#wanted to do smth a bit loose and messy
maroonsoul · 6 months
YIPPIE. Ok first idea as 🗣anon
Stoic Business men. (I imagine Nanami, Shiu and perhaps even Kusakabe…smth about him gives off that vibe..probably the way he dresses) those fine tall beefy men that probably tower everyone around them (Nanami is 6’5, i cant find Kusakabe height but if I had to guess probably around nanamis height) stressed out men who once he gets home is immediately on the bed begging to be fucked till he cant think and is just babbling about every nasty thought in their empty heads that they normally would never say…
Also Kusakabe Eats lollipops because he’s trying to find alternatives then smoking and in almost every scene he’s in he has a lolipop so…..do u get it…
rubs hands together like a fly, we’re gonna get along you and me
cw : sub!nanami, dom!male!reader, anal play, dirty talking, a bit of cock stepping.
the working life was hard, tiring even. and kento often wondered how much more he could last living that way, if it wasn’t for you. you who weren’t even his proper lover, his official boyfriend. you who were more of his guilty pleasure. his little treat from a long week of torture. usually he came over to you on Fridays, to get the stress fucked out of him. but today must’ve been an exception.
it was only Tuesday and there he was, at your front door waiting for you to open. he didn’t even know if you were home or not but he had to try. you opened the door with nothing but a simple t-shirt and shorts, hair all messy and a tired look on your face. you raised an eyebrow at the sight of him ; he looked rough, as if someone completely drained the life out of him. some strands of hair covered his forehead in contrast to his usual slicked hairstyle, his tie was loose and his jacket not even properly worn.
“are you okay Kento ?” you asked, not letting him come in yet. he sighed and kept his eyes on the ground.
“do I look okay to you ?” he took a step closer, his breathing pattern slowly increasing. “can you let me come in ? please..?” his tone was softer than ever, almost like a whisper and you’d be a fool not to comply to his words. he looked up and down at your figure, if he had no manners he would be ripping your clothes and get fucked raw in the corridor.
however, Kento slowly walks inside your apartment that he knows so well, and stands completely still in front of you, probably too embarrassed to talk. you sit down on the couch, a flopping sound echoing in the room as you observe him from there. he continues to stare, bulge visible in his pants as he tried not to act like a complete slut. “why are you here Kento ? missed me ?” you say calmly.
he stays quiet for a moment before finally taking a few steps toward the couch. “I needed you.” he says softly. you furrow your eyebrows and try to hide your smile. it was unlike him to express his wants that clearly. “so badly.” he continues.
at your surprise, he kneeled down in the space between your legs, and looked up at you. you could almost see a frown on his face, his cheeks visibly heating up from the situation. you tried your hardest to stay composed, this huge mass of a man was completely offering himself to you, at your mercy and command. “can you help me ?” Kento whispered.
you passed a hand through his hair then went down to rub his cheek, he leaned into the touch and breathed softly. “tell me what you want me to do.” you say calmly, your heel massaging his hard crotch.
“I need you to fuck me, y/n.” he whispers, closing his eyes from the soft caress of your hand. kento instinctively parted his lips and you took the opportunity to slide a thumb inside his mouth. he sucked on it gently, quiet pants coming out of his throat. “fuck..” he swore under his breath as he felt the pressure from your heel on his cock. “I missed you.. s’much..”
“poor baby.” you coo. “wanna go to the bedroom ?”
obviously you ended up giving him what he wanted most without refutation and there he was ; bent over your mattress completely naked, ass bouncing at each and every thrust you gave him. your pace was fast and harsh, almost hateful but he could take it. at least he said he could.
while your cock worked inside his hole, Kento felt chattier than usual and kept on babbling praises for your efforts. “so good, so good, so good..” kept coming out like a chant. your grip on his waist was firm, giving his well built hips a few squeezes. he wasn’t even present at the moment, his mind completely blank as his primal instincts took over, arching his back more and more to feel you deeper inside him.
deeper, that’s what he kept saying over and over, drool coming out of his mouth and spilling all over on your pillow. he came multiple times already but it wasn’t enough, he needed more. “fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me..” he whispered. you pulled out of his hole and took a second to breathe. he protested, his ass now feeling emptier than ever, until you flipped him over on his back and what a sight it was.
Kento looked completely stupid, red flush spread all over his face and dried tears sitting on the corner of his eyes. he looked up at you, hot hands resting on the side of your waist, and showed a faint smile. you leaned down and kissed him, something you usually never did on your usual Fridays sex sessions. “Kento.. my sweet baby.” you laughed.
he turned his face to the side until you grabbed his chin to make him face you. “don’t look away from me.” you cooed while bending his legs on his chest. your mouth automatically glueing itself to his, he panted and moaned loudly as you went back inside and for him, it felt even deeper and better. he sunk his nails on your back, making you hiss at the pain, and you responded by only fucking him faster. your face found it’s place in the crook of his neck, and you whispered close to his ear. “you’re perfect baby.”
and at that, Kento could only respond with a whimper, “I should visit more often.” he thought.
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callme-holly · 2 months
Yoo, like the fic you did of tim in readers house, and shes trying to get him out.
could you possibly do maybe a blurb or fic of having two-bit in readers rrom and them getting caught with their clothes still off? But they didnt do anything, they were just changing and readers brothers (curtis's) think they did smth🤨🤔😏😏
In reality they were just cuddling (as a couple not besties) and two-bit gets chases out the house, and reader is super embarrased.
I think this would be a really funny fix, LMAOO
Then at the end reader is SUPER embarrased, and they both get teased by thr gang in the afternoon. (bc this is in the mroning, like the tim sitch)
if you dont wanna do this ask, its alr!! Love ur work btw!!♥♥♥
𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐨 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 [𝐭𝐰𝐨-𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐰𝐬 𝐱 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫]
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 - in which two-bit mathews isn't the most subtle boyfriend
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 - it's been a little while but i'm back ya'll. kinda considering going on a long break bc i was unsure if anybody actually read my shit but im in too deep now!! asks are still open for requests!!
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 - 1.4k words
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - mild swearing
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A cool breeze swept in through your open window, and the sun was already high in the sky, casting long shadows that stretched from corner to corner of the bedroom. The curtains are open just enough for a ray of light to slip through, warming the sleep-rumpled sheets pooled around you. 
Beside you, with his arm draped lazily around your waist, lies Two-Bit Mathews, his rust-coloured hair sticking up at a variety of odd angles, his lips parted ever so slightly as he sleeps soundly. He looks unusually peaceful, and you take a second to admire him, gently tracing the freckles dusted across his bare shoulders with the pads of your fingers. There’s a small scar just above his brow, barely visible beneath the messy strands covering it, but you know it’s there all the same. It’s just one of the many things that you find yourself loving. 
Carefully, you brush his hair back into place and press your lips to his forehead, hoping to wake him before your brothers get out of bed and inevitably come knocking at your door. A soft groan rumbles through his chest, and you can see his eyes flutter open for a fleeting moment, bleary blue irises meeting yours as he tries to process where exactly he is. Then those eyes fall shut again, and you sigh heavily, leaning over to shake his shoulder lightly.
“Two, c’mon.” You whisper softly, earning another moan of protest as he pulls you closer, pressing a kiss to the crook of your neck. 
“Five more minutes,” he murmurs against your skin, his voice thick with sleep and his breath tickling your sensitive skin. It's rare to see him so disoriented, so out of it, and you can’t help but feel amused at his behaviour. 
However, your amusement quickly evaporates when you hear the telltale ring of Darry’s alarm, the sound shrill and piercing as it cuts through the silence. You cringe at the sound. Two-Bit grunts in displeasure, burying his face deeper into your shoulder. 
“It's not fair,” he whines, peering up at you. “How can they be awake already? It's Sunday morning. I want to sleep in.” Despite his words, his hold on you loosens slightly, and he pushes himself up onto his elbow, blinking hard until he focuses on your face, his eyes brightening significantly when he meets your gaze. 
The covers pool loosely around your waist as he shifts, and he immediately notices your bare torso, a broad grin spreading across his features.
“Woah, hey, cover up!” A loud laugh escapes him, and you're quick to slap a hand over his mouth, glaring down at him. 
“Shh, you idiot. Darry will hear you.” Two holds his hands up placatingly, his smile still in place as you pull your hand away, rolling your eyes in feigned annoyance at his antics. He leans forward, pressing his lips to yours in a silent apology, one you accept easily, your fingers tangling in his hair as he pulls you closer. It’s sweet and simple, lasting no longer than a couple of seconds before you break apart, a soft smile playing at your lips. 
Two-bit stretches out beside you, propping his head up on his hand as he watches you intently, an unreadable expression in his eyes. You roll off of the mattress, ignoring the quiet whine of protest you get in response, padding across the room in search of your discarded clothes, which lay in a crumpled pile by the door. 
One glance at the clock tells you you've only got a couple minutes to get your very stubborn and very lazy boyfriend dressed and out of your window before Sodapop or Ponyboy come barging in.
With a heavy sigh, you pick up a pair of dark blue jeans, tossing them haphazardly towards Two, who catches them with a broad grin. 
“Put those on.” You mumble, turning back to search for your own clothes, only succeeding in finding your shirt before the door flies open, slamming against the wall and making both of you jump.
“Y/N, Darry wants—” Ponyboy stops short when his gaze lands on Two-Bit, whose jeans are halfway up his thighs, an almost comical look of confusion crossing his features before it's replaced with something akin to horror. “Oh my God,” he breathes out. “You guys...” He trails off, glancing over to you before slapping a hand over his eyes when he realises how very little you're wearing. 
“Get out!” You shriek, your cheeks turning a brilliant shade of red, and Pony doesn’t need to be told twice, turning on his heel and fleeing from the room, no doubt to go tell Darry about his new, and rather horrifying, discovery. 
You turn to look at Two-Bit, who, despite the situation, is still grinning like a madman as he pulls on his shirt, seemingly unfazed by everything that has happened in the last few seconds. That grin quickly fades, however, when a loud crash sounds from the kitchen, accompanied by Darry’s all-too-familiar bellow of your name. 
“Shit…” You curse, tugging on the remainder of your clothes, trying to usher your boyfriend to the window despite his protests. His arms wrap tightly around your midsection, preventing you from even attempting to escape, and though you try to kick and squirm out of his grasp, he simply refuses to release his grip on you, his chin resting on your shoulder. “Keith Mathews, I swear if you don't let me go right now—”
Your threats are interrupted as the door flies open for the second time that morning, and there stands Darry, his hands on his hips, his eyes blazing with a look that could only be described as murderous. You freeze, staring at him helplessly, and Two-Bit offers him a sheepish smile, slowly releasing you and backing away towards the open window. Before he reaches it, however, Darry steps forward, grabbing him by the back of his shirt roughly and dragging him back. 
“Darry!” You exclaim, sounding slightly exasperated as you watch your brother pull Two-Bit out of your room and down the hallway, cursing under his breath as he goes. You trail after them, pausing beside a rather surprised Sodapop and a very guilty-looking Ponyboy as Darry shoves Two out of the front door, crossing his arms and glaring down at him.
“If I find you sneaking in here to see her again, I'll skin you, you hear?” He growls, pointing a threatening finger at the younger greaser, who has the decency to look appropriately terrified, flashing you a pleading look. 
With a sigh, you step forward, placing a gentle hand on your brother’s forearm and forcing out a tight-lipped smile. “Darry, c’mon.” You try, “He wasn’t doing anything wrong.” 
It seems, however, that your pleas fall on deaf ears, and Darry turns sharply to glare at you, his expression stony. You quickly fall silent, listening as your older brother continues to scold Two-Bit, whose eyes are wide with a slight fear. Darry could be really frightening when he wanted to be; you’d learn that the hard way. 
“I mean it,” Darry barks, his attention seemingly back on the redhead still standing on the porch. “From now on, you use the front door, and that bedroom door stays open whenever you’re around. I don’t want any ‘funny business’ going on under this roof. Especially not while I’m sleeping next door.” 
You know exactly what he means by 'funny business', and the implication causes your cheeks to flush crimson. Two-Bit, who looks just as embarrassed as you are, nods hurriedly, and you don't think you've ever seen the greaser look so guilty in all the time that you've known him. 
Darry must notice too, because he relaxes slightly, his tone softer than it had been before, as he speaks once again. “Don't hurt her; you got it?” 
“Got it.” Two nods: “I wouldn’t dream of it.” 
Darry huffs, clearly not entirely satisfied with the whole situation, but deciding to drop it nonetheless as he glances between the two of you. He runs a hand through his dark hair, which is still slightly mussed from sleep, and lets out a long sigh. “Ya’ll are going to kill me someday.” He mutters, shaking his head, before turning from the door and heading back in the direction of the kitchen.
Once he’s gone, you shoot Two-Bit an apologetic look, but he merely smiles and winks reassuringly at you before turning on his heel to jog down the porch steps. You close the door with a loud sigh and hear Sodapop chuckle behind you, his arms crossed and a smug smile spread across his features.
“So…” He drawls, looking impossibly pleased with himself. “Two-Bit Mathews, huh?” 
“Shut up.” 
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𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬!!
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beautyyandthebeatt · 10 months
omg i really love your works!!! can u write smth about maybbee stepsis haseul whos just figuring out shes into girls and u help her out 🤔🤔🤔🤔 need her so bad….
also non g!p if possible :ppp take ur time^_^
so so sorry this took so long! I've been very busy
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!!: Stepcest, scissoring, masturbation, maybe dom!reader ?
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It had been a few months since you had met Haseul, both of your parents introducing you two at your mother’s home. She stood by her fathers side, slight and lovely, a wonderfully pleasant smile adorning her face when greeting you and welcoming you into her family. You liked her, very much, as did she. Though, perhaps she may have liked you a bit too much.
