#warren worthington iii hc
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"her father forces her to hide her mutation to keep up his image and further anti-mutant government policies" - Anonymous
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tasteless-lemonade · 3 months
jean grey hc is that she's bisexual and non-binary and did not realize for a long time because she always thought "everyone feels that way"
she always found girls attractive but only when she had her first girl crush (wanda) she realized she liked girls the same way she liked boys, and she had a "oh that's it moment"
for her being nb she always had this Feeling™ but thought that everyone felt that way. like she wasn't exactly tomboy but she didn't mind being referred to as "he" or "they" and sometimes wished she could change from male to female at will and felt trapped in the typical concept of a woman
jean: i don't mind being called an x-man because i don't feel all woman all the time and i want to know how its like to be a boy. didn't worry every girl feels that way
scott, who doesn't know how other people feel at all: they do
warren, definitely not cisgender: they don't
then she ascends to godhood and dies and comes back and realizes "woman" and "man" are just words and she doesn't exactly fit that. she talks to warren abt it in x-factor times and one of the kids they rescued joined in the conversation and was like "so you're non-binary?"
jean realizes that's the word that fits her the most and wearing that flag makes her feel most comfortable in their gender, talks to their friends about how she feels and with time they get used to talking about jean using she/he/they even with him presenting feminine 90% of the time
scott: so me and my husband
person who does not know: you have a husband and a wife?
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yelenasdog · 4 years
warren worthington... enjoys... plaid school girl skirts that is all
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gangrenados · 4 years
Billy Bennett, Bucky, Loki, Peter Parker, Dick, Peter Maximoff, warren, Alex and Scott summers. Who of them is boob guy and who ass guy,,, It's for science
Let's see 🤔🤔
Boobs guy: Loki, Peter Parker, Scott Summers
Ass guy: Billy Bennett, Dick, Warren, Alex
Both: Bucky, Peter Maximoff (but is inclined more to boobs)
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soft1hours · 4 years
an arduous relation
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A/N: first time writing angst, i hope it’s any good. it took a lot of willpower to post this lol. btw probably making this into a series bc its already too long and rn im too tired to see straight.. anyway enjoy and feel free to leave any requests or feedback :) luv u 
Characters: Warren Worthington III, Kurt Wagner
Warnings: angst, mentions of drinking, complicated relationship? low self esteem, language
They were just like fire and ice. One, warmhearted and welcoming yet still keeping you at a safe distance. The other, cold, almost stone like with their ‘fuck the world’ face as they easily push you away, just like everybody else.
So how come, this fire and this ice, actually stand each other? How come they’ll die if they stay too long yet insists on ‘five more minutes in your arms’. How long does it take to realize an illusion? It’s an unexplainable bond formed for them only, for only them to understand. The outside world being too much for them to handle, so they make their own. Only if it lasted. Was it in vain all along?
Drowning in his own tears he couldn’t help but picture the look on Warrens face. Were they really that bad for each other? Did he really mean the wrongfully hurtful words that spilled out of his mouth just moments ago, or was it just another act? Warren had his so called lover on the edge of his seat nearly all the time. The forming of a relationship instead forming into a lump, a tumor in his throat from all the bottled feelings too threatened to mold into logical or even rational sentences. That’s what it felt like for him, Warren had told his oh so beloved partner. A sentence to death is what it’d felt like being stuck with Kurt. All he ever wanted was love. Love he found, yet love he betrayed. 
With Warren long gone all he could do was wait. Kurt being way too familiar with Warren leaving just to come back within the next 12 hours. Yet in the pit of his stomach it didn’t feel right this time, it felt as if his entire world was falling beneath him. Warren would be back right? With little to no energy left in his fragile body, Kurt found the nearest cushion and fell head first into a deep slumber.
He hates this, Warren has a feeling deep in his soul that won’t go away. He has to go back to Kurt, he can’t stand hurting him like this everytime. “I’m not good enough” spins in circles in Warrens mind. Because he’s not good enough, that’s just how it is. He does a lot of bad stuff, all the time. Why would anybody want a nobody like him? Warren has no choice but to open the oh so familiar bottle of whatever liquor he’s about to devour. He is already to far gone, no stopping now.
