#wanted to draw her a long time ago hehehehe
koucholate · 2 months
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Suzu engirls upon ya
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Milkshakes and Existential Contemplation
Pairing: Kirishima x reader
Warnings: A single no-no word, tooth rotting fluff, dairy consumption (???), sleep deprived chats, and maybe some cold nostalgia
Author’s Note:
Hello! This is the promised Kirishima birthday fic I’ve been looking forward to since fOrEvEr (and it’s also taken me forever to write, goodness).
I’ll pretend like it isn’t wildly obvious that I wrote this during wildly different moods and levels of sleep deprivation.
Huge thank you and shout out to my buddies @sasha-annelie-quinn​ and @izzinks​ for helping me get this fic out on time! Especially Izzy, go check out her blog. She’s got some amazing original art! The ending was her idea :)
Not much to say other than Happy birthday, Kirishima! He’s undeniably my personal best boi and I love him with all my heart <3
Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
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Eijirou knew he was in for quite a night when he awoke to your dark form hanging over him. Your hands gripped his shoulders from your stance at the side of his bed, and it took him a moment to even register that it was, in fact, you.
“(Y/N)? What time is it?” He yawned and rolled to his side, tugging his camo-print blanket over his shoulder. “Do you need cuddles again?” His voice made it evidently clear how deep a sleep he’d just come out of.
“Nah. It’s like—two AM? I don’t know, I was just thinking to myself and stuff and then it hit me that today is a very important day.”
“. . . It’s nighttime.”
You rolled your eyes in the dark. “Yeah, buuuut, it’s also your birthday! Yay!”
Kirishima ran a hand over his face, wondering if/when he would be able to go back to sleep. “Yep. It’s my birthday.”
You ignored the less-than-enthused tone in his voice. “I better have been the first person to wish you a happy birthday. You know, on your birthday. You didn’t get any phone calls yet or anything?”
“Nope. You’re the first.”
“Yeah!” You pumped your fist in the air.
“Is that what you wanted?" he asked. "Because I’ve got a pretty good idea of what I would like as my first present.” Eijirou shuffled over a bit to make more room for you, lifting the blanket next to him. “Snuggles with my pebble.”
You paused at his proposition, looking into the shadowy abyss that was Kirishima’s bed. There was a part of you that wanted to curl up in his warm arms, falling together with him into the realm that is sleep. You could already feel the kisses he’d leave on your cheeks, whispering broken ‘good night’s and ‘I love you’s as you drifted off. But no, you had something a little different in mind.
“Actuallyyy,” you said, drawing out the word. “I was wondering if you wanted to go on a little date.”
Kirishima furrowed his eyebrows together in the dark. “Like . . . right now?”
“. . . where?”
“I was thinking Denny’s. You know how it’s got that certain vibe right about now? It’ll be like we’re stepping into a whole other world.”
Kirishima looked at your shadowy face. It was clear that you were almost as tired and sleep deprived as him, and your brain probably wasn’t all there. A part of him could recognize that he wasn’t exactly being himself either due to his cut-off sleep. He wasn’t as peppy as usual (though, to be honest, who is at this hour of the morning?). However, Kirishima had to admit that he was intrigued by the idea. You had both discussed this concept once a few weeks ago while you were scheming date ideas. He’d thought it sounded fun at the time, but he certainly hadn’t expected it tonight.
“If you really don’t want to, we don’t have to,” you said, growing a little anxious at his lack of response. “I just thought it could be something different that we could do together.”
Eijirou sighed quietly to himself, considering. It was Friday night—no, Saturday morning—so it wasn’t as though you had classes in a few hours. He peeled the blanket off himself and sat up, rubbing at the back of his head. “Why not? Let’s go.”
“Yayyyyy!” you lowered your voice to a stage whisper, watching as he got up and fumbled around for his crocs and a pair of pants.
It was then that he looked to you. “Were you wanting to get dressed first?”
He’d noticed your choice to keep on your pajama pants, baggy and sweeping just at your ankles. These were your favorites—sinfully fuzzy and comfortable and absolutely adorable.
“This is my fashion statement,” you said, all serious.
Eijirou shrugged. “Cool.”
He opened his door for you, exaggerating a bow as he let you through. You feigned importance, nodding and curtseying at his gesture. The two of you giggled as Kirishima quietly shut the door behind himself.
“We have to be really quiet,” you whispered, taking out your phone and turning on the flashlight. You padded down the hall with Kirishima in tow, making your way to the stairs. It wasn’t long before you were at the door on the ground level, finding your own shoes while Eijirou slid on his crocs. You double checked that you had your bag containing your wallet around your shoulder before sidling up to Kirishima and intertwining his hand with yours.
“Isn’t this exciting?” you asked, grinning at him.
“Yeah, this is crazy.”
You giggled and opened the door, grateful that there wasn’t an alarm system.
The night air hit your skin deliciously, flooding your lungs as you inhaled. A chill October breeze ruffled your hair, and a light spattering of gooseflesh arose on your arms. You started down the sidewalk leading away from the Heights Alliance building, taking a moment to look up above you. Stars spattered the canvas of the night sky, and you found yourself enraptured by their profound beauty. Eijirou followed your gaze, looking from the diamond-studded tapestry of the atmosphere to its reflection in your soft, wide eyes.
“I can never get over how beautiful the world we live in is.”
Shit, why did you have to be so cute? Eijirou watched you gaze up at the sky for a few moments longer before you reached for his hand.
“Sorry,” you whispered. “I just love being out at night.”
Kirishima grinned. “Me too.”
You walked in the dark, hand in hand as you navigated to the local Denny’s. You’d been there before, but never as late as this. You’d especially never gone out alone with someone like Eijirou at such an hour. It was . . . beyond thrilling; wandering the chilled empty streets with none other than your beloved. It was as if you were the only two in existence—lost in a dream—and a part of you liked it that way.
Both you and Kirishima passed under a street lamp. You took the opportunity to get a good look at him in the yellow glow. His red hair was undone and framed his face in familiar spikes. The sight made you giddy, and you couldn’t help but reach up to touch him.
“Your hair looks so cute when it’s down like this. So soft.” You began to attempt to run your fingers through it when they found a slightly more tousled patch. “Ope, you’ve still got some bed-head there. My bedhead redhead. Heheheh.”
Kirishima snorted at your choice of words, letting you finger comb out the little tangle on the back of his scalp. “Um, thanks.”
One block later, you caught sight of a familiar yellow sign. You happily patted Kirishima’s arm. “We’re almost there!”
Now that he was up and moving around, Eijirou felt a little more awake. You had been right; he did almost feel as though he were in another world, being out so late. The streets were almost completely void of activity on this side of town, and street lamps lit warm pools of light onto the pavement to break up the darkness.
Eijirou walked you to the front entrance, pulling open the glass door for you to go in. You stood with him in the waiting area, and he let you lean against his arm while you watched for someone to come over and seat you.
Sure enough, a young man a few years your senior came around the counter. He looked from you to the screen of the device before him. “Just the two of you tonight?”
“Yeah,” Kirishima said.
Your waiter grabbed two menus and led you to a table in the back by a window. The only other person in there with you was an older man sitting at the other end of the restaurant. He looked just as half-asleep as the two of you were as he sipped at a mug of coffee.
Kirishima slid into the booth first, and you decided to sit down right next to him. He tenderly wrapped a warm arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to his side. “So what were you thinking about getting?” he asked as the waiter walked off.
“It’s your birthday. You pick.”
“Oh, right.” Kirishima picked up one of the menus, thumbing through the laminated pages. “Do you want to split a milkshake? I’m not super hungry.”
“Ooh, that sounds good. What flavor should we get? Whatever you want.”
“Hmm.” The redhead next to you scanned over the kinds of ice cream listed. “How about . . . vanilla strawberry swirl?”
“Yummy.” You settled in closer beside him, letting his warmth envelop you. A wave of tiredness decided to settle onto your eyelids, and you fought to keep them from closing all the way. You had to admit to yourself that you were tired, but this was still something you’d wanted to do with your boyfriend for some time. You’d stay here chatting and enjoying yourselves, and then you’d go back to his room and cuddle until you fell asleep. That sounded so nice . . . .
The waiter came up to your table again, and it was only now that you realized that you were practically shoved up into Eijirou’s armpit. The sleepy haze that clouded your mind made you feel a little more lenient about your display of affection, but even so, you moved to straighten yourself.
“What’ll you have to drink?” he asked, taking out a small pad of paper.
“I don’t think we’ll need anything.” Kirishima looked to you to confirm. “We’re ready to order.” He placed his milkshake request and watched as the other man made his way back to the kitchen. “So.” Eijirou wrapped his arm around you again, pulling you back to your previous position. “Denny’s at an ungodly hour of the morning. Thoughts?”
“This is kind of a vibe,” you said, looking at all the empty tables bathed in fluorescent light. “It’s even weirder because I’m tired. Otherwise it would just be an empty restaurant.”
“It’s pretty neat,” Eijirou agreed, taking a look out the dark windows. It was nearly impossible to see out of them due to the bright light within the building.
“So how does it feel to be a whole year older?” you asked, adjusting yourself so you could look at his face.
“Um, the same, kinda? I don’t think I’ve changed all that much this past year.”
“Look at us,” you said. “Closer to being adults, to going pro and being heroes . . . . I’m kind of scared.”
“Scared? But isn’t it exciting too?”
“Of course, yeah.” You began to fiddle with one of the paper placemats, studying the color-printed image on it. It depicted one of the meals on the menu, and you let your eyes trace over every detail of it. “I guess the concept of being all grown up and independent is starting to hit me. There’s so much I don’t know yet.”
The redhead nodded at your musings. “We can be there for each other, you know. You shouldn’t ever have to feel like you’re on your own in everything.”
You hummed, examining the shading on a portion of rice depicted on the paper mat in front of you. “Are you thinking that we’d . . . still be together then? After we graduate?”
Kirishima flushed at your question. “I mean—I’d like to. It’s all a matter of time, but . . . .” He trailed off, unwilling to be so vulnerable yet to voice his visions.
“I’d love that too,” you said, hoping you hadn’t come across as implying that you wanted your relationship to be cut short after high school. “What’s your dream? A smaller one that’s beside the pro-hero one. What do you want our future to look like?”
Eijirou shrugged, tracing his fingertips down your arm. “I don’t know.”
“Oh, come on, of course you do,” you teased. “It’s alright. Just tell me about the thoughts that make you the happiest. I don’t care how realistic they might be. Let's just say we could do anything.”
Emboldened by your words, your boyfriend took a quick breath. “Maybe we could move in together some time. Be heroes by day and then come home and see each other. I’d like to wake up with you in my arms . . . every day.” His cheeks had flushed a bit at voicing his fantasy, avoiding your eyes in case you decided it sounded silly.
“That sounds wonderful,” you said, finally catching his crimson gaze with your own. His face melted into a sweet smile and he took hold of your hand in his, making a point of intertwining your fingers together.
The atmosphere around you felt a little strange. You were alone and yet so exposed at the same time. The man at the opposite end could glance over at any time. Your waiter could come back with your milkshake. And yet at the same time it felt as though it was just you and Kirishima, sharing your private musings.
“Do you ever miss being a kid?” you asked, turning to look out the inky black window.
Eijirou winced a bit, his expression growing a little distant and troubled at your words. This, however, went unnoticed by you, and you merely continued to mindlessly stroke at the side of his hand with your thumb. “I guess there are some parts I miss . . . ,” he began. “But I like who I am now a lot better.”
He hadn’t told you about the majority of his self views yet. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust you, he simply didn’t think you needed to know about that side of him. It was in the past and it didn’t matter anymore, right?
“I like how you are too, but like, the nostalgic stuff. You know—tv shows, games, people who you don’t talk to anymore. I still think about my Nintendogs and cry sometimes.”
Eijirou looked back at you. “For real?”
“Yeah,” you said. “They’re just . . . there. In the game. Waiting for me. And who knows if I’ll ever even put the game back in again?” You put your elbows on the table and your chin in your hands, letting your mind wander back to thoughts of them. An unexpectedly large wave of disproportionate sadness crashed into you, and it was as if you couldn’t think of anything else for a moment.
“Hey, are you good?” Eijirou asked.
“I don’t know.”
He put a hand on your back. “Do you still have your DS? You could show them to me sometime.”
Your focus shifted dramatically at his words. “Really?”
“Yeah, I’d like to see them.”
A little part of you began to buzz with an odd spike of happiness. You must have been really sleep-deprived to be feeling emotional like this.
Just then, your waiter came out of the kitchen with your milkshake. “There you are,” he said as he put it down in front of you. “Enjoy.”
It really did look good, in a tall clear glass with the vanilla ice cream swirled within stripes of pink strawberry.
“Would you like me to sing you Happy Birthday?” you asked.
“You don’t have to,” Kirishima said with a chuckle.
“You can’t stop me.” You took a breath and began to sing, quiet enough so the entire restaurant wouldn’t be disturbed by your volume, but obnoxious enough to pull some laughs from Eijirou. “‘Aight, go ahead,” you said, handing him a spoon.
He dipped it into the strawberry ice cream, catching some of the whipped cream on the end. You watched as he put it to his lips, grinning at the taste. You followed suit right after him, taking your own spoon and helping yourself.
The conversation shifted to a lighter-hearted one. The sleepy hum of exhaustion buzzing in the backs of your heads seemed to make everything funnier, and numerous times one of you would say something to make the other crack up. Even the dumbest things that weren’t even funny at all forced you to clap your hands over your mouths to keep the otherwise silent atmosphere around you as such.
You slowly made your way through your shake, occasionally changing it up by feeding each other spoonfuls of ice cream. Eijirou even had the audacity to deliberately get some on the tip of your nose, only to lean in and kiss it off of you himself.
“Tasty,” he remarked, pressing his forehead against yours. His voice suddenly dropped as he met your eyes. “I think I want more.”
As if you weren’t enough of a flustered mess already, he met his lips to yours. He tasted sweet, with remnants of the ice cream lingering on his mouth. You felt secluded in your booth in the back of the restaurant, but even so, a new thrill coursed through you. It was rare for the both of you to have such moments as these in public, and your heart sped even further as your spine pressed into the cushioned back of the seat.
Nothing too extreme happened, just three sweet pecks against your lips, but even so, you couldn’t help but flush a bit with these feelings of excitement and adoration for him.
A few minutes later, you had finished your ice cream and were ready to go. You went to the front and paid for the shake (it was your treat since it was his birthday, and he only protested for a brief minute about letting you pay). Eventually you were back outside in the cool night air, hand in hand as you walked back to the dorms. At this point, the two of you were about ready to crash, and you couldn’t wait to get back inside and fall asleep in each other’s arms.
