#was holt screaming 'vindication!'
namchyoon · 7 months
please pray for @bisexualrapline's sanity guys she's about to get another essay about taynew and cmth 🙏
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winderlylandchime · 10 months
I honestly can’t believe that we finished the show. And that you all were here to witness it, I don’t know if I should thank you or apologize. I feel like part of me should say thank you for allowing me to spam you. But also thank you for being there with us throughout this time. It was fun to share his stupidity with someone other than our family :)
But I do plan to show him that one Gale interview since he deserves to meet the real man. And the Austin panel thing, i feel like that one might heal him a bit and maybe make him hate cowlip a little less. So i will let you know how that goes (if that is okay with you) And then I’m planning to slowly tell him about all of you guys. I mean you guys have been there for a hot minute, i feel like you deserve to know how he will react to all of you and to Gale. I do think I should ease him into the real people/fandom slowly because idk what he’ll do. Basically im scared to just sit him in front of a computer and going ‘meet tumblr’. Thats too much power for one man. And through the Gale interview he’s gonna learn that he’s straight so I can’t wait for that because he is still convinced he’s gay irl. And tomorrow I’m planning on showing him the gag reels and some of the bts content (the tiny amount of it that exists) so that he can finally see the good side of it all. I wanted to do it today but he was still sad and didn’t wanna do anything. But:
He is still completely heartbroken. He fucking cried to our mom on the phone!!!! He told her what happened and started crying again (light crying!! He is not sobbing anymore) and our mom went ‘WHAT?!’ And then dad joined the call and asked what’s wrong and my brother is crying and i cant get a word in because of him and our mom goes ‘those bastards fucking broke them up at the end’ and my brother starts crying and goes ‘nooOooOooO’ and my dad went ‘those sick sons of bitches’ and that’s all I got to hear cause he took the phone to his room then. But he did come out of the room more calm and collected. I honestly feel like I told a little child the truth about Santa.
And if you were wondering, yes, he did end up calling his therapist. And he told me some of the stuff they talked about but who cares about that. The only part worth mentioning that we were all curious about: he called him, and then there was some silence in his room and then a loud ‘YOU KNEW THIS WHOLE FUCKING TIME?!’ Came out of the room. And i fucking lost it. I told him i had a suspicion he knew because of that reaction to the finale mention and my brother went *shocked face* ‘that does make sense, i just thought he wanted to talk to me cause he’d miss me. I mean i did think he was a weirdo but who am i to judge’ so safe to say he’s still a bit dumb.
I knew it! I called it! VINDICATION! (captain holt voice)
I think the Gale interview, and the ATX panel, and the bts (my favorite is the bts for the bashing, obviously) are solid choices to introduce him to the fandom. And then yes, ease him into finding out about us. Because we are definitely going to be a shock and poor bb has been through so much.
PLEASE CONTINUE TO KEEP US UPDATED. You have no idea how much I adore all of this.
Your parents are also the best:
mom goes ‘those bastards fucking broke them up at the end’ and my brother starts crying and goes ‘nooOooOooO’ and my dad went ‘those sick sons of bitches’ I'm dying about this.
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You guys are right she probably doesn't check Tumblr. But I bet Oliver does, and I hope he screams vindication when he reads all this like Captain Holt. But then I envision this conversation.
Oliver: Hey Ryan I don't want to tell you what to do but...
Ryan: of course you do just say it already
Oliver: whatever you do don't go on Tumblr
Ryan: what is a tumblr??
Oliver: good we agree
Ryan: ????
I could just see it now. That would totally be how their conversation would go. Lol.
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luffys · 6 years
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Parallels & References 1/?
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whaletailradio · 2 years
I've always credited Seven of Nine with being the first seed of my queer awakening back when I was just a kid watching Star Trek with my mom. It was always innocent and I didn't know what I was feeling exactly, I just knew that I was drawn to this character. I didn't know if I wanted to be her friend, to be her, or to be more than that, or what that even meant. I'm still not really sure what it is to this day. I've just always been enamored with her.
Watching her return in Star Trek Picard has been so fun and enjoyable and I've loved seeing how she's grown and who she's become. (And she's still growing and has so much more to offer!) Seven of Nine grew up and so did I.