Kurt feels lost as he wakes slowly. How long has it been? Fifteen minutes or three hours? He can’t tell and to be honest, he doesn’t care anymore. No amount of time would seem to cover up the scar his boyfriend left him with. He dreaded the thought of getting out of bed, but eventually did so anyway after feeling the pulling wrench in his stomach. 'Anxiety' Kurt thought to himself as he slid of off the comfortorting fabric of his bed. His slim figure shadowing the already dark halls of his apartment, he let his feet drag him to the nearest chair. Hair messy and eyes puffy from sleep his stomach made another twist as he saw what lay before him.
A note.
Warren? No, when would he have the time-. His thoughts came to a halt as he read the neat handwriting beneath his slender fingers. Professor X? A note from his teacher urging him to summon himself to a meeting this evening. That explained why he hadn't seen it lying around earlier. Him and his telekinesis powers. He pondered for a minute then threw a look at the clock neatly hung between two windows to his left.
6 pm, sharp. That's countable for evening, right? Kurt grumbled as he weakly stood up from the wooden chair. Warren always had him so vulnerable when he left, as if half of his body mass just slowly disappeared and he was left with a weaker version of himself to rot.
He returned to his dimmly lit room as he didn't really look presentable enough at the moment. Picking up a pair of newly washed jeans and a sweater he decided to swiftly brush through his hair a couple times. After giving himself a crooked half smile through the dirty mirror he imagined the grand school doors infront of him, a second later and he was stood right at the gate of the Xavier school.
"Probably just another patrolling or minor mission" Kurt hope-whispered for himself. As he slid through the thick walls of his school he soon found himself bumped into a masculine, tall chest. As he stumbled on his still wobbly knees he looked up to apologise to the male-
There he stood, as tall and blonde as ever, yet not as smug and smirking as he usually was seen to be. Instead a frown painted his features and he opened his mouth to speak. If it only weren't for Professor X booming over the great entry with his big voice. "Ah, Warren, Kurt, glad to see you made it in time. I was getting a little worried there." He sounded awfully cheery today, like he was hiding something.
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imaginesandideas · 5 years
Warren Worthington x non-mutant reader headcannons pt.2
a continuation (where the apocalypse never happened oops 🤭)
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you’re staff at the mutant fightclub
it’s not like you support what’s happening there, but you feel like looking after the mutants is least you can do to help them
you get to know Warren because you care for injured fighters overtime
slowly he started to trust you and opened up about his issues
you two became close, kind of bonding over the fact that both of you were forced into such living
one night the club is more packed than usually
there’s more guards and they’re well-armed, which only confirmed your worries that something’s off
owner of the place seems more than delighted, because that means more betting, and more inflows for him
you’re only worried about the amount of wounds you’ll have to treat afterwards
or god forbid the ones who won’t make it out that night
you’re out back, arranging something when you hear that there’s a new, blue mutant in the cage
you haven’t gotten a chance to see him yet, so you didn’t really know what to expect
your biggest concern was the fact that tonight Warren was supposed to fight a lot of rivals
you push your way through the gathered crowd
people yelling, beer being spilled on the floor making it sticky and gross just like the rest of the place
looking up you notice Warren and new mutant
he seems young and not experienced in fighting
no wonder he’s utterly terrified
you try to yell at Warren to don’t go too hard on the boy, but he can’t hear you
once he enters the battle mode, there’s not much you can do
it’s about his to be or not to be after all, and you understand that probably better than anyone else in the room
but something is wrong
the mutant, Nightcrawler as they call him, doesn’t even try to fake it
he’s bouncing erratically around the cage trying to escape, and you quickly spot that his mutation has something to do with relocating
you also notice the growing impatience on Warren’s face
for a short moment your eyes meet
and you know that he’s as worried as you are, because he knows what will happen if they won’t start fighting
his anxiety filled gaze lands back on his opponent
you realize that there’s nothing more that you can do
that now you can only watch and cross your fingers
hoping today is not the night you lose him
“Fight!” Warren shouts agitated. “Or they’ll kill us both!”
