#staniel elizabeth wheeler
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Rewatching @markiplier 's twitch streams of gta v rp at 2 am does weird things to my brain. So enjoy the memes I made that will for ever be engraved into my brain for all eternity
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stanthewaterman · 5 years
Violet Velvet (TW)
submitted by:  subtleshenanigans
A/N: So I got inspired by a text post (I’ll reblog and tag them if this gets submitted), and the fact that I am a sucker for Platonic FriendlyPack.
I won’t say too much but I will give a trigger warning for this one: mentions of prostitution, physical abuse, reference to Oxy, and a panic attack.
For a second, he hesitates.
His hand is poised to knock, and he’s shaking; he’s shaking so bad. But he doesn’t know where to go - he only knows what he can’t do.
Can’t go to the police, can’t go to the hospital, can’t tell can’ttell can’tte ll-
His chest hurts, the ache getting worse. Steeling himself, he strengthens his resolve and knocks. One two three. Standard. Unhurried.
The door swings open a moment later, and Jimmy is met with a pajama-clad Stan. It’s a soft blue and white striped set, even with one of those old fashioned night caps.
“Jimmy?” Stan rubs at his eye sleepily. “What are you doing here? It’s really la-“
He catches sight of the dark, blooming violet around Jimmy’s neck and chest peaking out from under his shirt (Jimmy tried not to shield himself), the soft light of his apartment making it look even darker. He instantly steps aside and ushers him in.
“Oh my god oh my god - should I, should, should I call an ambulance? Or or, do you need water? A Shamwow? Oxy?”
“No- no ambulance. I’m - it’s fine Stan. Just…some water would be nice.” Jimmy bites his tongue, trying to bite back the fear in his voice.
Stan musters the most incredulous look yet to date. Composing himself, he hurried to his closet, gesturing to the bed, “Well at least sit; sit. I’ll, I’ll go run some cloths under warm water, okay?”
Jimmy settles down with a wince. “. . okay.”
The water is running in the other room and Jimmy just…takes a moment. The TV has been turned on but the volume is at zero; it’s bluish light cascades with the yellow of the bathroom. A bottle of Oxy lies on the bedside table (why is it only a quarter-full? Please don’t-), and there’s absolutely just cases of water stacked against the wall.
It’s …pretty much what he expected of Stan’s apartment.
Jimmy fidgets, tries to just focus on here and now, but the memories just keep pulling back at him-
“Here you go; they shouldn’t be too hot.”
-and there’s Stan, voice low and soft, holding out a wrung our rag for him, and Jimmy takes it with a small ‘thanks’. It’s warm, and though he’s sore, it doesn’t necessarily hurt to press it against his bruised sternum.
Stan sits down, further up near his pillows.
“So, did you get in a fight or…”
And Jimmy, he wants to clamp his mouth shut and just forget it; forget the last two hours of-
But Stan is so honest in his concern, and Jimmy is so tired, so tired of being Velvet Aurora and then Jimmy the next day, as though nothing had happened in darkened alleys or strangers’ bedrooms-
“No. It was …” He sucks in a wet, ragged breath; denies that it’s a sob, “just a bad client, that’s all.”
He sees the gears turning; the final light flickering when Stan understands what he means. Then, there’s sadness in that understanding. Sympathy.
There’s too much kindness and goodness in this man.
This city really will destroy whatever Stan is made of.
(That’s why Jimmy has to help him; even if it means breaking and reshaping bits of that person.)
Jimmy is embarrassed suddenly; here he is, the badass friend so shaken up over - over someone being a little rough. He ends up in the hospital daily, sometimes twice a day!
He just…he feels dirty and worthless and, and-
He coughs suddenly, and there’s some sort of gurgle. Stan bolts up right and is besides him immediately, hands hovering worriedly. “Friendly? J? I think, I think maybe we should go to the hospital…”
“No!” And he hates how his pitch rises with panic. “No! We can’t, they can’t know- I can’t, I can’t…no reports! Or…”
Jimmy’s vision is spotting and there’s darkness closing in, just like fists closing in and there’s slurs while she’s knocking him down, he can’t move, he’s afraid, there’s a crack and is that a rib? and this isn’t what he agreed to, he doesn’t want this, but he has no choice no say no no nonono-
“J! Jimmy! C’mon! Just, just, in for four, c’mon, then out for six, yeah? One more time…”
Stan coaxes him like this a few more times until the darkness clears and he can breathe easy again. Stan’s rubbing small circles into his back and he almost pushes him away - please don’t I’m not worth it don’t touch me - but instead he just steadies himself. Reminds himself that it’s a gentle touch. A welcome one.
“Are you…are you going to be okay?” Ah, there it is; crybaby Stan voice. Yep, sure enough, when he glances there’s big blues shining with tears.
