#was literally smiling and giggling like a fucking idiot watching criminal minds when my dad walked in and had to act like a normal person
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pinkglittergelpenink · 11 months ago
are you ever so attracted to a character that you cannot watch the movie/tv show they’re in with anyone else because something about them makes you go crazy every time you see them? 🫠🫠
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god gives his strongest soldiers (me) his toughest battles (the inability to act normal when i see someone attractive)
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mageicalwishes · 5 years ago
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Read on AO3: here
Read the previous chapter (On Tumblr): here
Summary: “I’m egging your house for a dare, but you’re parent is a cop and now they’re yelling at me, so I told them you were my ex and you wronged me, and now you’re coming outside, so please just go along with this, I really don’t want to go to jail” AU When Simon Snow agreed to egg some posho’s house, he never thought he’d find himself here - The only thing standing between himself and a criminal charge, the word of a handsome stranger.
Chapter: 4/?
Words: 3,831
SS (20:14): What are you up to anyways?
ME (20:15): Well, I was reading a book. But now I’m talking to you ... Obviously.
SS (20:15): Oh shit, sorry. I can text you l8r if you prefer. I didn’t mean to bother you.
ME (20:16): No. Don’t worry, you're not bothering me. I wanted to talk to you … You’re far more entertaining than Austen, anyway.
SS (20:16): Okay cool :D
SS (20:16): Austen? Like ... Jane Austen? Is that for school?
ME (20:17): No. Just for fun.
SS (20:18): I had to read Pride and Prejudice for the GCSEs. It nearly killed me!
SS (20:19): I’ve never really been the best at reading, but that just took the piss! I swear to God, I didn’t understand like half of the words!
ME (20:20): That's understandable, to be honest. I will admit that the language can be a little 'flowery' at times. If you’re not really into reading, Austen isn’t exactly the most accessible literature. The stories are good though.
ME (20:21): Did you watch the film?
SS (20:23): Yeah, no kidding. I despised that fucking book!
SS (20:23):  And, kind of. We watched, like, half of it in class, but we never finished it - Ran out of time.
ME (20:24): That’s unfortunate, it's pretty good, as far as adaptations go. I have the DVD somewhere. If I can find it, we could watch it together when you come over, if you’d like?
SS (20:24): Aw yeah defo :) That sounds good.
SS (20:24): Are you free tomorrow?
SS (20:25): Not for me to come over dw - I know you want to wait till your dad is away.
SS (20:25): If not dw. I know it’s a bit short notice. Soz.
ME (20:26): Don’t worry. I’m free, as far as I know. Why? What did you have in mind?
SS (20:26): I was wondering if you wanted to come play footie with me?
SS (20:27): Josh and Nathan are out.
SS (20:27): So it would just be us 2.
SS (20:28): If that’s okay with you? I know footie with just 2 is a bit difficult.
Pathetically, my chest surges at the sight of it … Just us two. It’s more than okay. It’s perfect.
BP (20:30): That’s okay, I’m sure it would still be fun - I’d like to come. What time were you thinking?
SS (20:30): 1:30ish. I can do later/earlier if it’s better for you tho.
BP (20:31): No, that won’t be necessary. 1:30 sounds fine.
SS (20:32): Okay good :) The pitch is a few mins away from the home. I could come and pick you up if you like? We could walk down together?
BP (20:32): Is my house on the way?
SS (20:33): Nah. Not exactly. I don’t mind tho it’ll only take, like, 15 mins more.
BP (20:34): I can just drive down to your house. There’s no need for you to go out of your way.
SS (20:34): Oh okay, sure. Sounds good :)
SS (20:34): Lazybones ;)
SS (20:34): Do you need my address?
BP (20:35): Yes, Snow. As talented as I may be, I’m not a psychic.
SS (20:35): Aha lol. Bigheaded much?
SS (20:36): I live on Pallot Road. Number 61.
SS (20:36): Do you know where it is?
SS (20:36): Idk the postcode off the top of my head. Soz.
BP (20:37): Yes, I know it. I’ll be there at 1:30.
