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bunkeki · 10 months ago
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he lost his glasses :(
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mjschryver · 1 year ago
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Squirtle, Warturtle, Blastoise
Part of a series of Pokémon trios by Yon.
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eway · 1 year ago
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wynndigogh · 5 months ago
Look! I won a battle against a "young mutant warturtle" in the Dalaran Sewers and I got to keep him...he will now be named "Leonardo".
Look, he has tiny swords and everything! Isn't he adorable?!!!
My heart is full right now.
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originalwinnercheesecake · 2 years ago
What if the KND were also pokemon trainers?
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    Here we go again. So I have been getting back into Pokemon lately. One of my favorite things to do now is take cartoons that was a big fan of, and build pokemon teams that I think the character would have, if pokemon existed in their world and if they were trainers. I did several for Disney’s Isekial cartoons, and those were pretty well recived. But when I did Steven universe for Cartoonetwork or “The CN” no one cared. I am not sure if this one will get many likes either. It’s been such a long time since KND ended. But this was one of my favorite shows as a child, and I still consider it one of Cartoonetworks best shows ever. I love Kids Next Door. It was pretty easy to imagine the characters as pokemon trainers, and even if it gets no likes I still really wanted to do this post.
Also since sector V is so close, both a team and friend group, I decided that their group needed a mascot pokemon to show their team connection. Since there is only 2 pokemon that have at least 5 evolutions (only 1 of which is actually cool) I decided to use the Eevee line again. I used it for The Pines family in Gravity Falls, where I matched 7 of its evolutions to the 4 bio Pines family members, and three family friends who were pretty much family. For Sector V since there is 5 of them I am only using Eevee’s first 5 evolutions: Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Espeon, and Umbreon. Teams are below
Nigel Uno a.k.a Numbuh 1
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Espeon: So you are probably expecting me to give Espeon to Numbuh 3 because of its pink coloring right? Nope. Espeon is a psychic type pokemon. With how focused and strong willed Numbuh 1 was, I could see psychis being his favorite pokemon type, and Espeon being a great partner for him.
Hypno and Lunatone: Continuing on my theory of Numbuh 1 and psychic pokemon I am also going to give him a Hypno and a Lunatone. Hypno because it’s level of focus kinda reminds me of Nigel’s. Also it can help people with insomnia, which if I remember Numbah 1 either had or beginning to develop. Lunatone because not only did he love the moonbase but he also really enjoyed space travel missions, *alludes to the series Finale*.
Torchic: At this point I have to stop using just psychics and give Numbuh 1 a more balanced team. He was honestly the hardest one to think up a team for, since so many pokemon are animal based, and if you remember Nigel was kind of an animal hater. Or more specifically he saw pets as “in the way” and would generally be slower to warm up to animals then his teamates. But he grew to love anything that could assist in missions. One such occasion was with the baby chicks that followed them on that one cake stealing mission, and wanted to act as Numbuh 1′s troops. Becuase he bonded so well with them I had to give him a Torchic.
Warturtle: Shades are an important part of numbuh 1′s character. He and his team consider them a symbol for him being a leader (even though to the best of my knowledge none of the other sector leaders were shades). I went to google and typed “pokemon that like to wear sunglasses” and Squirtle came right up. I could see Squirtle’s move pool coming in handy on missions, and Numbah 1 being able to bond very well with the brave and ready to go turtle. But while I wanted to keep his torchic as a cute little chick. I do believe Numbah 1 would be able to evolve a Squirtle at least into a warturtle.
Sceptile: Numbah 1′s team Ace. At this point I noticed I was giving him different starter evolutions and I decided to role with it and give a him a fully evolved grass type as sixth pokemon. Now if we go by rejoins I should give him a Meganium, since chikorita is the Johoto grass starter and Johoto is in between Kanto and Hoenn. But let’s be real Nigel and any version of chikorita’s line would be a disaster together. (Ironically though that would be a pretty good pokemon for his girlfriend Lizzy to use in contests).Also I want him to have the potential to find a mega stone and train a mega evolution. Looking at Grass starters I think it would be the quick, agile, and composed treecko line that would be best suited for our leader here. So Sceptile rounds out his team.