She often found herself admiring you. Her eyes dancing along your pretty facial features, down your nape to your body, tracing along the dips and curves of your frame. She never took issue with it, of course, she’s just admiring her gorgeous step sister, how could she not ? There’s nothing strange about that, it’s not as if she likes you. It’s not as if she likes women… right ? oh.
Oftentimes, late at night when she was certain that everyone had retired to bed she would touch herself to the stills of the mental images she had saved from her moments of admiring you. Covering her mouth to suppress her soft moans, her poor mind wracked with guilt and arousal. She made an attempt to stop, at least that’s what she tells herself, but her visions of you would always win her over, her hand dipping between her thighs once again. Her fingers desperately circling over her clit, slick coating her middle and ring fingers as she chases and inevitably loses her orgasm. it had been like this since she had started, the rise and lack of fall, she knew that only you could finally give her what she so desperately wants.
One night you decide to stay up later than usual to finish an extra chapter of the book you had been reading. Settling into your bed, room silent, dimly lit by a lone lamp you pick up where you left off before being startled out of your focus by a noise coming from your step sister’s room. A whine echoes into the hallway and seeps into your quiet room, a pang of worry flashes across your mind. Was she hurt ? What happened to her ? 
Without hesitation you abandon your room and beeline straight to her door, entering without warning. And there she was, your dear step sister, laying there face down on her bed, fingers deep in her wet cunt. Her eyes snap open and she scrambles to compose herself. You can't tear your eyes away from her despite knowing that you should, she was too beautiful. The way her usually impeccably styled hair had become loose and messy, spilled beautifully across her sheets. The way her skin glistened with a thin coat of sweat. Oh, and how perfect she looked coming undone, a rose flush glowing across her cheeks, eyelids heavy and fingers buried within herself.
You return to reality “I’m- I’m sorry… I should’ve knocked” is all you can think of to say, hastily turning to leave “wait… y/n, please, don’t go.” she whines, poor girl was in such a haze she couldn’t stop herself from trying to get what she had been aching for. “Haseul..” “I feel so strange, I- I can’t stop thinking about…girls” she pauses “I can’t stop thinking about you.” And that’s all that it took for you to crash your lips against hers, so fervourish, you felt like collapsing into her. The hand that had once been between her thighs pulls you in by the waist as close as she can hold you, the other wrapped around your upper back, embracing you as if you were about to slip through her fingers. Parting your lips from hers you pepper kisses along her neck “Oh, you poor thing. You need my help, don’t you ?” you look up from her neck to meet her gaze, she nods weakly, her eyes heavy and her face flushed. 
With the confirmation you slide your panties down, putting them aside then trailing your hands down her thighs, they shake slightly as you do. Once your hands meet her inner thighs you part them, revealing her glistening cunt to you “So pretty, Seulie.” you’re met with a whine in response. Settling between her legs you press a soft kiss on the side of her face before hiking one of her legs over yours, slotting the both of you together. You moan, soft and airy, at the sudden contact, feeling her wetness coat your already dampening core as you press against her harder. You hear a broken whine escape her lips as you drag your now soaked cunt against hers, her clit catching perfectly against your own. “y/n..” she says, drearily your gaze meets hers, she leans over and catches your wrist, taking it up to her plush lips and sliding one of your fingers into her mouth, moaning around it. She looks so pretty like that, you think, falling apart for you.
The way that your step sister’s cunt rocked against yours was heavenly, her hips stutter often from the new sensation, making her bump against your clit deliciously. You moan, loud, it’s music to her ears, to think that she's making you feel this way, it makes her grind against you quicker, so in love with the knowledge that she’ll finally be able to achieve the orgasm she had been chasing for so long with her step sister. You feel your release creeping up on you, that telltale knot forming in your core, the feeling of Haseul’s quickening thrusts becoming more and more overwhelming. It made you match her pace, hips hungrily bucking into her soaked core, both of your slick coating eachother’s thighs and threatening to paint her cotton bedsheets. “Please, so close-” she attempts to say instead tumbling into a whiney moan and gripping at your back, drawing hot red lines down it. Then you felt it, your orgasm bursting from your core and fluttering across your body, like a warm glow. You knew that she had came too from how her still bucking hips fucked both of your cum across eachother lower halfs.With trembling thighs still tangled together you pull her into an embrace.
You had not thought that this is how your night was to end, wrapped up in your step sister’s arms in her (very used) bed, though, you didn't mind, not at all. “I love you” she says “I love you too.”
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aonungyoufuck · 1 year
hi! i hope my request will be okay to you rules but im thirst for smth like this ;
y/n is sully, and mated with aonung (aged up obv)
so in the first part they do yfkyn (smut) and in the second part y/n is pregnant and all alone in the shore bc everyone went to fight with sky people. the birth started but there is so much complication so she end so messed up with so much blood coming out from her v and half conscious. when aonung come back he found her and first he loose his mind he was so scared but then he take her to ronal who need to do all the things like sew her and everything - her condition was tragic.
firstly im so sorry for my english (it is not my first language so yeah) but i decided to write because i see that youre aonung specialist 😂❤️
Ma Baby Ma Baby
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Warnings: Obv birth, Some tear kinda gore? Graphic for sure.
Ao'nung (22) Reader (21)
Thank you for the request Anon! Sorry it took me a while since i dont typically write Smut i tried making it up with it some more with the rest of the story (Also i was lowkey coughing up my lungs so excuse my tardiness i hope this was okay!)
Finally. was all you can think about as you felt the stinging pain of the tattoo now being painted over your skin. Sure You dint really need to do this Given your darker complexion and the fact that well you weren't really metkayina well... But that didn't matter. You had stated this is what you wanted for you. For him.
"Almost done don't worry"
Truth be told this was only one Tattoo of many you were sure to have. One of your spirit sister, No doubt later came the mate tattoo.
Just the thought sent shivers down your spine. You had never thought this would happen. That you would be Mated to Ao'nung. Truly no you didn't see this coming.
Had you told yourself when you arrived and hated the poor man's guts. Well You'd probably ask you to drown. However now it was different. He had changed along side you.
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"How gorgeous you are"
"Oh stop that i just came to show you" You said slapping his hand off of your hip. No doubt some time later you'd see your spirit sister with one too.
"And yet you take my breath away anytime i see you"
"Oh hush. Do you like it or not?" You asked moving your loincloth just a little bit more to show him fully the full thing.
Feeling his hand stroke your inner thigh and beginning to whisper in your ear. "I do"
"Stop that" You spoke slapping his hand feeling the other now rest on your back and pull you into him.
Now you were not much shorter than him. Not by a lot but right now you felt so utterly small, and in a good way too. Feeling him rub against you, the loincloth now rubbing right above your own.
"Ao'nung stop we cant stop once we start"
"Who said i want to stop" He whispered again now pushing you two down at full force. Him atop you feeling you and you in turn him.
It honestly felt like a bunch of little things were crawling on you with the excitement that you felt.
You two never done anything more than hug or kiss. Never taking it too far. You two knew better than doing anything before mating. But maybe it was time to try something new.
"Ao'nung seriously! Your mother and my father will kill us if we do anything right now"
"Its a good thing your worth it then" He spoke. Kissing your neck and lowering dangerously. Feeling his hand messing with your top.
Jake was a very strict father, It was a blessing he even gave Ao'nung the blessing of courting you. But if this went on any more you were sure you'd lose your mate before he even officially became your mate.
You may as well go out together, you thought now pulling him closer to you. You were thankful that right now it was well past eclipse and no doubt everyone was asleep. So if anyone were to see anything, well it was really their fault.
"It seems even you want this my love"
"Oh shut up"
Almost like messy teens trying to get something from each other. You two messed around with the knot of each other's loincloth. before Finally being expose to one another.
You couldn't help but avade looking at him. Before he placed a hand on your cheek making you turn to him. "Look at me my dear"
Taking in a gulp the air now thick with a tension you had only ever heard of. Looking at him fully. His tattoo on his shoulder wrapping around to his back and little over his peck.
"No need to hide now, dont you think"
You smiled letting him feel you. And you in turn touching him.
"May i ?" He asked looking down to your core. If you weren't high on the emotions you were sure you would have slapped him away to not look. But right now you didn't care.
You chuckled now going to sit at his lap. You wetting him and him in turn causing a friction you so desperately wanted right now. Kissing him. So desperate and yet so gentle.
Both your breathes becoming labored as you smelled each other. Kissing his head and then his collarbone before looking into his eyes.
"Take me as you see me"
He took in a gulp. Feeling you. Seeing you and tasting you. It was all he ever had dreamed of.
And with a prayer on his lips he guided himself to your core. The feeling engulfing you two as he bit your shoulder to hold back a growl that he had been holding.
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Now exactly nine months later here you were standing and waiting for Ao'nung to return. Just like you had predicted Your parent's weren't pleased to know you two had laid with each other. Not that you had admitted to.
Actually you had a whole four months to prepare for your ceremonial bond. But Ronal wasn't stupid neither was your mother. Neytiri was talking to jake when the suspension came on. You had been eating too much and so she asked Tsahik to make sure of it.
Sure enough your parents. Especially Jake was beyond furious. And by default you two had your ceremony much sooner than expected.
Now To say Jake and Ronal were the only ones who were furious was an understatement. It really felt that Tonowari, Tuk and Tsireya were the only ones that were happy.
Bless Ao'nung for handling your family.
Unfortunately that short lived bliss of being mates was interrupted. Roa had been found dead with her calf. Now you all stood watching as your father told them to warn the Tulkun. You couldn't move. You weren't allowed.
You just waited watching as Lo'ak and Neteyam were now arguing.
It all happened in a flash. You were in the arms of Ao'nung, and then the next you were asking him to be safe in bringing your brother's back.
Taking yourself into your pod.
You prayed. The pit in your stomach now hurting as you felt your breath hitch. You still had a few months to go. But it felt painful suddenly.
"Eywa please please let this fear leave me" you begged. Hand on your stomach as you couldn't even hear the horns sound.
War didn't just hurt those to went to it. Soldiers bled but the innocent stay and suffer that pain.
The silence of the village was what alarmed you. You were completely alone. Perhaps the stress? The emptiness of it all but you felt your water break.
Panic seeped into your heart. It was far too early. Too dangerously early and you were alone. Nobody in sight. Without even thinking you let out a cry unbeknownst to you calling your Ikran 'Ana.
You didn't even know what to do. All you remembered was what little you had learned from Ronal and your mother. You thanked 'Ana for being ever so patient as you pulled at her face and held her there while you went into the water.
Let Gravity help
That's all you were told was your best of friends. And so you did. Feeling 'Ana Grumble and growl along side you. Perhaps too she was scared of what was happening.
You felt the sting. And then the shooting pain. You began to push on instinct too But that sharp burning pain didnt stop. Looking down at the water you saw red.
Blood. A lot of Blood
it was the only thing on your mind as you finally felt the relieve of the growing tension ease.
But that wasn't the end of it. Yours lungs ached and the bleeding was getting so much worse. Looking at 'Ana you looked at her finally.
"Please..get mom"
That's all you wanted letting her fly off. You looked down again. Placing your hand down to feel. An open wound. And the head of your babe poking out.
Screaming again as you began to push. Feeling yourself get lightheaded. You looked to the open sea. Cries. War. And you were all alone delivering your babe by yourself.
Begging, Silently praying to Eywa as you felt your legs shake.
Ao'nung along side Tsireya was now dragging back a wounded Neteyam. He made a promise to bring your brother's back. Jake Had told him to take him back to shore and that's what he did.
His people Some wounded and some not so much. Some being dragged. To the safety of his mother's healing pod.
And that's when he saw you. He was so sure he didn't let you anywhere NEAR the battle. He was so sure he didn't see you there. But there you were.
He was one of the very first few people back. And there you were laying on the shore. The water around you red.
"Ao'nung!" Tsireya yelled now taking Neteyam in her arms as she saw him run to you.
So much blood. So much blood. Dragging you he saw the cord that now left your legs and he began to search the water. Scared. Terribly scared, frightened to his core to think that something happened to you or the babe.
And then he brought the small thing up. Its movement now erratic before he let out a shrill cry. He wanted to be happy. He wanted to be so happy
But this babe was so so small. So terribly tiny. And you were bleeding.
"Go take her to the pod! Go" Tsireya yelled again struggling to drag ao'nung but noticing some people coming back.
Ao'nung didn't think he just picked you up and placed the babe in your arms as he took you to his mom's pod.
Now he was no healer. But his mom had taught him how to stop the bleeding So while she would take a while to get here He could do what was the best for the meantime.
Jake now stood in front of the pod where you were being taken care of along side Neteyam. He was both thankful and yet Furious with himself that he let this happen.
He looked at his son in law. his face a distant memory of when he let home tree fall. A loss and yet being so lost in thought.
He didnt respond possibly to shell shocked as he waited
"Hey it'll be alright okay?"
"Will she be alright?" He asked like a little kid. Looking at his family and then Tonowari both parents dealing with having to protect their kids.
Before he could speak. Ronal opened the veil of the pod looking at all of them and then her son. "she's alright"
"and Neteyam?"
"He's alright as well. Hasn't woken up yet but is stable. Come" She said stepping aside and letting them all in.
You kept looking at the ceiling. As you had been the entire time you were conscious. Ronal having to stitch you up and while painful it wasn't as traumatizing and enduring labor alone.
You saw Ao'nung and then your father. And that's when you began to cry. You had been so scared and you were terrified as Ronal had not said a word about your baby.
