#war of the worlds album
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theartillerymanreturns · 7 months ago
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The problem is, of course, the humans.
[reblogs and likes appreciated - please do not repost without permission!]
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elysianymph · 2 years ago
james is very fascinated by muggle cameras. lily and regulus notice this of course and lily pitches an idea: to get james a camera for his birthday. they save up the money they need for a higher quality camera and wrap it up in a fancy box and present it to him on his birthday. the smile james gives them is worth every penny they spent.
they expected the obsession that came after. james took his camera everywhere, always taking pictures, not just of the the scenery or himself, but of his friends and family and most importantly of lily and regulus. what they didn't expect was that james had all of their photos printed and compiled them into an album, decorated it and drew little hearts and stars and flowers on it and wrote down little notes of what had happened the day the photos were taken. he revealed this album to them on their anniversary as a shared gift.
some of the many pictures james has taken of his lovers:
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dilfmobius · 4 months ago
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All I ever wanted was the world.
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driedlillies · 6 months ago
The mechs are really the perfect fandom for crossovers because you can just make them land on a given planet/universe and it’s like. yeah a likely thing for them to do. then they just fuck shit up and leave
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ms-dos5 · 2 years ago
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Vintage Computer Festival Midwest 18
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misplacedsp-ace · 11 months ago
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On my third playthrough of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, these are my favorite pics so far!
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tiefighter · 6 months ago
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I was going through a war album my grandfather had and these photos just chill me. The back of them just says Hiroshima.
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I remember seeing these photos when I was nine or ten and they were seared into my brain. I can’t imagine what it was like to be there and see the devastation.
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trippercrazy · 6 months ago
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Jared Leto from Thirty Seconds to Mars
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phantomtrax · 1 year ago
It fucking Gets me that the violence themes are like... more solemn. Yeah they're violent, loud, just like all the others but even the most intense ones have these kind of sad melodies and it's like.....Man. I dont know how to word it but Man
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around-your-throat · 5 months ago
i mean. i think ryan's gonna be there
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theartillerymanreturns · 6 months ago
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onlyhurtforaminute · 6 months ago
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metalhead-brainrot · 1 year ago
[Album of the day] World Eaters - Demo MK-1
Guelph, ON // 2020
[Genres] death metal, war metal
[Themes] In the grim darkness of the far future, there are only riffs...
[FFO] Warhammer 40K*, Bolt Thrower, Chainsword
[Thoughts] You can't traverse the waters of death metal for very long without encountering Warhammer 40K in some form, and I'll confess I count myself a fan.** But you don't need to be a capital-G Gamer to appreciate this ripping demo, a solo project from multi-instrumentalist David Gupta. World Eaters's riffs are as violent as its namesake***, guaranteed to have you itching for the mosh pit. The first two tracks, "Devour" and "Baneblade," will pummel you with energetic rhythm, an auditory siege culminating in the death/doom hellscape of "The Warp" (my very favorite World Eaters song to date).
I picked this demo because I think it's rock-solid, but I'd like to talk about World Eaters's other releases as well. Grinding Advance (2021) is their second EP, doubling down on everything in Demo MK-1. "Armoured Spearhead (Hellhammer)" is six minutes of unbridled energy; "Expedition / Tomb World" is nearly nine minutes, the latter half containing clarinet-infused Nile worship;**** there's even a cover of "Running Up That Hill."
World Eaters's new split, Mothman and the Thunderbirds vs World Eaters, adds two new great tracks to the WE catalogue. It's also the first release without drum programming; joining as the second permanent member, Winter Stomp***** adds ass-kicking blast beats to the bands repertoire. I'm very excited to see more future releases with her style.
Now that Winter Stomp has pledged her gory chainaxe to the sonic blitzkrieg of the World Eaters, the duo have been able to play live. Living outside Ontario I can't say I've been to one of their concerts, but I bet they split skulls; if you live near Guelph, check them out.
