#war woman invincible
mishibashimori · 2 years
Two Of Us || Cecil Stedman x Reader || Chapter 5
Synopsis: You are an alien who crash landed onto Earth. You have no name, and no more home to go back to. The Guardians of the Globe have rescued you and brought you to get intensive care under the great Cecil Stedman. In helping out your new home, Earth, will you develop a relationship with the coldest man you know?
General Info: AFAB Gender Neutral Reader, Cecil is Younger in the Beginning and it Will Lead to Current Events, Reader is a Bubbly Optimist, Reader Description is Intentionally Vague so You can Imagine the Alien Species They Are However You’d Like
TW: Verbal and Physical Past Abuse, Failed Pregnancy Mentions, Depression, Self Depreciation, Eventual Sexual Content.
It had been a few days since you and Cecil had your drunken night. It wasn’t intentional that you hadn’t spoken since then, at least not on your end, but it grew worrisome in your mind. You learned Cecil wasn’t the most fluent in conveying— well, anything he was thinking, in the six months you’ve known him. Whether he did it on purpose or not you really hadn’t figured out yet. But that night was the most genuine you’d ever seen him. You’d be lying if you said it hadn’t been on your mind, and that it definitely did not give you a giddy feeling. Yet it seemed that something changed that night as well, and not for the better. Regardless, you decided to settle your troublesome torrent of thoughts this morning.
After walking around for a bit longer than you’d like to admit, you finally found the cafeteria in this maze of a place and grabbed a dozen donuts. You weren’t entirely sure what flavor he liked- they all seemed so good- so you just got as much as you could. On your wander you had even stopped by to check on Alana. She was still unconscious but doing much better after your help. Holly had been there, too. After giving her your regards, you set off again.
Finally, you spotted Cecil. It had taken a few questions to lingering agents in the halls about his whereabouts, but you found him. He was standing in the middle of a room full of people on computers, his hands in his pockets and his posture tall, commanding. His back was turned to you as he busily gave orders, so you decided to hang back and wait. Taking a seat, you set the box of donuts on the table in front of you and turned to an agent busily typing away.
“Hello.” You greeted, giving a smile.
The agent, a young man of maybe nineteen, gave a startled noise and turned to you for a brief moment. “Oh, hello. Um, did you need something?”
“Not particularly,” you cocked your head, “just wanted to say hello.”
The man gave you an inquisitive look behind his sunglasses but responded politely. “Oh, well, my name is Donald. Nice to meet you.”
Before you could respond, you sensed a presence walking up to your other side. Turning, you were met with the steely blue eyes of Cecil. Your happy expression immediately faltered at the look on his face.
“Can I talk to you in private?” He asked lowly, throwing a warning glance at Donald. Immediately taking the hint, Donald spun back around and busied himself once more.
“Of course.” You grabbed the box of donuts and followed Cecil out of the room. An uncomfortable squirm in your stomach grew as he took you a good few feet away from the door and turned to face you.
“I can’t be irresponsible anymore,” he started, emotion void in his voice. “From now on, you and I will remain professional. We aren't friends, and we don’t have a relationship other than being colleagues.” The expression on your face must’ve been absolutely miserable, because Cecil’s own face shifted quickly to something painful for a brief moment before he steeled himself again.
“Why?” You asked, your voice wavering a bit.
Cecil took a deep breath before responding. “This job is dangerous, and time consuming. I can’t let emotions cloud my judgment on anything. I got too involved with you.” There was a long silence that followed his words as you took them in. Cecil drew himself up, seemingly steadfast in his belief as he squared his shoulders. You bowed your head.
“I see.” Without further prompting, you gently set the box of donuts into his hands and gave a small nod. Grief grew like gnarled vines in your chest, making your throat tight. It took everything in you to choke out words. “Thank you for all you’ve done. I’ll leave you be.”
