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mercykatze · 8 months ago
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my wife made me a whole pmv abt hiddenclan for artfight and it made me cry so i redrew my fav part
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rushclan · 10 months ago
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Designs are a work in progress...
Welcome to RushClan!
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maggotclangen · 5 months ago
Moon 5: Greenleaf
“All those old enough to pledge their loyalty, please gather under the Leader’s Ledge.”
The clan gathers expectantly, all knowing what is about to happen.
“As you all know, there is an apprentice among our ranks who is long overdue for his warrior ceremony. Yellowpaw, step forward.”
The yellow-eyed tom steps forward, his body language radiating confidence. It was a far cry from the weak-willed tom who Warmstar could barely convince to join them, even with his alternative being almost certain death.
“Yellowpaw, the clan recognizes the great perseverance it took for you to get to this point. From now on, you leave your paws behind and wear your claws with pride. You are now Yelloweyes.”
The clan chants his new name, rushing to congratulate him.
A few days later
“Oh, hey, Warmstar, come in!” Cavepaw steps back so the leader can enter. “Need something?”
“Nah, just wanted to spend time with you! It’s been ages!”
Cavepaw sighs. “Yeah, it’s been a hot minute…” Ever since Yelloweyes had gotten injured and Warmstar had officially become leader, it had been some time since the two had spent some quality time together.
The two spent their time catching up, swapping stories and reminiscing, but something had been bugging Cavepaw for a bit now. Warmstar’s delusions had begun to worsen, with his ‘demon’ being an almost constant presence. Not only that, but whenever Cavepaw entered his den, it reeked of blood. He had even gone snooping once while Warmstar was on patrol and found some bones with odd symbols on them. But just as he was about to ask, she came in.
“Clavepaw, Clavepaw, Clavepaw!”
It was Bravekit, back with another bundle of ‘herbs’. 
“Oh, err, hey Bravekit.” Warmstar greeted, “Whatcha doing?”
Bravekit spits the flowers out of her mouth. “I’m delivering herbs!”
Warmstar narrows his eyes in confusion. “Those aren’t-”
Cavepaw whips his tail against Warmstar’s mouth and gives him a warning glare. “Just put them in the usual corner!”
Warmstar turns to see that in the corner closest to his nest is a small pile of random, non-medicinal flowers.
“Okie-Dokie! I’ll even sort them for you Cavepaw, cuz that’s what good warriors do!” Bravekit squeaks.
“Thanks, Brave.” Cavepaw says with a smile. 
“Err, what’s going on?” Warmstar asks.
“She just started giving me random flowers for no reason, saying it was a ‘warrior's duty’. I don’t mind it though. It keeps her out of the warriors’ fur and gives me some pretty decoration.” Cavepaw explains.
Warmstar nods in understanding, amused. The two continue their chat with Bravekit occasionally interjecting with her own quips and demands that Cavepaw lick the knots out of her fur. Though Cavepaw wants to bring up Warmstar’s hallucinations with him, he strays from the heavy topic with Bravekit in earshot. Eventually, Velvetdream pops by the den. 
“Warm, Cave… Brave?”
Velvetdream nods her head politely. “May I borrow Warmstar for a bit?”
“Yes, of course.” Cavepaw replies. “Catch you later?”
“Sure thing, Cave.”
Leader and deputy pad out into camp, quickly rushing into the leader’s den atop the ledge where they know they won’t be disturbed.
“Has something happened?”
Velvetdream sighs. “I took Eveningpaw out on patrol today.”
“Yes, and?”
“And while we were at the BeetleClan border we came across some kits. Must’ve snuck out of camp. We were going to wait with them until someone came to get them, and if no one did, bring them to the camp themselves. But a patrol came and before we could explain ourselves decided that we were some rogues who had stolen the kits. They were exceptionally hostile.”