"Shh its okay. Its okay sweet girl" Your father said stroking your head as you couldn't help but cry.
Ao'nung holding your hand before he felt his mother tap him on the shoulder. A small bundle. Barely the size of a healthy babe in her arms.
"He is tiny. Premature. But he is healthy" She spoke watching as all your family now surrounded her and watched.
She was right. Such a tiny little thing.
Ao'nung smiled. Kissing your head as he just held you. "healthy my love healthy"
You couldn't help but laugh a little through your sobs as you felt ronal lay the small thing on your chest. Sure now came the path of having to care for such a premature babe. But you were just glad all that pain. All that panic was worth it. Because as you two stared at your little son. It made it all worth it.
"Welcome to the family little one" You heard Neteyam say next to you. and Oh Eywa. Was it the thing you wanted to hear after hearing your babe cry too.
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camzverse · 1 month
Howdy!! I really like ur spider duo AU, I have some questions!!
1. What are Spider-Van and Spidey's power sets, and do they have any extra special abilities other than their spider powers?
2. How did Vanessa and Gregory first meet? Must have been a chaotic story.
3.  I'll be blunt with this one but, does Gregory have alive parents or is he an orphan/foster kid? 💀💀 also, does he live with Vanessa?
4. Does Cassie know/met Roxanne in person?
5. Bc Roxy doesn't know she's a werewolf bc of memory loss, how does she cope with the massive gaps in her memory when she goes back to normal?
6. What does the media think of Spider-Van and Spidey? Which comes to my personal favorite question, have either of them been cancelled for something stupid?
7. Does Fazcorp want to capture Ness and Greg or do they not care abt them being spider-people?
ok so their powers are mostly the same but there are some discrepanciesss. spider-van doesnt have wall-crawling (since the spider that bit her was an early prototype it lacked that ability) and spidey only got somewhat increased strength rather than super strength. they both have organic webbing, spider sense, increased agility and balance, ykyk. i think thats everything ? also i was thinking of giving spidey the venom strike power (aka miles morales' electricity thing) but idk idk. and as for any other special abilities, cant really think of any.. ^_^;
storytimeee :3 so it happened the day after gregory got bit. so like his powers just kicked in today and he has no idea wtf is happening. and it was on a school day so hell broke loose a bit. anyway he runs out of school bc hes in a. kerfuffle. to say the least. his powers are going haywire hes got various objects stuck to his hands etc yk how it is. so hes walking down the street and unbeknownst to him vanessa (as spider-van rn) is engaged in a fight with some villain. hes waaay too focused and concerned with his own situation to even NOTICE the fight. and like its a pretty big messy fight and at one point van hits the villain and they go crashing down RIGHT at where gregory is. van quickly moves him out of the way (he falls onto the ground though and also the stuff that was stuck to his hands falls off) and is like "woah hey you alright??" and literally as shes finishing her sentence he webs her in the face. Not intentionally. but yeah his powers are still going totally haywire and he accidentally shoots a web RIGHT in her face. he tries to run away bc hes incredibly panicked but she doesnt let him go bc she realizes the material of the web he just flung at her head is identical to that of her webs (prob not a common material so shed recognize it) so shes asking like "how did you do that?" and she kinda grabs his arm bc she assumed he had built some device that can shoot webs like that but thats when they have like a Spidey Sense Thing like in into the spiderverse and she Realizes. more happens after that but yeah thats how they initially met 😋😋
in typical spider-man fashion gregs parents are dead. dead as hell. what shoes they got on in their grave. (/ref) but uhh idk i was thinking he lives with an aunt or smth and id have her die early in the story like how uncle ben dies ykyk. but im not rly solid on that. i just havent thought of a living situation for him in this au that satisfies my brain perfectly.. so take everything i just said with a grain of salt bc its subject to change (except his parents will still be dead that part im solid on)
cassie has met roxanne one time :) she goes to her races a lot but there was one time when she was younger that her dad got like vip tickets or smth that let her actually meet roxy in person
well at first she didnt even notice the gaps in her memory because she had been transforming at nighttime and wouldve been asleep, but soon the transformations started happening earlier and multiple times a day and she was. extremely concerned. about the memory loss. but she was really trying to act as if nothing was wrong bc for all she knew, maybe nothing was wrong . maybe she had just gotten confused. and if something was wrong it could be smth bad for her career or whatever and she did NOT want to risk that so she covered it up/ignored it/hid it yk. she doesnt even know what had happened until she gets apprehended as the "she-wolf" (as shes nicknamed by the press) by spider duo and wakes up in a containment room of a lab that would then try to fix her whole werewolf problem
oh the media LOVES them. or at least the public does. theres still like one newspaper company thats on their asses 24/7 but generally yeah the people are big fans (people actually even sell merch of them in universe its funny. theyve bought some of their own merch too) . and YEAH lmfao they have both been cancelled at least once. spidey moreso than van. like she gets cancelled maybe just one time but hes been cancelled likee 3+ times. its always some crazy ass misunderstanding too like he'll make a harmless goofy comment and people will b like "Oh so he thinks babies should die." like its crazy. or he saves someone and theyre like "what can i do to thank you" and he makes a joke like "can you do my science homework? Lol" and suddenky some rnadom group of parents is trying to cancel him for promoting academic fraud or some shit idk man. but yeah no lmao rvery once in a while some rando starts trying to cancel them. also think it woukd be funny for them to get kinda cancelled like how miles morales did in atsv with like the baby powder or whatever LMAO. its funby. But on a more serious note they technically got cancelled during the glitchtrap/venom arc since they pretty much turned evil and everyone turned on them. took a whiiile to come back from that after ut was over. thats not some stupid silly thing tho so whatevs
at first fazcorp didnt care about capturing or stopping them like at all. they actually cooperated a couple of times before. they were on decent terms. however when freddy shows up things change in the fazcorp-spider duo dynamic.. after freddy goes rogue from fazcorp and is about to be taken down by spider duo, someone from fazcorp shows up to apprehend and take back freddy but van and spidey dont want them to take him back since at this point they know what they built him for and do Not want rhat to continue. so they fight and win but fazcorp is furious theyve interfered with their operations. before they had a 'you dont bother me, i dont bother you, and maybe ill help u too' type of deal but. well that wont work anymore. afterwards fazcorp begins doing things to create more villains and try to take them down. etc etc. so by a later point yeah they do definitely care about capturing them. plus they can study them. but them being spider-people alone wasnt enough for them to try to capture them yk
THANK YOU FOR THE QUESTIONS!!!1!1!1 im so joyous 🤗🤗 i love talking about this au
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kae-karo · 26 days
is it bad I want to see your other ideas anyway-- adsagkljdslkgj. HOW MANY WIPS DO YOU HAVE actually scratch that I cant say shit because I have a kise wip in progress rn oops-- cant wait for your rnis work to drop <3<3<3
ahahhahaha no no ur so valid!!! for context (x) i'll do uhhh a quick synopsis below the cut for anyone who's interested in what i didn't mention over on twt !!! and i'll talk abt wips too LMAO i love a good excuse to talk abt what i'm working on. and omg dw u are so valid !!!!! and i take no offense i am always in wip hell (affectionate) (i like having things to jump around between so i never get too frustrated if i get stuck somewhere)
if any of yall see anything below that ur super into, let me know!! always cool to know what people are hyped about, may influence what i work on next lmao
first, wips!!
as mentioned i have a rnis fic which is VERY very loosely based on the concept from this post (x) ft background ryusae lsjdffsd cause i apparently can't write a fic without them
also if ur a fan of the mall au (x) i'm currently posting, u will be thrilled to know that i am neck-deep in part 2 which will feature sendou (some ryusaesen but endgame aikusenbarou), charles (one-sided pining for shidou + endgame niko/charles), isagi (kaisagi and some bachisagi), and karasu (tabieita fake dating flavor) !!!!
ryusae praise kink gone wrong !!!!! i love the way shidou is so complimentary of others and i Bet he has a praise kink himself and i just think that sae'd pick up on that and (completely on accident) say smth that rly hits on something shidou's actually sensitive about (like, smth he's self-conscious about that sae compliments) and it turns the whole 'about to hook up' vibe into smth rly soft and tender
ouuuuu ryusae Again but this time, sae got machine-ified at a young age to basically be used as an enhanced human processor for a research facility (where he's basically always hooked up to wires and whatnot, processing research data etc) and shidou's the new maintenance person assigned to take care of him :)
i think i mentioned in passing that i had some other ideas for spinoffs of the kaisagi counterspell fic (x) but i have actually started working on the initial ryusae spinoff which is a getting-back-together vibe where shidou broke it off bc sae couldn't accept the idea that shidou might like him just...for him, so he used shidou as a test subject for various spells he was developing in an effort to push him away
ryusae Again i swear i think abt charas that aren't sd and se lmaoooo this one's fully just pwp and my ovipos kink + shidou with tentacles :)
ough a longfic idea that i wrote a little bit of the start of that's ryurin but i think i need to rethink the actual dynamics of their relationship bc i might prefer platonic ryurin (like,,,,relationship but not romantic) but high school au with rin who's crushing on kaiser (bear with me) bc he thinks kaiser's so Cool and Punk only for kaiser to start changing his behavior bc he's crushing on sae who is very Uncool and Preppy (in rin's eyes) only to find out that sae's annoying friend shidou is actually very cool and punk and likes the same music etc etc chaos ensues
ryukai i just think they should be messy together and the line "are you seriously hard right now" felt hilariously perfect to make kaiser say to shidou. while they're watching rnis fight on field. i think this one includes some repressed kaisagi emotions on kaiser's part tho so i have to think abt how deep or not deep i wanted to go with those
kise spinoff of spellbound (x) the ryukuro fic !!!! that goes into detail on when sae first showed up at the castle and how he ended up staying
and then tbh i have a number of other wips that i refuse to say ive abandoned but also i have not touched in a While (zhongli x kaeya/childe/diluc/aether, bakutodo boarding school au, a kunigiri i halfway rewrote when i found out i accidentally completely deleted a kncg fic i wrote that couldn't be recovered)
and then other ideas asdkfjklsfdj
isagibowl actor au that i did not delve into plot wise any further than that lmaoooo frankly i just think i need to write isagibowl at some point cause that boy deserves to FUCK
my cousin's best man at his wedding gave a speech abt how my cousin FORGOT WHO HE WAS after they'd already met and been on like. the same baseball team or smth and idek what ship this would be (probs smth with rin or sae) but it made me laugh so hard i had to write it down
sae who Refuses to form attachments with anyone and hooks up with many people (this is labeled in my notes as 'sae using whoever as basically a dildo' and frankly i'm right)
everyone in ng11 having a tattoo so sae has a tramp stamp. idk if it's when he acquires the tattoo or what but i just think i should write abt it
siren sae ryusae this is a GREAT idea i should rly write this but siren sae who gets captured on purpose to bait someone on the ship into going overboard (ofc it ends up being shidou that he fixates on) and eventually he succeeds and nearly kills shidou except shidou's just looking at him like he sees sae and not some Evil Creature and sae's just like. fuck. and doesn't kill him, just tosses him up on some beach which is a pain in the ass cause no legs and then shidou finds him again and sae tries to scare him off by being all demon siren like and shidou is just ENAMORED
throat goat shidou ryurin where shidou'll give basically anyone head and most of the pxg guys have taken him up on it. rin hasn't (but he will :) )
another nontraditional fic format concept where sae keeps detailed records of everyone he's slept with, notes on preferences kinks how good/not good the sex was etc etc in like. a Form format
o i'm redacting this one cause i decided to use this idea for an original story instead lmao
noaego outsider pov "i wonder if your therapist knows everything about me" based right before noa goes to bllk to coach the bm team i just think noa's poor therapist would be so exasperated abt him going back to his ex like that
ryurin neighbors au where rin can see in shidou's window and that guy is ALWAYS half-naked and doesn't have/doesn't close his blinds/curtains and rin gets so fed up with it that he leaves a note on the door except then he swears it's happening MORE often, chaos ensues and rin goes over to Confront the guy. horny chaos ensues :)
kaisagi pov of fanfic writer hiori where kaiser's desperately trying to figure out what the hell is happening with all this fic stuff. bachira keeps sending isagi kaisagi fic from his fave author (hiori, not that he knows that) and isagi ends up reading it (out of morbid curiosity ofc !!!!) unsure of the resolution but it would be very cracky i think
saesagi my beloved but it's a seat chat fic bc i'm unwell about seat chat on airplanes. anyway 12yo isagi finds out he's on a plane with ITOSHI SAE (13yo, when he got scouted for real madrid) and sends him a seat chat message just talking about how amazing a player he is etc. ffw however many years and sae is lowkey obsessed with him (maybe in a 'his encouragement is what got sae through some of his darkest times in madrid' sort of way)
ryusae it's always ryusae lmao pop idol sae and budding makeup artist shidou. sae's notorious for being insanely picky abt his makeup (brands, application, style, etc) and regularly fires new artists. at some point, he fires one right before he's supposed to go on stage, calls kaiser in (old friends, and kaiser did his makeup before kaiser made it big & started his own company) and kaiser's like just this once, then i'm sending you someone else. and sends over the guy that barged into his office trying to get a job with no credentials or pro experience or references (aka shidou lmao)
ryusae (again, i know) trans camboy shidou and very invested watcher sae, but it's set in canon, and that's actually part of why sae picked shidou for the u20 game
ryusae (i knOW) where shidou wakes up multiple times to sae fucking him (or riding him, blowing him, etc) and he's like. pretty boy. I wanna be involved in this, wake me up next time. and sae is like rly cautious and hedgy abt it. won't say why but could go lots of ways - he thinks he wants it too often and shidou will find him annoying, he's still struggling to say when he wants smth, etc
ryukai dying each other's hair. bonus points if they both end up with purple tips
ryucha where charles clocks shidou's boner on field and follows him into the locker room to get dicked down about it
kise based vaguely (plot whomst we don't know her) on not the one by movie night (x)
kaisagi fwb i typed 'ypichi' in a fic on accident and published it not noticing the typo and i think kaiser would typo isagi's name and then put him in his phone as 'y🍑y' which would irritate isagi to no end. other than that, plot whomst?
rin&sae 2nd person pov fic about destroying your brother's dreams or smth along those lines. i have like. one starting line to potentially use here lsdjfklfs
either ryusae (iKNOW okay i know) or rinsagi based on i like me better by lauv (specifically the spotify studio recording version) (x) where they're just being. so unbearably soft for each other
rinsagisae based on in the middle by dodie (x) idk which one would be the ex of isagi's but i have written ryurinsae before and i wld rly like to try my hand at rinsagisae as well
ryukai i am deeply obsessed with them both having this core motivator of 'proof of existence' and i think that could be a fun idea to incorporate into a pwp fic
this is so important to me i need to write an h2o fic some day and i think it being about sae, isagi, and kaiser getting mer'd would be the best way to hit on all the relationships and dynamics i would want to explore
phew. okay. sldkfjklsfdjsfd. hey if u made it this far, thanks for checking this out !!! i think i unironically have another 11 fics i've finished that are in the queue to post over the next couple months so hopefully u will enjoy those as well!
and hey if any of these sounded particularly interesting (or any of the ideas i mentioned on my twt thread - x) feel free to let me know!! no promises, but i could possibly be steered toward certain ideas over others once i'm done with this rnis fic lmao
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chris-continues · 1 year
College au Wolfwood HC’s <3
I thought the guy needed some love! I’ve mainly written Nai hcs and Vash hcs but I’ve had some thoughts brewing of this guy :)
I was making this before I read @macncherries character study on Vash and Wolfwood and he definitely inspired some of this!
