#warrior names might make things too confusing
teabunnee · 6 months
YAY AN AFK WRITER 😭 i’ve been so starved. please gimme any hcs you have for lorsan or lucius (in general or x reader hehe) i love them so much
Lorsan is a dork. But at least he’s your dork!
Whether that’s a good thing or not is up to you. 
Lorsan canonically loves flower crowns, as a child. As an adult, he won’t admit it but should you give him some fresh wildflowers, he melts a bit at the gesture. Maybe he’ll make you a crown, though it might be a bit messy from lack of practice. 
He does his best to woo you with his words. Many of his compliments, however are pure poetry, and he’s an expert in romantic letters to make you swoon, then he ruins it by praising himself too much. 
Don’t be fooled, he’s a romantic at heart. You can see the effort he puts in to sweep you off your feet. 
He enjoys making you blush, sneaking you kisses on the cheek when you aren’t looking. 
If you take your revenge while he’s talking, he continues talking until he registers the kiss and his voice trails off. It’s a great way to get him to stop talking for a bit. 
Dates with the dork are fun! He likes to explore new things with you, or to show you his favorite pretty date spots, he’ll take you to the prettiest, iconic date spots in the Dark Forest, like Lovers’ Wish. (“Though they don’t hold a candle to you, darling”) 
Oh, get ready for the pet names. All of them, sometimes in the same sentence. They get cheesier the more mischievous he’s feeling. 
Lorsan is your protector, should you need it! It’s sometimes difficult to remember that Lorsan is a skilled Windwhisperer and warrior in his own right, but he’s very good at making people remember. 
All of the tension goes out of him when you two are alone, he’ll nuzzle against you, boneless and tail twitching in happiness, kissing your cheek with his lips and his nose. He’s a cuddler, through and through. 
This man be a himbo. A relatively sophisticated and well-bred himbo, but a himbo all the same. 
Dude was straight up missing for two weeks trying to help people. He be himbo
Canonically, most of his advice involves exercise or horses. I don’t think he understands romance. At all. 
Lucius is a noble, so his ideas of romance are kind of centred around what he heard growing up. So he courts you, basically, in his own way. He gives you gifts that are simple, practical and beautiful. Bouquets of flowers, jewellery, whatever you asked for him. Service is also a big thing. He’s your literal knight in shining armour, dude will carry you across the globe princess style should you ask him to. 
he takes you to his favourite restaurants, they are simple, plain fare. Though with how loved he is by his country, the servers and owners always do their best to make it a good experience. 
He’s very sappy, make him something, no matter how stupid or silly it looks, and he wears it with pride in public, proclaiming you as the maker. He gets a bit confused should you get embarrassed. 
He likes taking you on horseback rides, he’s named every single one he’s ever ridden, and remembers their temperaments, so it will always be a pleasant experience for you. 
He won’t talk to you about his troubles, he’s had to keep it to himself so long that it’s tough for him. He’ll open up to you very slowly, after some needling. 
He’s also very hesitant about affection, he won’t initiate it unless you give your permission. He’s very gentlemanly in that regard, though it can be frustrating. 
His kisses are very gentle. He cradles your face in his hands, and gazes at you with such tenderness. His hugs are comforting and very warm, like he's protecting you from the entire world.
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esamastation · 11 months
Part forty-nine of Shizuroth, aka, the SOLDIER General's Self Saving Shizun.
Ao3 link.
Previous parts: thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty-nine, forty, forty-one, forty-two, forty-three, forty-four, forty-five, forty-six, forty-seven forty-eight
There are certain things you can expect to happen when warriors from opposing factions meet. Some of those things don't make it into the reports.
Truth rarely accepted by higher-ups at Shinra is that no one wants to die. It would be obvious to anyone with sense, but it isn't. Because even when they acknowledge that, sure, no one wants to die, they rarely draw the next conclusion. Which is that no one willingly charges into a hopeless battle, knowing they wouldn't make it out alive.
And that includes Wutai troops.
SOLDIERs have been around for years, and they've reshaped the nature of the war being fought in Wutai. That's not only on the side of Shinra either - the Wutai warriors have adapted too. They've learned. And they never, if they were to help it, to try to take SOLDIER head on anymore.
And there are SOLDIERs, not all of them but some, who take full advantage of it whenever they can. Angeal most certainly does. Because there's another truth, rarely acknowledged.
Most people don't want to kill other people.
On a report it looks something like this:
"Shortly after the engagement began, the Wutai troops deployed a diversion in order to make their escape. Unfortunately, this made following them impossible."
In reality it looks like this:
Angeal walks down the path, making himself loud and obvious. The Wutai troops spot him. There's about a dozen of them, armoured men and women armed with gunspears. They aren't expecting him, but they can recognise his uniform. It makes them wary. 
They take a few warning shots at him, which Angeal quickly deflects with the Buster Sword. Then he's left with a dilemma quite literally in his hands.
He doesn't usually draw his sword on people. It was easy not to, before, he wasn't really able to use it. Now he can use it, but, uh… if he takes the Buster Sword on a person…
The two sides size each other up. There's a moment of posturing.
"What are you doing here, Shinra?" demands the warrior in lead, wearing captain's colours.
"I'm sorry, but I can't answer that," Angeal says, feeling a little awkward with the sword now. "Shinra business. I'm going to have to ask you to go back the same way you came from."
"You want us to leave, from our home? You have some nerve! Who are you, SOLDIER, what is your name?"
"I am Angeal Hewley - and you are?"
His name might not be as known as that of Sephiroth, but it's known enough. SOLDIER Firsts carry a similar level of recognition as Wutai generals, and his name is usually enough.
He isn't usually holding a huge sword, though, and the Wutai troops look somewhat alarmed now.
Angeal clears his throat and rests the Buster Sword on his shoulder, trying for casual rather than… excessively forceful. "Your name, sir?"
The Wutai squad looks to their captain, who makes a decision. "I am captain Deng Yuto. It is my honour to face commander Hewley in battle." He bows and then grabs his spear and shouts to his squad, "Get ready!"
For a moment it looks like they might actually rush at him - then one of them throws something. It cracks on the dirt road between them, and there's an explosion of smoke, footsteps, confusion. 
And then the Wutai Captain murmurs a quiet mantra and brings out a Summon, lighting the acrid smoke in a vivid red glow.
"Here we go," Angeal murmurs, looking up. Before him looms a fiery demon, with flames dancing on its back, behind its impressive horns. Smiling slightly, he tightens his grip on the Buster Sword. "Ifrit, huh? Great - I have been wanting to try these new tricks I've been learning!"
It's not the first time he's been left facing a Summon rather than people, and quite honestly, he prefers it. There's not much honour in fighting people who can't truly meet him at his level. A man's honour can only take so much, fighting against weaker opponents.
But a Summon is something very different.
Angeal waits standing still until the Ifrit attacks, and then ducks out of the way - and then back closer, to get a few hits in, using the Buster Sword to its full advantage. And damn if it's not gratifying, to put his recent lessons to the test!
Ifrit isn't the strongest of Summons, but it's formidable enough and far above the usual monsters of Wutai. This one is a higher level one too - someone put a lot of effort into maturing it. It's one hell of a workout. Being able to swing his sword and feel it do real damage…
"Whoa, what the hell -"
"On guard! Stay alert!"
Angeal falters, realising that the Wutai troops hadn't run away - they'd moved back, but stayed to watch, and now they're watching out for someone else. Quickly Angeal jumps away from the Ifrit's blow and looks where they're looking - up in the trees?
It's… Sephiroth. Who is - what?
"Uh?" Angeal manages, confused - and then Ifrit is upon him, trying to blow him away with a fiery fist. Angeal drags his attention back to the fight and goes about finishing it as quickly as he can. He must've seen it wrong.
Whatever he saw isn't as important as the fact that Sephiroth is here at all. He was supposed to be doing his Alignment practice - why is he here? And… how would he react to all this?
Before he lost his memories, Sephiroth never humoured the Summons - and he too has a reputation. One far worse than Angeal's.
Angeal whittles the Ifrit's HP to zero as quick as he can, and the Summon breaks. Breathing hard, Angeal checks the Wutai troops - still there, frozen in place - and then he looks at Sephiroth.
Who lands, light as a feather, not far from him.
"... What are you doing here?" Angeal manages.
"I was told there was going to be trouble," Sephiroth says, a complicated look on his face, and apparently not thinking there was anything unusual about his own ability to, what, fly? He looks at the Wutai troops instead, eyes narrowed.
"I've got this handled," Angeal says slowly, worried it might turn into a bloodbath after all. "You didn't need to come."
Sephiroth glances at him, and his expression goes cold and inscrutable. "You're worried," he says, sounding somewhere between confused and offended. "Why?"
Because Angeal wasn't planning to fight, really, and he wasn't planning to kill. There wasn't any reason for it. The Wutai squad were just checking out the unusual activity in a place they knew to be abandoned - they weren't geared for an assault. Certainly there might be a full assault later, after they'd confirmed who had taken residence in the abandoned house they might choose to attack them, but that is different. If the enemy planned and executed an attack, even knowing who they were, then of course there would be a fight, but…
Killing these people here and now, when there's no mission and no orders and no point other than to keep them from passing information on… information that would be passed on regardless…
These men aren't a threat to us, Angeal wants to say. But Sephiroth didn't get his moniker for being understanding or merciful. And Angeal isn't sure how he will react now.
Angeal opens his mouth, but before he can speak, the Wutai Captain steps forward. "My name is Deng Yuto," the captain says bravely and brandishes his gunspear at Sephiroth. "I challenge you, Demon of Wutai, for the lives of my men."
Angeal's heart aches for him. The man's spear point doesn't even quiver. Angeal looks at Sephiroth, who probably doesn't even understand the custom he's witnessing. "You don't have to do this. Please. Let me handle this."
Sephiroth looks at him and hums, thoughtful. For a moment, Angeal dares to hope…
And then Sephiroth draws his sword and turns away.
"I accept your challenge."
So, not my favourite chapter ever...
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vxlentinescookies · 4 months
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→ ❛Ivory❜
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→ Pairing ; Longan Dragon Cookie x Reader → Quote ; ❛❛But then, that raised the question, what made you so special?❜❜ → Genre ; Drama → A/N ; hm... Longan dragon brainrot? Longan Dragon brainrot
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Perhaps, the best way to describe your story together would be the beauty and the beast. But not the classic telling everyone has told you, no, this time around, we’re across a fighter beauty, and a true beast.
You were not weak, in fact, you were something far from that—You were strong, shaped like the warriors of old ages, a brute force of nature fighting for your life, and them? They were a beast greater than you could ever be, greater than you could ever someday become, and yet… And yet there was something attaching you two together like pieces of a puzzle. Your name wasnt important to them, in their path you were just another cookie to crumble, but your strength was something that called you forward to them. You were… interesting, a curious case of a cookie with enough strength to make against someone as grand as them. 
They stared down at you, then, gazing over how you destroyed another of their gazing eyes down with the shot of an arrow. You seemed to have a hand at weapons, whether it be the dagger they saw at your waist, or the bow and arrow they just saw you using, and for the first time in eons, they felt the hunger for more. To see you struggle, to see you fight, to see you move and defeat more. But they knew, in their pride clouded eyes, that they would be able to defeat you, you would not surpass their own existence.
That was the beginning of your relationship with the dragon, an odd one of course. While you were undecided on how to feel about the Dragon at times, Longan saw you as a rival. No more, no less. But you werent just any rival to them, no, you were much more than that, you were almost equal to them, a true challenge to take, to uphold, and they found certain pride in you for having reached that status, one not even the other dragons shared, after all, they were strong, but not strong enough to entertain the thought of a true rivalry.
But then, that raised the question, what made you so special?