the other mutant appears to finally get it as he looks around and notices the guns pointing their way from behind the grid
what you did not expect was him being as incoherent to actually hurt Warren
when his back lands on the live wire, you can almost feel the pain yourself
you try to get to the side of the cage where he landed, but people are blocking your way
the mutant flinches back terrified because it seems like he didn’t mean to harm Angel
tears fill your eyes when you see that his wing is broken and charred
but you regain fair view when you see Warren’s expression, and his eyes were already throwing deadly daggers at his rival
your yells are completely muffled by all the people screaming in morbid ecstasy
Nightcrawler backs away and keeps apologising with thick, german accent but suddenly electrified grid is being shut down
the lights turn off and people around you start to panic
your eyes immediately wander to control panel on the other side of the room and you briefly notice a female figure before she disappears
guns go off and everyone runs at the exits
everything is out of control
you’re afraid that all of these moving masses will trample you to death, but at the same time you can’t help but look up in search of Warren
when you spot him, he’s already trying to fly up
and he’s visibly in pain while doing so
you make a mental note to prepare a lot of bandages and rubbing alcohol for later
the thought itself is so natural you don’t even think if it makes sense in current circumstances
and it obviously doesn’t
because as soon as he flies up high enough, he rips the grid and gets away with guns shooting at him from the ground
it’s now that you realise you’ve been holding your breath because you want to scream after him
but your throat is worn and he’s gone
without a single word or a glance
he’s gone and you’re standing frozen in place
“_____! We need to go!”
the voice from behind you startles you, but it’s not him
your coworker doesn’t wait for your response and drags you out and into some dark alleyway few blocks away
you catch your breath and speak up
“What about the mutants?”
“We opened all the cages before everything completely blew up. It’s over.”
you nod mindlessly
it’s over
no more cage fights, no more working against the law
you exchange few more words and hug each other goodbye one last time before heading your way
you don’t know if you’ll ever meet again
or if you’ll ever see Angel again
he’s on your mind all the way home
but so are the people from fight club, and you pull the jacket tighter around yourself at the thought
you can’t help but feel like someone’s out there, watching you
once you close the door to your apartment you let out a long, deep breath out
you’re safe
at least for now
your apartment is relatively small, it’s least you could afford with the shitty money and opportunities you had
you put on a kettle to make some tea to warm yourself up, and then you hear something knocking at the window
you brush it off at first but check it nevertheless
and you stop mid step before rushing to the window, because it’s him
opening the window you step aside to let him inside
though he still has to bend down to fit his wings
the one that’s broken gets caught on the frame and he hisses
“Sheiße!” he curses before collapsing on the floor and you help him to stand up
it’s only now that you notice how bruised he is
his left wing drags along the floor, some feathers are burnt, some just charred
“Warren, what are you doing here? How did you even find me? You’re free now. You don’t have to...” you ask him, voice full of worry as he sits on your kitchen stool.
He leans back groaning.
“I just wanted t-to see you.” He hisses again as he stretches his back. “M-make sure y-you’re okay.”
you can’t help the slight blush that crept on your face at his words
because he cares about you, he came here because he was concerned about your wellbeing
after all you two have been through he didn’t just leave like everyone else, but stayed behind to check up on you
„You’re hurt. Let me help you.”
you patch him up
and while you do, he can’t seem to focus on anything else but you
you try to avoid looking at him and focus your attention on his wounds
but from the corner of your eye you see how soft the look in his eyes is
how he’s more gentle and careful not to knock over anything in your small apartment
how his cocky self is still present yet gone in a way
so different from what you’ve gotten used to
and it makes your heart flutter
he’s also helping you with everything
from applying ointment and putting dressing on the cut, to cleaning up the floor after
you tell him to stay as long as he needs to heal up, and he’s hesitant because he knows you don’t owe him anything now that the underground fights were over
but you insist that you want him gotten well, for the sake of your own sanity and he obliges
he takes the couch
you give him some old shirts that are oversized for you, but definitely fitted him and his wings
he takes everything without a single complaint
the next day you wake up late
it’s probably the first time in months that you’ve slept so peacefully
you get out of your room, completely forgetting about the events of the previous day
hair is a mess, your shirt ridden up and all wrinkled
you’re still yawning when you come into the kitchen and what you witness is beyond your wildest expectations
he’s cooking
or at least trying to cook and not knock things over
or burn his wings
he’s also topless
and if you ever thought that he doesn’t look hot topless in the cage, you definitely do now
you stand there mouth agape until he clears his throat
“Sorry if I woke you up.”
