to the tunnels. It’s been left for me." DAISY: "And it says ‘play me’. Kind of suspicious." This definitely was Elias.
GERTRUDE: "I’d rather hoped you’d still be hampered with all the Dark’s business. It’s their ‘Grand Eclipse’ at the moment, isn’t it?" So this means it's March!!!
GERTRUDE: "I’m not really in the mood for nostalgia, Elias. You might have noticed I’m rather busy so either shoot me or –" [A GUNSHOT RINGS OUT. GERTRUDE GASPS AND COLLAPSES.] GERTRUDE: (gasping) "Well… there it is. Thought it would hurt more." ELIAS: (sighs) "Pity." 1.) Elias never lets people finish their sentence when killing them. So rude... 2.) MAG 52 - Jon: "I know the secret to her death is on one of them. It must be. I just… I hope I don’t have to hear it firsthand." :/ 3.) I immediately noticed that this was only ONE gunshot, when Martin had explicitly stated that there were (as far as he could tell) THREE gunshots to the chest!!!
This tape was so cool!
JON: "Yes. And I’d wager that Elias’ body –" BASIRA: "Gotta be Jonah Magnus, right?" I mean... who else would it be, but at no point whatsoever does that name come up in the tape. We as audience know it's Jonah's body because we just heard Peter say it.
Ah man, these gunshots and screams are really unsettling...
MARTIN: "If I do kill you, will the others survive?" PETER: "Elias?" ELIAS (JONAH): "Come now, Peter, it’s a valid question. And you should have addressed it yourself, really. The short answer is, I don’t know, Martin. I guarantee it won’t be pleasant for them, but I honestly don’t know if their ties to the Institute are quite as strong as I may have implied. " So he did bluff!!! He genuinely didn't know (because no one knows how the Fears actually work...). If the Archivist dies, the others go free. Maybe it would have worked just like that with Jonah? Who knows!
ELIAS (JONAH): " Melanie’s well out of it, so that just leaves Basira and Daisy. And the rest of the Institute, of course, and you can’t tell me you care about them." But... but... the others can quit? This seems like they are not affected by these "ties" at all. Buuut, this is Elias saying it and he loves to manipulate...
Seriously, Ben's voice acting is phenomenal... He is so smug!
PETER: "Then do it. Kill him and help me save the world." If Martin still wasn't sure until now, this did the trick. Peter acting like Martin's the hero. Martin never believed that and this just was the final straw, if he hasn't made his choice already.
I said in MAG 154 that I think there are two points in the story of TMA, when a time travel fix-it reaaaally could work. This is the second one. I think killing Jonah could have pushed back a possible Fearpocalype for a looooooooong time. I don't know if Peter knows about Elias plan, like in detail (he knows, the wager was to get Jon marked by the Lonely and that he is relevant for the ritual), but perhaps he doesn't know the last step, how to... open the door^^ 
JON: "Do I, uh… do I get a gun?" BASIRA: "You’ve fired one?" JON: (indignant) "You never taught me!" Love comedy like this!
BASIRA: "You never asked. Besides, we’ve got problems enough without –" [A LOUD CRASH.] NOT-SASHA: "Hello, Jon." BASIRA: "Oh, shit." JON: "You’ve got to be fucking kidding –" Even more comedy!!!
DAISY: "Basira, promise me something." BASIRA: "What – no. Daisy, no." DAISY: "Basira, when this is over, you need to find me. And kill me. Promise me." BASIRA: "No. No, Daisy, we’ll figure something out." DAISY: "These last few months… it was always borrowed time, wasn’t it? Can’t outrun it forever." BASIRA: (desperately) "Daisy…" DAISY: "Promise me." BASIRA: "I promise." DAISY: "Thanks. Now run." BASIRA: "Daisy –" DAISY: (voice growling, distorted by the Hunt) "Run…" I FUCKING love Daisy! I love Fay's voice and zir accent! Also Daisy's character, like she won't submit to the Hunt until Basira promises her! T_T Also Monster Hunt Daisy is really cool!
ELIAS (JONAH): "It won’t be that bad, Peter. You’ll see. Now, he’ll be here soon, so you can leave or –" PETER: "Oh, no. No. I’m not gonna make it easy on him. You haven’t won yet." ELIAS (JONAH): "Your choice. Just make sure to leave the door open." This is so not good... (Also door motif!)
ELIAS (JONAH): "Ah, Jon. I was almost worried. You found your way all right?" JON: (out of breath) "Yes. Yes, I did. …how?" ELIAS (JONAH): "Suffice it to say I called you." I FUCKING hate Elias! (I mean, I love him as a character xD) But this grooming of Jon, argh!!
ELIAS (JONAH): "Not anymore. But not really," Aaaaahh, the "but" costs me an entry for the not really-counter!
JON: "You want me to follow him?" ELIAS (JONAH): "No, Jon. You want you to follow him." He's actually right this time...
ELIAS (JONAH): "Are you scared, Jon?" JON: (quietly) "Yes." ELIAS (JONAH): "Perfect." God, this is again such a good prelude to the next episode in the Lonely!!!
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tuulikannel · 10 months ago
I almost forgot that @lazytoufu (she's got her old username back, yay!) asked about all my wips, not just AC ones. So here's two Hikaru no go ones.
Heian_ghosts is a continuation to my long fics about Sai's life & death. I had all but forgotten about it... and here's the question: what should I do with this fic? It's actually finished. There's 50k words of it. Just, I always felt that it's way too slow and I planned to edit it some day... but given that I had forgotten it's existence for past five years or whatever, I wonder if that'll ever happen.