Which is exactly what you did. Back in his room, you found yourself tucked snugly under his multi-colored blanket, face buried in his warm chest. The darkness was silent and peaceful, and now the weight of your eyelids pressed down tenfold. Your consciousness began to peter out, drifting from thought to thought, breaths deepening within your lungs.
Yet the same couldn’t be said for the man around you. His mind had decided to wander to something you’d said to him earlier, and now he couldn’t think of anything else. He couldn’t quite see your face in the absence of light, but he knew you were probably on the verge of sleep. He felt you shift around a bit in his arms, and that prompted him to speak up.
“(Y/N)?” he whispered.
“Um, you know how we were talking earlier about what we missed from being a kid?”
“Yeah?” Your voice was faint, only functioning because you wanted to hear what he had to say.
“Well I guess I . . . thought of something.”
“What’s that?”
Kirishima chose to ignore the slight slur in your voice, stroking the top of your head absentmindedly with his fingertips. “I miss . . . feeling safe. I was thinking about how when you’re a kid you don’t really know anything about what the world is really like. Your parents protect you and there isn’t anything you really need to worry about. The choices you make don’t change the lives of other people, you can just . . . be. We don’t—we can’t have that anymore.”
His words had stirred you awake, and now you were more intent on what he had said. He was right. Back then, there was almost no fear. You hadn’t needed to worry about villain attacks, or kidnappings, or saving the lives of others. Ignorance was bliss, and every day that sweet bliss seemed to slip further and further from being your reality anymore.
“You’re right,” you muttered, taking his large hand and beginning to fidget with his fingers. Your voice was now more solid, more focused and awake. “As heroes and adults, we need to take on more responsibility. The world isn’t a safe place.” You pulled his hand closer to your face, letting your lips graze his knuckles as you mused to the solid form in front of you. “Taking on this job . . . we had to give up on that. We have to bear a burden so others don’t have to. We chose this job to protect those people, to make sure no one else had to live in fear. The things we’ve had to go through, as a class and as a society—it sucks. But that’s simply how our world works now. We just need to do our best to correct it.”
Eijirou brought up his hand a bit to caress your cheek. You leaned into his touch, gazing into the space you assumed his scarlet eyes were staring back. You turned to press a kiss into the palm of his hand.
“I guess I do still feel safe sometimes, though,” he muttered, voice scarcely daring to break the silence of the room around you.
“I feel safe when I’m with you.”
Your breath caught in your throat as you grew flustered at his words. “Really?” you asked.
“Well, yeah.” Eijirou wrapped his arms around you again, pulling you back into his chest. He pressed a soft kiss to the top of your hair, pausing to inhale the faint smell of your shampoo.
“But you’re the one holding me,” you chuckled, gripping the front of his shirt loosely with your fingers.
“Yeah, and I love it. I feel safe.” He began to move a hand in circles over your back, the soothing motion causing you to relax even more into his touch. “Besides, it’s the manly thing to do.”
You giggled again, faint and drowsy. “You are manly. The manliest boyfriend I could ask for. But you don’t need to be manly all the time with me. You know I’d hold you at any time you needed it, right?”
He rested his chin on the top of your head. “Mm, but it’s my turn tonight.”
You rubbed at his back with your own hand. “Happy birthday, Eiji," you whispered into his ear. “I love you.”
“I love you too," he murmured back. "Thanks for being my Pebble. That’s the best gift I could have asked for.”
You smiled and hummed, the patterns you had been tracing onto his back growing ever lighter.
He chuckled to himself. “My sleepy Pebble.” He planted one last kiss at the top of your forehead. “Good night.”
“Goodbth nigh,” you responded, not bothering to fix the exhausted yet contented slur in your voice.
He hugged you tight and let his eyes drift closed. His birthday had hardly even started yet, but it was already turning out to be his best one yet.
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There’s a bonus part to this too! Find it here!
Taglist: @basicaegyo​ @iiminibattlehero​ @katsugay​ @nabo39​ @pyrofanatic​​ @sendhelpimstupid​ @sokkasangel​ @xoxopam4​ @aahilovetheatre​ @heartpaw12​ @todoroki-waifu​
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jinned · 4 years
admit one | yoongi
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pairing: yoongi x female reader
genre: fluff
au: strangers to lovers??? slice of life?
raiting: pg
word count: 1264
warnings: none
a/n: this is my second drabble from @bangtan-dreamland’s Drinks & Drabbles Game! Here’s the original post –> here! a lot of authors are participating in this event so go check them out! 
anon requested:  Yoongi + Hot choco :)
thank you so much for requesting Heathie! I hope you enjoy this fluff. it’s the last fluff you’ll be gettin from me hehehehe
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The brisk cool air fights its way through every crevice in your two-sizes-too-big olive green overcoat as you desperately attempt to walk faster towards the movie theater. Your shoulders are hunched so high they’re almost touching your ears as you try to maintain your body heat. Who’s wise idea was it to make any plans that involved stepping outside in late winter? You just hope the movie theater lobby is warm.
The sun has long since laid to rest upon the horizon and, finally, you’re standing under the cheap yellow lights that display the current showings. The line isn’t too long, thank goodness, so you’ll only have to stand outside just a little bit longer before you can get the feeling back in your fingertips and nose.
As you wait in line, you can’t help but feel awkward standing there alone, the people around you freely chatting with their family members and friends or their dates. It shouldn’t worry you too much, you know that deep down, but standing alone in a crowd of people has always left you feeling out of place. Thankfully, your friends shouldn’t be too long now. 
Ten minutes go by and it’s finally your turn to purchase a ticket at the booth. Before approaching the teller, you take one last hopeful look behind you, but all you see are unfamiliar faces.
You can’t help the droop of your shoulders as you trudge your feet across the pavement, mumbling a pathetic, “One ticket please,” as you stare at your beat up sneakers.
“Sure! For which movie?”
You wince and shut your eyes for a moment, mentally cursing yourself for not preparing this while you had all that time in line. Your friends specifically said they would pick the movie, as per tradition in the group where one person chooses a movie and the rest follow along like a herd of sheep following its shepherd. It’s supposed to be Choa’s turn tonight.
“I-uh, uhm,” you take a deep breath only to lose it in a millisecond as you look up at the man standing behind the counter. He’s absolutely gorgeous and appears to be close to your age. Blonde hair has never looked so good on a man, especially contrasted against the drag grey background of the booth along with his black polo. He has a soft, kind smile that tweaks just a bit larger as he takes his pointer finger to casually push back his black framed glasses back into place.
Seeing your flustered reaction, he moves his microphone away from his mouth and leans in closer to the window, his body weight supported by the counter. “Are you okay?” Sincere worry sparkles in his golden brown eyes, glistening through the lens of his glasses.
Something about his demeanor and tone of voice calms you and you’re able to swallow back the lump of anxiety that was caught in your throat. Your shoulders relax and you shyly admit, “I was supposed to meet my friends here. They were going to pick out the movie. But I don’t think they’re going to show up.” Normally, this would be the part where you would flinch as someone laughs at you or calls you a freak for being stood up by your supposed friends. Instead, that kindness remains in the man’s eyes. It doesn’t even waver for a second.
“You do not seem like the kind of girl that would get stood up, let alone by people who are calling themselves your friends.” He turns around to look at the screen displaying the movie titles and showing times. The muscles in his back and shoulders shift as he readjusts his weight, those muscles now tightening in all the best ways as his finger points to the screen. And that’s when you see the light reflect off of something on his shirt. It’s a name tag. And it reads ‘Yoongi’. You mouth the name silently to yourself and smile, nearly drifting into dreamland as he’s naming off different movies to you. The only thing that brought you back to reality was someone bumping into your back as they walked past you.
“Any of them sound appealing to you?” He asked, turning back to you.
Well, something definitely looks appealing to you right now.
“I’m not sure,” you chuckle softly, “do you...have any personal recommendations?” 
Yoongi, you hope that’s his real name and not someone else’s name tag he’s borrowing, looks to his left and right before leaning in close to the cheap glass separating you two from one another.
“There’s actually this feel-good rom-com that just came out the other day. People have been saying it’s really good.” He pauses and looks away from you, puffing out his cheeks as they start to turn a light shade of pink and using his pointer finger to draw invisible shapes onto the counter. “Would you...maybe....want to wait another fifteen minutes? That’s when my shift is over and it’s right before the 9’oclock showing. So I could go with you-if you want! I wouldn’t want you sitting all alone and bummed out in a movie theater. Unless! That’s what you want!”
Your cheeks hurt from how much you’re trying to suppress what has to be the biggest smile you’ve ever displayed on your face. You watch the cute boy stammer and steal glances at you as he continues to babble on about who even knows what at this point. A boy has never flirted with you like this before. At least, you hope he’s flirting.
“I wouldn’t mind waiting at all.” Your body naturally sways back and forth with the wind, but this time, you don’t feel cold at all.
The line behind you has completely dispersed and the other teller signals at Yoongi to let him know she will be taking her break before he’s off for the night.
“Here, I’ll sneak you in so you can get warm.” He ushers you towards the side of the building where an outside door resides.
For the next fifteen minutes you get to know your date. And yes, right away he asked if it was alright with you if he could upgrade his movie theatre companion role to the role as your date for the night. How could you not agree? You sat in the corner of the booth, perfectly out of sight to any approaching customers, watching as Yoongi smiled at every single person while wishing them an enjoyable night. As soon as the customers left, his attention immediately went back to you.
All too soon, his coworker comes back, not even glancing at you as you remained huddled in the corner. Yoongi laughs and turns to you, his smile widening.
“Time to clock out!” He jumps off his stool and stretches his hand out to help you stand. His skin is soft against your hand and you marvel at the warmth that overcomes your fingertips as he perfectly rotates his hand to interlock his fingers with yours. Smooth.
Yoongi doesn’t let go of your hand as he manually types in his employee number into the time clock. As he’s doing this, your phone vibrates in your coat pocket. You take it out and see over fifteen messages from your friends that you were supposed to meet tonight:
[Choa: Y/n? Where are you?]
[Hoseok: You were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago...are you coming?] 
[Minhyuk: Sowon you remembered to tell her which movie theatre we were going to right? That we’re not meeting at our usual spot downtown?]
[Sowon: ….crap]
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© all rights reserved. do not copy, modify, translate, or repost. Jintobean 06/07/20
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atrixfromice · 4 years
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Hey howdy folks! Hope you’re having a good Monday !
Today I would like to share a ver special piece! A comission I did for the incredibly awesome artist and friend @tikara !
She have been one of my main artistic influences and inspiration, since a pretty good time, even before we met, hehe.
I cherish her in my heart a lot because her art have always given me a lot of joy and warmth in my soul; and specially because her artwork helped me to come back to art a while ago when I was spending some personal difficult moments and I thought on giving up making art because with the situation I was living I lost a lot of my lself-steem, and I constantly had the feeling my art, and I myself didn't worth it.
Her art lightened the flame of my passion for making art again, and it helped me a lot to realize what I wanted not only in the art field but in my everyday life, and that I shouldn't settle with less, cos working hard for what your heart dreams is worth it! And for that I am deeply grateful.
So, finally being able to meet her and chat with her was, so, sooo incredibly wonderful! It was a dream come true! Heheheh!
And it was so awesome when she commented she wanted a comission from me, it was a very exciting moment! And working with her was the coolest, most beautiful thing ever! She was so nice and patient refering the time, and I enjoyed a lot the fact she was motivated to participate in the making of this piece giving me her suggestions. It made my work a lot more relaxed and enjoyable to have a good comunication. ^^
Plus, these character are awesome, and very fun to draw! I couldn’t believe my luck to have the chance to make an art piece with them, hehe! And for one of the artists I deeply admire! This is for sure the most enjoyable comission I’ve done in my life ^^
Hehe, well, here I present you this cute scene of the Dj’s taking a long, relaxing bath, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when I made it!
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
Omg that sounds so cute 😭😭😭 I do that sometimes too. Mostly little faces and hearts and the beats turn out horrific 😳 I'm glad you had the time to do so, love :D
awww thank you, I feel much better about it now. You're right, taking a rest is suitable. I was just so focused on other stuff I never got around to studying, but I will definitely do so next month 😅😚
oh I see!! Good luck with those, you're gonna do so amazingly well xx 💖💖💖 hmm they're not the same. So we start our school year in January, and we have a first quarter exam in march, then another midterm in June/July, then a second quarter exam in September, and our finals somewhere in November (and then we get a break from November to December, and resume on the 2nd of January), tho we have many week-long holidays in between, like after our midterms (two weeks) and after the quarter exams (one week each). That's before quarantine. Now, due to quarantine, we didn't have our finals because school was out, so the school postponed it to January, when school reopens xD it sucks because we didn't even have lessons for most of the topics which are supposed to come out, and self studying is rubbish, honestly. But I think I'll be okay if I put in the hours <3
awww 😭😭 that's okay maybe use a pillow to muffle it. Oh how I'd love to give you a headpat rn. I love headpats, do you like them too?
RIVER PHOENIX BESTEST BOY. I love his name so much too, ahdbsksj!! I mean... LOOK AT HIM?? PRECIOUS, BEAUTIFUL, ANGEL.
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(He's not alive anymore tho... He passed away on Halloween's day 27 years ago. His story is such a sad one, actually. I have to hold back tears when u think about it)
I'm glad you liked them!! I don't share classical music recommendations with people, you're the special exception, but I'm so happy you like it. It's very soft and soothing, and river flows in you is my favourite thing to play on the piano 😣💖
KSBSKSHSKJ CUTE CUTE CUTE YOUR VIRTUAL DATE SOUNDS ADORABLE GOSH IM MELTING. 😭😭 Poor Kuro, I hope the store restocks some of that juice for him skdjsksk. It's nice that you have someone to spend time like that with. Life is so much more fun when you have someone with you to spend the boring days away. I'm so glad you have Kuro, the two of you sound so wonderful together.
ah yes!! Abigail made it. She's hoping to start a baked goods business in the future, so she practices a lot, and that's nice because whenever I go over the house smells really good. I loved seeing them all too. I nearly cried when I saw Hri (anime protagnist friend sjdjsks it's such a mouthful to type, so that's his nickname xD) because I'd missed him a lot, so I was really really happy. He sat on the floor and let me braid his hair and tie it up, since it's grown so long now!!
Really? I didn't know that but I'm so glad you think so. You make me so happy, I hope you know that.