And witnessing Seven of Nine kiss another woman was somehow more validating than I ever thought it was going to be. She's smiling, she's badass, she's middle aged, she's complex, and she likes women! She kissed Raffi on the mouth!
And can I fangirl over Raffi for a second?? She instantly became a new favorite of mine back in season 1. Her character adds so much to the show. She can be so chaotic at times but always pulls it together when she needs to. She gets to be angry and emotional and stubborn but also maternal and caring. We need more characters like Raffi.
The way these two women find each other. The way they just understand each other. The way they know they could make each other so happy if not for *waves hands rigorously in all directions* all the things. The way they simply refuse to not be together at the end of the day. After all they've been through, why not choose a little happiness with each other (after saving the world of course).
I've always loved Star Trek and related to so many of these characters, but watching Seven's return and being introduced to Raffi and watching them come together, feels like it was made for me. For the little gay kid who loved escaping into this universe but didn't always see how she would fit in it. I see it now.
tl;dr: Seven of Nine kissed a girl and now my life is complete.
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aunicorndumbass · 5 years
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The world moves on, another day, another drama, drama. But not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma. #TaylorToldTheTruth
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i-got-the-feels · 2 years
my dude mile doesn't have a break, huh. First being harassed and stalked for having personal life of his own *gasps* and now over posting a derp face photo of a Republican president that wasn't his country??
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the-innefable-idiot · 4 years
You’ve made your choice, my love
Hello yall!
This is my first fic EVER posted and I am quite excited!!! 
Since this is my first time doing this, I am still lost on technicalities, but I am learning. This fic is almost 1.8k words and I am SO PROUD huisadhdsuisda
Here is the AO3 link. Since I am used to ONLY read stories there, I still don't know what I am doing, so please HLEP. 
Also, bear in mind English is not my first language and I didn’t beta it, so every feedback is welcome. I am talking not only plot and characterization, but also grammar and punctuation.
I have a 3k fic on the way, it just needs some tweaks here and there. It has a polyamory take on the Forrest/Alex/Michael dynamics from another fic by @spaceskam. 
This fic in particular was the following prompt by @tookmetwice: “Guerin sees Forrest coming out of Alex’s house and Alex kissing him goodbye. The ensuing conversation where Alex tells Guerin to fuck off and that he’s no longer his fucking doormat.”
Please, enjoy!
You’ve made your choice, my love
Alex woke up to a light snoring by his side. This time Forrest was the big spoon and Alex felt good, safe. He tried to get out of bed without waking up the historian, but military men shared the trait of light sleep.
"Good morning." Forrest said lazily while stretching. "What are the plans for today, captain?"
"First and foremost, take a shower. Every time you convince me to stay in bed after sex and everytime I regret later when we get all sticky and gross." Alex said while reaching for his crutches. Forrest grabbed him by his hips and tried to bring him back to bed. "Then we’ll have a nice breakfast you will cook, by the way, and then you’ll go to the library to continue your research while I go do my secret Mr. Robot stuff at the base."
Forrest went for a kiss, but ended up kissing Alex hair as he turned his head. Alex stood up and went to the bathroom, but came back a few seconds later with a fake exasperation.
"You can come, but let it be known I’m doing this only to save water."
Both men tried their hardest to keep the act, but Alex couldn't stop laughing when Forrest tried to fling himself out of bed and ended up falling on the floor, his feet tangled on the covers. Once back on his feet, the historian followed the man to the shower.
After going through their morning plans, Forrest was ready to leave. He was by the door when Alex pulled him to a passionate kiss. They were in what was considering "the honeymoon phase" and Alex was discovering the wonderful world of public display of affection. Lately he has been the one initiating the platonic touches in public, experimenting his limits in many different places and scenarios. If Alex kept going like this, they would be snuggling in The Wild Pony in no time.
Even though Alex was the one pushing Forrest to go to the library, he was also the one holding him at the door with kisses that made Forrest's legs feel like jello. 
"Text me when you are done in the library. I really really want to drink a milkshake." Alex said fondly, their faces not too far from each other, while his fingers were running through the blue hair, taking them away from Forrest's eyes.
