#was a little afraid to post this but i mean eff it
embalmic · 11 months
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hey lovelies! update on meeee. (so many things! and important note! skip to starry part!)
// i'm around! just going thru some stuff. had a trip back east to see the parents. which was lovely and i had a wonderful time! but got home to a bathroom that needed repair (and it's gonna be/is expensive) so had to find some peeps to do that. stressed for days. only to have a family member out here know someone. thank GOD! but they keep cancelling. so now more stress is building. hopefully now, we're good with a solid date!
my shoulder (rotator cuff tear, mebbye more! oh grand!) is worse. went to dr yesterday. found out i'm going for an mri. might need surgery. so..i get tired a lot.
bacon went in to get spayed today. turns out? it was a neuter. yeah. he's a boy. we had no idea. had a slight suspicion back when i thought he might be going into heat and i kinda checked. however! all that poof and the fact they..er..didn't drop..veiled that fact that the older couple we got HIM from made a mistake. least his name is bacon. i mean. bacon is a universal language! lol!!! he's doing alright, but i'm just keeping an eye on him.
blue october tomorrow night! got that ticket for my birthday back in april or smth. so yayayay! so! yeah! i'm here! just frantically busy and my anxiety is like..we gonna eff ya up. but also. so many good things, here be happy too!
***please bear with me if i lose your post. i AM SO HAPPY IF YOU REMIND ME WITH A LINK!!! do not be ANY little bit afraid to do that. you'd be saving my butt and making me so happy!!
how y'all doing??
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magick-ink · 5 years
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[ well
feat. @kingsleepyhead ]
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mackabnormal · 2 years
That makes me a little less anxious thank you. I'll stay anonymous for now cause I gotta get my anxiety down a bit but I'd love to go off anon soon. Your such a kind person, tbh I was afraid to talk to other artists for a while cause when I was like 15-16? Idk I was a teen, I looked up to this one artist and I'd ask them how their day was and tell them I loved how they draw and stuff and one day they told me to eff off so I've been really anxious about sending asks ever since. I know it was like about 6 years ago or so but it still gets to me. I'm relieved that your kind tho, that means I don't have a reason to be afraid when trying to talk to you/pos ^^
i get that, a lot of artists have bad experiences with their audience (I have too in my time) and they can get on defense mode which is understandable...the internets wild but i kinda feel like a lot of content creators swung a tad too hard in the opposite direction in relation to fan interaction....but everyone got their own boundaries that they r entitled to /shrug
i wish there was like a universal agreed upon short hand for bios / pinned posts about fan interaction level desired on a scale of 1 to 5? 5 being like im not really into interacting with my audience at all i just want to post and be left alone and 1 being like no holds barred send me random whatever at all times IDK just spit balling but ive pretty much always enjoyed talking to others and getting asks
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
The Heart Wants What it Wants - Chris Evans x reader pt.1
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a/n- Hey lovely people! i’ve actually been working on this one for a while now, hope you enjoy! summary is half taken from a pinterest post lol <3
Summary: Honest feelings and bad timing make the most painful combination. You meet Chris in a party and you hit it off, but what next?
Warnings: SMUT, age gap, angst, slight underage drinking
You entered the big house, your eyes shifting across the room to see who's there. With another fancy award show night done, all you wanted to do was go back to the hotel, take a shower and go to sleep. Alas, Scarlett convinced you to come to this after party someone she knew was throwing.
Now you were stuck here, in whoever's party, while your friend Scarlett Johansson – which was still a weird thing to say – was mingling about. Scarlett and you had an unlikely friendship, seeing as you were so much younger than her. You met her on set for your first movie ever, Enchanted Storm, in which you played half-sisters, quickly becoming close off screen as well. Now, one year later, you've guest starred on a few tv shows and made another movie, claiming your place as one of the youngest rising stars in Hollywood. You didn't know that many people personally yet, only recognizing them from movie posters. Scarlett always urged you to get to know more people, but you still felt like you didn't fully belong and preferred to mostly keep to yourself in these events. There was one person in particular Scarlett wanted you to meet – Chris Evans.
One day on the set, you were already pretty close and you asked her if it was really true that she and Chris never dated. Personally, you didn't believe it – how can two wonderful and super attractive people spend so much time together and not have feelings for each other, you didn't understand. "We never did," Scarlett smiled, "why? Do you have something in mind?" she raised her eyebrow at you. "Of course not!" you objected a bit too quickly, "I was just asking because of, like, the… the gossip, you know."
But from that day, Scarlett never let go of the idea you had a thing for Chris Evans. A ridiculous idea. He was so much more famous than you, likely not knowing you existed and also older, so being the realist you were, why would you like him, right?
Wrong. Very wrong. You were totally crushing on Chris Evans. But you never admitted it to Scarlett, because you worried she'll try and set you up and he wouldn't want you, or worse – that she'd outright tell you that you didn't stand a chance and it was just a joke.
At every possible chance Scarlett tried to get you two to meet, but you managed to avoid it, time after time. You didn't want to make a fool of yourself in front of your celebrity crush, and no one could blame you, you thought indignantly.
Your eyes continued their journey around the room, and you caught a familiar face from the corner of your eyes. Speak of the devil, you thought as your eyes registered who it was- Chris Evans. You knew it was only a matter of time until Scarlett realized he was here and try to get you to talk to him. And you didn't think you could escape it this time, seeing as you didn’t know anyone else in the party.  
At 19, you weren't allowed to legally drink, but usually no one cared in these places, so you made your way to the makeshift bar, asking for a glass of wine. You needed it if you wanted to survive the night.
As you waited, leaning your elbows on the bar with your back to the room, you felt a person coming to stand next to you. "One beer please," said the deep voice beside you, and you froze, immediately recognizing who it was.
The bartender came back carrying both your glass of wine and his beer. "Thanks," you both said in unison. You finally looked up at Chris and you smiled at each other. "Hi," you said hesitantly.
"Aren't you a little young to be drinking?" he raised his brow at you, smirking. You chuckled, "Only a little."
"Chris," he introduced himself, put out his hand and you shook it. His hand was big and warm in comparison to yours. You could swear you felt a jolt of electricity when your hands touched, but you probably just imagined it. Cool the eff train down, you said to yourself, and introduced yourself warmly to Chris.
"Oh, you did that movie with Scarlett, right? Can’t believe I didn't recognize you!" He chuckled. "You were great!"
"Thanks," you said, your gaze shifting down before you willed yourself to look back up and smile at Chris. "You're Captain America, so I'm sure you already get tons of compliments, but you really are great in these movies."
He scratched the back of his neck. "Thanks," he smiled. "Can’t believe I didn’t meet you yet though," his eyebrows furrowed. He took a seat on a barstool nearby and you joined, sitting on another one beside him.
"So, how are you liking Hollywood so far? You've had some major jobs, didn’t you?" Chris asked, sipping his beer.
"I guess I was in some pretty mainstream shows," you shrugged, genuinely underestimating your fame. "Everyone was very kind, you know?" you said. "Like, I feel like everyone I've worked with has taught me something. And they've been very patient to the newbie, which I'm very thankful about," you smiled fondly. Talking to Chris was surprisingly easy. You avoided meeting him for so long, afraid to become a stuttering mess in front of the movie star, but so far it was going very well.
"Well I'm really glad to hear that. What's that like? I mean, getting such a big break on your first role must've been pretty overwhelming." He smiled sympathetically. "It was," you said, a bit thrown off by the question. No one ever assumes fame has a bad side. Other than famous people, I guess. "Don't get me wrong," you added quickly, "I'm incredibly thankful for the opportunities I've gotten. It's just, this world is so… different than the one I grew up in. Coming from a small town like I do, you know the type, where everyone knows everyone," Chris nodded in understanding, "it's hard to transition to Hollywood. I always joke about how everyone knows everyone here too, just from movie posters." Chris chuckled at that and you swallowed, flustered. "Anyway, everything's just really different here, but a lot of the time it's good different." You smiled, secretly proud of yourself for finishing the sentence without stumbling over your words.
"Yeah, I get that feeling too sometimes. Actually, it’s most of the time. I mean, when my brother Scott first came out here, he was shocked at how many people recognized me. But you get used to it." He smiled, one side of his mouth tilting upwards more than the other. "This one time, a fan came up to Scott and I, and we were…"
Chris and you spent the entire night together, exchanging stories that gradually became more and more personal as Chris drank a little more. You stopped yourself after that one glass of wine, you knew your limits. Except for the stories, the subtext became more and more prominent as the night went on. Looks were held longer, eyes lingered on lips pink tongues darted out to wet, hands swatted playfully when one of you laughed and stayed there for more than they should. Scarlett left at some point, but you didn't even notice. You and Chris seemed to have had this kind of bubble around you, surrounding you with a buzzing warmth. You each enjoyed the other's company, getting wrapped up in conversation to a point where you were feeling comfortable like you knew each other for years.
A small voice in your head whispered that maybe you do. You read somewhere that everything in the universe, humans as well, were essentially created from stardust. Some people were created from the dust of the same star; made to reconnect and shine. You dismissed the thought with an internal scoff at the cheesiness of it, but you couldn't deny something was drawing you to Chris like a moth to a flame, and it wasn't the fact he was famous, it was the fact he was him. But he was a flame nonetheless, you reminded yourself. You could never ever be seen in public with Chris. Even if it's something as innocent as getting coffee, people talk. Undoubtedly some people will say you're dating in secret; people love to invent that type of shit. And that's where the mess starts, because even if you felt so close now, he was so much older than you. That's a reality you couldn't escape – when he was starting to act, you were probably a baby. It didn't feel like that, but you knew that's what people would say, and how devastating the affect on both of your careers would be. He was a flame, and you knew that warmth was only temporary, because you couldn't possibly condemn your career like this. You couldn't do that to yourself or to him. You could have tonight, but that's it.
The night stretched on; the party dwindled. You realized Scarlett was nowhere in sight and cursed under your breath.
"What's wrong?" he asked, his brows furrowed in concern.
"Scarlett left and she was my ride home," you sighed. "Guess I'll just call a cab, I should be going," you smiled.
"Let me split the cab with you," Chris offered. "Where are you staying?"
You told him the name of the hotel and he nodded in recognition. "My hotel's in that direction, let's go." He got up and offered you his hand, which you accepted and got up. You both got your coats and went into the cool night air to wait for the cab.
You were unsure of what to say, but the silence between the two of you was comfortable. It stayed around you, a protective cloud as you both entered the cab, Chris telling the driver the address of your hotel. You make small talk with the driver on your way, but your heart isn't in it. You hated that the night was over so quickly.
You got to your hotel, paying your part to the driver. "I'll see you to the door," Chris says.
"Well I ain't waiting around for you to come back," the driver said. "Alright, good night then," Chris said to the driver and went out of the car with you. "You sure?" you asked. "Yeah, I'll just catch another cab," he shrugged.
You entered the hotel, which was silent at this hour of the night. "If I'm already getting another cab, guess I'll see you to your room then," he moved his hand in an 'after you' motion and you giggled.
At last, you got to your room. "It was great meeting you," Chris started hesitantly. "Yeah, you too," you said softly.
His eyes darted towards your lips, quickly rising back up to find yours. You noticed how painfully close you were standing. Like magnets drawn to each other, you lifted your head and he bent down to meet you halfway, lips touching hesitantly, each of you unsure of how much the other wanted this. You wrapped your hands around his neck and his hands went to your hips, tentatively pulling you closer. You gasped into his mouth as his tongue touched your lips, asking entrance which you granted quickly. The kiss got more and more heated, tongues clashing passionately, hands exploring eagerly. You broke the kiss off to breath, your foreheads touching and your heavy breath mixing with his, your hands resting on his cheeks.  
"Chris, it's not that I don’t want this but…" you whispered, your voice nearly cracking. His eyes met yours and he closed them, eyelashes resting on his cheeks as he sighed. "I know. I just…" He breathed deeply and his gaze met yours once more. He bit his lip. "Can we have this, just for tonight?"
Your thoughts raced a mile a minute while the world around you seemed to stop. You both knew the implications of this, that much was clear. But was letting yourself have that one night was really a good idea?
Your brain might have thought this, but you knew it was in vain. Every fiber of your being wanted him; an army led by your heart.
You took the keycard out of your purse, moving away from Chris and unlocking the door to your room. You turned back to him and returned to his arms.
"Just for tonight," you whispered and smiled, a little sadly.
In a second his lips were back on yours, tongue entering your mouth, tasting hungrily. He led you gently into the room and you reached to lock the door behind you, mouth not leaving his. Your hand slipped under his shirt, feeling his toned, warm torso flexing under your touch. His hands traveled from your back, where they were holding you tightly, to your hips, grabbing your butt through the material of your dress.
Your hands reached his back, scratching slightly as he groaned into your mouth. You pulled off his shirt, admiring the view for about two seconds, before you couldn't bear being away from him. You expressed your admiration with your mouth, kissing along his jaw, his collarbones. His hands reached the hem of your dress, pulling it above your head. You lifted your hands and tossed it aside as his heated gaze settled over your underwear clad form. He started kissing your neck, sucking and biting until he reached the sweet spot behind your ear. "God, you're so beautiful," he whispered huskily, biting your earlobe playfully. You moaned softly, your hands reaching to undo his belt. His lips make their way to your upper breasts where he busies himself sucking a mark. You push his pants down and he steps out of them, pulling you flush against him. He lifts you up and you wrap your legs around him as he carries you to the large bed.
He tosses you on the bed and quickly climbs up above you, your lips meeting once more as he reaches to unclasp your bra, freeing your boobs. His lips wrap around your nipple, flicking it with his tongue while repeating the action with his hand on your other nipple. You gasp and arch your chest into his touch.
"Chris," you moan. He meets, your eyes, eyebrow raised in a cocky silent question. You slam your lips against his, hand tugging at his hair as you move to straddle him, rolling your hips. You feel the length of him, hard, and through the two layers of underwear separating you both, you can feel how big he is. You begin to grind against him and he groans into your kiss.
He shifts you both, and you're once again under him as he cups your pussy through your panties, rubbing a little as your hips lift towards his touch involuntarily. He pulls your underwear off, leaving you completely naked under his gaze. "So pretty," he murmurs as his lips travel on your sensitive thighs. "So wet for me."
He's getting closer to where you want him to be and you buck your hips. He brings his lips to your pussy and chuckles, the sound against your sensitive parts sending a shiver down your spine. He starts sucking on you slowly, lapping up your juices. His lips wrap around your clit and you moan loudly. Your hips dart forward as your hand tangles in his hair, urging him on. He slips his finger inside you and starts moving it in and out of you as his tongue continues to tease your clit. You start quivering under him and he curls his finger, hitting your g-spot as his tongue flicks and sucks on your clit. "Cum for me baby," he hums against your clit, and the words send you over the edge. You tremble as he continues to press his tongue against your clit as waves of pleasure course through your body.
You come down from your high as his lips make their way across your body, leaving open-mouthed kisses as he goes. He kisses you deeply and you can still taste yourself on him, moaning into his mouth. Your hand reaches down inside his boxers, stroking his thick shaft as you pushed the material down with your other hand. He groans into your kiss as you continue to move your hand, grazing his tip gently as you tossed his boxers aside. His fingers trail along your body, reaching down and teasing your entrance. Your hips move against his hand in a silent plea to touch you. His fingers move inside you, his thumb pressing your clit as your hand continues to touch him.
"I need you," you whisper into your kiss. "God," he whispered huskily as his fingers left your clit and he lined himself with your entrance. His eyes met yours, silently asking for permission one more time. You moaned, bucking up your hips and kissing him heatedly. He entered you slowly, giving you time to adjust to his large size. You felt a burning sensation at the stretch he gave you, but it subsided quickly, left you feeling nothing but pleasure as he continued to move himself into you.
He finally bottomed out and you gasp, feeling so full you could burst. "Fuck," he muttered against you as he moved to suck on your neck, leaving a mark on your collarbone. When you felt ready you rocked your hips, needing him to start moving. He set a maddeningly slow pace, driving deeply into you. "Chris," you moaned. "Use your words baby," he answered.
"Faster Chris please, please go faster," you felt yourself throbbing around him as he rammed himself into you, going faster and faster, hitting your g-spot with every deliberate thrust of his hips. You felt a knot of pleasure forming in your stomach, and you were just about ready to unravel at Chris' touch. "I'm- I'm gonna-" you panted, feeling yourself nearing the edge. "Let go for me," Chris whispered in your ear, bringing his hand to stimulate your clit.
You came with a loud moan, your legs, wrapped around his hips were trembling, your pussy was clenching around him. He pulled out of you, his hand reaching to stroke his still hard dick. You came to your senses quickly enough, switching his hand with yours as you kissed him deeply. You sucked a mark onto his chest, picking up your pace. He came with a guttural groan, breath heaving. You kissed him once more before going to get a towel to clean you both up.
That night you both stayed there, wrapped around each other, legs tangled. You drifted off to sleep as you listened to the steady beat of his heart thrumming from his warm chest.
You couldn’t have tomorrow, but you could have tonight.
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lunarosewood23 · 3 years
Okay you're getting me to ship it, tell me about all the ChariTsuyu fics. TELL ME COWARD
Okay, I'm probably gonna get Percieved here but eff it. Under a cut bc reasons.
The Witch and the Pyromancer Meet: Basically what it says. These two meet. Though I will admit that before they Officially met, she absolutely ended up huddled by his bedside while comatose bc she is NOT used to Ishgard's freezing climate. She may have had a coat but still. And Charibert fucking RADIATES heat (personal HC, he's a fucking walking heater bc of his powers. Auriella thinks it’s cute and doesn’t mind the company when she goes to check on him.
ChariTsuyu post 5.5: Y’know, bonding with someone over the fact that you both were used as pawns and eventually summoned primals into yourself probably isn’t the healthiest thing...but these two...they make it work.
Post EW ChariTsuyu for FFXIVWrite: This was for FFXIVWrite 22: Fluster. In which Charibert and Yotsuyu have a Conversation™ about their future, namely fostering and possibly adopting a little girl who had been the only survivor of a fire.
Attempted FFXIVWrite prompt 22: This is how Charibert MEETS the darling little girl that he and Yotsuyu do end up adopting. Mun screech for a second: SHE IS SO DARLING I WANNA PINCH HER CHUBBY CHEEKS Ahem...
Post-EW ChariTsuyu ft Idienne: Okay this one is actually somewhat DONE but I’m a loser and am Afraid to post it...but this one is a fic of Charibert doing his digging on who this girl’s next of kin may be, finds nothing, and when he gets home, proceeds to get misty eyed bc holy shite she just called me her dad what the hells?!?!?! There’s also a bit of Charibert and Zephirin friendship bc I think once Zephirin sees that Charibert is nowhere close to as horrible as he seems he’s actually more willing to be friends. Plus they’re...kind of work buddies? I dunno, the point is they’re friends.
And because I love to show her off bc she is one of my favorite designs of the next gen, here’s Idienne as an adult with her mama’s revolver! I still can’t decide on a last name for her (it’s between Idienne Cross, Idienne Jiang, or Idienne Cross-Jiang, as her parents have been officially adopted by their respective families)
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And her dressed up in a variant of her mama’s kimono.
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And bc I’m so damn amused by how similar they look, here’s her with her adopted father!
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SHE LOOKS A LOT LIKE HER DAD!! (Everyone likes to spread rumors about how he’s an unfaithful husband bc Idienne is full Elezen and she looks so much like him. It’s absolute lies and slander and Yotsuyu knows it. She’s mostly impressed the rumor-spreaders are still alive bc he is NOT known for showing mercy on slandering his name. He rations it out as “Let them talk, if I kill them to silence them that means there’s some merit to the rumors they spread. You and I know the truth, there’s no point in nitpicking the riff raff.”)
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bssaz97 · 5 years
Post RWBY AU: Training Pains Part 1
* I decided to make another post in this AU as I’m captivated by it at the moment. Hope you guys will like more of Rowan.*
There was a time in everyone’s life where all their hard work was rewarded with either victory, accomplishment, or satisfaction.
...Today wasn’t one of those days.
- Signal Academy, Training Room -
Rowan: Aaaahh! Oof!
Rowan was thrown across the stage and landed on the ring’s wall. A buzzer goes off signaling the end of a sparring match. A match Rowan lost.....again. With a grunt the young red head got up off the floor and picked up his practice scythe. The instructor, a older woman in her mid 60s with graying black hair. She walks to the center stage with a clip board and a smile on her face.
Mrs. Hutchison: Very good. Another excellent match for you Peri, you saw your opponent’s openings and you made swift advantage of them.
Peri: Thank you mam.
