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negax79 · 11 months ago
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I felt lethargic today so I made more. Pray for my sanity.
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badlydrawnraincoat · 11 months ago
THE YURI TRIO!!!!!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️
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Just in time for visibility week !!!!
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pyropsychiccollector · 8 months ago
Sayaka: Makoto's ahoge's just so cute~ nwn So soft. Stands at attention when I pet it. (人◕ω◕) Chiaki:(๑`н´๑) Sayaka: ... You disagree? (人◕ω◕) Chiaki: Hajime-kun has the superior ahoge. (๑`н´๑) Sayaka: ......... (❋•‿•❋) You do realize... (❋•‿•❋) No. No, you don't really mean that. I will give you the chance to retract your problematic statement... Chiaki: Hajime's ahoge twitches at the sound of my voice~ No. It can sense whenever I'm near. So precious. (๑`н´๑) Sayaka: ... War it is, then. (❋•‿•❋)*** I can't speak on Hajime's ahoge... But Makoto's is on a completely other plane of softness. You speak blasphemy. Chiaki: Hajime's ahoge is plenty soft. It's like a member of the family. (๑`н´๑) Hajime's ahoge was the first, Makoto-kun's is a pretty copy, but a copy nonetheless. (๑`н´๑) Sayaka: (❋•‿•❋)*** Just because he's ONE year older than us...! Chiaki: FIRST! (๑`н´๑) Sayaka: Well, TECHNICALLY speaking~... (❋•‿•❋)*** *can't finish that argument without breaking the fourth wall* Chiaki: First. (๑`н´๑) Kirumi: My apologies, but you are both fundamentally incorrect. (ᴗ_ᴗ) Chiaki: Ne? ಠಿ_ಠ Sayaka: Kirumi-chan? ಠಿ_ಠ Kirumi: Most regrettably for you, Shuichi's ahoge is superior in every facet. Softness. Sophistication. Resplendence. Grandeur. Its refined movements. (ᴗ_ᴗ) Sayaka: That ratty looking thing?! Chiaki: Heretical nonsense. (๑`н´๑) Kirumi: (╬≖_≖) I will overlook your indiscretions this once. Know that further petty assaults will be brought to court. Sayaka: I was about to say the same to you!!! (╬≖_≖) Chiaki: For the honor of Hajime-kun's ahoge, I won't lose. (╬≖_≖) Kurane: U-Um... Er... Ah... >_< Waruna: Tell them, Kurane!!! Yoshiko: (✿◠‿◠)*** What Kurane was trying to say is that Yuma-kun has all those boys beat. His ahoge changes with his emotions~ Kirumi: ... Sayaka: ... Chiaki: ... Co-op is totes unfair in a 1v1 tournament. (๑`н´๑) Sayaka: Y-Yeah!!! You didn't see us bringing pals along!! Yoshiko: That falls on you chumps. (✿◠‿◠) Kirumi: ... I will have to bring in reinforcements to put down this insurrection. (╬≖_≖) Kurane: J-Just you try it... >.< Kirumi: (╬≖_≖) *glares at Kurane especially* You will be sued for copyright infringement. This was MY look first. *referring to hair* Kurane: Wh-What?! Our hair isn't that similar...! (╬≖_≖) Kirumi: Tell that to the judge. (╬≖_≖) Waruna: Just you try it, Super Nanny. (❋•益•❋) Akari/Kaede: Nagisa doesn't have an ahoge, but I turned his hair into cat ears like mine~ (✿◠‿◠) Everyone: (⊙▂⊙✖ ) Sayaka: Why didn't we think of that?! Σ('◉⌓◉’) Chiaki: Mmm... But if I play with Hajime-kun's hair, the ahoge would disappear. >_< Kirumi: ... I must confess I feel conflicted. Although as Shuichi's maid, I do have the right to fashion his look in the manner I deem most professional and appealing... Yoshiko: ... I'm not comfortable tempting fate again. Waruna: Why? He dressed as a chick once already. (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑) Kurane: No. Never again. >_< Akari/Kaede: (人◕_◕) C-Crossdressing? *thinks about how Rio would react to some other guy crossdressing* F-Forget I said anything. This conversation never happened. Everyone: (人◕_◕) *nodding sagely*
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snivyartjpeg · 1 year ago
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kurumi and waruna cosplay commission for steamfire!
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frenchyfoxy · 8 months ago
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Idk why but Waruna is my favorite of the chapter 2 trio. I also like her accessories a lot 😋
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kanai-ward-census · 1 year ago
Raincode Shipping Tournament: Kokobolt Vs Aetheria Poly
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Vote for whichever ship you like more.
Kokobolt propaganda here.
Aetheria Poly propaganda here.
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ashezeyre32 · 5 months ago
Was on Scribbl.io/Sketchful.io with @toberjade (View their post here
Hyperlink not working
Completely Rain Code themed. If anyone wants the words list, just ask and I’ll either upload it or DM it!
I did not put (much) effort into these art pieces. Will upload some regular stuff soonish?? to reset the balance of this world!
MDARC Spoilers ahead,
if you have not finished the game, do not proceed.
Not really major spoilers but i’m not sorting them! Be warned!
Themes (in order I think?)