"Yes, captain.” Forrest said smiling, channeling all the energy he had to get out of the sweet embrace Alex had him in. God, he could stay like that till the end of time. “Love you, captain." He whispered before leaving. Forrest heard the other man shout a "love you too, dork" as he entered his car. When he turned it on, he heard a loud noise coming from nowhere in specific. Someone must've broken something heavy made out of glass somewhere nearby.
As Forrest turned the car and got out of sight, Alex face changed. His smile and relaxed demeanor turned into a stiff posture. He knew the glass, wherever it was, didn't shatter naturally. He knew the source for it before even seeing him walking by. He was way too familiar with the light curls, the cowboy swag and the smell of rain that came after shattered glass.
"A Manes man being all lovey-dovey with a Long." Michael had a bitterness in his voice that just made Alex fell so tired. "I must wonder what circle of hell I am in."
"Damn it Guerin, why do you make this so hard? I thought we were getting better at the whole 'sup bro' thing"
"You do know what the Longs did to Liz' family, right?"
"Oh yeah Guerin, because the main take away from our lives is that bloodlines define who we are entirely. Not a chance to be different. Sure, congratulations for you. Do you want a fucking gold star?"
Michael was taken aback by Alex' outburst. He was so focused on his own frustrations that he didn't think Alex would return the sentiment.
"I’m just sayin’ it’s pretty convenient he showed up around the same time as your father. I didn't think you were the type that fell for the first hot piece of ass that crossed your way." Michael knew it was a low blow. He didn't want to admit he was doing it on purpose, a petty act of self-destruction, really. 
"Guerin, are you mad because I'm dating a Long or because I am finally falling in love with someone that isn't you?" The silence was deafening, and it was all Alex needed. "That's what I thought."
"Don’t blame me for this, Alex. What we had was good, fucking cosmic, and you kept running away."
"And yet the first time I am willing to change, the one time I go after you to give us a chance, you leave me behind and choose another person the next day."
"How could've I known you were willing to change? I was so used to you leaving that I couldn't believe you."
"I told you things that night I never told anyone by then. You know how hard it was for me admitting those things." Alex sighed, running his hand through his hair. He was getting louder, so he focused to soften his voice for his next words, which he would maintain for the rest of the conversation "I know Max was in danger that night. I mean, he fucking died and that scarred you. I get it. But you told me to come back the next day and I did. And I waited. And waited. And waited while you were with Maria. You made your choice."
"Shut up, Guerin. After that day you made sure I knew who you had chosen. You chose Maria over and over and over again, and I never complained. It hurt, but I tried my best to support you both. That means being a fucking adult."
"I never looked away, Alex."
"Yes, Guerin, you never looked away, but you also never went after me. You never chose me the same way you choose her. I never got to say goodbye the first time I left because you chose to be in jail." Alex was letting out all the resentment, hidden for years, locked in a deep place that he never dared to open. Until now.  "You... knew you had the power to change my mind, you knew that we could come up with a plan to run away together."
Alex sighed, all the frustration now turning into exhaustion.
"I wanted to tell you I was leaving to escape my family, not you. That in a year or so I’d be back, luckily with a good salary, and that we could get the hell out of here. I was going to beg for you to stay put for me, but you chose to be locked up instead."
Tears threatened to fall, but Michael was determined not to cry. He knew what Alex was talking about, pillow talk back then consisted on fantasizing what was just said, but Michael was a coward and always chose the easier path. Now he sees he's been paying the price for it.
"You loved me and I loved you, Michael. Hell, I think this conversation only proves we still love each other. But what I am discovering with Forrest is that sometimes love is not enough. A relationship requires tenderness, respect, vulnerability. We never had the chance for this. We were drowning in trauma after trauma and we couldn't handle it back then."
Michael dropped his shoulder, suddenly feeling the weight of everything he has ever done. Alex managed to put into words what was going on between them both since the beginning, and Michael hated it, because they were true.
"Guerin, we were cosmic the same way black holes consume the light out of the stars around it. It wasn't healthy. It still isn't. And I won't accept your jealous outbursts because I am choosing someone that isn't you. Of all people, you won't be the person that makes me feel guilty for being with Forrest. I won’t allow you to do this. Why can't you just be happy for me?"
