#warcats answers
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💖🤔🦄🍄🫘💥 for the writing ask game please?
💖 What is your primary writing goal for this year?
- actually post the things I write, especially the follow-ups//sequels I've written for Long Road Home that I'm just afraid to post because I'm afraid people won't like them...
🤔 Are there any new characters you want to write about?
- sort of? I've been getting into EPIC the musical but I don't know if I want to write for that or not; but I have picked one character I've been drabble-ing with over the last two ish months...
🦄 Is there a new POV you'd like to try writing?
- not really. I don't know the First person perspective; I have no idea why lol. I've written a tiny bit from Second person POV. I just always end up in Third Person Limited lol. It's almost muscle memory at this point.
🍄 Are there any fandoms you've never written for but want to try?
- again, back to EPIC; also related I really enjoyed Blood Of Zeus and may play a little with that universe (are you sensing a theme? 😉) but otherwise I really just want to actually finish the wips I have rotting in my folder, and all of those are Sanders Sides...
🫘 Spill the beans. What's a new project you're doing this year?
- nothing yet, but I'm open to opportunities! I'd love to do another Big Bang this year but it's totally dependent on the behavior of the Plot Bunnies (I refuse to stop calling them that 😉) and whether or not my job allows me the time and spoons to write.
💥 Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
- Here's a snippet from the WIP I've pledged to finish by the end of the year, even if I have to make a blood sacrifice to the writing gods to do so:
"Poor mutt, being spurned by your masters." She mocked. Patton's stomach churned again, and his hands shook. From fury or despair, he wasn't sure anymore.
"They're. My. Friends." He replied slowly, for her and for himself. The witch merely smirked and shrugged.
"I can see how badly you want to test it. Your curiosity and your need for attention betray you. And as I said, I only have to nudge him a little bit; despite his actions it seems he in fact does tolerate, perhaps even enjoy your company." She almost seemed to purr as she spoke. Patton didn't move, but he still felt himself falling.
Every word she was saying about him was true.
"I will give you, say, three days to experience the change? To see how quickly he would jump to dote on you, answer your every call, and fulfill your every wish." The swirling was disrupting Logan's hair, ruffling his usually careful appearance. Patton's ears were ringing as the witch continued to speak. "Tomorrow he will do anything for you. You will be his god. You will command his very thoughts if you so wish. Clean his memory of anything but you."
Patton wheezed and shook his head desperately; his heart racing, feeling the witch whispering her temptations in his ear even though she was standing several feet away. He was going to drown in her power.
"I…ah…" he stammered, unable to create any useful words in his mind. She smiled again, sharp like the dragon she worshiped. She had won this round and she knew it.
She finally stopped the swirling motion, tracing her finger down Logan's forehead and the bridge of his nose, and the scholar's eyes closed. Again, Patton could feel her whispering in his own ear, as she leaned forward to whisper into Logan's.
"Go and kneel before your god."
The scholar's eyes opened, and the second he spotted Patton, his face lit with adoration like nothing the smaller man had seen before. Logan had probably only ever been so excited to see a particularly old library, or give a speech to local scholars on his finds. He'd certainly never looked at Patton like that.
He was still Logan, though, and he was calm as he crossed the room to Patton and gently took his hands, kneeling and kissing them both. Patton's ears rang harder.
Logan's eyes were circled in glowing red.
#warcats answers#xman friend#friend asks#new years asks#writing asks#ask game#Sanders Sides#sanders sides wip#epic musical
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Ok, for the new years asks:
🤔, 🥸, 🍄, 🐾, ✍️, 👾, 🤖
Any or all, if you're interested ;)
Ahhhhh thank you so much!! I really appreciate it!
Writer Goal Ask List
🤔 and 🍄 I answered previously!
🥸 Does anyone in IRL know you write fanfic or original fiction? If not, do you plan on telling anyone this year?
My college roommate knows, because I 1) helped them format their first fanfic and 2) commented on every chapter to support them. I don't think they've read any of my fics, and I'm happy with that, but they've definitely seen my account. They're the only person that actively knows I write fanfic at the moment!
I don't have any plans on telling people, I kind of enjoy having it be private - it's like a journal, I work through a lot of deep emotions and experiences through writing, and I feel more free writing when there's not the risk of someone irl seeing it and taking it out of context - but I'd also be alright with telling someone if I was confident they wouldn't get weird or judge me for it. It just depends on if it pops up!
🐾 Do you plan on writing for any fests or competitions?
Do I plan on that? No. Fests and competitions are stressful and hard to keep up with for me, but I might snag a prompt or two if something looks interesting.
✍️ Which stat matters most to you (if at all!): subscriptions, kudos/favorites, comments, bookmarks, word count, or hits?
COMMENTS COMMENTS COMMENTS!!! And that's not even about how many comments I get on an individual fic, I just love seeing people's thoughts and what moments they point out from the piece, and I absolutely adore when that opens up a discussion about some of those deeper themes and the writing process!! I'm an analyst at heart and I put a LOT of thought into my writing, so I always love when people point out the details they appreciate!
👾 Do you have any "bad" writing habits you want to break?
I definitely need to get better at not pressuring myself into abritrary expectations or deadlines. I've gotten much better since I started, and I continue to improve, but I still wrestle with a lot of guilt when one of my fics goes a while without an update, and I need to remind myself that I'm writing for my own enjoyment and there's no jeering audience pressuring me to crank out new fics like a machine.
🤖 Are you looking to change your current writing setup? (Or establish one, if you don't have one?)
I know I need to move away from Google Docs (thankfully I have moved away from it with my original works, at least), but it's a difficult shift since I have so much writing contained in Google Docs and I know it would be a huge task to get everything converted to another format. I'm grateful my original works are in Novlr instead, since I've heard a lot of better things about that, but I'd love to get all of my writing to a safer, more ethical program in the future as well.
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Based on this:
AND “No Light No Light by Florence and the Machine
I dreamt of a scene where Tallstar was talking to Rusty about his family and I woke up from that dream and was like "that's it, no more "dying to erase pain and harm you caused. You don't get to escape the consequences of your actions." Because death isn't real for these cats. They'll see their loved ones at the end of their life and possibly in the middle of it! It's confirmed! So! The Rocky Road to Redemption: Sandgorse Edition
<So what was your family like? Did you have any siblings? Who was Dawnstripe to you? Who were your parents? Are they the reason you're this awesome?>
(Tallstar is talking *and* signing here, so quotes and brackets)
<"You sure are curious, kid. Let's see... I have five siblings, but unlike your litter, they weren’t all born at the same time. Forest cats have smaller litters. Four was a lot for anyone, but my mother and heart-father handled it! Really well.">
<'I have the father who sired me with Palebird and the father who helped me grow, like Dawnstripe did. His name was Woolytail.">
Tallstar made the sign and sound for sheep and waved his tail.
🎵“[Heaven] StarClan help me, I have to make it right!”🎵
“Why won't you just talk to me?! Can't you see that I'm trying?!”
"You're trying?! Palebird has been struggling since Tall was born, but you're trying!
You told your only son, the boy who just wants you to love him, to stay away from you and the tunnels but you're trying!
Have you even apologized?! Have you asked Palebird how she's coping? Have you talked to Tallpaw about anything but the tunnels?!
Do you even know how close or far he is to getting his warrior name?!"
"No! You don't! You spent all this time growling and groaning about what you can't have while your whole life is right before your eyes! But it's okay, mollies and toms, he's trying!"
Dawnstripe defends Tallpaw from Sandgorse “Tallpaw!”
“Are you here to ask about his progress?”
“No, I-!”
“Are you here to watch what we're doing today?”
