#war correspondent!kara
russianprotesters · 2 months
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Vladimir Kara-Murza: In our country there remain hundreds, according to the most conservative estimates, of people imprisoned solely for their political views. And the lists of political prisoners are growing. And these are our fellow citizens who, like all of us, oppose the brutal, aggressive war that Putin unleashed against Ukraine. There are a lot of people in Russia who oppose Putin’s war. Don't believe the lies that Kremlin propaganda spreads. Those more than two years that I spent in prison strengthened my faith in our people in Russia. Every day I received stacks of letters from different parts of the country from people who wrote words of support, solidarity and were not afraid to openly write in official prison correspondence that they were against the war. Don't confuse the Putin regime and Russia.
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lenbryant · 6 months
(LATimes) In ‘The Exvangelicals,’ Sarah McCammon tells the tale of losing her religion
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Sarah McCammon.
(Kara Frame)
Book Review
The Exvangelicals: Loving, Living, and Leaving the White Evangelical Church
By Sarah McCammon St. Martin’s Press: 310 pages, $30
The term “exvangelical,” a reference to disillusioned evangelicals after Donald Trump commandeered 81% of the white evangelical vote in 2016, has always struck me as contrived and a tad too cute. It’s a variation — a reversal, I suppose — of Ronald Reagan’s famous lament that he didn’t leave the Democratic Party; the Democratic Party left him.
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Although the author, a national political correspondent for NPR, purports to be telling “the stories of millions of Americans,” this book is really autobiography with a few cameo roles. Nevertheless, McCammon’s history is captivating and well told: a childhood cosseted in the evangelical subculture, with schools and sermons trumpeting the Christian nationalism that’s fueling so many culture wars now.
In “The Exvangelicals,” McCammon’s evolution unfolds as a series of steps, chapter by chapter, on a descending staircase toward disillusionment. 
She begins by questioning the conviction that only Christians (by which evangelicals mean evangelicals) go to heaven, then rejects creationism and embraces the veracity of science before moving on to such matters as female submission and sexual identities.
“Having a female body came with heavy responsibility and fear,” she writes, referring to admonitions at home and school to dress modestly lest she inflame unholy passions.
Perhaps not surprisingly, McCammon devotes a great deal of attention to her own sexual awakening, much of which occurred at the small evangelical college she attended (which, as it happens, is where I was an undergraduate a couple of decades earlier). The “purity culture” of evangelicalism demanded that women be demure, while young men were cast as warriors and defenders.
“On our wedding night, we didn’t know how to have sex,” one informant tells McCammon, who adds, “That experience is not unusual for young evangelicals who begin their honeymoons with little or no sexual experience, and, often, years of sexual shame.”
Many exvangelicals testify to enduring religious trauma, some of it caused by corporal punishment or perhaps fear of the Rapture, the belief popular among evangelicals that Jesus will return soon to collect the faithful and those “left behind” will face terrible judgment. One psychotherapist cataloged the symptoms of religious trauma as “anxiety and depression, chronic pain and intestinal symptoms, feelings of shame and a tendency toward social isolation.”
Religious trauma drives many evangelicals, including the author and one of her siblings, into therapy and out of evangelicalism, though not necessarily in that order.
McCammon is especially effective at juxtaposing the condemnations of Bill Clinton’s philandering with full-throated defenses of Donald Trump’s sexual predations — the condemnations and the defenses coming from the same evangelical sources with no apparent self-awareness and no hint of irony. Even more devastating is the author’s examination of her Christian school textbooks and recollections of classroom conversations in those schools regarding slavery. One textbook conjured the halcyon days on the plantation — “Southern weather was warm and the slaves stayed healthy” — and a student recalled his teacher’s remark that bondage “was a pretty good gig for them; they got free housing and all their meals were taken care of.”
If historical accuracy and context are missing from these textbooks, however, those qualities are also lacking in McCammon’s narrative, although her missteps are not nearly so egregious. She talks about evangelicalism reaching its peak of influence “beginning in the late 1980s,” ignoring the fact that evangelicals set the nation’s social and political agenda for much of the 19th century, especially in the years before the Civil War, albeit with very different sensibilities.
The author might have explored how white evangelicalism was different before its hard-right turn in defense of racial segregation in the late 1970s. Might an understanding of evangelicalism’s generally laudable social agenda in centuries past — abolition, prison reform, public education, even women’s suffrage were all evangelical concerns — have provided McCammon and her compatriots with a standard to which they could appeal in their quest to reform their churches?
As in many coming-of-age narratives, those who leave the safety of the subculture rarely have smooth landings. McCammon’s marriage to a classmate three months after their college graduation “felt awkward and surprisingly lonely,” she writes; it ended in divorce. The author tells of her parental-enforced estrangement from her grandfather because he was gay. The two mended their relationship and became close during the final years of his life, although McCammon’s overtures to him created a rift with her mother and father.
The author’s schoolmate, Jeff, came out as gay, thereby rupturing the relationship with his parents, who refused to acknowledge his husband at their son’s graduation from seminary. “I am not an evangelical in large part because there’s no room in most of American evangelicalism for queer people,” he told the author. “I’m angry about that. I’m angry and sad for the kids that are still in evangelical churches who are being told they can’t be themselves.”
All these factors and more, together with what many evangelicals regard as the hypocritical embrace of Trump, are leading some evangelicals out of the fold. But leaving itself is traumatic, both for the individuals and for family members left behind.
McCammon quotes a South Dakota exvangelical’s angry letter to Focus on the Family, the organization partially responsible for the subculture veering to the right in the decades surrounding the turn of the 21st century. She cultivated a deep Christian faith outside of evangelicalism. “But thanks to you,” she wrote to the group, “my mother believed I was living a sinful lifestyle because of how I voted.”
“Leaving conservative evangelicalism means giving up the security of silencing some of life’s most vexing and anxiety-inducing questions with a set of ‘answers’ — about the purpose of life, human origins, and what happens after death,” McCammon writes. “It also means losing an entire community of people who could once be relied on to help celebrate weddings and new babies, organize meal trains when you’re sick and bereaved, and provide a built-in network of support and socialization around a shared set of expectations and ideals.”
McCammon insists that the challenge for her and others is to define themselves in positive rather than negative terms — they do not want to be known for what they are fleeing — in which case the label “exvangelical” isn’t exactly helpful. Nonetheless, these “expatriates” are finding safety, or at least comfort, in numbers.
“Many of us who’ve been cast out are surveying the wilderness around us,” she writes, “and finding that we’re anything but alone.”
Randall Balmer teaches religion at Dartmouth College. His most recent book is “Saving Faith: How American Christianity Can Reclaim Its Prophetic Voice.”
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overkill-max · 2 years
My Fics - Masterpost
Just a masterpost of all my fanfics and drabbles. 
Special Ops: Lioness (Aaliyah Amrohi/Cruz Manuelos)
Willow (Kit Tanthalos/Jade Claymore)
First Kill (Calliope Burns/Juliette Fairmont)
Terminator: Dark Fate (Grace/Dani Ramos)
The Expanse (Bobbie Draper/Monica Stuart)
Supergirl (Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor)
Wynonna Earp (Wynonna Earp/Nicole Haught) 
Station 19 (Maya Bishop/Carina DeLuca)
A Country Called Home (Ellie/Reno)
Hard To Forget
What if Cruz admits that she is broken after what Joe puts her through in SERE? How would that knowledge change the trajectory of her life? Everything should be different once Cruz gets out of the Lioness program. But Cruz can't stop some things from taking place. She can only try to protect Aaliyah with the little time they have left.   
The Canon Adjacent Fix-It AU
One Shot | Words: 14,397 |
Duty and Desire 
FBI Special Agent Amrohi is sent to the Middle East to help with interrogations. Death threats are issued and soon she goes from being safe to needing constant protection. What happens when Marine Security Guard Manuelos meets the unstoppable force that is Agent Amrohi? Just how easy is it to do your duty when it intersects with desire?   
The Bodyguard AU
Chapters: 4/4 | Complete | Words: 17,877 |
Second Chances
Aaliyah Amrohi Al Rashdi is lost. Her husband was recently murdered, and she is worried about her little girl getting kidnapped. With only a name and an impressive resume to go on, she hires a former marine to keep her daughter safe. But what happens when there’s a connection between them?   
The Man on Fire AU
One Shot | Words: 7,346 | 
Brave Enough To Love
What if Cruz had chosen to follow her heart instead of her duty but Aaliyah goes through with the wedding? Aaliyah gets married and just as she predicted that was the last she saw of New York for a long time. With nothing but her memories and betrayal in her mind, how can Aaliyah get out of a situation she doesn’t want to be in?   