Cecil looked almost shocked, as if he didn’t expect you to react so amiably, though he recovered quickly. “I hope you understand that this is for the best.” He said softly. His tone and face were as cold and emotionless as ever, almost how it was when you had first met him. You just simply walked away, numbly gazing at the floor. Something in you was screaming to look back, but you fought it. Cecil had been transparent and firm on his word, there was no reason to challenge him.
It wasn’t clear where you were planning to go, so you just resided yourself to wander once more around the halls of the GDA. Eventually your feet led you to the hospital wing of the building. Mustering up what little optimism was left in you today, you made your way to Alana’s room. Upon entering you found Holly sat beside your friend, gently stroking her forehead. “Hey Holly.”
Holly jerked her head up, obviously startled by your sudden presence. “Oh, it’s just you.” She sounded relieved. “Hello.” She gestured to a chair on the opposite side of Alana’s hospital bed where you took a seat. “How’re you this morning? Your body feeling better?”
“My body?” You echoed, momentarily confused. Realization slowly crept back to you. How could you have forgotten the accident that landed you here in the first place? Your mind was really roaming away from you. “Oh, yes. It’s doing much better. I feel a lot stronger.”
Holly gazed at you for a while in silence. “How’s your mind? You seem out of it.”
“I’m okay.” You responded almost immediately. The events were still pretty fresh in your mind, having happened only a short time ago. Your brain was still reeling from the emotions you felt. It would be hard to put them into words.
“You can talk to me, if you’d want to.” Holly prompted gently.
Your eyes lingered on Alana, still unconscious in her hospital bed. “You have more than enough to deal with at the moment. I’ll be okay.” There was another long lapse into silence as you both sat. The beeping and whir of medical machines was the only noise, and you slowly relaxed into your chair at the rhythmic sound. Letting your mind wander, your gaze traveled around the room in an almost dazed state until it somehow landed on your wrist. The teleportation device was still strapped onto it. “Hey Holly, how long have you known Cecil?”
“Ah,” she gave a slight chuckle, “so that’s what’s wrong.”
A flush of embarrassment hit your cheeks, “what does that mean?” The words came out a little louder than you meant them to.
“We could all see you two getting close. He seems to care for you a great deal. And you always had that love-struck puppy look in your eyes.” She gazed down at Alana fondly, as if remembering something. “I look at Alana the same way.” Then she turned to you, a bit more of a somber expression on her face. “But he’s a closed off man. You have to be, if you do what he does. I can only guess he’s made that apparent to you.”
“He has.” You said meekly. “I respect his decision, however much I’d like it to be different.”
“Cecil has a lot of responsibility. He protects a great many people. To be that much of an omniscient force, you can’t let your judgment get clouded.” As Holly spoke, you bowed your head. You knew what she was saying was true, but it didn’t make it hurt less. “But,” she began again, “when you care for someone, it doesn’t just go away. He may not have a choice whether to let you go or not.”
You looked at her, puzzled. “What do you mean?”
Holly sat up straight, her eyes clear and intense. Her words were passionate as she spoke. “The Guardians of the Globe have a similar responsibility in protecting the city. We are in constant danger.” She gave a sad glance towards Alana. “When I fell in love with Alana, I tried my best to ignore it. Situations like this are unpredictable. Any one of us could die any day.” She looked back to you, now holding your gaze steadily. “But I realized that I was going to love her either way. If we were together, or if we decided to distance ourselves, it didn’t matter. I would rather fight alongside her knowing that we shared memories and love, than to have her die and not of shared anything.”
“That’s beautiful.” You responded, smiling softly.
Holly wiped a stray tear from her eye before continuing, “I know it might be a little too early for love between you and Cecil. But if you want your relationship to grow, and he does as well, there’s nothing that should stop you.” She reached her hand towards you, and you grasped it gently. “Give him time. He’s a stuffy government agent with a lot on his mind. Let him come to terms with whatever he may be feeling. Your emotions should be taken into account too. I know it’s hard but, well, you didn’t exactly choose the easiest man to fall for.”