“No, I-! Sure. Might as well see the life of a runner.”
“Alright. Sit over there and be quiet. If you have any questions, talk to me and me alone. Got it?”
“Got it.”
“Tallpaw, that's the worst crouch I've ever seen! Don't you-?!”
“Quiet!” Dawnstripe barked. “Tallpaw, just like we practiced. To the TallSlate and back.”
Tallpaw took off at half-speed.
“A kit can go faster than that!”
“Shut up!” Dawnstripe snarled. “If you're not going to be helpful, go lay somewhere else! Tallpaw doesn't need your snake's tongue!”
Woolytail helps Palebird out a lot and eventually they fall in love but at first he and the rest of the tunnelers are trying to get Pale back into the swing of things
Palebird stands up to Sandgorse when confronted about Woolytail
🎵You want a revelationyou wanna get it rightwell that's a conversation I just can't have tonight🎵
Pale: “even if he is just doing this to catch my eye, he's helping! You haven't done anything to make up for your horrible attitude to me or Tall, and it's not fair that you want to take away the cats who care just because you're jealous!”
Dawnstripe sees Talltail off
“You know you don't have to do this, right? Sandgorse might be grumpy and snappish, but you don’t have to take that. He's going to be fine in the elder's den.”
“I need to find out what happened. He doesn't remember. He thinks he took someone down there but he didn't know for sure, and the Passing Cats left before we could ask them anything. If I can do this, if I can get answers for my father, then maybe…”
“I just want him to see me as worthy of being his son.”
“Oh, Tall…” Dawnstripe purred sadly, pressing her side to his. “I know it doesn't feel like it, but you were always worthy of being his son. He hasn't been a very good father to you.
"I don’t think he'd have been any better had Finch lived. He's always going to be like this, and his early retirement certainly won't help things… Are you sure this will help you?”
“Then go, kid. Good luck. Remember what I've taught you. Hunting will be challenging, because we usually run our prey down and you can't do that in close-quarters.
"I think your battle training might help there. It relies on being fast enough to hit your opponent but avoid getting hit in return. Do you want to tell anyone else, or should I?”
Talltail choked up.
How could he explain his quest to his mother and heart-father?
To Barkface and Shrewclaw?
Would Sandgorse even say anything if he told the older tom?
“I'd be glad to do it, if only to see the look on Sandgorse’s smarmy face when he realizes he ran you off.”
“I'm not trying to run away-.”
“You are, even if you come back. But I don’t blame you at all. I'd run too, if Heatherstar could spare a runner.”
“Do you know why she can't? She did close the tunnels.”
“Yes, but the tunnelers have to get used to a very different method of hunting and fighting than they're used to. We runners will all have our paws full teaching our grown Clanmates like apprentices. Stars help me, this is gonna be rough!”
“Maybe I shouldn't-.”
“Nope, you're going! Remember how we practiced following through? It'll be put to good use during this trip. Cats will understand.”
“I kinda figured they'd all be mad at me.”
“That'd be Sandgorse and him alone. And we'll all be barking at him for the rest of his days if he tries any of his rabbit-dung on you.”
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📓 For whichever fandom you like.
hey pal! I'll go with warcats just cos. If there's something else on my blog that caught your eye, let me know and I'll find something for it.
Answering asks from this prompt
Here's a full list of my warcats WIPs that I will hopefully update as I write more.
Clouded Hearts - aka Fireheart Raises Cloudtail solo (for the most part) v1
“What, did someone say something," Cinderpaw asked sharply, dragging Fireheart from his anxious thoughts.
“Nothing I’ve heard. But they look at him weirdly. Like he’s a mouse in their paws or a scrap of moss stuck to their fur. Like he’s not just a kitten like any other.”
“Does Cloudkit notice these looks?”
“Not that I know of," Fireheart offered with a shake of his head.
Granted, he’s been too busy trying to act like everything is normal and reminding other cats to do the same to bother with the dirty looks that Darkstripe gave him. Even if Longtail’s less certain ones were thought-provoking. Fireheart wasn’t sure what was up with that cat, but he didn’t have time for it. Too many cats wanted to talk to him about his training and Ravenpaw. Like they’d cared at all before Fireheart shoved their noses in it.
“So let the queens handle it," Cinderpaw reasoned, jerking her mentor back to awareness. “They know what to look for and will claw any cat out to hurt their kittens, just you watch.”
“They’re teaching me how to be like them, so I might have more to worry about soon.”
“Fair enough," Cinderpaw snickered.
“I just don’t want him to feel like I did when I first joined the Clan. He’s literally a newborn kitten, he doesn’t deserve that.”
“Did you," Cinderpaw wondered, eyes narrowed.
“What?” “
Did you deserve what everyone said about you? How they all treat you, even now? What happened to Ravenpaw almost happened to you, if we heard right the other day.”
Fireheart was speechless. This was what Frostfur and Goldenflower said, nearly the exact same words.
“Why wouldn’t I," the ginger tom asked his apprentice.
“Sure, Tigerclaw treated us like dirt on his paws, but that’s how Clan cats are. I came in well aware of my status as an outsider and that the Clans don’t interact with them lightly.
"I made myself fit where I otherwise wouldn’t have a space. I chose to be here and face all that. Cloud doesn’t get a choice. My sister needed him somewhere safe and easily reached. He hasn’t done anything to earn their ire and scorn.”
“But did you?!" Cinderpaw burst out, frustrated. “What did you do to the cats we live with that they’re so determined to hate you for living your life?”
“Cinder," Fireheart chuckled sadly. “I wasn’t raised here. I didn’t grow up in the ThunderClan nursery like you did. The queens have only known me for the past moon at least.
"Clan cats think they’re better than cats who aren’t like them. Most look down on cats who live with humans, seeing them as soft because they don’t have to hunt for their food or fight for their territory. Same with cats passing through the forest and the town.
"Anyone who’s not a Clan cat gets treated just like I do. And ThunderClan will never let me, or Cloud, forget that we weren’t born here.”
“But that’s absurd," someone snarled from behind them both.
Fireheart shot to his paws and lunged forward, crouching between Cinderpaw and the newcomer.
Yellowfang stood with Brackenpaw and Swiftpaw on either side of her. She carried a drowsy Snowpaw on her back and a squirming Cloudkit in her mouth. Brackenpaw had been the one to object.
Yellowfang placed the kit at her paws and spoke.
“Feel any better about those exercises, kit?" she rasped.
“Yes, actually," Cinderpaw meowed, surprised. “Having to show them to Fireheart really helped, and so did talking.”
“Some heavy chatter you two engage in," Swiftpaw mewed nervously.
“Fireheart has a heavy life," Cinderpaw grumbled. “Maybe talk to your mentor about lightening his load?”
“They don’t have to-.”
“No, she’s right," Swiftpaw said. “When it’s all laid out like that, it doesn’t make sense for you or Cloud to be treated like you are. You were both kittens when you came here.
"I know as we get older we learn some crouches and stories from the elders, but not every kit gets that.
"It’s not fair that Longtail and Darkstripe got that and talked badly about you just because you didn’t.”
“Your mother’ll be proud of you, kit," Yellowfang chuckled. “Smart and cautious.”
“Thank you," Swiftpaw chirped, surprised yet pleased.
“I… I’ll think on what you all have said," Fireheart mumbled, desperate to change the subject.
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Ooooh thank you!! This is fun!!
Pick 5 TV Shows you like before reading the questions.
Black Mirror
Stranger Things
The Witcher
Who is your favorite character in 2?