The Rescue Me AU
One Shot | Words: 9,251 | 
The Arrangement
Cruz and Aaliyah were always destined to meet by bumping into each other. This time, Aaliyah is the one that instigates their meeting because she needs a protector and a friend. Little did she know, she would find more than that in a young marine.  
The Fake Marriage AU
Chapters: 4/4 | Complete | Words: 15,587 |
The Lost Mask
Aaliyah Amrohi considers herself an amateur treasure hunter. What happens when she stumbles upon a journal that claims the Funerary Mask of Thājite Princess is a fake, and the real article was stolen during the Roman period? With the mask over 5,000 kilometers away, and mercenaries at her heels; can Aaliyah trust a woman she just met to keep her safe while she tries to unearth the mask?  
The Sexy Treasure Hunter AU
Chapters: 3/3 | Complete | Words: 10,340 |
Love and War
Aaliyah is a reporter sent to Pakistan to report on the Global War on Terror. What she thought would be a military propaganda piece will forever change her life.
The War Correspondent AU
Chapters: 4/4 | Complete | Words: 13,657 |
Your Country Needs More What has Cruz been up to since quitting the program? What happens when the program reminds her that she can never be done with them?
The Speculative Futures AU
Chapters: 2/4 | In-Progress | Words: 7,012 |
Queen of the Sun
Cruz is left for dead. She finds love in the unlikeliest of places.
The Warrior AU
One Shot | Words: 2,685 |
Tutor Me
Aaliyah never needed to know how to drive. Except now. With her dad mad at her for choosing a less prestigious school over NYU, he takes her driver away in hopes Aaliyah will reconsider. Once she realizes what it means to be in a small town with no car, she enlists Cruz’s help for those driving lessons she never had. 
The Learning How To Drive AU
One Shot | Words: 8,199 |
Announcement No. 746
After fighting many wars, Cruz is looking for a better way to live her life. Forty words later, she is listed in a mail-order newspaper as seeking one thing: matrimony. Aaliyah is a widow looking for some companionship. What happens when out of curiosity, she sends out a letter to the person behind the announcement in The Matrimonial News?
The Mail-Order Bride AU
One Shot | Words: 3,946 |
First Date: Take Two
The last time Aaliyah had seen Cruz was 15 years ago. They were meant to go on a date, but she got stood up. Aaliyah had been heartbroken. Now that she’s back home Cruz asks for another shot at a first date. Will things go better the second time around?
The First Date AU
One Shot | Words: 10,267 |
Once, We Were In Love
On the frontier, two women from different worlds fall in love.
The Last of the Mohicans AU
One Shot | Words: 6,014 |
Escaping Fate 
No throne, no kingdom. Just a woman who runs away when she’s faced with the choice of marrying someone she doesn’t love or the possibility of never seeing the person that means the most. Sometimes, the choice you are given is not the one you wanted. And even then, it might still lead you back to the beginning. Showing you that no matter the choice, you can’t escape your fate.
The “what if Kit runs away” AU
Chapters: 4/4 | Complete | Words: 30,037 | 
Fulfilling Fate
No matter the choice, you can’t escape your fate… but what happens when you’re not the same person that was meant to take a trip through the unknown? How many other ways can destiny crush you as it tries to ensnare you in its strands to pull you onto the path it had carved out for you in the beginning.
The Escaping Fate Sequel
Chapters: 4/4 | Complete | Words: 26,894 |
The Dark Princess and her Shattered Throne.
Kit falls into the vermiscus liquid and gets corrupted. What happens as they try to save Airk, while running out of time to help Kit? [Story starts before 1x06. A speculative fic written as episodes aired.]
The “corruption and redemption” canon adjacent AU
Chapters: 4/4 | Complete | Words: 17,740 |
Offspring of the Wind
Without knowing who she can trust in a strange and foreign kingdom, Kit takes her daughter and heads towards the only safe place she ever knew. Things get complicated when King Hastur sends men after her once they find her husband’s dead body. In a desperate attempt to survive, she seeks the help of a stranger with a dark past who promises to help her get home, but are things as they seem?
The Dark Fantasy AU
Chapters: 3/3 | Complete | Words: 16,318 | 
The First Time 
A short moment in time of what happens after the kiss but before they leave the Shattered Sea. Set during episode 1x07.
One Shot | Words: 2,687 |
Burn Your Name Upon My Skin
The name is burned upon her skin, but it’s not the one Kit wants to read.
The Soulmate AU
One Shot | Words: 2,939 |
Duty Bound
They married for duty, not knowing it would lead to friendship, and later, love.
The Arranged Marriage AU
One Shot | Words: 7,571 |
The Rise of Captain Kit
Kit drunkenly joins the Royal Navy and accidentally become a legend.
The Pirate AU
One Shot | Words: 7,196 |
A Love Foretold
Before her mother died, Sorsha had a dream. A prophecy that would lead to her downfall. Her child of surprise. Her unexpected baby, shall marry a red headed princess of blood and bone. Once this is done, it would spell out the end of her reign.
The Prophecy AU
One Shot | Words: 5,119 |
Wife Wanted
Jade fell in love with a picture of a woman she had never met. Words on a screen followed. And then the calls started. Sometimes falling in love takes some distance before you can get a little closer.
The Internet Dating AU
One Shot | Words: 5,701 |
The Slaughtered Lamb: Tavern and Inn
What if the little inn at the Pitiless Pass is still standing? Family owned, The Slaughtered Lamb is ready to greet travelers with a cold beer, a clean bed, and a warm meal.
The Travellers Rest AU
One Shot | Words: 3,829 |
First Silence
Just after the "First Betrayal" takes place, Juliette turns to the one person that promised her the impossible: humanity. The problem is that Oliver wanted Juliette to be human, not Theo. This starts off the First Silence, an impossible curse that could work or could kill her.
The Fairy Tale AU
One Shot | Words: 7,438 |
The King's Daughter
Juliette takes part of a program designed to boost the population of New France. She leaves her family behind for the promise of a dowry and a husband she gets to choose. Instead, she gets a wife and a quiet life in the colonies.
The Filles du Roi AU
One Shot | Words: 4,779 | 
First Love. Through The Ages.
Calliope and Juliette had met before, but they didn’t know it. They would meet again and didn’t know that either. In fact, they were destined to meet forever. To find love and lose it. They were doomed soulmates. Until the fates decided that they got it right.
The Romeo and Juliet AU
Chapters: 4/4 | Complete | Words: 21,122 |
100 Ways To Change Fate
Grace takes a one-way ticket to the past. The mission: save the girl at all costs. The problem? They fall in love and now fate seems to be a bit less set in stone than they originally thought it was.
The 100 ways to say I love you canon adjacent AU
Chapters: 5/5 | Complete | Words: 33,830 |
Fate's Gamble
Grace and Sarah are setting off on an adventure of a lifetime. They have put all their hard-earned savings towards buying a passage on a steamer towards Canada and enough supplies to make the 10-week journey to a place where the rivers are filled with gold. The problem is that as soon as they step foot on the boat, Grace meets a girl, Dani, and their plans get derailed.
The Gold Rush AU
Chapters: 4/4 | Complete | Words: 19,600 |
The Reporter and The Sergeant
Monica and Bobbie meet during a tense standoff inside the ring. When it becomes the slow zone incident. Then, they meet once again, under enemy fire and dangerous circumstances. Can anything come from meeting like this, time and time again? Or are they destined to pass each other and never touch?
The “Monica takes one look at Bobbie in the Roci and wants to climb her like a tree” canon adjacent AU
Chapters: 5/5 | Complete | Words: 27,235 |
Finding My Way Back to Who I Was Always Meant to Be
Lena craves the love and affection she’s slowly been getting from the woman that was cold to her for most of her life. Board members that were downright hostile to her are suddenly agreeing with her without a second thought. Her relationship with Veronica Sinclair is finally going in a positive direction. On paper her life should be perfect. But she feels torn between this glimpse of what she always wanted her life to be and knowing that this house of cards will fall, and she needs to figure out if she’s going to fall with it or do the right thing…
An alternative take on Season 2 that is more Lena Luthor centric.
Chapters: 3/3 | Complete | Words: 17,012 |
Don't Ever Look Back
They just graduated college and Lena needs to get away from it all. What starts as a way to find some breathing room ends up with them falling in love. The problem is that Lena is set to go to Metropolis and Kara will stay at National City. Can one summer be enough?