Despite being all seeing, your speciality was a blind spot the Ivory Dragon didnt take too kindly to, watching you defeat yet again those who dared to stand on your path, just what made you move with such fervor? What were you looking for, tiny cookie? As far as they were concerned, you were just a traveler, a nomad of sorts, not staying one site, instead moving across different paths, different islands, never in the same place. Thats how you two stumbled upon, after all, and thats what brings us to that day. 
Gazing upon you was yet another of those dragon eyes that seemed to follow you everywhere you went. Every single time, you shot them down, be it with your arrow or your dagger, and every single time, you had to prepare for a battle, because those things never went down as easily as you wish they did. This time, though, you chose to let them wander just a little bit more. Out of curiosity, and out of confusion as to why they were constantly seeking you out. It was a rare occurrence, that much was true, but after a while it had become customary to you, something to expect, especially as you neared the lustrous longan palace.
“Lets see…” You pulled out a map as you took a stop in the middle of the jungle, looking at it before turning to look forward towards the palace. “If what that cookie told me was true… Then a dragon must live inside this palace… Often referred to as the Ivory Dragon, I wonder if they really are as fearsome as most say… Hey, maybe you’re related to that dragon too!”
“...” The eye of the dragon did not respond to your comment, if anything, it seemed amused at your lack of fear or decorum to something that might as well be related to the Ivory Dragon. It was intriguing to Longan, but they did not say anything.
“... Tough crowd…” Would be the last thing you’d say, with a chuckle, as you walked through the Jungle to where the palace was.
Your plan was not to visit, but to pass by it, simply continuing your path as you knew this dragon would not be as gentle as others have been considering the tales of the cookies, there was no way you would be welcome in the palace, though then again, you wouldnt be welcome in any, of the dragon’s homes even if you wanted, cue the fact you’ve been spending most of your nights inside of the huts of tribes you had encountered, tribes who were more than kind enough to let you stay in for the night, up to a few days before you left for another adventure.
That is, until you stumbled upon the entrance of the gardens of the palace. You gazed upon the high walls of the palace gates, greater and grander than you’d ever be in your entire life, yet, as you were about to pass along and continue your journey…
“Traveler… Your pressence iss ssolicited…”
…someone would call you forth, call you past the solemn gates of the Longan Palace.
Once inside of the palace, you’d be guided by Snake Fruit Cookie through the various corridors of the grand palace, while it was in silence, you were admiring the careful craft made by those before you, eons ago. You gazed upon the beauty of the ornaments, the gold, the silk, everything was, yet again, greater than who you’d ever be in this lifetime. And with that, you welcomed the aura that everything emitted. An aura of tranquility, but also, of imposing fear. By this point you had long forgotten you had one of the dragon eyes following your every step, your every move, though you did notice that at one point, as you were approaching the throne room, the orb seemed to disappear within the doors towards the next room.
“The masster iss insside…” Snake Fruit commented, standing right out of the door. “Do not raisse your hand in front of the masster without permission, and when they grant you an audience, bend your knee.” 
That was everything they told you before allowing you to step inside of the hall. It was dark, solely illuminated by a few strings of light pouring from the roof; silk and gold adorned every single corner of the room, and beyond various pillars of the purest of marble, was the dragon in question, sitting upon a throne made out of the most refined gold, coated in the finest of silks, the Ivory Dragon gazed upon you with a bored gaze, as you recognized the various of dragon eyes floating around them. You did, however, as you were told, bending your knees in front of the dragon once you were near them, and showing respect.
“... Speak” Was their words, deep and cold, unwavering, as you looked down at the floor. “And look at me”
“Y-Yes, almighty Ivory Dragon” Were your words, before you opened your mouth yet again to speak. “I was told you seeked my presence?”
“That is true…” They’d say, standing up from their throne and approaching you. “Traveler, what brings you to the land of the Ivory Dragon?”
“I am merely passing by, It is not my purpose to disturb you”
“Is that so?”
You soon would learn the Ivory Dragon was not one for chit chat, which brings you to moments prior to the current time. You were running through the halls of the palace. Shooting arrows at the eyes that seemed to follow you, as you escaped the wrath of the dragon behind you. Your endeavors would lead you through to the gardens, breathing heavily as you fought off more of the eyes of the dragon before they appeared, a scowl in their face as they gazed down upon you. 
“You puny, little cookie…” Their words dripped with venom, they could easily strike you down, bring you down alongside everything in the palace, yet for some reason, there was something greatly entertaining about seeing you struggling, seeing you fight for your life.
Yes, we have arrived at hour zero.
With the lift of a hand, the attacks stopped, and you looked at them with cold eyes, and a fire that burned brighter than the Mala tribe. It was… amusing, a little game they were glad to be playing with you. And a smile appeared on their gaze, one enough to send shivers down your spine. That was, perhaps, the last thing you had perceived before being knocked out by someone behind you. That, was the start of your rivalry, as Longan dragon, a jealous and possessive being, would keep you within the walls of the Longan Palace, both for their entertainment, and for their amusement.
At first, you were akin to a pet, and while you didnt like the title nor the sound of it, you begrudgingly accepted your role as you were more than aware that, while lacking your weapons, you were practically defenseless against a dragon like Longan—However, that would eventually change the more you got to know each other. The days would pass, and the days would become weeks, and weeks would become months, as you trained under the watchful eye of the Ivory Dragon every time, simply for their entertainment. Your relationship was not symmetrical, but it grew to be as symmetrical as Longan allowed it, as Longan allowed you to get close, after all, there was something intoxicating about the Ivory Dragon, and despite the rough start, you came to long for more and for more.
Appreciation was scarce, approval even scarcer, but every single drop from any of those felt like ambrosia to your lips, and soon, as time went on, you’d look forward to them, to pleasing the dragon. In return, the Dragon began looking forward to those gazes of surprise and joy that you brought, the little things that you brought over, the little things and the little excitements that you sometimes had. Due to that, you were slowly promoted from a simple pet to something more, from old clothes to the beauty of silken clothes and gold ornaments, you became a trophy for the Ivory Dragon, a trophy they were not going to lose anytime soon. 
It would be a specific spring that your feelings for the Dragon would blend with theirs, specifically, one night where you two were laying in bed, the Dragon letting their long hair fall like rivers across the bed in where you both laid in, while you looked up at him. It had been over two years since your arrival, your hair had grown long, and your eyes grew sharp with knowledge of battles long fought. The Ivory dragon was pleased with this, a hand coming to graze upon your cheek towards your chin, to lift it up so you were looking at them, unable to turn back now.
“Little one…” They spoke, the nickname they had to call you having changed across the years now, ending in what they’d call you this moment. “You’ve surpassed my expectations…”
“Thank you, master…” You’d speak, smiling softly, which this time around, was returned as they smiled back at you, an eerie sight for some, but an endearing one for you.
“Longan” They said, then, commanding as ever. “Call me Longan. You’ve gained the right to call me by my name, and I want you to use it.”
“Y-Yes, Longan…” You answered, a blush spreading through your cheeks.
Longan was not one known to court, they had grown too old for those elements now, yet deep inside that cold heart of theirs, small beats could be felt, and in that moment, in that night, you were able to hear them. Feel them. Experience them. Who once was a traveler, a nomad, a simple cookie, had become something much more than that, something greater, something grander, someone much, even more interesting than who you used to be. The tribes would chant your name in their tales like the traveler that never escaped the walls of the Longan Palace, a warning tale, but between the walls of that same palace, your name would be uttered with respect, with admiration… and with love.
So, heed on the call of the cookie who managed to win the heart of the most daunting, and coldest of dragons, whose hands are coated in blood, gold and silk. Whose name was once insignificant, now as important as the Ivory dragon themselves, you were (y/n) cookie, who will have the privilege to see the age of dragons resurface. Be proud of this feat.
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slexenskee · 1 year
What are the heroes opinions on No Scrubs music? And are there certain songs that some of the pros empathize more with?
Been pretty curious about this since Erasure and the Detective talked about how there are plenty of off duty pro's in the crowd of a No Scrubs concert.
Ahaha should I just go down the list? Tbh idk if I'll ever get to most of these reactions so it's a good thing this was asked haha
Echo: Biggest stan. He can do no wrong. She was shocked to hear he's Dabi, but also loves the more chaotic No Scrubs songs (I Write Sins not Tragedies, But it's Better if you Do, Jesus of Suburbia etc) and is like, nahh that checks out. Her favorite album is "Good News for People Who Love Bad News".
All Might: listens to them during his hospital stay bc Naomasa recommended it to him (the troll lol). He loves them on first listen, bc he really digs american alternative music and is shocked he's only first hearing them now. His favorite album is Death Before Decaf by a landslide. He worries about his Satoru-shounen, bc some of these songs deal with a lot of trauma. Also is like... wait a minute Semi-Charmed Life is my favorite song and why is it about crystal-meth??? Satoru-shounen?!
Eraserhead: thinks "... this guy has a lot of songs about women, for a guy who historically has never slept with a single woman." His favorite songs are 'This Ain't a Scene it's an arms race' and 'Sugar we're going down', bc he appreciates the irony of some of the lyrics
Present Mic: loveesss the vibe of Glass Onion Heart, as he's a pop-fan. He was really surprised to find Ru-kun and Dabi are the same person, but he respects the hell out of Ru-kun and adores his music and has also mad respect for Dabi after he saved the kiddos on multiple occasions, so he's a major stan. His favorite song is Tokyo, or Moving to New York, bc they both have that 'electropop sound'
Midnight: Her favorite song is Misery Business, or Thanks for the Memories. She's more of a peripheral fan than Present Mic, but she enjoys their music. She adores Dabi/Ru-kun's 'aesthetic'.
Endeavor: doesn't know how to feel. Is very overwhelmed. Somehow he could handle watching his son blow up a terrorist cult on live TV but has heart palpitations watching him perform in a wig and a Sailor Moon outfit. there's too many songs for him to parse out. He tries the acoustic album first because it seems less overwhelming, and it just makes him kind of sad. And full of regret in a way. His son is so talented and Endeavor had always been so full of himself that he'd never realized. His favorite song is No Such Thing - he identifies with it a lot and lowkey hates himself for it bc he 'realizes' how similar he and Touya must be to go through similar circumstances. He also really likes Notion from the same album. He hasn't managed to branch out to the other albums, but he always listens when the songs are on the radio. He only really dislikes hearing Say It Aint So, for obvious reasons, even though the whole alcoholism and step-father thing confuse the hell out of him.
Tensei: Obviously has a soft spot for the acoustic album he bullied ru-kun into making, but his favorite is Good News for People Who Love Bad News, bc that's the album he first found them through and he feels nostalgic about it, but he absolutely adores all the songs/subliminal messages of Death Before Decaf. I'm Not Okay is his favorite song, although it's a tough call. He obviously was the first hero to find out Ru-kun and Dabi are the same person, and he's also lowkey moonlighting as an online forum warrior defending Dabi to his dying breath lol. He'll be very embarrassed if anyone finds out his screen name.
Best Jeanist: Not his kind of music, but he digs the ✨aesthetic✨ and is obsessed with some of Ru-kuns more performative outfits, even the ones that aren't jeans. He's actually a lowkey fan of Mitsuya's designs (but doesn't know his real identity) and can spot one from a mile off. He would absolutely slink up to Dabi at a random event and ask him where he bought his jeans.
Miruko: Also not her kind of music, but once the 'SixWings' stuff drops she's curious enough to give it a listen. She likes Glass Onion Heart the most bc of its more pop sound. She definitely just wanted to be nosey and see if any of the songs were blatantly about Hawks, but is a little confused to see most of them seem to be about women.
Edgeshot: Actually digs their latest album Infinity On High. Has a soft spot for the Green Day songs, Jesus of Suburbia, Holiday, and Hitchin' a Ride - although he's emphatically not an anti-establishment rebel like those songs would suggest lol.