Jimmy just swallows back his own tears and frustration. “Y-Yeah. Jus’ …just a rough client.”
Rough was an understatement, he decided. He didn’t tend to have as many female clients, and usually they’re not- this is probably the worst one he’s ever had, male or female.
He doesn’t want to see her again, he decides. Ever.
Screw whatever the eff Alabaster says.
Sensing Jimmy tighten, Stan removes his hand, sighing oh-so-quietly. “Okay. Just…you can take a shower, if you want. I have some extra clothes. Stay as long as you want, okay?”
And there’s those blue eyes full of concern and care. Something like fatherly love. (How can his so not respect him?)
Jimmy’s trembling slows a tad.
How do you know you can trust me?
“Thanks,” he manages.
“Of course; anything for my best friend!”
I know I can trust you.
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subtleshenanigans · 5 years
I said I would and I did!!
I adore Staniel and Jimothy so I’mma use them for doodle practice!!! I know I’m not too good with proportions but hopefully this’ll help me improve!!
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I referenced this expression meme, which I’ve reblogged before but never used! https://subtleshenanigans.tumblr.com/post/182264335818/the-toybox-general-please-do-not-repost
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gay-spaghetti · 5 years
My Experience watching Stan the Water man + Favorite Moments
Okay! Everyone’s been talking about how great this is. Let’s binge it!! Time to see how @markiplier roleplays OwO
(Tags: @markired @dorkskittles @stanthewaterman)
oof. Love the immersion 👌 ️
okay so I already ship Stan and Jimmy.... dammit.
Characters with kids they’re not allowed to see anymore and divorced wives is a common trope with these types of characters, huh?
STAN’S SON IS NAMED ROY THE WATER BOY???? That is.... that is good, I love that.
Frankly, I would die for Alan. That sweetheart ❤
(THERE’s A LOT MORE. Click Keep Reading!) (This is a journey of emotion. watch the damn stream, it’s hilarious. Spoilers ahead!!)
Didn’t catch his name but that weird Italian/Asian guy with the long hair and black moustache is amazing 👌 Good wacky voice 👌 ️
DIDN’T GET HIS NAME EITHER BUT I LOVE THE BLACK GUY AT THE CAR PLACE;;;; Uber eats....Uber food.... the Uber driver eats half of the food and gives the rest to the customer...brilliant!!!
I love the fwoosh sound that happens every time Mark goes in and out of character.
FUCK!! I mean-- FUDGE;;;
Stan is the embodiment of typing: “;;;;;;;” and “ASDGHLIGF”.
rip parking meter.
*The back of the delivery truck slowly closes on Stan’s head* “AAH!! WAH!!! WOAHHH WAHHH! W-WAHH AHH!”.
That girl in the hospital hearing Mark’s mumbling to himself haha omfg. She’s like “what the fuck was that”.
Stan: *touches counter at the hospital* *teleports and death-drops onto a hospital bed*.
EMT Lady: Haha I like this guy! :3 | Stan: O///_///O
Stan: *panting and grunting angrily* | “Voice in Head”: It’s only game. Why you have to be mad?
Jimmy, To Stan: “I’m not selling you crack today. I’m getting you out of debt.” ASFKDFGJPPHF And then he goes on to say how he doesn’t want Stan getting involved with and addicted to crack!! ❤ That’s so fuckin’ cute.
Jimmy, to Stan: “Just don’t fuck me over, okay?” >:( (hmm cheesy headcanon: Jimmy once had a past partner that ratted on him or cheated him in some way!!!)
Jimmy lying to Stan to make him feel better, saying that the guy he stabbed was a “crazy murderer”, and Stan being like: “Oh, whew! Okay, haha”.
Jimmy: “You think I’m a narc? I just stabbed a guy” *laughs* (Jimmy is my favorite character;;;;)
Jimmy’s knife is nicknamed “Sharp and Pointy”.
Jimmy repeatedly not understanding Stan’s code words.
Jimmy, to Stan: “Y’know... I don’t like this call you got”. Friendly J worried about his bromantic friend Fanny Pack ;)
Jimmy, to Stan after his customer cancelled his order: *places hand on Stan’s shoulder* Stan? I’m sorry.
JIMMY’S A FORCED PROSTITUE WHO’S NOT GREAT IN SOCIAL SITUATIONS;;;; Aww Jimmyyyyy! Poor baby has little confidence 💔 (Also I love how they’re just opening up to each other so quickly).
Jimmy, to Stan after he told him about Brie, the pretty EMT: “It’s not about your looks, it’s about your personality”.
Stan: “Women don’t usually uh--say words in my direction UHM;;”  | Trooper Emma: “Hello, hi! Hello in your direction, sir UwU” | Stan: O///_///O
Stan, trying to impress Emma: “You... boots...good”. | Trooper Emma: “You... Fanny Pack... alright” | Stan: “Th-Thank;;;” | Trooper Emma: “Ayy, you’re welcome buddy!” :D
 Jimmy calls Stan’s moustache “Killer”.