So now I'm thinking that maybe I should just publish it. It's called either just Ghosts or then Ghosts - living and dead, I'm not quite sure yet. It's basically about Hikaru and Akira (and a young Abe no Seimei who's also a part of the story) dealing with the consequences of all that happened in the earlier fics.
chicagoseq is pretty much exactly what the name suggest, an untitled sequel to my Hikaru no go & Dresden Files crossover, Chica-go. I doubt it'll be ever written, though... In it, Hikaru returns to Chicago years later together with Akira. He's hoping that introducing Akira to a real wizard would make it easier to tell him about Sai.
Akira is going along, a little confused, a lot jet lagged. They came to Harry's home - or at least where it used to be. Those who know, this takes place some time after Cold Days... so yeah, things have kinda changed. A lot. XD
Here's a little snippet. ^^ Akira's pov.
“Well.” The headache was intensifying. “If you’re done staring at this building, maybe you could tell me what you were expecting to find here?” “My friend’s home,” Hikaru said quietly. Akira twitched. This building wasn’t old – but it hadn’t been built yesterday, either. “You mean you didn’t know your friend has moved? When were you last in contact with him? Or is it her?” he asked with growing annoyance. Damn it, he had traveled to the other side of the world, he had the right to know at least something, didn’t he? “Both, really,” Hikaru said. “That is… I was exchanging letters with her, and she told me how he was doing, but… I’ve not heard of her for a while.” “How long a while?” Akira asked with forced patience. “Well, I… did get a card from her… uh, about a year ago? She said she was really busy with some new job she had…” “A year ago?!” Akira exclaimed. Then he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Okay, so. If your friends aren’t here, how do we find them?” “Umm, I think we should…” Hikaru blinked at the street, as if only now realizing the taxi was gone. “Get a taxi…?” “You will pay for it this time,” Akira muttered as he dug out his phone to call for one.
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coralsgrimes · 1 year ago
Remember when I said that our boy's career is oh so very close to stinky corpse like no one gonna invest in that except the funeral home lobbyists maybe???
Do ye also remember when Benny was doing the podcast recordings earlier this year alongside someone who said that was their first job?
So put them two together and what comes out is Benny as a ghost of Christmas in Christmas carol podcast from a Christian spreading love for Jesus Hope Media Group.... The funeral home lobbyists are laughing as they dodged thy bullet
Here a lil list of Benny's recent-ish (about 3/4years) career milestones:
1. Cringe ya book adaptation that should be on CW, currently in cancellation limbo probably will be announced as axed after strikes are resolved so netflix can say that they don't have shadow daddy's blood on their hands, it was them selfish peeps fighting for fair work compensation
2. One episode of anthology series last halloween, that was so bad everyone forgot about it by now
3. Self funded vanity music project that he released through vanity label (he paid for it to be released like is what I mean, no one invested in that steamin pile) and that no one even bothered to review except that one guy who called it turtleneck music? beige Michael Bublé rip off??
4. Low low tier partnership with Boss Fur Deutschland. still not sure if boss knows they are in partnership. Might be Benny is paying them too for that... privilege of badly fitted Zalando sale selection
5. Black mirror two seconds cameo that I would dispute it's legitimacy as an actual acting credit
6. Series of awful T-Mobile's ads
7. Couple of self funded live gigs so he could attempt to sing his four original song REALLY badly, and then went on to assassinate popular songs cuz it's too much to call them pained sounds singing. But boy he probably still getting stiff thinking of these 315 sweaty girls following him through the country of Europe
8. A film that is bad, critics agree, and is called The Critic which is very funny. No idea when this masterpiece will be released. About boys performance, critics either skipped mentioning him or he was called the weak link.... In other words I desperately need to see this one xd research purposes
9. Christian radio podcast version of Dickens Christmas carol
10. Apparently he finished that full album of his finally, if someone wanna buy the limited edition hand signed EP tho, it's still available in his child labour merch shop! And it's been two years xd
11. Oh!! And I almost forgot to add his lil tiktok dip cuz he an influencer now me thinks xd funny story here too. So he actually multitasking. So Benny does a remember me imma Sirius Black!!! Lemme go viral!!! Fans pleazzzz love me back and HBO please hire me I talked about it during a con recently too please it's them strikes so I gotta be sneaky and I wanna be super popular too
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quinloki · 1 year ago
Okay I’m kind of jelly bc anything less than 8 for me is not ideal and I can get growly
Dang the time change for hecking everything up
Omg but I forgot this in my other message BUT
when I was driving earlier there was this bike next to me and it had like blue flames all over it and I was like 👀👀 Marco bike? Riding behind Marco on a motorcycle? Holding onto him verrryyyyy tightly ya know, cause you’re scared, no other reason or anything
My thoughts did derail after that to more of a mafia esque thought once I got home but I won’t say that’s a bad thing by any means. Marco with lots of tattoos and a blue flame bike 👀👀
xD Yeah, I used to sleep like 8am-2pm when I worked nights, and I've needed a little more than just six as I've gotten older, so that's why I say it's gotta be padded.
I only sleep more if I'm cramping, sick, or in a bad depressive episode.
Oooh Marco bike, and riding behind him and he's in a suit, tattoos peeking out from the sleeves (and when he loses the jackets and rolls them up... hnghdfalskjfa ). This is very much Accidental Orinthology Marco so you're going to be fed when I start on that title earnestly.
It's a Mafia AU yeah, but it's got a "Mafia as Business" kind of vibe to it, at least for the Edward Family. I'm undecided if I want to have like different Gang Vibes for the different Mafia families or not. I'll have to do research for a few different cultures if I go that route.
Or Maybe I'll theme some of them in a different way.
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