#warframe 1999 hex finale spoilers
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replicafatale · 2 months ago
warframe 1999 hex finale spoilers!
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brightened up this pic of eleanor and lettie in the hex finale & it looks like lettie's hand is on eleanor's thigh & eleanor's hand is around lettie's arm... they are everythinggg
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warframestuff · 2 months ago
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alteredsilicone · 2 months ago
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THE HEX FINALE : LOID (and Drifter, presumably)
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kairos99 · 2 months ago
I've seen a few posts talking about how it doesn't make sense for romance to be added into the game because the characters are in the middle of an armed conflict and that they don't have time for that kind of thing, or that they're too traumatized to fall in love. I'd like to explain why I disagree with this position. Let me clarify though that this isn't me saying everyone should romance one of the Hex members. If that's not your thing then by all means, don't romance anyone, you're completely within your right not to. What I'm disagreeing with is that it doesn't make sense for romance to exist in this game and setting whatsoever.
The reason I disagree is that, put simply, humans aren't machines. We're not a set of directives that disregard anything that doesn't align with them. We're animals that have a lot going on at any given moment. We're driven by several purposes, some of which clash with each other. This creates tension, which is something storytellers have exploited in the name of creating stories about the human condition for millenia. Without it, stories are empty, sterile.
Here's an example:
You're fighting two factions that want to wipe out an entire city in order to save innocent lives. You've been doing it in a loop for a very long time, but that doesn't matter because saving civilians comes first. Eventually a powerful new ally from the future appears and helps you and your team change your fates and succeed in holding back both factions from overtaking the city. You're pleased and hope to continue working with this new person to keep on making sure no more civilians are killed.
Does this story sound compelling to you? Maybe a little bit, but it's missing something, don't you think? A little bit more flavor, a little bit of a spark.
Let's try that again:
You've been at war for as long as you can remember. You're tired, stuck on a loop that has no ending in sight, but you have to keep going for the sake of your companions and doing what's right. Enter a new person, a new variable in a sea of sameness. They're not just from the future, they have extraordinary powers that allow them to do extraordinary things, and they seem to be on your side. And they prove it by saving you and your companions from a terrible demise. You start to believe things might turn for the better, you allow yourself to hope for a better future. You wake up from your combat-induced slumber and you feel your attention drifting from the misery that blanketed your existence to things you'd neglected in the name of the common good, including your need for connection and belonging. Including your companions, who still struggle to see themselves as a team. Including your new teammate, who's interesting and merciful and just as starving for connection as you are. You're awake now, and you're going act like it.
Much better, don't you think? Does this story sound more unbelievable because the character has other needs beyond their main objective of saving their city? On the contrary, I think it gets closer to the human experience than the previous story. Your character, a random Hex member, gets interested in the new person, the Drifter, after being saved by them and the situation in the city gets under control, and thus reaches out to them and develops a relationship with them. And they do it because they finally have the space of mind to do it. And not just the Drifter, they also learn to nurture the bonds they have with the other Hex members, as is seen in the text messages when you rank up the syndicate.
What I'm trying to say is, it makes sense for the Hex members to get close to the Drifter, storywise. Hell, "love triumphs over indifference" is a major plot point! That's why it doesn't make sense to me when someone says the Hex doesn't have time for romance. It's like saying the Hex doesn't have time for friendship, or any relationship for that matter, and that goes against what the game's trying to tell you.
As for the characters being too traumatized to fall in love? I'm nowhere near qualified to be speaking about trauma, but what little I know is that traumatized people don't want to be defined by their experiences. They fight day and night to live fulfilling lives, and saying they can't fall in love because they're traumatized sounds downright disrespectful to me. Maybe trauma has permanently changed the way some of them relate to others, but this doesn't mean no traumatized person can ever fall in love as a rule. Everyone's experience is different, and we shouldn't generalize what a group of people are going to be like anyway.
This applies to other mental health conditions as well. Depressed people fall in love. Anxious people fall in love. People that worry about making ends meet fall in love. People that are burnt out fall in love. People at any point in their lives fall in love. There's always something else going on, whether that's something minor like a pending homework assignment or something major like a neverending war, but people still have time to feel all kinds of feelings in the meantime, including romantic love!
That's my take on things. Thanks for reading this far! If you disagree with what I'm saying here, feel free to leave a comment. It's healthy to consider other points of view. :)
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kulvefaggoth · 2 months ago
ok so. am i stupid or did the secret hole they added to the second Höllvania Mall relay actually get removed once the real zone dropped? Like i remember trying to get in there but it not being there anymore
bc uuuuuuh
Like i only noticed this after getting rank 5 with The Hex but i had a friend test it out and it was also there... but they were rank 3 and had done the finale.