I definitely plan to expand on this but I wanted to start with headcanons before delving into drabbles and whatnot lol
-He has a mullet that’s not that taken care of. His hair is always messy dude
-hates constricting shirts. Tight collars make him go insane, he feels like he can’t breathe
-^^he does love loose turtlenecks more. He feels a little fancy, y’know? :>
-he’ll buy mints in bulk because he can’t smoke in class so he has some big ass gallon sized ziplock bag halfway full of mints where he fishes one out and eats it
-it’s a bit where he’ll have unwrapped ones and offer it like it’s a drug to Meryl LMAO
-he likes the feeling of loose linen colorful button ups. Vibrant orange looks wonderful against him, half of the top unbuttoned
-he’s paying off a motorcycle he got. Expensive? Yeah. But he like needed it. So…
-He’s got a used Nissan he’s also still paying off. He gives me Nissan vibes. Like think 2014 Nissan that’s somehow still working with a bit of dust on the dash and a makeshift ashtray in the center console + gum + mint wrappers randomly tossed in there.
-met Vash via Milly and Meryl (they wanted to form a study group and he was having a mini competition w Meryl over who’d get the highest test score on smth—-> became friends w Vash and reader who are very smart lol)
-when Wolfwood wasn’t presenting as masc as he is now (pre transition to mid transition) he wore his pants low on his waist like guys in the 90’s (reference that one scene in Clueless LMAO) with a part of his ass hanging out- made him feel more masc in a time where it was harder for him.
-he likes honking when he drives. Vash called him a goose because he honks so mf much
-he’s got several piercings, he wants to get an eyebrow one perhaps? He has several ones for his ears (he feels really cool with them + when he feels femme he gets a bunch in bulk via Amazon or his usual place if he’s feeling fancy)
-Claims he doesn’t need retail therapy, stares into shop windows a bit too long. Man has a will of steel.
-He hates studying. But he does it anyway. While Meryl makes flash cards he’ll make the dumbest puns and memory hints with Vash (that make Milly laugh and Meryl annoyed to no end claiming they don’t help) (they actually do help)
-He has all caps handwriting- it’s kinda cool.
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^^he does the random little big lines through his H’s because he thinks they’re cool
-a lot of the quirks he has are because he saw it in a movie and integrated it into his mind- having little flairs and things that scream him
-he uses sharpie to color his nails black when he’s bored (Vash uses Meryl’s gel pens to doodle on his hands) (they’re doodle bros)
Ok so outfit pics
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IMO he totally likes a more subdued grungy vibe but still harbors a love for vibrant button ups
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Referencing to the photo w the denim jacket? He def has 1-2 denim jackets he sticks to for comfort and I think one day when he’s feeling especially wacky he’ll go crazy with it and start using bleach or puffy paint on the sleeves. He felt it was lacking. Perhaps the fangs on the back, perhaps the punisher drawn on the back, etc. He let Vash draw little stars on the shoulders and tiny smiley faces :)
For the second two next to the denim jacket one I feel like he’d get tshirts for the sole purpose of making them tank tops. He likes to show off his armpit hair sometimes, it’s gender affirming for him, and plus he gets hot out very easily. (Why do you think his shirt is always unbuttoned?? Because he’s a whore??) yes
But patchwork button ups and colorful shirts like that are very cool and I think he’d like those on occasion.
-He likes classic rock like idfk Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, along w other artists and alt genres. The guy has taste, give him respect
-he def has like 2 pairs of shoes and doesn’t switch them. Like Birkenstocks he found at the thrift that are lowk falling apart and these boots he found half off (also at the thrift) that are also falling apart from overuse
-I feel like he’d accidentally dress like grungy Adam Sandler in the summer LMAO
-the dude always has tension headaches and it’s either from the constant smoking, the withdrawal of smoking because he can’t smoke in class, or the immense amount of stress he feels
-He acts as chauffeur for the ladies and Vash because he claims Meryl’s music taste is mid and Vash at the wheel is a nightmare
-(both him and Vash are gentlemen in their own way for the girlfriends Milly and Meryl. Guard dogs fr. I love this dynamic hehe)
I plan to do more for Meryl and Milly and add onto this because as I write more thoughts about college au Trigun flood my brain and I need to get them out ty for ur time I hope you have a great day ALSO PLS COMMENT OR REBLOG UR THOUGHTS or feel free to dm me I would love to share the brainrot with everyone! :D
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sicklyjelly · 2 years
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all I’ve done the past few weeks is lose my mind thinking how they’re gonna meet in season 2, and I imagine blackbeard doing the same ☠️💘 
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Hi there I was wondering if you could do a mercenary leader (monster of your choice ) x reader? Ex: reader is at a tavern and suddenly mercenaries barge in with a paper in hand( it's a job from a guild and the prize it's lots of money) celebrating their finished job. reader is trying to do her job as a waitress/waiter and gets annoyed with how loud they are, they get annoyed and mutters smth of annoyance under their breath not going unheard by the leader, he makes it his job to go to the tavern every day to annoy them , they dont say anything bc they don't want to loose their job and doesn't want to get in trouble with dangerous mercenaries the rest is up to u, u can also choose if it's nsfw or sfw but if it's snfw could u add some fluff aftercare?
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This took longer to publish for some reason, I blame writer's block.
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Service With a Smile
There was no doubt that you had met a great number of different people.
It was part of your job: to keep an amicable smile whilst surrounded by dirty, rambunctious travellers, of all sorts of groups and races, human or not. Service with a smile was one of the few sayings you had grown to loathe within the years of performing as the barmaid, but there were few things you did quite relish.
You got free meals and a permanent residence in one of the many inn rooms, not having to worry about finding either one when the end of your shifts came rolling through, leaving you dragging yourself many times in the early hours of the morning back to your bed. It had many perks and swindles to have an evening job, but at least the pay was good.
Another thing was how you got to speak to so many different people: on travels to vanquish and destroy. You liked to believe you had grown a good job at people watching, deciding what individuals or groups of people were like before even speaking to them, wondering if they were all strangers or held prolonged friendships.
This night was the same as all the others: messy and unruly to say the least. The smell of all kinds of stuffy, heavy alcohols had melded into one, a powerful stench that seared into the back of your nose and unsettled your empty stomach, watching people laugh and cheer, others more than those who were quieter. It was a good reason to rejoice for some, hence the piles of copious coins on one's table, the calling for more drinks their way.
"Table 15 is asking for another round." Your boss and closest friend, a small halfling simply named Pen came through, heaving empty mugs in her callous fingers. "One said they were asking for the pretty one."
You snorted, finished wiping the mugs you had just cleaned, turning back to her. "You sure they weren't asking for someone else?"
Pen's laugh was sturdy and proud, slapping your back a bit too playfully rough, "I know for sure they ain't talking 'bout me!" She jabbed her thumb in the direction of the large group. You could count six of them. "The Dragonborn over there, he said it."
You glanced at them, and indeed, found the one she was referring to. Dragonborn were always the ones you were charmed by the most, and he was certainly holding your interest.
"Fine. I'll get their orders." You wiped your sweaty palms into your apron, striding towards them and trying to hold as much confidence as possible. The smile on your face twitched the corners of your cheeks, the closer you reached them. The six of them were a mixture of different people indeed: the Dragonborn, a dwarf, two humans, a halfling and a burly orc woman. Certainly could've been a group of friends, or maybe not so much from the beginning of their journey.
The dwarf had been the closest to watching you come towards them, elbowing the Dragonborn in the ribs, muttering something with a gruff chuckle, all eyes moving to look over at you.
You rounded the table to stand beside the Dragonborn, silently and subtly taking him in. He was as large as all the others of his race – even whilst sitting down - but instead of usually seeing those of red and bronze scales, his was a gentle cobalt hue, iridescent under the heavy chainmail and furred cloak, his taloned fingers resting idly on the table, toying with a bronze coin.
"What can I get for you all?" You smiled brightly to the rest, eyeing the piles of coins of all shapes and sizes on their table. It could've amounted more to how much you and the others working in the tavern got paid and more. How they even managed to get paid this much was still a wonder to you, and you questioned with humour whether you had fallen into the wrong profession.
"Another round of ale, lass." The orc replied warmly, flipping two gold coins your way, smiling with mirth as you scrambled successfully to catch them. "Anything for you, boss?"
The Dragonborn brought your attention back to him, his eyes reaching up to meet yours. Warm, outwardly spilling confidence through his amber eyes. You had been taken even further aback by the warmth of his soothing, deep voice. "Your name would be one."
Oh. You could feel your cheeks rush with warmth, clutching your apron, eyes quickly averting from his on you and nothing else. You told him your name with a murmur, nervous he wouldn't hear you, but he reclined back in his chair, humming to himself. "A Gentleman Jim's will do me fine."
You move back to the bar before you find yourself just standing there frozen from his languid gaze, hurrying to gather their drinks before they could complain. Whether they would be interesting as the amount of money they had between themselves could purchase all the alcohol in the tavern and nearby ones close by.
But, oh, did you not realise how rowdy six people could be. It was both fascinating and irritating, to say the least how these people could bring the most amount of your blood to boil, only now did their common sense slip with the more drinks they ordered, their loudness strangling your ears and those around you.
"If you're not going to say anything, I will." Pen was already showing signs of wanting to kick them out the moment they ordered their fourth round, fist clenched as if ready to load the beat-down herself personally. "You wanna do it? Or shall I?"
What kind of question was that to ask? Of course, you wanted her to do it and not yourself. What would they think when they saw you, trying to look all high and mighty, asking them to either quieten down or politely leave? It was hard enough being meek and timid, but it didn't help you were already moving towards them, wrangling the right words together in your mind.
Their laughter slowly quietened at the sight of you again, the same dwarven man cheering as if recognising an old familiar friend, about to begin slurring for more drinks when you interrupted him. "I'm sorry for interrupting your evening, but some other customers are starting to put complaints in of your table being slightly too loud—is it possible if you could quieten things down or—"
"Hey look, boss, the pretty one is back!" One of the humans piped up, pointing so obviously at you as you stood rigid from the sudden outburst. You glanced to the blue Dragonborn, noticing how he was doing nothing but slowly watching you and the burning sensation of warmth and embarrassment reach your face. There was nothing but amusement washed over his features, his mug to his lips, hiding the smirk as he took another heavy sip.
"Sir, if you could please tell your friends to quiet things down—or, I'll have to ask someone to escort you—"
"Was she the one you wanted for the evening, boss?"
"I don't think she's that keen, are ya, Princess?" Another snickered. It bubbled within you: twisted and hotly, your anger boiling over until finally-
"I'm sorry!" Your words cut the entire group off, almost forgetting that you had still been standing there. Your face grew hotter, fingers clenched. "I will not stand here and listen to you talk of me as if I am some type of property. I will not ask again politely; quieten down or pay and leave."
There were mutterings from other patrons in the tavern, averting to resume back to their drinks and entertainment elsewhere, yet it didn't feel like their many eyes would leave you. Instead, they seemed to be lecherous and mocking, laughing at your outburst.
"Damn, no need to get all hotly for a little laughter. Do you not even know who we are or what we did to earn this money?" The Dwarf slurred aggressively, swinging his mug around, froth piling to the table the more he spilt. You hesitantly took a step back, all anger and frustrations simmering as you stared a provoked man in the eyes.
"That's enough, Vesper." The Dragonborn's calming voice pulled all confrontations to cease, instead, it was enough to call him the voice of reason, had he been doing something instead of just watching it all unfold. "Leave the lady to do her job."