Nigel/Numbah 1′s pokemon team: Espeon, Hypno, Lunatone, Torchic, Warturtle, and Sceptile.
Hogarth (Hoagie) Pennywhistle (P) Gilligan Jr. a.k.a Numbuh 2
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Jolteon and Dedenne: Jolteon is gonna be Hoagie’s eevelution. It’s an electric one and he is a mad scientist characters. And while I am getting a bit tired of electric types and mad scientists on my lists I have to acknowledge Jolteon is the best fit for Numbuh 2 out of Eevee’s original 5 starters. Dedenne joins his team too. (It at least is duel electric/fairy type) I am giving him this to represent Joaquin, the little leader hamster that Helps Numbuh 2 test experiments
Scarmory and Yanma: Numbuh 2 is more than just the teams 2x4 technology expert though. He is also the teams pilot, and loves spending time in the air. So he would have to have at least a couple flying pokemon. For Skarmory I wanted hm to have something big enough to fly him and his teammates around. I thought about maybe doing Arodactyle, but honestly a giant scrap metal chicken suits Numbuh 2 and the KND much more than a prehistoric dinosuar. Yanma is similar to his fly-themed jet pack and is used to fly him around personally (Jessie’s was able to lift her, and even if Hoagie is chubby I doubt he weighs more than a full grown women).
An Alolan Grimer: Grimer and Muk (who Hoagie is not ready for yet) are another pokemon I like giving scientist characters (might have something to do with me being an owl house fan), because they are kinda the slimes, and sludges, and base elements of the earth. Also Numbuh 2 was that little boy who loved gross stuff, so a Gimer fits him really well.
I am giving Numbah 2 an Alolan Grimer, as opposed to a regular Kanto grimer for two reasons. One because the dark green color makes it look like boogers, which in the KND are used as personal verification for operatives and power sources for some of their technology. Secondly because I gave Abby a more exotic/regionly diverse team, which I feel makes sense for her. But as revealed in the finale numbuh’s 2&5 get married as adults. Looking back at the show while two don’t seem to have those feelings for each other yet (Well Hoagie does not have those feelings for Abby yet. Abby may be starting to like like Hoagie, but she either does not realize it herself yet, or keeps it a secret from everyone else. Gonna guess the former, because she couldn’t keep her crush on Maurice a secret), you can see hints and suggestions that they will one day sprinkled throughout the show. I wanted to give them a connection through their teams that, like them, was more sublte. So I am giving them both alolan pokemon.
Munchlax: a chubby kiddie with a near unstopable appitite. Gramdma the Stuffem bewere the combined eating power of both Numbuh 2 and Munchlax together.
Hoagie/Numbuh 2′s team: Jolteon, Dedenne, Scarmory, Yanma, Alolan Grimer, Munchlax.
Kuki Sanban A.K.A Numbuh 3
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(Note Kuki here was the most fun to make a team for, and honestly the only hard part was having to limit her to just 6. I could for real do another two lists at least for her)
Flareon: Which eevelution will Numbuh 3 get, if Numbuh 1 has the beautiful Espeon? Why Flareon of course! If Kuki were the only operative to get an eevelution the correct one for her would still be Flareon. Flareon is fluffiest one. It’s adorable. Like Numbuh 3 it’s base demeanor and attitude are that of a sweetheart, but if you are dumb enough to make it mad it will set itself and your sorry backside ablaze.
Chimchar: So since Numbah 3 was such an avid collector/protector of rainbow monkey’s, she has to, has to have a colorful monkey pokemon. I picked chimcar because according to cannon her favorite Rainbow monkey is “The Orange Kind (Because it reminds her of Wally)” Plus as stated previously I believe Numbuh 3 would make for a really strong Fire type trainer.