Jimmy finds out that Stan’s son.....isn’t his biological son. Denice is a cheating bitch who had a son with another guy behind Stan’s back. Holy shit. Also, Stan’s a virgin.
Stan is a closeted homosexual, and Jimmy is 100% supportive of his “”straightness””.
Stan: “Maybe I should say that the next time I flirt with a woman. ‘Heyy, you want me to eat your ramen? *disgusting slurping sounds*” | Jimmy: “NO. NO. STAN, NO! STANIEL! No. Just don’t”.
I’m fuckign dying. Kiki: “I’m gonna go ahead and read you some of your rights, okay? You have the right to remain stylish, anything you wear can and will be used against you in the court of fashion, you have the right to an attorney...”.
Kiki getting KNOCKJED THE FUCK down “BLARBB! BUUHHH! AHH! OFFICER DOWN” *gross sobbing*
Okay, the weird Asian, Indian, Italian guy, whatever the heck he is, his name is “Lang Buddha” and I love him.
Mugger: “Look, the last thing I wanna fuckin’ do is pop a fuckin’ water boy and his boyfriend”.
Stan: *accidentally punches Jimmy* “OH MY GOD!! I’M SORRY. I’M SORRY!” … You can hit me... I’ll gladly take a hit | Jimmy: That’s the difference between you and me, Stan. *teary eyed, getting choked up* I don’t hit my friends! *sadly walks away* | Stan: “OHHH;;; JIM!! JIMOTHY!!💔  I’M GONNA MAKE THE PHONE CALL NOW... | Jimmy: AND I’M GONNA BE SOBBING IN THE CORNER!”.
Kiki’s constant garbling of words and screaming is amazing.
Kiki calling Jimmy “banana”.
Jimmy being terrified of Kiki.
Kiki, and a total complete fucking stranger pointing at Jimmy and saying “shame”. Stan joins in because he wants to be included.
Kiki screaming at the top of her lungs and Trooper Emma walking up to her and shushing her quietly and calmly “Kiki, Kiki. I need you to calm down, alright?”.
Kiki calling Jimmy “Mr. Happy Banana”.
Kiki: “Let me just tell you, Stan. I'm startin’ to feel real thirsty. I think I might need some Stan water right from the tap” *voice gets deeper and manlier*
Stan, to Kiki: “OH, UH! Stan the Water man; here to get you wet!” | Kiki: “Oh~ I’m already moister than an oyster~”  *disappears into the hospital*
Stan’s car wire song, omfg 💔
Stan, to Kiki: “Is this our date?” | Kiki: “Ohho ho heh.. you’ll know when our date is starting” *says in a manly voice* “Believe me~”.
Kiki: “Say ‘silk’ five times in a row” | Stan: silk, silk, silk, silk, silk | Kiki: What do cows drink? | Stan: …..water? | Kiki: GAAAAAAAHHHH!
Kiki calling Jimmy “Johnny Banana”.
yeah, stranger. you punch Stan. KARMA, BITCH.
(heartfelt moment while Kiki screams in the background fighting) Jimmy: “I’m getting you out of here”. | Stan: “I’m sorry I took out all my pent-up aggression on youuu! It wasn’t your fault! Just..mad at myself”. | Jimmy: *carries Stan out of the bar*.
Trooper Emma returns! :D
 Stan: *choking up tears* I’M A CRIMINAL!! I PUNCHED A MAN | Jimmy: “You’re anything but a criminal”.
Stan in the back of the cop car, getting driven to the hospital, crying to Emma about how he hurt his only friend Jimmy.
 Emma is so fuckin’ sweet omg. “You’re gonna be just fine, he’s gonna forgive you. We’re gonna get you medical assistance, okay?”.
*at the hospital* “Oh, the fanny pack guy! :D”
Stan calling Jimmy’s hair “a lovely teal”.
Trooper to Stan, who’s laying in a hospital bed: “Did you call him ‘Friendly J’?” | Stan: “Yeah! Friendly J! You know him?” | Trooper: “He’s here, he’s looking for you”. | Stan: “really??”.
Jimmy falling through his seat and then the floor.
❤ ❤ ❤ BRO HUG!!!!!! ❤ ❤ ❤
Jimmy: “Stan, you say hi to your son for me”. | Stan: “I will. I’ll tell Roy that I might the nicest crack dealer in all of Lo Santos” | Jimmy: “Ok may, ..keep the last part very..” | Stan, already walking away: “the nicest crack dealer in all of Lo Santos”.