The young boy named Peri, who welded dual swords sheathed his weapon with a smile. When he looks at Rowan his friendly smile was replaced with a smug grin. This was his third match with Peri and boy did his fellow classmate loved holding that over his head. Like it was an accomplishment for him.
In front of instructors, Peri was an obedient and excelling student, but when they weren’t watching his personality changed and he had the tendency to act like a...what was that word Mr. Whitley would call people who are arrogant and rude...‘duckhead?’ Yeah something like that. Anyway, Peri was one of the top students in the class and had won five fights in the first month of his first year, three of which were against him. Peri made it a point to hold that over his head and call him a ‘second rate’ fighter and a huntsman wannabe. Well he wasn’t wrong about his fighting ability.
Rowan was not a bad student academically or physically during his first month at Signal, but he was ashamed to admit that he was...‘trash’ with a scythe. Rowan only wanted to be like his mom and started to train with a scythe but while training with her was good, it became apparent that he was not as making any progress with her teachings. What made today worse was that his aunt was overseeing the match from the back of the class. Something about being there for moral support but he had the suspicion that she had an alternative motive. Especially since she’s been eyeing Peri after he did a certain maneuver that flips him on his back.
Mrs. Hutchison: Rowan, Mr. Rowan!
Rowan: Huh?
Class:(Starts uproariously laughing)
Mrs. Hutchison: Well Rowan, have you been paying attention to what I was saying you would have heard that while you are an a quick to your feet against your opponent, you are lack skill in landing a hit on your opponent. Also your scythe technique is...less to be desired. I would suggest that you either spend time after school in the training room or change to another weapon choice.
Rowan: Thank you mam.
Mrs. Hutchison: Alright children remember that your other classes will begin their first exams in two weeks so it’s advisable to study for them. You’re all dismissed. Well, except you Mr. Rowan I need to have a brief word with you and your aunt in my office, if you would please. Your mother will also be here shortly.
Rowan: ....Yes mam.
- Mrs. Hutchison’s Office -
Ruby walks into the office of the older teacher and sees her sister and son there waiting for her to arrive.
Mrs. Hutchison: Ah Miss Rose thank you for coming it is a pleasure for you to join us today.
Ruby: Thank you Mrs. Hutchison, it’s good to see you too. Wish it was during different circumstances though. You said you had something to speak to me about Rowan’s performance in combat class?
Mrs. Hutchison: Yes, I’m afraid it’s not good news. You see Rowan here has lost three matches in the first month of the class since he started. While he is academically excelling in the lecture side of this class, I’m afraid that if he loses another match, he could be at risk of failing my class.
Ruby/Yang: What?!
Ruby: But I thought the total number of lost matches for a student to fail was five. There must be a mistake.
Mrs. Hutchison: I wish there was, and you are correct that the original number was five while you two were students was five. But the school changed that rule when the council amended new regulations to the combat school curriculum. Unfortunately, the changes that came saw fit to create more effective hunters by lessening the number of loss matches from five to three.
Yang: Create more eff-they want to make better hunters by increasing the chances of failing. That’s stupid!
Mrs. Hutchison: I agree, I tried to have Signal request a appeal for the amendment to be revoked or at least changed but I was out voted. I’ll be honest with you ladies, I don’t want to do this to your son, he is a very sweet boy, very honest and hardworking. However, if Rowan does not improve in his combat class it could cost him his grade for the first year.
Both Ruby and Yang look at each other, showing much concern about the situation. They would have to think of something if they wanted to help Rowan get through the first year.
Yang: When will his next match be?
Mrs. Hutchison: ...two weeks.
Ruby/Yang: *thinking* ‘Shit...’
- Rose Household -
Yang had given her scroll to Ruby to look at the footage she took from the fight and both watched how the fight went down. Ruby wanted to be supportive of her son in all things that he did, but this was particularly difficult to watch. Her maternal instincts were telling her that she should have prepared Rowan better from his training with her and Yang. However, her huntress side was critiquing on how her son had missed many of his attempted strikes and was lugging his practice scythe all over the arena. Eventually she reaches the end of the video, Ruby gives Yang back her scroll and presses her finger tips together to gather her thoughts.
Ruby: ......I didn’t want to believe it but she’s right. Rowan’s fighting skills are not up to par.
Yang: Yeah, I don’t even think you had it this bad when you first started.
Ruby: Yeah....Hey!
Yang: Ruby if anything that was a compliment. I’m looking at this and I can already tell that Rowan’s getting his ass whooped every match. Especially with that Peri kid. He’s not great, but with Rowan’s fighting it makes him look good.
Ruby: Oh my poor baby, he’s probably feels so discouraged right now. But I don’t know how to help him, I’m doing everything that Qrow taught me when I was doing badly but it doesn’t seem the training is transferring as smoothly to him as it did me. What could I be doing wrong?~ (Places head in her arms on the table)
Yang: Look I know this might not be something you want to hear but, maybe we should get an outside opinion.
Ruby: What? What do you mean?
Yang: Well, what I’m saying is that maybe the reason he’s struggling so hard is because ...we’re going soft on him.
Ruby: Wait, are you saying that the reason Rowan is losing his fights is because we’re too soft in training? That’s ridiculous!
Yang: Look Sis, I don’t want to admit it, but I have seen how you’ve been training him. I can assure you that you are not going as tough as you should be.
Ruby: That’s.....ok maybe I have been taking it easy on him but it’s only his first month. I didn’t know I’d be setting him back this much. Oh, maybe you’re right, we should get a outside opinion.
Yang: And I know just who to call!
*3 hours later*
Whitley: ....Yeah the kid sucks. (Gives Yang back her Scroll)
Ruby: You could have sugarcoat it a little.
Whitley: I was sugarcoating it.
Ruby: Oh...
Whitley: Look I’m just going to provide my honest opinion. I think you’re not pushing him as hard as I think you should be. It doesn’t mean that Rowan is a lost cause or that you are entirely at fault. It’s still early in his training so he can get caught up still. Speaking of Rowan where’s he now?
Yang: Oh he’s doing his training exceeises.
Whitley: Show me.
Yang: Ok, follow me Shrimp boy.
Whitley: I’m over 30 and you’re still calling me that.
Yang:(Singsong) And I’m not planning to stop.~
Whitley: Sometimes I think she’s doing that on purpose to rile me up.
Ruby: Why don’t you tell her to stop if it bothers you so much?
Whitley: You and I both know that by doing that it would acknowledge she is winning, I refuse to give her the satisfaction.
Ruby:(Places hand on his shoulder) Truly you are a brave soul.
Whitley: Don’t patronize me. Now come on let’s fix the mess you made.
Ruby: Hey! I’ll have you know that my training is not that bad. It ensures that Rowan gets the training he needs and he’s safe while doing so.
Whitley: Oh this’ll be good to see.
*Five Minutes Later. Outside of Rose House*
Whitley: I was wrong. This is so much worse than I thought.
Yang: It’s not... that bad.
Whitley: Yang please don’t try to sugarcoat this....mess. I mean come on, what is he even wearing?!
Before the three of them was Rowan who was wearing his ‘training armor’. Said training armor consists of a football helmet, a chest protector, shin guards, hockey gloves, and finally multiple pillows for extra protection. His practice scythe being made of wood with styrofoam on the edge. The only way one could tell it was Rowan wearing the gear was the silver eyes peeking out of the protective visor.
Ruby: I personally don’t see what’s wrong with anything here.
Whitley: You-You can’t be serious Ruby. How can you not see what’s wrong here. I can see now why he’s having such a hard time with combat class, it’s because your training the poor kid like this!
Yang: Whitley...
Whitley: Alright look, sorry for the blunt criticism, but there will need to be serious changes to the boy’s training routine. That means no more ‘training armor’.
Ruby: What?! But he’ll be vulnerable without the armor.
Whitley: He’s vulnerable with the armor on! Look, Rowan do a turn around for me.
Rowan: Ok...just give me a minute...eh! (Rowan waddles around but he eventually gets to turning in the span of 20 seconds)
Ruby: ...Ok I think I see what you mean. (Looks down dejected)
Whitley: ‘Sigh’ Look Ruby, you want your son to pass right.
Ruby: Of course I do.
Whitley: Then the first thing you do is to stop treating him as a child and as a young hunter who needs training to survive.
Ruby: Ok, that’s a start. Any other advice.
Whitley: Yeah, maybe change his weapon. I get the feeling a scythe is not the best weapon choice for him.
Ruby:(Dead Stare)...Excuse me.
Whitley: Ok hear me out first, I think some of the problems that we’re having here is not just due to having poor training......What I’m saying is that he sucks at using a scythe in general. I mean.....like a lot.
Ruby: ... I’m giving you a five second head start. (Cocks Crescent Rose)
Whitley: Oh fuck me. (Starts to run like mad)
Rowan: Mr. Whitley where you-?
Whitley: CAN’T TALK GOTTA RUN! (Running past him)
Ruby: RRRAAAAAAHHHHH!!! (Chasing after Whitley)
Rowan: ...Are they gonna be ok?
Yang:(Walks up to her nephew and rubs his helmet) Don’t worry kiddo they’ll be fine. Your mom just needs to let out some steam on Shrimp Boy.
Rowan: Oh... you mean like how you say you’re gonna go let out some steam when you and Mr. Whitley go to town and don’t come back until the next night?
Yang:(Blushes) Um... No that’s, uh, that’s different. What I mean is your Mom and Whitley just need to fight it out.
Rowan: Oh... what’s the diff-?
Yang: When you’re older, Rowan.
Whitley: GET OFF ME!!!
-End of Part 1-
A/N: Made a few edits.
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wearevillaneve · 4 years
Killing Eve’s New Blood (or “Hi, My Name Is...”)
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Typically, you can expect the new season of a TV show to say “Nice to meet ya” to new characters as it says “Smell ya later” to old familiars.  Still, the influx of so many newbies to the cast of Killing Eve looks like the survivors of the Titanic scrambling to climb in the last remaining lifeboat. 
Who ARE all these gals and guys? 
Roll call:  There’s Geraldine, Paul, Jaime, Bear, Dasha, Audrey, Mo, and Helene.  That’s eight, plus all the six new faces Villanelle met in Russia, though only maybe two of them survived her visit.  Did I forget anyone?  All of these newbies come with a smidgen of a backstory, but really we mostly have more questions about all these warm bodies than solid answers.
Is Paul just some touchy-feely asshole who is trying to exploit Carolyn’s distraction with Kenny’s untimely demise, to raise his own standing in MI6?   Is someone at The Bitter Pill may not be whom they are presenting themselves as (Audrey!) and they may be a sleeper agent for The Twelve (Audrey!) who was spying on Kenny’s investigation and was instructed to take him out (I see you, Audrey!)
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She hasn’t been given much to do or say, but Geraldine is an enigma.  All we know of her is she’s Kenny’s big sister from the same mister, has never been mentioned before and is a major annoyance to Carolyn,  who has little tolerance and less affection for her flesh and blood. 
Carolyn has proven herself to be more than willing to callously throw anyone to the wolves if that’s what it takes to get the job done, but there’s something slightly off in her “relationship” with Geraldine.  One woman seems overly needy for the other’s attention (and perhaps forgiveness) while the other would be totally cool if she fucked off back to wherever Geraldine has holed up for the past two seasons.
Geraldine is....problematic.  She’s the best friend of The Final Girl in horror movies.  Not conventionally “pretty” and maybe not entirely straight, whom in the final 15 minutes turns out to be the sinister ghoul who masterminded the murder of all the other dead teenagers-on-a-stick to get to the conventionally pretty girl all to herself.   Those of y’all whom have seen High Tension know what I mean.. That’s Geraldine. 
Would Carolyn’s daughter go so far to have Mummy all to herself, that she would kill her own brother?  Can we say with certainty she wouldn’t when we don’t know the first thing about her? Who is Geraldine Stowton?  Where has she been?  What does she do for a living?  What does she really want from Carolyn?   One day as Carolyn comes home early,  Geraldine lies to her face about having no visitors
Why?   What is Geraldine’s deal anyhow?  Could it possibly include murder?  Sibling rivalry is a real thing. 
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 While Konstantin, shadier than ever, remains the prime suspect in Kenny’s death, I’ve become much less confident in that belief.   While he is the consummate schemer,  in three seasons, we have yet to see Konstantin commit a murder himself.  Unless he held Kenny at gunpoint, he seems less than the ideal hitman to take him out.  He’s fine at sending Villanelle off to dead someone, but he steers clear from that sort of dirty business himself.
We know less than nothing of the majority of the new S3 characters. 1.  Audrey the Receptionist:  Does she have a thing for bathrooms/restrooms too?  I’d like to know what is going on under that uni-braid ,besides Audrey keeps showing up in places when Eve is there.  If she’s not crying she has to be spying and keeping tabs on Eve for The Twelve.
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2.  Paul the officious little prig., who is both patronizing and solicitous to Carolyn.  Oh, and he wears a ring on the same hand and finger Anton did, the replacement handler Villanelle shot in the head within minutes of meeting his obnoxious butt.   I'm sure that's only a coincidence.  Paul is a sneaky so-and-so.  Carolyn, better keep an eye on this dude. 
3.  Jaime:   The hard-bitten, cynical, got-no-effs editor of The Bitter Pill, which may be some sort of version of Wikileaks or an online publication.  It’s hard to tell since you never see anybody actually publish a damn thing.   He also fancies Eve (quelle surprise) and now she’s holed up at his place.  Perhaps Jaime hopes he can chip through Eve’s walls of resistance by massive exposure in a controlled environment to his sparkling personality, devastating sex appeal, and bilious clouds of vape smoke. You are circling an airport you are never going to allowed to land on, brah.  Admire Eve’s hair up close, but it is never going to get personal.  Eve is off the knob. 
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4.  Bear:  What we don’t know about this guy is a bottomless pit.  We don’t even know him by anything than his superhero name.  That’s fine.  Nobody is calling for a solo episode exploring How Bear Became Bear.
His only reason to draw breath is to provide Eve some tech support after Kenny’s swan dive to the street.   Might Bear be working for The Twelve?  Sure,  but then so could anyone at The Bitter Pill   Gaslighting Eve is the show’s longest-running gag on her and she keeps falling for it.  
Bear is a nerdy Incel who is afraid of women.  Particularly smelly ones who drop their underwear in his trash basket.   He should be happy as it is the closest he’s been to a woman’s underwear in a  long time.
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5. Helene:  We know zip about this extremely intimidating representative of The Twelve except she is clearly so far above the heads of Dasha and Konstantin, they couldn’t breathe in the rarefied air lives in.    Helene looks like someone who hold meetings and totally run them, kick asses both metaphorically and physically while taking  no names and  giving no fucks.  She scares the shit out of Dasha and when she and Villanelle meet, it’s going to be fascinating to behold.   Following the events of “Are You From Pinner?” if Villanelle was manic before, the pendulum may have swung firmly in the opposite direction and she’s in a distracted and depressed funk.   Murdering your mama will do that, even if she was a callous, cold-hearted asshole.  
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A Villanelle on her “a” game does not show up for an interview with a powerful member of the secret organization looking like she had bed head.   That blue suit is rocking, but alas, Villanelle still be shook from the events of the last two odd-numbered episodes.   It’s to be expected even the great ones have off-days.
It’s curious Helene declines Dasha’s eager offer to take Eve out.  Theoretically, it should be super easy, barely an inconvenience to knock off a heavy-drinking, bitter, and confused former MI5/6 agent who fucked up as badly as it possible to in Rome, and ended shot low in the back high in the shoulder by a horny Russian assassin. Dasha has shown she does NOT “still got it” and she doesn’t scare me. A strong breeze would blow away a lightweight like her.  Big talk.  Small game.  Dasha is past her prime and doesn’t post much of a threat. Helene does, and appears positioned to become a Big Bad who could stick around and  make things extremely scary for Villaneve. I like Helene and hope we get to see just how bad of a bad girl she really is.
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6. Moe.   He’s a handsome devil, but Eve was right when she told him he might not be cut out for this line of work.  Carolyn’s supposed “bodyguard” crapped the bed in the when he froze as Villanelle almost blew away Carolyn while gunning down her true target.  Moe hasn’t been seen since.  We may see him again, but if we don’t it won’t be much of a shock.
7.  Dasha.   The supposed Big Bad Wolf who whacked her own boyfriend when he pissed her off and went on to train Villanelle to be her replacement master assassin of The Twelve.  Alas, she has the same problem as Konstantin and 70′s rock bands; she’s  stayed on the stage too damn long, doesn’t dress age appropriately and is starting to show her age and increasing inefficiency.  The Rolling Stones and Dasha aren’t dead yet, but both are hanging on by their fingertips and need to hang it up because they are really embarrassing themselves .   
8.  Geraldine (again).  When Eve is on the roof to toss the cake,  there are two chairs and one is overturned.  Almost as though Kenny was sitting down and having a conversation with someone before things turned violent and fatal. That doesn't sound like Konstantin to me.  He sends Villanelle to take out targets. but we’ve never seen him kill anyone and why would he chat with Kenny before forcing him off the roof?  Did Geraldine commit fratricide?  Maybe. Did Kenny get taken out by his own sister?  Possibly.  Would she do such a terrible thing to  eliminate their mum’s clear favorite so she can have Carolyn all to herself?  Conceivably. Villanelle told us herself,  “Never trust people on their looks. I can see scary people a mile away - it's the good people you have to worry about” and to presume Geraldine is a good person is a risky proposition.  This is Killing Eve we’re talking about here. There are no innocents.
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stanthewaterman · 5 years
Violet Velvet (TW)
submitted by:  subtleshenanigans
A/N: So I got inspired by a text post (I’ll reblog and tag them if this gets submitted), and the fact that I am a sucker for Platonic FriendlyPack.
I won’t say too much but I will give a trigger warning for this one: mentions of prostitution, physical abuse, reference to Oxy, and a panic attack.
For a second, he hesitates.
His hand is poised to knock, and he’s shaking; he’s shaking so bad. But he doesn’t know where to go - he only knows what he can’t do.
Can’t go to the police, can’t go to the hospital, can’t tell can’ttell can’tte ll-
His chest hurts, the ache getting worse. Steeling himself, he strengthens his resolve and knocks. One two three. Standard. Unhurried.
The door swings open a moment later, and Jimmy is met with a pajama-clad Stan. It’s a soft blue and white striped set, even with one of those old fashioned night caps.
“Jimmy?” Stan rubs at his eye sleepily. “What are you doing here? It’s really la-“
He catches sight of the dark, blooming violet around Jimmy’s neck and chest peaking out from under his shirt (Jimmy tried not to shield himself), the soft light of his apartment making it look even darker. He instantly steps aside and ushers him in.
“Oh my god oh my god - should I, should, should I call an ambulance? Or or, do you need water? A Shamwow? Oxy?”
“No- no ambulance. I’m - it’s fine Stan. Just…some water would be nice.” Jimmy bites his tongue, trying to bite back the fear in his voice.
Stan musters the most incredulous look yet to date. Composing himself, he hurried to his closet, gesturing to the bed, “Well at least sit; sit. I’ll, I’ll go run some cloths under warm water, okay?”
Jimmy settles down with a wince. “. . okay.”
The water is running in the other room and Jimmy just…takes a moment. The TV has been turned on but the volume is at zero; it’s bluish light cascades with the yellow of the bathroom. A bottle of Oxy lies on the bedside table (why is it only a quarter-full? Please don’t-), and there’s absolutely just cases of water stacked against the wall.
It’s …pretty much what he expected of Stan’s apartment.
Jimmy fidgets, tries to just focus on here and now, but the memories just keep pulling back at him-
“Here you go; they shouldn’t be too hot.”
-and there’s Stan, voice low and soft, holding out a wrung our rag for him, and Jimmy takes it with a small ‘thanks’. It’s warm, and though he’s sore, it doesn’t necessarily hurt to press it against his bruised sternum.
Stan sits down, further up near his pillows.
“So, did you get in a fight or…”
And Jimmy, he wants to clamp his mouth shut and just forget it; forget the last two hours of-
But Stan is so honest in his concern, and Jimmy is so tired, so tired of being Velvet Aurora and then Jimmy the next day, as though nothing had happened in darkened alleys or strangers’ bedrooms-
“No. It was …” He sucks in a wet, ragged breath; denies that it’s a sob, “just a bad client, that’s all.”
He sees the gears turning; the final light flickering when Stan understands what he means. Then, there’s sadness in that understanding. Sympathy.
There’s too much kindness and goodness in this man.
This city really will destroy whatever Stan is made of.
(That’s why Jimmy has to help him; even if it means breaking and reshaping bits of that person.)