You gave a laugh at that, and Holly smiled at you. “Thank you. I’ll think on it.” You rose to your feet. “Will you be alright here on your own? I could grab you something to eat if you’d like.”
“I’ll be alright.” Holly responded, giving your hand a squeeze before letting go. “Go get your mind off of things.”
With a goodbye you headed off, your optimism reignited. Perhaps it wasn’t all too bad. You didn’t plan on stomping on Cecil’s wishes, but you wanted to give one last chance to rekindle your relationship. Feeling invigorated, you decided to stop by the Guardian’s training grounds.
Rounding up on the entrance, you sprinted through, feeling your muscles work wonderfully under your skin. After being confined in the hospital for so long, it felt good to stretch your endurance. You hadn’t had the chance to in a while. The training grounds opened into a wide, long space of pure white. A few pieces of exercise equipment were lined up neatly against the walls, but for the most part it was an empty room with an opportunity to test your abilities.
Like a firecracker you whistled through the perimeter of the room, occasionally taking bounds and leaps for fun. Your heart was pumping, the adrenaline of joy spurring you on. It wasn’t until you saw Josef and Immortal standing at the entrance that you screeched to a halt. The pair exchanged looks with each other along with money.
“What’s that about?” You panted, gesturing towards the twenty dollar bill in Josef’s hand.
“We made a bet that your species would get ‘zoomies’ when you were happy.” Immortal replied, an amused expression on his face.
“It’s more common than you think. Even I get them.” Josef added, shoving the money in his pocket.
“You’re the Red Rush, you always have them.” Immortal jeered, playfully jabbing Josef with his elbow. He turned his attention back to you. “So, what’s got you so excited?”
“Did Cecil finally confess his feelings for you, zabavnaya veshch’?” Josef waggled his eyebrows at you. You gave him a sour expression, and he immediately reeled back. “What, really? Was only a joke.”
“No, not exactly,” you responded, still out of breath, “it’s complicated.”
Immortal leaned back, a thoughtful look on his face. “We knew you two were getting close but— Cecil? Really? That man has feelings?” He gave a hearty laugh. “It’s not that we think you’re hard to like but Cecil is- well, Cecil. We only joked about romance between you two. Didn’t think it was actually real.”
“Well I don’t know, like I said, it's complicated.” You gave him an exasperated sigh.
“What are you guys, high schoolers?” A new voice piped up behind the pair of superheros. You lean up on your tiptoes, peering over their heads to see Darkwing strolling up. “Gossiping about crushes.”
“You’re just mad because you can’t get a boyfriend.” Josef chided him as he walked by. “Adults are allowed to indulge in romance gossip every now and then. Not everyone has to brood.” The only response he got from Darkwing was an annoyed snort.
Laughter broke out down the hall as a few more of the Guardians walked up. Samson was at the head of it. “Never argue with Josef, Darkwing, you know that.” As the rest of the Guardians behind him dispersed into the room, he rounded up to your side with an excited look. “Are we gossiping?”
You laughed and nudged him playfully before looking around, confused. “What are you all doing here?”
“It’s training day.” Immortal put in, breaking away from your group and starting to stretch. “Wanna join?”
“Yeah, we can show you some cool moves from the big leagues.” Samson struck a few comically manly poses, which earned a chuckle from you.
“That sounds—“ you began to say, before you were cut off.
“No.” You turned to meet Cecil’s steely face. His long, blond hair was tussled, and you hadn’t noticed it this morning but he looked a mess. Purple bags clung under his eyes, and his tie was loose and wrinkled.
You gave a confused look. “Why not?”
“These are professionally trained superheroes under my jurisdiction. You could get seriously hurt.”
“Well,” you start, crossing your arms and holding yourself up straight, “I have to make a decision, right? Of what I want to do on Earth, by the end of the year.”
Cecil’s eyes narrowed. “…yes.”
“And one of those decisions was joining the Guardians of the Globe.” You continued. “Let me see if I can keep up. I don’t think I’m as fragile as you think.”