If anyone that either has a lower rank/hasn't done the finale could test it out for me i would greatly appreciate it e.e
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runningwolf62 · 2 months ago
So, like, The Hex Finale is fantastic and made me extremely emotional but I was also about to lose it at the end because I was vividly reminded of this picture I saw when Draw the Squad Memes were popular and I am inflicting this on others
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It was this picture specifically, it was from a post in like, 2015, there was no source for it, so if anyone knows that, that'd also be great.
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penumbralbeast · 3 months ago
I am so fucking normal about them, your honor.
Spoilers for Hex Finale btw. Watch at yer own risk.
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necirusalka · 2 months ago
hex finale spoilers under cut
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eleanettie lovers we won. we fucking won.
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invasivefungus46 · 2 months ago
ok but why in the ✌️ cutscene after the hex finale Loid has nose ring yet when I went to check on him after the quest he didn't have one? Drifter accidentally hopped on the wrong timeline? Somehow? Devs forgot to add it outside of the cutscene? Or he just doesn't wear it in the sanctum??
And why when Wally was mimicking Loid during the interrogation scene he included the nose ring? At first I thought it was done to maybe differentiate mimic from original Loid (as if the eyes weren't enough) but now idk
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protocabbit · 2 months ago
warframe 1999 finale spoilers ahead!
im thinkin Thoughts about the hex finale and other stuff regarding transference by the drifter into their bodies.
thinking about the cutscene where youre able to help amir and just. the fact that amir was beginning to have a panic attack and a hard time breathing but the drifter decided to take control of his body via transference and manually breathe for him and calm him down and tell him to use the parazon which has the potential to auto hack systems, and in this instance, saving much more time and preventing the reactor from doing its thing.
and THEN i just think about the level of trust and intimacy that goes with the hex allowing the drifter/operator to use transference on them and take control of their bodies. and now that we have their gemini skins, it makes it even moreso
to willingly allow the drifter to pretty much possess their body in a way is such a massive amount of trust. when i do it with amir (cuz i have his gemini skin cuz of course) in missions and revert back into his body, he makes a comment not to go through certain memories labelled ‘recipes’ cuz theyre not actually recipes. that implies that the drifter can access their memories as well, which again just goes into the amount of trust the hex has for the drifter.
its so intimate in general, whether romantic or platonic. idk. i find it really cool and unique
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i-gwarth · 3 months ago
My thoughts on the aftermath of the [SPOILER] Quest
So earlier today, having gotten to a "Liked" level with all members of the Hex, I played through the Finale quest. It was very nice, and kind of what I expected. Spoilers follow
They now trust you enough to let you in via Transference, and you can help them to survive. Aoi's "you have the power" scene was the weakest of the bunch but I like her too much for that to be a real issue for me. I also genuinely loved the ending diorama, with the Drifter smiling, pizza party and fucking Amir being in two places at once.
The Hex are by far the most loveable set of NPCs this game has gotten since the Solaris people. They are all *delightful* and genuine and I cannot praise the performances enough. I also loved that Albrecht came across as a complete piece of shit in the main campaign, but ended on a more positive note in the Finale. The guy is at his best when he is 80% a scumbag and 20% a genuinely traumatized old man burning himself up trying to atone for his sins in a way that will cause a lot of casualties. The Deimos wall fragments were a good setup, but IMO he really shines through in the Albrecht's Journal codex entries. He reckons with the impossibility of doing good when his whole skillset and all of his experience (being immortal, an Orokin scientist, and dealing with the Indifference) stems from evil. It's good
But I have 2 negative pieces of feedback regarding post-finale content:
1. Rusalka. Where the FUCK is the Major? Guys you simply cannot make a character who looks and acts LIKE THAT and then put her in a demo and two cutscenes and nothing else. It is morally and ethically wrong, it is homophobic, it is the downfall of Western civilization as we know it, the sack of Rome and it makes me, specifically, sad. DE please consider bringing her back. Maybe she's the new face of the Indifference going forward
2. Arthur's message. "We made things right but now we have to keep them right"? "I guess you have to keep the loop going"? This is so bad it nearly undermines the otherwise excellent writing of the whole update. The Hex are a group trying to make a difference in a specific time and place. I get that Warframe relies on cyclical open-ended gameplay and there HAS to be a way for them to stay in the 1999 setting. But how is it "keeping things right" to re-do the same year, over and over again, ad infinidum? How is it helping the city if it's still infested on January 1sth, 2000, but the Hex are in a time loop? It is a meaningless cycle and the Hex "accepting" it is a horrible decision. Lettie is *distraught* at the idea of being stuck in the loop. She doesn't even think she's alive anymore.