AHHH yes I really did miss you more, bae 😭💖 didn't not think about you :) I'm glad, it's always so nice to rant with a best friend. I hope things with his family get better!! and oof 😭😭 I never knew that about phones, but it makes sense, extremes of temperature would definitely affect the battery life :( shame that it happened tho!!
I love you too, my wonderful Shiro. Thank you for existing, and always putting a smile on my face.
—miss i'll-braid-your-hair-someday-too-shiro 💖
Heheheh, yes, every time the sounds are like music composed from the cries of the sinful souls right from Hell. It's too fun to pass, though
I'm really glad, also thanks a lot!!!
Damn ... school system is so differnet everywhere. Even the school start, ours starts at first of September😭 It's usually 3 exams per term for each subject, and there are 4 terms. 2 of the exams are for the unit we had passed, and the 3rd exam is what I like to call the final exam, and its has questions of everything we had passed in the term. Or semester. idk how it's called anymore😩 I just know that they're not divided equally (one is two months, one is three, one is 3,5, the other one is 2,5 or something🤨) and it bothers me a lot. Could've done it a little more organized.... pain😞😞
Yeah, selfstudying is really hard... you just lose focus and it's difficult to understand something with all those weird words. For me, at least. With a study buddy i could at least brag that I'm ahead of them XDD I'm sure you can do it, though! Good luck<33
I like to give out headpats!! But, I guess, to have one from you would be lovely😭
Omg!!!! He looks so gorgeous??!? It's such a shame he died at such a young age:((( rest in peace, River Phoenix😖
Ohhh!! Am I, now? That's cute, I'm glad🥺 I'd love to listen to you playing it someday🥺
Hahah, I know right!! I've been thinking about how cute it sounded, tbh I wanted to draw that but really haven't been feeling up to it XD I'm also very happy to have him. It gets lonely around here :( I'm also very glad to have you! And your sweet messages. It's really a relief, knowing someone so wonderful cares about you. Makes me feel even more special, you know?
Ohh that sounds so good!! I wish her luck, I'm sure she'll succeed. That cookie looked gorgeous, bet it tasted great too😋😋 Also that's so sweet omg???? I'm glad you got to see him🥺🥺 and he let you braid his hair what a wonderful man😍🤭
You make me very happy too!!<33
You're making my heart dance rn wth😭😭💞 you're right, it's really nice to just ramble on about stuff with you♡♡ I really hope so as well, but I think it's really better to hope that they can move out. I wish I could help them fjnancially:(
Yeah phones are kinda annoying like that sometimes >:(( it sucks, but at least they do what they need to hehe
Thank you so much for everything, for everything you've told me, for everything you showed me and everything you wished me, you never fail to make my day better💕💕💞💓
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jungwoohoos · 5 years
genre: fluff
word count: 2.1k
you can’t throw a ball to save your life, but being on a volleyball team with jungkook makes you really want to try
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You thought Saehyun was drunk when she first asked you to join her intramural volleyball team
But after some tests--”you know I can’t walk in a straight line even when I’m sober, WHICH I AM”, you figured out she wasn’t drunk
And you were even more confused
Because she’s seen how uncoordinated you are when it comes to your eyes and limbs communicating
One time at a barbecue, you somehow managed to fall into the KanJam bucket when going for the frisbee
The frisbee ended up veering off course and hitting your niece in the head
You had to bribe her with an unlimited supply of mint chocolate chip ice cream for her to stop crying
And there was that other time you asked to borrow a pen from Gyeongsuk and got poked in the eye
He’s on the basketball team so it wasn’t like he mistakenly aimed for your face
It just somehow...landed right in your eye
If Saehyun had asked you to join her team, you knew she had to have been desperate
You went back and forth for a little bit
“Saehyun, you know what I’m like with limb eye coordination. I’m going to dismember myself before the first game even happens”
“But, but” 
She gives you that look, eyes big and mouth pouty, hands clasped in earnest right below her chin
She gave you the spiel about it being one of her biggest life goals, to be captain of an intramural volleyball team
With her little frown and puppy eyes, you had already made up your mind
“I’ll send you the hospital bill after the season’s over” you mumbled into her shoulder when she crushed you into a hug
The bill was coming a lot sooner than you thought 
You had already gotten hit twice in the head
You weren’t even trying to do anything--you were just standing there??
There must be some sort of gravitational pull toward the center of your head
You tucked yourself into the corner after suffering those two mini concussions
4 other people from the team were tossing the ball around
You wanted to stay in your safe zone a little longer before putting yourself in danger for a full game
Saehyun comes over a few minutes later, and you have to swat her flitting hands
“I’m fine I’m fine, stop, stop” and her flailing arms finally take their place at her sides
The game’s about to start in 5 minutes, so you start walking towards center court
“Oh!! I forgot to tell you. Jungkook, that guy from my tech drawing class, is coming. You’ll like him. He’s cute :))” 
“Ugh yes, I knew there was some legitimate reason as to why I’m sacrificing my life to join this team”
She just flicks your arm and keeps on walking
You’re intrigued though because when Saehyun says someone’s cute, they’re usually pretty cute
Although you kinda had someone in mind
Coffee Thottie
Saehyun gagged every time you said that, but she’s never seen him get up to throw his garbage away
He is a certified thicc hottie
He’s typically tucked away in the corner of one of your favorite coffee shops
Sometimes he’s doodling on napkins and other times it’s nicer drawing paper
You’ve never gotten the chance to sneak a peek because you get too nervous
You two kinda know each other because you’re regulars
So he’ll always give you a little smile when he sees you
His eyes crinkle up, and his cheeks squish together
And his hair falls into his eyes when he’s drawing
No matter how long he’s been there for, he always cleans up his stuff and moves if he sees someone older walk in
And there was that one time when you spilled tea all over your shirt because he stretched his arm behind his head and his bicep bunched up
You were able to furiously dab at it before it stained too much, but it was too late because you were warm from seeing him and your chest was burning from your tea
You knew nothing would ever happen because you don’t even know his name or if he’s in school
So you just let yourself enjoy Coffee Thottie because it made your days much more bearable
The refs started gathering everyone toward the net to explain the rules
Just a lot of jargon you didn’t understand, but you were a valued member of this team now so you nodded like everything made sense to you
You saw someone walking toward the group out of the corner of your eye, but he settled somewhere behind you so you couldn’t see who it was
After the coin toss, which Saehyun won, everyone started getting into their spots
Saehyun had planned where everyone was going to be to maximize play efficiency
She put you in the back left corner for those “tight hits”
Mostly because only 4% of the hits ever came that way
You were fixing your way when you heard your name being called
“Jungkook’s going to be right next to you, so don’t worry!! He’s very athletic!!”
You made sure your hair was out of your face before turning to your right
It’s Coffee Thottie
Jungkook is Coffee Thottie
Your brain short-circuited, and you prayed that you weren’t drooling, but Coffee Thottie was standing next to you with a surprised look on his adorable face
And he was wearing shorts, which you had never seen him wear before
Thottie yes he was
He sticks out his hand, which snaps you back to reality, and you fumble a bit before you take it in yours
His hand completely envelops yours, and you’re pretty sure you can stay like this forever
He gives a small smile (only minimal eye crinkling, sad) and introduces himself
After you exchange names, you both interrupt each other
“You go to Green Bean rig--”
“You’re always drawing in Green Be--”
You both laugh and nod, confirming each others’ thoughts
You hear the whistle blow, and Saehyun yells for everyone to get in formation
“I hope you’re good at volleyball because I think Saehyun will go on strike if we lose because of me” you say before scooting to your spot
There’s a little tinkle of laughter from him
Oh boy, you know you’re done for
The game honestly doesn’t go too poorly
Putting Jungkook next to you was an ace choice because he was able to save all the hits that would have somehow found a way to hit you
He’s so supportive when you go to serve and hit him in the back
He pretends like it threw out his back, hunched over and cramping, but he gave you a thumbs up and mouthed “don’t worry” when he saw you getting worried
And you got some pretty nice views of his butt 
Which was truly what got you through
Along with his cute smile and encouraging comments
You ended up winning 3 out of 4 sets
Saehyun fell to the floor and almost started crying
Everyone loitered for a bit, getting their bags settled and putting on their coats
You and Jungkook had somehow started talking about skittles
You were adamant that red was the best color, but he had never even heard of red because green was clearly the superior color
“Okay, but tell me why the red ones are always left after the bag’s empty. It’s because they’re gross!!”
“It’s because you’re not hanging out with people who can appreciate the true culinary genius of red skittles, Jungkook”
Jungkook thought it was cute how passionate you were about the conversation
Your eyebrows would furrow in concentration, and you had a habit of biting the inside of your lip and then letting it bounce
That was a little distracting to say the least
He had no idea that the cute friend Saehyun was talking about was you, the cute girl who always sat by the window and read
He liked to draw you sometimes because you looked so peaceful when you were reading
And he thought he would catch you looking sometimes, but you always averted your eyes so soon after, so he could never tell
But you were definitely looking at him now, and he liked the warm feeling that was settling in his stomach
Saehyun was calling your name, the signal that it was time to head out
She was your ride, and you didn’t feel like walking across campus in the rain
You didn’t want to stop talking to Jungkook though
Because he was looking at you with those eyes
And because you felt obligated to educate him on his incorrect decisions
But Saehyun’s halfway out the door and threatening to let you walk, so you wave and tell him that you’ll see him at the next game, two days from then
And so you start this little routine
The nights you didn’t have games, you would sometimes see him at Green Bean
You’ve started joining him in his corner table
Which you really like because the nook is perfect to curl up in with your book
He always buys your drink for you
Will point outside and say there’s a dog to distract you so he can pay
But sometimes you get him back by buying grapefruit tarts
He actually likes the peach tarts a little more, but he knows how much you love grapefruit, so he doesn’t say anything
He likes watching how your face lights up when you eat something yummy
At games, there’s still a lot of encouraging
Jungkook’s learned that you somehow always attract the ball
So he makes sure to make sure you’re never in danger of getting hurt
The times where you accidentally collide and you put your hands on his arms are just an added bonus
You’ve gotten really comfortable around each other
Your favorite activity is to make fun of each other
How he can’t look anywhere close to the sun without sneezing
How you hoard deodorant because you sweat a lot
You become each others’ go to for emotional support
Which you never really expected
But it happened one day when you had had a draining day
Your code for your final project had been running for 17 hours and then crashed
10 hours before it was due
This was still when you hadn’t known Jungkook for too long
But for some reason, your thumb hovered over his name on your phone
So you called him blubbering because you were convinced you were going to fail the class and never graduate or get a job and be able to support your dog-son
It was a lot to put on someone you had only really met a month ago
Honestly, he didn’t know what to do for about a minute
Because you sounded really upset, which made him upset
But also because he had never really been that great at comforting people
But he knew you loved fireflies, and parts of his room had been glowing on and off for the last few hours from the fireflies outside of his window
He picked you up, making sure to give you his sweatshirt
Which only made you look cuter, all cozy in his clothes
And he sat you on a bench and held you
Let you cry and let whatever you needed out
But also made sure to point out the fireflies once you had wiped away your tears
How they must feel lost sometimes, especially during the day when they can’t glow
But the moment they find the nighttime, they can be themselves 
You’re the same way
School’s hard right now, but if you push through, you’ll find a place where you’ll be fully comfortable with who you are and what you can do
It’s cheesy, he knows
But it was worth it when you whispered a “thank you” against his neck and kissed him on the cheek
And now months after that
You’re celebrating the fact that your volleyball team is INTRAMURAL CHAMPIONS
Saehyun did cry when you won the championship game, and she started puttering around, tears blurring her vision, to set up a party
It was almost 1 am, and everyone was blissed out and a little tipsy
Most of the team was passed out on the ground or had gone out to get food
You and Jungkook were on the couch, half watching the nature documentary that was playing
You weren’t talking, but it was a comfortable silence
His legs thrown over yours, head on your shoulder
You liked how he was so big but could curl up into a little ball around you
His hand was playing with yours, rubbing circles into your skin and running his fingertips over yours
You knew you two would have to talk about it sooner or later, but for now, you were content with feeling his steady heartbeat against you
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f4liveblogarchives · 4 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #200
Mon Aug 26 2019 [01:59 AM] Wack'd: Alright, here we go. [01:59 AM] Wack'd: FANTASTIC FOUR VOL 1 NO 200: [02:00 AM] Bocaj: WILL IT BE BETTER THAN AVENGERS 200?? [02:00 AM] Bocaj: HOW CAN IT NOT BEEEEE? [02:00 AM] Wack'd: I just skimmed it and an alien does actually forcibly impregna--nah I'm just kiddin' [02:01 AM] Wack'd: So Doom's throwing himself a little pity party and Reed's like "uh, maybe we hang back a minute?" [02:02 AM] Bocaj: hah [02:02 AM] Wack'd: But Ben is, of course, not having it [02:03 AM] Wack'd: Uh...Ben aided in the destruction of his clone by.......?????
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[02:04 AM] Wack'd: His memory doesn't take long to revise itself, does it [02:04 AM] maxwellelvis: By being friends with Reed Richards, I assume? [02:05 AM] Bocaj: Being adjacent [02:05 AM] Wack'd: Oh, in the Saul Goodman meaning of culpability whereby any wrongdoing that sufficiently scars you justifies all your actions [02:05 AM] Wack'd: Sure [02:06 AM] Wack'd: Anyway Doom uses a force field in his suit to shove the Four back to buy himself time to see to his clone's body [02:07 AM] Wack'd: ...they were on a balcony
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[02:09 AM] Wack'd: Ben does his usual thing of trying brute force and Reed does his usual thing of randomly guessing why that won't work and being right and Ben does his usual thing of grumbling about it [02:09 AM] Wack'd: Wondering if this is a "Reed and Doom aren't so different" moment or just reenforcing the status quo
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[02:10 AM] Wack'd: "Leading an armed insurgency into the UN is the same as giving them a present and offering to depose myself, right?"