“No, no it’s fine!”
“Thought you might want to eat something. It’s least I can do y’know.” He says nervously rubbing the back of his neck. “After all you’ve done for me.”
you smile at his words and the remaining protective layers around his heart break
and they do so quickly that his neck immediately turns red
you take note that he looks even hotter like this (and you kinda wish he would never stop blushing)
but back to the morning
you end up eating slightly burnt pancakes
he tells you how this was his favourite breakfast food growing up
how his nanny would always add all his favourite toppings
and how nice it is to finally be able to eat them with someone else, and not by himself like the old days
he shares a lot of his memories with you over over the next meals you two share
in a way it becomes your own, tiny tradition
you know how painful it is for him sometimes, but slowly he overcomes his fears
he let’s you in
and you let him in too
you talk about your family, enormous struggles you’ve faced before finally finding your purpose in life, about your trust issues and how it’s totally different with him
because despite different experiences and overall differences between you, you have so much in common
because he doesn’t just nod
he understands
and when you break down crying he’s there to rub your back and wipe your tears
he’s there when the sink is leaking or when you need help with repainting that spot on the ceiling that constantly chips away
or you just need help with carrying shopping bags home
or when you get frustrated with job hunting
or when you’ve had a nightmare and you need someone to hold you
soon it’s more often than not that you wake in your bed, snuggled up to Warren’s side, his arm protectively draped over your waist
you get used to having him
in your home, in your bed, in your life
your guardian angel
it’s been months and he’s fully recovered
he even points out how bright and healthy his wings look after your generous treatment
safe to say it’s been the best months of his adult life
in fact, yours too
but everything has to come to an end eventually, and you can’t keep him caged like this
so one day after coming back home after work - he was still asleep as you were leaving in the morning - you decide to face him to talk about the inevitable
He’s sprawled on the couch but immediately jumps up upon your arrival “_____! Let me heat up the dinner for you.”
You forget what you meant to say for a second, because after all this time it always felt so unreal to watch that caring side of his unfold in your presence. I mean, who would have thought that the most dangerous mutant you’ve ever encountered will be now living with you. And cooking you dinner.
He’s visibly tense as he’s mixing ingredients in the pan. He doesn’t even look up at you when you approach him. He knows
“Angel- Warren, um, there’s something I want to talk about with you.”
He sighs and drops the wooden spoon on the counter with a thud.
“I know, I’m sorry. I just- you know, I thought that maybe-“
“I don’t want you to feel like you owe me something. You’re free, you should be flying somewhere, living your life and...”
“Wait, what?” he stops you with a raised finger, brows furrowed. You’re even more confused.
“Well, I thought that you’re here because you feel like you’re in debt to me or something, but now you’re fine, right? You don’t need me, I’m only holding you back and you’ve already helped me enough, so I thought, you know, we’re even.”
You let it all out so quickly that you had to take a deep breath right after. And you can’t even look him in the face.
If you could, you’d see how pale his face’s gotten.
“We- we’re even? I thought... I thought you wanted me to go because we’re so... different.” you stare back at him not quite understanding what was it really about. “I know that me being a mutant only complicates everything, but I thought we could make it, you know? I know the wings might be a lot to swallow, but I could try and fold them, you know. For you. I don’t even drink now. And I thought, ugh, that you just want me around and not cause I owe you or anything like that.”
“I- oh Warren.” you stand there unable to form a relevant sentence. He’s clearly stressed with all this too.
“Either way I’ll go away if that’s what you want. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”
“No, no! I mean, if you want to stay...” You reach out to his arm and your eyes meet. You gently squeeze his arm in an attempt to regain your composure. You bite your lip before continuing, voice above a whisper. “I’d like you to stay.”
He’s holding a breath for a moment before his entire face lights up and he chuckles.