Jimmy is embarrassed suddenly; here he is, the badass friend so shaken up over - over someone being a little rough. He ends up in the hospital daily, sometimes twice a day!
He just…he feels dirty and worthless and, and-
He coughs suddenly, and there’s some sort of gurgle. Stan bolts up right and is besides him immediately, hands hovering worriedly. “Friendly? J? I think, I think maybe we should go to the hospital…”
“No!” And he hates how his pitch rises with panic. “No! We can’t, they can’t know- I can’t, I can’t…no reports! Or…”
Jimmy’s vision is spotting and there’s darkness closing in, just like fists closing in and there’s slurs while she’s knocking him down, he can’t move, he’s afraid, there’s a crack and is that a rib? and this isn’t what he agreed to, he doesn’t want this, but he has no choice no say no no nonono-
“J! Jimmy! C’mon! Just, just, in for four, c’mon, then out for six, yeah? One more time…”
Stan coaxes him like this a few more times until the darkness clears and he can breathe easy again. Stan’s rubbing small circles into his back and he almost pushes him away - please don’t I’m not worth it don’t touch me - but instead he just steadies himself. Reminds himself that it’s a gentle touch. A welcome one.
“Are you…are you going to be okay?” Ah, there it is; crybaby Stan voice. Yep, sure enough, when he glances there’s big blues shining with tears.
Jimmy just swallows back his own tears and frustration. “Y-Yeah. Jus’ …just a rough client.”
Rough was an understatement, he decided. He didn’t tend to have as many female clients, and usually they’re not- this is probably the worst one he’s ever had, male or female.
He doesn’t want to see her again, he decides. Ever.
Screw whatever the eff Alabaster says.
Sensing Jimmy tighten, Stan removes his hand, sighing oh-so-quietly. “Okay. Just…you can take a shower, if you want. I have some extra clothes. Stay as long as you want, okay?”
And there’s those blue eyes full of concern and care. Something like fatherly love. (How can his so not respect him?)
Jimmy’s trembling slows a tad.
How do you know you can trust me?
“Thanks,” he manages.
“Of course; anything for my best friend!”
I know I can trust you.
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hayffiebird · 5 years
Taste of Strawberries, chap. 18
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Hayffie Post-Mockingjay Multi-chapter, Rated M
Chapter 18
Trouble in paradise
And another year was coming to a close. The surrounding woods of District 12 stood covered in white. Merciless storms whined around the houses and shops and it snowed sometimes all day and all night.
The roads were a constant trouble but Sae’s granddaughter Nella’s family, the one who owned horses, put Blaze and Misty to good use so the people of Twelve could still go about their business. Katniss, Peeta and Posy built a colossal snow lantern in Haymitch’s back garden and Buttercup refused to set so much as a paw outside.
Twelve’s mentor always got surlier in winter. Just like the cat he spent most of his days cooped up in the house, a bottle of spirits in one hand and his knife in the other. Effie made him put it away in a kitchen drawer during her visits. Said she wasn’t keen on getting stabbed in the middle of the night. But since she hadn’t been around in almost two weeks now it had resumed its old purpose. He needed something to hold on to in the night.
With an array of bottles at arm’s reach Haymitch stared sullenly at the phone, his head against one of Effie’s fancy sofa cushions. Less fancy after he spilled on it. The house without Effie was like a garden without a gardener. Sooner or later it went back to its original state. He just couldn’t find a good enough reason to clean up his mess when she wasn’t around.
She tried to get some school trip to a district approved and the Board was giving her a hard time. That’s why she had to cancel but would it kill her to give him a call now and again?
He lifted the bottle to his lips and grunted when he swallowed the last drops. Why was it, that no matter how many seals he snapped he was always sucking the dregs out of it? He grabbed another and let the empty one roll onto the floor where it clinked against the rest of them.
He turned and shifted on the couch. It was exactly 13 days since he saw her and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this uncomfortable. Even in just his pyjama pants the fabric strained against his business. Hell, you could camp under there.
He knew alcohol withdrawal. Was there anything such as sex withdrawal? Because he was horny pretty much all day long. Phone sex just wasn’t the same and Effie hadn’t had much time or peace for that lately either.
 I won’t call her, he thought. What little pride he had left he liked to keep.
 That’s what annoyed him most about all this. If anyone, Effie was the one supposed to be pining, not him! They’d been together for less than three months and already he’d grown dependent on her!
And it wasn’t just the sex. He was better with her. The nights were never easy but he wondered if Effie knew how hard it was to go solo again after he got used to having her arms and legs wrapped around him. Her kisses distracted him and calmed him down faster than a bottle even.
“This is bullshit,” he told the ceiling. Real good thinking. Getting hooked on someone who lived 24 hours away. ”Bloody woman,” he muttered and slipped his hand inside his pyjama pants. ”All weird clothes and… s-silly accent.” He groaned and screwed his eyes shut.
Lost in his own dirty imagination he never heard the door when it opened and closed.
“Haymitch? You awake? Oh! God, I didn’t need to see that.”
Peeta. Great. Exactly what he needed. Disgruntled, Haymitch pulled his hand out of his pants and saw the boy stand there with a loaf of bread and his hand over his eyes.
Meddlesome kids.
He tossed a threadbare, old blanket over his groin and sat up.
“Since when did you get so squeamish?” he muttered. “Wotcha expect when you walk into a man’s house?”
Peeta peered through his fingers and when he saw his mentor was decent he handed over the loaf, wrapped in a towel. Haymitch muttered out thanks and poured himself a glass of wine. He carved off an uneven slice of the still warm bread that he offered the boy.
“No, thanks, I already ate,” Peeta said and watched his old mentor dunk it in his wine. “You know, Haymitch,” he said and walked over to the hearth to build up the fire. “If you miss her so much just take the train. Before you get completely chafed.”
”Good one,” Haymitch muttered. He looked at the boy with a pair of blood-shot eyes. “What day is today?”
“Saturday,” Peeta replied. “December 1th. And I spoke with Annie”, he added. “We’ll go there on the 11th instead. Theresa works all through the holidays.”
Haymitch nodded to show he heard. Ever since Tessa moved to the fishing district, her relationship with her daughter had shrunk to a call or two. Mostly just birthdays and Christmas. But she had reached out to the girl this year, or so he heard.
Too little, too late, he thought but kept to himself. He wasn’t going to butt in. He left that to the boy. Besides, even if he could come up with something helpful, Peeta would say it anyways and say it a hundred times better.
“Sarah and Cassia will mind the bakery,” Peeta went on. “And Annie said if you and Effie want to join, there’s plenty of room.”
A flame danced up from the coals and so Peeta left his mentor to his own devices. Now was his chance to lock the door and pick up where he left off. He considered it a moment but fuck it, he wasn’t in the mood and soon it was going to be dark. Those damn winter nights that went on forever.
 He drowned another piece of bread in his glass. He should just drink himself into a stupor and have this day be over and done with. Yeah, he liked the sound of that.
*ring ring* Hello, this is Effie Trinket’s answer phone. I can’t pick up at the moment but do leave a message and I will call you back. Until then: have a very very nice day! *peep*
*ring ring* Hello, this is Effie Trinket’s answer phone. I can’t pick up at the moment but do leave a message and I…
Yes, hello? Effie Trinket.
Hey, Effs. Remember me?
Oh, hi Haymitch. How are you?
Bored. Bit hammered.
Well, of course. Did you eat at least?
When you comin’ over, Eff? You never said.
Yes, I’m here. But Haymitch, I’m afraid I won’t make it to District 12 this week. Half the parents are already furious with me and the Board…
So to hell with it. We’ll go to Four. Annie says…
It’s not for me. It’s for the girls. And this trip will happen, I’ll make it happen!
You didn’t come last week either.
I know.
I …*sighs* I can come over.
It’s not a good idea. I really need to focus on this 100% and you are…
A big, fat distraction.
Exactly! No, I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just… I won’t be home a lot and it would be no fun for you in the Capitol if…
*snorts* Yeah, cause I normally have a blast in the big C. But fine, whatever. Just forget it.
Oh, Haymitch. Don’t be like that. I promise I will make it up to you.
*mutters and takes a mouthful of something*
I’ll call you tomorrow night, OK?
*mutters continues*
Alright. Alright. I’m not angry. Not even a little. *drinks another mouthful* I can do without you kickboxing me in bed anyways.
Goodnight, Haymitch. We’ll talk tomorrow. And please don’t drink too much.
Night, Eff.
*toot toot*
If Haymitch believed he couldn’t be further from Effie’s thoughts he was wrong. She missed him dearly.
I should tell him so properly, she thought as she poured herself a glass of water and made a mental note to call him again during her lunch hour.
It snowed in District 12 but here the lamp posts reflected themselves in rain puddles on her street. But the Captiol would let the first snow fall any day now and it might very well be the last time too.
There were serious talk about de-funding the weather control altogether and use the money where it was more needed. It stirred a heated debate in the media. To here the negative voices say it, it would be the final nail in the Capitol’s coffin.
As for Effie she found the whole circus rather annoying, especially since she knew something else in much greater need of raised awareness.
With one last critically look in the mirror she reached for her purse on the bed. She knew what Haymitch would say about the bandana but showing up with her natural hair wouldn’t win her any points with the school board.
She turned for the door.
And jumped back.
“Haymitch!” she gasped, hand over her heart. “W-what on Earth…?” Because leaned against the doorframe, face puffy and red, stood the man she hadn’t laid eyes on in two weeks.
”Thought I’d surprise you,” he said. “Believe it or not but I missed you, sweetheart.”
He pushed himself off the frame and wrapped his arms around her.
Haymitch, you’re hard! Did you drink?”
“Not a drop.”
“You’re not supposed to be here,” she said, voice muffled by his lips. ”I told you… I told you, now is not a good time. Haymitch!” she groaned in frustration when he nuzzled her neck. ”I don’t have time for this. My cab will be here at any moment.”
“Five minutes,” he mumbled and pecked and licked the tender skin just below her earlobe where he knew she liked to be kissed and Effie groaned again. A different kind of groan this time. “Come to bed, sweetheart.”
“Haymitch,” she sighed, torn between lust and aggravation. She wrapped her arms around his neck. ”You are totally ruining my schedule.”
They sunk down onto the bed. Effie’s carefully painted lipstick smeared out on both their face, their kisses stressed and eager. She fumbled with his belt and Haymitch trembled in every limb when she pulled down his pants, his underpants. Their lips clashed together again and she grinded her thigh against him.
“No! Ohh!” Haymitch got out and before he could even try to rein himself back in he climaxed. All over Effie’s skirt.
“Haymitch!” She pushed him off of her and stared at his mess. “I don’t believe you!” she hissed and hurled herself out of bed. “This is exactly why I never should give in to you and your goddamn hands, Abernathy!” A car honked outside. “And there’s my cab. Brilliant! Just brilliant!”
She locked herself in the bathroom and Haymitch sat on the bed, rather foolish and with lipstick all over his mouth. He heard the sound of water running and soon she returned, flushed and half dressed, hopping about on one leg to try and get out of her silk stockings. He grinned at how sexy and ridiculous she looked.
Big mistake.
“You think this is funny!?” Effie spat. “How would you feel if I shot my bodily fluids on you!?”
That only invited bad jokes but he knew he was one wrong word away from being thrown out so he just pulled up his pants and got out of bed.
“Sorry, Eff,” he said and tried to pull her into one of his bear hugs. But he could just as well save his breath.
“Careful,” she said and pushed him away. “Before you to blow all your fuses. I have to go.”
And she closed herself in the walk-in closet and didn’t come out again until dressed in an identical outfit as before, only turquoise this time. “I’ll see you tonight,” she said when she brushed by him.
He listened to the fading clatter of her high heels and the cab when it drove off a moment later.
This spur of a moment trip didn’t go at all the way he pictured it.
He wiped the lipstick with the back of his hand.  Last time he showed up unannounced they kissed on her doorstep and he got both her and coffee.
This was something else.
And to come on her leg like a teenager. Course, he wasn’t famous for his stamina but he should really be past that point at least.
He sighed and stripped the mattress. Normally he never bothered to make the bed. Effie complained about it all the time. But he’d have a hard time getting back into her good graces as it was so couldn’t hurt.
Not that he wasn’t used to pissed Effie. He’d spent half his life fighting with that woman. Only reason they hadn’t these past few months was because they were both breaking their balls to try and impress each other. Was only a matter of time, really, before they were back to their bickering, old selves. And in a way it was a relief. Familiar ground.
Half an hour later he poured himself a glass of orange juice that he brought with him into the living room.
It would be a long day. He should have brought a book or something. But they spent next to no time here so he never bothered to leave his own stuff around the place like she did in Twelve. Besides, with a butt naked Effs Trinket, who cared about reading?
The glass clattered against his teeth when he drank. He didn’t lie when he told Effie he was sober. One positive thing about her job was that he could drink himself blind when she wasn’t around and thereby stay sober enough once she was.
Chaff would laugh if he knew his old friend rationed his liquor for a woman but really it made life a hell of a lot easier.
Dawn broke into full morning. He wanted to get some shut-eye while he waited for her but between the shakes and the painful sunshine he wasn’t getting much rest.
He rubbed his temples. It was the same each time. The tremors, the headaches. Nausea was next.
And those goddamn mirrors! How many did one person need? He struggled with the blinds, pulled the curtains together but the light was still too bright.
I’m not gonna drink. Not yet. Later. After we’ve made up and she’s asleep.
But Haymitch Abernathy’s perseverance had never been strong. Not when it came to alcohol. He soildered on, for an hour, two. But before long he stumbled through her apartment in search for his bag.
He looked in all the usual places. The hallway, her bedroom, the living room, even the wardrobes in case Effie found it and put it away. Cushions flew through the air as he searched the couch, he tore at the curtains despite the evil sun, checked all the window sills, twice.
And then he realized it and headache or no headache he slammed his palm against the wall.
He forgot the damn thing on the train! He’d been so occupied with thoughts of what he was going to do to Effie when he saw her he went and left it on the seat!
Spewing profanities over himself, he stalked off to Effie’s drinking cabinet but his indignation just flared up all the hotter at the sight of the empty shelves. Since when had he given her a reason to hide her liquor? Not lately! And it wasn’t like Effie had gone and boozed through her entire supply all of a sudden.
He wondered how she would like to see him go cold turkey. Katniss and Peeta could tell her how fun that was.
And all at once, his anger turned to despair. He sunk down onto the couch, his aching head in his hand. An ache for which there was only one cure.
Maybe I was too hard on him.
Effie climbed out of the cab, umbrella folded in hand. It was dark when she left home and it was dark now. Her breath stood like a cloud in the cold air.
He came all this way.
The apartment was also dark and she turned the lights on with a double clap. A soft clap just in case he was asleep, but she doubed it. He seldom slept this late in the day.
When she didn’t found him on the couch she went from room to room, even the gym and library.
Once back in the living room Effie’s eyebrows were furrowed together. Did he go back to District 12? No, surely not.
The sofa cushions were all in the wrong places and distractedly she put them back where they belonged.
He must have gone out, she thought. Maybe to walk her home from the Academy and they missed each other. Or perhaps even get her something to make up for this morning.
Yes, he’d show up eventually and she’d already decided not to mention what had happened. She didn’t want to spend their night fighting too.
She took a magazine from the rack just as the first few raindrops fell outside. Before long it poured in such relentless sheets you could hardly see across the road even and if Effie thought reading would take her mind off things she was sorely mistaken.
As the hours passed it was impossible not to think about Haymitch trapped out there in the wet and cold. All she could hope for was that he found refuge somewhere. Maybe a coffee house. Yes, Haymitch probably enjoyed a cup right at this moment. No reason to worry.
But Effie was a worrier and worry she did. She sat on the couch, magazine long forgotten and stared out the window.
What if he got lost? Or hurt? Yes, she could see it so clearly. How he crossed the street, soaked and freezing and just desperate to come home to her again. How stupid of me, he’d think, to leave Effie’s nice and warm and well-furnished apartment when I could be in her arms right now. I should listen to her more.
But then a car came and Haymitch got hit, of course he got hit! He never looked both ways properly. And now he lay there on the road while the rain washed his blood down the street and the world floated away and the last thing Effie ever did while he lived was to snap and yell, all because of a little ejaculation.
The vivid images had Effie on her feet. Pacing the floor she wrung her hands in distress.
5 minutes, she thought. I’ll give him 5 more minutes and…
That’s when a pair of head lights sailed across the wall. Effie whipped around and even before the knock she was at the door.
“Evening, ma’am. This man says he lives here.”
On her welcome mat stood two police officers. The rain splashed off their uniforms and propped up between them was Haymitch.
He barely noticed what was going on. His head hung low, hair in wet tangles over his face. You could smell the whiskey on him a mile away. Effie watched the man she shared beds with and knew she was an idiot. A complete idiot, even after all these years. Because she never learned, never truly accepted this was how Haymitch ended up. How he always ended up.
“Ma’am?” the officer repeated and snapped her back to reality.
“Yes,” she said. “Yes, that’s just about right.”
They helped Haymitch inside and filled her in on what had happened. Apparently he’d gone to the pub on Heaven’s Square. When the bartender finally told him he’d had enough, things got loud, he wouldn’t leave and finally she had to call the police to come and get him.
“I’ll manage it from here,” Effie said when Haymitch leaned heavily on her, swaying from side to side. “Thanks for your help.”
The two men nodded. When they walked back to their car, one of them turned to the other and said,
“That was Haymitch Abernathy, right?”
“Yes, I think so. He hasn’t changed much, has he?”
And they both chuckled.
“Oh, Haymitch,” Effie said as she half-led, half-carried him through the apartment. “I was so worried about you.”
“Wanted to see you,” he slurred and Effie grimaced at the smell of his breath. It could light a flame. “Better with you, Effie. Better. Oh, ” he groaned. “I don’t feel so good.”
”OK, OK, come here,” said Effie. She struggled to open the bathroom door, her hands full with Haymitch until she managed to get them both inside. Haymitch reached blindly for the toilet and for the next half hour Effie held his hair as he puked.
His shirt and trousers were damp from the rain and once she got him on to the bed she stripped him down to his undergarments. She went to get a blanket but changed her mind mid-way and headed for the broom closet first.
Which was good thinking because she had no sooner re-appeared with the bucket before Haymitch groaned again and she stuck it under his face just in the nick of time.
“Wha… what’re…?”
The pounding that had woken him only grew worse as Haymitch slowly came to his senses.
“What’re you doing?” he murmured.
“What does it look like?” Dressed in a fresh teacher’s outfit, navy this time, Effie walked back and forth across the room, getting her last minute things. Each step of her high heels sent a jolt of pain through his skull.
Very slowly Haymitch pulled himself to sitting. He winced when she snapped her purse shut. A gunshot couldn’t have made a greater sound. He rubbed his bare chest and watched her lift a water carafe off the vanity table.
“Oh, thanks, sweetheart,” he croaked. His throat felt like someone had dragged it along the asphalt.
Effie eyed him coolly.
”This is for me,” she said. “Unless you want to get me pregnant on top of everything else.” She swallowed the pill. “Not that I am going to sex you up anytime soon.”
Haymitch rubbed his eyes, wished nothing more than to go back to sleep. No, most of all he wanted a drink but he fought the nausea and forced himself to stand.
”What do you want?” she asked when she had his hands on her shoulders. “If you’re thirsty, then…”
”Don’t shout, sweetheart,” Haymitch murmured. ”’m sorry ’bout yesterday.”
”Do you even remember yesterday?”
He tried to pull her into a hug but Effie resisted, squirmed like she sat on an anthill.
”I have to go.”
“It’s early.”
“To you maybe. No.” She pressed her palms against his chest and made him take the empty glass. “Drink water if you need it. Breakfast is on the table.”
And he was alone again.
He felt his way to the bathroom like a boat in full storm and spent some quality time with his best friend the toilet.
This was his reality every time he had a withdrawal. Afterwards he always drank more than he could take. He soaked it up like a dry rag.
And later when he sat in one of Effie’s armchairs, wrapped in a robe and his hands around a mug of coffee, he tried to piece together exactly what had happened yesterday.
 He went out to get his bag. That much he remembered. But he never got that far because… he took the route through Heaven’s Square. Yeah, to have a drink at the pub first. And one drink became two and two became three until he was an absolute wreck for Effie to take care of.
In other words, same old same old.
He slurped his coffee.
I should find some way to make it up to her.
*ring ring* Hello, this is Effie Trinket’s answer phone. I can’t pick up at the moment but do leave a message and I will call you back. Until then: have a very very nice day! *peep*
Haymitch, it’s me. I’m running a little late because I bumped into Octavia. She’s very upset because her boyfriend just broke up with her. She needs a friend right now so I promised I’d stay with her for a while. But I should be home by eight. You can make your own dinner, right?