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[02:11 AM] Wack'd: So the mob's gotten bigger [02:12 AM] Wack'd: I like that Zorbo's got a superhero build and bone structure and literally every other Latverian is still drawn like an extra from a Universal Frankenstein picture
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[02:14 AM] Wack'd: Doom siccs a tornado on his subjects [02:14 AM] Wack'd: Coulda done that last issue when the protest started but I guess now he's got nothing left to loose [02:16 AM] Wack'd: Then he takes his personal jet, his statue, and "equipment" he's kinda cagey about to the UN [02:17 AM] Wack'd: Daredevil's gonna sue someone
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[02:17 AM] Wack'd: Maybe he'll hire that Matt Murdoch guy. I've heard good things [02:19 AM] Wack'd: Meanwhile, the Four escape. Reed slithers through the door's keyhole at great personal risk because touching anything will vaporize him [02:19 AM] Wack'd: They really should just get a fucking sonic screwdriver [02:19 AM] maxwellelvis: It's Operation! The Wacky Doctor Game! [02:20 AM] Wack'd: heheheh [02:20 AM] Wack'd: So Reed, Sue, and a miraculously-okay Zorbo search for and find Doom's secret plans [02:21 AM] Wack'd: While Ben and Johnny free Alicia [02:21 AM] maxwellelvis: Doom's plan, more or less: 1 2 3 [02:22 AM] Wack'd: Sure [02:22 AM] maxwellelvis: More or less. [02:22 AM] maxwellelvis: There wasn't a panorama of that scene I could grab. [02:22 AM] Wack'd: This is a pretty good moment
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[02:23 AM] Wack'd: Minus Johnny's cool-guy posturing at the end there [02:24 AM] maxwellelvis: While also trying to play it cool about how little action he's been getting lately. [02:24 AM] Wack'd: Maybe if he tried asking out someone who wasn't afraid of fire [02:25 AM] Wack'd: ...whatever happened to Valeria from the 5th Dimension? Did they break up in Johnny's solo book or did Marvel just kinda forget about her [02:28 AM] Wack'd: So the short answer is Johnny's solo has been over for three years by this point! And yeah after that everyone just forgot her [02:29 AM] Wack'd: Hell Marvel Wiki doesn't mention any followup on their relationship in Johnny's solo book, so [02:29 AM] Wack'd: Into the ether with her [02:30 AM] Wack'd: Anyway--Chapter 2! We're back to doing chapters now! Exciting! [02:31 AM] Wack'd: The Four and Doom have both arrived in NY. Reed and Johnny are fighting Doom directly while Sue and Ben head to the UN [02:32 AM] Wack'd: Sorry, Johnny overdoes it against some areal missiles and retreats back to the Pogo Plane [02:32 AM] Wack'd: Time for the highly-anticipated Reed/Doom cage match [02:33 AM] Wack'd: Not like this is a team book or anything
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[02:34 AM] Wack'd: There's a quick recap before the fight and it's retconned the college actually condemned Doom's experiment to go to the netherworld [02:35 AM] Wack'd: Thus ending one of my favorite dumb bits of comic book lore, which is that Doom got a grant for that [02:36 AM] Wack'd: Round one goes to Doom! Reed tries to dismantle Doom's suit and gets electrocuted [02:37 AM] Wack'd: Probably should've remembered he tried that on a robot two issues ago and got the same result [02:38 AM] Wack'd: Round two! Reed's been lured into the MURDER ROOM! Mechanical tendrils, lasers, robots! [02:38 AM] Wack'd: In keeping with Doom's "fair play" policy, all the traps have solutions, but eventually Reed will be worn down and miss a step and get, presumably, murdered [02:39 AM] Bocaj: Wherein Doom is a Saw [02:39 AM] Wack'd: Meanwhile, in the UN [02:40 AM] Wack'd: It occurs, perhaps too late, that it's probably a bad idea to send a giant-size statue of yourself as a gift to the people planning to vote you out of their organization for war crimes
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[02:41 AM] Wack'd: Also: wouldn't be a commemoration of the long, proud history of Fantastic Four without some racial/nationalistic caricatures, I guess [02:41 AM] maxwellelvis: Now, these are his Servo-Guards, right? [02:42 AM] Wack'd: These are humans I'm pretty sure based on the last few issues [02:42 AM] maxwellelvis: I just assumed with how tight to the face those nose things are [02:42 AM] Wack'd: Doom doesn't design for comfort [02:42 AM] maxwellelvis: And the identical sunken cheeks on all of them. [02:43 AM] maxwellelvis: It's one of those things like Psycho-Man's mask [02:43 AM] maxwellelvis: At one point in the 80's the inker forgets that it is a mask and just draws him as a very ugly man. [02:43 AM] Wack'd: In fairness that's a lot of Fantastic Four baddies [02:44 AM] maxwellelvis: I know. It's just those sorts of coloring errors bug me. [02:44 AM] Wack'd: So it turns out Doom is planning on doing something to the UN with this statue and that massive hall of mirrors that's also a solar power center from back in 196 [02:44 AM] Wack'd: Bet you forgot about that thing, didn't you? [02:45 AM] Wack'd: So Doom is about to Do the Thing when Reed surprises him by having broken out of the Murder Room [02:45 AM] Wack'd: (He slipped inside the nozzle of a gas gun and exploded out of its ammo tank) [02:46 AM] Wack'd: Wouldn't be a commemoration of the long, proud history of Fantastic Four without Reed pulling a solution out of his ass that the narrative expects us to believe he had planned from the very beginning
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[02:47 AM] Wack'd: How did he fit that through the nozzle of a gas gun, anyway [02:47 AM] maxwellelvis: "Wasn't easy" [02:49 AM] Wack'd: Reed tries to convince Doom to give up on petty revenge and join the good guys [02:50 AM] Wack'd: But Doom retorts that he's not interested in revenge, he genuinely believes he deserves power, because the murder of his mother proved to him that everyone who's not him is a "superstitious, frightened pack of cloddish morons" [02:52 AM] Wack'd: Doom manages to activate his statue which hypnotizes all the UN delegates into attacking Sue, Johnny, and Ben [02:52 AM] Wack'd: And Doom and Reed finally spend a few pages punching each other a lot, which is what we all wanted, I guess [02:54 AM] Wack'd: "I DON'T CARE ABOUT PETTY REVENGE! ALSO, ADMIT YOU WRONGED ME!"
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[02:56 AM] Wack'd: And so, Zorbo takes his rightful place as acting leader until elections can be set up. Sets Doom up with some mental health care too which is nice of him by 70s standards
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[02:57 AM] Wack'd: It was nice of the UN to let Doom have his evil hypnotic statue back
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[02:57 AM] maxwellelvis: And some attempted biblical symbolism from Marv [03:01 AM] Wack'd: Thus ends the first 200 issues of Fantastic Four [03:01 AM] Wack'd: Jesus fuck [03:01 AM] Wack'd: Cannot believe I read 200 installments of anything ever [03:03 AM] Wack'd: I will try not to take a multi-year hiatus again like I did around the time I hit 100
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jokerfan99 · 6 years
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Wrath Behind The Crosshairs (RWBY/RVB) by Necroceph
*RVB Opening Theme*
0600 hours in the Michael J. Caboose's room
Caboose raises up from bed before stretching his entire body to start for another fantastic day in Blood Gulch.
Caboose: YAAAWWNN!!! Good morning galaxy, it's another wonderful day!
Caboose move his hand to pick his rifle up placed at the side of the bed as always. But when his hand make contacts with the weapon, he felt something strange with its shape. It felt blocky and somewhat bigger than it was before. He turned his head to the strange object he touched before his eyes widen by surprise. Next to his weapon is a large red rectangular like object that is twice as bigger than the sniper rifles everyone uses. He doesn't know where it came from but the first words he spoke after seeing for the first time was:
Caboose: Neat!
On the Blue Base's roof
Church cried out loud in a mix of shock and anger upon witnessing the first thing in the morning he sees outside. The entire base's concrete walls are riddled with large holes created by what seems to be made by a high caliber bullet so strong that it was enough shatter a large piece of concrete from one of the walls made to protect them from snipers. Heck, the tank is in an even worse condition, with its entire armor pierced through and driver seat no longer considered seatable for the human ass anymore. The tank was already in a bad condtion, but this just made it worst!
Tucker: Whoa! It looks like a tornado just passed through here. What happened?
Tucker too is suprised to see the mess around him as he climbs up the stairs.
Church: What the fuck do you think?! It must be those Red ASSHOLES who did this while we were asleep!!! Tucker: Huh, no kidding. They sure did made one hell of a mess around here and holy shit, the tank! Church: Ugh! Command's not going to be happy if they see this. Tucker: Why so worried? As long as we don't report this, we'll be in the clear. Church: Really? May I remind you that we have one teammate in this base who always report to Command daily? Tucker: Oh, right. Schnee. Command's not the only one who'll be reeeaaaally pissed off. But hey, she won't be back in another two days thanks to Command needing her for something! Church: Yeah, I guess you're right. Sigh, but still we can't just leave the base like this. C'mon let's go wake up Caboose and get cement bags downstairs, a lot of it. Caboose: CHURCH, TUCKER! I GOT A CHRISTMAS PRESENT!!! Church: Or we'll just get cement and... wait, christmas present?"
Church and Tucker turned to the incoming Blue heavy ascending from the stairs. What they see next surprises them. Within the Blue dimwit's hands is a large flat red object twice the size of a rifle.
Church and Tucker: Whoa! Tucker: Caboose, what the hell are you holding?!?! Caboose: It's a christmas present from Santa! Tucker: Uhh, Church? Church: Don't... say... a word. Caboose, where the fuck did you get that thing? Caboose: Well, I woke up and the first thing I found was this awesome christmas present sitting next to my bed. Thank you, Santa! Tucker: Uh, Caboose. I hate to tell you this, but Christmas isn't coming in another seven months. Church: Okay, okay, enough talk about Christmas! What's more important is what the hell is that thing and where it came from! Tucker: Looks like a Swiss army knife, except five times the size. Caboose: How can you tell? Tucker: See those slits between the red plates, might be tools so it's gotta be a Swiss. Caboose: Wow! Now we can open ten canned food without opening them one by one anymore! Let me get the knife out. Church: No! Caboose, whatever it is that you're holding, could be dangerous for all we know! Tucker: Dangerous? Come on. Caboose looks fine holding it. See?
Caboose is trying to find a way to open a knife out of the object.
Caboose: Ugh! Why won't you open! Church: Well not for long! That thing could be a bomb planted by the Reds. Tucker: A bomb? Caboose: A bomb?!?! This?!
Caboose quickly places his ear on the object to hear anything inside. He hears nothing silence, no ticking around.
Caboose: It's alright everybody! There's no ticking. It's not a bomb. Church: Regardless, it's still dangerous. Caboose, drop it down. But slooowly. Caboose:... Church:... Caboose: Okay. Hmm?
Caboose see something on the side of the object. It looks like button for something.
Caboose: What does this button do?
He presses it.
Church: CABOOSE, NOOOO!!! Tucker: Get down!
Tucker quickly grabs Chruch and both of them fall flat onto the floor.
Tucker: Are we dead? It's too quiet. Caboose: WOW! Guys, check this out!
Both look up to see the object still in Caboose's hands, now in a much different form. From a flat block of metal, to a large rifle like weapon.
Church and Tucker: Wooooah. Tucker: Caboose, what the fuck did you do? Caboose: I just pressed the button and then the thing turned into a giant gun. It really is a Swiss army knife! Tucker: So... I was right? Church: 'Coincidentally right' would be the correct term. Damn, that's a big gun. Could be a sniper rifle. Tucker: How can you tell? Church: See the scope on the top of it, Einstein? Caboose: I like this new gun.
Caboose starts looking for a target to try out the rifle. There he spots of large rock on the field.
Caboose: I'm wanna try blowing up that rock over there! Church: Uh... sure, give it a try. Hey, Tucker let's go stand behind there just in case.
He draws the weapon, aims it steadily and slowly pulls the trigger. The rifle then emitted a large blast from its muzzle and the recoil was so powerful that it pushed Caboose down. Church and Tucker ran toward the lied down Caboose.
Tucker: You okay? Caboose: Ouchie. Tucker: Yep, he's fine. Church: Guys? You might wanna see this.
Church points at the rock Caboose shot at with the strange weapon. A large chunck of it got shot off, leaving the debris lying on the dirt.
Tucker: Holy shit, a sniper rifle did that with one shot?! Caboose: Neat. Church: Tucker, are you thinking what I'm thinking? Tucker: Ohoho, something to attract the babes with. Hopefully, I'll get Weiss this time. Church: I'm not talking about that! I'm thinking that this rifle could be the thing that caused this fucking mess.
On the Red Base's roof
Sarge: Gentlemen, I have a great dire news to share with you. Last night, we have lost something valuable, something that is part of our poor Markswoman's heart and soul. Crescent Rose. Ruby: WAAAHAAAAAA!!! Lopez: ¡Deja de llorar tan fuerte! ¡Vas a oxidar mi revestimiento! Donut: If you mean by 'stop crying', no! Let Rose express her lost. Don't you think guys?
Donut turned to Simmons and Grif who are standing next to him. Behind their helmets concealing their faces, are extremely worried expressions. Both looked at each other before responding back.
Grif: Oh yeah... uh... let her cry, Lopez! Simmons: That's right, it's natural reaction for humans to be balling so hard till their eyes shrivel. Robots... haha... right Grif? Hehehehe... heheh... *gulp* Sarge: Crescent Rose was kidnapped by the diabolical Blues hours ago. Their plan maybe is to use it against us and possibly, forgive me for saying this Rose, reverse engineer it! And if they do, they'll supply their army with not one, but a thousand Crescent Rose rip-offs!!! Simmons: That's what I've been think...! Grif: SHHH!!! Simmons: Sorry. Sarge: BUT! There is still time to save her. Our mission today, is to rescue Crescent Rose from our enemies' dirty hands and show them not to steal Red property! We will leave no weapon behind!!! Ruby: Let's get those Blue bullies! Grif and Simmons: Uh... yahoo... Donut: HUZZAAAAHH!!!
All eyes turned to Donut.
Donut: Give me a break, I always wanted to say that! Sarge: Gear up boys and girl. We got a war to do. Simmons, Grif, Donut, you'll take the Warthog. Lopez, prepare the rocket turret! Rose. Use this sniper rifle for the time being.
Sarge takes the rifle from his back to give it to Ruby.
Ruby: Huh, I thought I'd be using a plain old sniper rifle again. But for Crescent Rose, I got no other choice. I hope my baby forgives me.
Ruby makes a teary puppy face, worrying for whatever fate lies before her beloved weapon. Ruby grabs the rifle, but as she begins to take it out off Sarge's hand, she couldn't pull it out. She looks up to Sarge who's head is facing to a different direction.
Ruby: Uhm, Sarge. You can let go! Uuugh! Boy, your grasp is tight. Sarge: Hold on. Lopez, what are you doing!
Lopez is standing at the edge of the roof, facing towards the Blue menace's home turf.