The Teenage Dream AU
One Shot | Words: 10,023 |
Lost and Found: A Serendipitous Love Story
Lena Luthor finds solace in her favorite Twitch streamer's optimist attitude. When she disappears after Metropolis gets caught in some bombings, a worried Kara has Winn hack into Twitch to find her missing friend. What happens when someone that values their privacy is suddenly found?
the Twitch AU
One Shot | Words: 7,341 |
The Keeper of the Lights
Lillian Luthor, the widowed matriarch of the Luthor family must go into town for resupplies, leaving her children to keep the light at the Swan Beach Lighthouse. With supplies running low and waves crashing on the rocks, Lena must attempt a daring rescue, not knowing that those strangers would change their lives forever.
or the Lighthouse keeper AU
One Shot | Words: 5,208 |
I’m Going To Lure You Into The Dark
From the ashes of Krypton, comes a new world. One where Lena has power beyond measure and Kara rules beside her.
AKA the Dark New Krypton!AU
Where a Kryptonian Lena worships Yuda Kal and is seduced by the power she wields on New Krypton.
One Shot | Words: 3,434 |
The Stars, Your Eyes and the Vastness of Space
Supergirl dies. The vastness of space becomes her new tomb. Lena is unmoored once she learns who Supergirl truly was. Alex doesn’t know how to cope with the grief of losing a sister that knew she was going to die while trying to save a Worldkiller.
One Shot | Words: 4,842 |
And They Shall Reap the Whirlwind
Lena falls in love with the mysterious cowboy she hired to tend to her ranch. A/U Set in the 1900s.
One Shot | Words: 4,215 |
Hockey AU
Wynonna Earp has to deal with something worse than the Jack of Knives: her growing feelings for a certain redhead that refuses to back down from her attraction to Wynonna. Sometimes the right Earp is not the one you think. Set around 01x08.
One Shot | Words: 6,621 |
Vikings AU
Wynonna is a mess... until she isn’t. Thanks to Nicole.
Drabble | Words: 438 |
Hogwarts AU
A Slytherine Earp Heir. A Gryffindor Haught without a past. Magic finds a way.
Drabble | Words: 722 |
Wedding mini-fic
A mini-fic of what happens during and after the wedding. From the perspective of Maya’s mom.
One Shot | Words: 2,338 |
Short Carina Study
Just a small character study of Carina set in 04x02.
Drabble | Words: 647 |
Home Sweet Home
Just a small character study of Ellie and Reno during the movie and a bit of wishful thinking about what happens once they get to LA. 
One Shot | Words: 5,647 |
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mariacallous · 7 months
On Monday, officials from Russia’s Investigative Committee told Alexey Navalny’s mother that the cause of her son’s death had still “not been established” — and that his body will not be handed over to his family until it has undergone a 14-day “chemical examination.” Navalny’s associates fear that this long delay will allow the authorities to erase valuable evidence of the politician’s true cause of death, making it harder to find those responsible. Four years ago, when Russia’s Federal Security Service poisoned Navalny with the chemical nerve agent Novichok, a team led by investigative journalist Christo Grozev identified the agents behind the attack. Meduza special correspondent Lilia Yapparova spoke to Grozev about who he suspects is responsible for Navalny’s death and how he plans to get to the truth this time. Meduza has summarized the conversation in English.
In early 2021, when Alexey Navalny was getting ready to return to Russia just five months after being poisoned with a Novichok nerve agent, Christo Grozev asked Navalny’s wife Yulia whether she realized that her husband would face certain arrest when his plane landed in Moscow.
“In response, she just smiled and said, ‘Christo, you’re so naive. They won’t just arrest him. They’ll keep him in torture chambers for years. And they might also kill him,’” Grozev told Meduza.
This past Friday, when Navalny’s death was first reported, Grozev and Yulia Navalnaya were both at the Munich Security Conference. Shortly after learning the news, Navalnaya took the conference stage and vowed that if the reports were true, Putin’s regime would “be brought to justice” and that this day would come soon.
“I realized [when I heard Yulia speak] that Russia has a chance not to fall into despair,” Grozev said. “That’s how quickly Alexey’s work was picked up.”
‘A new wave of repressions and murders’
The first time Grozev met Alexey Navalny face-to-face was shortly after the politician’s poisoning in 2020. “I just wrote to him on Twitter: ‘Alexey, I think I’ve found the people who tried to kill you,’” he said. “And within two days, we were going to visit him in Germany, where he was recovering from the poisoning.”
If Navalny had lived to see the end of Russia’s war against Ukraine, Grozev believes his political career could have had a wildly successful second act. “The wife of one of my sources, a Russian security official, watched the documentary Navalny and told her husband: ‘I had no idea he was like this! If he runs for president, he’ll have my vote!’” Grozev said, adding that he had expected Navalny to follow the path of South Africa’s Nelson Mandela.
Though Yulia Navalnaya called him naive, Grozev is nothing if not informed about the inner workings of the Russian state. And the rumors he’s already heard from his contacts in the wake of Navalny’s death make him pessimistic about the country’s future in the near term.
“I’ve already gotten warnings from my sources that there could be an entire new wave of repressions and murders — that Putin has ‘special plans’ for Russian opposition leaders,” he told Meduza. If these reports are true, he noted, jailed opposition figures such as Ilya Yashin and Vladimir Kara-Murza will be “especially vulnerable” to Putin’s whims. Grozev continued:
There’s only one possibility I’ve completely ruled out: that Navalny’s death came as a surprise to the Russian authorities, especially an unpleasant one. I just don’t believe that they simply ‘under-treated’ him or inadvertently drove him to that condition through negligence. That’s impossible. Because the FSB understood Navalny’s value for Russia’s future, whatever it might be. Alexey would have been a valuable asset for future negotiations or for a [prisoner] exchange. They would never have just ‘lost’ him.
A ‘typical symptom’ of poisoning
Grozev has already begun thinking about how to investigate the circumstances of Navalny’s death. He said that dealing with Russia’s byzantine prison bureaucracy will present challenges, but the fact that Navalny died in a remote Arctic village could make the job easier.
“Not just because there will be billing and flight data, but because there will be witnesses,” he explained. “It’s one thing to search for them in a large city; it’s another thing entirely when an FSB vehicle drives through a small village. It will be seen from every window.”
On Sunday, two days after Navalny’s death Novaya Gazeta reported that Navalny’s body was in a morgue in the town of Salekhard, the capital of the region where he died, and that it has bruises suggesting he was physically restrained while convulsing.
According to Grozev, convulsions are a “typical symptom” of poisoning by high doses of organophosphates, nerve agents expressly prohibited by the U.N. Chemical Weapons Convention, to which Russia is a party.
“As strange as it may sound, the task of eliminating Alexey in the prison colony could have been assigned to the same team [of FSB agents] and it’s possible that in our investigation, we won’t uncover a new set of perpetrators but the same ones who poisoned Navalny in 2020,” Grozev told Meduza. “It’s entirely possible that they were told: ‘Come on, guys, it’s time to finish the job.’ All the more so because they’ve already been exposed — why risk new people?”
According to Grozev, the FSB “punished” the exposed agents who failed to kill Navalny in 2020 with boring work and hid them thoroughly, including by changing their phone numbers and those of everyone close to them. “These people have even stopped appearing in the ordinary documents that often get leaked,” he said. “But we haven’t tracked their movements from the past few months yet.”
Four days after Navalny’s death, it’s unclear when the Russian authorities plan to hand over his body to his family — or whether they plan to do so at all. However, Grozev said that as soon as an autopsy report is published, he and his colleagues will check for the involvement of agents from the FSB Criminalistics Institute, which oversees the team that poisoned Navalny.
“If they’re overseeing the [autopsy] procedure, it will be obvious that they were the ones who carried this out,” he said. “And that they’re currently trying to make it so that no [evidence] remains on the body.”
In a video statement published on Monday, Yulia Navalnaya said that she knows “exactly why Putin killed Alexey” and promised to reveal this information in the near future. Asked whether he knows what she was referring to, Grozev said he does but that he’ll let her be the one to reveal it.
0 notes
lycanhood · 5 years
Lena takes care of business...
Author’s Note:  I'm back! Hello, dear readers, so sorry for the long absence! So much has happened since I last updated & this chapter has been sitting in my google drive written but unedited since February. Since then I've graduated collage!!!!!, moved, been promoted, said goodbye to my 3 best friends in the world (they didn't die, just moved away), and got a girlfriend!!!! It's been wild, truly. So I feel a little valid for being gone but I've also really missed writing this story & getting feedback from all you geeks.