Bannet: Numbuh 3's strongest pokemon. Representative of both ramon4 and Numbuh 3's most important trait: her heart. Bannets are born from discarded toys and love that has been forgotten. Number 3 always believed everyone deserved and needed love, and made it her mission to give it when she could (Ramon4, the mustache “Kitty”, ghost hamsters, and many others). If Numbuh 3 came across a sad and lonely bannet, she would totally catch it just so she could shower it with what it believes is gone. That's who she is.
skunky: for Bradley
Skitty: it's super cute, super sweet, super hyper, and super strong all rolled into one. In my opinion It's the most Kuki Sanban a pokemon there is
Beautifly: Because it is pretty, colorful, and feminine, and there is nothing wrong with being a girly girl. It was trained alongside and is super good pals with Numbuh 4′s Dustops
Kuki/Numbuh 3′s team: Flareon, Chimchar, Bannet, Skunky, Skitty, Beautifly
Wallabe (Wally) Beetles a.k.a Numbuh 4
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Vaporeon: Okay so for real Wally got Vaporeon by default. When I decided I should use the first 5 eveelutions a team connection for Sector V the other 4  went right with who they fit best, and Vaporeon and Wally were what was left. When I realized this I at first tried to rationalize switching him and one of his friends partners, or maybe changing the connection. Why would Number 4 have a Vaporeon? It’s a water pokemon and he couldn’t/could barely Swim?... Then it hit me that is exactly why he needs/should have Vaporeon. Water is his big weakness. So a pokemon that could help him in the water would be an integral and invaluable part of his team.
Magikarp: Because he loved Mr. Fishy so much. Plus once he is done raising it and it was ready to evolve, he would then have a giant, raging, serpent to ride around on. It could help him to feel tall. ( Anyone remember Tubezilla?)
Slowpoke: It comes off as a really dim, but grows up to be one of he smartest pokemon there is. This represents how everyone thought Numbuh 4 was a dummy, but as became apparent as he grew up, he was actually a genius. This is the last water pokemon I am giving him. Him having a team that is half water-types was not intentional, but a happy accident. I love it.
Tyrogue and Hawlocha: Numbah 4 was the strongest member of sector v, and the best at battle. So as such he would probably have at least 2 fighting types. I chose to give him both a decked out  T.V. wrestler and  the scrappiest kid pokemon.
Dustoxs: So I really wanted to do a second, two part, branch evolution with 3x4, and have them raise them together. After looking into different branch evolution I came to the conclusion that I would have to use Beautifly and Dustops (It was them or Huntail and Gorabis). Beautifly works perfectly for Numbuh 3. While Dumbuh 4 would probably initially think butterfly’s are “sissy” Dustops is technically a moth which might be more acceptable. Exspecally since it is a poison type with a scary face pattern on its wings, and again gave him an excuses to spend more one-on-one time training with the girl of his dreams. He would come to love Dustops, no doubt about it.
Wally/Numbuh 4′s team: Vaporeon, Magikarp, Slowpoke, Machop, Hawlocha, Dustops
Abigail (Abby) Lincoln  a.k.a Numbuh 5
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(I think I mentioned this in Hoagie’s list, but I am giving Numbuh 5 a more exotic/regionally diverse team, since she traveled so much on her Candy adventures).
Umbreon: Numbuh 5 gets Umbreon because she was the operative that had the most talent for Night based Missions. Umbreon and Espeon were released in the samegen, and that will have to serve as Numbuh’s 1&5′s connection to each other, as friends and 1st&2nd in command of the team. Originally I wanted to make them the only 2 with Mega evolutions, but it turns out Bannet (whom I refuse to take off Numbuh 3′s team list) can mega evolve, and chimchar and Magickarp will mega evolve at their final forms. Then I tried to give them both shinnies, but the shinnies on numhuh 1′s team did not suit him as well as their regular forms. So by default I am just giving them parallel eeveelutions.
Froakie: Another one for taking on night missions. Wiki says Forakie acts really chill on the outside, but deep down is supper protective and watchful of its closest companions. Numhuh 5 and Froakie are one and the same in that regard, and would no doubt work well as a team. Plus it’s a super cool pokemon, that just gets cooler as it evolves. I love the idea of future Supreme Leader Numbuh 5 having a Grenija with her up on the Moonbase. Galactic KND Beware.