He regarded you with a look of absolute annoyance, but what you said was true. With obvious reluctance he gave you a nod. “Fine. Just be careful.”
Josef gave a snarky chuckle, “big bad Cecil taken down by the rookie.”
Cecil threw him a smoldering glare. Josef using the nickname he gave you really seemed to strike a cord with him. “Remember who gives you your paycheck.” With that he turned and walked down the hall, later reappearing in a room overlooking the training grounds through a glass window. His voice crackled back to life over an intercom. “Alright, let’s get started.”
I try to be as accurate as possible to the source material for this fan fiction, but at times I’ll get it wrong. The timelines for the Guardians of the Globe as well as Cecil are not as accurate as they should be but for the sake of wanting to have all the characters in here I fudged it. Just know that I understand not everything is accurate but let’s just try to have a good time regardless!
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crismakesstuff · 1 year
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thinking of invincible today since it’s one month until season 2
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comicwaren · 2 months
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This week on Marvel Comics (17th July 2024):
Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt #003 (Finale)
Blood Hunters #004 (Finale)
Daredevil: Woman Without Fear Vol. 2 #001 (NEW!)
Dracula: Blood Hunt #003 (Finale)
Immortal Thor Annual #001 (One-shot)
Incredible Hulk Vol. 4 #014
Invincible Iron Man Vol. 5 #020 (Finale)
Namor Vol. 2 #001 (NEW!)
Phoenix #001 (NEW!)
Scarlet Witch Vol. 4 #002
Spectacular Spider-Men #005
Spider-Woman Vol. 8 #009
Star Wars Vol. 3 #048
Ultimate X-Men Vol. 2 #005
X-Men: Blood Hunt - Laura Kinney the Wolverine #001 (One-shot)
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kittymeowmrow · 4 months
“You have a lot to learn about men” “no interest” I KNOW WHAT YOU AARRREEEE
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flipjack · 1 year
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Invincible Season 2 November 3!
There's a special episode Atom Eve origin story out now. Gillian Jacobs isn't in it, but Lauren Cohan and Tatiana Maslany are!
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War Woman in Invincible
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sithvampiremaster27 · 7 months
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March of the Other Guys II 07: War Woman
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mandareeboo · 1 year
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So this has really been Nolan's main job during his vaca on Earth? Kick some asses, occasionally stop falling debris before it's too late, and just generally be background noise? He just kept himself lowkey until it was time to go ham?
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wonderbutch · 10 months
war woman would beat wonder woman because she gets to be in a canon on-page lesbian relationship
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hotpinkrathian · 1 month
10 Posts 10 Fandoms
Rules: write your top character from ten different fandoms and tag 10 people to do the same.
Thank you so much to @watercaressesearth for the tag! Let's go
1. Avatar the Last Airbender/ Legend of Korra: Lin Beifong <3
2. House of the Dragon: Rhaenys Targaryen
3. Elden Ring: Malenia
4. She-ra Princesses of Power: Entrapta
5. MCU: Wanda Maximoff
6. Star Wars: Ahsoka Tano
7. X-men 97: Rogue
8. The Boys: Queen Maeve
9. Invincible: Deborah Greyson
10. Overwatch: Ashe Caledonia
Hehe I mixed in some videogame fandoms because I have been feeling them a lot more than tv shows or movies lately.
My ten tags are
@kyasohot @cassiopeiasara @danbeifong @strongfemaleheroes @kyaslins @muchos-michis-chikis @1hellofacookie @xdiana97x @orangepeelsandsoup @beifongswh0re
No pressure to my tags... but I would love to see some of your top characters!
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mishibashimori · 2 years
Two Of Us || Cecil Stedman x Reader || Chapter 4
Synopsis: You are an alien who crash landed onto Earth. You have no name, and no more home to go back to. The Guardians of the Globe have rescued you and brought you to get intensive care under the great Cecil Stedman. In helping out your new home, Earth, will you develop a relationship with the coldest man you know?