Kamui Woods: Lowkey another major stan that keeps it lowkey like Tensei. Also has a gay crisis over Ru-kun. 1979 is his favorite song. He's unknowingly a Smashing Pumpkins fan, so he likes Today, Cherub Rock, 1979 and Mayonaise.
Hawks: I mean we'll def get his reaction in the fic but yes he's a fan, once he starts listening to it. His favorite is Mayonaise... for what will be obvious reasons... and also Island in the Sun for similar reasons lol. Outside of those he's actually similar to Endeavor (which he doesn't know how to feel about lol) in that the acoustic album is his favorite and specifically No Such Thing and Notion. Although when he turns 23 he changes his ringtone to What's My Age Again.
Not really heroes but do the students count??
Jirou: Favorite song is Misery Business, but her favorite album is Thanks I Hate it Here. She's a massive fan of all their songs, but with her keen ear for music she's especially fond of the really great riffs in Death Before Decaf. Her second favorite would be Smells Like Teen Spirit.
Katsuki: His favorite song to play is Reinventing The Wheel to Run Myself Over, + he likes that song in general bc he just identifies with it lol. He also really likes Homesick at Space Camp, again becuase it's just a fun song to play on the drums. Most repeated No Scrubs song on his spotify is actually My Heart Is The Worst Kind of Weapon from Ru-kun's acoustic album... bc he's a massive simp and is absolutely obsessed with ru-kun's voice. Like he'd buy random super racy bodice-ripper audiobooks narrated in a language he barely understands just because Ru-kun was narrating them.
Hagakure: Immediately downloads all the albums after the news breaks bc she stans Dabi and omgggg he's a sexy rockstar on top of that?! Yeah she's a bandwagonner and she'll fight you about it. She really loves the fun, teenage-rebellion type songs - What's My Age Again is a personal favorite, even though she's not 23 lol. She also likes Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner, a Little Less Sixteen Candles, and Sugar We're Going Down.
Ashido: Fellow bandwagonner who stans Dabi and now stans Ru-kun. She and Hagakure absolutely nerd out and giggle in their rooms listening to their favorite villain/artist, and Jirou sometimes joins them. Yui finds the whole thing embarrassing and pretends she doesn't notice them. She's also obsessed with the acoustic album (thank you Tensei lol) bc she daydreams of Ru-kun one day serenading her with his guitar. She likes the classic Fall Out Boy From Under the Cork Tree teenage-romance-angst-drama songs, Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner, a Little Less Sixteen Candles, Sugar We're Going Down + Thanks for the Memories and This Ain't a Scene from FOB's Infinity on High.
Uraraka: feels like she has to get into it bc all the 1-A girls are into it now. She's too embarrassed to ask Yui about it directly the way Ashido and Hagakure sometimes do (Yui usually just hedges the questions off) but she always listens to the girl's answers whenever they do. Her favorites are Dance, Dance and Tokyo.
Tamaki: had totally been a fan before realizing Ru-kun and Dabi were the same person, had the usual gay crisis about it, was mortified to realize he'd made such a terrible first impression on one of his favorite artists and goes on to sulk in a corner for a lil bit but gets over it. His favorite song is My Own Worst Enemy, just loves the all around vibe. He also really likes Jesus of Suburbia and Smells Like Teen Spirit.
Mirio: Had heard of them bc of Tamaki, but had never gave them a real listen until after the news dropped. He likes a classic rock sound so his favorites are ones like Cherub Rock, In One Ear, and the assorted Green Day songs. He also loves Dance Floor Anthem though, just because it's such a fun song.
Nejire: Same as Mirio, it's not really her usual bubble-pop so she's heard of them through Tamaki but otherwise has never really listened to them. Accordingly she likes the acoustic album (omggg Ru-kun's voice is so sexy ~) and Glass Onion Heart's more pop-ish songs like Dance Floor Anthem, Dance, Dance and Tokyo.
The general consensus is very "???" and also "man this guy has been through some shit and has some bad vices about it but damn does he have a great voice" and frankly, take one look at him and think he lives a very appropriate rockstar-esque life lol. Ru-kun has definitely given everyone the impression that he drinks/does drugs/sleeps around with a hell of a lot more women than he actually does (or in the case of drugs and women, does at all).
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itzzaira · 3 months
TMNT Fandom Family Reunion - Campfire event || short story
Based off of these tags below from this post (tags belong to Allyheart707, their tumblr tagged below)
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You thought you could hide these there and I wouldn’t notice? ✨️
Cabin 10 - the besties
Little Subjects - @allyheart707
The Wrong Side of the Portal - me!
Heishi was not someone who took breaks.
He fought, he thought, he planned, he trained, he was on the lookout- the little slider was always doing something.
Anything at all.
Don't stop.
Just so he wouldn’t be seen as weak, or a waste, or-
Just to hopefully make his Master proud. Just to be enough. Just once. That's all he wanted.
Keep going.
But as if that hadn't been hard enough before, these other three stupid turtles made it so hard!
Like seriously?! Sitting around a stupid campfire listening to stupid stories and making those stupid snacks that actually tasted amazing- aaaugh Heishi no!
He shouldn't be liking those snacks. They weren't healthy. They made him weak.
Heishi refused to be weak.
...Yet, against his will, he was still roasting a marshmallow above the campfire.
Mikey had pushed one into his hands- heck, he had even invited Heishi to join him and the other two, but the young warrior had simply huffed, shook his head, crossed his arms, and looked away. He shouldn't be here, he had things to do! Like train! Or anything! Just more! He had to do more!
Not enough.
Curse the other big Raph for managing to convince him to stay.
"Say, none of these guys have had any training, right?" The big Raphael had said, watching as his own version of Heishi- who he kept calling 'Leonardo' was handing Mikey a s'more. "And there's a lot of new people here... so wouldn’t they need a tough warrior to keep an eye on them? Just in case they got into trouble?"
If he was stuck here anyway. He might as well keep watch.
Keep working.
It wasn't the best thing to do, but... it wasn't the worst thing either. Heishi liked these guys.
Currently, both Mikey and Donnie were asleep, leaning against the log they had been sitting on earlier with a blanket tugged around them. Raph sat on said log, having been dozing off but woke up when the other Raphael tried to tuck a blanket around him too. "Go back to sleep, kid." The big one whispered, patting his shell. Raph, however, slowly shifted his gaze to look at Heishi.
"...Leo." The snapper whispered, holding out am arm sleepily. The slider scoffed.
"Heishi." He corrected.
Even though he acted annoyed about the name, 'Leo' didn't feel as bad as it should. Which just made poor Heishi feel worse. Why did the name sound right? He didn't want it to! Master Draxum would be so angry at him for disrespecting the name his creator had given him-
"Don't you feel tired, bud?" The big turtle asked- he wasn't the same species as Raph. He didn't even have freckles- he did have a crack in his plastron and wore a red bandana. "It's late."
"No." Heishi shook his head, stubbornly facing the fire, ignoring the other three tots completely. "Warriors don't sleep. Need to keep watch." Even if his eyes were drooping. Even if he felt exhausted. He had to keep awake and finish the job he had been assigned.
Try. Harder.
"...Ah-ha." Raphael looked a bit confused but didn't argue. He wasn't as nice as Raph. "...Aren't you like- four?"
Excuse me? "No! I'm big!"
Heishi huffed, puffing out his cheeks and glaring in an attempt to look angry- but in Raphael's eyes, he just looked stupid. However, there was something else...
This was familiar.
"...Alright, bud." The turtle decided- and for a brief moment, he looked at 'Leonardo', so fast Heishi almost missed it- but he noticed. Why did he look at Leonardo like that? Why did he give that same look to the tiny slider? "But you do know you need to be close to those you guard, right?"
...What? Heishi looked up, confused. Raphael nodded, a serious expression on his face.
"Come on, every warrior knows that." He said, placing both his hands on his hips. "How are you supposed to protect those you guard when you're far away? Evil will get to them before you can!"
Heishi had never heard of such thing before- Master Draxum never told him. So. Was Raphael lying? But Raph didn't lie. And Raphael was Raph. Just from another world, but older. So Raphael wouldn’t lie either, right? Did that mean master Draxum hadn't taught him something? But why?
'Well duh.' His mind supplied. 'He probably thought you weren't ready for such a responsibility! You fail all the time!'
This was Heishi's chance to prove he could do something.
With a newfound determination, the young turtle nodded and got up. This caused him to remember he still had been roasting a marshmallow- and cringed when he saw how burned it had gotten. Raphael patted his back- that felt nice. Why did it feel nice-? "I'll get you a new one, kiddo, just sit down."
Heishi nodded, threw the marshmallow on the ground, and held the stick in front of him as some sort of sword as he marched over to where his brothers the other three turtles slept. He could do it! He would do great! Because he was Heishi. The greatest warrior of them all!
He saw down, stick in his lap.
He wouldn’t fail. Not this time.
Okay this was boring.
Heishi yawned, shook his head, then looked at the fire. The fire was pretty. It was bright, warm, and... so cozy. And useful. For keeping warm, for cooking...
...Okay. Those marshmallows were not as bad as the young turtle had claimed them to be. He hoped the other Raph would bring more soon he actually wanted one. Plus! Food is important! To grow big! And strong! It wasn't his fault that that happened to be sweet treats.
...Not like Master Draxum was there to tell him no.
A soft murmur had him looking to his left- Mikey shifted slightly in his sleep but didn't wake, holding a bit more onto Donnie, squishing his cheek onto the other's shoulder. Heishi couldn't help but snicker. But he yawned afterward and leaned his back on the log behind him.
...Actually... now that he wasn't sitting up anymore... he was pretty tired.
But- no! He said he would watch over these guys! That's his job! He couldn't just abandon his job. No way!
Try harder.
But he was so tired.
Not enough.
Tiredness didn't matter! This place was new. He didn't know anyone. Who knows what kind of dangers there were lurking around?
But the campfire was cozy. Everyone was laughing and talking. There were blankets and marshmallows shared everywhere. Best of all- barely any humans at all.
This place couldn't be that bad, right?
His eyes drooped, and the little turtle looked up at the ceiling, trying to think.
...The ceiling was pretty.
Colorful, sparkly, glittery- were all caves this pretty? And dreamy. And soothing... and...
He hadn't even been aware that he had been dozing off until an arm wrapped around him.
Heishi blinked his eyes open (when had he closed them?) Surprised to see Raph- his Raph, (just barely) awake, no longer sleeping on the log but now sitting in the floor next to him, trying to pull the young slider close. "You looked cold..." he murmured, pulling the blanket and clumsily trying to cover Heishi with it too.
For whatever strange reason, the younger turtle didn't push him away as he should.
Instead, he let Raph pull him into a hug, just like when he had done in the lab. Curling up in his lap on instinct, his tail doing a little wag when he felt the older one's arms wrap around him. Raph put his head on top of Heishi's, blinking slowly, while lifting his knees- causing Heishi to snuggle closer to the snapper. That was fine. The slider nuzzled into his neck. This was nice.
...Maybe Heishi wasn't watching over them right because he was tired?
He yawned, and snuggled closer to Raph. The snapper shared his blanket with him, making sure he was fully covered before leaning back. The blanket was thin and soft. So soft.
So... if he was messing up because he was tired. That meant he should sleep, right?
"Sorry it took so long, kid, apparently someone tried to take the marsh-...oh."
"Shh." Raph shushed above him, pressing his fingers to his lips. Raphael nodded, unsure what to do with the marshmallows now. Sad. Heishi had wanted some- but he was sleepy. He would take some tomorrow, then, he was already drifting off.
At some point, a second blanket got thrown over them- Heishi opened his eyes a little bit to see his own counterpart, 'Leonardo'- the one in blue smiled gently once they made eye contact. "Go back to sleep, baby blue." He whispered- Heishi didn't understand that nickname. He should ask tomorrow, once he was awake. He instead hummed for now, relaxed, and fell asleep for real this time.