(Black Mirror) Honestly, I love Cooper Redfield in Playtest. He's such a goofy sweetheart, and Wyatt Russell's acting as things begin to spiral is just GUT-WRENCHING. Be Right Back is my favorite episode, but Cooper is my favorite character.
How long have you watched 1?
(Arcane) Since it first came out! Big fan of the show from the beginning.
How did you become interested in 3?
(Stranger Things) My dad watched it from the beginning and I caught some episodes here and there, but it was around Season 3 that I really found a vested interest and did a full rewatch. Then with Season 4 that interest only grew!
Who is your favorite actor in 4?
(The Witcher) Joey Batey!! Jaskier is my favorite character, for one, I love his humor and just... honestly everything about him, and I really love The Amazing Devil's music outside the show too!
Which show do you prefer 1, 2, or 5?
(Arcane, Black Mirror, Taskmaster) Oooh, tough choice since they're VERY different shows!! Taskmaster is a really great watch when I want something lighter or I've had a hard day, but I think overall Black Mirror is my big favorite of the three.
Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
(Arcane, Stranger Things) Stranger Things, just because it has 4 seasons compared to Arcane's 2.
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
(The Witcher) Repeat answer, but... Jaskier. I think part of the reason I like him so much is because I see a bit of myself in him. Plus, he's about the only character that somewhat has a choice in stepping away from the chaos of everything (I mean he does get kidnapped a couple times but... idk, it's still not the same level as Geralt or Yen)
How would you kill off your favorite character in 5?
(Taskmaster) What??? It's an unscripted comedy show! I'm not killing anybody off!
Would a 3/4 crossover work?
(Stranger Things, The Witcher) It would be a little tough since they exist in completely different time-frames and settings, but I think the fantasy elements of them both could work well together! I could see it!
Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
(Arcane) Hm.... I've seen Sevika/Jinx, Sevika/Vi, and even Sevika/Mel fanart around, and I think any of these would be unlikely but strangely compelling in the right light
Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
(Stranger Things, Taskmaster) There's some really fun casting in Stranger Things, but every season of Taskmaster is uproariously funny, so I've got to give that the win
Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
(Black Mirror, The Witcher) Does Black Mirror really have a theme song? There are some songs that make multiple appearances, like the song in Fifteen Million Merits, but I wouldn't say it's got a theme song per se. Point to the Witcher.
Tagging: @can-of-pringles @negative-speedforce @nebulousfishgills @warcats-cat @sashathedoge
TV Show Meme
Redoing this original meme from 2012.
Pick 5 TV Shows you like before reading the questions.
1. The Apothecary Diaries 2. Dungeon Meshi 3. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 4. Star Trek: Lower Decks 5. Doctor Who Series 14 (Ncuti Gatwa's first season)
Who is your favorite character in 2?
Chilchuck Timms. I don't know why, but I can relate to the "half-foot" standing and the whole "eternally-stressed old man" vibes
How long have you watched 1?
Started probably mid-December while my shoulder was hurting.
How did you become interested in 3?
I blame @the-haven-of-fiction for having me look at the pretty Chef-Captain.
Who is your favorite actor in 4?
Jack Quaid as Brad Boimler. His Boimler screams are magical. Which show do you prefer 1, 2, or 5?
Ugh. Unfair. I can't really choose right now but-- fine. The Apothecary Diaries is a current fave.
Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
As ST: SNW has more seasons than The Apothecary Diaries-- then the former. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Mariner. I'm very much like Mariner right now-- don't want to get promoted. How would you kill off your favorite character in 5?
Hahahah. He gets himself killed every other season or so anyway-- but I'd like him to suffocate, sneeze, then regenerate into the next Doctor. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple
Lishu and Basen. Oops. Spoilers.
Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
I'm going to change the usual answer and say ST: SNW for a change. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
I'd say Dungeon Meshi. It's just refreshing to watch anime and hear that epic first opening again, I guess.
For the game, tag at least 5:
@witchy-self-shipper @turniptitaness @the-haven-of-fiction @izhunny @ladyoftheteaandblood @skinnyscottishbloke (oops i went beyond five -- and honestly anyone else who wants to play can join in~)
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I'm sorry for stalling in answering all the asks! I am not dead. (yet. I'm getting there)
I forgot to post this and I finally have wifi access!!!! Wooohooo!!!!
I absolutely adooore the dtiys challange. It's so fricking cute
#Ts sides#Ts fairies#Ts janus#Ts logan#Ts patton#Ts virgil#Ts remus#Ts roman#Lamp#Ts lamp#Our au means Brains and mine#Another au that lives oy on discord xddd
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WIP ask: Kanan/Ezra notes
Kanan/Ezra notes
Synopsis: This is my 20-page notes document for All I Need, the next chapter of which I plan on tackling as soon as I get finished with my May the Fourth Be With You assignment. Mostly this is outlines and ideas and meta, but it contains a number of snippets from earlier chapters that I ended up changing slightly or reworking, such as this scene with Kanan and the Grand Inquisitor which takes place in chapter 11:
-Inq doesn’t even bother to torture Kanan until he can capture Ezra. “When I have your Padawan squirming in agony and begging for death, maybe you’ll talk then.” Describes all of the horrible things he’s going to do to Ezra, pulls info out of Kanan’s head. Learns of their relationship. (Holding Kanan by the hair) “I will eviscerate the little slut right in front of you… perhaps after I’ve used him myself. I wager I can make him moan louder than you ever could.” Kanan battles with his anger and desperation and dark side.
And this one, also planned for chapter 11:
-Ezra does free Kanan but ends up getting captured by the Grand Inq, who makes good on his promise. He holds his lightsaber to Ezra’s cheek and begins to burn him. Kanan, with dark eyes and his fury unleashed, reaches out and Force chokes the Inq. (His rage is focused, he’s in control of it completely now, turning it into a terrible weapon. It’s a powerfully addictive feeling, being able to make use of this much dark side power. Kanan begins to lose control toward the end, it threatens to consume him because it feels so good to let out the rage, to finally be passionate. He starts to destroy, blindly hacking up the place.) Ezra grabs his arm and thrusts it up, cuts off the Inq’s head. It goes rolling, he falls into the reactor, shit goes up in flames. Ezra runs to his fallen Master and pulls him up, kisses him out of his stupor. “Come on, Kanan, we gotta go.” They escape.
So now you have a general idea of what my story outlines and plot ideas look like.
Some of the snippets in this document I plan on shaping into separate stories someday, perhaps as part of the All I Need 'verse, such as this one that draws on Ezra's extensive knowledge of pirate radio:
Ezra uses the same tech as the Ghost’s digital scrambler (private/encrypted radio signal in atmosphere or holonet channels when in space). Ezra builds an aerial to put on the Ghost’s hull so he can broadcast. He can do it anywhere in the galaxy except while in hyperspace. Ezra picks up the Bridger Transmissions where his parents left off. His call sign is LO7HCT, the Lothcat, or SP3CTR. Kanan watches him come into his own as a broadcaster and pirate DJ. He spins songs to give people hope. “Here’s an oldie by Sojourn, Never Stop Believing.” He cranks it up and everyone in the Ghost rocks out. Just a city boy born and raised on Coruscant, he took a shuttle flight going anywhere…
Later on Ezra gets his own ship. He calls it the Warcat, a play on “war kit”.
And then there are early snippets, such as this one below from chapter 2, when Kanan had his sexual encounter with Ezra. Had I followed some of these snippets, it might have led to a completely story being told:
That was his first coherent thought after it happened the first time, standing in the Ghost’s tiny shower cubicle with his softening cock in his hand, watching the diluted white globs of semen disappear down the drain.