'Vesper' as he was known, grumbled disjointedly, crashing his drink down with a shock that only you jolted and none of his friends, words muttering into one jumbled mess, slouching into his chair. You didn't speak or anyone else did, as you slowly and awkwardly removed yourself from their table, retreating behind the bar.
"Well, I sure as hell didn't expect that to come from ya." Pen roared earnestly, resuming to pack the dishes away.
"Yeah, me neither." You looked up in mortification, looking to the back of their group's bitter merriment, simmering into calmness for the rest of the evening.
You had profusely apologised to Pen the following morning, steam that had risen to your face and never left when you could feel the heat from last night. You barely slept that night, replaying your words so heated that even you had been scalded by your harshness.
Pen forgave you without you even having to apologise, finding the whole ordeal rather amusing. "If you wish to make it up to me, you could always work a few hours this morning, means fewer hours to work for the evening?" She suggested.
You didn't need to be told twice.
Having scrubbed the tables from the sticky liquids of heavy alcohols, the tavern had already begun to refill with old and new faces, taking tables to themselves or with others, enjoying their breakfast with the small and quiet start to the morning.
Had you not been working this early, you would've found yourself at the market, collecting food and appreciating the sharp cooling air, the breeze of the coastline near to lift your spirits. I shall do that this evening if I can. You promised yourself, a pout forming on your face. Though I don't have anyone to come along with me.
"Someone's at the bar, do you mind getting their order?" Pen's voice carried you out of your thoughts, removing yourself from the dirty dishes as a distraction as you agreed, hurrying to the bar.
"Good morning! What can I get started for—"
Your bright smile suddenly dropped to a visible frown, eyes quickly averting from the face with scales of beautiful blues. His amber eyes were trained on you, smiling through them and flashing a pointed white smile.
"What? Not who you were expecting to show up?" He inquired with a chortle, taking a seat at the bar, resting his great axe against the wood. You eyed him carefully, eyes squinted. "Not with your crew this morning?"
"I decided to give them a lie-in this time around. It's only fair after making them wander for weeks without a proper bed."
"Why is that the case?"
"There were cases of undead moving in the area—I'm surprised you never heard of the tales," he shook his head with a laugh. "Suppose it's natural for you townsfolk to not hear much unless it came from travellers like myself."
I suppose, though usually most never come back to tell of their deeds. "Well then, I suppose you got rid of them?"
"We did, the drunken upheaval was the reason for it." He rested his clawed fingers on the wood, closer to you than you predicted, and you didn't know whether to remove yourself from him or stay where you were. "Which brings me to why I'm here. To apologise for what happened last night. It was wholly disrespectful for my party to talk of you like that."
You watched him with no words coming to your head, heart fluttering as if some love-sick teenager was being charmed by him. You wished to spit some hateful remark, to curse him and his friends out for treating you like nothing, but it was hard to gather your thoughts when he seemed so genuine.
"You're forgiven." You sighed heavily in defeat, crossing your arms around your chest. "Can I get you something to drink now, sir?"
The Dragonborn had smiled so smoothly, earning your fingers to tremble around the cup you held, ready to drop at any given choice under his beautiful gaze. "Ale will do be good, thanks. And the name's Tarak."
The Dragonborn had returned almost every day, his charming gaze and worthwhile words were always twisted with sweetness, in hopes of getting you flustered beneath your cool demeanour. There had been times he was almost cracked the barricade, yet there was some relief in thinking that you had succeeded. He was the one who would greet you day by day, already sitting by the bar or the nearest table, waiting for you to show up to do your shift. You would go to him, straight-faced as normal to take his orders, yet Tarak would try to go about finding more about you.
"How long are you working today?"
"What are you doing after your shift?"
"Do you want to go..."
"I'm sorry," your sentences would always begin with this line, averting your gaze to avoid his own. "I need to continue with my job."
He sighed, almost out in defeat, the longing look he gave you was far from what you expected. "Very well. I shall see you later."
Night had fallen like the previous nights: as busy as all the other evening shifts had been, where you tried to find yourself occupied elsewhere, thoughts running far behind compared to the tasks at hand.
Despite how much it pained you to be surrounded day in and out by Tarak, he made a sudden disappearance one morning, saying something along the lines of "hordes" and "gnolls north from here".
You didn't say much of it, uttering good luck whilst you were preoccupied, only now coming to realise you had found you had regretted it.
He had been gone for weeks and you dreaded you had regretted your aloofness.
Your mind was a haze, when you nearly crashed into the side of Pen, arms heaving with what felt like millions of plates stacked on top of each other.
"Whoa, whoa—slow things down." Pen's hands were on your shoulders, slowing you to a halt, relieving your grip as she took the heavy plates from you, diverting you for a moment as to not make a fool of yourself in front of the many patrons.
You stilled to calm your breathing, steadily yourself as you were taken aside, away from the prying eyes of others, Pen's concerned gaze on you and only you.
"Tell me what's wrong?"
How could you put it properly into words? 'The same guy who kept coming in who would ask a barrage of questions has suddenly gone missing and I don't know how to feel about it—to put it simply.' "I'm fine, Pen, I'm just... feeling the effects of exhaustion."
"You can call it quits this evening if you want, I can pull someone else in to take over-"
"That won't be necessary," you tried to smile, averting your gaze with hazy embarrassment. "I don't wish to burden you with my lack of energy."
Pen looked at you long and hard, neither of you speaking in fear she was trying to judge your truth to your words. “You can go take a few minutes to grab some fresh air if you want?”
Perhaps that was a better option? “Yeah, I’ll be back. Thanks, Pen.”
The rush of cooling air was a relief to your senses, finally separated from the crowded full of judgemental eyes. If it taught you anything, being relieved of a break was a given opportunity if given and you had to appreciate it greatly.
You exhaled shakily, shutting your eyes to enjoy the sounds from inside, relief settling when you knew it could give you some time to enjoy not being in there, the hot and stuffy room full of people, drinking merrily into the ends of the night.
You dreaded to think what Tarak was doing or if he had found work elsewhere. Was he doing okay? Or had something taken the worse and he had been gravely wounded, or dead?
No, he’s fine. He doesn’t need to be entrapped in this place at all times. He is his own person, free to travel wherever he pleased-
“There you are.”
Your head snapped at the sudden warm voice, startling you out of your thoughts, now preoccupied with the towering figure beside you. The Dragonborn was as to how you remembered him, dressed warmly for the chilly night, the smell of pine and ale strong yet surprisingly soothing on him, dragging you to be closer to him.
You scoffed almost out of shock, mostly out of disbelief. “Where have you been?”
Tarak laughed warmly, taking in your appearance, smiling at the warm blush on your cheeks, your eyes shyly avoiding his gaze. “Aww, did you miss me so?”
You huffed, crossing your arms to hide the chill across your bare shoulders, “You were gone for some time. I was wondering whether those gnolls had finally had a meal to finish.
He found your words amusing, chuckling. “They were the easier ones of groups we had dealt with. Though, I’m sure my group had many complaints.” He seemed to draw himself closer to you, and for the first time, you didn’t shy away from him.
The brass of his leather brushed against your hand, nearly startling you. “I suppose I can ask you this finally: are you free this evening?”
Your mind drifted to Pen, alone surrounded by rowdy customers. “I have work,” you began, and when you saw the hope dwindle in his bright eyes, your heart sang. “Though… if you can wait for a couple more hours, I shall be finished. We can finally arrange our little meetup.”
“It was going to be something a bit more—if that was completely okay with you.” Tarak seemed the one flustered now, rubbing the back of his scaly neck, chuckling bashfully. “It’s totally up to you, though.”
“A date.” You couldn’t remember the last time you had been on one, but it didn’t seem so bad. “Sure, I like the sound of that.”
His eyes lit up once again, like a roaring flame shimmering with life. “I will be waiting for you then.”
You leant up and kissed the side of his cheek, earning the Dragonborn to grow flush with your sudden confidence. “I look forward to it.”
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athenamgh · 3 years
a/n: veryy veryy old idea.. lets see if smth good of it will come out... btw it will have at least two parts
paring/s: Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader
summary: two broken hearts need to heal each other.. but will they..
warning/s: tears, angst, fluff (i am soo not sure....)
word count: 1.7k
Chapter I | Chapter II
Natasha Romanoff MASTERLIST
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You slowly opened your eyes and they met the dark ceiling. It seemed it was still an early morning because the room was still sinking in the dark. You slowly turned your head to the side, your palm brushing through the empty space aside. Suddenly, you tightly clenched the sheets in your fist, closing your eyes strongly.
You slowly opened your eyes and they met two beautiful forest green orbs. Before you could notice your body was already acting in it’s own way, your face spread a bright smile. Natasha was looking at you with those dark green eyes, you could drown in, her hair messy due to the sleep, made her look even more beautiful whenever.
You gently brushed the loose strand of hair, whispering “Good morning gorgeous”. A soft smile spread her soft lips and reddish crawl up her face. She was about to cover herself, to hide her face with sheets, but you gently caught her wrists. “Don’t you dare to run from me”. 
Natasha looked at you with a challenging look “Or what?”. Your face crept up a smirk, you quickly brought your hands to her sides starting to tickle her.
The laugh filled the room. She was trying to defend herself, but your hands there faster running across her body. “Okay, okay,” she giggled, “stop now, please” , but you didn’t want to let her go so easily. 
“Say, that you won’t hide from me ever again”, Natasha narrowed her eyes slightly, her lips spread a wide smile, she nodded. Romanoff  wrapped her hands around your neck, looking deep into your eyes, admiring the pure affection sparking in them.
  “I would never want to be apart from you y/n”. You felt her hand brush your cheek, then slim fingers ghosting your bottom lip. All this time your eyes didn’t disconnect even for a breath second.
In a moment of surprise Natasha swiftly flipped two of you over, now she was on the top straddling your waist. You widely smiled at her tricky move, lifting yourself up on your forearms “I will never be able to stay away from you, huh?” you asked, astonished. 
Natasha leaned forward for a moment with a mischievous smile, placing her index finger on your bottom lip making your tongue brush it lightly “Well, that’s the plan, dear..”. 
You lifted your eyebrow playfully, “Oh, really?”. 
“Mhm,” she giggled, now shaping your strong jawline with her finger. 
“Well, then how about we make it even, huh?.” Her lips parted, her tongue liking her bottom lip while  looking up at you. “You will never be able to get me out of your head,” you said with such a low almost husky voice. 
She leaned her head to the side slightly because of your statement, from her eyes you could tell she was intrigued. “And how would you possibly do that?” she said seductively.
Suddenly you lifted yourself up from your elbows making her sit down in your lap. A  gasp escaped her lips at the sudden closeness, her hands resting on your chest. You looked at her deep green eyes, analyzing every detail of it. While your fingers ghosted the side of her neck, then lingered at her collarbone. You noticed she was holding her breath, looking stunned at you. At this moment Natasha Romanoff only belonged to you and you only belonged to her. Then, with both of your hands, you gently took the sides of her face. Bringing her closer to you, one of your thumbs brushing the soft skin of her cheek, your lips inches apart, but before they could touch one another, you whispered, “This…” and your lips blended together into a perfect kiss.
You shot your eyes open. Sweat covering your body. You sit up in the bed crawling into the ball. Your hand now tangled in your hair, cheeks riding down salty tears.
It was a late evening. Moon step by step climbing up the dark sky to settle in for a night. The room was quiet, just the sound of the light rain tears from time to time interrupted the comfortable silence. Natasha was curled up into the ball near the window, her eyes lost somewhere far in the distance, guarding something or someone.
The sudden movement inside of the room interrupted the peaceful, but gloomy atmosphere. “You know, you need to leave your room sometimes,” Steve’s voice reached her ears. 
“You know, it wouldn’t hurt if you knocked sometimes,” Natasha said without turning around.  
“You are becoming a hater, Nat.” this time she just ignored his comment, drowning somewhere deep in her own world.
Since the day Steve has met Natasha, he kind of promised himself he would do everything he can to protect her, of course, as everyone else who was part of his life. Natasha for Steve was such a dear friend and he hated so much seeing Nat like this: broken, hurt, lost. And there was just so little he could do to lighten the Romanoff’s pain.
“It’s been months Nat”. 
“And it seems like nothing has changed…” Natasha’s voice almost sank into the whisper. 
“She is still on your mind, isn’t she?” Natasha turned around, brushing the tear sliding down her face. Her eyes reddish and cheeks stained with tears. “And it hurts too?”
Taking a deep breath Natasha parted her lips “If I didn’t feel the pain, maybe it would be easier to forget? Forget how good it felt, how bright and beautiful everything looked, how sweet it all sounded, to forget it all...” Steve’s face softened, he came up to Natasha, sitting beside her.
“Nat,” he stopped for a moment, thinking. “They say with time the pain fades away, but they always forget to mention how in fact long it takes to finally feel it calm down even a tiny bit. It seems the pain gets more and more powerful with every day until it almost claims you completely.” Natasha’s gazed down, her hand tightly clenching the blanket.
“And there is nothing. Not even the shining armor you suited yourself to protect your heart or giant walls you built around to save yourself from pain, will hardly defend you from what your heart desires.” Steve continued. “And even then all the pain fades away, you won’t forget it. It will always be in the back of your mind and heart, lingering there and never fading away.” He reached to take her hand, squeezing it tightly for a moment and letting it go, making Natasha to look up. “Because Nat, you can’t just stop loving someone who you fall for so unconditionally. Your heart will never forget someone who once made you truly happy.” Steve saw how the last tear rolled out on Natasha’s cheek.
“I knew you were sentimental bastard, but not that strong” she said jokingly and Steve for the first time in month’s saw her lips spread a tiny smile even if it was for only a moment. 
“What should I do?” she asked, her eyes filling with new tears again. 