But not before he felt arms tightening around him, and hearing the softest 'Goodnight, Leo.' whispered to him that he ever heard, while another, bigger hand, patted his head.
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breannasfluff · 1 year
Puppy Surprise - P 1
“Sky.” Warriors voice is sharp and he stiffens, spinning to look for an enemy. “What is that.” It’s less a question and more of a statement.
Hiding behind their packs, looking truly confused, is a puppy. It’s pure white and fluffy. Sky makes a choked sound and steps toward it. The puppy whimpers and presses closer to their packs.
“Hey there, it’s okay little guy.” Sky crouches and coos, holding out his hand to tempt the dog over. “How’d you get out here little buddy? Are you lost?”
Warriors finally takes his hand off his sword and crouches next to Sky. The puppy, sensing they don’t mean harm, trots out of its hiding spot.
“Aww, what a cutie!” Sky scoops up the unresisting body, turning it to look at Warriors. “Look at his little face!”
The Captain grimaces but reaches out and lets the dog lick his hand. “We can’t keep it.”
Sky clutches the dog to his chest, giggling when a warm tongue licks his neck. “I’m not leaving him out here alone. It can stay with us until we find someone to take care of it.”
The puppy wiggles until it’s put down, then scampers over to Wild’s bags and paws at them.
“C’mon, don’t get into the Champion’s stuff.” Sky follows and pulls him away, but the dog squirms free and paws at the bags again with a whine. “Nope, no snacks in there for you!”
The puppy gives him a supremely unimpressed look. It’s expressive for an animal, but Sky isn’t too familiar with dogs. Remlits are easy enough to read, though.
“What are we going to call it? Her?” Sky holds the puppy up to Warriors again, its back feet flopping. “What is it?”
Now it’s Warriors turn to give him the unimpressed look. “It’s a boy, as far as I can tell, and I’m not digging through fur to check further.”
“Let’s see…” Sky adjusts the puppy, who’s whining at the indignity of being carted around, and pets his head. “We need to give him a nickname.”
“Naming him is the first step in keeping him, Sky. It’s a slippery slope.”
He snorts and bounces the puppy as he squirms again. “I’m not going to keep calling him Puppy!”
Shaking his head, Sky keeps up the petting. “Softy?”
“Really? Softy?” Warriors goes to check on Twilight, frowning and tucking a blanket up to his chin.
“Fine!” Sky stares across the empty camp, running through adjectives and white-colored things. “Fluffy!”
The Captain raises his eyebrows and purses his lips like he might laugh, but then he nods. “Fluffy it is.”
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teyamloving12 · 2 years
Stealing Mama Away
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Pairing: Neteyam x Reader
Synopsis: Neteyam hates the fact his father cheated with a woman his age.
Neteyam knew his father had something for young women. Jake likes women who were fresh and innocent which was why he fell for Neytiri. Neteyam was furious at his father for leaving his mother. He knew how devastated his mother was from parting with her ex mate. It was unfair.
Until you came in the picture. Young and curious. His father marrued you right now. You werrre beautiful, but the truth was you and Neteyam were the same age. Neteyam understood his father's need of the ve of a mate but why did he leave his mother then?
You were the same whore who destroyed his mother and father's relationship, the same whore Jake would run off claiming he was training the young warriors of the clan, the same woman that broke his family's heart into pieces.
Neteyam sat in bed looking at the ceiling. He sighed befire getting up to drink a glass of water before he heard your pretty moans from his father's bedroom. He peeked through the crack of the door. He was shocked.
Your thighs were on his father's shoulders as Jake pounded ferociously inside of your sweet pussy. "Doing so well f'me pretty girl. Your moans are music to my fucking ears!", Jake said with each thrust touching your womb. You squealed from the sudden increase of speed. "Ma Jake, i might cum! Please slooooow down!", you mewled. The satisfaction of taking Jake's cock for yourself made you happy. He didnt need Neytiri when he had you.
" Youre s'much better and tighter than Neytiri, pretty thing!", you whimpered over his cock. You were so happy you were way better than his ex wife. Your hips met his thrusts as a sign of thank you. "Ma Jake please breed me! Give me children i beg you!", you whimpered on his huge member. You continued to moan.
"So pretty f'me, my beautiful wife!", he siad before he came insife of you. Your head threw back from the sensation. Jake's cock slowly came out your pussy and you climbed down from the bed and french kissed his cock and licked up his cum. You licked the sides of her veiny cock before taking him into your mouth.
Neteyam watched the scene carefully. His mind began to envision you sucking him off instead of his father. He shaked his head. No! It is wrong! Although you were his age, you were still his father's wife. He looked down at his erected cock. Your mewls were killing him. He was getting hard by the second. How you kiss the tip of his father's cock, how you took him in different positions, it was attracting him to you.
He prayed to Eywa hoping she would stop his unholy attraction to his young stepmother. He heard a voice calling his name in his sleep. "Teyam...Neteyam", he heard continuously. He sprouted up and turned to the right only to see his stepmom with a tray of breakfast in her hands. "Good morning Neteyam!", you said sweetly. His cock began to rise and almost was noticed by you. "Here you go! Im making breakfast for you! Eat well", you said before leaving his room. Interesting.
He ate quickly and stared at his hard- on. "Please hurry and go away.", he begged. He sighed before joining you in the kitchen. How adorable. Hou were the perfect little housewife. His father was lucky, too lucky. It was time his father understand something. He walked behind you before grabbing you into a tight hug and peppered the side of your face with kisses. You were shocked at your stepson's behaviour. You turned your head ti Neteyam un shock. "What is that all about Neteyam?", you asked. "Im just happy to see you, sa'nok."
Now you were extremely confused. "Neteyam you never call me sa'nok so why now?", you asked again. He jyst smiled. You shrugged your shoulders as you carried the sliced yovo fruit to the table. Neteyam's fake smile faded as he watched you prep the table. He walked up to me. He spoke iver your shoulder.
"How dare you.", he said. Before you could respond, your face was being pushed onto the table. "You think you can come into my life and just fuck it up, huh?", he yelled at you. You were scared. So the act while back was fake? "I cant believe my father picked a whore like you over my mother!", you start to sob under his harsh grasp. His fingers traced along the curve of your ass before ripping your loincloth off. "But then again, youre not so bad."
“Oh, is the dirty little slut unable to speak ?” He grinned , dropping your loincloth and grazing a hand around your thigh. You shivered under his touch, you never felt this way before about anyone touching you except for Jake. You whimpered as the grip on your ass got stronger. You screamed when he smacked it. "You knew our father was married yet you just had to take what you wanted, right?", he growled, literally.
He reached for his loincloth and that was when you began to wiggle. "Neteyam please dont do this to me! I'm so sorry!", gou begged and he just kissed her teeth un response. You didnt want this to happen. You thought it was all fine. He forced him inside of your glistening pussy without warning which caused a shiver to run down your spine.
"You act all innocent, hmm? What would my father say if he saw my cock inside of your soaked pussy?", Neteyam asks. His words made you wet. Neteyam pushed your head down further by the nape of your neck. "Mama, you're nasty!", Neteyam said grinning. Pushing himself inside of you even deeper, your eyes rolled up in pleasure.
"No! Stop! This is wrong! I am your father's wife!", you said through your moans. "Yes, you are mama but you're whimpering on my dick!", he said through his thrusts. Your pussy becane sloppier. You were Jake's and only Jake's. If he saw you like this, on your stepson's cock, moaning like a bitch in heat.
Your hips thrust back on his huge cock. "I belong to Jake. Not youuu!", You squealed. Neteyam squeezed your neck even harder. "No! Mama, you belong to me!", he said going even faster. "Neteyam...i belong to you! Im yours!", you screamed. "Thats right Mama! You're mine", he said before painting your walls with his cum. You laid on the taable with numb legs and Neteyam's cock slowly pulled out.
"I love you mama.", he kissed your ass before leaving you to your fate of being caught.
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I want to draw Enki (Travis’ mother) but I’m scared to mess her up.
Some HCs instead:
-I will probably change her name. Not a major thing . But. Noteable. Because it’s confusing. That or I’ll change the divine warriors name. Or make her the divine warrior reincarnated. That might be fun. But eh I’ll decide when I get to it.
-Her hair is black. Travis’ hair being white is a half-demon thing so it doesn’t make sense for hers to be white too. So she has black hair like the rest of the warrior tribe.
-Buff. Muscle. Because Valkrum men have a type
-Her eyes are white and pupil-less. Because I want to give her some funk
-despite being a Hunter, she loved animals, and would ensure to kill them in the most efficient, quick ways possible, and not waste a single part of their corpses. She’d find a use for everything.
-She was a little freaked out when she first gave birth to a tiny, grey, goat-hoofed, horned, tailed, white-haired baby, but she grew to love him after a while. He was kinda cute.
-literally no one could have killed her aside from herself. She was way too smart for that, not to mention a fucking tank. If the crew snagged her whilst she was still alive, they’d never have to worry about anything ever. Except maybe her trying to kill them. In which case. Run.
-Travis looks almost exactly like her. That said, he can’t even remember what she looks like, so he doesn’t see it in himself. He only sees his father, and he hates that. But she would have loved him regardless of what face he grew into.
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bitchin-beskar · 2 years
So do you have any headcamons for coming to the clan nd joining either pregnant or with a child and Paz immediately getting super protective over you?
do i have headcanons
u bet ur ass i do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have hcs for both and im in a good mood bc it's sinday so u get both!
coming to the clan and joining while pregnant
so i'm thinking if you're coming to the clan to join while pregnant, the one who got you pregnant is not in the picture
ofc, this could be for a few reasons, im leaning towards your partner being dead, but they could've run off and abandoned you too
but whatever way it happens, you're alone and pregnant, with little to no way to defend yourself
your village is attacked by pirates, and the nearby mandalorian covert comes over to help
the pirates had made it obvious they were looking for people to sell to slavers, and a pregnant woman sells pretty damn well, unfortunately
one of the surviving village members decides that this means it's your fault, so you're exiled
the mandalorians who'd stuck around to help are not happy to hear this, especially the large one in blue armor with heavy artillery
he immediately declares that you'll come with them, and will be welcome in their clan for as long as you require
stunned by the generosity, and with nowhere else to go, you accept
they're very kind, for all that you've heard about mandalorians as barbaric warriors, and their medic makes sure to give you a full checkup, and even gives you your very first ultrasound
your assimilation into the clan goes smoothly, but you can't help but notice your very big, very unsubtle blue shadow that follows you around and gets you anything and everything you need
it's weeks before you even learn his name, and even that's an accident, when the clan bounty hunter comes back and remarks that Paz seems very attached to you
you blink in confusion, especially when the bounty hunter-beroya, you remember from the mando'a lessons, literally facepalms to the amusement of his tiny gremlin kid
the beroya marches over to your shadow, Paz you know now, and they have a quick and heated discussion in mando'a far too fast for you to understand
but it was clearly about you, because afterwards, Paz becomes more than your shadow
he converses with you, eats with you, keeps you company, and even-at your request-attends your prenatal checkups with you
it's nice to have a friend, but you very quickly realize that what you're beginning to feel for your mandalorian shadow isn't friendship
especially not when you're in your bed late at night, horny as hell, and unable to really do anything about it with your stomach in the way
or when he sits close to you, his hand on your lower back for support, his low voice soothing and enticing in equal measures
or when you see him spar with other members of his clan, shirtless and sweaty, a huge mass of muscle, strong and vicious in ways that make you want
one night you're in your bed, nearly crying with frustration because you're so damn horny but you can't do a fucking thing about it
you're trying so hard to resist but you just can't anymore
so you fit one of your pillows between your legs, rocking back and forth to try and relieve the empty feeling inside you and to quell the fires burning in your belly
and in a moment of weakness, you call out Paz's name, lost in your fantasies
lo and behold, guess who happens to be walking by?? the man himself
he's worried you're hurt, so he comes inside, only to realize that you're definitely not injured
in literally any other instance you'd be embarrassed
but you've been sexually frustrated for months and the man of your literal dreams is standing in front of you
you snap that he can either come and help you or he can leave, but if he doesn't do something you might actually scream
he snaps out of his shock and decides there are worse things than getting to worship your body like he's been dreaming about
in the aftermath of your... ahem, activities, laying in bed with Paz, he whispers a confession that he wants more than just the occasional fuck
you're looking at him, hoping and praying he's saying what you think he's saying
he tells you that he thinks he might be in love with you, and if you'll permit him, he'll marry you and bring you into his clan, and if you wish it, he'll say the gai bal manda to your child, but even if you don't, he'll still love them and ensure they're raised to want for nothing
you kiss him, because you don't have the words to explain just how much you want that too, and you'll take anything and everything he offers you
coming to the clan and joining with a child
so, in this hc, i'm vibing with the idea that your ex was abusive in some manner, and so fearing for your lives, you flee him with your child
except the problem is he's rich, and he hates the idea that you escaped him, because in his mind you belong to him, so he hires Din to "retrieve his property"
Din takes the job, and upon realizing that "property" means you and your kid, he immediately abandons the job (bc he's got a kid of his own now and like hell is he gonna make the same mistake twice) and brings you to the covert
they're all equally furious as Din, to your surprise
Paz (who i've just decided is the Mand'alor in this hc) takes Din aside and tells him to go "take care" of your ex quietly
and then he immediately assigns himself as your protector
now, coming from an abusive relationship, you're v skittish around men, and even though your ex wasn't particularly large or physically intimidating, he still hurt you so the back of your mind is saying that Paz has the potential to be far more dangerous even if you haven't seen any examples of that
so you're very much shy around him and often v scared and skittish
it makes Paz so sad to see but he understands, and keeps his distance while also making sure to do whatever he can to make you feel safe
now your kid on the other hand
they're old enough, i'm thinking 8-10?