“Oh dear…” This was not part of the plan. He had expected to have at least a few more moons before any confrontations with the other clans. MaggotClan did not have nearly enough power to be called an established clan. If the other clan’s learned about them, especially through the lens of them being some lawless rogues who wanted to corrupt some poor kits, war would be inevitable.
“Make sure that everyone lays low for a while. Try to keep off the clan borders. It’ll be fine. I’ll handle it.”
Later that night
“Please, I need help. Just buy us some time, just a few moons.”
“Please! I’m begging!”
“Dgy caesbbovc.
Yxo rkbo.
Mkd'c lvyyn.”
Yelloweyes becomes a warrior!
Cavepaw and Warmstar enjoy each other’s company!
Bravekit gathers flowers around camp and brings them to the healer’s den!
Bravekit shares tongues with Cavepaw!
Velvetdream and Eveningpaw come across two BeetleClan kits! However, they are chased away after a misunderstanding, lowering relations with BeetleClan!
Warmstar: Medium-furred light brown tabby tom with violet eyes and a reddish-brown paw print on his forehead | 16 moons | Leader (9 lives) | Charismatic | Good Decorator | Cis!Male (he/him) | Aroace
Velvetdream: Medium-furred light brown she-cat with copper eyes | 14 moons | Deputy | Reserved | Dog-Whisperer & Masterful Storyteller | Trans!Fem (she/her) | Lesbian
Cavepaw: Medium-furred unusually spotted gray tom with cyan eyes | 11 moons | Healer App. | Bouncy | Incredibly Knowledgeable| Cis!Male (he/him) | Bi
Yelloweyes: Medium-furred speckled dark brown and white tom with yellow eyes and a scar at the base of his tail| 14 moons | Warrior | Ambitious | Fast Runner | Cis!Male (he/him) | Gay
Eveningpaw: Medium-furred black/Golden-brown mottled she-cat with gray eyes| 11 moons | Warrior App. | Insecure | Great Singer | Cis!Fem (she/her) | Pan
Bravekit: Short-furred brown smoke she-kit with dark blue eyes | 4 moons | Kit | Attention-Seeker | Steps Lightly | Cis!Fem (she/her) | ???
???: ??? | ??? | Demon | ??? | ??? | ??? (she/it)| ???
Bravekit... Never change.
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riverdeansart · 2 years ago
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i support women's wrongs
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iceclan-gen · 1 year ago
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Allegiances Part 1 —— The Leadership
Warmstar || 140 M || Righteous
Warmstar spent dedicated his life to the clan, at the expense of living it. Well within his rights to retire, Warmbreak had been about to retire before the blizzard struck. When they finally reached their new home, Lightstar was nowhere to be found. After receiving his nine lives, Warmstar put aside any plans for retirement and dedicated his life once again to building up their new clan. Warmstar never had time for a family of his own, instead treating the clan as his family. He is ready to lay down each and every one of his lives for them.
Moonspeck || 15 M || Charasmatic
Moonspeck didn’t expect to be named deputy, she was young and her former apprentice never made it to be a warrior. Yet when the blizzard came, Moonspeck rose to the occasion. If not for her efforts to raise the spirits of their clanmates, their already small group would have been even smaller. The respect she earned on the journey led to Warmstar’s decision, though there are some who secretly resent the decision. Moonspeck’s older sister gave birth only a few moons ago, but in her recovery was unable to make the journey. Moonspeck insured that her kits made it instead, and has adopted them as her own.
Lightpounce || 65 M || Thoughtful
Lightpounce has always been odd. As a young kit, he could be found in the nursery sitting near the entrance at night talking to the stars, or quietly observing as the other kits played. It wasn’t much of a surprise when Flurryspeckle took Lightpaw as an apprentice. He took to the role naturally, and it quickly became clear that the young medicine cat could communicate with Starclan in a way few others could. Before the blizzard, Lightpounce’s dreams were filled with white visions and freezing nightmares, but the clan was confident their home would keep them safe. It didn’t matter much in the end. Flurryspeckle died only minutes after making it to their new home, and for the first time in his life, Lightpounce’s dreams were silent. It was almost as if Starclan had been lost in the storm as well.
