#warbreaker spoilers
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cosmerelists · 5 months ago
Top 10 Cosmere Fake-Outs: Ranked by How Well they Fooled Me
By "fake-outs," I mean times when the narrative tried to convince me that something had happened or was true (for example: this character is DEAD!) when in fact it was all a lie.
Specifically: Major spoilers for Warbreaker, Stormlight Archives, Mistborn Eras 1 and 2, and Yumi & the Nightmare Painter. I won't put character names in the titles of the entries, but if you haven't read all of those listed works, please move on!
#10: A Words of Radiance Death
In Words of Radiance, Jasnah is attacked by assassins while on board a ship with Shallan. Shallan sees Jasnah's lifeless body being stabbed, and then the ship literally goes down in flames. Jasnah has certainly died!
Yeah...I didn't buy it for even one second, to be honest. I was twiddling my thumbs waiting for the reveal that Jasnah had actually survived, because of course she did. (This is not a complaint!)
#9: A Secret Project Death
At the end of Yumi and the Nightmare Painter, Yumi dies, and it's a real fake-out. Sanderson goes so far as to have a secret, extra epilogue that isn't in the table of contents where her death is reversed. I wasn't quite as sure while reading that Yumi would survive--at least, not as sure as I was when Jasnah "died." But I was pretty sure. 
#8: A Mistborn Era 1 Death
Specifically: Kelsier. When Kelsier dies at the end of Book 1 (!), I was shocked...and suspicious. Would Sanderson really kill off a character like Kelsier in Book 1??? Well, as it turns out...yes. But also no. Because Kelsier clings to "life" as a Cognitive Shadow and is still off doing things in future books. So I still count this one as a fake-out!
#7: Another Mistborn Era 1 Death
Another character who "dies" in Mistborn Era 1 is Marsh, Kelsier's brother. They find what they think is his completely obliterated body and are like "oh no." Of course, any time there is a completely obliterated body, we as readers will be suspicious: if it's really Marsh, why no face? But I actually wasn't too very suspicious of this one because Marsh felt like a character who could die, narratively speaking. I didn't, like, drop my book out of shock when he turned back up, but I was more surprised than I had been with the others.
#6: Just An Innocent Old Man in Way of Kings
This is referring to Taravangian, who in Way of Kings is presented as a dottering old man who's well-meaning but not too bright. I'm not going to lie, I bought this one hook, line, and sinker. The villain reveal for Taravangian did take me almost completely by surprise! The impact was only lessened insofar as I wasn't that interested in Taravangian pre-reveal, so I didn't feel, like, betrayed or anything.
#5: Nice Guys in Warbreaker
I 100% believed that Denth and Tonk Fah worked for Lemex, were relatively sad about his totally natural death, and were sincerely working for Vivenna afterwards. This is in spite of the fact that the narrative was not at all shy about dropping hints that this was not true. There's the fact that we're told people with tons of breaths are strong & healthy...yet I was like, "Yeah, makes sense that Lemex died of natural causes." We see Vasher position himself against Vivenna and company, and yet I was like, "Vasher probably has his reasons but it's not like Vivenna and company are doing bad things." This one was a shock especially because I liked Denth & Tonk Fah! 
#4: Dalinar and Amaram are BFFs forever
This one runs the risk of being more of a plot twist than a fake-out...but hear me out. We're led to believe that Dalinar has finished investigating Amaram and has decided not to believe Kaladin; he and Amaram are BFFs forever and ever. Then there's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment when Dalinar is "out sick" for a week, but I for one thought nothing of that. Then it turns out that Dalinar was in fact laying a trap for Amaram, which Amaram waltzed right into, and Dalinar finally learned the truth. So I think it counts as a fake-out: I was certainly very surprised when Dalinar called Kaladin up "for an apology" and it turned out to be Amaram who needed to apologize. 
#3: Jasnah's Soulcaster
Shallan's whole plot line in Way of Kings is centered around her trying to steal Jasnah's very real and functional Soulcaster by swapping it for Shallan's broken one. Personally, it did not occur to me for even a second that Jasnah's Soulcaster also didn't work and was also a fake, so Shallan simply swapped one fake for another. In part, this was because I did not understand how any of the magic worked on Roshar at this point. But still. It definitely fooled me good.
#2: A Mistborn Era 2 Death
I will admit, it never even entered into the realm of possibility for me that Wax's old wife, Lessie, wasn't dead. We watched her die in the flashback. She was buried. She felt like just one of those fridged women and I had not even a shred of doubt that her death actually happened. I was so sure that when Bleeder literally reverted into Lessie's form and voice, I just assumed she had eaten Lessie's bones. This one really, REALLY shocked me.