How had he gotten here? When did wanting to do something nice for Ezra become such a sexually-charged fantasy? When did the smell of the little bottle of oils in his drawer first begin to arouse him? When did the sight of Ezra’s smile become so important to him? Why is he spending less and less time with Hera, with everyone, except Ezra? And why are they letting him get away with it?
Because they think you’re so dedicated to his training, he answers himself bitterly. Because they think you care about him like a father, a mentor, an older brother. Because they think you’re a good Master focused on his young Padawan, that you’re showing him the Way, when in reality you’re no better than they are.
No, no, I’m different, says another voice inside him. A feeble, wormy little voice that is gradually, to his horror, growing stronger. I’m not like the people in the masks. I don’t want the little boy. I don’t even want the teenager, wouldn’t even want him as a man. I’m not like that. I never was. Was I? It’s only Ezra I want—but not like that. I only want to make him smile, to make him happy. I don’t want to touch him. I don’t want to molest him. I don’t want to fall asleep holding him close to me. I don’t want to feel him pressed to my chest with his hair in my face or hear his sleepy voice talk to me. And I don’t want to touch his bare, soapy skin. I do, but I can’t. I can admit that. It’s fine. I’m still safe. I’m good. It’s okay, Caleb. You’re still okay.
But buried beneath the words, in a place so deep that words don’t exist, Kanan Jarrus knows the truth.
He doesn’t just want Ezra. He needs him. And he is not okay.
There are also plenty of notes for the next upcoming chapter that I don't want to spoil the surprise for, but it's gonna contain plenty of cathartic emotional stuff and a generous side of angst (and a shocking moment or two). I'm anxious to get back to work on this and finish it once and for all!
#wip ask game#fic: all i need#hjbwrites#kanezra#kanan jarrus#ezra bridger#nsfw.#some spicy content#implied sa#underage.#long post#fanfiction#softpad answers
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12 for the ask a writer thing? (Long time creeper long time love your writing so much!!)
12. Which story of yours do you like the best? Why?
Ahhh this is quite hard to choose but among the LT works I’ve written thus far, I think what of the ones I liked the best was we each have our stories to tell because it was honestly quite refreshing to write the boys just having some fun together. It’s just two people swapping stories over their collection and feeling comfortable in each other’s presence c:
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An//Hi there! Thank you so much for reading this...whatever it was. Powerless was the first fanfic I actually have ever completed so I'm really happy with it! There are so many points I would go back and change but my laziness can not be bothered. I managed to write the epilogue in mainly one day which is surprising for me, especially since I got me test results today which had me stressed out but I guess the relief motivated me to finish. Sorry that it was so cheesy at the end but I live for that stuff.
Previous masterlist
Virgil slumped in the chair of the private dressing room, picking at the paint that refused to wash off his fingers. Thick chemical smells of makeup enveloped the room but was kept at bay by the freshness of the large assortment of flowers, primarily roses. They had been placed in vases, laid down in bouquets and some single blooms had been tucked in odd spaces. Soft clicks from the clock on the wall added to each second he waited. The scene was due to have finished ten minutes ago but it was like Princey to go overtime to ensure he gave his best performance.
The purple haired man tried for third time at picking off the pink acrylic on his thumb when he shot out his seat with a bang.
"Virgil, why are you on the floor?"
Said man gave sharp glare up at his boyfriend whom was wearing a thick coat of makeup and a designer suit. His hair had also been slicked back with gel which had been slightly ruffled into perfect disarray, extenuating his face and the splatter of fake crimson on his cheek.
Virgil didn't answer him, focussing instead on how damn good Roman looked with his hair like that, face steaming red as he accepted the actors hand off the floor.
"How'd it go?" Virgil asked, rubbing himself down from the dirty floor.
"Fabulous." Roman replied, taking off the suit jacket. "Only a few more scenes and it'll be off to editing."
Virgil hummed a smile, leaning against the desk, content to silence as Roman headed off to the shower after grabbing some fresh clothes of his own. Once again he was left alone in the room but not for long as Roman came back not a moment later in jeans and a button up.
Roman hung up his costume for the costume department to grab later and pulled Virgil out the door with a quick kiss on the cheek.
"As much as I love waiting for you at the studios, couldn't we, I don't know, meet at home?" Virgil asked as his boyfriend dragged him across the studio away from the exit. "Where are we going anyway?"
"You'll see." Roman bopped his nose with a smile before opening a side door to a studio building, bowing as he did so. "For you, sir."
Virgil snickered, lightly slapping the other man before his attention was taken by the set before him. It was a smaller room then most filming studios, there was less of a sense of ending room even while everything was painted pitch black. Cameras that were used for filming had been pushed away along with the directors chair and other filming equipment except for a few lights that dimly lit the scene set up. The usual garish green of the screens had been covered while a sheet of purples and deep blues, small white dots had been flecked on to resemble a night sky. The scene laid out was one Virgil recognised when he went to see Roman while he was filming a scene for the film.
What was set up was meant to picture an open air restaurant but only three tables were on set to save space and to focus on the main characters while giving the inclusion of a larger restaurant. The floor was of a deep oak wood, matching the overhanging beams which had been wrapped in fake ivy and fairy lights that resembled white roses, a yellow hue to them as the lights glowed. One of the black metal tables, which had been made with lengths of metal bent into a swirling pattern that matched the chairs, had been set up with a tall lit candle, two glasses of wine and two plates, in the middle of which was a take out pizza box.
Virgil turned to Roman who was grinning broadly, though there was a slight twitch in the actor's lip. "Ro, what is this?"
"At date." He replied simply, pulling out a chair for Virgil. The artist sat on the cushioned seat, letting his boyfriend push him in before he went and sat across from him. "I know you don't like the crowdedness of restaurants so I thought this was better; the same atmosphere, less people."
Roman flicked a button on a remote he grabbed off his chair and soft piano music began playing. "Ha-how.." "The director owed me a favour. They managed to pull a few strings for me."
Virgil smiled at him, a soft thank you coming off his lips. "Is this?"
"From our favourite pizza restaurant? Yeah, where else is one meant to get pizza?"
Virgil snickered at a memory. "I remember, when we first moved into our apartment here and-"
"our kitchen supplies hadn't arrived yet so-" Roman continued.
"We lived off this pizza for a week!"
"Best week of my life!"
Both exploded into a laughing fit, Roman remembering his favourite pizza take out warmed his heart and although they had been dating for years now, Virgil couldn't help but blush like a love sick teenager.
"Open it." Virgil couldn't help but hear a slight tremor in Roman's voice. He raised an eyebrow but did was requested. It was a simple pepperoni pizza, however the slices of meat had been arranged into a heart. How cheesy, it was just like Roman to do something like this. He closed the lid of the box.
"Roman you didn't..."
On one knee, Roman looked like he was going to topple over he was shaking so much. Virgil must of missed how red and sweaty the actor was earlier as there was no way he could've gotten that bad in the space of a few seconds. A small, open black box was within the palm of his hand, a simple sliver ring in the box. There was no gems or diamonds, no fancy engravings or quotes. Just a simple band, Virgil loved it.
He was so distracted by the ring he only just caught onto what Roman was trying to say.
"I-um. Virgil. Wait, no. I asked your parents. They were out saving the day, they are superheroes after all, but you know that, they're your parents. Ha ha...What I mean is... they said yes. Ugh, wait! No, that wasn't the plan."
Virgil let out a chocked laugh, tears that were brimming holding him back from going into another laughing fit. He joined the actor on the floor, the man usually so good with words still stumbling over them, pulling him into a deep embrace. He didn't need to be asked to know exactly what Roman meant.
"Yes. God Roman, a hundred times yes!"
