#was a wild evening I tell you
swugflower · 9 months
After reading the word or name Jerma so many times on this hellsite and having no idea who or what that is, I can’t believe I finally got my answer from a very long DougDoug video I watched at 1am.
And nothing could have prepared me for the realization that Jerma is in fact a real life human being.
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The moment FNAF movie Vanessa knew she fucked up
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shellshooked · 2 years
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Its so crazy to me how this game has 4 years worth of fanart and it’s not even out yet
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aslyran · 8 months
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A moment of respite
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cyberniix · 3 months
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You need love, you need one, you need him.
(closeups under cut)
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myrquez · 4 months
Bezz for Sky Sport Italia
-“In the VR46 groupchat, when you talk about the new Ducati riders that are going strong, like Marc Marquez.. how is it (what do you guys think about it, how does it feel like)? The Devil wears Prada? Look at Marquez..? I just wanted to address this topic.
“Well, we talk about it much more in person than on our groupchat-
“But it doesn’t go unnoticed. (You do talk about him)
“No, we pay attention to everything. With Vale is difficult not to, he has always taught and still teaches us to pay attention to every detail, so we always try to understand everything around us. Marc is going very strong, and we watch him and try to learn from him.
“So he’s like a benchmark! (nice pun right there)
“He’s like a ‘tool’ that we can use… wait, it does sound bad, I mean he’s a rider, but he’s a rider that we can ‘use as a lesson’. We can look up to him, as if he was a teacher.”
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legokingfisher · 4 months
Thinking about the inflatable Dareth autopilot thing again and like what if it becomes a tradition. Every time the bounty is destroyed and rebuilt or repaired after damage, they always make sure there’s a blow up Dareth for the autopilot. There is a stash of spare Dareths in the workshop under the monastery. In DR when Sora is making repairs to the bounty she tests the autopilot to make sure it’s in working order and she sees an inflatable doll with the likeness of Some Guy on it and she’s like what the fuck
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littlecrittereli · 7 months
I knew I wanted to draw out this scene the second I wrote it. This AU has taken OVER MY BRAIN YOU GUYS DONT UNDERSTANDD
anyways enjoy and weep <3
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my-name-is-apollo · 1 month
Why is Hera so hostile to Leto in a manner that she isn't with the other lovers of Zeus? I can't think of any other woman who was targeted so much by Hera. One could say she didn't want Leto to give birth because her children would be a competition to Hera's children, but why bother her even after she had already given birth? Is it because Leto herself is also a threat to Hera?
Sort of I guess?
I don't think Leto would ever be a threat to Hera's role as the queen of the gods but Hera might see her as a competitor for Zeus' affection, even though I think Zeus would not marry someone else and replace Hera.
The twins are definitely a big reason why Hera begrudged Leto - it is outright stated in the Callimachus Hymn to Delos that the reason Hera especially targeted Leto was because she was told that Apollo would be dearer to Zeus than Ares is. Zeus is very proud of Artemis as well. As he himself puts it, he doesn't mind facing Hera's wrath for children like her.
But the continued hatred even after the birth of the twins (like sending Tityus to rape Leto) could have been for different reasons. This wasn't like one of those affairs Zeus would have with mortal women where he'd leave them behind once the child is conceived. Neither could Hera, despite her many attempts, get rid of Leto like she did with the other lovers. Not only did Leto give Zeus children that he loves dearly, she also stayed on Olympus despite Hera's hatred towards her (which isn't directed to any of Zeus' other divine mistresses, btw). It might have also been because Leto herself is dear to Zeus, if the way she's treated on Olympus is any proof. In the Homeric hymn to Apollo, Leto stands next to Zeus - in the Olympian assembly - to welcome their son. Hera is completely absent from the scene, as if Leto had taken her place even if temporarily. Now you could say this is because Apollo himself is such a powerful and glorious son in a way that no other son of Zeus is, so of course Leto would get such an honor (the hymn itself presents it this way).
But here's another instance - in the Iliad, when Hera goes to seduce Zeus, he is obviously very smitten but before getting into the action, he lists some of his lovers (I believe these were his favorite lovers, as a lot of others are not mentioned):
"for never has such desire for goddess or mortal woman so gripped and overwhelmed my heart, not even when I was seized by love for Ixion’s wife, who gave birth to Peirithous the gods’ rival in wisdom; or for Acrisius’ daughter, slim-ankled Danaë, who bore Perseus, greatest of warriors; or for the far-famed daughter of Phoenix, who gave me Minos and godlike Rhadamanthus; or for Semele mother of Dionysus, who brings men joy; or for Alcmene at Thebes, whose son was lion-hearted Heracles; or for Demeter of the lovely tresses; or for glorious Leto; or even for you yourself, as this love and sweet desire for you grips me now.’ (Book 14, trans. A. T. Murray)
Notice how when talking about most of them, he also mentions the children they bore to him but when Demeter and Leto are mentioned, he doesn't bring up their children at all despite them being some of the most accomplished kids of his. What's more, he takes Leto's name just before Hera's. I mean, this is an interpretation but it looks like not only did Zeus love Leto the most out of all his mistresses - giving her a place second to that of his wife, but also his love for her wasn't necessarily only because she gave him two amazing children.