Kokogami (why is this the first time i’ve drawn them), Ryo, Polycule, Yoshiko, Halara Nightmare, Margulaw, Play, Fake Zilch, HellSuchi (Yomi/Makoto), Boy
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starryqueen-18 · 1 year ago
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Yima Kokohead has won the poll! congratulations! now here's an outfit art reference of this cutie! oh I added an adorable accessory, the shiny key, well since rain code has solution keys, I also went with neon like colors to his normal outfit I made the outfit a little bit of a rainy theme and look leg warmers! I gave him leg warmers!!!!!!! and since he's being cutie I put him in the clothes with the long sleeves! the long sleevies! Also I gave Yima's color purple too. Yima is one of those protagonist who's new to the school but has the unique vibe, Yima is actually a male but he just wants to be a girl and fit in with the comfort crowd who accepts him for who he is, plus Yima is in love with detective stuff and loves to read novels. she's also friends with Kurumi and the other girls but Kurumi is her best friend. well Yima's done, who's next? I hope you guys enjoy and stay safe and Kawaii!
Bye :)
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shadow-laviko · 10 months ago
The Aetheria trio
Holy fuck, I'm SO sorry for the long ass time I took to reply :melting:
Oh yeah, spoilers regarding the ENTIRETY of Rain Code, just in case
Ok, so, since you didn't specify anything, I'll just say what's on my mind: I think the fact that the three of them were culprit was kinda obvious, but I still really liked it, because I had no idea how each one was involved exactly. I wasn't really liking Waruna, but by the end of the chapter I changed my mind and accepted that she was okay (I don't hate any Rain Code character even though one of them creeps me the fuck out) I liked Yoshiko and Kurane from the start, but I think Kurane was my favourite. And Yoshiko reminded me of Ayano Tateyama (Kagerou Project), so yeah, I couldn't hate her. I also don't really like Waruna's design (something feels off to me), but I think it really suits her well I don't think I have any headcanon for any of them... Or I forgot But I mean, we didn't get to interact that much with them, so, you know... Ah, wait Nevermind, got a headcanon : Waruna and Kurane are most likely lesbians (bot somehow different types) And Yoshiko is bi I don't think I have any favourite lines or sprites of them... Favourite scene, probably the one with their ghosts by they end Bonus for Yoshiko: I liked how when trying to talk to her during the Investigation she was like... Well, I forgot, but when she was on the bench and not talking to the girls Pretty ironical that I can't remember exactly what she said despite really liking it Ship... I don't ship the girls all that much in general, but if I had to ship them, well, like many do, I'd ship all three together And maybe Kurane with Kurumi too. I don't know, it just feels right to me I think that's all? Maybe? Might have forgotten one thing or two but oh well Sorry again for taking so long to reply And uh Hope you like the answer? :')
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icyonice · 1 year ago
Second place in the poll was the Aetheria Academy girls soooooo #7
Minor spoilers for Chapter 2
Starting off with Kurumi, she is a rookie spy following in the footsteps of her father who was also a spy. They work freelance so anyone can hire their services however steered clear of higher ups in the Amaterasu Alliance. Ever since her dad went missing she’s been on the search for him. She also attends this very prestigious academy called Aetheria Academy which is an all girls school. Here is where you learn to be a proper lady and the like. This school was originally for only nobles but some commoners have been admitted due to showing great promise.
In this school there is a very famous tradition of plays and this is where the girls attending this school get to shine and catch the attend of possible suitors. At the top is usually Aiko, Kurane, Waruna, Yoshiko, and Karen.
Unlike Kurumi, they are just normal noble school girls trying to aim for the top. However in a recent incident Aiko was expelled for “unladylike conduct” and “murder attempt” reported by Karen. No one dared challenge her on this claim because her father was a well known noble in the Amaterasu Alliance. Ever since then Kurane, Waruna, and Yoshiko have become distant seeing how Aiko seemed to be what held them together.
Kurumi, hearing her friend was expelled for such extreme allegations, decided to investigate this while using the skills her father taught her and skills she picked up trying to look for him. Little did she know an Elite Strike Force has infiltrated Alliance territory and was here to deal with a certain Martina
Ok so this took so long because honestly I thought I knew what I wanted to do with these girls but as I was typing this out I realized “oh shit no I don’t” and so I’m sorry to those who was waiting for something in depth and spectacular but got this instead and even this will likely change. If you got any ideas then I would love to hear them!
To see my other Rain Code Medieval/Knight AU posts look here 👇
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pyropsychiccollector · 8 months ago
Concept art of Karen in the Aetheria uniform? Very nice. \(人◕ω◕)/ And look at Aiko-chan~ Maa. Really such a shame Yuma never met her... The Aetheria girls need lovin'. (人◕ω◕)
Ayo, it's me again.
So, could we get our main chapters exclusive characters art reference please? It could help out several people who may be struggling with drawing them.
Yes, I will only be adding characters who are mostly seen in only one chapter. If anyone would like to see a character not listed here, please ask! This will be multiple parts again, I will put all the single chapter peacekeepers in reblog on their own.
Chapter 1
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roseseatea · 1 year ago
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The Aetheria Academy ladies, but I swapped their art styles
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weemopuu · 2 years ago
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hiko's comment kinda did smth for me orz
↓↓ Bonus Undercut! ↓↓
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imagine settling with holding hands ^q^
also here for ref:
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pyropsychiccollector · 2 months ago
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Credit to @shinobisage09 for the card~ :3
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teddybearty · 2 years ago
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Giving some side characters some love ❤️
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snivyartjpeg · 1 year ago
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compilation of doodle requests i did for the RAIN COAT (18+)!! discord server <3
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