General Info: AFAB Gender Neutral Reader, Cecil is Younger in the Beginning and it Will Lead to Current Events, Reader is a Bubbly Optimist, Reader Description is Intentionally Vague so You can Imagine the Alien Species They Are However You’d Like
TW: Verbal and Physical Past Abuse, Failed Pregnancy Mentions, Depression, Self Depreciation, Eventual Sexual Content.
“You were right Cecil,” you mumbled over a bite of ice cream, “this stuff is amazing.”
“Told you.” He chuckled, dumping more into his bowl. After getting patched up, Cecil had made good on his promise to have some well deserved ice cream with you. The gash across your chest still stung to high heavens, but it felt much better now that it was given proper medical attention. It was hardly on your mind though, as you shoved another scoop of ice cream in your mouth.
“On my planet all we had were vegetables, grown from large gardens.” You took your spoon from your mouth and pointed it at Cecil. “You have made my day revolutionary, Cecil Stedman.”
“That sounds like hell. I’m a sucker for sweets.” He reached over to a bottle of scotch he brought as well, popping off the top and filling his glass. “Sweets and alcohol.”
“Alcohol I’m definitely familiar with,” you grabbed the bottle as he offered it to you, pouring your own glass. “I’d bet there’s not an inhabited planet in our solar system that doesn’t have alcohol.”
“How much are you willing to put on that?” Cecil leaned forward, a smirk on his face. You tapped a finger on your chin, pretending to be in deep thought. Suddenly, a drunken idea popped into your head.
“You know that thing you can do where you disappear in lightning? Can you teach me to do that?”
Cecil laughed, clearly a bit tipsy. “You mean my teleporter? Yeah I can teach you. It’s just this device on my wrist.” He held out his hand to show you. “You get one destination to teleport to, deal?”
“Deal!” You bounced in your chair a bit, leaning forward so that you and him were dramatically face to face. “What do you want?”
“You do my paperwork for a week.” He took a swig of his scotch. “If I have to fill out one more form, I might just explode myself.” Both of you erupted into drunken chortles.
“Okay, deal.” You said determinedly, a laugh still in your voice. Before you respond further, you swig your entire glass of scotch. “I can’t promise I’ll do it right but I’ll try.” You began to stand, then paused. “But, wait, how are we gonna figure this out?”
Cecil leaned back in his chair, gesturing to himself grandly. “You happen to be talking to the director of the GDA, my alien friend.” You quirked your eyebrow at him, acting unimpressed.
“Meaning?” You prompted.
Cecil stood and gestured for you to follow. The two of you slipped out the door of your home and almost comically slunk down the dark and quiet halls of the GDA building. In your slightly drunk state, your coordination was more than a bit slow to say the least, as was your companion’s. The result of this hilarious conundrum is you two relentlessly giggling and bumping into each other as you finally close in on the room Cecil was leading you to.
He turned the knob to the door, opening it and motioning for you to go first. As you did, the lights flicked on and the room blazed with computer screens. “Ouch! That’s bright.” As your eyes slowly adjusted to the brightness, you saw Cecil wobble over to a particular computer and start typing. Even drunk, he still had that stern and focused expression as he scanned the monitor.
“You know what I just realized?” Cecil spoke suddenly, startling you. Embarrassingly, you admit to yourself that you’d been staring.
“What?” You respond, making your way to him and leaning over his shoulder to look at the screen.
“You don’t have a name.” He glanced towards you.
“You knew that.” You laugh, wondering where he was going with this.
“Yeah but— we haven’t been calling you a name. For like, six months.” It was weird hearing him speak so relaxedly. Usually he was composed, formal. You couldn’t help but smile.
“Do you have any suggestions?” You ask, trying to keep your eyes on the computer. The buzz of alcohol in your mind and the warmth of Cecil next to you was making it hard to concentrate.
“I do,” he stated matter of factly, “Rookie.”
Your mind hazily contemplated the name. It was short and fun to say. “I like it. Does it have a meaning?”