~The end~
@ironwoman359 @faacethefacts @emote-logic @lumiera13 @queenof-purple @mollycassmith @but-jesuschrist-im-never-good @callboxkat @featuredfander @princey-in-a-feminine-way @monikastec @virgils-hoodie @warcats-cat @hissesssss @nienna14 @emissary-of-stuff @iirobynhoodii @bubblycricket @emeraldfoxface @hetaisawesome @ccecode @thatgaydemigodnerd @lucifer-just-needs-a-hug @heythereprincey @ruuworld @lovelydodie @allsortsofgeekery @izzynuggets @pandagirl0730 @awkwardeko6 @thecrimsoncodex @hayleycreagine @fall-chemically-atthedisco @nerd-in-space @monsterfalls9 @fandoms-n-ship @wentzdayz @not-my-patton @jamie-palmer @threepeppers @moonlightinwater @galaxy-warping @disbemee @sandersmarvel @cats-with-blogs @isaysolanumlycopersicum @anony-phangirl @echomist13 @awesomeorange888 @theoperaghostsstudent @llamaly @asymmetricalgarbage8888 @definenormalifyoucan
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I'm late but I got the prompts post!! Ooh I'm a sucker for the talking with your ear on their chest // listening to heartbeat cuddles 👀👀 with Kes and Warren, of course. Dealer's choice.
Ooooh thank you I love them so much!!
Cuddle & Snuggle Prompts
____ Make the Best of It
Word Count: 1.5k Content Warnings: Fluff, established relationship, mentions of insects/cockroaches, one mildly suggestive line ____
Kestrel peered around the hotel room, hands on his hips as he took in the stained bedspread, the discolored wallpaper, the threadbare carpet. He didn't even want to look in the bathroom. He wished he had a charm that would instantly fix this place up, but no such charm existed. A bottle of Lysol would have to do.
"The Knights couldn't have booked us a better hotel?" he muttered, hitching his go-bag onto the spare bed and frowning at a chitinous shape curled legs-up at the base of one of the bedposts. He hoped it was just a beetle. It looked more like a roach. He'd slept in worse places, sure. But he'd also slept in much better places, and maybe it had spoiled him. He missed Warren's cabin back in Connecticut.
"Next closest hotel is fifteen miles down the interstate. When they say rural, they mean rural."
"Ugh. Exactly what I wanted after hours of airport security and crowded flights." Kestrel huffed, rifling through his bag and wondering if it was worth even bothering with the shower. He imagined he'd only end up trading grease for grease - airplane funk for mildewy shower slime. The idea wasn't exactly motivating.
"Didn't you live most of your life on the run?" Warren shot back, plainly teasing.
"And I never once stepped into an airport. Or a skeevy hotel." he said, "I'd rather be a dog sleeping on the side of the road than stay in a place like this."
Warren pursed his lips and took a second look around the room. Despite all his teasing, he didn't seem any more enthused with the situation at hand.
"Yeah, I'm not far from pitching a tent out in the cornfields myself." he agreed, though he set his backpack down by the nightstand and flicked on the bedside lamp. The bulb was yellow and flickering. Kestrel saw the silhouetted corpse of another insect on the inside of the lampshade. Warren grimaced at it, then seemed to shrug it off. "But maybe we'll feel better after a little food. I saw a decent-looking pizza place down the street?"
Kestrel shrugged, deciding to save the shower for when they got back.
"Pizza certainly couldn't hurt."
As it turned out, the situation didn't look quite as bad once he'd gotten a little food in his belly. It still wasn't great, the hotel was still a bacteria-riddled pit and the desk clerk still shot Kestrel a strange look when he walked in, but hunger was one problem now ticked off the list and that made the rest a little easier to deal with. And the pizza was legitimately tasty, as hole-in-the-wall fast food joints went.
The shower helped as well, though the bathroom wasn't much cleaner than the rest of the hotel. Kestrel had made it a point to pack a pair of cheap flip-flops at the bottom of his pack, just so he wouldn't have to touch the bathroom floor with his bare feet, and he inwardly thanked that foresight from the moment he glanced at the shower. But it was hot water and soap and a chance to decompress, and washing off the grime of the day helped tremendously.
Kestrel stepped out of the bathroom, wet flip-flops squeaking against the old hotel floor. She didn't care. The carpet had seen much, much worse, and she didn't want to touch it with her bare feet any more than she wanted the fungus from the bathroom tiles.
Warren was stretched out on what appeared to be the cleaner of the two beds, flicking boredly between TV channels. The television seemed to be the one thing in the whole room that was reasonably high-quality - clear picture, good sound, a wide variety of channels - and Warren finally settled on a channel streaming an Indiana Jones marathon.
Kestrel had let him have the first shower, a selfless action obscuring selfish motives. It meant that she could climb right into bed with him, settle in against his chest, and she wouldn't be pulled away by him needing to get up. The only delays were the time it took to change and braid her hair, and then she fit herself into the best place in the world.
"It's part of the legend of Sankara," Warren mumbled, in time with the movie. He knew every line by heart. They'd been his favorites since he was a kid. "He climbs Mount Kalisa, where he meets Siva, the Hindu god."
As distracted as he seemed, he still leaned over to kiss Kestrel's forehead when she joined him, and rested his arm across her back to pull her close against him. She laid her head over his heart, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat and the comforting rumble of his voice in his chest.
"He told him to go forth and combat evil," he quoted, "And to help him, he gave him five sacred stones with magical properties."
His voice could have been siren-song. It enchanted her, softened the last of the day's stresses until all she could do was melt against him. They could have been anywhere in the world: this cheap hotel, or the cabin she'd learned to call home, even a tent out in the cornfields like he'd so jokingly suggested. It didn't matter.
It seemed impossible, as it so often did, that she'd been content with the untethered life for so long. For how difficult it all had been, how much effort and time spent defying what she'd thought to be the fabric of her being, it was more than worth it in the end.
The Welsh term hiraeth referred to a homesickness for a home one could never again return to. If anything, what Kestrel felt was the opposite. She was home, safer and more comforted than she'd perhaps ever been, and she only wished she'd been daring enough to find that home sooner. It was grief for her past self, for who she'd been before she even knew this present was possible, a wish that she could change the past- though not to grant herself a different present, only to grant herself a little more of it.
So the room didn't matter. The grime, the bugs, the stains, none of that mattered in the end. The only thing that mattered was the person lying beside her, the warmth of his body and the timbre of his voice.
"Out of everywhere I've been, all our travels, this is still my favorite place to be," she murmured. Warren let out a breathy laugh.
"Didn't you say you'd rather sleep on the side of the road like a stray dog than stay here?"
"Not the hotel," Kestrel replied, and set her palm on Warren's chest for emphasis, "Here. With you. It's my favorite place in the world. Feels like home."
His chest rose and fell beneath her cheek as he took in a long breath. It had taken time just for the word home to cross Kestrel's thoughts, let alone her lips, and she knew he took comfort- even pride- from being the one to draw it from her. He'd always worked so hard to make her feel secure with him. He didn't seem to realize he didn't have to. Not anymore. He'd been home to her for a while now, even before she truly realized it.
The bedspread beneath her was itchy, and Kestrel burrowed a little closer to the clean, soft comfort of Warren's t-shirt instead. His chest rumbled with a low hum of contentment, and Kestrel hid her smile against his shirt.
"We should take a vacation," she mumbled, "A real one. Not a trip with the Knights. Somewhere with an ocean."
"Feel like some long walks on the beach, Kes?" Warren replied, with just a touch of warm humor, "I must've missed that on your dating profile."