“Great,” Haymitch muttered. “Just great.”
But then he had to caugh again and he whisked the smoke that billowed up from the roast pan.
He’d never win an award as “Chef of the year” (Neither would Effie for that matter) but he cooked when he was a kid! How out of practice could one person get?
 He eyed the dish to try and assess the damage. It was supposed to be roast beef with potatoes and vegetables but it didn’t look right. Not like the recipe. But maybe if he just cut away the burned parts and jumbled it up a little perhaps she wouldn’t notice?
Man, why didn’t he just order catering and pretend he made it? A romantic dinner. Fuck, what a bright idea.
The bottles of red wine had stood untouched in their paper bag all night but now he seized one of them. Just a glass. Just to shut his damn body up.
He found the corkscrew, his breaths more rapid at the mere prospect and he sighed with relief when the red liquid wet his tongue.
It was amazing how much easier everything got after that one drink. The tremors disappeared and so did most of his worries. It would still be great. It looked great, at least it would once on the table.
Ten to eight he spread the beige table cloth (champagne coloured, Effie would say) in the dining room that they hardly ever used. He set the table, dug out some candles and the fancy plates.
Last of all he dropped a handful of lemon slices into the water carafe and paused only to pour himself some more wine. He admired his work – the food, the folded napkins, the candle light in the pretty glasses rimmed with gold.
He saluted his reflection and drank.
By the time Effie pushed inside the apartment it was past midnight. Her head throbbed from having to console Octavia for the past hours and she couldn’t stop a moan when she finally got out of her high heels.
All she wanted was to sleep but her hands shook from low blood sugar so she limped off to make herself a sandwich.  She opened the kitchen door.
And stopped short. For a full minute she just stared at the scene before her, like she couldn’t take it in. Unwashed coppers and pans balanced precariously on top of each other. Used plates, silverware and kitchen tools filled the sink. The counters and the floor were covered with carrot and potato peels, smushed tomatoes, withered lettuce and pools of vinegar. The butter was left to melt, the fridge door not even closed. And the smell of burnt meat she hadn’t noticed through the door filled her nostrils.
It was the paper bag, the empty paper bag, that finally brought life back into her numb limbs.
It wasn’t hard to find him. She needed only follow his snores. She pushed inside the dining room and there he was. Face down on the table, surrounded by empties.
I should just leave him like this. Go to bed and leave him like this!
“Wake up,” she said and shook him.
Haymitch mumbled something and his snores resumed.
”Wake up!” She shook him harder and just when she seriously considered Katniss’s cold water method he cracked opened an eye.
“Where you been?” he slurred and slowly lifted his head from the table.
“With Octavia. I told you so over the phone. Haymitch, how could you!”
“There’s dinner.” He gestured towards the cold food and would have knocked over a candle hadn’t she been there to straighten it up. “Made it so you wouldn’t be pissed no more.”
“Good thinking, Haymitch.”
“Just have to heat it up.” The chair slammed against the floor when he pulled himself up. “I’ll heat it up for you. I’ll do an’thing for you.”
“Come here now.” She tried to steer him away from the table. “Haymitch. Oh, don’t bother with the food!” she said when he grabbed the roast pan. To heavy for him in his state it tilted and potatoes, beef and root vegetables bombed the parquet floor. He staggered back a step when she tried to take it from him and the salad bowl smashed to pieces when he bumped in to the table.
She tugged at his arm and tried to pull him away but his foot slid forward on a piece of tomato and Haymitch slumped down on his ass. He grunted, confused and crawled on all fours as he tried to find his footing.
“Watch out for the broken glass, Haymitch. Come, I’ll help you.” She put his arm around her shoulder, her own around his back and under his armpit. “Push with your feet,” she said and made a gigantic heave. He was like a sack of potatoes and the smell of wine was so overwhelming it would have brought her dinner up if she had any.
She’d gotten him half way up when Haymitch suddenly gasped and then he vomited all over the floor. A vile, red mixture that splattered Effie’s legs and skirt.
She didn’t know how she managed to get him back to her bed. But just like the night before he collapsed face down and she stripped him out of his clothes. Vomit dripped down his chin and nose and she wiped him off, rather roughly.
“Do you need to throw up again?” she asked and reached for the bucket. “Haymitch, do you feel sick?”
But he looked at her cross-eyed like he didn’t hear or understand.
She left him with the bucket nearby and went into the bathroom to get out of her soiled outfit.  But she hadn’t gotten even half-way before she had to steady herself against the wall. The lack of sleep combined with the fact she hadn’t eaten finally took its toll on her and tiny, black spots swam before her eyes. With no chair closeby she let herself slide down the wall until she sat on the floor, waiting for the dizziness to subside.
Through the ringing in her ears she heard Haymitch’s groan.
“Eff. Effs, I…”
And then there was only the splash of vomit when it hit the floor.
Effie closed her eyes.
 *ring ring*
Pallas’s Academy. This is Ruby.
 I need to talk to Effie. Can you get her to the phone, please? Effie Trinket.
May I ask who’s asking?
That’s… no one.
She’s got class.
Well, it’s important. Will only take a minute.
She’s got class.
Yeah, I heard you the first time. Tell her … tell her it’s Haymitch.
Haymitch … That Haymitch? As in Haymitch Abernathy?
So can you get her to the phone now?
I’m not supposed to interrupt unless there’s an emergency.
Well, it is.
It’s an emergency?
It’s an emergency. Now go get Effie.
Alright. Excuse me a moment Mr. Abernathy.
Haymitch? Are you alright?
Yeah, I’m fine. Look Effs, about last night …
Why do you tell Ruby there’s an emergency if you’re fine?
Only way I could talk to you.
Haymitch, you interrupted me in the middle of class!
I just wanted to say…
I’m not interested in anything you have to say right now! I’ve barely slept in days, you’ve ruined two outfits for me and my girls are waiting!  Do you have any idea …
Oh, for God’s sake woman! Just let me tell you why I called and I’ll hang up!
No, I am hanging up! And don’t you ever call me at work again unless, of course, you’ve drunken yourself back into the hospital! Goodbye!
*toot toot*
The flat audio tone rung in his ear. Haymitch sighed and hung up. He slumped down on the couch and rubbed his forehead.
When he woke today, finding her long gone, he hoped against hope that he could at least clean up his own mess and felt a fresh pang of guilt and regret at the sight of the spotless kitchen and dining room with the strong fumes of cleaning fluids that badly masked the familiar odor underneath. Poor Effie.
How could he let everything reel so completely out of control? Must be some kind of a record.
Of course, it wasn’t the first time she’d taken care of him drunk but she was still just his colleague back then and when he was too much to handle she always had help from the Capitol attendants. To have to clean up his mess as his woman… It was a difference.
And then it was this last, brilliant move of his. To call and apologize. He bent over backwards to fix things and only made it worse.
Maybe I should just go home.
He didn’t want this trip to be just like when Annie, Finn and Johanna came over and he made a complete arse of himself. At least then he had some kind of a mitigating factor to his actions.
But he knew Effie. If he left she’d take that as an offence too.
He drew a deep sigh and with nothing better to do he grabbed her newspaper and opened it at a random page.
And as if fate had a hand in it, it happened to be a full spread add. Of a dance palace.
“Atlas Halls open for the Christmas season,” he read. The picture showed a bunch of weird looking couples twirling around a winter scene with fake trees in the background.
Atlas Halls? Sounded familiar but he was pretty sure he’d never set foot in the place. No, Effie mentioned it at some point. Yeah, she’d spent New Year’s there a couple of times.
Haymitch knew a few Capitol dances, believe it or not. He let Effie teach him years ago. Part of their whole charming sponsors away from their money act. Back when he still thought their district might have a shot in hell.
She’d be home in three hours. That gave him plenty of time.
Because if a night out dancing wouldn’t brighten Effie’s mood nothing could.
He shouldered out of his robe once inside the bathroom. He didn’t exactly smell like roses and he liked Effie’s shower. Felt like standing in a warm summer rain. Of course the products weren’t great. She had so many bottles and jars and tubes in here she could open her own beauty parlor. Half the stuff he didn’t know what it was for and even the supposedly ‘male’ scents she bought especially for him smelled weird as fuck.
Finally he poured something blue on his head and as he massaged it into his hair he made a mental note to bring his own stuff next time. That was to say if there would be a next time.
Back home he did nothing to his hair after he showered, just left it to sundry. But if desperate times called for desperate measures. He punched a few buttons on the panel and stepped onto the math so the currents could turn his wet, tangled hair into something he knew he’d hate. 
Baked and dried he went to have a look at himself and true enough. His hair had gone from familiar to Capitol. He hung a towel over the mirror so he didn’t have to see it.
 There was an electric razor on one of the shelves but he didn’t touch it. Effie would have to live with his stubble. He looked enough like a Peeta blonde little boy as it was. Instead he went to have a look in his closet. She always sneak bought him stuff. One of the habits she was unable to kick and well, it was her money.
 He dumped the garment bags on the bed. Damn, this would be an exhausting night. But he’d suffer through it, the looks and the whispers. He’d dance with Effie and afterward everything would be good again.
Which was why, an hour before Effie went off work, Haymitch sat on the couch dressed to the nines.
And as much as he hated to admit it he actually liked this outfit. The dark blue suit went well with the checkered waistcoat and the lilac dress shirt underneath. Even his pink and blue tie with the matching pocket square looked good. The collar was a little snug but he couldn’t afford to be whiny.
He should’ve thought about this days ago.
 But the hour went by and no Effie showed up. He tried to remember how far away her school was. Even if the Capitol was big (not like District 2 or Eleven but still) the public transportation was so advanced here, nothing lay far off. He could call a cab. Go and meet her. But with his luck Effie would be just around the corner the moment he left the house.
So he remained where he was.
The minutes passed at a snail’s pace. He tugged at his collar to get some air in. 
How many friends with boy trouble did she have? If she was running late again why didn’t she call?
One hour became two and still no Effie to go. Sweat trickled down his back and he squirmed and pulled at his pants and underpants that kept worming their way in between his butt cheeks.
And when she’d been gone three hours, Haymitch tore off his tie. Effie was never late like this! It was just her way of getting back at him for how he treated her.  He saw his reflection in the window, all those ridiculous curls and that decided things.
Screw this.
He grabbed the spray bottle, the one she used for her potted plants and he sprayed his hair until it lay flat and lifeless again. He had never changed for a woman before and he wasn’t going to start now! This was a joke. He was a joke! Dressing up like some damn Capitolian.
She’d been away all day already and she expected him to, what? Lay jigsaw puzzles until she had time for him? Because obviously she didn’t have time for him. She just spent it with everyone else.
His hair dripped on the newspaper when he scribbled down a note. He could just as well go restack his liquor supply for the journey home. He almost never got to drink those expensive brands. Effie refused to buy them for him. Said she wouldn’t “enable him”, like that made a difference what so ever.
By the time he reached the Heaven’s Square it had started to rain again.
The shops and stores lit up the icy drizzle and the stall owners who packed up for the day.
And cramped in between a music store and a shop which sold naughty underwear, was the pub. Like a jewel with its bright colors and promises.
But Haymitch never got that far. Because now he saw her.
By the window inside the coffee house sat Effie across from Katniss’s prep team.  Haymitch’s brow crinkled at the sight of their serious faces and Effie’s waving hands in the air to emphasize her words. None of them had noticed him yet, standing out here in the rain.
But now she looked up, startled at the sight of him and excused herself from the table.
”Haymitch?” The cold wind rustled her skirt when she appeared at the door. “You… dressed up?”
Haymitch looked from her to Octavia, Flavius and Venia who practically misted the window in their effort to see what happened.
“Having fun?” he said. “Do carry on. I was just leaving.”
“Haymitch, I … Haymitch?” But he had already stalked off. “Haymitch, wait!”
 He knew it was childish but he didn’t stop. He just couldn’t. He felt vomit at the back of his throat and it was the look on the prep’s faces. No doubt she had poured out all her heart’s bitterness over him to those three, telling them what a good-for-nothing drunk he was.
He kicked off his shoes in the hallway.
Haymitch!” Effie called when she entered a moment later, flustered and with rain in her hair. “Why did you run off like that?”
“Sorry if I messed up the image, princess”, he said and shouldered out of his jacket. “I know how much you care about your looks. Must be important when you have little else.”
“Why are you like this?” Effie cried. “We just had a coffee!”
 “Yeah, sure. What’s another three hours when I’ve already waited all fucking day, Effie!”
“Well, I told you not to come this week, remember? I told you I was busy!”
“At work,” he threw back at her. “Not out on the town. Bet you had a great trash-talk.”
“We didn’t talk about you! Not at all! But perhaps I didn’t want to come home, ever thought of that? You haven’t exactly been a lot of fun lately.”
“What do you want from me? I was gonna take you out dancing.”
“That doesn’t make up for the horrible way you’ve acted!” Effie yelled. “Ever since you got here, Haymitch, I’ve been nothing but worried, disappointed and exhausted. Taking care of you drunk is not my job anymore! It never was!”
It got very quiet after Effie finished.
“Eff,” Haymitch finally said, his face hard and closed off. “I know you shouldn’t have had to deal with all that. But it’s not like it was some big mystery to you that I drink. I’m tired of this argument, alright. This is who I am. If you can’t deal with it then…”
“Well, maybe I can’t!” Effie cried.
She never meant to say it but now the words were out.
The truth was out.
Haymitch stared at her in the silence that followed those words and all the things she implied. Effie’s eyes were filled with tears now and when he didn’t speak she only got out of her painful shoes and said,
“You can have the bedroom. I can’t sleep with that smell anyway.”
Author’s note: Extra long chapter to make up for the long wait and it was an absolute pain to edit lol! I hope you liked it. Leave a review if you wanna make my day and I’ll see you in the next chapter!
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northofsomewhererp · 5 years
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Your Name, Age (17+), & Timezone: Meg, too old, EDT
Zephyrine Oriana Bowie turned 17 years old on March 14th. She’s a junior at Greensville High School. Her faceclaim is Billie Eilish.
As a lover of all things strange, you could guess that Zephyrine Bowie tends to stand out in a crowd. From her peculiar fashion sense down to her creepy obsession with the dead, she was never one to fit in.
When Mélissandre Thibert, her biological mother, passed away due to some post-birth complications, no one really knew what to do with the little girl. Her father was a one night stand: he’d never even pretended that he’d be a part of that child’s life, and Mélissandre didn’t expect him to be, either. Her life had been on a steady decline: she lost her job, was battling addiction and had just gotten dumped by whom she thought to be the love of her life. In some ways, Zephyrine was her saving grace, her one reason to try and get better. And for a while, it worked. But ultimately, she was in too poor a condition previously to be salvaged by 9 months of self-care.
When it all came down to it, the only person who stepped up to the task and wanted that child was Makani Bowie. He’d been a pen-pal of Mélissandre’s for nearly 10 years now, and although they hadn’t met more than 5 times, they made sure to talk every day and video chat weekly. It was nothing if not platonic, but nonetheless he was all she had left. With him residing in America and little Zephyrine being in France, it wasn’t an easy task. But after a long, strenuous process, he was finally able to adopt the little girl and bring her back to his home, in Greensville. Makani’s mother often referred to her as a demon, recalled seeing something ‘wicked’ in the little girl’s eyes the moment she was first brought into the family. Eff grew up alone with Makani and his son, Lazarus. Even without a mother, she never lacked anything: she’s forever grateful for that.
In elementary school, Bowie started to display an explosive character. She didn’t have a good relationship with her classmates. From the get-go, she was an easy target for kids to pick on. It didn’t help that at any given chances, Zephyrine would go on about how she believed in fairies, mystical creatures and witchcraft. But in all honesty, she couldn’t give a flying fuck about what others thought of her, she liked to embrace who she was and her beliefs. What were these kids to her anyway but mere classmates? When they started to spread vile rumors about her and her family, she started to lash out at them. Especially at girls. She’d decapitate their dolls and pick up fights. Pull, scratch and bite. During this time, she often found herself in the principal’s or the counselor’s office, and this carried on into her high school career. Needless to say she didn’t have many friends, still doesn’t. But she likes it that way. Now a junior in high school, it seems as if most of the kids she went to elementary with forgot about her. In fact, it was during the summer before her freshman year that her appearance took a drastic turn and she’s basically unrecognizable anymore. Zephyrine started getting inked and dyed her hair all sorts of fantasy colors. Her peculiar sense of fashion draws attention, but the good one this time. Eff is usually quiet, for the simple reason that she prefers discussing with the dead rather than the living. Yet she’s not afraid to speak her mind. It comes pouring out of her without any effort. In that sense, she’s incredibly blunt and lacks a filter. Some have called her rude, but she doesn’t care. Regardless, Bowie is a very smart and articulate young lady. What most people admire about her is obviously her open-mindedness. She’s also a big fan of DIY projects and any sort of crafts, which makes her somewhat resourceful. She’s someone that although you may need some time getting in their good books, once you’re in her circle you can always count on her.
Activity (1-10): 5
Have you read the rules?: removed
In the event that you leave, can we keep your biography for future use? *grabs zephyrine* no she my baby
Any comments/questions?: no thank u ♥
Sample( 2+ paragraphs):
Night had always been Zephyrine’s favorite time of day for as long as she could remember. The starry sky, chilly breeze and complete silence were only a few things she enjoyed. But tonight, she found herself in a totally opposite setting.
When her brother, Lazarus, asked her to tag along to a gathering on the beach, Zephyrine didn’t think twice about it. Their Meemaw was coming over, and no opportunity to be as far away from the woman as possible were taken for granted. What she hadn’t taken into consideration when blindly accepting was the amount of people that would actually attend, or how Laz was bound to dump her to go french some random person at some point in the night.
Zephyrine’s currently sitting in front of the bonfire, throwing anything she can find into the flame and watching it burn. She hasn’t spoken to a single soul, and Lazarus, of course, is nowhere in sight. It wouldn’t be as bad if the bonfire wasn’t surrounded by couples practically fucking right then and there. She hadn’t expected this big a turnout, and the crowd was starting to make her feel antsy. Throwing one last empty can of beer into the fire, Bowie decides to get up and head towards the shore.
The further away she gets from the crowd, the lighter her steps feel. It’s not that she was afraid of people, not at all. She was just very picky with people she allowed close to her. Eff held everyone to a higher standard due to past hurt, which made getting close to her very difficult. And Lazarus’ friends? They definitely weren’t her type. Funny how her brother was the person she got along with best, but his choice in friends was so poor. When she reaches the shoreline, Zephyrine crouches down and drags her finger against the damp sand. She isn’t drawing anything in particular, just letting her hands wander around and she finds herself way more entertained than she’d been the entire night. That is, before someone pulls her out from her bubble.
“Boo!” Lazarus startles his sister, bursting into laughs when she topples over face first into an incoming wave. Now drenched in ice cold water, Eff wipes a hand down her face.
“You motherfucker!” she exclaims, springing up into action and staring at him with wide eyes. She tries so hard to keep her angry act, but a smile can’t help to pull at the corner of her lips. This just amuses Laz further.
“I didn’t think you were so fucking clumsy, chill out Eff”, he rolls his eyes, and that earns him a hard shove from his sister. He stumbles but his feet remain planted into the ground. “Nice try, sissy.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’m gonna catch a cold because of your dumb ass”, Bowie sighs. She grabs a handful of her hair and twists it so drain the water out. A slight rustling sound catches her attention and when she looks up, Lazarus is draping his jacket over her shoulders.
“Here. Are you having fun? Except the possible hypothermia, I mean”, he asks with a sheepish smile. He picks up a beer bottle, presumably his, and takes a long swig as he awaits her answer.
“Are you seriously asking me this, Laz?” Zephyrine retorts. “I thought you knew me better than that, wow”, she puts a hand over her heart, dramatizing the situation and that manages to make her brother chuckle.
“I know you’re dying on the inside, sue me for being hopeful. Y’wanna go home, then?”
“Your unbuttoned shirt and raw lips tell me you don’t”, she crosses her arms over her chest, an eyebrow quirking up as she eyes him from head to toe.
“Ah, shut the fuck up. It’s a party, what did you expect?” Lazarus counterattacks, visibly taken aback by the comment, flustered even.
“For you not to dip your dick in the first chick you see, maybe?”
“To be fair, I dipped it.. but in her mou-”
“Ah ah! Stop talking, TMI, Laz… TMI!” the girl interrupts him, nose wrinkled in disgust.