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youngbloodbuzz · 6 years
nell411 replied to your post “um yes hi helloe did you just say *whips out megaphone* SUPERCORP...”
I remember talking to you about this a little bit ages ago. I still think about it sometimes because I love that movie and I firmly believe the AU would be great
So much potential angst
it’s so good in my head lemme tell u lol there’s a lot more making out because that’s what my heart wants
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
No powers supercorp AU where Kara is a war correspondent for CatCo Media and Lena is her photographer. Some background: Lena was adopted by the Luthors as a young teen, not a four year old, and she absolutely hated it, so as soon as she turned 18 she struck out on her own to make her own way without any support from her father's family.
She changes her name to Kieran Walsh and pays her way through college and ends up quickly making her way through the world of photojournalism. She actually wins a Pulitzer before even meeting Kara.
They meet on the edge of a war zone, in a hotel that hosts most of the journalist contingent assigned to the conflict. Kara is disenchanted with the world and is pretty caustic when they meet, begrudgingly agreeing to partner up to meet mutual goals with this photographer she doesn't recognize and therefore assumes is a newbie.
She doesn't even learn Lena's-- Kieran's-- name until they get back to the hotel after, and another journalist greets Kieran by name. Kara quickly puts the pieces together and shoots Kieran a look between anger and awe.
"Why didn't you tell me?" she demands.
Kieran smirks. "So I could see that look you have your face."
Kara slowly smirks back. She likes this woman, and she knows then they've just sparked the start of a beautiful friendship.
They continue to work with each other, soon being partnered on every assignment. They maybe have some casual, no-strings-attached sex occasionally when they need to blow off steam, but they still classify themselves as friends only.
After years of working together, however, they run afoul of a brutal regime and are captured by paramilitary forces. They're questioned (tortured), but they have no information to keep secret. They're simply journalists investigating the conflict to shine a light on the civilian toll.
Their captors eventually accept that they're not spies/saboteurs, but decide to make an example of them anyway with a televised execution. Before they do, however, they plunk Kieran and Kara in front of a live video feed to share their identities, their capture, and their sentence.
Kara stoically delivers the script they've been ordered to follow, but when it comes to Kieran, she gives the camera a deep, intense look.
"My name is Kieran Walsh, a photojournalist for Catco Media." She pauses then, then commits to her decision.
"I am also Lena Luthor, the only daughter of Lionel Luthor. These men have arrested us under false pretense, and we call upon--"
The lead captor cuts the feed and immediately cracks Lena across the face with the butt of his rifle. The blow dazed her with a broken nose, but Lena quickly recovers and shoots the man a bloody grin.
She chuckles.
"You guys are so fucked."
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john-turger12 · 2 years
@ottomanladies I want to ask you something. Although Turhan Sultan withdrew from the regency in September 1656, she was effective in the administration until her death, didn't she? We know that Köprülü Mehmed Pasha continued to submit reports to her, that Turhan Sultan ruled the empire when Köprülü Mehmed Pasha was not in the capital, and that Turhan Sultan supported him against his enemies. In 1676, according to the report of the Venetian ambassador Giacomo Querini, Turhan Sultan still dealt with state affairs.
''[Turhan Sultan] has fame and glory, she respects the public. She became more of a friend to Prince Suleiman than a stepmother. She is greatly respected by the Padishah. Those who wanted to block her were unable to do so. She interferes in the administration with her advice and talents, and joins the monarchy as a partner. She is always with her servants. ” [Source: Barozzi-Berchet, Turchia, volume II, page 135]
In addition, in 1667, Turhan Sultan sent letters to the Emperor Leopold I of Austria and Empress Margarita Theresa in order to resolve the problems between the Ottoman Empire and Austria. We learn from the Austrian historian Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall that Turhan Sultan corresponded with Emperor Leopold I and Empress Margarita Theresa. He writes in volume 6 of his history series 'Geschichte des osmanischen Reiches'.
According to what Dimitrie Cantemir recorded, Turhan Sultan was against Merzifonlu Kara Mustafa Pasha, who wanted to start military campaign against Austria in 1683, and Shaykh al-Islam Çatalcalı Ali Efendi was also supporting Turhan Sultan. On the other hand, in the following process, the grand vizier succeeded in convincing Turhan Sultan and war was declared against Austria. If the grand vizier had not been able to persuade Turhan Sultan, the war called 'The Battle of Vienna' would never have happened. Turhan Sultan had the final decision authority even in 1683. She is an incredible woman. I think she is a more important woman than Kösem Sultan and she does not see the value she deserves.
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A hundred ways to die in Wales
Hello Tumblr!
My first post ever here! I’m still learning the ropes, so please be kind!
This might be awfully presumptuous of me, but you may recognise the name from a few years back. Before all of this happened, I worked for BBC Radio 4 as their Welsh correspondent - a bit niche, I grant you, but I did alright on social media. I even had a blue tick on Twitter before it went down for good. 
At its peak, whatever media you worked in, scoops were delivered on social media. No one went to the radio or the newspapers for breaking news. Hell, even the TV news was struggling.  So, even radio journalists like me had to be twitter savvy, you know? 
It does make me wonder how Tumblr survived. As a journalist (well, former journalist) I should probably have done some research and found out…  
 My housemate, Jack, suggested I start to keep this blog so that he, in his exact words, ‘wouldn’t have to listen to me moan about not being a journalist anymore.’ So, here I am, coming to scream into the void that is the last social media platform standing (apart from LinkedIn… Shoulda known that even during the apocalypse, start-up CEO Chad Moneybags would still need to post motivational bullshit about 5 am starts and tagging every post with ‘#crushingit’)
Anyway, I’ve strayed slightly from the point… So, this blog isn't going to be full of hard-hitting investigative journalism or even those colourful local news stories you used to see about water skiing hamsters. It’s just going to be me, posting my thoughts about how much more screwed the world is than the previous week. 
Cheerful stuff, right? Well, as REM sang, ‘it’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine’. And you know what, while fine might be stretching a bit, it could be worse...
Before it happened, when people thought about the end of the world, we always pictured some huge catastrophe. ‘The Hollywood Apocalypse,’ Jack calls it. You know the kind - people screaming in the streets as some unspeakable horror unfolds about them. 
In movies, the end of the world was always sudden, over in a flash,  with pockets of humanity left to pick up the pieces of a shattered world. Except, that’s not how it happened, not that we should be surprised, life rarely imitates the movies. 
In fact, it happened so slowly and contained so many individual strands that by the time it arrived, it took us even more by surprise - even the right-wing newspapers didn’t have time to come up with some ‘pithy’ name for it. I’ve always liked the term ‘tipping point,’ The point at which every one of those strands, however linked or disparate, tipped the scales so far against humanity, there was no turning back. 
I mean, we shouldn’t have been surprised. We had been warned, after all. For years (no, decades, even) scientists talked about how we were destroying the earth. From the changing climate to the destruction of entire ecosystems, all in the name of capitalism. 
People warned us it would lead to societal collapse. It wasn’t hard to see it coming, if you were paying attention. But, even if you were paying attention, the sheer magnitude of it was enough to cause even the strongest advocates some blind spots caused by existential terror. Like a Lovecraftian monster rising from the depths of the ocean, who could wrap their head around the true horror.  
Instead, we played out our little culture wars as the planet died… we elected people to distract and not solve… we lied and allowed ourselves to be lied to. Until, in the end, there were so many that no longer cared about the truth that finding a solution was never a possibility.   
The rise of ignorance led to the rise of populism, which led to the rise of fascism, and eventually isolationism. Each country, widowed and trapped in its own poky bachelor apartment of despair. With nothing but memories of past glories to keep it going while the world around slowly burns.
The thing about this kind of creeping apocalypse, this tipping point, is that there is a certain mundanity in it all. There are millions dead, but there was no Hollywood pre-credit sequence of terrified crowds running through Manhattan. 
This apocalypse had an absence of symbols - actually, no. That’s not quite right. I mean, we don’t have the statue of liberty drowning in sand while hyper-intelligent apes roam the planet, sure. But last week, the sea caught on fire… the fucking sea! You’d think after completely decimating the planet for a hundred years, some companies may have learned a lesson or two - like not setting dire to the fucking sea again!
And just today, the newspapers are full of pictures of yet another ghost town in West Wales slowly sinking into the sea. We have our symbols, alright. They are just smaller, more mundane than the Hollywood apocalypse we always felt we deserved - as a species, we are so arrogant that we feel even our extinction deserves something special, something showy. But, like I said, if you are paying attention, there are symbols to be found everywhere. 