“Yeah, it means like a— a new recruit.” He laughed, obviously pleased with himself. “Thought it was pretty fitting.” Suddenly the monitor flashed to a new screen, and a list of strange names with pictures of planets popped up. “Aha!” Cecil exclaimed, swiveling in the computer chair to give you a better view.
“Okay, let’s see here.” You squeezed in next to Cecil and leaned over to grab the mouse, scrolling down and scanning the screen. “Inhabited: Contains Alcohol. Inhabited: Contains Alcohol.” You read off description after description of the planets aloud. Quirking your head, you glance at Cecil. “Why do you have this information anyway?”
Cecil gave a shrug and a sloppy smile, “we’re the government, s’our job to know.” You snorted in amusement and put your foot on the seat of his computer chair, shoving him back a few inches. “Hey!” He exclaimed with a chuckle, slumping into the backrest.
“Well according to the data on the screen mister president of the GDA, I won the bet.” You crossed your arms over your chest triumphantly, waggling your eyebrows at him.
“Yeah, yeah.” He waved his hand dismissively at you as he stood. Walking over, he unclasped the teleportation device around his wrist and fastened it onto yours. His hands lingered on yours for a moment longer than necessary before he put them in his pockets. “I haven’t had fun like this in years.” He murmured, almost to himself. “Getting drunk and sneaking around headquarters… Something I thought I’d never do, but here I am having a nice evening for the first time in a long while.” He glanced up, meeting your curious gaze. “All because of you.”
You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol or his words, but your face flushed. Words failed to come to your drunken brain as you just looked at each other for a few moments in silence. Eventually Cecil cleared his throat, rubbing his neck bashfully. “Anyway,” he stated, walking over and shutting the computers down, “we should get some rest.” He opened the door for you once more, and you shuffled through.
The walk to your room was in comfortable silence, though butterflies fluttered in your chest. You wanted to say that you enjoyed his time just as much, that you wish you could be closer to him, but it just seemed to shrivel on your tongue. Somehow, you thought, it seemed he already knew your sentiments, even if you couldn’t voice them at the moment. You’d told him enough times before, it certainly hadn’t changed now.
As the two of you finally reached your door, you turned to Cecil, a big smile on your face. “Goodnight Cecil. This was fun.”
As he looked at you, you noticed his eyes were glazed over with tiredness and booze. There was a good chance he wouldn’t remember a lot of this tomorrow. “Night, Rookie.” With a wobbly turn on his heel, he set off down the dark hallways as you turned to enter your home.
Throwing yourself in your bed, you floundered in the soft, plush blankets to get some semblance of them over your body. Settling on your mediocre job of blanket coverage, it didn’t take long for you to slip into a deep, drunken doze.
I try to be as accurate as possible to the source material for this fan fiction, but at times I’ll get it wrong. The timelines for the Guardians of the Globe as well as Cecil are not as accurate as they should be but for the sake of wanting to have all the characters in here I fudged it. Just know that I understand not everything is accurate but let’s just try to have a good time regardless!
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lucaslightbulb · 2 months
i love that invincible is just full of knock offs
like knock off batman? darkwing.
knock off wonder woman? war woman.
knock off new york? chicago!
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comicwaren · 3 months
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This week on Marvel Comics (19th June 2024):
Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 6 #052
Black Panther: Blood Hunt #002
Captain America Vol. 11 #010
Captain Marvel Vol. 11 #009
Doctor Strange Vol. 6 #016
Dracula: Blood Hunt #002
Immortal Thor #012
Invincible Iron Man Vol. 5 #019
Sensational She-Hulk Vol. 2 #009
Spider-Woman Vol. 8 #008
Star Wars: Jango Fett #004 (Finale)
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3 #006
Venomverse Reborn #001 (NEW!)