Sarge: This is no time for sight seeing! Get down there and put that rocket turret on the Warthog! Lopez: Lo esta sosteniendo Sarge: What? Lopez: El idiota azul sostiene el rifle de Ruby. Sarge: Lopez, I order you to 'installe rocketo' not ' stande arounde and looki'! Ruby: Hold on, Sarge. I think Lopez is trying to tell us something. What is it, Lopez, do you see something? Lopez: Mis sistemas ópticos están diseñados para ver hasta diez kilómetros y desde aquí, y lo que estoy viendo en este momento es el idiota azul que sostiene tu rifle. Ruby:.... Okay I have no idea what he just said. Sarge: Hang on a sec. He said 'idiota'. The only person he called with that word is...
Sarge looks through the sniper's scope to see what Lopez is looking at. He lowers the rifle, with a surprise expression behind his visors.
Sarge: Rose, I think I found your weapon. Ruby: REALLY?! Gimme, gimme, gimme! Sarge: It'd be best if you see it once we get it back. Ruby: Oh please, let me see Crescent Rose!
Ruby snatches the rifle from Sarge. She raises the rifle and looks through the scope. From here, she could see the enemy standing around and talking, just talking. From the way the two Blues are moving, it looks like they're having an argument. She noticed the third of the Blue's holding something. The shape looks familiar and its colors was too opposite to be blue. It's Crescent Rose! A wide smile formed on her upon witnessing her weapon still in one piece. But that happiness did not last long when she notice two arms wrapped tightly around it. Zooming the scope in a bit revealed the Blue cuddling it like a toy, seeing such a thing made her heart collapse. First thing that screamed out of her head is:
Ruby: Lopez... give me twenty magazines.
At the Warthog
As a singing Donut is preparing the armaments for the siege, Grif and Simmons discuss about their current 'problem'.
Grif: Phew, thank God that's over. Simmons: Not yet, we still need to get Ruby's rifle back. Grif: Which we put stole last night and put in the Blue base so that everyone think those pricks did it. Simmons: But what about the Blue's? What if they try to say that they didn't stole it? Grif: What about them? As long as we attack them, there's no way they'll have time to talk. Remember, Sarge isn't the negotiable type of guy. Simmons: But still we can't let everyone know. Grif: Pfft, how hard can it be? Donut: How hard can it what?
Grif jumped when he heard Donut behind with a box full of ammo.
Grif: Nothing. We're just... talking about how we'll attack the Blues. Donut: Ohh, I see. Well if you excuse me, I'll go get the flamethrowers. Simmons: Hard huh? Grif: Go fuck yourself.
Back on the Blue base
Caboose: I'm gonna call you. Sheila II!
As Caboose cuddles with his newfound friend, Church and Tucker began to discuss about the weapon.
Tucker: If what you're saying is true, then why did the Reds dump it here in the first place? Church: I don't know. Most of the Reds may not have more brain cells than us, but they aren't that stupid to give us this kind of firepower. Plus, I've never seen that kind of rifle before. Tucker: Me neither. Must be some kind of new weapon they made. Church: Or maybe a prototype they were ordered to test it, on our fucking base! Which may explain the fucking bullet holes everywhere! Tucker: That's sounds like a good theory. But why dump it here? Church: Hmm, I guessing testing the weapon isn't the only thing they were here for. And I doubt they're here for intel. Tucker: Maybe they stop by to get a snack.
Church: Goddammit, Caboose stop shooting! Caboose: But I didn't do anything! YIKES!!!
And he really didn't. A small blast suddenly explode behind the Blue idiot, causing him to jump forward near his teammates. An incoming whistle caught the attention of the three.
Tucker: DUCK!
All manage to duck before the round hits any of them. The shot hits the concrete, making another hole which doesn't help Church at all.
Church: OH COME ON! We have enough holes over here! Caboose: Whatdowedo?Whatdowedo?Whatdowedo? Church: Quick, behind that wall!
The trio rushes towards a wall facing towards the Red base from afar. They hid behind it as more explosive shots came flying pass them.
Caboose: We're all going to die! Brace yourself Sheila II.
Back on the Red base
Sarge and Lopez both witness Ruby shooting the rifle endlessly at the Blue base without even stopping aside from reloading a new mag.
Sarge: Rose, are you okay over there?
No response. Sarge is getting worried for his markswoman.
Sarge: Huh, I guess not. Lopez, see if she's okay. Lopez: Sí señor
Lopez walked slowly towards Ruby. As he reached beside her proned body, he moves closely towards her face before responding to her.
Lopez: Rose, ¿estás bien?
His response worked as she turned her face to him. But instead of seeing the innocent face that is Ruby's, is a demonic wrathful gritted teeth face with silver eyes burning bright with pure anger.
Lopez: Me parece que eres tu.
Lopez quickly moved back to Sarge.
Sarge: Well? Lopez: Ella es la hija de Mictlāntēcutli.. Sarge: Oh thank God, I was starting to get worried. Lopez: Realmente deberías estarlo.
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/necroceph
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beautifulspacegays · 6 years
Tag game: 15 questions, 15 mutuals
Tagged by: @moyasolkoroleva​, aka my designated tagger™
Are you named after someone?
sort of? 
my parents told me that they started listening to a lot of natalie merchent when my mom was pregnant with me, and just decided they liked the name???? so, i’m not necessarily named after her, but that’s how they got the idea 
my middle name was taken from my dad’s grandmother, so my great grandma (idk if this still counts). i’ve never met her because she died when my dad was little, but my dad’s told me a lot about her. she used to routinely handwrite and mail him letters between visits when he was a kid (fun fact: he still has them all). she also had really pretty handwriting... my dad gifted me the records he had sitting in his collection that used to belong to her (bc i’m her namesake) and she signed her name in the top lefthand corner of all the covers!! she’s always given me the impression that she was a pretty cool lady, so i’m pretty fond of my middle name 
When was the last time you cried?
a few weeks ago, i think
Do you have kids?
I adopt pretty much everyone i talk to for some reason or another lol. i can’t help it... it’s like, innate in me to want to keep all of my friends close so that i can like, make sure they’re doin ok. like, come on gang let’s herd up. let me protecc, let me make u dinnerrrrr and give u warm blanketssssss when ur saddddddd 
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
their demeanour & how genuine they seem. then probably smile, voice, laugh, hands. i’m a sucker for someone with a nice voice tbh
What’s your eye color?
technically, blue. but they’re so... muted they almost look grey (idk a good way to say it). they don’t stand out, kinda dull tbh 
Scary movies or happy endings?
uhm, both??? i love scary movies and i’m an absolute sucker for a happy ending. also you cannot compare these two things that is just not faIR
Any special talents?
literally none lol. if anything, maybe writing. but that’s boring
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
i have too many hobbies hahaha. i’ll just describe one!
quite a few years ago i started painting flower pots (yes, specifically flower pots. literally so many flower pots) as a way to help me deal with my anxiety, and after awhile it kind of just turned into something i did routinely? not rly sure why i started doing it in the first place but here i am 
I don’t paint them as often as i used to. but they kind of gave me another hobby... i have about 10 plants that i take care of now in my tiny room, and all of them are in pots that i’ve painted 
idk. it’s a little strange but, what can ya do 
Do you have any pets?
yes!! a kitten named luna and a sweet doggo named lennon (but i tend to call her lemon hehehehe)
How tall are you?
5′3 I think? all of my IDs say 160cm
What sports do you play/have you played?
my parents signed me up for soccer when i was around 4/5 and the first and only goal i ever scored was on my own net during a game. does that answer your question 
Favourite subject at school?
in highschool, my favourite subjects were always english & art 
Dream job?
this one is really hard for me to answer.
when i was really young, i wanted to be an “artist” bc i rly liked colouring books and drawing hahahah. when i was a little bit older it changed to “writer” (which is literally not a specific career at all good job past me). now, i’m honestly not so sure. i think i’d love the idea of publishing a book someday... but that isn’t really a job 
aaaaaaaand i’m almost finished a 4 and 1/2 year long undergrad in business marketing LOL glad those two things are super related
i,,,, literally always tag the same 2 people... @om-nommz & @rukiyo. other than @moyasolkoroleva (who i literally don’t tag only bc they’re always the one who tags me hahahaha), they’re the only mutuals that i routinely talk to
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indieks · 7 years
Not So Randomly | Part 1/5
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🌟 Pairing : Im Changkyun (I.M) x Reader
🌟 Genre : Fluff, Angst
🌟 Word count : 6.3k
🌟 Synopsis : Whenever you cross the path of Im Changkyun, that guy you hate and that hates you, it seems to be the worst day of your life. But, strangely enough, it also becomes the best and most accurate of moments you've ever had. So, the more you randomly end up stucked with each other, the more a question can arise : is it really chance that has something against you, or is it serendipity that drives you one towards the other?
Next Part
🌟 A/N : I know, summer is over, and we all have to go back to school or to work… that’s why I decided to post these series that start right during summer school break and continue at the uni! I’m still not sure in how many parts I’m going to divide it, I’ll see along the way and update it soon!
After my first post for BTS’ Suga, I also wanted to show that I will write for other groups and other wonderful people such as… I.M hehehehe 😏
Anyway, above all, thank you for reading, hope you enjoy it! ♥
Disclaimer : any gifs or images used, even edited, are not mine and belong to their rightful owners!
  Summer. One word that made the kids at school go crazy while waiting for the last bell to ring, the teenagers and young adults go to the gym to tone their bodies or look for a job to spare money for some wild travel, and the parents worried for their wallets because of their need to book something far away from home so that they'll forget their workaholic life. But for you, it was one word that oddly gave you chills in spite of the heat it brought on.
It hadn't always been like that, no ; that gloomy feeling you had came when you turned fifteen. The same year you blew that additional candle, your parents asked for your help at work during the sunny season instead of sending you on vacation. They were selling food products, your mom holding a grocery shop from Mondays to Fridays, before joining your father on the weekends who was vending them at the marketplaces in the capital and its whereabouts. And when July came, they closed the shop to go from market to market, morning after morning and night after night, with you accompanying them occasionally. But most of the time, as they worked hard without a real break, you used to enjoy your holidays by going to your friends' rents, or to your grandparents' little but cozy houses further from your home.
You used to love the different markets you went to. You used to love their various scents, their joyful sellers, and the cheap or luxurious stuff they were full of. You used to lose yourself in the alleys of those big places to taste everything, to admire each pearl incrusted in the jewelries, each drawing on kitchen supplies and decorations, each sewing on leather bags and fabrics, before going back to your parents at noon.
However, that was before your fifteenth summer, when you had to wake up at 4 or 5 in the morning to set up the equipment and organize the presentation of the food, then shout the whole morning to catch the attention of clients, sometimes pack up things without messing up – which had happened to you numerous times because of nervousness –, and do it all over again at nighttime. Nevertheless, you still did the job without complaining, not denying how much effort it implied and how legit it was for your parents to ask for an additional pair of hands. But you couldn't say you were waiting for the end of the first half of the year to come with as much impatience as other students anymore.
This eighteenth summer should be different though. Your parents had decided to extend their commerce to Busan, and to take you with them. Even if the reason you were here in the first place wasn't the sea and sunbathing, but the gigantic covered market where you were going to sell products for the season, you were satisfied with the idea of being close to wild water, already dreaming of spending your afternoons on the beach before getting back to work, just to have the feeling of holidays you haven't really had for three years. But what made you even more excited, was that it was probably the last time you were ever going to follow this scheme, as next year college life and a whole new independence was waiting for you, without a doubt implying a new summer schedule with friends, far away from your parents and your responsibilities as a daughter.
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A sweet vacation house had waited for you during 9 long months, as well as the amount of work that now tired you just by thinking of it, but you felt at ease while you were unpacking in your bedroom facing the sea, the thud of waves inciting you to take a step back and focus on the goods of being here. But as the first week went by, your alarm almost making your ear-drums bleed every time it rang loudly in the early and still dark morning, your positive mind and attitude were now clearly missing.
And if you had thought that having your days completely out of sync with the rest of people and not being able to properly visit Busan was sufficient to ruin your mood, as your sleepy-self consumed its vacant afternoon in bed instead of outside on the sand like you had pictured or maybe making some friends, it was until you met Im Changkyun. Until the second week you had been there, when your parents sent you to help that old lady who needed more hands at her stand than them who were still handling their own with skill.
You were nervous on your first day behind a stand with a stranger, despite the granny was lovely and was doing everything to make you comfortable, but being in an unknown city, an unknown market and without the pillar that were your parents, made you feel uneasy even more. Your hands were trembling as you were placing the bins containing the ingredients she sold and used for cooking delicious fried meals, and her popularity wasn't helping ; there wasn't a time when you could take a rest, people coming and going like crazy even in the first hours of the opening.
It was almost the end of your service when he showed up, or more precisely, when you accidentally bumped into him and dumped some sauce from your tub on his white tank top. The shock made him drop the carton he was carrying, full of porcelain kitchenware, some of them escaping their prison to explode on the floor, making a loud sound that drawn the attention of all the customers around. You had been walking too fast, coming from the small van parked behind the market where the grandma had food supplies she had pressed you to bring as you were almost running out of it.
"Fffffuuuuuck", the boy suddenly said, his voice low and deep but without a doubt laced with anger.
You were ashamed and panicked, the broken pieces of white plates laughing at you as you started to pick them up, quiet sorrys slipping out of your mouth.
"Don't you watch where you go?" he asked you and you finally stood up to look at him straight in the eye.
You didn't have the chance to meet pretty boys since you had arrived in town, it was not like they would come to the market in the morning if it meant giving up their sleep time, nor at night as they probably preferred street or fast food to your parent's fresh vegetables and kimchi. Except for this boy, who was confronting you right now, but sadly in this kind of situation that was making your cheeks burn of embarrassment and your heart fighting with your ribcage. Indeed, he had really nice looks, with the bangs of his light brown hair falling on his brows and eyes, an oval face with sharp eyes that killed you the instant you dared to greet him a timid smile, a long nose that seemed to have been carved in stone, and small lips that could create a smirk which you'll soon crave to smack him for.
"I'm really really sorry, I was in a hurry and I didn't see you, how can I-"
"Save it, let's go to my mother, you owe her your excuses" he cut you, grabbing the box again and pushing you with his wide shoulder when he passed you, silently inviting – or more like ordering – you to follow him.
With hands even more shaking than a few moments ago, you took your box and went to the granny's stand to excuse yourself, her gentle smile and reassuring comments about the incident soothing you instantly, but when you turned around and saw him darting his eyes at you while waiting, your blood froze in your body as your footsteps guided you to him without asking. The more you walked, the more the path seemed familiar to you, and you gasped when he stopped in front of a woman you recognized immediately. She was the beautiful lady at the stand right next to your parents', selling products she was cooking live as well as… kitchenware she probably had painted on herself. Beautiful kitchenware you just broke. You felt a new amount of shame piling upon the heap that already had bubbled inside of you when you captured the curious gazes of your parents seeing you coming back to them before 1 pm.