Is our slow, boring apocalypse better than the ostentatious apocalypses of Tinseltown, complete with their big budget explosions and alien invasions? I’m honestly not sure. 
One part of me used to think that at least then it would be over quickly. This was a particularly comforting thought during the war, as English shells rained down on Cardiff. But, even the war fizzled slowly, bubbling away around the fringes, with neither country having the resources, will or money to mount any serious threat to the other. It turned out that not even the newly installed Albion dictatorship in England could get away with a costly hot war, while millions of its citizens starved to death. 
It sounds weird to say, but slowly you adjust to it. You know? Slowly, bit-by-bit, the fucking sea being on fire doesn’t seem such a big deal as it did a year ago. Slowly, bit-by-bit, you stop watching the news. You realise the images of starving children 50 miles away over the border have become the norm. 
You become desensitised to the food queues, the extreme swings in weather, the rapidly shrinking coastline. When was the last time you even saw a bee? It’s all just normal. But in spite of all of that, we still sit here, night after night, staring at our tiny plastic phones, reading the latest #crushingit update from that douchebag Chad, half hoping that there is still time for the aliens to show up and finish the job…
I realise that was quite a long run-on sentence, but it’s been a while. I’m out of practice. Like I said, it’s been three years since I last wrote, well, anything! I don’t know if anyone will even read this… I mean how many people can even access Tumblr anymore? But, Jack was right, it did help to get some stuff out.
Until next time (possibly), stay bored out there!
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El Dilema De Las Redes Sociales [» P E L I C U L A - HD «] Online Completa (2019) Repelis Latino
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Definition and definition of film / film
While the players who play a role in the film are referred to as actors (men) or actresses (women). There is also the term extras that are used as minor characters with few roles in the film. This differs from the main actors, who have larger and more roles. As an actor and actress, good acting talent must be required that corresponds to the subject of the film in which he plays the leading role. In certain scenes, the role of the actor can be replaced by a stunt man or a stunt man. The existence of a stuntman is important to replace the actors who play difficult and extreme scenes that are usually found in action-action films. Movies can also be used to deliver certain messages from the filmmaker. Some industries also use film to convey and represent their symbols and culture. Filmmaking is also a form of expression, thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings and moods of a person that are visualized in the film. The film itself is mostly fictional, though some are based on actual stories or on a true story. There are also documentaries with original and real images or biographical films that tell the story of a character. There are many other popular genre films, from action films, horror films, comedy films, romantic films, fantasy films, thriller films, drama films, science fiction films, crime films, documentaries and others. This is some information about the definition of film or film. The information has been cited from various sources and references. Hope it can be useful.
❍❍❍ TV FILM ❍❍❍
The first television shows were experimental, sporadic programs that from the 1930s could only be seen at a very short distance from the mast. TV events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the crowning of King George VI. In Britain in 19340 and the famous launch of David Sarnoff at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the United States, the medium grew, but World War II brought development to a halt after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television, and in 1948 the popular Texaco Star Theater radio moved to become the first weekly television variety show that hosted Milton Berle and earned the name “Mr Television” demonstrated The medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment that could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the United States took place on September 4, 1951, when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco on AT & T’s transcontinental cable and microwave relay system was broadcasting to broadcasters in local markets has been. The first national color show (the 1954 Rose Parade tournament) in the United States took place on January 1, 1954. For the next ten years, most network broadcasts and almost all local broadcasts continued to be broadcast in black and white. A color transition was announced for autumn 1965, in which more than half of all network prime time programs were broadcast in color. The first all-color peak season came just a year later. In 19402, the last holdout of daytime network shows was converted to the first full color network season.
❍❍❍ formats and genres ❍❍❍
See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres TV shows are more diverse than most other media due to the variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show can be fictional (as in comedies and dramas) or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It can be current (as in the case of a local news program and some television films) or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional films). They can be educational or educational in the first place, or entertaining, as is the case with situation comedies and game shows. [Citation required] A drama program usually consists of a series of actors who play characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 1980s, shows (with the exception of soap opera series) generally remained static without storylines, and the main characters and premise barely changed. [Citation required] If the characters’ lives changed a bit during the episode, it was usually reversed in the end. For this reason, the episodes can be broadcast in any order. [Citation required] Since the 1980s, many FILMS have had a progressive change in the plot, characters, or both. For example, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television films to have this kind of dramatic structure [4] [better source required], while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further illustrated such a structure had a predetermined story about the planned five season run. [Citation required] In 2020, it was reported that television became a larger part of the revenue of large media companies than the film. Some also noticed the quality improvement of some television programs. In 2020, Oscar-winning film director Steven Soderbergh declared the ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative: “I think these qualities are now being seen on television and people who want to see stories with such qualities are watching TV.
❍❍❍ Thanks for everything and have fun watching❍❍❍
Here you will find all the films that you can stream online, including the films that were shown this week. If you’re wondering what to see on this website, you should know that it covers genres that include crime, science, fi-fi, action, romance, thriller, comedy, drama, and anime film. Thanks a lot. We inform everyone who is happy to receive news or information about this year’s film program and how to watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can be the best partner for you to find recommendations for your favorite films. That’s all from us, greetings!
Thank you for watching The Video Today.
I hope you like the videos I share. Give a thumbs up, like or share if you like what we shared so we are more excited. Scatter a happy smile so that the world returns in a variety of colors. ”
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lycanhood · 6 years
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pochqmqri · 6 years
The Heisei era corresponds to the current period of time according to the traditional Japanese calendar, between the dates of January 1989 and April 2019. 
Users of the Japanese eBook vendor Book Live! voted in a poll on what manga they thought was the most representative of the current era, have a look at the top 100 choices they made:
One Piece
Detective Conan
Dragon Ball
Chibi Maruko-chan
Attack on Titan
Fullmetal Alchemist
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Boys Over Flowers
Cardcaptor Sakura
Nodame Cantabile
Hunter X Hunter
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (series)
Space Brothers
Crayon Shin-chan
Death Note
Natsume’s Book of Friends
Itazura na Kiss
Assassination Classroom
Rurouni Kenshin
Yu Yu Hakusho
Doubutsu no Oisha-san
Initial D
The Kindaichi Case Files 
Baby & Me
Tokyo Ghoul (series)
Kuroko’s Basketball
Ushio and Tora
Slam Dunk 
The Prince of Tennis (series)
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin
Silver Spoon
Red River/Anatolia Story
Tenshi Nanka Ja Nai
Hikaru no Go
Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu
Ouran High School Host Club
Marmalade Boy
Angel Heart
Yowamushi Pedal
Eyeshield 21
Skip Beat!
Ace of Diamond (series)
Honey and Clover
Saint Young Men
Golden Gash!/Zatch Bell!!
Kyō Kara Ore Wa!!
Fushigi Yugi
Fruits Basket
Major (series)
Great Teacher Onizuka
Forest of Piano -The Perfect World of Kai-
Ahiru no Sora
Fairy Tail
To Love-Ru
Hitman Reborn!
Salaryman Kintaro
Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken
Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou/KareKano
I Am a Hero
Sgt. Keroro
Phantom Thief Jeanne
Hell Teacher Nube (series)
Hyakki Yakou Shou
Hoshin Engi
Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma
The Seven Deadly Sins
Yakumo Tatsu
High School Debut
We Were There
Gaku: Minna no Yama
Baki the Grappler
Rokudenashi Blues
Sand Chronicles
[NOTE: Fights or arguments in reblogs/replies of this post will not be tolerated]
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ryouverua · 6 years
Trial 5 - So about that one thing... (1)
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Investigation 1 / 2 - second half is where I put my own theories that I penned before playing the trial. 
and man was I proven wrong almost instantaneously lmao - but I’m getting ahead of myself. On with the show!
Poor K1-b0, honestly. He had such a great epic speech planned, totally interrupting Monokuma’s normal opening for the trial -
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- only for Monokuma to completely undercut him, aka the opening of this post. 8′D You’ll prevail over robophobia one day, K1-b0! One... day....
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Good luck trying to pull that on Maki, though. 8′D
H-Hm. The fact that you’re asking that means that you’re either putting on a really good act right now, or I am so very, very wrong right out the gate. But with that said, where is the sixth person? Maybe that’s what I should call them, honestly. The Sixth Person. The Unknown Loudmouth who thrives off others’ attention. The Mysterious Purple Boy Wonder. ‘K’, if you will.