Vanilliuxe: What? This girl is not only super chill; she was candy themed Indiana Jones. She needs at least two ice-type pokemon, and at least 1 candy/sweet pokemon. Unfortunately candy/sweet based pokemon are a rarity (I have elected to ignore slurpuff’s existence). Fortunately the Vanilite pokemon line exists. Ice cream is supposed to be her favorite treat. I am going to give her the Fully evolved form: Xanilliuze. She is the fourth flavor chosen one after all.
An Alolan Sandshrew: Numbuh 5′s second ice type pokemon, her alolan pokemon (As previuosly mentioned that I gave Abby and Hoagie each a, different typed, alolan pokemon; to highlight their friendship and the subtle hints through out the show that they will one day like each other as more), and what is in my opinion her cutest pokemon. 
A hisiun Arcanine: Number 5 said once that she liked dogs, and I think her an Arcanine would get along quite well. Arcanine’s another pokemon that shows off how she see’s herself as a protector to her friends. It’s big enough to carry Number 5 as well as friends/team mates of her’s, and fast enough to make quick, speedy, get aways when needed. I could also see it being very useful on Candy missions . I am giving her a Hisuin one because I really like its design, and to connect with her sister’s favorite pokemon.
Mawile: Rounding out Numbuh 5′s team is Mawile. picked for its trademark “Head gear” if you will, as well as its skills with tricking/deceiving its foes.
Abby/ Numbuh 5′s team: Umbreon, Froakie. Vanilliuxe, An Alolan Sandshrew, A hisiun Arcanine, Mawile.
Notable Background character.
Kids Next Door isn’t all sector V. There are other operatives and former operatives who are now Teen Ninja’s that show up frequently. However given these characters screen time  I will only give them 1-2 pokemon. I am not saying they do not have 6, but  I figure most of theirs would probably stay at their bases, and they would bring their favorite ones on missions away from their areas.
Chad Dickson a.k.a Numbuh 274- 
Has 2 favorite pokemon
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Feraligatr and and Monferno: was tempted to take the easy way out and just give the man here and absol (rumored to be but really isn’t), but I have already used Absol a couple other times (Ducktales Lena and The owl House’s Hunter), and Chad here’s character is very different from theirs. Plus I did not go into this just to tack on easy, less creative choices. So I thought more about Chad. He’s a jock; that was true in both his time as a KND operative, as Supreme Leader, and as a Teen Ninja/Double Agent. I google sports based pokemon and discover that there are many pokemon based off famous athletes.
I chose Feraligatr who is based off a pro football player. Football is Chad’s favorite sport, and Feraligatr is a fast, muscled, high powered, and intimidating beast. Infernape is based off a famous boxer. Chad could box well too. But I lowered it down one evolution to a Monferno, to show that there is still more training he could do.
Rachel T McKenzie a.k.a Numbah 362
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Venomoth:  Before she took over as Supreme Leader Numbuh 362 was a stealth agent/spy for the KND right? So I wanted to give her a really stealthy, ninja pokemon. At first I was gonna give her Frogadier, and that may have worked okay (her having the evolved form of one of Abby’s pokemon could be a hint to Abby being her successor). But then, when I was re-watching season 1 of Pokemon, I found the episode where Ash goes to challenge the leader at a ninja based gym. The gym leader and his sister used venonat and venomoth a lot. I know that both have super good vision. Venamoth being a flying pokemon could also keep look out and do aerial scouting. Once I read stun spore and sleep powder are in its move pool that was it. Venomoth became the perfect pokemon for a spy agent who does little battling, but lot’s of sneaking around and intel gathering on the enemy.
Richu: One thing I was trying to avoid doing was giving her a team that was similar to Chad’s. After Chad’s “betrayal” on his 13th birthday I cannot imagine the KND would have allowed their next Supreme leader to copy Chad. Besides Rachel is clever enough I do not think she would ever have to. I gave Chad a water type and a fire type pokemon. So I decided to give Rachel an electric pokemon. Once I made that decision Richu was an easy pick. For one it matches the orange and brown stripped sweater she starts wearing in season 2. It is also a strong and clever mouse, and could function as the ears to Venomth’s eyes on her team.