Also, I would be remiss for not mentioning that World Eaters has always been very charitable with the profits from their music, leading several donation campaigns for Guelph Pride, an LGBTQ+ nonprofit local to World Eaters's hometown. Winter Stomp has also designed and printed some booty short merch reading, "Be Gay Do Heresy," which tempt me every Bandcamp Friday.******
Thanks for reading the long post today. Keep on killing, maiming, and burning.
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* If you're unfamiliar, Warhammer 40K is a popular tabletop strategy game played with painted miniatures and rolling dice. It's popular with metalheads because the lore is so metal. Indulge me in a quick tl;dr.
It's the 41st century, and the Imperium of Man has spread through the Galaxy under the tutelage of the God Emperor. Though once great, the empire was split 10,000 years prior due to infighting from his übermensch sons, the Primarchs. Now the empire is spread thin across too many star systems, losing the fight against three main threats: the Xenos (other alien civilizations), the Heretics (those who question the authority of a fascist theocracy), and Chaos itself (arcane beings from the Warp, the non-space between wormholes).
The God Emperor sits as a corpse upon his throne on Terra, every ounce of his psychic abilities maintaining the Astronomican, a beacon guiding spaceships throughout the Warp. Every day an increasing number of psychics are sacrificed to fuel his powers, for if the beacon fails, the Imperium collapses and humanity falls.
There are no good guys, and there is no hope. For in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.
** Never actually played anything Games Workshop except Necromunda, though I've read a fair few novels. I prefer wargames that won't bleed me for money and bury me in rules, so I mainly play Mantic Games's Kings of War and Firefight. One book for all the rules and force lists at a fraction of the price.
*** The World Eaters are a faction of heretical Space Marines worshipping one of the four Chaos Gods: Khorne, the Blood God, who sits upon a throne made from the skulls of those slain in battle. They are also my favorite faction; he kind of has a Conan-esque backstory of fighting in gladiatorial slave pits. And we all know how much metalheads like Conan.
**** The Egyptian musical themes are themselves referential to the content of the song: Tomb Worlds are the hidden domains of the Necrons, a xenos race that conquered the Galaxy aeons before humanity even gazed at the stars. Annoyed by the emergence of other upstart civilizations, the Dynasties of the Infinite Empire transferred their consciousnesses into mechanical bodies, intending to slumber in hidden tombs until the juvenile races extinguished themselves.
But occasionally something wakes the soulless early, by delving too deep in ancient ruins or experimenting with ancient and unknown tech. And what they find is always ruthless extermination, for the destruction of a Necron's artificial body does not kill a mind capable respawning eternally into an army's worth of mechanical warriors.
***** She's apparently from the Netherlands. Neat.
****** I already have one of their patches on my metal jacket. Very stylish.
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[From the band/label]
Thought for the day: A coward always seeks compromise.
David Gupta: Guitars, Bass, Vocals, Drum Programming Psychic screams from the Immaterium are: Adam Ujhelyi (Teleportise, Hellbreather) Justin Krawczyk (Frank Reynolds, BatBoy) Derek Prince-Cox (Wakeless, Yuzun, ex-Arise and Ruin) Stuart Charlton (First World Famine, Inverted Serpent) Nik Wever (ex-The Story Of..., Time the Destroyer) Recorded, Mixed and, "Mastered" by David Gupta at Doyle House. World Eaters logo and Demo MK-1 artwork by Meytheus Rexy, @meytheusrexy_art
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shailion · 3 months ago
Thinking about her again lads
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martianbugsbunny · 11 months ago
do you ship crosshunt? if you do, please can you write anything about them? pretty please?
omg yes friend!!!!! I do ship crosshunt, they're basically one of my top five or maybe even top three ships at this point and I am 100% planning on writing fic for them as soon as I come up with a plot lol, tysm for asking!!!!
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wandering-alien · 1 year ago
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This is an excerpt from the Regeneration Trilogy and it reminded me of something:
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Just thought it was an interesting parallel.
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