they're used to being afraid of dear old dad and also feeling hopeless about not being able to protect their momma
so being brought into a covert of warriors who have zero issues training children from a young age to fight??
they're ecstatic!
because not only can they protect themselves, they can get strong enough to protect you too
and they see Paz as the head of the covert and the heavy artillery master, and they imprint like a baby duckling
they follow him around and try to mimic him in everything he does
the entire covert thinks it's adorable
Paz is worried at first that you'll be upset since you're so skittish around him
but you decide to see how it plays out, and honestly it's kind of a test, because you've often found the easiest way to see the measure of a person is how they treat kids
and Paz absolutely loves your little one
he's so good and patient with them, he takes their training seriously and often personally trains with them
your kiddo loves them too, and Paz helps them acclimate so damn well
which is why when you find your kiddo sobbing in your rooms one afternoon apologizing for being the reason that you'll have to leave the covert you're very concerned
after much prying you find out your baby accidentally called Paz the word for 'dad' in your language, and now thinks Paz is going to kick the two of you out
you don't know how to fix this, but you know you have to try, because Paz is the first good and positive male figure they've been able to latch on to in their life and you don't want them to lose this, and also you really don't want to leave either
so you go to find Paz, and you find him on his throne, clearly very lost in thought
he's shocked to see you seeking him out, but he begins to apologize, because while he didn't understand the word your kid said, he was worried he'd done something to hurt them, and you'd put your trust in him that he wouldn't so he's afraid you've come to yell at him
you cross your arms and very sternly inform him that your child has come to see Paz in a father figure role, and you need to know how he feels about this, because if he's going to reject your baby, you need to know so you can attempt to mitigate the heartbreak
Paz stares at you for a moment and asks what you'd do if he said he'd be honored if your kid thought of him as a father and that he would ask your permission to adopt your kid as well to help your baby understand that Paz isn't going anywhere and that he's wanted
you're moved, practically to tears, all the fight draining out of you
you never could've imagined your baby getting this, and all you wanna do is say yes, so you begin to nod and agree, so overwhelmed
which is when Paz stands from his throne and makes his way towards you, where he tells you that as much as he loves your kid, he'd also be interested in starting something with you, that he admires you so much, and you've raised your kid so well, and he would like nothing more than to begin courting you
you're struck dumb, but you're also flattered, and you can't deny that seeing how Paz acts with your child gives you hope for how he might treat you as a partner
so, you agree to a tentative courtship, which quickly blossoms into more
i might have gotten carried away, but I hope you enjoy these!! maybe I'll turn them into stories down the road!
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raina-clipse423 · 10 months
Cat Doki! (Pt. 1?)
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(Monika Sayori and Yuri!)
I'm gonna make two color designs for all of them! The more realistic colors are gonna be for the Warrior cats au, which isn't that thought out too cuz it was just a fun idea I had, so for those interested, don't expect much ^_^"
Anywho, I present Cat Natsuki! She's a Pixie bob × Singapura cross, so she's smoll but stronk! Her Warrior name is Berryhope! I did my best to make it as close as possible to the etymology of her name, but many weren't sounding too smooth, so I just kept a half of it and chose another warrior name that fits her character! ^_^
(here's the warriors lore for those interested 👇🏽)
(I'll be including other hc stuff here like more clan roles and different names for some roles btw!)
She's a herb gatherer/general helper of the healer/s from ShadowClan. Outside the clan, she gets looks, whispers, and teases for her small stature. Has Shadowclan's territory been declining that badly? Aren't they treating their new kits well? But the other cats and apprentices look rather healthy–as Shadowclan cats can go–so is it only her?
She definitely gets tired explaining that it's genetics making her small, and some clan mates would go on to say she's stronger than she appears, being able to carry so many herbs on herself no matter where she got them.
BerryHope had a long interest in mixing herbs, especially when mixed with fresh kill, but not enough that she wanted to be a Healer for the clan as she's seen how stressful and just draining it can be, and she thinks being a Healers helper and gatherer is just as great. A lot of times she'd experiment with mixing herbs and fresh kill, but not really for their healing properties, but taste. It intrigued and confused a lot of cats, but in the end all were amazed at the taste of her crafts. It's the thing she's most proud of!
But to stick to the canon ddlc lore, her father won't be too great her either. He doesn't lay claw on her as he would in canon act 2 (cuz I think that lore is only on act 2, like Monika changed it? Correct me pls–) Her small stature greatly unsatisfied him, believing she's a runt and won't even survive one Leafbare. Her mother was a rouge and was a former Singapura Kittypet before she joined the clan and they met. BerryHope's father just wished none of their sires got her size and just his build and her beautiful pelt, so he looked down at BerryKit and pretty much just doesn't really pay her that mind.
Okay, that's all for the Warriors!Au with Natsuki, sorry if it wasn't much but hopefully it's enough food for some people out there ^_^
Lil note that the cat (not warriors) version is like a part of another au I have, but it's basically just them as magical cats and stuff. Natsuki is a winged cat, I was gonna post it too but it might be a too silly idea for many ^ ^""
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legendofmorons · 8 months
I work inside I coffee shop. I see a lot of orders and a lot of the common stereotypes people have for coffee orders are less likely to be true than you might think. Let’s try and figure out what each Link would order then, shall we?
- Started off by just getting plain black coffee.
- He felt like that was expected of him because he got into coffee when he was already a bit older.
- At some point, he got a sip of Malon’s drink and LOVED IT.
- Now he loves the seasonal flavors.
- Pumpkin Spice? Sign him up.
- His baristas love him because he stepped in when some dude got uppity.
- (Sometimes they will undercharge him, but do not tell their boss.)
- Not a big Espresso dude.
- Used to get Hot Chocolates
- Had to stop because he turned into a wolf and, quite frankly, he was worried he would be allergic so he just ordered something else.
- Learned that Steamers were a thing and started getting those.
- It’s literally flavored warm milk. He can’t go wrong with it.
- He still gets a cup of whip cream every time, though.
- His baristas will see him in the parking lot, grab a small cup, and just write his name on it. Everyone who works there knows it’s for whip cream.
- Really wants black coffee. Frankly, he would love having it.
- None of his adults let him have that, though.
- They kept telling him to pick something else.
- He started getting frappuccinos so he could still get caffeine.
- Carmel Ribbon Crunch or a Mocha Cookie Crumble became his go to choices.
- Eventually, he starts taking himself and just gets a small black coffee.
- His baristas joke around with him a lot, especially after he starts taking himself.
- They recognize him and will start making a freshly brewed container just for him.
- He started with the Pumpkin Spice Latte before discovering other things.
- He has tried the entire menu.
- His favorite is probably, weirdly, cinnamon dolce or plain vanilla.
- Even still, he likes to spice it up when he does swing through.
- At least, until he got sick and his Zelda made him try the Honey Citrus Mint Tea, also called the Medicine Ball.
- That stuff WORKED.
- Now he gets that regularly, while grabbing a dragon drink or several shots of espresso in a cup for his Zelda.
- His baristas more often talk with Zelda than they do with him.
- (Bro spent so long examining the menu trying to figure out what he wanted that Zelda had to hold conversation to keep it from being awkward.)
- Newer baristas tend to get confused when he gets tea and she gets plain espresso, handing out the orders backwards.
- They’ll learn.
- Red eye, Black eye, and Green eye were his choice drinks for a while.
- Plain black coffee with one, two, or three shots of espresso respectively.
- At some point he learned that blonde espresso has more caffeine and started getting that.
- He was always in there at weird times in the night and his baristas (and friends, if we are being real) started getting worried.
- Straight up got cut off. Too much caffeine at midnight every night.
- Started getting teas and refreshers.
- Really likes the pineapple one.
- His baristas worry about him.
- He always came in at odd times ordering so much caffeine.
- He seems a lot calmer now than he did before, and they will take whatever victories they can get.
- You know that “don’t talk to me until I have had my coffee” thing?
- That’s him.
- He just wants a regular hot latte.
- In fact, that’s all he says.
- “Medium hot latte.”
- He puts his payment on the table and goes and sits down.
- Once he has had a few sips, he can hold a conversation, but until then?
- Nah.
- Not happening.
- At some point, his baristas recognize him and just key everything in before he gets to the till.
- The grunt he lets out in thanks made one barista keel over in the walk in freezer laughing.
- Whether or not he has a person with him will drastically change his coffee order.
- If he is alone, he will get a peppermint hot chocolate.
- No whipped cream.
- Extra chocolate and chocolate curls.
- Coconut milk.
- As Hylia intended.
- If he is with someone else, he gets a plain black coffee.
- Somehow, he thinks it’ll make him appear more masculine.
- (He hates it. Desperately wants the sweet drink he gets every other time.)
- His baristas recognized this pattern and started either sneaking him sugar packets or just making his peppermint hot chocolate and saying it was the black coffee.
- He almost cried.
- Almost.
- This dude either loves plain espresso or loathes it, depending on the day.
- He likes the Vanilla Bean Frappuccino, which has no caffeine or coffee taste at all, on his hating espresso days.
- On other days, he just gets 5 shots of espresso over ice with vanilla cold foam on top.
- Other than that, he doesn’t change up his order at all.
- One time he drank the whole iced espresso in one gulp.
- His baristas were shocked by that.
- Not… judging… but definitely impressed.
- And a little bit confused.
- Wasn’t he sat in the corner, literally kicking his feet over what is basically a milk shake YESTERDAY?
- ???
- Okay, maybe more confused than they are letting on.
- He orders a lot of things, but not nearly as much as Wild did.
- If he has a different color shouting in his head about something, their usual order may take precedence over whatever else he wanted.
- On his own, he likes to get either a plain latte or a caramel apple spice.
- Literally warmed up apple juice and caramel syrup.
- It’s sweet. It’s warm. He likes it.
- There’s not much else to say about Four when he is not dealing with inner turmoil, so let’s get to how the baristas see him, yeah?