"Hey mom, I'm sorry but that girl bumped into me earlier and broke some of your plates" the boy stated while presenting the box to the lady who stopped what she was doing to take it calmly.
"Y/N! What have you done?!" your mother exclaimed, feeling even sorrier than you as you were supposed to ensure them a good image at the market by helping the granny, not creating a mess on the eighth day of your fresh arrival.
"It's okay! I have plenty of those, it can happen! Changkyun-ah, I hope you weren't rude to her, were you?" the woman said while smiling at you, signaling you to come close to her and you just did, your head hung low. "You didn't hurt yourself? Are you ok?" she asked as she was examining your hands.
"I'm fine, thank you. I'm really sorry, can I do something-"
"It's nothing Y/N. I had plenty of accidents when I was your age, don't worry" she eased you, your hands still in her beautiful and delicate ones. "I saw how you work when you were helping your parents last week, you are really devoted so you must have been too concentrated and didn't see my son! Where did you tell me she was helping?"
"With Mrs. Ahn" your father answered and you straightened yourself to see her smile at you.
"Changkyun, I know how bored you are when you're with me so how about you help Mrs. Ahn too? I'm sure Y/N is overworked by herself, you could help instead of doing nothing at home."
"No no no that's okay really" you quickly interfered, feeling embarrassed as you heard his grunt of annoyance.
If you could avoid being a burden and making him angry at you for having ruined his summer in addition of his clothes, you were willing to work even harder to prove you didn't need his help.
"Mom, I have friends to meet and things to do, I'm on holidays! Why are you doing this to me seriously?" he protested and you finally looked over your shoulder to see him standing in a nonchalant pose, his hands deep in the pockets of his black jogging while the red stain of hot sauce on his top was drying and turning brown.
"I'm tired of you doing nothing, it's just for the mornings and sometimes at night, you'll have plenty of time to hang with your friends! I'm pretty sure there are heavy bins to carry or ingredients to cut and your hands will be of great help so stop nagging, you're 18 years-old now you should work a little!" she grumbled before smiling at you who were still frozen in your wish to disappear into the ground.
"At 18 years-old I… I should enjoy my life mom! Before working till I get old, you know? That's why I enjoy not doing anything for the time I have left!"
His dramatic tone almost made you chuckle but you couldn't allow yourself to, or else he would have murdered you the instant you'd been left alone without your parents to witness.
"Cut your nonsense son, or do you want me to tell your dad you're ok to work with him at the company till the end of holidays? And it's going to be a full-time job this time!"
Changkyun rolled his eyes back and sighed, finally giving up – not without mumbling a few bad words to himself in the process – and he gave you the exact look you feared he would have, the one that told you he would hate you for the rest of his life, the one that should have warned you that everything would only get worse after this first disastrous encounter.
  The next morning, you were still fighting with the tiredness in your eyes as the anxiety of meeting Changkyun again had kept you up all night. You were debating with your inner self about whether you should excuse yourself one last time, or remain silent and leave him alone, but you still hadn't come up with an answer when he arrived around 7 am, a grey hoodie on as well as a pair of destroyed jeans. He was really attractive, even with his morning face and small bags under his eyes, even when he shot you his deadly look, even when he messed up his hair by putting his hand in it in frustration.
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"Hello ma'am, I'm here to help, I'm the son of Mrs. Im" he said with his deep voice, even deeper as he woke up not too long ago.
He showed off his cocky demeanor as he didn't even greet you and made his way behind the big table you were occupied at preparing, placing nicely the cooked and marinated products.
"My mother and yours are sympathizing right now, but that doesn't mean we're going to be friends, or whatever", he suddenly said to your attention and you gave him a quick look to discover that his eyes weren't even bothering to acknowledge you. "They want me to spend some time with you, your mom said that you're bored the rest of the day and have no friends here, but let me be clear : I have other things to do than to carry a burden around during my free time, most of all a clumsy girl. You ruined my summer y'know that?"
His gaze from the day before should have warned you, but you still were slapped violently by the hands of shock when he spat these words with spitefulness. You did bump into him and create a regretful situation, but you did not grow his mom's idea into her head… Did you?
"I'm here to help the old lady so that my mother leaves me alone, I'm not here for you, don't make up any ideas, got it?" he added with a monotone voice and you looked up at him as he was finally landing his deep brown eyes on you, but without a glimpse of life in them.
"Don't worry, I don't need your help. Sorry if my mom has bothered you", you simply answered, quickly going back to what you were doing to hide the mix of anger and embarrassment that was burning your reddening cheeks.
You had hoped that he would not pay any attention to you, not that he would make you pay, but his saltiness and rudeness were more on point than what any human being could imagine : starting from his first day next to you, he didn't miss any chance to make his presence unbearable. He pointed every wrong move you made and grumbled every time he did, pretending to be an expert as he had accompanied his mother more than once to this marketplace ; he greeted cheerfully clients when he was serving them but never failed to play the poker face with you, while the old lady did not hear or see any of this electric situation, simply happy that two lovely teenagers had volunteered to help ; he let you do most of the work, playing stupid games on his phone or pretending to be unpacking and cutting the ingredients to cook but taking never-ending time in doing so. You weren't the type to hate on people but Changkyun had made himself odious, so much that even his looks couldn't save him anymore, as the only sight of him made you angry. Quickly, your guilt disappeared in limbo like your positive mind had done a week ago, as you came to wish you had dumped every single bit of the sauce right on his head.
Like that, your relationship – if you could name the poor exchanges you had a relationship – became him nagging you and you nagging him, your discussions restricted by the vocabulary of disrespect and sarcasm, even if you still played the role of good kids once you returned to your mothers, pretending to leave to spend some good time together at the beach although you parted ways after plotting the story you would both tell your parents to be credible. If you were being honest, you enjoyed being alone and his company wasn't necessary to make you happy. He was just your perfect excuse to escape being with your parents during all your free time and wander in Busan's streets or maybe finally feel the sand of the beach or the cold of sea waves like you had been craving to do.
However, only a week had gone by and it had seemed like an eternity. You were already exhausted by this tensed situation you were plunged into each morning you stepped into the market, and instead of taking a walk once you were done with work like you had planned to, you still pursued your routine of going to sleep. What pissed you even more was that above all, you found him beautiful although he was being the most experienced asshole in the world with you. You found him beautiful when he looked annoyed – which was most of the time –, you found him beautiful when his brows furrowed, you found him beautiful when his tone went under the one of a vault, and you found him beautiful in each one of his outfits that were supposed to be picked up carelessly but suited him nonetheless – even with the ridiculous apron you had to wear. 
You choked yourself mentally every time you landed your eyes on him with too much attention, printing the image of his handsome profile with his sharp nose in your brain, and with even more vigor when you felt thrilled at the sight of the smile he never greeted you but that was pretty as hell. Hell, yes, because that guy was the devil itself, never failing to throw away his fake angel looks when there was only the two of you to spit venom and burn you with his bashful words.
Still, you couldn't be thankful enough for the shell you've been living in since you were little, not letting others reach your emotions easily and hurt you the way Changkyun could have done to a more sensible person. You were also proud of your ability to ignore him and to fight back, your fiery conversations not lasting long or almost making you laugh when you triumphed at making him shut up or annoyed. As tiring as it was for your nerves, you could have dealt quietly with it like you always had, if chance hadn't decided to go in your way and add oil to the fire pit Changkyun and you were battling in. 
Indeed, by the third week of July, you finally found the courage to furrow the streets of the city and to enjoy the little time you had to yourself instead of dying in your bedroom. But a few hours after you had parted ways with Changkyun, hoping not to see each other until the next morning, you ended up meeting each other by pure coincidence.
The first time, you were walking on the promenade with the marine wind in your hair, listening to your music and overall floating in your bubble, when you saw him arriving in front of you, surrounded by five other guys who were laughing cheerfully. He stopped and so you did, rolling your eyes at the same time and you immediately turned on your heels to flee the crime scene that would have occurred if he had opened his mouth in front of his friends, without a doubt feeling full of confidence to bash you in their presence. Weirdly though, your heart skipped a bit at the sight of his wet and sandy hair fighting against the breeze and of his naked torso, broad and outlined, telling you he had just dipped into the sea minutes ago. However, the absence of eyes in the back of your head prevented you from seeing how he only stared at you without breathing, at your hair shining under the sun, at your bare legs revealed by your high waisted shorts that married perfectly your curves, at your determined gait taking you far away from him ; he lost himself at your sight so bad that one of his friends had to nudge his side for him to stop ogling you any longer.
The second time, you had decided to escape the sea after seeing him the day before, so you randomly took some lovely streets, entering some boutiques and offering yourself some new clothes, simply loving your me-time. Until you came across his figure in a park you had chosen to enter into, the blossoming trees and the sight of a kiosk seducing your eyes and heart. 
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Changkyun was sitting on a bench under a tree with the same friends you had quickly seen, eating some snacks as they were chatting and laughing, and this time your heart didn't miss a beat, no, it quickened its pace to the point you thought you would die. He was wearing a white long sleeved shirt with black jeans and sneakers, and a white cap was covering his greyish-brown hair parting in two on his forehead. Again, his face looked as tired as yours must have been with your early morning activities, but he still was gorgeous, even more because he wasn't wearing that jaded mask he had with you. You hesitated to turn around and go somewhere else as he didn't see you yet, but by the time you were reaching a decision, he was already looking at you and even walking in your direction, his traits again as hard as ever.
"Are you following me or what?" he said in a hushed voice.
"What? I'm not!" you exclaimed but the apparent blush of your cheeks and your elusive pupils made him believe the contrary.
"Then what are you doing here? Busan is big you know, how come we meet today as well? Last week I didn't see you at all!"
"What's wrong Changkyun?" asked one of his friends behind his back, standing on his feet and revealing his tall and imposing figure, but his cute face when his lips curved into a smile helped you staying calm.
"Nothing hyung, she's the girl I'm working with and I think she's followed me here" Changkyun answered with a clearer tone, and for the first time he addressed you a smile, but it was full of slyness.
"I didn't, I'm just visiting, I stayed at home last week that's why you didn't see me, now if you don't mind I'll go" you answered, your irritation apparent in your voice as you passed him and quickly greeted his friends with a small bow before storming to the kiosk to hide yourself forever.
Your body was clearly expressing the effect the boy had on you when you saw him under other circumstances than the marketplace : your hands were wet, your heart crazy, and your legs were going to abandon their functions if you didn't sit down in the following seconds. Why the hell am I feeling like that? He's handsome, yes, but he's just a bugger!
"Why didn't you invite her to hang out with us? She's cute" asked the most muscular of the group, once you were out of sight.
"I don't like her, she's annoying and childish, and I have to work because of her clumsy ass remember" Changkyun explained, sitting down angrily on the bench before taking off his cap as he also had started to feel sweat forming on his forehead since he had seen you.
   You swore Busan couldn't have felt any tinier, because you didn't understand how in the world you could randomly meet your summer enemy everywhere you went to in the city. Today was a Thursday, the sun was up in the sky and you had wished to at least soak your feet in the blue sea, and maybe enjoy a cocktail in a café-bar which had drawn your attention a few days ago, with its youngster-surfer vibe and its simple but appetizing menu. The barman also wasn't unpleasant, but you hushed your girly silliness as you entered around 4 pm, your hair wet after you finally had taken a sea bath and tried to get your pale skin to brown a little.
You hadn't gone further than the market surroundings for a week after the two times you had met Changkyun, too scared to tempt the chance that seemed to be coming after you, and because he hadn't forgot the next morning to tell you rudely not to follow him, to what you had answered he was too full of himself and that he should fuck off. However, with the beautiful weather on this Thursday, without a cloud to be seen, you couldn't hide yourself anymore and decided not to care about how Changkyun would react if you came across each other again.
You should have known better, that you weren't lucky enough to defy chance, fate, or whatever had chosen you to play with. You were sipping on your fruity cocktail silently, sitting on the terrace that had a nice view of the promenade full of trees and flowers and of the beach only a few meters away, when you saw him through your sunglasses. You almost whined of annoyance, on the verge of going crazy about how he seemed to be like a ghost haunting you since last week. Once again, his hair was wet and curling a little, with its silver glints revealed by the sun, while he had switched his lazy outfit from the morning with a pair of jeans shorts and a white top under a grey cardigan.
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He was with the same group of guys as the previous times, who were really loud and happy, and when he was about to make his way to the bar, Changkyun stopped in his tracks as he acknowledged your presence, his face falling into some unreadable expression, probably because he was as taken aback as you by the way you constantly met. To elude any suspicions, he quickly followed his mates who were cheerfully greeting the pretty barman – Kihyun if you had read his name well.
Obviously, a nice weather implied drinking outside with the seaside breeze, and you found yourself facing the table of the boys who finally noticed you, giving both Changkyun and you curious looks before one of them found a subject of conversation to distract themselves. During the first ten minutes, you felt his sharp eyes on you, with his chin a bit raised, giving him this bad boy aura he was always seeking in front of you and that made your heart weak despite all the hate you had for him. He suddenly got out of his vest, revealing his arms under the rolled sleeves of his T-Shirt, and then he placed the side of his face in the palm of his hand, his pupils never quitting your frame in the process. Again, cold sweat and chills : again, tachycardia ; again, numb legs.
Soon enough though, a bunch of girls passed by and greeted the band, staying up next to their table, and it finally grasped Changkyun's attention, freeing you from your unexplained sensations. You couldn't prevent your gaze to go back and forth between the sea and his group, hiding behind your sunglasses, to observe their affinities – maybe he has a girlfriend? Now that you came to think of it for the second time, even if you had been with one another for now almost three weeks, you knew nothing about each other. The first time was a few nights ago, when your father had asked you this question during dinner :
"So what about Changkyun? What kind of boy is he? How come you never talk about him! With all the time you spend together and the things you do, you must have a strong bond by now, don't you? It's true that we get pretty attached to our summer friends in no time!"
You had stayed quiet for a few seconds, building something to come up with as you had faced the truth : you didn't know a single thing about him, what he liked and what he didn't, his friends, his passions, his ambitions, and you surely didn't have his number nor any of his social networks' accounts. As you had looked through your memories quickly, all you could have pointed at was him listening to some rap music in his headphones early in the morning while you were installing, or him having a great appetite when it came to eat the meals the granny offered you, or him playing RPG games on his phone whenever he had the time, or him meeting these hyungs to hang out once you were done with your morning service, but that was all. In some way though, that was also enough to tell you you've been observing him with way too much attention, some attention he shouldn't get in the first place, and realizing it had tensed you. Changkyun and you were just enemies of circumstances, living up a lie in front of your parents that didn't take the time to look through it and never grabbed the chance to uncloak you just by asking you this exact question about each other's well-being or tastes.