HOLY SHIT THAT STREAM WAS AMAZING. It’s been a long time since I’ve laughed this hard while watching Mark’s stuff. What a fun ride all the way to the end! Definitely an emotional roller coaster.
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tinybluerogue · 5 years
Can we all have a moment of silence for Staniel Elizabeth Wheeler...
I hope you have all the water you could ever want in heaven. We will all cherish the memories! Rest in peace you beautiful disaster! 😭😂
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stanthewaterman · 5 years
submitted by:  subtleshenanigans
A/N: Finally wrote another thing!!! This is more Jimmy-centric as I’m trying to explore his character. Hope it came out all right!!!
To Jimmy, it was pretty simple.
Dupe the guy and dump the blame on him if things go south.
Stan seemed nice enough - and pretty naîve. But that was a bad mix in Los Santos, and he was sure the city would eat him alive in no time.
He hadn’t expected to get attached.
But Stan was…charming, in his own way. Troubled, certainly, but kind-hearted and warm. Sure, he had his own odd habits and such (Jimmy winced, wondering if he would ever be able to get the smell of piss out of his car. God. Dammit.) but Jimmy found himself considering Stan a friend.
Jimmy couldn’t say he had too many actual friends, himself.
And while he had vague twinges of guilt at dragging Stan into his sort of hectic life…it was also nice to have someone he could trust. Share the thrill of adventure with.
Although whenever Stan took Oxy it was terrifying as all hell and made Jimmy consider his sins closely after each encounter.
That, that part he could do without.
But besides that…
There was satisfaction in each flustered, exasperated interaction with woman; tampering down laughter at each bit of bad dating advice he gave, the free flowing conversation that at times grew to disagreements, but this disagreements never went too far, never hurt too deep.
It made it easier to forget the parts of his life that he’d rather not remember, the horrible things he’d done or been subjected too-
(And sure, he made light of it, but how else was he supposed to cope?)
-and easier to remember that he was a person, with a life.
With a friend.
“Hey Friendly J! Read to go?”
Jimmy “Friendly J” Bending looked up as Stan got into the car, smiling broadly, and let a smile of his own slip.
“Hell yeah I am.”
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stanthewaterman · 5 years
submission from:  subtleshenanigans
So, I didn’t know if you’d take a fic submission or not??? But I thought I’d give it a go since I decided to post it on AO3. This is an angsty drabble, I guess, about Stan being addicted to the Oxy (no I am not caught up with the streams. But this could possibly sorta be spoilerish?)
Trigger warning for mention of drug abuse/addiction
Honestly, Stan hasn’t meant for it to become such a need.
He had viewed it like alcohol; not needed for a good time (and heck, he’d rather have water), but something to take the edge off. Help him relax.
He had Jimmy, and Kiki, and his water, even some other acquaintances in Los Santos now - the nagging thought of Denice and her string of lovers was fading in the background of his new life.
He never forgot about Roy, though. Roy, his sweet baby boy.
But the pain had lessened, as had the fear. Most people seemed to tolerate him in this new, wonderful town; and sure, he he was engaging in some …questionable side buissness in order to make the much needed ‘side salad’, heh, but he knew that he himself was an upstanding guy, and he’d smack the gob if anyone who said his friend Jimmy was anything less.
The Oxy hadn’t been a problem the first time he took it; after he’d been decked by Brenda he figured it was like taking a tylonal. Jimmy sure got weird about it after. And then it became like a joke. One of those weird, nagging jokes that isn’t that funny but you can’t help poking at your friend about it, you know?
But the more Stan brought it up…well he found himself becoming more serious about it. It went from completely joking, to semi-serious, until he took it just once for a headache-
And now he was hiding the bottle he’d been rattling, fighting the urge to just take the edge off, a little. Lying with a smile to his best friend -
(Jimmy could tell; Jimmy could always tell when he took Oxy. He’d gotten really concerned the last few times, too.)
“You ready to go?”
“Yep! Never readier.”
An eye roll and a scoff. “That’s not - ugh, let’s just go.” Jimothy Friendly J Bending shook his head, walking off to the car.
-and he clenched the bottle in his hand closer, smile pinching into a grimace.
It wasn’t supposed become an addiction.
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stanthewaterman · 5 years
submission from @subtleshenanigans:
Did some Staniel and Jimothy doodles the other day!!!
Thought they’d be good practice since I’m not too good at humans (obviously.)
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stanthewaterman · 5 years
submission from:  subtleshenanigans
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Some more neutral doodles. I think I’ve got their hair a little better.
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stanthewaterman · 5 years
{submission from: subtleshenanigans }
Some more very off doodles!
I really need to work on people, lol.
Not sure what Stan’s hurt about. Maybe another argument with Jimothy? (Also man that stache is WONK.)
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(Also I hope it’s fine that I keep sending these in.) {it’s fine! i love your submissions!}
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