“Well, zum Glück!” he laughs heartedly.
you’re pretty sure it’s your favourite sound in the world
he makes a move first, bringing you closer with his arms wrapped around your waist
but not before he makes sure you’re fine with it
you nod and close the distance
he inhales sharply, his neck growing red yet again
“Fuck, I’ve been wanting this for so long. Can I-?”
“Thought you’d never ask.” You whisper back, eyeing him from underneath your lashes.
he grins and leans down to capture you in a slow, passionate kiss
and in the end, after everything you’ve faced together, you were really looking forward to a new chapter in your life
Comments, ideas and words of notice are always appreciated 💜
(I decided to tag everyone who expressed their interest in part 2 🙈 so sorry for the delay)
@youthbitch @sloppybitchardtozier @not-12-swans-in-a-trenchcoat @asphyxiating-thoughts @softsmileexol @loirabrasileirabr @anita-e-taylor @anaitasunrise @totallynerdstuff
LMK if you want to be on/off the taglist!
Warren taglist: @thesecondlastjedi @fourmisfitz @shae-is-not-ok @simplyvictoria-93 @rockyroadthepastryarchy @hisatumb @samantha-is-fandom-trash @ziamhathrisen @silvver-rose @mcrmarvelloki @whatthefluffrichard
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obscure-imagines · 6 years
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-this boi is bae
-he’s pretty cocky and pretty confident
-but he does not like it when his girl is being hit on by someone else
-he wraps his arms around your waist
-or puts his arm over your shoulders
-he glares at the guy who is flirting with you
-he has been known to growl
-if the guy is still not taking the hint Warren is the guy who will just start kissing your neck
-if its someone he has a personal vendetta against Warren with throw you over his shoulders and just take you away
-he needs a lot of assurance
-lots of post jealously cuddling and assurance
-its funny when he gets jealous because he shouldn't be
-telling him you only have eyes for him
-mmmm maybe some angry jealousy sex to make up for it
-can someone just rub their hands through this guys hair and get him to chill the fuck out tho 
****** gif credit @james-romanoff
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Warren Worthington III Celebrating Reader's Birthday Headcanons
Dedicated to @kurt-nightcrawler Happy birthday cutie pie!! 🎈🎊🎉🖤 Hope you like these; sorry they're so short
Okay so Warren LOVES spoiling you, but he especially loves spoiling you on your birthday
He's a little bashful about it, so he won't do anything super attention-grabbing, like throwing a huge surprise party & such, BUT he'll definitely go all out in his own way
I see him doing something like taking you out shopping for the whole day & then ending the night with a very romantic dinner (& of course some sweet sweet love-making 👀)
So he'll take you to any store you want to go to & buy you everything you want
He would have saved up for a whole year so he'd have enough to splurge on you
You of course, make sure to not let him buy you the most expensive things, just essentials like new clothes or shoes
He's constantly arguing with you about letting him carry your stuff
"No girlfriend of mine is gonna carry all her bags smh"
"Warren, you paid for them, the least I can do is carry them"
"Just give me the damn bags"
"N o"
"B a b e"
He'll take some when you're distracted & he's so smug about it as you glare at him
After a whole day of shopping & splurging, you think that's it & you're smooching him & telling him how thankful you are, but he just grins "Who said that's it?"
And you look at him all confused & he just picks you up & flies you outside into the backyard of the mansion
He flies you up into a big tree, big enough to hold a treehouse in
And you see that he has a picnic laid out for you both on the biggest, thickest branch in the tree
He's got one of those checkered blankets on the branch, a picnic basket, & some candles laid out
You smile so big
"Warren! This is incredible"
*intense smooching for several minutes*
You both have a lovely picnic dinner on the tree, consisting of sandwiches, fruits, & lots of snacks
When you start digging into the cookies he made (with the help of Jean), your fingers grasp something cold & small
You pull it out & gasp because it's a small ring
It's white gold & has a small diamond in it
You look at Warren with tears in your eyes, "Oh Warren..."
He's holding your hands & shaking softly, "Y/N, I love you, more than anything & anyone else in the world. I never thought my heart could do anything other than hurt, but you healed it & taught me to love again. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, if you'll let me. Will you marry me?"