Wolverine: Blood Hunt #002
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Invincible #7
War Woman Sequence, Guardians of the Globe
31 December 2003
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bifairywife · 11 months
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(ready to read at Ao3) of burnt candles and bruised hearts
Relationships: Mark Grayson & Debbie Grayson, Mark Grayson & Nolan Grayson, Mark Grayson & The Guardians of the Globe
Minor Mentions of: Amber, Eve, William, and my OC
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
The four birthdays Mark will always remember. And one he wishes he could forget.
Side note: If you hc that the prev gotg members were mark's aunts and uncles, do i have the fic for you ;3
Author’s highlight (author’s favorite part/ part they liked writing the most or found most entertaining):
Third to greet him was the War Woman. Now with her, Mark gawked in admiration. He only recognized her after she put her glasses on and it clicked in Mark who she was. So used to seeing her in business attire almost every time he interacted with her, it was a whole new light seeing the tall woman in armor. When Holly taught him how to braid hair and allowed him to practice on her, he had an eerie feeling that she reminded him of someone popular, and now, he understands why. A woman in a grey dress and black blazer next to Holly approached them. Holly introduced the woman to Mark as her wife, Connie. Connie teased Mark as she playfully pinched his cheek, “Welcome to the inner circle.”
Unable to wait any longer, before Holly could lend Mark her mace, Red Rush speeded to them. Mark can recognize his Uncle Josef’s voice anywhere. The birthday boy grinned at the speedster clad in crimson, pointing out that his red shades were cool. Josef laughed at his nephew’s sudden bashfulness now that he knew about his aunts and uncles’ hero identities.
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adidegmez · 2 months
invincible s1&2 spoilers
i'm starting to watch invincible for the first time and i wanted to write here.
i like the art style. and i thought episodes would be 20 minutes or something this is so much better.
s1 spoilers
s1 ep1(it's about time)
wow. ep was good i liked mark. but the end wow! i didnt see that coming. I saw Omni Man doing bad things before watching the series, but I didn't think it would happen this early. I liked the guardians. Why did he kill them?
s1 ep2(here goes nothing)
i like teen team. and eve. is omni-man lying? i think so. or did something else really happen? i think omni-man wants earth just for himself. and I didn't expect this much blood, at least not this early.
s1 ep3(who you calling ugly?)
guardians of the globe look a lot like the Justice League. mark would probably be better with eve. she'll understand him. but i like amber too. robot!? why?
s1 ep4(neil armstrong, eat your heart out)
yes, something is wrong with nolan. he is not truly a hero. If Superman or Spider-Man were in his place, they wouldn't be able to just stand by while the city is under attack. omni-man scares me. i dont know what comes next.
s1 ep5(that actually hurt)
omni-man let his son die. well, he is not dead but still he didnt save him. What was he thinking? i thought heroes were dead. im glad theyre still alive. and titan! He fooled invinvible.
s1 ep6(you look kinda dead)
its nice to see mark smile. i hope it can last, probably wont but still. whats robot doing? im glad william learned about invincible but amber should learn too. i really dont understand why omni-man killed the guardians. whats with the white house guy and his son we'll see i guess. eve is happy thats nice but mark… heroes cant have a normal relationship i guess.
s1 ep7(we need to talk)
I don't understand why omni-man killed the guardians. I can not understand. Why did he do it?
s1 ep8(where i really come from)
i thought Nolan was lying about his planet and its people. But judging by the name of this episode, Omni-Man may not be from Viltrum. we'll see. I liked that the logo became more bloody as the story progressed. Where is the invading alien? I think we will see it in season 2. this was so good. there are so much things to see in s2. i love mark. he changed his father and maybe in the future omni-man would help save the World because of his son. No one who knew Nolan believed he could do such a thing.
s2 spoilers
s2 ep1(a lesson for your next life)
This must be a different universe or another timeline or a dream. Mark doesn't do this. Someone must be controlling his mind. wasn't donald dead? it was a different dimension. and a villain is born. Mark already has a lot to take care of. now this!
s2 ep2(in about six hours i lose my virginity to a fish)
I hope mark and amber can make it work. The logo is starting to return to its old self. Does this indicate that things will get better? But this can't be, there are so many things, I don't know how it will turn into good?