She laughed into his chest, then turned her head and pressed a kiss to the base of his jaw. Warren ran his thumb down the ridges of her spine, finally letting his palm fall still when he reached the small of her back.
"I mean it, though," she continued, "We could take a vacation. Go somewhere that's not for work... just get a nice hotel, eat some good food, sleep in late..."
"That sounds nice," Warren agreed, "We could use a little time to ourselves. Let's do it."
Kestrel nodded again, still pressed close against his body. There was more of the mission to come - more long days, more dirt and grime and surely a little spilled blood, more nights spent in this grimy hotel room - and it would hardly be easy. These things never were.
But for now, she drifted off to thoughts of a peaceful, sunny Greek villa, to Warren's toned form bare and sun-kissed on some sandy beach, to warm kisses and the cool spray of the ocean against her own freckled, coppery skin, and all was well.
#my friends!!!#answered asks#my writing#my ocs#oc kestrel#ficlet#oc x canon#fablehaven#warren burgess#fluff#domestic fluff#warcats-cat
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(A preamble to the letters I’m sending to @majestyrising . I kind of switch tenses at some point but I’m too lazy to fix it now)
Adeline’s hands shake as she looks at the letter, though for what exact reason she isn’t sure. She had word a letter might be coming from a certain party, after all, and it was unlikely to be a declaration of war.
For a moment though her head cocks at the seal and Daud, who is pacing relentlessly nearby, pauses. “What?” he asks. Jesse, who is standing by the door giving her usual bored stare, gives the slightest interested nod of her head.
“Do….do we have a seal?” Adeline asks him. “I mean we should have a seal, right?”
(Read More Link)
“And what would Can Town’s seal be? Just wrap it with whatever string you found on the ground?” Daud growls as Jesse stifles a giggle. “The Castle has a seal, Casino Quarter-” here he pauses and looks to Jesse, who nods. “Doubtless has one for each casino. It's just useless ostentation.”
“Well alright,” Adeline replied, completely unsure about that as she pried off the seal and got to reading out loud and very carefully as though afraid she would trip over the words, Daud looking over her shoulder.
To Adeline, I will come clean and admit I do not know if you hold any formal titles. Forgive me if you do and I have made the mistake of omitting them.
“Oh that’s nice of them to ask! I hope they don’t mind that-”
“It’s a useless formality. Keep reading.”
Regardless, may I extend my formal greetings and well-wishes. Though you may not be aware- as I was not until recently- our peoples have shared correspondences before now. A man under my father's retinue has been to your Casino Quarter for work. He has given me a glowing recommendation of your city, thus, this letter.
“Bell’s dad! How sweet of him to say. Jesse you’ll pass that along to Neko, right?”
“Naturally she’ll hear all about this.”
In the absence of physical formalities, I will do my best in writing. My name is Rho. I am the ruler of a mercenary kingdom passed down to me by my father; the Kingdom of Thanatos. We currently reside in the south-east of the Scarred Wasteland- I will enclose directions to make this an even trade, since we know of your current location.
“Rho! How cool. Do you say ‘Your Majesty’ to a-”
“Mercenaries,” Daud growls even further, so low and deep it sounded like a warcat’s threatening rumble. “Throw the letter away.”
“Daud its-”
“I don’t care. I don’t work with mercenaries,” he says, turning around and leaving the room, pausing to turn just before he reaches Jesse’s post by the door. “Ask Vice about why some time,” he shoots before leaving.
The two women pause and sit in silence for a moment, Adeline’s eyes darting around the room, unsure of what to do. She trusts Daud with her life, naturally, it's just that diplomacy was never the man’s strong suit, and his stance on mercs is a little unusual for a man who was literally an assassin for hire at some point. “Maybe...I should ask Nimue what to do?”
“Daud and Nimue are choosing not to lead,” Jesse replies in that calm, formal way she has. “So in their absence, what does the actual leader choose to do?”
“I choose to actually finish this letter, for one.”
“Good answer.”
I have endeavoured in recent times to expand our influence and connections in order to keep my people both safe and relevant in our changing times. What I would humbly ask of you is a mere accordance in kind. We are looking to fully integrate ourselves; a policy of isolation, whilst never truly enacted, has done little to ward of potential disaster. Thus, instead, I look for potential trade and allies.
“Totally reasonable, and I mean hey we’re one of the friendliest clans in the region, right? People are always welcome.”
“That we are.”
I will not ask you to put your faith in me through one letter, of course. As I have mentioned, our primary trade is mercenary force. Every dragon under the retinue of my kingdom has been strictly trained, each with their own specific strength in battle. Additionally, we have a force of elite healers, and social ties that may be useful in uncovering difficult pieces of information. We have a permanent need for resources, and plenty of gold to spare to gain them. Food, materials, and information; that is what we seek in particular.
“Again totally reasonable, and we have great trade routes!”
“And information.”
“Well that’s you. Do we need, like, stabby people though? I’d feel bad asking for help,” Adeline asks, mostly to herself. “Hmm hmm well I mean it can’t hurt, right?”
“A rich alliance of mini clans filled with natural resources and a hidden gem supply left somewhere in the region?” Jesse says dryly. “Why, I can’t imagine why we might ever need someone to help out should-”
“Okay point taken.”
I understand that your people and mine may benefit from the trade of information in particular. We are always in need of more contacts of this particular sort, and I would be happy to send a delegation to talk to you more closely.
“Ohhhhh um…”
“I’ll talk with Neko about getting you up to speed on formal events and manners, dear.”
“Okay yes thank you oh man is it, like, a dinner party thing? Or like do I invite them into a fancy room to say hi? Like what do I- well lemme read the next bit before I start worrying.”
Should circumstances allow it, an alliance would imbue me with the power to send my people to you, in any matters which would require it. This, of course, I would need to discuss in person. There is no obligation on your end for an alliance. You, after all, do not know me. And I do not know you. At least, not yet; since my hope is to change that.
“In person? But- what if he’s- like-”
“Adeline please calm down. This is your clan and you were chosen to lead because everyone thought you would protect their interests the best. They did not hire you because of your ability to host. I’m sure you could literally plan a slumber party and everyone would agree that you did your best.”
“Does royalty have slumber parties?”
“I believe it is called ‘visiting’ among the more well-to-do and ‘hosting’ or ‘diplomatic meetings’ among leaders.”
“Oh okay.”
Lest I forget; the man who came to your City was called Faraday. He is known to make an impression, so I offer his name in case he incurred any debts during his stay. I will repay them in full, if he did, though he assures me he did not. He has mentioned that he would like to return, if possible; but again- if he is barred, I will keep him out.
Adeline looked to Jesse for an answer. “If he has incurred a debt, Neko has been much too polite to state it. As far as I remember, his visit was before I came here and before the Cat’s Meow was renovated. I have heard nothing but a wistful fondness from her, as though recounting a youthful fling.”
“And this was before Etzel, right?”
“Yes just before-” Jesse started and they both paused, mulling this over.
“Well there’s no way I’m barring someone from visiting who’s done nothing wrong, especially if they’re considering visiting their kid but, uh, Etzel...would be chill...right?”
Jesse said nothing, but her mouth scrunched and turned slightly as if to indicate she did not know or like to think which face that particular coin would land on.
I look forward to hearing from you in any capacity. Yours truthfully, Rho.
“He does seem nice, though. Hm. I should write a letter back right? Can you help me draft it?”
“Adeline despite yourself I believe in you. That and I have no doubt that Neko and the Quarter would like to write a response of their own, so I must be off.”
“But I’m not, really, like…” Adeline trailed off.
“No you’re not a formal or fancy leader. In fact you have trouble even saying you’re the leader. But who cares? You are, and you are what you are. They can take it or leave it, no? If they leave it they hardly seem like the type to go on the warpath because of an informality.”