Nonnus does something similar in the Dionysiaca (but this time Zeus is enamored with Persephone instead of Hera) but more notably, when Typhoeus attacks Olympus and Zeus is discouraged, Nike takes the form of Leto to encourage him and it's pretty telling of what Leto meant to Zeus.
One interesting similarity between Hera and Leto is that they both had a giant try to rape them. Porphyrion tried to violate Hera (Zeus inspired him to do this) and Tityus tried to violate Leto (upon Hera's order). Though both of them were killed, only Tityus got an eternal punishment in Tartarus of having his liver/heart eaten out by vultures so Zeus seems to have taken a greater offense at Tityus trying to assault Leto.
Again, I don't think Zeus would ever take anyone other than Hera as his permanent wife - she is irreplaceable to him. There's an entire myth about Hera leaving him and Zeus winning her back. Their relationship is obviously complex and involves all kinds of emotions including love and hate. But Leto is continually dear to him as well and that's something Hera can't do much about.
#Zeus#Hera#Leto#if you think about it Leto is like the opposite of Hera#she is a great mother#she bore children that Zeus is actually proud of#she never rebels and even begs for forgiveness when her son rebels against Zeus#she's generally mild natured and never lashes out#also if you look into this obscure myth of how Hera established an altar in the name of Leto#because Leto's name was used to cover up the secret relationship between Zeus and Hera#(which kinda sorta implies that Zeus was *maybe* courting or even married to Leto at that time)#it all gets even more complicated for both Hera and Leto#ALSO in the texts that record the syncretism bw Greek and Egyptian gods#Some authors make Hera the mother of Apollo#and Leto was Apollo's nurse#Those texts also mention that this Apollo defeated Typhoeus and became the king of Egypt#So he was like the ideal son of Zeus and Hera#And it's so interesting to me#how this Apollo - the perfect son of Hera - transitioned into a sort of rival figure to Hera in the greek myths#and Typhoeus who was defeated by Hera's son became the son of Hera in the Greek myths#on a different note#to this day I can't understand why Zeus would inspire Porphyrion to do such a thing#was it to get back at Hera for the Tityus incindent?#I shall headcanon it that way (even though I prefer to ignore this version)#well of course not that Zeus would have ever let Porphyrion actually have his way with Hera regardless of the reason#but yeah that was such move and it's wild that the mythographer didn't tell us that reason behind Zeus' action#I've also seen people hc that it was because Zeus wanted Heracles to save Hera so that she's accept him finally#which is also an interesting explanation#especially if you consider that Heracles was also given Hera's breast milk (without her consent)#anyway that's enough rambling ig
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j4gm · 2 months
One of the coolest things I’ve done in any video game is effortlessly enter the sun station in Outer Wilds by eyeballing a real life orbital mechanics intercept manoeuvre. My friend was shocked when he found out I did it on a keyboard. That’s the KSP reflexes kicking in.
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literally the easiest way to make someone care about a character and make them feel well-rounded beyond basic traits like personality, sexuality, ethnicity, etc, is to give them an actual character arc, and it’s shocking how many people do not seem to fully realize this
you cannot just cram a bunch of tropes. tropes are not the main event, they are tools to tell the story you wish to tell. emotional impact comes from the lead up, so you can’t just jump ahead and expect the payoff to work. “I want this character to just ___ already!” but they’re not there yet. that’s where the arc comes in - how do they get there?
and! most importantly, and this is something I really want people to think about when writing - the most important relationship your character should have, always, is with the world and society around them. defining your character purely through their interactions with other characters are, I find, how a lot of female characters end up feeling flat or not engaging with the themes as much as the male characters, and also how queer and non-white characters wind up as devices for other characters’ development instead of being more fleshed out
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recurring-polynya · 1 month
The Bount Arc features many things and one of them is a rare glimpse of a place I had previously assumed didn't even exist: The Squad 11 Captain's Office.
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As I said, I generally refuse to believe that Zaraki maintains any sort of "administrative space"--I think Yumichika does all the squad paperwork on a Formica, diner-style table that somehow died and got sent to Soul Society in the "officer's lounge", which has orange shag carpeting and smells mysteriously like Miller High Life (the Champagne of Beers).