What hurt the most for Michael wasn't the words coming out of Alex' mouth, but the way he was saying them. Alex wasn't angry, wasn't throwing things around or screaming at him. He was just tired. He was saying those things not to vengefully hurt Michael, but to confess something he has been carrying around for years, his voice was flat, almost emotionless. Michael would take a thousand a rage outbursts instead of this… emptiness.
"I don't want to lose you, Guerin, but I think we need to take a step back. Maybe you were right, and we are not ready to leave the tortured lust phase. You don't need to come in person here, just text me and I will answer you as soon as possible." Alex turned to close his door, but hesitated, pondering for a few moments what he was going to say next. "Once you accept I chose someone else, we can start socializing again. Just… get your shit together and we may try again the 'sup bro' stage, Michael."
And with that Alex closed the door, leaving Michael with his own thoughts. 
He doesn't quite remember getting in the truck and leaving Alex' house. He was supposed to meet Maria and Kyle for something, but apparently he sent them a text message saying he wouldn’t show up. He remembers driving to the middle of the desert and screaming until he lost his voice. He could feel losing control of his powers, the ground shaking and rocks violently flying around. He doesn't remember driving back to the airstream and collapsing on his tiny bed. He noticed his throat hurt moments before losing conscious, but he didn’t do anything about it, the pain was almost welcome. He woke up 20 hours later with a worried Isobel invading the place to see if he wasn't dead.
This problem has always been in the back of his mind, but now Alex brought it up to the surface and now Michael has no other option but to face it. Maybe he made the wrong choice the day Alex left for the military when they were teenagers. Maybe he made the wrong choice when he didn’t fight for Alex when he came back to Roswell a decade later. Maybe he made the wrong choice the day after his brother died. And now he has to confront the consequences alone.
The end
Hope yall enjoyed!
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crookedkingdom · 6 years
i fucking knew there was a second voidfish
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ourmisadventures · 6 years
i wrote a one page script for homework kinda based off of Run Away With Me  and my roommate’s read it and they said they liked it :))))
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gentrychild · 2 years
I once had a dream where DFO was confirmed but I was sleeping and found out because everyone I followed was spamming Holt screaming "Vindication"
It's how I expect to learn about the reveal.
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Look, I love all the Skams, and the couples are all epic, and I love them with all my heart, but no one is out here doing it like the New gen Druck writers, and Kieutou!
The new gen writers really said we’re going to have the main of S6 say this first and last words in S5, that add up to a beautiful sentence of hope. 
Introduce the future LI and have them be a fleshed out character, while still having loads to reveal. Thread through the show that the two are already destined, and into each other. As well as have them communicating via IG, and having their IG give hints to the audience about their genuine self and desires.
Having them dress as the same character for halloween and comment on the other’s costume months before it’s revealed in their season, their love of horror films. Have the future LI start following gay accounts relatively recently before the following season, indicating Kieu My may have just discovered her bisexuality. Then confirming this with her showing insecurity with how to flirt with girls, and being worried she’s gotten terms wrong. 
Having the IG of the character termed ‘the ice queen’, who projects a superficial veneer, show their intelligence, and that they’re just as dorky as Fatou by having the accounts they follow show a deep interest in astronomy, which compliments Fatou’s love of space, as shown in Fatou’s room decor and referring to her alias as a space creature when they first flirt. The theme of space penetrating and weaving through both their stories in S5 through to S6 (Fatou wanting to go to the moon for her 50th, and Kieu My wanting to study and live on Mars) culminating in them holding hands when they light up a firework on New year’s eve, and watch as it travels into space, a sign of hope and possibility, and Kieu My revealing she wants to be a scientist, and study Mars. Then thereafter Fatou reveals she knows Kieu My’s star sign (Scorpio), and we already know Fatou’s sign because she revealed it in S5 (I see you Druck writers!). NOW LISTEN, if we have Fatou as the axolotl, the water and earth is her home, whereas Kieu My is up in the stars. Astrologist’s describe the scorpio/gemini relationship ‘like a connection of the deepest and the highest points on planet Earth’. The meeting of the deep water with the sky!!