#1: Mistborn Era 1: Follow the Ancient Text
But even so, I think the fake-out that most shocked me was the one at the end of Well of Ascension. Vin knew, per the very accurate ancient writings left behind by Kwaan, that she had to resist the power offered by the Well and give it up--even if that meant letting someone she loved die. This felt like such a classic climax and source of tension, that I was just waiting with baited breath hoping that Vin would give up the power. And she did. And it was a mistake. Because it turns out that if you copy down Kwaan's words--which were inscribed in metal so that they could not be altered--on to paper, then Ruin's gonna alter them and you can't trust the ancient prophecy after all. In following the "prophecy" at great personal cost, Vin was just doing what Ruin wanted anyway.
I'm still not over this one. 
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kaladinstormblessed09 · 10 months ago
There are people who don’t like warbreaker 😩. How? Why? It’s one of my favourite cosmere books! I understand it’s a bit slow but the set up is so so worth it for the amazing payoff at the end! And it’s just so so good on a reread. Knowing what you know of denth and Tonk fah. Of Lightsong and Llarimar! It’s just a wonderful book and I get sad when people don’t like it or find it boring.
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duckngk · 1 month ago
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they are toxic old man yaoi to me
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hauntedfarfalle · 6 months ago
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humanfox030 · 6 months ago
No context Warbreaker Hoid spoiler
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tenebris-lux · 3 months ago
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- chapter 102, Oathbringer
We’ve seen this painting before, I’m pretty sure. In Warbreaker.
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- chapter 26, Warbreaker
Kaladin, though invested, is not of the Third Heightening, which grants Perfect Color Recognition. To him, the grey looks white.
This is what the spren selling the painting has to say about it:
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The original title might be lost, but I’m pretty sure that’s the same one. It came from the Court of Gods, where Lightsong lived, and he chose to keep it instead of burning it. Also, something peculiar about the painting when he talks to Llarimar about it:
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It is possible that it’s a second painting from the Court of Gods with the same color combo, but I doubt it.
I’d like to know more about this Nenefra.
Also—red, black and white could be associated with the Parshendi and/or the Voidbringers while it’s on Roshar.
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l3st1b0urn3s-707 · 9 months ago
Ok, Vasher is the softest grumpy man in the history of the Cosmere and I love it!! He saved that little girl and was so mad with her kidnappers (which almost ended his life, bacuase the anger made him loose control on Nightblood) and then he CRYED for the little girl and the situation she had to endure. And he also has a soft spot for Vivenna, I know he really cares about her and wants to protect her. But it's fun to see the contrast of his usual "I don't care about anything/ anyone" mood and this really cute aspect of his personality. He's surprisingly become one of my favourite cosmere characters!
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protectionsquad24601 · 1 year ago
Branderson's decision to make the God King a babygirl is so valid
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marvelousmagicalaura · 4 months ago
I thought its power to read minds was weird. I thought its power to compel people to murder and kill themselves was terrifying. The power to hear thoughts is so strange. But I was so, so, so wrong before. I was horribly wrong. Everything was tame before this!!!
So I say again… as a rhetorical question
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thedarkspiresofkredikshaw · 5 months ago
warbreaker spoilers.
i know i’m reading this like so slow, but my god. the slow burn. lightsong just gave his breath to the god king, which i assume means he’s dead. r i fucking p. i will miss u so much you joyous bastard
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drifting-knightjar · 10 months ago
"average Nalthian is a famous historical figure" factoid actualy just statistical error. average Nalthian is unremarkable. Legends Vasher, who wanders the world & is the story behind every historical figure from Nalthian history at once, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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knightsgaydiant · 2 years ago
Why does no one talk about how Vasher killed Denth with an orgasm? Like it’s basically just that scene from Scott Pilgrim.
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karlathewitch · 2 months ago
Cosmere meme dump
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kainekron · 2 years ago
i don't know where this came from but there was some discussion somewhere about Warbreaker being adapted into a musical and people were talking about what kind of songs we'd have and one of them was Denth and Tonk Fah having a song called "Mercenary Humor" that would be like an upbeat intro to the two about would have an evil reprise during the reveal and though i lake any talent for music my brain still tries to idk honestly just keeps going
"It's just some mercenary humor, just a little joke, we play to the stigma..." and then it trails off
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hauntedfarfalle · 6 months ago
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also Vasher:
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humanfox030 · 6 months ago
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"Ah. Her Majesty wishes one of the deep stories, from long before. A story before time began?"
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