SS (20:38): Cool. Can’t wait :)
I falter, unsure of how much of myself I’m willing to give away. I’ve never been good with openness - Hiding behind sharp words, and a false air of indifference. In that respect, I’m Snow’s antithesis. He’s a boy without walls - Open and forthright, to a fault. Defenseless, yet not afraid. I don’t believe that he’s ever tried to conceal any part of himself, around me - Even when we were literal strangers (Which, despite how it may feel, was barely a week ago). And, we’re certainly more than that, now (Well, I hope so, anyway). So why should I keep pretending? Why not just be real? Why not be a little more Simon Snow? I mean, he could hardly fault me for it - That would just be immensely hypocritical.
I type out my response in a rush, staring down the screen critically. Realistically, all I’m doing is parroting him. And while I know that, it feels like something much more. It feels like a partial admission of another truth. Another, much more frightening truth … That Simon Snow appears to have found himself in my affections, in a way that nobody else has before. That being with him makes my heart pulse, and my soul sing … That I’m a helpless, lovelorn fool.
Nevertheless, I scrunch my eyes closed, and hit send quickly (Before my courage, inevitably, dries up).
BP (20:43): Neither can I. It’ll be great to see you again.
He’s already standing outside when I pull up to his house. His bronze curls whipping around in the wind, messily, and a hand tracing the hem of his hoodie absentmindedly.
Shyly, I slide out of the car, and pace over to him.
“Good morning, Snow.”
“Hey, Baz!” he chirps, smiling over at me.
“You’re actually ready on time, this time. Congratulations!” I toy.
“Hey! Piss off!” He gruffs, sweeping his hair back, out of his face. “I was three minutes late. That doesn’t even count!”
“Au contraire - It most certainly does count. I was deeply inconvenienced by your casual approach to promptness. I had to sit on the stairs for a whole five minutes ... I looked like a complete prat.”
“Not my problem,” he shrugs. “You didn’t have to wait right by the door, you moron. That is completely on you.”
“Whatever,” I scoff, my face flooding with heat.
He lets out a laugh - Deep and rumbling. “You know for a smart guy, you really are awfully dumb sometimes, Baz”
I roll my eyes dramatically, unable to think up a comeback. Stumped, I decide to move the conversation forwards ...
“Have you got everything you need?” I ask, nodding my head towards the backpack in his hands - Not even bothering to question why he’s chosen to hold it that way.
“Yep. I brought a ball, and everything!”
“Perfect,” I mumble, nudging my hand against his, and pulling the bag from between his fingers. “I’ll just put this in the boot, and then we can go ... Hop on in, Golden boy.”
Baz is ruthless on the pitch (Just like I’d imagined he’d be) - Pelting across the grass at a breakneck speed, and booting goal after goal into the back of the net. Truly, He’s a sight to behold - All straining muscles, and wicked grins. I’d be basking in it … If I wasn’t so bloody annoyed.
He’s absolutely thrashing me (Of course) - 5 to Nil. It’s an absolute disaster on my end, having, apparently, lost any sort of scoring capability. And, to make matters worse, he’s not exactly coy about it - Assaulting me with a constant stream of ' Are you even trying, Snow 's and over-exaggerated, false yawns. Utter prat.
In my desperation, I stick my leg out in a particularly botched attempt at a tackle, accidentally clipping the back of his ankle, and sending him tumbling to the ground. Shit.
“Oh my god,” I breathe, squatting down onto the floor besides him, and flipping him over with a tug to his shoulder. “I’m so, so sorry. I was trying to get the ball, I swear I didn’t mean to do that.”
He glares up at me, his full lips twisted into an acrid scowl. My stomach sinks at the sight of it. Shit. I’ve really fucked this up.
But then, he’s chortling heartily (Apparently incapable of maintaining his cruel act, any longer). His face scrunching up delightfully, as his eyes well up with joyful tears.
“What the fuck even was that, you complete barbarian,” he laughs, clutching at his stomach, stupidly. “Couldn’t stand losing, so you thought you’d just try knocking me out instead ... That is definitely a foul, Snow”
“I know, I know. It was an accident though, I swear,” I whine. “Just ... Shut up, and let me help you, you dick.”
I stick a hand out, pulling him up into a sitting position. He’s a mess - Small clumps of mud and grass clinging to his face, and a nasty, bloodied scraze disfiguring his knee. Yet somehow, even with all the marks of my stupidity, he still manages to look infuriatingly good.  