“Fine, okay. Still doesn’t answer my question. You wanna go?” Zephyrine bites her lip, avoiding his gaze as she shrugs. “Zephyrine…” he warns, and that makes her snap her head up to finally look at him.
“…yeah, this sucks. And I’m cold. I just know you’re having fun and I don’t wanna force you to leave. But if Dad picks me up, then Meemaw’s gonna-”
“Zephyrine, calm down, it’s okay. This is getting boring, anyway. We ran out of beer, I’m good with leaving”, he reassures her, stepping closer and pulling her into a hug. He sways them from side to side, purposefully making them tip over as if to almost fall, but he catches them back every single time. They both laugh in unison, and that’s the first real laugh Effy let out tonight. Lazarus moves back only enough to look at her. “Even if I didn’t wanna leave, I’d leave for you”, he presses a soft kiss to her forehead, but she pushes him away.
“Gross, you’re drunk”, she states as she wipes away the spot on her forehead he’d kissed.
“Maybe I am, so what?”
“Don’t kiss me, period. Especially not when you ate pussy, you reek of it!” That comment makes Lazarus burst into giggles, almost falling over his sister. “God, you’re done, let’s go”, she wraps an arm around his waist and starts walking away.
A comfortable silence settles between them, and that’s something she always appreciated from her brother. There wasn’t a need for small talk, they could just revel in each other’s presence without a word spoken. And so, the entire walk home was spent without a word being exchanged. Zephyrine was cold, slightly buzzed and tired, but as they strolled through Greensville together, she couldn’t help but think maybe this night wasn’t so bad after all.
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My Reaction to “Gotham” S5E4
Also, this is just the episode of poor decisions all around.
AN:  I managed to record my reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post. 
*imitates the Epic Voice Trailer guy doing the Gotham commercials and ends up laughing*
Is Selina ever gonna find out that Tabitha died?  Like, she was her mentor!
Oh God, is Will dead?!?
*A shot of the fiery Haven*  Oh my God... I don’t even wanna know the casualty count for this.
*jaw drops in absolute shock*
*Barbara points her gun at Oswald*  BARBARA YOU BETTER NOT!  NOT RIGHT NOW!
Oh my God!
Holy shit!  Something tells me this was NOT Jeremiah.  I don’t think- no, no, this wouldn’t have been him. 
Holy shit!
*softly gasps in horror when Harvey gives Jim the badge that he gave Will*
Nooo!  Where’s Will?  Where the frick did that kid go?  I know he’s alive!
*reels back when the opening theme starts*  We have to start an episode like that?!?
Oh my God..
“As of now, death toll stands at 311.  49 injured, more than 2 dozen left unaccounted for.”  *drops jaw in horror*
OK, we are meeting the Walker character!
“You have been promising me help for weeks.”  So how much time has passed between the first episode and this episode?
*An angry crowd comes into the precinct*  No one is gonna be happy!
*reels back*  Shiiiiitt...
“But whoever destroyed that building can’t destroy the hope we’ve built.  Not unless we let them.”  Jim, I don’t think a speech is gonna help this time.
Lucius!  He’s in this episode this time!  Oh thank God!
“Nothing makes sense anymore.”  *shakes head*
“SELINA!”  Oh my God, Bruce!
Oh my God...
*Some of Ecco’s goons come in*  Ohh no.  Ohhhhhhhhhh noooo.
*Bruce beats up some of the goons while he’s still handcuffed to the door*  Holy crap, Bruce!  Let’s go!
*can’t help but laugh when Bruce tries throwing a wrench at a goon and missing him by a long shot*
*Alfred comes to the rescue*  Ohhh!!  Alfred!  Yes!
“I was afraid you didn’t get my signal.  Lucius said the range was only a couple of miles.”  What is that?!?
“Now go on then... how did that happen?”  Selina.
“I think you’re telling porkies.”  *laughs*  What?
AN:  British slang for a big lie.
“Until that day comes... I think we should go find her.  Don’t you?”  Oh God...
“Because the person who blew up Haven has to be stopped.  That’s all that matters now.”  So who blew up Haven?
“We heard people talking about a shady guy working around Haven before it blew.”  “This is Gotham.  You’re [Barbara] gonna have to do better than ‘shady guy.’“  *laughs*
Harlow Park?  How many parks are there?
“Do you really think I could have murdered all those people?”  No... that’s not your nature.  Barbara wouldn’t have done it.
*Penguin and Co. wait for Jim in the precinct*  Ooooohhhhhhhhhhhh-oooooohhhhh...
Is Oswald gonna try and team up with Jim?
*mouths along with Oswald saying “woefully apparent”*
“...you [Jim] are outmanned, outgunned, and out of options.”  *sings*  OUTNUMBERED, OUTPLANNED!
*Penguin’s men bring in more guns*  Holy shit, they’re bringing in the big guns.  Literally and figuratively!
“Ain’t you [Oswald] just St. Nick on Christmas morning?”  *chuckles*
“I’m guessing there are strings attached?”  “No strings.  Save for the one that we’ll cinch around the neck of the Haven bomber.”  Wow, everyone just really likes Jim today!  OK, OK... OK, something’s going on.
“Let’s just hold that in abeyance for the moment.”  Abeyance?
AN:  Means that you’re gonna put something on hold for the moment.
“What do you [Jim] say, partner?”  Oh God.
I thought he [Oswald] was gonna call him “old friend.”
*eyebrows raise in confusion when Ed finds a suitcase on his daybed*  Whaaat the...
I like this music going on.
[IN AT #1215]  Inmate?  Inmate!
“Inmate #1215 knows.  KNOWS WHAT?!?”  OK, are we talking like Blackgate or Arkham?
Where are we going?
Oh my God, the mayor posters [from S3]!
*The GCPD and Oswald’s group march*  Whoa, now that’s a troop!
“Don’t tell me I gave them hope!  They’re dead.”  JIIIIIMMMM...
*Oswald pulls out a megaphone*  Of course he has a megaphone!
“There goes the element of surprise.”  *laughs*
“We will root you out like the vermin you are!”  OSWALD, stop talking!
*gasps when someone shoots the megaphone*
Whoa whoa wait...
“We’re sitting ducks out here.”  “And one Penguin.  Hey Oswald, why don’t you crawl out there, grab that bullhorn, tell him to come out here quietly?”  *laughs*
*imitates Oswald’s insulted “Yooouu...”*
“Pretty cozy up here.”  *gasps excitedly and slams hands on desk*  IT’S ZSASZ!  IT’S ZSASZ!
“Oh hey guys!”  *excitedly waves hands*  HIIII!!!
*Victor blows Oswald a kiss*  OH MY GOD!
*Ed steals a refugee’s blanket in order to sneak into the precinct*  Are we serious?  Ed, are we kidding?  Are you kidding me?  That is the worst disguise!
It’s the “Thor Ragnarok” disguise!
*gasps when Lucius catches Ed in the records room*
“It’s impolite to sneak up on people.”  “So is breaking and entering.”  *laughs*
“I am given and I am taken.  I was there from your first breath and I will follow you until your death.”  Your name.
“Call it a personal matter.”  I love that pose [that Ed does]!
He looks like Jim Carrey in the beginning of Batman Forever, with the hair hanging in his face?  Holy crap.
“What is it that you [Lucius] would like?”  “Your [Ed’s] expertise.”  Whoa, what?
“So the second smartest man in Gotham needs my help?”  Ed, shut up.
*cracks up when Ed tries to take the file from Lucius and utterly fails*
*slams fist aggressively on desk*  Detectives Lucius Fox and Edward Nygma on the case!  Let’s go!
“I [Victor] did not make that building go boom, Jim.”  *cracks up*
“You gave up any shred of honor long ago!  Why should we believe a snake like you?!?”  “Because I would never take credit for somebody’s else’s work?”  I!  Love!  Zsasz!
“Is this about Sofia Falcone?  You should really move past that.  It’s not healthy.”  *laughs*
*still laughing*  Ahhh, I need to breathe!
He [Oswald] literally has a watch and is just holding it up!
Oh my God, is Jim gonna sneak up there and like, sneak attack him [Zsasz]?  Let’s go, Jim!
*cracks up when Zsasz goes for a drink break*
*Jim body slams Zsasz to the ground*  Oh my God!
Holy shit, Jim, that was the fastest take down I’ve ever seen!
“Well done, Jim.  We make a hell of a team.”  Surprisingly yes!
“Allow me [Oswald] to deal with him [Victor].”  No, no, we’re not- no, no.
“One of the areas I [Oswald] excel at is the loosening of tongues-”  Could we not word it like that?
Oswald, do not eff this up!
*Selina follows Ecco to Jeremiah’s lair*  Ohhhhhhh here we go!
*softly*  Hoooooo here we gooo...
How did you get there so fast, Selina?
*gasps when Jeremiah slits Sykes’s throat*
“Well, not with that attitude you’re not.”  *leans far and away from screen*  Shiiiiiittt, mannn!
“Everyone, let’s reach inside and dig a little deeper, shall we?”  TIM CURRY, THAT YOU?!?
*freaks out in disgust when Jeremiah licks blood off his knife*
Ohhhh... Oh God...
*pauses when Jeremiah starts talking to himself*
*laughs when Jeremiah stops talking to himself and awkwardly clears his throat when Ecco walks in*
*gasps when Jeremiah grabs Ecco by the neck to inspect her scar*
*is pretty much speechless when Jeremiah and Ecco start dancing*
“Bruce Wayne and his sidekick Curls- or is he the sidekick?”  *gives small smile*
“And Curls can walk.  Really well.  Especially... for a paraplegic.”  *jaw drops*
*raises eyebrow in interest when Jeremiah purrs appreciatively at Ecco*
Should we leave them alone at all... like do they need anything?
Like snacks.... a condom?  Like, like... um... kay...
AN:  Also, I can definitely tell that Cameron Monaghan looked at Tim Curry for Jeremiah, especially the voice and the way he looks at people.  Y’know how Tim Curry’s voice in “Rocky Horror Picture Show” just oozes this sort of sexual presence?  That’s exactly what he’s doing, especially when he’s with Ecco.
“OK recruits, let’s do like my daddy did before my sixth birthday and move out!”  *literally chokes on my drink*
Oh my God, wha- *has to take a moment to calm down and cough up my lungs*
OH MY GOD, did- did she just say [Ecco] that?
“Evidence of deflagration would suggest something with a slower burn rate, like gunpowder or nitroglycerin.”  A bazooka?  Did someone bazooka the building?
“The bomb was the building.”  *imitates the way Ed says “the bomb”*
“Ow!  That’s a really nice table.”  *chuckles*
“Figured with you guys occupied, I [Victor] might help myself to some of your supplies.”  Of course he would!
“If I blew up a building full of people, I would have covered every inch of my body in sweet, sweet scars.”  But let’s see them!
“You gonna do a strip search?  I’d [Victor] let Alvarez do it.  He’s handsome.”  *jaw drops*  Ohh my God!
AN:  What’s better is that line was improvised by Anthony Carrigan.
Oh that shot’s awesome [of Oswald in the precinct entrance]
“Oh, I did not expect you to go soft, Jim.”  He’s not going soft!  He’s telling you the evidence!
*shakes head and sighs in disappointment when Oswald orders his men to bring him Zsasz*
“Despite our inflamed passions-”  Could you not say that?
“Good to know who’s really in charge here, Jim.”  Oooohhh...
“That and the RPG case is right over there.”  Did the guy literally just leave out all the evidence for them to find?  Great job, dude.
“I truly hope you find whoever did this and make them pay.”  OK, so like everyone is after this Haven shooter!
“I appreciate your help, Ed.  Couldn’t have done it without you.  If you tell anyone I said that, I will deny it.”  *chuckles*  Lucius, I love you!
*Ed reads that the inmate he’s looking for is dead*  Oh my God...
Wait, why does he [Ed] have blood on his sleeve cuff?
“Deaf old bat!”  Oh my God...
“You gotta do something.”  “Yeah, like what?  Make another speech?”  *laughs* 
“Maybe this is what the people need.”  Jim, no!  You are turning into Magneto from “Dark Phoenix!”
“So, will I [Victor] be appointed a lawyer?  I feel like my rights are being violated.”  *chuckles*
*Victor gets his mouth duct taped shut*  MMM-MMM...
“He [Jim] claims that Mr. Zsasz is not responsible for the bombing!”  LISTEN TO THE EVIDENCE!
“Captain Gordon, if you would like to say something, now is the time.”  Do not make another freaking speech!
Tell the evidence, Jim!  Come on!  *slams water bottle on desk*
“I know you all want justice-”  Oh my- JIIM, we don’t need a speech!  We do not need a speech!
“What we do now is more important than ever.”  They're not gonna like that.
“Now that the defense has rested, let’s put it to the crowd.”  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
*Crowd calls Zsasz guilty*  Oh my God... WELP...
Oh there’s the Penguin theme in the background
*shakes head in disapproval*  Ohhhh my God...
Can we go back to Jeremiah?
*gasps*  The Pax Penguina posters!
“...I sentence you, Victor Zsasz, to die.”  No.
“Any last words?”  *sings*  THAT’S WHAT THEY ALL SAY!
*gasps when Oswald shoots the rope holding the guillotine blade up*
*sighs in relief when Harvey drags Zsasz away just in time*  Ohhhh my God, I thought he was gonna die!
Holy shit, I thought they were gonna kill off Victor.  Ohhh my God...
“I [Harvey] gotta be honest, Jim, I don’t know how safe Zsasz is gonna be at the GCPD.”  He’s not going to be safe.  Or he’s gonna escape.
*Jim decides to let Victor go*  Jesus Christ, Jim!
“This city will never be what you it to be, Jim.  It’s always gonna belong to the bad guys... like me.”  Hell yes it does!  Accept it, Jim!
“Give him your gun, Harvey!”  What??
We are not doing a showdown right now, Jim!
He’s [Victor] not gonna shoot Jim, he’s not gonna shoot him...
*gasps*  He [Jim] wants Victor to shoot him!
*jaw drops in shock*
*collapses back in relief when Victor turns him down*  Oh my God... oh my God...
“See you around, Jim.”  Jesus Christ...
Jim is losing it in this episode!
*gasps when some of the tunnel workers get knocked out*
That was Bruce, right?
*Bruce emerges from the shadows and catches up to Alfred*  YEAAHHH!  Let’s go!
Also, holy crap, how did they track down everyone else so fast?
*laughs when Jeremiah starts fanning himself with his hat*
“So what do we do when we feel like giving up?”  “Dig a little deeper.”  *starts singing “Dig a Little Deeper” from “The Princess and the Frog”*
*gasps and yells in absolute shock when Jeremiah gets stabbed*
“Deep enough?”  *covers mouth in hands and yells*
THEY’RE [the workers] JUST GONNA STAND THERE [while Selina stabs Jeremiah]?!?
*screams into hands when Selina stabs Jeremiah multiple times*
NO NO NO nonononono!
*yells when Bruce comes in and pulls Selina off Jeremiah*
*gasps when the workers go after Bruce*
OK, wait wh- what happened to Selina?!?
*slams hands on desk repeatedly*  You’re fine, you’re fine, you’re fine!  Get up, get up, get up!
*sits back in chair*  Oh my God...
“I hate stairs!”  Me too!
OK, hold on, hold on...
“You were on the roof and you had some kind of a rocket.”  *jaw drops in shock*  OH MY GOD, ED BLEW UP HAVEN?!?
*Ed starts to remember*  Oh my God!
Why?!?  Why would he blow up Haven?!?
Also, the long hair and bowler hat is not a look.
*jaw drops when we see Ed blow up Haven in a flashback*
Woman in Apartment!  1215!
*Gasps when Ed shoves the witness out the window to her death*
Uh wha- wha-
*Jim takes a drink of whiskey*  Yeah, god damn, Jim, me too if I was old enough.
*shakes head*  WHY IS BARBARA THERE?!?
“Poor Jim.  All alone again.”  SHUT UP, Barbara.
“No one knows what it’s like to be him.”  Barbara, get the hell out!  Stop talking-
*Barbara gets in Jim’s face*  NO!  NO!  NONONONONO!  NO!  STOP IT!  RIGHT NOW!
Jim, you better freaking not.
*LEAVES THE ROOM when Jim kisses Barbara* Get the f-
*sits back down after a good five seconds*  Get the frick out of here!
*End credits start*  That’s it?  We’re just- we’re gonna end on that?  We’re gonna- what?!?
Wha- no, Jeremiah ain’t dead.  They’re gonna freakin’ leave Jeremiah there.  They’re gonna- Jesus...
I’m gonna need like a week to recover from that.  Holy crap!
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AU Yeah AUgust Day Two-College
I took inspiration for this from this post: http://thesadlookonyourface.tumblr.com/post/166000587701/au-prompts-university-cont
Particularly the part that says:  “ you’re waiting in my dorm room for my roommate to come back from class and you end up helping me on my lab work AU “ but it strays from the prompt because this story kinda had a mind of its own tbh
Thanks to @wordshakers for helping me with this! 
I hope you all enjoy it! 
Todd was in the middle of doing his history homework when there was a loud pounding on the door. Rolling his eyes and sighing loudly, he went to door, opened it-half expecting it to be Cameron from across the hall who was always asking for pens and being prepared to tell him to just go buy some-and then immediately lost his train of thought upon seeing a gorgeous boy on the other side of the door.
“Can, can I help you?” asked Todd, once he regained the capability to speak, which admittedly, took him longer than he was comfortable with. The boy didn’t seem to mind much though. He just put on a big smile and said,
“Yes, actually. I’m looking for Charlie Dalton, is he here?”
Oh. He was here for Charlie. The cute boys were always here for Charlie. It made him wonder. Was this Charlie’s boyfriend? He had mentioned having one before, but had never met him. It was his own fault, Charlie was always nice and tried to be inclusive, it’s just that he was so painfully shy, he was always too nervous to tag along to anything with him.
“Umm, no, sorry, he’s not. He should be back soon, if you’d like to come in. I mean, only if you want to, don’t feel any obligation or anything-”
Todd was kicking himself for going on and on, but he just couldn’t stop. He was feeling very flustered and nervous around this boy and he was sure the boy thought he was a complete idiot who stuttered and didn’t quite have himself together. But the boy, still with that same amiable smile on his face, said,
“Sure, I’d love to come in,”
“Feel free to take a seat anywhere, I’m sure he won’t be too long now. I think he just stepped out to get something so yeah sit anywhere, um, what’s your name?”
The boy laughed, a sound that was both delightful and pleasing to the ears. Todd wanted badly to make the boy laugh again just so his ears could be graced by the enjoyable sound again.
“My name is Neil! I’m so sorry I didn’t introduce myself. No wonder you looked so freaked out when you answered the door, I’m a complete stranger to you.”
Todd laughed it off, relieved that the real reason for his looking freaked out was seemingly still unknown to Neil.
“I’m kinda used to it at this point. Charlie’s friends are always dropping by to see him,” he said nonchalantly. How was he being so calm? How was Neil so easy to talk to? He never had this much ease when it came to interacting with other people. Why was he now freaking out over the fact that he’s finding it easy to talk to someone?
A different expression crossed Neil’s face upon hearing what Todd had just said to him. Todd wasn’t quite sure he could place it, but he looked as if he had something he wanted to say.
“And what about you? Don’t your friends visit?” asked Neil.
Todd didn’t look at him. He didn’t quite know where to look. He didn’t want to look lame in front of Neil, but if he gave the true answer to that question, he knew he would.
There was an awkward silence in the air. It wrapped around Todd, suffocating him. He knew he should answer. He knew by now he had taken an abnormally long amount of time to answer, but he just didn’t know quite what to say. Neil was too cool for him, he would never want to hang out with a guy like him once he knew the truth.
“Listen, if I said something to you to upset you, I’m very sorry. That wasn’t my intention at all, um,” Neil giggled nervously, “I just realized I don’t know your name either.”
Todd smiled, a timid smile, but a smile nevertheless, and said,
“My name is Todd.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Todd. And really, I am sorry if I upset you.”
Todd sighed. He should just tell the truth. He had always been told that anyone who didn’t like him for him wasn’t worth having in his life and while he knew that was true, he was paralyzed with the fear that this newfound, potential friend, would leave him for being a loner and a loser.
“You didn’t upset me, I just, well, I don’t really have a lot of friends so I didn’t really know what to say. And I-” he hesitated and Neil looked at him with a concerned, but also inquisitive expression. “I was afraid you would think I was a loser if I admitted such a thing.”
“You seem to care a lot about what I think of you, why is that?” asked Neil.
Todd was interrupted by the sound of the doorknob being turned and the sight of his roommate entering their dorm. He was relieved. He wasn’t sure how he would have answered Neil’s question if Charlie hadn’t come home right at that moment.