You practically leap into his lap to kiss him
Unfortunately, you catch him offguard & knock you both out of the tree
Warren catches you & you both land on a huge pile of leaves that was under the trees
You both laugh & you attack him with smooches
You guys kiss for a long time before Warren is like "Oh SHIT! The ring!"
It takes him a few minutes to dig through the leaves, but he eventually finds it & slips it into your finger
"I love you, so much...future Mrs. Worthington"
*smooching intensifies*
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ndscottsummers · 6 years
Why is angel always shirtless? Because he paid good money for a flat chest!!!
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faebirdie · 6 years
Warren seems like the kind of guy who would be super clingy when him and his sweetheart are in public! Like he always has to be touching you somehow and he loves to give you random kisses on you head and cheeks! He'd be so sweet!
totally! hes such a softy and he just loves his babygirl so much!
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"Angel's never been really unhappy with her mutation/body in any other media but hates herself in the cartoon... Babes maybe it's not your mutation you hate but being a man and that's why you're dysphoric? Also she'd be so cool as a goth girl after becoming Archangel/Death" - @thrakaboom
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sxvenz · 2 years
marvel masterlist.
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carol “captain marvel” danvers
clint “hawkeye” barton (comics)
james buchanan “bucky” barnes
loki laufeyson
natasha “black widow” romanoff
peter “spiderman” parker (tasm)
yan! spiderman hc’s
peter “spiderman” parker (mcu)
yan! spiderman hc’s
pietro “quicksilver” maximoff
thor odinson
tony “ironman” stark
wanda “scarlet witch” maximoff
guardians of the galaxy.
whole crew (platonic)
black panther.
erik “killmonger” stevens / n’jadaka
t’challa “black panther”
anna marie “rogue” darkhölm (comic)
charles “professor x” xavier (young)
erik “magneto” lehnsherr (young)
hank “beast” mccoy
james logan “wolverine” howlett
kurt “nightcrawler” wagner (comic)
laura “x-23” kinney (comic)
peter “quicksilver” maximoff
st. john “pyro” allerdyce
raven “mystique” darkhölm
remy “gambit” lebeau (comic)
warren “angel” worthington iii
billy “jigsaw” russo
eddie brock / venom
felicia “black cat” hardy
frank “the punisher” castle
marc spector / steven grant / jake lockley
wade “deadpool” wilson
… … …
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yelenasdog · 4 years
maybe i DO have lemón/fluffy warren head canons sitting in my drafts that i cannot post bc they go against my blog guidelines!
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gangrenados · 4 years
I loved ur clingy jason hcs. So,,, what about a clingy Warren? 🥺
my baby deserves more love :(
warning: family abuse.
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°Warren is a very touch starved man, the last time remembers that someone gave him a hug or even some mercy was the day before his wings appeared. He remembers that it was his mom, a way to saying goodbye before she and his dad left to go to a fancy party.
°He still tears up at that memorie and swears he can smell her perfume and feel her fingers running through his hair. He misses the love and warmth of her love, the way his dad used to pat his back when he did great at baseball, they way they used to walk downtown hand in hand.
°All of that was long forgetten when his wings stared to grow, scarring the skin of his back and leaving the once cute kid as a deformed monster in the eyes of the neighborhood and his family.
°His parents did everything in their power to get ride of the wings, they will send him to a doctor and ask for them to be surgically removed. It got to a point that Warren would tug at his feathers, crying sliently and pleading for them to be gone so his parents would love him again.
°His mothers was devasted, she couldn't bear seeing his little boy so broken so she distanced from him, beliving it will make him good, while Warren's father just became more tough on him, even calling him freak when he was furious.
°Warren belived it as all his fault so he left one day after a screaming match with his dad.
°Warren fears that his sole prescense will annoy someone and will make them left, so he prefers to keep his distance even if he's dying to be held. Don't be surprised if he tries to push you away, he just doesn't know how to react to physical connection if it isn't by a punch.
°He's a sucker for snuggles, which is a shame since his wings always got in the way so he can't held you properlly. So one day you asked him to lay on top you and it was a fucking blessing.