- They love him.
- He is so respectful all the time, asking about their lives, telling jokes, swapping stories.
- An absolute sweetheart.
- One barista almost jumped over the counter because someone made a short joke. (That’s how Four learned how protective the baristas were of him.)
- (They also undercharge him, again, do not snitch on them. They have their favorites.)
- Pink drink.
- He wants extra berries in it.
- He might add a cold foam to it, vanilla and mocha being his two preferred flavors of foam.
- He talked so excitedly about his favorite drink that one barista decided to try it.
- Unfortunately, it was the one who does not like sweet things.
- They coughed it out.
- Earl Grey tea.
- That’s it.
- That’s the tweet.
- He just wants a hot black tea.
- He’ll settle for English breakfast if he needs to, but he likes Earl Grey the best.
- His baristas sigh in relief with his order. Half the time he shows up, it’s at the end of a rush, and his order is easy enough to complete.
- He’s very calm about everything, and that attitude seems to rub off on the other people in line.
- Chai tea latte.
- Hot or cold doesn’t matter too much to him.
- Sometimes he will add flavors to it, but his base remains with that chai tea.
- He also always seems to come in after a rush.
- He’s not too picky about it, which takes some of the stress off the baristas when they make the order.
- He loves to swap stories with the baristas while he is there.
- Water.
- He just wants water.
- Cold, filtered water.
- Look, the water tastes good, okay?
- He’s gonna get the largest size water.
- He calls it the “big boy” for some reason.
- Actually, maybe he’ll get a second.
- The water tastes nice, after all.
- His baristas laugh a lot.
- Honestly, he is just there to joke around and relieve a bit of stress.
- It’s a great way to wind down the day, drinking water and telling jokes.
- Shadow doesn’t really order anything directly.
- He’s there, listening in, but he doesn’t talk.
- That’d probably scare somebody.
- So instead, he’ll add his order on to somebody else’s.
- His baristas were confused, initially, hearing a voice that was so close to the person in front of theirs yet wasn’t.
- One of the baristas caught on, however. Setting a cup of whipped cream down beside the drink.
- They watched out of the corner of their eye as it disappeared into the shadow of the man that had just ordered.
- From then on, they consistently did so. Never prying or even really mentioning it. They just set the cup of whipped cream down and moved on to another drink.
- It would be too easy to say a black coffee, so instead…
- Carmel macchiato.
- Iced.
- Extra caramel drizzle.
- Sometimes he will ask for a topping, but most of the time, that’s enough.
- His baristas were intimidated, to say the least.
- Bro is tall.
- He just likes sweeter drinks, and frankly, he likes listening to people talk.
- He loves listening to the baristas spill tea.
- If you listen really closely, sometimes you can here him whisper out a “that b****” while he hears a barista talk about their ex.
I actually just spent an hour and a half typing this out. The first time it was an hour of typing. Do you have any thoughts on this wall of text?
Hahaha oh my God, VS this is amazing! First of all, Twilight and Violet's orders have me DELIGHTED!!!
I know only a few of the boys' sections say they stand up for the baristas, but they all would tbh.
Thoughts under the cut. This is LONG
I think he's glad to have found something other than black coffee.
I think he would love seasonal flavors! Would probably like the chocolate cherry flavor, a shop I like does for hotcboclates in febuary
ALSO, I think he'd like mint tea when he's not feeling great.
He KNOWS they undercharge him sometimes BUT he tips very very well
He learns the names of all the batistas and will step in if someone is harassing any of them.
He absolutely loved hotchocolate, maybe even with cinnamon on it!
He would love steamers, though, and he is always thrilled to get that cup of whipped cream.
I think he'd also probably like to order some sort of ham and cheese croissant
He likes to hangout in a window seat when he stays for a while.
Oh boy does he want coffee
He would definitely like frappacinos
I think he'd like a drink called Unicorn Blood. Dutch brothers sells it as part of their "Rebel" drinks. It's kind of like a blended energy drink with added flavor and sugars
Once he comes by himself he'd probably switch between unicorn blood and black coffee
He loves joking with the batistas of course.
He'll bring Tetra and they'll just laugh
You're absolutely right he definitely tried all the menu
He might have Bribed one or two baristas to make something new
He spreads the word about the coffee shop to everyone who will listen
He thinks it's funny when people mix up his and Zelda's drink
His baristas frequently try to slip him extra food when he orders it
He also probably makes friends with a college student or two, since they'll at be there at 3 am
Will often do a coffee run for Zelda and Impa
He has a favorite Barista, but is of course fond of them all
New baristas are a little startled when he comes in at unholy hours and is perfectly coherent despite his designer eye bags
Yeah, he's sweet and all but he seems like he could give me a run for my money on being grumpy before caffeine
He appreciates that the batistas accommodate his lack of talking and is always sure to wish them a good day before he leaves after he drinks his coffee
If he comes in mid day I think he'd probably like a Carmel blonde or something
This man is definitely thrilled his baristas are helping him save face and enjoy his drink
He definitely talks the place up to others
He will start problems if another patron is harassing any of them. (Especially the younger ones)
I feel like he has also let one of the younger baristas cry on him after a nasty customer. Cause like, customer service is hard and he's not going to push that kid away
He dosen’t talk about that previous one really
Oooooo this is fun
I think maybe a few of the baristas start a (playful) better pool on if he'll want espresso that day. It's probably things like a candy bar or a shift change
He confuses them sometimes but he's so sweet they let it be
He definitely tips well.
Adores things sweetened with honer
He's absolutely the best
Was surprised to find the baristas are protective but he's flattered
Don't worry he'd protect them too. (HAS pushed past a rude customer a little harder than needed with a 'whoops!')
He knows they undercharge but will simply make it up by tipping!
He has also maybe brought his sisters in (they're so fun!)
I can see him liking that stuff!
He felt bad that the barista didn't like sweet stuff
Thought it was a little funny though
Probably likes cinnamon in his hot drinks
Might really like constant comment tea (it's got orange and cloves and is in my top 3 teas)
The love of my life in this one, he's my tea soulmate omg
Haha, yeah earl gray is amazing and fits him so well
English breakfast is close, but not quite
He is always calm, and probably just reads in a corner with his tea
Is patient if the baristas are frazzled after a rush
How'd you have both green and Violet like my two favorite teas? Lol
I think he'd like vanilla Chai too
He loves swapping stories for sure, and probably also movie recommendations
Also loves seeing any fun makeup looks the have
He is probably why the baristas remember to drink water at work
Seems like he wouldn't want ice most of the time
He likes to hang out until right before closing time I think
I love the idea that ONE barista is like "Sure the sentient shadow wants a cup of whipcream"
He's polite but again, not really talking
Will encourage the others to talk the place up
Slips a tip into the jar
Carmel machiatto-
Once the baristas warm up to him he adores listening to them talk
He uses his intimidating appearance to keep creeps and rude customers in line
Will in fact go "no they didn't!" Quietly when he listesn to gossip
Bonus bonus:
Just put her espresso INTO her hotchoclate. No, not a mocha she doesn't want to taste the coffee thanks
Will alternatively order peppermint lattes with utter glee
LOVES whipped cream amd asks for chocolate drizzle
He likes his coffee strong, but sweet.
No cream, though
Just an unholy amount of sugar
It looks like black coffee but it IS NOT
Will stare ypu in the eye as he puts in like 12-15 sugar packets depending on the day
Tips well!
He's not as close to the haristas as some of the others, but he's friendly and will always offer a (clumsy) compliment
She seems like she'd like lavender tea maybe?
For caffeine she just wants a Carmel Frappuccino though, with chocolate drizzle and lots of whipped cream
She's cheerful and always ready to listen to the varistas vent about an ex
Tips pretty well and come in with wind a lot
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ultfreakme · 7 months
your post about sokka's sexism arc is so fucking real because the way people were mad about it is crazy. that arc could work in the sense that it's clearly something specific to sokka rather than a southern water tribe thing but like. does everyone forget how dumb and over-the-top it is in the original show in a way that, like you said, doesn't even make sense? it was clearly only meant to be an obstacle for the kyoshi warriors episode, so toning it down is not that big of a problem. especially since native fans have expressed their dissatisfaction with the original show's representation of their cultures anyway. the real enemy is whatever they've done with katara's and aang's arcs lmao
Sword and Pen Reflections made a really good point about how in the cartoon, the shift from "women are only good for household chores" to wearing a women's uniform and never being sexist again in like, 3-4 hours at most was too quick. It works in a cartoon because cartoon is all about exaggeration, but when a live action is involved you immediately implement real life social rules so even if Sokka's arc was one-for-one, it'd have actually been worse because like which man in reality has ever switched that fast? And yeah lbr the OG was not good indigenous or native culture rep of any kind.
A lot of people who went to the premiere and big name youtubers like The Avatarist and Antonine Bandele have said that the one-to-one copy shots were actually doing worse in capturing the essence of the original in comparison to the modified shots.
I think, considering the pacing and the fact that it's live action, the changes that seem egregious for the og show, might actually benefit the live action. Example, I know people were freaking out over it being said that the number of times Aang enters the avatar state has been cut down. Which, fair. But in the live action, ep 1 goes through the first 3 episodes. So he's in the avatar state thrice; when he bursts out of the iceberg, fight with Zuko, the Southern Air Temple.
The specialty of the Avatar state was its rarity, and it feels more rare when it's episode by episode in the OG but doing it three whole times in one episode of the LA would just leave people confused.
A lot of the Aang and Katara changes, I think, are going to be done to take into consideration pacing and medium. I really haven't heard anything too bad wrt Katara, though I am a little miffed about a couple of Aang changes, but I don't think it's going to make character arcs crumble.
We'll know soon anyways, Feb 22nd is soon approaching and we can finally make our judgements for sure then.
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miniscrew-anon · 8 months
Texting HC for the boys
Wind - Uses discord way more than text. Commonly mutes chats. He gets a million discord messages from different groups and he can't be bothered to listen to every time someone complains about the mountain of dishes he left in the sink. If you really want to reach Wind you have to jump on discord or go to his room.
Twilight - Doesn’t like to send more than one message in a row because someone called him desperate one (1) time in high school and he never recovered. So instead he’ll send you a whole paragraph and agonize if he forgot to mention something. Everyone’s told him its fine to send literally a million texts in a row but Twi can’t get over it.
Warriors - Will 🙌 ironically 😎 text 📲 like ❤️ this 👏. But only when he wants to be annoying. Otherwise he’s fine and he can use emojis like hieroglyphics if he wants and he’s able to make himself very clear with just an eggplant emoji and a raised brow emoji.
Wild - Commonly texts the wrong chat and confuses the hell out of people. Accidentally forgets his phone in the other room and doesn’t see people’s messages until its several hours too late btu still texts them back like “oops sorry just saw this man” as if they didn’t know. Uses emojis liberally and goes on tangents and makes everyone forget what they were talking about. The people love hearing from him, but its hard to stay on topic when Wild is in the group chat.
Champion - Full words, no abbreviations. Will straight up send you an “acknowledged” instead of an “ok” to let you know he read your message. Never uses emojis. Ever. The one time Warriors did convince Champ to send a thumbs up emoji to Sky instead of “affirmative”, Sky almost broke down the dormitory door because he thought Champion had gotten kidnapped and was sending a coded cry for help.
Legend - Spams the fuck out of everyones phone when he’s pissed, which is a lot of the time. Doens’t give a shit what group text he’s in he’ll fucking send you an essay one sentance at a time cursing Sky out for eating the last of his goddamn breadpudding.
Hyrule - Never responds on time. He’s always busy and in a rush so when he reads a text and it doesn’t say something like “help i got shanked and now my liver is flopping around on the ground like a beached fish” then he’ll promptly forget what he just read. At the end of the day he might flip through his messages to check what he missed but normally he relies on Legend to fill him in on anything important.