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dahliaclangen · 5 months ago
First -- Prev -- Next
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morsobaby · 2 years ago
So I downloaded Clangen! Got really sucked into it for the whole latter half of today. Fun!
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chizucore · 8 months ago
hello KNTheads
hi i remade tumblr after 7 years because of KNT season 3 and because i need people to yap with about it. i probably won't be posting about anything not-knt related at all but if i do it will just be about other nerd stuff i like (shoujo/josei, yuri, video games, literature, etc). i mostly came back so that i can engage w fan content again since none of my irl friends are that into this, understandably
some of you might remember me from back in the day, my url used to be whataspecialsnowflake and then warmstars. i was a big ryuchizu poster <3 but i love like every character obviously
okay that's all. nice to meet/remeet you all :') my fav page of the whole manga, in conclusion
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somnonia · 5 months ago
Pspspsps would you guys take a look at a clangen blog i made if i make one 👉👈
Unrelated, 2 moons of clangen stuff under the cut
Warmstar and 2 apprentices swell as 2 kits have traveled with them. Everyones cold.
The clan has grieved the loss of their fellow members, taken by the harsh snow. RainbowPaw is particularly horrified by the deaths. Warmstar is taken by the ocean and loses one life. 8/9
Roachpaw gathers some juniper.
FishPaw and RainbowPaw discover some two-legs on the beach, Desperate for food they proceed. [ HEADS HAS BEEN SELECTED. ]
RainbowPaw has been taken away by two-legs.
NightPaw goes on a hunting patrol alone and has found a fox and does not proceed. [ TAILS HAS BEEN SELECTED ]
Nightpaw can’t IMAGINE how boring things would be without Fishpaws positive energy. ( High positive affect )
Fishpaw seems to be developing a crush on RoachPaw. ( Low positive affect. )
Roachpaw appreciates Fishpaw telling them that they had a feather stuck to their head. ( Low positive affect )
Warmstar basks in the sun with RoachPaw ( Medium positive effect )
FishPaw and NightPaw find a rouge offering their healing abilities for shelter. [ PROCEED HAS BEEN SELECTED ]
A rouge named spider has joined the clan along with their kits due to the kindness of FishPaw and NightPaw.
Spider and Roachpaw go herb gathering, Roachpaw tells spider about their dream from starclan as spiders expression turns to envy desperately wishing they were the one who got the vision instead.
Warmstar contemplates about the dream they had, dismissing it as nothing.
Spider - MedicineCat.
OatKit - Spiders Eldest.
SlateKit - Spiders Youngest.
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lakeclan · 5 months ago
Spoilers below cut lmao
Warmstar and 2 apprentices aswell as 2 kits have traveled with them. Everyones cold.
The clan has grieved the loss of their fellow members, taken by the harsh snow. RainbowPaw is particularly horrified by the deaths.Warmstar is taken by the ocean and loses one life. 8/9 Roachpaw gathers some juniper. FishPaw and RainbowPaw discover some two-legs on the beach, Desperate for food they proceed. [ HEADS HAS BEEN SELECTED. ] RainbowPaw has been taken away by two-legs. NightPaw goes on a hunting patrol alone and has found a fox and does not proceed. [ TAILS HAS BEEN SELECTED ]
Nightpaw can’t IMAGINE how boring things would be without Fishpaws positive energy. ( High positive affect ) Fishpaw seems to be developing a crush on RoachPaw. ( Low positive affect. ) Roachpaw appreciates Fishpaw telling them that they had a feather stuck to their head. ( Low positive affect ) Warmstar basks in the sun with RoachPaw ( Medium positive effect ) FishPaw and NightPaw find a rouge offering their healing abilities for shelter. [ PROCEED HAS BEEN SELECTED ] A rouge named spider has joined the clan along with their kits due to the kindness of FishPaw and NightPaw. Spider and Roachpaw go herb gathering, Roachpaw tells spider about their dream from starclan as spiders expression turns to envy desperately wishing they were the one who got the vision instead. Warmstar contemplates about the dream they had, dismissing it as nothing.