Fanny Fullbright a.k.a Numbah 86
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Houndoom and Snubble. So do to her... tough and yappy personality (which yes I know is a shield she puts up due to having what must be the most emotionally difficult role in the KND: having to decommission operatives that age out after years of service) it was a given that she would have dog pokemon. Houndoom is a big, fierce one, that helps her hunt down the operatives that refuse to go without a fight. Or worse, try to leave early and sell the organizations secrets to the enemy. Snubble is still grumpy and tough. But it is also small, and doll like, and could maybe serve as a comfort creature for this girl.
Cree Lincoln, Formerly Numbuh 11, Now high ranking teen Ninja
Has 1 favorite pokemon
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 Sneasler: A Hisuian pokemon  (so there is a bit of a connection with both her and her younger sister having Hisuian pokemon). Sneasler is a powerful poison and fighting type which is a combo that suits Cree very well. It’s also very ninja like, scary, and in contrast to weavile (a pack creature) it’s pretty much a loner. If I remember Chad and the other teens often worked as a group. Cree meanwhile would recruit teens to their organization, but was pretty much a soloist in the field.
Patton Drilovsky a.k.a Numbuh 60
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Empoleon: Pretty simple. His character is basically that he is in charge of the arctic base; which is probably the second most important KND base next to the Moonbase. Its also in the coldest part of Antarctica. What else would I give him but a giant Emperor penguin pokemon.
Maurice Bramley “Formerly” Numbuh 9
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Exacadrill: Maurice is the first undercover KND operative in the Teen Ninja force, that learn about. His character is that he is a mole, so I gave him a giant, powerful mole, steel/ground type mole.
Tommy Gilligan a.k.a The Tommy, formerly numbuh T Probably only has the 1 pokemon
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Eevee: Yeah yeah yeah Tommy is like 7, so he is ��to young for Pokemon”. Kids younger than 10 had pokemon in the show (looking at you Bonnie). Also he trained at the KND Academy, and that would have advanced his readiness. I am actually giving him an eevee since as numbuh T he is put in sector V, si he would have been given an Eevee. But he quit (in a Hero move) after a day, we’ll say he kept the eevee but did not have a chance to battle and evolve it.
Since Tommy basically goes back to being a weird but typical child afterwards, he never evolves Eevee, he just keeps it as a pet/best friend. When I used Eevolutions for the Pines family I did not have a character I could do the “I do not want to evolve it. I want to just keep training Eevee as it is” trope. But Tommy is a pretty good candidate to do that for in Codename Kids Next Door. 
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depressedhatakekakashi · 10 months ago
Gai’s Kanto Adventures
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Gym badge two has been acquired, but it was not easy. Actually the battle was surprisingly easy with his trust buddy Pikachu, but Gai still walked out feeling that youthful drive to train more after watching Kakashi beat the gym in under five minutes.
He didn’t think that was possible.
Still, he’s going to keep training and the next gym battle will be even better. He’ll defeat it at three times the speed of his eternal rival! No, four times!
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He did add Ningame the squirtle to the team, who promptly evolved into warturtle and became Kakashi’s (the eternal rival not Gai’s other pokemon) best friend after he offered it a nice wax for its shell and some treats.
Gai, Kakashi, and Rin reached viridianVermillion city and have begun preparations for their third pokemon gym. Rin wants to go on the SS anne after acquiring tickets from the Pokemon researcher Shikaku, and refuses to take no for an answer from Gai since she has three tickets.
Gai, much against his will, shall board the boat tomorrow and hope to find some trainers to battle so his pokemon can gain some more experience.
Perhaps after this gym he will be able to find another wonderful fighting type for his team, which is lacking in the fighting types right now XD
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taketwo1983 · 1 month ago
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twildflower · 1 year ago
I like warturtle..a silly guy. I like the ears and tail. Floofy. I don’t wanna evolve my warturtle(s) and its so annoying that i have to press b to cancel every time it levels up…in my new lets go vee file. I already evolved the one in my old file. Warturtle is one of my favs!! Yes.