Sky - Forgets which group chats hold which roommates so he’s the guy who will start a new chat every time he has a question. Has basically every permutation of group chats possible and yet will still find a way to make more. And he gives them names like “get milk” and “hairdryer?” so you never know whos in the group chat at a glance. It’s impossible to find anything. Plus, he sends texts half-asleep that mean nothing when he gets woken up too early.
Four - His texts are inconsistent as hell. Sometimes its emoji hell, sometimes it’s MLA essay format. But two things are always consistent: you can always detect the sarcasm and he’ll turn on his read receipts just to let you know he left you on read.
Time - Texts in full sentences but overall is a normal texter. But he types with his pointer finger with two hands so his real crime is being old.
Dark - When he got put away texting was in its infancy so he texts like “G8 C u L8r” and “ur 2 much”. The first time he texts Time after he gets out Time feels his soul vaporized by the blast from the past. Thankfully it only takes Dark one text to Shadow before the boy is physically showing up outside Dark's door to bring him into this century.
Shadow - Spams dumbass videos and memes like his life depends on it. His job is a lot of waiting around so he’s got time to kill and you Will receive messages from him at 39 mph (memes per hour).
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pandorapromises · 5 months
would anyone like to read a cut excerpt from the lo'ak x reader fic i'm currently working on?? i had to take it out cuz it wasn't working with the setup or tone i had planned like, this was turning out comedic and not angsty
"Oh, for the love of Eywa!" you cry, bursting into tears. This man, your muntxatan, is so, so hopelessly stupid and so stupidly sweet. He makes you want to tear out your own hair until you're bald.
You also want to bury your face in your hands but you can't because they're slimy and sticky with fruit juices. You're forced to rub your eyes with the back of your hand while Lo'ak scrambles to figure out what he did wrong.
The way your name flows out of his mouth sounds like it's him who's in pain, not you. "Please tell me why you're crying," Lo'ak begs, scooting closer to you. "What do I do? Huh? Tell me, what do I do?" His hand is warm upon your back and somewhat comforting but the tears and sobs do not stop pouring from your eyes and mouth.
"Are you hungry? Thirsty?" Lo'ak lists off every thing he can think of that might be upsetting you. "The baby? Is it being a menace again?"
The laugh that bubbles out of you comes out choked and makes your belly bounce like you're crying harder instead. This is when you realize that Lo'ak has never seen you cry before. But it's too late; now he knows his muntxate** is an ugly crier.
"Is it… the hormones?" he tries again.
"I don't even know what that is??" you croak, the tears leaving wet tracks on your cheeks. Lo'ak tends to speak in a confusing mess of Na'vi and English. Sometimes, like now, you have no idea what in Eywa's name he's talking about.
"Nevermind, forget about it. Just tell me what's wrong! Was it me? Was it something I said?" Lo'ak insists. "Whatever it is, I am very, very sorry and I will never do it again."
You take a deep, heaving breath that rattles your chest and leaves you hiccuping. Tears still fall from your eyes, blurring your vision, but at least the worst of the sobbing is over. In spite of your throbbing headache, you take another breath and get a grip on yourself.
The first thing that comes out of your mouth is, "No, I'm s-sorry."
Lo'ak frowns in confusion, scooting even closer. You're practically sitting between his legs with his hand squeezing your shoulder. "Sorry for what?"
Your hand flies to your chest, accidentally smearing sticky fruit juices all over your skin. "Sorry that it's me-e," you blubber pathetically through ugly, wet sniffling.
Now it's Lo'ak's turn to stare at you blankly with no idea what in Eywa's name you're talking about.
For some reason, this upsets you even further. "Stop pretending!" you hiss tearfully. "Don't--don't act like you don't know, Lo'ak…"
"Wh-what?" Lo'ak can only blink in utter bewilderment. He opens his mouth to speak but before he can, a loud, boisterous voice interrupts him, calling your names.
"Hey, forest boy!" Aonung shouts over the noise of the celebration in the village. He's standing on the walkway above the water with a waving Spider at his side.
"Are you guys coming to the party or not?!" Spider yells, his voice easily heard even through his rebreather.
Lo'ak rolls his eyes in exasperation and mutters to you, "Hold on, let me get rid of them." You think he's about stand and go talk to them but instead, he simply bellows over his shoulder as loud as he's able, "We're busy!! Go away!"
The sudden volume makes you jump in your own skin and where taking deep breaths failed, being startled succeeded. No longer are you a weeping, hiccuping mess.
Aonung and Spider look at each other, Spider shrugs, and they promptly return to the warrior's dance.
"Okay, so what were you saying?" Lo'ak says as he turns back around.
You shake your head and try to stand up, shoving his arm off in the process. But with your big belly, it's near impossible to do alone. You are a stubborn woman though. You push Lo'ak's hand away when he tries to help you and through the sheer strength of your will, you rise on your own two feet.
Lo'ak chants your name, each time more desperately than the last, as he stands as well. "Please, tell me what's wrong, I can help! I can fix it!" he pleads.
You resist the urge to tell him to quiet down but with the warrior's dance raging on the other side of the village and practically everyone there, there's no one on the beach to witness your breakdown.
Trying to get a handle on your racing thoughts amidst a headache is difficult and even worse with Lo'ak forcing you to look at him with worried hands. "Lo'ak, please, I'm sorry but--"
"Sorry about what? I don't understand!" Lo'ak snaps. Both pairs of eyes widen at his sharp** tone, neither one of you expecting a reaction like this from him. "Shit. Sorry. Look, look at me--" He cups your cheek and gently turns your gaze back to him. "Listen to me, okay? I can't fix it if I don't know what it is. So please, tell me what is wrong so I can make it better."
For one tense moment, all you can hear is your quick, shallow intakes of breath and the heavy drumming of the warrior's dance in the distance. You can feel, down to your bones, time slowly stretching until every blink is as long as an eclipse. Lo'ak's eyes bore into yours until the bright amber of his irises is all you can see. You know you should be saying something, anything, but how can you form words when your mind is at a standstill and refuses to move?
Lo'ak solves this problem for you. Without speaking further, he releases his hold on your shoulders and carefully wraps his arms around you, pulling you into his warm chest. He is mindful of the babe in your belly and embraces you from the side, cradling you as tightly as he can without hurting you or your child. Then when he presses his lips to the top of your head, warming the spot with his breath, all you can do is let go and melt into him. It's like being carried by the current of a river, an unseen force that is only felt.
No one speaks for a while. There is only Lo'ak's warmth, the drums, the People's song, and the sea.
But just as you feel your eyelids getting heavier, Lo'ak whispers against your hair, "Will you get in trouble if you don't finish peeling the fruit?"
Your eyes snap open. "The fruit!" you gasp.
Lo'ak chuckles as he follows you to inspect your progress and offers, "Uh, maybe you take this half and I take that--"
"No," you interject, waving him away, "you start taking the finished ones to the Tsahik**. She will be needing them soon."
Your muntxatan nods obediently and with a grunt, lifts the heaviest basket onto his shoulder. But instead of leaving right away, he hesitates, watching as you kneel back down on the sand to finish your work.
"What is it?" you ask as you start hurriedly peeling what you have left.
"Did you know…" Lo'ak falters, fidgeting in place. "Did you know that you're really… beautiful? Even with all the…"
Your hands instantly freeze in mid-motion. You and Lo'ak simply stare at each other, equally wide-eyed.
"Even with all the what?" you inquire, a little breathlessly.
Lo'ak clears his throat and nearly drops the hefty basket on his shoulder when he takes one hand to try to gesture something. Thankfully, he is quick to catch it and doesn't drop any of the fruit but you're still left with unanswered questions.
"Even though I'm pregnant and bigger than Payakan?" you ask half-jokingly. You try to continue peeling but your hands are slow and shaky.
"Yes," Lo'ak answers, a little too loudly. Then his eyes widen even further. "Wait, no! No, that's not what I--" He squeezes his eyes shut while his ears flatten against his head. "Don't say that. You are not bigger than Payakan." Then he opens his eyes and looks at you intently. "I was going to say you're beautiful even though you're crying and your eyes are all red and splotch-y."
When you don't speak or respond, Lo'ak
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catsandgoodbooks · 1 year
Well, people seem to like the God AU, so have a little snippet I've been working on:
“What did you do?” Dream hissed, his emerald eyes wide. He scrambled backwards, away from their hands, and they worried for a moment that he was about to fall over, but he didn’t. Good. They weren’t sure he’d let them catch him this time. “Punz…Punz, what did you do?”
“I did what I had to,” they responded, voice silky. They stepped forwards, not reaching out to him just yet. He didn’t flinch or move back; he braced himself for a hit. They thought that might even be worse. “I did what was necessary. And see?” They spread their arms. “Now we have a fresh start. A blank page to write our own story on. We can do anything we want. And now we have the power to do it.” They shrugged.
“This isn’t what I wanted!” he bit back, his voice raising and betraying the thread of desperation (desperation confusion need to put things right again need to be in control) within it.
Punz tilted their head. “Why not?”
“I wanted them alive. I wanted everyone alive! And now you killed them all.” In a smaller voice, he added, “I didn’t want anyone to end up dead.”
“We can bring them back, if that’s what you want,” Punz suggested. They weren’t keen on the idea, but if that’s what Dream wanted, they could work with that.
“I don’t want to change who they were. I want them back the same way they were before you killed them.” Ah. So that was the part he was stuck on. That Punz was the one to do it. To be honest, they couldn’t blame him.
“Oh, so trying to kill you? Is that what you want?” They sighed, pinching the bridge of their nose. “You know what they did to you, Dream. Why would you give them the chance to do that again? That’s what forgiveness is. Just…” Punz waved a hand. “Putting yourself in danger once again with no good reason to show for it.”
“Like you would know,” he shot back. “Whatever. We’re getting off-topic. What did you do?”
Punz took a step closer, reaching for his hands. He didn’t move away. They took his in their own, feeling the rough callouses on them. Warrior’s hands, they knew, but builder’s too. They smiled at him. “I ascended. We ascended,” Punz told him. But that wasn’t their only name anymore. Their name was Death and Wealth and All Things Below. “I used their lives to power our ascension, to make us what we are now. So, yes, I killed them all. Just know that I would do it all again, just to keep you safe.”
Dream pulled his hands out of their grip but he didn’t step back. Punz wasn’t the only one with more names now. Dream’s name was Survival and Life and Hunt and All Things Living. “So we’re gods now.”
They nodded. “We are. And now we can do whatever we want. We can start over if we want. We can try again. We can pick up where we left off. It’s all up to us.”
Life nodded jerkily. “We can.” Then, again, softer. “We can.” He closed his eyes. “Thank you,” he admitted quietly.
That was surprising. Not that Death were upset, of course, but it wasn’t what they had been expecting. “You would of done the same.”
He didn’t argue with that. He opened his eyes again and he didn’t protest against the statement. “In the same situation? Yes. I just…just wanted to go back.” He raised one hand to his face, almost to check if he was real or not. “The power was a nice plus.” He chuckled softly.
“It always is,” they agreed.
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prue84 · 1 year
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The Current and Future Pendragons
Fandom: BBC’s Merlin (canon divergence, post-canon) AU AU: The Royal Husbands (Aithusa Pendragon)
High King Arthur Pendragon and the royal family of Camelot.
AU in which a series of canon divergences lead to Arthur surviving the mortal wound inflicted him by Mordred at Camlann and, with the help of Merlin who then becomes his Prince Consort, bringing the golden age foretold by the prophecies.
Manip planned few years ago, but started on the prompt of @tavernfest​. It's all @papysanzo's fault on Tumblr for reblogging the May round. Also @merthurotica​, but their post on my RSS feed turned up later.
More about the AU under the cut and also at the AU edit. (More fanworks from this AU at the links above) (All rambles and how this manip was made under the cut. Please suffer with me.)