I take his face in my hands gently, tilting it towards mine. The laughter dies out, suddenly - His face falling marginally, as he goes eerily quiet. Unperturbed, I continue my ministrations, brushing my fingers across his face, sweeping away the debris as I go.
“I really am sorry,” I whisper. “I didn’t mean for you to get hurt.”
“It’s alright, Snow. I was only teasing. I know it was an accident. It’s fine, really, it’s just a little scrape - Nothing a wash and a plaster won’t fix.”
“Okay,” I huff, relieved. “I didn’t bring any with me, though ... But, there’s a first aid kit back at home. We could go and patch you up there?”
“No. If it’s alright, I’d rather do it back at my own house. It’ll be much less awkward that way”
“Oh,” I drone, my voice weak with disappointment. “Sure.”
How the fuck did I manage to mess things up so quickly? We were supposed to spend the rest of the day together (I mean, neither of us ever actually said that, but it was definitely assumed), and now, within one poxy hour, I’ve managed to kill all chances of that. I'm such a bloody idiot.  
“Cheer up, misery-guts,” he giggles, “There’s no need to strop - You can come too. You might just have to sneak in through the window, or something.”
“Okay, sure,” I beam, stupidly elated. “I can handle that.”
As it turns out, he really can't handle it.
“Christ, Snow,” I hiss. “You’re being way too loud. Shut up.”
“It ain't my fault! I don’t know why the fuck you thought I would be able to climb up this thing properly. It’s made for flowers Baz, not people!”
He has a point, to be honest. I knew that getting him up the trellis would be a challenge, but we didn’t exactly have many other options.
I thrust my hand out of the window, gripping onto his forearm tightly, and shifting my weight to support him properly.
With that, his body starts shaking violently, a poorly concealed chuckle escaping his lips.
“I told you to shut it, moron,” I scold (Although, there is no real malice in it - The smile is clearly audible in my voice).
“I’m trying, really. It’s just - It’s just this is like some shitty version of Romeo and Juliet, Baz. You can’t blame me!” He laughs. “It’s funny!”
“Yes well … Romeo was much more graceful about it than you!”
“Shhhh. I’m doing my best. I’m almost up! You should’ve gotten me a rope or something, it isn’t my fault!”
“Oh yes, Snow,” I deadpan. “Sorry. Let me go and grab the ten foot rope I keep under my bed at all times”
“Hey! I don’t know what kind of kinky shit you’re into! You could've had a rope lying around somewhere!”
I don’t even try and justify that with a response, choosing, instead, to focus on helping him up.
Eventually, we manage to pull him into the room - Snow plopping down onto the floor, with an unceremonious thud.
Laughing hysterically, he props himself up against the wall besides me, and rests his head against the side of my shoulder.
“Thanks for helping me up. I was so scared I was gonna fall back into that stupid rose bush.”
“It’s no problem. I didn’t really fancy having to explain to Father why you, of all people, were sneaking into my bedroom.”
“Hmmm,” he hums, his throat vibrating distractingly, against my shoulder. “You need me to help you with your leg?”
“No. I can handle it … I was going to have a quick shower, actually, if that’s alright with you? Get it properly cleaned up and everything, you know."
“Oh yeah, that’s fine,” He murmurs, lifting his head up, and shifting his body sideways (Away from mine). “What - I mean what am I supposed to do, though? Do you want me to hide somewhere?”
I puff out a breath, amused by his sincerity. “No, Snow,” I drawl. “You don’t have to hide yourself away in the wardrobe. You can just wait around here. Nobody is going to come in - Don’t worry.”
“Oh, right” He mumbles, glancing his eyes down towards the floor. “Cool.”
“Yeah. There’s plenty here to keep you entertained, though. You could play on the PS, or watch some TV … Or, you could read something, I suppose. Although, I know you’re not big on that.”
He smiles over at me, his freckled cheeks puffing out wide. It’s frustratingly adorable.
“Yeah, maybe not that. I’ll probably just watch TV, if that’s okay?”
“Of course it’s okay. I wouldn’t have offered otherwise,” I say, jumping up, and treading over to the en-suite door. “I won't be long, though, honest - I’ll be back in half an hour, latest.”
It definitely took me longer than half an hour. Although, that was Snow’s fault entirely - His lovely tackle, had left awful clumps of mud matted into my hair, so I had to give it a proper wash.