"Hummm… I… We're not really talkative, you know, so… Yeah, he's nice to hang out with" you had mumbled before taking a long sip in your cup of water.
"He's such a charming boy" your mother had commented, and you had hidden your need to puke at how this adjective sounded awful in your ears. "I'm amazed at how everything goes well between you and for your last summer like this. I didn't think this would happen! He sure will be a good friend, that's beautiful sweetheart."
These outings are what never happened, mom, you had wanted to answer, but you had only looked down at your plate and wrongfully nodded in agreement, regretting to be lying to your parents since so long but too deep in it for you to get out. This whole comedy was a pure joke to you, something you didn't take too seriously to feel really guilty as the life or death of the boy mattered to you as much as one of a fly. At least, you convinced yourself so, somehow perfectly aware of the weird feelings you were getting because of him from time to time, when you really looked at him, or when, like at this exact moment, you met him by coincidence outside the market, discovering another Changkyun, a lively one, a smiling one, an apparently funny one as he made everyone at his table laugh with his derp faces or his comments you couldn't hear.
"Kkukkungiiiiiie, are you coming to the party next Friday?"
The voice of a girl shook you out of your thoughts, and you caught the annoyed eyes of Changkyun going straight in your direction, over the shoulder of the model-looking boy of the team who had his back facing you. You didn't hold back your quiet laugh to make him feel ridiculous. Kkukkungie? Seriously? The boy rolled his eyes, clearly pissed that you had heard that somehow cute but most of all silly nickname, and this time his angry look didn't stop you from smiling as you were making fun of him. Not too long after, the girls were gone, their laughs still tinting in your ear-drums like birds singing too happily, and that was when the pretty barman came to serve you the dessert you had ordered as your afternoon snack, a key lime pie. You suddenly felt shy when he engaged the conversation :
"Are you here alone for holidays?"
His voice was really calm and sweet, like the bright smile he gave you that almost closed his eyes in a cute way.
"Oh uh… No, I'm here to help my parents at the market" you answered, smiling back.
"Oh I see! I'm Kihyun by the way, you are?"
He offered you his hand and you shook it gently, before taking it back to your lap.
"So where are you from?" he asked again.
"Seoul! But I really love it here" you admitted, surprising yourself as you let the words roll through your tongue instead of cutting off the discussion.
Changkyun was observing you from behind, his brows furrowed as he saw one of his hyungs talking to you, but even more when the latter turned back and shouted :
"Ya guys! She's new here and all alone and you didn't even invite her at your table! What kind of gentlemen are you seriously, you're making me feel ashamed!"
Once again, you wanted to kill yourself for dragging people involuntarily into your situation and forcing them to hang out with you, first Changkyun at the old lady's stand, now all of his friends that were staring at you. You were shaking your head from left to right to express that everything was really fine but it was too late :
"Ohhhh but she's the girl Changkyun is working with! Sure, come and join us!" one of them exclaimed as if he hadn't seen you before when he clearly had, making it even more awkward.
However, when Kihyun nodded his head in their direction while smiling at you, you realized you had no other choice but to do as you were told, being polite and appreciative when all you wanted to do was to run away from this place and quickly. Remind me why did I go near the sea again?
"Hi, I'm Jooheon" said the one who had just invited you and when he smiled, two deep dimples appeared on his chubby cheeks, making him a ray of sun in an instant. His hair was chocolate brown and slicked back on his head, and he had even sharper eyes than Changkyun.
You sat down next to him where an empty spot seemed to have waited for you, and introduced yourself back, waiting for the others to do the same. On your left was sitting the model-boy, with his dark hair and his tall but slim frame, whose name you now knew was Hyungwon ; Shownu, the tall and massive boy who had interfered the last time, had short brown hair and tanned skin ; the one named Hoseok had his hair bleached and prominent muscles ; and finally, Minhyuk, who also had brown hair, smiled at you and seemed to be the most talkative and excited of the band as his introduction was the longest. Overall, they were guys with enjoyable looks and fashion styles, but to your great despair, not even one beat the handsomeness of Changkyun in your eyes. Quickly, Minhyuk made you talk and you did your best to forget the presence of your market partner, almost enjoying how the whole situation was annoying him as you saw his leg jump up and down since you sat at his table.
"Why didn't you introduce us to her earlier Changkyun-ah? She's really fun" Jooheon said as if he was outraged and you smiled in victory, defying the designated one who was, for the first time, avoiding your gaze as his eyes were drifting to the sea, his brows knotting and his bottom lip trapped between his teeth.
"I already told you hyung, she's not my friend so there's no reason for you to be" he hummed between gritted teeth, his head still turned away from you.
"You don't get to decide who we hang out with you brat!" protested Minhyuk before he slapped his shoulder. "Hey Y/N, why don't you come to my pool party next Friday?"
You weren't against having a little fun, and you didn't need to stay with them all night ; maybe you would meet some other really nice people and could avoid Changkyun. After all, you deserved at least one party for this summer, and maybe it was the only opportunity you'll ever have before going back to work and hiding yourself in Busan’s streets with the hopes of not getting surprised by Changkyun’s ghost-like appearances like you had another time today. The boy had finally turned his body towards you and was looking at you with daring eyes, but you couldn't care even less. He had been the one who had started to build your hateful relationship even if his anger had been legit at the beginning, but you were not going to give him some satisfaction by avoiding having some fun.
"Yeah, sure, thank you! I've been dying to go out!"
The boys whooped in satisfaction while the jaw of Changkyun dropped, showing he wasn't expecting your boldness, but anyway, he still had to deal with it.
    To be continued...
 A/N : I’ll try to update Part 2 in a few days! Thank you again for reading... Any comments good or bad are welcomed as usual!
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stories1990 · 5 years
"False heart beats"
Hymns _pen
____________________ ********** ______
Back-lit screen ..wanaml moving lightly on the phone keypad ... smile made its way to the oval face Lothario ..ltketb characters love and adoration
_ I love you !
Merely four letters to be the next corners of her life ... enter the hooligan ... it was consistent Buthaiabh heritage, making its appeal and that increase shawl over his head in an attractive way salary increased so .. light shone .. knock on the door fingertips to attract attention ... Fatah Vaha speaks quietly
_ I am hungry
Closed her Bagtdhab ... her eyes Nazerth Yemeni .. and uttered such as coffee alarm
_ Arak, I returned from my uncle s sons council ... I will be patient Ptdvith
D to it and pronounce his waist Bjunbah order
_ Ardjaaha place
Air Zfr angrily and took them silent and behind her silence a thousand words reproach to her mother that made the house girls served his children without a word whimper ... Maybe this was the case most of the families of the old city "Sanaa"
# Areej
Standing in front of the cook Anazer phone waiting eagerly reply to my last letter ...
_ Apologized dear delayed response ... I love you too!
He closed the phone and tightened to my chest and I felt Bdqath growing little by little ... nervously approached the gas switched off and threatening to pronounce flagrant
_ Not you know this gas crisis days? I need to tell my mother to break the phone one who stole your mind and your thoughts ...
He went after awhile
_ What are you doing it from Trusselan?
Pangs stopped Bhgay without paying attention .. I m trying to make my voice naturally busy making his tea
_ Who do you think my friends from high school!
_ Hehehehe only wish I know what is this modern Taathdtnh day by telephone or correspondence
I saw his voice unit eventually ... I took my phone and went speeding and uttered a blatant
_ Not like you
I took my books Malam you have installed the black veil on my face I wore my bag and went to the room and opened weighs Tgra Pronounce telltale
_ Weighs no need to pick me up today my girlfriend Joanna will Baissala her car
_ Ooh Well .. not Taatochri
That rubbed his eyes and his voice like a child Drifter coarse morning
I went out and Astkulait bus to go to my kidney ... I opened my phone and you send a message to confirm the appointment
_ Do not forget at 11 in front of my kidneys
_ Did I forget my love?! Do not be afraid I ll be there definitely ahead of longing to see I feel very much a mental captive
My heart
Muscles in the eyes of prominent ... Cap green ... white silk ... highly remarkable Muluj color yellow sun and the color of the mountains ... Sanaa built Amishqrh ... black qualities Balabaah approached it ..hmlguet ... Econ is it?! I asked my voice soft feminine
_ UN You Hossam?
_ So must you to be Areej
I pulled the chair in front of me and sat on it .. We stayed minutes and silence makes us stomata ... Ptlosm unique Iraqi dialect ..sahr has fascinated me .. Blbagth ... Asloppe..samth ... everything ... the closest pronunciation to be an angel house heaven ... Nazert time delay time ... should not to be Cinderella now seriously ... I do not want. !
_Well .... meet Hossam to meet my brother Siqlq
Btawaiha with his hand and let me ... that we have identified on Wednesday of every week on our game so the cafe told me once ...
_ Do you know How beautiful?
_ Akhalna beautiful with all my details
He replied mischievously protester grief
_ And he denied he is blind, but he loved what you are those eyes colored Yemeni coffee
_ We learn Nkhtlt Turks since the Ottoman rule, so find the people of the city "Ibb" and some of the villages of "Sana a"
Turkish are characterized by the features of each I wish I have the then I ll be more beautiful but to tell you that his eyeballs coffee like ... I love it also became
Do not forget the days of my eyes every time we meet the beating of my heart Ktabol degree became afraid that Expose his sweet Asrna became like Wednesday and the dates I record my mind every word tells her to become a balance of happiness for me .. I loved it and loved him with all my heart beats
The voice of a strong impact comes from the kitchen ... rushed speeding to find my mother dumped him down sweat profusely ... which slowed down my heart beats ...
_ Areej Ariège O Araj
Shook my cry home Vtvajot by Hisham initiates her pregnancy to the car then got a blow on my head and it roars loophole
_ Areej in college helped me, stupid
Behind the door of operations stood ... Bad concern on the face of each one of us ... I remembered Areej so I did make a connection ... it was her mood and her voice calm an improved ... I felt angry safer behind the door do not know Astaud or enter a refrigerator Alomuat..srecht strongly by telling them what happened and Monba them ... Hehgh issued them .. shut down the phone at her farewell speech without you and went to holistically haste was not too long ago .. I seem to go up the tower jinx today ... my sister sitting with a young cafe ????
# Areej
My finished ... my heart beat stopped for a moment ... bloodshot and his cheeks anger ... pulled out of the house of clouds ... my heart muscles constrict and flattens Hussam received ... crudely strikes many of the intervention weighs even people to resolve them ..binma Dmati were frantic quickly unconsciously, which has been or is being, or will be!
Between the corners of the room locked .. I do not know about my mother, or a sense of Hussam news .... all you have done is to bring out Hhqati
Transcendent ... Atrani promised a child or a baby crawling ... asking candy prevented them ??
_ Areej ... that my mother was fine Ahidia ..
I do not know basically no tears pouring ... quickly reared her body towards her slim Artmit ... about an hour and we are on that case .. I sat next to me .. and in particular horny stared, wiping my cheek .. I opened my sister Nour Vahaa pronounce
_ Pass moments of our lives are wrong .. built Adam mis enough unfasten a new page you girl adult Tdrkin ill Fltk and know our society ....
_ Spread ..br?
Looked down her head and pronounced Dully
_ You know, were not far from the university has gone through the incident a week ... my mother went out to safety and do not want to see you ..ozlk young
_ What you do?
Rapid Pink, which made it Tnazerna foolishly
_ You silly right Areej ... that your heart beats false ... all I have forced him to marry your order muzzles little people ... you know Nada and me now Gailltan because they look at their husbands Almshakrh ... we are in fact a problem Areej and you ll be aware of that is why your behavior mindless!
#After 2 manth
Yemeni traditional hype ... and the bride like a moon on the throne of heaven, 14 night ... not for the black under her eyes and withered outlook ..oottaghm the face of the groom, which was not worthy of him the night of joy
Voice screams Akecart building inhabitants .. goggle jerseys which bemuse only a small curvature in it ... was severely beaten and devoid of any mercy ... Aiakl that his passion got a drug to reverse the effect of hatred filled his stomach ... were not a night or two nights each 6 months suffering from beating him and showered strange m wishes to divorce him one day ... How wonderful that the adoration and love sod wondrous!
I took clear on my stomach ... and smile imposed on the teachings fatigued me .. Nazerth with joy and enthusiasm Tgra pronunciation
_ New Baby is coming to us after 6 months
Were not described the joy of letters or words or Soran Arouk first born to me from him .. Despite the lack of response and Tjahlhll subject, but I did not expect that and despite his knowledge of the next born whole thing
Kalshah drove to the airport ... and I can say that he has been expelled me to Iraq specifically .. "Baghdad" as a servant when his family ... is returned to Yemen without a word to say .. and my family Nbaroo me all my life has become hell because of him and I still love him nights fools. .. and that the poor, who Bohachaia I am almost certain that he will not regaining my parents warm embrace ..ao fresh word from the father of delight .. Khater was my feelings of remorse and happiness one capable of so that the gut ... but I did not feel hate or perhaps you still see only a little less on that feeling
Under the quilt ... and the darkness of the room ..ochach lit in front of me ... tears from my eyes apply a burning sensation on the scene of the hero dies in front of his beloved ... ooh did not dwell I am still the best dramas
Sad love with the failed .. Balbjamh loose cartoon drawings came down the stairs toward the kitchen to take a cup of cold water in this heat burning ... came across my aunt ..aktefit faint smile Badltinay them ... What we have received them, and my grandmother hemlock what taste and its impact is still in my throat and other Jsudai..tjahilt memories foolish. I returned to the dark room ... I am following Dramati
_ Wijdan where your father? Allen comes to the Council of Parents ??
_ That my father passengers to buy me gifts
Haha nights small lie ... that I was a girl blatantly lie is naive .. I m trying to convince my friends I did not believe her illusions .. What is the guilt of the child Hnt characters "Baba" as does the rest of the kids,!
_ My mother asked me where my friends and my parents tell me where he is ??
_ Dear traveler is in my country that we visited last year that is true Tzkrenha
Played with dust and uttered innocently
_ When he would not do if we meet? But my mother loves me?
I did not find them in response was a response time is the silence that made me ask again and I still can not find an answer ... heal Galili I remember once I saw him in my grandmother s mother Motk ... but my mother refused to news Lacan is whether or not ..ha do not deny that even did not cast a glance at the corner that we were out Yalschrih!
_ My mother what the meaning of my name?