“Natasha, only you can decide what to do, what or who to choose.” She barely nodded. “Now, get some sleep, a long day is waiting for you tomorrow,” Steve said while walking towards the doors. He was about to exit, but Natasha’s voice stopped him, making Steve turn around 
“Thank you, I don’t think I say it enough”. Steve gave her a soft smile before leaving.
The sound of someone entering the small grocery store interrupted the soft music playing in the background. You were standing in front of one of the shop shelves, searching for the right ingredients for dinner. It was probably a good idea to make at least one home meal. Instead of buying pizza or any other meal that you could possibly order directly to your apartment.
You were about to grab a serial box, but suddenly you heard a familiar voice. “Y/n?” you turned to your right, recognizing the person. 
“Oh, Wanda” you greeted each other with a warm hug. “What are you doing here?” You shook your head a little, “I mean, obviously you are in the grocery store because of the food.” 
Wanda released a small laugh, “Yeah, that’s how it kind of works. Or the shop just convinces you that you need something, even if you really do not.” You chuckled lightly agreening.
Wanda stepped closer to you, reaching to crease your left arm “So, how are you doing?” 
You glanced down “You know, I would say that I'm okay’ or ‘Everything is alright’,” You looked up at her, facing her concerned face “But I know you know me better than that, so I would just say… I don’t know, I really don’t know.” Wanda nodded slightly 
“I hope everything will be okay soon.” You nodded, barely smiling. 
You shook your head a little, asking “Less about me, how are you and the avengers?”
“They are good. Nothing new lately, just a few missions here and there, everything as usual. Thor is too busy being a badass and worrying about his hair, Tony and Bruce working on some kinda project that I am too confused yet to talk about, I keep myself busy with training stuff and helping Steve and Nat.." Wanda's voice cut off at the last name, realizing what she said, you heart skipped a beat at the sound of the name that left Wanda's lips.. After a moment more Wanda continued ''Everyone is just keeping themselves busy, ever. Long story short everyone is okay”. 
  “Not all happy, but okay” she added, listening to her last words made your heart ache even more. “We miss you, you know?”
You smiled with a small smile at her words “Yeah, I miss you too guys..” 
Wanda looked at you for a moment “Would you come to the party tomorrow that Tony is throwing?” You looked at her hesitantly. “Come on” she pushed you shoulder. “We would love to see you”
You looked at the ground for a moment, trying to collect your thoughts. “I’ll promise to consider it,” you said, looking up at Wanda.
“That’s all I need” her lips spread a wide smile. “I see you there!” she said walking away. You rolled your eyes at her playfully.
As you stood in front of a mirror smoothing your palms over the small wrinkles on your dark velvet suit, the only thought that was lingering in your mind was how desperately you wanted to crawl up in a ball in your bed and just stay like that forever. You didn’t want to go to that party. 
~~> |Chapter II| <~~
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plant-flwrs · 4 years
helloooo angelface!! could i request a reader x george where george loves playing with her hair and she acts like it annoys her but really she likes it a lot but george only realises it doesnt bother her when maybe smth happens and shes upset and asks him to do it? idk if that made any sense but xx
studying // george weasley
a/n: ugh i love comforting george it makes me so soft. thank u for requesting!
summary: Exams are stressing you out, but George always seems to be there to help you relax.
Exams were rapidly approaching and your workload was getting a bit too heavy for you to carry.
You sat at the Great Hall, using the massive table space to study. You had so many papers, and none of the table in your common room could hold them all without some getting lost in a shuffle. You had a plate of food discarded to your right. You had woken up early, granted you had barely slept at all, and devoured your food, only so you could move onto your studies quicker. 
George stumbled into breakfast, his overgrown and disheveled hair falling into his eyes. He pushed it back, yawning. He crossed his arms, pulling the sleeves of his sweater over his hands and trying to trap some of his body heat. The weather outside was getting nicer, but it seemed like the stone castle walls were clinging to the cold weather.
He made his way over to you, furrowing his brows with a sympathetic look as his eyes began to blur just with a glance at your course load. He picked up a textbook that rested on the outskirts of the mountain you had created around you, and flipping through the pages, he immediately felt overwhelmed for you. He put down the textbook, and looked over to you. Your face was about five inches away from the paper you poured yourself into, and you bit your lip harshly.
He moved to stand behind you, gently tugging your shoulders back and into him. He felt the tenseness in your neck, and as you leaned into him, he felt you relax. You pressed the back of your head into his stomach, and let your quill fall from your hand. He moved his hands from your shoulders and into your hair, gently running his finger through it and raking his short nails over your scalp. You felt yourself dissolving, but not for long.
Your mind was plagued with the Potions essay in front of you, and you retracted from George’s grasp, your hair trailing from his fingers.
George wasn’t surprised, if anything he was surprised he had gotten you to relax for as long as you did (20 seconds). He loved playing with your hair, he loved the grin that you tried to suppress when he did it, and he loved the way your body seemed to fall at his mercy by such a small gesture. You never let him do it for long, feeling embarrassed by the reaction it elicited from you.
“Anything I can help you with?” George asked, but he already knew the answer. The only subject he could even compare to you in was Charms, and you had finished your revisions for that class a few days ago.
“Sadly,” you mumbled, still writing furiously, “I don’t think so. Go ahead and look around though.”
You made a sweeping gesture with your hand, motioning to the papers that lay around you.
“Why’re you down here so early?” George asked, settling into the table and filling his plate.
“I didn’t want to wake my dormmates,” you said, rolling up the Potions essay after you proofread it, “and I couldn’t sleep anyways.”
George moved a hand to your face, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. He smiled at the short lasting peaceful look on your face, but you turned your head away from him and reached across the table for your Arithmancy work.
“You could always sneak up to my dorm,” George said, shoveling some eggs in his mouth, “Fred and Lee don’t go in there to study.”
You chuckled at the idea of Fred, George, and Lee sitting around studying together.
“Maybe. Afraid you won’t be able to see your floor once I put all my papers down, though,” you said, flipping through a textbook and running a quick finger over the words.
“I wasn’t attached to it,” George replied, making you smile again.
You had learned to work through any distractions George presented while you studied, because having him around seemed to make you significantly less stressed. Just his tired and glazed over eyes made you feel comforted. His slow morning movements made you feel homely.
“Any plans for the day?” you asked him, knowing he wasn’t going to be working on his revisions.
“Fred said he had an order dispute he needed my help on,” George said, lifting his arms over his head to stretch. The bottom of his sweater rose, and in the corner of your eye you admired his toned stomach and the tuft of ginger hair that sprouted from his waistband. Your cheeks warmed, but you focused your eyes back to the confusing subject in front of you.
“Do you think you’ll be doing this all day?” George asked, lowering his arms and looking at the side of your face.
“I hope not,” you mumbled, and began to move your fingers through the piles, taking register of the work you had left, “I have a few hours worth of Arithmancy, but I think Hermione offered to help me with some of it, so it shouldn’t take that long. I just finished Potions, and I wanted to go over Transfiguration one last time.”
George sighed heavily, watching the work pile up as you grouped it together.
“Are you going to the library again?” 
“I think Hermione wanted to meet in the common room,” you said, setting your quill down for the rest of breakfast, “I could work in there for the rest of the day.”
“Like I said,” George smirked at you, “my bedroom’s always open.”
You rolled your eyes and bumped your shoulder into his. You rolled up your parchments, organizing them into neat stacks. You stuffed your textbooks into your bag and piled the papers on top. George helped you, rolling the last bits of parchment and handing them to you.
You finally breathed, setting your elbows on the table. You picked a piece of fruit from George’s plate, and he wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
“It’s almost over,” he said, breathing in the smell of your shampoo, “then it’s summer, and you can visit The Burrow.”
You nodded, closing your eyes and trying to pull memories from last year at George’s house. You tried to remember Molly’s cooking, the days in the garden with Ginny and Hermione, the nights you snuck into Fred and George’s room and talked all night.
These were just about the only things getting you through exams. 
Studying with Hermione went as well as it could. You had agreed to study with her because she usually had firms grasps on the subjects, but Arithmancy ended up taking longer because you had to explain a lot of it to her. Large bags formed under her eyes, and her already frizzy and uncontrollable hair was even more frizzy and uncontrollable. The time together sort of boosted your ego, really, giving you confidence in your knowledge about the subject. 
You had started Arithmancy when the sun had just risen, and by the time you closed your textbook, the sun was fading and an orange sunset floated through the tall windows of the Gryffindor common room. You paid little attention to Hermione sinking into the couch with her Charms textbook, and moved over to the window. Your Transfiguration textbook tucked under your arm, tabs and writings marked all over it, was long forgotten. Your face lit up in the glow of the sunset, and you imagined you were at the Burrow, watching the sun disappear over a grassy hill.
George came down the stairs, still in his pajamas he had eaten breakfast in, his hair just as messy. He had figured you were done with studying, and came to save you. He looked towards Hermione on the couch, but found you missing. A quick glance around the room and he found you by the window. The orange hue from the receding sun glowed in your face, and he watched you. Your eyes were closed, your chest slowly rising and falling. Your grip on your marked up textbook was so loose, he thought you might drop it. You rocked a little on your feet, and it looked like the slightest bit of wind could knock you over.
He came to your side, and at his hand reaching for your waist, your eyes slowly opened. He smiled down at you, taking the textbook from your hands and placing it on the table behind you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and breathed deep. 
“George?” you said to him in a hushed tone.
“Hm?” he hummed back to you.
“Would you play with my hair?” you asked, feeling no shame about the grin that would spread across your face.
His smile only widened, and he nodded his head enthusiastically. He brought his hands from your waist, setting each on the side of your face. The heels of his hands started near your eyes, and he ran his hands through your hair. Your head tilted back at the motion, and you let it roll with his hands. He grouped your hair like he was going to put it in a ponytail, using both hands, and lifted it from your neck. He twisted it, and then let it fall, watching as some of it landed in your face.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, his cold lips brushing against your forehead in a loving and chaste kiss.
“I love you, George,” you mumbled, resting your cheek against his strong chest.
He ran a hand soothingly over your head, brushing your hair down. The other pulled you tighter to him.
“I love you too, Y/n.”
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volfoss · 2 years
ugh brunos great. is it ok if i ask for some bruno hcs? also i just realized your pfp is my fav pic of ghiacchio (from the anime anyways) i love it
of course! im gonna put it under a cut bc idk how long its gonna get <3 and apyr ghiaccio my best friend <333 also sorry for not answering it right away i wanted to do it justice <3
He makes dinner with the rest of the group on the weekends whenever there's time, although it normally ends with his small apartments kitchen being absolutely destroyed and messy (if ur not thinking about the "you know how it is with spaghetti" and them cooking ur simply wrong)
He loves having the windows open and idk why i just am convinced he has these like soft blue curtains that are somewhat sheer around his kitchen window
It took him a while to be more confident in the kitchen since when he was young his dad did a lot of the cooking although Bruno helped, but he really enjoys the feeling of being in the kitchen and how peaceful it is (when hes cooking alone or with Leone)
I feel he really treasures the silence when he's alone but will sometimes have jazz on quietly as just a way to fill the space
Likes the smell of old books and I can see him sitting on a bench by the ocean reading a hardback book in his downtime
For some reason I know that he has a quilt on his bed and its a kind of small one from when he was a kid, and it's folded up by the foot of his bed, but its smth that means a lot to him
I see him wearing a lot of flowy clothes around the house, like a lot of linen and cotton, just stuff that's loose and comfortable. Also for some reason, see slippers but not socks w them, for when it gets colder
I see him as the type of guy that simultaneously clings onto the past and tries to move on from it (idk if that makes sense but uh take it ig?)
I see him as the type to be more into small gestures of PDA with his partner, like not super obvious about it, but the sort of thing where touches linger a bit too long
I think if he had time for learning an instrument, he would be really good at the piano or saxophone.
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luvargas · 3 years
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     i think i just saw LUCILA “ LU ” VARGAS ride by on a golf cart . at least i think it was her . after all , CREDIT IN THE STRAIGHT WORLD BY HOLE was blasting on the transistor radio . maybe she was on her way to work , i hear she’s a PERSONAL TRAINER . but she totally could have been on her way to SNEAK IN A SMOKE AT THE GARDEN . guess we’ll never know . you’ll definitely know its her when you see LOOSE AND TANGLED HAND WRAPS , BUTTON BADGES ON VEGAN LEATHER ,  AND HEAR THE SHRILL SOUND OF BICKERING around the country club . let’s just hope she stays off the green after hours or else the sprinklers will get her !