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omg they... have question marks... on their faces.... Now this is definitely a first. So we’re actually going to go the whole trial without either of them, huh. Sure, one of them being gone I was half-heartedly prepared for, but both? Damn.
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I’m 99% sure ‘Never let a good crisis go to waste’ is like Monokuma’s theme or something.
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They are?! Have they been hiding in here the whole time??? That... is actually a really good hiding place? Though I have no idea how they’d be able to get down here before a trial was called...
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There’s that same base assumption: Culprit = Mastermind = Kokichi. But what if one of those isn’t true? Or, well, two? Could it be Culprit = Mastermind? Or Culprit = Kokichi? Or just... well, neither?
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Man, just... the fact that you’re trying to shut down discussion really lends itself to suspicion. I don’t think I’m drawing the wrong conclusion by saying she was the one who cleaned up after the fact, but I suppose the option of her outright killing Kokichi or mercy-killing Kaito is still a possibility? I still don’t think she’s the culprit because I don’t think she was able to get in until after the crossbow shots were fired (aka let in by Kaito) but...
Or... or if she found Kaito dead already, from illness, and then crushed the body to frame Kokichi for it... but if she thought he was the mastermind, then she would think he’d have control of the full trial and would know that selecting him as the culprit would be the wrong answer, right??? Yeah okay following that idea to the end was pointless in the end but at least I got it out of my system. >3> I also don’t think she would disrespect Kaito’s body like that tbh unless she had to, so...
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Oh man are we going to get an end-of-trial reveal then? I’m just gonna be vibrating anxiously in my seat then, I suppose. look Sweetcheeks we’re in sync again!
Aaaah, the class is so small now... I mean, we don’t even have the sixth person we should have. This is sixth chapter-levels of small. what is with the number six showing up all of the sudden
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I had to grab this screenshot because tell me this doesn’t give off the impression of a sniper scope lens! Maybe that’s just me? I just really like taking a moment to appreciate the design of the text in the trials ~
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I didn’t think this was going to come up so early!
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And the one to the back looks bad.... Was it just dripping, or do those correspond with the drag marks? It seems to imply that they do...
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Shuichi and I are all about those implications and circumstantial evidence lol
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Meanwhile Maki is all about that supposed ‘direct’ evidence. Which, you know, fair! .... is what I would say if I didn’t think she was participating in a cover-up. But the motive behind the coverup... just saying ‘she wants to save Kaito’ isn’t really good enough for me, because that means she’s forfeiting everyone else’s lives in the process of the trial proceeds by its own rules - which it seems to be doing.... And, yeah, everything outside is gone, and she did agree to mercy-kill everyone before they saw the flashback light, but -
Oh, that’s an interesting thought. Kaito overthrows Kokichi, accidentally killing him in the process thanks to Maki’s poisoned arrows. Kaito succumbs to illness, or is going to in short order. Monokuma AI is still up and running, and Maki thinks it’s just because it can run independently of Kokichi, maybe? So she takes advantage of it in order to mercy-kill everyone like Gonta (and maybe Kokichi) wanted last chapter, while letting Kaito die without anyone else thinking he was a murderer? Is this her using her Ultimate Assassin ability in the most compassionate way she can, maybe?
I.... don’t know if I’m 100% satisfied with that answer... but it is an answer..........
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It’s not a question of wants, my dear Sweetcheeks - she needs to push this narrative. The real question is if she actually believes it herself.
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i thought the answer was bloodstain whoops
Thank goodness there wasn’t. 8′\ I don’t think even Danganronpa could stylize the gruesomeness out of that.
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“You think that comment about ‘the last time you touched a woman’ was bad? I’m going to show you that I can eviscerate you without even lifting a finger.”
Maki is a force to be reckoned with, damn.
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too soon? .... yeah okay
I’M LAUGHING HOW MANY SHIP WAR TRIALS ARE WE GOING TO HAVE why can’t we all just ot3 in peace guys
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They are low-key fighting about who knows Kaito the best down to how he dresses himself I cannot believe -
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“Have you ever considered he was wearing it like a cape like an absolute no-taste madman? Or reverted to the ‘tied around waist’ trend?  When you two broke up, it changed him, Shuichi - it changed him!”
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“Just like Kokichi Imeanwhat, you didn’t hear me say that, nope -”
also too soon probably
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Defeat... but how does this defeat him? The theory I have addresses why she would be so determined/have more knowledge than she’s letting on, but it definitely doesn’t neatly answer how implicating him as the culprit would ‘defeat’ him outside of letting Kaito out unscathed. :x
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Oooh, are we going to address that point now? I feel like once we’ve resolved that, we’ll be ready to start breaking things down into easier-to-solve chunks!
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Oh... um... o-okay but -
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actually oooh she said ‘Momota’ without an `ific behind it - is that a first, or did I only just notice now?
Edit: I’ve been corrected, she’s apparently not used it for a while now. I’m not surprised I just didn’t notice until now. 8′D
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I.... I don’t even know what to think right now.... I thought I’d come up with something good in terms of why it was Kaito and not Kokichi, thinking it would be maybe a twist for partway through the trial or something, but then??? he just fucking busts in 15 minutes late with whatever DR’s equivalent of Starbucks is like ‘WHAT UP GUYS WHAT DID I MISS?’
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can I just say I really appreciate Hiro Shimono right now holy crap
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but I just heard Kokichi scream something along the lines of (and I’m totally going to butcher this with my limited knowledge, I apologize):  “ORE WA SHIMASEN! MINNA WO AISHITERU KARA!” Isn’t that along the lines of ‘I won’t [die], I love all of you?” or ‘Everyone loves me?” or something? man I’m totally butchering this aren’t I lol please feel free to correct me
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As for the english reference we have a confirmed Sinatra fan among us - that’s some pretty great taste you’ve got there, kiddo! hey maybe the japanese one was a detective conan ED ref or maybe I’m just reaching as usual
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U-Uh I don’t know about that? I find the exisals pretty impressive, personally. I bet Tsumugi is secretly fangirling as an big mecha!anime nerd.
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Good question, tbh - why did Kaito’s voice come out of the exisal? I’d consider the idea of them both being in there, but... but we discovered a body, right? And bloodstains? Unless an old body was reused (and there’s precedence in the series for that), but I don’t know how they would manage it???
Also I’m mad at myself WHY did I accidentally delete the ‘cracker’ cap, japanese Kokichi literally just said ‘cracker’ out loud and it was amazing!!!
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..... I.... DAMN IT THAT IS A GOOD REASON. Fine, you win this round, K.
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I MEAN... YEAH....
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oh shit you did what now
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UM?!?! NO, CAN WE NOT?!?!
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Oh.... Oh no.
I have questions about why the video sped up for a moment and also why he isn’t moving at all (is he??? dead before being placed there???)  but I’m going to push them to the side for a moment because
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Oh dear :(
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how many love interests must this boy be forced to watch die damn it
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dhaskoi · 6 years
Love, Judgment & Forgiveness
This was my entry for the Supercat Christmas in July fic exchange for the incomparable #damelola.  If you liked my earlier drabble about Lena getting caught with the kryptonite you might like this too.
Cat leans back in her seat with a sigh as she lays the paper down on the empty seat next to her, the DC cityscape slipping by outside the town car’s window.  When you work in the big white house your workday never really ends, but she’s found that with an early start she can snatch some time to herself on the drive in, usually spent flipping through her preferred papers.  Her fondness for newsprint is a little old fashioned, especially when her own publications (and she will always think of them as hers, no matter what shenanigans take place with CatCo stock) are steadily switching over to a focus on digital content.  The smoothness of the transition a significantly greater online presence is one of the things James has gotten right.  But Cat can’t imagine a time when she won’t love the tangibility of ink under her fingers, the weight of the folded paper in her hands, the rustle of the pages.  The day that picking up her morning paper doesn’t give her a little thrill she’ll know it’s time to cart herself off to a nursing home to play shuffleboard and be wheeled out into the sunlight at set times like a potted plant.  God willing she’ll die before there’s any risk of that.
She knew it would be hard, walking away from CatCo and National City for the second time.  She knew that this would happen, reading about Kara’s adventures and triumphs second or third hand and feeling left out.  The traitorous voice that used to whisper that she was already left out hardly even stirs these days, after all the times she’s repressed it.   Cat had told herself that White House Press Secretary was a job worthy to the challenge of keeping her fully distracted from what she’d left behind.  It turns out that once she’d settled into the role and started to get the hang of Beltway maneuverings the mechanics of the job were in fact less challenging than being a CEO.  She hadn’t realized how badly her schedule had been bloated by encounters with murderous, superpowered ex-employees, scheming billionaires (other than her), alien invasions and whatever crisis of the week their resident superhero had to deal with.