“Hey, Todd, did you finish your his-oh, Neil, hey! I didn’t realize you’d be here.”
“Yeah, sorry, I stopped by a little earlier than I told you. I’m sorry,” Neil said to Charlie. Then he turned to Todd and said,
“I’m very sorry for interrupting your homework. I had no idea you were working on homework and I shouldn’t have distracted you. You should have told me to eff off.”
“I would never say such a thing to you ever.”
Neil looked amused at that, his eyes twinkling as he laughed. Charlie, on the other hand, just looked confused.
“You ready to go, Neil?” Charlie asked.
“Todd, you should come with us,” Neil said, not listening to Charlie.
“Oh, um, yeah I think I will, thanks.”
Todd got ready to go and he heard Charlie whisper to Neil,
“What did you say to him to get him to go? I’ve invited him so many times and he’s never once accepted.”
“Let’s just say I had this feeling he’d want to join us.”
Todd smiled to himself, trying to let on as if he hadn’t overheard their conversation. He went back over to the boys and said,
“I’m ready to go!”
“Todd, your face is really red, are you okay?” asked Charlie.
Todd felt his face getting even more red at Charlie’s question and Neil whacked Charlie on the shoulder.
“Hey! What’d you do that for?”
“He’s fine! Here, Todd, take my hand! Let’s get this party started!”
After that night, Todd began to look forward to the times men would come knocking at their door because oftentimes one man would come to see him and that man was Neil.
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New Tattoo and The Meaning Behind It (it’s not what you’ll expect and may be triggering to some, so read with caution <3)
Hi. :)
It’s been a silent month for me when it comes to blogging and it’s not because I don’t miss it immensely, but because what I have to say would have been very filtered had I opened up too soon I would have done more damage to myself than good, so I’ve allowed myself to be more of a hermit and have been going inward to heal one of the biggest wounds of my life. 
On March 1st I woke up and thought it’d be a regular ole 5 a.m. morning, but I was so wrong…so unbelievably wrong. Earlier that week I had purchased 2 new poetry books. I didn’t research what they were about, but I was drawn to both of them, so I just went with it. I started the first one and was IMMEDIATELY triggered to point of a panic attack, but I tried to tough through it and just couldn’t, so I put it down and was like “eff this shit, not going there!”. On March 1st I picked up the 2nd poetry book and started reading it all to realize it was on the SAME topic… THE SAME ONE. I toughed it out and read the first part of the book and had to put it down, then I went to do an oracle reading in hopes my fairy cards would help me feel better aaaaaaaaaaaaaand well they didn’t. I pulled “sexuality” and “speak up”. The cards basically said that there was a certain wound that’s resurfaced and could have been from previous sexual trauma and blah blah… and the other card said to speak up about a current situation that I KNEW I needed to speak up on. I lost it. Absolutely lost it. I cried during my entire yoga practice, especially during hip openers. I tried to get myself ready for work and hold it together, but as soon as I got to work I got so physically ill I had to leave. 
It was made very clear to me I needed to speak up about the men I was raped/manipulated/used/sexual assaulted by a few years back and who I needed to talk to about it, so I did. It was a hard day and it’s been a hard month, but it needed to happen. In doing all of this I found out I was also molested as a little girl around the age of 3. My hearts breaks for that little girl and the doorway that was opened and the “sucker” sticker that was stamped across her forehead. 
I’ve lived a life of shame, suppression, anxiety, fear, guilt, hurt, bitterness anger, rape, sexual assault, trust issues, physical abuse, mental abuse, verbal abuse, alcohol abuse, bullying, confusing, overwhelm, emptiness, loneliness, starving myself, binge eating, orthorexia, suicidal thoughts, body dysmorphia, my weight and ultimately not feeling like I’m enough or like life is worth it. 
But you know what… I am fucking worth it. 
I’m not only a survivor, but a warrior. 
I see now why this had to come up and out.
I wanted so badly on the day “#metoo” was going around to post about it, but I couldn’t. I want to write a book about my life, but couldn’t speak up about the biggest trauma of my life. 
Because I blamed myself for putting my trust in someone I thought respected me, but clearly didn’t. 
I am speaking up about this because I want whoever is reading this to know it IS ok to speak up and if you don’t feel like you can just know I am here for you if no one else is and I will hear you out and hold space for you.
I know part of my life’s journey is to help girls who’ve been used, abused, raped, hurt, or suffered from eating disorders because I’ve been there and I’ve gotten through it, but I now know that had I not been willing to face my wounds and trauma’s I would have never gotten to the place I am now to talk about it like I am. 
It’s not easy and I’ve been shaky and tearing up while writing this entire blog post, but I know I need to do it. 
Now back to the title of this blog post and why you thought you were here.
I got a new tattoo this past weekend and I wanted to share the details behind it. 
Starting from my wrist there is a semi colon because there have been times I haven’t felt like life is worth it, but I kept going.
Then moves up to an up triangle which signifies strength, courage and passion.
Then it goes into “Hello Beautiful” which is a song by MercyMe. 
Here are part of lyrics to it - 
“No more
I quit
I’ve had enough
I wasn’t made for this
To all the lies that have tried
To cripple me with doubt
I think it’s time to say goodbye
I know who I am now
Part of me says I’d be smart to walk away
But before I leave, I think I need to call you out by name
Goodbye regret
Goodbye alone
Goodbye to emptiness
Say hello to beautiful
Goodbye afraid
Goodbye ashamed
Goodbye to hopelessness
Say hello to beautiful
Can you hear it?
That’s the sound of me walking out
Of this prison cell
That I’ve come to know so well
I used to play the victim
Singing take these chains from me
They’ve long been broken I was free and would not leave
Somehow I got too comfortable locked up here in this prison
That I missed the doors wide open more like ripped off of its hinges.”
Then it goes up into a down arrow which signifies surrender, purification and peace
Then it goes up to a unalome which signifies life not being a linear path
Then it goes up until a beautiful lotus flower. 
Lotus flowers grow in murky water, but is the most beautiful and pure flower once it’s blooms, so despite what my past may look like it does not define me, it’s only made me stronger and more resilient. 
Don’t be afraid to speak up. You and your healing are worth it.
Until next time…
- Sarah xo
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2 notes · View notes
ask-the-phan-site · 5 years
Phan Cam: Talents
WARNING: This post may be a bit long.
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>The fishing pond in Ichigaya.
This is the riverside Where lowlifes gather The ones stuck here All have foul mouths
Success is hidden behind the clouds here Our future and the sky are both gray
The air's dirty The water's just as bad My asthma's worse I'm feeling weak
A place even God wants to leave An experience I can see Only with my eyes
Can't live luxuriously It's choking me But it's my home
I won't give up, but I'll shout my name I made up my mind
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So, what do ya think of my rhymes?
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Uh... This isn’t technically a river. It’s a fishing pond.
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Well, at least you’re honest.
>Miki Makimura, the proclaimed Witch of Track and Field from Kamigaku High School and a member of her school’s Women’s Stride Club, only came here to do some fishing. She and her team were in the city for the E.O.S. While she was here, she ran into Panther, Shiho, Rise, Nanako, Gwen, Kamala, Chloe, Iso, and (coincidentally) Becky. While they were fishing, these young men showed up, rapping, and getting in the girls’ way.
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I doubt honesty is going to help right now.
Miki: Why are you here, Wamu? Did you come all the way here from our hometown just to see me?
Wamu: I needed an honest opinion and you were the first one that came to mind.
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That, and we’re entering the Open Mike Nite at Dream FES.
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And Kukun was starting to miss Miko Kuroda.
Kukun: ... Can we please call her by her real name?
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(just shakes his head)
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(does the same)
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Still, it’s a good song. Now if you please, we’re busy. So can you please leave?
Wamu: Why? We still have some time before the show. Why don’t we have some fun?
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(whispering to Gwen) Any ideas?
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(whispering) We already outnumber them. Maybe we can get them to back off... But no using our powers.
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(also whispering) That could be difficult. (begins nodding to Nanako)
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... That man with the hat and necklace... Sounds like Big Bro.
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I don’t think so. Senpai is a much better gentleman than this clown.
Wamu: Now I’m just hurt. Especially hearing it from Risette.
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Is this guy just begging for it?
Wamu: Come on, I think we’re going to have a fine time.
>This is starting to look bad.
?????: Excuse me! I think they don’t want to spend time with you.
>They quickly turn to see the new comer at the pond.
Wamu: (unimpressed) Oh great, it’s the mermaid.
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That’s right! The Mermaid from the Great Sea! ... And the Spider Queen!
Wamu’s gang: (except Kukun) Huh?
>Then, someone comes down from the fishing shop’s roof and grabs Wamu’s neck.
Kakun: Miki, wait!
>Quickly, she let’s go of Wamu’s neck.
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Sorry. I guess I got caught in the moment.
Miki: Hey, Miko. You brought Akira.
Miko (real name: Miki): Picked him up from the train station as promised. Your family is here, too.
Miki: That’s great, thank you.
Miko: Good. And as for you boys...
Wamu: (clearly scared, but not showing it) Tch! Whatever. C’mon, guys, let’s grab a bite before the show.
Kukun: See you, tonight, Miki.
Miko: Looking forward to it, Mayuta.
>With that, Wamu and his gang leave while rapping. Me, Fox, Skull, Diego, Yu, Yosuke, and Teddie pass them as we come in.
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Are you girls alright?
Panther: We’re fine.
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I can’t believe they would gang up on girls just enjoying their day.
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I agree. It’s so brave of Lady Ann to stand up to them like that.
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Am I even going to ask why you’re wearing that, Teddie? It’s like 90 degrees out, and it’s almost night.
Teddie: Because the ladies just love the original Teddie. And it’s part of my act tonight. I’m the Singing and Dancing Magician. A 1... A 2... And a...
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Akira: That’s amazing! I applaud you!
Nanako: (also happy) I liked that, too.
Iso: (confused) Umm, he just jumped out his costume. Not really magic.
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For Nanako, it might be.
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I’m bearly happy to hear that from you, Sensei. And especially from you, too, Nana chan.
Diego: (unimpressed) Kiss up.
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Anyway, we came to see if you’re ready. They want us for one last rehearsal before the show.
Miki: The show? You’re in the Open Mike Nite?
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A lot of us are. I know I’m already a member of KUROFUNE, but one of the performances my friends are about to do still need me.
Becky: I see...
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Just hope you remember your summer homework.
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Could you not remind us. ‘Sides, I already finished mine.
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You have!? You!? Ryuji Sakamoto!?
Skull: Well, Harry and Peter helped.
Becky: (actually relieved) Oh, I see.
Joker: Anyway, we should get going. Everyone’s waiting for us.
Panther: Hold on, I just cast my line. I’ll just-
>Suddenly, Panther’s fishing line started moving.
Panther: Looks like I just got something!
>We quickly helped Panther reel something out of the water... It was an old shopping cart.
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Shiho: Guess that Wamu guy was right about one thing. This water isn’t exactly taken care of.
>So, we leave... I actually saw what happened... What the Miko girl did... I think about what happened earlier.
>Me, Fox, Skull, and Diego were just exploring an unfamiliar part of the city our next break from Dream FES. Then suddenly, we heard something running. It sounded close. Curious, we just hid and saw what was running... It was Moyuru Koda. He was running real fast like an animal... Even the way he ran seemed inhuman. Then, he stopped.
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Junichi, hurry up! We have to find it!
>Then, his boyfriend, Junichi Kotoba, finally caught up to him.
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Slow down, Moyuru! I know you’re in a hurry, but it’s not going anywhere.
Koda: Sorry. It’s just- AHH!
>Koda quickly clutches his chest in pain.
Koda: It’s... It’s getting worse. We have to find it... Now!
Junichi: Koda, please. I’m sure it’s somewhere here. We looked it up in the directory.
Koda: But... Junichi... AHH!
>Koda was now really holding himself real tight.
Junichi: Moyuru?
Koda: Junichi... RUN!
>Junichi backs off as, to our horror... Koda’s shirt explodes away... To show a mouth.
WARNING: This next scene might be a little too much. But please don’t flag it.
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Junichi: I’m not leaving you!
>Then, Koda changes.
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>Junichi, however, refused to run. The thing that Koda turned into was now charging at him... But then he stopped. Junichi noticed that he was touching a some fence. Then, Koda changes back into a human.
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Wh- What just...
>Junichi looks at the fence he just touched. Koda looked and saw an opening. They both look inside.
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Koda: (in relief) We... We did it. We found it.
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I know that place. I think I see it sometimes when I’m walking around the city for inspiration.
Skull: (a bit confused) Huh? What are you talkin’ about, Fox? I don’t see...
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What the eff! A building just appeared in that lot!
>It is then, Koda and Junichi heard us.
Koda: What!?
Junichi: How did you...
???? and ????: Please, don’t get upset!
>We look to see the voice came from the building.
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Diego: (a bit surprised) Yikes! Those two seem familiar.
>No doubt about it. These two young girls remind of Lavenza when she got split and became Caroline and Justine.
Blue-haired girl: (surprised) Oh my, you’re naked!
Pink-haired girl: (also surprised) You’re naked!
Koda: (realizing) Oh!
Junichi: Hold on, I have your spare clothes.
>After quickly getting dressed, Koda and Junichi follow the girls inside.
Blue-haired girl: You have to come in, too.
Pink-haired girl:  You come in, too.
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????????: Is there anyone else around?
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>As if they I was under a spell, I do what the twins say. My friends fallow. Inside, there are two more inside... I was surprised to see who they are.
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Bet you thought you saw the last of us, didn’t you, Inmate?
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It would seem that way.
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You... Split again.
Blue-haired girl: (angry) Hey, you’re twins again because we’re here, aren’t you!?
Pink-haired girl: (also angry) Not cool.
Caroline: Sorry if we just wanted to have a little fun.
Justine: All joking aside...
>In a flash of light, the Velvet Twins were one again.
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I’m here because the owner of this shop asked me to come.
Joker: The owner?
????????: She is talking about me.
>The two girls then open a door. We go inside.
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Koda: Are... Are you the owner?
Man in kimono: I am. I am aware that you came here seeking me.
Koda: And you know why?
Man in kimono: From what Maru and Moro just saw, yes.
Koda: Then, can you help us? I’m sure that if anyone came at least control this... demon, you can.
Man in kimono: That depends. When people find this store, they think it is just a coincidence. However, there is no such thing as coincidences in this world. Only inevitably. You managed to find this shop... Because you have a wish that you really need to be granted... And I believe it has something to do with these four. That’s why Lavenza is here.
Joker: What do you mean?
Man in kimono: ... Tell me, what are your names?
Koda: You don’t know who I am? Or him? (points thumb at Skull)
Man in kimono: ... I don’t get out much.
Koda: ... Moyuru Koda.
Junichi: Junichi Kotoba.
Joker: Ren Amamiya.
Fox: Yusuke Kitagawa.
Skull: Ryuji Sakamoto.
Diego: Diego Mercury.
Man in kimono: (smiling) Diego Mercury... That’s not your real name.
Diego: Try to understand. There’s reason to why I use it.
Man in kimono: (still smiling) Very well. I shall respect it.
Joker: And what about you?
Man in kimono: ... Kimihiro Watanuki... And before you say anything, yes, my name means April 1, my birthday.
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I see.
Watanuki: Koda, you came because you wish for me to remove the demon you have merged with.
Koda: Can you?
Watanuki: Perhaps. But you should know, I require compensation. No wish is free.
Koda: We’ll pay you any price if it means things will go back to the way they were... Hold on, I think I left my wallet outside.
Watanuki: I’m afraid money will not be needed. In this shop, the price must be of equal value. Something that you have that you love just as much as you wish for. (draws closer to Koda) What is it that you value more?
>As if to answer, Koda’s eyes... Turn to Junichi.
Watanuki: I see.
Koda: I love Junichi. More than anything... But can I really give it up for just one wish? The real reason for this is so I can be with him. To be with him, but gone...
Watanuki: The decision is only yours to make. If you are truly unsure... I shall give you time to think of it.
Skull: I still don’t know why we’re here. How do you even know Lavenza?
Lavenza: My master was good friends with the previous owner of this shop.
>She turns us to a portrait on the wall.
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Lavenza: To many, she was the Space Time Witch, but to those who knew her, she was Yuuko Ichihara... Which is not her real name.
Fox: That does answer one question.
Watanuki: You four are here because I sensed that these two will need you in the future... And not just him.
Joker: What do you mean?
Watanuki: There are two others... Miki Kuroda and Akira Fudo.
Koda: I know those two. They go to Kamigaku High School and they’re members of the track team. What do they have to do with all this?
Watanuki: ... I have already told you all that I know. What lies after that is beyond even my powers.
Lavenza: Yes. The only person who would know is my master, the contract has already been fulfilled.
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And he may not come back until Persona 6... If ATLUS decides to make it.
Koda: I see... I think.
Watanuki: The offer for the wish will stand until you make a decision. When you are ready, you know where to find me.
>Koda and Junichi nod.
Watanuki: And the four of you and your friends will make sure to keep an eye on them as well.
Joker: Us?
Lavenza: That is probably why I came. Because in case something happens...
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The Trickster might be needed.
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I understand.
>Koda and Junichi just stare... Then they realized something.
>We were now at the front door when they stopped us.
Koda: Hey!
Skull: What is it?
Koda: It’s... It’s about what you just saw and what you’ve been told...
Joker: It’s a secret. Don’t worry... We happen to have a secret of our own, so rest assure that it’ll be safe.
Koda: You’re secret? ... You mean that you guys are the Phantom Thieves?
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Oh my!
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Holy shit!
Diego: How did you know?
>Koda and Junichi just stare past us to Lavenza.
Koda: Call it a hunch.
Junichi: Then it’s a deal, we won’t tell your secret if you don’t tell ours.
Joker: ...
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Sure, we’re down with that.
>The others agreed.
Koda: Really? That’s... That’s a calm way of agreeing.
Joker: I can sense that the love you two have is true and I know you don’t want to see it die. I know. Me and Yusuke are like that, too.
Fox: That’s true. (smiles a bit)
Joker: I know that you are a demon... But you have the heart of a human. That’s a rare sight. Usually the demons we face are... Difficult. But you’re different, Koda san. Be happy for that. I think it’s your love for Junichi that’s helping you now.
Koda: (unsure) Really? Last I checked, he lost a leg because of me.
>Junichi rolls up his pant sleeve to show a prosthetic leg.
Junichi: But I’m still a member of our track team. I finished my physical therapy with Moyuru’s help. Now I’m a running again, even though I was made the starter. But I don’t blame him for this. There were a lot of demons that appeared at the Black Sabbath. For all we know, anyone of them could have taken my leg and not Moyuru.
Koda: And what about that time I was unfaithful to you after? That guy is now in the hospital because of me.
Diego: What do you mean?
Koda: I overheard you talking with Black Panther and Thor. They probably told you about what happened a couple months ago. A gay prostitute was found with hug bite marks on his back in a hotel... That was me. I did that.
Joker: You did?
Koda: Don’t worry, he survived, but the sight of me turning into a demon turned his hair white from shock and now he’s in a vegetative state. They think it was an Inhuman. But I know the truth. I did that to him. Not because I’m an Inhuman... But because I’m a demon.
Joker: How do you know?
Koda: I was there when the Terrigen Mist came to Japan. I was exposed, but nothing happened. In fact, I didn’t become a demon until that night at the Sabbath while we were in America. And they just wrote that off as just things getting out of hand due to drugs.
Joker: I guess that’s good... Sort of.
Koda: Either way, I’m just thinking you need to be careful. There might come a day...
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I’m sure it won’t come. Don’t worry.
>Koda gets closer to get a better look at me.
Koda: You don’t seem like the kind of person who would lie... So yeah, I guess... Thanks. I owe you.
>Koda has trust in me. And I can trust him with our secret.
I am thou, thou art I… Thou hast acquired a new vow.
It shall become the wings of rebellion that breaketh they chains of captivity.
With the birth of Balance Persona, I have obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to freedom and new power…
Confidant: Moyuru Koda
Arcana: Balance (This Arcana is made up for this Confidant.)
Rank: 1
Ability: Kawa
Allows you to visit Kawa High School, but only on days when Koda has practice.
>Skull’s phone rings. He checks it.
Skull: It’s a text from Keigo. He says they need us there for one last rehearsal before the show.
Junichi: Then I guest we should go.
Skull: Are you guys also in the Open Mike Nite?
Koda: Yeah, we already paid to use the Dream FES System. We’re doing a cover of one of DearDream’s songs.
Diego: I see.