“You’re right, thank you Jesse.”
“No trouble at all, and I will have you know that I heard that Nimue was much like you at one point about such matters.”
“We all gotta start somewhere I guess.”
“That we do.”
Jesse left and Adeline sat in silence for a few minutes, trying to put together the proper words, trying to find a nice pen and some paper, shuffling things around nervously before breathing out and finally deciding to get to it.
“Okay, okay, I can do this. Lead like Adeline. It’ll be fine.”
#sparklelore#Adeline is a big ol disaster unless it involves punching things#but she tries real hard#and I know you don't want to respond until later alex but I wanted to get this up in case I forget#and I didn't want to send everything in a message but yes you ARE getting a letter from her
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Tagged by @emilybrs97
1. Post the rules
2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger
3. Write 11 questions of your own
4. And tag 11 people
1) Any favorite childhood toy?
A bunch of Care Bears, and a few favorite Build a Bears (my first one was a bunny I named Hannah). To be honest, I'm still a kid at heart and I still collect stuffed animals.
2) What Do to you want to major in college/what are you majoring in now? (if your in college)
I majored in Graphic Design, but I dropped out of college. I need to put my life back together somehow.
3) opinion on Marching Band?
I liked it but I hated the summer practices.
4) First disney movie you saw in theaters?
I think it was Lilo and Stitch.
5) Have you met or seen a famous person in person?
No, but me and my family often go to Alice Cooper coverts when we can.
6) english dubbed or subbed anime?
Depends on the anime. I do like both, but if it's dubbed unedited I often watch that because I hate reading subtitles sometimes, it feels distracting. Also I think it's funny when some dubs, like Hetalia or Panty and Stocking, make the dub their own with their own jokes and such, almost like a canon abridged series lol.
7) favorite color?
Pink and purple, but I love pastels in general tbh.
8) Do you consider the coconut?
I considered it, but then I realized we don't have any here. Dammit.
9) halloween movie that scared you as a kid
There were some parts in Ghostbusters that scared 7 year old me (but while we're on the topic, I still can't believe mom let me watch with that one, er, inappropriate dream sequence scene in that movie, I mean I guess she figured it would go over my head but omg). But I never really watched scary movies as a kid.
10) song that makes you want to dance?
The Time Warp from Rocky Horror Picture Show.
11) Opinion on kittens?
Love them so much!!! ^u^
My questions.
1. What's today's secret word?
2. Follow up, what are you supposed to do when someone says the secret word?
3. Any plans for Halloween?
4. Doggo or dogger?
5. Favorite food or meal?
6. If you could be an animal for a day, what would you be? Fictional animals count too, so if you wanna be a dragon, go for it.
7. You have won unlimited funds for the entire day. Every debt you ever had is already paid off, and you even have a nice house you wanted, so now you have all the money you could ever need to do whatever the hell you want, but the catch is you have only 24 before the unlimited money deal ends, but everything you buy in this 24 period you can keep. What do you do with 24 hours of unlimited cash? You can spend on others and you can buy gift cards btw.
8. Have you ever cosplayed and if so, what was your favorite cosplay?
9. Opinions on lolita and/or fairy kei fashion?
10. What's your favorite "kid's show"? It can be anything from stuff you liked as a kid, or a kid's show you like now, I won't judge because I like a lot of kid's shows obviously lol.
11. Right or left Twix?
@des-rookie @medipack @narnianwanderer @lovelylittlemoonprincess @superhighschoolleveldemigod @princesstee420 @saltyknitten @purrincess-jessicat @warcats-cat @b-a-r-e-t-t-a @brite-boii
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Always post the rules.
Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you.
Write 11 questions on your own.
Tag 11 people.
Tagged by: @cutiejea
What’s your MAIN fandom (only 1… soz and multifandom doesnt count as an answer)
IDK. I guess at this point in time it’s LazyTown?
Fave song?
Uma Thurman by Fallout Boy
Morning person or night owl?
Night owl
How long have you stayed awake
I once stayed up until 7 AM the next day
Place/country you want to visit
That rabbit island in Japan
Lots of them
Fan art or fan edits?
I like them both the same
Be honest, have you wrote or attempted to write/draw fan smut of your fave ship?
I’ve written like three on my own.
What’s your ideal holiday
Once a year, the government gets overthrown and everyone gets free money to survive until tax season
Original compositions or parodies?
I’d be more likely to listen to parodies because I like familiar things, but original compositions can be enjoyable.
Ideal career
Something in performing arts
My questions:
Crunchy or creamy peanut butter?
Do you know how to drive?
Cats or dogs?
What is your weapon of choice?
Do you have any special talents?
If you were on death row what would your last meal be?
What do you normally tip your server?
Girls with muscles?
Do you/would you let your pet on the furniture?
Would you still like your crush even if they got a haircut?
Do you like any TV shows or movies that no one really knows about?
I tag: @amolecularmachine @moku-chan018 @indigowallbreaker @margiepm @my-fair-rachel @warcats-cat @crash-twipz137
IDK anyone else who wants to do it. I’m not even sure if I’m on friendship terms with a couple of these people
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“Kiro...are you ready?”
Tryst’s quiet voice pulled him from his slumber, his vision focusing on his wife as he slowly opened his eyes. He tries to give her a proper answer, but the only thing that escapes his throat is a dry whisper of a wheeze.
“I know, I know...I’m so sorry Kiro. I’d didn’t want to wake you, but we have to go. Aldwyn’s already gone on ahead with the first caravan. It’s our turn now.”
The sun had only just risen, weak beams of light filtering through the parted blinds of their home. With a wheeze and a sigh, Kirottu slowly began to sit up, Tryst gently pulling him upright. It was many minutes more before he could get his feet on the floor and begin to stand, his wife wrapping a woolen blanket around his shoulders. After what felt like an eternity, the two of them finally made it to the front door, and stepped out into the disarray of the moving clan.
Azar stood nearby, a sturdy wooden cart with an interior cushioned by many blankets and pillows. He walked to Kirottu’s other side and half carried the feeble man to the cart, laying him down and moving to the front of the makeshift bed to double check the straps that secured Adelaide’s Warcat to the cart while Tryst made Kirottu as comfortable as possible amid the blankets. No sooner than Kirottu was settled, Azar led the cart off to join the rest of the procession: a mishmash of carts and carriages full of belongings, furniture, and dragons too sick to make the journey by foot.
It wasn’t long before the convoy set off, seen off briefly by Ulli before she returned to her own preparations. A procession of the young and the able-bodied of the clan had left an hour before with a bulk of the clan’s possessions, Kirottu and Tryst’s youngest daughter deigning to go on ahead. The wave Kiro traveled with now was much smaller, consisting of just himself, Tryst, Azar, and the five other Shade-touched that lived in Lux Contri. The wave that was to follow an hour’s time behind them was the final and most uncertain of them all, a procession led by Ulli andher Paladins as they attempted to lead the Emperors across the regions in this migration back to the Sunbeam Ruins.
The last thoughts swirling around Kirottu’s mind before sleep found him once more were of Ulli’s three-headed beasts, the aberrant creatures that had left him in such a sorry state.
He slid in and out of consciousness for hours, the bumping and rattling of the cart shaking him from sleep every few minutes. When the sun was high in the sky, Tryst joined him in the cart. She laid down next to him and smoothed back his tangled hair, murmuring soft words of reassurance that he couldn’t quite understand in his disoriented haze. She uttered a quiet incantation and laid a spelltag gently on his arm, the rune pulsing to life. He tried to choke out a quiet “I love you�� before the spell took effect, but the induced sleep washed over him like an unrelenting wave.