Arthur Pendragon, king of Camelot and High King of Albion. He successfully reunited the lands as the prophecies said, and also brought back magic. Few years after the victory of Camlann he married Merlin, who has become prince consort and second ruler of the kingdom. But, since unfortunately Merlin might be many things, but a woman with a womb he's not, Arthur (with Merlin) had to find a way to conceive a heir while being married to a man. Cue in Mithian, crown princess of Nemeth, equally saddled with the duty to give the throne a heir but uninterested in finding a husband trustful enough to sit at her side without potentially become a danger to her right to the throne. Together, the three of them reach an agreement that satisfies them all and they've been tight-close since. Their peculiar settlement initially was met with confusion and diffidence, but Mithian earned herself the thrust of everyone, and eventually the title of Queen of Camelot, third in line after Merlin. Peter is the first born of this union and rightful heir to the throne of Camelot. He's a talented swordsman but he suffered through all his teen years because of the never-ending comparisons with his warrior father who is on another fighting level. With age he learned to accept that he'll never be a war king and nobody ever asked him to become one either. He isn't his father, his name isn't part of legends or prophecies; he wasn't born to unite Albion but to keep it united once the Age of the Once and Future King sees its dawn. He will be a good and fair king for the peaceful times of the golden age, and his duty will be to make sure all his father - and his father's husband - sacrifices won't be wasted, that what they built is preserved. Susan was conceived because Mithian wanted both a heir for her to entrust Nemeth and a daughter. She's stubborn and strong but also capable of great empathy and kindness, as her mother and the Pendragon women (when they not meet High Priestesses who manipulate them). She's a formidable archer. Handsome Caspian, the son of Gwaine and Lady Vivian, is courting her and she welcomes this game, but Susan is enjoying too much her freedom to settle for a marriage and a family of her own. She has time though. Aithusa is the cute, small thing of the family, although she's actually the oldest of the new Pendragon generation - not counting the centuries spent in the egg that make her older than the castle of Camelot itself. As per usual with the dragon race, Aithusa's growth is stunned by her remaining with her parents. Only by being left on their own to tend to themselves, a dragonling is forced to grow. Thus, despite she was hatched on the dawn of the golden age, before Arthur married Mithian, she's still a dragonling that can fit Arthur's shoulders - her second favorite spot after the sling she made Arthur wear for years under his shirt. She learned the human language and can talk with her half-dragon impaired siblings Peter and Susan, but her speech pattern still needs some work. She doesn't care though. She's not so eager to leave the nest.
Aithusa, (officially the ward of the king, unofficially considered by anyone in the court his scales-covered, flame-breathing daughter) is actually the eldest, since she was the first to come to the family. So yes, she's the older sibling. Make of this knowledge what you want. She also is firm that Arthur is a dragon, just one kind that looks like humans. But he's totally dragon. And if he doesn't breath fire or doesn't understand the dragon language, is all Uther's fault who didn't teach him his dragon gifts. Since Arthur is clearly a dragon, while Mithian sadly isn't, Peter and Susan are to her half-dragons. She still claims that it's because of the half human blood in their veins that they are impaired and don't have any dragon skill.
There's a fanfic for Aithusa as the (still only) daughter of the royal husbands during Father's Day, if you're interested.
When the time comes, and Arthur retires to Avalon to sleep, Peter will ascend as new king of Camelot, whose court will be moved to the renovated Castle of the Old Kings (or a new castle - still have to decide on this). Susan will succeed to Mithian on the throne of Nemeth. Aithusa will inherit the nest itself, the castle of Camelot, to own and protect until Merlin will be ready to make use of it.
I decided that Caspian would be Gwaine's (and Vivian's) son out of looks alone, and out of a (wrong) belief that he was meant to be Susan's love in Narnia. I never watched the second movie, and by the time I finally read the books, I didn't want to change it. For the same reason, I don't have a woman for Peter. A potential daughter of Gwen and Lancelot wouldn't be bad, but not necessary. (The AU idea ends with Arthur's travel to Avalon for his sleep and a mention of Peter moving the court to another castle, to then a time skip focusing on Merlin, so I didn't really focus on Peter's or Susan's life.)
While I'm writing this I wondered if Merlin wouldn't want to have a child so to kickstart the dragonlords kind (although, unless Magic changes its rules, the child would never inherit the dragonlord powers, since Merlin doesn't die). It never occurred to me before. I'm not sure he'd feel like having children, if he already knew that he would be immortal and he would then be forced to see his children grow old and frail and then die. But who knows. He could have one or more with Mithian, especially once Arthur is gone to Avalon. In case, Edward Pensive is there for the picking. Also Lucy.
About the AU When Lancelot is sent sent back to the world of the livings after he sacrificed himself to close the Veil, Gwen realizes that, between the two boys she loves, a relationship with a knight of humble origins has better chances than the one with a king that comes with a throne and a heavy kingdom, and so she picks Lancelot over Arthur. Arthur, who has given his blessing to the couple, doesn't find the time nor interest to find himself a wife and he's still a golden bachelor by the time Camlann happens. Merlin manages to save him and they eventually acknowledge their feelings. The Court backs Arthur's wish to marry a male servant on the premise that Arthur will pick a woman to give the kingdom a heir. And here comes Mithian, who might be more interested in women, so Camelot and Nemeth can make an agreement that will make both households happy. Since Mithian is wonderful, and fondness between her and the Royal Couple of Camelot grows, she's eventually given the title of Queen of Camelot, third in line after the King and the Prince Consort. Arthur and Mithian will have two children, the first born a male who will inherit Camelot and the second a daughter that will inherit Nemeth.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip) Both a challenge and a nightmare. The original picture is four people. I needed five. Now, onto the specific characters - in order of making. Mithian, who had to be moved to make space for Merlin, was surprisingly easy to make. I wished to delete the lions on the dress, and replace them with either the Pendragon dragon or the Nemeth bull, but it was too much even for me, so I gave up. Removing them altogether felt odd - the dress is black with little movement, and without the lions it felt just one blotch of black. Susan. I'm not satisfied. The actress picture was perfect in pose but it has something in colors/lights that makes it stand out and look a bit more fake. Whatever. Peter. It took me a while to find the picture that would fit the body. Initially I kept the original body's curly hair, for I didn't feel like William Moseley's hairstyle would acceptable in a Medieval setting. But then I changed my mind, and remade it. He might be a bit too stocky for my liking but the body is that and making him less bulkier is out of option. On the chest the costume featured a cross: I erased it to be replaced it with the Pendragon dragon in the same style. Quite proud of how that turned out. Can't say the same for the sword. Yes, Arthur's son has a name sword which is coincidentally the sword of Peter Pensive. But the change was a given. Merlin was one challenge. I planned to use another body for his (the same king from Vikings but with another costume) but the picture just didn't work out. The one I chose... featured the man from the knees above. Which meant reconstruction for legs (which meant stealing the legs from Arthur's base - coincidentally it's always the same character!)... and the cloak. That was the true challenge! Also. I like how it turned out, but it just irks me that Colin doesn't look in the camera. But that picture was perfect and the result is fine. It did take me some tinkering to place the circlet but all in all I'm satisfied in how prince Merlin turned out. Bonus point for my headcanon marriage ring that didn't look good (the manip is too small for decent rings renderings), but I managed to add another from a jewelry maker that does rings in a style very similar to Ygraine's canon ring. Be sure to visit their Etsy and die. Ygraine's sigil, that replace the medallion the original body was wearing, is a given as well. Too bad we don't have a decent prop pic of it. Now. Arthur. Bloody Arthur. Tinkering with the original body to change colors from blue to red was funny. The rest NOT. Replacing the original sword with Excalibur, which was mandatory, gave a mild result. Ygraine's ring is there but, given the small size, isn't looking good enough. And those were the easy things! Because then it came the time to place bearded Bradley. Now. We do have few nice bearded Bradley pics, courtesy of the man himself, but they were mostly too small to work with in this manip - and/or in poses that wouldn't fit the body. You might say: there's Vikings: Valhalla. No, my friend. I downloaded ALL the screencaps available and very few worked, and - given the costume the character wears, there was never a inch of Bradley's bearded neck. In the end I worked with one of the pics Bradley released on Instagram. A pic with a black background in which bear and hair blended in. And an hard shadow on the right side of the face. A nightmare to cut, a nightmare to fix. And then the crown. The crown comes from The Hollow Crown. It looks similar but it isn't the same refurbished prop (different decorations, slightly different proportions of the fleur-de-lis). Years ago, when I saw the pics, I decided this would be older!Arthur's crown, for it's more regal with its fake gems and golden coating. There wasn't a pic with the proper perspective, so I had to tweak it a bit. It doesn't look awful, mind me, but I feel something's off with how it's placed on Bradley's head. I can't tell what, though - I used one of Arthur's coronation pics as reference while working, but still I can't fix what's wrong. In hindsight I wonder if I should've used a crowned Arthur pic with the original crown and be done with it. And then Aithusa. We literally have two pics of her, unless you want to work with night/dark screencaps. I knew where I wanted to have her, no idea how to. Still not happy. Does she looks fake? Yes. But at this time I just gave up. Whatever. (Besides, the other options didn't work. Her standing promo pic at Arthur's feet? Her fore legs are in a different perspective. Her standing promo pic on Arthur's shoulders? There was enough space, her head would be cut out from the picture and there was no way to extend the base pic by 50px, that specific background is a bitch to work with).
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1. + 18. Vikings, season 4 promo pictures. ( farfarawaysite.com/section/vikings/gallery4/gallery21/gallery.htm ) 2. Janet Montgomery from Salem, season 1 promo picture. ( farfarawaysite.com/section/salem/gallery1/gallery14/gallery.htm ) 3. Anna Popplewell from Reign, season 1 promo picture. ( farfarawaysite.com/section/reign/gallery1/gallery1/gallery.htm ) 4. Vikings, season 2 promo picture. ( farfarawaysite.com/section/vikings/gallery2/gallery1/gallery.htm ) 5. Colin Morgan from We Hunt Together. ( farfarawaysite.com/merlin/actors/colin/filmtv3/gallery.htm ) 6. The Hollow Crown, season 1 - Henry V. ( farfarawaysite.com/section/hollow/gallery1/gallery3/gallery.htm ) 7. Merlin, deleted scene - screencap. (Merlin's Keep at Far Far Away) 8. Spinner ring by artisanlook on Etsy. ( etsy.com/listing/462981991/spinner-ring-ruby-ring-silver-band ) 9. William Moseley from Bonnie Paul's 'It Was Love, Now It's War' Music Video photoshoot. ( justjared.com/photo-gallery/2650927/william-moseley-bonnie-paul-it-was-love-now-its-war-01 ) 10 + 11. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian original prop (Peter’s sword and scabbard). ( uk.propstoreauction.com/view-auctions/catalog/id/78/lot/18159 ) 12. Merlin, original prop. (Merlin's Keep at Far Far Away) 13. Bradley James, photoshoot by Jose Palma (2021). ( instagram.com/p/CVvMc_AMC8m ) 14. Merlin, season 2 promo picture. (Merlin's Keep at Far Far Away) 15. The Hollow Crown, season 1 - Henry VI. ( farfarawaysite.com/section/hollow/gallery2/gallery2/gallery.htm ) 16. Bradley James from Vikings: Valhalla, 2x06 - screencap. ( kissthemgoodbye.net/PeriodDrama/index.php?cat=510 ) 17. Merlin, 4x11 - screencap. ( kissthemgoodbye.net/merlin/index.php ) 19 + 20. Merlin, creature picture. (Merlin's Keep at Far Far Away)
Crossposted Livejournal: prue84.livejournal.com/97890.html Dreamwidth: prue84.dreamwidth.org/89442.html Deviantart: deviantart.com/prue84/art/The-Current-and-Future-Pendragons-964446326
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