°Warren will blush if you compliment him, it breaks down his bad boy facade but he doesn't care that much cuz he feels important.
°He has the habit of leaning into you when your side by side, he even hug you from behind. resting his head on top of ypurs or in your shoulders, while his wngs flutter soflty cuz he's happy to be closer to you.
°Please run your fingers through his hair or just play with it! He will melt in your touch, he loves it so much when you do it that he might guide you hand to his air once againg when you stop.
°Every little form of affection is truly appreciated for him, and sometimes he gets worried if you don't show him any kind of it. He thinks you have finally tired of him, so he starts to remember if he had done anything wrong. It's complicated, but he's tryng to get over that...
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spilledkauffie · 5 years
Cuddling With Them
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Super cocky in public that you’re with him, but also super needy in private with you. He plays cool in front of everybody else. But constantly tells you how lucky he is that a guy like him could actually warrant your attention let alone love.
In public he’s constantly got an arm swing around your shoulders or even a hand in your back pocket to signify that you’re clearly an item and he wants everyone to know.
He’s not afraid of some PDA. You’ll be looking at some records in a little store, he’ll come up behind you and start kissing your neck, hands slipping around your waist. You try to ignore the heated sensation rising to your cheeks and just say his name like a correcting parent afew times.
He has also been known to find little corners in places and just start making out with you. Exceptionally at the ring; once he’s done, for the meantime, you’ll find him intending on congratulating him on the win / worrying over him wounds (a lot!), but he gives an “I’m fine” his eyes burning a sultry look before he backs you up against a wall.
Warren has extremely gentle touches, despite his callused fingertips. Having been / being a fighter you’re the one thing he can afford to be gentle with and not be seen as “soft” or “useless.” He often traces your finger ever so lightly in the morning, making you shiver, then immediately says “oh, sorry” sweetly.
He calls you his saving grace and you playfully call him your angel, which he immediately started using in the ring. The first time you heard it at a fight you smiled wider than you ever had, and that was worth it.
When you’re tending to his wounds he usually tries to divert the pain into pleasure. When you stitch up his shoulder, Warren gently takes one of your working hands and kisses your knuckles, eventually turning around.
You adore his wings and can’t keep your hands off them when you cuddle. Sometimes you just ask to be the big spoon for that exact reason. It’s literally like a cloud, except he has warned you about the talons.
He like to nuzzle against your neck and have his arms around your rib cage, feeling your stroke your fingers against his forearms. Or he like it when you’re facing him and you trace the scars on his chest, of which you’ll kiss.
Playing with those fluffy curls is something that happens a lot!
In bed, it’s good, so good. This boy has got plenty of stamina and knows how to adore you. He doesn’t let his hands leave your body. Gripping, squeezing, caressing etc. It’s very steamy.
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"Warren being a total simp for you would include" HC's
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Warren Worthington III x reader
Based from this request "Are you taking requests? If you are can you do like headcannons or a blurb of warren literally worshiping reader (their body or something yk?)", I tried not to focus so much on the physical stuff tho. Hope you like it or is at least what you had in mind @yelenabelovasbathwater 💞
Warren is not a man of words. That is a fact.
Not because of awkwardness or lack of vocabulary.
Actually, it is the complete opposite, he's smooth and eloquent when he wants to be.
Warren knows just the right things to say to get his way.
Some people would call him a sweet-talker, others a smart-mouth.
Either way, they're both right.
And it's all thanks to his up bringing.
This man has been 'networking' way before he understood what that was.
Although Warren is fluent in many languages, he seems to forget how to use them whenever he tries to express his emotions.
To his friends.
To the people he admires.
And to you.
Warren has always been an affectionate person, problem is, he was forced by his parents to suppress his feelings down from an early age.
He never learned to properly communicate with others in that regard.
People often think of Warren as cold and aloof.
Unapproachable and selfish.
And he can be.
When he needs to.
He had to learned it the hard way.
If you come across as soft and nice people would take advantage of you.
Even as tough as he was back in Berlin, Apocalypse still managed to use him like another one of his puppets.
He swore to never let that happen again.
But then he met the X-men, and he realised this was a place were he could let his guard down.