A relationship between a Scorpio and a Gemini is not an easy one, as they are also opposites (’Ice queen’ and the ‘Warmest person’, anyone, hello, I’m flying!). Yet, ‘if they accept each other’s differences they will be a nearly unbreakable couple’. If the pair fall deeply in love ‘they will give each other the exact things they lack. Gemini would get deep, emotional satisfaction they have never felt before and Scorpio would finally get the chance to rest their troubled soul’. 
A Scorpio can teach a Gemini to be more cautious, less naïve, and find deeper emotional satisfaction in life.
A Gemini can teach a Scorpio that not everything needs to be taken so seriously, cheer them up, and get them mingling with the outside world
I literally said this in my Kieutou analysis 4 post *Captain Holt voice* VINDICATION!
The chemistry between Sira and Nhung. Which allows them to bounce off each other, and go from flirting, to serious and deep, to funny banter, and right back again! 
The way it’s written by queer writers and every sentence they say just screams of experience, and you’re just sitting, watching it realising it’s one of the most relatable portrayals of teen wlw.
Having them kiss exactly on the verge of 2021, taking us out of this awful year, with hope and happiness!
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martelldoran · 4 years
unsolicited tfatws opinions because i have them vol. 1
warning: here be spoilers
starting on the positive because there were things i did like in the episode
things i liked
sam wilson: *exists*
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sam's storyline was definitely the strongest of the two in this ep and i liked pretty much everything he did.
the opening aerial fight! was! so! cool! seeing batroc again was a nice nod to tws too and an interesting parallel to steve's lumerian star fight. i loved seeing his quick tactical thing, seeing how he fights, and the way he utilises the wings even in close quarters.
sam speaks arabic!
sam fixes redwing! (validation of a hc of mine that he's good with robotics. maybe that's a widely held fandom one as well? idk)
i instantly found torres to be really endearing and i'm looking forward to seeing more of him throughout the series. the relationship between him and sam has a lot of potential.
the manipulation of the government and general set up for sam's storyline felt strong. good basis for a story and pertinent to the current political landscape.
sam's speech as he handed over the shield was well written and gave me the same kind of vibes as the 'the price of freedom is high' speech. they could be quite nicely paralleled side by side.
sam's family! look, i'm a sucker for domestic moments for our faves so the entire sequence where we got this insight into sam's past, his relationship with his sister, and where he's come from was brilliant. i like sarah a lot and seeing her frustration with her brother for trying to come in and fix things when he's been gone for so long felt really realistic. i felt for her a lot. because you can tell there's so much there bubbling under the surface, a mix of love and resentment and frustration that was palpable as they talked about what to do with their parents' house/boat/business. so, give me all of the sarah wilson moments pls n thnx.
seeing the consequences of the snap (hi, i am refusing to call it the fucking blip. marvel, my god, get better names for shit.) idk how in depth they're really going to go into it all but at least they attempted something here with the scenes at the bank.
bucky's nightmare sequence as the winter soldier. it was such a brilliant reminder about how terrifying tws actually is. he's silent and ominous and THAT MUSIC. his presence is legitimately unsettling from the moment you see him. (but he runs around like a bull in a china shop which does make me 🤔 when i remember he's supposed to be a g h o s t s t o r y. idk. not exactly stealth and shadow work. but that doesn't look cool on screen so 🤷🏻‍♀️)
and on that note, vindication of my 'they sleep on the floor after coming back' headcanon. literally had raymond holt screaming in my head the second i saw bucky wake up on his living room floor. does my heart break for him? yes. was i smug about being right? also yes.
leah seems cool. could she actually be telepathic??? since she hit every single one of bucky's boats while they played battleships? i would like to see it. 😂 there's def more to her character than meets the eye since she's slated to be in all six episodes.
bucky having one (1) old man friend even if the reason behind it was heartbreaking.
so, yeah. these things i genuinely liked.
things i didn't like
the therapy scene. i genuinely hated it. there's a different between a no nonsense therapist and someone being deliberately antagonistic and that definitely erred on the side of the latter imo. she tells him to 'get over it' and mocks him for not reaching out and meeting people. media in general doesn't do a good job of depicting therapy so this is just yet another poor offering into the canon. i'm tired. i want healthy depictions of therapy already. it's supposed to be a supportive environment ffs.