That said, she’s learning a lot from Olivia.  She suspects her old friend had more reasons than a desperate need to replace her decimated staff when she offered Cat the job, but Cat is so used to being on the other side of that equation that it took her an embarrassingly long time to realise she was being groomed for more.   She’s still considering what path she wants to take after her stint as press secretary wraps up.  On to communications director to put her name on some worthwhile legislation and get the experience she’d need to make a credible run for governor or the senate?  She doesn’t intend to be one of those idiots who thinks they can spend their way into an office without any accomplishments to prove she’s worthy of the task.
Some new business enterprise?  The way news gets distorted on social media has riled Cat for years, but being the WHPS has given her a new, more urgent perspective on the subject.  It’s different hearing briefings from the FBI about acts of violence set in motion by lies spread on Facebook and Tumblr.  Idle thoughts about a new type of media platform that integrates social media more directly, combined with rigorous fact checking and moderation, have been growing less idle lately.  Getting a new company off the ground at this stage of her life sounds like a nightmare, especially in a field that cutthroat, but the money from the CatCo sale and Carter’s impending college years are two significant differences from the insane and sleepless days when she was getting CatCo off the ground.
Which brings her to door number three.  A return to CatCo with the skills and knowledge she’s acquired here, using them to elevate her company further, take it to even greater heights.   Her understanding of how to leverage media influence for social change has been honed to an even sharper edge by her time in Washington – new knowledge of how the political machine works from the inside has given her some interesting thoughts about changes she’d like to make at CatCo if she went back.  The thought of it is tempting and unnerving in almost equal proportion.  Would she be moving forward or falling back into the same old rut if she went home to the city where she truly made her name?  And could she bear to see a certain bright-eyed reporter growing closer to the woman who seems to have stepped into what used to be Cat’s place in her life?  These are questions she doesn’t have answers to yet.  Until she does she’ll keep supporting and learning from Olivia –
Something in her driver’s body language catches her attention and Cat frowns, turning away from the window to reach forward and tap her on the shoulder.
“Lisa is there a -”
The whole world blurs as the car jerks to the side and Cat is thrown against the seatbelt suddenly cutting into her torso.  Force, pure force tossing her around. It’s like being a bug in a jar, picked up by the hand of a giant angry toddler and shaken hard.  Cat still remembers her first encounter with the sensation from her mercifully brief stint as a war correspondent when she’d been too close to an IED.  For years after she’d persisted in the happy delusion that that part of her life was over, until with the arrival of its own superhero National City suddenly seemed to have a new hostile alien or ridiculous metahuman attacking every damn week.  No matter how many times it happens you never get used to it.  Noise, tyres screeching, engine revving, Lisa in the front seat swearing - and then silence for a second before the sound of voices shouting and feet pounding.  Cat raises a hand to her head and tries to focus past the shock and the disorientation.  There’s an ache in her neck that makes it hard to raise her head.  Don’t stop thinking, that’s her rule in situations like this and it has always served her well.  First task?   Check on the person in the car with her, who is also the one person who might immediately be able to tell her what’s going on, or get free?  Do both.  Cat scrabbles at her seatbelt even as she calls out.
“Lisa?  Lisa can you hear me?  Lisa?”
No response.  Cat hopes she’s merely unconscious.  The crash didn’t feel as though it was that bad.  Did they have an accident or – no, there’s gunfire.  Despite the circumstances and the surge of adrenaline Cat feels a sort of tired resignation creeping over her for a second.  Does this always have to be her life?
Then the door slams open and rough hands are grapping at her shoulders, yanking her out unceremoniously to land on her hands and knees on the unforgiving tarmac.  She feels it cutting into her palms and her knees and takes a moment to be grateful that the situation isn’t triggering a flashback.   Therapy works, apparently.
Ordinarily the Press Secretary simply doesn’t rate their own secret service detail and Cat hasn’t broken the tradition.  Due to her colourful personal history (most press secretaries have never faced a single attempt on their life, let alone multiple attacks by supervillains) Cat has the distinction of being offered a detail by Olivia.  The worry was that someone with her high profile assuming such a public position might become a target in a way that the Press Secretary usually isn’t, but Cat dismissed the concern.   She doesn’t need a coterie of bodyguards to feel special - and she doesn’t believe that men and women whose job it is to take a bullet guarding the country’s leadership should be used as adornments to someone else’s ego.  Vanity is one thing, but that just smacks of insecurity to her.
And if she’s being honest with herself she couldn’t tolerate the loss of freedom, especially freedom of movement, that came with a security detail.  Evidently, that was a mistake.
There’s indistinct yelling around her as she looks up – right into the barrel of a gun, wonderful – and she catches something about ‘alien loving bitch’, oh of course, Cat thinks, the woman who named Supergirl becomes the face of the administration that passed the alien amnesty act.  It was only a matter of time before some bunch of backwoods bigots crawled out of the woodwork.  She really should have seen this coming, except she can never take these kinds of lunatics as seriously as she probably should, refuses to engage with the fearful mindset that considers them real threats.  Cadmus running around being, well, being Cadmus, also made it easy to forget that they weren’t the face of all prejudice in America and the threat didn’t end with Lillian being locked up.
Looks like she’s going to pay for that now.
The reality finally sinks in as she sees her assailant’s finger tighten on the trigger, some nondescript thug in coveralls with weaponry easily brought at any gun fair in the country.
This is it.  This is when she dies.  No lucky escape or last-minute superhero save this time.  The smallness of it stings a little.  After everything she’s survived this is how it all ends for her?
Time slows.
Cat has always known that the time gifted to us is finite and too precious to be wasted.  She’s understood so ever since she came home from school at the age of ten and found her beloved father dead in his study from a stroke decades too soon.  As a child she was furious, betrayed, she blamed everyone and everything and cried out the injustice.  As an adult she came to understand, slowly, that loss and pain are part of life, that they sharpen the edge of every experience.  Cat doesn’t fear death.  Unfinished business, on the other hand . . .
Carter.  He’s not so little nowadays, but he’ll always be her baby and he still needs his mother.  This is going to break his heart.  Will his father come through for his son this once?  If any deity should be listening, please let him grow up happier and steadier than she did.
Adam.  They’ve stayed in touch, sporadic yet ongoing.  He even sent a card for her last birthday.  She can never be the mother to him that she wanted to be, but there was hope for closeness, for something of the relationship she thought she’d lost any chance at.
Kara.  There’s a lot she still wanted to say to the most promising young woman she ever mentored.  A lot that she might never have said, regardless of what she tells herself in this last moment.  She can only hope Kara knows, that her veiled and not-so-veiled comments made it clear how important the other woman was to her, and in how many ways.  And she’s selfish enough to hope that she’ll be missed, that Kara will shed a tear or two just for Cat.
And then -
The familiar whoosh of displaced air and the distinctively heavy thump, felt as much as heard, that can only be caused by a pair of strong legs suddenly hitting the ground at speed.  There’s no stopping the smile that begins to from on her face, an ingrained reaction to the knowledge that a certain blonde Kryptonian is still her guardian angel.
Cat looks up and is startled to see a flash of dark hair instead of the expected blonde.  With a flicker of disappointment, she realises it’s him, not her, and then she has to check that assumption too as further details sink in and she realizes something very strange is happening.  Black and white is her first impression.  A black, vaguely leather looking bodysuit with a metallic sheen and a matte white cloak that sweeps back from her shoulders.  Long dark hair falling in a queue down her back.   She’s moving too fast for Cat to see more than that, as she pushes herself to her feet.
The mystery woman – mystery girl, Cat realizes - rips through the attackers with superspeed and rather less moderation than she’s used to seeing from Kara or Superman, although it doesn’t look as if her surprise savior has killed anyone.   Her shoves and throws as she blurs from one location to the next are more than forceful enough to break bones and she throws their weapons away with enough energy to put bystanders at risk.  One of the thugs gets thrown into the side of the van that rammed Cat’s car with enough force to leave an ugly dent.
She’s new, says the analytical part of Cat’s mind that never switches off, even when the rest of her is saying her final goodbyes.   Determined but short on practical experience.  Like Kara when she first started out the new arrival isn’t familiar with the million little details that add up to doing a complicated job right and she hasn’t had the benefit of anyone else’s experience.  She’s trying, but it’s clear no-one has taught her how to fight safely with her strength.
