#war in syria
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ohsalome · 1 year ago
russians when they are being called out for the war crimes commited for their taxes in their name with their passive or active cooperation: wtf??? i don't support putin??? he is personally single-handedly responsible for everything bad??? what do you want from me, I am just one person??? this is russophobia
russians when they are NOT being called out for the war crimes commited for their taxes in their name with their passive or active cooperation:
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melikemordemjaponi · 7 months ago
Ten years ago on this day June 10 2014, tens of thousands of Iraqi soldiers, police and officers fled, leaving their weapons, ammunition, armored vehicles, headquarters and positions behind. We had to cross the border and take control of those areas to prevent ISIS from entering.
Mr.Polat Jan on X(+photos)
On yıl önceki bu gün 10 Haziran 2014'te on binlerce Iraklı asker, polis ve subay silahlarını, mühimmatlarını, zırhlı araçlarını, karargahlarını ve mevzilerini geride bırakarak kaçtı. IŞİD'in girmesini engellemek için sınırı geçmek ve bu bölgeleri kontrol altına almak zorundaydık.
X’ten sayın Polat Can(+fotolar)
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syrma-sensei · 2 years ago
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syrianewsnet · 2 years ago
خطوات أمريكية لمنع الدول من تطبيع علاقتها مع دمشق
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liberty1776 · 5 days ago
Comments open on Rumble Assad or We Burn the C... Dagher, Sam Best Price: $14.21 Buy New $12.59 (as of 10:21 UTC - Details) Destroying a Nation: T... Dam, Nikolaos Van Best Price: $19.95 Buy New $14.45 (as of 10:21 UTC - Details) Speed Reading with the... Butler, David Best Price: $6.00 Buy New $16.99 (as of 02:57 UTC - Details) When in the Course of ... Adams, Charles Best Price: $4.29 Buy New $19.07 (as of 05:06 UTC - Details)
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defensenow · 17 days ago
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aishakoshka · 23 days ago
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The words of a Syrian child who became a victim of plane attacks that shook the world... I'LL TELL EVERYTHING TO ALLAH...
A 3-year-old boy, a victim of the war in Syria, shook the world. This is him in his last photo from the hospital, where doctors brought him after severe injuries with numerous internal hemorrhages.
Although he was only 3 years old, the little boy felt that he was dying. Before returning to the Almighty, the child said through tears: "I will complain to Allah about everyone, I will tell Him everything..."
For several days in a row, the hospital doctors witnessed an incredible tragedy and the child's strong words shocked them.
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sayruq · 17 days ago
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i-am-aprl · 9 months ago
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🚀 People trying to blame Iran for this measured and calculated “escalation” conveniently ignore the facts. The real question is why are the UK and US so quick to condemn Iran for its attacks tonight, but so unwilling to condemn the Israeli attack on Iran’s embassy in Syria?
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shehzadi · 11 months ago
the US is directly bombing syria, iraq (x, x, x, x) and yemen simultaneously tonight (very early hours of 03.02.24) while, of course, continuing to proudly fund israel’s ongoing genocide in ghazzah. they’re saying that this is only the beginning of their operations in iraq and syria. meanwhile, israel is increasingly targeting rafah, having just martyred 11 palestinians there in one airstrike alone. as a reminder, rafah is essentially the southern most area in ghazzah and is where israel told palestinians to flee to, calling it a ‘safe zone’. this is all happening the same day israel announced it is preparing for a ground invasion in rafah. allah reham kare
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radmakerwizard · 9 months ago
SYRIEN— Was ist mit Fidaa Mohammad Qassem geschehen?
Textvorschlag für Ihre E-Mail an General Newroz Ahmed
-- BETREFF: Request to provide information about Fidaa Mohammad Qassem --
Dear General Newroz Ahmed,
As a member/sympathizer of ACAT-Switzerland, I am writing to you to express my deep concern concerning the situation of Fidaa Mohammad Qassem. According to my information, the English student was forced to join the Women’s Protection Unit (YPJ) against her will and has been denied access to her family.
On 6 April 2023, a day after she turned 18, Fidaa went missing as she was returning from an English language institute in Kobani in North East Syria. A close relative told Amnesty International that members of the YPJ unofficially visited Fidaa’s family about two weeks after she had gone missing and told them that Fidaa had voluntarily chosen to join the ranks of the YPJ. The close relative added that the family did not believe this, given her plans to finish English lessons and continue her education abroad.
Despite multiple requests via all available communication channels, the YPJ has refused the family’s wish to see Fidaa and communicate with her. In July 2023, the YPJ denied that Fidaa had joined their ranks and refuted allegations of her disappearance in their response to a letter sent by Amnesty International which asked the YPJ to provide details of Fidaa’s whereabouts to her family members. The reported circumstances of Fidaa Mohammad Qassem’s disappearance and the YPJ’s refusal to allow her to contact her family suggest that she may have been arbitrarily deprived of her liberty, in violation of international law.
Article 25 of the Charter of the Social Contract, adopted on January 29, 2014 by the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), states that everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. Article 22 further specifies that all international rights and responsibilities relating to civil, political, cultural, social and economic rights are guaranteed. In accordance with article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, everyone has the right to liberty and security of person.
In light of the above, I urge you to:
reveal the whereabouts of Fidaa;
ensure that she has a regular channel of communication with her family;
if Fidaa refuses to take part in the YPJ, to release her from her commitment to this military corps.
Yours sincerely,
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ohsalome · 1 year ago
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melikemordemjaponi · 2 years ago
✽ #very important
US Chief of Staff Mark Milley: "We will begin a new phase of relations with the Autonomous Administration and the SDF on the economic, social and military levels.
#Mark _ Milley, "Our allies in Syria need to strengthen their defensive capabilities to confront any external aggression, so we will work to open academies in this regard to train their fighters on modern and advanced weapons"...!!!
Rojava security on Twitter (+photo)
✽ABD Genelkurmay Başkanı MARK MİLLEY:
"Özerk Yönetim ve QSD ile ekonomik, sosyal ve askeri düzeyde ilişkilerde yeni bir aşamaya başlayacağız. Mark Milley, "Suriye'deki müttefiklerimizin herhangi bir dış saldırıya karşı savunma yeteneklerini güçlendirmeleri gerekiyor, bu nedenle savaşçılarını modern ve gelişmi�� silahlar konusunda eğitmek için bu konuda akademiler açmaya çalışacağız"...
Twitter üzerinden Yavuz Özcan
マーク・ミリー米軍統合参謀本部議長 「我々は、(北および東シリア)自治政府とシリア民主軍との経済、社会、軍事レベルでの関係の新たな段階を開始する。シリアにいる同盟国は、外部からの侵略に立ち向かうために防衛力を強化する必要があり、この点でアカデミーを開設し、近代的で高度な武器について戦闘員を訓練するよう努力する」...!!!!
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hussyknee · 3 months ago
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muslims-matters · 3 months ago
On the 5th consecutive day of the siege of Jabalia Camp, the healthcare situation in the Kamal Adwan Hospital is catastrophic, with the lack of medical staff and supplies, and fuel to operate the oxygen ventilators!'
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liberty1776 · 18 days ago
SYRIA IN TURMOIL: Shocking Escalation You Won’t Believe! | Larry C. John...
US and West trying to rape the Middle East. Turkey is joining the wrong side. 
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