I can't imagine there are no better ways to handle this. Maybe the Drifter offers them the OPTION to leave the loop (like the drifter themself has the option to leave Duviri and return whenever), but they choose to stay in it for a few more cycles to "understand" themselves? Maybe the Drifter loops back but the Hex themselves don't, and only partially remember previous cycles enough to retain standing/chemistry levels with them?
The hex are not like the people of Duviri, built out of whole cloth, aware of and at peace with an inherently cyclical (yet decaying) existence. They're people in a very gritty, realistic context, international aid workers trying to help in a crisis. It's isn't HELPING if the crisis continues in perpetuity like a carnival fair ride. They deserve better than to be made willing playthings
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warframestuff · 2 months ago
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We're not gonna make it man. I can't even compile in time- -Then we go down swinging! Not now. Not now. Amir, slow it down. I don't... have... time. Hold out your hand.
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alteredsilicone · 3 months ago
Hex Finale Spoilers
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Viri you look like Albrecht's cursed granddaughter
Well, I made her like that (pale blueish skin and white eye glow) but still next to normal people she looks cursed LMFAO
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keoulkeech · 3 months ago
An analysis of the relation between The Great Despair and The Hex (Spoilers for Warframe 1999)
“The Great Despair” acting as a title for The Great Indifference
“Time”, “Love”, “Babe”, “You” acting as an reference for the Drifter
“I” acting as an individual member of the Hex (any)
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The idea that the Hex (or a singular Hex member) POV is being represented by On-lyne - as in the Hex are the composers or the ones performing the music - came to me after completing The Hex (quest) Finale...
Please stay / Don’t put out the flame and run away / In this heartbreak / I’ll be here fighting for it / With or without you
The Drifter came with the information, plan and [apparently] solution on how to save them from the Reactor (as in bringing up the mentioned “flame” of hope). I interpreted this as a dramatic telling of the scenario from Wally disappearing with us [and Albretch]. The flame being put out but that they would be fighting with or without us (as they tried).
Baby ‘til you come back with something / I know I’ll never let it go / I’m waiting but you come back with nothin’
This as the first attempt of the Drifter in saving them at the Zariman.
This obsession has turned / Into the Great Despair
I believe that the scenario of hopelessness (“obsession” with the return of the Drifter, their flame) and conflict among the Hex made Wally stronger in some way...
They say love is time / But all in love isn’t fair
Some kind of “meta” since the Drifter can manipulate Time and Love is the shield against the Indifference.
So pull me out of the Great Despair
Regarding the Ending
Every day / I’m getting stronger but I still feel the pain / Time will show the way
The Drifter (manipulator of Time) will show the way.
Baby ‘til you come back with something (until you come back with something) / I know I’ll never let it go (I know I’ll never let go) / Your indifference lets you come back with nothin’ (you come back with nothin’)
Once again - but more “on the nose” - referencing the first attempt of the Drifter of saving the Hex.
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Now referencing the Ending:
We watched the world burn down around us / But we’re still standing here / With a flicker of hope on the darkest of days / Now it feels like the end is near (feels like the end is near) / The end (The end) / Of the Great Despair (Great Despair)
This obsession has turned / Into the Great Despair / Now all I see is you / You’re everywhere / They say love is time / And now it’s time we declare / Goodbye to the Great Despair (Goodbye to the Great Despair)
Goodbye to the Great Indiferrence!
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excessivechaos · 3 months ago
I may just be stupid, but I was looking back through my Hex Quest screenshots for like the third time when I finally realized something interesting about Albrecht's appearance.
Throughout almost the entire quest, Albrecht has these horrible injuries on his face from the interrogation scene. Even the blood is left caked on his face. However, while I was rewatching the final cutscene I noticed that
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They're just gone.
Obviously, this made me wonder exactly when his injuries suddenly vanished. Well, the last time we see him with his injuries is during this cutscene right here:
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The one that ends with Albrecht and The Man in the Wall teleporting away. After this, Albrecht appears again in The Indifference's vision of the future, but this Albrecht is only a mere specter. And he's fully healed.
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I'm not entirely sure what this means. I only wanted to point this out because I had yet to see anyone else do it.
Is the Albrecht that we see in the final cutscene our own Albrecht, or was it just Wally... pretending to be Albrecht? Was the Albrecht that we've seen during the whole quest EVER our Albrecht?
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umbralvalkyr · 3 months ago
Spoilers for warframe 1999 TRUE FINALE.
Alright I’ve seen some of the YouTube videos with the true finale to the hex questline (whether due to glitch or not)
and I just gotta say, how HAPPY I am that drifter gets to STAY in the loop with their friends and found family (and/or love interest) in 1999 rather than forced back to be presumably stuck in the limbo of Duviri loops until called upon again?
‘Soldiers against the tide. Now and forever’ 🥺
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