He has been trying to work on his little 'problem'.
He really wants to let the ones he love know how much they mean to him.
And by that I mean YOU.
This poor man spent what felt like eons pinning over you.
There was an extremely weird mix between calmness and euphoria you brought on him whenever you were around, which drove him insane.
He wanted so badly to be with you but he couldn't get the guts to actually say it.
Pretty unfitting with his overall BadBoyTM facade.
Longing hands and fingers aching to prolong each contact.
Searching eyes who looked for any sign to indicate the feeling was mutual.
Same big doe-eyes who light up with every look you gave his way.
Lips who chanted your name like it was a prayer.
Like if your name held an addictive taste only perceptible to Warren.
Thankfully you understood the Angel's silent pleas, and you'll be damned if you let them unanswered.
It was you who asked Warren out for your first date.
It was also you the first one to say the big 4-lettered-word.
Not like you minded. You knew how deep Warren's love ran for you.
Not because he didn't say it, meant it wasn't there.
You could see it.
You could feel it.
Still, he hated that acid feeling remanecent from each time there was an opportunity for him to say it out loud, jet he would let it go by without muttering a word.
As if his mouth had suddenly disappeared.
There's nothing the Angel despieced more in this world than himself each time he thought, you might believe he didn't love you enough.
It was so much for him to handle he even went out and asked Scott for advise.
'Dude, relax OK, what might work for me might not work for you. Its all about finding the right fit, whatever comes more natural'.
And so Warren realised he might have been saying that same 4-lettered-word since the moment you two first met, but in a different manner.
He realised he has neved been a man of words.
But of actions.
His never leaving frown and never ending grunts of displease are part of his easthethic.
With that been said, Warren is the living incarnation of the An asshole to the world, a sweetheart to his girl trop.
There is no doubt to anyone, even to outsiders, just how utterly and madly in love he is with you.
As mean and threatening as he looks, this man treats you like a fucking Queen 24/7.
There is nothing you might want that Warren won't give to you.
The sky is the limit.
Obviously splurging money will always come easy to a rich boy.
But that's not the reason why anyone whose not blind could think you have the blond under a hex or something.
There's just something about those big baby blues whose shine only seems to get brighter the more he stares at you.
Seriously, the way your boyfriend looks at you is like he's under a trance or something.
Who could blame him though, he just... loves looking at you.
The way you move your hands around when talking.
How you crunch your nose when you laugh.
How you scrutch your eyebrows when you're concentrated on something or remembering anything.
How you your lips go upwards in a subtle smile whenever you're cought doing something you shouldn't have been.
This habit of staring at you obviously has it perks.
Like how your things stopped getting forgotten at random tables and places because your helpful boyfriend always kept picking up the stuff you left behind.
Sudden bumps, falls and hits are a thing of the past because your Guardian Angel always prevents them.
Mostly, Warren does it so much because it's the one thing he can do everywhere around anyone.
He might stugle with PDA but he has become a little more confortable with it, at least around The Gang.
And with a little I mean, a looot more confortable.
To the point it becomes unbearable.
To the point where everyone but Kurt has complained about it at some point.
Maybe because he can't keep his hands to himself. And if we're honest, neither can you.
When you're not making out like if your boyfriend just came back from the war or something, somehow, you two are always connected in a way.
Intertwined fingers, locked arms, one's legs, head or straight up being sitting on the other's lap. You name it.
With that in mind, Warren will always be caressing your hands no matter the position.
He adores them
Some are a 'boobs kinda guy', some others 'butt'.
Warren is the hands type.
Belive me when I say HE ADORES THEM, mostly the fact their not pristine perfect.
They're covered in scars from previous battles, your nail polish is chapped and mismatched, with ever lasting marks from the many rings you wear all the time, with picked skin and multicoloured pen doodles.
He adores them so much because they tell a story.
They have a past from the scars, a present from the funy drawings you or Peter will do on your hands when bored, and a future for the idea of giving you one day another ring to add to your collection.
So yes
Overall there cannot be a doubt Waren Worthington III wouldn't kill for you.
There cannot be a doubt Waren Worthington III wouldn't die for you.
Either way it would be a bliss for him.
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