When I step back into the room (My hair still annoyingly damp), Snow has got himself starfished out across my bed, his chin propped up in his hands. He looks completely at ease, laid out in my bed like that - Even with the, admittedly, rather intimidating decor of my room.
Stepping besides the bed, I scoop his legs up in my arms, and swing them over to one side of the bed - Making room for myself besides him.
“What are you watching then, Snow?” I ask, laying myself down onto the duvet.
“Dunno. Some crap cop show. I wasn’t really paying attention.”
“No?” I ask, gasping with faux incredulity. “Would you like to play some FIFA instead? That way I can thrash you again, without sustaining any serious injuries.”
“Don’t be a wanker, Baz,” he scolds. “You know I didn’t mean to do that!”
“I know, I know,” I coo. “I’m only messing with you. Don’t stress.”
He glares at me, pouting his lips out, slightly. “Okay then,” he agrees, a sly smirk spreading across his face. “I actually play a lot of FIFA, you know. So, I reckon I’m going to enjoy beating you … Would serve you right for being such a cocky bastard!”
I raise my eyebrows in challenge, punching out a quick, mirthless laugh. “I’d like to see you try, Snow. Do your worst … We’ll see who comes out on top!”
For all my arrogance, I will admit that Snow was actually a very worthy opponent (Although, I’d never tell him that).
Considering that I’d been playing everyday for the last two months, I had assumed it would be an easy victory - But, as it turns out, I was wrong. He put up a more than admirable fight - Actually leading for the majority of the match. But, of course, I still managed to beat him - Hammering in a goal on the ninety-third minute (Much to Snow’s dismay).
“For fuck sakes!” He fumes, throwing the controller down onto the bed, childishly. “I almost bloody had it, as well!”
“There, there, Snow,” I tease, pressing a hand to his shoulder in a mocking comfort. “There’s always next time.”
“Piss off, Baz!” He whines, flopping back against my pillows with a dramatic sigh. “I’ve had enough of this shitty game!”
“Alright,” I breathe, slowly laying myself down besides him, as I desperately try to suppress the laughter bubbling up inside me. “Do you want to play a different game, then?”
“Okay,” I drawl, my voice rising with uncertainty. “So … You want-”
“Just wanna stay here for a bit,” he gruffs.
“Okay. We can stay here, then.” I agree, my voice hushed.
As silence settles over us, I steal a glance over at him.
He’s got an arm stretched out over his face (The synthetic material of his football shirt, straining against his broad shoulders, perfectly), and beneath it, I can see the hint of a smile playing at his lips.
Unobserved, I take my opportunity to scan my eyes over him, appreciatively. Sprawled out against my bed, he looks positively obscene. His hair mussed intoxicatingly, where it rests against my pillow, and every revealed inch of skin decorated with constellations of moles. For a moment, I envision pressing my lips against them, lavishing each and every mark with the attention they deserve, but I quickly restrain myself. Allowing my mind to wander now, when he’s so close to me, would be an irreparably idiotic move.
In an attempt to cool myself down, I flutter my eyes shut, and shift my focus onto the steady puff of his breathing - Slow and constant. In and Out. In and Out. In and Out …
Embarrassingly, I’m halfway to sleep when he speaks next.
“Baz?” he whispers, poking my arm lightly. “Are you awake?”
“Yeah,” I mumble, my voice deep and lazy with tiredness.
“Okay. Cool,” he sighs. “Can - I mean, can I ask you something?”
“Hmmm. Of course” I hum.
“It's just that, I’ve been thinking … Did - Did you mean what you said the other day?”
I scoff, quietly. “You’re going to have to be a little more specific, if you want me to answer that, Snow.”
“Right yeah. Obviously,” he huffs, clearly frustrated.
Opening my eyes, I tilt my head over to look at him - Our eyes meeting immediately. His deep blue boring into my grey. This close, it’s far too intense.
Caught off guard, and humiliatingly wonderstruck, I avert my eyes, focusing my gaze on the canopy of my bed, instead. I feel my face flush with heat, once again, and pray to God that he doesn’t notice. That would be the last thing I need, right now.
“I just - I mean what you said to your dad,” he continues, stammering slightly.
“What bit?”