( new muse, messy thoughts, u get the gist. pls know the views of this chara do not reflect my own. the name’s katya, 21, she/her pronouns & im ready 2 party. feel free to hmu wnvr or drop a like to plot n ill com 2 u ! x — oh n pls be a pal n read this quick disclaimer. tysm ! )
24 years old
15 april 1997
5′1″ or 1.55m tall
bisexual cis woman, she/her
aries sun, aqua moon, and aqua rising
love languages : quality time & acts of service
kid o’ divorce, lived w her ma in chicago til she was 6 then w her dad in highlands til 14 then back to her ma ! 
def a daddys gorl. so used to her white pop’s leniency that livin w her strict latina ma durin her teen yrs was So Not Her Vibe ergo * cue her rebel grrrl phase *
did not finish hs ! left senior yr 2 to go w her “ radically progressive ” college bf to [ insert dev country. ] they broke up after a few mos but she kept at that life for a couple more yrs
seen some places. lived in new countries. done some shit. some good, some sus, but all generally well-intentioned. tis a whole thing but u get the gist, nywy !
lu’s back in da usa by 21. rel w the ma is strained but the pa is chill w stuff, they kept in touch. he said shell get her college fund if she gets her ged so she does !
her dad is v active n stuff so shes just always been v sporty w him. lu turnin 23 w zilch plans worried him so he implored her to get certified as a personal trainer ! n when she did, he called in a few favors w a pal he knows et voilà ! ur hired.
shes been workin at the country club fr a little over a yr now. most her clients are influencer-type gals n they luv her bc shes can take rlly cute pics n stuff for content. lu sorta likes some of em n she fakes the rest for the bread. u can bet she clowns all em richies behind their back   
unless she got clients, catch her runnin’ about the club n minglin’ w the other workers. does it annoy mngmt ? yes. n she luvs that. but bc her soon-2-b-karen clients luv her n wont stand for her bein booted, she can milk that impunity
actually knows her shit n lowkey rlly enjoys the work. she picked back up the boxing n tae kwon do she did when she was younger plus she was always in the track team at school. v healthy lifestyle save for her smokin vice n the party moments
passionate ! has lotsa opinions. helluva a drama queen, bit of a loud mouth, argumentative n stubborn but her heart’s in the right place, albeit a lil misguided. comes w the whole activist bit, bitin her tongue just aint it. highkey makes everythin political n smtms gotta realize .,.,. it just aint that deep chief. some say shes needlessly defiant, but maybe thats a in the beholder typa thing ? fingers crossed 4 lu’s sake
fun, fun, fun ! can be real naggy but shes no buzzkill. wannabe anarchist-slash-mutineer who wants 2 stick it 2 the man ! get rowdy go crazy
fight, fight, fight ! goin back to the first bit, she talks big. esp w like ,, men n the whites lol. she can actually walk her threats tho she isnt actually violent. w arguments, she likes to start em but finishin is ... ruff.  also any dare, she wont back down in either doin it or arguin why doin it wld be smth-ist. shes not the sharpest tool ok rip lu
loyal legend ! fr her friends n buds, shell turn a blind eye. pals r the only exception ! truly ride or die n will do errthng 4 em. v much a believer in the power of community n ppl needin ppl or wtvr, yk, all that stuff. shes mouthy but like, she helps ppl 
here’s a brief blurb n a more coherent look into lu as a character
lu can understand spanish but hers is a bit broken, tis her secret shame shhh
she doesn’t believe in the institution. any institution. u name it, shes got beef
pls dont fact check her she cant hear u
probs lowkey thinks shes better than u bc shes vegan
prefers 2 be called “ lu ” n ny1 who insists on lucila is dead 2 her 
comments abt her not lookin like a pt w her height n frame will result in an earful n a dramatic outburst. it aint worth it chief
watches lotsa sports w her pops. mostly indiv ones. mma, boxing, tennis, track, etc
dont ask me abt her principles n politics, i cant explain em either. v inconsistent n just messy at this point tbh but here’s a lil attempt ig
she drives a 2018 prius n lives in a p nice 1br apt outside the club
her mom’s middle class n her dad is almost upper-middle class. he isnt a member of the club but, like ,,, he cld be if he wanted to lol. he spoils her sm while she hasnt rlly Spoken to her mom besides civility, rip they both stubborn, tis a vargas thing
she is v much in a comfy position money-wise n dsnt hav much Need to hustle but sis does hav a couple of organizations she regularly sends some dough to so thats nice ig
she went fr grassroots activist to a veteran twitter/tumblr/reddit/wtvr ranter n a change.org gofundme petition regular. is it burnout ? is she ok ? honestly who knows
found family ! pals n squad wanted. y’all gotta hav patience or ear plugs to power thru her self-indulgent mini-rants but shell luv ya back tenfold !
carpool buds ? cld be a pal ! or maybe yall had a lil argument or small beef but lu still drives ym bc her pride ? said mother earth first even tho the tension n silly drama is funny 
homies to smoochies ! just sum nsa makin out. cld be pals, cld be flirty, idk, but if u wanna kiss her shes probs ok w that
smoke bud ! just sum1 thats her go-to 2 smoke w on her breaks. knows not to call her out on how its not healthy fr a trainer yada yada she knows ok. let her live
an ex ? idk yet shes not rlly datey but thats out there
crushes ! this bitch hot but does she know how to flirt ? not rlly. watch her fumble
debate club ! aka sum1 she bickers w relentlessly. its valid, sum1 fite her. r u a worker or a club member ? either works. its a whole club bc she can have tons, lu can be hella annoying n testy
clients ! self-explanatory. do they get along tho ? lets find out ! 
( im officially braindead now but if y’all got more ideas or think theres smth lu wld fit just lmk !!! down 4 wtvr, wld luv 2 hash it out w yall <3 ) 
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From: @cat-soda
To: @anakien
Prompt: For Mello/Near, a story where they’re undercover at a bar and start tailing someone outside. To prevent themselves from being spotted, cue make out in an alley.
Word Count: 1623
Additional Tags: mentioned rape, mention/implied human trafficking, (nothing happens to anyone dw), alcohol & drug mention, rated T for Tons of sexual Tension, Meronia
  The bar is a hole-in-the-wall kind of nightclub, with sticky countertops and stickier glasses, and strobe lights that flicker and flash across the room in random intervals. People move together in a sweaty mass in the center of the dance floor; Mello leans over and mutters “Wanna dance?” into Near’s ear just to snicker at the vague look of disgust he gets in response. 
But, no. Even if either of them wanted to, tonight they had a mission.
Residing in the seediest part of Seattle’s Chinatown, The Lost City was a central hub for various underground dealings. Among those were aphrodisiacs and date rape drugs that moved hands from manufacturerers to linchpins, and from there into the drinks of future mail-order brides. There were several men involved in the operation. Mello, Near, and the rest of their team had managed to pinpoint three of them: David Smith, Jason Liu, and Emanuel Rivera. Undoubtedly aliases, but identifiers nonetheless. Catch any of them taking part in an exchange, and Mello and Near could blow the entire operation apart — all they needed was a testimony.
As it turns out, though, eyewitness accounts are hard to come by when everyone is hellbent on keeping mum. So, one evening, Near came up with an idea.
“We’ll call it a date night,” he said with his palms cupping Mello’s chin.
Near was sitting on top of a desk, face shadowed by the many monitors behind him. Mello, settled neatly between his legs, ran his hands up Near’s thighs. “You call a night out doing surveillance ‘a date?’”
He tilted his head, eyes wide. “Do you not know how to multitask?” 
Lover be damned, Mello was getting tempted to bite through the bone of Near’s thumb as it swept over his lips. He settled for taking it into his mouth and sucking instead.
So. Blue eyes sweep across the room, long since having gotten bored. Mello takes a sip from his rum and coke. Clearly uncomfortable beside him, Near almost seems to curl around his own drink. Some date this is shaping up to be. 
If nothing else —he amends, looping an arm around Near’s shoulders and pulling him closer— at least they look good together. Courtesy of himself, of course. Near probably would’ve come in his usual attire if the decision had been left up to him. Pajamas, messy hair, curious expressions and all. 
No, scratch that. At least they both looked legal, now. 
Regardless, they were still having trouble blending in, standing off to the side as they were. 
He takes another disgruntled sip of his drink as a man wearing a half-bun enters the main room. Mello’s attention immediately latches onto him. 
Jason Liu, age 37. 
He touches a hand to the choker on Near’s neck, pulls on it slightly. “Found him,” he says in quiet Portugese.
Near’s lips curl upwards in excitement. “Good,” Near replies in kind. He slips a hand into the back of Mello’s jeans and squeezes just hard enough to earn a glare. “I want to get closer.” He sets aside his beer and turns, a mischievous half-smile playing at the edges of his mouth. In English, “I suppose I’ll take you up on that offer from earlier.”
Mello’s eyes narrow. Near, what are you thinking…? “My pleasure,” he manages before the other detective sets off for the dancefloor. 
There’s nothing subtle about the way Near pushes his way through the crowd, and just the shine of the lights on his hair is enough to draw Mello’s gaze away from Liu as he struggles to follow. Focusing so heavily on the other must have been a mistake, however — a clubber upends half their drink onto him when they happen to collide. To make matters worse, Near reappears at his side as easily as he’d disappeared, lightly teasing, “Alcohol is supposed to go in your mouth, Mello.”
“I realize that. Thanks, Near.” Mello lifts his wrist to his mouth and tentatively licks, internally grinning at the way Near’s ever attentive eyes darken and go half-mast. “‘s not bad.” 
He sees Near’s attention dart away from him, then—
Going up on the balls of his feet, Near hangs his arms around his partner’s neck in a too-loose-limbed imitation of drunkenness. His breath is scentless —his drink had gone untouched all night— and it leaves nothing to focus on besides the resulting dampness and heat that meets Mello’s ear as Near murmurs, “The target is leaving the area through the back entrance.”
Mello looks around, quickly relocating the stout Asian man. Sure enough, he was just stepping out the door. He places a hand over Near’s shoulder blades in a kind of caress, hissing, “What, you thought I wouldn’t notice?”
“You looked distracted. Was I wrong?” A sharp nip to his earlobe, then Near pulls away with an affected —dizzying— quirk to his smile and a touch of brightness to his eyes. “Shall we?”
Mello scowls as the other man slips away from him.
Seattle’s winter is sharp as they step outside, the cold air hitting his nose and cheeks with a special kind of vengeance after the warmth of the bar. The pair of them take a moment to glance around, Mello hardly daring to breathe in case his good ear happens to miss a sound. 
Quietly, they hear the scratch of shoes against pavement. 
Mello jerks his head in that direction and, at Near’s nod, takes off with Near close at his heels. They stick to the shadows to avoid arousing suspicion, never more than a few meters behind Liu. When he stops in front of a nondescript van, they step in sync into the dark of a narrow alleyway, creeping to the edge of the brick wall to watch. The back doors of the van open and out come— 
—he’s turning this way— 
—Near pulls him deeper into the alley. 
The only other warning Mello gets is the glint of Near’s teeth as he grins, sly and stark under moonlight, before Near drags him downwards by the collar for a kiss. Their lips meet, teeth clashing harshly — Mello’s back hits the other wall with enough force that it shoots molten arousal down his veins. Ah, shit. He fumbles for the gadget in his pocket and sticks it to the wall-space next to him, then crawls his hands underneath Near’s shirt just to feel him shiver.
Near’s fingers reach up to tangle in and pull hard at Mello’s hair, half-lidded eyes watching the bob of his throat before Near sucks at his neck, insistent— Mello lets out a quiet moan that’s quickly cut off by another kiss. Biting at the blond’s lower lip, Near pulls away just far enough to whisper, “Careful. We don’t want to get caught, now do we?”
“Shut up, Near. Shut up, shut up—!” Grabbing his forearms tight enough to bruise, Mello spins until the other man’s back is hitting the wall —Near’s breath stuttering in surprise— and pins his wrists up against it. He tastes the heat of the other’s mouth, swallowing down the soft noise he makes, and moving his tongue molasses-slow against Near’s until the fog begins to clear from his head.
He pulls back, panting slightly but wearing a smirk at the way Near chases him out of the kiss. Still, he gently rubs the other’s wrists in silent apology as he lowers them. The air around them lowers by several degrees as Near relaxes against the wall, breathing hard through his nose. “That hurt, Mello.”
His smirk disappears. “Sorry. Are you—”
“No, I—” Near’s eyes open, revealing charcoal pupils blown-wide. “I meant that I liked it.”
Sparks shoot down Mello’s spine.
He works to clear his throat, and manages, after a few seconds, “Still. We should… try to be more careful. In the future.”
“...sounds good.”
Near twists a strand of hair between his fingertips. Mello tries to will his heartbeat back to normal. Offhandedly, he notices how silent the night’s become.
Near straightens up, suddenly alert. “The target!” He looks around the corner at where they’d last seen Liu, biting down on a reddened lip. “I shouldn’t have gotten so…”
Turning pink at the reminder of his earlier teasing, Near throws a cold stare Mello’s way, whose only response is to grin back, cat-like.
“‘Distracted,’ yes.” He sighs. “He’s gone. We’ve lost the target.”
Near goes into a crouch, hugging his knees to his chest in a forlorn manner, and Mello immediately decides that that’s enough wallowing in self-pity for one night. He brushes his hand through his hair, starting, “Well…” and wincing when he hits a tangle Near’s fingers had caused. “No, not exactly.” He frees his hand, then gestures to the tiny camera he’d stuck to the wall. Matt had handed it to him before they left headquarters earlier that night, citing this is a date, after all! with a shit-eating grin. “Check this out.” 
Near’s eyebrows shoot up his forehead. He leans in, inspecting the gadget before turning to look over his shoulder with a slight smile, genuine and warm. “That was very clever of you, Mello.”
The soft-spoken compliment has Mello’s face flushing a brighter shade of red than it has all night. “Fuck off,” he mumbles. He takes the camera off of the wall and shoves it back in his pocket, huffing.
He can still hear the smile in Near’s voice as he responds, “Alright.” Thin, pale fingers interlace between his own. “We should go home.”
Mello finally looks at him, heart skipping a beat at the way Near almost seems to glow in the evening’s darkness, and concedes. “Yeah,” he says. He clasps their hands just a bit tighter together. “Home it is.”
moonshine (n)
moon·​shine | \ ˈmün-ˌshīn \
Definition of moonshine
1 : moonlight
2 : empty talk : nonsense
3 : intoxicating liquor, especially : illegally distilled corn whiskey 
(via Merriam-Webster!)
a/n: and then they probably fucked :p 
my apologies to anyone named david smith, jason liu, or emanuel rivera -- i swear i don't have anything against those names >.< umm, it was my first time writing smth so... spicy?? so i hope i did well. anakien, if there's anything you want me to change, i absolutely will!!
let's see... special thanks to my friend, jean, for reading this over for me, haha!! oh, and the playlist for this fic can be found here!! thanks for reading!!