Junichi: Are you guys entering, too? I know Ryuji san is already with KUROFUNE, but it never hurts to perform with your friends.
Skull: That’s right. We’re just performing a few song from Dancing in Starlight.
Diego: That reminds me, we promised we’d take the girls to the stadium on the way.
Joker: Yeah, Makoto, Haru, Futaba, and Akechi should be there by now. And the others. Yu, Yosuke, and Teddie said they would go to the fishing pond to get the girls with us.
Koda: We should go there, too. You go to your other friends.
Joker: Right. See you soon.
>With that, we leave the store. Koda and Junichi leave for Ikebukuro.
Skull: I still wish I knew how I couldn’t see that place at first.
Lavenza: You couldn’t see the shop because you have no need for it. However, your leader, in a way, does. And because you have such a strong bond with him, that allowed you to see it.
Skull: Really?
Fox: That would explain it...
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Wait. Does this mean I have a wish that needs granting!?
Diego: And me?
Lavenza: ... You should hurry.
>She points to... A young strong woman and a skinny young man walking along. I recognize one of them.
Miko: Well it has to be here somewhere, Miki texted me.
Akira: I’m sure we’ll find it. There aren’t that many fishing ponds in this city.
Miko: I’m sure you’re right, Fudo. But it’s not like... Hold on.
>Miko listens carefully... Rapping and beat boxing.
Miko: Over there.
>She runs in the direction of the rapping... In the same manner as Koda did.
Akira: Hold on, I’m coming! (runs after her)
Diego: Isn’t that... The people Watanuki talked to us about?
Joker: Right, let’s go.
>We chase after them.
>End of flashback.
>The Dream FES stadium was filling up with people who will either be watching the Open Mike or entering.
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>Backstage in the dressing room.
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Alright! Is everyone ready?
Panther: Where is everyone else?
Skull: Yuto and Keigo don’t have to perform tonight, so they’ll be watchin’ from the VIP seats with the other idols and our royal guests. Harry, Peter, and the others are with them.
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Where’s Kasumi chan?
Joker: She and her gymnastic club have their own act. She with them in another dressing room. As are Yu, Yosuke, and Teddie, and the other people performing. They have their own dressing rooms.
Queen: I see. I hope we see them, soon. I wonder what they’ve got in store.
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I guess we’ll know soon.
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Alright then, let’s get to it.
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Everybody in?
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Ready as we’ll ever be.
Diego: (looking a little down) Why don’t I like the sound of that?
>On stage, the MC comes.
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Good evening, Tokyo! The Dream Festival proudly presents the Open Mike Nite! Now it’s your turn to shine tonight. We’ve got a fine line up for you. As always, I’m your MC. Joining me tonight to host with me are legendary idols. Give it up for Haruto Mikami, Rise Kujikawa, and Blue Rose!
>The crowd applauded.
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Welcome, everyone, to Dream FES’s First Annual Open Mike Nite!
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It may not be a contest this time, but we’ll tell you just how great you are at performing!
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(sorry, but it should be small enough, so don’t flag) This Festival of Dreams will show all light. Now let’s get together and shine though the night!
MC: So true! Now, let’s move on with our first act. They came from the west, their rapping supreme. Just a few words to just make you scream!  Ladies and gentlemen, Wamu and the Gang!
>Wamu and his gang come on stage.
Wamu: Alright, Tokyo, get ready for the power of our rhymes! Our rhymes speak only the truth! Now, world, prepare!
>Wamu and his gang begin their rapping. After they finished, people applauded... Though, a little shaken by the words in their song.
Wamu: This next one is made by Kukun.
Kukun: This next song goes out to a very special lady. I’m sure she’ll like it.
>In the audience, Miko was intrigued... A memory washes over her... That day at the snapdragon garden.
DISCLAIMER: The following song belongs to its creator. Devilman Crybaby is the property of Go Nagai and Netflix. Please support the official release.
MC’s voice: That... Was... Super!
>Miko snaps back to the present.
MC: So, judges, what do you think?
Haruto: That first rap definitely speaks the truth. Our world may not be perfect, but it’s our job to change all that.
Rise: We have the Phantom Thieves to tell us that. And that second rap... That sounds more like a confession. Kukun, Mayuta, or whoever you wish to be called, you must really like this person.
Kukun: ... More than you know.
Blue Rose: That’s actually quite sweet of you. Just remember, sometimes, reality can be more painful. But don’t give up... I know I learned to live with such things.
Wamu: You mean with Wild-
Blue Rose: (quickly and angrily) Moving on! Next act.
MC: Out next performers made their first show at LMB. Now they’re here for all to see. Here to dance all night to the day. Give it up for Yu and Yosuke!
>Yu and Yosuke come on stage.
Yosuke: Don’t go easy on us just because we’re friends, Rise chan!
Rise: Don’t worry, Yosuke senpai, I’ll be as brutal as you want me to be... I’ll even put on a black shirt and start talking in a snobby British accent.
>No one could help but laugh at that joke.
Haruto: Now I believe you signed up to use the System. So everyone, ready your Dorika!
Yu: We actually have a surprise for you. For this year only, we have a new Dorika for you all!
>In the audience with Kagami Tsurugi and her party... Which at the moment consists of herself, young fashionista, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, her friend, Alya Cesaire, and their other friends, Mylene Haprele, Alix Kubdel, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Marc Anciel, Le Chien Kim, and Max Kante.
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A new card?
>They searched the deck. They found it.
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Tatsumi E.?
Yu: It’s short for Tatsumi Empire. Another up and coming designer like yourself. Ladies and gentlemen, for this one night only to debut his design, let’s welcome the creator of Tatsumi Empire, Kanji Tatsumi!
>Everyone applauded as a reluctant Kanji Tatsumi comes on stage.
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Uh... Hi... I’m Kanji... And these are my... Designs.
Yosuke: (laughing a bit) C’mon, Kanji, that’s all you have to say?
Kanji: Sh- Shut up! I can say more. You’ll love my clothes! They’re super cool and really cute... They’ll give you diabetes!
Haruto: (a little confused) I’m not sure if that’s how the saying goes, but still I’m sure we’ll love it. Shall we?
Yu and Yosuke: Yes, let’s do it! Together!
Dorika Time!
Catch Your Cheers!
Yu: Behold, the truth!
Catch Your Cheers!
Yosuke: Now’s our chance! You ready?
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Dancing All Night Series! Complete!
>Yu and Yosuke perform Backside of the TV (Lotus Juice Remix). It was one of the best performances the crowd has ever seen.
MC: That was a really awesome show, you two! I’d say you’d even give KUROFUNE a run for their money.
Yu: Not really. We’re just amateurs.
Haruto: Still, you two are such great talents. If you ever get tired of the physiology game or Junes, we have a place for you at D-Four.
Rise: Sorry, Haruto san, but my senpai are already spoken for by Takura.
Blue Rose: I don’t think it would matter... They could start their own productions if they wanted to.
Yosuke: Thanks, Blue Rose san, guess I know what I’m doing after college.
MC: And how is college coming along, Yosuke san?
Yosuke: ...
MC: Oops, that’s a little personal, so I’ll stop right there.
Yu: Anyway, thank you for seeing us tonight! Enjoy the rest of the show!
Yosuke: A- And don’t forget, the outfits we used are from Tatsumi Empire!
>They leave the stage.
MC: Are next act is also from the sticks. He claims to have some tricks. I hope you all are beary ready. Here he is, the Dancing Magician, Teddie!
>Teddie rolls on stage.
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This performance goes out to all you lovely ladies out there. Now, my honeys, you Teddie Bear will now enter your hearts. Bring on the music!
>Teddie performs Likea Dream come True (Never More ver.).
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And bear you have it.
MC: That was... Not like anything I’ve ever seen.
Rise: (unimpressed) Are you kidding? All he did was jump out of his suit.
Blue Rose: I agree. Anybody can do that.
Teddie: (unhappy) I’m hurt, Rise chan!
Haruto: But you have to admit, I can feel the energy from your dance. You should be happy about that.
Teddie: (cheered up a bit) Thank you, Haruto. You’re almost as generous as Sensei.
Haruto: You’re welcome... I think.
>Teddie leaves.
MC: Our next performers maybe strange, but they hope to fill the world with change. They maybe Inhumans and have powers, but tonight is their finest hour. Give it up for The Atyran Experience!
>With that, Haechi, Iso, Jaycen, Inferno, Chloe, and, to our surprise, Ms. Marvel, come on stage.
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(vocals) I still can’t believe we let you talk us into this.
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(drums) Come on, I think this might help with our relationship with the rest of the world.
Chloe: (keyboard) He’s right. And what could help with stuff like that than with music?
Iso: (guitar) You say that, but will it really work?
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(also on guitar) It has to. Dante and Chloe had us work so hard.
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(bass) Hope you’re right.
Haechi: (sighs in defeat) Fine. But don’t blame me if we screw up.
Chloe: That’s the spirit.
Inferno: We are The Atyran Experience and we’re here to foster peace between humans and Inhumans! 1! 2! 3! 4!
>The band begins playing. They’re not so bad. They even worked their powers in the act. At first, the audience, except for the Inhuman Royal Family, all our our friends, Chloe’s friends, Miki, Akira, Miko, Miki’s family, Phoebe, Coop, and the Tsurugi party, cheered little. But as the song went on, their cheers became more and louder. Then they finished. The whole crowd was applauding.
MC: That was The Atyran Experience, ladies and gentlemen!
Inferno: Sorry that this is the only song we know. We kinda came up with this on the fly.
Haurto: I see. You must be quite the genius to think of something like this on the go.
Inferno: I just have experience. I’ve played drums before.
Blue Rose: Experience can only get you so far. After that, you need skills. Then again, it really worked for Wild Tiger.
Rise: That’s right. Now he’s living a happy life with his husband.
Inferno: That’s good to hear... Though I doubt I’ll find my soulmate so soon.
Haechi: (now feeling real awkward) Can we finish this?
Rise: Anyways, you all did wonderful.
>With that, they leave.
MC: For our next act, he’ll get us fallin’ in love. Like stars, she shines above. Let’s now begin the show. Give a great welcome to DJ Nino!
>The audience applauded as Nino Lahiffe comes on stage.
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For this performance, I asked my main boi to perform the dancing part of it. Let’s hear it for Adrien Agreste!
>The audience (especially the girls) cheered as Adrien Agreste comes on stage.
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I guess I’m up for it. The question is... Who am I dancing with?
Nino: I’ve already figured that... It’s the cure girl the pigtails between Alya and Kagami.
Marinette: (freaking out) What!? Oh my! Oh my! Oh my!
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I’m going to have to talk to Nino later.
>Marinette reluctantly gets on stage.
Nino: Alright, now that that’s done, let’s kick this party into overdrive!
>Nino performs DJ Got Us Fallin’ In Love with Marinette and Adrien dancing together. When they were done, the audience really cheered.
Haruto: Now they look like such a great couple.
Rise: 可愛い!Just like me and Senpai!
Blue Rose: They do make such a good team... Just like Ladybug and Cat Noir.
>Marinette and Adrien are just left silent. She returns to her seat.
MC: Our next performance, Adrien is in it. They have name that can get you to dig it. They came from Paris, France. Let their song really get you to dance. Kitty Section!1
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Rose Lavillant: Evening everyone, our name is Kitty Section!
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Go for it, Kitty Section! You’ve got this in the bag!
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Remember, Kim, this isn’t a contest.
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I love you, Ivan!
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Marc: I’m really looking forward to this.
Nathaniel: So am I... I wonder if I should ask Blue Rose to tell Origami Cyclone I said hi.
Rose: Let’s start the show! One, two three!
>Kitty Section with Adrien play I Love Unicorns (2.0).
MC: That was Kitty Section! Now let’s see what our idols have to say.
Haruto: I think it was great. You don’t see something like this with just any rock group. You guys have a style on your own.
Luka Couffaine: You actually have Marinette to thank for that. She designs our costumes.
>A spot light shines on Marinette. She blushes.
Juleka Couffaine: Yeah, they’re so awesome.
Ivan Bruel: Real awesome.
Rose: We’re Kitty Section!
Kitty Section: Thank you and good night!
>The crowd cheered as they left and the MC returns.
MC: The next up is Inhuman, too. But his time with us ain’t through.
>The next act comes up.
Diego: Hey Joker, it’s that bouncer we see in Shibuya sometimes. I didn’t know he was an Inhuman.
MC: I didn’t know you were an Inhuman. And you work as a bouncer in Shibuya.
Bouncer: You’d be surprised by what you learn about me.
>Then, a third eye opens on the bouncer’s forehead. Then, he shout some light out of it and a sculpture of a building appeared where it hit. He hits it again and it disappears.
Bouncer: Relax, that only happens on stuff my third eye creates. If I use it on anything or anyone else, nothing will happen.
MC: That’s good to hear.
Bouncer: But here’s someone I didn’t create. He offered to help with my performance. He’ll be DJing my act.
MC: Really? Who would that be?
????????: That would be yours truly.
>The crowd was shocked to see who just appeared.
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Bet you didn’t know that apart from being a superhero, I’m also a great DJ... Almost as great as Nino.
Alya: (whispering, but now real upset) Now I’m really going to have a word with him later.
Bouncer: Now, let’s get this show on the road!
>With that, the bouncer and Carapace perform Heartless. The bouncer uses his power to add visuals. The audience was amazed.
MC: Spectacular! Really Spectacular!
Haruto: I must say, I’m impressed. The Atryan Experience used their powers in their act, and so did you.
Rise: That’s true. You made us feel like we were actually inside the song.
Blue Rose: I know I’ve used my powers in my shows, too, but this is just one of the greatest I have ever seen. Have you tried going to Sterbild to join Hero TV?
Bouncer: There’s just a couple of things wrong with that. First, I’m not a NEXT, I’m an Inhuman. And second, I don’t think the other Inhumans would be happy about that.
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I do not see any harm in it. Though, we will have to see if you will be safe there. What do you think, Blackbolt?
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(just nods, he agrees)
Bouncer: Well, that’s my show. Thank you, Tokyo!
>The bouncer and Carapace get off stage.
MC: Are next performers are from Neo Yokio. Think we should give them a go? They’ll give you glamour and all that jazz. Let’s give a welcome to Arcangelo and Kaz!
>The crowd cheered as the two Neo Yokioians came on stage.
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Now this is just a great turn out. Is that right, Kaz Kaan?
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Yeah... (whisper) Why am I up here with you?
Arcangelo Corelli: Because Aunt Agatha said so.
Kaz Kaan: (melancholy as usual) Right. I can’t believe I’m doing this... Did Charles tell you that story he told me on Christmas?
Arcangelo Corelli: ... Maybe. (smiling) Now, shall we (you pink-haired prince)?
>Kaz Kaan just grimaces, but agrees. They begin performing Friend Like U.
NOTE: This song was made originally for Christmas. So some of the lyric have been altered for Dream FES. Example: “I’m only rappin’ for you ‘cause it’s Christmas” will sound like “I’m only rappin’ for you ‘cause it’s Dream FES”.
>After the song, the crowd cheered. Mostly the girls for Arcangelo Corelli. Not that there weren’t any for Kaz Kaan.
Blue Rose: You two are suppose to be from an alternate version of the city I’m from, right?
Arcangelo Corelli: Neo Yokio may not be a city of heroes, but we are a city of glory.
Haruto: Seems like it. You guys have a flare that just won’t go out. I admire that.
Rise: But sometimes, it doesn’t take much to fall from glory. Just watch your step.
Kaz Kaan: That’s sound advice... (whispers to himself) Kind of reminds me of Helena.
MC: Anyway, let’s thank Arcangelo and Kaz for joining us here tonight!
>The audience applauded as they leave the stage.
MC: The next act are by locals, but their skill are just beyond. Though one of them’s already with KUROFUNE, they have a strong bond. These guys are just without end. Please welcome, Ryuji and friends!
>The crowd goes wild as we come on stage.
Skull: Good evenin’, Tokyo! How you all doin’?
>They cheer.
Skull: Though I’m already with KUROFUNE, it never hurts to perform on stage with your friends, right?
Joker: I’m just happy to be here tonight.
Fox: I’m more of an artist, but for tonight and for my friends, I am willing to dance!
Diego: Time to shine and light the stage!
Crow: As am I!
MC: I see even the Detective Prince wants in on the action.
Crow: Just something I do on the side. Ryuji san is my best friend after all.
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You know it, buddy!
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Indeed, I do.
MC: Now from what I’ve heard, you will be using the Dream FES System.
Diego: Except for me and Akechi. We’re good as is.
MC: I see. Performing with people who are using the system, how bold. So, shall we get this show started?
>The crowd cheered.
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Then let us begin!
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Tonight, we’ll show Life Will Change!
Dorika Time!
>In the VIP seats.
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Hey look, new cards have been added. Look.
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NOTE: I apologize for the use of the ATLUS logo. They are the original creators of the clothes.
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This looks cool.
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These look just like the ones they wore in the original Dancing in Starlight videos.
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I think that’s the point.
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A little over used, but okay.
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I think they’re good. Can’t really beat the classics.
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You sound like my dad. But it’s not far off.
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I think I’m starting to understand why Stark is interested in the Dream Festival System. There’s almost no limit to this.
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Just try not to go over board over it. Remember the conversation?
>Harry, Alistaire, and John all blush.
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Ollie, there’s a time and place for everything. This is not one of them.
Ollie: (surprised) Oh, I’m sorry.
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What do you mean?
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I’ll tell you later.
>Then, Aleksei walks up to Flash and, to everyone’s shock, lifts him by the shirt.
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Now, Friend Flash, I’m sure the last thing you want is to embarrass your friends by revealing their secrets for everyone to hear. And I’m sure you wouldn’t like your secrets to be revealed. Would you?
Flash: (a little shaken) N- No.
Aleksei: And I’m sure you wouldn’t want to see me upset about seeming friends embarrassed. Because if you think the Hulk’s temper is bad... Do you want to see what happens when you anger a rhino?
Flash: N- No.
Aleksei: Then, what are we going to do?
Flash: Keep it quiet.
Aleksei: (putting flash back down) Very good.
Flash: (thinking to himself) Damn Russian Rhino.
Harry: Wow, Aleksei, I didn’t know-
Aleksei: (worried) Oh no, we better hurry. Dorika Time is almost over.
Harry: Never mind.
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Is he always like this?
Peter: Depends on the situation.
>They load the cards and launch the cards in the air and at the stage.
Catch Your Cheers!
Skull: Ima gonna charge into your hearts!
Catch Your Cheers!
Joker: I seek the Treasure within!
Catch Your Cheers!
Fox: The beauty of tonight will show!
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Dancing in Starlight Series! Complete!
(I also apologize for the transformation end scene. Still not a good artist.)
>We perform Life Will Change. We reworked it so that Diego, who is in human form, and Crow can dancing too. This includes recording the song ahead of time since we usually play the song live (with me on guitar and vocals, Fox on bass, Skull on drums, and Diego on keyboard)... Well, I warned them about my singing.
MC: (after we finsihed our song and he is surprised) Wow! They weren’t kidding when they told you you sound like Lyn Inaizumi! How is that even possible!
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Haruto: Actually, we can work on that. If you ever get tired of the barista game, you might have a place with us at D-Four. Especially if Ryuji san makes it into the Top Three.
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I’ll think about it.
Fox: Actually, I’d rather work on the art of the CD. I actually have a few ideas.
Blue Rose: I’m sure you do. Actually, I’m about to release a new CD soon and we could use an artist of your talent.
Fox: I’ll be sure to consider it.
Rise: And Diego, that move just now... Just like a cat and not like some bear I know.
Teddie’s voice from backstage: Teddie discrimination isn’t cool at all!
Haruto: Anyway, I”m starting to think why Harry Osborn considered you as an idol. You might even make it to the Top Three. Good luck, Ryuji san!
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I won’t let you down, Haruto san! And that goes double for KUROFUNE and my friends and family!
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We love you, Ryu kun!
Skull: I keep saying...
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Ah, screw it! I love you too, Mom!
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I think you’ve finally made him like the pet name.
Mrs. Sakamoto: He already did. (makes a satisfied smile)
Skull: Alright, MC, our other friends are here, too. give ‘em great intro.
>We got off stage.
MC: Alright, Ryuji, I’ll welcome the girls. Their song will reach the whole world. Their appearance alone is just what we all prize. Here they come, Last Surprise!
>Everyone, mostly the men, cheered as Panther, Queen, Oracle, and Noir came on stage.
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This next song is where we got our name.
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It’s fitting since we are unpredictable.
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Don’t bother getting ready for us.
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Because nothing can prepare you for what we have in store.