It was hours before he woke again. The first thing he was aware of was the fiery light of the setting sun, setting the world ablaze in orange light. The second thing he was aware of was Tryst’s absence at his side, her spent spelltag still laying on his arm. It was then that the rest of his senses came back to him, and he was suddenly aware of far too much, far too fast.
He could hear Tryst’s panicked voice from somewhere nearby, Azar’s commanding shouts sounding from ahead of him at the front of the cart. Roars in the distance, bellows of beasts that sent shivers down his spine.
He would recognize those horrid voices anywhere.
He scrambled to pull himself upright, grasping at the rough wooden sides of the cart to peer over them, eyes opened wide despite the glaring light of the setting sun. There, miles behind their little procession, he saw them. Those beasts of legend, those monsters of nightmares. Dread and fear flooded him at the sight of those three-headed beasts, blasts of golden light peppering the space around them as the Paladins undoubtedly attempted to rein them back in. He could do nothing but stare for many moments, frozen in place.
And then, as suddenly as it all started, the world seemed to catch back up again, and everything was moving fast. An indistinct shout from Tryst, a jolt of the cart, Azar speeding towards his fellow Paladins on his golden wings. The cart jolted again as it picked up pace, and Kirottu was thrown back into the bed of the cart, striking his head against the siding as he fell. He saw stars against the dying light of the sky, and then he saw nothing.
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Tagged by @therealhieronymous to answer 20 questions and tag 20, thanks!
Name: Rachel but I prefer Rae 😘
Pronouns: she/they or whatever you perceive me as
Zodiac: Aries 💜
Height: 5’ 5.5” (the half counts)
Time: 3:20p
Birthday: March 21st
Nationality: American (unfortunately)
Favorite band/group: Ghost, AFI, Waterparks, Bauhaus, Misfits
Favorite solo artist: David Bowie, Yungblud, Hozier
When you created your blog: August of 2013
Last thing you googled: Jason Mantzoukas
Other blogs: Nope
Why you chose your url: my best friend misread the sign for Fort Necessity as Fort McNasty. We then joked and said it was the Babadook’s last name and that they are not a one name entity. My friend then proceeded to convince me that it needed to be my new online name
How many people you're following: way too many people lmao some are probably dead blogs, now
How many followers you have: 🤷🏻♀️
Average hours of sleep: 6-6 1/2 is normal
Instruments: Piano for 21 years and guitar for about 15. Also learning the Kalimba
Lucky number: 13
Currently wearing: Grey shirt, red basketball shorts
Dream trip: I would love to go back and explore more of Ireland.
Favorite food: Sushi, lox with cream cheese
Favorite song: Of all time? I can’t choose...
Top 3 fictional universes to live in: Castlevania so hot vampires (and Trevor) know I exist, Star Wars because I want a real lightsaber to fuck things up with, and Labyrinth because I will be Jareth’s Goblin Queen.
Tagging some but if you want to do this, go for it.
@warcats-cat @bigtuna108 @born-in-chains-of-revolution @femme-fauxpas @barbika1508 and anyone else who just wants to do this
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Telos rubbed at her eyes. It had been another late night, and morning came terribly early in the Sunbeam Ruins.
The clan lay on the open plains just beyond the edge of the Mirrorlight Promenade. They had been a mountain clan, and deciding on shelter was a slow process made more difficult by a mistrust for artificial ceilings. So for now, they were content to sleep together in the open, protected only by a Night Watch and one of the special barriers previously utilized by the T Tuari Nursery and the Starwood Spa.
It could keep out the rain and even strong winds, but the light was another matter all together. They roused sluggishly in the early light. Some saw her watching over them and bowed their heads. Others scoffed or paid her no mind at all.
Another day of work for minimal thanks from a clan where a significant number only begrudgingly accepted her authority. And she would do it, their (admittedly warranted) petulance be damned. They were all that remained of her husband’s legacy, and she would care for them whether they liked her or not.
"My lady."
Telos tensed, but did her best to not appear rattled when so many eyes were on her.
"I do wish you wouldn't do that."
He melted out of the limited shadow. Even in a land so flat and full of light, he seemed just as capable of tricking others’ eyes into not seeing him.
"It will go better if you assume I'm always nearby."
She sighed, and walked into the heart of the Promenade, where she was conducting most of her official pseudo-governmental business these days. "What can I do for you, Smoke Gyre?"
"I have adopted an heir to my role."
Telos raised a brow at him. "And who authorized you to do that?"
The bit of fire in Telos’s eyes went out. "Is she still bedridden?"
"Yes. I cannot imagine the pain she is in. But she was of the mind that we needed another like me. One who serves you specifically."
"...Who do you serve, Smoke Gyre? I was never able to figure it out. Was it the progenitors? Was is Arcanus and Azricai?"
"I reported to them when necessary, but I was trained from birth to serve the clan and its allies. Which means I may sometimes act without your or anyone in this clan’s bidding or knowledge. It is my job to know what’s going on to the best of my ability and do what is sometimes questionable, and that means often it's best that as few people as possible know what I'm doing, and that regular dragon don’t really know me at all."
"And that's why nearly half the clan doesn't even know your real name?"
She tapped a claw thoughtfully against the marble walkway. “...Did you ever consider killing Opal?”
“I did.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“The killing of a dragon visiting our land as a dynasty-requested guest had consequences that required me to get authorization. Azricai and Arcanus ultimately still served that dynasty. They felt it would have been a gross overstepping of their boundaries to have me kill a dragon who, at the time, had done nothing.”
“So you do have rules that you follow.”
“Yes, my lady.”
"Who can I talk to about those rules, Actias? Aside from Azricai, I want her to rest. Everyone I trust trusts you, but I don't know enough about you or how you operate to extend you the same. You’re like a warcat I was gifted but nobody ever bothered to tell me which commands you know."
He smiled. "If I may, my queen. Make retrieving that information your new servant's first task." He stood aside, and a coatl materialized out of his shadow.
"This is Bestealcian. Working title: Umbra Wolf. She is to be your personal agent, and will do anything I would, but only specifically for Clan Aphaster."
Telos leaned down, scrutinizing the hooded figure. Finally she shook her head. "No, this won’t do. If she is going to be my personal agent, I don't want her to be so...secretive looking. Remove the hood. Give her an item no one else in the clan has, something unmissable. I want her face and appearance to be known. So that when she is seen, those being watched know that Clan Aphaster is watching."
"With all due respect, secrecy is half the job."
"Yes," Telos said patiently. "But your occupations are functionally identical, so I imagine that subterfuge and misdirection are the other half. Only who you answer to is different, so you should have synergy. And if our potential enemies are busy watching for signs of an Umbra Wolf, they will be slow to notice a Smoke Gyre closing in."
In the silence, Bestealcian attempted to disguise a laugh as a sneeze, which then dissipated into several tiny wheezes. She dropped her hood and looked up at Telos with sharp but warm eyes. "You made it sound like this might be a clumsy start, Smoke Gyre. But she's a savvy one, I like her."
"A local..." said Telos, seeing her golden eyes. "Do you know everything? About what's happened? About me?"
"I have been briefed yes." The coatl bowed. "I offer both my condolences and my service. I know there is much to be done, but I accept you as queen and master.” She grinned. “If you don’t mind having another warcat to care for."
"I get to be the one who dictates your commands, so it will be nowhere near as baffling as trying to figure out Actias has been. Rise. If the Lightweaver accepts our offerings, I will give this clan its proper naming ceremony and become its proper queen. And I will have you. Welcome, Bestealcian."
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