Even so, this place is beyond my wildest imaginings. The pink walls? The elegant, arcing windows, spilling natural light into the room? It's hard to tell from this shot, but the chairs are purple:
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The couches look oddly like the Squad 6 couches, but they are not--the Squad 6 couches are wingbacks and don't have that wooden frame along the back and sides, and they have legs so they are up off the floor. Also, Zaraki has a very similar mysterious paperwork tray-table to the one Ginrei had in the Zanpakutou Rebellion arc. Zaraki's seems taller. Also, why is there actual paperwork on it???
I can only come up with two possible explanations for this:
Squad 11 has a Captain's Office, but Zaraki never uses it, so he let Yachiru make all the decor decisions. This would explain the pink walls, and we know she likes Byakuya's house, so maybe she cribbed the rest from him. Possibly even stole the furniture out of the dumpster the last time Squad 6 redecorated (which I assume happens, like, twice yearly)
This isn't even their office. They're just squatting in Byakuya's digs while he's out running around in Rukongai.
Update!!: A few episodes later, they were still sitting here (over the same time period that Renji, Matsumoto and Hitsugaya ran from the Seireitei to Kusajishi, for the record) and it was identified as Squad 11, so I guess option 1 is the winner!
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littlespoonevan · 3 months
i'm sorry i'll never shut the fuck up about how BIZARRELY 911 handled buck and ali i've never seen a show approach a relationship like that before?????????? like, she shows up in 2x08 as buck's surprise date when he's trying to put himself back out there again and hey, that's great!! she seems nice and they got along during the earthquake!!! but then we hear nothing again until 2b where buck makes exactly one (1) reference to her in a conversation with maddie in 2x11, saying she's around but that she travels a lot for work, and then it's CRICKETS for another 6 episodes. like absolutely nothing. nada, zip, zilch, her name does not leave anyone's mouth until suddenly. suddenly. she reappears in 2x18 and is..........helping buck find an apartment??????? that she wants a lot of say in because apparently their relationship is that serious???????? and then she's at the hospital when buck wakes up from surgery and maddie and carla are joking that buck doesn't even realise they're in the room bc she's there and it's just like excuse me this woman is a sTRANGER???????????? the first time i watched i literally forgot he was supposed to be in a relationship. i paused in the middle of the loft scene and went to check if i'd somehow accidentally skipped an ep like???????? what was the point!!!!!!!! was it just so she could break up with him at the end of the ep????? because almost dying and having his leg amputated wasn't trauma enough????? unhinged behaviour on the writers' part honestly
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mxtxfanatic · 9 months
Luo Binghe really was entirely too forgiving about the whole abyss thing. Y’all talk about how the peak lords must have felt going through hell and high water for Shen Qingqiu, just for the man to still end up with Luo Binghe? Imagine if Luo Binghe had friends and they knew exactly what Shen Qingqiu had done to Luo Binghe over all those years 😬
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i-am-church-the-cat · 5 months
I didn’t want to hijack the person’s post bc I don’t care what they think but I am a defensive bitch so we’re talking about this
Logan and Oscar met when they were 13/14. The next year they were on the same karting team together but didn’t race each other directly. This would be the last time they don’t race each other until 2019 when Logan moved up to F3 and Oscar was still in Formula Renault. They had a championship battle in F4 and F3, they were teammates in 2020, they haven’t raced each other since then which has been the biggest gap since they’ve known each other.
That still doesn’t mean they’re friends though. You know what does? Them literally saying they are.
Oscar saying “I’m quite close with Logan Sargeant” on that podcast. The Miami GP 2023 post. Them playing paddle together. Logan in that interview where they asked about “Loscar.” Now the podcast episode.
They aren’t forced to be around each other, if anything they’re so busy they don’t have time to hang out, yet they still seek each other out when they have the opportunity. Obviously we don’t know anything about their personal lives but at the very least we know they’re friends?? Not brocedes level of friends, maybe lestappen level of friends cause I don’t think they’re actual friends either, definitely not galex level of friends but that can also be attributed to the fact they don’t talk about themselves a lot, compared to Alex or George who post everything about their lives.
Like, have you ever seen them interact? They’re chilling they’re casual but they are friends. Whatever you think about their dynamic they are at least that.
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be-the-creature-fan · 4 months
I finally got to go to WILD KRATTS LIVE!!!!!!!
AND I GOT TO MEET THE KRATT BROTHERS!!! (Faces covered to remain anonymous)
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Besides having a good (though short) conversation, I got to ask them "What their favorite show to work on was and they both mentioned Zaboomafoo with Martin saying because they got to know Jovian (the real life Zoboomafoo) and both enjoyed seeing how the animal guests would react with the puppet Zaboo. They also mentioned how they loved Be The Creature as they got to stay and learn about the specific animal for the episode. Also got to talk a bit of how their shows lead me into pursuing an animal related major which made them happy.
They also thought my "I survived the Wild Kratts Season 7 Hiatus" shirt was really funny.
Overall it was an amazing experience and I finally achieved one of my longest dreams!!!
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