NEWEST MEMBERS AS OF MOON 2. Spider - MedicineCat. OatKit - Spiders Eldest. SlateKit - Spiders Youngest.
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mercykatze · 8 months ago
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some fun silly attacks :3
for @kairyu-dragonite , @catgirlkirigiri and @zeffydraws
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rushclan · 10 months ago
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Updated Warmstar design! Background under the cut.
After a forest fire raged through RushClan's territory, cats not killed in the blaze passed from the lack of herbs and scarcity of prey that followed. RushClan was brought down to a mere seven cats.
(unbeknownst to them, the severity of this fire was a consequence of twoleg fire suppression practices)
Warmbreeze stepped up to take care of the battered, traumatized cats, despite her young age. While surveying the territory, she saw the Moon Ring (a fairy ring formed by redwoods), the bark of its trees singed black from the blaze. She squeezed between the trunks anxiously, the burnt bark streaking her coat with black ash. To her surprise, the earth inside was intact, alive with lush green foliage. It must have been shielded from the flames by the huge trees.
She stepped into the soft, cool ferns, a delightful chill running down her spine. Just in the center of the circle, atop a flat stone she saw something gently pulsing with light. Cautiously she crept closer. It was the cone of a giant sequoia, still glowing red with heat from the fire. She touched it gingerly with her paw before recoiling.
Fire brings new life, she thought with wonder. Could this be a sign from StarClan?
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maggotclangen · 5 months ago
Moon 10 (Leafbare)
Primrose steps into the leader’s den, gagging at the scent of blood. Why did his den always smell like this? “Warmstar?”
The tabby groans in his nest, peeling an eye open. “Yes, Primrose?”
Primrose approaches the leader, putting a paw on his forehead. “Yer burnin’ up. Sure you don’t want me to move ya into the healer’s den?”
Warmstar coughs. “No, I don’t want the clan knowing I’m sick.”
Primrose sighs. “Well, I think it’s just a case of whitecough, nothin’ too threatenin’.”
“Then the clan doesn’t have to know about it.” Warmstar rasps.
Primrose sighs. She had noticed that the cat had a stubborn streak, always insisting that he hid anything that could be viewed as weakness. It was worse than what she had seen in some rogues. “You really should go to the healer’s den, we can monitor it be-”
“I am your leader and I say I stay here!” he growls, tail lashing.
Primrose is silent for a moment. “Fine. You can stay, leader.” She silently pads out of the medicine cat den.
“Oh my stars!”
Cavepool rushes to meet the injured warrior at the end of camp. Yelloweyes was bloody and bruised and panting heavily. Yet strangely enough, he was smiling…
“Yellow, what happened!”
“I won…” Yelloweyes rasps out, eyes triumphant.
“I showed… that stupid fox… what for…” he pants.
“W-Wait, do you mean-”
“Brave’s fox. Yeah, it. Been looking for it for moons now.”
“Wait, you’ve been actively hunting this thing!?” Though it made sense. Yelloweyes always jumped at the chance of a border patrol, especially near the site they found Bravepaw.
“It remembered me…” Yelloweyes growled. “It even started salivating.”
“Y-You can tell me about it later! Let’s get you patched up first!” Cavepool admonished, already assessing the damage.
“O-Okay…” his clanmate replied, both annoyed that his story had been interrupted and flustered that Cavepool was giving him so much attention, even if it was just his job.
Cavepool leads him to the healer’s den and lays him down in a nest. “You’re not too bad off, just some cuts and bruises.”
“Hah!” Yelloweyes laughs proudly. “You should see the fox!”
“Oh, really?” Cavepool asks, gingerly applying garlic to reduce the chances of infection.