plus she kept calling him james 🤮 genuinely wouldn't be surprised if she turns out to be a bad guy plant. which i think is a cliche at this point? 🤔
bucky's new look. which i know we've seen before now but i've not offered my unsolicited opinion on it. it's just sebastian stan in an ugly leather jacket. it's generic male lead#346. it's broification. someone said they made him look like brock rumlow and now i can't unsee it. 😭 rip to bucky with the good hair. i'd have loved to see him with some curls tbh. or a wave that kind of calls back to his pre-war days. anyway. i digress. character design is 0/10.
would have been nice to see him cut his hair as a marker of him starting a new chapter and coming into his own personhood.
rhodey's disability was just? glossed over? no visible assistive tech at all?
the date. just the fact it was there at all. it was heavy handed and not subtle and we know why they put that in there within the first 10 minutes of bucky's screen time. that's all i'm going to say about it. if you follow me, you know where i stand. we don't need poorly written romance. get it in the bin.
there was no acknowledgement of bucky's relationship with steve. if there was a memorial to be had then bucky should have been there. maybe these will come later but i'm not holding my breath.
is steve dead? i assumed that the party line was that young steve died in the battle and no-one knew about old steve . but did they actually kill steve off-screen? what a kick in the teeth if that's the case. let me just cut open a wound for them to pour the salt straight into, shall i?
things i'm mostly neutral on
john walker. he looks like a cop and his wink at the camera gave me the creeps but i'm interested to see how that pans out. i hope sam beats 50 shades of star spangled shit out of him.
the flag smashers. premise of a world without borders is interesting and a believable concept given what's happened in universe. there's a lot of scope there i think. that said, the name is dumb.
right. i think that covers everything for now. my expectations going in were really low, i won't lie. before the premiere i tried to stay away from the trailers and tv spots and the hype in general so i was pleasantly surprised at how much i enjoyed certain aspects of the show.
in conclusion, some good, some bad, some ugly and i will be cherry picking my favourite nuggets for fic at a later point. also, i'm still a skrull!Steve truther. real steve is chilling with some wakandan goats 😌💖✨
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laufire · 4 years
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[Caption: Captain Holt yelling “vindication”.]
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[Caption: Ryan Gosling in sunglasses stepping back in disgust.]
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[Caption: Lucille Bluth saying “good for her!”]
And @ Dean specifically
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[Caption: Violet from Downton Abbey saying “Does it ever get cold on the moral high ground?”.]
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[Caption: Rachel Green screaming “YOU IDIOT” at Chandler.]
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padawanlost · 4 years
What did you think of the new episode of the clone wars? Personally I loved it, Ahsoka was great and Maul screams is the end gave me the chills. I loved the fact that the word “groomed” was actually used when referring to Anakin. I mean anyone who actually watches the movies with attention can tell that, but most people seem to think that Palpatine was just some friendly guy that Anakin just trusted blindly
I LOVED it too!! I thought they got a little heavy handed with exposition and winks at the audience but beyond that, it was perfect. I was a mix of anxiety and heartbreak. I mean, I wanted to see what would happen next but I also…didn’t, you know? I never thought I would say this but Maul was the MVP of this episode. I love my daughter but Maut had the best character moments and lines of the episode. And the voice acting, omg, everyone was *on point*
“He has long been groomed for his role, as my master's new apprentice.”
Picture Holt yelling VINDICATION! That was me watching the episode lol I’ve been saying this for years and to have a character actually say it out loud was beautiful. It shows the writers recognize the reality of Anakin and Palpatine’s relationship, even if part of the fandom doesn’t.
I was also heartbroken by Maul’s ‘let me die”. I enjoyed him so much this episode and to see him like that reminded me of all the tragedy of his past (and that he’s a victim of Palpatine as much as everyone else) and it did make me sad :( Now I have all these Maul feels.
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kennexara · 4 years
look, are the criticisms valid? 
of course.
is my inner 2013 self currently that gif of captain holt screaming VINDICATION?
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