Check this out if ur interested in what pokemon i like ig this is literally just all pokemon nothing else surprisingly bc i just scrolled thru the dex lmao at fuckin 1am
Eevee(lutions) raichu warturtle hm yeah these are my main favs. Theres also like both gender meowsticks and espurr theyre very cool, klefki i liked later on its really cute, ehh idk, i don’t remember any more on the spot. Scorbunny and the 2nd evo is cool, oh yeah and fenniken and braixen. A lot of my favs are kalos pokemon lol. Yeah. I kinda like greninja too but thats just very much bc of ash greninja and nah i dont wanna count it. Em. Mimikyu. Yeah. I used to like ninetails a bit but not anymore. Dragonair esp shiny is really pretty. Chimecho togetic jirachi. Yeah togetic only im not that big of a fan of togepi. togekiss is cool but not that much. i prefer togetic. Shinx piplup shaymin i like shaymin a lot its so cute. Piplup is partially because dawn has it as starter in anime and shinx is cute and clemont has one and i saw it and was ohh damn thats a cute one. Zorua minchicco cottonee idk how to spell minchicco. Zoruas really cute its a little gremlin. Why the fuck am i going through the dex at 130 am i want to sleep. Fletchingder line i like that theyre pretty. Flabebe is cute and helioptyle?? Is very cool too. Zygard is so cool and litten is cute. Rockruff has cool design and is cute, comfey is something ive liked for some time but never knew its name lmao, sprigatito line is so cute i love them..okaybthats all i have no more. Actually froakie line i like hem all not just greninja theyre just cool. A lot of my favs are cute or fox/cat/dog mixes somewhat lol. Decudieye rowlet final evo idk how tf do you spell pokemon names is really cool too i like the archer design thats all i like bows and arrows hehe. Yeah no more i think, some are like i think there cool but not cool enough to be what i like enough kinda.
Eeveelutions are my top tho. I love them. Ill take anything eevee related. I got meowstick charms at a con, really lucky bc meowstick are soooo underrated. Or kinda more like i never really see stuff that have them. Actually some in the ones i said above arent that fav its like not what id want but theyre cute enough. Togetic chimecho jirachi piplup minchicco cottonee helioptile litten decudyiesye i guess these are kinda those. Actually add tcnick3 to the why i like piplup reasons lmaooo
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trash-hatchet · 2 years ago
Squirtle’s evolution line makes me very upset because warturtle Looks like it’s setting up to be a cool water flying type and then Blastoise gets rid of all of that and just makes it a turtle with guns
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comic-the-adventurer · 3 years ago
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N/A: Catch 151 Kanto Pokemon? Who's Kanto?
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???: 3...2...1!
N/A: *spews the g1 pokedex*
Pokemon Go may be a spinoff but I& learned a lot about pokémon from it. Unfortunately, the concept of regions... Not so much. Ig that's what Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee was for lol
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random-typepokemondex · 5 years ago
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Acid Turtle Pokemon
“It will cover itself in an acidic mucous to keep it’s clean. It is considered an invasive species in most regions.“
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vanilla-waffles · 4 years ago
I'm trying to compile a list of my favorite pokemon and uh
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WHY are these two just like. exactly the same?
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mollywauk · 5 years ago
Omg omg, big turtle with cities on them are my fucking jam! You have seduced me successfully with you war turtle carrying a goblin neighbourhood, Matthew Mercer. Please elaborate.
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pixelyteart · 5 years ago
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New Adopts Up! These are all flat rate adopts, 50 USD each or 60 if you want an icon thrown in with them. PM me to claim. NO HOLDS Paypal or Google Wallet only, you will receive the unwatermarked file upon adoption.
Posted using PostyBirb
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marianodiaz-art · 5 years ago
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Pokefusion Gengar + Warturtle = Genmeru
Commissions info!
you can now supportme on ko-fi!
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mspaintnatdex · 5 years ago
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