“When you were all like - 'Oh don’t worry Father, he's one of mine',” he explains, making an absolutely atrocious attempt at mimicking my accent. “I just mean like - Do you really have lots of, like - I don’t know ... Guys?”
“No,” I drone. “There’s no one else ... Never has been. I just said that to get him off of your case. He doesn’t really like talking about that stuff, so I figured it would be effective.”
“Oh,” He breathes. “Okay.”
I pause, unsure of what else to say. The silence stretches between us painfully - Tangible tension flooding the air. And then, I feel it. It’s barely a brush at first - Easy to play off as a simple accident, given our close proximity. But then, he continues. Pressing our hands together more fervently - His skin impossibly warm against mine. It’s searing - The contact lighting me up from within, as hopeful sparks ignite within me.
I gulp, audibly. “Why?” I ask, my voice barely a whisper.
“Just - I’m just like … Curious, I suppose,” he murmurs, his finger tip tracing it’s way along the side of my thumb. It’s feather-light, but it weighs like lead in my heart. And I think that, maybe (just maybe), he might be trying to tell me exactly what I want to hear.  
He presses on, nervously, his voice wavering slightly. “It’s just that -”
Suddenly, there’s a banging at the door - Loud and insistent.
Panicked, I shove him off of the bed, sending him flopping onto the floor with a girlish yelp. Biting back a laugh, I rush over to the door, and pull it open ever so slightly.
“Basilton. Dinner is ready. I don’t know what on earth you’re doing in here, making all that racket, but you need to come downstairs now,” Father chastises.
“Of course. I’ll be down in just a minute.”
“Alright. Hurry down though. Please don’t keep us all waiting. We don’t want to start without you.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, Father,” I taunt, my tone laced with sarcasm. He’ll definitely lecture me about that later (He’s never impressed with my 'petulant attitude'), but, right now, I don’t particularly care.  
Closing the door behind him, I scurry over back to where Snow is sat.
“You have to leave,” I whisper, rushing out the words with a frightful urgency. “I’m sorry. I lost track of time. You just - You really have to leave. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone ... So, you can't really stay.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” he hushes. “It’s fine. Don’t stress. Do you want me to go right now?”
“No,” I cry. “Just - Wait until I’ve been down at dinner for a few minutes - Then you can leave … That way, you can be certain nobody will be creeping around outside.”
“Okay, sure.” he says, smiling over at me.
Looking at him - I hesitate. “But - Are you sure you’ll be okay climbing? If you’d rather wait, I’m sure that I can find some other way to sneak you out, a little bit later. I could say I'm going out to the bin, or something. If you were quiet, we might be able to get away with it.” “Baz,” he sing-songs, teasingly. “I’m sure I can climb down without your help. It’s only one floor.”
“Yes well,” I deadpan. “Forgive me for thinking it may be best to find an alternative route. You didn’t exactly dazzle me with your speed or grace in getting up here.”
He snickers, squinting his eyes at me daringly.
“Yeah, but it’ll be easier going down. So chill. I can handle it - Trust,” he reassures. “You’ve seriously gotta go and get your dinner now, though. If your dad comes stomping up here to yell at you, it’s game over for me! And then fussing over this would've been entirely pointless”
“Okay,” I huff, standing and pacing over to the door, reluctantly.
Flashing him a quick smile, I call out a quiet “Message you later, Snow,”, and then, I leave him.
I’m just tucking into my dinner, when an almighty crash tears through the hush of the dining room. Of course, I know what it is immediately - Simon bloody Snow falling off of that god-forsaken trellis.
Fucking hell. I knew I should’ve tried to sneak him out another way.
I mean, what if he’s hurt himself? It’s not exactly a steep fall, but it’s certainly enough to do some damage. And the only reason he is even here, is because of my stupid, desperate plot to get to spend more time with him - And now, he's probably laying out there with a broken leg, or something. God. I'm such a selfish dolt.
Anxiously, I slide my phone out of my pocket, beneath the table, and hurry out a quick text.
ME (19:27): Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself? Do you need help?
I wait, holding my breath as my leg bounces under the table, impatiently.
SS (19:28): Nah. Don’t worry. I’m good.
SS (19:28): I might’ve killed your flowers tho :/
SS (19:28): Sorry!
I smile to myself privately - Doing my best to hide my grin behind my hand.
That bloody disaster is going to be my undoing, I swear.
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