Assigned her head with my head
YOU YOU sentimental .. My feelings are all in my child conscience .. Mama s feelings are scattered and gather Stadtha only my child conscience
Basma honest adorned on her face disappeared behind the slim ..gamalha premature wrinkles of her face and her eyes Almabeltan hah I can still remember the details ... inside and out her trouble ... Kmalh in the school as a cleaner ensure the comfort of the people of the house and despicable dealings with them ..
I opened the folded paper between the heritage of her clothes, which was your favorite ... prepared .. all I did folded is Dmotain even Nzlta down Zgueni..ontqa sarcastically
_ Qstkma was more drama sad my mother ... I am the victim ...
In front of her tomb stood ..obed flowers placed .. the usual began my speech to the spirit in the sky
_ Lamy graduation ceremony was wonderful but it was lacking in you .. I will finish Amabna and rode my life after Osora a respectable job ... I love my mother ..ohuzeinh to me sudden Vrack ..mte forcibly before the stroke of those damned Tamota ..haha goodbye to my mother, I will call you ..
Rustle behind me ... weak voice manly pronunciation
_ What she said before her death?
Without paying attention ... for fear of the noise of my feelings that Stddvq that Nazerth ... said now that he has Kainan Hayan here after he got married and lived his life comfortable with another family ... ironically has shaken my voice I replied
_ My heart beats ..kazbh!
~ Has ~
Like the rest of the story and the fact Ouseltni from a reliable source in fact the core of the story and the fact that the other drama of suspense
Jambiya: Yemeni heritage uniforms for men placed on a large waist with a sharp knife extracted from rhinoceros horn
The Ibb that green eyes are comparing Hussam .fahi Yemeni city known Balkhaddra because of the green Xaiha which capped throughout the year, almost
Lake + comments do you think of my dear ones to know and criticisms .. I liked the idea of the story Fjsdtha reality is happening and kills many
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0 notes
inkalight · 7 years
I am in love with your art style and resistance lance au like I need to know everything about him and that universe and how his relation with keaith and the others progress, have an amazing day!
oh gawwsh thank you, Ok ok I’m working out a few more specific details but the relationships are pretty messy at this point since i don’t have much content for the au (because i am slow) but I’ll do my best to explain. Also be aware I’m really not too concerned about ships with this Au (but I’m not against and I do have some ships I enjoy but interpret as you wish) I just find more interest in other things. Another thing, I don’t want to lean that far from canon personality and relationships.
here are the links to other Resistance Lance stuff:
drawing 1 / drawing 2 / drawing 3 / Comic 1 / Text
Keiths relationship w/ Lance: Keith is suspicious of everything he knows little about, Lance is an alien who knows a lot more than he gives to the team and has a past with the galra, he catches on and suspects foul play. He will confront Lance about his blade and they do get in a fight. He still is always standing near him, reacts to the taunts, but in the end they learn to bond and trust each other most like canon.
Shiros relationship with Lance: Shiro has survived as Champion but Lance was involved in that (HOW??? heheheh you’ll find out, comic coming soon). What happened is a blur for Shiro but Lance makes him a bit uneasy because of that involvement causing them to have less bonding moments. Still he learns to care about Lance as a leader and trusts his determination and knowledge. He’s a dad tho and Lance is Lance, what’s in canon is what I’m keeping as base.
Hunks relationship with Lance: Best friends at first sight, Hunk loves Lances energy it makes him feel like he can push past his fears. They trade stories, recipes, jokes, and stuff about their cultures all the time. They have each others backs and trusts each others minds and instincts. So their bond is same just without their history at the Garrison.
Pigdes relationship with Lance: They have that sibling bond however to add to the mix Lance has a tech dependance that gave him his leg and keeps him alive, Pidge nerds over the craftsmanship. Pidge also asks him a LOT of questions about alien stuff but she’s got her main focuses so she’s usually busy. (I’m using female pronouns for the sake of her saying ‘I’m a girl’)
Alluras relationship with Lance: She respects him as a paladin but she is totally thrown off by how different he acts to the altean culture she was raised in that’s where i’m going to make a few assumptions for old altean culture (I assume they were kind of regal adventurers who embrace the concept of fear, strength, universe spirituality, and order) Lance’s altean culture is completely different. It’s a very rough start for them at first but they learn each other’s differences and eventually they connect over the small similarities they find.
Corans relationship with Lance: There’s no doubt Lance has touched a soft spot in Corans heart. He see’s himself in Lance and keeps an eye on him. I think they have conversations about hard things Lance has gone through and Coran helps him. Their differences don’t bother Coran as much (I have this theory that Coran has a history of adventuring across the universe before becoming a king’s advisor and he’s seen a crap load of stuff so he’s unbothered by Lance being different)
More about Lance: I thought it was a cool idea if Lance was altean but not because that would make him a pretty prince (he already is one matey) but I thought it could open the Voltron Universe a bit more since the the beginning of Voltron the only people had that knowledge of the galra had memory loss, are from 10,000 years ago OR are super secretive(Marmorans). At the same time Lances nature as an adventurer and being a people person can be shown off. He’s shown the skill and capability to gain alien allies, lead as a friend, and follow as a ally.
He’s a bit secretive not only about his past and his feelings but Keith’s past as well. He guessed there was a connection to the Blade of Marmora the moment he saw the blade. He’s survived this long fighting against the galra because he doesn’t trust anyone with certain information. This will cause a problem with Voltron at first, but Coran will eventually teach him a way to keep valued secrets safe. One day he may trust someone with this information but it’s not going to end well.
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Ayiiieee I almost forgot about “ The Snow Country Hunting Life of the Northern Nobleman and the Raptor Wife” wow what a mouthful hahaha
I paused reading the webnovel months ago coz there are less Sieg/Ritz moments in the last chapters than the previous chapters... and the manga scanlation hasn’t been update for a long time as well huhu...
So I just went on reading este browsing the japanese manga instead and even when I can’t read japanese, the scenes were mostly familiar to me because of the novel... but I really wanted to read the dialogues too... scanlator-san onegai!!!
I happen to remember checking the latest chapters of the raw manga today and I can’t believe the mangaka already drew the part when Ritz kissed Sieg on the lips for the first time... IIRC (and the drawings shown as well) it was when Ritz was very occupied with his sideline of making Bear Figurines... Sieg gave him chocolates and he was so overwhelmed with love and gratitude that he kissed her... it was one of my favourite parts of the novel ohemgee hehehehe
Ahhh where can I find a Ritz in this day age neh? Hahahaha
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suximaxini-blog · 7 years
The Tiring Day 1 – LOST IN SEOUL
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I planned on writing about our -my sister, Nadya, and I- trip to South Korea since we were back from February. It was merely us two, in a strange nation where we barely talk in our mother tongue (except for the time we spent with one of our friend, whom being very nice as our local tour guide and treated us with delicious food). But, I got very lazy to write. Haha, so me.
So, we went there unexpectedly. One day, my sister asked my mom whether she can go to Seoul, my mom was in the happy and easy going mood to be that easy to agree. Like, seriously…we booked our ticket, made our visa (I needed to go twice since I did not complete something the first time, totally forgot what was it), booked our hostel…mom only gave accommodation expenses, so besides that, it was our money. For 4 days and 3 nights, our budget was so tight that we cannot afford to enter any restaurant since we were too afraid of the price. HAHAHA. Therefore, we were so grateful of our friend who had treated us delicious courses.  
Suddenly tonight, after a hectic Eid day, I spent my leisure time watching one of my favorite TV Program; it is Japanese one called “Why Did You Come to Japan”. It usually broadcasts you some tourists’ stories who visit Japan for some special purposes. One time, they recorded a story of Seba-chan who visited Japan to explore their Ramen, as he spent about 3 months to eat ramen in Japan. First, he used his bike to cut the transport expenses. However, by the time goes, it is hard to maintain its function, I guess, so Seba-chan continued his journey by hitching some random strangers, who happened to know him already throughout the program. Or the story about the Sasebo guy, an Australian man whose main visit to Japan was only to eat Sasebo Burger. The mayor of Sasebo city even making him a special t-shirt with its mascot and make sure he can eat any Sasebo burger for free.
Tonight’s story was about two brother in their first time visiting Tokyo and the older one happened to lost his wallet. His younger only has a debit card but it cannot be withdrawn. They looked so lost and pale. THERE! I saw the resemblance of me and Nadya with that story. HAHAHA. Just the two of us, where we needed (desperately needed) to work together to make the rest of our stay pleasant for both of us. First thing when we arrived in the airport, we thought, or I thought, we still have plenty of time to wait for our luggage after the immigration.
I checked on the screen, to where should we go to get out baggage. I was so sure regarding our gate and told my sister that we need to wait. We called our parents to notify them that we have safely landed. After waiting for approx. 10 mins, I got bored and asked my sister to wash our face and put on a little make up just to lighten up the face (we just woke up and face was definitely inhumane).
We, or I as the eldest, was so clueless…I sensed something was  not right when I saw no one from our flight in front of the moving belt (whatever you call it). Hehehehe, we went to the wrong side. I did not panic because I saw my sister was already in the mode. We walked back and forth to ask someone. We asked several people but nobody can answer us. I was so confident regarding the information I have to find our luggage. I had all the details, but nobody was actually helping. Was it too early? Is 9am-ish early to you? I take note that the airport crew are not that capable of using English language and not (really) helpful. I even asked several times to lost and found counter. Nah, nothing.
Lucky for us, we found our luggage just being thrown outside the belt. The, supposed to be, right belt since long time ago. Just like that. Abandoned. THANK GOD! They were saved.
After that, we followed the itinerary we made and proceeded to ask the direction to buy the temporary SIM card and bus ticket. At the bus counter, the lady who was in charge told me that rather than buying only the bus ticket, I could buy T-money and got a discount for bus fare, also made it easier for us to use public transportation. It cost us, 100.000 Won for 2 cards. Right choice! Buy T-money everyone, at the airport, to make it simpler.
We departed for Anguk. And it was safe until we got off the bus. But, since it is my experience that you read, we lost again. My sense of direction IS BAD. We went back and forth with our luggage and the problem was not that the humidity came from heat; it was the cold we could not bear. I asked several people again with the simple, “Jogiyo? Heoksi, Yellow Brick arayo? Yellow Brick Hostel eodisoyo?”. So sorry, my mind was cloudy and I cannot think of whether it was polite enough. Nadya then took the initiative to ask a grandpa with broken English and showed him the website with picture and address, HE WAS SO NICE, he did not hesitate to take us there. To the front of the hostel, where we need to walk through an alley. We thanked him a lot by bowing with our might, if it was not for him; I supposed we would spend our time just going back and forth with no end.
We stayed at the Yellow Brick Hostel 1. We booked through Traveloka and chose the hostel because its rating and comments, they even served breakfast (sadly, although we paid for it, we’d rather buy onigiri for breakfast because we were always in hurry) and A ROOFTOP! Yep, rooftop was also the reason, although, once again, we went there only twice, the arrival and departure, and you will hardly see mountain. I recommend you this hostel because for the price they give an excellent service in a very good location. It is very easy to reach by subway, like super easy, after I get to know the area. HA!
On the first day, we arrived by Friday actually, I booked a flower arrangement course at Florinn, a flower shop I found in IG. Jenny ssaem, the owner, was a petite young lady whom very passionate with her job. It was very nice of her to guide to her flower shop nearby Ewha University…the uni I once dreamt about. Then again, we were lost, HA! I was just not accustomed to the blocks. We rode a bus, based on what Jenny ssaem and google maps suggested. We found the nearest bus stop and hopped the bus. You know the google maps give several suggestions right? Well, we could have taken the subway, but Nadya was afraid since we saw no station within our sight. Shortly, we rode the wrong direction. We should have taken the other direction with the same bus number and struggling to find the place when we arrived. Nadya was so patient to keep up with the clumsy me. HAHAHA, thank you adek!
I would tell you in details regarding the course later on. Since this post is about ‘LOST’.
We went shopping around Ewha before decided to try subway, aimed for Hongdae. Hongdae (Hongik Daehak) station in Friday night is super packed with people. After a short walk, we wanted to conclude and have a good sleep for tomorrow’s agenda. It was 8-9 pm ish when we took a bus, one we were sure was the correct one. We followed what the google maps said and arrived at, the supposed to be nearest bus stop from our hostel.
I was so confident with my maps, we even dropped by a Nature Republic store to buy wet tissues. We walked and walked and walked and walked, back and forth again…then I was scared to say that maps decieved me. I tried to calm Nadya and changed it into Waze. It was already 10 pm-ish. Food stalls were crowded with people chattering and drinking. I started to panic too, however, it was not the main concern, as we just wish to go to bed. I tried to set my mind straight and followed Waze. BUT! As you know, Waze gives you alleys suggestion, where it directed us to a dark and quiet neighborhood. Nadya was trying hard to object but I insisted that was the way to reach our hostel. I knew it well, she nearly cried, since it was her first time experience abroad to have a vacation and I gave her a bad situation.
Merely with her clumsy sister, she lost. I wanted to cry for different reason, I blamed my self for putting my sister in the situation. In the end, Waze could not give us the direction too, or it could, but we were afraid to follow since homeless men are drunk already.
My phone was nearly died even after an emergency charging. We found a small shop in an alley. Nadya asked me to stop by. I was planning to ask direction since maps could not help me. It was around -5 celcius and we could not think clearly, all we wished was only to reach the bed and tucked ourselves inside the warm blanket.
The owner was an old couple. The grandma greeted us with worries. She cannot speak English, my Korean is limited as I told her that I needed to call the hostel, if only they can pick us up, or at least giving the right direction. She said, seeing two freezing girls asking for help is so pitiful that she agreed to even talk to them! However, nobody was answering our call. Then I asked her to draw us a direction to reach our hostel, she was not sure and asked her husband about it. The husband, I guess, he did not really like us because he raised his tone and giving the body language of letting us be after mumbling the direction.  
The grandma, was an angel sent to us, she was really kind. Despite her husband disagreement, she drew as the easy map, repeated the key store and even took us to the main road. Nadya and I bowed to show our gratitude and even kept the paper she gave to us. The map was so clear, we could easily found our hostel. Well, after several asking again, since Nadya was so scared we would lost again, so she wanted to make sure, we took the right direction.
We finally arrived in our room at 11 pm-ish. The first thing to do, CRYING! We cried and hugged each other as we were so afraid that we would make a headline about being lost here. HAHAHA, then the next thing I do, tell Nadya not to call our parents at the moment, since it could make them worry, we’d better keep it for ourselves, at least until we got home.
The experience, nonetheless, did not make me give up. I even wanted to explore more, to avoid getting lost again. At least, not to our hostel.
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((To be continued))
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