What are they going to call her, Cat wonders?  There’s no convenient letter shaped symbol on her chest to hang a name on, no obvious theme for branding.  With a jolt of realisation it occurs to her that these decisions are not hers to make anymore.  Someone else – Kara? James? Please god not Lois – will choose a name for this new arrival.  The sense of loss she feels at that realization is stronger than she might have expected.  Then Cat realizes it’s over, every attacker down, and the new superhero in town is headed towards her at a swift trot.  The expression of concern on her face is a little surprising from someone Cat has never met.
Oh hell – Lisa.  Cat rushes towards the car, a little unsteady on her Jimmy Choos but not slowing down as she heads towards the driver side door to check on Lisa.
“Ynugh!  Cat,” a hesitant pause at Cat’s lack of response, “Miss Grant!  Miss Grant are you okay?”
The voice isn’t quite the light, warm tone so familiar to her (yet another giveaway of the secret she’s supposed to keep ignoring) but it’s close. And so are those worried blue eyes.  The face though . . . there’s something about it that claws at the edge of Cat’s memory.  Something that’s obvious yet out of sight.  She pushes it into a corner of her mind for later consideration, so she can focus on the more urgent present.
“I’m fine, I’m fine, Lisa, my driver, I think she was knocked unconscious -”
Before Cat can complete the thought the girl is reaching forward and with a tearing shriek of abused metal the door is ripped away and flung aside. Lisa’s seatbelt is no obstacle to Kryptonian strength (Cat’s assuming – she’s certainly got the flight, the strength and the speed) and in the time it takes Cat to blink Lisa is being laid gently down on the road by the mystery brunette.  Cat is already shrugging out of her blazer to make an impromptu pillow while the brunette looks her over with an analytical care that Cat recognizes.  That’s a tick for x-ray vision then.
“She’s okay, she’s okay.  It’s safe, she doesn’t have any spinal damage,” the young brunette says reassuringly when she sees Cat hesitate to disturb Lisa’s head.
“It’s just bumps and bruises and a mild concussion,” she goes on as Cat tucks the folded blazer under Lisa’s head.
“I am so glad you’re okay, Miss Grant.”
“So am I, miss . . .”
Cat lets her voice trail off questioningly.  Danger past and her immediate fears assuaged her investigative instincts are kicking in.  She wants answers.  She wants the story.
She wants to know what the hell is going on.
The young woman focuses an intense gaze on Cat, before breaking into a beaming smile.  Finally, able to get a clear look at her, what stands out is how pleased she looks with herself.  Cat is reminded more than anything of Carter as a child when he thought he’d managed to sneak an extra cookie without her realizing.  He was so adorable when he did that she occasionally let him get away with it, purely for the pleasure of his happy I’m-so-clever smile.  She’s striking, no surprise ( why do superheroes always look as though they came straight from central casting?) with fine features, clear skin, long dark hair and the blue eyes Cat already took note of.  Possibly the brightness of the smile she’s directing at Cat is skewing her judgment slightly there.
“I’m a friend, Miss Grant.  I promise you that.”
Cat looks her dead in the eye and makes a show of dusting herself before planting her hands on her waist, summoning every ounce of poise she has.
“Really? Isn’t it considered friendly to introduce oneself where you’re from?”   Cat smirks a little, reminded of her earlier thought and a long past conversation with Kara.  “If you don’t provide a name you’ll have to live with someone else’s pick.”
“I’m sure you’ll come up with something suitable, Miss Grant.”  More grinning.  “You’ve got some practice naming superheroes.”  She tilts her head in way that’s familiar to anyone who has spent much time around Kara, focusing elsewhere for a second.  Add another tick for super hearing, Cat decides.  “And that’s my cue to leave.  Stay safe, Cat.”
She grins wider and it’s so bright and fiercely joyful that the connection Cat had wondered at is undeniable.  Then she tenses, and Cat barely has time to take a faltering step back before the girl launches into the sky, going fast but not so fast she can’t be seen, until there’s a strange shimmer and she’s simply gone.  Cat stays watching for a moment, the way most people do when they’ve just seen one of the supers fly away, before the sound of sirens shakes her out of the reverie.
“That never stops being impressive,” she murmurs before returning to Lisa’s side, already drafting the release and considering how the administration will break the news without admitting they don’t know anything.
The next several hours are spent in the D.C headquarters of the D.E.O, recounting the same five minutes over and over, while Sam Lane pitches a hissy fit in the background.  Which explains why she’s hours behind the curve when James Olsen decides outing himself as the Guardian is a good idea.
Read the rest on AO3
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ao3feed-supercorp · 6 years
by lycanhood
Kara Danvers is working as a war reporter for Catco Worldwide when she meets Lena Luthor, genius CEO of L-Corp. They quickly fall hard for each other. But with such demanding careers and each with their fair share of baggage, their relationship takes work. Kara is often out of the country and war takes its toll on her, while Lena is often traveling for business and still struggling under the weight of her family's sordid past.
They have to learn to love and support each other while still managing to be themselves in a world that seems hellbent on making life difficult. Welcome to the ride, and consider this the fasten your seatbelts sign
*No Powers/Human AU*
(You can expect some Mild Angst, Smut, Hurt/Comfort, and Graphic Violence in later chapters. All of which will be appropriately marked in the Notes section. Other than that this is just sort of a fun AU idea I had about what Supercorp's relationship might look like under certain strains and circumstances. Most of the plot is just about the ups and downs of their relationship. Nothing but Happy Endings here, folks!)
Words: 4862, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015), DCU (Comics), Arrowverse - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Cat Grant, Alex Danvers, Maggie Sawyer, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Samantha "Sam" Arias, Lucy Lane, Sara Lance, Minor Mike Matthews, Jess (Supergirl TV 2015), Minor Other DC Characters, Minor Original Characters - Character, Winn Schott Jr., Brainiac 5 (Brainy)
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers, Kara Danvers & Cat Grant, Kara Danvers & Lucy Lane, Kara Danvers & James "Jimmy" Olsen, side Sanvers - Relationship, Past Agent Canary, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor & Maggie Sawyer, Samantha "Sam" Arias & Lena Luthor, Past Lena Luthor/Others
Additional Tags: War Correspondent!Kara, Reporter Kara Danvers, Sort of Military AU, Getting to Know Each Other, Getting Together, Long-Distance Relationship, Long-Term Relationship(s), Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Falling In Love, Scientist!Lena, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Mild Hurt/Comfort, PTSD (in later chapters), Happy Ending, human!kara, Humanitarian!Lena, CEO Lena Luthor
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/2wCimNZ via IFTTT http://archiveofourown.org/works/15830229
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educatedinyellow · 6 years
Speed Dating My Fics
I’m doing my own meme! Wheels within wheels!
When it comes to your own fics, which one do you think is…
The funniest: Two Shoes for a Hat (Ritchie Holmes) They have a barter system. It started early.
The most romantic: Rewriting History (ACD Holmes) A correspondence between Holmes and Watson in the immediate aftermath of the Great War in which they discuss questions of history both public and personal.
The most unusual: Life is But a Dream (BSG) Kara takes a psychedelic trip to the Island of Animal Metaphors.
The scariest: Strike Twice (BBC Sherlock) It’s a myth that lightning never strikes twice.
The sexiest: None of my fics are sexy, but if I have to choose an approximation… Every Sense (BSG) They loved each other in every sense.
The saddest: Yearbook (Buffy) On her twenty-third birthday, in Rome, Buffy loses someone who was never quite a friend. She almost grieves.
The prettiest: Severe Reasoning (Harry Potter) Snape’s life, set to Sherlock Holmes.
The most exciting: First Flight (BSG) Kara and Lee’s first flight together didn’t go smoothly.
The happiest: The Almost Empty House (BBC Sherlock, Potterlock fusion) Sherlock is determined to live in an empty House, but things don’t work out according to plan.
The most realistic: (for a certain value of realism) A solitude of space (BSG) When they reach Earth, the Colonials do not destroy their technology or abandon their fleet.  After Kara's disappearance, Lee returns to the Galactica. He's not as alone there as he expected to be.
The most fantastical: He Kindly Stopped for Me (BSG) She was already half in love with Death.
The most complex: Forever Taking Leave (BSG, fusion with The Sixth Sense) If he’s gone, she doesn’t want to know.
The simplest: A High Price (Batman) Bruce hated it when he couldn't make it home on his birthday.  They always found a way to make him pay.
The closest to what you wanted it to be: Rewriting History
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