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
okay so ABM? I feel would fit best - Florence being sick (maybe while pregnant !!!) and she's like in bed and sleeping and they have some event or smth or she has a break down (because hormones, duh) that she wants to do her nails and get dressed and look pretty even though she's a literal goddess anyways AND AND WHILE SHE'S HAVING A NAP AFTER HER BREAKDOWN, DANIEL PULLS OUT THE NAIL POLISH AND DOES HER NAILS???!!! AND THEN THE GIRLS WANT HIM TO PAINT THEIRS TOO MAYBE?!!!
Monday, April 22, 2024
It was the day before Florence’s twenty-fourth birthday and she was not entirely thrilled about it. In fact, she was quite miserable. Her twin brother, Callum, had called that morning and they had finalized plans for a dinner on their birthday with their friends and, of course, Clementine and Penelope. Daniel didn’t have to work too late the day before her birthday, so he came home super excited to spend more time with his little family, being able to pick up Clementine from morning kindergarten on the way home.
Clementine loved when Daniel picked her up from school because it was such a special treat and she talked his ear off the whole way home about everything she did in school.
“I drawed Mommy a picture for her birthday.” Clementine said, kicking her legs up against the seat in front of her.
“You drew her a picture?” Daniel corrected sweetly. “What did you draw for her?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“Alright.” Daniel chuckled.
When they got home, Clementine rushed right to her room to put her backpack away, making sure to stay quiet with Penelope napping in the next bed. Daniel set her up in front of the TV while he went to find Florence down the hall in their room. She was sitting in the ensuite, sprawled out on the tile floor in sweatpants and one of his hoodies, her hair pulled back in a loose ponytail and when Daniel walked in, she pouted up at him.
“What are you doing on the floor?” Daniel chuckled softly.
Florence let out a small whimper and hid her face in her hands to try and muffle her tears.
“Hey, hey,” Daniel crouched down beside her, pulling her hands from her face, “No tears before your birthday.”
“I don’t want to have a party!” Florence cried.
“Well it’s just a dinner.”
“I don’t care! I’m hideous!” Florence sobbed.
“Oh my gosh. You are not.” Daniel gaped.
“Yes, I am! I just wanted to paint my stupid toenails,” she tossed a hand out to the small bottle that was sitting beside her on the floor, “but I can’t reach them because your fat-ass kid is inside me! And my ankles are freaking huge! Look at them!”
She tried to lift her leg up into his face to show him but she flopped right over onto her back and cried into her hands in frustration.
“I don’t want to be ugly and fat on my birthday!”
“Hey,” Daniel set a hand against the tile on her other side so he was leaned right over her, “there is no way you’re talking about my wife like that.”
“Your wife is ugly.” Florence snapped through her hands.
“Florence Margret Seavey, you listen to me.” Daniel scolded, pulling her hands from her face and leaned in front of her so she had no choice but to look at him. “You always have been and always will be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen with my own eyes. And, sweetheart, you are glowing through this pregnancy. You are growing a whole person inside your body and you are freaking glowing.”
“You put a huge-ass kid inside me and now I can’t fit in my of my favourite dresses.” Florence mumbled.
“And I would put fifteen more in you if I could.” Daniel retorted, making her giggle softly. “I’ll pick you out a nice birthday outfit, okay?”
“Okay.” Florence sniffled.
Daniel leaned down to kiss her before standing up and he pulled her off the bathroom floor. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hands and she stared at herself in the mirror for a moment, her hands falling to her swollen stomach.
Daniel slid his hands around her waist and pressed kisses over her shoulder and up her neck to graze his lips over her ear, “I don’t want any more tears, okay? Not about how you look especially.” he rubbed his hands over her large belly, “And not about our unborn daughter either, thank you very much. She can hear you, you know.”
“I know.” Florence mumbled.
“Tell her you’re sorry.”
Florence huffed, setting her hands over his on her stomach and looked down at it, “Sorry, little girl.”
“Would you like me to paint your nails for you?” Daniel whispered.
“You’d do that?” Florence pouted at him through the mirror.
“Mhm. If it will make you happy.”
So Florence was sat on the couch beside Clementine as the little girl watched her bit of afternoon TV and Daniel sat on the coffee table to carefully paint Florence’s toenails. He had a pretty steady hand but nail polish wasn’t the easiest product so it was a little blotchy but Florence was more than grateful. Clementine was thoroughly intrigued by the nail polish, watching the soft pink being applied to her mother’s toenails and she cuddled up with her as she watched her father work quietly.
Penelope had woken from her nap by the time Daniel had moved to Florence’s hands and the two little girls sat together in perfect calm silence, watching with wide eyes and open mouths like painting nails was the most interesting thing since sliced bread. When she was done, Florence thanked her husband with a sweet kiss and he glanced over at his two daughters as he screwed back on the lid of the bottle.
“Do you want pretty nails for Mommy’s birthday too?” he offered.
The girls chorused an excited, “Yeah!”
So he started with Clementine, holding her small hand against a paper towel on the coffee table to keep her still as he filled in her nails with the same soft pink. Penelope stood next to her sister who was kneeled on the carpet, watching in awe with her messy hair still flying all over from her nap and her blue eyes flicked carefully between her sister’s hands and her father’s serious face of concentration. When Clementine was done, she sat back on the couch with Florence who instructed her to keep her hands out and fingers spread to not smudge the paint.
Penelope held her hand out on the paper towel next, not looking entirely sure about the concept of nail polish yet but Daniel worked slowly and carefully. He only got two nails done before she was yanking her hand back,
“No like that!”
“I know it tickles, doesn’t it?” Daniel reached for her hand again to pull it back on the paper towel. “Just eight more fingers, okay? I’ll be super quick.”
Penelope let him keep working, her discomfort overpowered by the trust she had in her father and soon she had a set of ten soft pink fingernails.
“Pretty?” Daniel asked, screwing back on the cap to the bottle.
Penelope nodded and turned to show Florence with a small smile.
“Wow, we’re all matching.” Florence grinned between her two daughters. “Say thank you to Daddy.”
Clementine and Penelope shared a sweet, “Thank you, Daddy!”
“You’re most welcome, little ladies.” Daniel stood up from the other side of the coffee table and cleared the paper towel. He leaned down to kiss his wife once more.
“Thank you, baby.” she whispered.
“Anything for you.” Daniel smiled and headed down the hallway to put the nail polish away.
Florence called after him, “Soon you’re gonna have four pairs of hands and four pairs of feet to paint! I hope you’re ready!”
“I should open a spa at this rate!”
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summonerscenarios · 4 years
Okay SO I still suck at writing scenarios and dialogue but this drabble has been with me a lil while so I thought I’d post smth a bit fluffy while I sort through some things~! I do hope that I do Toji some justice in this one~
You aren’t sure how things escalated so quickly.
The chances to spend time alone with Toji have been few and far between - no matter where you go you’re always accompanied by one of the other Summoners, trying to get him alone at the library and Shiro’s there sorting out books; getting in some training together when Kengo barges in demanding a rematch; trying to make a date at the local care ends up with Ryota and Hanuman begging to come with you and it turns into a snack run. In fact you didn’t realize just how little time you spent with just you and Toji until you wanted some privacy, and it took some serious effort to finally get a moment alone.
So it’s no surprise that night time was the only chance you two had to spend time uninterrupted. You’d expected him to put up more of a fuss about sneaking out after curfew, being a stickler for following rules and all, you were already preparing for a lecture when you’d pulled him out of his dorm room; however, aside from the initial grumble about coming to his door just to rouse him,  Toji made no attempt to stop you when you’d suggested heading out of the dorm rooms for a break. Taking him by the hand you found yourself pleased at the way he stuttered but didn’t let go, squeezing softly as you led him through the corridors and out of the building, retracing the path you always took to get to your favorite place.
It was only a small area, a field tucked away in the corner and littered sparsely with trees it didn’t stray far from the school grounds so it was the perfect spot to come to for a much needed break from the stresses of the world. And during the night, when the sky was alight with stars and unnamable constellations it became a sanctuary for late night escapades. You’d been here plenty of times before, but always alone. This time you weren’t, and you were surprised at the nervousness that burned in the pit of your stomach as you looked at Toji from the corner of your eye hoping to gauge his response but his eyes were fixed on the sky. 
For a moment you can see pure awe on his face, the tension falling from his shoulders as his mouth goes slack as though he’s trying to find the words to describe what he sees. Briefly you no longer see the torn up fighter who struggles to see the good in the world, and instead you see Toji, the man who stares at the stars above as though for the first time as the light dances in his eyes. 
And god what you wouldn’t give to keep that side of him.
The night is cold but you’re used to the chill, finding a spot on the grass to settle down and coaxing Toji to rest down beside you. At your expectant look he catches himself and hides his embarrassment with a cough, avoiding eye contact as he takes a seat close to you, but not close enough for your liking. He doesn’t expect you to scoot over to his side and lean against him, letting your head come to rest on his shoulder. He tenses up, and for a moment, you worry that you’ve overstepped your boundaries when you feel his hand reach out to cover your own, willing himself to relax as you cuddle closer and turn your attention back to the sky.
You don’t know how long the two of you spent there - you passed the time pointing out places in the sky, tracing lines in the stars and trying to make out some constellations that you remembered. Toji snorted when you started making up your own constellations, making up ideas and stories based on the shapes that you were able to follow with your finger. When you joked about the ‘Komasan constellation’ you’d drawn out and cooed about how the two of them matched, that earned you a jab in the side, but you just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to make the joke, especially when you saw the corner of his mouth quirk into a smile.
“You’re smiling” you pointed out, grin growing on your face as he looked away.
“No I’m not” 
“Mhm sure you aren’t” you hummed, beginning to lean over when Toji began turning further away. “So, you wouldn’t mind if I just-“
Cutting yourself off you darted forward, moving over to his side to get a look at his face. Toji was stubborn however, demanding that you ‘stop that right now!’ As he leaned and twisted to keep out of your line of sight but you matched his stubbornness. 
“Come on, Toji, just a peeekk~” you whined, grumbling when he swatted your hands away.
“Stop being so persistent! I told you that - Wait - told you that there’s nothing - H-Hey I said Wait-!”
By the time you’d managed to get him pinned you were practically draped over his lap, one hand bracing yourself on the ground as the other finally nabbed his chin to get him to look down at you. 
“Got you!” 
You were huffing from the effort but we’re too preoccupied riding the high of being triumphant to care. The smile you were trying to catch sight of was already gone, replaced by something else. Instead Toji’s face was turning a nice shade of red clearly embarrassed, dusting across his cheeks and his eyes were blown wide, giving you a nice view of the deep blue color they held.
Wow, were they always so pretty?
It’s weird, as though you were only just now seeing him for the first time - really seeing him. You were seeing the way his hair slicked back, messy from how many times he’d run his hand through in exasperation; seeing the shape of his jaw, the scars across his cheek that you could reach out and trace with your fingers just like the stars. You were seeing his horns, the way they flickered and twisted as though affected by the wind, and for a moment you were mesmerized by the vibrant color 
Blue, just like his eyes.
You didn’t realize you were reaching up until your fingers touched them, though touch wasn’t the right word for it. Instead your hand passed right through, warmth spreading across the skin hot but not unbearable. You’d been dying to know what they felt like but had never gotten the chance, but now you knew. It was like a hearth, a welcome warmth and you just couldn’t help the soft laugh of amazement that passed your lips as you played with the smaller wisps of his horns, flexing your fingers as though playing the notes of a melody only you could hear.
The soft call of your name was what brought you back to your senses, the feeling of Toji’s body shuddering beneath you and the rush of breath against your ear making you acutely aware of what you were doing.
Oh no.
“Oh shit” you gasped, jerking back and trying to put some distance between the two of you.
“Toji I am so sorry! I-I wasn’t thinking and just-“
Toji moves first, hands clasping onto your hips and you freeze at the feelings of his fingers pressing against your sides. His grip unsure, loose enough that if you wanted to you could just stand up and move away no problem. But a part of you doesn’t want to, you’re too busy staring at his face. 
His face is still blushing, even more so than before as he’s now red right up to his ears but he’s meeting your gaze, looking you right in the eyes as he speaks.
“I…stay, p-please…”
Toji breathes out your name again but this time it’s different and your heart practically jumps into your throat at the sound. You move slowly, gradually shifting along with the direction of his hands until you’re eventually seated properly in his lap, straddling his knee to keep yourself up as you settle into a comfortable position.
Your hands reach for his biceps, using them to brace yourself as you try to relax. Your heart is pounding in your ears and you’re sure that you’re blushing just as bad as he is, however all you can focus on is his hands, one squeezing at your hip as the other slides to rest against your lower back to support you. His palms are rough from years of practice and fighting but they’re so warm that you practically melt against him, feeling yourself really start to relax as you allow your head to lean on his shoulder, settling into the crook of his neck.
Toji tilts his head, pressing his face into your hair and letting his eyes flutter closed as he moves down, brushing against your forehead, nose, cheek, and eventually coming to the corner of your mouth. He pauses, lips just shy of touching your skin and you giggle as his breath tickles you. Opening his eyes Toji looks up at you, those same blue eyes piercing yours as though staring into something behind your eyes. 
It’s almost like he’s asking permission, waiting for an answer from you to see if it’s okay for him to continue. Huh, how sweet, but you don’t reply.
Instead, you close the distance and kiss him.
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