s2 ep3(this missive, this machination!)
why? Why do they give up what they love for other people? I don't understand. In the TV series or movies I watch, most of the time, nerds compromise on the things they love to be normal. But I love them the way they are and I think they need to find nerds like themselves and live without compromising what they love. i dont know i just feel bad for the collection😅. who tells the story? i like allen. How is he still alive? I knew something was wrong with Thaedus. is allen dead now? seeing debbie, listening her stories makes me sad. nolan was a good dad and a good husband. and now he is gone. amber understands mark this is good. William helps mark. mark has amber eve William and debbie has no one. omni-man! i didnt think he would be back this early.
s2 ep4(it's been a while)
Nolan confuses me. I think he really liked Debbie and Mark. imo he is confused too. Debbie changed him. Maybe it would have been different if he wasn't a Viltrumite. He saved the aliens. He was doing heroism for his duty on Earth, but he didn't have to save those aliens, but he saved them anyways.
s2 ep5(this must come as a shock)
are dupli-kate and shrinking rae really dead? Why didn't Cecil send more heroes? Maybe then they could win. Allen is alive. Thaedus is a viltrumite?!
s2 ep6(it's not that simple)
what! rex died?! why? i thought someone would come and save him. Will the sequids return? They controlled Rudy's mind so I can't be sure. im glad debbie is raising the kid. dubli-kate is really dead.i liked her i liked them all. im glad rae and rex is alive(barely). amber and mark… they love each other. theyre good for each other but it wont work. i wish it could work. I think Rick will fight Invincible. he is a good guy if he was really him he wouldn't fight but he changed so I don't know what he'll do. sequids are back.
s2 ep7(i'm not going anywhere)
there ia 13th doctor cosplayer. i liked it. we saw her 3 times, i think it was the same woman. Am I paying too much attention or will something happen? first time okay second time was okay too but the 3rd time mark and amber was walkinkg and i saw her twice. It was very funny and cool that they animated every example Filip gave while he was talking. spider-man's hand gesture. I love the references. I wish they had erased Rick's memory too. It would be better. i liked april. I hope she doesn't do anything bad. amber and mark they always understood each other until the end. they still do. i wish things could be different but they cant be together. yes, allen is strong. but anissa was right they could save so many people. but what's bad is their attitude. If they had been a little more compassionate or kind, things could have been different. So many people would not have resisted and many worlds could have been saved with less loss.
s2 ep8(i thought you were stronger)
Talking dinosaurs? so many universe. mark is bad. The multiverse is confusing me. How can he be bad in so many universes and be good in this one? but im glad he is good in this one. is that batman? he really killed angstrom. i hope he can put this behind him. kate is alive! I hope mark and eve can be together. allen and nolan. Nolan is a nice guy I wish he wasn't a viltrumite. He was just raised wrong and if he had been raised by good people like Martha and Jonathan Kent he could have become like Superman. I think we can already see that he cares he cares about others genuinely. and thats because debbie and mark really changed him and i hope we can see that more in season 3.
I started the series by seeing a speech by Debbie. I wanted to watch it before, but his speech was really beautiful and tragic. and I immediately started watching the series yesterday. Before i started, I thought it was Nolan who broke his arm and that made everything worse, but at least Nolan is not that person anymore (He never hurt Debbie physically, but he did hurt some people, including her son). I thought Nolan was such a bad guy. he grew up in viltrum but the world changed, him debbie changed him. He loved Debbie, he loved Mark and Oliver. And I hope Nolan can do better things in the future.
this story was amazing. and animation is the perfect way to tell it. i really cant wait for season 3.
this story was tragic. i cried a lot. this Show might be my favorite superhero Project. i love marvel and dc. i saw a lot of superhero shows and movies but this was incredible. i dont know what to say but im glad i watced this Show. im glad i knew mark. and debbie. and nolan. they are amazing. i hope they'll get a happy ending.
i hope season 3 will come soon.
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