“Yeah! I mauled the thing’s face! He won’t be finding any mates, I’m sure of it! Gave me one hell of a fight though.”
“I can see.” Cavepool sighs, patching up larger cuts with cobwebs.
“But you wanna know the best part? Just as it was fleeing I managed to get it by the base of his tail and shred it to the tip!” Yelloweyes boasts, eyes shining with pride.
“Well, what goes around come around I suppose.” Cavepool purrs, knowing that this is simply Yelloweyes way of getting closure.
“Hey, Cavepool…” Yelloweyes start, now quiet. “Do you think they’ve forgiven me?”
Cavepool curls around the bi-colored tom, knowing exactly who he’s talking about. “I think they’ve always forgiven you. I think you’ve forgiven you.”
Late that night…
Warmstar coughs as he fixes the bones into position. He knows he really should go to the healer den but it would be harder to feed her from there.
After chanting all too familiar words, she appears, a lithe figure of shadow and fire. Warmstar tosses the hare to her. “Here.” 
The figure looks at the hare, disappointed, obviously expecting something more… substantial.
“Look, this is all I could get. If you haven’t noticed, I'm sick.”
The figure gives what must have been a sigh before touching its nose to the hare. Upon contact, the hare instantly decays, becoming nothing but a pile of bones. The creature then stands, stretches, and disappears.
Primrose no longer has whitecough!
Warmstar has whitecough!
Yelloweyes gets bruises after fighting a fox!
Warmstar: Medium-furred light brown tabby tom with violet eyes and a reddish-brown paw print on his forehead | 21 moons | Leader (9 lives) | Charismatic | Good Decorator | Cis!Male (he/him) | Aroace
Primrose: Medium-furred cream & black calico she-cat with pale green eyes and a frostbitten paw | 69 moons | Healer | Shameless | Incredibly Clever| Cis!Fem (she/her) | Aroace
Cavepool: Medium-furred unusually spotted gray tom with cyan eyes | 16 moons | Healer | Bouncy | Incredibly Knowledgeable| Cis!Male (he/him) | Bi
Yelloweyes: Medium-furred speckled dark brown and white tom with yellow eyes and a scar at the base of his tail| 19 moons | Warrior | Ambitious | Fast Runner | Cis!Male (he/him) | Gay
E B P O G Z V K N | ??? | ??? | Demon | ??? | ??? | ??? (she/it)| ???
Our friend has a name~
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yourdailyjungkook · 8 years ago
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© Warm Star
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iceclan-gen · 1 year ago
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Allegiances Part 4 —— The Kits
Ibiskit || 4 M || Lonesome (Adoptive Mother: Moonspeck)
Wispkit || 4 M || Troublesome (Adoptive Mother: Moonspeck)
Ibiskit and Wispkit was born to Moonspeck’s older sister and an unknown father. Still weak from kitting, their mother was unable to make the journey to their new home. Moonspeck promised to watch after them, taking on the responsibility of a new role and new kits. Ibiskit and Wispkit look up to their aunt, but rely on each other more than anyone else.
Clovekit || 3 M || Noisy
Clovekit is the youngest surviving member of the former clan. Her family was lost in the storm, and Clovekit only survived when Warmstar dug her out of the collapsed nursery. Yet despite having no formal caretaker, Clovekit has truly become a child of the clan, with every cat looking out for the bright eyed little kit.
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honeybeeofficial · 6 years ago
warmstars replied to your post “hey… where are all my nanoers at! how’s it going! what’s up!”
i am good i do not frequent this site anymore (i log in like once or twice a month) but despite everything i miss roleplaying ocs and rating signatures and long diplomatic talks about who should make the next quiltbag thread
 those were simpler times for sure…
rating signatures was such a wild time. design school is exactly like that but way less vicious. you know how sometimes people would just be like “2/10 becuz it’s purple and I don’t like purple :/ you still get 2 though becuz the pic of elsa is okay” 
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