Panther, Queen, Oracle, and Noir: You’ll never see it coming!
>With that, they perform Last Surprise. Good thing they’re using their regular Dancing in Starlight costumes. The press would have a field day and the men would lose themselves in their other outfits.
Rise: Amazing! Makes me wish me and my girlfriends did that in LMB.
Oracle: Maybe the next time we meet. We might set up something at our school.
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(from here seat) Why me?
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Well, at least things won’t be dull.
Blue Rose: Actually, I should get my own girlfriends to try a show with me. Since Kotetsu and Barnaby have their hands full these days.
Rise: Will Dragon Kid be alright with that?
Haruto: She will if you tell her that it’s for training.
Blue Rose: I’ll have to think about it. Anyway, you all did a wonderful show. I hope to see you perform again soon.
>The girls bow happily and leave the stage... They walk past Koda and Junichi.
Junichi: Are you ready? We’re next.
Koda: (worried) A little.
Junichi: (putting an arm around Koda) Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.
Koda: I know... I’m starting to wonder if I should have taken Watanuki’s offer.
Junichi: Are you? Are you going to take it?
Koda: ... I’m still thinking about it.
Junichi: Well, whatever you choose... I’ll never stop loving you.
Koda: ... I know. Thank you, Junichi.
>What they don’t know is that I watched this. I think I understand Koda a little more.
Rank Up!
Confidant: Moyuru Koda
Arcana: Balance
Rank: 2
MC’s voice: Next is the super student and his partner true. Nothing can tear these two. Give it up for Moyuru Koda and Junichi Kotoba!
Junichi: (smiling) Come on. Let’s do this.
Koda: (smiling confidently) Yes. Together.
>With that, they come on stage.
Koda: Good evening, Tokyo! Now before we begin, let me set something straight: No, we’re not exactly here for the End of Summer. I mean, we might see it, but we’re not in it. Our school doesn’t even have a Stride Club.
Junichi: We thought of starting one, but we could never find the time.
MC: Maybe you’ll have time after this. You never know.
Koda: I see. We’ll think about it. Right now, we’re here for this night. And we enter a world of dreams and light.
Junichi: I even paid on the fly that we can use the System. So we can make this night even more awesome.
Koda: You really paid a lot of money for me? That’s so sweet of you.
Junichi: Thank you.
MC: Indeed it is... Japan really needs more couples like this no matter the gender.
Koda: Now, let’s do this together!
Junichi: And together, we will purify the darkness in your hearts.
Koda: Cast out the demons that plague your minds.
Koda and Junichi: We will go forward with NEW STAR EVOLUTION!
Dorika Time!
Catch Your Cheers!
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Koda: How fitting. Let’s go for it!
Junichi: Evolution is part of the future. And us!
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>They change clothes.
Dear Future Series! Complete!
MC: (after song) That was absolutely marvelous!
Haruto: That was quite the show. You should take a leap from Ryuji san and Galaxy Standard. You can be idols and athletes.
Koda: Thanks, but we should be fine. Sorry, Kanade kun.
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It’s okay, Koda san. We know you have your reasons. But just in case you change your mind, give me a call. Okay?
Koda: (smiling) Yeah, I’m sure
Rise: Still, you have such talent. No wonder you’re the Super High Schooler. But you’re still you. You should be happy for that.
Koda: Yeah...
Blue Rose: And you’re in a gay relationship. That also makes you quite modern.
Junichi: Well, if Kotetsu and Barnaby can do it, so can we.
Koda: Yeah... (embraces Junichi tearfully) I love you, Junichi!
Junichi: (smliling) I love you, too, Moyuru.
>The two men kissed. The whole audience cheered wildly. They leave the stage.
MC: How beautiful. Now, for your next act...
>While the other acts were on stage, I meet up with Royal to see how her performance was coming along. I saw they has set up a huge bucket over the stage.
Joker: What’s in the bucket?
Royal: Gold glitter. We got the idea from Flashdance and Elvira. Near the end of the song, I’ll douse myself in it. It will be spectacular.
Joker: I see...
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Just hope they don’t think you ripped it off.
Gymnast 1: Hey, are we ready? They’re about to call us soon.
Royal: Yes. I think we are.
Gymnast 2: Then let’s get started.
>They leave to get ready for the final act... Suddenly, I hear something above.
Joker: ?
>I look up and I’m sure I see a shadow headed for the bucket. I use my Third Eye to see what was going on. It looked like they had a hood up, so even I had trouble seeing what was under it... I see I’m not the only one who noticed.
Carapace: I see why you’re friends with Spider-Man. You’re quite the spotter.
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We’re not done talking! But yeah, that looks suspicious.
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Want to take a look?
>We go up. Carapace smiles as two more shadows appear.
>On stage.
MC: Our last act for the night will surly be a sight. They dancing with the rhythm is seems. Makes you feel like you’re in a dream. Let’s welcome the Shujin Gymnastic Team!
>Royal and her team come on stage.
Royal: This is the first time we’re doing something like this. We hope you will enjoy it.
>With that, they perform the iconic Maniac.
>On the catwalk above the stage. Me, Rena Rouge, and Carapace get close to the hooded figure. Using my Third Eye again, I finally see who it is.
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Call me a boy, would you!? You’re lucky I can’t chop you down because then that bleached bitch and that crap Canadian will come after me. So I’ll take a leap from the Elvira movie you talked about.
>Roxie Ritcher, the artist/half ninja and Ramona Flowers’s 4th Evil Ex, was also holding a bucket of what was unmistakably tar and feathered pillows. We step in.
Rena Rouge: Don’t even think about it, Ritcher!
Roxie: Back off, Volpina! You, Shell Shocker, and this geek who could pass off as a Japanese version of Gideon have nothing to do with this.
Rena Rouge: That’s Rena Rouge! I’m not Layla!
Carapace: See, this is what I was going to say. I got a message from an anonymous source that there was going to be trouble here at Dream FES. Guess they were right.
Roxie: Well, it doesn’t matter. Unlike the last time... I didn’t come alone.
>Suddenly, someone rushes between us.
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やめて、パンク! 近づかないでください!
>Rena Rouge gets out her flute, Carapace takes his shield, and I draw my gun.
????: The flute and shield we can buy, but a model gun that only shoots pellets is useless.
???: True. But I guess you work with what you can. I fear what is becoming of our country.
>The two more people come in.
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Kyle: Normally, we don’t fight on our own.
Ken: We let a robot do that.
Roxie: (upset.. er) Yeah, well normally, I don’t rely on men for help! But you were the only ones available in my contacts.
Kyle: ... I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced.
Carapace: Good... Because we’d like to introduce you to our own back up.
>Suddenly, two more people swoop down and take out the ninja.
Roxie: Great, now we have to deal with the bug and the cat.
>The two figures show themselves.
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More like spider and bird.
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Yeah, those two may be Paris’s greatest heroes, but we’re Earth’s mightiest heroes.
>Both Roxie and the K. Twins back off.
Roxie: I only wanted to teach that Yoshizawa bitch a lesson because she mistook me for a boy and humiliated me in the middle of Kichijoji. I’m not giving up! I’ll get her soon enough... And you’ll see her for what she truly is.
>She was eyeing me. Then, in a puff of smoke, she was gone.
Kyle: By the way, how did you even find out about out plan?
Hawkeye: Don’t you know? We’re the Avengers. We practically know everything.
Black Widow: That, and a little thing called the Internet.
>Black Widow takes out a phone to show... that Ken had posted the plans on his blog.
Kyle: (irritated) Ken?
Ken: ... Alright, so I couldn’t help it. I really wanted to show up those damn twins from Ouran Academy.
Kyle: Well, can’t really argue with that. Very well, until we meet again.
>With that, the K. Twins leave.
Black Widow: Well, that should take care of things. Thanks, Carapace. Your skills with a shield might even rival Captain America’s.
Carapace: Really?
Black Widow: ... Not really.
Hawkeye: Stung. Though, I wish I new what she meant by what she just said.
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That would be spoiling it. 
Black Widow: Right, not until Halloween. Still, I think we should keep an eye out. Thank you, Carapace, Rena Rouge. As well as you, Ren Amamiya. You’re a good friend to Parker and Osborn.
>I nod and Black Widow and Hawkeye leave.
Rena Rouge: The performance is about to end. We should head back... And we still have to talk.
Carapace: I already told you. Besides, I doubt someone like Hawk Moth watches Dream FES.
Rena Rouge: We’ll see. Oh, and Ren Amamiya... I hope your friend makes it in the Top Three.
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Thank you.
>With that, we leave the catwalk.
>Back on stage, Royal and her team finisher their performance with Royal dumping glitter on herself.
MC: AMAZING! Aren’t they great? Aren’t they spectacular?
>The crowd cheered loudly.
Haruto: I know it’s already been done, but they was no doubt a really great show. I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.
Royal: You think so?
Rise: Absolutely. If this were the Olympics, you would totally get a gold medal.
Royal: I’m sure... Just as long as we don’t end up like a certain gym teacher.
>Cricket sounds.
Royal: (turning red) I’m sorry! That was in poor taste!
Blue Rose: You just made a mistake. We all do. Still, we love your performance. Thank you.
Royal: You’re welcome, Blue Rose san!
>Royal and her team bow. Then, the MC comes back on stage.
MC: Let’s welcome back the other talents that showed up tonight, shall we?
>The audience cheered as we came on stage with the other performers of the night. We bow to them.
MC: Well, that’s our show for the night. Remember, our grand finale is this Saturday. That night, we will be holding our competition to see which Rookie Idol will make their CD debut and our final song for this year’s Dream Festival.
>The crowed went wild.
MC: Well, until then everyone, this is your MC saying thank you and goodnight!
>The audience applauded.
>We’re so close to the end... Skull, good luck, brother.
0 notes
terranoctis · 7 years
Vex & Vax
Spoilers for Critical Role Episode 102 are below, if you haven’t seen it yet. Y’all have been warned.
There's an interesting dichotomy that I see between Vex and Vax and the way they react to things. It seems unintentional, just by nature of who their characters are and in part by who Liam and Laura are.  However, it's an interesting thing to think about in light of Vex having to learn that her brother has died--been obliterated into dust--at the beginning of the next episode.
To start the gist of this, I find that Vax's love for his twin sister (and by extension Vox Machina) consists of sacrifice and dances around death. I believe Liam mentioned once on a Talks Machina episode that Vax doesn't pull away from his fate as the Raven Queen's champion (or something in similar terms to that) because he's afraid she will pull the plug on Vex's life.  Vax likewise thinks he's traded his life for Vex's. It seems like in some respect Vax wonders if he will die after all this is done due to the deal he made (though considering the last episode...)
On the other side of things, Vex's love for Vax (and by extension Vox Machina), consists of a vivacious selfishness for life and her brother's life. Vex bartered with the Raven Queen  post-Kraken escapade to not sacrifice herself or anything--but rather a deal that she could share her brother's burden and have them live through all of it together. She doesn't go small, either.  She believes that much in their ability to survive together by betting against Orcus, never mind that he's a God.
Liam has mentioned it before that Vax's best and worst quality is his love for his sister, because in some sense, we all know that Vax would do anything to save his sister. I can only imagine what would have happened if it had not been Vex who had been revived and Vax had been instead. Now consider this: the last thing Vax saw when he was alive was that his sister died before his eyes and he was utterly paralyzed and unable to protect her.
As the audience, we are more privy to the fact that Vax did have anxiety about who he would be without Vex. Due to Vex's cool facade and a whole "eff this" mentality to the world, we see less of this anxiety with her. She takes separation in stride right before the year-long time skip, much better than Vax, at least from our perspective.
Now, ultimately, Vex has to deal with this separation and likely delve into that realm of the Raven Queen to pull back her brother. Dance with the Goddess of Death herself, as she once did before, unaware of it. As for Vax--because I can't imagine the Raven Queen is leaving him alone even in the realm of the dead--will have to find that same desire for life that drives Vex. I am personally worried that Vax, because he may be unaware Vex is alive still, might not come back even if they find a resurrection ritual to call him back. Though I have to believe that, like Vex's (endearing) selfishness for everything in life, Vax will find that in him as well, starting from his love for Keyleth to his friendship with the rest of Vox Machina... And ending with the fact that Vex would want him to live.
Though this makes me wonder a little if we have to rely on Vax to find that in him for any resurrection to be possible, if this means that we will have to see Vex sacrifice a little bit--or even her life, in order for Vax to come back. After all, they are both unaware to what extent Vax’s original bargain with the Raven Queen goes to.
Their roles have been reversed.  I don't think Vex can argue with the Raven Queen again for her brother's life without giving a little bit of herself.  Vex may not want to don the Raven Queen's armor, for example, but she may have to if it requires that some bargain is done for such a resurrection to be completed. 
I worry a lot because Vex and Vax are probably my favorite characters, so this analysis keeps sinking deeper and deeper into my head. And I worry. And my heart hurts.
Vax seeing Vex die as one of his last moments alive.
Vex being completely unaware while dead that Vax was obliterated.
The twins are very much alike--even when they’re completely different.
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nomanicsdak · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://manicdak.com/unfinished-business/
Unfinished Business
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We are back! Not months and months later for once! Right now, I am questless, so it’s time to search out some more exclamation points and question marks! I find a temple of Posiden which is right next to some dudes practicing thier long jump, which is more like a hop. Are they training for the Olympics perhaps?  I also find the wreck of the Argo in this area. You know, the ship Jason piloted. I do not find any golden fleeces here, just the guard that is chasing me around. After I collect all the treasure from Posiden’s temple, I run directly into the neighboring bandit camp.
Don’t Bite Me!!!
Pause. Why are bandit’s setting up camp mere feet from a guard filled temple??? Well, these bold bandit’s team up with the guard’s chasing me, and it’s all a recipe for desyncronization. It doesn’t help that I keep hitting the button for calling Ikaros instead of the one for my sword. On the second go round, I’m succeeding, but trying not to kill any precious attack doggos. Luckily I don’t have to, because a wolf shows up to dispatch half the bandit camp and thier little dogs too. Thank you, wild doggo.
Just as I reach Korinth and some person in a camp with a timed quest—I open the quest screen to discover that I am not done with the brother’s post-quest meetups. Tim also wants to meet me apparently. Well, he should have said so with words instead of sidelong glances. I guess we can do a quick backtrack and “spar” with him. Hopefully that is not some sort of double entendre, but I also learn that thier questline is called A Brother’s Seduction, so— 
Shark Hunter Was Here
Before I have to fight anybody, even if it ends up being romantic fighting, the game beseeches me to please! please! replace my gear with better stuff from my inventory, so let’s do that. Then, I have to steal a fishing boat with a bunch of sharks strapped to it, Old Man and the Sea style, because Tim is on some rocks in the middle of the water.
Okay, well, I can do hearts dialogue with this guy too, but I do not choose that, since I already did with Lykinos and it just doesn’t feel right. We’re just going to fight instead! The backstory here is that he used to spar with his dad on this rock out in the ocean, and he still comes there to be sad. He doesn’t seem to actually want to spar, so we’ll see how this goes.
Update!: So he has PTSD for sure. After Alexios beats him in the sparring match, he is clearly having flashbacks to some sort of trauma. He thinks he is going to lose control and murder me, and — Oh, god — timed choices. Crapness. Does it even matter, or am I going to truly cock thins up if I pick the wrong ones? I end up talking him down from the ledge in any case.
 We get to also have a heart to heart. Turns out he did once lose control and murder a fellow during battle. Yikes, dude. That was why he was discharged from the army. He hid this from his dad, so he could make him proud. I comfort him until he feels better and then we stare stoically into the sunset, thinkin’ about all the murder we’ve perpetrated I presume.
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It is Assassin’s Creed after all.
After this, the game informs me that I should check up on the bros back at their house, so I guess we’ll do that. I get back on the sharkboat and paddle my way back to shore. When I get there , the place is trashed and Lykinos is crying in a corner. Dammit. The bandits abducted Tim. I have to go rescue him now! 
Seriously, eff these bandits. They’re all going down! You want money, so leave all the money on the table and steal Tim?? 
Off I go to a new area of the map and the bandits are holed up in some giant fortress. I run around getting them all first, because I learned the hard way that they’ll just kill the prisoners that you free if you let them out before all the bandits are gone. 
When I let Tim out, he doesn’t want to go because there are still bandits??? Some of the dudes I let out of cages are running around and they kill the last one that I didn’t find right as I arrive, and finally we get a cut scene of Alexios calming Tim down.
Top Bad Guy
Hey, remember when I was wondering if there was a bigger loan shark? I found him. The actual bandit leader, not all the guys I just assassinated shows up. As it turns out, dear old dad was not only hitting up the loan sharks, but he was working for them as a smuggler too. One time he took money from them for gambling and they killed him for it. They never got the money back, so that’s why they’re hassling my boys. I should probably just stab these shady ne’er do wells , but instead I pay for the debts myself!
Lykinos makes his case
Tim makes his case
Once that is done, the boys thank Alexios and then start fighting over him. Tim never thought he would see happiness again like when he is with Alexios, and Lykinos thinks we’re soulmates. Oh, boy. Lol, I get options to choose one or the other, or neither. I choose neither, because—and I repeat, my heart belongs to the cute country doctor and/or the man-ho of Greece, Alkibiades.  The bros are both super disappointed and walk away. Sorry, bros! I must keep moving on!
I head back to Korinthia, stopping to defeat a huntress camp and to see what quests I have in the queue already, I find one about helping a captain on a beach, so I head off in that direction. Along the way I learn that Alexios thinks carrying boats over land is a dumb idea. Clearly he and Fitzcarraldo have wildly different opinions on this.  I arrive at the handsome pirate’s shore. Let’s see what he has going on.
Hello, Captain!
Here’s the story… Soldiers have been taking out pirates. Obviously, I am on the side of the pirates in thi situation somehow. Cool. Well, anyway, this dude’s brother went out to take on the military and didn’t come back. I choose the cagey option when I reveal I know he got eaten by sharks. I don’t tell him that I visited his bro’s grave. (This is one of the graves I went to when that lady asked me her obtuse riddle last time.) This guy’s new plan is to build an unsinkable ship that surely the army won’t be able to defeat and thus his village will be saved.
Is his villiage the boat? Like—I’m pretty sure if the military wanted to exact revenge or something, they could just burn the village to the ground? But I probably shouldn’t give them any ideas. I’m here to gather supplies though! I have to collect only Olive wood, which I already have because I walk or swim everywhere and pick up everything along the way. (Sorry, Phobos! I love you, good horse-o, but I always forget you exist!)
Next I have to go get a protective eye from a shipwreck—If the eye is protective, then how come it’s in a shipwreck? Oh, well. Who am I to question lucky charms. Off we swim!
Okay, the eye was on pirate guy’s old ship. He’s sad about how the pirate ways led to such death, and Alexios advises him that maybe he could use Titanic II for other things besides piracy. He agrees and pays me the last of the pirate treasure for good measure. Alright!
Titanic II
Now, I learn that this dude was part of that old lady’s riddle quest. Why do these quest lines keep making me think I’m finished when I’m not? I supposed I’ll return to her and help the guy who’s brother got eaten by a lion? Let’s find out! Who is this woman??? IS she a goddess? She’s sending me to a volcano island now, and is curious to know about what my gathering wood and advising the dude to quit piracy says about my character. I mean, I’ll do it, because she’s behaving suspiciously witch/godlike. I mean, the prince got turned into a beast because he didn’t help the old lady in disguise, right? Volcano island it is!
But first, I have to retrieve a key from a graveyard hermit, because this quest has something to do with this lady’s locked vault. I return to the graveyard to meet the hermit, and he is also a weird duck. A weird duck who doesn’t have the key. He left it on a guarded island somewhere. Gee, thanks. I guess it’s time for a swim. Or not. It’s far enough away that I have to find a dock and call Barny. 
As it turns out, this thing is guarded by lions. Is this the test? and not volcano island? Well, it is a location that requires me to kill the alpha lion so— I shoot them all accidentally with knockout arrows because I forgot I used up all the pointy ones. As it turns out, taming the alpha animal will also clear the location, so now I have a lion friend for as long as it takes me to get back to my boat I guess. 
Lion friend tearin’ up the town
OMG. He came with me! Lol, I return to the old lady and lion friend materializes out of nowhere. Surprise, lady! I brought one with me! He’s off to go fight the guards that were chasing me, so I’m afraid he wont be long for this world after all. Alas.
I return the key and learn that I am going to Haephestus’s foundry to find a helmet and not a volcano…thought I guess it could also be a volcano. I am ready as I’ll ever be, lady! Let’s do it! 
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Update: The guard’s did not kill Lion!
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